Rememberingveterans since 1993
Lest We Forget In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
- John Mccrae
EDITORIAL: . •-~~··:·-.~-c,,..._. . ,.. ~ ~;"' ~~-,.... ~
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FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 12th, 2010 -
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Hello, dear readers.
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Volume 18 · Issue 30 Room C.10 7 t King Road
Check outourwebsite, andletusknowhowwe'redoing
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Abbot lord I.IC V2S 7MH
JEDMINORyour team or group is doing and
INCOMINGEDITOR-IN-CHIEFincreases the readership of The Cascade.Increasing readership is Good morning UFV! 1 am ex- always a good thing because as we cited to be incoming the Editor- all know, or should know, readin-Chief of Tlte Cascadeand look ing is fun and there arc important forward to improving the prod- things happening here at UFV and uct we deliver to you students out in the Fraser Valley. here in the good old Fraser Valley. We shouldn't always look to The recent addition of our website Vancouver to be our source of allows us to deliver content online entertainment, arts, culture and and also for you students to pro- sports. As Abbotsford, Mission vide feedback on the articles we and Chilliwack grow our sense write. My advice to you is: 'Use it! of community and our activity Make your voice heard! We arc options on a Friday night should always looking for student input grow along with them. and feedback and we may even Please feel free to contact me print your comment in the paper, if you have any questions or conmaking you a published author of cerns, article ideas, or bitter rants sorts. about life. We want to make sure We look forward to increasing that The Cascaderemains relevant our coverage of events that UFV to the student body at UFV and students care about but if you we arc constantly seeking to imdon't tell us what those are we prove the paper week to week. might miss them. Also if we write If you think you could do better, an article about your team or event come and show us how. The Casplease link the article to your cade belongs to all of us and I am Facebook page or website. This honoured to be leading it into a enables more people to see what promising future.
Editor-In-Chief Sonp S lov1 k
Production Manager Randona Bushell Production Jed Minor
Copy Editor Chris Bon hor
News & OpinionEditor Paul E Brammer
Arts & LifeEditor PaulFal8.fdeau The Cascade's new Editor-in-Chief,Jed Minor,thinks long and hard about the burden he has taken
SportsEditors Justin Orltwi~z
Joel Smart
SODEXODishes It Out Dear Editor, I have read your opinion on the quality of food here at UFV and would offer the following: * we have introduced a fresh market concept (Marchc Frais) this year that offers fresh fish and seafood cooked to order with a freshly made salad and fresh bread offer for under 8.00 * we have an Asian station that offers freshly made Sushi, Vietnamese Pho, Chinese Wonton Soup, and Thai curry * We have a new fire roasted herb flatbread pizza - made to order, with a side Caesar salad for under6.00 * we have a new deli station with an impinger style oven for
fresh toasting of wraps and gourmet breads * Our grill station now offers four cuts of steak including a 4 ounce tenderloin (fillet mignon) for under 8.00 believe or not * Our pasta fresh station offer fresh vegetables and herbs all saut~cd to order with a side garden salad for under 6.00 • Our Mongolian Wok and Noodle Shop station has on offer that is anywhere from 12.00 to 18.00in the outside world and we do it for under 8.00 Do you know of any other university or college that has an offering of fresh and healthy food comparable to this? The reason we now open at 8:00am instead of 7:30 as in the
Online Editor past, is because we have only been getting between 2 and 6 customers in this 1/2 hour time slot. I would love to be open a lot more but 1 need customers. l would hasten to add that Tim Horton's is open at7:30am. Lastly, I am not getting any of the negative feedback you arc personally expressing in your article and in fact, the feedback this year has been incredibly positive. Specifically, what changes do you want us to make? Douglas Fowler General Manager University of the Fraser Valley Sodexo Canada, Education Division NKk Ubcls
News Writer Alex Watkins
Staff Writers Ir vor l 1k Sophie J hisrtr ( hcl l'a I hornton
Bnm1ny Wiesner
J1c.kBrown Contributors Sheena AJams
Jennifer Colbournc Paul Esau Amie lhscock David Kent Amani Raud Ali Siemens MatthewTanner
Print.clBy lnrernational WebExpras 'lbleacadelaUFV'tl!lOOO!D(lla.., ded DeWiplpef,It pcwldee I fonanfor tlPV IIUdellllIOMWtlldrjomllllllllD pulllilbod. It lllo ICII • 111~ pa911forthofnllerValley TheCaade ii funded wldiUFVIIUdlllllfuadl. 'lbl CIICldelapublilbedewzy ftldaywl1h
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llllxnlaetont In ...dDc"lomllll cmly. Artidol udllClllrstodaedlearnut be typod,'lblc..lelllCll'WllditriptlO odlt IIUbmillians for darity andlenalh, TheCalCldewill not put Illy ll1idel tblltccnaln ndat,..i.. bomopbol,icor libellousCOIIIMI. Thewriter'•1111118 IDd ltlidcatownbllrllllllt be IUbmlaldwi1h eachsubmlalol1.IAaen to da edltlar mull be Wider250 wordsIf inteadedfor print.Only0IIIJ lectw10theedllllrper wri1l!rin any liwnedidon. Opinionsexpreaed do not._.. ily le&ct that rlUFV, Clacade_,. and btwd ddlnclm,or~ 11111111berl.
Mrigrand Tackles .A.IDSin M1·ica ALEX WATKINS NEWSWRITER The HN / AIDS pandemic in Africa is causing the deaths of nearly an entire generation of parents, leaving grandmothers or eldest children suddenly saddled with the physical and financial burden of caring for an entire family. It is the sheer enormity of this problem that makes programs like the AfriGrand Caravan - which visited UFV on November 3 as one of its 40 stops on a cross-Canad,1 tour - so incredibly important. The caravan is a progro1mrun by the Stephen Lewis foundation, initiated by the former politician in 2003 with the goal of turning the tide of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa, which causes the deaths of over two-million-people-per-year. According to the foundation's website, it has funded over 300 grassroots projects in 15 countries, and has distributed and committed more than $39.7 million to these projects. The caravan began in St. John's Newfoundland, and ended Wednesday, November 10 in Victoria. The AfriGrand Caravan "is a response to [the] outpouring of concern, compassion and commitment of Canadians" in regards to the 1-IlV/AIDSpandemic in Africa. It is a means for African grandmothers and granddaughters orphaned by AIDS to share stories from the frontlines. The grandmother who spoke at UFV was Tsabile Simelane known in her community as "Go Go Nde" - a 56-year-old Swazi cit• izen who is currently looking after 30 orphans in her community. Seven of these children live with her in her home. Grandmothers like Tsabile are increasingly becoming responsible for child-rearing in Africa, as their daughters and sons die of AIDS leaving behind their grandchildren. At the age when
they should be retiring, they find themselves once again beginning to raise a family. Granddaughter Thandeka Motsa also joined the tour to share her story. She grew visibly distressed as she shared how she cared for her ailing mother, who eventually died of AIDS when Thandeka was only 12. Three days later, her father died in a tragic accident, and she was left to care for her three siblings. Due to the responsibilities of raising a family, Thandeka often missed school and eventually had to drop out because she could no longer afford to attend. She is currently putting her siblings through school by working as a hairdresser, but dreams of one day finishing her own education. She is now 19 years old. Many young women in subSaharan Africa are forced into Thandeka's position, as their parents die and leave them with no choice but to become the primary caretaker for their siblings. In particular, the AfriGrand Caravan hopes to reach grandmothers and granddaughters in Canadian communities and inspire them to support the cause. Additionally, they hope to strengthen community support in the fight to turn the tide on the HN/AIDS pandemic. According to the Stephen Lewis Foundation's website, 76 per cent of all AIDS-related deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. It is also meant to challenge the persistent misinformation spread about the HIV/AIDS pandemic, such as the idea that the problem is too large to be solved, and the misconception that the African people are reliant on charity and
are not actors for change in their own lives. The funding raised by the SLF goes directly to programs within African communitie:;; money is put to use by people living among the pandemic, who have a profound understanding of what the communities' most dire needs are and, therefore, how the funds would best be spent. Communities like UFV were selected as stops based on their "potential to mobilize and broaden the SLF base of support" and also on the basis of geographical representation, as the program is limited in the number of cities it can visit. The caravan was entirely funded by donations and relied on the generosity of communities to pay for transportation, housing and food for participants. Those who wish to support the SLF can do so by joining an existing Grandmother's Group in their community, which are associated with the SLF and "provide a forum for grandmothers (and their friends, partners and grandmothers-in-waiting) to share ideas, raise awareness, fundraise, advocate and act as ambassadors for their African counterparts." They can also assist by starting a new one or by joining the foundation's annual "A Dare to Remember" program to raise funds. Those who are interested can participate in the program either in groups or as individuals and vow to take on a dare if they manage to meet their fundraising goal; past dares have involved anything from polar bear swims to wearing wacky hairstyles to school for a week. More information is available at: www. Additionally, those wishing to make a financial donation directly to the foundation can do so on the SLF website at: htm
SocialCost of AlchoholGreaterthan OtherDrugs New BBC study reports thedangers ofthealchohol consumption PAULE. BRAMMER The study analyzed each subNEWS& OPINION EDITOR stance according to 16 criteria, including its effects on an individuA new study by Britain's Inde- al's physical and mental health, its pendent Scientific Committee on connection to social harms such as Drugs claims that alcohol is the crime and "family adversity" and most dangerous substance avail- economic costs. Although the reable, causing a greater level of sults are entirely at odds wjth Britharm overall than other drugs, ain's current drug classification like crack cocaine and heroin. system, the authors argue that the Experts came to this conclu- study is accurate and based on the sion after assessing the impacts of consensus of experts. each drug on both the individual According to CBC news, the who uses them and on society as committee was formed after Nutt a whole. Although alcohol was not was fired from his position as considered the most dangerous at government chief drug advisor in an individual level - outranked by 2009, after publicly criticizing Britcrack cocaine, heroin and meth- ain's decision to increase penalties amphetam i ne - it was found to for the possession of marijuana. have the most destructive impact The committee's goal was to exon a larger, social scale. amine the issue of drugs without According to the BBC,the study political interference. also reported that ecstasy and Experts hope that the results of LSD were among the substances this study should lead countries to with the least damaging effects, reexamine the way that they clasand they found that cocaine and sify drugs. Wim van dcr Brink, tobacco were equally harmful. As who co-wrote a commentary on co-author Professor David Nutt the study in the medical journal said: "Crack cocaine is more ad- it was published in - the Lancet dictive than alcohol but because noted that, "What governments alcohol is so widely used there are decide is illegal is not always hundreds of thousands of people based on science ... Drugs that are who crave o1Jcoholevery day, and legal cause at least as much damthose people will go to extraordi- age, if not more, than drugs that nary lengths to get it." are illicit." He explained th!!t fac-
tors such as taxation and revenue can affect a government's choices about whether or not to outlaw substances and how to regulate legal substances. Authors of the study also explored methods for dealing with the harms caused by alcohol, but did not advise outlawing it altogether. As Leslie King - an advisor to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs - told CBC: "We cannot return to the days of prohibition ... Alcohol is too embedded in our culture, and it won't go away." King suggested targeting those who abuse alcohol, rather than punishing the majority of those who use it responsibly. He also advised creating more programs to educate the public and raising the prices of alcohol. Canadian researchers will hold a forum next month to discuss these issues and plan to explore the option of increasing alcohol prices. As Robert Mann of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto argues, "Pricing has an enormous impact on consumption levels, and taxation levels, of course, influence pricing and, therefore, influence consumption."
