Boarding School Brochure 2014

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OUTSTANDING WORLD OF EDUCATION by Thanyapura and Phuket International Academy Day School

Thanyapura, Phuket

WELCOME TO THANYAPURA IT'S MY WORLD. MAKE IT YOURS. It's my pleasure and a privilege to introduce you to Thanyapura Phuket … and to a growing world of excellence in sport, health, wellness and – no less importantly - education. One thing I learned on my way to the top of the sport of triathlon is that life's a learning curve. One huge debt of gratitude I owe is to my late Mum, a great teacher, for making sure I finished my education before choosing a life of sport. My career as a professional athlete brought me to Thanyapura. But it was the unique three-dimensional approach – coaching for mind, body and soul - and the foundation this has in education that has kept me here.

Chris McCormack Executive Chairman of Thanyapura [ :RUOG &KDPSLRQ 7ULDWKOHWH Olympic Distance ITU Triathlon World Champion [ ,URQPDQ &KDPSLRQ 1R :RUOG 5DQNHG 7ULDWKOHWH IRU PRQWKV (631 :RUOG·V )LWWHVW $WKOHWH [ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $WKOHWH RI WKH <HDU ² 7ULDWKORQ 2YHU ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5DFH 9LFWRULHV New York Times' best-selling author of I’m Here to Win

As a father of three, finding an environment for my children which gives them the greatest opportunities to develop academically, physically and as well-rounded young people is a priority. My wife and I wanted a school that offered a solid foundation in education, sport and emotional growth, with access to the best teachers and coaches without compromising lifestyle or security. We found our dream at Thanyapura. There is simply no other place on earth that offers everything we have here – to live, train and learn in three dimensions, in paradise.

Chris McCormack

Experience Thanyapura Phuket for yourself. Discover, like we did, what it means to







HEALTHY MIND, HEALTHY BODY, WINNING EDUCATION: JUNIOR SPORT ACADEMIES Thanyapura's Junior Sport Academies combine an array of the finest sporting facilities in Asia and the cream of trainers and coaches, all specialists in their chosen fields, with outstanding educational opportunities at Phuket International Academy Day School, a full International Baccalaureate (IB) World School. As from August 2014, a boarding facility will offer full board and week-day boarding options open to all students and Junior Sport Academy athletes from 13-18 years. Thanyapura has become the talk of sporting circles in Asia and beyond for its unique three-dimensional approach to coaching and its truly world-class facilities and amenities. Contained within a spectacular 23 hectare campus, Thanyapura is just a short drive from Phuket International Airport in a natural paradise ringed by lush mountains and national parks. It is a unique, inspiring and world-class destination for individuals and groups, from amateur sports enthusiasts to those looking for a more balanced approach to the management of body and mind. This provides junior athletes opportunities in training and competition, whilst developing the very highest level of skill and ability to those aspiring to greatness in Tennis, Swimming and Triathlon. Our Junior Sport Academies offer students all the benefits of an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School education at Thanyapura's Phuket International Academy Day School, with DFFHVV WR 7KDQ\DSXUD路V QHZ ERDUGLQJ IDFLOLW\ IURP $XJXVW This allows aspiring young athletes (ages 13-18) to integrate sports training with an exemplary IB education, all under one roof.

FOR THE ASPIRING ACE: TENNIS ACADEMY Providing leading-edge coaches, facilities and teaching methodologies to guide aspiring young athletes to succeed on the professional circuit or secure university and college scholarships is the focus at Thanyapura's Junior Tennis Academy. The programme is designed to develop well balanced players who have the technical, tactical, physical and mental skills to produce the winning shot from any situation. This leading-edge training programme challenges players to develop instinctive shot selection, create winning plays and understand their opponents through match-simulation drills and regular match play. The mental side of the sport is covered via visualisation and mindfulness sessions. ‡ 3OH[L FXVKLRQ FRXUWV FRYHUHG LGHQWLFDO WR WKH $XVWUDOLDQ 2SHQ VXUIDFH ‡ 7HQQLV VSHFLILF DJLOLW\ VSHHG DQG FRQGLWLRQLQJ VHVVLRQV ‡ 0LQG WUDLQLQJ VNLOOV DQG ZLQQLQJ PHQWDOLW\ GHYHORSPHQW VHVVLRQV ‡ 9LGHR VWURNH DQDO\VLV ‡ 7UDLQLQJ FDPS RI FKRLFH IRU JURZLQJ OLVW RI :RUOG 7RS SOD\HUV


FOR THE GIFTED ALL-ROUNDER: TRIATHLON ACADEMY Inspiring young and gifted triathletes to win on the world stage is our goal … and our passion! Thanyapura's Junior Triathlon Academy offers aspiring champions a unique combination of expert coaching, world-class facilities, sports science support and ideal weather conditions all in one idyllic campus on the island that has become a world-class sporting destination. The programme is specifically tailored to International Triathlon Union (ITU) draft-legal triathlon racing, so athletes can succeed whether their aim is the national championships, or the next Olympic Games. Thanyapura instils a winning mindset by offering young athletes the chance to train alongside world champions, including 4x world champion and Thanyapura Executive Chairman Chris McCormack and an impressive roster of professional triathletes every day.



