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Rahma for Special Needs at a Glance
Rahma for Special Needs (RSN) is a specialized humanitarian registered center (through ADJI 1981- Lebanon) dedicated to serve and support some of the most marginalized Lebanese, Syrian & Palestinian children with special needs (PWSN), Rahma for Special Needs welcomes more than 600 children yearly in its internal and external departments where it offers an educational, rehabilitation, and social support specialized programs.
Our Center is Certified Green School, equipped with a high technology infrastructure, developed quality system, and a specialized team who aim to assure services perfectness with respecting of safety standards. Our team includes more than 120 employees of different specializations and shifts, throughout several departments:
Educational Department (Academic & Vocational Sections), Rehabilitation Department (All Therapeutic Services), Social and Health department (Social & Community Engagement), Public Relations & Activities (RSTP Programs), and the Administrative Specialized Team (HR, Finance, Admission).
Rahma for Special Needs (RSN) seeks to ensure and achieve Educational & Rehabilitation excellence, and plan to increase Social Integration & Community Engagement in our society, through a group of specialists who intended to excel in their work and enhance the quality continuously.
This is what helped us to signed many partnerships with many international organizations such as MOSA, UNICEF, LHF, ANERA, The World Bank Group, additional to a lot of a scientific partnerships with local universities and institutions such (Lebanese University, University of Balamand, USJ, ITOT, IPNET), additional to coordination with local social, fitness, & artistic partners.
Our goals and all operational pathways are to increase the PWD empowerment, productivity and the effectiveness in more equitable systems in our society.
All programs are built on and inspired by our strategic plan who mentioned in its vision to lead special education, rehabilitation and integrate children to make a difference. RSN is committed to promote achievement of children with disabilities through services, activities and social engagement. We monitor and measure our progress through our specific KPIs in each department, on a monthly and annual basis, and we expect that over time our strategic goals and objectives will be achieved with quality.
RSN is committed to promote achievement of Children with Special needs through education, rehabilitation and social training to enable them to reach their full potential and offer support to their families & Society.
Leading in Special Education, Rehabilitation & Integrating Children to make a Difference.
Our Values
Our Values lie in mastering education, rehabilitation and Social Engagement. Furthermore, our values are to manage our projects through a high standards methodology in order to achieve our plan with quality and sustainability. Our values are to Monitor and evaluate our improvement through specific performance indicators, and we expect that we will achieve all targeted aim with beneficiary’s satisfactions.