The Cascade Friday, November 5th 2010 Volume 18 Issue 29

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Furry fun since 1993



Natural Harvest New lngred·ent 7


SUS By - Election pg. 4

Photo by Justin Orlewicz

AboriginalAccess Network Builds Bridgewith UFV AthleticsDepartment AARON LEVY history of Sasq'ets, and to witness

CONTRIBUTORthe story telling and dedication of this spiritual creature whose It was a brave thing when UFV colonial appropriation lies Cascades baskelball forwards between conspiracy and myth. Samantha Kura th and KyleGrewal One by one, UflVpersonnelsuch walked a lap around the main as English department head John gym at the Envision Athletics Carroll, women's basketball coach Center this past Saturday. Al Tuchscherer, Vice President of They followed in the back of a Students Karen Evans, women's procession led by UFV Athletics' basketball star Tessa Klassen, and newest recruit, one who First athletics department head Rick Nations Elders and members of Nickelchok, among others, as the Aboriginal Access Network, well as First Nations dignitaries, S'olh Shxwleli dedicated to the presented one another with Cascades with what all hoped ceremonial coins, representing would be a "tasteful" and the passing of the knowledge respectful ceremony. and memory of what was taking That recruit is Sasq'ets, place; accepting responsibility the given name to that who to remember, remind, and re-tell European/Canadians have taken over and over again the story of to calling the sasquatch, and it is Sasq'ets, and the significance of UFV Athletics first ever official UFV accepting it as their mascot. mascot. Sasq'ets' territory, it is said, Kurath and Grewal acted lies between Oregon and the as ceremonial captains for the Okanogan, and is the origin to the men and women's Cascades, modern tales of the sasquatch. and they walked slowly around In an hour and a half ceremony the baselines, hands lifted at 45 that pushed back the Cascades degrees, shaking softly, the hum and Manitoba Bison doubleheader of chanting and rhythmic clang action by about 30 minutes, Chief of beads and dresses shaking Willie Charlie acted as MC, calling throughout the gym. upon different First Nations and A slew of UFVand First Nations UFV brass to share their stories dignitaries were on hand, both of Sasq'ets history. The stories to provide background for the of their people, gratitude from

UFV for being entrusted with this honor and challenge, as well as a theme song, dedicated to the Cascades, beaten out on drums, and sung in upbeat, bellowing three part harmony were the centerpieces of this unique event. The challenge lies in properly respecting and accepting the gift of Sasq'ets. Representatives of S'olh Shxwleli want Sasq'ets to be a tribute to the history of the Salish and First Nations people, not a caricature of it, the way the Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, and Kansas City Chiefs depict aboriginal stereotypes. Therein lies the bravery shown by Kurath, Grewal, and UPV Athletics in general. This is a tall task to accomplish, and nary but a few have done it across North America thus far. lhe sensitivity with which the issue must be treated, and the interchangeability of personnel between roles and even institutions, ensures that organizational memory will hardly be enough to pass on the reminders and background necessary to proliferate the importance of what happened on Saturday. But by stepping up and accepting the task, both Grewal

and Kurath, Athletics and UFV, specifically President Mark Evered, who made an impassioned speech to the audience at the ceremony- they arc each taking on a responsibility that has daunted New World North Americans since they showed up hundreds of years ago. Acknowledging and appreciating the land and legacy that we are living in, on and off of. There will be no shortage of criticism as the future rears its expectant head, and that's a burden that all involved at UFV have accepted in endeavoring to address this offer from the Aboriginal Access Network. Kurath and Grewal, both injured currently, can look to Sasq'ets for strength, as the shape shifting protector, and friend to nature and its inhabitants, prepares to add UFV and its Athletics Clubs to its host of allies. It's an intriguing and somewhat surprising step that S'olh Shxwleli has taken in initiating this partnership, but it's one that can prove to make strong headway in Aboriginal-Colonial relations, and it's a step that UFV is positively courageous for moving forward with. The ball is in your court, UFV; let's trust it won't get dropped.



Good bye, dear readers. lake any plum positions with Cas- redesign of the paper. When we SONJA SZLOVICSAK

cadesponsors, even though that is CDITOR-IN-CHIEF extremely tempting. I won't rule In light of the fact that our il- out the idea of a tell-all memoir 10 lustrious premier has resigned, or 15 years from now. But since the I thought 1, loo, should sit down, Cascade'sEditor-in-Chief's term is do some tloul searching, Lalklo my only a year, l don't think it will be family, and decide what would be quite as long or interesting Gorbest for the Cascade. don's will be. Now I'm sure your wonderJust like Gordon, I've decided to step down. Unlike Gordon, I'm ing who my replacement will be. not jumping ship because I ran Will the new Editor-in-Chief be the Cascadeinto the ground. No, a Carole Taylor-esque financial there have been no tricky HST or maven? A future Diane Watts poBasi-Virk scandal:. here - unfortu- litical hero? Or perhaps it will be nately. (Although there have been a steady but boring Kevin Falcon plenty of turtles.) Instead, my term type. You'll have to lune in next is up and I won't be at UFV long week to find out. enough to complete a second term. I think it's important to focus I'm not sure if Mr. Campbell on the great successes the Cascade will stick around to train his suc- has had over the past year. Well, for starters, Jed Minor cessor. L however, will not abandon the Cascadeentirely. I will not from Production did a fabulous

went to a national conference for student newspapers, he got a big thumbs al our layout critique. Speaking of the look of the paper, it finally looks like a real newspaper. There are fancy pictures, great content, and plenty of UFV news. We also, finally, have a website that is updated regularly. Jed spearheaded its development, and Nick Ubels, our Online Editor, has made the website easy to use, look good, and keeps the content coming ,on a regular basis. And he brings in content that just won't work in a newspaper. By far the biggest achievement of the past year has been getting most content in on time. I think all the section editors and staff writers deserve a huge round of

Volume 18 • Issue29 Room C1027

applause for that. Our new Copy Editor, Chris Bonshor, has been absolutely, unbelievably wonderful when it comes to katching mislaces. And, as always, our Production Manager Randona Bushell has been a steady rock for the paper. Finally, if you'll allow me a personal note, I want to thank my family- especially my wife Nancy - er, my boyfriend Ryan. Student newspapers can be a hectic business, and I missed a number of dates because we were behind on production. I have always felt that student newspapers are impo,:tant. They define what we are as students, and UFVers. I've got to say, this has been the best job I've ever had. Thank you. It's been a privilege.

