Portfolio of Tran Hoang Thanh

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My name is Thanh. Trần Hoàng Thanh. And this is my portfolio.



About Me

Name Date of birth Nationality Address

: Trần Hoàng Thanh : December 28th, 1993 : Vietnamese : Y29, Street 25, Tân Quy Đông, Tân Phong, District 7

HOW YOU MAY FIND ME 0937 931 899 hoangthanh.tran2812@gmail.com flickr.com/photos/116109655@N07/ instagram.com/tcatbit/ vn.linkedin.com/in/thanh-tran-553a42127

LANGUAGE Vietnamese : English :


My Skills

Sketching : Model Making : Photography :

SOFTWARES Adobe Photoshop : Adobe Illustrator : Adobe Premiere : Adobe InDesign : Adobe Lightroom : AutoCAD : Google SketchUp : Microsoft Word : Microsoft PowerPoint : Microsoft Excel :




August, 1999 Tran Quoc Thao Elementary School

August, 2008 Marie Curie High School

My Timeline December 28th, 1993 The day i was born

August, 2004

July, 2010

Le Quy Don Secondary School

IELTS Result of 7.0

October, 2011 Started working at ILA Vietnam • • • • •

Taking care of students and support the foreign teachers within class time. Make contact with the parents to provide them with follow-up information about their children progress. Record and manage class activities. Prepare further works to help my students achieve their best accomplishments. Support with events and other supporting tasks.

January, 2015 Stopped working at ILA Vietnam

August, 2012

May, 2015

IELTS Result of 7.5

IELTS Result of 8.0

September, 2012

September, 2015

June, 2016

Started at HCMC University of Architecture (UAH), majored in Urban Design, a linked program between UAH and KU Leuven.

Moved to Leuven, Belgium to start studying at University of Leuven (KU Leuven), majored in Urbanism.

Graduated as: Bachelor of Urbanism (University of Leuven) Bachelor of Urban Design (HCMC University of Architecture)

2. Urban Design Guidelines

District 4, HCMC Vietnam Studio Assignment

Contents 1. Urban Tissue

District 8, HCMC, Vietnam Studio Assignment

3. Living Productive New South Antwerp, Belgium Studio Investigation

4. Ca Mau Archipelago City Ca Mau, Vietnam Design Investigation

1. Urban Tissue

DISTRICT 4 - FLUX Inner landscape design

2. Urban Design Guidelines

ANTWERP LIVING PRODUCTION Combining modern production with living for a more vibrant life standard

3. Living Productive New South

The city of Antwerp is expanding, far beyond the 19th century center it has been revolved around for so long. And the site of Niew Zuid is one of the most important pieces to bridge the gap between what has been and what is going to happen. Being where it is, standing right at the cross of the Hard Spine (urban development) and the Soft Spine (green space development), the site has always been considered the key point but at the same time, an end point of these developments. But what good is a city that has an end? Being right next to it, to the more South-Western part of Antwerp, is the project of Blue Gate, a great opportunity for profits as well as new, vibrant urban experience; but has been quite separated as the idea of industrial being detached to residential had been rooted for a long time being. As the 21st century coming towards its adolescence, light industries have greatly become a trend and being the dominating market holder. They provide everyday products, on a small scale but in vast amount, which springs profits greatly, creating fewer problems for the communities while being easy to establish due to its minor investment cost and local labor utilization. Less pollution, less cost, more profits. To us, it seems like a win – win situation. Taking that into designing the site of Niew Zuid, combining it with the project of Blue Gate and the production zone in Kiel, and we would have something that gives a lot to the City of Antwerp as a whole.

The concept is to combine light industrial and residential into one urban form, giving the users multiple layers of spatial experience ranging from vibrant open space filled with activities of logistics to large green pieces weaving from the natural landscape into the building blocks. Built space of residential proportion from Niew Zuid is moved to Blue Gate for interchanging that of industrial proportion. By that, the urban development will not just end there, it will stretch till it reaches Kiel and Hoboken, where everything carries on as Antwerp grows in the future. At the same time, the green space will be linked to the huge natural piece next to Blue Gate, giving the chance to an even newer phase of the Soft Spine development. The Scheldt Quay, thought to end where Niew Zuid is, now takes part in a bigger movement towards the West and the South, going from a hard surface of being a dike into a softer, more natural landscape. Zooming on the site, all the best features are all in the blocks. They are very long and large in order to make space for a diversity of spatial experiences. A minimum distance of 40 meters between facing buildings is kept as a principle to secure the spatial quality as well as giving way to flexible space forming. They are thoroughly connected longitudinally to enhance connection between the natural green space and the landscape inside the blocks.

