The Cascade Friday, January 15th, 2010 Vol 18 Issue 1

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Reinventing the wheel since 1993

Vol. 18 Issue 1





Check Out UFV's New Multi-Faith P1·aye1·Room much, SONJA SlLov.LCSAK

and frankly I can underEDITOR-IN-CHIEFstand increasing the rate for parking if parking service was improv've always wondered what goes ing, but I'd say it hasn't improved through the administration's (especially during Heat games). head when they come up with Tf a student receives a parking some of their brilliant plans for ticket, Impark will send collecthe university. Usually, it seems tions after you to collect any unthat our needs are barely given a paid tickets. That's oulragcous. thought. For once, though, I have Lt's absolutely appalling that UFV to applaud the talking heads of would sign on with an organizaUFV for acting quickly when stu- tion that would send a collection d1:mtshad a valid request. agency after students. How many Now, in the past, we students UFV students arc going to graduhave kind of been forgotten when ate with a stain on the credit histhe university is coming up with tory because of Impark? plans. When I think of a list of We're stuck with lousy food on dumb ideas that UFV has come up campus. Literally, we're stuck with with, two immediately spring to it. UFV signed a 10 year deal with mind: Sodexho and Impark. Sodexho. No other food sales are Students used to pay a rea- permitted on campus. sonable price for parking. Before Now, I know that there are Impark was brought on campus, other food sales on campus (most students used to pay just a dollar notably, Casey's on the Abbotsford for four hours of parking, and just campus). However, these are only two dollars for all day parking. operating because of Sodexho's Now that price has jumped to two good will. Student groups are not dollars for four hours, and $3.50 allowed to do on-campus food for all day. That doesn't sound like sales, but Student Life has been


operating with a rule of two food sales a month (not two sales per group, just two food sales). T could complain about the quality and price of the food (not to mention the ever-so-long lines at Tim Hortons), but we've all experienced this. Why complain about something we've all suffered through? So, with all the rather incon• siderate decbions the university has made, I was shocked when the university acted promptly to solve an issue that has long been the cause of headaches for student groups. For months now, religious student groups have been vying for prayer space. Several groups were trying to book space in U-House for group prayers. Unfortunately, they were competing with all student groups, so they couldn't get as much time as they needed. I'm not a religious person, but 1 do recognize that students might feel a need to come together on campus and pray (like, perhaps,

during finals). But more than that, students need a quiet place on campus where they can sit back and meditate. University life is hectic, but now there is a place to go for a "time-out. 11 I would love to see different religious groups coming together in the prayer room to pray. I know that previously, when groups were trying to book space in U-House, they didn't want to book space together. H,opefully, with the prayer room, people of all faiths and denominations will meet and pray together. This new room is ju::;tnext door to the Cascade's office, in room C1023. So far, I've only seen a few students use the prayer room, but I hope that more groups start taking advantage of it. After all, space is at a premium at UFV, so more students (and faculty) should take advantage of this space. And after prayer, feel free to stop by the Cascad~'s office and say hi. We're always looking for volunteers and contributors!

Volume 18 · Issue 1 Room C:1027

,~8 l I Ki11i.;Road Abborstonl, nc V2S 7M8

Editor-in-Chief SonJ,1 Szlov1cst1k

Managing Editor Ltw1s van Dyk Production Manager Raudmht Co11rnd

Production ]<'d M11101 Copy Editor Suz,11111t K1llell

News & Opinion Editor P,tul Brummet Arts & Life•Editor P11ul Falurut'all

Dear Editor

human beings from being exploited and sexually trafficked. These I am writing in response to Vir- writings encourage a culture bent ginia Slim's column 'The Fornica- on self gratification through the tion Conversation.' I would first sexual use and abuse of others. like to agree with a previous letter For example, in Slim's December posted in the December 4th issue 4th article she encourages readers of the Cascade stating that Slim's to get drunk and "bang a different drum every weekend." If this November 20th article regarding a societal need to consume por- statement doesn't glorify and even nography, uploading your own · justify sexual abuse, I don't know amateur pornographic videos, what does. and lists of her favourite websites is "distasteful." I would go on to Although "sexual addiction" isn't in the DSM-IV (but may be say that not only is this particular article e::;pecially embarrassing to in the DSM-Y,this type of lifestyle the Cascade newspaper and its ruins marriages, destroys famireaders, but this entire column and lies, ends careers, causes pain and what it represents is inappropriate, destruction and yet it is celebrated unacceptable and uninformed. A in our University Newspaper, the current issue that most are aware Cascade. I'm sick of it. of h the rising issue of human trafSincerely, ficking, specifically regarding the sexual exploitation of chi Idrcn and Brandon Litun women righl here in Canada. Writ:r.;,,, an article justifying sexual proniiscuity, specifically regarding internet pornography, spits in the face of efforts attempting to save

Dear Editor, This is my final letter regarding the Advertorials written by Richard Peachey. I enjoyed the discussions and am happy to report that I learned some things in the process. l appreciate that in his Advertorial of Dec. 4 Mr. Peachey pointed out the error I made in claiming that the church promoted a belief in a flat earth. ln fact the church was guilty of promoting a geo-centric conception of the universe. In other words, the church demanded that people believe the earth is the centre of the universe long after early scientists had presented clear evidence that is wa::; not. In pointing out my mistake Mr. Peachey helped to further my own understanding of this issue. But at this point T feel that Mr. Peachey is returning to previous arguments he made to which I have already responded, both publicly and by personal e-mail. I would be very happy to corre-

spond with Mr. Peachey personally if he foels the need to continue discussing his beliefs.

Bri1r,1ny W1esm~r

I appreciate very much the Cascade printing my letters. As I mentioned h1 one of my previous letters, I feel it's important to reply to controversial items in a student newspaper. This is especially true when those items are from outside the university and when money is paid for the items to be published. While Mr. Peachey feels the need to try to convert students to his beliefs, I believe that the students of our university have the ability to think about and decide these issues for themselves. I trust that students will make life decisions that will not only benefit them personally, but also cause the least amount of distress and harm to others. Sincerely, Peter B. Raabe Philosophy

JANUARY 15, 16




TATSSMusical TheatreProduction ~ Beauty& The Beast

AbbotsfordHeatvs. LakeErie

IndoorBMXat Agrifairarena


AbbeyArtsCentreon 15th and 16th of Jan. Tickets$10 - availableat ATSSboxoffice- 604-8594891

Registration: 6:30pm-7:30pm

AbbotsfordEntertainmentand SportsCentre 7.30 p.111.on Friday15th January Ticketsavailableat boxoffice

RaceTime: 8:00pm Cost: $12 Jr.$15 Pro. Tel: 604-308-2291

Sports & Health Editor

Playing at UFV theatre in ChilliwackfromJan.20 to Feb.7

E-mailtheatre@ufv.cafor tickets

Staff Writers Jusrin Orlewkz Jclt'I Sm.irt Jor,!;111Pitcher

Trt:vor Fik Contributors Jalk Brown Sam11t·lGlasw>w Kylt-t' Sw:ulclt'n Jame"sV,111,kr I Iorst Sarah Wt'ltt'rs

Printed By ( .oastJI Wd, Prt'ss 'Ilic Ca~cudcis Ul•V's uutnnomnusstudent newspaper. It pmvidcsa forum for UFV students tu huvctheir joumulisrn published.

1111lso acts asannltc-mativc pressfor lhe Fraser Valley.The Ca.~cndcis funded with UFV st\Jdcntfunds,The Cascadeis published every Friday with n cit-culationof 2000 nnclis distributedat UFV campuses and lhmut,.hout AbboL~l'ord,Chilliwuck,and Mission. The Cuscudcis a member of the Cunatliun Univc1"sity i'rcss. u natium~coopcrutiveof 75 university und college ncwspupcrsfrom Victoriato St. Joh11 's.'nl<.'Cnsmticfhllows th<.'CUP cthi,nl polii:ycontunlingmnl(:riul of a p1-cjt1dicinl or op111'\:s.,ivc tl(1tt1re, Submissions arcprcfe1rotiinclc1:tronic formal l.lithol'thmuph c-milil or c111m. Plc1L<;0 send submissions in" .txt'' or ".doc" fonnnt only. A111ck:s ru,dletterslo the editor must be lypl-d.The Cu.,cadcreservesthe right lo edit submissionsfor cfm·ity1u1dlength. TI1cC'o,;eadcwill 1101pri11111ny 1U'litlcsthat contllinmcist, soxiM,homophobic !lr lihcllons content. 'l11cwriter\ name 1111d student num her must he submittedwith each suhmission. I .ottersto the editor must he under 250 words if intended for print. Only onoletter to the editor per writer in any given edition. Opinionsexpressed do not ncccssn.rilyrdlcct thul ol Ul'V, CtL-;cudc stuff and collective,nr associatedrncmbc1'S.



UFV Instructor Passes Away JED MINOR In terms

of Murray's own work as an artist Nolte noted that "he FV Visual Arts faculty mem- was quite committed to finding a ber Don Murray passed away balance between commitment to on December 18, 2009. material and conceptual work." in Don taught sculpture at UFV addition Nolte said, •~rtists such from 1990 to 2003, and was the de- as Joseph Boyes were quite imporpartment head of visual arts from tant to Don, particularly because 2000 to 2003. A vocal proponent Boyes pays attention to form, confor visual art both at UFV and in cept and social justice. [Don] was the community of Abbotsford in very skeptical of militarism in sogeneral, he was one of the earliest ciety... and some of his sculpture advocates of creating a Bachelor of spoke to the dangers of militarisFine Art (BFA)degree at UFV.UFV tic thinking" In addition to creating his own Dean of Arts Jacqueline Nolte remembers Don as "one of the first work, Don was also committed people that kept on insisting that to providing that opportunity for the diploma program could grow other artists as well, helping found into a BFA.,.He had the vision the Vancouver artist-run centereof that and he was committed to Active ARTIFACTS Cultural Asthe vision." She went on to say sociation in 1986. that the introduction of the BFA Above all, Don Murray is best program at UFV was ''Huge, be- remembered as a beloved instruccause it came at the same time as tor with a "quirky and unpredictthe building of the Reach Gallery able" sense of humor. In the words (and] put Abbolsford on the map of Tetsuomi Anzai, the current in terms of recognizing creative department head of visual art, cultural endeavor." "what always impressed about Along with helping to bring Don was his ability and dedicathe BFA to UFV, Nolte went on tion as a teacher and the connecto say how Murray was instru- tion he had with his students. You mental in the creation of the new could tell that there was a genuine media program al UFV. "He was rapport there, and that students extremely interested in lead- respected him and excelled under ing the department in the realm his instruction ... His vision for the of new media. It was his vision, department and his contributions he introduced it ... it was a big here at such a formative time in leap for the department to take." our history really helped to forge New Media deals with the pro- the foundations of who we are duction of fine art using current now. He will be greatly missed." technology such as computers. According to Brenda Fredrick, The introduction of the new me- the department will be honoring dia program under the umbrella Murray's memory. An announceof visual arts at UFV allowed the ment will be forthcoming. department to be competilive with similar programs at Emily Carr, SFUand UBC. PRODUCTION




Student Senate Representive Candidates Statements lisle, Jacko Kardux, and Melissa PAUL BRAMMER NEWS& OPINIONEDITOR Kendzierski. Each candidate has prepared a statement for UFV stuhe UFV Senate is holding a dents. by-election at the end of the month to elect a new Student Rep- Melissa Kendzierski Candidate Statement resentative. As a 4th year UFV student I UFV students arc able to vote for their chosen candidate via have had the pleasure of being ed"MyUFV" between January 18-21. ucated by faculty who are not only According to Bill Cooke, reg- experts in their fields, but experts istrar at the Senate, "['rhe] Senate in teaching. And I know I am not is the senior academic governing the only student who thinks this. body. Its main roles arc to set poli- Through the Globe and Mail's Cacies and procedures concerning nadian University Report Card, educational matters, and to act UFV was ranked top in teaching. as an advisor to inform decisions Education is UFV's business, and it is not just the teachers are great; made by the unlversity board." Cooke went on to say that there the structure that supports our are three main responsibilities of educators works. Through decisions made at Senthe Senate Student Representative. The first is "preparation for one ate, regarding class sizes, academic Senate meeting each month. The standards, inclusion of programs meetings are two-and-a-half hours and credentials, the UFV Senate long. The business can include dis- works to support our instructors cussion and approval of policies, and aid them in their delivery of plans or programs. The agenda is an educational experience UFV is available the week before, and so, recognized for. I am running for there can be several hours spent the position of student repres ntative on the UFV Senate because preparing," The second responsibility is quality education is something I "membership on a sub-commit- believe in. And it is my desire to tee" of the Senate, which involves see that dt:cisions made at the Senthe same amounl of preparation as ate level promotes the quality educational experience I have had the a regular Senatt: meeting. Finally, "as a student represen- privilege of receiving. tative, the person is expected to As a student representative, not bring a student's perspective to only will I make a commitment to any discussions. It helps if there be an approachable listening ear has been some consultation with for student ideas regarding their other students or a continuing education here at UFV, but I will awareness of student issues. Talk- be an advocate for them. I support ing to students or reading The small class sizes, development of Cascade always helps." new programs, and an increase There are three candidates for in educational resources such as the position. They are - Brian Car- library books. My desire is to see


--- - -

UFV grow and be able to sustain its growth. These are the reasons I am running for UFV Senate, and the reasons you should consider voting for me. Vote Melissa Kendzierski January 18-21, 2010 on myUFV! Jacko Kardux Candidate Statement

I strongly believe knowledge is a critical to economic advancement, and developing and maintaining superior educational programs is a key to UFV's success and of the region it serves. It is therefore important that the governing body (Senate) making the academic decisions for UFY have members who are able to provide the insight needed to properly allocate UFV's scarce resources to such academic programs that provide maximum benefits to both the students and society. Having obtained credit for courses spanning 7 subject areas, J feel that I will be able to provide valuable input necessary in the development of future educational initiatives. I will also approach any academic proposals brought forward in the Senate in an unbiased manner while ensuring these proposals stand up to critical examination. Brian Carlisle Candidate Statement

Unfortunately, at the time of printing, Brian Carlisle had not supplied a candidate statement to The Cascade. His application, and the applications of the other candidates, can be found at




Controversial Cartoonist Attacked With Axe JORDAN PITCHER STAFFWRITER

ontroversial Danish cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard and his granddaughter were attacked in his heavily fortified home in the city of Aarhus, Denmark on January 1. According to BBCnews, his attacker was a 28-ycar-old Somali man whose name has not yet been released for legal reasons. The assailant attacked Westergaard with both a knife and an axe but was shot in the arm and the leg after throwing his axe al police officers. He was arrested outside of Westergaard's home and taken away in a stretcher. Westergaard and his five-year-old granddaughter, Stephanie, were both unharmed. Westergaard sparked a fury of controversy in September of 2005 when he drew a political cartoon for the Danish newspa• per Jyllands-Posten of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb in his turban. Tn an attempt to mitigate the fallout from the cartoons, Jyllands-t'osten pub• lished a letter in January 2006 titled "Honorable Fellow Citizens of the Muslim World," apologizing for any offense the cartoons caused. However, by then the cartoon had already been reprinted in many newspapers and magazines across Europe. BBC News and the National Post offer some examples of the fallout that include multiple protests in several Arabic countries





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in which Danish flags, movie theaters and fast food establishments were burned. Around the world, Danish embassies were attacked by Muslims; a number of Muslim groups filed a lawsuit against Jyllands-Posten on the grounds of blasphemy; also, innumerable death threats were sent to both the culture editor of Jyllands-Posten, Flemming 'Rose,and Kurl Westergaard. The January lsl attack on Westergaard is not the only time his life has been in immediate danger. In February 2008, Jyllands-Postcn reported that Danish intelligence agents arrested three Muslims for conspiring to murder Westergaard. Shortly after this, Westergaard went into hiding and was placed under protective sur-

veillancc by Danish police whenever he left his home. Additionally, his house was outfitted with steel doors, reinforced windows and a panic room-the same panic room he locked himself in during the most recent attack. Desiring to live a normal life, Westergaard came out of hiding in 2009. As for the attacker, BBC News reports that this is not the first ti me he has been arrested for suspected acts of terrorism. 1n August 2009, he was held, along with four other people, in Kenya for plotting an attack cm Hillary Clinton during her visit to Africa. He was eventually deported to Denmark. The attacker is said lo have ties with al-Qaeda as well as a 1-Shabab, which is the group that took credit for the al lack on Westergaard. A $1

million price-tag has recently been placed on Westergaard's head by Islamic militants. Despite the repercussions the cartoon has had on Westergaard's life, he told Der Spiegel in a 2008 interview that he does not regret drawing the cartoon, "If it hadn't been the cartoon, it would have been a book or a play or a film that would have provoked the protests. l think we have to get through this period of friction between the two cultures. 1 hope that our Muslim fellow citizens will understand what it means to live in a democracy. Even if you are against the democracy, you can still live there, but you must fight with peaceful means. In Denmark we have a saying; Democracy goes to bed with its enemies -- not oul of desire but

out of principle." Westergaard also stressed that the cartoon was not anti-Islam, "I don't want my cartoon taken out of its original context. Ttwas a cartoon aiming at fanatic Islamist terrorists -- a small part of Islam. '!'he cartoon must not be used against Muslim society as a whole. That was not my intention.'' UFV philosophy and political science department head, Hamish Telford commented on the cartoon, and the reaction it incurred, "First, let me :my unequivocally that the artist does have, in my view, a right to free speech, assuming that it is not slanderous or promote hatred ... As a religion, Islam docs not engage in idolatry. Unlike Christianity, there are no pictures or statues of the prophets or other important figures . . . A depiction of Mohammed is, therefore, deeply offensive to Muslims. One of course has the right to offend, but it is rude." "If the artist wants to offend Muslims, he is free to depict the prophet Muhamn-1ad. He just shouldn't be surprised that people took offense. This of course docs not give people the right to kill the artist, but they can otherwise make their displeasure known. I don't know if the artist was aware of the prohibition against idolatry in Islam, I suspect that if he was, he would have behaved differently." The trial of the unnamed :mspect continues.