SFS presentsbus petition to city politicians province is talking. Essentially,
SONJA SZLOVICSAK they're asking the province to step
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF into the game." Gaetz explained that the proAfter over a year spent collect- vincial government provides ing signatures, Students for Sus- half the funding that supports transit in Chilliwack, Chilliwack tainability (SFS) finally handed their petition over to the Abbots• spends $2.1 million a year on ford and Chilliwack city councils. transit, and UFV students conWhile the final total has not been tribute $34,000-a-year through the tallied, SFS representative Daan U-Pass. The province needs to be van der Kroon estimates the pe- willing to support the creation of tition received over 5,500 signa- a bus route between to the two cities for Chilliwack to be able to tures, possibly as many as 6,000. On Nov 1, over 25 students and contribute funding. community members packed onto After the meeting with Gaetz, a party bus, donated by Phantom the bus headed back to AbbotsParty Bus, to travel to Chilliwack ford to present the petition at an and meet with Mayor Sharon Abbotsford Council meeting. Gaetz on the Chilliwack North The Abbotsford Council was campus to present the petition. extremely supportive of SFS,and a After meeting with Gaetz, the bus number of councillors expressed a moved on to Abbotsford, where hope the van der Kroon would one van der Kroon presented the peti- day take a seat on Abbotsford's City Council. Councillor Patricia tion to Abbotsford City Council. Students and community mem- Ross, who chairs the Fraser Valley bers on the bus agreed that it was Regional District, asked van der time for a bus link to be put in. Kroon if he could present the peti"It's abso-frickin'-loutely ridicu- tion to the FRVD. If he was unable lous there's not already a connec- to, she offered to do so herself. Throughout his presentations, tor in place," stated Jhim Burwell, the Communications and Market- van der Kroon emphasized that transit needs to stop being treatIng Administrator for the SUS. In Chilliwack, the bus was ed as if it is a social service, and greeted by a small group of UFV be treated more like essential city students and Mayor Gaetz. Van planning. Council members noted der Kroon explained to the may- that Abbotsford has matched all or that since many programs increases in funding from the proare offered on either the Chilli- vincial government and will be wack campus or the Abbotsford increasing transit hours next year campus, many students have no by 10 per cent. Despite the support from Abchoice but to commute. A number of Chilliwack students explained botsford's City Council, the mesto the mayor that they have had sage from Abbotsford was the to take out student loans because same as the message from Chillithey can afford the cost of a car or wack: get support from the protuition - but not both. After the vincial government. This will be speeches, SFS handed the petition the next step for SFS. In 2007, a petition that received over to Gaetz. While Gaetz did refer to the pe- a similar number of signatures tition as a "paper weight," van der eventually led to the establishment Kroon was optimistic about a fu- of a bus route between Abbotsford ture bus link between Abbotsford and Aldergrove. The route began and Chilliwack. "I don't see that as as a pilot route and now runs nine a criticism, just a tongue-in-cheek times a day Monday to Friday. remark," he stated. "I think the There is currently a Greyhound barrier that we've broken down bus that runs between Abbotsford is that previously the word on the and Chilliwack for just under $5 street, if you will, is that Chilli- for students but no publicly fundwack isn't willing to talk [about ed transit option. transit]. Now they're talking if the
Letterfrom Mayor Gaetz to SFS It was a pleasure to attend your event on Monday. I hope you had as much success in Abbotsford and Mission. It was heartening to meet with the Student Union Society and members of the Students for Sustainability. Thank you for making that happen. I wish l could provide you with a commitment today to support regional service between Abbotsford and Chilliwac.k, however, I cannot. What I can do is commit to partnering with Abbotsford, Mission, the FVRD and the Province to develop a regional transit plan. That work will provide the answers required for all the funding partners to approve the expenditures necessary to run the system. Until then we can offer support, without commitment. Like you I was encouraged by the Premier's mention of Rapid Bus service from Langley to Chilliwack in his recent address to the Union of BC Municipalities, and I hope this is an indication of the Provincial desire to lead and fund a regional system. While we work with the regional government and neighbouring
Oties to develop our first ever regional transit system, we must lobby the Province to increase funding for our local system. The travel market in Chilliwack predominantly stays in Chilliwack (87%) with 10% traveling to Abbotsford and 3% traveling beyond to Metro. With those travel patterns, you must appreciate our first priority must be to strengthening our local system. I appreciate the many support• ing statements for a bus system that assists in travel to and from the campuses and the almost 6,000 people that took the time to petition the transportation partners. 1 want to assure you that all that is preventing us from making this a reality is funding. Please let me know if I can provide you with any additional information, or you may contact our Manager of Transportation and Drainage, Mr. Sanderson, directly, at 604 793 2944. Once again, it was indeed a pleasure to meet you. Keep up the good work! Mayor Sharon Gaetz
Slo11chingTowards Apocalypse: Velociraptors, Zombies and ...Christian Nationalists?
Author visits UFV totalkabouttheendoftheworld
vote. Even though Day lost the election, he brought to the party a significant religious minority that Harper was subsequently forced to cater to. Whereas the long-standing issue of same-sex marriage created a motive for Christian nationalists to enter the political scene, Harper's party gave them a means to do so. The same-sex marriage debate in Ontario in the following year provided a use for that influence and illustrated the need to Christian activists for political mobilization against an obvious threat to traditional Christian theology,
according to McDonald. McDonald's lecture catalogued significant religious-political groups that appeared on the ensuing scene. These include Canadian "proxies" of previously established American groups (for example, Charles Dobson's "Focus on the Family" network), and religious organizations in Ottawa, such as Preston Manning's ambiguously titled "Centre for Building Democracy." These religious groups, McDonald asserted, are working for a 'Christian' Canada, built on Biblicalprinciples, instead of secular ones.
In the end, McDonald argued that, while there is nothing unconstitutional about political interest groups, it is "up to voters to decide how much religion they want, and [that decision] must be based upon informed, rational debate.'' Her purpose is only to inform the electorate so that they are aware of the threat of Christian nationalism, and can respond accordingly. A rebuttal to the book was then given by Mennonite scholar John Redekop. He lauded the book as a journalistic effort but claimed to be troubled by a perceived disconnect between its material and what he recognized as its thesis. He observed that, although the title and much of the preface discusses "a militant charismatic fringe ... helping to reshape foreign policy [and attempting the] remaking of Canada as a distinctly Christian nation," most of the powerful organizations covered in later chapters are unrelated to this "fringe." My "one general criticism," Redekop stated, is that "the writing doesn't make the case that this is a threat." In a written response, he further argues that the book implies ''that in Canada, there is a largely integrated, more or less cohesive, political Far Right Movement. In fact, as the author's research shows, there is no such movement. It is fragmented, working from a series of vastly differing mindsets and motivations ... there is no integrating or common Armageddon Factor.''
UBC students studyAntarctic ice destruction rate
Newhomeprices risemorethan expected
Federal Conservatives ahead in new poll
CONTRIBUTOR On November 1, Marci McDonald visited UFV to provide a commentary on her new book,
TheArmageddonFactor:TlteRiseof ChristianNationalismin Canada. Since its publication earlier in the year, this book has been making waves across the nation with its assertion that "slowly,covertly, the political process [in Canada] is being co-opted by an extremist vision of Christianity - one ultimately shaped by what I call 'the Armageddon factor."' McDonald's commentary both clarified and defended this warn-ing, and was given to a packed auditorium obviously divided on the issue. According to UFV professor Ron Dart, the number of attendees was around 230. Perhaps because of the conservative reputation of the Fraser Valley, McDonald opted to begin with a disclaimer. She described herself as "a Christian, albeit a highly flawed one," and explained that the purpose of her book is "to chronicle the emerging religious right" and is "not an attack on faith." The term "Christian," she asserts, has been hijacked by a certain section of the religious right for its own radical agenda, and it is this relative minority that her book is about. It may be surprising to some that a book on Christian nationalism would focus on Canada as op•
International Students to Boycott YorkCampus Clinic
posed to our southern neighbour, but McDonald is adamant that a religious force exists in Ottawa and that its power is growing. She cited two major events as initiating the formation and or· ganization of the religious right in Canada: the election of Stephen Harper to leadership of the Alliance party in 2002, and the samesex marriage debate in Ontario the following year. The 2002 party election pitted Harper against Stockwell Day, a committed Pentecostal who, McDonald alleged used his church background to gain the religious
Students callforhands-free drivingban
International students atToronto's York University Agroupofstudents at theUniversity ofAlberta mayhavetoseek medical attention off-campus areworried thattheprovincial government Isn't toavoidbeingcharged anadditional fee,despite goingfarenough withBill16,whichbanstheuse having healthInsurance. ofhand-held cellphones Incarswhileallowing Since Sept.1,theYork Lanes Appletree Medical people to continue usinghands-free devices. fromtheUofA'sschool ofpublic Centre hasbeencharging international students Thestudents healthsaidthattheirresearch indicates that a $15co-pay, oruser,feeeverytimetheyvisit theclinic, despite thefactthattheycarryhealth withoutanoutright banoncellphone usein Insurance undertheUniversity Health Insurance vehicles, theproblem ofdrivers beingdistracted Plan.Clinic managers claimit'stoensurethe byconversations willstillexist. quality oftheirservices, butstudents saythey've Kaitlin Robertson, a spokesperson forthegroup, hadenough. calledBill16a"positive step,"however, shefeltit TheInternational Students Association atYork didn'tgetto thecoreIssue. isnowcampaigning toboycott theclinic, andIs "Thebilllsdistracting itself.It'sdistracting the evenproviding students witha listofoff-campus Issue- thatAlbertans arestillallowed to use dinicsthatdonotcharge thefee. theirphones whiletheydrive;' Robertson said. RobTiffin, York's vice-president students, believes "Theresearch thatwascompiled heralds one thatmuchprogress shouldbeapplauded while thingveryclearly to me:ThereIsnodifference In theuniversity continues totalkwiththeclinic. safetybetween usinga hands-free device anda •wearedealing witha private entity...we'reask- hand-held device:· Ing[thecllnlc] tochange theirbusiness model," Robinson saidthatIntheirresearch, theyfound thatcellphone useincreases theriskofcollision saidTiffin. "It'scertainly withintherightofthe cllnlc to havethatco-pay gettingpaidthediffer- four-fold, regardless ofwhether thecellphone Is encebetween theoldand[new]rate!' inthedriver's handorin''aspeaker inthedash!' Raymond Kwan - Excalibur (York University}
Simon Yackulic - TheGateway (University of Alberta)
Andrew Hamilton ispartofateamworking with anunderwater robotthatIsexploring theeffects ofdimatechange onAntarctica bysurveying the Ice-covered ocean. "The climate system ischanging bothduetonatural cydes andasaresultofhuman interference;' said Hamilton, acivil engineering PhD student atthe University ofBritish Columbia. AUBC news release states: "Sdendsts predict that theseaiceareaaround Antarctica willbereduced by morethan33percentby2100,acceleraUng thecol· lapseoficeshelves. Uptohundreds ofmetres thick, Iceshelves arefloating platforms ofIcethatcover almost halfofAntarctica's coastline:· Theteam,which includes Hamllton;s classmate Alexander Forrest, sdentists fromUBC, researchers fromNew Zealand, theU.S. andFrance, areusing the robotorAUV, tostudy theAntarctic seaIceandIts rateofdestruction fromOct.17toNov. 12. Ultimately, theresearch teamaimstogainabetter understanding whytheocean mixing andflow around theglaciers, collapsing oficeshelves and reduction Insea Ice affects thetemperature ofthe ocean, andbyextenttheglobal climate.
