FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 2011
Nobody knows the trouble men see traditional nuclear family, where a JEQMINQR EDITOR-IN-CHIEFwage-earning male supported his wife and children singlehandedly, The recent economic downturn is an archetype that developed afhas seen a rise in male depres- ter WWII, and was based on the sion. This is primarily the result fact'that men were actually able to of men losing their jobs and be- support a family on the wage of a ing unable to support themselves low-level factory or office worker. or their families. Although male In times past, many working-class depression due to the loss of jobs families had to have two incomes is certainly understandable, this in order to survive, and in the tralatest downturn in male pur- ditional agrarian model the entire chasing power is part of a larger family would work long hours on ti:end. The real wage of the North the farm in order to support themAmerican worker, or the ability selves. of the average worker to buy the Depression is often said to be necessities of life, has decreased a result of the inability of an insteadily since the late 1970's. The dividual to accept the reality in
which they find themselves .. Of course, there are numerous other biological and psychological factors at play in clinical depression, but in the case of this new rise in male depression the cause seems to be men's desire to return to the ideal of the nuclear family archetype. We as men have to realize that the nuclear family was created by the postwar boom, and given the circumstances we find ourselves in, it is not likely to return . any time soon. There are negative factors which have undercut this ideal, such as the permanent loss of manufacturing jobs in North
America and the phasing out of unionized labour; but there are positive ones as well, such as the desire and opportunity women have to work outside the home. The changing roles of men similarly can have a positive upside as we learn to embrace our nurturing sides as the primary caregivers or in taking on new jobs such as the teaching of young children or taking care of our growing elderly population. Maybe there will come a day when professional athletes thank their dads on 1V interviews - probably not, but there is always a hope.
·Letter to the Editor: Library Hours Greetings, I am writing you all today to vent my supreme frustration over the completely inadequate library hours along with the laughably deficient hours of access for the adjoining computer lab. Today, as is my custom, I arrived on campus at 7 am, driving an hour from my home in Hope. I did so with the intention of using not the library -- which I recognize has absurdly restricted hours on weekends -- but rather the adjacent computer lab, which has regularly been open and available for use both before and after the library itself. I did this not for some obscure or extravagant purpose, but simply to complete the basic requirements that my courses demand. Indeed, it's apparently common practice here for faculty to assign to students taking courses things that require basic research and writing. And presumably, recognizing this unlikely and all too demanding eventuality, the university itself has saw it fit to in fact build a library and a number of computer labs! It does not appear unreasonable to me that the library at an institution which styles itself a "university" ought have hours that are more expansive than those of the Tim Horton's, which is itself open for business a full two hours before the library on Saturdays. It strikes me as not only facetious but utterly fraudulent
and petty to presume that scholarship stops on weekends. I would hope that there would be a recognition from all involved, faculty and administration, that the building of a reputable or at the very least a mildly competent institution of higher learning is in fact an act of building an atmosphere for serious and critical contemplation. I would have thought that such a basic goal of creating an environment for quiet reflection would be easily achieved: a few books here, some journals there, and maybe a place to store them and access them during reasonable hours. · Of course, such an act of fundamental scholarly activity as building a library is bound to fall victim to the interminable bullshit of bureaucracy that I recognize the university itself is beholden to. Yes, you don't receive enough funding. Yes, you have more students than spaces for. Yes, you have the Ministry and the administration and the faculty and the students all pulling in one direction or a'nother. And yes, it can be hard to administer let alone organize along coherent and reasonable lines an institution which serves thousands of individuals annually and employs hundreds more. But all of those obstacles and difficulties give the university itself no reprieve from the basic and the obvious: a basic, well functioning library is a necessity not only for scholarly research by faculty, but also for students who
attend a regionally focused, special purpose teaching university.
Volume 19 · Issue 8 RoomC1027 33844 King Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 7MB Editor-In-Chief JedMinor Production Manager Randona Conrad Production Scott Varga
Copy Editor Chris Bonshor News Editor Alex Warkins Arts & Life Editor Paul Falardeau
And of course, the sad irony in all of this is that I had already made my peace with the absurd and inadequate library hours. This morning, I didn't come here to further tax the budget of the university by insisting upon accessing the library at the perfectly reasonable hour of 7am, but rather I only intended upon using the computer lab -- which is something that requires no physical presence of some bureaucrat of any kind.
Sports Editors Joel Smart Paul Esau
Regardless,-the absurdity has for me become far too much. As a student, I expect to be able to conduct my course work using the facilities that have been provided for just that purpose by the university. At the moment, my ability to do so is being unreasonably restricted and I am not going to abide by this anymore.
Online Editor Nkk Ubds
The hours of the library need to expand, along with the hours of access for the computer labs. This is not an unreasonable request.
Opinion Editor Sophie Isbi,ter
Distribution Specialist Jaek B,ov. n Photographer Bmta, ~ -~ iesner
Yours, Jack
Staff Writers \,i Siemens Jennifer Colbourne Chelsea Thornton Trevor Fik Contributors Matt Tannt:r Amy van Veen Karen Aney Desmond Devnich
Hockey Writer Justin Orlewicz Printed By International WebExpress
The Cascade is UFV'sautonomousstudent newspaper.It provides a forum for UFVstudents to have their journalism published. It also acts as an alternativepressfor the FraserValley.The Cascade is funded willt U!-V studentfunds.The Cascade is published every Fridaywith a ciJCUlation of 1500and is disttibut<CI at UfV campuses andthroughoutAb!Jotsford.Chilliwack, andMission. TheCascadeis a memberof theCanadian UniversityPress,a natiooal coope,ariveof75 lllliversityand college newspepersfmm Victoria to St. John's. The Cascadefollows lhe CUP ethical policyronceming material of a prejudicialor oppressivenature. Submissionsare preferred in electronicformat throughe-mail.Pleasesend submissions in" .!xi'' ()!'".doc''format only. Articles and letters to Ille editor mu.stbe typed. The Cascade reservesthe right to edit submissions for clarity and length.The Cascade wiUnot print any articlesthat conraioracist, sexist.homophobicor libellouscontent.Tite writer's name and student number mwt be submitted with each submission. Lette,s to theeditor must be wxler 250 wordsif intendedfor print. Only one letter to the editor perwriter in any given edition. Opi11ions expresseddo not necessarilyreflectthat of UFV,Cascadestaffand collective,orassoci-
FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 2011
Students in spotlight at UFV research annual KAREN ANEY CONTRIBUTOR hanks to UFV's Student Research Annual on Thursday, March 31, students will have the rare opportunity to share their research experiences and findings with their peers. This year, the event is taking place at the Road-. runner Cafe from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Those who have been involved in research or are currently taking part in research projects are encouraged to attend this intimate forum. It offers an encouraging atmosphere to speak with like-minded students and faculty and to gain the necessary skills required for furthering students' careers in their empirical fields, especially when it comes to gradu~ ate studies. Michelle Mankovits, a psychology maj_or and Student Research Annual participant, is looking forward to the end of the month event. "I am very excited to be given the opportunity to share my research and findings with the psychology faculty and my peers," she shared. Her research, under the supervision of Dr. Patricia, is focused on child development. Last semester she had the op-
portunity to conduct a research study on the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy treatment within the Chilliwack Child and Youth Mental Health organization. She explained: "The therapy is meant to treat severely disruptive and aggressive behaviour in children aged 2-7 by changing unhealthy parent-child relationship styles." From this, she was· able to determine that the treatment conducted yields positive results, and was also able to offer her own input within the pro-
gram. As she- noted: "I was able often hear students ·saying that there is no research done at UFV," to suggest some possible trends and areas of concern within the Mic}:lelle said. "That simply isn't true. There are a lot of directed treatment and its participants." studies and honours students at Students are given the opportunity to either present ~hree our school who complete origiminute lectures or set up tables nal research studies as part of their undergraduate education. to display posters detailing their The student [microlecture] series projects. is an excellent way for us to both The research department opens a lot of doors for students · share and promote research cominterested in becoming active in pleted at UFV and to gain valutheir disciplines, and this event able experience presenting to our · will allow the awareness about peers." Those involved in the UFV these opportunities ·to grow. "I
Economicdownturn givingmen the bl·ues
community are well aware of the career opportunities that are open to students, but information about graduate studies is not very well-advertised. For those who want to expand their disciplinary knowledge and dive further into the world of academia, the skills needed to become a successful graduate program candidate are often not developed in regular classroom settings. "Opportunities such as directed studies and Honours programmes - and the ability to then present research - give UFV students the knowledge and experience needed to be considered competitive candidates when applying for graduate programs." Those who are interested in further studies need to be aware of the high expectations involved in applications. According to Michelle, "entrance into graduate programs is extremely competi tive and the bar is set far beyond simply having a high GPA." Those interested in either participating in or attending the event are highly eqcouraged to do so. Students interested in participating can get in contact with their professors or research supervisors. 0
Circadianrhythmsare olderthan we think ronmental changes, the scientists ALEX WATKINS
ALI SIEMENS STAFFWRITER conomic issues have been at the forefront -of many people's concerns for some time now, and budgets in companies around the world are being cut in many areas, affecting their ability to hir_enew employees. Although Canada has escaped the worst of the recession, according to Statistics Canada, jobs are still difficult to find. Surprisingly, a re~ent article in the British Journal of Psychiatry noted that these economic and social changes are taking a severe toll on males in particular. Traditionally, males have been the main source of income for many families. This role as breadwinner is thus often strongly linked to self worth and selfesteem. Dr Boadie Dunlop from that when men take on these roles men to validate symptoms of deEmroy University School of Medi- even though they are not biologi- pression." Interestingly, women are twice cine - one of the authors of a recent cally the same as women "[they study on male depression -' stated: are] being trapped in a family role as susceptible to suffer from ma"traditional male jobs such as because of an inability to find em- jor depression, but because of the drastic economic changes ana manufacturing or physical labour . ployment." As well as being traditionally the significant psychological imare being lost, either through improved technology or jobs moving viewed in society as providers, it is pact that unemployment is found stated that masculinity is often de- to have on men, more men than to other countries." As the number picted in terms of toughness, resil- women are suffering ftom depresof such traditionally male-domision. nated jobs has decreased, Dunlop ience, and avoidance of emotional Unfortunately, even with ecorevealed, studies have shown an displays - and men are generally pressured to live up to this depic- nomic restoration, traditional male increase in male depression. Since 2007, research has shown tion. These characteristics are said jobs do not seem to be coming that roughly 75 percent of jobs to make it difficult for men to talk back; therefore, Dunlop ~eels that lost were held by men. With this about mental illnesses such as de- there is a strong need for a plan for change in conventions, many men pression and to seek help for it. men suffering from this kind of are staying home, and women are However, it has been shown that economy-induced depression. It is increasingly becoming the pri- mental health awareness is posi- because of his findings that Dunmary earners in their households, tively linked to education as well lop stressed the need to·be aware "with 22 per cent of wives earn- as to hearing other males talk of the changes in society and male ing more than their husbands in about their experiences with de- health.for doctors and other practi2007, versus only 'four percent in pression. Dunlop notes that the re- tioners, suggesting they pay close 1970," said Dunlop. In their new cent attempts to destigmatize and attention to their patients' needs roles, men are facing the same speak openly about mental illness -. and· any sudden mental changes difficulties women dealt with in "has [made] a significant impact they may be experiencing. past economies. Dunlop asserted in opening up the public space for
NEWSEDITOR also found that "these rhythms are entrainable (that is, tuneable by esearchers from Britain's Cam- environmental ·stimuli) and tembridge and Edinburgh Univer- perature-compensated, both key sities are now claiming to have features of circadian rhythms." The finding~ of this study have discovered the specific mechanism_ in living beings that directs serious implications for human their bodily clocks, according to life. In ScienceDaily, Reddy exScienceDaily. Additionally, a fur- plained: "We alrea1y know that ther study - both of which were disrupted clocks - for example, published in the journal Nature - caused by shift-work and jet-lag posited that the 24-hour circadian - are associated with metabolic clock possessed by human cells is disorders such as diabetes, menidentical to that found in simpler tal health problems and even canlife forms such as algae, and was cer. By furthering our knowledge thus likely found in primitive life of how the 24-hour clock in cells •works, we hope that the links to forms millions of years ago. these disorders - and others - will These findings are significant because it was previously believed be made clearer. This. will, in the that DNA was required in order for longer term, lead to new therapies that we couldn't even have a cell to have a circadian rhythm, thought about a couple of years yet the red blood cells studied, which do not contain DNA, exhib- ago." The second study, led by Anited similar 24-hour rhythms, acdrew Millar of the University of cording to ScienceDaily. .Akhilesh Reddy, lead author Edinburgh's School of Biologi~al of the study by. the University of Sciences, proved that the same Cambridge, said "We know that cycle exists in marine algae by clocks exist-in all our cells; they're measuring peroxiredoxin levels in hard-wired into the cell. Imagine algae samples that were also kept what we'd be like without a clock in total darkness. The DNA in the to guide us through our days. The algae was not active in the absence of light, yet scientists found that cell would be in the same position if it didn't have a clock to coordi- peroxiredoxins maintained the nate its daily activities." same 24-hour cycle without DNA's In order to determine their active direction. findings, ~dentists obtained puAs ScienceDaily quoted Mi1lar, "This groundbreaking research rified blood cells from healthy humans and incubated them in a shows that body clocks are apcient dark environment at body temper- mechanisms that have stayed with ature. The researchers then tested us through a billion years of evothe cells. at set intervals over sev- lution. They must be far more important and sophisticated than we eral days for levels of peroxiredoxins (an antioxidant enzyme which previously realised. More work is found in nearly all organisms) is needed to qetermine how and why these clocks developed in and discovered that the substance observed the same 24-hour cycle people - and most likely all other found in other human cells. While living things on earth - and what the co!ltrols in this aspect of the role they play in controlling our study determined that the cycle bodies." occurred in the absence of envi-
Animal testingfacilitybeingbuiltat UBC's Okanagan campus
AmillionLibyans needaid:UK, France seekno-flyzone
Thecontroversy surrounding theUniversity of British Columbia's animaltestingprogram ismovingeasttoKelowna. · Amidst anescalating activist campaign against UBC's program, a newcarecentreisunderconstruction at UBC's Okana9an campus. TheInVivo Research Facility iscurrently underconstruction andisscheduled to beopenbySeptember. According toScottlleid,a professor ofbiology attheOkanagan campus andtheactingfacility manager ofInVivo, theuniversity wantedtokeep theproject lowprofile inorderto protect the safetyofthefacility andresearchers fromthose opposed toanimalresearch. "Theanimalcarefacilities onanyresearch campus aredesigned witha couple ofthingsinmind;one istoensure thehealthandsafetyoftheanimals inthefacility andalsothehealth,safety, and security ofthepeople thatworkinthefacility," he said."You normally wouldnotfindsuchfacilities labelled onanymap,fortheprotection ofboth thosethings." Theconstruction ofananimal research facility mustgothrough manyprocesses, withallaspects beingoverlooked byorganizations suchasthe Canadian Council onAnimal Care.
