For Tha Revival & Preservation of Local Arts
August 2018
Hayneville, Alabama rapper #SaveTheShowBox G
A Conceptual Street Sign Photography Tour thru Seattle, Washington’s Historic Central District via 23rd Avenue
Shares Quotable Gems from his Latest Album
“Diamond In The Mud”
June 9th, 1981 to July 13, 2018
ThaWilsonBlock Magazine is a monthly digital publication showcasing local arts , culture, & lifestyle. Released on tha 10 th of
every month, thawilsonMAG is committed to serving as a platform for local artists , musicians , and entrepreneurs.
Publisher Mistah Wilson
Journalists Jhantu Randall Mistah Wilson
Editor Mistah Wilson
Photography Mistah Wilson Ashley Victoria Jhantu Randall
Talent Scouts Mistah Wilson Dominic Poole Jhantu Randall
Marketing & Sales Mistah Wilson Zachary Bilsky
ThaWilsonBlock Magazine 851 N. Oakland Avenue Pasadena, CA 91104 Call (626)817-6978
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August 18 @ 12:00 pm 8:00 pm
A free All-Day
Urban Arts
Festival in the
Squire Park
of the Historic
Central District
with an aim to
engage and
strengthen the
music, dance,
and various all
CONTENTS ďƒ˜ S in gap ore K an e S p eaks on Cou n terfei t ďƒ˜ Lifestyle s on ... ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ Listen to " Negrita" b y Melissa J (((A UDI O ))) Prod u ... ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ S tream " Fru ition " alb u m b y Bon efac e on S p otify ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ O p tiMystic p resen ts " Dreams A live" mu sic vid eo fea... ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ Watc h " Pac k I t Up " mu sic vid eo b y A B S oarin & Fres... ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ EVENT: 9/ 7/ 18 - 9/ 9/ 18 Mu sic I n d u stry ďƒ˜ Legen d s Gath ... ďƒ˜ Listen to " S tay Hu n gry" (Freestyle) b y Ch ris ďƒ˜ River... ďƒ˜ S O NG: " Blac kTop S p itters" (A yd en Remix) b y ďƒ˜ PR Dean ... ďƒ˜ MUS I C VI DEO : " 2O FFI CI A L" b y EZZY MO NEY X ďƒ˜ LI L BA BY ... ďƒ˜ " No O n e I s S afe" A Profile on Ch ris K emp an d ďƒ˜ Dirta... ďƒ˜ PO DCA S T REVI EW: Dic k's Bu rgers (S eattle, WA ) ďƒ˜ b y Mi... ďƒ˜ PO DCA S T: Wh y S treamin g Mu sic S u c ks b y ďƒ˜ Mistah Wilso... ďƒ˜ PO DCA S T: I Feel A n I d en tity Crisis Comin g O n ďƒ˜ đ&#x;‘€ đ&#x;‘€... ďƒ˜ Top 10 Con vic ts Wh o Freaked O u t A fter Given ďƒ˜ A Life... ďƒ˜ S O NG: " Don 't Mean Noth in g" b y Man z Rivalz ďƒ˜ feat. Ch ... ďƒ˜ Wh y Mac klemo re is O n e of th e Best A rtists in ďƒ˜ Hip H... ďƒ˜ Listen to " Brooklyn n Love" b y PR Dean feat. ďƒ˜ Marz M... ďƒ˜ Watc h " By Myself" mu sic vid eo b y A NNI E -O ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ Get to K n ow A NNI E -O ďƒ˜ Listen & Down load " P.Y.H" b y S iah h ďƒ˜ (((A UDI O ))) ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ S treet of th a Week of A u gu st 1st, 2018 ďƒ˜ " 11900 Garv... ďƒ˜ New LA Metro Bu ses to Come With WiFi & ďƒ˜ Ch argin g O u ... ďƒ˜ S u p p ortin g Loc al A rtists Ep isod e6: ReaLife + ďƒ˜ K . Go... ďƒ˜ Can Th e S h owBox Lose Ch arac ter Valu e Even as ďƒ˜ a His... ďƒ˜ Down load " CHI K O NDI " b y O c kley (((MP3 ďƒ˜ DO WNLO A D))) ďƒ˜ Hip Hop : Th e Emergen c e of Da Pan th a (A rtic le ďƒ˜ b y Jh ... ďƒ˜ Listen to " Gu tta Rap " feat. Lil Fame (M.O .P), ďƒ˜ Roc k... ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ " FREE FREE" b y Ch ris Rivers {FeFe Remix} (((A UDI O )... ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ RI CK RO S S MUS I C GRO UP RECO RDI NG A RTI S T BO NEFA CE ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ Dr. Dre " Everyon e wh o d oes Writin g sh ou ld b e in vol... ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ Listen to " Man n as" b y Marz Mon ey x Ted d y Da Don ((... ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜ Does Drake's S treamin g Rec ord s Make Him Th e Greate.. . ďƒ˜