)25 7+( $48$7,& $&+,(9(5 SWIMMING ACADEMY Regarded as one of the premier swimming facilities in the world, Thanyapura's Junior Swimming Academy provides a unique opportunity for aspiring young champions to succeed in the pool in the wake of Olympic and World Champions. Under the guidance of professional coaches with peerless track records, swimmers will be placed on a long-term athlete development plan with the goal of obtaining college scholarships and succeeding on the national and international stages. In a performance-focused team environment, training includes pool sessions (up to 10 per week), plus strength and conditioning work, swimming-specific mind training classes and sports science sessions on a weekly basis. P P 2O\PSLF VWDQGDUG VZLPPLQJ SRROV +LJK SHUIRUPDQFH VWUHQJWK DQG FRQGLWLRQLQJ URRP RQ SRRO GHFN 'DNWURQLFV (OHFWURQLF 7LPLQJ 8QGHUZDWHU YLHZLQJ URRP DQG YLGHR DQDO\VLV VTP RI &DUGLR DQG 3RZHU J\P HTXLSPHQW 7UDLQLQJ FDPS RI FKRLFH IRU RYHU 2O\PSLF DQG :RUOG &KDPSLRQV HDFK \HDU


SUPPORTING YOUR QUEST FOR SUCCESS Thanyapura offers high performance support for the development of Elite Junior Athletes through sports science, sports medicine, sport mind coaching, and strength and conditioning. Utilizing experts, with international experience, the Elite Junior Sport Academies ensure that the body is prepared optimally for training and during competition. The Pura Performance fitness centre provides high performance training areas with state-of-the-art equipment from Technogym, plus an extensive range of free weights and cardio equipment. The development of functional strength, prevention of injury and enhancement of sport specific muscle groups are the foundation of the strength and conditioning program. Our sport science program analyses sport specific movement patterns and technique through video analysis with the coach; identifies strengths and weaknesses through strength and power testing; improves power-to-weight ratio through monitoring of body composition; DQG DQDO\VHV WKH DWKOHWH路V HQJLQH WKURXJK SK\VLRORJLFDO WHVWLQJ Through our sports medicine clinic athletes will be monitored for postural alignment and muscle imbalances. We will analyze oxidative stress and monitor blood parameters to ensure the body functions optimally. Thanyapura has a world leading mind training programme allowing athletes to control their focus and attention to ensure they have the mental edge over opponents when it really counts.


EXCELLENCE IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Phuket International Academy Day School (PIADS) is an outstanding International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, which draws on the uniqueness of Asian culture and the very best Western educational traditions. PIADS develops knowledgeable, inquiring, compassionate and caring young people; well-rounded individuals who know how to live with integrity, cultivate genuine happiness and who strive to create a more peaceful and sustainable world. The three IB programmes, the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP), are designed for students aged 3 to19 and develop the intellectual, social and emotional skills required to live, learn and work successfully in a rapidly changing, globalizing world. From August 2014, in addition to providing a world-class education to students from all over the world, the school will benefit from 7KDQ\DSXUD¡V RIIHULQJ D VHOHFW QXPEHU RI SODFHV DW LWV QHZ -XQLRU 6SRUW $FDGHPLHV VSHFLDOL]LQJ LQ 6ZLPPLQJ 7HQQLV DQG 7ULDWKORQ -XQLRU athletes aspiring to sporting excellence will attend PIADS and will be accommodated in new, purpose-built boarding facilities, with week-day or full board options available, supervised by Thanypura's carefully selected education and sports coaching professionals.


