4. ROMAN HISPANIA THE CITIES - Under the Romans cities became the centres of political, social and cultural life. - Two types of cities: 1.
Colonies: -
They were established by the Romans. Retired legionaries lives in them, together with people from Rome. Some of them were Corduba (C贸rdoba) Italica (near Seville) Hispalis (Seville) and Emerita Augusta (M茅rida).
2. Other cities already existed when the Romans arrived: - Cities taht welcomed the Romans became municipalities with similar rights to Italian cities. - Those that resisted Roman rule were forces to pay tribute
4. ROMAN HISPANIA THE ECONOMY - The main economic activities: 1. Agriculture: olives, vines and wheat The Romans introduced iron ploughs pulled by oxen and irrigation. 2. Mining: - silver was mined in Cartagena and Sierra Morena. - mercury was mined in Almad茅n - gold in Le贸n and Galicia 3. Craftwork: - textiles, pottery and iron tools - Olives oil was made from olives - wine was made from vines 4. Trade: Hispania exported raw materials to Rome and other parts of the Empire. It imported goods and luxury products Trade was facilittated by a network of roads and ports.
ROMAN CULTURE Hispania made an important contribution to Roman culture. A famous philosopher, Seneca, was born in Corduba. The poet Martial also came from Hispana. There were three emperors were born in Hispania: -
Trajan was born in Italica Hadrian also was born in Italica - Theodosius was born in Cauca (Coca, Segovia) ROMAN ART
- The Romans created great art in Hispania: 1. Architecture: - They built importants buildings taht reflected the prosperity of Hispania’s cities: - Public baths (Italica) - Theathres (Emerita Augusta, Saguntum) 2. Engineering works: - The bridge of Alcåntara - The defensiv walls of Lugo - The Segovia aqueduct 3. Sculpture: - There were portraits of emperors like Augustus and Trajan