Ch ris Rivers " Be You " (((A UDI O ))) EVENT: 8/ 18 Boogie Up Th e Bloc k 2018 Urb an A rts Fe... A d d You r Mu sic to Wilson Bloc k100 Rad io S p otify Pla... Man c e Makall d rop s " Po Boy S ac k" mu sic vid eo (Diam. .. Jay-Z & Ph illy Mayor Reac h A greemen t: Mad e I n A mer... Best Bu y NO T Gettin g Rid of CDs ju st yet? A Q u ic k History O f A u d io: From Mon o To Digital A n d ... Wh at is a " O n e-S h eet" an d Wh y A rtists Need Th em You Tu b e starts sign in g six-figu re c h ec ks to Top Cr... S tyles P " We all n eed to stop worryin g ab ou t wh at ... S treet of th a Week of Ju ly 25th , 2018 " Cen tin ela &... Watc h " Too Cool" mu sic vid eo b y Th e Ch illion a ir es Meet Emotion al ly I mp aired Ph otograp h er " Logan Lec te .. . S tream " Good O ld Days" b y A lissa Mu sto (((A UDI O )))... A B S oarin , Fresh fro mDE & Miz z o - A ll Th ere [Prod . ... Listen to " S till I s Th e Nigh t" b y Fran c is A n d erson ... O ver 15+ Ways Mu sic ian s Can Make Mon ey $$$ EVENT: 7/ 28/ 18 - 7/ 29/ 18 23rd A n n u al Cen tral A ven u ... Major vs I n d ie: Th e Pros & Con s of Rec ord Deals How To Fin d Job s as a Mu sic ian Wh y I Use Blogger O ver Word p ress đ&#x;‘€ Mr. Mc S tran ge Talks Gh u tterPh u n k, S p eaker Creatu re. .. Th e Few Basic Th in gs Every Loc al A rtist S HO ULD Hav... GA LLERY: Th e S tory b eh in d Mistah Wilson 's " Cen tral.. . S u p p ortin g Loc al A rtists: TA NI + Mid n igh t S ailor +... Wh y A n gelen os Wan t LeBron James O UT O f Los A n geles... PR Dean ft. Dax Mp ire, S h az I llyork, Blan k Fac e, C... Ch ris Rivers " Wh at's I t Worth " (((A UDI O ))) EVENT: 9/ 26/ 18 -9/ 28/ 18 Prod u c tion Mu sic Con feren c e. . . Vid eo Gamin g n ow th e Most Pop u lar Form of En tertai... S treet of th a Week of Ju ly 18th , 2018 " 100 West I v... A rtist Cod y Prez u n veils h is Wu -Tan g Clan in sp ired ... THI S MO NTH O NLY THE S EA TTLE LI BRA RY WI LL BUY YO UR ... I MERA LD BRO WN ENI GMA | BA Y A REA A ND
S EA TTLE CO NNEC... ďƒ˜ BI RMI NGHA M'S K . GO O D I S FLA S HY I N " NO MO RE WA I TI NG... ďƒ˜ Tyrese Disc u sses His Beef With Th e Roc k ďƒ˜ Wh y Th ey A re Plan n in g to Exp an d Los A n geles Cou n ty... ďƒ˜ Morris Med ia S tu d ios Brin gs I n tern et Rad io to Cren ... ďƒ˜ How A Loc al Bic yc le Clu b is Makin g a Differen c e in ... ďƒ˜ Ed S h eeran 's $213.9 million grossin g 2018 tou r b re... ďƒ˜ Exp erien c in g Real Life: A Con versat i on with Gerald ... ďƒ˜ Ch ris Rivers- You 're Lon ely (((A UDI O ))) ďƒ˜ Du ju an Elliott feat. Tan i - " Don 't Wan n a" (Mu sic V... ďƒ˜ " I f I t Wasn 't for Bad Lu c k" b y Mid n igh t S ailor wri... ďƒ˜ Watc h “Lovin ’ Uâ€? (Mu sic Vid eo) b y TA NI ďƒ˜ EVENT: 7/ 21/ 18 Los A n geles Live S c ore Film Festiva.. . ďƒ˜ EVENT: 7/ 18/ 18 S on gwriter s : Th e Next Gen eration (P... ďƒ˜ Jay-Z & Beyon c e's CO MBI NED Net Worth I s Now O ver $... ďƒ˜ A Lesson in Hu mb le Lead ersh ip ďƒ˜ How You Tu b e is A d d ressin g Exc essive Plagiari s m ďƒ˜ Th ere is on ly 1 Bloc kb u ster S tore Left in th e US A ?... ďƒ˜ Did You Even K n ow Th ere is a Pasad en a Mu sic S c en e ... ďƒ˜ S u p p ortin g Loc al A rtists Ep isod e4 b y Mistah Wilson ... ďƒ˜ Watc h " Boogie Up th e Bloc k" Mu sic Vid eo b y S u n ton i... ďƒ˜ " Pu ll Up " b y Nin e (O ffic ial Mu sic Vid eo) [p rod u c ed ... ďƒ˜ " I t's S ealed " O ffic ial Mu sic Vid eo b y 2 -Hye featu r... ďƒ˜ EVENT: 7/ 16/ 18 THE CO A LI TI O N DJ'S NEW MUS I C MO NDA Y... ďƒ˜ EVENTS : K CRW S u mmer Nigh ts at Un ion S tation (Clic k... ďƒ˜ " Main O n e" b y O c kley (((A UDI O ))) ďƒ˜ S tream " Preac h er Man " b y BA ZERK on S p otify (((A UDI ... ďƒ˜ Nessy Rios " Desires" (((A UDI O ))) ďƒ˜ EVENT: S alsa Nigh t | La Pic an te ďƒ˜ EVENT: Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival, Ju ly 14th , 2018 ďƒ˜ LO VE ME LI K E I 'M DEA D WHI LE I 'M LI VI NG b y Watc h yat... ďƒ˜ S treet of th a Week of Ju ly 11th , 2018 " A laskan Way... ďƒ˜ Meet Pop Mu sic ian " Marc u se Bowd en " from K alamaz o o , .. . ďƒ˜ S u p p ortin g Loc al A rtists Ep isod e3 b y Mistah Wilson ...
The Story behind Mistah Wilson's "Central District via 23rd Avenue" Collection of Conceptual Street Sign Photography
I took this walk in the Summer of 2017. After moving to Seattle, I was desperate to build my street sign collection. I was just anxious to see it done. Unfortunately, I didn't have the appropriate tools to manufacture the watermark & filtering process. Oh, trust & believe it's actual work involved. Formatting and all. And when you go on long-distant walks like I do, there could by quite a few images to go through.