33844 King Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 7MB Editor-in-Chief '.:>OnJ<l <;1lov1csak

Production Manager RandonaBushell Production Jed Minor CopyEditor Chris Bonshor News& Opinion Editor Paul E.Brammer Arts & Life Editor Paul Falardeau

Parkingon event nightsexplainedby Facilitiesdirector generally "can tell who a i;tudent ALEX WATKINS

is as opposed to an event patron." NEWSWRITER However, he encouraged all i;tuIn mid-October, many Abbots- dents to get student IDs in order to ford Heat fans received an email make the process easier. McAskill said that UFV stuannouncing changes to parking dents possessing an ID card can rates in the lots surrounding the Abbotsford Entertainment and use the designated lots and pay Sports Centre (AESC) that were the normal rate even if they are atcoming into effect. The new charge tending an event. "On [an] event is $10.00 for the evening. Howev- night, there's no questioning of er, Ian McAskill - who is the cur- students about whether or not rent Director of Facility Services at they're going to class... all they UFV - assured students that they have to do is show their student would continue to receive their card, and they park in ... [lots] six normal rates if parking on UFV's lo lcn. . . so whether they're going parking lots 6 through 10 on event lo school or going to a game, we can't really tell." nights. Additionally, he noted that According to McAskill, there arc guards in place during events parking for carpooling UFV stuwho ask drivers wishing to park dents is free on game nights; thal at the lower rate to present stu- is, as long as two or more studenti; dent IDs and direct them accord- in lhe same vehicle can present ingly. He stated that students who their IDs, they will be given a have neglected to get an ID or who pass to display in lieu of payment. don't have it at the time can at- McAskill said that the concept of tempt to explain their situation to giving free parking to carpoolers the guards and show them their on game night actually benefits textbooks, adding the guards UFV because it "is really a concept

of enabling more people to share in our parking lots. So if students carpool, that frees up a space, which we can then sell." McAskill said that charging patrons an increased rate for parking on event nights is reasonable because the spaces become more valuable. He noted that UFV consulted with the staff workjng at the AESC to determine what kind of a rate wc1soffered at similar venues. He said they were told, "Well, at these kind of events, at the other places that we manage, ten dollars.'' According to McAskill, UFV has been charging special event rates since the AESC opened. It is quite expensive for UFV to hold events, and the revenue generated from parking helps to cover these extra costs. McAskill explained: "At different types of events the costs vary. If it's a full event, we have to have traffic control, we have to have guards, we have to have extra student patrollers and so forth. And some nights it's quite a bit."

Additionally, he stated that parking revenue is an important source of funding for other projects and activities. "We've also engaged in some capital projects like the ring road that's out back, and that's funded from our revenue that we make from pay parking. It'll take us many years to pay it off, but it's all kind of self-funded in the sense that we've made that improvement to make ... access and parking safer and better for students, and so ... we have to have that revenue to pay for it." Overall, McAskill feels Lhat, in comparison to other cumpusei; and arenas, the parking rates offered by UFV arc by no means above average. Ai; he s.ud, "Students pay everywhere for parking, they pay at UBC, SFU... it's just a fact of life. Parking costs [money), and so we established a rate because we have costs ... So ten dollar parking is quite reasonable for events, people don't mind paying that."


SportsEditors Justin Orlewicz

Joel Smart

OnlineEditor Nick Ubels NewsWriter Alex Watkins StaffWriters Trevor Flk Sophie Isbister Chelsea Thornton Brittany Wiesner

Distribution Specialist luck Brown Contributors

SheenaAdam'> Jennifer Colbourne Aaron Levy Ali Siemens

Printed By International WebExpress The C'.ascade is UFV·snutono111ous stu•

dent newspaper.It providesu forumfor UFV student:sto havetheirjoun11~ism published.It 11lsoact~ ns 1111 altematlvc p.-essfor the Fraser Valley.The Ca'!Cllde is fundedwith UFV studentfunds.The Coscodeis publishedevery Fridaywilh 11circul11til>n of ISOOund is distributed AtUFV campusc.•nnd thmU!lhoutAbbotsford,Chilliwuck,nnd Mission.The ('.ascadeis n memberof theCanad.inn University Preas,a national cooperative of 90 wiivcrsityand ~-.ollege newspe persfrom Victoriato St. John'~.The Cascadefollowsthe CUP ethicalpolicy concerninglllllterialof a prejudicialor oppressive nature. Subrnissicms are prdmed in electronic formatthroughe-mail.Please!lend submissions in ".111.r· or"~ioc"fonnAt only. Articlesand lettersto theeditormust be typro. The C.asc.'ldc.-eservesthe right to edit submtssionsfor clarityMd length. The Cascadewill nllt printany aniclcs that oontnin11)(,1~1, sexist,homophobic or libellouscontent.The writer's name and studentnumbermust be submitted withenchsubmission.Lettersto the editor must be under25() wordsif intendedfor print.Only ()Ileietti:rto the editor per wnh:r in any given edition. Opinionsc~presseddo oot nc.,,,:essar ily reflectthat of UfV, Ca.'iCllde staff and boardof directors,or assodnl.l:d members.