Britain andFrance saidtheywereseeking U.N. authority forano-fly zoneoverLibya, asMuammar Gaddafi's warplanes counter-attacked against rebels andaidofficials saida million people were inneed.Rebels swiftly rejected anolivebranch offered byanassociate ofGaddafi, andfighting escalated around oneofthecountry's keyoilports. Theagingautocrat warned thatif hefellthousands ofrefugees would"invade Europe.• Withcivilians surrounded byforces loyaltoGaddafi intwotowns,Misrata andZawiyah, inthewestern partofLibya, fearsaregrowing ofa rising humanitariancrisis inside thecountry ifthefighting isnot stopped. • "Weareworking closely withpartners ona contingency basisonelements ofa resolution Qn a no-fly zone,making deartheneedforregional support, a cleartrigger forsucha resolution, andan appropriate legalbasis,"British Foreign Secretary William Hague saidMonday. AFrench diplomatic source saidFrance was"workingwithourpartners inNewYork ona no-fly zone resolution:" U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, visiting Afghanistan where foreign forces havebeenfighting foradecade, cautioned anyactioninLibya "should betheresultofinternational sanction~The White House saidalloptions wereonthetable,including arming rebels.
Arshy Mann& Robyn Travis-TheUbyssey (University ofBritish Columbia)
Newknowfedge ofhowviruses survive mayhelpscientists combat infection
Researchers attheUniversity ofAlberta have TheManitoba chapter oftheCanadian Federation a discovered a pathway someRNA viruses may ofStudents haslodged a complaint withtheCautilize toprolong theirsurvival insidehuman nadianJudicial Council oversexistremarks made cells,whichmayallowscientists todefendagainst bya Manitoba judgeina recentruling. them'inthefuture.TomHob man,acellbiologist Justice Robert Dewar waspresiding overthe withthefaculty ofmedicine anddentistry, along caseofKenneth Rhodes, whowasfoundguilty withhisformerdoctoral studentCarolina llkow ofsexual assault. llewarignored theCrown's andbiochemistry professor IngSwieGoping, recommendation thatRhodes be sentenced toat foundtheRubella virus, anRNA virusthatcauses leastthreeyearsinprison andinsteadgavehim German measles, prevented cellsfromundergoing a conditional sentence oftwoyears;meaning prog~ammed celldeath,allowing thevirustime Rh~eswouldservenojailtime. toreplicate andproduce morevirusparticles. Inaddition, Dewar commented thatthevictim "Ifyoulookthrough theliterature, 99.99per hadbeenwearing atubetopanda lotofmakeup, centofthestudiesdescribe howtheseRNA andthat"sexwasintheair"thenightofthe viruses killcellsandthatisusually theinevitable assault.. consequence ofa viralinfection, isthatacellwill Following Dewar's comments at Rhodes' Feb.18 dieat somepoint,butthekeyhereistiming; sentencing hearing, theUChasreceived a numHohman said. berofcomplaints andtherehavebeenprotests in Thegoalofa virusisto getintoa susceptible cell, frontofWinnipeg's courtbuilding. replicate, andgetout.Normally, a humancellcan Theprotests highlight a widespread lossof detectifsomething wrongisgoingoninsideand confidence inDewar's abilitytoadminister justice deliberately killitselfthrough a mechanism called appropriately, saysCFS-Manitoba's spokesperson apoptosis. Alanna Makinson. Theresearchers foundthe Rubella viruswasable "From theoutcry-thepublic outcry-it'svery, to prevent apoptosis incells,giving ittimeto verydearthatManitobans havelostfaithin replicate inside. Theresearchers theni~entified JudgeDewar's ability toadequately provide a protein, calleda capsidprotein, whichwas justicetovictims ofsexual assaultandjustin. preventing thecellsfromundergoing apoptosis. general," shesaid. Rachel Singer - TheGateway (University of Alberta)
Judge's sexist comment draws Manitobans' ire
Alberta dairycowfoundwithmad cowdisease Canadian government officials havefounda dairycowinAlberta withmadcowdisease, but thefinding isnotsurprising andshouldn't affect beefexports, a spokesman fortheCanadian Food Inspection Agency saidonFriday. Theagencyconfirmed thecaseofbovine spongiformencephalopathy, orBSE asthediseaseisalso known, onFebruary 18ina 77-month-old dairy cow,spokesman GuyGravelle said. In2003,thefirstdiscovery ofa cowinCanada withthedisease le<ltoclosures ofnumerous exportmarkets toCanadian beef.Mosthave reopened, otherthanSouthKorea andChina, and importers arenolongerassensitive tonewcases ascountries suchasCanada nowhavemonitoring systems inplace. Canada continues toberateda"controlled risk"for thediseasebytheWorld Organization forAnimal Health, Gravelle said.Thenewestcasemaydelay anyupgrade toCanada's international riskstatus asa country cannotapplyfornegligiblestatus sooner than11yearsafterthelatest-born case. Thecowhasbeendestroyed andnopartofits carcass enteredthehumanfoodoranimal feed systems, Gravelle said. Reuters
Tannara Yelland -CUP Prairies & Northern Bureau Chief
2011 SUS candidate statements Each candidate was asked .to answer these four questions: 1. If elected,whatwouldyouliketo seethe StudentUnionachieve/improve duringyourterm in office? 2. Howwill youimprovethe responsibility of the SUSto enhancestudentlife at UFV? Please elaborate. 3. SUSis the primaryadvocacyorganization for students,howdo you planto improvethe efficacyof SUS'seffortsin theseengagements? 4. SUShasvery largeprofile·projectsin it's future,includingthe StudentUnionBuilding,U-Pass commitments, andfuturelargeandS!Tlall scale concerts,whatrole doyou seeyourselftaking for theseprojects?
*In the interest of not affecting the candidates thought and intent, the statements are reproduced without editing from the emailed versions of the statements, and in the absence of softcopy from hand-· written documents in their Candidate Nomination Packages.
Carlos Vidal
Candidate Statement: 1. I would like to help improve student awareness of SUS and what it offers in a positive way by being involved 1n events on campus and being visible to students. I would also like to achieve·strengthening the overall professional image of SUS by working hard and being effective. 2. I will do this by being open to all student feedback and not favor any one particular group of students/club/association. I will work hard to help cr:eate a positive campus environment by being involved at SUS events and other events to show my commitment and support.
3. I plan to do this by always giving input in board meetings and by striving to be aware of student concerns/ questions so that I will better understand what students want and be able to bring their input to board meetings, etc.
.Amara Vanderveen
Vice President East
Candidate Statement:
1. I would like to see SUS focus more attention on our student organizations to help facilitate more student activities on and off campus.
· 2. I would like to continue two of the projects I am currently involved with on campus this year; the free breakfast once a week and the relationship with Corky's Pub for students. _I would also like to see SUS involved in some manner with all of our campuses of UFV such as Trades or the Marshall Road Annex to provide a service to those students.
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3. The executives on the SUS have the opportunity monthly to meet with the President of ti1e University and his senior administration where we are able to advocate projects, student concerns or discuss opportunities to work together.
4. This year with our U-Pass I was able to help expand what we offer for recreation centres in Chilliwack to two facilities and hopefully in this upcoming year I can work with more businesses to become involved. As the co-chair of the events committee I have the opportu-
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4. I see myself taking student input into consideration when making changes/improvements to these large projects. I will do my best to fight for these things. I also see myself being actively involved in decision making and showing commitment and concern towards these projects.
~- ·----
--~·------·--________ ---- -- ----..,_
FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 2011
Vice President Academic
Vice President Financial
Candidate Statement:
Candidate Statement: 1. I believe that wait-lists and over-enrollment are the primary academic concerns of UFV students today. These are of course only topical symptoms of the larger problem of provincial government's freeze on funding and decrease in per student operating grants and there are no easy solutions. Nevertheless, during my time in office I would like to see the SUS improve the condition of student wait-lists at UFV through tireless advocacy of student interests, both within the university and larger political bodies.
1. I'd like to see the SUS make itself as a fiscally responsible organiza-
tion that continues improving student life while continually finishing the year with a positive bottom line. 2. Just as a very minor tweak to the current system. I know when student organizations try to obtain funding for their events that the process in place are inefficient and slow. I wish to improve the expediency of the way capital flows between the SUS and the students. When students lose their social life, they lose an integral part of early adulthood.
2. Having had the privilege of calling the Abbotsford campus "home" for the past few years as a Resident Assistant, I know first hand that UFV is full of exciting student life opportunities. There is a vibrant campus environment in existence now but unfortunately most students don't get to see it as there is a disconnect between what is going on at UFV and how effectively the opportunities are being broadcasted to all students. Student apathy has been a popular scapegoat for far too long, what is needed now is innovation and communication, working in union with the multiple sources of student life within UFV. SUS, of course, is a leader in creating a rich campus life, but so is Residence Services, the International Department, Student Life Department, Indo-Canadian Center, the list goes on. UFV must erase all departmental divisions to create the richest possible scholastic and social environment for its students. ·
3. I'd like to focus on lobbying the Provincial government more so. It is at the government level we can accomplish some of the more specific needs of our students at UFV 4. I see myself maintaining fiscal responsibility for large projects as well as fine detail as well. Research for capital and monies are equally important, be they large undertakings like the SUS or small ones like student events.
3. Efficacy is doing things right, effectiveness is doing the right things - my effort within SUS would be to strive for a balance of both. As VP Academic and Chair of the Advocacy Committee, I would make better use of the various online forums where students can voice their concerns. In addition, I would like to focus SUS's advocacy efforts towards the students on the periphery of the academy; students who are at risk due to low-income, race, ethnicity, language, disability or other factors are statistically less likely to succeed in university. As student advocates and representatives, it is SUS's job to make sure that everyone who wants to work towards a UFV education, have the support and resources to do so.
Samuel Alan James Broadfoot
Vice President Financial Candidate Statement:
1. If elected, I would like to improve UFV's utility on our student dollars, I want to see more bang for our buck!
4. I am immensely excited to see growth within the U-Pass program and Dis-Orientation concert, but as VP Academic, my primary interest would be to facilitate the Student Union Building process. Simply put, UFV needs a Student Union Building. We need the study space, the social hub and all the opportunities the SUB would bring to the university.
2. By ensuring that our financial agenda serves students in the upmost, and that all financial actions are accounted for. 3. By securing funding for important initiatives that allow the SUS to lobby and act on the students' behalf.
Andrew Wild
Vice President Social
4. I see myself making these best they can be with the least funds. We want enduring legacies without enduring debts!
Candidate Statement:
Robert Devon McHardy
Vice President Internal Candidate Statement:
1. I would like to see the SUS improve its reputation, build the new building and to increase its presence on campus. UFV does not have a campus environment, even in Abbotsford where it has over 10,000 students. It has been one of my goals, for years to try and create this.
2. I believe that the SUS and Student Life Departments should work closer together. The SUS take a larger role in creating a campus environment; and more SUS events should take place on campus. 3. By creating a more prominent presence on campus the SUS will have a greater dialogue with the student population as a whole. This dialogue will help increase the reputation of the SUS on campus and the SUS's understandings of the concerns of the student population.
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4. I want all of these projects to succeed, so I will take as front of a LLI position as necessary ( within limits, i.e. school work hard ) in order to ~ see this happens. I am very good at coming up with ideas, supporting my points ~nd making things happen. Hopefully I can do this for the SUS too.
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Eric Timothy Anderson
1. I would like to help the SUS improve the sustainability of the school for a greener campus. After conducting research, the main complains students have revolve around parking and on campus places to study. So I will look to see if things can be improved there. I would also like the various groups, sports, drama etc. to have something to unite everyone and to improve the togetherness/spirit of the school. I would like to improve attendance at social events already established and I have lots of ideas for new events to put on that I've had some great feedback on.
2. A lot of students I have spoken to didn't know who was in the SUS or what their role was and what they could turn to the SUS for, so this has got to be put right. We could provide everyone with a more informative, yet simpler, cleaner looking welcome pack to let them know what's going on when. To improve the SUS website and connect with everyone through Facebook. Also, I think it's important to get as many people in as possible to the sports games to get some big game attendances with that 'Grease pep rally' type vibe. Maybe offer free parking to students and put on some pre-show events. 3. I would like to enable every student to have the opportunity to be involved in the school on some sort of volunteer level, to make sure they have a chance to put something positive on their resume before they leave. Also that everyone knows exactly why to come to the SUS offices. What we can do for them and generate a buzz of excitement around campus, not just a place to come and learn then go straight home, but a place to build Jong lasting relationships and awesome memories. 4. I will be a visible face on campus, introducing myself to as many people as possible and forming relationships as a representative of the SUS. I will take student input onboard and draw how the new building would look if designed by students. Then ensure this was considered by the appropriate people. I will make sure everyone has a U-Pass and is aware of all the benefits and shorten line-ups for passes. I think it's important to support local community so I'd get in touch with bands, build relationships and make sure out concerts will be ones that make special memories for students during some of the best days of their lives.
Aboriginal Representative Candidate Statement: 1. If I am elected as the Aboriginal Representative, I would like to achieve/improve
student involvement with the Student Union Society. I plan to reach out by being more vocal about what the Student Union Society provides for the students. 2. I will improve the responsibility of the Student Union Society to enhance student life at UFV by engaging myself in the student community by attending events on campus, talking to student' about the Student Union Society and setting a positive example when representing students in the outside community. 3. If I am elected as the Aboriginal Representative I will be automatically on the Advocacy Committee, on that committee I will be involved in advocacy issues. 4. The role I see myself taking in future projects is to make sure that the Aboriginal Community is considered in the planning process.
Cody Williens-Kuyz Vice President Social Candidate Statement: 1. A better DisO and other social events. I would like the SUS to become more engaged with the student population and work towards creating a more enjoyable and exciting university experience for everyone.
2. I will do my best to engage SUS to fulfill potential our SUS is capable of. 3. I will apply myself to increase ties between Students Organizations and SUS and see to it that as many of their needs are net as possible. 4. I see myself heading many projects preferring to Student entertainment ana olfermg any ass1sfance fo tne tr-Pass ana offier SOS P~Jeds.