Read Full Story & View Complete Gallery
Central District (via 23rd Avenue) Seattle, WA Authentic Conceptual Street Sign Photography collection by Mistah Wilson Photography
Street of tha Week of July 18th, 2018 "100 West Ivy Avenue, Inglewood, California� by Mistah Wilson Photography
Get Your Favorite Street Sign on a T-Shirt and other cool merchandise!
Video Gaming now the Most Popular Form of Entertainment in the World? According to Reuters , gaming grew by 10.7% during the las t year alone, while televis ion continued its s teady decline with an 8 percent drop globally. The total gaming revenue for the pas t year amounted to an es timated $116 billion, compared to $105 billion for TV and TV s treaming s ervices . Continue Reading‌
Styles P "We all need to stop worrying about what Kanye's thinking" One of the biggest challenges facing "We all need to s top worrying about what Kanye's thinking," Styles P explains . "Jus t let him be Kanye and you don't have to take what he s ays pers onal, but if you're worried about him, s end him s ome love and a hug." A pos itive s olution to a rocky s ituation.
musicians is generating income. Gone are the days when a band could rely solely on music sales and touring to earn a living.
Supporting Local Artists is a segment on WilsonBlock100 Radio where Mistah Wilson discusses 10 topics from thawilsonblock.net. Every post on our blog gets published in ThaWilsonBlock Magazine on the 10th of every month. This segment was created so that our YouTube audience can experience ThaWilsonBlock Magazine.
Supporting Local Artists
Supporting Local Artists
Episode One
Episode Two
(Download This Podcast: http://bit.ly/2m3YD4S )
(Download This Podcast: http://bit.ly/2u2SBWo )
Cont e nts
Cont e nts
EVENT: Metro Art Presents "Fil...mmm at Union Station" | City of Gold http://bit.ly/2J4tmYz EVENT: Art & Architecture Tour of Union Station http:// bit.ly/2KWhAkI EVENTS: Metro Art Moves + Art Tours of Rail Stations http:// bit.ly/2MX2Y5r "New World" song by Eli Gardiner (Virginia Rose) http:// bit.ly/2J3al8K Who Was "Fela Kuti"? http://bit.ly/2ueXRpp Article Interview with Seattle, WA -based Electronic / Rock Group " Djime" http://bit.ly/2NxZcjV "The Grey Area" EP by 3rty & Kid Marley http:// bit.ly/2KESQ4s Yona Marie - "My Soulful Baby" (((AUDIO))) http:// bit.ly/2KRyQuQ Trife Diesel "Multimedia" (((AUDIO))) http:// bit.ly/2lYDTeJ Boss Beezy "Nothin New" (Music Video) http:// bit.ly/2KXlb26
Chris Rivers "RIP X" (((AUDIO))) http:// bit.ly/2J4AqnZ Ricky Bats "By My Side" (((AUDIO))) http:// bit.ly/2KTy1ON PR DEAN FEAT. 38 SPESH x PROFIT x ROME STREETZ "BLACKTOP SPITTERS" (PROD. BY: DJ CONCEPT) http:// bit.ly/2lXzYyO "The River" song by Eli Gardiner (Virginia Rose) http:// bit.ly/2tY1mRN How Dangerous Is Mexico? http:// bit.ly/2udsR9k Who Was "Helen Keller"? http:// bit.ly/2NzNYeD Meet Pop Songwriter "K Gizzle" from Stone Mountain, GA http:// bit.ly/2NyeMft Meet Hip Hop Experimental Jazz Producer " Cijjles" from Federal Way, Washington http:// bit.ly/2KJqINO G.Vani "All That Woman" (Produced By: AYDEN ) + Music Video http:// bit.ly/2J3fJZG “SONGS IN THE KEY OF MARVIN” INSTRUMENTALS (EP) by Maja7th • STREAM + DOWNLOAD http:// bit.ly/2KOxlgX
Supporting Local Artists is a segment on WilsonBlock100 Radio where Mistah Wilson discusses 10 topics from thawilsonblock.net. Every post on our blog gets published in ThaWilsonBlock Magazine on the 10th of every month. This segment was created so that our YouTube audience can experience ThaWilsonBlock Magazine.