·~ AGENDA 1.Welcomeand Callto Order 2.Adoptlon of Agenda 3.Approvalof Minutes 4.Reports (a)President (b)Treasurer ( c ) Editor-in-Chief 5, DecisionItems (a)SpecialResolutionto adopt revisedbylaws of the CascadeJournalismSociety (b) Resignationof Directors ( c ) Electionof Society Directors I. Four at-large student representatives II. One UFVFaculty/staffrepresentative Ill. One CascadeJournalismSocietyAlumni representative IV.One communityrepresentative 6.QuestlonPeriod 7.Adjournment


One Universityof the FraserValley Faculty/StaffRepresentative Ill. One CommunityRepresentative who residesin the Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack,or Hope area. IV. One CascadeJournalismSociety Alumni Representative,who Is a former Cascadeeditorialstaff member or a former director of the CascadeJournalismSociety. 8. Enshriningthe compositionand duties of the executiveof the CJS. The executive positionsof President,Treasurer& secretary will be filled by the CJS board of directorsat their first board meetingfollowingan AGM. C. Enshriningthe compositionand duties of the EditorialBoard of the CascadeJournalism Society.The editorialboard, consisting of the current editors of the Cascade shall make decisionsregardingthe editorial content of the paper or policesthat affect editorialcontent.

Enshriningthe powers, duties and SUMMARYOF CHANGESTO THE BYLAWS D. hiringof the Editor-in-Chief.With the creation A. Enshriningthe composition,duties and of an independentand accountableboard to overseethe financial,legal and operational powers of the CascadeJournalismSociety affairsof the cascade,the Editor-in-Chief Board of Directors.The creationof an inde• shall no longerbe hired by society members pendentboard structureto make decisions regardingthe legal,financialand operational at a generalmeeting.Hiringof the Editor-inChiefshall be done on a yearlybasis by a affairsof the CascadeJournalismSociety. The new board will be voted in by UFV committee comprisedof Cascadedirectors studentsat an annualgeneralmeetingand and staff, a UFVfaculty representativeand membersof the UFVstudent community. consist of the followingpositions: The Editor-in-Chiefshall havefinal authority I. FourAt-LargeStudent Representa- on the editorialaffairsof the Cascadepaper and will be the face of the Cascadestaff to tives, who are membersof the CJS in good the community. standing(i.e.havepaid student fees)and are not paid-staffat the Cascadeor members UFVstudents are encouragedto attend. of the StudentUnionExecutive.Threeout of Those interestedin runningfor board posithe four reps must not hold a board position tions can contact the Cascadeat cascade. on the UFVStudentUnionSociety. 1 l ')(' I, ,,, ,I • 1' I sodety~grtlail.corn ' 1" I., Id~ \~









Canadian Journalist Killed in Afghanistan UFVOffers Study Abroad Grants dertake "examines the experience in their new home NEWS& OPINIONEDITOR and how they have in turn influCONTRIBUTOR FV International is offering enced host cultures and their con11 students the chance to win nections to their ancestral home." n December 30, 2009 Calgary grants to study abroad for a sc- ·rhc program focuses on the "cu 1llcrnlrl journalist Michelle tural, social, economic land] lanrru.:ster. Lang was killed while undertakThe project, the Diaspora Edu- guage" effects of diaspora. ing field research in Kandahar, Successful applicants will take cational Consortium, is described Afghanistan. Lang, 34 grew up as "an international network com- "a common comparative course, in Vancouver, B.C.,and began her mitted to learning, teaching, re- an on-line directed studies course, career writing for the Free Press searching, and working with dias- service learning placements and newspaper in Prince George, B.C. selcclcd elective courses." All acapora communities." Iler career highlights include reThe project allows 11 students demic courses will be taught in ceiving the National Newspaper from UFV to study abroad, either English al all locations; however, Award in 2008 "for her coverage of at the University of Northampton a course in basic conversational health care and medicine," accordin England or at Wcstftllische Wil- German is required for students ing to CBC. The incident occurred while sion in Afghanistan is vital for us cember 30, 2009 eight Americans helms University in Munster, Ger- studying in Monster. Student eligibility will be deternot only as Canadians, but as hu- were killed in an attack on a mili- many. Each student selected will Lang was shadowing Canadian tary base in Khost. receive a $4,500 grant. Students mined by several factors: "student troops on a community security man beings." patrol in Kandahar. When the Sergeant George Mick, also 28, Eric Spalding, media and com- taking part in the initiative will interviews, student-written subhomemade bomb went off they said, "I'm just off to save the world, munications professor at UFV study overseas for one semester missions, and letters of reference were about 1500metres away from somebody has to." Private Gar- said, "Lang was obviously a tal- and pay UFV tuition during their from faculty as well as community members associated with diaspora the Dand district centre, which rett Childley, a 21-year-old raised ented and ambitious journalist. time abroad. cross/cultural or related organizaStudents will study a program in Langley, was a member of the Gaining experience in AfghaniCanadian soldiers helped re-build "that has been articulated among tions.'' after a suicide bombing in April Kandahar provincial reconstruc- stan would have been intrinsically Successful applicants must: 2009.The bombing occurred about tion team, and was on his first tour fascinating to someone who loves the partner universities so UFV two and a half weeks into what of duty. journalism and would have been students will receive full credit to- "demonstrate a strong interest in Lang was well-loved and re- a good career move. Having done wards their UFV degrees", accord- diaspora, cross cultural and comwas supposed to be a six-week stay in Afghanistan for Lang. Four Ca- spected by her peers. Lorne Mot- Afghanistan, Lang would have ing to the official press release, munity studies... meet the requirement of academic strength ... nadian soldiers were also killed in ley, editor-in-chief of the Calgary demonstrated her willingness and "Students from the humanities the explosion. Among the injured Heraldstated, "This has been a re- ability to go out there and get the and social sciences as well as busi- demonstrate potential in ... adaptness and criminal justice may find ability, [an] openness to new ideas/ are four more soldiers, an Afghan ally tough day here, probably the tough stories." cultures, [a] tolerance of ambiguLang's remains, and the re- this project of interest." interpreter and one civilian. blackest day I can remember in the Sarah Nermo, International ity [and an] ability to function as a Lang is the first Canadian recent history of the CalgaryHer- mains of the others killed, rejournalist killed in Afghanistan. ald." turned home on January 3, 2010. Programs assistant at the Inter- 'team' player." Experience in other cultures Lang's fianc6, Michael Louie, According to the Calgary I-Jerald, national Department, encouraged However, on Sunday January 10, British reporter Rupert Hamer, 39, whom she was going to marry this "All five were honoured in a re- students to apply for the grants, "through travel or by living was killed when his vehicle hit a summer, said in a statement to the patriation ceremony last Sunday "Studying abroad is an excellent abroad" and "related volunteer/ roadside bomb in l-lclmand prov- press, "Michelle could light up any at Canadian Forces Base Trenton, opportunity to broaden your ho- work experience within diaspora rizons, open your world view and groups, cross cultural, private secince. Philip Coburn, 43,a photog- room she walked into. Those who where thousands of Canadians rapher, was with Hamer when the had the privilege of knowing her lined up along the Highway of He- help you grow as a person, as well tor or community activities" will as gain credits towards a UFV de- also be taken into account. bomb exploded. His injuries are professionally and personally will roes to pay tribute." York University in Ontario ls not thought to be life-threatening. always remember her warmth, her Figures from the International gree. I would advise all students to Hamer is the first British reporter kindness, and the positive impacts News Safety Institute state that strongly consider taking a semes- also participating in the Canadakilled i.n the nine years 0£ th!! A(. EU project; however, accepted U FV she made wherever she went. l 132 journalists were killed in war ter overseas." ghan war. will forever remember how deeply zones in 2009, one of the highest Diaspora is defined in the press students will only be able to study All of the soldiers killed were she touched my life and each and yearly tolls on record. Nine jour· release as "the movement, migra- in England or Germany. Interested under the age of 30. One of the every moment we spent together." nallsts were killed in the Middle tion, or scattering of a people away students arc advised to check UFV soldiers, Sergeant Kirk Taylor, 28, Since Canadian troops were de- East last year, compared to 60 in from an established or ancestral International for future updates, had prepared a public statement ployed in Afghanistan in 2002 138 Asia, and most notably in the Phil- homeland" in the press release. or contact International Program in case he should not make it back soldiers and 4 Canadian civilians ippines, where 37 journalists and The diaspora studies programs assistant, Sarah Nermo for more from his tour. It said that the "mis- have lost their lives. Also, on De· media staff were killed. that exchange students will un- information.

PAUL BRAMMER of those people




IncreasedAirportSecurityRaisesQuestionsof Privacy PAUL BRAMMER NEWS& OPINIONEDITOR he attf.lmpted bombing of a T plane over the Uni led Slates on Christmas Day has caused countries across the world to increase security measures in airports. Last month, 23-year old Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly attempted to detonate a device on Northwest Airlines flight 253, which departed from Amsterdam's Schiphol airport and was heading for Detroit's airport. According to CBC, "the U.S. Justice Department said Umar 'Farouk Abdulmutallab had a device containing a high explosive attached to his body.'' As the flight neared Detroit Airport, "Abdulmutallab set it off, but it sparked a fire instead of an explosion." The suspect was apprehended on the flight and has since appeared in court, where a plea of "not guilty" was entered for him by his legal counsel. As a result of this threat, airports across the world have begun to introduce body scanners to safeguard against the smuggling of explosive devices onto flights. The scanners, which create an image of a person's body using x-rays or radio frequency waves, began a trial last month at Manchester Airport in England. However, the body scanners

have attracted criticism. According to The Guardian, "A 12-month trial at Manchester Airport of scanners which reveal naked images of passengers including their genitalia and breast enlargements, only went ahead last month after under-18s were exempted."

"The decision followed a warning from Terri Dowty, of Action for Rights of Children, that the scanners could breach the Protection of Children Act 1978, under which it ls illegal to create an indecent image or a "pseudo-image" of a child." Airport officials claim that the image "is only seen by a single security officer in a remote location before it is deleted." Around 500 people have taken part in the trlal in Manchester, "with positive feedback from nearly all those involved", according to The Guard• ian. In Canada, body scanners are being introduced in several airports. The Ottawa Citizen reports that "44 full-body screening machines will be installed at major Canadian airports in the coming weeks." According to The Globe and Mail, the airports arc in "Van• couver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax.'' A Quebec City-based company, Optosccurity, is developing technology that they hope will "address ...the privacy concerns raised by the new equipment that has been likened by some to a virtual striptease." Jnstead of the naked image being viewed by a person, Optosecu rity's technology will enable tl\e

scanner itself to detect "dangerous substances or unusual objects on the passenger. The information would then be passed on to the security personnel using a less revealing image and pinpointing where on the body further searches should be conducted." Dan Gudmundson, chief technology officer for Optosecurity, said of the technology, "The results would be shown in a cartoon or an outline of the person ... With our software, the screener is not going to see anything. It's the soft· ware that docs the job." In the United States, the Electronic Privacy Information Center has claimed that body scanners do have the capability to store and send images recorded on the machines. As reported by CNN, EPIC Executive Director Marc Rotenberg accused the Transportation Security Administration of lying about the storage capabilities of the scanners, "I don't think the TSA has been forthcoming with the American public about the true capability of these devices ......They reassure people, based on the images that have been produced, that there's not any privacy concerns." ,;But if you look at the actual technical specifications and you read the vendor contracts, you come to understand that these machines ai:e capable of doing far

more than the TSA has let on.'' Rotenberg advised that "the TSA should suspend further deployment of the machines until privacy and security questions are resolved.'' The EPIC is also issuing a lawsuit to the TSA in an attempt to "obtain additional documents" about the scanners. The TSA maintains that their scanners do not have the capability to share information, as they "are not net· worked and cannot be hacked." Despite this controversy, Canadians are supportive of the new security measures. The Globe and Mail reports that in "an Angus Reid poll ... of 1,019 Canadian adults, 44 per cent of respondents said they strongly support the use of these scanners to screen aJl passengers travelling to and from Canada. And another 30 per cent of respondents said they moderately support relying on the new security measure." Canadians will be able to choose between a scan in the machines or a physical pat-down, according to The Globeand Mail. In addition, "two-thirds of the people taking part in the survey said they would rather go through the scanner than endure a full-body pat down." The poll claims to reflect public opinion to "within a margin of error of 3.1 per cent/'

.' .






Olympic l~otester Arrests Bring Question of Free Speech

AOL &TimeWarner Split ing explained. TREVORFIK

Where AOL and Time Warner faltered, companies like Google, he separation of AOL and Time Facebook and YouTube have. Warner marks the end of the flourished, delivering content to biggest financial merger between consumers in an innovative new companies in the past century. The way. By encouraging employees deal resulted in the combination to think outside of the box, new of companies valued at $350 bil· i.deas were formed that were able lion at the time, and was hailed as to transform the internet over the the first step in "new media truly past several years. coming of age" by AOLco-founder Spalding explained: "Brilliant Stephen Case. ideas often come from the margins, At the time of lhe merger il'I from people who don't care about 2001, the acquisition of AOL by the way things are done and have Time Warner was dubbed the little to lose by taking chances." "deal of the century" by business By offering free content in an and news media. The combination environment that promoted acof AOL's hold on the Internet mar- cessibility to media, companies ket SeQmed a great match when like Google and Yahoo quickly united with the entertainment overcame AOL under the guise of porHolio of Time Warner. cheap, readily accessible Internet "What an Internet service pro- service providers (ISP). vider like AOL was trying to do "Few lnternet users saw any




STAFF WRITER hough the Olympics have not yet begun, already controversy has started over several arrests that have taken place as protesters hinder the Olympic torch relay. Questions have arisen about whether the police have been given too much power to discourage proteslcrs from exercising their right to free speech. Brittney Simpson, a 19-ycar-old protcstor, was charged with assault after an Olympic was knocked down in Guelph, Ontario on Decl;!mber28, 2009. While many are reporting that Simpson pushed the woman carrying the torch, there is another side to the story. Tony Saxon, a Guelph reporter, was quoted in the National Post saying that the torchbearer, Courtney Hansen, was not pushed over at all. "The 28-year-old Milton woman hit the ground hard ... seemingly tripping over the leg of a police officer who was struggling with protesters trying to interrupt Ms. Hansen's Olympic moment in downtown Guelph.'' Eight prntesters were arrested a few days later as they attempted to set up a 20 foot tripod in the middle of a bridge the torchbearer would need to pass. According to the CTV Olympics website, Ontario Provincial Police officer Sgt. MikQPollock explained the arrests by saying that because the bridge is narrow, the protest became a public safety issue. Vancouver Police Department's Deputy Chief Steve Sweeney told the Vancouver Sun that roadways are not a safe place to protest. "Any




public space in the city of Vancouver is an area where you can protest. .. [But] once you occupy a road, you are breaking the law. So we have to gauge the impact that has on the operation of the city." Sweeney made sure to cladfy that the police are not victimizing protesters. "If you want to legally deliver a message of protest against the Games, we have no issue with that at all." Protesters simply do not have any special rights to act unlawfully. David Eby, the Executive Director of the BC Civil Liberties As· sociation (BCCLA), feels that the security measures are excessive. ;'Vancouver has been transformed into a security state for the apparent pri,nary pu~pose of preventing people from delaying traffic or the torch run." Eby questions the excessive spending on security against protestors. "The BCCLA

have yet to see a single tactic by a protester that justifies the completely disproportionate $1 billion that is being spent on security for these Olympic Games to deal with protest as the number one security threat to the Olympics." Eby added that the Association only supports peaceful protests. "The BCCLA has never been in favour, and will continue to advocate against using violence, whether as against people or property, as a way to promote a message. We're all for free speech, but we're against pushing torchbearers or anyone else without consent, if that's what happened in that incident." The torch will pass through Abbotsford on Sunday, February 7. Olympic protesters have been arranging to meet the torch through social networking sites like Facebook.