"Double Down"



Results of 2010 Abbotsf ords Public Safety Survey Report fromCentre forPublic Safety andCriminal Justice Research andAbbotsford Police Department CHELSEA THORNTON STAFF WRITER The Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research at the University of the Fraser Valley recently released lhe results of its 2010 Abbotsford Public Safety Survey in conjunction with the Abbotsford Police Department. The survey was sent out in June lo 1,132 Abbotsford residents, of which 40 per cent (456 residents) responded. Dr. Irwin Cohen, director of lhe School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, explained that this was the first joint-initiative survey that U~V has conducted with the Abbotsford Police Department, but the school has completed similar surveys in RCMP jurisdictions across lhc province. He said that while UFV typically get a 30-40 per cent response rate on their surveys, the average for most other institutions is about 12-13 per cent. UFV is able to garner more responses thanks to its methodology: the surveys arc sent out in official police envelopes, there is a short deadline for responses, and the letter is followed a few days later with a phone call encouraging the recipient to respond. The respondents to the survey almost universally indicated lhal they were either very satisfied (28 per cent) or mainly satisfied (65 per cent) with the Abbotsford Police Department, for a total of 93 per cent. Satisfaction with in-

dividual officers was high. Cohen said, "I think that the important thing about this survey is that is shows that, although citizens will naturally always have concerns, on a day-to-day basis and at the individual level, residents are satisfied with the police in Abbotsford. They are happy with the police department, and they are happy with the officers as individuals as well." The study, which was released one week before Abbotsford was named Canada's Murder Capital for the second year in a row, indicated that the overwhelming majority of Abbotsford respondents feel safe in their homes (96 per

cent), neighbourhood (96 per cent) and community (93 per cent) during the day, compared to 91 per cent, 82 per cent, and 71 respectively at night. Ovcra 11,39 per cent of respondents reported feeling less safe than they did five years ago. Thirteen per cent of the respondents, or approximately 59 residents, reported that they had been the victim of a crime in the last twelve months. Of those respondents who had been victims of a crime, 87 per cent had been the victim of property crimes. Only six people said that they had been the victim of a personal crime. About one third of all respondent

victims of crime did not report it to the police, mostly because they felt the police could not do anything about it (72 per cent), or be• cause they felt the crime was too minor or unimportant to be worth reporting (38 per cent). Respondents were also presented with a list of things that may be a problem in their neighbourhood and were asked to select all the problems that they felt required more police reRources and allenlion. The top five problems selected were drug trafficking (41 per cent), properly crime (34 per cent), traffic enforcement (30 per cent), drug production (29 per cent) and organiz;ed crime/gangs (27 per cent). The AbbotsfordNews cited Constable lan McDonald as saying that the top three areas were all areas which the APO had addressed in their own 2010 str.itegic plan. Ile believes that the 13 traffic-related deaths in Abbotsford this year spurred the high interest in tra££ic enforcement. Cohen suggested that citizen interest in traffic enforcement could also be generated by the importance of traffic in residents' daily lives: "People ask themselves [-] what do I come in contact with everyday? What affects me the most?" Interestingly, more respondents prioritized litter, broken glasi;, trash or graffiti in their neighbourhood (16 per cent), over prostitution (11 per cent) or personal or violent crime (11 per cent).

The demographics of the respondents to the voluntary survey do not always reflect Abbotsford's demographics according to the 2006 census. The 456 respondents represent only 0.37 per cent of the 123,864 residents recorded in the census. Sixty-one per cent of respondents were male and 39 per cent were female, compared to 49.3 per cent and 50.6 per cent respectively according to the census. The median age of the respondents was 58 years old, while the median age for Abbotsford residents is 36.6 yean; old. The survey also failed to be representative of Abbotsford's ethnic diversity: Caucasians comprised 83 per cent of respondents, South Asians comprised eight per cent, while Aboriginal, Asiatic, Black or Other together comprised nine per cent. The censui; recorded that Caucasians represent 73 per cent of Abbotsford's population, South Asians represent 19 per cent, and other groups representing about eight per cent. Cohen explained that results like this are typical of any voluntary survey: "These surveys take time to fill out, so we tend to get more responses from older cili1.ens with more available time." He also mentioned possible reasons for the low elhruc response rate: "It's been suggested that their may be language barriers, or even cultural barriers," he said. "Some people don't want to say anything about the police."


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SUS by-election nomination period underway ALEX WATKINS NEWSWRITER

UFV's Student Union Society is preparing to hold a by-election and invites all qualifying UFV students to participate. The nominations period began on October 28, and will close on November 12. The election was triggered due to a "mechanism within the ... election policy that is based on the number of executives that are actually elected versus the number that are appointed." According to the 2010 SUS By-Election Nomination Package, a by-election must automatically be called if two-thirds of the SUS executives in total arc appointed instead of elected. In order to be nominated to campaign, a student must complete a nomination package. The package requires students to: identify the position that they wish to run for and to briefly state why they are seeking a position with the Student Union Society; what they think is the most pressing issue for the SUS to address; and what they suggest be done by the SUS to address the growth UFV is currently experiencing and to successfully provide a fun and safe experience for its students outside of the classroom. Previously, these answers have been printed in the Cascade to help make them accessible to students. Additionally, students are required to obtain a minjmum of 20 signatures from currently-registered UJlV students. There are a number of posi-

University ofSaskatchewan wantsto buildnuclear reactor



tions currently open to qualified candidates. The available executive positions arc: President, Vice President Finance, Vice President Internal and Vice President Social. The Trades Representative, International Representative and Residence Representative positions are open as well. In addition to being currently enrolled in at least one credit class at UF\T, the Trades Representative must currently be enrolled in a Trades Program. The International Representative must be an International Student and the Residence Representative must be currently living at Baker House. Jhim Burwell, Communications Administrator for the UFV SUS, suggests that students wishing to campaign may have an advantage if they have a special interest in what they're actually running for. For example, "if you're an accounting student and you're interested in finance, you might want lo run for VP Finance ... 1f

you're... interested in running on-campus events, you're going to want to run for [VP] social... that kind of thing." However, Burwell added that students can perform well in their positions even if they don't directly relate to their field of study or interests. "We've had a particularly successful philosopher that was [VP Finance]." If elected, the Representative at Large and Community Representatives are mandated to make a time commitment of five office hours per week, while Executives have a commitment of 15 office hours. these hours can "include anything from going out and handing out flyers to get students interested and aware of... different events or different programs we've got going to sitting in the office and helping us with some of the administrative things, like going over the elections policy and trying to streamline it." Burwell said that while this is the minimum required amount,

many students do choose to devote more of their time to the SUS. However, he said that, while this kind of enthusiasm is appreciated, SUS does not want students' studies to suffer on account of it. "Do not let this negatively impact your GPA... There has to be a balance." Additionally, all elected candidates must attend regular board meetings - usually held Friday mornings - and are expected to schedule their classes to accommodate these meetings. Burwell said that the amount of candidates interested in running varies widely with each semester, and that at times there are not even enough students running to fill all available positions. Last semester, for example, not enough students ran to fill all nine Representative at Large positions. However, Burwell said that this is not entirely a bad thing, "I think that it takes a very certain kind of person to be interested in the way that things are being

