ThaWilsonBlock Magazine Issue52

Page 1

Singer/Songwriter K-Syran talks Inspiration, Influence, and her Latest Single "Dizzy"

40 Years of

Issue52 J u n e

2 0 1 7

Kevin Hart

Hip Hop

Bando Kev

How to Kill Fear in 5 Seconds

Bizzy Bone


De La Soul

Ravoshia Emani Chris Rock


Pharrell Williams

Street Art

Roxanne ShantĂŠ


And so much more...

C l i c k

t o

D ow n l o a d

Our Magazine Issues Issue51
































SE #1




















W i l s o n B l o c k 1 0 0

Certified Artists 210West (TLH) no


AJ tha DJ

Anthony Stone Asya




Chris Jaiden


Big Montana

D. Haile






Jason Hardin

Jay Mays Jon2

King Duey


L Boogie

Larry McZeal



Meddie Lanes

Nino Rose Phil Phree Reina Mora

bles City

Mya Vat PokeyLo


Ron & Greg

Sobukwe Toure

Taffey Champion Tone Grizzard Richardson



Matt & Megan Mina Wild-

Mr. McStrange

Nicky BeacHouses Paco Swartz

Riya A. Piper

RD Peace Rollie Ro-

Rose Robinson


Samantha Church Shamir

Tee Ran

Victor Gordo


Sparkydog &

Stephen Baldry

XL Middleton

Zarkhi Palmer


Ramon Barajas

Scribes One

Khriz-Z L3 Gamble

Otto Evans

Ryan Aderréy

Tammy Goolsbey




Rey Avalon

Sea One

Key Lewis

Mr. Frantastic

Ol Sol


Jangles (Jay Blue)

Luke Friday

Roscoe Lee Owens

Royal Mitchell


Michael Jones

Qaadir Naqib

Relly 2euce

Gangsta Ric

Matt Lewis

Mystah GT


(Kevin Duncan) Friends

Moe Grams


Latoya Rhodes

Lovey Elise Mak Boss


Jennifer Thompson

Justin Miller

Magic Mike Z

Ms. Jeanine

J. Rell



Imani Akil

Jazzzone Network

LEJ (LeMatiq)


DJ Chuck Daggers

Gabrielle Ayers J. Real

J. Reese

Minal Zaman

Cracka Smile

Eden Allegra Young

MACA card

Bill Bogaard


J. Byrd

Joey Tripp

Art from El Sere-

Disco Ministries

Eddie G


Calvin Banks & The Tellers

Chuck Dollaz

Eric Williams (EDuB)


Andre Hardin

Aron Fletcher

Brandin Bruce




Bando Kev

Blak Axx



Sweet Tee

The Letters Home Wadada

YG Chief

Zoneiak McGee

Warrior YG Lil Ive

Zyto Crowns

Publisher / Editor Mistah Wilson

Layout & Design Mistah Wilson

Adver tising/Sales Mistah Wilson Dominic Poole

Distribution/Circulation Michael Taylor Vernon “Butch� Thompson

Journalists Michael Taylor Dominic Poole ThaWilsonBlock Magazine is a monthly digital publication showcasing Art, Entertainment, and Cultural News. Articles & Advertisements are due by 5th of every month.

Mistah Wilson (Publisher)

Michael Taylor is commonly known as Bing Bing, or Mistah Wilson, founder of ThaWilsonBlock brand.

ThaWilsonBlock Magazine 851 N. Oakland Avenue Pasadena, CA 91104

Call Us (626)817-6978 or Email Us

Why We Started ThaWilsonBlock Magazine ThaWilsonBlock as a brand predates the magazine by 5 years. What started as “ThaWilsonBlock Network” in 2008 has evolved into a monthly digital publication showcasing Art, Inspiration, and Culture that we all have grown to love. ThaWilsonBlock Magazine was solely created as a platform for local artists to gain quality exposure and recognition. Before we even released our debut issue, we did not go into this project to make money. In fact, we didn’t decide to make ThaWilsonBlock Magazine a formal business until AFTER the 2yr Anniversary Issue featuring Pasadena rapper Gangsta Ric. We went ahead and formed a business around this publication once we realized that ThaWilsonBlock Magazine is going to come out anyway, so why not try and make it make sense? Since our debut issue, we’ve come a long way! Our mission through this publication is to simply inspire our readers while providing a reliable platform for local artists & musicians who are working to get to the next level.