Supporting Local Artists
Supporting Local Artists
Episode Three
Episode Four
(Download This Podcast: http://bit.ly/2KR3JQY)
(Download This Podcast: http://bit.ly/2L4UAV2)
Cont e nts
Cont e nts
LENA JACKSON RELEASES HER DEBUT EP “DARKNESS BRIM” // [EP] http://bit.ly/2L2JPBF Sool - Far Away (Music Video) POP/ELECTRONIC/SOUL http:// bit.ly/2L6OeQM Munich’s new disco sensation Pho Queue drop their long awaited debut record "Sweet“ http:// bit.ly/2N57PkP "My Unapologetic Black Thoughts" Album by Young Deuces http:// bit.ly/2N3Jjk8 Singapore Kane - Karma (It's Your Turn) [Prod. Tragic Allies] http://bit.ly/2umVTDf Meet Electronic Rock Musician " Djime" from Seattle, Washington http:// bit.ly/2zz2fFo Meet Indie Band "Floral Empire" from Portland, Oregon http:// bit.ly/2u7YTnO Venomous2000 x Trilian "«Sounds Of The Great Ones 2»" (ALBUM) http:// bit.ly/2Jcr9KA Scott G ft. Benny The Butcher "V2‘s & V12‘s" http:// bit.ly/2KMCI0W POLO GAWD "HIBACHI" (Music Video) http:// bit.ly/2Jcrmxm
ThaWilsonBlock Magazine Issue65 https://sellfy.com/p/lv5g/ Meet Pop Musician "Marcuse Bowden" from Kalamazoo, Michigan http:// bit.ly/2NkVetX Street of tha Week: Alaskan Way by Mistah Wilson Photography http:// bit.ly/2LkOD2g Love Me Like I'm Dead While I'm Livin by Watchyatone ft. Big Spec & Starr http://bit.ly/2zLeAGT EVENT: Salsa Night | La Picante http:// bit.ly/2Lk8Uox Nessy Rios "Desires" (((AUDIO))) http://bit.ly/2JywPPy Stream "Preacher Man" by BAZERK on Spotify (((AUDIO))) http:// bit.ly/2NlpK7f "Main One" by Ockley (((AUDIO))) http:// bit.ly/2LhKYFs EVENTS: KCRW Summer Nights at Union Station (Click Here for Dates) http:// bit.ly/2uF2d9t "It's Sealed" Official Music Video by 2 -Hye featuring Bing Bing http://bit.ly/2urYaOA
Meet Emotionally Impaired Photographer "LoganLecter" (Daariyon Gardner) from Kalamazoo, Michigan
I am emotionally Impaired. Most of the emotions people have I struggle to understand, Express, or feel. My photos are what those feelings may look like. My goal is to find other people who are emotionally impaired so they may understand they dont need to feel stuck and feel they cant be accepted.
Supporting Local Artists is a segment on WilsonBlock100 Radio where Mistah Wilson discusses 10 topics from thawilsonblock.net. Every post on our blog gets published in ThaWilsonBlock Magazine on the 10th of every month. This segment was created so that our YouTube audience can experience ThaWilsonBlock Magazine.
Supporting Local Artists
Supporting Local Artists
Episode Five
Episode Six
Download This Podcast: http:// bit.ly/2JwLZES
Download This Podcast: http:// bit.ly/2M9KT48
Cont e nts
Cont e nts
Did You Even Know There is a Pasadena Music Scene TV Show??? http:// bit.ly/2L2XedI There is only 1 Blockbuster Store Left in the USA? http:// bit.ly/2mrpEiK How YouTube is Addressing Excessive Plagiarism http:// bit.ly/2uw4STK A Lesson in Humble Leadership http://bit.ly/2JylKOg Jay-Z & Beyonce's COMBINED Net Worth Is Now Over $1 BILLION http:// bit.ly/2LpvRXy EVENT: 7/21/18 Los Angeles Live Score Film Festival (Proudly sponsored by ASCAP) http:// bit.ly/2zKrKnv Watch “Lovin’ U” (Music Video) by TANI http:// bit.ly/2Nr6pBk "If It Wasn't for Bad Luck" by Midnight Sailor written by Kevin M. Berthiaume (Into The Sunset) http:// bit.ly/2zNhk6q Dujuan Elliott feat. Tani - "Don't Wanna" (Music Video) http:// bit.ly/2LsW3R5 "Pull Up" by Nine (Official Music Video) [produced by the Snowgoons] http:// bit.ly/2zRfcL6
Experiencing Real Life: A Conversation with Gerald “ReaLife” Beamon By Jhantu Randall http://bit.ly/2M5hvfj Ed Sheeran's $213.9 million grossing 2018 tour breaks records http:// bit.ly/2NZXHKz How A Local Bicycle Club is Making a Difference in Watts, CA http:// bit.ly/2vmkWXO Morris Media Studios Brings Internet Radio to Crenshaw http://bit.ly/2mXbciR Why They Are Planning to Expand Los Angeles County Jail http:// bit.ly/2M6KUWj Tyrese Discusses His Beef With The Rock http://bit.ly/2NYSp1U BIRMINGHAM'S K. GOOD IS FLASHY IN "NO MORE WAITING" (Music Video) http:// bit.ly/2Aqzf3b IMERALD BROWN ENIGMA | BAY AREA AND SEATTLE CONNECT http://bit.ly/2v4NQfP THIS MONTH ONLY THE SEATTLE LIBRARY WILL BUY YOUR MUSIC http:// bit.ly/2AoAvns Chris Rivers- You're Lonely (((AUDIO))) http://bit.ly/2vleYXd
1. Intro 2. Envious State 3. Wake Up 4. Sacrifices 5. Mucho Deniro
6. Get Away 7. ET Alien 8. Sometimes 9. Po Boy Sack 10. Better Way 11. I Believe 12. Hustle Grind 13. We Rocking 14. She Hood 15. Blessed
Alabama rapper Mance Makall delivers his highly anticipated debut LP "Diamond In The Mud" featuring Lady K, Verse B., Slimkuta, & more...
e made the
not be #1 all-time on tha
The first thing we saw on
block, but he’s definitely
Mance Makall was the “Better
commanded tha #2 spot this
Way” music video featuring
Year! He’s been in direct
Biggs & Versianna Burks.
competition with Tacoma, WA
From there, we reached out
rapper Hendo on
for him to join
WilsonBlock100 Charts.
ThaWilsonBlock Network.
Nonetheless, Mance Makall has
Since then, we’ve been
managed to stand out from
following Makall’s work and
the rest through consistency,
he has showed no signs of
vision, and action! And his
slowing down.
latest album “Diamond In The Mud” is a great example of
decision to seek out interviews and features with at least one artist from every state in the USA. Starting in alphabetical order, we searched the internet for Alabama artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs. We then came across a post by Hayneville, Alabama rapper Mance Makall. We reached out, and he’s been dominating
WilsonBlock100 Charts ever
Makall to be Hayneville’s finest rapper. I mean, he’s not Mance submitted
trap-style flow as some would
and then booked an exclusive
expect. His songs actually
article interview. It is his
have substance and his music
article interview that has
videos reinforce his creative
been throwing it’s weight
ambition. With songs like
around tha block. One thing
“Envious State” and “Po Boy
we couldn’t help to notice was
Sack”, Mance Makall is
his undying drive for music.
solidifying his name as one of
He released singles before the
the South’s most promising
album and followed up with
rising Hip Hop artists.
have resonated with his new Given, he may
coming with that southern
a formal artist introduction
conceptual music videos that
We know Mance
fans…not to mention us!
