Economic recovery

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1. ECONOMIC RECOVERY AGRICULTURE - Technical changes in agriculture productivity:


- Three-year crop rotation (only a third of agricultural land was left fallow each year) - Mouldboard plough (arado de veredera).

- Improved agriculture made more food available to the population. - People became healthier when they ate regularly. - As a consequence, the population increased in Europe.


Craft products were made in workshops. The craftsmen formed guilds, which were associations that grouped together all the people who worked in the same field (shoe makers, carpenters‌)


The guilds: - They regulated prices and working practices in a particular field. - They were associations for mutual assistance, that provided help if a craftsman fell ill. There were different categories of crafsman:


- Master craftsmen: - they owned the workshops and the tools. - They ran the guilds. - Journeymen: - They worked for the master craftsman in exchange for a salary. - Apprentices: - They learnt their skills in return for food and accommodation


Trade increased greatly in the 12 th century.


Types of trade:

1. Local commercial activity: -

Products were exchanged between the inhabitants of a city amd the people who lived in the surrounding area.

2. Long- distance trade: - This was risky and someimes dangerous so merchants organised into associations. - One of the most famous was the Hanseatic League in the Baltic. - There were two great centres of commercial activity: 1. The mediterranean: -

There were trade routes from Spain and Italy to the Muslim and Byzantine ports. There were imortant cities: Milan, Venice, Genoa.

2. The Atlantic and the Baltic: - Trade routes linked Portugal and the Cantabrian coast with cities in north-west Europe (Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp) - Trade fairs, (Example: the fair at Champagne in France) were attended by merchants from the great trading cities.

- To finance their journeys the merchants sometimes granted credit, and bills of exchange were used instead of money. (These activity later developed into banking)

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