The outbreak of the french revolution

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- There were a great dissatisfaction in 1789 France and a revolution broke out. - This event shocked the rest of Europe and led to a period that produce the bases of our world today. - We can distinguish into different stages: 1. Estates General (1787-1789) 2. National Constituent ssembly (1789-1790) 3. Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)

1. THE OUTBREAK OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 1. ESTATES –GENERAL (1787-1789) - France had a political, social and economic crisis due to: - The continuation of the absolute monarchy, opposed by Enlightenment ideas. - Inequality of the estate system - Bad harvest which cause an increase in the price of bread and basic food of lower classes. - The French State is in desperate financial circumstances due to: - Its luxurious court - The support given to the British colonies in the American War of Independence.

1. THE OUTBREAK OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION - In 1789, king Louis XVI calls a meeting for the representatives of the three estates, an assembly known as the Estates-General. - The king wanted emergency funds tosolve the financal situation . - The deputies bring complaints and requests for the king, in the form of books of grievances. - The estates met separately and each had one vote. - Bu the third estate, which make up 96% of the population,is given as many delegates as the nobility and clergy combined. - They demand (the third estate) one vote for each deputy instead of one vote by estate.

1. THE OUTBREAK OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 2. NATIONAL CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY (1789-1790) - When the king refuse to allow an individual vote, the third estate deputies declare themselves the National Assembly. - They met separately and later joined them some of the clergy and nobility. - Due to the events and by the presence of the royal troops in the city, the people of Paris take to the streets and they storm the Bastille, a fortress symbol of royal authority. - This event is the beginning of the popularrevolution. - The National Assembly becomes the National Constituent Assembly and begins to write a constitution for France.

1. THE OUTBREAK OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION - The deputies take action to bring an end to the Ancien Regime: - They proclaim the abolition of the estate system - They establish the principle of equality of all men before the law. This puts an end to seigneurial rights and Church tithes. - They proclaim the Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen, a statement of the natyral and inalienable rights of all men. - They pass the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, reducing the clergy to the civil status of citizens.

1. THE OUTBREAK OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 3. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (1791-1792) - Fearing for this safety and concerned about the decisions of the Assembly. Louis XVI and his family try to flee to Austria. - They are discovered and forced to return to Paris, where they are confined to he Tuileries Palace. - The constitution is proclaimed in 1791 and it is the first of its kind in Europe: - France is now a constitutional monarchy - It gives the vote to men who are 25 and over with a certain level of income and property. - It establishes the separation of powers: executive, legislative and judiciary.


Louis XVI accepted it against his will. European monarchs feeling their thrones are in danger, form the First coalitin against revolutionary France. Th allies are secretly aided by the french king and queen. Public opinion has begun to turn against the king and some call for his abdication. In 1792, in response to Prussian threats, the people attack the Tuileries Palace and the royal family is arrested.

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