Education grads facedifficultjob market

Online universities challenge traditionalschooling

Ex-media mogulConrad Black to be resentenced

\ run in the first place [because] students have so many considerations in their lives ... But the good thing about that is that. .. we elect people that are capable and that are going to look to represent the students whether [the students] are going to pay attention to it or not. The ones that are interested are the ones that are1 actually go• ing to ... step up and try and make sure that we're working in the best interests of the students, which is always our intent." 'The campaign period for nominees will begin on November 16, and will come to a close on November 23. All Candidates Meetings will be held on November 16 and 18 in which campaigners will present their platforms to the student body. Polling will take place online: each student can ca11ttheir vote by logging in to MyUFV.Polling opens at 12:01a.m. on November 24 and ends December 1 at 11:59p.m.

Premier Gordon Campbell to resign

With onlineschools, suchastheUniversity of Former mediamogul Conrad Black maybe British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell, Richard Florizone would liketoseea nuclear reac• Graduates ofeducation programs InBritish torontheUniversity ofSaskatchewan campus in Columbia arefinding increasing difficulty landing Phoenix, experiencing aboom Inrecent years, well• headed backtoprison Inlightofa U.S. Appeals whose popularity hasbeenbattered bya new thenext10years. jobsinB.C. schools, foreing many toleavethe established univel}ities arefeeling theneedtokeep Court ruling onFriday thatupheld hisconvictions salestdxpolicy, announced hisresignation on Florizone, thevice-president offinance and province orworkabroad. upwiththecompetition. ononeofthreefraudcounts andobstruction of Wednesday saying hehadbecome a distraction Craig, director ofteacher education atthe Online institutions arecurrently drawing many justice. forthegovernment. resources attheUniversity ofSaskatchewan, has Sydney beenworking ontheproject formorethana year. university's faculty ofeducation, saysthatthe students withpromises oflower tuition fees,more JudgeRichard Posner ofthe7thU.S. Circuit Court "Itistimefora newperson toleadtheprovince;' course options andIncreased flexlblllty. ofAppeals sentthecasebacktothetrialJudge to Campbell overrecent years. tolda hastily called newsconference In While itisstillinitsfirststages, theproposed Ca· trendhasbeengrowing nadian neutron source hasattracted considerable "Certainly formany yearswe'vebeentelling our Arecent siudy donebyGtyUniversity ofNew York resentence Black ontheaffirmed counts, buttook downtown Vancouver, saying hisdecision, which Interest fromtheCanadian scientific community. students thattheywould rnostlikely begintheir suggested thatstudents participating inaccelerated whatlegalexperts saidwasanextraordinary step caught political observers off-guard, cameafter TheCanadian lnstlturn forNeutron Scattering careers asteachers oncall... Ithinkthatwhat onlinecourses perform betteracademically than byurging prosecutors to"windupthisprotracted "considerable soulsearching''. notretryhim. recently voiced itsapproval oftheproject. you're hearing nowIsthateventhosepart-time students Insemester-long ciasses, However, students lltlgatlon"and Campbell, theleaderoftheright-of-center pro· "Itwasreally aneasychoice: saidDominic Ryan, positions arenotasavailable." inonline classes expressed dissatisfaction withthe TheCanadian-born Black, 66,wasfreedonball vinclal Liberal Party, saidhehasasked theparty ofteacher andpeercontact theyreceived. inJulyafterspending nearly twoanda halfyears topickanewleader assoonaspossible. Party CINS president. "There's nobody elsewho's actively Craig claims thattherearea number ofcontribut- amount ingfactors tothedecline Inavailable positions. "Central totheconcepts ofbothlearning and Ina Florida prison, pending theoutcome ofhis executives have28daystodecide whenandhow offering tobuildanything. Saskatchewan's the onlygameintown,andit'sa verygoodgame." Declining enrolment, linked toa lowbirthrate,Is computer medlaUon Isthenotion oflnteractlon;'theappeal. Hewasoriginally sentenced tosixanda a replacement forCampbell willbepicked. Ryan stressed theneedfora newresearch reactor onefactor. Lower funding given topublic schools study reads. halfyearsInfederal prison. Theresignation camelessthanayearafter Success Inonllne universities requires sirong time Inconsidering whatthenewsentence should be, campbell inCanada. Forthepastsoyears, canadlan neu• Isanother. wonre-election toa thirdtermInoffice tronresearch hasbeenbasedoutoftheNational "Certainly inB.C. rightnow,thegovernments management skills andmany students soonfind Posner suggested trialjudgeAmy St.Eveofthe andonlydaysafterheshuffled hiscabinet. He boards witha lotoffinancial themselves falling behind. Beyond this,someStu· U.S.District courtinChicago consider thefraud hasbeenpremier ofCanada's West Coast province Research Universal Centre InChalk River, Ontario. arenotproviding dentsfeelthatpeer-to-peer andstudent-instructorevidence since2001,buta recent pollfoundhisvotersupTheNRU Issignificantly larger thantheproposed resources," saidCraig. evenInthedismissed counts - which According totheMinistry ofAdvanced Education, Interaction Isequally Important. legalexperts Interpreted asmeaning shecould porthaddropped toJustninepercent. CNS, buttheCNS would beusedspecifically for Black tothesametermasbefore and Campbell ofteachers employed Inpublic "Online school Isn'tpersonal;' saidLeslie Thomson, an resentence angered votersImmediately afterlast neutron beamresearch, whereas theNRU Isused thenumber fora variety ofpurposes, fromneutron beam schools hasstayed relatively thesameoverthe artsstudent. "You losesomany Important social and thathewillbereturned toprison. year's election whenheannounced theprovince interpersonal connections. Andtosucceed atajob, research totheproduction ofmedical Isotopes. pastfiveyears. While therewere33,704 total hadreached a dealwithOttawa tomerge theproStern• Reuters teachers working Intheprovince In2004-200S, youneedtounderstand teamwork. You Justcan'tget Andrew vincial andfederal salestaxesIntoa harmonized thenumber hasonlydropped by300from2005 thatonllne." salestax(HST) thatapplies toa broader rangeor Tannara Yelland - CUP Prairies & Northern purchases. Bureau Chief to2010. Claire Eagle - TheUbyssey (Unlverslty ofBritish Trevor Record - TheUbyssey (University of Columbia) Allan Dowd • Reuters British Columbia)



