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Dear, Sir/Mdm My name is Thanyalak Thaweeskulchai and I am submitting my resume and portfolio for your review. I hope you will consider me for an architectural position within your design team. I am a fresh graduate, with 2 years of experience involved in extensive architectural projects such as the Royal Thai Air Force Academy in Thailand and many more. I have graduated from the University of Melbourne with Master Degree in Architecture, before this, I did Bachelor of environments majoring in Architecture in the same university. My education has equipped me with a comprehensive set of knowledge covering construction, urban design, and landscape with a focus on architecture. I possess adequate technical and computer skills with advance knowledge of Auto-CAD, SketchUp, Photoshop, Podium, Lumion, InDesign as can be seen from the example in my portfolio and beginning to learn Revit Architecture and Rhino. I came from Bangkok, Thailand and received secondary and tertiary educations in Singapore and Australia. With more than 10 years aboard, I am able to adapt to new culture quickly and able to speak 3 languages: Thai, Chinese, and English. With the skills I have honed both in school and in my work experience, I am comfortable with performing a wide range of responsibilities and possess strong conceptual design skills. I am particularly interested in discovering ways to apply my training so that I can contribute to the community. I am eager to contribute my enthusiasm and skills to grow in the given position The attached resume and work sample contain a list of my related experience and architectural capabilities. I am happy to provide greater detail during an interview. Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you. I can best be reached on tthawe@gmail.com or 0413854862 (After 12 Feb 2014). Yours sincerely, Thanyalak Thaweeskulchai 06/02/2014

Physical model showing the external views of the house

The design is emphasizing on the relationship of characteristics (site slope and Merri creek) of the site integrating client’s interests into architectural design. Studio theme of water is an abstractedly represented in the architectural forms through its drawing its residence’s attention towards water, in this case, Merri Reserve. The design gently sit on the cascading slope as act as a ‘frame’ to the Merri creek which located west of the site.

Section : Showing roof details and the main entrance staircase

Both client’s house and the pavilion are built above the flood line. Both the pavilion and the house offered with privacy for working and relaxing by landscaping. The outdoor area and boat shade is build up of horizontal membrane (seen on plan and site plan) which provide shading extended outward horizontal while maintaining the view. Trees on site are also favourable for blocking western sunlight.

The spaces cascading down the site with design steps integrated with bookshelf and coin collection showing Client’s keen on reading discovering Roof Skylight provides effective internal light from the western sun to maximize visual comfort.

Ground Floor Plan : Showing interior furniture layout and landscape

Meditation Hall Inner Structure :Wooden beam and bundled columns Outer structure : Steel bar and panels

Main Temple Hall Inner Structure : Wooden beam and bundled columns Outer structure : Structural conctrete with stone cladding and steel windowframe.

Ground Floor Plan : Yun Yang Buddhist Complex

Light Light is let in to the main temple and meditation hall between the 2 wooden beams running east west across the buildings, which form linear beam of light ‘pointing’ towards the main Buddha statue that faces east (enlightenment). The wooden beam is supporting butterfly roof that compressing the centre space at where the beam of light appears.

Structure Structural columns are expressed as a bundle of 4 square columns that supports the butterfly roof that lifted out like a tree, the multiple columns represents the rips of a buttress roots. The whole roof structure provide shed to the monks and Buddhist visitors like how Bhodi tree provide shad to the Buddha when he is still searching for enlightenment.

Meditation pod An alabaster windows at the west facing façade of the two building, the low angle sunlight from the west is let in light as diffuse. Alabaster windows are supported by the concrete retaining walls that are extended from the meditational pods below

Dormitory A part from diffused light enters from the western façade and the meditation hall. Recessed window at the west and facing façade of the dormitory prevent the bedrooms from direct heating of the sun. Small courtyards between the dorms and bedrooms ensure that every of windows open out for ventilation Existing vegetation and introduced to the site act as windbreak and provide shading to the Buddhist complex

Section : Showing roof details and the main temple.

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Parti Diagrams

Diagram 1: More sacred Buildings located on cardinal alignment at the higher point of the site. Buddha statue in the main temple are placed facing east; resembling the direction which Buddha received enlightenment.