If you like ThaWilsonBlock Magazine and/or would like to support entrepreneurs who strive to help make the world a better place, please show your support by purchasing a digital copy and sharing with your family & friends. This will help enable us to provide an even stronger platform for many issues to come.

Thanks in advance!

-Mistah Wilson

ThaWilsonBlock Magazine Cover Issue T-Shirts! (Click T-Shirt You Want to Buy)

$25 each ($5 off current issue t-shirt)

Pasadena rapper/producer Emani talks New Projects, Collaborations, and the State of Hip Hop

Listen /// Download

Bando Kev Exclusive Interview on New Music, The Journey, and Staying Humble

Listen /// Download


We l c o m e t o t h a B e a u t i f u l S t r u g g l e Make Room

2) 3)

Don’t B e a B i tch 4) 5)

6) 7)

Holdin’ On

Pray for M e

I’ll Never Stop

Never Understand 8) 9)

M y Pe o p l e

Coming Home

Chris Rock Chooses a Kanye West Album as The Best in Hip Hop History

H i p - h o p m u s i c ’s G . O. A . T. t i t l e h a s b e e n t o s s e d a ro u n d b y a r t i s t s a n d f a n s a l i ke , w h o h av e m e a s u r e d t h o s e w o r t hy o f i t o n the basis of several different factors: ar ti s t r y, a c c o l a d e s a n d , o f c o u r s e , a l b u m s . For comedian and film A -lister Chris R o c k , t h e r e ’s o n e s l o t av a i l a b l e f o r t h e G . O. A . T. a l b u m s e a t , a n d h e ’s c ro w n e d K a n y e We s t ’s M y B e a u t i f u l D a r k Tw i s t e d Fa n t a s y w i t h i t . Wa t c h V i d e o

"London Lights" By Tom Jeavons

Get to know Singer/Dancer Ravoshia Mone' Whaley Ravoshia Mone' Whaley was born in Merryvile, Indiana. With her mother hailing

from Texas and her father from Bermuda, Ravoshia was afforded the opportunity to have dual citizenship. Growing up, Ravoshia studied ballet at the United Dance Production in Bermuda. In her senior year of high school while still pursu-

same light as her

tive aims to

ing dance, she de-

singing and rap-

achieve the same

veloped a passion

ping idols Be-

level of acclaim

for singing. Realiz-

yonce, Janet Jack-

and prosperity as

ing her gift for

son, Aaliyah, Lady

those same pop

both song and

Saw and Sean Paul.

icons as hers.

dance, Ravoshia

Add to her passion

focused on honing

for singing and

her craft and pur-

dancing, the abil-

suing music full

ity to write song

time. Ravoshia

lyrics, and it

fancied her musi-

seems apparent

cal styling in the

that this Texas na-

August 2015, she signed a single deal for her single titled Dip & Wine with independent

Atlanta, GA based

traveled perform-

determined. She's

label Blachawk

ing at music festi-

driven. She's mag-

Records with ma-

vals, shows all

netic, multi-

jor label distribu-

over the U.S and

talented triple-

tion of Caroline

overseas. Ra-

threat force of na-

Records independ-

voshia's sound is a

ture. A spicy,

ent distributor of

unique blend of

strong-willed yet

Universal Music.

hip-hop, pop, reg-

femininely soulful

Her single Dip and

gae, and soul. She

artist that has

Wine released on

has a special voice

something to say,

August 28, 2015

unlike any other

and leaves her au-

stirred up some

voice out there in

dience hypnotized.

impressive trac-

mainstream music.

Ravoshia is a

tion playing on

Armed with a

beautiful music

over ten top major

strong confidence

force to be reck-

and rhythmic radio

and unmistakable

oned with and a

station across the

womanliness to

true entertainer

U.S and overseas

her sound, Ra-

at heart. •••

in Bermuda, is-

voshia is a breath

lands. She has

of fresh air. She's


"Lost Innocence" by Michaela Remmel Wind whistling,

Hoping not to be caught.