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back then was offer content to its subscribers," said UFV media and communications professor Eric Spalding, "Taking over Time Warner made sense at the time, in that AOL could eventually use the latter's vast library of content, from classic movies to TV shows and magazines, as a way of attracting more subscribers.'' The failure of AOL and Time Warner to successfully integrate media and entertainment into the new outlet of the IntQrnet has been blamed on AOL's falling consumer base, a direct result of the company's unwillingness to adapt to new broadband Internet technology. AOL's once popular dial-up internet model has seen a steep slide in membership in recent years, with registered users falling from a height of 26 million individuals, down to 5.4 million. The deal was brokered during one of the largest stock market bubbles in recent history, and in the midst of the dotcom revolution. Where AOL and Time Warner broke down in their attempt to revolutionize new media, Spalding notes, is the companies' "blatant miscalculation of how the Internet would develop." "AOL's approach was not interesting to a lot of content providers: if you're a newspaper or magazine and you want to put material on• line, why limit yourself to a single Internet service provider?" Spald-

value added by ul'.iingAOL as opposed to a cheaper ISP," Spalding added. "AOL quickly lost its edge by being a provider of exclusive content ... Peopl(! just went for thQ least expensive ISP that would allow them to get on the Internet and where content with the materia I was freely available through this method.'' In their bid to reach the goal of "unprecedented and instantaneous access to every form of media," AOL and TimQ WarnQr were upset by job losses, and dogged by reports of wrongdoings from the Securities and Exchange Commission and Justice Department, all of which served to hamper attempts at reaching the mergers full potential. As a result of AOL's divorce from Time Warner, immediate repercussions have been felt inside AOL, where company stock dropped off 1.1 percent to $23.40 USD after the first Time Warner free day of trading. As for what effects the separation will have on the rest of the media world, it is unclear how willing companies are going to be to merge together in the future. "I think that the Internet today is at a different place compared to 2001, such that a merger between an Internet service provider and a content provider doesn't really make sense," Spalding noted.





Is the UFC bad for society? JEDMINOR PRODUCTION

ancouver recently approved V the sanctioning of mixed martial art (MMA) events by a city council vote of 6-3. This opens the door for an Ultimate Fighting Championship (UPC) event to come to town in 2010 (most likely in June, according to the UFC). Now, before the inevitable handwringing starts about how this sport is returning us to our savage past, and how it will increase the violence in our society, consider this - the most popular sport in Canada is hockey. Hockey is the only sport in the world which allows bare knuckled boxing within its confines. Sure, the players receive five minute penalties for fighting, but the referees basically just stand to the sides and let the players go at it until they get tired, drag each other to the ice, or someone gets knocked out. And you know what? The fans love it. Any attempt at removing fighting from hockey has failed in the face of overwhelming opposition from the fans. Meanwhile, UFC events are the top Pay Per View draw in the country, ahead of boxing and wrestling, according to Rogers Cable. Dana White, the CEO of the UFC, has stated that if MMA was as popular in the US as it is in Canada, it would be even bigger than it is now. Why are these violent sports so popular in Canada? Is it because Canadians are innately

bloodthirsty? This seems unlikely. Throughout the world we are stereotyped as the most sickeningly nice and polite people you would want to meet. I think rather it is because the essence of human competition found in violent sports like Hockey and Mixed Martial Arts is cathartic. It allows us to vicariously release the tensions of life in a controlled environment rather than take them out on our neighbour, or perhaps a neighbouring country. Mixed martial artists often get stereotyped as mouth-breathing goons who like to hurt people. This is just not the case. Often they are athletes who have laboured for many years in respected discl• plincs such as Karate, Jiu-Jiti;uand

amateur wrestling. Many possess college degrees, having paid for their educations through wrestling scholarships. Former Middleweight Champion Rich Franklin has a Masters in Education and was a high school math teacher before he started competing in the UFC. Although UFC Welterweight Champion and proud Canadian Georges St. Pierre never graduated college, he cites Sun Tzu's The Art of Waras an influence and is known to enjoy a spirited game of chess in his spare time. What then makes these civilized and reasonable people get in the cage and physically punish each other? Welterweight contender 6kn Hardy has stated that

"I happen to enjoy testing myself against another, well-trained human being, in the controlled environment of my favourite sport. l understand the risks, as does my opponent." He then goes on to say that "Since 1995, there have been 123 deaths in Cheerleading, do we make it illegal? Cheerleading has also left 782 people paralyzed. Do you know how many deaths or serious injuries in Mixed Martial Arts? Zero." Dan Hardy, before be· coming a MMA fighter, was a Fine Art student. MMA fighters are not the only ones; looking back in history we find many examples that defy the common perception of who fighters are. Tommy Douglas, the "father of Medicare" in Canada, was voted The Greatest Canadian by viewers of the CBC television show of the same name. Douglas was an amateur boxer before his career in politics. In the fight which he won the Lightweight Championship of Manitoba he sustained "a broken nose [and] a loss of some teeth." Douglas took his fighting spirit with him into politics, and became a champion of the working man, promoting universal healthcare as the premier of Saskatchewan and later in the Federal Government. Another person known for his pugilistic talent and also his great humanity was Muhammad Ali. Perhaps the greatest fighter of all time, Ali became just as well known for his dissentlon against the Vietnam war, saying "Man, I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet Cong.'' Ali also described himself


as a pacifist, remarking "I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world." I say all that to say this - while people may see the UFC as another indication of how the world is becoming more violent, it is actually the newest incarnation in a long history of combat sports, and many of the people that enjoy these sports and compete in them are generally peaceful and contribute much to society. The increasing violence that is most abhorrent in the world is the violence of economics: the strong countries oppressing the weak in order to obtain resources cheaply; the violence of the consumption of oil which necessitates the waging of war in countries that most of us haven't ever been to and don't know much about; lhe violence of ecological destruction that continues to eliminate species of plants and animals that our children will never see. The savage nature of modern life is harder to recognize because it is dressed so nicely in our cultural assumptions and advertising jargon. The blood, sweat and tears that are shed in the UPC are easy to criticize because they are· so graphic and visceral, but it is the ink signed onto declarations of war by politicians that causes the most violence in the world. Maybe if people took this loss of life seriously they would organize politically to stop it. Like many things in life however, peace won't come without a fight. I




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The Unborn: Rightfully


The Gregorian Calender?





magine that you are the parent of a young child. Now picture that your child asks you "May I kill this?" Your response to this will obviously be "What is it?". This scenario can be used to simplify an issue commonly thought to be complex• the abortion debate. Nobody can deny that the process of abortion kills something. The debate boils down to the question of "What is it that we are killing?" A common argument against a pro-life advocate might be that a poor woman shouldn't be obligated to give birth to her child if she can't afford to raise it. Again, I ask in response if you would allow a woman to kill her young child if she no longer could afford to raise him or her. "But that's different because a child is a human and a fetus is not", you might retort. So the issue is not about economical burdens but rather • what is the unborn? Somebody else may say that abortion is a private matter. In response I ask whether you would take offence at a woman who abused her child in private. So the issue is not about privacy, but about what the thing is that is being abused. If the unborn child is not a human it is certainly your private affair, but if It is human, then privacy cou Id never be a reason for abortion. So let's get to the heart of this debate - what is the unborn? I advocate that the unborn is a human being, from the point of conception. This position is both scientifically and philosophically sound. Several scientific truths point to the fact that the unborn is a distinct human being. First, the unborn is genetically distinct from its parents. It is not part of the woman's body, and it is unified, and self integrating. A zygote has the inherent ability to become an embryo, a fetus, an infant, a child


ow many days are in January? What about June? November? If you took a minute to think about this question, or maybe had to recite a rhyme to yourself so that you can figure the answer out, you just illustrated what is wrong with the Gregorian calendar. We can thank St. Gregory the Great for this particularly confusing method of measuring time, as it was he who introduced much needed reforms to the then inuse Julian Calendar (pioneered by none other than Julius Caesar himself over 2000 years ago). Both of these calendars measure the year by dividing it into 365.25 days and 12 months. In doing so, the calendar easily allows a person to reckon the current solar year, which is where St. Gregory, and Caesar before him, got the figure of 365 days; that is roughly how long it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation of the sun. St. Gregory added a leap year every four years to account for the .25 difference that had, over time, caused the Julian calendar to drifl in its alignment with the solar year by over a week. But such a change did not address the serious systemic failures of that calendar, and there hasn't been any movement to seriously reform the way we measure time since the French Revolution. Proposals that were made then included the establishment of metric time, which would make hours and minutes divisible by ten, as well as the establishment of regular months, with logical names. In doing so, confusion would be lessened and in many cases eliminated - if every month had the same number of days, or if their num• ber of days varied regularly there would be no need for children's rhymes for people to learn basic information like how many days each month has.


and lhen an adult. The fetus is evi• dently human because it has two human parents, and humans are unable to beget anything of a different species. I£ the fetus isn't human, then what is it? The pro-life pmiition is also philosophically sound, as there are only four differences between a fetus and a newborn infant, none of which arc relevant to personhood. The two differ in size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency (use the SLED acronym to remember). Humanity cannot rely on these factors alone at any stage in our lives. Imagine that personhood depended on size. Would Shaquille O'Ncal bl! considered more of a person than you or I? There is definitely more of him, but that does not make him more of a person than anyone else. The fetus is less developed than a child. But personhood cannot vary according to level of development. An unborn child will develop throughout gestation and after birth and will even regress later in life, but always remains a person. Environment also cannot be a determining factor for person-

hood. One's humanity does not depend on where they are located. Were you less of a person in your classroom as opposed to your car? Of course not. Ifow can personhood depend on whether the child is located in the womb or a few inches away in the mother's arms? Can one say that, since one is independent, that he or she is more of a person than a fetus? If so, would you be willing to turn to a person dependent for their lives on insulin, a wheelchair, or a dialysis machine and tell them that he or she is inhuman? I have presented my arguments to you, and here is my challenge: if you believe that I am wrong, then you must prove that the fetus is not a human being bdore you can legitimately say that abortion is acceptable. It is not enough to say that the fetus might not be human. Human life is not something of such little weight that we can discard it according to an assumption. You must either prove that the unborn are not human, or you must prove that the murder of humans is acceptable.

What we need is a new calendar, one that doesn't try to slav• ishly adhere to norms that are centuries old. Why should we still be numbering our years since the supposed birth of Christ? Yet we continue to do so, even in the public realm where we are nominally secular. Why should we still be naming our months after Roman gods and emperors? We continue to do so, even in a time when such names are meaningless or unintelligible to many. Why should we still be dividing ohr year into 12 months, with irregular numbers of days and weeks? All of these things are being done not for any independently legitimate reason, but rather simply because it is how things are done. Appealing to tradition as the source of knowledge or insight certainly has its place in our society, and a shared history is fundamentally important to a group's identity. But that does not mean that we should simply stop questioning or reflecting on things critically, yet that is what we have all done. The calendar which we use is basic and brute: it is in our face, all the time, every day. We shouldn't settle for something which is confusing and outmoded simply because that is what we currently use, or people in the past used. We need to look forward and embrace a calendar which is logical, regular, and most importantly makes children's rhymes unnecessary.

New Cell Phone Laws JUSTIN ORLEWICZ STAFF WRITER he day has finally come • we T are no longer allowed to talk on our cell phones while operating a motor vehicle in the province of British Columbia. Driving and talking on our cell phones has become North America's (and the better part of the world's), favorite pastime. It has also been the cause of numerous fatal accidents and fender benders. Talking on our cell phones has become a way of life for today's youth; we don't re• ally know driving without them. Now the question you have to ask yourself is • does this make the road a safer place? I guess it eliminates the people that really are bad drivers, but should the rest of us suffer for a small percentage of people that can't drive? I'm not going to name names but it does take a real idiot to suck at driving. Driving an automatic vehicle is very fat' from rocket science. Another question you have to ask yourself is - could this just be a cash grab for the police and the province of British Columbia? How will they go about prov-

ing you were on your cell phone? Maybe it's just an excuse to pull over high-profile gangsters with aspirations of catching them in the middle of their dirty laundry. This new law is definitely their way to

violate every decent citizen's civil rights while they're driving on the road. A long shot is that the compa• nies that make hands-free cellular devices have put together some

sort of deal with the government in order for them to be able to push their products at a faster rate. Maybe the government is capitalizing from every angle on this new law, and why shouldn't they?

