ThaWilsonBlock Magazine Issue44

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ThaWilsonBlock Magazine G r i eve s Scarface Grimstyles N i p s ey H u s s l e Adele Larry McZeal The Game E DuB J ay Z Bing Bing Ice Cube

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Issue44 October 2016

#ReginaldThomas I n

R e m e m b r a n c e

Rey Avalon talks California Blend, Music Production, & Oxnard

Quick Tips for Great Street Photography

Nipsey Hussle releases new music video for "Ocean Views“ Watch Video Quick Tips for Great Street Photography Shots Read More


Cassidy Shares his Opinion on The Game, Meek Mill & Beanie Sigel Beef Read More

DJ Highlight's 'Hometown Heros' mixtape features various DENA artists Read More

Scarface to new rappers: "Uphold the Integrity of the Craft“ Read More

Publisher/Editor Michael Taylor

Layout & Design Michael Taylor Content Creation Michael Taylor Photography Manager Michael Taylor Distribution/Circulation Michael Taylor

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Adver tising Sales Manager Michael Taylor Outreach Coordinator Michael Taylor ThaWilsonBlock Magazine the premier digital publication showcasing Ar ts , Culture , & Humanities . Released on tha 10 th ever y month. Ads are due by 5 th of ever y month. Michael Taylor is commonly known as Bing Bing or Mistah Wilson, the man behind ThaWilsonBlock and Pasadena Hip Hop Scene .

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Rey Avalon “I’ve always learned the hard way. I think that has allowed me to speak on certain topics better. No teacher on earth is better than Experience.”

Mistah Wilson: Yo, Rey Avalon! What's good wit it, fam! Honored to have you here with us for this exclusive inter view with ThaWilsonBlock. What's tha latest & greatest? Rey Avalon: Fir st, thanks for this ar ticle . I’m a Hip Hop lover, but music lover fir st. You can hear all the different sounds I incorporate in my music . I’m originally from Lancaster, C A. Now I reside in Oxnard, C A, The home of agriculture , beautiful beaches and women. I’m an ar tist before ever ything. Not a perfectionist, I like to "let the music be" if that makes sense . Mistah Wilson: First & foremost, I gotta let tha world know that we go wayyy back! Never once did I think you or I would become tha ar tists we are today. What led you to becoming an ar tist? Rey Avalon: I star ted off writing poetr y, or at least I thought it was haha. Always had a deep love for music and the way it made me feel. So I began writting ver ses over well known hiphop instrumentals at 13 and it just grew from there . Mistah Wilson: You were formally known as Cali Allstarr and released a couple projects under that alias such as the California Blend mixtape series . Tell us about what inspired tha name "Rey Avalon"... Rey Avalon: Rey means "King" in spanish so I really wanted to keep my latino roots in the name . Avalon means "Unique" or "One of a Kind" and is also the name of Santa Catalina Island only City "Avalon". I really wanted a LA marketable name , so I ran with it and I love it. Cali Allstarr was the young me , I grew and so did my music , so I needed something to sound more "Mature" Basically Rey Avalon is the New Cali Allstarr. I even go by my ego-trippen name Cali Rey Mistah Wilson: Who are some ar tists you've worked with thus far in your career? Rey Avalon: Nobody big. But alot of good independent ar tist from all over California.

Mistah Wilson: Name some ar tists you'd like to collaborate with some time in tha near future ... Rey Avalon: Layzie Bone . King Lil G. Phora. & Blu

Mistah Wilson: Shows! You've definitely had your share of openers and headliners . Tell us a little about your performances and any other upcoming shows we should be on tha look out for... Rey Avalon: Man. I love performing I feel really free on stage and love to enter tain the crowd. I’ve opened for Big Names from Snoop Dogg, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Nipsey Hussle to YG, Dj Quik, & SlaughterHouse . I just finished the album so I’ll be back booking shows ASAP! Mistah Wilson: Yo, big shout out to Scott Swoosh! He's produced some bangers for you. How do you manage to find tha right producers to create that unique sound for your projects? Also, tell us about other producers you've worked with on previous projects ... Rey Avalon: Yes , that’s my Boy ! He’s dope . He’s been ahead of the cur ve for a long time now. A pure genius . With this latest project "California Blend 3.0" I’ve kept ever ything In house . We have a lot of talent at #The949 and were ready to show ever yone!

