With Him is the fullness of life
Jn 10:10
Our motto is our vision—the commitment to ensure every member of our community is empowered to achieve success, act with integrity and contribute to the common good—Christian discipleship for a just world.
Inspired by the Gospels’ values, John Paul College provides an exemplary and holistic education within the Catholic tradition.
Our community welcomes students and their families from the parishes and communities of the greater Frankston region.
We believe every student’s success is grounded in quality learning and teaching, and a school culture that fosters wellbeing, promotes resilience and inspires faith in action.
Principal’s Message
Welcome to Year 7 at John Paul College. We thank parents for choosing our College for their child’s secondary education.
The time of transition from primary into secondary education is an exciting time for students and their parents/guardians. It is an opportunity to explore new horizons and undertake new learning experiences. It can also be a time of challenge for some students and parents. Leaving behind the certainty and security of a primary school setting where the student and their family are known and where everything is familiar is not always easy.
Our aim at John Paul College is to make this time of transition as smooth as possible and to support students and their families to feel welcome and at home. The sense of belonging is important for students in this transition time, and we are committed to ensuring that each and every student is known and feels a part of this community.
Each of you become part the John Paul College community and we look forward to sharing the journey from Year 7 through to Year 12 with you as partners in your child’s education.
This partnership supports students to grow and thrive in all aspects of their schooling experience. We commit ourselves to be a school where each student’s success is grounded in quality learning and teaching and create a school culture that fosters wellbeing, promotes resilience and inspires faith in action.
My best wishes for the journey ahead.
John Visentin PRINCIPAL
Key Dates
Orientation Day Start: 8:30am
Finish: 12:30pm
• Casual Clothes and hat
• Pen and/or pencil
• Bring a drink bottle
• Morning Tea will be provided
• For specific dietary requirements please contact Lisa Meddings, meddingl@jpc.vic.edu.au
• Kealy Centre drop off and collection
First day for Year 7s Start: 8:30am
Finish: 12:30pm
• John Paul College Summer Uniform
• Bring your laptop and pencil case
• Bring your drink bottle
• Bring half your text and exercise books (bring remainder the next day)
• Morning Tea
• For specific dietary requirements please contact Lisa Meddings, meddingl@jpc.vic.edu.au
• School photo day for Year 7 & 12 students only
• Kealy Centre drop off and collection
First full day for all students Start: 8.30am
Finish: 3.00pm
• Bring remainder of your books for first full day of classes
House Spirit & Our Shield
House connections play a significant role in our students’ journey at John Paul College and provide an extra sense of pride and belonging.
The four Houses; Chaminade, D’Houet, Olsen and Turner pay special tribute to the our history and formation. Students are designated a House when they enter in Year 7 and stay with that House for their journey at the College.
Marianist Boys’ College preceded John Paul College and this symbol of Mary our Mother continues today to hold significance for John Paul College. This panel is dedicated to Joseph Chaminade, founder of the Marianists. The charism of Chaminade is perseverance.
The anchor, an ancient Christian symbol of hope, is representative of Stella Maris Girls’ College established by the Faithful Companions of Jesus. Stella Maris also preceded John Paul College. This panel is dedicated to Madeleine D’Houet, the founder of the Faithful Companions of Jesus. The charism of D’Houet is courage.
The dolphin represents Frankston and the Peninsula. This panel is dedicated to OJ Olsen, a benefactor of John Paul College. The charism of Olsen is generosity.
The Papal keys signify that the College community is held within the faith tradition of the universal Catholic Church. This panel of the College crest is dedicated to Mary Turner, one of the founders of John Paul College. The charism of Turner is community.
“It is in relationship with God and others in the school community that young people are enabled to discover who they are, where they come from, and what their destiny can be.”
At John Paul College, student wellbeing is our highest priority. Wellbeing is central to young people’s academic learning and life outcomes. Our values, structures and teaching promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and safety.
The four pillars of wellbeing at the College are Pastoral Care, Child Safety, Community Engagement, and Student Voice & Agency. Our vision is for all students to feel safe, respected, supported and empowered in their school journey.
Pastoral Care at John Paul College is a framework of support for our students from Year 7 to Year 12. It has a dual foundation of relationships and learning and is an integral element of our visible focus on wellbeing.
• Creating support networks for students
• Fostering social and emotional skills
• Extracurricular and co-curricular activities
Child Safety at John Paul College is an explicit commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment where the emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual and physical wellbeing of our students is a priority.
• Zero tolerance for abuse
• Child safety policies and strategies
• Promotion of inclusion and diversity
Community Engagement at John Paul College is centred on the understanding that authentic human flourishing occurs in communion and connection with others. By understanding our individual and collective responsibilities within the John Paul College community, we strengthen a sense of belonging which helps promote resilience, positive behaviour and supports mental and emotional wellbeing.
• Building relationships with students, teachers, parents and community
• Instilling values of social justice, inclusion and equity
Student Voice and Agency at John Paul College is an embedded approach whereby students contribute their ideas and thoughts to their learning and wellbeing collaboratively with staff to develop empowerment and connection.
• Collaboration with students, families and staff in decision making