Why does postcard marketing work in this day and age

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Why Does Postcard Marketing Work in this Day and Age When was the last time you ever received a post card? And when was the last time you send one! So is it time yet for obituaries on the humble post card that has duly served us for hundreds of years? No not yet! When used properly, post cards can be the most effective means of marketing. To those who claim to have failed in this effort, the fault probably lies with the effort and not with the technique per se. Your postcard marketing technique may have failed because; a) Your message wasn’t clear: Most marketing promotions fail because the copywriting isn’t slick and clear. When the prospective customer is not given a clear motive to be achieved from your content, he is naturally going to bin it. And you have only a few seconds to grab his attention. Images should be clear and related to the content and the promo. Thus, clarity is undoubtedly the most important aspect of all. b) You give too soon: Ever thought why do advertisements roll play over and over again? Out of sight is out of mind in the marketing world. Drill the benefits of your products or service again and again to your customer. Marketing needs sustained effort; you would need to repeat the effort periodically. c) You haven’t identified the market correctly: To ensure success, you would need to first identify your target market. The people who’re targets of your marketing effort, do they need the product. Research well on the target customer well; get to know their income levels, spending habits, etc. before spending on a mailing list. Here are some ways to ensure that your postcard marketing strategy pays off; a) Hire professionals to do the job: Content is very important in the marketing world. When you skimp on this aspect, you can expect the entire effort to fall flat! It is also important to ensure that the entire thing is packaged properly. A good designer can make the post card look attractive and easy to sell. b) Target the Right Audience: The postcard should reflect the tastes and style of the locality and the audience at which the strategy is targeted. While a classic style is preferred by a traditional and up-market neighborhood, a value based content packaging fits the bill for middle class neighborhoods. c) Be unique: Your marketing effort should be unique and should identify with your brand. There may be dozens of postcards that reach the potential customer. How do you ensure that he does not throw it out? A unique and individualistic style ensures that! Resource Box: The Author of this article manages custom postcards marketing business through his website cactusmailing.com

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