They are one of the biggest gangs in the world. Since I have dug this far I figure that I might as well go down this route as well. ! am going to have to question the quality of the head-sets that will be produced from now on. Since this is a necessary device if you want or need to talk on the phone while you drive, I can definitely sec the quality and durability of these devices going down, now we are going to have to replace these things with our cell phones every year. For the record, I have already purchased my hands- free set and I am not impressed with the quality. This law is a complete cash-grab anyway you look at it. We should feel lucky we got away without this law for as long as we did. Ontario has had this law in place since last November and their fine is for $500,not $200. However, our fine comes with 3 points towards our license, which could prove to be costly at the end of the year. So my only advice is to get off your phone or get a headset and drive safe.













some of my attention span and willingness to be patient and wait) if it had not been for the music. "What music?" I hear you cry. Well, I'm not altogether sure what it was. There was a piano and a guitar, I seem to recall, and both teamed together to assault my poor eardrurris with the most banal, trite and stale music ever composed by man. It's like if Mozart had been on prescription pills. And had no talent.

the glimmer of hope appears. I've got through! ( rejoiced, I'm free! That is, until, the voice comes back to thank you once again for holding, before reverting back to Mozart's Piano Concerto on Benzodiazepines. An automated message being interrupted by an automated message, followed by sub-elevator music. If proof were ever needed that we as a species have reached the end of our evolutionary track,

To add insult to injury, there are the intermittent condescending hold messages, where some disembodied shit thanks you for holding, as if you're donating a kidney to a sick kid or something. The most grating moments come when you are being pummeled into submission by some automated message demanding that you buy pay-per-view, only to have the voice cut out ln mid-sentence, and for a second, just for a second,

it is this. By the time I got through to the thankfully pleasant assistant, I was a gibbering wreck. My mental processes more closely resembled a blancmange than a human, and I had probably soiled myself several times. The scent of death hung heavy in the air. It was then that the call-centre lady asked me if our router was set up. Only the one you sent me, I replied. Ah, but no, I was informed,

JORDAN PITCHER returns for a third season on

Channel in Canada. Yes; you have to pay extra for the S1.iperChannel, which not everyone (including myself) wants to do. But I'm sure the more enterprising of you can find a way to watch it without paying for the Super Channel or moving to the UK. Hint: Internet. I would be remiss if I talked about premieres and didn't mention Lost. Lost returns for its final season on February 2nd at 9 p.m .. This season is said to have done away with the flashbacks and flash-forwards that have defined the series so far and will be introducing something completely different; something so different that a lot of the promotional material released don't feature any actual scenes from the premiere, because even a single scene could give it all away. The January 22 episode of 'bolfhouie''-i.,,[1 f rit>t'. ~ct· the

finale of a spectacular second season, but as the end of the entire series as well. The finale will be a continuation of the first season's outstanding post-apocalyptic 13th episode, "Epitaph One" (which is available only on DVD/Internet). The creatively titled finale, "Epitaph Two: The Return" will feature the return of the adorable Felicia Day. So it isn't all bad news for Dollhousefans. After numerous complaints from their affiliates about low lead• in ratings, NBC has plans to cancel The Jay Leno Show. Unfortunately, this does not mean Jay Leno will be dragged behind the proverbial shed and put out of his misery, it just means that instead of polluting the airways at 10pm for an hour, he will pollute them at 11:35 p.m. for a half hour. This shift wjll push e,verything back ,~'1-,a If hoo r,' ~b·111e ·YoniglitShdw


STAFFWRITER Sunday, January 1.0 from 9-11




He Wants Your Love

PAUL BRAMMER l scurried home from my nearNEWS& OPINIONEDITOR servitude at UFV,overjoyed to find the cardboard box lying on the bought a laptop at Christmas. floor for me, ready for me to delve Well, Mrs. Culture Mulcher and my grubby mitts in and connect its I bought a laptop. beauty to the nearest socket. Hours were spent considering A modem was produced, several models, click•clacking on thick wires along with it1 and a keyboards, being harassed by rather flimsy looking instruction over•zealous salesmen with dollar manual. Despite that, the whole signs for pupils, until the moment endeavour seemed so bully well came when an electronicsuitorwas easy l was considering letting my agreed upon. A big, shiny, sleek cat do it for me. I Iowever, his lack bastard it was too, resplendent in of opposable thumbs its grandiosity and justifying my made my mind up verbosity in its complicated, state• for me, and [ fixed of-the-art tech nologica Iness. the whole sorry mess A fabulous buy it promised to together myself. be, hurling Mrs. Culture Mulcher Lights blinked. and me as it surely would into a Things whirred. My new decade oflights twinkling and laptop sounded like screensavers of bubbles floating it was going to take around your screen. It was the 21st off when I inserted century, and we had arrived with the lnternet set-up a machine capable of downloading CD. I sat expectant, the entire Nickelback discography an analog sinner in mere minutes. Hallelujah! awaiting digital Fast forward a week, and the benediction. dream is in ruins. The wonder of And nothing manufacturing sits smug on its happened. Nada, flat plastic haunches, taunting me zilch, zero. The with its very existence. I garble for square root of cockwords, but all that arises is a slow all. After sitting in death rattle. You see, we don't have vain, waiting for an Internet connection. anything to occur, The Internet. It didn't bloody I did as any selfwell exist a few years ago1 but respecting man now it has us all - hook, line and would - I realized l sinker - rendered helpless and had no idea what to sweaty, barely-sentient beings do and called the help line. when not safe and warm in its Of course, this true story magnanimous glow of information wouldn't be fun without a bit more and diversion. pathetic human suffering, would Actually, scratch that. We do it? Before I got the chance to be have an Internet connection. It just patronized by someone wearing a isn't working. .1 clip-on tie, I had the most dubious Only a few days, they said. Come honour of being left on hold for in the mail, they said. Couldn't be twenty minutes. easier to set it up yourself, they I maintain that my time on hold said. They made it sound as easy would not have been that bad (after as passing wind or dying. all, I do try and buck the trend At first, of course, it was easy. for our generation by preserving

anuary means only one thing to the television dependent: the return of your favorite shows. At long last, the mid·season cliffhangers that consumed you during the winter break will be resolved. It also rneani; the return of shows that either weren't good enough for a foll premier or that nearsighted television executives had no faith in. Either way, the new year is filled to bursting with shows worth your attention, so you might have to start DVRing your episodes of Two and a Half Men and JerseyShore. After a trnly legendary "Save Chuck" campaign that saw critics, fans, and corporate sponsors rally around the show, effectively saving it from cancellation, NBC's superb spy/sci-fi/dramedy Chuck


p.m. before moving to its regular timeslot of Mondays at 8 p.m .. Originally, the third season was supposed to premiere in March and was to be composed of an outrageously inadequate thirteen episodes, but NBC seems to have finally realized that Chuck is the only show worth watching on their network (besides Community)and recently pushed the premiere to January and ordered an additional six episodes. The fourth season of the popular British teen drama, Skins, returns to E4 on January 28. If you want to watch a show that is like a darker version of Degrassiwith less melodramatic bullshit, more breasts, and better drugs, then I would definitely recommend Skins. Alt}-ioughE4 is a British channel, ,.:,, "kms r t , , \ f , l , , L ,, I , < h' · · , " wi, a so.air on t C! Super


what we sent you was a modem. Your modem hooked up alone will not connect you to the Tnternet; it was a router that I needed, and then everything would be ticketyboo. Feeling thoroughly ashamed of my lack of initiative, l hung up and found the damned router. To cut an already long story slightly shorter, once said router was connected and my hopes had been newly aroused, the damn thing still didn't connect to the Internet. We arc bereft, ad rift in a salty sea of nothingness while othern ride the virtual waves and crash onto the binary beach of Internet. So, the hell with it, I'm going off the map. I shall become a latter-day Brando in ApocalypseNow,going crazy and retreating into the jungle of ignorance as the rest of the world indulges in their beautiful filesharing, information grabbing paradise. After all, what will J miss out on? Aside from news, that is. And music. And plane Hckets. And weather reports. And movie timetables. And bus timetables. And Kanye West breakdowns. And Lady Gaga's bits. And lessons in etymology and ancient history and Bert and Ernie. In short, every single thing that goes on in the world today. .. .I don't suppose you have a phone I could borrow for about twenty minutes?

with Conan O'Brienwill now start at 12:05 a.m. and Late Night with JimmyFallonwill start at 1:05a.m.. The only way this is good news is if you consider that NBC now has five extra hours of primetime to spend, which could result in NBC being more lax about the shows they will cancel at the end of the season (i.e. Chuck). Finally, in news that makes me reconsider the idea of a Higher Power, The Jeff Dunham Show, starring consummate racist/ homophobic/misogynistic piece of sentient garbage, Jeff Dunham, has been cancelled. This comes after a gradual 4 million viewer drop between the premiere and finale of the show. However, Jeff Dunham still has a multi-platform deal with Comedy Central, which will allow him to infect the planet in treacherous and uninteresting 1 1 Wll~f6rycars1to to~e.' ' ' • •




Q & A : Clint Hames yourunintoonychallenges?anyone could want coming to the the point in time where something Have needs to be done about the way The original cast has been theatre. that they grow, sell and market awesome. The two biggest their grain. lt's done in a realistic challenges are putting into this Paper Wheat opens on Friday, style. non-traditional space and getting January 22 at 7:30p.m. in the theatre The second act is the story of out of my head how the old cast did on the Chilliwack campus, with the formation of the Wheat Pool, it and allowing the new, younger half price previews Wednesday the cooperatives on the prairies, cast free reign of who they think and Thursday, January 20 and 21. some very natural and realistic these characters are so that I'm It plays January 23, 28, 29, 30 and and some kind of vaudevillian not trying to make it look like February 4, 5 and 6 at 7:30 p.m. and over the top fun scenes. The the original show. I'm constantly On Tuesday, Jan 26 at 12 noon and stage is sometimes the interior of amazed at the quality of talent Sunday January 31 and February 7 So they'llbe ploying the older a settler's house, stage of a radio from the students that are here and at 2 p.m. The January 31 matinee versions oftheyoung c~aracters thot studio, at times it's a store. A the way that they are taught. This performance is a special paytheyplayed in1982783? backdrop was created to theme department deserves ten times the what-you-can event wjth a Without giving too much away, the show. amount of recognition that it gets. recommended minimum price the original production had five of only $8. Regular ticket prices SAMANTHA GUNSON to explain to_peoplePaper Wheat wosverysuccessful in range between $12 and $18. ADVERTISING MANAGER cast members and those cast I findit hord members play five re-occurring who havenever beentothistheatre,1982ond1983,touring VancouverFor more information and hidden gem of UFV is no characters in the first act, but what'it's liketowatch a show inthis andtheHarrison Festival oftheArts. reservations call 604-795-2814, Doyouonticipote thesomesuccess?email: or visit our doubt its theatre program. there's also incidental characters. theatre. We have one of the most highly I've used the original cast in those It is! This is the first show I've I sure hope sol It's got everything website at renowned theatre programs in incidental roles, which ls fun, directed in this theatre. It is one of the country and an interestingly and they make brief appearances my favourite theatres to watch a intimate theatre to escape in. But, as themselves, only older. In show in because you can actually the theatre would just be an empty the second act, we lose those see what people are thinking on room without the enormous characters, and it's more like a stage. amount of talent that fills and musical review, there's all kinds Wheat features a blue-gross surrounds it, bringing it to life for of roles to play, some young, some Poper butsomepeople oreturne~ off each production. This year is UFV's old. In this production they're split bond 30th season of theatre and we're between some of the older cast and bymusicals. W~ot's your response? fast approaching the opening of some of the younger cast. I understand that feeling the second main-stage show. Paper because I think music can Wheat, a collective work by the Itsounds likeo really funshowl sometimes propel you out of the 25 Street House Theatre, opens I'm having a ball! Anytime story that you're watching. What on January 20th. The Cascade you're doing something that's got is great about doing a farm show did your homework for you and music in it is fun and uplifting with blue-grass music is that it is sat down with Clint Hames, the and this show has elements of completely contextual. The music is different styles of theatre. In the really a natural part of what's going dit<!ctor,to find out more. first act there are very realistic, on in the show. It isn't a musical I understand thotPoper Wheat hos heart-tugging kind of scenes. In in the sense that all of a sudden a quite o history with t~eUFV Theatre.the second act there's border line character, in character, breaks into You've directed ittwice before? chaos. There's such a wide range song to sing about something. The music is a backdrop for the show, It was a Jong time ago, (laughs) of things to enjoy in the show. providing a background for what's it's a little fuzzy. In 1982, the happening. Chilliwack Theatre Festival was yousetthescene forus? created by Ian Fenwick to host Could some off campus theatre and Sure. The play takes place over What canweexpect from thebond? produced Paper Wheat as its first a period from the turn of the The songs are toe-tapping. The show. It was so ovetwhelmingly century to somewhat modern day. blue-grass band is exceptional. successful that Ian decided to bring So, the first act follows the story of That's worth the price of the ticket, the show to the regular season of five immigrants to Saskatchewan just coming to listen to them. theatre at Fraser Valley College. and what their Jives were like up to I directed both times, with the same cast, except [in] the second production, l actually had to take a role in the show because one of the actors couldn't continue. The original 1983 cast is back, as well as the original guitar player and banjo player from the blue gtass band. We've added, of course, the young folks from UFV.


The CascadeArcade JOEL SMART including the PlayStation 3, 3D STAFF WRITER compatible. Though the update ith the Consumer will require users actually own Electronics Show (CES), expensive 3D televisions to make increased Bluray storage capacity, use of the feature, it will allow Natal losing its processor, and even truly 3D visuals. Though its main some Tiger Woods news, there ls application will be for watching plenty of interesting news on the Bluray movies, the update wjl) video games front this week. also allow 30 gaming on the With many of his sponsors PlayStation 3. People at the show dropping him, Tiger Woods is sure were able to play games Hke Gran to be relieved that Electronic Arts Turismo 5 and Super Stardust HD is sticking with him in the release in3D. of the web-browser based game Bluray discs are about to evolve entitled Tiger Woods PGA Tour as well, as Sony and Panasonic Online. EA boss Peter Moore says have announced that storage in his personal blog that the game space per layer will increase from is not about Wood's personal life, 25 gigabytes to 33.4 gigabytes. The and maintains that, "Tiger Woods difference is even more impressive is still one of the greatest athletes when considering dual-layered in history." No word on whether discs will now hold nearly 17 EA plans to keep Woods for his gigabytes more data, at 66.8. The 3O-motion camera for the hugely popular commie games. 3D was the buzzword at CES Xbox 360, the Natal, had some 2010. A Samsung HDTV was concerned, as news dropped shown with Gearsof War 2 playing that it might not contain its own in 3D. What made the TV special processor, meaning that the 360 was that it could turn any game would need to dedicate some into "simulated" 3D automatically. resources in order to process Besting this though, Sony the data. Microsoft only denied announced a firmware update rumours that the Natal would that will make Bluray players, require a dedicated CPU core to


run games, but did not say about the Natal processor cut. Tt could mean that games that use the Natal would have to make sacrifices to graphics, sound, physics, or artificial intelligence.

LittleBigPlanetcreators Media Molecule performed some fan service by nominating 10 usermade levels for the 2009 Level of the Year award in a humorouslynamed award show, "First Annual Sackies Sackademy Awards" which plays off of the name of the sack-boy characters found in the game. Other awards included the Best Visuals and Use of Special Effects, Best Use of Story in a Level, and Best Machinima Video. The Xbox Live Arcade will release ScrapMetal this spring, a top-down car-combat racing game with definite similarities to the classic Twisted Metal series. The game will feature multiple game modes, from a demolition derby to a police chase. Classic side-scroller Metal Slug is coming to PSP on February 23 in the form of Metal Slug XX for $19.99featuring two-player co-op.

. - ...

r FRIDAY,JANUARY15th, 2010




' The Best Books of the 2000s PAUL BRAMMER BRITTANY WIESNER




We, my friends, are just a rag-tag bunch of book nerds. While watching a film takes a couple hours, reading a book can take weeks. We don't claim to have read all the influential books of the decade, and we can't claim that this list is complete. However, here's a list of 30 books we read and liked during the 2000s.



DAN BROWN The HorryPotterSeries- J.K. Life ofPi-Yann Mortel Rowling Rowling started a wold wide phenomenon with her imaginative series; granted the first half came out in the 90's, but the hype continued right up until the last book just a few years ago.

ln Martel's hypnotic style of prose, we befriend talking animals and learn something about faith.

TheDoVinci Code -DonBrown Although this book began a hype that was ultimately anticlimactic due to the poor film adaptation, the book was a riveting read that refused to be put down.

This autobiography of a boy growing up in a dysfunctional home is touching and skilfully written.

TheCurious Incident oftheDogin Persepolis -Marjane Satarapi theNight Time -Mark Haddon This graphic novel follows Brought into the mind of an autistic teenager, the reader experiences a brand new perspective.

a young girl through the politics of Europe and the Middle East, and proves that the graphic novel is a legitimate literary and artistic medium.

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his life as a heroin-addicted bank robber who escaped from prison and found a new home in Mumbai, is a dazzling read.

TheGargoyle -Andrew Davidson This story follows a love between two people who are continually reincarnated to find each other once more.

Niffenegger put the romantic story into an innovative context and warmed my cold cold heart.

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Middlesex -Jeffrey Eugenides As the protagonist struggles to understand his sexual identity, Eugenides once again takes the reader into the ever-interesting psyches of his unusual characters.

Palahniuk is hit or miss. This one was a hit, chronicling the life of a man who pretends to choke in restaurants.

BoyinStriped Pajamas -JohnBoyne A sad, but brilliant, book about the innoctince of youth and it transgression of adult beliefs.

Killing Yourself to Live- Chuck Klosterman An excellent look into the music industry, death and fame

TheHistory ofLove -Nicole Krauss

All of Mary Roach's books are fantastically interesting as she takes scientific research and makes it fun and easy to read.

Another Jewish tale, a love story woven into a Holocaust tale. It's truly stunning

19thWife -David Bergen

Wicked: TheLifeandTimes ofthe Wicked Witch oftheWest - Gregory Maguire


An interesting look into polygamy and Mormonism, combining history and current events

TheGraveyard Book -NeilGaiman It's hard to pick one of his books, but this one has a brilliant story and is accessible to all ages

A tragic telling of the life of the woman who would be known as the Wicked Witch of the West. I will never be able to watch The Wizard of Oz quite the same way again.

