Exclusive Interview with Justice Advocate Qaadir Naqib
“I strive daily to look at my flaws and passed mistakes so that I can be a better individual each day�
Mistah Wilson: Yo, Qaadir, honored to have you here with us for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock! How have you been? Qaadir Naqib: By the grace of Almighty God I have been well, brother. I strive daily to look at my flaws and passed mistakes so that I can be a better individual each day, brother. Mistah Wilson: Before I present any topics, would you be able & willing to give us a quick background on yourself? Qaadir Naqib: Yes sir, I grew up under a single mother household for the most part. I say it like that because my mother always had a “man” around; some she produced children for, others came and went. My father wasn’t around that much he would come and go. Now that I’m older, we have a descent relationship my father and I and I’m grateful to God that I know who my biological father is because I’ve met many people who never even have a clue who their fathers are so I’m grateful for that, brother. Mistah Wilson: How was it growing up in the City of Pasadena for you? Qaadir Naqib: Growing up in Pasadena was beautiful as a child. I remember going to the daycare in Kings Village and going to Jackie Robinson Park to swim. I remember a lot of things about my city that I’m not sure if the programs still exist like free haircuts before school started and while we were waiting to get our haircuts, music and games would be going plus food and face painting. School supplies would also be given away right at Jackie Robinson Park. My generation I believe was the end of the community being family; what I mean is I couldn’t do nothing and my neighbors saw me and didn’t inform somebody in my family would know what I’d done. That ended real soon I mean by the time I was 13 years of age that love for the community was gone, brother. Mistah Wilson: We’ve been seeing your movements for over a year or so and it’s clear that you are an everyday advocate. What is the #FightForLife brand about? Qaadir Naqib: Well the complete name of our company is “Fight For Life” NO EXCUSES. The no excuses is the MOST vital part of LIFE. No matter what we desire to do in life we must be willing to accept, meet, and overcome every obstacle that we encounter. If we look at what an obstacle is that alone should show us that if I seriously want what’s on the other side of THIS THING in front of me I’ll get over, around, and in some cases go through it to get the reward which is accomplishing what I sat out to do. NO MATTER WHAT it is finish school, buy a car, lose weight or start my own business. So the brand is NEVER GIVE UP ON LIFE NEVER STOP growing towards perfection of self and our community.
Mistah Wilson: There’s a lot happening in the world right now, and not necessarily for the better. From your perspective, what are some of the biggest issues we’re facing in the United States? Qaadir Naqib: As a people, the lack of interest in learning. BUT since we are both black men with your permission I want to stay right there. As black men, we have been at war for thousands of years and we are NOW being FORCED to realize that if we DON’T get it together we will continue to see a raise in the brutality from police and others that don’t wear a badge for example Mr. Zimmerman although they say he wanted to be a cop he wasn’t and there are a lot of people with his mindset. We must seek knowledge and understanding because without understanding we will NOT change properly and most importantly the black man and woman must gain a TRUE knowledge of who we are and understand that we are the beginning of civilization and NOTHING on this planet can exist without the existence of the black man and woman period.That’s why I didn’t want to say we will become extinct because it is impossible to remove the original people from the planet. It was already tried and that’s how we got the moon but that’s a whole other interview so I won’t get into that but you get my point IT’S not possible. So the biggest thing is we must gain knowledge of self, God, and we must grow in love with ourselves and stop loving our enemies.
“Unite. It’s literally that simple.” Mistah Wilson: I must say, the lack of justice in cases involving African Americans have become quite disturbing. What do you think needs to be done to offset the forces that oppress the people? Qaadir Naqib: Unite. It’s literally that simple. If we would stop bickering over what he got what she did and learn to talk to each other and see what did they DO to get what they got or find out for ourselves what was the motives for what they did. See, brother, this enemy that we have is so wise he keeps us focused on what’s in the best interest for himself and NOT us. We are divided because it’s in his best interest just think about it we out number them I believe 11 to one. Now, if we out number them 11 to one and we united and truly only supported each other in every way how long would it take for us to remove them out of powerful positions? Just that alone would destroy their very existence sir.