Does Drake's Streaming Records Make Him The Greatest Artist Ever?
Drake is the biggest artist of all time on both Spotify and Apple Music, according to MBW’s calculations – and has generated comfortably over $100m for himself and his fellow rights-holders across the two services. Read More… Add Your Music to WilsonBlock100 Radio Spotify Playlist WilsonBlock100 Radio is curating a playlist of songs by local artists and musicians on Spotify. Add your music to gain organic Spotify Streams!
Experiencing Real Life: A Conversation with Gerald “ReaLife” Beamon Written By Jhantu Randall
It’s a dark, gray day with occasional flurries of snow outside the Hollow Earth Radio
nervous and excited for the opportunity to learn from someone I admired.
station on 21st and Union. While the cold outside
could cut through bones, inside was a completely
After introducing me to his team
different environment. Inside there’s a man
we sat down to talk before his radio show went
wearing a green Seahawks beanie sitting on a
live. The discussion started off about how the
couch outside the recording booth chatting with
Universe puts blessings on the path(s) of those
his team before they go on the air. He is Gerald
with vision who work hard to achieve their goals.
Beamon, known on stage as Tacoma rapper,
We talked at length about how any decision you
make can lead you back to your original road, so there’s never a wasted opportunity. Becoming I met Gerald about a year ago at a
further intrigued by this man’s philosophy, I began
show we were both performing in. His stage
to ask more questions and took notes as he gave
presence, words, and charisma were more
careful and honest thought before answering.
intoxicating than the drinks at the bar. After
While most of us grew up wanting to be the
getting to know him there, and through various
national act we’d hear on the radio, Gerald went
other events, I never thought our paths would
another direction. He was inspired by the vibes
cross outside of a venue. So, naturally, when he
and allure of the hometown scene.
agreed to let me follow him today I was both
In Gerald’s youth, Motormouth
Jones, a local artist, was one of his biggest influences at the start of his journey writing poetry. He honed his poetry skills in class, but told me that even before that he always had an ability
and passion to create. Eventually he would listen to songs on the radio and put his own rhymes over the beats he heard. Gerald mused about how music runs in his family, about how his
grandmother was a go-go dancer, his mother was a singer, and his father was a DJ. Now this 35 year old father of 3, who works long days at a moving company, has taken his dream of a music career
and turned it into a viable reality. Gerald has expanded his vision and creativity to launch a
they’re supposed to,” he says when I ask him to elaborate. He continues by saying he believes in the creed of ‘Meet one, Teach one’
where he hoped that people he gave an opportunity to would someday go out and do the same for another and watch as it spreads. Hearing all this I asked him what drives him to do this for
others? Most people you talk to only are out for themselves, but Gerald made it clear that being a rapper was his first love, his therapy and expression to the world, but the other ventures
gave him more control over his overall situation. All of it stems from wanting to build a foundation for his kids and family to build on.
radio program in just 5 months.
Gerald “Real Life” Beamon is As the show on Hollow Earth Radio KHUHLP 104.9 Seattle begins, Gerald can be seen outside the booth pacing back and forth as he listens to the broadcast. Between song breaks he enters the room and tells everyone what needs to
be done, but always with words of encouragement before returning to his production duties. When I asked him about his managerial style he told me about the name he
and his artists go by, The Crown of Kings.
“I could be like people I’ve come across and want the glory for myself, but
I want to see those around me shine just as bright as
currently booking shows up and down the west coast with his team in hopes of building on the foundation that he has already created in a short
amount of time. To hear this artists music for yourself, just go to www.Soundcloud.com/ReaLife253. The melodies of the songs may throw off the casual listener but his lyrics are destined to connect to the essence
of what drives someone to make their dreams come true. ●●●
Mance Makall drops "Po Boy Sack" music video (Diamond In The Mud)
Alabama rapper Mance Makall drops the Official Music Video for "Po Boy Sack" off of his album "Diamond In the Mud"
Jay-Z & Philly Mayor Reach Agreement: Made In America Music Festival Returns to Philadelphia Jay-Z and Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney have reached an agreement. The rapper / entrepreneur’s Made in America festival will remain in Benjamin Franklin Parkway. A joint statement from Mayor Jim Kenney and Roc Nation reads
Listen & Download "P.Y.H" by Siahh (((AUDIO)))
This song represent how we as humans keep guards up when regarding our love lives. Due to either past relationships or things we've witnessed in our adolescent years. And I am one who has experienced this so I decided to put my experience in the form of music.
It was a hot July day stuck in traffic trying to get to the library on 56th and South Tacoma way. Now a library may sound like an unusual place to meet a rapper for an interview, but on second thought, the location made perfect sense. For a student of Hip Hop that comes from the era of lyricism, to be surrounded by the written word would be be vital.
I pull into a beaten down parking lot and parked alongside a few older model cars scattered about throughout that the tattered strip. As I get out of the car, I meet up with a man known to people as Seven Da Pantha. He stood just outside the doorway as he greeted me and asked me to excuse him for a minute while he went and grabbed his phone from the charger.