Eats,Shoots & Leaves -Lynne Truss

DeathWithInterruptions · Jose Saramago

As someone who values grammar and its proper usage, this book is a nerd's delight

HonorableMention: SelfHelp Books Books like He'sJust Not ThatInto You and the Chicken Soup for the

Rick Mercer Report: TheBook -Rick Soul series became quite popular in the 2000s, bringing both good Mercer

The story of a group of people who chance upon each other on their way to commit suicide. Sort of a Nick Hornby version of The Breakfast Club, for adults.

and bad consequences. Many people became more in touch with their emotions and subsequently became healthier individuals. However, many people also felt that reading self help equipped them with a PhD in other people's problems.

Seventy-Seven Clocks - Christopher Fowler

Watchmen - AlanMoore ondDave Gibbons

ALong Way Down -Nick Hornby

ThompsonRiversUniversity,OpenLearninghelpsyou take control of your scheduleby bringingeducation directly to you. With over 400onlineand distance coursesavailablefor registrationthroughoutthe year, you can get the creditsyou needandtransfer them backto your homeinstitution.Youcan studywhen you want, where you want andfit extracurricular activitiesinto your schedulewithout sacrificingyour universityeducation.

the place of Native in Canadian society.

Stiff:TheCurious livesof Human Cadavers -Mary Roach

Saramago's truly beautiful exploration of what would happen if death were altered, and how Death feels about the matter

FindingIt hardto flt choolworkIntoyour busylifestyle?


-Chuck Palahniuk TheTimeTraveler's Wife- AudreyChoke Niffenegger

Running withScissors - AugustenShontoram - Gregory David Roberts examtntng TheGodDelusion -Richard DawkinsBurroughs Roberts' autobiography, about Americans This book is the closest theing atheists have to a bible; it's a life changing read for those questioning faith.

"'- 11a1na..

An excellent piece of British detective fiction that is a breath of fresh air amidst the current supernatural trend.

I AmAmerica andSo CanYouStephen Colbert Stephen Colbert is easily one of the most influential people of the decade, and he, along with launching pad Jon Stewart, made it cool to be into politics.

Three DayRoad -Joseph Boyden A well written Canadian book

A funny but informational look at Canadian politics; disecting the media for the masses.

Okay, so this book obviously didn't come out in the 2000s, but this 1980's classic redefined the graphic novel and came back into popularity with the recent film adaptation. It has been called the Citizen Kane of graphic novels PrideandPrejudice andZombies - and was the first of its kind to SethGrahme-Smith &JaneAustin be honoured by Time Magazine It hopped on the zombie as one of the 100 best English subculture and tied it into classic language novels. lt is a must-read literature without losing the classic and the cornerstone of any comic voice collection.




The Best Moviesof the 2000's BBJTTANlWJESNlR





Almost Famous Every journalist wants this to be their life. Cameron Crowe's story of coming up through the ranks of Rolling Stone magazine at a young age is full of love, growing up andlots of rock and roll.

Pirates oftheCaribbean Although the sequels are of debatable value, this film single handedly brought back pirates, Johnny Depp and guyliner. Take the good with the bad.


TheLord oftheRings Trilogy Will any movie ever be able

to capture what the books were? Peter Jackson comes really close and that's enough to make these movies one of the best of the decade


Gladiator Russell Crowe's army general turned slave Maximus is the definition of a man. A prototypical hero set in ancient Rome, pitted against the alarmingly wicked Commudus (played with a sort of malicious creepiness by Joaquin Phoenix).


working undercover in gangland Boston.

without English subtitles and still be captivating.

Donnie Dorko


an incredible film that explores time travel in a way that doesn't make you stumble over plot holes. Don't even think about touching the sequel.

Even if you have only seen five minutes of this movie and were really stoned, you'll now why it is so great. That shouldn't downplay how good it is either. 300 defines everything an action movie can and should be: fast-paced, exciting, action-packed, smart, funny, innovative and well-done.

A spectacularly realized musical that gives us a dancing pregnant Catherine Zeta-Jones and the lyrical justification for husband-murder.

Everything isIlluminated

Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane are brilliant in this remake of the classic musical that combines hilarious songs with a superb screenplay.

Elijah Wood plays a Young man looking for answers about his ancestors in the shadow of the nightmarish events of World War 2. Eugene Hutz steals the show as his translator and guide, a character that is both hilarious and touching.


Lars andtheReal Girl


This movie successfully brought the genre of animation for mixed audiences; riddled with adult humour, no parent or sibling regretting watching this with the young 'uns.

There WillbeBlood

We all want to stay in once in a while, Lars just takes it too far. A recluse who ends up taking a mannequin as a girlfriend end:; up proving the value of living life to its fullest.

The story of a self made oil tycoon who will stop at nothing to succeed. The title doesn't lie, things get ugly quick. Johnny Greenwood's soundtrack is suitably chilling


actors portray the legend, including a stand-out perforrnanca by Cate Blanchett.

If this movie didn't make you smile, it's quite possible that you have no soul.

A comedic masterpiece that worked with Tropic Thunder to remind the Academy that comedies are worthy of critical recognition as well.


Inglorious Bastards

TheMen Who Store atGoats

A refreshing mystery movie in which the ending is actually surprising, and the film remains intriguing the whole way through.

Although Tarantino's signature violence makes many cringe, it seems to be much easier to stomach when it's directed at Nazis.

If the fantastic cast, story and acting aren't enough to get you, the Star Warsjokes should fill that void.

Pan's Labyrinth


Visually stunning and fantastically dazzling, this film was moving and memorable.

A lovely reminder that just because a film is animated, does not mean that it cannot carry a serious message and a beautiful story

I'mNotThere Harry Potter andthePhilosopher's An Innovative biopic of Bob Dylan in which savC!raldiffotent Little Miss Sunshine Stone Ah, the movie (and book!) that started it all. Being• introduced to the world of witchcraft and wizardry for the first time is something 1 think we all remember.



Star Trek (t isn't often that a film adaptation of a cult TV show is so successful; the casting was well done, the story was compelling, and try to tell me you didn't pee in your pants a little when Leonard Nimoy made an appearance.




TheDark Knight Heath Ledger's performance alone is enough to rank this movie as one of the great villain profiles in film history.



Shaun oftheDead A staple in the ~ombie-lover's collection, this hilarious film showed the lighter side of the undead.

Bowling forColumbine Like him or not, Michael Moote brought many issues to the North American public.

I AmSom In Sean Penn's masterpiece role, he brought us into the mind of a mentally challenged man who reminded us that all you need is Jove.

Lost inTranslation Bill Murray (yes) plays a washed up actor making a second go at it in Japan, Scarlett Johanssen (yes) plays a love interest and Sophia Coppola directs (yes). The movie is a brilliant dissection of how our lives translate and play out in different cultures.

Tropic Thunder An excellent comedy that paved the way for Academy Award nominations to be given to films that have Ben Stiller in them.

Children ofMen Everything about this movie is alarmingly beautiful. From the screenshots of futuristic England, to the film's score, the movie is an overlooked classic. johncuuck camorondlu catnorinekHnlf

Love Actually A combination of British and North American romantic comedy themes at their best. With an all star cast, too many to even begin to list, the eight ~eperate stories told will make you laugh, weep, and most of all love. Its the perfect Christmas film, but can be watched any time of the year.

Borat This film captured American stupidity and sold it back to them, just like the Paper Street Soap Company

Slumdog Millionaire Those of us who thought they would never watch Who Wants to be a Millionaire again were pleasantly surprised by this tale of love that lasts through time. At the smae time the music and visuals shine a light on today's India.

Amores Perros/ 21Grams/ Babel Three movies that are part of a "trilogy" looking at how peoples lives are connected by traumatic events such as an dog fighting incident, a car crash and an accidental murder that becomes an international incident. Race, religion, language, heritage, upbringing and more are examined and in the end there are more similarities than differences.

Planet Earth A breathtaking look at some of Earth's most beautiful, and often endangered,places. Narrated by David Attenborough.



Eagle Vs.Shark

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

This heart-warming Kiwi comedy is highly underrated and will please any Flight of the Con.chordsfan.

The genius of Charlie Kaufman strikes again, making the audience think about whether ignorance is truly bliss.

High Fidelity


It is impossible not to love John Cusack in this film about a disgruntled record shop owner, hell bent on understanding how all of his past break-ups have resulted in the state he is in.

This graphic novel adaptation uses an amazing style to retain the original look while also bringing the story to a new medium.

Robert Downey Jr. was an amazing Tony Stark, as if the role of a smooth talking womanizer was a stretch for him.

ThePrincess andtheFrog

Being John Molkovich This film is astoundingly creative and innovative; we expect nothing less from you Charlie Kaufman.

The return of Disney 2D animation and also the first African American female main character, with a score by Randy Newman, how can you not like this movie? It's the perfect film to help you reminisce over your lost childhood



This beautiful film brought Hero Beautifully shot, and enough to The Deported foreign cinema back into A masterpiece of remi(l<lt.t&to,.bfow-sc,tl).rpµ.gh t};le , , ,$co.i;;,sc4itects,fb.r0li;if\t";a~,, PQP'L\,ar,i.t.Y.,., ... , .... , .,,.,,, ..•. ,.c_i.ry.ell}"'tograpJ;w; ,~h_i~,.Eill!','!S ~9· .. ,.·,·.•.' .. ,.' foreign film section a Httle more. in the story about two individuals beautiful that it can be watched .. , , 1 1 1

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In a League ,r Theirlwn:

Watch Milk and Penn disappears, Harvey Milk himself is on screen. He forayed into directing with the superb Into the Wild.

may be going out on a limb but their films are perfect. Every line, every camera angle (That shot reflecting off mirrors in the bathroom in Burn After Reading is enough to The Movie Makers Studio Ghibli (Hayao Miyazaki) stun even those of us with no • Spirited Away knowledge of movie-making). who Stood Apart • The Cat Returns There are so many little touches (In • Howl's Moving castle every role he plays for the Coens, from the Rest • Tales from Earthsea John Goodman sells security) Clint Eastwood: that build up to a wonderful, full • Ponyo • Mystic River In a decade that saw animation and immaculate film every time. • Million Dollar Baby move into almost entirely CCI Maybe the crowning achievement • Flags of Our Fathers/ graphics and even 3D, Japanese of the decade was No Country for Letters from lwo Jima animators Studio Ghibli, led by Old Men. The Cormac McCarthy • Changf:lling founding director Hayao Miyazaki adaptation is stunning and • Grand Torino kpt things tradional and 2D.Thc flawless. Anton Chigurh may be • lnvictus hand drawn images paired with the creepiest bad guy of all time Clint Eastwood, once a western superb voice acting from Chrislan (look out Joker). 'l'hc brothers went actor (and a damn good one)/ Bale and Billy Crystal to Tina Fey in a completely different direction general badass, practically owned and Cate Blanchett. 'rhe result than they had in any other movie the 00's. He directed• and acted is some of the most beautiful to date, brought an unlikely hero, in some of the most critically animated films ever made. Scratch gloriously winding story and a acclaimed films of the decade. that, some of the most beautiful touch for showing movies as a His work is film as art at the most filmevermadcofanykind.Coming window that looks even deeper basic level. The topics he tackles off its initial two decades which than a piece of written work, a are never easy but they make had provided classics like Princess pinnacle every film should strive you think and often place you Mononoke,My Neigl,borTotaroand for. in another person's shoes. Over Grave of the Fireflies, a war film the course of the decade he was that blows everything from Saving Wes Anderson nominated for seven academy PrivateRyan to ApocalypseNow out • The Royal Tenenbaums awards and won two. of the water. Where to go from • The Life Aquatic with there? How about international Steve Zissou Sean Penn: recognition. Spirited Away was • The Darjeeling Limited a breakout smash winning an • Fantastic Mr. Fox • I Am Sam Mystic River Academy Award. A parade of A truly remarkable film maker • • 21 Grams beautiful films from The Cat who is a part of every aspect Milk Returns to Howl's Moving Castle to of the process. His films are so • • Into the Wild (Director) Ponyogave moviegoers the world unique and brilliant they create If Clint East was the star over something to believe in. an atmosphere that makes you director of the decade, there are a feel part of the film. With the deep few people out there who would The Coen Brothers emotions and intense, diverse argue Scan Penn as being the l;,eAt 0 Brother Whero Art characters, his films leave you will • actor ( with some stiff competition Thou? such haunting mixed emotions. coming from Brad Pitt, George He has made a great mark on this • The Man Who Wasn't Clooney, Bill Murray and even There decade of films. When watching Mickey Rourke amongst others). Intolerable Cruelty even a few minutes of any of his • His roles have come along way The Ladykillers films at random you can tell they • from the surfer dude, but then No Country for Old Men are his by the emotion present. • again Torn Hanks, arguably one of Burn After Reading Enough said. • the biggest actors of the 90's, started A Serious Man • his career with comedy roles like Ah the Coen brothers. The Big and Turnerand Hooch).Hisroles geniuses that brought us Fargoand are deep and Penn gets into every The Big Lebowskiin the 90's. In the nook and cranny of his characters. 00's they kicked even more ass. I

Trend Setters:

Moulin Rouge


This film brought musicals to a new audience, targeting a younger crowd and bringing a new appreciation of the genre to the mass public.

This film was responsible for blowing the minds of audiences and helping to show the world that 3D films don't have to be campy. Expect a lot more in 30 from now on ... unfortunately this means paying a little more at the theatre.


Pixar Pixar films moved the world of children's animation into a new domain, virtually replacing hand drawn films with computer animated features. This angered a lot of people who grew up classic Disney animation, but it's been quite successful.

Spiderman While perhaps not the best superhero film of the decade, it certainly was an influential one. Tim Burton's Batman series was appreciated in the 90's, but retained a very comical and fantastical element. Spiderman brought the story into a relatable world and paved the way for the surge of superhero films of the past decade as well as the many anticipated ones of the next few years.

Napoleon Dynamite

This was another film that set an enormous trend in the sccnester crowd. When Juno came out, masses of people started listening to so-called "indie music" and acting like Michael Cera. Teenage pregnancy was really already a trend.

Coraline This film brought 3D children's movies into the realm of serious cinema, paving the way for what films like Avatar would later do. However, the question remains if anyone will bother purchasing the DVDs of these 3D hits.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bong Neo-Noir came into popularity with this film, and others like it started to emerge, all using dark comedy and witty dialogue to help carry the action of the plots.

The40Year OldVirgin

Not only did this film bring Steve Carrell into popularity, but it started the cascade of Like it or not, Napoleon Dynamite started the hipster trend of being ironically uncool. Judd Apatow comedies as well as what has come to be known as the Seth Rogen brand of This film was admittedly hilarious and well done, but it has meant that sales in wolf !:-shirts comedy. It hit a high point last year, and proved that comedies can be blockbusters too. have gone up dramatically.




Attentionto the Class of the 2000's PAUL FALARDEAU

ARTS& LIFEEDITOR late-night deals, Chinese delivery and deliberation to beat the ban we have come to some kind of consensus. Everyone ands up kids. Who here is still trying to wrap their sang high praises of Thom Yorke and company, but we also head around Kid A? Did you ever find a good excuse to liked the things Josh Homme, Eugene Hutz and Steven take Veni Vidi Viciousout of your CD player? Still Shout out Wilson were up to. When it really came down to it there was "Wake up!" along with "Chop Sucy"? Of course you do, and just too much good stuff. if you are lucky enough to be holding this fine paper in your Not a bad problem to have. It seems to this humble editor trembling hands it stands to reason that you have probably that the 00's will add up and stack up nicely among the heard some of the music that happened in the 2000's. The other fine decades of music history; each of these album is very same music that is on this list right here. Of course the worth owning and listening to time and again. the album's we've left off arc only proof of how good these album decade did just end. So what better time to talk about which albums were the and this decade were. And how exciting for us. It was the pick of the litter? After much pain and turmoil, bloodshed, first decade we all really got to musically experience from


front to back (speaking to the average college student). Remember harassing the clerk at HMV for the new NME so you could get your free White Stripes "Rag and Bone" single? How about that magical summer when The Red Hot Chili Peppers' By the Waywas in the car stereo and you just couldn't seem to find "eject". Remember the first time you really "got" the Flaming Lips? Making fake gun motions to "Paper Planes"? How much did you pay for In Rainbows? Ah but there it is again, we're back to Radiohead, and they did leave their mark on music, the decade and us. It gets one to wondering: "What's Next?" Until then, you can always give Kid A another spin ...