Snow glistening,

Taking from the poor,

We try not to,

Not taking blame,

We're loving no more,

But we're all listening.

Pushing for fame,

Fight to be free,

As advanced as we are,

End up starting a war.

Loud screams,

We're still all untamed.

Bad dreams, It's very far,

Too much pride,

But close it seems.

Needing a guide, We will deny it,

Sad day,

But behind lies we hide.

Lost our way, All we can do,

Hurting others,

Is simply pray.

Betraying brother, Many forgetting,

Innocence gone,

To appreciate mothers.

Life no longer long, We may not know, But we're all doing wrong. Joy lost, The Holocaust, We look to see,

Our God given rights. Soldiers killed, Void can't be filled, Pay close attention, For pure souls have been tilled.

Lies are fed, Filling heart and head, Through all of these years, Innocent blood has been shed.

Hearts covered in frost. Children abandoned, Wars fought,

Lonely and stranded,

Sins taught,

We're all wasting the life That we have been handed.

Making mistakes,

People starting fights, No longer enjoying the sights, While mere mortals are taking

Need to find peace, Work together like geese, But greatest of all, The hate needs to cease.

16th Avenue Tiled Steps San Francisco, California

P h a r r e l l Wi l l i a m s r e c e i ve s D o c t o rat e o f Fi n e A r t s d e g r e e f ro m N ew Yo r k U n i ve r s i t y

The “Happy” singer received a Doctor of Fine Arts degree from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts at the Yankee Stadium on Wednesday and delivered a ten -minute commencement speech to graduates in which he praised their generation for helping create change with issues such as social justice, the use of technology, and equal rights. “Your generation is unraveling deeply entrenched laws, principles, and misguided values that have held women back for far too long and, therefore, have held us all back.” he

said. “Imagine the possibilities when women are not held back. The world that you will live in that will be a lot better. This is the first generation that navigates with the security and confidence to treat women as equals.”

R e a d M o re . . .

Suge Knight to be released from Jail with a Biopic in the works?

Wack 100 saying that Suge Knight will be out of Jail in 90 Days and He has the Rights to do a Suge Biopic. Read More...

Kobe Bryant gives the Top 10 Moments of his Career Watch Video

MUSIC VIDEO: Figure It Out by French Montana, Kanye West, & Nas

Watch Video

"Fight for Street Art" ‘Jean Paul Basquiat’ by Eduardo Kobra (Brooklyn, NY)

The Stunning Beauty of Hong Kong’s Cityscapes by Yik Keat

Edsel Ranchero Photograph by Bill Gallagher

Tupac Shakur: "I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the wo rld." Vi ew T h i s S t o r y

Marlon D's official 9th LP available on digital stores on June 22 including iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, TIDAL, and Apple Music. Thanks for all the support through out the years - MD

1) Intro (prod. by Zodiak Killa, Cuts by Deejay Spiral) 03:13 2) Fine Wine (prod. by Vitamin T) 02:48 3) Crack That Whip (prod. by John Henry from Shovel N Hammer) 03:46 4) Wake Up (prod. by John Henry from Shovel n Hammer) 04:02 5) Raw Shit (prod. by Alex Santos) 04:18 6) Top Of The Morning (prod. by John Henry from Shovel N Hammer) 03:49 7) DUI (prod. by Jeremi Rafael) 03:22 8) The Cypher (prod. by Anno Domini Beats; feat. Nasty Nelo, Rufio Spenz, Crow Flocks) 03:13 9) T-Shirts (prod. by Klutch; feat. Know Big Deal) 02:17 10) Wrong Or Right (prod. by SAM RI)05:53 11) Stand For Something (prod. Zodiak Killa) 03:38 12) Don't You Worry (prod. by John Henry from Shovel n Hammer) 03:23 13) Cry (prod. by Kendall Carter) 03:30 14) Leave Me Alone (prod. by Ambush Sequence) 04:10 15) I Wonder What's Real (prod. by Colter Jack Beats) 03:56 16) Flying Locusts (prod. Zodiak Killa)03:30 17) A Dream Deferred (prod. by Science Green; feat. News) 03:40 18)

Outro (prod. by John Henry from Shovel N Hammer) 02:41

Singer/Songwriter K -Syran talks Inspiration, Influence, and her Latest Single "Dizzy"

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, I'm possible.� K-Syran

Singer/Songwriter K -Syran talks Inspiration, Influence, and her Latest Single "Dizzy" Mistah Wilson: Hello, K-

amazing with topping #38 Bill-

Syran! Honored to have you

board Chart and playlisted both

here with us for this exclusive

in the US and UK. So happy:)

interview with ThaWilsonBlock Magazine. How ya' been?