New South + Blue Gate Co-Design

Quay Design

Section Design



Zoom In Design

FUTURE URBAN TISSUES OF CA MAU Clusterizing Ca Mau in respond to flooding, saline intrusion and dense centric urbanization

5. Ca Mau Archipelago City

Ca Mau peninsula is situated in the southern most part of Vietnam, between the East Sea and the Gulf of Thailand and the lowest part of the country. Ca Mau city is located in the heart of the peninsula. The topography of the site is quite flat with the highest part of the city being the current city center, whereas the rest of the city are quite low and currently used for productive landscape (Shrimp farms, Paddy field‌) which are facing with the serious problems of flooding. Flooding is one of the most important issues in Ca Mau City. The reason of the flooding is the impact of Sea Level Rise from the seas that affects strongly to the living quality as well as development of the city. Damage up to 10 billion VND each year for water management and development. Moreover, the ecology of the city is now at risk due to the loss of the territory. Besides that, with the low amount of rainfall in dry season which allows saline intrusion to Ca Mau city also causes many serious problem for the economy and the living of the residents in Ca Mau city. Because the land is covered 2 sides by the East and West Seas with different tidal effects to the rivers and canals leading to the water having become more salty and the serious lack of fresh water demands for human habitation in Ca Mau City.

Even though the city is now at risk of being under the water by the year 2050, the urbanization is growing rapidly, especially in the last 20 years. The logic of the urbanization development is mostly based on the main infrastructure and main canals, rivers and expanding as an octopus’ tentacles and then followed by the grid structure of the French colonial period. With the aim to become a second class city of Vietnam, the masterplan of Ca Mau in 2025 is developed with a concentric model and expansions of hierarchy of old roads. However, the new developments made by Ca Mau government are on the lowlands where the soils are very weak and flooding risk is really high. Although, there are some new ponds made to meet the needs of fresh water demand in the design, however, they lack the logics behind these ponds.

Location Map


From the city scale context, there are two question raised: How can the city be developed adapting with the Flooding and Saline Intrusion issues in the future? How to meet the need of houses in rapid growth of urbanization in sustainable way?In order to answer these questions, based on the investigation stage that we pointed out the problems as well as the potentials of the site. The concept of developing the city as archipelago city is very suitable and sustainable.First of all, all the highways which are safe roads will be selected as backbones of the new developments and keep all the lowlands for landscape. The new islands will be created along the roads and the main Ca Mau rivers in order to revitalize the river. After that, a new ecological corridor which are canals and constructed wetland will be established to interconnect and deal with water treatment for new islands. Then all the highways will be merged with green system and turned into boulevards which are downgraded to have more spaces for pedestrian. Moreover, developing a new mobility strategy to connect these islands by public transports and bike/ pedestrian system to make Ca Mau city become a sustainable city. In order to make the concept clear, the islands will be formed with three principles: City Concept Diagram

firstly, topography that the lowlands will be dig to create the ecological corridor mentioned above and make use of these lands to create dike to protect the islands from the flooding; secondly, the scale of the ecological corridor will be not bigger the rivers, finally, trying to keep the existing houses.

