Rundall Real Estate Group - Guide to Home Ownership

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Our Team

Having lived and worked in Des Moines for most of our lives, and some of us all of our lives we understand what makes our community and the people who call it home so special. From the summer Art Festival and Iowa State Fair to the local restaurants and coffee shops to the Broadway shows at the Civic Center, Des Moines is a special place that we are proud to call home. That's what it takes to truly be a local real estate expert. Not just expertise in negotiation and marketing, but an understanding of our community and the people who live here. That's just one reason to choose us to Stand By Your Side - and serving our community is the foundation of everything we do

What you can expect working with us

We’re Curious

We want to have a clear understanding of your goals, who you are, and what your home means to you

We’re Committed

We bring our A-game to every transaction, and we ’ re committed to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients.

We’re Proactive

We’re always one step ahead, anticipating potential roadblocks and finding creative solutions to overcome them

We’re Personal

We believe in building relationships with our clients and treating them like family, because in the end, that's what leads to the best possible results


✓ Gather your documents

✓ Obtain pre-approval or proof of funds

✓ Locate down payment funds

✓ Prepare for any additional costs


Home Search


✓ Preview potential properties online

✓ Schedule showings and view the properties you are most interested in


Under Contract

✓ Write an offer to purchase on your favorite property


✓ Negotiate the terms of the offer and accept the contract

✓ Deposit escrow, complete loan application and homeowners insurance quotes 3


Due Diligence

✓ Conduct inspections

✓ Resolve/negotiate any issues from inspection

✓ Your lender will order the appraisal

✓ Obtain homeowners insurance

Closing Time

✓Titlecompanywillconducttitlesearch andordersurvey



✓Conductafinalwalk-throughof propertyandclose


The Mortgage Proces

Theveryfirststepofthehom togetapre-approvalletter howmuchyouarequalified askyourpotentiallendersso makesuretheyareagood

Apre-approvalisonlyvalid whileyoucanstarttalkingt towaitongettingthatpreyou ’rereadytobuy.

Searching Strategically

Before we hop into the home search, I like to advise my clients to create a "Needs" list and a "Wants" list. This will help us to really focus on the things that are most important in your future home.


Needs are the non-negotiable features; the features you simply must have in yor next home. Wants are the ones you’d like to have, but you can add or change down the road.

Find a property that interests you?

If you have any questions about a property, send me the information and I will find out for you. Send me listings you like and I can get more information and set up showings on your behalf.













Soyouthinkyou've foundtheone?

It's time to make an offer! To make an offer, you'll need your pre-approval letter or proof of funds. You'll also need to make an escrow deposit of at least 1-2% of the purchase price. This will go towards your closing costs at closing.

Tip: Remember, you can’t change the lot or the location so make sure you love both.

You also don’t want to be the priciest home on the block. I will help you assess whether or not that’s the case.

re under contract... now what?

You made an offer, and it has been accepted go ahead, cue the confetti! And while it’ll be a few more days until you can move in, you ’ re well on your way to closing the deal on your new home sweet home.

Here's a quick rundown on what happens after you make an offer and your new home is “under contract.”

Your Transaction Coordinator will send you Next Steps and Important Dates, how to submit earnest, and find an inspector. They’re your “project manager ” keeping tabs on the over 30 people that may participate in the transaction.

First, I will carefully review important dates and information you will need to know to ensure a successful closing.

You’ll need to meet with a mortgage lender to firm up financing details and lock in your interest rate.


Once the home inspection report comes in (and you should definitely request a home inspection), we may need to negotiate any repairs with your seller.

Towards the closing date, you’ll get a call from your closing attorney’s office to schedule your closing.

Now that we are under contract, it's time for inspections!

Duringtheinspectionperiod,thebuyerhasthe righttohireaprofessionaltoinspectthe conditionofthehome.

Iftheresultsontheinspectionreportcomesback withanyissuesthatneedtobeaddressed,the buyermayaskthesellertocoverthecostsof theserepairs,reducethesalesprice,orfixthe repairsbeforeclosing.

What is the appraisal?

An appraisal is an estimate of the value of the property by a licensed professional appraiser.

Once any problems during the inspection are solved, the appraisal will be ordered by the lender and paid for by you. .


The goal of the appraisal is to verify the value of the property for the lender and to protect you from overpaying.

The contract is contingent upon whether the appraisal comes in at or above the purchase price. If the appraisal comes back short, we will be back to the negotiating table

Finalizing the mortgage

Itisveryimportantnottomakeany majorjobchanges,major purchases,oropennewcredit cardsorlinesofcredit,asanyof theseactivitiescouldalteryour qualificationsforaloan.


Once the lender tells us we have a clear-toclose, all that remains is the actual closing process. This means the mortgage underwriter has officially approved all documentation required to fund the loan.

Now what?

Wewilltypicallyschedulethefinalwalkthroughrightbeforeclosingsowecan confirmthatthesellermadeanyrepairsand tomakesurenoissueshavecomeup.We'll scheduleaclosingdatewherewewillmeet withthelender’sclosertosigntheclosing documents.You'llreceiveyournewkeysat theclosingtable!

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