Mistah Wilson: What led you

K-Syran: Awesome! Never been

to become a musician?

so busy with

K-Syran: The

single releas-

move from

es and new

London to Ge-

album coming

neva. No West

out. Very ex-

End and big

citing year!!!

movies in Switzerland

Mistah Wil-

so I got into

son: For our

the singing


and songwrit-

reading this,

ing. Music is

could you

big with

give us a quick background on

amazing festivals, opera house


and jazz festivals.

K-Syran: I'm an actress, I have

It has really brought me places I

my own play; Breaking The Si-

had never dreamt of!

lence that has been shown in London/NY/The Hague and Gene-

Mistah Wilson: What are

va, I'm also shooting a movie

some of your current & upcom-

where I'm playing the lead, and

ing Release of my US single

I am a Singer songwriter. The

Dizzy! So excited about it!

last couple of years have been

K-Syran: Had amazing musi-

cians like Garry

Beers, INXS! And wonderful producer, Eric Alexandrakis. Mistah Wilson: Who are some musicians who influenced the artist you are today? K-Syran: Coldplay, Mick Jagger, Tracey Chapman, David Bowie, Prince, Calvin Harris,David Guetta, Billie Holiday wow there are so many who have influenced me.

Mistah Wilson: Where do you pull inspiration from when

Mistah Wilson: What part of

writing new songs?

your artistry would you say

K-Syran: Everything! What I

defines you the most?

see, feel, smell, experience,

K-Syran: Authenticity

read, hear. Everyday I'm inspired by something, even if it's

Mistah Wilson: Where can

just one phrase I will write

people keep up with you

something every day. Also sud-


denly a melody will pop into my


head and I will record it on my

phone. Love my iPhone!


Mistah Wilson: What do you

plan on accomplishing thru


your music?

K-Syran: Awareness.


PqiKvvQHg Mistah Wilson: K-Syran, it's been awesome having you here for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock Magazine! If you wanna send some shout outs, let's hear it.. K-Syran: Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, I'm possible. Thank you so much for interviewing & featuring

  



Snoop Dogg Announces new Gospel Album!? The iconic HipHop figure released his fifteenth studio album Neva Left independently through his Doggy-

style Records this Friday but is already planning his next one. During a recent promo stop on The Pharmacy show on Beats 1 radio, Snoop told the hosts that he’s now working on a Gospel album. He mentioned names like Faith Evans, Charlie Wilson and Jeffrey Osborne who will be involved in the project, and promises to “make it right”.


C l e v e l a n d C a v a l i e r s v s . G o l d e n S t a t e Wa r r i o r s :

A NEW RIVALRY? F o r t h e 3 r d s t r a i g h t y e a r, L e B r o n J a m e s a n d t h e C l e v e land Cavalier s have met w ith Stephen Curr y and the G o l d e n S t a t e Wa r r i o r s i n t h e N B A F i n a l s , t h e h i g h e s t level tournament of professional basketball. Though, these teams haven't ye t built up a championship legacy like that of the Lakers vs. Celtics, or Bulls vs. Pistons, it can be perceived that three Finals appearances in a r o w c a n c o n s t i t u t e a n e w f o u n d r i v a l r y.

40 Years of Hip Hop in 4 Minutes An audiovisual clip has provided a mind-blowing multimedia experience in which 40 years of Hip-Hop history are packed into 4 minutes. Created by The Hood Internet, the video is both a montage of tens of music videos from over the years, and also an audio mashup of hundreds of Hip-Hop classics. According to the clip’s description, over 100 artists and 150 songs are represented. Between the audio and the visual, literally 40 years of the history of the culture are covered. Listen Now!