FRIDAY.MARCH llth,2011
1 1 •
Debbie Ellis
Students with Disabilities Representative Candidate Statement: 1. More events focused on students needs that are accessible, that include Clubs and Associations and all other student groups. I would also like SUS to do a survey to see what students really want. I would also like to ensure that we keep offering Student Emergency Grants and increasing them when the need arises.
2. First of all I believe SUS should be accountable, by representatives and executives doing the required hours. I would also like to see a stronger involvement on campus with either volunteering, as "0" Leaders, attending and promoting athletic games, attending clubs and associations, and international student functions. I would also encourage SUS to still hold events like the Chilliwack Breakfasts, which provides a hot breakfast for students with an average of 120 students attending weekly. 3. I plan on still being very active on the Advocacy committee taking part in Academic appeals and Accessibility appeals which have been on the increase but there could be more promotion to students that we are here for them. I also am very strongly involved in volunteering in the · community to make sure accessibility needs are met. 4. a) Student Union Building: The plans for the Student Union Building have been approved and I would encourage that SUS keeps students informed on the progress. I would also like to say that the building has a lot of space for students and activities and will become the hub for students to go and hang out. I would also like SUS to have a campus food-bank in the new building. b) U-Pass: Currently I am asking students for suggestions of businesses they would like to get discounts at. I also encourage students to use the gyms that are available. I would like to see better transit routes for student with better times and more routes. c) Large and Small Concerts: SUS has planned an annual DisOrientation concert that is in September, which we have discussed just recently in the Events committee which I am very involved in. One suggestions was to make it earlier this year and the committee is open to students input and I would like to see more students become active with the meetings so we can get different prospective. I would also like SUS to hold a multicultural event since our students come from very diverse cultures and it would be fun to learn about other cultures. Smaller concerts have been held at Casey's and Corky's and they highlight B.C. talent. One event we just tried out on February 19th, was CNL stage at U-House, which SUS co-funded and I personally volunteered at. On the events committee we are always looking for ways to get involved with students and students groups to encourage student life on campus. I plan on volunteering and helping organize these events to ensure that they happen and are accessible to all of our students. I enjoy helping and volunteering and plan on dedicating my time and knowledge to all events if elected.
kc I z: 1 1
International Student Representative Candidate Statement: 1. I want SUS to help them succeed academically and socially, to support new international students adapting to their new environment and to provide more support to international students such as offering more scholarships and speak out about rising tuitions fees every year.
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2. To improve the responsibility of the SUS. Members of SUS need to actively listen to student's opinion understand what their wants for their university are and take actions on behalf of UFV students.
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3. To improve the efficacy SUS needs to regularly survey students what improvements they expect to see from SUS and voice their concerns and suggestions to provide them a better service.
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4. I am a 2nd year business student. I was on a basketball, volleyball and track and field team when I was in high school. I understand how to cooperate with others throughout my experience playing team sports. My role is to help people cooperate with others better when they are organizing some events.
Ahmed Muslem
International Student Representative
Candidate Statement:
1. I would like to achieve some students from different nations who want to be ·successful in their life.
2. I will improve the responsibility of SUS through making friendships with all students from UFV..
3. I do not know yet, I would like to do all my best I can.
4. I believe making more advertising about U-Pass commitment and others.
v., I
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David Williams
Zach Soderstrom
Candidate Statement
Candidate Statement:
1. Become more accessible to students.
1. To raise student awareness of our activities and services.
Residence Representative
2. Improve promotions and events. 3. Listening and reacting to students' needs.
Residence Representative
2. By Reinforcing our relationship with clubs and associations. 3. By helping the Advocacy Committee achieve a faster reaction time to pressing issues.
4. An active, cautious, and efficient one. 4. Grunt work like all the Representatives.
Dustin A.nderlini
Representative at Large Candidate Statement: 1. I would like to see more events occur on campus, high and lowscale. For my past term as a Rep-at-Large, I have been very involved in the Events Committee, and have been eager to follow the improvement I feel we have made as far as having more events on campus. I love to see students eager to take part in (or just view if they wish) events on campus. I would definitely consider this a cure to student apathy. 2. Again, 1 would like to see us plan an even higher number of events, and would like to see more collaboration with the Student Life department I would love to work together on more higher-scale events. 3. I would like to see this element of SUS be made more present to students, through word-of-mouth, as well as advertising more information on this (on the website, posters, etc.) 4. I see myself continuing to take a supporting role in these endeavors. I'd like to find more potential sponsors for our U-Pass (and of course encourage more students to take advantage of having a U-Pass). I'd definitely love to have input on concerts we run, and have as large or as small a role in planning them as our VP Social sees fit.
Vinu .Abraham Chetipurackal Representative at Large Candidate Statement:
1. My goal is to improve the accessibility for Deaf students at UFV because I know there is definitely not enough support to resolve their needs. 2. I would love for the board of the SUS to campaign for the recognition and improvement of the accessibility for student with disability by putting up posters and other advertisements. 3. I plan to improve the efficacy of SUS's effort in these engagements by collecting complaints from fellow deaf students but I feel that deaf students do not know enough information about the SUS and what SUS can do for them. I will do my best to improve the accessibility for student by seeing how I can approve the disability department.
4. I am not particularly interested in the Student Union Building and the concerts because I am deaf who cannot hear the concerts. I aim to focus on the needs of fellow students with accessibility issues.
FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 2011
Desmond Michael Devnich Representative at Large
Candidate Statement:
1. I will seek to provide more resources to clubs, associations, and individuals wanting to make a difference on campus. I will work to develop a solution to the difficulties students face in easily finding campus events and programs information. I will make it a priority to improve the event experience at Cascades athletic games, and increase fan attendance. I will ensure all campuses are fairly represented in events, decision-making and allocation of resources.
2. Instead of planning events and then trying to build interest in them, I would push SUS to get more feedback as to events students are interested in and then plan those types of events. 3·.'l will reach out to students and find out what their needs and desires are for the future of UFV. 4. I would see my role as someone who questions whether these projects are truly those that are the best use of students' funds. If not then I would try to find·alternate projects and events that may be more worthwhile.
3. I will establish a close, working relationship with the SUS communications administrator, and search out innovative methods of communicatio~. I will develop new ways to improve the distribution of infor- . mation, as well as our ability to receive students' feedback.
Chad· Bilton Representative at Large Candidate Statement: 1. I would 9dvocate and support to again provide restaurant service through Casey's on Campus. This is a detrimental Joss to students.
Candidate Statement: 1. I would like for the Student Union Society to help improve the sense of community at UFV so that we can become something more than just a commuter school where most people only come to their classes and then leave.
2. I am a collaborator, not a soloist. If elected, I promise to help create a more positive, productive working environment for SUS board members. An environment that involves as many people as possible and encourages further participation in the how our clubs and associations function.
4. With spectacular p_lans as these I am casting myself in a leading role for a character that requires confidence, passion, and the insatiable desire to effect change and move forward.
Tristan Michael Gibson
Representative at Large
Tay Mitchell ~epresentative at Large Candidate Statement: 1. I would like to begin some chariges to SUS bylaws/ which would . diversify and strengthen th~ roles of SUS Community Representatives. The Trades Representative has been empty for far too long, so I would like to expand eligibility to include many of our other applied skills and career-based programs so we can open up a larger pool of candidates. I would also like to set some SUS meeting times into a loclsed schedule, so they advertised easily to all of our students.
2. I will be highly supportive of activities and outreach events to our student population. I also have a number of ideas that I would like_to present to the future SUS board; that will incorporate enhancing all student experience at UFV. ·
2. SUS and the UFV Student Life department should be pooling our resources to provide better support to student groups. I think we should consider increasing amounts of semester funding to student groups, and create a mechanism which makes it easy for students to aJ?plyfor conference funding. ·
3. If possible learning more on how to advocate on behalf of students. This includes being approachable to our student population and being known as a Representative of SUS, and bringing their concerns to lights and working cooperating with students, UFV and SUS for positive results.
3. I want the SUS to focus almost entirely on lobbying efforts within the province. We pay a lot of money to a federal lobby group through our CASA membership fees, and results for our students have failed to materialize. Most education issues are under provincial jurisdiction, so why lobby Ottawa for change?
4. Assisting with planning and organizing in all SUS endeavors,' as. being a component to making myself available to aid event coordinators, finance commi~tees and advertising events.
4. I will continu~ to work on the SUB Project. I will continuing to push for transit improvements for UFV by sitting on the Mission-Abbotsford Transit Committee. I have some event co-ordination experience, which I can use to assist with live events.
Ryan Peterson
Representative at Large Candidate Statement: 1. If elected 'I would like to see the Student Union improve on its filling system and paper use. We have been making steps to move away from utilizing hard copy for everything but it would be nice to see a more green office environment. This would mean letting clubs and associations submit membership appiication and funding requests digitally as well 'as providing agendas for board meeting in digital format only. 2. By working closely with the Vice President Internal I would like to see an impr4:>vedcommitment to clubs and associations as they are our main avenue. fq_rstudent engagement. Improving lines of communication between us and creating simpler formats to hosting events for them would be a great way to enhance UFV student life on campus. 3. The role of advocacy in the Student Union is the responsibility for the whole board but mostly falls on the shoulders of the chair of the Advocacy committee, the Vice President of Academics. Though I have no interest in sitting on that particular committee, my personal interests lie in working with clubs and associations and financial matters for the board with the Vice President of Finance, I wiH always lend an ear to any student who needs it and help get them to the right people who can help them.
4. My role for the Student Union when directed at large profile proj- . ects will always be whatever the Board feels my abilities are best suited at. Spearheading the campaign for our_ U-Pass program and Student Union Building has always fallen to the role and responsibilities of the Society's President and other Executive members. I will be more than happy to help in any capacity they see fit but will always be there for any student who has questions about either project or just needs to get their U-Pass renewed.
Mehtab Singh Rai Representative at Large
.Candidate Statement: 1. My main focus would be to improve the current problem with class registration. Just about every student has been affected by this or knows someone who has. To me this seems to be a very problematic issue considering that students are not able to take classes for the programs they are in. Even though this job is of the VP Academic, I'm running for a Representative at Large p_ositionbecause I'm new to UFV's political arena. The Representative at Large position will give me the flexibility to help the VP Academic and to explore other roles in the Student Union Society .. 2. The best way to increase the responsibility of the Student Union Society would be to tell people that the SUS meetings are open and that any one can come and observe what SUS does. Once people see what the SUS is doing they can hold them accountable. This would also work in the other direction, if SUS members see that more students are interested they themselves will be driven even more to do there job. 3. SUS is the primary advocacy group for students at UFV. To improve SUS's efficacy in this area it is crucial that we let students know that we are the primary advocacy group. Once students become aware of-this they can start to bring forth their issues and then we can give them the advocacy that they deserve. . 4. The construction of the Student Union Building is very important. Its completion would symbolize how far the voice of the students resonates at UFV. The buildings very existence will give the SUS the kind on campus presence it deserves. I would try to look into what kind of money we can raise and to look into sponsorships that could begin construction.
FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 2011
Bethjnlringthe role of governmentin the Arts PAUL FALARDEAU ARTS& LIFEEDITOR
bbotsford Mayor George W. Peary, in a press release on February 7, 2011, said "Public art is a vit~ component of healthy, prosperous, and innovative cities. The implementation of public art in a city, not only beautifies the community, but promotes creative expression and community engagement." The statement came as part of an announcement that the city would allocate one per cent of its capital facility budget to public art. Peary continued to explain that "Public art is an important tool in defining and creating a unique sense of place for a city. As · Abbotsford continues to grow, it is extremely important that we create opportunities for people that come to our City to understand and explore our heritage and our culture."
Now, the combination of .the stress Peary has put on the importance of public art and the seemingly miniscule contribution he and the city are willing to put into it does not seem to sit well with artminded individuals in the community. A quick and dirty poll I conducted of students in the arts at UFV finds that most think the budget is extremely near-sighted and unfair to artists. I would like,
hell they pleased anyway - Pope be damned. So, why do we insist on living in a dream world where great works of art come about if we just throw around enough money? Sure, it would be nice to get a government grant to just putter about and do exactly what you want to, but we all know that is no reality. Government funding comes with censorship and bureaucratic direction. The art, in short order, dies. We can't blame the politicians either; they need however, t~ argue the opposite. things like progress reports to While it may seem like the voice keep the people happy who pay of the diehard idealist, real art re- their wages. What we end up with quires no funding, so the amount are nice murals in public- spaces given is irrelevant. at best and government-praising It doesn't take a lot of searchfilms and poetry at worst. It's true ing to find out.that no one remem- .there are exceptions - Virgil's Aebers William Wordsworth's work neid comes to mind - but the fact as poet laureate, and even when is that creative expression and buthey were paid, we all know that reaucratic oppression just don't go Michelangelo and Da Vinci took hand in hand. their time and did whatever the So, that one per cent st;uts to
look more and more apt when you realize that it will be gofog towards "beautification" not art. The idea of an artist being paid for his or her art is one that is only fulfilled when he. or she "makes it" - or sells out. You can apply for some of that sweet government green, but you're going to be making dull paintings of peewee baseball teams to display at bus stops. In Maxine Hong Kingston's fantastic book Hawai'i One Summer, she recounts how the poet Lew Welch told her that real artists are too busy fixing cars to go to poetry readings. Maybe that's it; perhaps real art can't be paid for - or sold - maybe it just has to be experienced and exchanged between regular people. The government, even with the best intentions, will never pay for that. They couldn't either; real art, after all, is priceless.
