Philadelphia, PA Fashion Designer Devon Hamwright talks Illustration, Education, & Cosmetics in an Exclusive Interview w/ Mistah Wilson
Philadelphia, PA Fashion Designer Devon Hamwright talks Illustration, Education, & Cosmetics in an Exclusive Interview w/ Mistah Wilson Mistah Wilso n: Hello,
area. I think the event
Design. I’ve been working
Devon Hamwr igh t! Thank
will be well attended
ever since !
you for coming through
since it was promoted
for this exclus ive
since early this winte r. I
Mistah Wilso n: How was
inter vie w with
like to give myse lf time
life growing up for you in
ThaWilso n Bloc k
in between fashio n shows
Philade lp hia , PA?
Magazine. How is
so that I am not burned
Devon Hamwr igh t: I grew
everythin g coming along?
out and walk ing in with
up near Mt. Airy and
Devon Hamwr igh t :
the exact same pieces.
Chestnut Hill area. The
Everything is coming
area looks extre me ly
along well. Spring got
Mistah Wilso n: Before we
suburba n and a lot of
hectic for me as a ton of
go any furthe r, would you
families are here. I went
projects came togethe r at
mind giving the audie nc e
to a priva te school in the
the exact same time. I am
a quick backgro und on
suburbs so I didn’ t spend
currently working towards
yourse lf ?
the major ity of my time in
gettin g a colle ctio n
Devon Hamwr igh t : Sure! I
actual Phila de lp h ia. It
together that will debut at
started my pre- colle ge
was an amazin g resource
the Secret Garden Fashio n
training at the Unive r s ity
to have the Philad e lp hia
Show on July 21st. I’m
of the Arts. I received my
Art Museum, Barnes
just really focused on
associates degree in 2013
Collec tio n, Franklin
putting my energy into
for Art & Design from
Institute as colle ge
that for right now. The
Commun ity Colle ge of
student. Philad e lp hia may
show will take place in
Philade lp hia . I received
have its proble ms but is a
Egg Harbor Township, NJ.
my Bache lo r s of Scienc e
great place for a young
I’m starting to do shows
from Phila de lp h ia
profess io na l to try to get
outsid e my hometown
Univer s ity in Fashio n
establis hed.
Mistah Wilso n: Whic h
opportunitie s as a
was older, had multip le
came first, your intere s t
teenage r. I also modeled
childr e n and picked a
in illus tr a tio n or fashio n?
for a frie nd of my family
differ e nt career path firs t.
Devon Hamwr igh t : I
she owned her own local
belie ve my intere s t in
boutiq ue.
illus tra tio n came first. I
Mistah Wilso n: Do you have any exper ie nce in
started trying to do my
Mistah Wilso n: As far as
Cosmetic s and Modeling?
best to copy intere s ting
illus tra tio n, when did you
Devon Hamwr igh t: Good
fashio n related ima ge s
know you were a creative
questio n. I have limite d
that I saw online. The
area of experie nc e in
fashio n came togethe r
Devon Hamwr igh t : There
Cosmetic s as career path.
definite ly last. It was
is never a mome nt when
I know a good deal about
inte llec tua lly stimula tin g
you “quote ” know!
makeup because I used to
to see so many student
However, there is a
work in a spa and salon. I
designe rs working,
mome nt for every artist
have nothing but
cuttin g clothing and
when they have to decide
admir atio n for makeup
engaging them in
to stop playing around
artists. I usua lly have
convers atio n.
and take things more
someone else do makeup
serious ly. I’m lucky that
when I am doing fashio n
Mistah Wilso n: So, tell
realiza tio n hit me when I
shows ( too many things
us…What led you to
was seventee n. A lot
to do). I modeled in high
become a fashio n
people my age are wasting
school for school fashio n
designe r?
their twentie s partyin g,
shows and also for my
Devon Hamwr igh t :
doing drugs and spendin g
frie nd ’s boutiq ue in town.
Journa lis ts like to think
money to impre ss people
Modelin g definite ly
there is a big story line
that don’t care. My
exposed me to some of the
there. I mean I am a
mind se t is that I better
things that go on in the
creative person this was
buckle down now so that I
fashio n indus tr y.
the path that was the best
don’t have to later on! I
fit for me. I was exposed
am going to be able to
to the fashio n industr y
relax in my old age. It
because I got pulled into
would be much harder to
some modeling
do what I’m doing if I
“I believe my interest in illustration came first. I
started trying to do my best to copy interesting fashion related images that I saw online. The fashion came together definitely last.”
definitely exposed me to some of the things that go on in the fashion
Mistah Wilso n: What are
educatio n put me on the
skipped livin g in the
some events you’ve been
path to becoming a
dorms and it cut my
a part of?
designe r than not havin g
student loans in half.