…Many assume that rappers, especially local ones would run the stereotype of overplaying a stage persona, but Seven goes against that idea. In reality, his stage show is darker, more reflective and at times forcefully intimate as his lyrics are presented in a way to strike the audience in a precise manner. The man himself carries a lighter presence about him. Almost as if the stage is truly his therapy and to go without it would be to ignore that which presents him peace. His performances are individual live entries into an audio time capsule of that moment in time and his daily grind merely requires him to take notice of the small moments. Seven Da Pantha dropped his debut project in 2004 and has been consistently putting out work ever since. He has released 10 albums as a solo artist and was apart of 3 group projects as well. Originally from New York, he really found success in music when he moved to North Carolina. When I asked why he left New York he said, “I found success in music really in North Carolina. In New York I was just a face in a large crowd.”
He became associated with Gerald “ReaLife” Beamon and Crown the Kings within 2 weeks of moving to Tacoma 2 years ago. “No lie, I came to Washington on a Wednesday and met Raz Simone, who he had known through Facebook, at a spot in Seattle and was asked to go on tour the next week.” He was immediately put on the Unruly Mess I made tour with Macklemore and Raz Simone which is where he first met Gerald Beamon which lead to Crown the Kings. I was interested in his influences because his music always holds a strong black social conscious at the base of nearly all his songs. The son of a Black Panther, he was raised to live with pride in the community, it was clear who you turned to and who you stayed away from. He began rhyming at 11 but didn’t really begin to take
music seriously until college where he played football. The 6’3 Seven said he avoided basketball mainly due to the assumption that he should play due to his height. During college he began to think about a future that football could bring but decided to take his talents with words and test his skill on stage. He was the standout at his first show and from there he seemed to be on a streak all through New York City. In the early part of his career he had performed with KRS-1 who brought him out to spit as he switched up the baseline to match Seven’s flow. After showing him a playback, one of the most respected emcee’s in hip hop told Seven to run with the gift. After hearing this small portion of his life story, I wondered how he isn’t known beyond a concentrated group of core fans? Being a man of reflection, we delved into the issue of politics in the industry. Through a loom of questions the only response that wouldn’t set off a firestorm basically states that although lyrical Hip Hop that tells stories may not be in demand at the time being but for fans who want to hear that style artists like Seven the Panther will be there to supply the demand.
Stream "Fruition" album by Boneface on Spotify
Why Angelenos Want LeBron James OUT Of Los Angeles
Mistah Wilson explains why true Angelenos don't want LeBron James playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, and yes he's speaking for EVERYBODY đ&#x;‘€ đ&#x;‘€đ&#x;‘€ Music by Yancy Deron "I'm from Pasadena" Kstone "Been Thru It" Lovey Elise "Finish Lines"
A romantic cosmic jazz odyssey distilling the dizzying sensation of falling in love and feeling simultaneously grounded and flung into spiraling orbit. A portrait of a beautiful face seen briefly in full focus and now blurred by the constant motion of infatuation and attraction.
I Feel An Identity Crisis Coming On by Mistah Wilson on WilsonBlock100 Radio Mistah Wilson is an open book. In this episode of WilsonBlock10 0 LIVE, MW speaks on foster care, his issues with black women, and how he's planning to handle a for thcoming identity crisis!!! His testimony is one to be considered.
Music by Ockley "Main One" Sobukwe Toure "Limitless" Bing Bing "Regardless"
Why Streaming Music Sucks by Mistah Wilson on WilsonBlock100 Radio Mistah Wilson talks about Why Streaming Music Sucks. Ever notice how phone plans went from unlimited ever ything to charging users for how much data they use? What was so wrong with Nextel Walkie Talkies? Don't be fooled by major corporations‌
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PODCAST REVIEW: Dick's Burgers (Seattle, WA) by Mistah Wilson on WilsonBlock100 Radio
Download This Podcast Mistah Wilson gives his official review of Seattle's highly -esteemed and very popular Dick's Burgers!
As the recording industry continues to battle against the steady decline of physical album sales, and now steady decline in digital album sales, it can be difficult as an independent musician to determine the best path to take for long -term growth and success. Continue Reading‌
Watch "Pack It Up" music video by AB Soarin & FreshfromDE
On the heels of "All There" two weeks ago, AB Soarin [Boston] and FreshfromDE [Delaware] release the visual for their melodious , piano driven trap anthem "Pack It Up" produced by Missing Link [Rhode Island], where the y encourage anyone not willing to give ever ything to achieving their goals to just pack it up and go home. This is just an horderve of what to expect from "The Leftovers II" EP due for release this Fall, 2018. Both artists are ready to show their diversity as a duo on this future EP, and prove their ability to craft potential radio / party hits to trap bangers with limitless consistenc y. "The Leftovers" is available now.
Stream "Good Old Days" by Alissa Musto (((AUDIO)))
Reflecting on a stressful year of ups and downs, trying to separate the good from the bad and promising to move forward with the positives. I wrote this song in 5 minutes in dressing room before performing it on stage. Stream Now!
OptiMystic presents "Dreams Alive" music video featuring Sickflo, Mic Handz & Tenette Smith (Salty Waterz)
‘Salty Waterz’ is nuthin but grit & grime, but then spit polished to expose the raw gem inside. An album orchestrated by OptiMystic for those real underground Hip Hop heads. ‘Salty Waterz’ will be released thru Fredro Starr of Onyx label Mad Mone y. First video release of the project is ‘Dreams Alive’ feat. Sickflo, Mic Handz & Tenette Smith, shot in Atlanta, Brooklyn, and Perth City.
Listen to "Stay Hungry" (Freestyle) by Chris Rivers
Chris Rivers is kicking off this weeks freestyle over “Holding It Down” by At Wendy’s, off of their “We Beefin?” EP with his version called “Stay Hungry”. We can clearly see that Rivers never lost his hunger with these insane flows and braggadocios bars hitting us with humor , punch lines and that good old fashion Chris energ y. Like share and support !
