Approaches to International Engineering Education
Dr. V. Thanikachalam
Why International Engineering Education? A nation’s welfare depends in large measure on the intellectual and psychological strength that are derived from perspective visions of the world beyond its own boundaries. On a planet shrunken by the technology of instant communications, there is little behind magnet line of scientific and scholarly isolation. The situation cries out for a better comprehension of our place and our potential in a world that, though it still expects much from India.
International The twenty first century world into which college and university students are graduating is becoming increasingly international. World problems such as trade relations, the allocation and conservation of resources, over population, hunger, environmental quality, energy, poverty, lack of adequate communication, inflation and the quest for peace all require international solutions. 3
Engineering Education in India Education in India must have a strong international dimension in today’s increasingly interdependent world. Every technician and engineer must understand how our Indian concerns relate to the larger world and how present-day realities dictate a harmonizing of our own aspirations with those of other nations and peoples. 4
Engineering Education in India… With advanced technology, everyday events in India can directly affect another nation; each has become an inter-related part of a world society. The world has changed radically during the twenty years; If Indians are to cope with the changing environment, the higher education community should – in fact, must – take the lead in developing international education programmes. 5
International Education Broadly defined to include international studies, global education, foreign language study, exchanges, study abroad, area studies, and comparative education.
Commitment of Institutions of Higher Learning to International Education Should commit itself to international education on campus. Use existing resources to best advantage. Define your institutional goals and objectives. Restructure and fit to meet the heads. Obtain assistance from the Ministry of Finance and External Affairs. 7
Approaches to International Education Assess national trends and seek to define ways of instituting international programs at colleges and universities. Focus on engineering aspect of international education. Focus on the expansion of Indian industrial production to meet the global challenges.
The Raison D’etre Help institutions of higher education develop appropriate international education programmes. To accomplish the goal, those institutions that made international commitments share the keys to their success.
Criteria for Success An institutional commitment from the highest administrative officers / managers / leaders. A determined and competent faculty willing to internationalize the curriculum.
Major Functions to be coordinated Foreign student services Overseas study and exchange programmes Work and travel advising Overseas fellowship / scholarship services Campus awareness programmes Community outreach Faculty involvement Development of International Component 11
Key to Successful International Studies Committed and expert faculty Developing external support for international programme activity Disciplinary excellence keeps academic departments as the organizational bedrock of the institution Encouragement and facilitation for the development of the faculty’s international interests A combination of a centralized and decentralized approach Conscious decision to focus on current technology and management. 12
Administrative Structure of Center for International Program Full-time director and secretary Foreign student advisor Faculty support in professional development programme A separate operating budget.
Implementation Process Commitment to international studies through vision and mission statement Grants from Foreign Governments / Government of India / International Development Agencies
Activities and Events Campus and community events Overseas summer study programmes Publication of approved programmes in the website Obtaining approval from Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Finance Market driven programmes Getting the project based programmes from International Development Agencies Faculty exchange programmes sponsored by UNESCO Support international programmes for the students 15
Developing Programmes Strengths Major institutional commitment to international education – by the institution’s highest administrative officers and in the mission statement A full pledged director authorized to develop institutional programs to strengthen the international dimension on campus. Highly decentralized administration of international education programs combined with the desire and commitment not only to service the international education needs of institutional units, but also to increase the number of faculty members and students involved in international education activities. A faculty with the skills and abilities to exercise professional leadership in the community, state, nation. A professional and support staff with requisite complementary skills and abilities, the dedication to carryout goals of the centre and the willingness to work well together. 16
Community Support Strong commitment to international programs in the community, an activity that reduces both the psychological and physical barriers separating the institute from local residents. A budget derived from diversified sources, lessening the impact should one source fail to produce anticipated revenue. A strong faculty development program, leading to strong support by faculty members. 17
Weakness Lack of visibility for all available services and programmes. Too heavy a reliance on revenue other than state-appropriated funds. Lack of state-allocated position for foreign student services. Lack of adequate support for an increase in funding for international funding by Government of India. 18
Weakness‌ Failure of faculty to see the need for an increased international awareness. A faculty reward system that fails to recognize adequately the advantages of faculty overseas experience. The need to revise institute overseas travel regulations so that they properly reflect the necessity of participation in the international scholarly community. Too few courses in the curriculum with an international dimension. Insufficient funding to respond adequately to faculty development needs. 19
Future Strategies Selective recruitment of high quality foreign students. Faculty travel, research, and teaching in these areas to be the primary technique for increasing the number and quality of foreign students. Expanding Indian opportunities for NRIs and PIOs. Increasing the number of courses. Developing for more extensive faculty exchange opportunities. Becoming more attuned than ever before to trends in higher education such as lifelong learning, continuing education and industry-based programmes – concepts that will be increasingly important as the community requires institute outreach. 20
Future Strategies‌ Develop international programmes and obtain support from the Government of India. Develop relations with the international organizations involved with sponsoring overseas students to India. Collect, evaluate, and disseminate information on overseas opportunities for faculty members. Assist with the Institute’s overseas contracts, including cultivating relations with the contracting agencies like World Bank, Asian Development Bank, mobilizing the resources of the university in implementing the contracts, and helping to ensure that proposed new contracts are studied from the point of view of institutewide interests. Develop programmes for multinational companies located in India. 21
Develop Global Programs!