KEY BENEFITS OF IB PROGRAMMES $FDGHPLF 5LJRXU Students, at all levels in the IB, learn how to analyze, problem solve and reach thoughtful conclusions in each of the challenging programmes. This encourages each student to attain the highest levels of educational excellence and performance. ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 2XWORRN Each of the IB programmes encourages students, at their respective ages, to become globally responsible citizens. Internationalmindedness is woven into the curriculum as a key value in the understanding that what unites us as human beings is greater than what divides us. The traits and characteristics identified in the learner profile are applicable to all who seek to be internationally-minded citizens with a sense of responsibility for their planet. 7UXH 3HUVSHFWLYH The curriculum and pedagogy of IB programmes focus on international perspectives of learning and teaching, whilst requiring that students fully explore and connect with their home language, culture and traditions, ensuring both a local and global perspective on the world and their place in it. *OREDO 5HFRJQLWLRQ Students graduating from the Diploma Programme find that it greatly enhances their opportunities to gain admission at tertiary institutions around the world. Indeed, the premier universities recognize the IB as the "gold standard" in world-class education, purposefully seeking out IB graduates to attend their schools and colleges.


MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME (MYP) AGES 11 – 16 YEARS The International Baccalaureate states that the MYP is designed for students aged 11 to 16. It provides a framework of learning, which encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The MYP emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement, qualities that are essential for life in the 21st century. The International Baccalaureate MYP consists of eight subject groups integrated through five interactive areas, providing global contexts for learning. Students are required to study two languages (as part of their multilingual profile), humanities, sciences, mathematics, arts, physical education and technology. In their final year, students also undertake an independent ¶SHUVRQDO SURMHFW· WR GHPRQVWUDWH WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI WKHLU VNLOOV and understanding.

DIPLOMA PROGRAMME (DP) AGES 16 – 19 YEARS The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is an academically challenging and balanced programme of education with final examinations, which prepares students, aged 16 to 19, for success at university and life beyond. It has been designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of all students. Students must choose one subject from each of five groups (1 to 5), ensuring breadth of knowledge and understanding in their best language, additional language(s), the social sciences, the experimental sciences and mathematics. Students may choose either an arts subject from group 6, or a second subject from groups 1 to 5. The Extended Essay asks students to engage in independent research through an in-depth study of a question relating to one of the DP subjects they are studying. The world studies extended essay option allows students to focus on a topic of global significance, which they examine through the lens of at least two DP subjects. Theory of knowledge develops a coherent approach to learning that unifies the academic disciplines. In this course on critical thinking, students inquire into the nature of knowing and deepen their understanding of knowledge as a human construction. Creativity and Service - The core components of IB programmes encourage students to participate in creative and service-oriented activities, whilst at the same time emphasizing the importance of reflection on both a personal and academic level, preparing them for success in life, whatever they choose. Creativity, action, service (CAS) involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies throughout the Diploma Programme. Creativity encourages students to engage in the arts and creative thinking. Action seeks to develop a healthy lifestyle through physical activity. Service within the community offers a vehicle for a new learning with academic value. The three strands RI &$6 HQKDQFH VWXGHQWV· SHUVRQDO DQG LQWHUSHUVRQDO GHYHORSPHQW through experiential learning and enable journeys of self-discovery.

LEARNING AHEAD OF THE CURVE: FURTHER PIADS POINTS OF DIFFERENCE SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING (SEL) AND MINDFULNESS Our approach to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mindfulness at PIADS establishes a positive school culture by improving both intrapersonal awareness and interpersonal sensitivity. We believe that the cultivation of “EQ” emotional intelligence is as important as the cultivation of IQ-based learning. We believe that our evidence based SEL and Mindfulness curricula improve the ability to sustain, focus and absorb information, perform under pressure, maintain emotional resilience in the face of setbacks and improve immune system functioning, all of which improve academic performance. We believe that in decades to come, these SEL/M curricula will become standard. PIADS is affiliated with the world's leading figures in SEL/M, and is an internationally recognized “lighthouse school” in this important area. Our developmentally appropriate resources are built on the latest in cognitive neuroscience, social and emotional skill development, mindful awareness practices, and research on positive emotions.


STUDY IN WORLD-CLASS FACILITIES PIADS offers the very best facilities including a state-of-the-art purpose-built science lab; hi-tech music equipment and facilities; projectors and high quality speakers in each classroom; high-speed Wi-Fi available throughout the campus; an extensive library; and world-class sporting facilities - gymnasium, basketball courts, indoor volleyball, badminton and a futsal pitch.

THE RIGHT ENVIRONMENT, NATURALLY Phuket International Academy Day School is situated on an extensive campus nestled on the boundary of a mountainous national park in the northeast of Phuket Island. The fresh air and natural beauty of the area are the perfect environment for students, fostering concentration when it is required and providing a welcome diversion between classes.

Within the Thanyapura complex, students have access to a 500m cushion-loaded athletics track, Olympic standard 50m and 25m swimming pools and four indoor as well as outdoor state-of-the art Plexicushion tennis courts. The MYP students also enjoy beach volleyball and table tennis during their break periods.