Mistah Wilson: Correct me if I'm wrong, but you've actually been doing a little music producing yourself with your latest cut "2 in the Morning". Tell us how that track came together... Rey Avalon: I was in the studio listening to oldies but goodies . You know the ar t laboe oldies lol And It just popped into my head. I love Smokey Robinson and I threw it together and the song came to my head right away ! I love producing because ever ything comes thru me . The idea, the beat, the lyrics , the recording and WALLAH !!! Finished product ready for people to hear. Mistah Wilson: What's your next project and when is it dropping? Any potential features with ya boy Reeks? Rey Avalon: My 3rd installment if the California Blend series "California Blend 3.0" dropping this fall ! I hope so !! Haha I would love to hear Reeks on the track !

Mistah Wilson: When writing new songs , where do you grab inspiration from to develop new concepts and subject matter? Rey Avalon: My life . The lives of other s . Stories . Movies . Ideas . I just see things and right away My vision turns to words . Mistah Wilson: Who are some influential people in your life that motivated you to pursue music? Rey Avalon: I have to say Myself. Friends that I have now, lost or gained along my journey. A little belief goes a long way. Mistah Wilson: For tha record, I just have to ask. What's tha music scene like in Ventura County? Rey Avalon: Its not huge . There are a lot of talented ar tist out here and since Ander son Paak (Oxnard, Ca) has just been singed to Dr. Dre . I think it gave a lot of us more hope that someone from our area went out there and grinded and got what he was looking for. Mistah Wilson: Can't forget about Lancaster, C A! Have you mixed with their local music scene at all? Rey Avalon: Man ! Haven’t been to Lancaster in a while but I got some upcoming things that might bring me back ! Lol Mistah Wilson: What have been some challenges you've faced on your ar tistic journey? Rey Avalon: I’ve always believed that if you want to speak on cer tain things . You should live them. I’ve always learned the hard way. I think that has allowed me to speak on cer tain topics better. No teacher on ear th is better than Experience . Also just learning how to be a one man army ! Because people come and go. And no one will ride for you, like you.

Mistah Wilson: What are some more of tha rewarding things? Rey Avalon: Hearing that people have listened to my music to get through rough times . That it actually inspired them and got them through was super rewarding for me . Because theres nothing like touching people with your music . It feels great. Mistah Wilson: What do you plan on accomplishing through your music? Rey Avalon: Creating a Bigger Fan base , touring the World, and eventually signing a Major contract. Mistah Wilson: What is tha overall message as an ar tist you want to send to your fans? Rey Avalon: Keep working hard. Believe in your self and walk with swagger. Be your #1 fan. F%ck with your self HEAVY ! Mistah Wilson: How impor tant is giving back to the community for you? Rey Avalon: HUGE ! I love giving back its one of the most rewarding things a per son can do. Helping other s in need. Knowing that you made a difference even if it was for one day in a per sons life is rewarding. Mistah Wilson: What positive , encouraging words do you have for aspiring ar tists who want to pursue a career in music? Rey Avalon: Find your niche . Expose it. Do what you love and be great at it ! Mistah Wilson: Yo, Rey Avalon! DT! It's been real. Thanks for taking tha time for this exclusive inter view with ThaWilsonBlock. Please send our regards to tha fam! Dora, Gucc , & Keith! If you have any shout outs , drop em! Rey Avalon: All day ! Thank you, Bing! Much love to you and ThaWilsonBlock! •••

Pasadena artist & designer E DuB releases cover of his 1996 sampler "EYEZ ON THA PRIZE" If you're from Pasadena, California or any surrounding area, then you have at least a general idea of how strong the pride & culture is around DENA. One of the things we find amazing about Pasadena is that it has it's own hip hop scene that goes back significantly longer than many of us have been alive. In a recent conversation about Pasadena artist & designer E DuB's latest apparel line "We Are Born & Raised" & "Just A Kid From...", his old sampler cover for Eyez on tha Prize resurfaces from 1996. A local hip hop connoisseur's dream. Throwback. The sampler comes with an instrumental from local hip hop artist & producer Lasky B, who's still relevant on today's scene. For those who are a fan of local, old school hip hop, this is a good to have in tha collection to preserve local music scene heritage. After 20 years, tha value of these projects must not been overlooked. For more information on this compilation, visit We Are Born & Raised

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McSteezy, a local rapper from Pasadena and Glendale, respectively, chops it up with ThaWilsonBlock about New Music , Shows, and how to Push Yourself Harder!

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