NewhomepricesinCanada roseslightly more Canada's rulingConservative Partyholdsa slim thanexpected InSeptember, butthegains lead overitsLiberal rivalsInanopinion pollreresulted fromhigherlanddevelopment feesas leasedonFriday, buttheyarefarfromthesupport housing activity lostmoremomentum asa driver theywouldneedto wina majority government. oftheeconomic recovery. ThelpsosReidpoll,conducted forPostmedia Thenewhousing priceindexclimbed 0.2percent newspapers andpublished onthewebsite ofthe Inthemonth, following a 0.1percentmonthly Notional Post, putsupport fortheConservatives increase inAugust, Statistics Canada reported on at35percentcompared to29percentforthe Tuesday. Liberals, Canada's mainopposition party. Analysts ina Reuters pollhadforecast, onaverThat'sbarely changed fromtheresultsInthe age, a0.1percentIncrease InSeptember. 2006federalelection, whentheConservatives Thehousing-only component ofthenewhousing wonpowerwitha minority government. Aparty priceIndex wasflatona monthly basisandup18 usually needsover40percentsupport towina percentontheyear.Theland-only component majority. wasup0.5percentInSeptember andup0.2per Thepartystillonlyhasa minority ofseatsIn centontheyear. Parliament andneedssupportfromatleastone Thetopcontributors tothemonthly Increase were opposition partytostayInpower. Manyobservers Montreal and(algary, wherehigherdevelopment expectopposition partiestovoteagainstthe feespushedpricesupasbuilders moved tonew government's budgetearlynextyear,forcing a areasofthosecities. newfederal election inthefirsthalfof2011. Thereportechoed otherdatasuggesting thatthe ThelpsosReidpollof1,000Canadian voterswas housing sectorwillnotdriveeconomic growthas conducted November 2-4,intherun-uptoa conforcefully asIthaduntilearlierthisyear. troversial government decision to block thesale Italsosuggests theBankofCanada doesnothave offertilizer giantPotash CorptoAnglo-Australian toworryaboutInflationary pressures fromthe mining company BHP BIiiiton. JessiGilligan - TheBrock Press (Brock University) sectorasit keepsinterestratesonholdonfears theglobalrecovery couldfalter. JanetGuttsman - Reuters Louise Egan andHowalda Sorour - Reuters
Geography Department Discovery Speaker Series: Dr. Lionel Pandolfo
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CHELSEA THORNTON"To be able to do that," Dr. Pan-
STAFF WRITER dolfo explained, "we need to start thinking about these correlation On November 4, Dr. Lionel maps [type of GCM]. Everybody Pandolfo appeared as the latest can think about a pond, right? You speaker in the Geography depart• have still water, [and] then imagment's Discovery Speaker Series. ine you throw a rock in it, you see Pandolfo obtained a PhD in atmo• at that point waves that will move spheric dynamics and climatology away from that point, ripples. at Yale University, and has worked Well, if you were to do the same at Columbia University and the experiment with the atmosphere, NASA Goddard Institute for Space although you definitely should Studies and UBC. He also recently not be throwing rocks in space joined UFV as an adjunct profes- like that, you would see somesor. thing like [those ripples]." His lecture provided an exPandolfo presented a one-point cellent opportunity, not only to correlation map for pressure fields learn about the research that he in the atmosphere, which looked conducts, but also fof students essentially like several sets of to experience a sample of what converging ripples on a pond. He his upcoming course, GEOG308: stressed that some spots of the Climate Change and Variability, atmosphere might be more sensimight be like. tive, where effects would cause The lecture focused on how more disturbance, or ripples, in Global Climate Models (GCMs) the atmosphere. can be used to analyze atmospher· Pandolfo described another ic variability. Pandolfo promised form of model: the planet model. to "connect t,he theoretical with The image he showed was of a the real," and he did this by pre- slice of earth with the atmosphere senting models that modelled real above it. The atmosphere is diworld events, like the effect of vol- vided into cubes, with each cube canic eruptions on atmospheric representing a piece of the attemperature, as well as models mosphere. Each individual cube that worked within the theoreti- is modelled independently, and cal realm, working with modes then, in the planet model, the of behaviour instead of physical pieces are allowed to interact with variables. each other. When the planet model Dr. Pandolfo used models of is run, it calculates the impact of the atmospheric effects of volca- the transfer between the boxes in nic eruptions to demonstrate the order to predict the temperature power of GCMs. "I remember, under the complex condition repthe summer of 1991 - the eruption resented by the myriad of boxes. was in June of 1991 - the summer "Of course, because the model is of '91 was really red in the sky, theoretical, you are able to run the there was, when you looked up in model for many years.'' the air, you might have seen that Although Pandolfo's intention every night the sky was very red, was never initially to investigate and that is because all these volca- global warming, the models with noes eject aerosols into the strato- which he works are useful for testsphere. ing predictions about the causes "If you look at these dates ... of warming, and for projecting you'll notice that there is a dip in future temperatures. By layering the temperature, because these models of the atmosphere at difare strong volcanic eruptions, so ferent levels alongside models of like I said, they eject aerosols into greenhouse gases, pollution and the stratosphere, and they also ab- large physical events, it is possible sorb solar radiation, which warms to build up a more complete view the stratosphere, which of course of the driving factors behind globcools the surface." al warming, and their interactions The volcanic eruptions' impacts with each other. to the temperature curve are an "The data, the answers, could example of how it is sometimes all be there [in the models], if you possible to find relationships be- know how to look," Dr. Pandolfo tween major physical phenomena concluded. and the atmosphere. It's yourcareer. Getit right.
Callingfor Teaching Excellence Award Nominations. Glen Baler: Recipientof the2010UFV Teaching Excellence Award.
Once again UFVwillprovidean awardto an individual in recognitionof teaching excellence. Thoseeligiblefor nominationincludeall UFVfaculty and lab instructorswho have completedtwo years of instructionor sesslonalInstructorswho have completed the equivalenttime. Nominationswill be accepted from faculty,students, alumni,and staff. Selection criteria includesmentorship,attention to student learning in the instructionalenvironment and in coursework,respect for students, exemplary scholarshipand professionalism. Nominationpackagesare availableat the officesof the Deans,FacultyServices,and Student Services. Packagescan be downloadedfrom Formore information,contact LisaTassoneat 604-504-7441ext 5114or
UNIVE~ 0 '™1 FRASERVALLEY Deadlinefor nominations isJanuary14,2011.
Remember RemembranceDay? JACK BROWN DISTRIBUTION SPECIALIST Nations arc founded upon myths and histories. These stories, whether grounded in truth or not, serve to unite us and transmit the values that our society holds as important to others and ourselves. Our history is a glorious amalgam of many nations and persons, divided by time and language and purpose. Despite this division, there are moments where we all may come together in common understanding and remembrance and in so doing reflect critically upon our place in the wodd. Our country has long known conflict as an outpost of empire, that is truly the point of Remembut it has been in the twentieth brance Day. It is not the glory of century that our contributions to our victories or the bitterness of the Commonwealth and the world . our defeats, and it is certainly not have been gravest. Our military the mythologizing of our mighty has seen combat and conflict from military- the original stormtroopVimy and Passchendaele through ers - that is the point and purpose Ortona and Caen to Pusan, Suez, of Remembrance Day. Rather, this is a time for all of Somalia, Kosovo, and now Kandahar. We have been bloodied, we us to take a moment out of our have vanquished our enemies and otherwise peaceful and wealthy faced defeat as all others do but lives and stop. To stand in silent it is not the remembrance nor the and critical remembrance of the glorification of our achievements horrors and suffering of war and
conflict. To give thanks for our peace, and honour the sacrifice of our glorious dead. To condemn the injustice of death, and the needlessness of destruction. Above all, this day is a chance for us all to ask ourselves: how should we live? Blessed with perpetual peace and relative prosperity, such a question may seem out of place for many of us. So few of us have had to live through the terror of armed conflict, and lesser numbers still have had to stare down the rain of
hot steel in a fox hole. But it is precisely because we have not faced these hardships that it is imperative for us to remember, to reflect, and to think. Increasingly, our national myth has been one of righteous victory in just wars, and while it is true we have found victory in foreign lands 1did not think that invoking such a history is necessary for us to find commonality and followship as Canadians. It is undeniable that such things are an important
part of our identities, but it is not the only part, nor the most important. It is my hope that all of us on this Remembrance Day will consider carefully what our institutions and histories demand of us. The greatest gift our glorious dead have given us is not freedom from tyranny, but inste~d this opportunity to remember and to question. Lest we forget.
We're being(Hallow) weaned off Oct. 31 the world did not in fact revolve TREYQRFIK around planning my next birth-
STAFF WRITER Handing out candy this past Hallowe'en night, I noticed a disturbing trend in costumes as children saddled towards the door. There were not any. And while I may be overreacting, the serious lack of effort his Hallowe'en signals to me a deeper and more troubling future for the holiday. The very fabric of what it means to celebrate Hallowe'en may be in jeopardy, as children forego the fun of dressing up for a quick and easy out in order to garner as much candy goodness as possible. Later, as the number of children began to dwindle even further, and the costumes became increasingly lacklustre, it dawned on me that something had been lost in this once-treasured holiday. The spirit of the October 31 that I once knew and treasured had been sucked away, like the candy goodness blocking out the gooey inside of a tootsies-pop, nothing remained behind. Maybe Hallowe'en was something that was carried on by our own generation and saturated to the point that children and adults alike became nauseated by the thought of one more year of dressing up for candy. The fact is, however, that people my own age have as much fun, if not more, dressing up than do children. The shock and entertainment value held in going out as something ridiculous proves to be a much sweeter treat than anything people could possible hand out. Or maybe it is just my own misguided nostalgia forcing me to look back upon a time that either did not exist, or was much larger than reality. Looking back to the events of my childhood, everything seems so grand it is a wonder that people got anything done at all. I constantly have to remind myself that
day party, or figuring out what my big gift was going to be the following Christmas. Hallowe'en was the exact same. Memories of crowded streets jam-packed with children supremely jacked on candy dominate any early memories I have of October 31. It had also has occurred to me that it could just be my neighbourhood where Hallowe'en cheer seemed at an all time low. The numbers do not lie. In years past we have had upwards of 100 costumed children come past our house. This compares to the 25 to 30 kids that came by on Hallowe'en night, half of which decided to go the extra mile and don costumes. Putting aside the demographic data that could very well be the underlying cause of the failure that was Hallowe'en 2010, how hard would it have been to throw on a sheet and cut some holes Charlie Brown style, or purchase any number of cheap ready to use costumes? As a child, Hallowe'en was always about one night of the year where I could become someone else entirely. Escapism has always held an element of intrigue for someone born without superpowC!rs,or someone:!not the quarterback of the Miami Dolphins. To act like an adult in a life bogged down by childhood rules and regulations in something that every young person dreams of. Hell, it is something that every adult person craves in a life dominated by 9-5 jobs, bills and overbearing bosses. And while wearing a costume may be nothing more than a means to a delicious candy end for some children, as long as we live in a world where people dream of flying around their neighbourhood, or commandeering a ship, Hallowe'en will hold value for some people. Maybe just not some in my part of town.
One-TrackEducation AMIE HISCOCK
CONTRIBUTOR A new Ipsos Reid survey of Canadian university students reveals the top five reasons students choose to go to school. Topping the:!list was desire to stop living with mom and dad, but not to stop sponging off them and have to get a job. The other four reasons, in order: misconception that Canadian schools have US-style fraternities and sororities; dream of a steamy affair with a brilliant professor who will die of old age before semester's end and leave you everything; belief that a really expensive piece of paper precludes having to climb the success ladder; and last-for only five per cent of respondents-an impulsion to improve oneself and the world through learning. lf you haven't figured out that the preceding survey is a cockamamie lie, you probably don't fall into the last category. But if you do fall into the fifth category, then I implore you to consider how important interdisciplinary studies could be for transforming yourself from an ignoramus first-year into a world-wise graduate with the potential to affect great change. The best education makes students well-rounded citizens; the worst sticks horse-blinders on them and shoves them into the world along a single and circular track, with a tiny man sitting on their shoulders and goading them in one direction. Well, maybe there's no tiny man involved, but you get the idea. Each faculty has-and not for inimical reasons-unique educational blinders, somewhat of a ubiquitous perspective. Perhaps
the greatest divide in perspectives is between the arts and sciences. To get the most of your education, it only makes sense to study widely. Using data from the same survey mentioned earlier, here are some reasons an arts student might take a science class and vice versa: •78 per cent of arts-only students polled believe valvular insufficiency can be treated with Viagra. •68 per cent of scienceonly students, when asked their opinion of Michaelle Jean's run, said the bitch totally deserved to get voted off America's Next Top Model. • 52 per cent of arts-only students understand John McCain underwent multiple-but unsuc-
cessful-malignant melanoma removals to cut out the blackest parts of his soul. • 93 per cent of science-only students assume Stephen Harper hates funding for birth control and abortions because of the risks of blood clots and haemorrhaging. • 88 per cent of arts-only students think global warming totally sucks and agree we should aim for a nitrogen-free atmosphere by 2020. Hopefully that compels you to study widely. While an individual faculty may exist within a vacuum, no big ideas do. And no, science students, not the type of vacuum where the atmospheric pressure is greater on the outside than the inside.