Povertypollprovesneedforan increasedminimumwage CHELSEA THORNTON STAFF WRITER
recent Angus-Reid Public Opinion Poll has revealed that Canadians hold some opinions about poverty that would make Americans proud: 41 per cent say that if we gave the poor more assistance they would "take advantage," 28 per cent believe that people in poverty "usually have lower moral values," and 23 per cent believe that people are poor because they're lazy. Canada's claims of social benevolence are beginning to sound a bit hollow. The finding that holds the greatest potential impact from a policy-making standpoint is that 54 per cent of Canadians believe that a family of four can survive on $30,000-a-year or less. In con- Canadian couple with children trast, the Salvation Army sug- was almost $72,000. How do you gests that a family of four needs . imagine families would fare if at least $40,000-a-year, and in $40,000 were suddenly knocked 2009, Statistics Canada found that off their budget? the average consumption for a Let's pretend for a moment
$4000 to personal care and clothing, $1000 to health care - oops, budget exceeded. Better knock off the transportation and clothing costs: there is nothing unreasonable about expecting a family of four to walk everywhere in whatever hand-me-downs they were able to find at the Salvation Army. Essentially, a $30,000-a-year income for a family of four translates to zero discretionary expenditure and more importantly, zero savings and zero opportunity for financial improvement. . · 43 per cent of Canadians have a solution to this conundrum: "a good work ethic is.all you need to escape poverty." Suppose the parents of this family of four both decide to put their good work ethic to use. They are fortunate enough to find jobs that $30,000 is actually enough that pay what British Columbia money for -a family of four for a . has decided is a fair wage - $8-anyear. Somewhere around $10;000 hour. To avoid childcare expenswould go to rent, another $10,000 es, one parent works days while to food, $6000 to transportation, the other works nights: they don't $4000 to household operation, need family time, they have work
ethic! Each parent puts in a 40 hour work week and never takes a single sick day or holiday. Together, they would bring in about $33,000-a-year, or· just enough to put clothing and bus fare back into the budget - a true escape from poverty. If, however, the minimum wage in B.C. was raised to $9.60 an hour, these working parents could make the $40,000-a-year the Salvation Army suggests a. family of four needs. The problem with the dominant Canadian perception of poverty is the failure to recognize the "invisible poor," the families that manage to afford housing but can afford little else. Subsistence is not the Canadian dream, and a true escape from poverty is not an escape from streets and shelters, but instead an escape to a world where you can afford to take a day off when your child has the flu, work towards buying a home, and save for an education.
Alumni encourage students to study what they love SOPHIE ISBISTER OPINIONEDITOR
ever fear, arts students! If you anticipate a lonely future of crying over your degree before your night shift at Starbucks, the Career Centre and Alumni Association had some words of encouragement for you at the March 1 panel discussion Where in the World Can I Work After An Arts Degree? on the Abbotsford campus. After a minor mix-up with the folks from Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, the event got into the swing of things, complete with free chocolate in exchange for asking questions of the four fresh-faced and gainfully employed alumni. Students were invigorated · by the examples of success that lay before us, adults who only a few years previous had been in our shoes, thinking important thoughts like "where shall I work?" and "when should I have my next beer?" The overwhelming consensus
was that not many people are using the exact skills they got from their degree, but are using the generalized skills and knowledge gained from their post-secondary experience. This may cause a few current students to run for the hills, abandon their academic careers, and join Cirque du Solie!, but for the remaining dedicated few, it didn't seem like there was much to worry about. Why are you an arts student? If it's because you are anticipating
a six figure salary and a summer home in_Paris, you should think again. We study the arts because we love to learn. We study languages to expand our communication capacity, we study sociology to learn how other people live, we study English because we love to read literature, and we study psychology so we can figure out why our parents were always so hard on us. We don't all study arts to become billionaires. The panel discussion, given by
Adam Simpson (BA '05, English), Amanda Klassen (BA'08 English), Dana Boogerd (BA '08, English/ History) and Shauna Svekla (BA '08 Psychology) was a refreshing breeze in a world where students often spend hours listening to profs, parents, and advisors tell them that their degree needs to have some relevance to a future career. What the four alumni on display found, and shared with the full room, was that they got their jobs through networking, through maximizing the skills and interests they did have, and through the mere fact that they ha9 a degree to begin with. Simpson, currently employed at a project management firm in Vancouver, got his job in the field of communications by submitting ·a portfolio of creative writing. He also hounded his.future employer until they realized he would be a good fit with the company. Svekla found that the interests she developed during the course of her BA weren't necessarily. the same as what was written on the paper; she ended up searching ·
through her past for extracurPicular interests; and found a job with Abbotsford Community Services as a program assistant for Skills Connect for Immigrants. All four alumni followed their hearts. This included involvement in extracurricular activities (though a common regret was not being involved enough), it included a few false starts, and it included a program switch or two. Students should follow their passion; study what you love, no matter how many people ask you, "What are you going to do with that?" With the right mix of networking (while still at university), interest, and self-promotion, you can do whatever you want with your degree. It's the skills that we learn while we are within this institution that are valuable. Skills like patience, time management, dealing with difficult people, honouring commitments, and critical thinking are all assets that can be used to your benefit. But there's no way you're going to get out with an arts degree if you don't study what you love.
FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 2011
Ryan Kesler: points on the board JEDMINOR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
ome fans unfortunately hold too much sentimentality when it comes to the Canucks, and it blinds them from cold hard facts: players like Ryan Kesler equal points on the board, and that's what counts. Even though Ryan Kesler's point production has fallen off as of late, along with many of the Canucks' top producers, that is no reason to vilify him. He is still a reliable defender and should be a candidate for this years Selke trophy as the league's best defensive forward. Add this to the fact that he has already amassed a career high in goals this season, and there is little reason to criticize this highly dependable forward. During the off-season Kesler took it upon himself to improve his wrist shot and this has paid dividends. Numerous times this season he has pocketed goals from tpe top of left circle with a wicked wrist-shot through the opposing defender. Adding this wrist shot to his arsenal has been invaluable for Kesler, who was formerly relying on his skating ability and his soft hands around the net to $Core goals, although it isn't just goals that his Canucks games should be measured by. Kesler's effective back-checking during games has helped the Canucks maintain one of the best goal~-against totals in the league. Kesler is also part of the Canucks penalty-kill, which is second in the
league. Few star players possess the array of defensive and offensive skill which he displays. Add this to the fact that he is part of the Canucks' top power play unit as a net presence for Daniel and Henrik Sedin and his value as a special team player is readily apparent. The Canucks hired assistant coach Newell Brown to improve their power play, which dipped in productivity last season. Brown had the idea of putting all the team's best players on the top power play unit with Ryan Kesler providing a presence in front of the net. This has resulted in the Canucks having the second best power-play record in the NHL, connecting at an average of 23.7 per cent. . What I like most about Kesler's game, however, is his ability to
skate. The chemistry that he has built with Mason Raymond allows them to enter the opposing zone at will and has contributed to the many scoring chances that they generate each game. You can tell when Kesler has the puck even if you can't see the number on the jersey. The tall center's fluid skating is unmistakeable as he rushes up the ice, jersey flapping in the wind. Kesler is an integral part of one of the best Canucks teams that has been dressed over the course of the franchise's 40 year history. Will the Canucks win the Stanley Cup this year? I can't answer that question, but what I do know is that I enjoy watching him play, and that he is enjoying the best year so far of his promising career.
Sarah Q. Who is yourfavourite Canuckand why? A. I don't really have·a favourite.
Q. What's your opinionon the new premierChristyClark? A. I don't have an opinion on her.
Q. Haveyou won anythingfrom Roll up the Rim? A.No. Q. What moviedo you think shouldhavewon BestPictureand why? A. Twilight: Eclipse- Edward is a hottie.
Ryan Kesler'sruleof rudeness KAREN ANEY CONTRIBUTOR
'm going to go ahead and preface this article with a big ol' disclaimer: I am not a fair-weath- • er fan. I love my Canucks. I have loved my Canucks since 1 started watching them in my high chair, and I love them no more or less this season than I did those seasons that they didn't make the playoffs. That being said, I have some pretty solidly defined feelings about cert_ain players on my team. Because I feel so strongly about the team in its entirety, I have some fairly definite ideas about what type of p.erson I want to watch in the ol' blue, white, and green (or black, red, and orange or red and white.) Because of this, just great hockey players in order I have a serious hatred for Ryan to retain their fan base. Kesler, unKesler. fortunately, is nothing more than Let me explain. Vancouver is a a great hockey player with a hot very emotional fan base; we love head. our team, but many people sufThe Canucks need to be more. fer chafing from jumping on and They need to do things like donate off the bandwagon every season. 1.5 million dollars to Children's This means that it's not enough for Hospital - and attempt to do it our hockey team to just be a team. anonymously (deities bless you, Every spotts team will have its up Sedins.) They need to use their day seasons and down seasons, espe- off to play Scrabble with a local cially in the NHL with the salary blogger, and spend the weeks becaps - at least in MLB you can call fore that drumming up donations yourself a Yankees fan and usual- for Canucks Place (way to put that ly be assured that you're going to Dartmouth education to use, Tsee some amazing baseball players Glass.) They do not need to blather wearing your colours. on about "hating Canada," as It's more than that in the NHL. Kesler infamously did during the The salary caps and trading rules Olympics. Even if his words were make the playoffs a story of coach- meant in jest, it's inappropriate to ing, management, and dumb luck display such an attitude during more than anything els~. So, given a tournament meant to promote the realities of the NHL and the peace and unity, especially when emotional climate in Vancouver, a team belonging to that country · the Canucks·need to be more than pays your salary. I will concede
Q. Who is yourfavouriteCanuckand why? A. Pavel Bure- he was my favourite when I was a kid and I've loved him ever since. But I don't think he plays anymore.
Q. What's your opinionon the new premierChristy Clarie? A. I didn't even know we had one.
Q. Haveyou won anythingfrom Roll up the Rim? A. A doughnut, but hopefully my luck will improve and I'll win big.
Q.What moviedo you think shouldhavewon BestPictureand why? A. I thought the King's Speech was rea11ygood.
that Kesler's attitude has softened considerably in the past year, and that it has done incredible things for his game, but it's not enough to make me love the fact that he's on my team. What's more, I cringe every time I see him being interviewed or "having words" with a player on the ice. The truth is that the boy doesn't know how to conduct himself as a public figure, and the ability to be a good role ,model is crucial in the Vancouver industry. We don't want or need another Bertuzzi, and while Kesler isn't nearly as bad as the man who turned "Steve Moore" into a verb, his attitude over the years hasn't shown that he's able to keep his head when emotions run high. When the inevitable happens, even though I'm a die-hard Canuck fan, I'll have a difficult time supporting him.
Anderson Q. Who is yourfavourite Canuckand why? A. Luongo because he's awesome. Q. What's your opinionon the new premierChristy Clark? A. I don't really have one. Q. Haveyou won anythingfrom Roll up the Rim? A. I won a coffee, I'm one for two.
Q. What moviedo you think shouldhave won Best Pictureand why? A. I don't think I've even seen any that were nominated.
FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 2011
PremierDesignateChristyClark TREVORFIK STAFFWRITER
n ex-CKNW radio host whose last political job saw her embroiled in the CN Rail scandal is the new Premier Designate of British Columbia. Apparently, in the topsy-turvy world of politics in British Columbia, anything is possible. Christy Clark, who inherits the Liberal throne under much scrutiny and amid her fair share of controversy (house pets as Liberal party members anyone?), does so at a time when BC is in need of a _strong leader like never before. - Hospital patients housed in donut shops instead of care beds, overcrowded classrooms packed to the brim with students, and a nagging new sales tax that has been anything but harmonious will continue to haunt the Liberal party no matter who is in power. The question that is on everyone's mind is, does Christy Clark, who has not been actively involved in the political landscape since she vacated her seat as the Minister of Children and Family Development and Deputy Premier in 2004, still possess the political prowess necessary to tackle these issues?
Clark has a storied political ca:reer.After having served as the official opposition critic for environment, children and families from 1996until 2001, she was appointed by Premier Gordon Campbell to the post of Minister of Education and Deputy Premier. Clark occupied these positions until 2004,
at which time she was appointed as the Minister of Children and Family Development, a post she eventually vacated to campaign for mayor of Vancouver. Clark takes the ,leadership role amongst a fractured collection of MLAs, not one of whom backed her in the leadership race. This
could pose a pressing problem, as a divided party will become increasingly susceptible to opposition criticism. In terms of whether Clark poses a more difficult challenge for the ailing New Democratic Party, however, the answer is undeniably yes. With a single digit approval rating going in to the leadership race, former Liberal leader Gordon Campbell would have been easy pickings for an NDP that was just beginning to sharpen its swords. With Campbell receiving a "don't let the door hit you on the way out" exit, a fresh face may be enough for voters to not care who is in power, as long as it is not Gordon.• And while the NDP has not wavered in its ability to provide nonstop criticism of the Liberal government, it has done nothing to provide a viable alternative. Until such time that the NDP can put up a strong leader of its own, with a political platform and agenda that does not revolve around insults and bickering, Clark may be able to garner support for a planned 2013 election. Clark's tenure as host of the radio program The Christy Clark Show will also work in her favour
as it has made her a prominent figure in BC. She has been respected for her honest and outspoken criticism of BC politics and in-depth dialogue with guests on her show. This will work to her advantage in the public eye, as the instant name brand recognition will inevitably draw supporters. Columnist Biil Tielemen noted early on in Clark's campaign for premier that maybe the radio host had spent too long away from politics to be the effective force necessary to lead British Columbia. To that I say, is that necessarily a bad thing? The past few years in BC politics have been marred by scandal after scandal, especially for the Liberal party. BC Rail was just the tip of the iceberg for the party that brought in the HSI, fumbled around with the Olympic Village, and failed to effectively prosecute Basi and Virk. ·clark deserves, chance to show that she can be a strong candidate for a province desperately in need of competent leadership. After the requisite swearing in ceremony, Clark will have her work cut out for her uniting a divided party, and attempting to tackle the laundry list of issues currently facing BC.
