Tracer Study-Questionnaire to Pass outs Dr.V.Thanikachalam (
Role of Pass outs Primary clients of any programme Paid for the services received from the institutes Joined the programme based on the selfgenerated goals. Achieved the goals largely Desire to share their real world experiences.
Participation in improving the curriculum Judges the goals of the programmes Evaluates the course objectives Assesses the instructional processes Analyses the evaluation processes Checks the flexibility in selecting courses Visualizes the coaching given Measures the career guidance given
Views on the tracer study Willing to provide the feedback on the goals,objectives,curriculum,balance between various activities,instructional methods, evaluation process, coaching, flexibility, career guidance,. ď Ž Ready to offer suggestions to improve the programme effectiveness. ď Ž
Are they reliable? Yes, but check the reliability through appropriate methods Alumni always respect the alma mater They are interested in the growth of the institutes They wish to contribute to the effectiveness of the programmes.
Reflections on the treatment Sometimes they will express their feelings about the reflections on the treatment given to them when they are in the institute! They express their views on the academic climate They recollect the quality of academic life They don’t hesitate to pass the judgment.
Personal data to be collected Name and ID no. Branch of study Type of programme (R / SW / PT / F / ON / D / O) Institution ID and address. Social status Academic status
Programme enrollment details Date of joining Date of passing Percentage of mark obtained Class or division / GPA Electives Projects Seminars
Achievement Academic Scholarship / financial aids / loans Co-curricular Industrial training Internship Apprenticeship Part-time work NSS / NCC/ others
Sports , games,social Achievement Activities Arts Drama Music Publications Leadership
Present status Employed Trainee / apprentice Entrepreneur Student in India (Ft / Pt / D / On ) Unemployed Foreign university (Ft / Pt / D / On) Intern
Industry Government Public sector Private sector Partnership Multinational company Globalized company International company SME
Jobs Time taken to get the first job Process adopted to get the job Job title Job description No of jobs changed Salary,perks, allowances, Training Promotion
Job analysis Planning Design Manufacturing Research and development Service Marketing Finance Software
HRD policy of the Industry
Selection process ( Online/assessment center / campus interview / newspaper /HR recruiters/ applications / others) Orientation Induction Employee development process Online education In-house training Foreign training
Views on curriculum Relevance of the program Relevance of the courses Goals of the programme Objectives of the courses Practical work / laboratory / workshops / field work Industrial training
Opinions / suggestions Additional courses Additional topics Deletion of obsolete topics Deletion of obsolete courses Flexibility in the courses Industrial based projects Credits for summer training Any other opinion
Views on the instructional process
Course planning Instructional design Case studies Tests Assignments Research work / term paper Examination Project work Dissertation / thesis
Opinions and suggestions
Course timing Additional courses Credits for optional courses Quiz programmes Periodical tests Take home tests Open book tests Projects Seminars
Opinion on the quality of academic life Co-curricular activities Library functioning Needs of the student in planning further education Career guidance Acquiring the professional competencies
Open remarks Freedom to express the personal views on the institutional development Suggestions on the continuous process development Suggestions to improve the quality of academic life Recognition and rewards Any other comments
Special requirements ď Ž
Add questions of special relevance to your programmes / courses
Utilization of the feedback Analyze the opinions of the students branch wise Evaluate the feedback on the curriculum and compare with that of the employers Discuss with the faculty Take decision on the improvements in the curriculum
Utilization of the feedback … Analyze the feedback on the instructional process Consult the faculty Formulate innovative instructional process Bring excellence in the instructional planning , design and delivery.
Current Employment Pattern Branch wise pattern Male / female employees Salary range Maximum salary Minimum salary Regional pattern
Sector wise pattern Public sector Private sector Multinational companies Globalized companies Government departments Family business Entrepreneurs
Regional growth pattern New industries Expansion Government policies Fast growing sector Industrial sickness Environmental hazards SEZ
New programmes Planning new institutions Planning new programmes Continuing education programmes Consultancy projects Testing and calibration services Proto type product development
Formation of alumni association To facilitate participation of the alumni To get assistance in planning programmes To get industrial projects and training To get placements To get funds / resources
Periodical tracer study Planning and conduct of periodical tracer study Maintenance of the records of the passed graduates Analysis of the feedback Follow up action Institutional development activities
Thank you