The culture of al-Ándalus

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- The cultural and intellectual achievements of AlÁndalus were very impressive. - Mathematics: They introduced algebra and Arabic numbers. - They were experts in medicine and astronomy - Writers created fine poetry - Philosophy: - The Muslim Averroes revived the study of Aristotle. - Jewish philosopherand doctor Maimonides was an outstanding intellectual.


It was very important because painting and sculpture were used to decorate buildings. Features:

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Poor materials: Bricks and plaster Sometimes they reused materials such as stone or marble from Roman and Visigothic buildings. Fine decoration: - It covered buildings - They used for decoration: - calligaphy (text from the Quran) - geometric patterns - vegetal patterns - This is because the Islam does not allow to represent the human figure.

3. Main arches and ceilings: - Horseshoe arch (arco de herradura) - Multifoil arch (arco polilobulado) - Most ceilings was flat and covered by wood (artesonados) - Sometimes they used decorated domes (cúpulas decoradas) 4. Interiors of buildings: - Screens (celosías) used to create contrasts between light and shade. - Water was used as a decorative element , they incorporated fountains and pools.

3. THE CULTURE OF AL-ÁNDALUS THE EVOLUTION OF ARCHITECTURE - Among the most important buildings: - The Great Mosque of Cordoba by Abd alRahman I (under the Emirate and Caliphate) - The Palace of Medina Azahara (it was built in the 10 th century by Abd al- Rahman III) - The Palace of Aljafería in Zaragoa and The Alcazaba fortress in Málaga (under the Taifas kingdoms)

3. THE CULTURE OF AL-ÁNDALUS THE GREAT MOSQUE OF CÓRDOBA - In the 8 th century Abd al-Rahman I began the construction over the remains of an earlier Visigothic church. - The prayer hall has eleven parts separated by columns made of marble and granite. - It has double arches consisted of a lower horseshoe arch and a higher semicircular arch. - It was used red and white patterns on the arches. - The mihrab was no longer in the middle of the wall, or quibla facing Mecca. - After the conquest of Córdoba by he Christians, it was became a church. - In the 16 th century, part of the interior was destroyed to make a new Renaissance cathedral.

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