This bio-diverse environment is an education in its own right, SURYLGLQJ 3,$'6·V VWXGHQWV ZLWK SOHQWLIXO RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR H[SORUH and study their surrounds, enhancing their respect and appreciation for nature and the world around us.

COMPREHENSIVE CO-CURRICULAR PROGRAMME Sports – swimming, tennis, football, ultimate Frisbee, touch rugby, athletics, fitness, basketball, gymnastics, etc. Arts – Art club, music ensemble, bands, drama, creative writing, circus acts. Culture – Thai, French and Chinese cultural programmes, yoga, mindfulness, Muay Thai, Thai dancing. OUTSTANDING FOOD SERVICE All students are provided with nutritious and delicious snacks, lunch, and afternoon tea, with many food items supplied by our organic farm.


EXTRA CURRICULAR CREATIVITY PIADS students are all members of Thanyapura which means access to international leading edge sports and leisure facilities and programmes. Many PIADS students are enrolled in Junior Sport Academy programmes in the sports of Triathlon, Tennis and Swimming. PIADS is also home to the Phuket Academy of Performing Arts (PAPA), which encourages students to take advantage of singing, dancing and music lessons and to become a part of our school choir, orchestra, drama and dance troupes, or even to form a rock band with their fellow students. Private lessons are available to learn a range of musical instruments. SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships at PIADS are available for high achieving middle and high school students.

BOARDING FACILITIES Thanyapura residential life is about growing together, bonding with friends from around the world and excelling in both sport and academics under the supervision of our teachers, coaches and mentors. 7KH UHVLGHQWLDO FRPPXQDO OLYLQJ H[SHULHQFH SURYLGHV D œ+RPH DZD\ IURP +RPH¡ IRU DOO 7KDQ\DSXUD %RDUGLQJ UHVLGHQWV VHFXUH LQ D healthy and safe environment, with 24/7 access to international standard medical facilities and highly trained doctors and nurses of our Thanyapura Integrative Health Centre. Thanyapura teachers, coaches and mentors (full time supervisors) are recruited from around the world for their commitment to inspiring and nurturing boys and girls from 13-18 years, guiding both their academic and sporting life and serving as exemplary role models as our students learn and grow. Living at Thanyapura fosters friendship, creativity, an appreciation for international-mindedness and develops both academic and sporting success. Together, resident students and staff create a unique experience of bonding which fosters personal growth. This unique community is located a short stroll from the PIADS IB World School, where an outstanding international education is offered.



THANYAPURA MIND CENTRE Thanyapura Mind Centre offers teachings in meditation, yoga and related practices to all who seek greater meaning and fulfilment in their lives. The Centre also brings these ancient contemplative practices together with rigorous modern scientific methods, including neuroscience and psychology.




The 77-room Thanyapura Sports Hotel, the first of its kind in Asia and beyond, and the 38-room Thanyapura Retreat offer modern conveniences and ease of access to Thanyapura's leading-edge facilities with friendly and energetic service.

Thanyapura Health, our integrative multidisciplinary health centre, offers everything from medical doctors, physiotherapists, sport scientists and other specialist practitioners to support your health and athletic performance to the latest advances in aesthetics, rejuvenation and sports injury regeneration brought to you by Professor Michael Klentze and his team of world-renowned experts in their fields. Specialized sports massage and other relaxing massage therapies, as well as invigorating spa and facial treatments are also available.

PURA ORGANIC Savour the delectable all natural goodness of organic produce. Our own organic food distribution company sources only the best organic produce that has been taken from farms that follow eco friendly and sustainable practices, such as Thanyapura Organic Farm in Surat Thani. Bursting with fresh flavours and healthy nutrients, this wide range of organic produce is perfect for families leading an active lifestyle and looking to put the zest back into life.



Discover dining delights at the aptly-named 'L9LQH RUJDQLF UHVWDXUDQW ZKHUH 7KDL and international casual a la carte dining and signature organic specialties are complemented by produce fresh from our own organic farm, healthy juices and a choice of indoor and outdoor seating.

Thanyapura Organic Farm ranges over a lush 1,600sqm in the verdant hills of Surat Thani province, adjacent to Thailand's 'Emerald Forest', Khao Sok National Park. The farm is the only one in southern Thailand with an Agricultural Certificate of Thailand (ACT), part of the International Organic Accreditation Service. All plants are grown 100% organic and chemical free.


Phuket International Airport is less than 15 minutes away with direct flights from 38 international destinations.


Fresh organic food grown, prepared and cooked with athletes in mind and for gourmets at heart by Thanyapura's dream team of chefs.