SONG: "BlackTop Spitters" (Ayden Remix) by PR Dean feat. 38 Spesh, Melissa J, Profit, Rome Streetz
"Blacktop Spitters" Remix is produced by Ayden & features Melissa J on the hook, Off PR Dean upcoming street album # StreetGenius which consist of records from 2008 to 2018 dropping Aug. 23rd. "B.A.S.E." Album still in the works! Thanks to all the PR Dean & Hardtimes Records Supporters! #HardtimesRecords
SONG: "Don't Mean Nothing" by Manz Rivalz feat. Chris Rivers, Meet Kaur (Produced By: Vic Jones)
New Music By Manz Rivalz Featuring Chris Rivers and Meet Kaur Produced By Vic Jones. New Age Hip -Hop with a Hard Hitting sound blending all elements of music together From Past Present and Future. Now Available on all music platforms!
Why Macklemore is One of the Best Artists in Hip Hop!!!
What artist(s) in Hip Hop have full on productions for their songs and not just a simply credited music video? Macklemore raises the bar with "Good Old Days" ft. Kesha
Listen to "Brooklynn Love" by PR Dean feat. Marz Money, Rome Streetz, Estee Nack (((AUDIO)))
This Single is PR Dean 2nd off his upcoming Album "B.A.S.E." ( Bobbito And Stretch Era) dropping later this year. This track consist of 4 dope artist, 2 emcees from Brookl yn (Marz & Rome), 1 producer from Western Mass (Live!) & 1 emcee from Lynn, Massachusetts (Estee). That's the reason PR called it "BROOKLYNN LOVE". Hardtimes Records & PR Dean is all about Dope Fl y Hip Hop! # HardtimesRecords
Get to Know ANNIE-O
Since moving to Atlanta, Annie’s career as an artist has skyrocketed. She has released several mixtapes , including "Loyalty Over Everything" and "Hands Over Fist", along with visuals such as "Smashed On Sight". Her involvement in music has branched into fields such as music production, videography, and audio engineering for herself and other inde pendent artists.
“I want to be considered the rose that grew from concrete, that one who made it against all odds and after everyone said I was just a typical female rapper…”
Watch "By Myself" music video by ANNIE-O
Camp Loyalty recording artist and Detroit native, Annie -O, embodies the spirit of the gun slinging, sharpshooter Annie Oakle y. She uses this re presentation to emphasize her ability to deliver aggression through her music; "a woman’s strength and aggression is a compliment to her sexuality." Her latest single "Myself" displays her l yrical talent as well as her creative flow and is steadil y gaining traction.
Ezzy Money is a southern rap recording artist and songwriter who recently relocated to Atlanta from his hometown of Huntsville, AL. He purchased a recording studio in Fulton county and set up shop as Masta Mind Empire. Ezzy Money’s music has an upbeat sound and party vibe which his fans and DJs appreciate.
Download "CHIKONDI" by Ockley (((MP3 DOWNLOAD)))
Download "CHIKONDI" by Ockley (((MP3 DOWNLOAD))) Ockley was featured on the cover issue of ThaWilsonBlock Magazine Issue65
How To Find Jobs as a Musician
Session work is one of the steadiest ways to earn a living as a musician. The work is often flexible, so you can schedule it around your other projects as you see fit. W hether you’re a guitarist, drummer, singer, or play a different instrument, as a session musician you’ll be hired to play your instrument for studio sessions, live shows, and tours for either a percentage of the profits or a flat fee. Here are some ways to help you find work as a… Continue Reading…
How To Find Jobs as a Musician
Download This Show: http://bit.ly/2NR0Aya
Mistah Wilson talks about why he uses Blogger platform over Wordpress and breaks down the Pros and Cons between them. This is worth a listen even if you're sold on Wordpress. Music by Sobukwe Toure "Limitless" http://bit.ly/2zJ1Wbc Moniquea "Not Enough" http://bit.ly/2KZEwUu Francis Anderson "Still Is The Night" http://bit.ly/2LrrkDG Mr. McStrange debuts new music by GhutterPhunk exclusively on WilsonBlock100 Radio Music by Eternal Y Grim "For The People" http://bit.ly/2uD4ylc GhutterPhunk "Addict #6" Eternal Y Grim "Life Is But A Dream" http://bit.ly/2zJA9rg
Listen to "Gutta Rap" feat. Lil Fame (M.O.P), Rock (Heltah Skeltah) & Joshua Gunn (Produced by Centric) (((AUDIO)))
M.O.P. meets Heltah Skeltah. "Gutta Rap" is the e pitome of undiluted, unadulterated Hip -Hop music. Oakland, CA producer Centric links up with Lil' Fame [M.O.P.], Rock [ Heltah Skeltah] and the self -proclaimed 'best rapper you never heard' Joshua Gunn [NC]: scratches courtesy of DJ Flipflop [CunninLynguists]. With so much new music being released on a daily basis its dif ficult to know what's worth your time but when you see those underground Hip -Hop legend’s names you know exactly what to expect, back -to-back bars over some A+ production. This song isn't part of any particular project (yet!) just a stray bullet in pre paration for Grand Opus [ Joc Scholar & Centric] sophomore LP "High Power."
"FREE FREE" by Chris Rivers {FeFe Remix} (((AUDIO)))
Chris Rivers continuing his constant heat with a freestyle over 6ix9ine’s “FEFE” featuring Nicki Minaj called “Free Free”. Chris is having fun on this one with various flows and vigorous bars , bragging and talking about being free. Like share and support !