Where are Woinen in Media? SOPHIE ISBISTER STAFF WRITER Where are all the women in media? This query is starting to sound like a broken record among feminist bloggers and the women who work in television production and print media, but for the average consumer of media, the question is rarely asked. Marsha Newberry never used to ask the question. She used to see it as normal that she was often the sole female producer working on a project, and she certainly never questioned the fact that only seven per cent of directors on film sets are female. It wasn't until two years ago - when the financiers of a television movie meant to be "for women, by women," asked Newberry to take stock of the number of women working behind the scenes on the project that she realized that there might be a problem. Newberry is a film producer with over a decade of experience in the industry, and on November 6 at the Vancouver Public Library, she participated in Gender,Sexuality and Violence:Media Representation at Media Democracy Day 2010. Newberry presented findings from a study done by the Geena Davis Institute, a group whose mandate is to analyze the portrayal of women in family films. The panel relied strongly on lived experience as an indicator but included presentations of statistics on the instances of women in popular culture and on the ways in which those women are portrayed. The report from Newberry showed that in a sample of 5,554 speaking characters in G, PG and PG13 rated films, 29.2 per cent were female. As far as portrayal goes, 24 per cent of female characters were depicted in revealing clothing, compared with four per cent of men. The study also showed that women were more likely to be beautiful, show partial nudity, and have a smaller waist size. So why is this notable? You're probably thinking, "Duh, women are more attractive then men, so why not show this? Of course filmmakers are going to put them in revealing clothing." But to analyze the importance of this matter, I'll move away from statistics nnd turn to some anecdotal evidence that serves us well. In response to a question regarding hyper-polarized portrayals of both masculinity and femininity in films, Newberry responded with some realities about film as a medium. Film attempts to communicate ideas in visual form, which means a filmmaker often has seconds to convey an
AARON Q. What is your major? A. My major was philosophy ...and then i majored in radio broadcasting. Q. Why did you get involved with campus radio? A. It's a passion of mine and it's exciting, it's challenging and I think it's
the best way to get involved with community at a creative and functional level. Q. Why should students listen to Civl Radio? A. 'Cause there's nothing that you won't get from it. Q. What superpower would you have and why? A. [sings] I could tum bnck time ...Fix my mistakes.
idea that mny be complex. We rely on archetypes and symbols taken from our experience. In order to portray a power dynamic, films depict one character looming over another. To portray status, we show fancy cars and jewelry. Likewise, to portray gender issues, we rely on sexualization and stereotypical gender norms. This kind of visual shorthand is pulled from society and multiplied through media, which is precisely why it is important to note who is creating this shorthand, and what cues the creator chooses to use. The same study found that in the 26 per cent of films where there was a female writer, the number of female characters rose to 36.4 per cent, a 6.2 per cent increase above the average, showing that, when women are placed in a storytelling role, more repr~sentation occurs. Movies reflect real life, but the lack of representation behind the scenes reflects on the final product, painting a view of reality that is not entirely correct or fair to both sexes. Media Democracy Day is an event that aims to show how diverse reality is, and how all aspects of the medin, specifically mainstream news and television, don't accurately reflect all of the voices in society. Women make
up over half of the population, so why don't women have half of the hnnd in writing the stories? Should we just accept the status quo and take the broken record off the proverbial record player and put on a new one? On a final note, I want to talk about something called the Bechdel Test, which is a kind of litmus test to measure the presence of women in films. In order to pass, a film must have at least two female characters who have names. These characters need to talk to each other, and they need to talk to each other about something other than a man. Think back to the last few movies you've seen, and think about if they pass this simple test. Odds are, unless you're a fan of feminist cinema, they don't. Societal ideas about gender roles and the place of women come from film, add to film and are reinforced by film. The media plays an enormously influential part in shaping our world view, and the systemic silencing of women is demonstrated by research such as the Geena Davis Institute study and indicators such as the Bechdel Test. The lack of women's stories in mainstream media is dangerous because it reinforces the silencing of women's voices.
STEPHEN Q. What is your major? A. Sociology. Q. What was the last movie you saw at the cinema? A. LifeAs WeKnowIt, but only because I was with a girl. Q. Could you sum it up in three words?
A. Epic. Emotional. Greatest. Q. If you could have any superpower; what would it be? A. Flight. Q.Why? A. Beat the traffic, save on airfares. Q. If you were a wrestler, what would your name be? A. Dr. Erotic.
Q. What is your major? A. Kinesiology Q. What would you like to see more of in the Cascade? A. More of the same. Q. What was the last DVD you saw? A. ParanormalActivity. Q. Was it good? A. Pretty good. It was pretty scary. Q. What are you doing for Reme~berabce Day? A. A huge paper and a moment of silence at 11.
Fashion Stars: Infinite AMANIthink are worth your view.
CONTRIBUTOR Carolina Engman of fashionince the explosion of the Internet, blogging and live journals are almost old news to us. Most of you by now have probably given up on the discovery of blogs because of the overpowering rubbish on each page, which is no exaggeration. Most blogging can just be a fad; bloggers rise up and fall fast, but there are some who stand the test of time, allowing their blogs to become their job. And even more recently these fresh faces are becoming celebutants, getting invites to events they at one time only spoke about with envy. Designers began sending them -pieces from their lines; some got the opportunity to produce their own lines. Who knew that by displaying what big designers wear on a day-to-day basis you would be able to add designer, model and freelance writer to your resume? Why does all of this matter? Because bloggers have begun to post their day-to-day fashion choices and inspiration for the world to comment on, and as a student, these blogs are a great way to get free style inspiration. And since being a student has allowed you to add the phrase "I don't have time" to your regular vocabulary, I've clicked my way around the web to find a few top style bloggers I
S has been a Swedish blogger since 2005, and at 23 years young, she has perfectly mastered her look, channelling 70's in every look. I've yet to see a poorly put together outfit from this girl. What makes her most rclatable is that she wears things the average girl could actually afford and find. With pieces from Zara and H&M, she effortlessly demonstrates looking vibrant in every picture, with amazing vintage to boot. For a little bit of rock and roll try the buzznet accounts of Audrey Kitching and Hanna Beth. Audery Kitching is a pink haired maven not afraid to speak her mind, and when it comes to style, she's a Barbie doll fresh out the box. She could even wear a trash bag and make you want to steal it. Audrey is also amazingly talented with a glue gun, posting her own DIYs, achieving the hottest trends at half the price. Hanna Beth (ex bestie of Audrey) also channels rock 'n' roll and punk in her outfit choices, but is not as out-spoken as Audrey. Hanna has still proven to be an influential gal, giving you a run for your money with one longing look. A couple other great places to draw some style inspiration are and thecobrasnake.
W's com. Lookbook is a live stream of personal, uploaded outfits from all over the world. It's not style specific, and it also allows you get a look at what the kids in Paris are wearing. The cobra snake is a party photo site and most looks in these pictures are those more acceptable at night. It is completely worth the look and shows that shaking things up always looks good. One of my personal favourite style blogs is that of Rumi Neely of I've been following Rumi since 2007 and watched her quickly blow up from just a girl from a small town in Philly to billboards in Time Square with Forever 21. For a better idea of what she's all about, just think of all the times you've worn an amazing outfit and no one saw. Of course this makes you feel like a complete waste of time, but what Rumi and her boyfriend do is let no good outfit go unviewed. She simplistically records them weekly in the .com blog she has achieved accidental success with. She's worth mentioning because her daily style will show you that any basic tee can be dressed up easily. I know you're thinking "why is all of this worth seeing?" Well since we've already established you don't have time, these collective websites will show you that
A FunnyThing Happened on the Way to the Forum - Theatre Season Preview bination of ancient and Broadway, CHRIS BONSHOR
an interesting mix." COPYEDITOR In outlining the process that took place in making this play, he UFV theatre season starts Fenwick told me that musicals November 10 with advanced have three things going at one time: acting, learning music (solos, showings of the first production, A fllnny ThingHappenedon theWay duets and such) and dancing. It is to tlze Forum. This play was first a complex process that has been written and performed in 1962, going on since rehearsals started but its history goes all the way last summer. back to Ancient Rome. Burt ShevThe plot of the play revolves elove and Larry Gelbart took three around the slave Pseudolus and of the plays from the third century his young master, Hero. Hero has B.C.E. Roman comedian Plautus, fallen in love with one of the ladies mashed them together and got from the house of ill repute next Stephen Sondheim to help them door and Pseudolus must help his with music and lyrics (Sondhiem master win her in order to win his is probably best known to you own freedom. Fenwick told me that one of for his work on the lyrics of West Side Story). According to Ian Fen- the hardest and funniest scenes wick, UFV's director of A Funny to rehearse was the chase scene in Tlzingand last year's A Midsummer the second act. The timing is very Night's Dream, Plautus has had a complicated, with people running huge impact on modern comedy, on and off the stage from various entrances. Hilarity would ensue especially sitcom. In order to get a better idea of during rehearsals when actors the Roman influences on this play, would either come in to early, too Fenwick did research in Europe, late or not at all. developing a colour palette and Besides this, though, the men on architectural designs from origi- the cast had to sacrifice in order to nal Roman artefacts and build- really get into their parts. By this, ings. I mean that all of the men had to However, the music and style shave their legs. Fenwick told me of the play is modern, despite the that many of the men wore shorts influence of Ancient Rome. The during rehearsals and that they result is, as Fenwick says, "a com- would only shave the exposed
parts, resulting in part hairy, part bald legs. The courtesan dance was also a lot of fun to rehearse. All in all, Fenwick said that everyone had a really good time making this play. "Everyone looks forward to doing it and has had a good time." That isn't to say there weren't obstacles to overcome, though. Since UFV doesn't have a music program, they had to hire a five piece band to play the music. In the end, though, Fenwick said that "the students are really talented, there is a high level of quality" and he hopes that UFV students will come out to "take a look and sec what the UFV theatre department is all about. A Funny Tlzing officially opens on Friday, November 12, at 7:30p.m., but there will be two advance, discount performances on the 10th and 11th, and the play runs until the 28th. Tickets run between $10 and $20, and the perfor• mance will take place at the UFV theatre on the Chilliwack campus at the intersection of Yale and Airport roads. For information and reservations call: 604-795-2814 or Email: Visit the theatre department website for further information:
his picture represents the daily garbage picked off campus lawns. Every morning the grounds are picked clean of litter. Jt seems unbelievable with so many easy to find garbage cans and recycling bins that garbage is finding its way onto green space. The parking lots are a high garbage area; perhaps people's garbage just falls from their car into the lot without notice. Another high litter area is the space around common "smoking" areas; the ground is littered with butts. That leads to the gazebos, hot spots for: lots of butts, drinks and cigarette wrappers. Those of you who arc using the trash bins, thank you! Those of you who take the extra time to ensure that recyclable beverages are making it into the Big Round Blue Bins, thank you! Please help keep UFV green SHEENA ADAMSand clean by ensuring your garbage and cigarette butts are put in the SUSTAINABILITY COORDINATORgarbage can, ash tray or recy<;lingbin.
Left: Rumi Nee¥ Below: Hanna Bet~
Left: Carolina Enijman you don't need time to stand out. Each of them merely uses three pieces of clothing to come out on top. Not to mention they are
a form of free style advice. Who knows, maybe these pages will inspire you to start you own style blog.
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Diwali at UFV sorts of celebratory measures, inPAUL FALARDEAU ARTS& LIFEEDITOR cluding: feasting on sweets and snacks, dancing, henna, painting t's a rainy Friday night in Ab- diyas (replicas of the clay lanterns botsford. In the growing city that welcomed Rama home) and there is always the question for more. some, "what is there to do?" On The festival was a huge sucUFV's campus though, there is cess, with rough estimates putting hope; a light in the dark. It's a trail about 125 people at U House that of lights, actually. They are paper evening. Overall that means that bag lanterns, and they lead to U- there were almost five times more Housc, where there's a party is go- Diwali patrons than the previous ing on. year. One of the big differences The party is for Diwali, and it's between attendance this year and really happening. The "festival in previous years was inclusion of lights," as it is called, is an an- of dancing for this year's event. cient and important holiday to the Everything from Bhangra to BolHindu, Sikh and Jain faiths. In the lywood was on display by some of Hindu faith, Diwali celebrates the the Valley's finest purveyors of the return of Rama after the demon- art. Afterwards the whole crowd king was defeated. The festival is joined in, but not before a king and a time to reflect on the triumph of queen of Diwali were crowned. good over evil, specifically innerBoth SAPNA, the "South Asian light (Atman) or the underlying Peer Network Association,'' and reality of all things (Brahman). UFV Student Life were responThe UFV incarnation of the sible for making the event successevent came complete with all ful. Sidra Ahmed from SAPNA
painted henna tattoos on hands and arms, and, outside, Martin Kelly from Student Life made the best out of lighting lanterns in the rain. Kelly, who was naturally excited at the size of the turnout, was also encouraged by the fact that he saw faces of all colours in the crowd. Seeing non South Asian faces is the best sign that things are happening. There is already talk of upsizing venues for next year. Success may come from multiethnic interest, but Diwali is also surely such a draw because it is so much fun, a reminder of family holidays that we all celebrate, no matter where we are from. Stay tuned for more great events on campus, such as the community dinner that goes down every Thursday at U-House. UFV is quickly becoming a place to be to have some fun, not just to get a degree.
