Social and economic diversity

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2. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DIVERSITY THE DIVERSITY OF HUMAN SOCIETIES - In a diverse society, there are important differences between social groups: 1. Socio-economic diversity - Determined by a society’s level of conomic development and its forms social organisation. 2. Cultural diversity - All societies have distinctive values, beliefs, attitudes and customs. 3. Linguistic diversity - The language or languages spoken in a society influences the interaction between different groups. 4. Religious diversity - Religious beliefs and practices shape a society’s moral values and customs.


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Three groups of societies:

Traditional rural societies: In developing countries, agriculture and livestock farming are the basc of the economy. - these are self-sufficient and grow food for their own consumption. - people live in small villages and work in the fields. They use basic agricultural tools. There are strong ties within social groups who share moral and religious values. These societies are found in less developed regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

2. Industrial societies: The economy is based on industrial and commercial activity. Agriculture and livestock farming farming are less important. The rural population emigrates to cities, where most people live. Business leaders play a decisive role in this type of society. Workers have very long working hours, but they are paid low wages and have few rights. Asia, Chna, India, and South-East Asian countries (South Korea and Singapore) Latin American countries like Mexico and Brazil, and most of Eastern Europe have had rapid industrial growth.

2. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DIVERSITY 3. Post-industrial societies: - In these societies the terciary (o services)sector has become more important than industry to the economy. - More than 70% of the working population are employed in the tertiary sector. - Scientifica and technological innovation are very important to their success. - All types of services are offered in this type: commercial, social, businness, financial‌ - these services are aimed at mass consumption. - the most advanced and wealthy economies belong to this type. - The majority of their population livres in cities.

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