Let's Make Campus Better! Yay! you caffeine addicts about campus. There are many, many of you, COPYEDITOR and, while J risk incurring the wrathofa lot of wired and stressed As many of you may know, the out people who are on the edge, I Globeand Mail recently released feel that we should talk about your the results of university ratings behaviour. Please don't leave your for Canada. UFV did quite well for empty drink containers wherever its category. However, as I walk you were last sitting. Please don't ~round campus, l can't help but come back from a class break late notice a few things that I think we because you were in the crazycan work on together to improve long line at Timmy's trying to get our post-secondary institution your fix along with all of the cafjust because we go to an instilufeine addicts. IL is a drug, people; tion does not mean we deserve to a chemical dependency. Think be institutionalized or should act about that next time you are going like we do. to reach for your third cup of the Let me start by saying that I re- container full of sand for cigarette day. The more you drink, the more ally like our school. Not love, but butts. Rather than use this piQce you will want/need to drink. Rise strong like (1 don't really believe of cleanliness-inducing-hardwarQ, abovQ! It is for your own good, in human-building relations). I the fellow merely dropped his thanks. know that at least one person has butt on the ground, stepped on it I could rip on the cafeteria at argued that it is an aging, mod- and walked away. Sadness over- this point, but I think that there ernist, piece-of-junk-to-look-at whelmed me, but you can help, my is nothing I could say about the kinda place, but that does not re- smoking comrades! Use the recep- good people (wink) of Sodexo that ally detract from the experience tacles, they are everywhere. Merci. has not already been thought of that one can have within its walls. Secondly, gum. Like cigarette by just about anyone who has ever Therefore, 1 want to propose a few buts, but probably to a greater ex- eaten on campus, been to the cafthings to improve this place. tent, old gum literally encrusts the eteria or, heaven help you, had to Firstly, cigarettes. I don't smoke, walkways around campus. It kind eat there regularly (plus I do not don't understand it and probably of looks like our paths and park- want to belittle my fellow students never will. However, I do respect ing lots has some sort of pox (not and the hardworking people who smokers and their right to smoke. a good thing). Come on, people! work there). UFV received a C- for They, more than any other sort How about we don't spit in public, food on campus - time for new -of special group of people, have but, instead, put it in the garbage. management? taken a lot of flack in recent years Here is how it is done. Either you Well, there you have it: three for their danger-loving lifestyle. spit the gum directly into the gar- easy things to fix that will make That said, Treally don't Hke seeing bage, or you put your hand to your our campus a nicer place to be, cigarette butts strewn all over the mouth, gently spit the gum into and one thing that would require ground around doors, along paths it and then place said gum into a a major change. Thank you all for and in parking Jots. The other day, garbage can. Much obliged. reading and have a fantastic, UFV• 1 saw a guy smoking right beside a Thirdly, l wanl to talk to all of campus day!





Q. Which SesameStreet character is your favourite? A. BigBird. Q. Why?

A. Cause hes so big cheerful and yellow, and I like yellow.

Q.What was the last movie you saw in the cinema? A. How to Tmhi YourDragon.

Q. Was it good? A. Yes.

Q.Where would you travel to and why? A. England, because I love the pictures that I've seen of the English countryside.

Basi- Vi1·kleaves a bad taste TREVOR FIK STAFF WRITER The Basi-Virk BC Rail circus has finally come to an end, and the investigation thut took over seven years to complete - and cost taxpayers an estimated $6 million in legal fees for the defendants - is being heralded as yet another betrayal in a long list of treacheries committed by the BC Liberal Government. The case all began with a police-led raid on the BC legislature after allegations had surfaced of corruption in the BC provincial government's sale of Crown Corporation BC rail to CN rail for $1 billion. Two aides to government ministers, Dave Basi and Bob Virk, were accused of leaking information to private bidders, as well as accepting bribes from corporations. Both Basi and Virk eventually pleaded guilty to charges of breach of trust and accepting benefits (corruption), admitting that they gave information to one of the lead bidders for BC Rail OmniTrax. Both defendants will serve two years-minus-a-day house arrest, and Virk will be forced to pay a $75,000fine, essentially amounting to what he received in bribes. Legal proceedings against the accused began in December of 2003, often being drawn out by lengthy court delays and unnecessary stoppages. It was revealed shortly after the conclusion of the case that both parties would have their legal fees paid for by the province, with their guilty outcome not becoming a factor in having to pay back any money. Government policy is, for a

Jeff Q. What is your major?