What'snew inthe 'Wack:notesfromthe othercampus DESMOND DfVNICH CONTRIBUTOR
usic, drama, sports, and volunteering opportunities are all available this March at UFV Chilliwack. Spring is here, love is in the air, and Student Life in Chilliwack wants to remind students about safe sex practices. Yes, it may . seem like the content of elementary school curriculum but condom use is an important life skill. That's why on Wednesday, March 23, all UFV students are invited to Chilliwack Campus Centre for an 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. event entitled Fresh Romance. Student Life will be serving up free ice cream sundaes to all students who bring their own banana and show that they can properly apply a condom to the phallic fruit. This may seem difficult, but Student Life is assuring you, the amount of ice cream and delicious toppings will make it worth the effort. International Women's Day will be recognized at the Trades & Technology Centre (TIC) with the Student Union Society (SUS) on Tuesday, March 15. Our Chilliwack campus librarians will be providing tea, cookies, and ample knowledge about the women's movement through the years. Amara, Debbie, and Kieran of SUS, and Desmond of Student Life, will be hosting a celebration of the hard-working women at TIC with lunch, contests, and prizes. Student Life and Chilliwack Community Involvement Club are joining the UFV International Department in their annual Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil Campaign at the end of March. Live daffodils and lapel pins will be sold to benefit the national organization in a show of support for all cancer survivors on campus. For
Abbotsford campus info, email; for information for Chilliwac~ campus, email Our Theatre department enthusiastically announces their production of William Shakespeare's The Tempest this month. Have you reserved your tickets yet? There will be romance, music, dance, comedy, and spectacle. Congratulations to the hard-working stars of the play, Glen Pinchin, Danielle Warmenhoven, Catrina Lewis,
Gabe Kirkley, and supporting actors, Natasha Beaumont, Dylan Coulter, J.D.Dueckman, Kyra Essau, Aaron Froc, Eli Funk, Melissa Harris, Tim Howe, Ron Jackson, Rebecca Mackenzie, Danielle Milette, Natasha Ray, Thomas Smith, and Dayna Thomas. Visit Chilliwack campus and experience the classical arts! Campus Rec is proud to announce the installation of a new ping pong table at Chilliwack Campus Centre. Be sure to check
this column in a few weeks for details on an upcoming ultimate games competition. Local band Rags to Radio performed with special guest Like Bears at Chilliwack campus' monthly Wednesday pub night at Corky's Irish Pub on March 9. Rags to Radio has additional tour dates this month with stops in Vancouver, Kamloops, Hinton, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, and Regina. Amara Vanderveen, SUS vice-president East, was
thrilled to add their concert to the growing list of successful campus life events in Chilliwack. You can hear their music at ragstoradio. Events at Corky's in Chilliwack have been a fun part of student life at UFV for over a year now, and students from all campuses are encouraged to attend and take advantage of the 25 per cent discount on food itelr!s, Take a drive through the farm country and eat, stay, study, and play at Chilliwack campus.
FRIDAY,MARCH 11th,2011
Theatre Preview: The Tempest PAUL ESAU SPORTS EDITOR
he ship has sailed,· the storm T is gathering, and something extraordinary is about to happen at the UFV theatre in Chilliwack. After much preparation and practice, rehearsal and theatrics, director Bruce Kirkley and the Theatre Department would like to present Shakespeare's The Tempest as the last show of the 2010-11 season. Offering magic, monsters, and even a shipwreck, the play is "such stuff, as dreams are made on," and promises to be a truly rewarding spectacle even for those generally intimidated by the Immortal Bard. The Tempestis the story of the brooding mage Prospero, who, marooned on a desert island, bides his time plotting supernatural revenge against his betrayers. Aided by his companions, the spirit-like Ariel and menacing Caliban, he manages to trap his Neapolitan enemies on the island and set the machineries of their demise in motion. Yet all is not as simple as it seems, as new betrayals are plotted and new alliances cemented. One of the most interesting visual aspects of the play is the clash between the cultures and costumes of the islanders (Prospero, Ariel, Caliban) and those of the Neapolitans. In a very novel interpretation, Director Kirkley and Set Designer Astrid Beugeling have chosen to portray the islan9ers as Minoan-esque, while the Neapolitans come from a "Steampunk" civilization. "One of the things that has been intriguing me lately is the whole "Steam-punk" movement," says Kirkley, "the SciFi movement based on what the
Ariel (Catrina Lewis) and Caliban (Gabriel Kirkley)
world might have looked like had we taken a different direction than the one we did in the early 20th century. It's a wonderful opportunity ... for some amazing Victorian era costumes, but with all these mechanical gears and sprockets and steam." Beugeling, who created most of the set, described the island, saying "Minoan culture is very prevalent in the set design. There are a lot of swirls and mazes and really fantastical creatures. Octopuses were really prevalent in a lot of (Minoan) artwork. There are a lot of frescos in Crete from the Minoan culture, and that's where we chose a lot of our colours. There are a lot of vibrant oranges, blues, turquoise colours." Generally the two most bizarre characters in the script are Ariel and Caliban, who provide a sort of "yin and yang" in their rela-
~ ~f>~
tionship to each other and to Prospero. Ariel is portrayed by Catrina Lewis, who describes her character as a "servant to Prospero" who is "fighting for her freedom." "She really actually loves Prospero," clarifies Lewis, "she doesn't like being his slave; she'd like to find freedom; she wants to do what she wants, but she really does love Prospero even though he's unfair to her sometimes." Gabriel Kirkley describes his character Caliban as having a more negative role: "Caliban is Prospero's slave, but in a different way than Ariel because he has to do 'all these menial tasks. He has to fetch wood and he has to wash dishes and do all this stuff that he really doesn't like doing. The island used to be his; he used to be alone on this island with his mother. Then Prospero shows up." The bizarrity of Lewis and
Gabe's costumes alone is worth the price of admission, but the actors have also taken great pains to immerse themselves in their characters. "I took gymnastics after I got the part" Lewis mentioned, hinting that her role requires some significant athleticism. The Tempestwas Shakespeare's last work, written nearly a decade before he died. "I think it's pr0bably one of his most beautifully written shows," mused Gabe. "I think Shakespeare really wanted to go ·out with a bang because it was his last play... Prospero's final speech in the play is basically, he's apologizing for everything he may have done in his career. A lot of people think it's actually Shakespeare, this is like Shakespeare saying to the audience: 'Some things were not good, but a lot of it was, and rm finished now."' The 201i production is actu-
ally the second time that Kirkley has directed The Tempest,the first time being in 1996.He remembers, "The last production we did of The Tempest was actually the first Shakespeare production we did in this theatre. It was the inaugural Shakespeare." In that production the island was heavily influenced by "Egyptian iconography," while the Neapolitans were coming from the Napoleonic era. When asked what the audience should take away from the production, Kirkley replied, "I think, for me one of the things for this play is that it's a play about transformation. About how events and experiences transform people. It's about the magic of transformation. Prospero is a magician, and what does that mean? What is the foundation of his magic? On one level it is a kind of fantastic magic, the ability to conjure spells and spirits. which makes for great visual moments for the theatre. But on another level all of that is kind of metaphoric, because the real magic of the play is how Prospero sets out in the beginning to have revenge on those who had wronged him many years before ... but then through the process of driving them mad and driving them to distraction he begins to realize that all he's doing is perpetuating the same terror, the same wrongs that were visited on him. And really the wiser course of action, as he says in the play, is forgiveness." The Tempest will run from March 11-27 at the theatre on the Chilliwack campus, with tickets selling at between $13 and $16. T~ reserve tickets call 604-795-2814or email:
FRIDAY,MARCH 11th,2011
ost people assume they know how to talk dirty; yet aside from "mmm yeah baby" and "oooh there there," real, sizzlingly hot dirty talk is actually quite difficult to pull off. It can be quite awkward and embarrassing, and more often than not, couples largely forgo it. The subject of dirty talk always brings to mind Joey's timeless advice on Friends: "What's the big deal? You just say what you want to do to her, or what you want her to do to you ... or what you think other people might be doing to each other!" While I certainly would not often recommend taking the sex advice of Joey Tribbiani, he actually has a point on this one. Talking dirty really isn't all that hard in theory: you tell your partner what they want to hear. Like most things sexually, the real key is to keep your audience in mind. Get to know what your partner likes. Do they like being dominated? Then tell them how much you want to hold them down and give it to them. Do they like to dominate? Then tell them how much you want to service their body. Do they'like romance? Then tell them how beautiful they are and how much you love them. Language is another thing you have to be aware of. Most
prefer euphemisms for our body parts; it's a rare day you're going to find someone who wants you to tell them how much you want to want to lick their scrotum, or part their labia and tongue their vulva. Some women are repelled by strong, impolite words like "pussy" and "cunt," yet others prefer harsher language; try to be sensitive to what your partner is comfortable with. On the other hand, using childish terms such
Book Review: WallylambShejsCome Undone
as "pee pee" and "hoo hoo" is just inappropriate and silly, and very unlikely to make your lover hot - it's more likely to remind them of potty training. And, for the love of god, please, please, please never call your girlfriend's genitals "bearded clam," "'piss trap," "sausage wallet," "beef curtains," "trout basket," "pink taco," "flesh tuxedo," or "bum fiddle." Neither should you ever refer to your boyfriend's parts as "baloney pony,"
"meat thermometer," "cream spritzer," "beaver cleaver," "blueveined jackhammer," "gravy maker," or "purple-headed yogurt slinger," either! Now, while dirty talk is a great addition to foreplay and sex, don't be afraid to let dirty talk be the focus, either. Phone, text, and cybersex are 100% dependent on dirty talk (unless you're into silently masturbating together ...?), and are a sexy, exciting way to remain
ALEX WATKINSexperiences confusion and self-
NEWSEDITOR blame for the innocent, childish desire she had for her neighbor bet takes an author with an ex- fore he raped her, and is deeply afceedingly delicate touch to craft fected by his claims that they "did a heartwarming story of resilience what [they] did together." When and transformation peppered her attacker's wife miscarries with such brutal and depressing shortly afterwards, she is haunted topics as rape, childhood alien- by the connection she draws beation, abusive relationships, and tween the two and blames herself mental illness - yet this is exactly for the baby's death. what Wally Lamb achieves with With her rape comes not only his debut work w. emotional but physical transforHis book, which has received mation; she shuts herself away international praise, follows the from the world by gluing herself to life of Dolores Price from the age the television set and eats so excesof four to forty. By the second sively that she weighs 257 pounds grade, she has her first experience by the time she has graduated with family tragedy as her mother high school. Her mother - racked has a miscarriage that is to be her with guilt at her own connection unraveling; her father leaves 'the to Dolores' attacker, with whom family for another woman soon af- she was having an affair at the ter, and Dolores must leave to live time - enables this behavior, buywith her tight-lipped grandmothing Dolores her own television and er as her mother plunges deep supplying her with the unhealthy into mental illness. 'It is events like foods that she eats. Dolores' copthese - thrust onto Dolores at such ing mechanisms only seem to fura young age - that begin to shape ther alienate her from the world, her personality as she grows into where she is mocked and despised an increasingly combative and for her weight by most. discontented child. Though she uses her own brand While it would have been easy of caustic humor to keep those to make the angry young Dolores around her at bay, Dolores also has unlikable, Lamb.allows the reader clear moments of yearning for the to see beyond her prickly exterior approval and friendship of these and view her with compassion. He people, and it becomes apparent reveals the guilt that surrounds that her humor is really a defense her rape as well as the anger; she mechanism. The humor in this
close to your partner whenever they're away. Or, if one night when your partner is too tired for sex but still in the mood, try telling them a dirty "story" while you give them a handjob (this doesn't work so well with blow jobs, unfortunately). Dirty stories are a great, adult version of the bedtime story, kind of like listening to a spoken porno. Simply set up a scene for your partner involving one of their favorite fantasies: "... then Pamela Anderson ties you down and starts slowly i licking your feet ..."; "... your ship gets boarded by a gang of handsome pirates, and the captain has you taken to his room ..."; "...then the army officer has you get on your knees and he begins unzipping his pants ..." It can be a fun experience for the both of you, and actually a good way to get comfortable with eventually doing role play. Remember, watching TV isn't fun with the sound off, and neitA.eris sex. Sex is about using all the senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound. Just because it's sexual, does not make communication any less important in bed than out of bed. Tell your partner why you want them, how you want them, and what you want to do to them. Let them hear the sexy inside of you. Now let me hear more X-rated filth out there tonight! Add "Violet Hart" to your facebook for up-to-date surveys, links, and articles. sense has two purposes, as Lamb also uses it to navigate the book's many difficult subjects without allowing the novel. to take an overwhelmingly depressed or pitying tone. From Dolores' graduation, Lamb takes readers on a tumultuous journey leading up to her adulthood, during which she tragically loses her mother, briefly attends college, is committed to a mental institution, and eventually strikes out to build a new life for herself. Though her life is filled with trauma and catastrophe, Lamb manages to sustain the reader's hope for Dolores. Her passage into womanhood and her triumphs (big and small) over th9se who seek to take away her personal power are satisfying and hard-won, and will have readers grinning. Lamb writes so compassionately and accurately about the {rials of adolescent womanhood and the complex relationship between a mother and her daughter that I found it hard to believe that he had never personally experienced either of these things. It is his honest yet tender treatment of these kinds of experiences and his ability to create believable, complex characters - refusing to downplay their flaws and failings - that have made Wally Lamb one of my fa-
FRIDAY,MARCH 11th,2011
Arts Collference at UFV Eventgivesstudentsemployment tips KAREN ANEY that those who are offered an in- you want to spend your life shapCONTRIBUTOR terview are "e·xpected to have the ing young minds. smarts." What employers are lookArguably the most important ast Tuesday, March 1, the Ca- ing for once you get to the inter- lesson that these panellists taught . reer Centre and Alumni As- view is what makes you special. us, though, is to take advantage of sociation hosted an event called One of the great things about a • our institution. Three of the four "Where in the World Can I Work BA is that it encompasses so many alumni found their jobs because After an Arts Degree." While the different types of talents and abili- . of a program at UFV: Klassen was event was fairly well attended, not ties - those traits that make you recommended into her position by everyone could be there - so here unique are what should guide a co-op instructor; Boogerd found are the Coles Notes. your job search. her job posting while working on The four Alumni in attendance A second thing .to keep in mind the Career Centre website, and were Adam Simpson (BA '05 Eng- during your job search is that Svekla met her future employer at a job fair. While Simpson didn't lish), Amanda Klassen (BA '08 your BA does not automatically English), Dana Boogerd (BA '08 entitle you to a high-paying job find his job directly through UFV, English/History), and Shauna Sve- with , hundreds of minions to see. he credits his education here with kla (BA'08 Psychology/Sociolog·y). to your every whim. You're broke securing him his current job: in Each panellist is gainfully em- anyways - why not volunteer your creating a portfolio for his applicaployed and had some great advice time in an industry related to your tion, he included short stories and to offer those of us who are about desired field? Take some time to poetry that he had written in crerealize what you want to do and ative writing classes. This, he says, to graduate with an Arts degree. is what set him apart: everyone One message that each member understand that it won't happen agreed with was that your degree overnight. Boogerd said that the applying for the job could write is not going to guarantee you a job. shift which allowed her to get her a research essay, but his experiAs Svekla advised, "put your de- job was "not being afraid to start ence being creative in a small and gree to the side, and accept there at the bottom." She started out as supportive setting enabled him to will be another time .for that." a junior proof-reader anc~ junior show his future employers that he Don't get bogged down by only copy editor: she's now freelancing had depth in personality as well as applying for jobs that require you for the same company. Above all, knowledge. to have a BA, because it more than she has a job that she loves, which To sum it up, then: use your inlikely will not be enough. is inspiring to hear from someone stitution to its full potential, don't Even if you get to the interview who "didn't want to be a teacher" expect to be Bill Gates overnight, process - which we all know is - especially because there's got to and allow your interests to guide tough - your degree isn't going be quite a few of you out there that your job Se<;lfch- not your salary to sell you. Simpson explained didn't take an arts degree because expectations.