Mistah Wilson: Could you explain #JusticeOrElse movement and what’s taking place in regards to the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March? Qaadir Naqib: Justice or else. What is that brother JUSTICE? Does the black man and woman, the Mexican man and woman, our native brothers & sisters, and others of the original family do we even KNOW what justice really is? I believe not and that’s EXACTLY the basis of what the 20 th Anniversary of the Million Man March is ALL ABOUT sir. People are tired of being tired and desire change FROM THE GOVERNMENT TO OUR INDIVIDUAL COMMUNITIES WE WANT TO KNOW JUST WHAT JUSTICE REALLY FEELS LIKE. Now we going to the capital and that’s powerful however the fight is right here in each of our very own backyards. We can demand justice from the government and they “may” grant it BUT what would they look like granting us what we want and still running around killing each other getting arrested time and time again. How does one take one seriously while acting LIKE WILD animals from coast to coast? How do you respect that type of behavior? So, our people can get hype about going to Washington D.C. but at the end of the day Farrakhan is much more than we think he is. HE has a job to do and he’s doing it. It’s on us to do our part brother WE MUST first begin to treat each other LIKE the family that we are. When one of us hurt we all hurt and if one of us is in need we give without a hidden agenda. So, if we truly want justice we will RISE UP in our communities and generate a love that IF ANYONE BRINGS HARM TO US WE WILL KILL THEM OURSELVES. You know brother another thing I remember about growing up in Pasadena no one messed with my family because they KNEW it was full of warriors that’ll kill for their family and the people didn’t want no problems so I’m saying that to say we HAVE to build a bond like that BUT much more bigger than one or two families I’m talking about a NATION OF PEOPLE who says NO MORE INJUSTICE AND JUSTICE OR ELSE. I hope to see you there, brother. Mistah Wilson: Who are some influential figures that you look up to? Qaadir Naqib: First, Farrakhan because the more I learn about him I learn that God really does exist and not only does he exist HE LOVES us. God loves us enough to make a man suffer for US the despised and rejected people. I was recently introduced to Eric Thomas and I just love his passion for what he does and I was blessed to attend one of his conferences and I walked my son up to him and he just embraced him and his energy was real. He noticed that I believe that it wasn’t about ME and as a father I wanted my son to get that moment and I believe we had a fatherly bond at that moment lol. And I must mention the greatest of all times Tupac because BEFORE I knew Farrakhan or Eric Thomas, I knew Tupac and he was the FIRST male role model that I accepted. His music not only touched me, it was my life. I hope I answered your question.
“BEFORE I knew Farrakhan or Eric Thomas, I knew Tupac”
Mistah Wilson: Where do you draw inspiration from as an advocate of the people? Qaadir Naqib: God is my strength and when I get tired, I run to him like a baby. I’m not lying, brother I run and when I say run to him I’m talking about fasting & praying, I’m talking about taking a break from the world to basically recharge & rejuvenate myself for another round or two. Then we have Farrakhan again this beautiful brother is 82 years young and moving out like he’s in his teenage years. So, as one of his students how would I look giving up or burned out when he’s been on his post OVER fifty years.
#JusticeOrElse Mistah Wilson: Not everybody is fit for the main line. What are some basic things people can do to demonstrate their support in the #JusticeOrElse movement? Qaadir Naqib: Well, in every movement, brother we have many things we can do BUT ONE of the most important is financial support. If we truly support something we will NOT MIND putting our hard earned money behind it. In fact, we may work extra hours to put some money behind it. If we don’t have money we MUST have time to donate towards the cause WHY? Mainly because time is the ONLY thing directly connected to money so if we DON’T got money we MUST have time because if we DON’T have either then we SHOULD look at you kinda weird and we should cast you out because if you don’t have nothing to offer for WHAT YOU believe in, that’s a problem, brother.
Mistah Wilson: What have been some of the most challenging things for you when trying to get people to support the movement? Qaadir Naqib: Letting the people know tha we truly care and that we are not striving to get over on them. Everything our people have tried has caused them pain and heartache from religion to this and that foundation so most of our people have built walls taller and longer than the great wall of China and Mt. Everest. So the hardest work is gaining the people’s trust. The people DON’T CARE about what you know until THEY KNOW that you CARE about them.
Mistah Wilson: What have been some of the more rewarding things along the way? Qaadir Naqib: When you see a person living a better lifestyle and that they are no longer putting their lives at risk of prison or drugs that’s priceless or when you listen to a person and when you respond to them from the heart and you see the soul being rejuvenated is another rewarding experience, brother.
Mistah Wilson: There has been tremendous controversy surrounding the #BlackLivesMatter movement in their approach to seeking justice from our government. For the sake of argument, where does this movement stand amidst everything that is going on with African Americans? Qaadir Naqib: The only topic I’m aware of is the people saying ALL LIVES MATTER. Honestly it sounds like children who only wants attention AFTER they see another child getting attention. The problem is the child who was getting the attention first was receiving it genuinely and earned it honestly so when the other child’s ego or jealousy kicks in that individual may do something extra with ill motives to gain the attention FROM the other child. So to me it’s FAKE any time one nationality gains attention and favor, another one says hey, we’re all the same or what about me I have feelings too. So, what controversy, brother? Because as far as I’m concerned ONLY BLACK LIVES are being taken left and right each time we see a cop we are asking ourselves is today MY DAY to die? Our children once said they wanted to be cops when they get older NOT today they saying cops kill people for no reason. So all lives matter this is true HOWEVER today ALL LIVES are NOT being slaughtered day and night and the family has to watch it because of technology.