The Best Albumsof the 2000's PAUL FALARDEAU ARTS& LIFEEDITOR

1) Radiohead - Kid A (2000)

Ten months into the year 2000, Radiohead released the album of the decade. Railing against the tag of ''biggest rock band in the world", the Oxfordshire fivesome took the rule book and tore it to shreds. ''Ok ComputerPart 2" was what the record company wanted; instead they got the most cha\\en~in~ and demanding record in pop history. Themes of alienation, paranoia, technology, environmentalism and individualism pervaded, with influences including Naomi Klein, "Bitches Brew" and Mark Rothko. It was almost impossible at times to pick out individual players in the songs, wrapped as they were in Nigel Godrich's unbelievable production. The critical reception was hot and cold • some saw it for the greatest album in recent memory, others saw it as garbled pretentious bullshit. Kid A might take you a full year to get into, but it demands your attention, from start to finish. Words cannot describe Kid A - you have to listen to it. Again and again. 6) Gogol Bordello - Super Taranta! (2007) All the greatness that was started in Underdog World Strike is bettered here. Songs like "American Wedding" and "Tribal Connection" put Gogol Bordello's Gypsy Punk mentality on display and make it feel like something anyone can be a part of, a beautiful feeling in of itself. Then they take it a step further, giving instructions on how to live the Gypsy Punk life in "Wonderlust King" and "Alcohol" The band is never fully realized until seen live but this is the album that comes closest to fervor and passion exhibited by Hutz and crew on stage. Gogol Bordello bring the world a little closer and help to tear the boundaries between genres. By the time the closing track, "Super Taranta!", plays you'll be starting your own Gypsy caravan.


2) Johnny Cash - American Serles (2000-2006) Cash worked with producer Rick Rubin (the man credited with bridging rap and metal) in the twilight of his life, and created the most touching music since the phonograph was invented. Almost all the songs arc covers, usually of classics ("One", "Solitary Man", "Wichita Lineman", "Hurt"), and Cash's versions trump every single one. Cash's voice, stark and bare, with minimal production from Rubin, takes centre stage, and the man tells the story of his life through the words of other life. There is no more fitting epitaph for the Godfather of Modern Music than his American recordings, which proved that pop was not the bastion of the young and the stupid. cash looked back on his mistakes, his love June Carter Cash (who passed mere months before he), his legacy, and drew upon the well of his experiences to bestow upon us something rare and beautiful. 7) Elliot Smith - Figure 8 (2000) Elliott Smith's last finished album before his tragic suicide in 2003 was arguably his finest, and will forever be a reminder of the beautiful talent the world lost. The word genius does not sit uneasily with the American, who created music so genuine and real it puts all others to the sword. On Figure8, Smith retained that intimacy while creating a big album, fabulously produced and sumptuously layered. His lyrics created a loose world in which he inhabited, amid a clamour of traffic cops, junkies and junk bond traders. Smith was also one of the finest guitarists of his generation, and his playing excels on Figure8. The endless beauty of Smith's work will forever be remembered and cherished by those who love




3) Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf (2002) QOTSA released an elephant of a record with Songs...Over an hour in length, their third album is one you can listen to on repeat for months without tiring. Showing all the young upstarts what cool really was, QOTSA destroyed

4) The White Stripes - Elephant (2003) Not only is Elephant the White Stripes biggest commercial success, it is also their greatest piece of art to date. From balls out sex cry of "Seven Nation Army" to the psycho stomp of "Hardest Button to Button" Elephant tells

their legacy as a stonc:c m,etal band

the story of a seernJngly doomed

with a lumbering, dchse and yet• radio friendly opus, channeling all that had gone before them into something new and dynamic. Lead singer's Josh Homme's voice is, quite, frankly, very beautiful, and it stood at odds with the throbbing bass, crashing, gliding guitars and fierce drumming (courtesy of Dave Crohl). Songs for the Deaf is a wondrous post-apocalyptic record that should be listened to as you drive the smoking ruins of New York before flicking a cigarette out the window and driving on into the heart of the desert. The quintessential American rock record of the decade.

relationship. Things don't get to down though, the White Stripes are two kids, trying to watch the movie they want their life to be and fast forwarding (Let's get clean together and i'll find me a soap box where I can shout it!" declares White in "Ball and a Biscuit") through the scary bits. Suffice to say it doesn't work but the musical result is not only great, it is one of the best albums ever and deserves to be placed beside The Beatles,Lcd Zeppelin and Bob Dylan.

8) M.I.A. - Kala (2007) Only the 00s could have produced an artist like M.J.A. and only M.f.A. could have produced a work like Kala. Born in London, raised in Sri Lanka, M.J.A.'s roots as the daughter of a Tamil Tiger seeps into every pore of her work. Lyrics about the selling of teenage girls in Africa lie over the top of beats so funky you have to dance. As the lines between genres seeped away, artists like M.I.A. showed us that art can cross any border. After producing two albums, she has influenced a whole generation of artists, and proved that commercial music can still have important messages, to the shame of major record company execs across the globe. M.I.A. gave new meaning to the term "world music".

9) Scott Walker - The Drift (2006) ' Scott Walker was one half of The Walker Brothers, a couple of 60s crooners who your mom would like. Scott disbanded the group in the 60s, retreated to a monastery, and went a bit loopy. Since 1980, Scott Walker has released three solo albums. The Drift is his latest, and it takes the prize as the most terrifying and unsettling album of our time. Simply put, there is not another album in existence that sounds like The Drift. Walker's deathly wail resonates between walls of white noise, cloistered in paranoid and claustrophobic oppressive sound. Horror movies never seemed so puny as when stacked against Walker's abstract wail for humanity, a crying in the night for respite from a world of fear and bombs and madness. An

his work. 1I







unparalleled work.

5) LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver (2007) LCD Soundsystem seemed like a bit of a one-trick pony on release of their self-titled debut effort. So, suffice it to say that the music world was stunned when Sound of Silver dropped, and reached instant classic status. The album can be seen as an electronk pop dance record, and that's fine, but Murphy's lyrics arc what make this album a towering achievement. Racing towards 40, Murphy's lyrics deal with themes of age, commitment (or lack thereof), and a wish to stop time and enjoy the moment with the ones you love. "All My Friends" takes the prize for being one of the few electronic tracks that will make you cry with its candid beauty and forthright admission that all the riches in the world will never make up for losing your friends. Shake your booty or engage your noodle; it's your call.

10) Bob Dylan - Modern Times (2006) Who says music is only made by young people? Leonard Cohen, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young and Johnny Cash all made the list. Zimmy is one of the best examples out there. Not only is he in the midst of one of the best streaks of albums he has ever made (read anyone has ever made) he isn't sitting around becoming a nostalgia act. Instead of rehashing young Bob Dylan again and again he has changed who young Bob Dylan is time and time again. Try and keep up, the man changes quicker than a skinny guy in prison. Modern Times is the culmination of all this and is a veritable masterpiece. Just don't say it's a fitting way to end his career, Dylan himself has said he feels like he is in his "middle years". ,;l


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11) System of a Down - Steal This Album! (2002) Armenian-American metallers System remained aloof from the trends and transitions of the decade, concentrating instead on their own unique brand of metal. Steal This Album! contains their most overtly political lyrics, and the LP is all the better for it. Announcements of war dead mingled with inanities about Jimmy Carter and Lois Lane, and the insanity of an age was summed up.

the hoodies could embrace. Blending slice of life with bravado and social awareness, Dizzee became the finest British artist of his generation.

12) The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (2002) Far out, far freakin' out man. Yoshimi is a complete trip fest. here's the thing, despite being outwardly sugary, poppy and easy to listen to, the album is deep, beautiful and put together better than a German train schedule. 13) Opeth - Blackwater Park (2001) What can be said about Sweden's greatest export? Every one of their 1 albums is a maslerP.iece, b~t Blackwatcr 11ark takes' the cake. Beautiful production values mingled with stellar writing and astounding musicianship. If you think you don't like metal, you're missing out. Opeth pushes boundaries that no other band would touch.

14) Daft Punk - Discovery (2001) Who do you know who hasn't gotten funky to "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger," "Crescendolls," "Aerodynamic" or ''One More Time". This album plays more like a greatest hits than a Long Play. Robot Time! 15) k-os - Joyful Rebellion (2004) Sure the crab's in the bucket, but this album has so much more depth. k-os transcends the usual · chest-beating of hip-hop and replaces it with a transcendent beauty that deserves another name: art. 16) Dizzee Rascal - Showtim.e (2004) As hip-hop crumbled into something resembling a teenage wank party, London's finest stood tall, fusing genres to create something the broadsheets and

swagger. 32) The Arctic Monkeys Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not (2006) Possibly the most hyped album of the decade, and maybe the one with longest title. The Monkeys backed it up with killer tunes that depict a rough night on the town for some bored youths. 25) Porcupine iree - ihe Incident (2009) PT's best album is a concept song-cycle that takes time, but ultimately pays off as one of the most satisfying albums of the decade. Drink it in.

17) The Black Keys - Rubber Factory (2004) There is not one song on this album that couldn't stand up to most other albums on its own. The Black Keys wrote the book on garage blues and Rubber Factory is that book. 18) A.R. Rahman - Slumdog Millionaire OST (2008) He's been doing it for years, but with his attachment to the blockbuster A.R. Rahman brought the new sounds of India to the world. 19) The Strokes - Is This It? (2001) Nol since the Ramones ruled CB 8 has a band from New York (or anywhere) been so cool for (seemingly) caring so little and playing so simplying. But like their leather clad cohorts there is something ln(ectious about their tunes, something that you just. can't.quite.get.out.

23) Beck - Guero (2005) Beck cannot be quantified. Guero can as one of his finest works. 24) Oukast - Stantonkia (2000) You Jove it, we love it, everyone loves it. Outkast bucked the trend for hip-hop by rapping about things other than bitches and money, and made it sound hella

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Do you like to dance? Of course you do. Cross is one of the finest long-playing dance-a-thons of all time. 27) The Red Hot Chili Peppers - By the Way (2002) Califomicatio11and Blood Sugar are the heralded ones, but By The Way is the most mature offering from the honorary Californians. Kieais"' 1yrfcs were never thfs forthright.

34) Radiohead- Hail to the Thief (2003) Buy it for the opening track alone. Radiohead's reaction to the Bush era is so of its time it could never have been made at any other period in history. 35) The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely (2008) Much more rocking than Broken BoySoldien,, Consolers ha:; a leg up. The band proves its more than just a novelty supergroup, in reality it is one of the decades finest groups.

28) Neil Young - Living with War (2006) When no one else was standing up to the man in the big white house and actually saying something worthwhile (no I haven't forgotten Green Day) Young did: "Let's Impeach the President!"

30) Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - Raising Sand (2007) The Hammer of the Gods swings again and its tied up with a bluegrass beauty and was it good? Enough that Plant decided to nix a full on Zeppelin tour in its name. 31) Ian Brown - Music of the Spheres (2001) The Stone Roses frontman crafted an album whose beauty is matched only by its funk and

40) Muse - Black Holes and Revelations (2006) Establishing themselves firmly as the heir apparent to Queen, all of these songs a re ready for legions of fans to sing along to in arenas everywhere. 41) The White Stripes - White Blood Cells (2001) The Stripes breakout led by hits like "Feel in Love with a Girl" possibly the finest two minutes of rock ever made. 42) John Frusciante - The Empyrean (2009) Milton's "Paradise Lost" meets Dark Side of the Moon in this chili side project epic. deeply mindblowing.

43) Machine Head - Through the Ashes of Empires (2003) Machine Head were on the bones of their arse when they made one of the best metal albums of all time. 44) The Tragically Hip - In Violet light (2002) Canada's house band breaks out another great hit with more tales of Canuck beauty. 45) BLK JKS - After Robots (2009) Think South African kids listening to Radiohead and trying to do it on their own and you have After Robot.s, one of the best albums of the decade. 46) Radiohcad - Amnesiac (2001) Criticized as a Kid A knock off, Amnesiac has some of the finest Radiohead compositions. Album closers "Like Spinning Plates" and "Life in a glasshouse" will send shivers down your spine. 47) Wolfmother - Wolfmother (2005) Classic rock revivalism at its peak. These Aussies did everything right with their towering debut. People compared them Zeppelin and Sabbath, but in reality they are their own rock inferno.

36) Wilco - Sky Blue Sky (2007) Wilco is wonderful in that they take on something new with each album, so each person will have their favourite. Sky Blue Sky is a laid back soulful dream.

(2005) (Neil Young + Lynyrd Skynyrd) x Dark Side of the Moon = Z



- Abbatoir Blues (2004) Nick Cave's "England" album. Choral, pastoral, elegaic, beautifully produced and funny as hell, Nick Cave reached his creative zenith in the 00s.

21) Tool - Lateralus (2001) A critical, commercial and artistic success, Lateralus will still sound pertinent in a hundred years. 22) The Derek Trucks Band • Already Free (2009) Pure Bliss erupts from Derek Trucks' guitar and he and his boys make the best "Joyful Noise" they've put to wax yet.

33) Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

26) Justice• Cross (2007)

28) Jay Z -The Blueprint (2001) Great production, juicy old school soul samples and no gimmicks, this is what mad Jay-Z what he is today.

20) The Hives- Veni Yidi Vicious (2000) Your Favourite new band at it again. Sweden's finest (and not to mention besl dressed) invaded our eardrums and wouldn't get out.


37) Sam Roberts - We Were Born in a Flame (2003) Every one of these songs could be a single. Its some of Sam Roberts finest work and proof that he is one of Canada's greatest new songwriters 38) Lamb of God - Ashes of the Wake (2004) Politics + Metal = Lamb of God's Ashes of the Wake. As Shakespeare said, "Lamb of God is fucking brutal." 39) Lemon Jelly - Lost Horizons (2002) ''Good Weather for Ducks" and "Ramblin Man" are just two of the great tracks that make a case for L@monJelly being one of the finest electronic acts around.

48) The Libertines - Up the Bracket (2002) Doherty and Barat arrived one the scene with the swagger and control of veterans. Too bad they pissed it all away, but not before leaving us with a gem of a debut LP.

49) Left Over Crack - Fuck World Trade (2004) The best punk band of the decade created one of the most important messages of our time. Altogether now, "fuck the police, they're gang control!" 50) Buddy Guy - Skin Deep (2008) Who says the blues are dead. Buddy Guy brings it with tracks like "Smell the Funk" and the album includes guests Derek Trucks, Susan Tedeschi, Robert Randolph and Eric Clapton.



51) Them Crooked Vultures • Them Crooked Vultures (2009) John Paul Jones. Dave Groh!. Josh Homme. Rock and roll. What's not to love?

albums to ever ask you to give peace a chance and it was also the most researched; Franti spent time in many of the world's worn torn places.

fix it. That's a lesson worth sales of almost 2 million albums in its first week and hitting #1 in 29 countries.

53) John Mayer - Where the Light Is (2008) Maybe live albums are a crutch but this one is so great. There arc three sets: Acoustic, Trio and big band. Lots of cool covers and huge gobs of talent. 54)Bruce Springsteen - Working on a Dream (2009) Springsteen continued to detail the history of Americana. This time from the top down as he supported Barack Obama during his historic campaign. 55) Queens of the Stone Age -

Rated R (2000) QOTSA's scratchy classic sounds like a serial killer jamming with a bunch of madmen. Plus, they make it sound easy.

69) The Streets - Original Pirate Material (2002) British rap jolted back into life when Mike Skinner spat about rolling spliffs, suburban ennui and life in the "boredom class".

61) Alexisonfire - Crisis (2006) Screamo Hit mainstream when these Canadian guys blended a poppier version of the hardcore original. 62) Youssou N'Dour - Egypt (2004) N'Dour's beautiful and frankly rocking LP honoured his homeland. 63) The Dead Weather Horehound (2009) Just when you though Jack Wl1ite was the busiest man in the biz, he started his third band, in this one playing drums. Dean Pta!rtitafrom Queens of the Stone Age is on guitar, Jack Lawerence from the Raconteurs on Bass and the molten leather clad sex of Alison Mosshart inspired heartthrobs then snarled them away on vocals. Tne album doesn't have a bad track.