~oaks under review TheVaginaMonologues by EveEnsler AllSIEMENS CONTRIBUTOR
never would have thought I !reading would have had so much fun about vaginas. The Vagi-
na Monologues,by Eve Ensler, is a book 1 have heard about for years, rave reviews and terrible reviews, but still a book I had never read for myself. The pathetic student life I lead allows me to spend my Friday night reading about vaginas. This Friday night, l found myself laughing at the monologues, as well as being truly touched (no pun intended) by the different stories that women have shared. The Foreword by Gloria Steinem resonates with the same upbringing I received: "T come from the 'down there' generation," a generation where women whose mothers referred to thcirvagina as a, "pussycat," "pooki," ''flower," "Mimi," or a "twat" if you are from New Jersey. One could say the very point of this book is to be able to say the frightening word, "vagina," and stop treating your vagina as if it is something to be ashamed of. Ensler also asks the thousands of women she has interviewed simple questions about their vaginas, such as, "If your vagina could talk, what would it say in two words?" After reading 20 or more responses, as a female reader I found myself agreeing with each answer. r felt connected with each woman's story. Ensler takes her readers (men included) on a journey throughout the entire vagina, and she allows you to explore each obstacle that may have allowed you to not love your vagina before. Stories about pubic hair, menstruating, pleasure, the word "cunt," lesbians, as well as stories of pain and trauma fill the pages. Each story seems to offer an opportunity to reclaim your vagina, and get in touch with your vagina by paying her the attention she deserves. One of the critiques of The Vagina Monologues is based on how Ensler wrote her book, essentially judging it as literature. The book is meant to be performed though, so don't compare the book's writ·
iln l!Dm! ~Ulftit ----------------------------------So long, and thanks for all the mulching PAULE. BRAMMER rious as when I'm joking. ClicMd NEWS& OPINIONEDITOR pretentious shit, yes, but I do think it reveals a greater truth about the hat am I allowed to say in human condition and how we as this space? a people exchange ideas, think What am I, as a student journal- about things, and generally face ist, academic student, 22 year-old up to our own mortality. male and Canadian resident in I have always tried to bring hu2010 allowed to expound in this mour into the Culture Mulcher, space? which is not to say that I sit here First of all, no commentary on for hours on end frowning, scribwhat I can say can be explored bling jokes and smoking furiously. without defining who my audi- The humour that imbues this colence is. Of course, in a perfect umn comes from an organic and world, my audience shouldn't honest place that I rarely have to matter - my right to free speech, think about. free expression and free thought And what is the cost of hushould be applicable in any situa- mour? Well, the cost of humour is tion and in any publication. knowing that nothing, nothing, is Of course, as writers, we tailor beyond the pale in terms of comour writing in consideration of edy. As George Carlin famously our audience; that is, if l was writ- s.iid, you can make a joke about ing for a magazine read by the anything - in his case he argued over-eighties, I wouldn't throw that rape can be funny; it's the exin a reference to Young Jeezy or aggeration that makes it funny, not Kim Kardashian. By that same to• the subject material as such. Carlin ken, I wouldn't start banging on uses the example of Porky Pig rapabout Bobby Darin if I was writing ing Elmer Fudd. something for some young whipBesides the joke, what Carlin is persnappers to ignore. trying to say is that anything and In addition, if I'm writing an everything is ripe to be made fun academic essay in class, I'm not of. This belief contrasts sharply going to start chatting the shit with something that happened to that I usually spout in this space this very column last week. - outside of my desire to impress Last week, I wrote a column and dazzle you all with my bril- about things on campus that anIiance so you'll be my friends, I do noy me. As with anything that have designs on getting a degree l've written, l was trying to make that will allow me to stop turning my audience laugh (whether J suetricks for crack on the mean streets ceeded or not is for you to decide, of Abbotsford. dear reader). To cut a long story In the course of my run as the short, I was deemed to be in conCulture Mulcher, we've covered travention of the Canadian Unisome wide-ranging, varied and versity Press code of ethics on the sometimes esoteric material. I've grounds of sexism. Two sentences tried to include a mix of topics, that I had written were excised, from maths in music to culture and something different was inon campus, to ruminations on serted in its absence. movies, books, cultural figures First of all, I am a believer in and trends, and much more in- and exponent of the collegiality between. The one thread running that my job requires - in fact, it's through and tying together this a great thrill and a joy to bounce disparate, desperate, disillusioned ideas off of friends and colleagues. and disillusioning rag-tag motley Anyone who has worked with othcrew of articles is humour. My hu- ers will attest that it's wondrous to mour. take an idea of yours and watch it I don't know if anybody said morph into something wholly di£this before me, but I'm never as se- ferent. • • • • •n
ing style to novels you have read, because the V11gin11 Monologuesis not intended to be a great piece of literature, it's a play. This book is not the first about vaginas, but it offers a new look at a very beautiful place on a woman's body. It acts as a reminder to not let your vagina be forgotten. In the introduction, Gloria Steinem writes about cathedrals and churches and how much beauty they have when we first walk into the sanctuary. Steinem also writes about how the design of these temples also imitate the female body, "There is an outer and inner entrance, labia major and labia minora; a central vaginal aisle toward the altar; two curved ovarian structures on either side; and then in the sacred centre, the altar or womb, where the miracle takes place - where males give birth." This is a perspective that I have never heard before, but undoubtedly has changed my perception of the inside of a church. Ladies and gents, snuggle up and allow yourself to be taken over by stories and monologues about vaginas. Squirming on your couch with a smirk on your face is just as enjoyable while reading a book.
However, in the case of last week's cuts, my comments were removed because they were deemed unsuitable for publication. That is, a joke that l made was deemed unfit for an audience to read and decide whether they thought it was funny or suitable. Just for those who aren't quite in the know, over the past couple of weeks in this column, I have: considered spraying the corridors of UFV with machine-gun fire; compared myself to the head of a concentration camp; wished death on all baby-boomcrs; and hoped that Justin Timberlake would begin an incestuous relationship with a member of his close family, to name a few. I received no e-mails from victims of incest, irate baby-boomers, persecuted Jews or concerned students. In fact, the only time I have ever received an e-mail complaining about my Culture Mulcher was the time a woman was pissed off that l neglected to mention that Ray Charles had died when I was talking about the (really shit) new version of ''We Are The World." Either people at UFV don't have e-mail accounts or they can take a joke. I think it's the latter. Comedy, as with so many other things, is subjective. What I find funny, you might not, and vice versa ad infinitum. So how can certain topics and certain jokes be not allowed, or out-of-bounds? Who gets to say what's funny and what's offensive? Who gets to say what's fair game and what isn't? Can we second-guess who our audience is and what they will be offended by? Or, by kow-towing to fears about offending people, are we draining the flavour and vitality out of ourselves and our work? Why should we compromise? Once you start censoring out of fear of offending people, where does it stop? With that in mind, the Culture Mukher is going to take a long walk off a short pier. So long, and thanks for all the Jll~l~l)ing. • • • •
...... .
Western Canadian 1 111= 1:1\f I.·r111 YouSayParty takehome trophy .I'll I:I:lli\ll'l'S
Music Awards Honour Locals
Thank You ForBeingA Friend B.A. Johnston"'
Light theHorizon Bedouin Soundclash*
Placesto Roam The Superfantastics"'
PaintIt Pink Shotgun Jimmie*
The Hope Slide
TheHope Slide
It's the Evil White Lung"'
he 2010Western Canadian MuT sic Awards held in Kelowna on October 24th seemed to shed light on how many talented British Columbian artists we have. Even more exciting is the Abbotsford band You Say Party (YSP)receiving Rock 'Recording of the Year for their album XXXX. YSP is currently travelling across Europe for the Into the Wolf's Mouth Tour and they have been updating their Facebook the entire time. From Amsterdam, to Utrecht; then off to Brussels, the band is making headlines and still receiving love and support from home. On November 2nd, the band shared with their followers their latest video, "Lonely's Lunch," directed by Sean Wainsteim, which was shot entirely in India. The video is a sexy, sci-fi chase through the streets of India, involving masked men chasing a gorgeous Indian girl. It is, all said, a well done music video that is dedicated to Devon Clifford, their former drummer, who passed away earlier this year. The video is a great example of how YSP is making a name for themselves and creating equally
StrangerDanger Timbuktu*
impressive music videos to fit the bill. Amidst travelling updates, YSPis also keeping their followers updated with pictures from concerts, Halloween costumes and a picture of band member Rob getting smoked in the face with a bass guitar (very bloody, but he's okay). Oh, 31 seconds ago while writing this, YSP shares: "Berlin tonight! A very meaningful return for us to a city we have a storied history
Jim Bryson and The Weakerthans*
And Now We Sing Olenka & The Autumn
-~ - . --; .
Backon theBus Dedicated to Aaron Levy and he knows why. It's shockingly good.
"You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey / I'd never heard anyone say that before." An interesting little song that explores ... ah hell, it's just really catchy and I love the opening lines a lot: listen, listen, listen.
Umphrey's McGee
Bus StopBitties
Call this track what you will. So long as those words include soulful, inventive, playful, groovy and tuna fish sandwich. It's seriously good and good for you. Yum.
ForgivenessRock Record
• I .-•
Love Is A Hunter Rae Spoon"'
ists worth mentioning who won at the Western Canadian Music Awards. British Columbian Dan Mangan won "Best Independent Album of the Year" for his latest album, Nice, Nice, Very Nice. Mangan also received "Songwriter of the Year," both commendable awards. Some of the other winning and nominated BC'er artists and bands were Chilliwack, Laurell, Maurice, The Latency, Cityreal, Bi£ Naked, Said the Whale (' the UFV green this past September), Yukon Blonde, Carolyn Mark & NQ Arbuckle, 'Dustin Bentall, The Sojourners, Colin James, Wayne Lavallee, David Gogo, Jim Byrnes, Rich Hope & His Evil Does, The Jimmy Zee Band, Duplex!; Gogo Bonkers, Norman Foote, The Kerplunks, Jocelyn Morlock, Stephen Chatman, Birds of Paradox, Ed with." Thank you Facebook. Henderson, Inhabitants and The "Lonely's Lunch" is not the Rakish Angels. , only song from YSP's XXXX alCongratulation is definitely debum that is worth mentioning, but served to Abbotsford's own You then again, I don't know which Say Party. Keep yourself updated song isn't worth mentioning. It is by following their Facebook or no surprise to any followers of YSP 1\vitter page to see the latest picthat they won "Rock Recording of tures from their Europe tour. Also the Year," and it won't be any sur- find their latest music video. Don't prise when the local band wins forget to post your congrats on more awards in the future. theirwalll Besides YSP,there are other art-
Well, every odyssey must have its end. Odysseus was killed horribly before returning to Ithaca, or so I assume, and dear Mr. Mulcher met a similar fate (rabid weasels in the anus) and so we must bid him adieu. Mr. Mulcher, we hardly mulched thee.
Broken Social Scene•
Fable IllbyLionheod Studios andMicrosoft Gome Studios
Together Tne New Pornographers*
Champ Tokyo Police Club*
Women Of Bri~ai~EP Women 0£ Bntam*
Axioma EthicaOdini Enslaved * indicates Canadian artist.
To view the entire chart, visit: charts/
LISTEN TO CIVL AT 101.7FM or online at WWW.CIVL.CA
sume the role of prince or prinCHELSEA THORNTON
cess, destined to overthrow your STAFF WRITER king of a brother. You are not a one man army, and your progress he third instalment in the Fable through the first part of the game series was awaited with all centres on recruiting forces for a the impatience you would expect revolution. The Albion of FableIII to see surrounding a new release is an industrial-era world, recallin such a much-loved series. Cal- ing Dickensian London in setendars were marked, days were ting and revolutionary France in counted down, and special edi- spirit. It is easily the most socially tions were purchased. And then, conscious Fable we have encountered so far, and this social conon October 26, FableIII arrived. The new release stays true to sciousness is woven into the game the basic principle of the previous play: the challenges of the second Fablegames: the player works to- half of the story are, for the most wards the defeat of an arch-villain part, politically-based, instead of while making decisions which action-based. Perhaps reflecting impact the morality of the player. the powerful presence of the realThe plot, however, is a definite de- world economic situation in our parture from the previous instal- social consciousness, the second ments. For the first time, the player half of the story is about finances, does not experience the childhood balancing the economic health of of their character, and the game the country with its social health. begins during the character's adoThe game still does offer up lescence. Also, this hero is not the plenty of action and combat. Many poor, socially oppressed orphan of Fable'sclassic adversaries return of previous Fable stories; you as- for this instalment. The Albion of
FableIII is populated with Hobbes, Hollowmen, Bandits (rebranded as Mercenaries) and Balverines. Also, the natural world has taken on new menace, with wolves, bats and birds all capable of engaging in combat with the player. The fight sequences are interspersed with short cut-scenes that correspond to flourishes in combat - slow motion re-enactments of your character's battle prowess. The biggest innovation in the game comes from the complete removal of lists from the game. The lists are replaced by graphic representations of the player's items: clothing and styling options in the dressing room, trophies and treasure in the treasury and weapons in the armoury, all of which are housed within the hero's Sanctuary, which replaces the main menu. You even access your dog's status by viewing his dog bed. The goal in translating the lists into physical . representations was to create a sense of more fluid game
play; the player never leaves the visual reality of the world, and should feel as though the action is more continuous. Although this new menu is more continuous visually, it takes more time to navigate through your inventory, and the set-up is less instinctual than the classic list version. The visual rendering of the new Albion is outstanding: the creators have maintained the richness of previous settings and taken full advantage of current graphics potential to make the world crisper, more realistic and more beautiful than ever before. The water in Fable III is the real stand-out, allowing glimpses of the landscape underneath the surface. FableIII should please fans of the franchise. It references many characters and places from previous versions, but also provides a fresh plot, managing to avoid becoming a repetition of the series past adventures.