Mistah Wilson: If a kid came up to you today and asked you for just 3 historical figures to research, who would you recommend? Qaadir Naqib: Wow just 3 lol ok if only three, brother. I’d say Jesus because the truth of Jesus’ life will show us how to LIVE like brave warriors and the importance of spirituality NOT religion. Next would be Marcus Garvey and Harriet Tubman mainly because of the things they did for their people during the time that they did it.
Mistah Wilson: Only if you don’t mind answering this question, what are your thoughts on Barack Obama in regards to the cause of African Americans? Qaadir Naqib: You know, brother I’ve never voted a day in my life in fact I don’t believe that polictical parties have the power to bring about change for our people. I respect the brother BUT I’m not sure if I respect the post of anyone who DOES NOT show testicular fortitude to withstand the opposing team and STAND UP for the least of the people. I just can’t respect WEAK leadership, brother period.
Mistah Wilson: From your point of view, what do you think our young black youth struggle with the most today? (example: drugs, oppression, incarceration, education, etc…) Qaadir Naqib: Honestly one thing is being TRUE to themselves and sticking to what they believe in. When I sit down with our young people and I talk to them MOST of them are so far from expressing WHO THEY really are. I remember when Akon first came out and he was talking about how HE KNEW he could sing but HIS “boys” didn’t know because he thought they would make fun of him like bro you a thug and thugs don’t sing. That’s what he said BUT once they found out they was like bro sing your butt off and get us outta here and he was shocked. The second thing I believe is MORE STRONG positive leaders especially that looks like them and live around them. The reason most of us get involved in illegal activities is because of peer pressure. Once I started to grow up and take responsibility for ME and MY ACTIONS I realized that I was sincerely a product of my environment. When I was selling drugs I would seriously hate it and myself and I would encourage people to get off cocaine, brother. I guess I was a hypocrite in the sense taking people money and telling them to get help at the same time.
Mistah Wilson: What are some of your favorite speeches by The Honorable Minister Farrakhan? Qaadir Naqib: The Mind of God, The Man And The Mission, Love and Duty, True Christian Love. These are my top selection, brother. I have more BUT these came into my life during times that I needed them and honestly STILL drawing wisdom from them today.
Mistah Wilson: What are your thoughts on inner-city gang violence? Do you believe gang bangers target themselves in the long run? Qaadir Naqib: I believe that we have been made so deaf, dumb, and blind that we have this mentality that says “don’t judge me off how I look but give me a chance to speak” and another one is “I’m not Jesus” and we think that our appearance isn’t connected to our thinking. If you have enough sense to brush your teeth before you walk out the door WHY not brush your hair? If you have enough sense to take a shower and put on your smell good deodorant and whatever else you use WHY not get dressed? Pajamas are for the bed and house shoes are obviously for the house. So, brother the enemy has fixed us in such a way that we don’t even realize how much control of ourselves WE DON’T HAVE.
Mistah Wilson: What positive, encouraging words do you have for aspiring youth who want to be leaders of their generation? Qaadir Naqib: STUDY STUDY STUDY because you can’t lead ignorant. Never stop listening to WHO YOU ARE and allow yourself to make mistakes. A lot of times we over think things we want to do then we end up doing nothing and eventually we lose the desire to do anything. Most importantly ALWAYS be true to who you are and never allow yourself to be bought out. Because once you become labeled as a sellout of the people IT’S NO turning back from that. And that’s why in TRUTH Farrakhan is OUR last true leader because he hasn’t sold out.
Mistah Wilson: Yo, Qaadir, thanks so much for coming thru for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock. It’s truly been an honor. If you have any shout outs or last minute remarks, let’s hear it… Qaadir Naqib: The honor is all mines, brother I thank you for this beautiful platform and I pray that you are as successful as YOU want to be. I thank your staff and helpers at ThaWilsonBlock Magazine. I just want to acknowledge my wife because without her I wouldn’t be able to do what I do in the community from Arizona and now coming back home to Pasadena. I want to especially thank the J.O.E 626 team members who are working very hard in the City of Pasadena. Jada, Colyna, Rebeka, Keona, J.C, Zone, Bing Bing, Brandon, My wife of course Qaadira, sis Cheryl and Truvonne. Look, brother this team WORKS HARD for the people and I can’t thank God enough for this team of selfless individuals.