Devon Hamwr igh t : I was
done school. It could have
However, I didn’t think
apart of Atlantic City
taken me twice as long
not living in the dorms
Fashio n Week, Inspir in g
witho ut going to school.
would make me an
Teens Fashio n Festiva l,
There are a lot of
outsid er as much as it did.
R.A.W Artis ts and a quite
opportunitie s that are just
I tried to just stay focused
few shows through the
plugged right in as a
on the goal. My mom was
school Philad e lp hia
result of just being being
shelling out her hard
Univer s ity.
enrolled in school. The
earned money. I wasn’t
benefit of the educatio n is
going home witho ut a few
Mistah Wilso n: For our
not just learnin g things
wins under my belt and
younge r audie nc e reading
but having a thrivin g
not get that degree.
this, how impor ta nt is an
network upon leaving the
Trans fer r ing schools can
educatio n and why?
school. People forge t that
be a really tough
Devon Hamwr igh t :
network from colle ge can
experie nc e. All the other
Educatio n can be a great
help them open the door
students bonded during
tool but it is not a
for new potentia l jobs and
freshma n orientatio n. I
guara ntee for success.
inter ns hip s.
came to Philad e lp hia
Your educatio n is a small
Univer s ity as a last
part of a very long
Mistah Wilso n: What was
semeste r sophomo re
equatio n for success. I
your experie nc e like
taking some junior leve l
can’t just fall back and
going to colle ge?
classes. I got accepted to
rest on my degree. I have
Devon Hamwr igh t : I spent
my dream school for the
to active ly seek the
5 ½ years in colle ge .
exact major I wanted in
opportunitie s, apply
Schools do whate ve r they
the beginn in g it is so
myse lf, follo w up, and
can to keep trans fe r
extre me ly excitin g. The
meet new people to
students longe r. I didn’t
excite me nts dies down the
network. I wish it was
live in the dorms so most
homewo rk, tests, and
that easy to snap your
people didn’t want to be
projects start pilin g on.
finger s and have it
frie nd s with me ( not
together. I belie ve that my
saying everyo ne) . I
Mistah Wilso n: Where do
content from the
hope to be an
you pull insp ir a tio n from
beginn in g. They were
inter na tio na l force
when creating new things ?
showing colle ge gir ls on a
eventua lly. I have my
Devon Hamwr igh t :
limited budget how to
work cut out for me in
Anythin g is up for grabs
have these fashio nab le
terms of what I have to
for insp ir a tio n I don’t
outfits . It’s amazin g to
do. We all have to start
care how insa ne the
think that I was apart of
somewher e firs t and
source is. I’m going to try
being there to build that
foremo s t. I would love to
to pulling from new
content as an inte r n. I was
get more invo lved in
sources this year. I would
lucky enough to meet the
social issues but
say past insp ira tio ns for
CEO Melis sa Levin at her
sometime s I just want to
collec tio ns have been
headquar ter s in NYC.
make beautifu l things.
beautif ul tropica l isla nds ,
That was serious ly such a
The issue that remains
nature, street style and
huge mome nt in my
that can not be pushed to
fine art.
career! I also was low key
the side is that our
obsessed with model
indus tr y wastes too much.
Mistah Wilso n: Who are
Agyne ss Devin her style
There are ways to cut
some fashio nis tas that
was so major.
down on clothing
have influe nc ed the
productio n waste and
designe r you are today?
Mistah Wilso n: What
larger companies need to
Devon Hamwr igh t : I
impac t do you plan on
be held accounta b le for
would say the origina l
making through your work
their enviro n me nta l
gir ls from Colle ge
and line of designs?
footpr int in the world. We
Fashio nis ta circa 2013
Devon Hamwr igh t : As an
all own clothing whethe r
were like so insp ir a tio na l
artist you can’t prepare or
it is an expens ive item or
to me. The brand has
predestine the impact the
really reached
work will have! The
monume nta l profess io na l
impac t is heavily depends
heights that it is hard to
on how much the audie nc e
see the origina l raw
likes the work. I would
Mistah Wilso n: What type
in the beginning. I am
Devon Hamwr igh t: I
of fabrics do you like
much more settled into
would say giving back is
working with the most
one place currently. It
a really big deal to me. I
and why?