70) Bob Dylan - Love and Theft (2001) Zimmy maks good on his line "It's not dark yet" from his previous album Time Out of Mind. This, part of his late career revival is some of his finest work. 71) U.N.KL.E. - War Stories (2007) This shit is mindblowing. War Stories,like Never Never Land and the amazing PsyenceFiction,gets electrofreaky with Josh Homme, Ian Astbury and other big names.

72) The National • Boxer (2007) Boxer is one of the undiscovered gems of the decade. Understated, hilarious and atmospheric.

73) Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002) Perhaps reputable for being the birth of "alt-country" (Whatever that means) what album really is is damn good.

64) The Darkness - Permission to Land (2003) Some lament the cheese, other praise it. The Darkness didn't even seem to have heard of the word camp. Either you get it or you don't but, the thing is, Permissio11 to Land rocked.

56) Animal Collective Merriweather Post Pavilion (2009) Animal Collective got the mainstream praise they deserved for their breakout album, which has beauty and groove in equal measure. 57) Sikth - The Trees are Dead and Dried Out .. .Wait for Something Wild (2003) Only listening to Sikth's debut album can desribe its genius. There has never been another album quite like it, and metal never sounded the same again. 58) The Trews - House of Ill Fame (2003) Some boys from Antigonish turn it up to 11 and keep it there. The riffs are electrifying and hooks keep you coming back for more.

65) Pearl Jam - Backspacer (2009) Seattle's finest reminded everyone why they deserve to be remembered with their last offering. A joyous and lifeaffirming affair. 66) Malajube - Labyrinthes (2009) The Quebec pop group went semi-prog on this fabulously realised thrid album. Layers of depth lie beneath the pretty harmonies. 67) Audioslave - Audioslave (2002) Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell and Rage Against the Machine minus Zach de la Rocha teamed up for°some really wicked music that was a sum of its parts, and in this case that was nothing but good.

59) Michael Franti & Spearhead 68) AC/DC • Black Ice (2008) - Yell Fire! (2006) Bringing together dub, reggae, AC/DC did nothing new and rock, dancehall and more made it worked. People reveled in i:nore this album when of the l:?e~t of the same. If it ain't broke down

yearning gem. Jane Doe sounds ad-hoc and ornate at the same time. 78) Gogol Bordello - Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike (2005) Gypsie!l are what every rocker wants to be, so what is a fine young Ukrainian man, kickin' around new york with a ragtag ensemble from across the globe, to do? Gypsy Punk Revolt!

60) Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid (2008) Manchester group Elbow went from also•rans to national treasures with their fourth LP. A stunning achievement.

52) Radiohead - In Rainbows (2007) For those who don't like Radiohead, buy In Rainbows. Beautiful, trippy, rocking, inspiring, genius with a capital GENIUS.


79) Jay - Z - The Black Album (2003) Spawning such hits as "99 Problems", even Jack White loved it. He said it "one of the best albums of the decade" 80) Leonard Cohen - Ten New Songs (2001) What can you say, Leonard Cohen is one sly son of a bitch. Not just because his lines are so smooth, but because they mask deeper, impossibly beautiful depth. 81) Rage Against the Machine Renegades (2000) Celebrating the art of the "Fluck You!" Rage pulled this covers album out with versions of everyone from The Rolling Stones to Cypress Hill. 82) System of a Down - Toxicity (2001) Wake up! SOAD made Armenian thrash something everybody could reasonably enjoy. And why nol, never has pop and metal blended so seamlessly. 83) OutKast - Idlewild (2006) Stankonia was the critical and commercial success, but Idlewild saw the Atlanta twosome reach their creative pinnacle with an album about divorce, fatherhood and hearts like marching bands. Unique. 84) k-os - Yes!(2009) k-os continued to revolutionize rap and hip-hop with inspired hooks sung by talented voices and beats and backgrounds that arc made by *gasp*real instruments.

74)The Yeah Yeah Yeahs • Show Your Bones (2006) Karen O and company return for round two and the gloves come off. The beats are bigger, the riffs are nastier and Ms. O's hair is ... straighter? 75) The Black Keys - Magic Potion (2006) At the risk of sounding like I'm on a deranged acid trip, the riffs on this album are so crunchy man, there's just, nothing crunchier. (oh, and the soul...) 76) Modest Mouse - Good News for People Who Love Bad News (2004) Somewhere on this very album you can pinpoint the moment indie hit the mainstream. I would look around tracks two-four. 77) Converge - Jane Doe (2001) 21st-century hardcore reached its peak with this ferodous and

85) The Pack AD - Funeral Mixtape (2008) Two Vancouver girls hit the whiskey hard. Almost as hard as they hit their instruments. Fitey, Joplin-esque wailing abounds. 86)Sam Roberts - Chemical City (2006) An inspired concept album about the degradation of cities and the Beauty of Earth. 87) Robert Randolph and the Family Band - Colourblind (2006) This pedal steel monster is nothing but a good time, includes a rolicking take on "Jesus is Just Alright with Me'' 88) City and Colour- Sometimes (2005) Screamo guitarist Dallas Green (get it? A city, a colour ...) gets sensitive on this other-end-ofthe-spectrum solo effort; A heartpanging good time 89) Franz Ferdinand - Franz

Ferdinand (2004) "Take Me Out" and "This Fire" were disco-rock magic for these Scottish lads off an album that is chock full of gems 90) Pride Tiger - The Lucky Ones (2007) The drummer is the singer and it isn't Phil Collins. Check. The album is good ol' Saturday night house party rock. 91)The Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers (2006) Spurred by the hit "Steady as She Goes" Mr. White's No. 2 band proved they were no such thing with this stunning debut. 92) Coldplay - Viva la Vida (2008) The resurrgance of Coldplay saw the band break their now stal~ mold of piano driven ballads and explore new sonic possibilities. 93) MGMT Oracular Spectacular (2008) EmGeeEmTee? ,Management? Whatever, these guys tossed on a lot of glitter and persuaded even the most wooden-legged to bump and grind. 94) The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever to Tell (2003) Take a look at that haircut! That girl is mean! Grrr! New York in Karen O fever and indie kids were never the same. 95) Weezer - Green Album (2001) Proving once again that nerds rock, Weezer came back with another album called This time with one of their best riffs ever in "Hash Pipe" 96) Death from Above 1979 You're a Woman,I'm a Machine (2004) The first sound you hear on this album sounds like nothing less than an elephant crashing a jumbo jet. This duo made so much exhilarating noise it was a shame this was their only album. 97) Rancid - Indestructable (2003) You can't deny the catchy greatness of "Fall Back Down" and the album just gets better from there. 98) Porcupine Tree • Deadwing (2005) Steven Wilson and co. surpassed themselves with this loose concept album about alienation and loss of identity in the digital age. 99) The White Stripes - Icky Thump (2007) The much heralded "back to basics" album for Detroit's dynamic duo. How great is it when basics include mariachi and bagpipes? 100) U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind (2000) The only U2 album of the decade that wasn't a mess (Atomic what?). "Beautiful Day" is a song worthy of its name.

r FRIDAY,JANUARY15th, 2010


The Fornication

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TheBigO VIRGINIA SLIMS the clitoris, and loya I readers surely GETTINGHEROFACEON

remember the right and wrong ways to treat the little guy. Also, I am sorry for the personification of the clitoris that just occurred, that was unnecessary. Anywho, the majority of women are familiar with the clitoral orgasm and all its wonders. It's generally the first way that we females learn to masturbate in those lovely years of pubescence (read: purgatory). Freud, the saucy litlle devil, thought that women who didn't move Crom clitoral orgasms to vaginal orgasms were stuck in some sort of developmental crisis. But Freud diagnosed developmental crises like they were going out of style, and I don't believe Freud had a vagina (though likely vagina envy), so I hesitate to take his word for it. Many women have never experienced a vaginal orgasm, and will therefore tend to always prefer clitoral stimulation when it comes to self-love, or foreplay. Tn fact, 75% of women never have an orgasm strictly from the ol' in and out, without a little help from hands or mouths. That, my friends, is the majority of women. So, if you're just not getting there from

ell, poppets ...welcome back to the grind. I hope that you filled your holiday time with much lust, gluttony and sloth. Lord knows I did. But now comes the time to drop the video games and comic books, and return to the textbooks and classes. So perhaps the sloth has to end if we all want Lo pass our courses and become contributing members of society. And with the new year ushered in, we all have resolutions to keep, so perhaps out with the gluttony as well. Nothing like back to school shopping to remind you how big your ass is, right? However, I see no reason that the winter semester should rob us of our lust. After all, we've got to do something to keep ourselves warm in the cold season, right darlings? So I thought we'd start oul 2010 with a question that has been asked a milllon times over, and something that has puzzled lovers of both genders for generations. The femaleorgasm. Let's start with the outside and move our way in, shall we? Now, we all know about our little friend


intercourse, you're not damaged, darling, you're normal. Men, dear men, I know exactly what you're thinking right now, and exactly what you'll say in response to any conversation on the matter: "All the girls I've slept with have had orgasms, I can tell". Well, remember that scene in When Harry Met Sally? In the diner? Women arc good at faking orgasms, and many do it rather often. Now, this is not necessarily an insult. Sure, sometimes we females have been known to fake an ending just to get things moving along if we're not enjoying the sex. However, since three quarters of all worn.en don't orgasm during sex, and since this statistic probably comes as a shock to several, there is an expectation that lots of women feel a need to meet. A faked orgasm doesn't always mean that the lady isn't having an excellent time; she just may not be among the 25% who can come during intercourse. And since a gentleman waits for his lover to be satisfied before he spills his seed, the female orgasm, whether real or simulated, is the punctuation to the deed. It's the lady's way of saying that she's

Brown beefin2,t~\~\l oil.~d 18 cupswafer' topotoncl'boi/,' theri'"simmer1 ½ hours. Toke outmeetand shred.{with hamburger youdon't needtobrown inoilorshred)

t -

TWO HOOKS HANK EYEON THESKY hoy! We pir::tl<'s through the ages have been using the stars to navigate treacherous waters, leading us to our hidden plunders (mostly rum and the pocket watches of slain sea captains), away from danger and masking the fact that many of our women have not bathed in more than a fortnight. With that, r present predictions of your life read from the stars. Pirates are wiser than the ancient Egyptian seers and more accurate than a gypsy and old Chinese astronomer put together.


Aries: March 21- April 19 Combative attitudes in the classroom with instructors will lead to many failing grades this semester. Consider taking it out on your roommate instead.

Taurus: April 20- May 20 liallmarks of arrogance and self-righteousness ring true this week. Have you thought of joining student government?

Gemini: May 21- June20 You have a better than normal chance of hooking up this frosh week. As a consequence, you won't graduate since you will have gone mad from untreated syphilis.

Cancer: June21- July22 You should just really move away. Really. Tl's better for everybody involved.

johnson, and it will be very well received, trust me. It's also possible to stimulate the clitoris during intercourse hands-free. Oh yes, poppets. In the missionary position, at just the right angle, your lover's pubic bone will rub against your clitoris with every thrust, and it's delightful. Just make sure that your lover is aware that he's doing this and doesn't alleviate that wonderful pressure just before you get off. That's just frustrating. The important thing lo remember though, darlings, is that it's completely normal not to be able to reach orgasm during intercourse, and there are many women as well who never reach orgasm at all. So, perhaps educate your lover on this tidbit of female statistical information, and then get him to pay some attention to your clitoris either before, during or after sex (though it's unlikely that he'll want to exert himself after sex). It's not a big deal if you don't have vaginal orgasms, ladics ...don't listen to Freud; he's just taking his mommy issues out on you.

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Horoscopes! 1,,.,,..,

done, and that you may go ahead and do that thing you do when you make your silly faces and shake involuntarily. So, what's to be done about this little conundrum? Well it's simple, but it always depends on individual preference. If you're the type of lover who falls asleep after an orgasm or loses all muscular coordination after coming, then the foreplay orgasm is not for you. t-lowever, if you can still be energetic enough for sex after rubbing one oul, then try to orgasm before the sex starts. During foreplay, whether through handser or blowser, get your lover to give you a clitoral orgasm. I'm sure it'll turn your lover on as well to see you come before he can even start. Teasing is underrated, poppets. Now for those who cannot function after having an orgasm (Tfeel you, darlings), try positions that are conducive to clitoral stimulation. When you're ready to come, switch to doggy style and have your partner give you a reach around while he's inside you. Not only will your orgasm be fantastic, but when you do come, your vag will pulsate around your lover's

Dissolve bouillon in½ cupofwater. Addvegetables andbouillon topot. Addbarley, parsley spices andmeat. Simmer untilbarley iscooked. Baking Powder Cheese Biscuits 500mlflour 16mlbaking powder l mlsalt 100mlmargarine lOOmlcheddar cheese 200mlmilk Leo:July23- August 22

Sagittarius: November 22 December 21

Reflective of your sign, you will sleep and rest 18 of hours of the day, hunt, and get shot by a poacher and most likely end up as somebody's trophy in their cabin behind Stave Lake.

Virgo: August 23- September 22 For those who arc still virgins, you will remajn so. Those who aren't, expect a particularly nasty dry spell.

Libra: September 23- October 22 I still have a be f with one of you; I know you stole rum. You'll continue to get crap in this box until I get it back.

Avoid strenuous activity like running marathons, sumo wrestling, seventh grade mathematics and Katamari Damacy for the time being.

Well it's back to school now and it's very chilly out, so it time Capricorn: December 22- Januarywe students learned how to make 19 comfort food. Not only will it last for days, it will taste delicious. I'm There is an even numbered talking about yummy beef barley Star Trek movie marathon in your stew with baking powder cheese future. You will fall asleep during biscuits, and for dessert: peanut the introduction to FirstContact. butter cookies. It makes you miss your mom, even though Christmas Aquarius: January 20- February 18 just ended. You will find romance on a long sea voyage. His (her) name is Cthulu; it'll be love at first tentaclt!.

Scorpio: October 23- November 21 Pisces: February 19- March 20 You will purchase a very ornate, rare fish from the pet shop. It will die within days and you will have literally flushed money down the toilet. , ' - '1 r 1 , :, • r, t ':1


Understand that monkeys ma kc everything in Iife better. Yes, everything. Let this guide you.

Beef andBarley Stew l lbstewbeeforhamburger 8 cupswater l p~gbeefbouillon 14ozcanoftomatoes 1cupchopped celery 1cupchopped carrots l cupchopped onion ½ cupbarrey ¼ cupparsley 2 garliccloves Saltandpepper I)






Swift together flour, baking powder andsaltintoa largebowl. Cut margarine untilsizeofsmallpeas. Gratecheese andaddtoflour mixture. Gradually addmilkta flourmixture stirring withfork,only addasmuch asnecessary tomake dough thatwillsticktogether. Knead dough10-12 times,rollout toabout2 cmthick,andcutwith biscuit cutter. Bakeonundressed cookie sheetinovensetat 400Ffor 12-15 minutes. EasyPeanut Butter Cookies 1CUP.sugar(orsP,lenda, forthose weight conscious few) l cupsmooth peanut butter(you conusecrunc~y ifyoupreferl 1 egg Mixthesugar butterand 1 peanut e!I.Q together ma bowl. Takespoonfulsofclough ontoa cookie sheet andbakeal 350Ffor12minutes andletthemcool. YouconplaceHershey's kisses on thecookies, fordecoration. So there you are a yummy comfort meal that will last you for dinner, and lunch the dar afterwards.



