The Spanish Habsburgs in the 17 th century

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3. THE SPANISGH HASBURG IN THE 17 THE CENTURY FELIPE III (1598-1621) - He was not as energetic as his father. - He left political decisions to a royal favourite or valido, who governed on his behalf. - His main favourite was the Duke of Lerma, who was more concerned with his own personal interest than ruling the country. 1. Domestic policies - The expulsion of the Moriscos and it was a disastrous decision. - The Moriscos were a hard-working minority and the econmy was damaged by their departure. 2. Foreign policies: - There was a pause in the continuos wars of the previous century. - Peace was signed with England - The Twelve Years ‘ Truce was signed with the Dutch rebels of the United Provinces. - Felipe II decided to help the Austrian branch of his dinasty and entered the Thirty Years’ War. (1618-1648)

3. THE SPANISGH HASBURG IN THE 17 THE CENTURY FELIPE IV - Felipe IV’s valido, the Count- Duke of Olivares, tried to maintain Spain’s position as leading power in Europe. 1. Domestic policies - Olivares wrote the Great Memorial proposing to strenght the utority of the monarch by: - Standardising the laws and institutios in all the kingdoms. - Increasing the participation in military spending of the other kingdoms - Establishing a system for recruiting soldiers called Union of Arms.

3. THE SPANISGH HASBURG IN THE 17 THE CENTURY - The crisis of 1640: - uprisings in Cataluña - Cataluña rejected the propsals of Olivares - Broke out a revolt with the support of France. - After a war, royal rule was restored in 1652 - Portuguese rebellion - Nobles refused to help against the catalan revolts - Proclaimed the Duke of Braganza, king of Portugal - It became independent in 1668 - Aristocratic conspiracy in Andalucía later in Aragón and finally a popular rebellion in Naples called the «antiSpanish revolt».

3. THE SPANISGH HASBURG IN THE 17 THE CENTURY 2. Foreign policies: - France intervened in the Thirty Years’ War to support the Protestants. - The Spanish Tercios were defeated in the Battle of Rocroi. - By the Traty of Westphalia in 1648 Sapin recognise the independence of teh United Provinces. - War with France continued until the Peace of the Pyrenees in 1659. - Spain ceded some territories in Flanders and northern Cataluña. - This was the end of Spain’s hegemony in Europe

3. THE SPANISGH HASBURG IN THE 17 THE CENTURY CARLOS II -Carlos II was two years old when he succeeded Felipe IV and his mother ruled as regent. - He was so sick and incapable - The great issue of hos reign was who would succeed him. - It was a period of political instability. - European monachs conspired to gain control of the Spanish Empire. 1. Spanish War of Succession - There were two claimants to the Spanish throne - Both of them were nephews of Carlos II. - One is Philip of Anjou (later king Felipe V of Bourbon) grandson of the king of France. - Another clamimant was the Archduke Charles of Austria. - Carlos II died in 1700 and he named Philip of Anjou as his heir, Philip became Felipe V of Spain - But the Austrians did not accept him. - The Spanish War Succession broke out. - Carlos II ‘ death marked the end of the Spanih Habsburg dinasty

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