Reformation and the Counter- Reformation

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6. REFORMATION AND THE COUNTER-REFORMATION THE REFORMATION - It was a religious movement in the 16 th century that divided Catholicism and created Protestant churches. - Erasmus of Rotterdam, inspired others to lead it. - The Reformation criticised some practices of the medieval churches: - Lifestyles of the clergy: - some members of the Catholic hierarchy lived in luxury and led lives that were below moral standards. - Opposition to indulgences: - They used to grant indulgences, which forgave sins in exchange for money. - Excessive liturgy: - Catholic rites and litugies made it difficut for worshippers to have an intimate devotion based on reading the Bible.


NEW PROTESTANT CHURCHES - In 1517 Martin Luther, a German Augustinian monk, wrote The Ninety-Five Theses. - In this text, he criticised the Pope and for that he was excommunicated from the Catholic church. - Some German princes, who rejected the authority of the Pope and Emperor, supported Luther. -Three main Protestant churchs: Lutheranism, Calvinism and Anglicanism.


Lutheranism: - Salvation by faith and not by deeds. - Defence of a universal priesthood in which any believer could preach the word of God. - Belief that the Bible was the only source of truth. - Reduction of baptismal and Eucharist sacraments - Refusal to worship the Virgin and saints. 2. Calvinism: - It arose in Switzerland with John Calvin, who added the doctrine of predestination to Lutheranism. - This claimed that people were predestined at birth and had to honour this divine grace through hard work and a strict morality. 3. Anglicanism: - King Henry VIII of England separated from the Pope because he refused to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragรณn - The Act of Supremacy declared the king the leader of the Church of England.


THE COUNTER- REFORMATION - The spread of the Protestant Reformation causd reactions inside the Catholic Church. 1. Persecution of Protestant: - The Pope restored the Inquisition to punish heretics in a trial called auto de fe. - A special comitee was created, the Sacred Congregation of the Index, which created a list of books that were banned for being against Catholic doctrine.

6. REFORMATION AND COUNTER-REFORMATION 2. Church reform: - Catholicism accepted the need for reform.

- The Council of Trent was several meetings between 1545 and 1563 that church practices: - The practised of indulgences was prohibited - workshops to train the clergy were created. - bishops were forced to live in their dioceses. - They decided: - To keep the traditional organisation of the Church - To ratify the Pope as its universal leader. - They reaffirmed certain dogmas: - salvation through deeds - The seven sacraments - The worship of the Virgin and the saints.

- They declared The Vulgate as the only valid version of the Bible.

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3. New religious orders: - The society of Jesus was founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola. - The jesuits directly obeyed the Pope - Education played a key role in spreading ideas against reformism. - The Jesuits expanded these approaches in America.

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