• Play With Fire- Indie film rem1ere JOEL SMARTtrouble and mental distress after SPORTS EDITOR a money-making scheme crafted by Joel, his longtime friend, ends mongst a grand display of fas- badly. The audience is allowed to cinating train paintings, a cu- ponder the way Christian's life rious audience began to find their would have changed had he choscats as 7:30drew near, clearly an- sen to follow his heart, leaving ticipating the premiere showing of behind his drug-dealing and movthe independent, award-winning ing to the city with his girlfriend, and British Columbia-made Play instead of separating with her to with Fire.The film began dark and maintain the small town lifestyle dreary: "The hum from the smelt- he had grown accustomed to. er... The shift change ... This is the Because it could not find fundheartbeat of a town." The soggy ing, Play will, Fire does not feaFriday night outside The Reach ture any paid actors. Their lack Gallery Museum in Abbotsford of training does make the film less accessible, as it requires a set the mood perfectly. Inspired by and shot in Trail, few minutes and an open mind B.C., the film takes a gritty, vis- to come to terms with the style. ceral look at small town crime. It In parts it is very easy to tell that tells the story of 28-ycar-old Chris- the words coming out of the chartian, who gets caught in a web of acter's mouths are lines from the
s crowd at the reach
screenplay, making it more difficult to become engrossed in the experience. However, after realizing how much work went into getting this project off the ground, and how passionately those involved arc about it, it was impossible not to give it a chance, rather than being turned off by the lack of Hollywood high definition cameras, professional actors and special effects. That chance is rewarded with a story that, in parts, feels more real than a mainstream, big budget film. This speaks to the film's incredible direction as well as its basis in reality. Out of the darkness of the film, the unusual beauty of Trail shone as a unify• ing force, giving the film a distinct personality.
The writer and director of the 84-minute film, Soren Johnstone, was in attendance for the November 5 Abbotsford premiere, along with fellow-producer Michael Babiarz. An actor and an actress from the film were also there, and the four of them participated in a question and answer period after the screening came to a close. Johnstone, from Vancouver, and Babiarz, from Mission, explained that they both draw great inspiration from small towns in B.C. and the stories they've heard and experienced growing up. Neither of them expected to be working on the film's production for an excruciating 16 months, but it wound up happening when actors for the film dropped out and entire sections of the film needed to be
recast and reshot. However, when the film was finished in June 2009, it won the Best Cinematography award in an international film festival held in Toronto. Since that time, Johnstone has worked hard to re-score the film with new, more relevant music. The final cut of the film now features local music, including a track from Abbotsford's own Harma White. Play with Fire is currently on tour, with numerous stops across BC and Alberta. The film will play at Chief Sepass Theatre in Langley on Saturday, November 20, as well as at the Rickshaw Theatre in Vancouver on Sunday, December 5. Starting time at both venues is 8 p.m., and the cost of admission is 10 dollars.
er, Peter Highman is not nearly as rclatablc as he needs to be to carry the film as its intrepid protagonist. He is unnecessarily mean-spirited and full of vitriol even before he is beset by the traumatic events that should make us feel something besides pity for him. While the prospect of a roadtrip movie starring the charismatic Robert Downey Jr. and funny man de jour Zach Calafanakis in the roles once filled by Steve Martin and John Candy respectively is a promising concept that begins well, Due Dale loses its focus in fairly short order. Although scenes like Zach Galafanakis explaining to a stoned Robert Downey Jr. the finer points of Twoa11da HalfMen make for some genuine laugh-out-loud moments, Due Datefeels more like a compilation of haphazard standalone skits than a carefully crafted screenplay. While the episodic nature of road trip movies lends itself to this sort of problem, Philips and his four-person writing committee seem unable to establish much
of a consistent narrative thread to knit the film together. The closest Due Date comes to achieving any comedic momentum worthy of Philips' best work is the inspired Mexican-border escape sequence. Unfortunately, this refreshing sense of spontaneity is quickly forgotten as the film meanders its way towards its predictable conclusion.
All the elements necessary for great comedy are there: a compelling premise, dynamic actors and some truly funny ideas, it just feels underdeveloped, which is why the film is so disappointing. That said, there is enough to like about Due Date to make it worth seeing if you're a fan of Galafanakis. Just don't expect another Hangover.
unhappy client, Ferguson (Rupert Everett), and his newly hired assassin, Dixon (Martin Freeman).
Hilarity ensues as Victor tries to cope with his new companions and both Rose and Tony tty to understand Victor and his interesting methods. The film focuses on the she, nanigans Victor and company get up to while on the run. They head to Victor's home in the British countryside and begin to form a bond with each other, almost a family connection, with Victor and Rose as the parents and Tony as the loveable child. All of the characters arc quirky and slightly odd. Victor seems to only have his mother (Eileen Atkins) for company (and she's urging him to st.irt a family); Rose is a beautiful thief who's a bit immature .ind very wild and full of reckless abandonment; Tony is young and naive but cager to learn. Veteran BillNighy is excellent at playing the respectable but eccentric assassin; he easily steps into the role. Emily Blunt is gorgeous
and hilarious as Rose; her personality shines through, giving the character an adorable and spunky side. Rupert Grint is fantastic as Tony, even though he does seem to give us the same sometimes dumb-founded, loveable, sidekick character he portrays in the Harry Potter films, and he is good at it. Both Rupert Everett and Martin Freeman are classy and make for fabulous villain characters. The plot has some holes and is sometimes ridiculous and very odd. But, it is comical and endearing in these oddities. It was filmed in 2008 but due to uncontrollable forces wasn't able to be released until this year. Thankfully, it was worth the wait. It's only in limited release currently, but if the buzz around this film continues to grow, it will be able to been seen in more theatres across North America. It's definitely a unique concept, even though it's a remake.
Movie Review DueDate die talent of Zach Galafanakis, NICKUBELS ONLINEEDITOR who turns in a memorable performance as Ethan Tremblay, an asDue Dale is a darker Planes, piring television actor with a little Trains, & Automobiles-style road- dog and a fresh perm (as in pertrip movie with a familiar prem- manent) seeking his fortune and ise: a successful family man is fame in Hollywood. Calafanakis' forced to team up with an oddball remarkably sincere delivery of screw-up to make it home in time lines such as "Dad ... you were like for an important life event- in this a father to me," and "You better case, the birth of his first child. check yourself ... before you wreck yourself," is a testament to his treComedy gold ensues. Or does it? In his most recent feature, Todd mendous lovcable•loser appeal. New to Philips' cadre of actors Philips, the filmmaker responsible for Old School,Starsky & Hutch and is Robert Downey Jr., who basiRoad Trip, among other high-pro- cally functions as Galafanakis' fi le dude-comedies of the 2000's, straight man foil in his role as doesn't come close to sustaining uptight father-to-be Peter Highthe manic fever pitch that made man, an architect who finds himhis wildly inventive 2009 comedy self stranded in Atlanta, Georgia Tlte Hangovera runaway success. days before his wife's scheduled While there are plenty of genuine- Caesarean Section in Los Angeles ly funny and touching moments thanks to Trcmblay's pre-flight anin Due Date, they typically come tics that land both of them on the courtesy of the committed perfor- No Fly List. With Peter's wallet left mances of the actors, who do a lot on the plane, he is forced to teamof the heavy-lifting to overcome a up with Tremblay for a three day disjointed and inconsistent script. cross-country trek by car. Fortunately, Philips once again The dynamic between the two employs the considerable come- actors is often compelling. Howev-
Wild Tlll'get is a comedy directed by Jonathan Lynn with the all-star cast of Bill Nighy (Pirate Radio, Hot Fuzz), Emily Blunt (The Young Victorin,Stmshine Cleaning), Rupert Grint (Harry Potter, Cherry Bomb),Eileen Atkins (Cold Mountain, What a Girl Wn11ts),Martin Freeman (llitclilliker's Guide to the Galaxy, Love Actually), and Rupert Everett (My Best Friend's Wedding, Stardust). The film is based on the 1993 French film Cible Emouvarileand is about Victor (Bill Nighy) who's a solitary assassin in his early fifties working in London. He's hired to kill a thief, Rose (Emily Blunt), but he finds her intriguing, so he spares her life and along the way unexpectedly gains a young apprentice, Tony (Rupert Grint). Rose for a week, and they bring Tony believes Victor is a private detec- along as well. All the while they tive, so she hires him to protect her are trying to run from Victor's
THE VIOLET HART SEXPERT t's odd how, in a culture that emphasizes fit bodies and sexual pleasure, often we neglect to exercise the parts that really matter. That's right - just like any other part of the body, your muscles "down there" can be, and should be, worked out and built up for better health, strength and control. Oh, and did I mention better orgasms? Now there's something your gym membership isn't likely to offer you. A quick biology lesson: both guys and girls have what's called the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle (clearly I'm not a science student because I have no idea how you would pronounce that). This muscle stretches from your pubic bone to your tail bone, kind of like a hammock in your butt. It's essentially the floor of your pelvis, and it controls the flow of your pee. lt also contracts when you orgasm. How do you find your muscle? The easiest way is to force yourself to stop peeing mid-stream. The muscle that tightens is your PC muscle. Now for guys the PC muscle
does a few other things, such as controlling the flow of semen, the power of an ejaculation and the firmness of the penis. PC exercises, called Kegel exercises, are known to help men with stamina, control, harder erections, increased pleasure, stronger ejaculation and better orgasms. They can help with urinary incontinence, pre-mature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and maintaining prostate health. Clearly the benefits are obvious -
and the work out is damned easy. There arc a couple of relatively easy ways to exercise your PC muscle. The classic way is to simply squeeze the muscle (and only the muscle), hold for a few seconds, and then release. Take a brief pause and then repeat, keeping your breathing steady. The goal is to work up to holding for ten seconds. lf you're doing it right, you should usually be able to see or feel your testicles lift. A
more fun variation is to take a face towel when your penis is erect, and try to lift it into the air repeatedly (penis pushups!). Eventually you will be able to graduate to a hand towel and even, if you're getting super studly, to a beach towel. However, it's not recommended to do Kegel exercises more than five minutes twice a day, or like any other muscle exercise, you may get sore. For girls, the PC muscle is, unsurprisingly, involved not only with sex but childbirth as well. Pregnant women are often recommended to do Kegel exercises to help their bodies prepare their pelvic floor for the stresses of childbirth, and like men, Kegels can help with urinary incontinence. However, Kegels also notably increase sexual pleasure for women as the clitoris and vagina become more sensitive to sensation, and they also allow you to "squeeze" your partner's penis (if your partner has a penis, that is), which can be very pleasurable for the both of you. Best of all, I<egels increase the intensity of orgasm, and are known to help women have increased vaginal, g-spot, and multiple orgasms.
The basic Kegel exercise for girls is quite similar to that for guys, using the squcczc-holdrelease technique and building up to a ten second hold. To make sure you have the right muscle, stick your finger in your vagina your muscles should contract and clench your finger. Again, it's recommended to do only about five minutes twice a day and no more. Some people also enjoy using toys to exercise with, especially Ben Wa balls. In order \o keep the Ben Wa balls in, the vagina must use the PC muscle; some people leave them in at home for a few hours a day, and just go about their business. And don't worry; despite popular fears, it's impossible for anything to get "lose' up a vagina. In fact, many women find Ben Wa balls quite pleasurable (especially Duotone balls) and enjoy using them during sex. A few women can even give themselves an orgasm by subtly moving the balls within their vagina - a very tricky masturbatory art indeed. Well, there's Kegels 101 for you - and something for everyone to do during their class lectures. Now go out there and enhance your sex lives the all-natural way!
possess DIHC qualities, and while Jack searches for this among the rest of the 30 Rock cast, scorned Lemon searches for answers to the problems posed by her visiting octogenarian father's matrimonial meandering. Meanwhile, Tracey and Jenna are trying to, respectively, edit and create their premade NBC obituaries. The end of the always hilariously and tightly written episode shows Jack reinstated as Lemon's mentor as he steps in to instil fear into Lemon's father and send him back to Pennsylvania.
Thursday comedy show TIieOffice, I'm interested in the direction that the writers are taking his character. This week's episode, the seventh of season seven, furthers Michael's dissatisfaction with office management and sees him boarding a bus on a Christian youth mission to Mexico, only to panic and lea.,e. This mostly pointless action came about at the end of a mostly boring and not-funny episode about the christening of wundcrcouple Jim and Pam's new baby, Cece. I'm usually not a fan of episodes that are primarily set outside of the Dunder-Mifflin office: they're like watching Stephen Harper play "With A Little Help From My Friends" on the piano. It's weird and not all that entertaining.
