Tracer study questionnaire to pass outs

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Tracer Study-Questionnaire to Pass outs Dr.V.Thanikachalam (

Role of Pass outs Primary clients of any programme  Paid for the services received from the institutes  Joined the programme based on the selfgenerated goals.  Achieved the goals largely  Desire to share their real world experiences. 

Participation in improving the curriculum Judges the goals of the programmes  Evaluates the course objectives  Assesses the instructional processes  Analyses the evaluation processes  Checks the flexibility in selecting courses  Visualizes the coaching given  Measures the career guidance given 

Views on the tracer study Willing to provide the feedback on the goals,objectives,curriculum,balance between various activities,instructional methods, evaluation process, coaching, flexibility, career guidance,. ď Ž Ready to offer suggestions to improve the programme effectiveness. ď Ž

Are they reliable? Yes, but check the reliability through appropriate methods  Alumni always respect the alma mater  They are interested in the growth of the institutes  They wish to contribute to the effectiveness of the programmes. 

Reflections on the treatment Sometimes they will express their feelings about the reflections on the treatment given to them when they are in the institute!  They express their views on the academic climate  They recollect the quality of academic life  They don’t hesitate to pass the judgment. 

Personal data to be collected Name and ID no.  Branch of study  Type of programme (R / SW / PT / F / ON / D / O)  Institution ID and address.  Social status  Academic status 

Programme enrollment details Date of joining  Date of passing  Percentage of mark obtained  Class or division / GPA  Electives  Projects  Seminars 

Achievement Academic  Scholarship / financial aids / loans  Co-curricular  Industrial training  Internship  Apprenticeship  Part-time work  NSS / NCC/ others 

Sports , games,social Achievement  Activities  Arts  Drama  Music  Publications  Leadership 

Present status Employed  Trainee / apprentice  Entrepreneur  Student in India (Ft / Pt / D / On )  Unemployed  Foreign university (Ft / Pt / D / On)  Intern 

Industry Government  Public sector  Private sector  Partnership  Multinational company  Globalized company  International company  SME 

Jobs Time taken to get the first job  Process adopted to get the job  Job title  Job description  No of jobs changed  Salary,perks, allowances,  Training  Promotion 

Job analysis Planning  Design  Manufacturing  Research and development  Service  Marketing  Finance  Software 

HRD policy of the Industry 

     

Selection process ( Online/assessment center / campus interview / newspaper /HR recruiters/ applications / others) Orientation Induction Employee development process Online education In-house training Foreign training

Views on curriculum Relevance of the program  Relevance of the courses  Goals of the programme  Objectives of the courses  Practical work / laboratory / workshops / field work  Industrial training 

Opinions / suggestions Additional courses  Additional topics  Deletion of obsolete topics  Deletion of obsolete courses  Flexibility in the courses  Industrial based projects  Credits for summer training  Any other opinion 

Views on the instructional process         

Course planning Instructional design Case studies Tests Assignments Research work / term paper Examination Project work Dissertation / thesis

Opinions and suggestions         

Course timing Additional courses Credits for optional courses Quiz programmes Periodical tests Take home tests Open book tests Projects Seminars

Opinion on the quality of academic life Co-curricular activities  Library functioning  Needs of the student in planning further education  Career guidance  Acquiring the professional competencies 

Open remarks Freedom to express the personal views on the institutional development  Suggestions on the continuous process development  Suggestions to improve the quality of academic life  Recognition and rewards  Any other comments 

Special requirements ď Ž

Add questions of special relevance to your programmes / courses

Utilization of the feedback Analyze the opinions of the students branch wise  Evaluate the feedback on the curriculum and compare with that of the employers  Discuss with the faculty  Take decision on the improvements in the curriculum 

Utilization of the feedback … Analyze the feedback on the instructional process  Consult the faculty  Formulate innovative instructional process  Bring excellence in the instructional planning , design and delivery. 

Current Employment Pattern Branch wise pattern  Male / female employees  Salary range  Maximum salary  Minimum salary  Regional pattern 

Sector wise pattern Public sector  Private sector  Multinational companies  Globalized companies  Government departments  Family business  Entrepreneurs 

Regional growth pattern New industries  Expansion  Government policies  Fast growing sector  Industrial sickness  Environmental hazards  SEZ 

New programmes Planning new institutions  Planning new programmes  Continuing education programmes  Consultancy projects  Testing and calibration services  Proto type product development 

Formation of alumni association To facilitate participation of the alumni  To get assistance in planning programmes  To get industrial projects and training  To get placements  To get funds / resources 

Periodical tracer study Planning and conduct of periodical tracer study  Maintenance of the records of the passed graduates  Analysis of the feedback  Follow up action  Institutional development activities 

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