How to Remove Black Magic in 30 Minutes If you've been cursed with black magic, that curse can wreak havoc on your life without you even realizing it. You might find yourself having trouble staying motivated, or have concentration problems. Sudden money issues might arise, in spite of all your hard work. The relationships in your life might feel strained, even if you had a great history together. You might find yourself feeling stuck or down, without any logical explanation to it. So how do you remove this black magic? Follow this process. It only takes about 30 minutes. Repeat this process five times. Light Two Black Candles You'll need a total of ten candles to do this for five days. Use only new, unlit candles. Take two black candles and place them on either side of you. Light them both at dusk, just as day is transitioning into night. This is an auspicious time for magic, especially black magic removal. Black magic has a weak hold during this time. Bring the Curse to Mind Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Bring your mind and body to stillness. Then, feel your body and your soul for the curse that's been placed upon you. Bring a visual image to mind. If you know who placed the curse on you, bring that person into your mind's eye. Crystallize this vision. See the curse or the person as clearly as possible. Breaking the Curse Pierce the curse in your mind. Envision your soul or your intent pummeling through the curse, or through the person who cast the curse on you. Use a curse removal mantra, like "Spirit, return this curse to he who sent it" or "Curse, begon now and forevermore!" Let the candles burn all the way down. The black magic will bind to the candles and be burned away.