Diagram 2: Less sacred buildings aligned with the existing line of trees.

Diagram 3: Hierarchy of the two types of buildings are differentiated the level changes, sacred buildings are raised higher than the less sacred buildings.

Diagram 4: Centralised plan: Other buildings placed around the more sacred buildings giving the sense of enclosure.

Diagram 5: Entrance is formed where the two buildings meet, near the main road. More public programme are places nearer to the entrance.

Diagram 6 : Journey towards the main temple in anti-clockwise manner allowing the user to walk around, view sacred buildings at various sides and angle before entering.

Diagram 7: Trees introduced to form an enclosure to the complex

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Section : The main temple in relation to the meditation hall.

Perspective view : Main Access to the food farm

Perspective view : Internal view of food farm (GROW)

Floor Plan

Arno’s Urban Food Farm Objectives



Educate Florentine and local framers about self-sustainable food growing system that is adaptable to climate change using the method of Aquaponic and Agriculture

Encourage eating and selling locally to reduce food miles by presiding area for market and food swap as Florence relied heavily on international food distribution.

This is to promote the development of aquatic fauna at a yield greater than that found in the current environment

The distribution of food take up 1/8 of the world oil consumption this includes both movement of food through supply chain and how consumer access their food


Improve water quality that will help to lighten the severance of flooding by purifying city storm water before entering back into Arno river using constructed wetlands This is a healthier waterway help to reduce flood impact in Florence


Reinforced relationship to the river by improving the existing recreational activity by designed external space providing easier access to the river .

Cross section : Arno river

Perspective view : Market place (SELL)

The architectural elements of the Prime Minister’s Lodge explore several stages of the Story of Australia, expressing the multi-faceted and multicultural nature of Australian culture. Each program within the residence grants the audience a unique experience and different story, evolving Architecture expression into a chronicle. The Lodge on the Lake aims to utilize Architectural expression to market the nation to the visiting guests, conveying the stories, histories and principles of Australian culture. Visitors are invited to embark upon a journey to elevate their understanding and relationship with Australia. To facilitate the richness of the public experience, the stories have been translated into a series of creatively designed spaces inspired by the humble beginnings of indigenous Australia, the sense a dramatic shift in nation building, the Australian appreciation towards nature and, lastly, the coastal lifestyle adopted by many Australians; to enhance the environments reflecting the various aspects of Australia.

The linear sequence of experiences throughout the Lodge and the staged nature of each story upon arrival into the space distill the beauty of the contextual environment into their elements whilst silencing the others, allowing the appreciation of each individual aspect that makes up the whole. Visitors are also rewarded with spectacular views on Lake Griffin from the residence, which also promotes a relaxed and open atmosphere to convey the message of honesty and openness, encouraging trust and deepening an individual’s relationship to the “place”, a symbol of Australia.

The residential zone sports a more homely ambiance, inspired by the coastal lifestyle adopted by many Australians. The space is set up to invite residents to partake in family activities held in various indoor and outdoor spaces, promoting a sense of openness and transparency for visitors.

Progressing into the function room and dining hall, one can sense a dramatic shift in the atmosphere as the story transitions into nation-building. The architecture now stimulates interaction and communication, reinforcing ideas of cohabitation and tolerance that is essential in building a prosperous nation.

SHIFTING FROM CONVENTIONAL GRAPHIC FORMAT The digital images, animation, film and the hand drawn are all morphing shifting in their balance in any one individual’s work. Conventional graphic formats, such as plan, section and elevation, are also potentially melting away, as the formation of the image can be tailored to any particular design context and process.How leaving behind conventional graphic formats, such as those of the plan, section and elevation, opens up the possibilities of fusing visualisation and thinking.