(Music Mashup)

Ice Cube reveals "Last Friday" movie is in the works!

Fans have been curious about the status of the rumored Friday movie that has been teased for a couple of years, but we finally have a confirmed answer. While stopping by The Late Late Show with James Corden, Ice Cube announced that he and his team are finally working on Last Friday. This will be final installation of the famous movie series that blew up in the 1990s. Sitting next to singer Jason Derulo, the Predator rapper spoke on the upcoming film, confirming that it is finally in the works.

“We’re working on one right now. We’re gonna call it Last Friday,” revealed Cube. After hearing a roar of applause from the audience, Derulo also chimed in on the big news, sharing his excitement with the Hip Hop Squares executive producer, being that he used to watch Friday as a kid. “Friday was one of my favorite movies of all time. Literally, I would watch it every single Friday. It was that serious,” he explained. Learn More...

Birdman offers to Executive Produce 50 Cent's 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' 2?

B i rd m a n t o e xe c u t i v e p ro d u c e 5 0 C e n t ’s n e x t a l b u m ? A p p a r e n t l y , t h a t ’ s w h a t h e ’ s w a n t i n g & o f f e r i n g t o d o . O n Tu e s d a y night, the Cash Money CEO revealed that he told 50 Cent that he wanted to executive produce his next album, and he guaranteed it would go platinum plus. “ To l d 5 0 C e n t I w a n n a e x e c u t i v e p r o d u c e h i s n e x t a l b u m i t ’s g u a ra n t e e d p l a t i n u m p l u s # g e t r i c h o r d i e t r y i n g P t . 2 l e t ’s g e t i t ” B i r d m a n ’s c a p t i o n e d r e a d w i t h a p i c t u r e o f t h e a l b u m c o v e r f o r 2 0 0 3 ’ s G e t R i c h O r D i e Tr y i n ' .

T H ROW B AC K T H U R S DAY: We s t C o a s t H i p H o p g r o u p ' A b ove t h e L aw '

Above the Law is an American hip hop group from Pomona, California, founded in 1989 by Cold 187um, Laylaw, KMG the Illustrator, Go Mack, and DJ Total K-Oss. Above the Law claim to have invented the "G-funk" sound, which was made popular byDr. Dre's The Chronic. [6] Dre was involved in producing two tracks on Above the Law's debut album. Part of the post-N.W.A explosion

of California gangsta rap, Above the Law came out of the Eastern Los Angeles suburb of Pomona; leader Cold 187 um, aka Big Hutch (born Gregory Hutchinson), was joined by KMG the Illustrator (born Kevin Gulley), Go Mack (born Arthur Goodman), and DJ Total K-Oss (born Anthony Stewart). Mixing '70s vintagefunk and soul samples with live instrumentation (Hutchinson had studied jazz while in school), the group signed with Eazy-E's Ruthless

Records and issued their debut album, Livin' Like Hustlers, in 1990; split into violence- and sex-themed sides, it was coproduced by Dr. Dre (prior to N.W.A's rancorous breakup) and received well in gangsta circles. The Vocally Pimpin' EP appeared in 1991, and the fulllength follow-up Black Mafia Life was released in 1993. Go Mack left the group shortly thereafter, and Above the Law stuck with the trio format for their last Ruthless album,

1994's Uncle Sam's Curse, which featured greater contributions from KMG.

Learn More about A b o v e T h e L a w. . .

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Hip Hop group 'Onyx' (1988) The group was formed in 1988 and Onyx released its first 12" single, "Ah, And We Do It Like This", in 1990. The song revealed a strong jazz influence, noticeably more than in their later work. In 1991, Onyx was going to present a demo to Jam Master Jay at Def Jam, but Big DS and Sonee Seeza (then only known as SuavĂŠ) were in Connecticut at the time, so Fredro Starr called up his cousin Sticky Fingaz (who lived in Brooklyn). Once Sticky Fingaz joined the group, the group released Throw Ya Gunz in 1992. After the track Onyx signed a recording contract with Def Jam and were promised an album which became 1993's Bacdafucup LP. The album met with great commercial success, including heavy airplay

on radio and MTV for the single "Slam". Onyx also performed with Biohazard on the tune "Judgment Night", taken from the soundtrack album of the same name. Onyx also received critical acclaim, winning Soul Train's album of the year. Read More about Onyx...

