Social change

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Societies change very gradually, but sometimes there are social revolutions when change is on a large scale o occurs rapidly. Neolithic revolution: About 10,000 years ago. Human beigns learned to practised agriculture and live together in settlements. This manage to the emergence of the earliest great civilisation. Industrial Revolution: In the late 18 th and early 19 th centuries. It led to the groth of cities and the adoption of the new economic system of capitalism. Liberal revolutions: In the late 18 th and early 19 th centuries. They were connected to these economic changes. They were movements in favour of people’s rights and freedom. All citizens were made equal under the law. Technological Revolution: Today It is causing changes in the way people work and interact with each other. A new type of society is emerging: the information society, based on open access to information and knowledge.


- Gender: - Woman study in universities and work in jobs that used to be for men.รงthere is much greater equality between the sexes than before. - However, women are often paid less than men for similar work and spend more time than men on their family obligations.

- Family: - The average age of marriage has risen. - The average number of children per woman has fallen. - An increase in the number of divorces means that there are many more non-traditional families.

- Multi-culturalism: - Immigrants have arrived in developed countries from all over the world.รงthey have become multi-cultural socities, in which many cultures live together.

4. SOCIAL CHANGE SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - Poverty: - Many people do not have the economic resources to meet their basic needs: food, housing and jobs. - Tis may cause tensons and violnce.

- Women: - Som countries have laws that forbid women to study or limit their basic human rights. - These women cannot work in many jobs. - They are not allowed to make their own decisions on key aspects of their lives.

- Conflicts: - In some regions, ethnic groups oppose each other for economic, racial or religious reasons. - Some people try to emigrate to escape from etnic violence and political instability.

4. SOCIAL CHANGE THE CHALLENGES OF GLOBAL SOCIETY - Culture: - Western values have spread throughout the world, but at the expense of local traditions and regional diversity.

- Discrimination: - People from minority cultures often face social exclusion. - Xenophobic and racist attitudes are widespread in countries where there has been immigration.

- Economic inequality: - There are great inequalities throughout the world, within each society and from one region to another.

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