ChannalSurtina Channel Surfing SOPHIE ISBISTERantics merely irritate me. But The "You're going to burn in hell!" It
STAFF WRITER Walking Dead, the crisp, creepy and decidedly non-campy rewas excited to write Clumnel imagining of the zombie genre, is Surfing this week, because, as I seriously making me re-consider told my esteemed section editor, my stance. my big plans included watching "Cuts," the second instalment lots of TV. Little did I know, the of this refreshingly non-formulaic two dramas 1 like to watch every series, finds our protagonist (who Tuesday night were pre-empted I will call Sheriff Sexy) trapped in on November 2nd by something a tank in Atlanta. He gets rescued called "The Midterm Elections," by a group of scavengers, but his whatever those are. As if the USA shoot-cm-up antics bring a world didn't have enough electoral dys- of walking dead pain upon the function, they have one every two group, who is holed up in an abanyears! And we thought we had a doned department store. The mislot of federal elections in Canada. sion in this episode is to escape the So if something is important department store and get back to enough to give the boot to Glee home base, where, unbeknownst and The Good Wife, it's probably to Sheriff Sexy, his wife and son worth writing about. The long and are waiting. the short of the midterm elections In a show dealing with a war is this: the Democrats lost a lot between the living and the dead, of seats to the Republicans, anti- questions about the nature of humasturbation Tea Party maniac manity understandably come into Christine O'Donnell did not get play. This is usually my favourite elected, economic issues were at aspect of £ilm and TV in the postthe forefront and a lot of people apocalyptic genre, and The Walkwere grumpy that their shows got ing Dead delivers. A particularly pre-empted. harrowing scene on the departAnd that's what you missed on ment store rooftop depicts a racist redneck villain attempting to Glee. assert control over the group, only to be handcuffed to a pipe. In the TheWalking Dead climax of the episode, the keys to I'm not into zombies, really. I've the handcuffs get dropped down never been a fan of 28 Days Later, a pipe (one of only a few clich~d Night of the Living Dead puts me devices), and the group leaves tho to sleep, and yearly Zombie .~alk man to die of starvation, yelling
begs the question, what is it that makes us human and do those qualities carry over into times of extreme duress? Should we leave the guy on the roof to die because he's a total asshole, even though he's human? But if there's anything I know about the post-apocalyptic-groupsurvival-dynamic, you don't want a bigoted bully on your team. And if there's anything else I know about the genre, the guy on the roof definitely will not die. My prediction: they've created a villain, and he will come back later to bite them in the ass. Sheriff Sexy should have listened to me when I was yelling at the screen, "Seriously, just kill him!"
30Rock On the more-funny half of Thursday Night Comedy Hour, 30 Rock's Jack Donaghy (played by Alec Baldwin, another bigname star soon to leave his show) is searching for dick. Or rather, DIHC, drive, intelligence, humility and chaos. At the urging of his fianc~e and soon-to-be baby mama, Avery (played by the hilariously shrill Elizabeth Banks),Jack ousts Liz Lemon from his mentorship program, the Donaghy Mentor Experience. His ideal· new mentor needs to
TheOffice Knowing that this is Steve Carrell's last season playing obnoxious paper-company-manager Michael Scott in the long-running
fohr on Friday's loss to VIU. JUSTIJORLlWJa
SPORTS EDITOR he University of the Fraser ValT ley Cascades Men's Volleyball Team split their weekend games defeating the Camosun College Chargers, 3-0, on Saturday and falling Friday night to the YIU Mariners, 3-0. The Cascades record improves to 2-1, in the BC. CAA. On Saturday, the Cascades rebounded from their first loss of the young season to beat Camosun at the Envision Athletic Centre. The UFV Cascades Women's Volleyball Team defeated the Camosun College Chargers, 3-0, on Saturday, at the Envision Athletic Centre. Their record improves to 1-2 in the BCCAA following Friday's 3-1 loss to YIU. "Tonight was another tough loss for the UFV women," said UFV Head Coach Dennis Boken-
The University of the Fraser Valley Cascades Women's Basketball Team suffered their first Canada West loss of the young 2010 season to the University of Saskatchewan Huskies, 89-72, in Saskatoon last weekend. The Cascades competed well against the sixth ranked Huskies all night, but in the end, the Huskies were just too much for the team to handle. The Huskies jumped out to a quick lead, but the Cascades would match them basket for basket. At halftime, the Cascades were only down by a nine point margin, which they surrendered early in tho game. In the second half, the more experienced Huskies built up a double digit lead and held on as the Cascades made a run in the fi. nal quarter to close the gap to 17 points. The Cascades arc now 2-1 on the regular season. The Cascades were led by Tessa
Klassen, of Winnipeg, and Sarah Wierks, of Chilliwack, with 20 points each. Courtney Bartel, from Chilliwack, added 13 points in the loss to Saskatchewan. Klassen led the Cascades in rebounds with 12. "Tough lessons learned tonight. Saskatchewan is a physical, athletic team, and l'm not sure we ever got comfortable with the pace," said UFV Head Coach Al Tuchscherer. "These are the lessons we need to learn from, adjust to and I'm confident we will be better tomorrow." The University of the Fraser Valley Cascades Women's Soccer Team defeated the UBC Thunderbirds, 2-0, to capture their first ever Canada West Championship. The Cascades will head to Charlottetown, PEI as the number one ranked team from Canada West. UBC also earned a berth at the CIS national tournament. The Cascades go to PEI sporting a 10-
5-1 overall regular and postseason record. The Cascades knocked off two of the Canada West's women's
UFV women'ssoccer makesschool historyand earnstrip to Nationals DAVID KENT CONTRIBUTOR he University of the Fraser Valley Cascades made school hisT tory last weekend, earning a berth in the CIS women's soccer national championship tournament, in Charlottetown, PEI. The women's soccer team became the first UFV program to qualify for a national berth in the school's five year association with the ClS. The Cascades came out strong and had the game's first shot on goal less than 30 seconds in. They kept up with the two-time defending CIS national champions, except for a quick misplay in the box that led to a penalty shot goal by TWU, five minutes in. UFVplayed very well for ,their first taste of postseason action. The women's soccer team was lead by Canada West all-star Lyndsay Munro, from Maple Ridge, and second-year defender Danielle Schmidt, from Abbotsford. The Cascade defense was brilliant on this contest. They kept the top scorers from TWU from getting any great scoring chances. Chantelle Biagioni, of Pitt Meadows, made key saves when called upon, to earn her first post season
victory. The Cascades offense was led by Schmidt, today, as she set up the first two Cascade goals with excellent passes into the box where Danika Snook, from Chilliwack, scored the first Cascade goal in team playoff history at the 37th minute to tie the match. Schmidt then set up Ellen Kuyer, from Surrey, with the team's second goal, 53 minutes in, to give UPV their first lead of the match. The Spartans did keep the pres• sure on UFV and tjed the match off a perfect set up in the corner,
in the 83rd minute, as TWU's Alicia Tesan banked the ball off Biagioni and into the Cascades net. TWU kept the pressure on UFY, but the Cascades were relentless and forced overtime. ln the extra ti me, UFV concentrated on keeping TWU from getting any clear shots at Biagioni. In the first five minutes of overtime, the Cascades played great defence, as TWU kept up the pressure, forcing several corner kicks. But the Cascades held on and moved the ball up the field and out of danger. The first over• time ended with TWU having two consecutive corner kicks, which UFV was able to defend. In the second extra period, UFV goalkeeper Biagioni made three point blank saves to keep the Cascades in the game. TWU turned up the pressure on the "rookie" playoff team, but UFV would not bend! Their first postseason match went to penalty shots, making it a great finish. The Cascades shot first, and Kuyer scored to set the tone of the penalty shots. The shots went seven rounds, but rookie forward Danielle de Bruin, of Victoria, slipped the ball past TWU's Funk and sent UFV to PETfor the nationals!
Women'sBasketball Men'sBasketball November12: UFVvs. Victoria @ 6:00 p.m.@ EAC
November12: UFVvs. Victoria @ 8:00 p.m.@ EAC
November13: UFVvs. Victoria @ 6:00 p.m.@ EAC
November13: UFVvs. Victoria @ 7:00 p.m.@ EAC
UFVMen'sHockey Club(B.C.I.H.L.) Sat,Nov.11: UFVvs. SFU@ 7:30 p.m.@ AESC Fri,Nov.19: UFVvs. TRU@ 7:00 p.m.@AESC
November26: UFVvs. Douglas @7:15 p.m.@EAC
November26: UFVvs. Douglas 5:30 p.m.@ EAC
* EAC= Envision AthleticCenter (oncampus) * AESC::a AbbotsfordEntertainNovember27: UFVvs. Capilano November27: UFVvs. Capilano mentandSportsCenter(on @ 7:45p.m.@ EAC @ 6:00 p.m.@ EAC campus)
soccer powerhouses to capture the title.
Withfilesfrom DavidKent.
UFU[RSCA □ cs SCORB nR U □ I n U Men's Volleyball
Women's Basketball
Oct 30: UFV vs. UBC-O W 3-1
Oct 30: UFV vs. UBC-O L 3-0
Nov 5: UFV vs. VIU L 3-1
Nov 5: UFV vs. VIU L 3-1
Nov 6: UFV vs. Camosun W 3-1
Nov 6: UFV vs. Camosun W 3,0
Men's Basketball
Women's Basketball
Oct 29: UFV vs. Manitoba L 72•
Oct 29: UFV vs. Manitoba 71-58
Oct 30: UFV vs. Manitoba L 83-
Oct 30: UFV vs. Manitoba
Nov 6: UFV @ Saskatchewan L 100-89
L 89-72
UFV Men's Hockey
Oct 23: UFV vs. Manitoba W 3-0 Oct 24: UFV vs. Regina (alumni day) W 2-0 Oct 30: UFV vs. Calgary W 3-1 Oct 31: UFV vs. Lethbridge W 3-0 Nov 6: UFV vs. TWU W 3-2 PS Nov 7: UFV vs. UBC Gold Medal Match W 2-0
EAC = Envision Athletic Center (on campus) AESC= Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Center (on campus)
Nov 6: UFV vs. Saskatchewan
Club (B.C.I.H.L) Oct 17: UFV vs. UVic L 8·0 Oct 22 : UFV vs. Selkirk L 6 _3 Oct 31: UFV vs. TWU L 3-2
Canucks Explode Malhotra andTorres everywhere goals last week. He did so while JOEUMARI SPORTS EDITOR also landing some of the hardest, most satisfying hits this season. aking a moment to think back Not only did he finish his hat about that incredibly passion- trick night against the Oilers with ate affair against Detroit on Sat- a huge body check, but he set the urday night, it becomes clear that mood Saturday with a giant hit on this Canucks team is capable of Brad Stuart behind the Wings net. besting the toughest opponents Going into the Detroit game on in the league. This comes after the a winning streak, it was an imporCanucks had already been on a tant challenge for the Canucks. five-game winning streak. We can They had the opportunity to reonly hope that the sudden influx ally sec how they measured up of secondary scoring will not shut against the "New York Yankees of off as quickly as it began. the NHL'' - a test they aced with Since early last season, the Ca- three third period goals. Many Canucks teams in the nucks have been relying on the Sedin twins, to an almost unbe- past may have crumbled under lievable degree, to win most of the pressure of going down by their games. It's gotten to the point a goal early in the third period where Daniel can open the scor- against a top team like Detroit, ing in the Detroit game, and later but, instead, these Canucks fought call it an off-night. The Canucks harder. It felt like a playoff game; have been dying to start getting the battles got more intense and more secondary scoring, though, the passionate desire to overcome to not only give themselves a bet- the Wings became tangible. It was ter chance of winning, but also the Canucks' best game of the seato take some of the opposition's son so far. focus away from the Sedins. JudgPrepare to spend more exciting ing by the recent Raffi Torres and Saturday nights in front of the TV Manny Malhotra explosions, we're set, as November has three Hockmaking progress. Besides his fa. ey Night in Canada CBC games ceoff and penalty-killing skills, that promise to be spectacular. Malhotra has already had several After that Detroit game, the other multiple-goal games. He is now two are against the Toronto Majust behind the Sedins in points; ple Leafs and the Chicago Blackmeanwhile, Torres was named hawks. The Leafs game starts at 4 the "NHL's First Star of the Week" p.m. though, which is even more as he led the league, scoring five annoying than the 4:30 starts in
the recent games against Montreal and Ottawa. The Hawks game marks the end of the two-week Eastern road trip, as the Canucks return home to take on their biggest rivals. Perhaps more annoying than the early start against the Senators was the fact it was on Sportsnet Vancouver. It might be alright for those who actually have the specialty channel, but to the rest of us, it is like Pay-Per-View,but with stupid ads instead of the awesome special features that used to fill the period intermissions. Ugh.
