The reign of Carlos V

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1. THE REIGN OF CARLOS V CARLOS V -Carlos is born in Ghent in 1500. - He became king of Spain in 1516 and was called Carlos I of Spain. - He became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1530 and was called Carlos V of the Holy Roman Empire. - He received a vast inheritance from both sides of his family.

1. THE REIGN OF CARLOS V OPPOSITION TO CARLOS V - When Carlos arrived to Spain, mny opposed having a foreign king. - There were two revolts gainst him: 1. Revolt of the Comuneros: - It was led by nobles, bourgeoisie and peasants of Castilla. - The election as Emperor was very expensive and taxes were increased to finance it. - The royal army defeated the Comuneros in the Battle of Villalar. 2. The GermanĂ­a revolts: - It took place in Valencia and Mallorca - The artisans rebelled against the nobility. - The king supported the noblity and the rebels were defeated.

1. THE REIGN OF CARLOS V THE INHERITANCE OF CARLOS V - Maternal inheritance: - The Crown of Castilla and territories outside the peninsula (America) - The Crown of AragĂłn and its territories in Italy. - The kingdom of Navarra.

- Paternal inheritance: - The German lands belonging to the House of Habsburgs. - The possibility to become emperor. - The possessions of the House of Burgundy in the Netherlands and the Franche-ComtĂŠ.

1. THE REIGN OF CARLOS V FOREIGN POLICIES - These included defending Christianity and the imperial supremacy of Christian kings. - Many opposed these ideas and there were many conflicts in his reign. 1. The Papacy: - The Church was afraid that Carlos V’s imperial power would rival the Church and possibly even control it, especially after the Sack of Rome. 2. France: - It was surrounded by the territories of the Empore and it was against the European hegemony of the Habsburgs. -François I and Carlos V fought against each other four times. 3. The Ottoman Empire: - Defending Christianity against the Muslims was important, especially againts the Turks of the Ottoman Empire. 4. Conflicts with Protestants: - Carlos was a strong Catholic supporter and he was influenced by the ideas of Counter- Reformation. - In the Battle of Mülberg, he fought and defeated tje German Protestant princes who supported Lutheranism. - He recognised their religious freedom in the Holy Roman Empire by signing the Peace of Augsburg in 1555.

1. THE REIGN OF CARLOS V FINANCIAL PROBLEMS - Carlos V’s wars were very expensive and some efforts were needed: 1. The Tercios : - They were a modern and professional army made up of volunteers and mercenary troops. 2. Complex management: - It made up of officials from different geographical origins. 3. The Haceinda Real went into debt: - The gold and silver sent fromAmerica was not enough to cover the costs of the Crown. The Emperor had to borrow from German and Italian bankers.




ABDICATION OF CARLOS V By 1556 Carlos V was in poor health and exhausted. He abdicated as Holy Roman Emperor in favour of his brother Fernando who received the title of Emperor and his Austrian territories. His son,Felipe II, became the ruler of the rest of his Empire. Carlos V dies at the Monastery of Yuste in 1558

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