Digital model for control of emission of co2

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Digital Model to Control of Emission of Carbon dioxide-by Thanikachalam.V Forest • modernization Modernization of Production Processes

Research &

Protection Agro forestry


HRD Wave Energy Wind Energy

s Product recycling Hydro Power

Control of Industrial Air &Water Pollution by Various New Technologies Soil & Water Management Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

Tran spor t s

Energy Management Geothermal Energy


Nuclear power

Fuel from Agro Products Paperless office Optimization of Energy use Reuse of Treated Waste water Solar Energy

Force Field Analysis • Forces against reduction of greenhouse emission due to lack of expertise and lack of concern for future

• Forces for reduction of greenhouse emission due to commitment and investment in new technology

Development of New Technology • Continuous improvements in reduction of greenhouse emission • Renewable sources of energy and reduction in the use of fossil fuels • Urban reconstruction • Optimization of transport system • Hybrid system • Use electrical energy in surface transportation

Technology Development Centers for Reducing Greenhouse Emissions • Every industrial department should plan technology development centers for reducing greenhouse emissions. • These centers should focus on industries • The centers could plan multidisciplinary approaches. • They must involve industries

Executive Training Programs • Each company should plan executive development centers. • Plan programs in energy management, safety, pollution control, and reduction of greenhouse emission. • Demonstrate the return on investments. • Provide validated training packages and multidisciplinary trainers

If the greenhouse gas emissions are not controlled, what will happen?

Greenland, artic circle and Antarctica would melt and sea water would rise!

Relative sea level

Rise in sea level mm/year

What will be the impact?

Can you live when the sea water has intruded in the sea shore cities?

It affects the life for ever!

Manhattan , New York in 2075

Wonderful sight! Do you sea any human being? Where are they?

Sea water rose due to melting of ice!

Water , water

Ultimate impact?

People vanished!

Even animals vanished People from Mars published that people on the earth did not reduce the emission of greenhouse gases! Earth is unfit for living !!

Best way to save the earth is to control emission from the industries, transportation, and mine operations. Grow more trees. Develop agro forestry. Protect forests.

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