Outside the (take out) Box
ast week on March 2nd, UFV celebrated the birthday of Dr. Seuss. While it might seem strange for a university to celebrate the birthday of a childr~n's book author, anyone who is familiar with Student Life's Programmer Martin Kelly should not be surprised. Martin Kelly is the very spirit of wackiness and fun at UFV, and always a hit with the students. Celebrations of Dr. Seuss' birthday have b·een an 11nnualevent at UFV for many years, the result of Martin Kelly's "personal passion" for Dr. Seuss. "There are very few revolutions in children's literature," explains Martin Kelly of his passion, "of which Dr. Seuss is probably the biggest... [until Seuss' time] children's literature was anything but fun, it was largely about passing on moral parables... [Seuss is a] cultural icon. There's not anybody you can find out there that doesn't know ;iomething about Dr Seuss ... everybody knows Green Eggs and Ham... he's a touchstone for fifty years worth of people." Kelly couldn't help but add that the day . also "gives [him] a chance to dress up in weird outfits." This year celebrations were . held at the Chilliwack campus Kelly and some students had decbecause, according to Kelly, the orated the day before; there were campus is home to the Early 7-8 cakes each representing differChildhood Education and Teach- ent Dr. Seuss books, including a 1 ers Education programs - groups Fish 2 Fish cake, a Green Eggsand one would suppose would share Ham cake, and a Cat in the Hat cake. an interest in one of children liter- In order to have a piece of cake, ature's greatest authors. However, however, students were required ECE students were nowhere to be to answer a Dr. Seuss trivia quesfound; on the other hand, even tion or "stump the cat" - in other though the TEP students were words, ask Martin Kelly a ques- off on practicum, they decided to tion he couldn't answer. Asked if celebrate Seuss' birthday with the he had been stumped, said Kelly young students at their respective "no way, no way, not even close!" schools. A couple of children were also in UFV students were shown a attendance, and Kelly made aniSeuss film and given cake, which mal balloons. Overall, Chilliwack
students had a good time. "Why do we do events like this?" asked Kelly. "We have to start building rituals and icons and things that make people go. 'What's going on for Dr Seuss' birthday this year, I wonder?' ... There's not that many things around here that pass for events that people do look forward to, that they pass on from student generation to student generation." And of course, as Martin Kelly so exuberantly exclaimed: "Dr Seuss, he's the man! He is the man!"
33886 Essendene Ave Abbotsford BC V2S2H4 .
dollars. The overwhelming menu AMYVANVEEN CONTRIBUTORoptions range from soups and salads to meatless pastas, steak aliotti's is one of two family and seafood, to chicken and ribs. owned and operated Italian Entrees are anywhere from $12 to eateries. With three generations of $20, with most of the pastas fallItalian eating and dining support- . ing around $15. They also have a ing these two locations, one in Ab- kids menu for those who fall unbotsford and one in Maple Ridge, der twelve years of age for a handthe inspiration of a certain boot- ful of options ten dollars or less. Some of the· pasta dishes, too, are shaped country is clearly evident. two bucks cheaper during lunch From the first step through those double doors, the family at- hours. mosphere is clear with a welcome Once dinner was ordered, there hello from the hostess and bar was a starter of fresh focaccia staff. To the right is a little lounge bread with balsamic vinegar and area, bedecked with big screens olive oil. Most of my experiences for. whatever game happens to be with focaccia bread have been on, and to the left is the seating wildly disappoinfing from it being too dry to it bein_gtoo dense. This area. All around the enormous space are touches of Italian ar- focaccia made me forget all that chitecture and decor. The arched and replaced it with light, fluffy, windows that line two of the walls flavourful goodness. The entree, a are softly lit with silk greenery Creamy Pesto Borsetti, was a huge weaving through the trellises portion of feta and spinach stuffed that separate the tables while the pasta mixed into a deliciously kitchen is topped off with Tuscan creamy pesto sauce and plenty of tile roofing and adorable little tasty veggies. These Italians know windows. The high ceiling also quality ingredients, and the satisfied sI_Ii.ileson their customers' accommodates the large paintings depicting what can only be as- faces prove it. Nearly every person sumed to be rustic Italian settings in the restaurant was so pleased interspersed with individually lit and stuffed, a take-away bag was sculptures. Different tones of or- necessary in order to keep the love anges, reds, and greens are only going into the next day. The service was extremely improved by the soft lighting and candles at each table. friendly, and in a smaller space the The well-stocked bar provides . decor may be overwhelming, but dozens of wine options, cocktails, the location on Essendene gives and specialty coffees as well as customers room to ·breathe, and teas, coffee, or other non-alcoholic maybe even room to loosen their drinks. The ample amount of ap- belts a notch or two. pies range from five to eleven
FRIDAY,MARCH11th, 2011
a ·I bum
Dinosaur Bones
. My Divid_er
Bertha Cool
Sarah Cripps
2 Bertha Cool
Practice Although her first EP is titled Practice,Sarah Cripps sounds far from rough around the edges. She has practice enough; see her covers of "For the Turnstiles" and "Hallelujah" online. The entire extended play has a slick country tinge, complete with. lilting guitar and banjo between splashes of cymbal. Still, after "Getaway Car" starts the album off in a good and nasty fashion, things get a bit too nice. Tunes that should sound like they've been dragged through the mud come through a little too clean. This would be a bigger problem if Cripps' vocals weren't on point. With bright red hair, beautiful eyes, and a sensual look, her album's cover pairs rightly to Cripps' voice. Lyrically, the songs on the five-track disc run from self-affirmation to first love; there's nothing ground-breaking or new there, but each song is a veritable playground for Cripps' pipes. After all is said and done, that's what people will take home from Practice.
Teapot Hill
Grown-Ups 4 E.T.Lathe
Miss Quincy
Your Mama Don't Like Me
The Wilderness of Manitoba ·
Bear Bones
Skull Fist
7 Hey Rosetta! 8 9Naked and Fameous ·1oThe Sadies Heavier Than Metal
Passive Agressive You
- Paul Falardeau
Darker Circles
The Dodos
The Joy Formidable
No Color
The BigRoar
One great thing about. fadedGiven that No Color is their The first full-length release by out rock stars is that they con- fourth full-length album, it is no this Welsh trio has been as highly stantly come back for more. surprise that the Dodos sound anticipated as the Arctic Monkey's Whether they need more money, right at home on it. The new re- first effort. Being called The Big have more to 'say' artistically, or lease, due March 15, is a fun and Roarone might.expect an Iggy Pop need somewhere else to channel upbeat vei:s~on of The National circa "T. V. Eye" scream to open their Viagra-energy, comeback that is primed and ready for a the album. That is not the case. Inalbums are commonplace. Such summer night filled with good stead, "The Evef Changing Specis R.E.M.'s latest title, Collapseinto times and debauchery. However, trum of a Lie" starts with a sputNow. The group was good the first comparisons aside, The Dodos do tering fumble of drums; before time around - before listening to have quite a unique sound, which layer after layer of sound builds to the album, I would have told them is evident right from the first sec- a climax. The band's press picture to leave w~ll enough alone. Amaz- onds of the album. "Black Night" finds them standing nonchalantly ingly, though, the band still has · bursts into eardrums with a flash in ·front of a Joshua tree and the U2 some juice left in it. Their guitar of snare drum. This sets the pace connection is not lost in the muriffs and hooks are just as solid as for the entire percussion-fuelled sic. However, the progression of they were twenty years ago; lead album. A two-piece, drummer Lo- sound on "Lie" sounds more fitsinger Michael Stipe's voice is just gan Kroeber plays a modified kit ting on a Yes album. Still, there is as resonating as it once was. But that has no bass drum and instead a lot of arena rock sensibility left a double-edged sword cuts both relies on the use of rim shots and to play; in fact, there's also a lot ways: they're just like they used a shoe-adhered tambourine. Meric o.f Metric in there too. Really, The to be. In all honesty, I'm not sure I Long, contributes timely acoustic Joy Formidable make their mark could listen to a song and attribute guitar and vocals, but it is the per- by being rock and roll chameleons it to their new album or 199l's Out cussion that drives the music and and, importantly, mastering each of Time; they're just too similar. that gives it the sound that the Do- -changing style they adopt. The Nothing is new or fresh. Despite dos have become known for. No real reason that The Big Roar is so that, reminiscing is good fun - so Color is an exciting and cheerful wonderful to listen to is that The if you liked the 90's and are look- listen that demands ample use of Joy take all of their influences and ing to relive them, this album is the replay button. return therri. to the listener in a for you. Oh, and icing for your. unique and mesmerizing package grunge-coloured cake: Eddie Ved- Paul Falardeau all their own. Look for them in an der does some guest vocals on "It arena near you. Happened Today." 90's-tastic. - Paul Falardeau -Karen Aney
The Brains Zombie Nation
RaRaRiot 12
The Orchard
Doctor Ew .
Redrick Sultan 14
Redrick Sultan
The Wombats
This Modern Glitch
The Tranzmitors 16
!'ts Not Your Call b/w You Get Around
17 18
Scythia ... OJWar
HotPanda How Come I'm
·19Kobra and the Lotus Out of the Pit
You ~ay Party 20
R.E.M Collapseinto Now
FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 2011
Album Review:
The MountainGoats - All EternalsDeck genre-defying leap however, All NICKUBELS
ONLINEEDITOR Eternals Deck does not stray far from the band's well-travelled altor those solely familiar with folk territory. To be clear, Darnielle his work as the founding and and company have much more in only permanent member of lo- common with artists like Daniel fi folk-rock outfit The Mountain Johnston and Paul Simon than Goats, the following statement contemporary folk acts like Mummight register as somewhat of a ford & Sons. The Mountain Goats' shock: John Darnielle is (not-so- latest record is a logical next step in the band's progression from secretly) a metalhead. Though you wouldn't suspect it 2009's The Lifeof the Worldto Come, from listening to his 19+ cassettes maintaining the Biblically-themed and albums released under The album's polish, minimal elegance, Mountain Goats' moniker since and sparing orchestral flourishes, while shedding much of its care1991,the prolific singer-songwriter writes a monthly column for fully exercised restraint and solDecibel magazine, consistently emn tone. There is no death metal to professes his love for bands such as Megadeath and Celtic Frost in speak of, though death certainly interviews, and has authored a continues to be a go-to theme for book on Black Sabbath's Master of Darnielle. "Every martyr in this Reality for continuum's outstand- jungle is going to get his wish," he sings on the chorus of "Estate Sale ing 33 1/3 series. Sign," a cathartic, half-shouted ruThus, when it was announced via The Mountain Goats' website mination on memory, mementos, on December 9 of last year that the and mortality that most noticeably band's forthcoming album would resembles the band's ramshackle include four tracks produced by pre-2002 recordings. At 43, Darnielle no longer emdeath metal guru and former lead guitarist for Morbid Angel, bodies the wild and unrestrained Erik Rutan, some fans wondered youthful anxiety expressed on his first cassettes. Instead, the aging whether Darnielle was planning to finally unleash his heavier side songwriter has found a way to a la. Ryan Adams' questionable channel all of that passion into an eerily laid-back package not unlike 2010sci-fi metal odyssey Orion. Despite speculation of such a Leonard Cohen. On All Eternals
Cities seem to find their way into songs as often as people do; after all they're full of people - so Ithey must be full of inspiration, right?
- .....
Georgiaon My Mind OK, that's a state, but you get it The great Ray Charles really brings the soul to this yearning and soulful classic. In fact, who wants a Mint Julep?
Deck, his sharp yet impressionistic lyrics paint vivid and stirring portraits of Hollywood decadence, vampires, and fortune tellers. He equates the camera with a crystal ball on "Birth of Serpents," connecting the timeless capture of the past in film with a vision of an unavoidable future. The title of the album itself refers to a deck of tarot cards and the connection between film and foreknowledge imbues lines like, "bring back some blurry pictures to remember all your darker moments by," with an underlying sense of dread. Many of the songs are set in Southern California, but don't expect sunny paeans to the Golden State. On the terrific and contemplative album closer "Liza Forever Minelli," Darnielle throws in some unexpected humour with the line, "Anyone who mentions 'Hotel California' here dies before the first line clears his lips." The production on All Eternals Deck, shared by the aforementioned Erik Rutan and three others, is immaculate and carefully measured. There is no hint of The Mountain Goats' incredibly lo-fi roots in the early 90's, when Darnielle recorded entire albums using only a boom box microphone. On their latest record, minimal overdubs, including string ar-
rangements and even the cartoonish backing vocals on "High Hawk Season," somehow seem to fit perfectly into place, a testament to the versatility of Darnielle's song writing. The vocals consistently sit defiantly upfront in the mix. Darnielle's disarmingly earnest and often unorthodox delivery conveys a thrilling uncertainty about where each song is headed, making the lyrics seem off the cuff and producing an undeniable sense of discovery that persists throughout the album. There is an almost uncomfortable intimacy to this record that allows the listener to unwittingly identify with the singer's exploration of darker sub-
ject matter. · Despite the compelling tension between Darnielle's cutting lyrics and All EternalDeck'soften menacingly quiet arrangements, tracks 9 through 12 begin to drag slightly before the band rallies back for "Liza Minelli Forever." The album's penultimate track "Never Quite Free," is a recovery song that verges dangerously close to cloying, but ultimately redeems itself with a gorgeous slide guitar solo one minute in. Aside from these few minor missteps, All Eternals Deck is a highly literate, varied, and compelling record that reveals its full complexity and beauty after multiple well-earned listens.
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FrancesFarmerWill have Her Revengeon Seattle Kurt Cobain's song of anger
(with a name like that, really?) at the city that made him famous finds him imagining his daughter as the vehicle for retribution. Un, surprisingly, it's also a masterful example of Nirvana's loud/quiet dynamism. Well Frances?
Gil Scot Heron WashingtonDC
The ever wonderful rapper-poet Gil Scot Heron comes through with a less than favourable track about the US capital city. The rhymes are clever and the music is simple yet evocative.
RockersEast Vancouver A song about your favourite (closest) big city with an aggressive, yet somehow reluctant, sounding rhythm that challenges you not to get on your air instrument of choice. Ready for hot summer nights.