Listen to "Mannas" by Marz Money x Teddy Da Don (((AUDIO)))
Marz Money & Teddy Da Don makes a song using slang that's spoken in their heavily populated West Indian community Flatbush, Brooklyn. This is one of man y collaborations to come from the duo, including the highly anticipated project from Marz since his return to the streets called "Marzy Home" EP.
The Chillionaires Ruciano and Sky Scraper come through with new visuals for there track titled "Too Cool"
What is a "One-Sheet" and Why Artists Need Them For those unfamiliar, a one -sheet is a one page overview of your band and/or music. Often, a one -sheet is used by PR agents , distributors , and other industr y professionals to determine how sellable your band is to any given audience. When crafting a one -sheet, you want to ensure that it’s pleasing to the e ye and making an impactive impression of your band. By following our essential
checklist, your one-sheet will stun readers and professionals alike. Read More…
YouTube starts signing six-figure checks to Top Creators
Google has s tarted s igning s ix-figure checks to YouTube’s top creators in an attempt to keep new content exclus ively on the video platform, or at leas t on both platforms . Canadian YouTuber Lily Singh and others received checks as high as s even figures , according to Bus ines s Ins ider. YouTube dis mis s ed the news , s tating it has “no new initiative in place.”
Rick Ross Music Group’s Boneface , is a recording artist well-known for being an award -winning tattoo artist but it’s his latest album “Fruition” getting all the attention. He is clearly aiming to lead the summer of 2018 of f strong by releasing two unfiltered, surreal projects , “Fruition” the album and “Fruition” the mixtape simultaneously. The projects were released June 29th, 2018 and contain hard-hitting dynamic singles such as "Spend It", “Come Up” featuring Ye Ali, “Solid AF” featuring Joe Green, and “Countin’ Mone y” featuring Block 125. The production on the album comes from heavy-hitting powerhouses including Grammy-nominated “Evil -G” whose production credits include Ludacris , Gucci Mane and Dej Loaf , award -winning producer “Faided” who has produced for Snoop Dogg, Berner and The Game as well as Boosie’s label producer “Jit the Beast”.
Best Buy NOT Getting Rid of CDs just yet?
A company spokeswoman offered the following statement to TWICE: “The way people buy and listen to music has dramaticall y changed and, as a result, we are reducing the amount of space devoted to CDs in our stores. However, we will still offer select CDs , vinyl and digital music options at all stores.” Continue Reading…
A Quick History Of Audio: From Mono To Digital And Beyond Do you listen to music, podcasts, and watch TV or movies on your smartphone? These days, audio and video entertainment are immediately accessible at any time of the day or night, whether we are at home, at work, or on the go.
"No One Is Safe" A Profile on Chris Kemp and Dirtay
Article by Jhantu Randall
"No One Is Safe" A Profile on Chris Kemp and Dirtay
"No One Is Safe" A Profile on Chris Kemp and Dirtay
"No One Is Safe" A Profile on Chris Kemp and Dirtay
There are a lot of criminals who
commit horrible and evil crimes. So, when it is time to face their verdicts, a lot of these criminals have different
intense reactions to their sentencing. So here are the top 10 convicts who
freak out after given a life sentence.
EVENT: 9/7/18 - 9/9/18 Music Industry Legends Gather in Atlanta for 4th Annual Music Business Empowerment Conference
Coming Attractions Promotions announces the fourth annual Music Business Empowerment Conference (MBEC) to be held in Atlanta, GA, September 7 - 9 at the Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel. The theme for the 2018 conference is “the reality of the digital impact in today's music industry �.
EVENT: 9/7/18 - 9/9/18 Music Industry Legends Gather in Atlanta for 4th Annual Music Business Empowerment Conference
The MBEC 2018 will feature panel presentations, educational workshops, artist showcases, and inspiring seminars moderated by top radio and record label executives, entertainment attorneys, music industry luminaries, creators, and tastemakers. The mission of the MBEC is to provide a platform and opportunities that encourage dialogue between music creators, radio, and record label communities. MBEC is further committed to preparing and educating the next generation of emerging artists, producers, and songwriters for successful careers.
Chris Rivers "What's It Worth" (((AUDIO)))
Chris Rivers has not missed a freestyle every Wednesday. This time he attacks Jay Rock’s “For What It’s Worth” instrumental with his own rendition “What’s It Worth?” Where Chris talks about choosing to compromise what you know you deserve in the face of difficulties or depression and real life bearing down on you. All the while flexing his lyrical skills we know and love. Like share and support ! Listen Now!
New LA Metro Buses to Come With WiFi & Charging Outlets!?
Mayor of Los Angeles , CA has just announced via Twitter that Metro's new buses will come equipped with Mobile WiFi and Charging Outlets for phones and portable devices. What a great way to keep people moving!
Can The ShowBox Lose Character Value Even as a Historic Landmark? "The reality of a historic site is a plaque in the front and the building remains intact to a certain extent but they could completely change the use of the building, the inside — all of that would forever be different ."
PR Dean ft. Dax Mpire, Shaz Illyork, Blank Face, Chris Rivers, Babalu Machete & Nems "Wild Germanz"
(Bobbito And Stretch Era). Wild Germanz is a track of 6 Puerto Ricans (Borikwas) emcees showing there Mic skills with Super Producer Domingo on the beat also a Puerto Rican. I wanted to show the Hip Hop world that Latinos especially Puerto Ricans can spit with the best of them and been here since day one. It seems that ever y other Race gets there props but the Puerto Ricans (The Co -Creators of Hip Hop). Hip Hop heads need to do the y research on our histor y in this culture. Also in the works and part of the upcoming compilation album is "Underground Railroad" Pt.4. Go to Spotify or Apple Music and check out "Underground Railroad" 1 to 3 dope Hip Hop. Listen Now!