A. Fine Arts.

Q. What issues are most important to you at UFV? A. I guess environmental. I don't so much like what they've done with the parking lot. Q.What would you like to see changed? A. A little cheaper parking. Q. Who is your favourite artist? A. The only one that comes to mind is [H.R.]Giger...that guy's insane. Q. Which Alien movie is your favourite? A. rt's always with the first one, but i did like the second one. the rest are garbage.

change, exceptionally clear on this very point. Government workern and MLAs who are either charged or sued while doing their jobs, have all of their legal fees covered by the province. That is, unless they are found guilty. Premier Gordon Campbell has noted that the government will pursue as i;oft a punishment as you could get. The expression "a slap on the wrist" may be too severe for house arrest, which allows the guilty parties access to shopping and gym time. I doubt anybody who has followed the case feels like justice has been served for these two individuals. This case is nothing more than a desperate Liberal party saving face any way they can, looking to avoid that last minute knockoutpunch that could finally put them

over the edge. Being at a 9 per cent approval rating presently, it would undoubtedly not take much. The fact that the individuals pleaded guilty after dragging out the case for so long only serves to prove that the powers that be were applying pressure to the guilty parties. When all the dust settles from this mockery of justice, and the media moves on to the next Liberal blunder, the question will still remain - what happened preceding the sale of BC rail? Citizens of BC are still scratching their heads over a deal that, for all intents and purposes, should have never been made. Campbell reneged on a pre-election promise to sell BC Rail, and as a result got his party's name corrupted in the process.

Ali Q. What is your major? A. English. Q. Would you be a Jedi or a Sith? A. Definitely a Jedi because I own a beige Snuggy that looks like Anakin Skywalker's. Q. Have you been under stress this semester? A. Yes. Q. How do you deal with it? A. Smoking herbal cigarettes.




The most high profile civil rights movements have taken place in the United Stales; yet, in 2010, their policies regarding homosexuality are behind the rest of the world. One of the most divillive issues in contemporary American politics is the legal slalus of homosexuals in the military. The fact that these problems take place within one of the most powerful nations in the world is unexpected. There arc various stories in the media where loyal military members, sometimes even distinguished combat veterans, arc dismissed from their careers on the basis of their sexual orientation. This may sound strange to us here in Canada, where our military's policy stance is "Allowing homosexual members to be open about their sexual preferences, therefore enabling them to maintain their individual identity." This doesn't create much of a stir at all, and it shouldn't. It is a nonissue for us, as well as 23 of 26 NATO member stales. So why is the United Stales lagging behind? The answer lies in the partisan nature of domestic politics in the

United States. Tl1is controversy stems from the "Don't ask, Don't Tell" policy currently practiced in the States. instigated by Bill Clinton in the 90's, the policy was actually a step forward from the former laws where homosexuals were not allowed to parHcipalc in any branch of the armed services. It was created to be a half.way point; a compromi!le between i;ocial conservatives and social liberals. This way all lesbian, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons arc able to have access to military perks, such as free education✓ as well as save them from discrimi-

troops work alongside olher nations whm;e militaries do not dhicriminate based on their soldiers' sexual orientation. If the United States is willing to put differing ideologies aside and work with these different countries in the "War on Terror," why cm, they not do the same in their own military? The civil rights movement brought L.G.B.T.issues to the public cortsciousness, bul they still struggle with gaining the acceptance of American policy makers and voters. Obama wants this policy ended, as he staled in his State of the Union addrei;s and his election campaign, through legislative rather than judicial means. Basically, Obama prefers to go nation and ridicule while serving, through Congress and the Senate as long as they don't openly ex- rather than the Supreme Court. press their scxualily. This is understandable and for Today, Barack Obama's admin- more stable but also far more difistration has to deal with the is- ficult. sue again as the "Don't Ask, Don't The popular support that Tell" policy has now been dubbed Barack Obama enjoyed during his unconstitutional by the Supreme election campaign has dwindled. Court. Generally, the policy now Could it be that after the controseems out dated. The "Don't Ask, versial bank bailouts and healthDon't Tell" policy may have been care reform legislation, Obama the best an!lwer in 1993, and as doesn't want to further alienate strong a policy as Clinton could right-leaning Democrats and pui;h get. However, this doesn't change public opinion further right tothe fact that approximately 13,000 wards the likes of the Tea Party? people have been discharged as a Is this really a question of military resull of this policy. efficiency at all? In Afghanistan, American The answer is NO. Even Admi-



ral Mike Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, said: "We would also do well to remember that this is not an issue for the military leadership to decide." If it's not an issue for the military itself to decide, then it's time that Obama pushed through the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," whether that happens through the legislature or the judiciary, before it's too late. Should the Republicans gain a majority in the House, the likelihood of Obama's plan of pushing this through is slim. If "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was good enough for Clinton, then another temporary measure is needed for Obama to satisfy his supporters and make the necessary step towards ending discrimination based on sexual orientation. The judiciary seems as good a place to start as any. The United States has the shame of being late Loabolish slavery, late to accept African Americans as equal citizens, and should have learned its lesson. ;rhe "Land of the Free" would be well advised to abolish this policy before they create yet another legacy of intolerance. For more info, contact: pssa. or the "UFV Political Science Students Association" on Facebook.


MPi-..N, H"-.LF= HORSE


age to be a little bit of cosmic justice. THE HUMOURATOR Is the size of the human penis an