METHOD UNDERTAKEN EXPLAINED: The aim of this project is to produce a sequence of drawings that morph between conventional graphic format such as plan, section, elevation and perspective. This process leads to discoveries of ways to reconceptualise each subsequent conventional representation. Beginning with floor plans, these drawings were reworked using the technique of blurring solid and void, then reinterpreted as light and shadow, whereby light rays project shadows of figures onto flat walls – to constitute a traced outline, as a projection. These projections as merely shapes projected through space that are captured on flat picture planes. Amongst these shapes, the sectional drawings embedded within are discovered. This progressive process is a crucial hint at the possibilities of these drawings and their potential for rethinking design

DIVERSE MODE OF REPRESENTATION CREATES AMBIGUOUS READINGS OF THE SAME WORK The diverse forms of visualising thought play multiple roles and do different kinds of work, varying significantly in both intent and outcome. This approach to mode of visualisation creates the possibility that ideas and visual registers can coexist, moving between what is known and what might be known. This effectively enlarges the pool of potential contribution and audiences in spatial proposition. Section showing context

Orthographic showing movements

Montages showing atmosphere

The means and material of representation were reflected and supported by the programme, narrative of the architecture through sections. It provides a means to which the audience can anchor their architectural interpretations on – to provide a context for their own individual visualizations of the building architecture.

This drawing moves between the use of notation and figurative marks, plotting relationships of movement position, duration and figuration over through time.

Drawings contribute to the atmospheric chemistry. Phenomenology suggests that the drawing describes event space. Experiential arena. Photomontages enable the construction of new meaning or entity.

The research & the insect quarterse The story occurs in a scientific laboratory dedicated to the breeding and testing of insects, rats and plant species for the purpose of research and development. Inside, levels of natural light, temperature and moisture are tightly controlled to ensure optimum conditions for experimentation. Moth larvae are kept in thousands of test tubes that hang off metal racks in ordered succession. Bee colonies are segregated into compacted hive cells within timber boxes, stacked one above the other. Ants live in extended tunnels that spread out below the laboratory like an endless network of underground sewers. Planter boxes filled with Vivarium plants are interspersed throughout the space like pockets of vertical forests.

The research & the insect quarterse The scientist moves swiftly around his laboratory, catching glimpses of green Vivarium as he carefully manoeuvres himself amongst the insect quarters. Throughout the day his research prompts him to work with the moveable components of the space climbing up and down sliding ladders, adjusting pulleys that spray mist into the chambers from above, and opening levers in the chimney for ventilation. His movements are always precise and calculated.

The research & the insect quarterse The insect quarters are intentionally dimmed to simulate a nocturnal environment. The scientist knows that these insects respond poorly to harsh lighting and he will not jeopardise his research. Guided by a single small torchlight, he loses all connection with daylight conditions outside. However the soft green glow of chemicals reacting with the insects, punctured only by spurts of cloudy mist is all the compensation he seeks from a job well done.

PERCEIVING OF IMAGES AND INSPIRATION OF HOW NARRATIVES AND PLOTTED OUT Drawing further, 3 final diagrams are conceptualized to demonstrate alternative translations. Narratives from the medical field are injected into these diagrams as a reference point for comprehension of the architecture. At this juncture, Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities lends itself as a reference point for the way in which these diagrams are presented. Calvino engages short dialogues between two characters that are interspersed in five to ten cities to discuss various ideas imparted by the cities on a range of topics including linguistics and human nature.

The book is structured around an interlocking pattern of numbered sections. Calvino also appoints objects from the cities to tell the story. The implication is for each character to understand the other through their own interpretation. Linguistically, they do not speak the same language, which then too leaves many decisions to the individual reader. Hence the intention for this project is to be intentionally tangential – leaving conclusions to the observer.

Ground Floor Plan : High ceiling internal basketball court

First Floor Plan : language and art class rooms

Second Floor Plan : multipurpose hall

Basement : Carpark

Ground Floor Plan : Entrance and carpark

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Side Elevation


แบบผังแม่บท ๐๕๓๐ - ตื่นนอน ปฏิญาณตน ตรวจยอด ๐๕๔๐ - วิ่งออกกาลังกายและกายบริ หาร ๐๖๑๐ - ๐๖๕๐ กิจวัตรส่วนตัว จัดระเบียบอาคารนอน ทางรถดับเพลิงจากภายนอก

๐๗๐๐ - รวมแถว นาแถวไปรับประทานอาหาร ๐๗๔๐ - นาแถวเดินไปเคารพธงชาติท่ ลี านอเนกประสงค์

๐๘๒๐ - ๑๒๐๐ แยกไปศึกษา ณ กกศ.รร.นอ.






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