City Scale Strategy

Infrastructure Strategy

Landscape Strategy


Through our series of mapping, we have come to realization that the site is developed in a clustered strucure with ,apparently, no relation to one another. The clusters are developed individually with a very infrastructure-heavy base. Rectangular blocks are used throughout the newer investment to utilize the most amount of surface available. This has lead to a very disconnected development that is generic in Vietnam - applied to most of the bigger cities of the nation -, disregarding the identity and surrouding conditions. Along with the settlement, a major amount of green spaces are disregarded and acting as backyards for the houses crowding along the roads and streets. These green spaces consist of natural landscape along with productive ones that not only can be used as urban parks but also space for water during the flooding season. Moreover, the riverfront, the core of Ca Mau identity is being left asides as the backyards of informal houses, shipping docks and empty lands. Along the river is a very busy street with life filled in it but acts as an individual entity and the river plays no part of enriching the urban experience, hence not bringing it values to the more inner land. Site Analysis

To further evaluate the urban fabric, we noticed that since the site is within the perimeter of new urban development, the urban fabric forms grids that counteract with the older developement, which is more spontaneous and follow the pattern of the productive landscape lots. Each of the development has it perks, but with no correlation, the whole area is lack of consistency in its appearance. On a smaller scale, we have looked into the currently used typologies. They range from low appartment buildings to typical rowhouses and informal poorquality waterfront houses. These typologies, no matter how new, has not solved the problem of flooding and saline intrusion of Ca Mau. The houses along the water are too low for the water level of the flooding season, so people end up living in the flood every year. The newer houses, even though not suffering much from the flooding, add to the problem by putting more asphalt on the surface, thus preventing the water to get absorbed into the ground. Rainwater cannot get into the lower levels of soil and freshwater is not enough to outbalance the salt level in the earth, flooding and saline intrusion will get worse as consequences.

Location Map


Site Scale Strategy

As discussed in the analysis for the site, and the proposed structure of the city of Ca Mau, it is best suited for the stie to develop in a clusters-based structure. The first step is to define the island. By integrating the landscape within the site with the river, the canals and the surrounding productive landscapes, a thorough natural landscape will divide the area into different islands, selected by their functions as well as urban forms, with different identities. The “islands” are defined by the densification of housings within the “sea” of natural and productive landscapes. The edges of these clusters are also determined by the elements present at the specific locations, ranging from key urban spaces at the cross of infrastructures and landscape; to waterfront that connects directly to the main road of the city; to the opening of inner landscape to the outer ones. We also structure these spaces accordingly to the urban experience we would like the users to have. Lastly, the urban fabric of each island are defined based on the existing structures. They vary from rowhouses with setbacks for collective spaces; to community spaces connecting longitudinally Site Concept Diagram

and thorough to complement the bond within the neighborhood. We would like to emphasize the use of collective urban spaces to provide intimate and on-the-spot urban activities.


Site Scale Strategy








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Section Collection 1

An important point of the design is to define what separate these islands. We have decided that it is best suited with the context of Ca Mau to have a small canal with wetland along it. Canal because there will be more space for water and moving water will solve the problem of mosquitoes. During the dry season, this canal will be kept at a low level of water to prevent drowning and still maintain freshwater to respond to saline intrusion. When flooding season comes, this canal will help relieve the pressure received by the other older canals that have not been able to fulfill their purposes. The placement of wetland along the canal is to provide a natural cleaning mechanism for the water. Stormwater as well as other kinds of water put on the ground will be purified before they come into the canals and will keep on being cleaned after coming out into the rivers. Throughout the canal, the spaces shift and vary with a rhythm of open and close spaces. At places, it will be faced with building blocks to provide waterview for the balconies. At others, it will be a core for urban activities, a place where people can interact with the water, where they can hold events. And at some places, the space with be a combination of both open and close. The sequences are created to provide users with the most various urban experience.

Another important element within the site is the riverfront. As explained in previous parts of the thesis, the aim of the strategy is also to revitalize the riverfront that was once overlooked. The methods that we came up with are all based on the same principle, to allow people to come and open up the riverbank to everyone. Houses along the riverfront are elevated with the first floor dedicated to open spaces. Urban spaces are organized where relevant to act as triggers for the rest of the space along the river as it is also closed sometimes through the use of some other kinds of building blocks. Another aspect of the revitalization is the use of water buses. Docks are placed along the river to attract people to use this soft mobility. This brings either another kind of sightseeing or simply offering the people coming to work at PetroVietnam an easier and nicer way of going to work. Details like the use of windmills and solar panels are also put along these spaces by the water. Shading devices would be equipped with solar panel and windmills to provide energy for community lighting at night, being sustainable and an adaptation to the flooding issues.

Section Collection 2











Section Collection 3

That is all

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