Album Review: Jason Guill- Jason Guill is somewhat reminiscent of Chris JENNIFER COLBUORNE STAFF WRITER Martin. Guill's real talent, however, lies nybody familiar with the mu- in his guitar playing skill. Many sic scene in Chilliwack has musicians play guitar well, but heard of Jason Guill. Over the past Guill plays guitar like a master, couple of years, he has cornered effortlessly playing the most difthe coffee shop scene, usually ficult blues riffs, yet with an ear playing acoustic guitar accompa- to the music. He is not a shownied by his fraternal twin brother off guitarist who hot dogs for the Bruce. On March 5, he released his sake of boosting his ego. His mumuch anticipated self-entitled de- sic has a very professional sound, but album Jason Guill at a packed- and his first album does not at all out, standing-room-only launch at seem amateur. It seems that Guill has waited this long to release an Tractorgrease Studio. Jason Guill's music is strongly album in order to perfect what he influenced by blues, classic rock, does; it may be short, but every folk and old country, and a mix song is of quality and not full of of artists ranging from Johnny the usual dreck debuting artists Cash and Hank Williams to John tend to stuff their albums with. Without a doubt the best song Mayer and Coldplay. While this is evident when listening to Guill's on the album is "Crazy." It's got album, Guill still very much has a very catchy chorus, and gives his own distinct sound. His voice the listener a genuine feel-good especially is very warm and rich, moment when hearing it. One and capable of breaking smoothly can't resist moving along with the into quite a beautiful falsetto that rhythm to it, and Guill's'Voice i!;
really quite dazzling in its higher range. Of the entire album, it actually doesn't seem unlikely that "Crazy" could become a hit song on the radio. While the other songs are quite good, especially "Walk that Line" and "Ashes," they tend to pale in comparison with "Crazy." If Guill continues in that genre, it is very foreseeable that he could make a career in the John Mayer, James Blunt, Dallas Green held area of pop. Probably the only criticism one can level at Guill's new album is with the lyrics; while technically good, admittedly there isn't much there that is strikingly original except perhaps the song "Ashes," an apocalyptic and eerily moving song. Guill is clearly sticking to there certainly is precedent for the folk and blues tradition of sto- lyrical artistry in the genre. rytelling, and in that respect it is Overall, Jason Guill's debut aldifficult to fault him for not hav- bum is outstandingly mature and ing more poetical lyrics; but on professional. The songs are all the other hand, with such greats quite enjoyable and have a wideas Bob Dylan and Leonatd C-ohEln.:- ranging: base ?f a~peal: Now that
Guill is starting to get radio play, it is likely we will hear more of him in the future. In the meantime, Guill still plays locally quite frequently; it is highly recommended to catch a show sometime and pick up a copy of his great new album.
FRIDAY,MARCH 11th,2011
Cliannel eascadelrcade PixelJunk Shooter 2 Review Sortino
Though the online mode has the level and try to do a better job, JOEL SMART game itself. The cliffhanger ending to the depth to cultivate a community of saving more miners or finding SPORTS EDITOR first game in the series is the regular players, the real fun of the hidden diamonds they missed. n March 1, Q-Games released opening scene in Shooter 2, and game comes from the local co-op Inexperienced gamers may ultithe long-awaited sequel to the game carries on without miss- play through the story campaign. mately struggle to make it to the their popular side-scrolling, twin- ing a beat. To say that there is a In the first of the three episodes, end of the game without a serious TREVORFIKstick shoot-and-rescue PSN puz- story in the game, though, is a bit players must escape from the belly investment of energy. STAFF WRITER zle game, Pixe/JunkShooter,and the of an exaggeration. Just like in the of a great beast. The levels are inThe final episode will inspire second offering in the series does first, the primary objective is to credibly organic, with new liquids night terrors, as it brings light and ike watching a figure skater not disappoint. Despite promising use your spaceship equipped with and substances to interact with dark into the mix. Get caught in fall or being unable to pull fans the game before the end of machine guns, homing missiles, and use to solve puzzles. the dark too long and nightmaryour eyes away from some terrible 2010, the added development time and a grappling hook to rescue The fluids in the game are beau- ish creatures will begin attaching car wreck, celebrity inspired real- appears to have gone to goo~ use, trapped miners in the depths of a tiful to watch, fun to play around themselves onto the player's ship ity television shows are something as the game adds plenty of variety distant, enemy-infested planet. with, and crucial to survival and and can only be shook off in the of a unique and guilty pleasure in while keeping the focus just as The variety keeps the game escape - but they can also be dead- light. Special suits in the game terms of television programming. tight as ever. fresh and interesting right till the ly. They range from your basic allow players to go into the lava They combine the relatively Q-Games has made a name for end. Like the original, Shooter 2 lava, flammable gasses and ice to that usually overheats the ship, simple premise of reality TV itself, creating some of the best is a relatively short game, taking the new and terrifying re-growing or to shoot blasts of water to solve shows, with the added allure of downloadable games the PlaySta- about four hours to complete on jelly that quickly fills a level, to puzzles, but in the final episode a featuring well known celebrities tion Store has to offer. The Pix- the initial play-through. However, bubbling purple stomach acid that light suit is introduced, and funcas the contestants. The execu- e/JunkSeries includes Monsters and there are a large number of hidden makes steering impossible. tions like a flashlight in the dark, tion, however, is usually far from Eden, both of which have received items and the option of co-op play Right from the start the game adding to the mood even further. sound, as the "celebrity" contes- Encore editions with new levels to keep you coming back - not to is far more difficult that the first Ultimately, Shooter 2 successtants are only half as famous as and gameplay options. Shooter2 is mention the new, ranked online in the series. Fortunately, players fully builds on the structure of the host, and possess twice the ec- the first true sequel to a Pixelfunk versus mode that will keep fans do not have to do a perfect job to the first game, and for ten bucks, centricities of any normal human game, however, offering an ex- of the game busy for months to make it through, though they can it shouldn't be missed. being. perience larger than the original come. come back later to replay each This provides for many midseason breakdowns, the o.ccasional tantrum, and often for a fist fight or two in amongst the more bland episodes. In essence it is bad television at its finest. Celebrity Apprentice embodies all of the criteria necessary for it to be a guilty pleasure celebrity reality show. While taking the traditional two team business task oriented format of the original Apprentice show, both teams of celebrities act under the guise of making money for charity. Watching these B and C-list celebrities scrap for the occasional glimmer of spotlight brings out the very worst in the contestants, most of whom are only on the show to extend their fifteen minutes of fame for an extra second or two. Backstabbing, threats, and all out brawls are common in The CelebrityApprentice, a show that markets itself with having such notable celebrities as Stephen Baldwin, Gene Simmons, and Dennis Rodman compete. These individuals usually conjure up an "oh I did not know he/she was in/did that," response when first introduced, prompting a quick Google search before settling in to watch. Hosted by Donald Trump, a man so in love with himself it is often shocking to see him share any camera time at all, each team chooses a project manager to lead during a task. The winning project manager receives a cheque at the end of their task for the charity of their choice. It is all well and good to compete for charity, but you have to wonder if this is the reason For just $29.95, walk in with your taxes, walk out with your refund. Instantly. any of the contestants are actually on the show. You'll also get a free SPCCard to save big at your favourite retailers.* None of these individuals are A-list actors, working for the Hollywood elite while they rake in million dollar paydays. These are people who have not pulled in a decent paycheque in years and cannot afford to work for the comfree SPC Card mon good. In the end it is all about extending their stay in Hollywood anyway they can. 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FRIDAY,MARCH 11th, 2011
UFV Legends: Kim Mintenko Interview points, and dug their last hit. Over the coming weeks, The Cascade will be interviewing each of these individuals, recognizing them both for their character as leaders and their skill as play~rs. These men and women are the "legends" of UFV Sports.
I have seen the most change with so many new faces being added to the program. "fhe future is bright for the remaining girls with their talent and competitive attitudes.
Kim Mintenko-Setter Wome~'s Volleyball
I have enjoyed countless games, road trip~, and events with the volleyball teams of UFV. I think the most memorable affair was just getting to know the men's and women's team in my first year because those people were and continue to be some of my best friends today.
Whatis it that has kept-you playingvolleyballthrough Whathasbeenyourfavorite your universitycareer?What memoryas part of the team? do you loveaboutit?
Howlonghaveyou playedfor the UFVwomen'svolleyball team? Five years
SPORTS EDITOR Howhaveyou seenthe team
he UFV varsity sports season is winding down, and it's time to acknowledge those who have played their last game in the green-and-white, scored their last
finish in my 3rd year was a great accomplishment for the very new program of UFV:
growor improveduringyour time as a part of it?
Whathas, in youropinion, beenthe team'sbiggestaccomplishment duringyour time at UFV?
As the years have gone by the team has gone through many transitions and my role has shifted from learning to leading. This year
Love of the game, the team, and competition. It seemed a natural decision to be a student athlete in the university setting, as it was a lifestyle I was very familiar with .for all of high-school as well.
Whathaveyou mostappreciated aboutbeinga part of UFV? I appreciate the small, intimate setting of UFV classrooms and campus.
In one sentence,whatis the mostimportantpieceof adviceyouhavefor students of UFV? Aim to forever be passionate about what you invest your time in.
Andfinally,whereare you goingfrom here? I have one· more year of school to complete my BSc (Bio major and KPE mmor), which I will eventually put towards Naturopathy school application in the next few years. In the mean time,- I plan to travel the world to see as much as possible and volunteer myself either in the field of natural healing or just help make positive change wherever there is a need.
Achieving the bronze medal
11 Canada West ChampiCISpQSt-season,and guarantournament in Fredericton,New n the CIS"final Eight''national est
March 11 UFV vs. Toronto @ Fredericton, NB@ 8:00 p.m. March4 · UFVvs. Sask·L 88-59 March 12 Chan:iRionshi_pGame March5. BronzeMedalGamevs. @ Fredericton, NB @ TBA Alberta- L 77-64
Does fighting have a place in hockey?
HeatReoort I
t seems to be a similar trend every week to talk about the tight playoff race in the North Division, but that's been the story all year. The Abbotsford Heat, the Hamilton Bulldogs, the Manitoba • Moose, the Toronto Marlies, and the Lake Erie Monsters have been battling for playoff positioning for the majority of the season, and it looks like it's going to go down to the final games of the season before we are going 'to see which of these teams get into the playoffs. There are only three points that separate the five teams from first to fifth, Abbotsford being the the Penguins have recently had to . but now he is also starting to team currently in the fifth spot. call up Dustin Jeffrey who scored score goals, big goals. Ales KoThe Heat temporarily fell out of 17 goals and hag. 45 points in 40 talik .had the game winning goal the race, but with a recent surge in games for the W/B Scranton Pen- for the Heat last week against the the last six games, they have man- guins this season. The Heat could Houston Aeros in Houston, and . aged to creep back into the pic 7 use this opportunity to steal some he has accumulated 18 points in ture. Startiflg with the home win key points from the best team in 16 games. Kotalik has been a huge against Providence, the Heat has the league, who haven't slowed addition to the Heat, a}'.ldhe has managed to go 4-1-1-0 and snag down wi.thout Jeffrey. the potential to help get this team nine of their last possible twelve After their two game set with into the playoffs and make anothpoints. Wilkes-Barre Scranton, Abbotser run like last season. The Heat now has to come ford has another key home match ·These next four home games home and play the Pittsburgh up with their divisional rival, the are very crucial as to whether they Penguins' farm club this week- Hamilton Bulldogs. The Bulldogs · make the playoffs or not this seaend, the Wilkes-Barre Scranton currently sit in first place in the son. The.first home game against Penguins. The Penguins currently North Division, so this is a potenthe Penguins is March 11, with the have the best record in the AHL, tial challenge for first place for the second game going the next night. so this will be a real character test Heat. Then they face the Bulldogs on for the surging Abbotsford Heat The Heat can credit a lot of March 18 and 19,in the same fashteam as they push for the playoffs. their recent success to their new ion. Watch for student discounts The Pittsburgh Penguins have a teammate down from the NHL, on Heat tickets. For more insider couple of key players out, like Sid- Ales Kotalik. He started out for · info on the AHL and the NHL folney Crosby. and Evgeni Malkin, so the Heat as a skilled playmaker, low me on Twitter @JustinOrly.
has been posed frequently: Does · TRISTAN WOODWORTH-LYNAS
fighting belong in hockey in this day and age? There are those who enjoy the ST. JOHN'S (CDP) - Fighting heart and the energy that fightin the National Hockey League ing brings to the game, as well as has always been a hot topic for the policing that goes behind the sports analysts. In recent years, scenes of these teams. On the oththe discussion has intensified in er side of the coin, there are those the post-lockout era with commu- who see it as a barbaric ritual that nication and a new understanding has· no place in a sporting event, of concussions. especially not one where there are The game of hockey is slowly no safeguards to prevent serious changing its ways to protect its injury. . athletes, with a large emphasis Since 2005, fighting majors have being placed on head injuries. For skyrocketed from 466 to 714. This even longer than the NHL, the year, there have already been 497 junior ranks have been effecting fights in the NHL after 60 games. change to prevent trauma to the -That's a pace for about 690 fights heads of young athletes. over the course of the season. Only since the NHL lockout While fighting has decreased in during the 2004-05 season nave the last two years - albeit miniconcussions really been accepted mally - it has otherwise seen an as not only a viable injury, but the increase year by year since the worst type of injury. lockout. During the '90s, players comDue to the instigator rule - a peting in the playoffs could take a rule that penalizes the player who hit that had obviously concussed purposely seeks out a fight them, only to return to the game there has also been a giant leap later because it was the manly and in planned fights that take place courageous thing to do. right after the whistle. When New Jersey Devils deThere are mixed reactions to fenceman Scott Stevens . floored these fights, as a lot of true,blue the then Mighty Ducks of Ana- hockey fans see them less as a part heim forward Paul Kariya in the of the game and more for the sake 2003 Stanley Cup finals, for ex- of gett~ng it over with. ample, he came back to score the The NHL has come to a crosswinning goal of the game. But per- roads with regards to where fighthaps this-eoncussion was the rea- ing stands in the grand scheme of son his career has been derailed the game. Is it okay to let junior ever since. and minor-league .players think Stars like Sidney Crosby miss fighting is the way to deal with 20 games in a season, with no problems on the ice? Does it affect timetable for a return, all due to someone's attitude toward adverconcussions that probably would sity off the ice? have gone unnoticed, or at least Don't get me wrong; I would be unmentioned, by the players. a very sad individual if I couldn't With this in mind, the issue of check out for fighting in hockey has hit another the latest tilt. However, I have a level of scrutiny amongst fans and feeling that if it's not taken out analysts alike. completely, there will soon be In the wake of the 2009 death of big restrictions on the methods Don Sanderson, a senior hockey of fighting and their place in the player- in Ontario, the question game. THEMUSE
' '
FRIDAY,MARCH 11th, 2011
Maxim Lapierre has Canuck connectious JOELSMART SPORTS EDITOR
rafted in the second round of the 2003 NHL Entry Draft, 61 overall, Maxim Lapierre went on to play five-and-a-half seasons within the Montreal Canadiens organization, before two quick trades this season saw him take a quick two-month stopover in Anaheim before inaking his way to Vancouver. Though sometimes compared to the likes of Matt Cooke for his hitting and his propensity for getting under the skin of his opponents, Lapierre knows that to be successful in Vancouver, he will need to play with greater focus. "What happened in the past is over for me now." He told The Vancouver Sun. "It's great news I am with this organization now. It's a great hockey team and they are on their way to the Cup this year, so I am glad I am here and I can help." He owned up to the fact that he has struggled a bit this year, but remained confident that he has a part to play in the Canuck's postseason success. "I have to be honest; I haven't been playing my greatest hockey lately. But I know I can help this team, and I will do it.