accident though? According to psychologist Appearances can be deceiving. Take my Gordun Gallup, who studies the eleventh, friend Cole Dart* for example. He is slight finger exclusively, the human penis is quite in build, vertically challenged and hai; won- large in comparison to our closest primate derfully-sensitive blue eyes that one just relatives. The average human penis is five wants to swim in. He sports a soft beard, is to six inches in length and five inches in intelligent, well read and soft spoken. circumference; in relation to body size, the He is also the humble owner of a gigantic chimpanzee penis is about half this size, , ,, cock. He does not know how he came to be and Gorillas fare even worse. in possession of such a magnificent phalThe human penis appears to have lus, but 1 imagine it probably stole nutrients evolved in order to release sperm as close from him in the womb like an evil parasitic lo lhe uterus as possible in order to ensure twin, slowly growing to gargantuan di- insemation. It turns out size doei; matter biologically, but, as with most of our mod-_ mcnsions. crn sexual fixations, our fascination with I shudder to think of Lhe unsuspecting lasses who might choose Cole for his won- the purple headed warrior's height goes bederfully shy nature only lo be absolutely yond lhe mere need lo procreate. J think men get a break in this area. While lorn apart in the bedroom. Then -again, it might be as the Zen pottery masters say: "a we are free to judge female breast size1 happy accident." shape and firmness each and every sumMy friend Dustin Ruskyvitch, on the mer day given their glorious placement on a other hand, is a very brash young man with woman's chest, it is often harder for women an average build. I lis raging sexual appetite to judge penis size due to its less prominent· might go un-sated were it not for his con- position behind concealing pants. fident personality; armed with one-liners One might use body size to extrapolate and an iron skin, he manages to bed many penis size, but, as I mentioned at the start women. Afterwards he terms his conquei;ti; of the article, many large John!! are curned "whores" and "sluts" for being stupid with small peters and vice-versa. Maybe enough to sleep with him. one day the penis will claim its rightful l agree that they may be stupid to sleep place as a sexual characteristic to be judged with him, but the fairer sex deserves bet- and commented upon as we do breasts. ter lhan these degrading terms, which arc Until that day, however, Mr. Ruskyvitch often thrown at women who commit the will be free to Lalk a big game and then simple crime of enjoying sex. The bark of creep away in shame, which seems both this dog is louder than its bite, however, as profoundly unfair and fair in a curious Dustin's penis, in comparison to his body way. Although he claims that many girls size, is rather small. Girls probably sup- arc "asking £orit," and that some particular preS!l laughter at the pitiful protuberance, new girl will "get what'!! coming to her" especially after being coaxed into bed with my only question is will she, Dustin? Will so much effort. In the end, it is nature that she? decides what we are endowed with, but in •Names have been changed to protect Dustin's case, I consider his pathetic pack- the penii;es' identities. CONTRIBUTOR

' '




DISCUSSIONSRE.LOW THE cookbook Natural Harvest, from the sperm is supposed to be fresh, exploring semen's potential as a either someone is going to be connutritional and practical cooking tinually milked like a cow over ingredient; says Potenhauer "Se- the next hour or some extra guy men is not only nutritious, but it friends will have to be invited over also has a wonderful texture and for dinner. Just as problematic, amazing cooking properties ... the some of the other recipes require cooking properties of semen are fine-timed orgasms in order lo similar to egg whites, with the cook the food properly, as with the only real difference the volumes instruction to ''Heat up a lightly used." In the controversial cook- oiled frying pan/skillet. Remove book Photcnhauer offers such cu- from heat and ejaculate directly Iinary delights as "Glazed Grilled into pan, return to heat and fry Pink Salmon," "Slightly Saltier the semen without stirring." Talk Caviar," "Spunky Candied Pe- about ejaculating under pressure. cans," "Hollandaise Sauce" and Furthermore, the taste and texture of sperm varies accord"Creamy Cum Crepes." There do seem to be a few prob- ing to a variety of factors, such as lems with this type of cooking, diet. Beer and coffee are known lo however. For one, most of the reci- make semen bitter, whereas many pes call for at least a tbsp of sperm, fruits are said lo make it sweeter. whereas the typical ejaculation This obviously would affect seprovides for only a ¼ tbsp. Since men's consistency as an ingredi-

VIOLET HART SEXPERT here's a new fad on the horizon T that is taking "organic" produce to a whole new level: cooking with semen. Believe it or not, the nutritional content of semen is surprisingly high. Among many other useful things, it contains fructose, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B12, nitrogen, sodium, zinc and potassium. A typical ejaculation contains 150mg of protein, 11mg of carbohydrates, 6mg of fat, and 3mg of cholesterol. Its vitamin C content has been compared to that of eating an orange, and it contains seven per cent of the daily necessary intake of potassium and three per cent of copper and zinc. Perhaps best of all, semen is an antidepressant.

Now, of course, since semen is typically produced (and consumed) in small amounts, it isn't likely to become a replacement for a heallhy diet any time soon. However, this hasn't stopped Fotie Photenhauer, author of the semen

ent. Lastly, but most importantly, it would be necessary to make sure the donors of the product were STI free, otherwise these cooking experiments could have life-long repercussions. However, the possibilities of cooking with semen cannot be ignored. Many people enjoy consuming semen; it is considered "hot" for a woman to swallow, and gay culture fetishizes the act of drinking it down. Long before Potehnauer's cookbook, there have been men who enjoy ejaculating into their cereal or coffee for extra flavour. It's unlikely (and illegal) that the cafeteria will be offering Potenhauer's "Tuna Sashimi with Homemade Dipping Sauce" or "Moules Mariniere de L'Ilomme," but in the privacy of one's own kitchen, to each their own!

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• • •





•1•1- •1•1- -


always mulching yet discontent hair getting in their way or causPAULE. BRAMMER

ing them discomfort. As a forNEWS& OPINION EDITOR mer card-carrying member of the long-hair community (yes, there niversity life, as I have pre- are cards. And you get a whistle vously •stated, is full of its and a legal pad when you sign own financial, emotional, mental up) I can understand the rigours and physical stress. Most of this and stresses of having long hair. is entrenched and unavoidable; But that of which I speak is not a that is, Lhe deadline will always necessary action to counteract the be in place (unless you plan on not annoyance of long hair. No, this is completing your course work), the an affectation that has been cultibills will always pile up (unless vated over time with the desired you take your spare time selling effect 0£... who frigging knows? crack), the winter mornings will You know how they say that a butalways be dark as frig (unless you terfly flapping its wings can cause live near the North Pole where on earthquake on the other side they have perpetual daylight for of the world? Well, this indulgent, six months a year, but then you esoteric action, propagated by a might go insane like Al Pacino in poisonous and shadowy element Insomnia). ofUFV's female students, is probaHowever, that being said, there bly causing black holes to swallow are plenty of foibles in UFV life, whole alien civilizations every ranging from the mildly annoy- second thanks to their preening, ing to the murderous-tendency- self-aggrandizing, pseudo-idioinducing, that we as a body can syncrasy. And we wonder why eradicate. Here arc three we've not made contact by now. 1. Women in class who obses- It's the hair preening that goes on sively touch and move their hair. in classrooms, I tells ya. The only I have observed this curious phe- answer is that either the offenders nomenon lake root ln classrooms slop or we decide to form a super and public spaces around school elite team of barbers - like S.W.A.T. over the last year or two - women but with razors. We could wipe with long hair who cannot keep out this aberration and start a their bastard hands off of it. lt is baldy trend at the same time. And embodied in a myriad of tactics: I'm pretty bure that we wouldn't plumping it, fluffing it, moving be in contravention of any laws it from behind their 8houlders to whatsoever. over their shoulders to back again. 2. Students who use the word Whilst taking notes, whilst sit- "literally" when they are referting down, lining up for a mocha ring to something that is not to - bullshit. Let me make this clear be taken literally. I suppose this - this is not a case of a women's gripe could be placed into the


