- The population of Europe had doubled in the 12 th and 13 th centuries, but agricultural production had not risen to the same extent. - For that resason, population of Europe was badly fed and less healthy in the 14 th century. Due to this, it more vulnerable to illnesses and epidemics. - The most terible epidemic was the plague known as the Black Death, which spread through Europe between 1348 and 1350. - At this time, there were not effective medicines to treat sick people and one third of Europe ‘s population. - Frequent wars were another factor that reduced the population. - As a result, there was a considerable decline in Europe’s population.
4. THE CRISIS OF THE MIDDLE AGES THE ECONOMY -There were a decline in the economy of Europe during the 14 th century. - Factors that had influence on it: 1.
There was a change in the world’s climate in 1300: - There were harsher winters - There was flooding, and other times there was drought., causing damage in the harvests - As a consequence, food supply became irregular.
2. Agricultural production failed to match the rise in population: - There were few technological innovations. 3. There were frequent wars between kingdoms, and between feudal lords: - These wars reduced agricultural production and interrupted trade.
SOCIAL UNREST Economic crisis and demographic decline had consequences for society:
In the countryside: -
There was a reduced workforce Agricultural productivity declined Many cutlivated fields were abandoned. Feudal lords raised taxes to peasants, this caused social unrest and there were peasant revolts throughout Europe. An example of revolt called The Jacquerie took place in France when peasants attacked the castles belonging to he feudal nobility.
In the cities: -
There were tensions because craft activity and trade declined and food became scarce. The poorer inhabitants demanded increases in their ages and participation in government. There was unrest in many cities. In this climate of insecurity and poverty, some people turned against minorities and there wereanti-Jewish riots in many parts of Spain in 1391. These riots and uprisings were violently repressed by the monarchs, feudal lords and bourgeoisie, who wanted to maintin the social order.