Thanyapura Sports Hotel, Asia's first true sports hotel, close to school and perfect IRU DQ LQWURGXFWLRQ WR 7KDQ\DSXUD路V Active Healthy Lifestyle or for visiting parents of boarders.


Fully integrated clinic with general practice, sports medicine, nutrition and nurse services to ensure your child is healthy and injury free.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year on-site VHFXULW\ IRU \RXU FKLOG路V SURWHFWLRQ

The chance to rub shoulders with more than 50 Olympians and World Champions who choose Thanyapura as their base or training retreat. And more than that, the chance to train with them.

Students have access to high achievers, mentors and motivational speakers from the disciplines of sport, science, mind-training, education and the business world on a regular basis.

Imagine training alongside Olympic superstars and world champions.

YOUR DESTINATION FOR SPORTS AND EDUCATION Long celebrated for the unique hospitality of its people and the modern infrastructure of its cities. Thailand has been welcoming thousands of international students from around the world each year. Travel and transportation are convenient for visitors as there are many ways to get to Thailand and even more ways to travel around, whether your destination is Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, or the most remote provinces. With its internationally authorized curricula, world-class facilities and a wide selection of courses, it is QR VXUSULVH WKDW 7KDLODQG LV RQH RI WKH ZRUOG¡V PRVW GHVLUDEOH GHVWLQDWLRQV IRU LQWHUQDWLRQDO HGXFDWLRQ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡


Direct Flights from 38 International Destinations to Phuket For more information Tel: +66 (0)76 336 000 Ext. 3555 DID +66 (0)76 336 077 Fax: +66 (0)76 336 069 Email: $GGUHVV 120/1 Moo 7, Thepkasattri Rd. Thepkasattri, Thalang Phuket 83110 Thailand :HEVLWH



LIVE AND LEARN IN PHUKET Thanyapura is located in the northern part of Phuket in Thalang district, near to Khao Phra Thaew National Park. The island's long history has shaped Phuket with its diverse ethnic groups, culture, architectural influence, and fine cuisine. These attributes have made Phuket a complete tourist destination that offers a lot more beyond its natural heritage of sea, sand, forest, and ZRUOG UHQRZQHG GLYLQJ VLWHV 3KXNHW¡V VW\OH of hospitality has never failed to impress visitors from all walks of life. ‡ 3KXNHW 3URYLQFH LV PDGH XS RI LVODQGV including Phuket Island, the largest in Thailand. ‡ 3KXNHW LV ORFDWHG DSSUR[LPDWHO\ kilometres south of Bangkok. ‡ 7KHUH DUH RQO\ WZR VHDVRQV LQ D \HDU WKH green season (May to October) and the dry season (November to April). ‡ 7KH EHDFKHV RI WKH VRXWK FRDVW DUH typically crowded, whilst those of the north are more tranquil. Thanyapura is located just 15 minutes by car from Nai Thon beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the north.


THANYAPURA 1. Information Desk 2. Power Station 3. Fitness Centre – Power Zone 4. Fitness Centre – Cardio Zone 5. TIHC Consultation Rooms 6. Wellness Studio (Level 2) 7. Spinning Room (Level 2) 8. Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Courts 9. Beach Volleyball / Football 10. Football / Rugby Pitch 11. Athletic Track 12. Futsal Pitch 13. Basketball Court 14. 50m Swimming Pool 15. 25m Swimming Pool 16. The Tree Club with Children’s Pool 17. Sports Locker Rooms 18. Lifestyle Locker Rooms 19. Tennis Locker Rooms 20. Football / Rugby Locker Rooms 21. Cafe, Mini Mart + Retail Shop 22. The View Conference Hall 23. Divine Restaurant 24. Booster Bar 25. Integrative Health Centre 26. Project Xtreme – Boot Camp and Assault Course

THANYAPURA HOTELS 27. Thanyapura Sports Hotel 28. Pool Bar 29. Hotel Pool 30. Thanyapura Retreat Hotel 31. Teaching Hall 32. Khun Khao Restaurant

PHUKET INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY DAY SCHOOL 33. Reception and Main Administration Building 34. Multi-purpose Hall, Cafeteria and Performing Arts Building 35. Gymnasium 36. Early Learning Centre 37. Lower Primary Building 38. Upper Primary Building 39. Secondary School Building


40. Proposed Secondary School Building 41-42. Thanyapura Boarding Facility


120/1 Moo 7, Thepkasattri Rd., Thepkasattri, Thalang, Phuket 83110, Thailand Tel: +66 (0)76 336 000 Ext. 3555 DID +66 (0)76 336 077 Fax: +66 (0)76 336 069 Email:

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