Cassidy: "Rappers with Ghostwriters Can't Be on Top 5 Lists"



lyricist Cassidy here talks to Vlad about the phenomenon of ghostwriting in the rap scene and being a ghostwriter for major artists himself. Cassidy is a firm believer that any MC with a ghostwriter cannot be considered an all time great. "Any rapper with a ghostwriter c a n n o t b e i n a t o p 5 o r 1 0 l i s t , " h e s ay s . "If you're a rapper you're supposed to b e a b l e t o r a p. "

THROWBACK THURSDAY: De La Soul (1987) De La Soul is an American hip hop trio formed in 1987 on Long Island, New York. The group is best known for their eclectic sampling, quirky lyrics, and their contributions to the evolution of

the jazz rap and alternative hip hop subgenres. The members are Posdnuos, Dave and Maseo. The three formed the group in high school and caught the attention of producer Prince Paul with a demo tape of the song "Plug Tunin'". With its playful wordplay, innovative sampling, and witty skits, the band's debut album, 3 Feet High and Rising, has been called "a hip hop masterpiece." De La Soul's debut album, 3 Feet High and Rising, released in 1989, was a critical smash hit in the hip hop genre. They quickly

became prominent members of the Native Tongues Posse along with A Tribe Called Quest, Black Sheep, Queen Latifah, the Jungle Brothers and others. The single "Me Myself and I" became a huge hit, further cementing the group's popularity. However, the sixties pop group The Turtles sued De La Soul for using a sample from their 1969 hit "You Showed Me" for the interlude track "Transmitting Live from Mars", despite the fact that The Turtles did not actually write the original song.

Learn More...

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Roxanne Shanté (1984) Roxanne Shanté (born Lolita Shanté Gooden; November 9, 1969) is an American hip hop musician. Born and raised in the Queensbridge Pro-

jects of Queens, New York City, Shanté first gained attention through the Roxanne Wars and was part of the Juice Crew. Roxanne Shanté was brought up in Queens, New York. She started rapping at the age of thirteen. In 1984 the young rapper ran into Tyrone Williams, DJ Mr. Magic, and record producer Marley Marl outside the Queensbridge housing project. The

three of them were discussing U.T.F.O. since the rap trio had failed to make an appearance at a concert. U.T.F.O. had recently released a single called "Hanging out". The single did not get a lot of critical acclaim, however the B-Side featured the song "Roxanne, Roxanne", a song about a woman who would not respond to their advances, became a hit. Shanté, who was a member of the Juice Crew, walked right up to them and offered to write a track to get back at U.T.F.O., posing as the Roxanne in the U.T.F.O. song. They liked her idea and Marley produced the song "Roxanne's Revenge" using the original beats from an instrumental version of "Roxanne, Roxanne". At that time her Queens-based crew was in a battle with KRS-One's Bronx-based crew, because both of the crews claimed that their district was the true home of hip hop. The track became an instant hit and Shanté, only 14 years old at the time, one of the first female MCs to become very popular. Following this, the "Roxanne Wars" started, and Shanté continued to rap and started touring.

Learn More about Roxanne Shante…

Characters By Selfz - Bruxelles (Belgium)

Why is Robert Downey, Jr. the Highest Paid Avenger? Robert Downey Jr. (RDJ) was the only person on The Avengers cast (excluding perhaps Samuel L. Jackson) who can consistently put butts in

seats. None of the other Avengers are A-list stars and their side projects (excluding Chris Evans turns as Captain America, which is technically an ancillary project of the Avengers franchise and Jeremy Renner's role in the most recent Jason Bourne sequel)

don't earn enough money for them to be able to negotiate an RDJ-sized share of the pie. Robert Downey Jr. is the star of The Avengers. Period. Without him (and the next sequel may discover this to its detriment) the franchise really doesn't hold its own and the grosses begin to drop. As such, the producers are faced with the very real possibility that if they didn't pay him what he wants, he could easily walk away and they'd potentially lose HUNDREDS of millions (Yes...Hundreds) of dollars. If or when Jeremy Renner and Scarlet Johansson (the only two in the Avengers pantheon who can do it) earn RDJ levels of return on their side projects, then they can cash Downey Jr. -sized paychecks. Until then, they are talented character actors who occasionally get minor leading roles. Read More...

Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand by Dominic Kamp

What Would Happen If You Were Swallowed by a Whale? Watch Video

What Would Happen If An Astronaut Floated Away Into Space? Watch Video

How to Kill Fear in 5 Seconds

Snake Island (Full Documentary) The


est concentration of one of the most venomous snakes in

the world is located about 90 miles off the coast of Santos, Brazil, on a small, craggy chunk of otherwise uninhabitable land. It's known as Ilha da Queimada Grande, or Snake Island, and it's the only place you will find 2,000 or so of the wholly unique golden lancehead viper, or Bothrops insularis. When you step ashore, with a keen eye you spot one of these snakes roughly every 10 to 15 minutes after clearing the base of the island, and as many as one every six square yards in other parts

of the island. This means, as you are walking through the waist-high brush, even with some good boots on, it's like walking through a minefield that moves and, instead of blowing you into chunks, slowly paralyzes you and liquefies your insides, as the golden lancehead does to the migrating birds it feeds on in the treetops‌

Learn More ...

Bizzy Bone talks Homelessness, Illuminati, & Mumble Rap

The conversation then focused on Bizzy B o n e s e p a r a t i n g h i m s e l f f ro m t h e g ro u p for a bit, which he explained happened at a point when he wanted to find himself. He also addressed previous inter views where he said he was homeless and he seemed to be speaking in tongues. Wa t c h I n t e r v i e w

Comedian Kevin Hart's New Book Tour Signing in Los Angeles, CA 6/12/17 It begins in North Philadelphia. He was born an accident, unwanted by his parents. His father was a drug addict who was in and out of jail. His brother was a crack dealer and petty thief. And his mother was overwhelmingly strict, beating him with belts, frying pans, and his own toys. The odds, in short, were stacked against our young hero, just like the odds that are stacked against the release of a new book in this era of social media (where Hart has a following of over 100 million, by the way). But Kevin Hart, like Ernest Hemingway, JK Rowling, and Chocolate Droppa before him, was able to defy the odds and turn it around. In his literary debut, he takes the reader on a journey through what his life was, what it is today, and how he’s overcome each challenge to become the man he is today.

"I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons" Book Signing by Kevin Hart The Grove June 12th, 2017

HISTORIC LANDMARK: Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Alcatraz Island is located in San Francisco Bay, 1.25 miles (2.01 km) offshore from San Francisco, California,United States. The small island was developed with facilities for a lighthouse, a military fortification, a military prison (1868), and a federal prison from 1934 until 1963. Beginning in November 1969, the island was occupied for more than 19 months by a group of Native Americans from San Francisco who were part of a wave of Native activism across the nation with public protests through the 1970s. In 1972, Alcatraz became part of a national recreation area and received designation as a National Historic Landmark in 1986. Today, the island's facilities are managed by the National Park Service as part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area; it is open to tours. Visitors can reach the island by ferry ride from Pier 33, near Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco. Hornblower Cruises and Events, operating under the name Alcatraz Cruises, is the official ferry provider to and from the island. It is home to the abandoned prison, the site of the oldest operating lighthouse on the West Coast of the United States, early military fortifications, and natural features such as rock pools and a seabird colony (mostly western gulls,cormorants, and egrets). According to a 1971 documentary on the history of Alcatraz, the island measures 1,675 feet (511 m) by 590 feet (180 m) and is 135 feet (41 m) at highest point during mean tide. However, the total area of the island is reported to be 22 acres (8.9 ha). Landmarks on the island include the Main Cellhouse, Dining Hall, Library, Lighthouse, the ruins of the Warden's Houseand Officers' Club, Parade Grounds, Building 64, Water Tower, New Industries Building, Model Industries Building, and the Recreation Yard. Learn More about Alcatraz...

Abandoned Yellow House in Nova Scotia. Photo by Matt Madden & Kim Vallis

Full Parking Lot. Manhattan, NY. (1953) By Swiss photographer Werner Bischof

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