drove me insa ne working
did not grow up rich and
Devon Hamwr igh t : I love
from two diffe re nt
gettin g through colle ge
working with sheer
studio s. It was definite ly
was a huge fina nc ia l
things. I am so overly
a challe n ge seeing so
struggle . It truly is a
obsessed like a child in
many sewing products and
mirac le that I finis hed
the candy store. It just
gear not knowing what to
colle ge because the
gives me so many ideas. I
buy. I have to
numbe rs said otherwis e.
love working with knit. I
strategic a lly upgrade my
Every summe r I worked
would say knit always was
gear. I’ve never crowd
like a dog to be able to
a strength for me. It is so
funded or asked people to
order supplie s, textbooks,
versatile and behaves
donate for that. Money
transpor ta tio n and meals
differ e ntly. It is not for
will be tight for upcomin g
on campus. That’s why I
everyo ne I don’t teach
fashio n designe rs - just
always try to make myse lf
knit to a lot of my
warning you now!
accessib le to my fan base
beginne r leve l students.
and those fashio n
More fashio n schools
Mistah Wilso n: What are
hopefuls. I know how
should offer more classes
some more of the
hard you have to work if
for people to get better in
rewardin g things ?
you don’t have all the
handling the develop me nt
Devon Hamwr igh t : I think
connectio ns or the family
of a knit garme nt. I also
one of the more reward ing
money. I do try to help
like working with
parts of being artist and
people when I can. People
differ e nt dye method s. I
designe r is having work
want to see companie s
fail a lot but mome nts
recognize d. My reward is
have transpar e nc y and
when I succeed are
in my students and also
social respons ib ility. It’s
price le ss !
having the work be loved.
definite ly somethin g my
It’s also pretty insa ne
team and I will work
Mistah Wilso n: What have
when sometime s local
towards once the busine ss
been some challe nge s
fans recognize me from
stabilizes fina nc ia lly.
you’ve faced along your
my Insta gr a m.
journe y? Devon Hamwr igh t : I
Mistah Wilso n: How
would say not havin g a
impor ta nt is giving back
core studio to work from
to the commun ity for you?
Mistah Wilso n: What
aspiratio n to have but
a Facebook busines s page
positive , encoura g in g
learn how to sew first!
for Devon Hamwr igh t
words do you have for
Learning how to sew
Designs. I recently put
aspir ing creative fashio n
should not come at the
some product on Etsy. I
designe rs ?
end of signing paperwork
will add more inve nto r y
Devon Hamwr igh t : I
to open a brick and mortar
for pieces that are up for
would say don’t focus on
store. New busines s
sale. I’ve never tried
the people that don’t show
owners aren’t going to
sellin g my designs online
you or your designs any
have that much free time
before so we are going to
love. You could be the
to inve s t into a new skill
give it a shot.
most amazing designe r
set. Sewing is the
and there will still be
funda me n ta l build ing
Mistah Wilso n: Hey,
people that won’t care for
block to all aspiratio ns
Devon Hamwr igh t! Thank
your style. Accept it!
most people seem to want.
you so much for coming
Move on! Find your tribe!
through for this exclus ive
You need to develop thick
Mistah Wilso n: Where can
inter vie w with
skin to be apart of the
people follo w you online?
ThaWilso n Bloc k
indus tr y. Get rid of
Devon Hamwr igh t : I am
Magazine ! It’s been an
frie nd s, partner s and
pretty heavy with
honor! If you have any
family membe rs that don’t
Instagra m. It is probably
shout outs you’d like to
support you. The energy
my favor ite socia l media
give, let’s hear it…
is better spent on
platfo r m You can follow
Devon Hamwr igh t:
betterin g yourse lf than
me at @devthe fa s hio n gir l
Thanks for havin g me! I
convinc ing people of your
on Instagra m. I am going
really apprecia te what you
worth or talent. Invest
to make a new twitte r
are doing for all the local
time learning the craft
account for fashio n design
artists, mus ic ia ns , and
anywa y possib le through
at some point. I would say
entrepre ne ur s out there.
an apprentice s hip , school
my current Twitte r
Just want to give a
or self- ed uc atio n. It is
became more centered
shouto ut to all my
also impor ta nt not to rush
around music and keeping
students at Tulpe ho cke n
through the steps. I speak
up with artists I admir e.
Excha nge ! It’s a great
to a lot people online that
It’s really impor ta n t to
place for artists in the
want to have their own
have social media
Philade lp hia commun ity
boutiq ue and sell their
channe ls that all basica lly
to take classes and learn
own designs ins id e the
keep the same message
new skills.
shop. That’s a great
coming across. I also have