Society and economy in Habsburg Spain

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4. SOCIETY AND ECONOMY IN HABSBURG SPAIN SOCIETY - Spanish society in the Modern Ages still had its roots in the medieval tree-estate or social group system. - The first two estates had some priviliges, such as not paying taxes. 1. First state. Nobility - They lost political power - They received priviliges like have positions in government or feudal manors. - Feudal manors: large extensions of land with people living and working on them. 2. Second state. Clergy - They had great influence and power, especially the hierarchy of the Church. - Religious orders were created - The Inquisition had great control

4. SOCIETY AND ECONOMY IN HABSBURG SPAIN 3. Third state. Bourgeoisie - They wanted to become civil servants to the king - Or to be promoted to the nobility. 4. Third state. Peasants and Artisans - The weakest and most numerous group. - They worked, paid taxes and could be recruited as soldiers.

4. SOCIETY AND ECONOMY IN HABSBURG SPAIN MENTAL RESTRAINS ON SOCIETY - Two features of Spanish society restrained progress since it made economic growth difficult by limiting trade and crafstmanship. 1. Purity of blood - These concept reflected religious intolerance. - People preferred ÂŤold ChristianÂť bloodlines and showed intolerance towards people of Jewish or Muslim origin. 2. Manual labour - There was a disdain for manual labour - It was considered something belonging to the lowest part of the third state - Society supported the ideal life of the nobility, who despised any kind of mnual labour or commerce

4. SOCIETY AND ECONOMY IN HABSBURG SPAIN ECONOMY - Castilla was the economic engine of he Sapanish Monarchy in the 16 th century. - The territories of the Crown of Aragรณn were outside the Atlantic trade routes. 1. Rise in prices - The arrival of silver and gold from America raised prices and made castilian industry less competitive, - The incomes paid for wars in Europe and luxuries for the court (buildings, artwork or opulent items).

4. SOCIETY AND ECONOMY IN HABSBURG SPAIN 2. Economic crisis of the 17 th century - The econmy of the Spanish monarchy suffered a major economic crisis, which affected mainly the Crown of castilla. - Causes: * Population decline: - Due to epidemics, emigration, emigration to America , expulsion of Moriscos and wars. - Certain rural areas were affected and became deserted. - Certain cities losttheir manual labour and saw less demand for their products.

*Control of trade routes: - Spanish fleets were attacked by the English, French and Dutch - Casa de Contrataciรณn became weal because of pirates, privateers, and fraudulent traders. โ ข Loans and bankrupt: - The Spanish economy was affected by the costs of imperial policy. - The wealth of Castilla was used to pay for wars. - The monarchs requested loans from bankers. - Sometimes, the monarchy could not pay its loans and declared itself bankrupt.

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