We are going into the playoffs, and that is my type of game, and I will be fine with it." At 207 pounds and 62", the 25-year-old fourth-line centre is a big body that can absolutely benefit the Canucks if he plays with the right balance of discipline and passion. Coach Alain Vigneault knows him well, having c9ached
him for a few seasons in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League {QMJHL) for the Prince Edward Island Rocket. Vigneault's experience with the right-handed agitator played a role in his move to Vancouver, as the two had nothing but good things to say about each other. In fact, the Canuck coach used to play him against Sidney
Crosby, who was also playing in the Quebec League at the timr. '1 spent three years with hi~ in junior, and he is pretty much the first coach I had who really taught me system-wise and real hockey," Lapierre told The Vancouver Sun. "He was in the NHL before he came to junior so he helped me a lot in my development when I was young and I'm glad I am back with him." Despite the fact th~t he doesn't put up big nµmbers, at five goals and 11 points in the 59 games he played before coming to Vancouver this season, Lapierre was always a crowd favourite in Montreal. Unfottunately, his reputation is not so great with referees. While the Canucks hope his antics will draw penalties, he has been called · for diving in the past, so he might do better to try playing ·a more honest style to clear his name. After playing from 2001-2005 in the QMJHL, including his final season with the Rocket as team -captain, he played the majority of the next year in the AHL with the Hamilton Bulldogs as well as his first game in the NHL with the Canadiens. He finished the season with 13 points and 36 points in 73 games. In 06-07 he got to play
I ~1S I DE
46 NHL games, totaling six goals and 12 points. The next year he improved to seven goals and 18 points; enough to land him a permanent position in the NHL. His best season to date came in 08-09, as he managed 15 goals and 28 points, finishing the season as a plus-nine. Th!! following season his play dropped significantly, managing just seven_goals and 14 points, and even worse, a minus 14 rating. HoweverJ in the 19 playoff games that followed, he was able to score three goals and an assist. That experience can't hurt this time of year. Canuck fans will hope that the man wearing number 40 will be good luck in this, the team's fortieth year anniversary. The fact Lapierre was born in Saint-Leonard, Quebec, also bodes well for the team, the same neighbourhood that Roberto Luongo was raised in. Clearly he has a, connection to this team. He's a quick skater and even a good faceoff man - something the Canucks have come to embody this season. The trick for Lapierre will be in his execution, staying in the game with forthline minutes, without getting so riled up he distracts himself and his team from their ultimate goal.
Cl-ean Sweep
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1.1rod\\'t. and moved MATTHEW TANNER them.
oncussions are an unavoidC able risk in the game of hockey, but recent attention for making the game safer has Trevor Gilles in a tough spot. However, before I say any more about that, I need to get something off my chest: Trade Deadline Day was more disappointing than Manon Rheaumes 1993NHL debut with the Tampa Bay Lightening. Th_ough, to be fair, Manon was very attractive and did go on to play pro in the ECHL and IHL for a handful of seasons (hell I had a poster of her on my wall, but for all the wrong reasons). Hats off to Manon, she was a real trail blazer and all that, but she was no Cassie Campbell. Seriously though, 1970's era, "the good old days, the the trade deadline did suck. The all for nothing days," the no helCanucks got a little stronger by met ~ays. Now, I am not saying we acquiring super-pest Maxim should go back to the dark ages· Lapierre and off the ice bad boy and stop we-,ring lids, but Gillies Christopher Higgens - that was represents something from when pretty much it for deadline day. the game was great and violent, Trevor Gillies is right back when players had respect. where he was nine games ago, His intensity and fury to fight when he got suspended for hit- the way he does should be com-_ ting someone in the head. After mended instead of punished, but only three shifts and just over a once you earn that reputation as minute back from his suspension, a second time offender, you're in he decided to come to the aid of Colin Campbell's bad books forteammate Justin Dibenedetto, af- ever. Not to mention the majority ter Kyle Clutterbuck hit him hard of the media are buying into this int6 the boards. Gillies -was im- "hockey needs to be safer" crap. mediately called to the head office Hockey is violent game, accept it, in New York and was given a 10 no one is holding a gun to these game suspension for the hit. How- kids head and saying "play or I ever, I am going to have to side will kill you," like they did in the with him on this one; the hit was old -days of the Colisew:n. These shoulder to shoulder. Gillies might -kids signed up tQ play a contact be a resurrected dinosaur from the sport. Sometimes bad things hap-
he Chilliwack Bruins did exactly what they had to do to put themselves into a playoff spot, with orily seven games to go in the season. The Bruins swept their opponents in all three of their games this past weekend, picking up six important points in a tight playoff race. The Bruins have leapt over the Kamloops Blazers, Prince George Cougars, and Everett Silvertips in the standing to find themselves in sixth place in the Western Conference. In fact, the Bruins are the hottest team in the WHL at the· moment with a current five-game winning streak. After grinding out a 3-1 victory against the Lethbridge Hurricanes earlier in the week, the Bruins travelled to Kelowna where they battled it out with the B.C. division leading Rockets. The game -was decidedly tight and evenly played. In fact, the game came down to a single shot; Chilliwack forward Jamie Crooks scored the game winning goal in the second period. Bruins netminder Lucas Gore turned away 29 shots in the shutout performance. The Bruins fired 30 shots on Rockets net, with 29 being stopped. The Bruins returned homj! to the friendly confines.of the Prospera Centre to face the Kamloops Blazers, who they were chasing for the final playoff spot at the time. . The intense, hard hitting game was the typical slugfest you come to expect when Bruins meet Blazers. The Bruins came 01;1ton top with a 4-1 victory, outshooting their visitors 36-27.With the regulation win, the Bruins usurped the Blazers from· their playoff spot
pen in this game. It's terrible, but I am glad that the league handled this properly and only gave him ten games; it sends a message and silences the media. I agree with Grapes on this one as usual, Gillies hit was shoulder to shoulder, and he should have just dropped the gloves with Clutterbuck instead of nailing him. For the last time, if you warit concussions to go down in munbers, take the instigator rule out. Concussions will always be part of the game, though: it's unavoidable. In fact, I have one right now frOJI'Ia men's league hockey game, yet you don't see me supporting clean play in the NHL. We need more Trevor_Gillies in the NHL, guys that have a glimmer of the glory days. ·For more inside info on the NHL and the _AHL,follow me on Twitter @JustinOrly.
a single point ahead of
The final game of the weekend for Chilliwack saw them face-off with the top team in the Western Conference, the Portland Winterhawks, who were coming off a 5-0 shutout victory over the Vancouver Giants the previous night. The Bruins were able to get under the skin and into the head of the Winterhawks goaltender Keith Hamilton -early, and were able to score often. The Bruins played their style of "hit-'em-hard, hit'em-fast" from the outset and proceeded to beat down Portland 6-2. In the process, Bruins captain Brandon Manning netted the first hat trick by a defenceman in franchise history. Also notable was that Jamie Crooks, who is on fire in the last four games, netted his 17th of the year. Another francltjse first occurred in this game as well; - forward Ryan Howse scored his league leading 48th marker of the year, which broke the previous Bruins record of 47, which Howse po,sted last season. Lucas Gore turned in one of his typical all-star performances, making 43 saves. The Bruins have really cleaned things up in their defensive zone in the ·last four games; they have averaged only one goal against in the last four contests. With the improved defensive play, the offense has· been able to win the team some games, with 14 goals in the four-game stretch. The Bruins now sit in sixth place in the Western Conference with 65 points. They are a mere six points be- . hind the Vancouver Giants, with seven games to go. As Chilliwack showed this past week, six points can be gained in what seems like no time at all.
FRIDAY,MARCH 11th,2011
SportsYou've Never Heard Of: Underwater Ice-Hockey ALISIEMENS
the underwater adventure. Players wear wetsuits and flippers instead ears ago hockey was played of hockey pads and skates for betwithout protective. head gear, ter mobility in the icy underwater but then it got to be too ·rough, so conditions. players wore helmets. Later, visors It must be quite heavy carryand shields were used to protect ing around an oxygen tank and the players from injuries to the · swimming in the depths of freezeyes and face. But these protective ing water. Oh wait! Competitors measures are not used in the "mi- don't use any kind of breathing nor extreme" sport of Underwatool; instead, they surface every ter Ice Hockey, a kind of hockey 30 seconds for air, and back down where skates are not worn, be- they go to try and score a goal. cause the ice is located above the Like referees, there are four unplayers' heads and the momentum derwater divers equipped with of the puck will never seriously in- oxygen tanks in case something jure a player. goes wrong and a player requires The sport is also known as sub- assistance and also to count goals aqua ice hockey, and should not be scored. confused with regular old underThe game is played underwawater hockey played on the bot- ter and upside down, with the tom of a swimming pool. Under- oversized puck up against the water ice hockey is played outside, ice, above the divers. The game of under a sheet of ice in freezing hockey is the same, with the optemperatures. posing teams trying to score in First and foremost, players each others' nets. One difference is must be equipped with the correct the size of the "rink", only six megear before they can partake in ters wide and eight meters long. STAFFWRITER
Seeing as how the players must break for air every 30 seconds, these parameters still add difficulty without making the game impossible. There are two players playing at a time, and while one is breaking for air, another takes his or her place under the sea. This new extreme form of ice hockey, often played by freedivers and other extreme sport enthusiasts, comes with physical setbacks like regular ice hockey. Holding your breath underwater can make the players disoriented, not to mention that they are up-
side down, which can make it difficult for the players to find the air hole. If the contestant stays underwater too long, they can black out because of an over abundance of carbon dioxide in their blood. Ticketholders for the event still get to watch the game but not in the traditional sense. The spectators gather around the rink and watch the game on monitors, still cheering for their favourite team. A World Championship took place in February 2007, where eight international teams from Austria, Czech Republic, Finland,
Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia competed. In the final match, Finland beat Austria with a final score of 7-4. Although the sport doesn't contain any dangers of having a skate slicing your neck open, or a puck hitting someone in the face, this extreme sport is not for the faint of heart. Swimming around in freezing water with no air trying to score a goal puts a new twist on the art of hockey.
TrashTalkingin the MMA TREVORFIK where competitors will engage in STAFFWRITER physical violence with opponents that adrenaline will soar to unong a staple of competitive precedented levels and both men sports, trash talking has in- will get caught up in the rush of creasingly taken the stage at many pre-fight smack talk. Some indiUFC events, adding a touch of con- viduals, like Rivera, may do it to troversy or a dash of excitement to psych themselves up for a match a previously uninteresting fight they know to be far out of their card. It is now impossible to get league. A select few, like Sonnen, through a weigh-in or post fight may be cocky enough to take the interview without a fighter sliding venom they spew as gospel, enterin a snide comment, putting down ing the octagon with an unmitianother competitor's training or gated sense of optimism. stamina, or taunting an exhausted As was the case in the Bisping opponent for a loss. versus Rivera fight at UFC 127,RiAs we saw with the recent fight vera faced off against a much more between Michael Bisping and well-known Michael Bisping. In Jorge Rivera at UFC 127, trash talk- order to ensure the fight would not ing has the power to transform a be relegated to the back benches of questionable choice as a co-main the under card, and actually live event into a dynamic and complex up to its co-main event status, Ribattle, but at what cost? Does this vera sought to up his stock in the kind of immature and petty be- middleweight division by taunthaviour take away from the sport, ing Bisping weeks before the fight or is it a neces~ary evil in order to through a series of online videos. keep viewers interested? In this instance, as with the case And why are we so interested? of the Sonnen versus Silva battle, Is it the satisfaction of seeing some- trash talking served to backfire body who has been running their on those who used it. Rivera lost mouth get physically punished for in a controversial .second-round doing so, or is it the human desire knockout, while Sonnen got for drama enveloped in the octa- caught in a submission in the final gon that makes these battles more round of the middleweight chamentertaining then the rest. pionship fight. With the co-main event at UFC Where trash talking seems to 127 ending with one opponent take away from the sport is in its spitting at the corner men of an- ability to undermine a highlyother, a proper analysis of the ef- touted match up, as was the case at fect of trash talking on. the UFC is UFC 114 when Rashad Evans and in order. Quinton "Rampage" Jackson met The biggest reason that we love in the octagon. While the fighters to see a fighter engage in verbal spent the better part of the tenth warfare before the fight is the dra- season of The Ultimate Fighter in ma that often accompanies both each others faces, the action inmen in to the octagon. side the octagon was, in the words The most memorable battles, of UFC President Dana White, a the ones that stick out in a MMA "snoozt fest." fan's mind, are the ones that have Instances like the Evans versus a thrilling and often tumultuous Jackson fight are few and far beback story. Frank Mir's promise tween however, and many of the that his battle with Brock Lesnar most exciting matches today have would result in the first death in been the result not of striking or the octagon; Chae! Sonnen and the fighters jiu-jitsu~ but of a few Anderson Silva's 2010fight of the fighters' comments before meeting year at UFC 117,and the epic tril- in the octagon. Something that has ogy between UFC legends Frank been traditionally more at home in Shamrock and Tito Ortiz. All the halls of a high school then in three were each sensational not a cage relegated for fighting has only for what went on inside the made its way in to MMA. Gossip, octagon, but for the actions of each threats, and trash talk have made fighter prior to the first jabs being their presence felt in the UFC, and exchanged. they are here to stay. It is inevitable that in a sport
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