Road Warriorsand New Faces
Heat Reoort ,
of Howse, Horak and Soudek, on MATIHEW TANNER RESIDENT BRUINS EXPERT this trip it was an exercise in scoring by committee. For example, he Chilliwack Bruins returned in the game against Calgary, the from their four game Alberta Bruins received goals from six difroad trip with six of a possible ferent players. Similarly, in Craneight points and some new faces. brook, the Bruins again got goals Unfortunately for them, the home- from six different skaters. coming was not a successful one, The Bruins returned home ridas they lost to the Everett Silver- ing an incredible 14-game streak tips, 4-3. in which scored the first goal. The Bruins had a hugely suc- The home game against Evercessful road trip through Alberta ett marked game 15 on the seaand into South-Eastern B.C. They son, and the end of the streak. outlasted the Edmonton Oil Kings It was a back and forth battle of 2·1 in the first game, with the game strike-counter-strike that led to a winning goal coming from Bruins close finish. Although the Bruins rookie forward Brendan Persley. equalled the 'Tips with 30 shots The Bruins then continued on to eac,h, Everett came out on top in Calgary where they beat down the the game, earning the 4-3 deciHitrnen, 7-2.Brandon Manning se- sion. cured the first star nod with a oneThe Bruins welcomed some goal, three-assist performance. new faces to the roster on the road The one hiccup in the road trip trip, and said goodbye to another. came in an extremely intense game The Bruins picked up forward in Medicine Hat versus the Tigers. T.C. Cratsenberg from the SpoIn front of the sold-out crowd of kane Chiefs for an eighth-round 4,006 onlookers, the Bruins fell conditional draft pick in the 2012 5-4, giving up the winning goal to Bantam draft. So far, in five games Linden Vey with just 4:37 remain- with the Bruins, Cratsenberg has ing in the third period. With that one goal, one assist, 23 penalty the Bruins left Alberta and headed minutes and is plus one. Cratsenfor Cranbrook. The Kootenay lee, berg should add some size, grit who make their home in Cran- and defensive prowess to the Brubrook, came into the game on a ins forward ranks. The Bruins also seven game winning streak and as traded forward Chris Collins to one of the top teams in the league. Saskatoon for forward Curt Gogol The Bruins skated into the Cran- and an eighth-round Bantam pick brook Rec. Centre and proceeded in 2011. Gogol is expected to add to annihilate the Ice 6-2. some grit and sandpaper to a forThe Bruins really were out- ward-ranks that is bursting with standing on this road trip: going finesse and talent. In his rookie 3-1-0-0, beating some very tough year in 2009-101 Collins collected competition and competing ex- nine goals and 23 assists. So far tremely hard. Chilliwack out- this season he had only one goal scored its competition 19-10in the and four assists in 13 games for four games. The truly impressive the Bruins. Gogol has a goal and part is that, while the Bruins were an assist so far in the 2010-11WHL receiving scoring early in the sea- season. son primarily from their top line
T JUSTIN ORLEWla SPORTS EDITOR he Abbotsford Heat's woes on home ice continue, as they just T can't seem to find their swagger in front of their home fans. The Heat could use more fan support as their home attendance has been dismal to say the least. Maybe all this team needs is a little bit of love from the home fans to spark them up when they arc playing at home. The Heat haven't had any problems winning games on the road, but when they get onto home ice, you never can tell which team is going to show up. The Heat has managed to squeak out a few wins at home, but most of their wins this season have come when they are on enemy territory. Last weekend, the San Antonio Rampage were in town for a two game mini series with the Heat, and despite a strong start for the Heat, things would get ugly for the home team in a hurry. The Heat jumped up to a 1-0 lead early in the first period with a goal from Lance Bouma but after that it was all San Antonio on the score sheet. The Rampage would answer the Heat's first period goal with two of their own before the first period would end. Then, in the third period, San Antonio would add three more goals to secure a healthy win over the Abbotsford Heat. The final was 5-1; former Phoenix Coy-
ote Mikkel Boedker had 3 assists in the San Antonio win. The following night the Heat would get another crack at the San Antonio Rampage, as they hoped to extract some revenge after getting beat up in their own building the night before. The unpredictable Abbotsford Heat came out flying for this contest, as they would get the scoring started early in the first period, dumping two goals in net before the halfway mark of the first period. In the second period, the Heat would go right back to work on the Rampage, with a power play goal from Keith Seabrook. In the third period, the Rampage would try to answer back with a goal from local boy Matt Pope, but that would be as close as they would come to getting back into this contest. The
Heat answered right back with a goal of their own, which would secure the win. Greg Nemisz and Giffen Nyren had goals for the Heat, and the red-hot Cam Cunning had a goal and an assist in the win. Leland Irving made 22 saves for the Heat in this very important home win. Despite their very unpredictable play at home, the Heat are still in great shape for the North division points race, as they are currently sitting in the fourth position but are only two points out of first place in their division. The Heat's record at weeks end is 7-6-0-1, their next home series is against Houston Aero's and starts November 8 at the AESC. For insider info on the Abbotsford Heat, foll?w me on Twitter@JustinOrly.
JUSTIN ORLEWIQwatching Thomas Kaberle take the
SPORTS EDITOR ceremonial face off against Buffalo Saber's captain Craig Rivet during he Toronto Maple Leafs have fi- the Hall of Fame Game in Toronto nally come down to earth and last weekend. lt would have been have returned to their mediocre nice to see two Canadian captains ways of playing. In all fairness to take the ceremonial face off for the the Maple Leafs squad, they have first time in almost 20 years. The Canucks, on the other been in every contest until the very end, and in both games that hand, have finally found their they got shutout in, they had tons stride and have become one of the of great chances to make it a 2-2 hottest teams in the league. The game. The laceration to Dion Pha- Canucks have won their last six neuf's right leg doesn't help their games, and the Sedin's are on fire, cause either; the heavy hitting Ma- as usual. Luongo is starting to win ple Leafs Captain will be sidelined (as usual) and even the Canadian for 4-6 weeks. lt was a sad sight hating Ryan Kesler has started
popping them in, after taking a lot of criticism from the Vancouver media. He now has three goals in his last five games, returning him to one of the best two-way players in the league. The Canucks are also getting healthier; Dan Hamhuis, Keith Ballard and Alexander Burrows are back from the IR, and they will only make the team better. I told you Canucks fans to hold off on slashing your wrists before the season was even 10 games old. Expect the Vancouver Canucks to finish at the top of the Western Conference this season. Aren't
you guys glad they didn't "trade Luongo. To finish off this week's rant l am going to do something that I almost never do; talk about a sport other than hockey. This week in the wonderful world of Champion's League Soccer or football, whatever, I saw one of the most disgusting things l h.ive ever seen an athlete pull in professional sports. It just had to be done by one of the most "respectable" soccer players in the world, Ronaldo. Zinedine's head butt was at least fierce and deliberate, it might have
been dirty, but it made soccer players look tough even if it was just for a moment. After the way Ronaldo acted on a phantom shot to his neck, Tdon't think I will ever be able to see soccer players in a respectable fashion. Maybe we need some Canadian kids to show the soccer world some toughness. I am not saying that hockey play• ers don't dive or look £or phantom calls, but at least they don't lie on the ice like a wounded duck if the ref doesn't buy it, they simply continue playing. Even Ronaldo's teammates gave it to him for that pitiful display of sportsmanship.
SportsYou've Never Heard Of:
NFL Week Nine
the noodler rams their entire hand AllSIEMENS and forearm into the catfish's gul-
CONTRIBUTOR let and pulls it from the hole. Now this is all fine and dandy, s a child raised out in the country, a favourite past-time but there are some dangers asof my brothers and mine was to sociated with noodling that one grab ourselves each a fishing rod must be aware of before trying to and head down to the river and go catch a flathead catfish. Dangers fishing for the day. He-haw! I feel can range from minor cuts and as though my childhood would wounds to the noodler all the way have been much more interesting to losing fingers from a bite or inif we had adopted a more extreme fection - not to mention the chance attitude towards our leisurely ac- of drowning while carrying your tivities and scrapped the fishing trophy fish to the surface. These rod all together and used only our buggers can weigh as much as 60 bare hands. If we had relocated pounds! But, the real danger is other to a Southern state and swapped salmon for catfish, we would aquatic life. Who's to say whether have possibly been the youngest or nol the alleged flathead catfish lives in the hole you .ire about to noodlers to engage in noodling. Noodling can be summarized stuff your hand into? Other danas a type of sport fishing that re- gerous animals, such as alligators, quires the fisher, called a noodler, snakes, beavers, muskrats and the to catch a catfish using a very un• ever-terrifying snapping turtle, conventional way of fishing. This sometimes inhabit the abandoned may sound relatively easy, find catfish holes as their own. Safety the catfish, and make some sort precautions are taken during the of contraption to catch the catfish, event to prevent the loss of a finvoilal The method of noodling is ger or worse. Spotters help the not as easy as it sounds. The first noodlers bring the catfish to shore issue arises when we find out that by being in the water, or, alternatethe flathead catfish we are prey- ly, they can just use a boat. ing on tend to live in holes or unYouTubeoffers a series of vidderbrush in rivers and lakes. This eos on the extreme (and entertain· requires the noodler to swim out ing) sport of noodling, and boy, oh into the water, whether it is only boy, the intensity is contagious. a few feet deep, or up to 20 feet The camera guy is usually shoutdeep, and find a hole where the ing curse words in excitement, flathead catfish is residing. the spotters move in to help the Once the noodler finds the noodler bring the catfish to shore hole, he or she then puts his or her and all the spectators start a-hoohands into the dark hole to try and tin' and a-hollerin'. Not only is this lure out a catfish. Now, the "con- sport extreme, but it seems to have traption" used to obtain the cat- the real essence of community fish is the most primal of all tools; b4ilding.
TREVORFIK ondary, rushing for 184 yards and STAFF WRITER two touchdowns on 29 carries. While the Patriots were battling psets and razor-thin wins for their lives in Cleveland, the abound in week nine match- New York Jets were involved in a ups that saw the Cleveland shootout at Ford Field in Detroit. Browns upset the New England Being down 20-10until the end of Patriots, and the New York Jets the fourth quarter, they were able and Minnesota Vikings squeak to tie the game up and grab a win by with victories against the De- in overtime. Mark Sanchez proved troit Lions and Arizona Cardi- why he is largely considered one nals respectively. Another theme of the premier young quarterthat was prevalent in week nine backs in the league against the action was coaches being on the Lions, throwing game changing chopping block in both Dallas and passes to Santonio Holmes and Minnesota, as the once promising Braylond Edwards that shifted teams appear destined for playoff the momentum of the game. Sanmisses this season. chez capped off his 323 yard passWith the New England Patriots ing performance with a one-yard team of 2010 being hailed as the touchdown run, putting the Jets in team that has returned to the dy- field goal range in overtime to alnasty form of the 2000s, the Pats' low New York to go 6-2, winning trip to Cleveland was to be nothing the game 23-20. more than a minor speed bump on As has been the case for the entheir way to certain Super Bowl tire 2010 NFL season, where there victory. However, the Brown's is the Minnesota Vikings, there had other plans, and with the help is gossip. This week's news surof rookie quarterback Colt Mc- rounded Randy Moss's quick deCoy and third year running back parture from Minnesota after only Peyton Hillis, the Brown's ended a month with his former team. up claiming a 34-14 victory at After grabbing 13 catches for 174 Cleveland Browns Stadium. Hillis yards and two touchdowns in was especially effective against a four games with his former squad, banged-up looking Patriots sec- Moss was cut in a move that has
placed Vikings' head coach Brad Childress in hot water with Zygi Wilf, owner of the Vikings. Wilf has claimed that the move was not okayed by him, and that Childress acted alone in cutting the star wide-out. Moss was criticized by teammates after praising his former team, the New England Patriots, who beat the Minnesota Vikings the week before. The dismantling of the Dallas Cowboys continued, as the squad from Texas was annihilated right before our eyes Sunday night in a devastating 45-7 loss to the Green Bay Packers. The question after the game that was on everybody's mind was the fate of Cowboys' head coach Wade Phillips, and whether or not owner Jerry Jones would renege on his promise to keep the coach on for the remainder of the season. With such an embarrassing loss on primetime television, the fate of Phillips should not even be up for debate. The Cowboys' did not just lose, they essentially gave up in their game against Green Bay. This points towards an intense lack of motivation that has permeated the organization, leaving Philips departure as the only solution.
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