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Laughingin the Face of Death

NFL Wildcard Weekend STAFFWRITER


he NFL wildcard playoffs are

often a last chance effort for T teams who barely scraped by in the regular season. The road ahead is extremely difficult for those who were victorious, as this weekend's winners will face off next weekend against division champions fresh off a week's rest. The first game saw the New York Jets on the road against a Bengals team that was shut out by the same Jets 37-0 a week earlier. The combination of a rookie quarterback and first year head coach is usually in· dicativc of a rebuilding year in any NFLorganization. 1nthe Jets' case however, it is symptomatic of a 2414 domination of the Bengals. Mark Sanchez, playing in his first NFL playoff game, showed little of the mistake-prone play that had plagued him all season. Sanchez went 12-15 for 182 yards and one touchdown, in a game that pinned the NFL's best defense and running attack, against a Bengals squad that was unable to get into and maintain a rhythm for much of the game. While the Bengals came out firing early, scoring on an 11-yard touchdown exchange between Carson Palmer and Laverrnms Coles, they were largely shut down by the Jets' defense. The Bengals' missed field goals from 35 and 28 yards did not help either, as the Jets were able to capitalize on the dual rushing attack of Thomas Jones and Shonn Green (169 rushing yards) to assure a date with the red hot San Diego Chargers next

week. The question going in to the Dallas Cowboys and Philadelphia Eagles game was, were we going to see the same old disappointing have-not-won-a-playoff-game• since-1996 Cowboys, or was this going to be the dawning of a new era? Tony Romo answered that question, and with a vengeance, going 23-35 for 244 yards and two touchdowns, and returning after a scoreless first quarter to put the ball in the end zone three times on five straight scoring drives. The Cowboys defense was equally impressive, shutting down Donovan McNabb and forcing the Eagles to tum to backup Michael Vick for the first score of the game. After the Cowboys 34-14victory

It has been said that laughing a day is roughly the STAFF WRITER equivalent of spending 15 minutes aughter is something that, for on an exercise bike because it inthe most part, occurs naturally creases breathing and heart rate and unconsciously in our bodies. much in the same way cardio exerAs such, we rarely stop to think cises do. Laughter, however, focusabout what the positive side ef- es on the muscles in the face and fects of laughter arc. The reality stomach, which, as far as I know, is that laughter can help us live exercise bikes don't. The effect of longer by affecting our bodies in laughter on the heart may be the a multitude of ways ranging from most impressive example of how an increased pain threshold to a laughter can prolong the lifespan boost in the production of infec- of an individual. Myocardial infarction (heart attack) as well as tion-fighting T-cells. In order to understand how other cardiovascular complicalaughter affects our bodies, it is tions can be prevented by laughimportant for us to learn how ter because it increases the blood our bodies produce laughter. In a flow to the heart and enhances the neurological sense, laughter takes function of the blood vessels. place in the limbic system of our In the spirit of prolonging lives brain-specifically the amygdala with laughter, I will leave you and hippocampus. The limbic with a holiday-themed joke: Why system is one of the most primiis Santa's sack so big? Because he tive parts of the brain. It controls only comes once a year. our emotions and the basic funcThere, now you owe me at least tions we need to survive, such as a couple seconds of your life, reregulating heart rate and blood deemable at a time of my choospressure, the formation of long- ing. term memories, and controlling motivationally significant stimuli like fear and mating (which are sometimes synonymous). Physically, however, the act of laughing is quite basic. It is merely the result of the epiglottis constricting the larynx. The positive neurological side-effects of laughter are fairly



over the Eagles, the newly energized squad faces Brett Favrc's Vikings in NFC divisional play next Sunday. The past decade will forever be known in NFL terms as the era of the Patriots. Recent fans of the game will wonder why, after their 33-14 loss to the Baltimore Ravens this past Sunday. The R11Vens' rushing attack was dominant early on, with Ray Rice and Le'Ron McClain com· bining for three scores in the first quarter alone. Although Ravens sophomore quarterback Joe Flacco was only able to go 4-10, 34 yards and an interception, the notoriously stingy Ravens defense came through against the powerhouse patriots offense to assure a victory. The NFL's comeback player of the year and New England Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady was not able to mount anything remotely resembling a response in this one, getting booed off the field after consecutive failed drives in the first quarter. Brady's poor play was no doubt a direct result of losing star wide-receiver Wes Welker in last weeks season finale, resulting in a double-covered Randy Moss

and three interceptions from the star quarterback. The Ravens rushing and defensive attack will be put to the test next week, as the squad will travel to Indianapolis to take on the formerly undefeated Colts. Green Bay and Arizona's shootout in the desert combined for 90 points and 1018 yards in 60 min· utc11 of play, showcasing two elitl! quarterbacks at the top of their game in Kurt Warner and Aaron Rodgers. The game seemed all wrapped up with nine seconds to play and a 34 yard field-goal attempt, but on what was to be a theme of the weekend, Cardinals kicker Nell Rackers' field goal attempt failed to capitalize and the kick went far left. This left the score of the game at 45-45, with the match heading in to overtime. The Cardinals' dismay was to be short lived however, as an Aaron Rodgers fumble in overtime lead to a defensive touchdown by the Cardinals, assuring them a victory of 51·45 and a spot in next weeks NFC divisional game against the New Orleans Saints.



sc lf-ex plana tory. Have you ever wandered through the library in the midst of exam season and seen frazzled students laughing quietly to themselves? Well, neither have I. But the idea behind the example is that laughter acts as an emotional release, triggering a decrease in stress hormones while amplifying production of endorphins (the same stuff that is released during orgasm) that can temporarily relieve pain. Laughter can also act as a distraction, taking your mind off any negative emotions you may be feeling. Because we all know that masking a problem with laughter is far better than dealing with the problem directly, right?

Sources: http;//







Athlete of the Week: Alyssa Gaukel SAMUEL GLASGOW to Alyssa Gaukel, the starting

forward for the Cascades' women's basketball team, most senior member of the team and 2010's first Athlete-of-the-Week.


he UFV Cascades' women's basketball team put up a hard T fight on Friday night against the Univeristy of Winnipeg's Wesman. Even with the spectacular lay-ups of Tessa Hart (despite the moshpit in the key) and the nine points gained by Alyssa Gaukel's three• pointers, the Cascades weren't able to cap the lead. Continuously just a few points ahead the whole game, the Wcsman pulled up with a 64-41 win. Despite this, it was a really good game for Cascades fans. Both teams played hard and the competition was fierce. Most students don't realize that basketball games arc free to UFV students, which means you can have fun in Abbotsford on a Friday night. The next day I managed to talk

What position doyouplay? Well, when Coach Al first talked to me, he wanted me to play all positions. But 1 prefer shooting guard and forward.

Why basketball? I used to play soccer but I had a bad experience, and my dad's big into basketball.

Why UFV? Because it's close to home and my parents can come watch the games. Also when I met Coach Al I liked his morals and standards.


How didthose go?

What oreyoutoking inschool?

We played two exhibition games against Thompson River University. Unfortunately it didn't go as well as I would have liked and we lost.

Major in Kinesiology. I want to teach elementary school.

Yes we're great.

could I'd eat that before a game.

What isyour favourite fruit? Pineapple... but does avocado count?

tradiArethereanyparticular places Doyouhoveanypre-game inAbbotsford youliketobe/spendtions/superstitions? I usually watch King of Queens Doyouthink theteomhosim- time? Here (school) and Sashimi Su- and footage of the opposing team. proved since thefirstsemester? shi restaurant in Clearbrook. If I much


Whatdo youlike about thesport? The competition and making friends. I prefer playing a team sport [rather] than individual.

Whatotherthings doyouenjoy?

Ha ha eating and sleeping. heard thatthewomen's team

played o fewgamesin Detember.



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all expenses paldl ntact FV Region Chair Linda Pipe for more Information or to enter your application

JJRlDAY,JANUARY 15th, 2010




Canucks Only Lose Four in Last Nineteen Games JOEL SMART

losing to the St. Louis Blues 3-1. Shane O'Brian scored the only Canucks goal, his first in over two seasons.


he Vancouver Canucks began December with a four-game road trip (2-2). They went on to play eight straight at home (6-2), before embarking on another four game road trip which concluded in the Canucks' first game of 2010 (30-1). This report also includes the first three home games of January (2-0-1).


Dec 2-3 - (2W) The Canucks dominated the New Jersey .Devils 5-2 with the help of Luongo, who stopped all shots in the last two periods, including a 5-on-3. The Sedins also played well. The Canucks went on to beat the Philadelphia Flyers 3-0 the following night, with Luongo earning career shutout number 49. It was the Canucks fourth win in five games. Both Daniel Sedin and Alex Edler scored in consecutive games. Dec 5-8 - (2L) The Canucks, in typical fashion, were defeated 3-5 by the leagues worst, the Carolina Hurricanes. Eric Cole scored a hat trick on Vancouver back-up Andrew Raycroft. The team allowed an opposing player to score a hat trick in consecutive games as Mar• tin Erat led the Nashville Predators to a 2-4 defeat against the Canucks. In both games, Vancouver pulled within a goal in the third but allowed an empty net goal to lose by two. Dec 10-14 - (3W) The Can.ucks scored two goals in the iil'i!t-and second period to get back on the

winning track, beating the Atlanta Thrashers 2-4. Three of the goals were from Daniel Sedin who notched his third career hat trick. Canucks kept the good times rolling, holding on to overcome the Minnesota Wild 3-4. Henrik Sedin had 3 assists, and Luongo made 38 saves. The Canuck:f won their seventh game in their last 10 with a 13 win over the Los Angeles Kings. Kesler scored early, his first in 14 games. Raymond and Salo also scored for Vancouver.

had tied the game for the Canucks early in the third, but a late penalty allowed Koivu to seal the deal. The game was only so close because Luongo made several enormous saves.

Dec 16 - (L) :fhe <t:anuckslost to the Anaheim Ducks 3-2. Bernier

Dec 20 ...,..(L) 'the Canuckil allowed two goals by David Backes,

Dec 18 - (W) The Canucks shut down Ovechkin and Mason Raymond scored twice to conquer the Washington Capitals 2-3. Luongo also played well, going 4-for-4 on the penalty kill and even stopping a penalty shot.

Dec 22-27 - (3W) The Canucks were clearly the better team as they beat the Nashville Predators 1-4. Both Sedins scored to secure the win, and then scored again in a win against the Edmonton Oilers 1-4. The game was close until the third period, unlike their next win against the Calgary Flames where four first period goals led to their 5-1 victory. Mason Raymond scored his first career hat trick in arguably the tastiest win of the year. Dec 29 - (OTL) The Canucks lost in overtime to a hot Phoenix Coyotes team, losing 2-3. It was their first overtime loss of the year, as they failed to score a single goal in the shootout against ex-Canuck goalie Jason LaBarbera. Dec 31 - Jan 7 - (4W) The Canucks came from behind in a beautltul..4-3 win,.ag~in~\ the St. Louis Blues. The Canucks came back

from a three goal deficit, scoring four unanswered goals to win in the New Year's Eve triumph. Rick Rypien also destroyed Blues' Cam Janssen in a vicious fight. The Canucks prevailed 3-1 against the Dallas Stars, a game the stars tied at one early in the third. Canucks slammed the Columbus Blue Jackets 3-7 in a game where Alex Burrows scored a short handed goal to complete his second career hat trick. Alex Burrows eclipsed Luongo's 50th NHL shut out with his second hat trick in as many games as the Canucks annihilated the Phoenix Coyotes 0-4. Jan 9 - (OTL) The Canucks never really showed up in what was supposed to be the best game of the year, losing in a shoot out to the Calgary Flames 3-2. Luongo held the Canucks in the game with spectacular saves, stopping 38 on the night. Unfortunately he also let in all three in the shootout. Jamie Lundmark from the Abbotsford Heat was huge for the Flames. The Canucks have had some ups and downs over the last 19 games, though by far they have had mostly good moments. The most memorable moments were during the four game wining streak, now bookended by disap• pointing overtime losses. Since the beginning of December, the Canucks have gone 13-4-2 and have outscored their opponents 65 to 41. The Canucks have played 45 games and their current record is 27·16·2. The Canucks finish their cw·rent. h.Q.i:rv~ s~and it1. Nashvllle on January 11.

Heat Claw Their Way Back Heartbreak in the Heartland Into Playoff Contention for Canada at WJHC · JUSTIN ORLEWICZ

JUSDN ORLEWICZ one of the series and never lookl.!d


STAFF WRITER back. Maxime Fortunus he Heat managed to fall out of playoff standings with a 4-5-1 record during• the month of December. Sitting in the ninth spot of the western conference, the Heat was looking to step their game up in January to get back into the playoff picture. The Heat started January off with a handful of games against the three Texas teams. First off was a series with the Rampage in San Antonio. The Heat didn't get off to the start ~'iey were hoping for on this rond trip as they dropped the first game of the series 3-1. The second game of their double header in San Antonio went to the Heal as they managed to get a shootout victory to split the series. The final was 3-2. The team followed up the Rampage series with a single game in Houston against the Aeros. The Heat battled back in this contest after an early Aeros lead and eventually forced the game into overtime. Tn overtime Abbotsford squeaked out another victory. The final score was 4-3, with David Van der Culik scoring the OT winner. With the ball rolling the Heat came home to play a series with the third Texas franchise, the Stars. The Stars were the second seeded team in thl.!western conference coming into this series, so this was anything but a cake walk for the Heat. Abbotsford got an early 20, l12adagainst, J~~• _$!


•• ..- •

pushed back for the Stars in the second period, but that was the only sign of life the Stars showed in this contest. The final was 3-1 for the Heat, with goals coming from Van der Gulik, R. Armstrong and Sutter. In the second game of the series with Texas, Sutter continued his scoring ways with the opening goal of the game for Abbotsford. Texas matched the Heat goal for i,oal until the Heat pulled away in the third period with two un• answered goals. The final was 4-2 in favor of the home team. Jaffray, Sutter, R.Armstrong and Backlund had the goals for Abby. With this win the Heat put themselves into seventh place in the Western Conierence and back into the playoff bracket. They are also on a four-game winning streak now. This winning streak couldn't have come at a better time for the Heat, as the week after this series they will be playing their rivals and Vancouver Canucks farm team, the Manitoba Moose. The Heat are expecting to get their first sellout of the year against the Moose, as most of the Canuck fans will make the trip down the number one highway to get n look at their farm team and check out the newest professional hockey team in the Fraser Valley. The Moose hold the fifth place in the Western Conference and will play two games against the Heat this week.

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he Canadian world juniors failed to win their sixth gold medal in a row last week in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This year's world junior team was undefeated going into the gold medal game against the USA, but were dubbed the underdogs. The Yanks were coming off of a big semi-final win against the Swedes, and Canada was coming into the contest off of a sub-par performance against the Swiss. Despite a shootout loss to the Canadinns on New Year's Eve, the Americans seemed to have all the steam going into this gold medal final. The Americans took a 5-3 le_ad late into third period before Canada's Mr. Clutch, Jordan Eberle, put in two goals in the last three minutes of the game to tic it up. Canada forced overtime but failed to win the game. Team USA's John Carlson scored the winning go<11 ,it 4:31 of overtime to win gold for the Americans. The Americans seemed faster and hungrier than the Canadians in this tournament. This was also Canada's weakest roster in some years. This was definitely team USA's best chance at a gold medal since Grand Forks, North Dakota, when the Canadians spoiled their shot in the semi-finals. This was team USA's chance at sweet revengl:land to spoil things for team Canada on their home ice. The Americans had won many silver medals at this tournament but





only one gold, and it came by way of ddault. Tn2004 in Helsinki, Finland, during the gold medal game between Canada and the USA, Cnnada's Marc-Andre Fleur·y tried to clear the puck out of Canada's zone, but on his clearing attempt he hit a Canadian defenseman and the puck bounced into the empty net. Thb goal proved to be the winner for team USA, and this was how they finally won their first gold medal against the super power in the junior hockey world known as Team Canada. After last Tuesday's gold medal win, the Americans can finally hold their heads up high when it comes to junior hockey. Despite blowing a two-goal lead with only three minutes left in the game, the Stars and Stripes held it together '·'

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in overtime and came through on top, capitalizing on a team Canada error like most good teams do. The game was by far one of the more exciting i,old ml.!dalfinals in more recent World Junior history, regardless of the fact that the Canadians had to except a silver medal instead of a gold. Sweden beat the unlikely Swiss team in the bronze medal game, and Canada's Jordan Eberle was named tournament MVP. The Americans will have the opportunity to defend their gold medal on home ice next year in Buffalo, New York. However, Buffalo is only a two-and-a-half hour drive from Tol'Onto and even less from Hamilton, so their home ice crowd might consist of lots of red and white.

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t_; 1


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There is a SUS Election in the works! Wanna represent your fellow- stut.lents?

___ NGAGE YOUR~ Nominations will be available SOON at the SUS offices in Abbotsford and Chilliwack. Watch for notices!

Voting will take place on MY.UFV.CA

for Lunch ____.. and Dinner I





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