wider context of "students who dress up their comments in class with words that they either do not understand or do not understand their proper and right context," but I'm going to zone in on "literally" because it's the first thing I thought of, and I can't be arsed deleting these last fifty words and typing the whole thing over. Students, you know who you are, and you will be accountable for your crimes to God. Unless you're an atheist, in which case you're going to get off scot-free, which is annoying, as the whole judgment-after-death is what keeps me from spraying the corridors with machine-gun fire. But anyway, if you don't want to be taken at your word, please do not use the word literally. I know that, al the time, you get

all excited at lhe thought of trotting out your newest linguistic acquisition but - trust me on this one-you sound like a tit when you say that, at the end of the Roman Empire, for the Romans, the world was literally falling apart. Jt just wasn't. Please understand that, when you say "literally," you mean that the thing you are referring to actually happened. If you were scared and you say you ''literally'' shit yourself with fear, people will assume that you are taking your anecdote from the symbolic and into reality. My wife will probably tel1 me that I'm being a semantics cop, but fuck that, you're an idiot. Please don't do it again (the semantics criminal, that is, not my wife. She's alright). 3. Students who complain about teachers and then do noth-

ing to remedy the situation I've heard you, you layabouts - all moaning and foaming about how thi1>teacher goes on about this too much, or that prof doesn't explain something, or how the man who lives in the drain tells you to burn things. The last one is my own particular vice - he says the fires keep him warm in there, and what reason do l have to not do the bidding of disembodied voices? No reason, that's what reason. To get back onto this semblance of a track, one of the biggest pet peeves we as students have is about something the teacher has done, is doing or will probably do if left unchecked. My counter-peeve is that it is your responsibility and yours alone as a student to direct the class in a way that benefits your education. By this, I don't mean making your teacher strip to Iiockey Nigllt in Canada music but something worthwhile, like explaining something more clearly. Most teachers are borderline mentalists who need to be shepherded along the right pedagogic path. There's the odd one who has the whole class mapped out and takes you in the palm of their hand for fourteen weeks, but most are barely sentient flesh-boxes of information that have to be shaken out like the crumbs from a Pringles lube. So, in summation, if we can pull together and overcome these hurdl1,1s, UFV will be a better place. LITERALLY.

(Not reallyliterally)



Making Waves La11nches at Cafe Montlllarte Bookstore UFV's flrstbook receives bigreception AllSIEMENSMccaslin also shared -CONTRIBUTORsome of her own poetry and captured the n Thursday, October 28, a crowd's attention with book launch for MakingWaves a few stories about herwas held at Cafe Montmarte on self as a young student Main Street in East Vancouver. coming from Seattle The release of the new book from with her draft dodgAnvil and UFV presses drew audi- ing boyfriend to Simon ence members, authors, publishers Fraser University. The and other professionals. On the University was then evening's program were read- known for its radical ings from Susan McCaslin, Judith beliefs and students Copirthorne, George McWhirter, who were protesting Colin James Sanders and Trevor against the Vietnam Carolan. Student writers Paul War. Falardeau and Chelsea Thornton Next on stage, we heard from Judith Cowere also present in the audience. Cafe Montmarte was the perfect pithome, who also location for the launch. With tri- graced UFV with her cycles hanging from the ceilings, presence on Tuesday, and Parisian decor mounted on the October 26,at the camwalls, guests were sipping their pus book launch in the Cabernet Sauvignon and eating Abbotsford bookstore. their baked brie appetizers while At both events, Judith listening to readings from some of read some of her own poetry and talked finest writers of the Northwest. Authors took the stage to read ex- about her journeys as cerpts from their essays within the a female writer in the novel, share stories of insplration 1960's. She amused and humour and read poems of the audience with a the poets that have inspired them. story about her and Everyone in the audience had their her friend trying to eyes glued to the speakers, as they steal two cans of tuna passionately shared the literature and a loaf of bread, that shaped them and the commu- which ended with the two spending the nity at large. Susan McCaslin started the eve- weekend in a San Francisco jail, ning off by reading an excerpt from and her learrung a few lessons as her essay, "Facing the Environ- well as gathering inspiration for mental Crisis with Contemplative her writing. Copithome's teaturcd Attention: the Ecopoetics of Don essay, "A Personal and lnfonnal McKay, Tim Lilburn and Russell Introduction and Checklist" ofThornton" as well as a poem from fers insight into her life as well each of the poets she wrote about. as where Vancouver poetry was


.. BookRaviaw TheLost Hero byRick Riordan BRITTANY WIESNER STAFF WRITER


Riordan found fame with

.l'-hisPercy Jackson series. It was a successful book-series-turnedmovie with millions of adoring fans. Ridin.g on this success, he has expanded the Percy Jackson and tJ1eOlympiansuniverse to create the Heroesof Olympus, a sequel. The book is based on both Roman and Greek mythology, whereas the Percy Jackson series was just based on Greek mythology. In this book the story is not just told in first person by one protagonist, but in third person, focusin_g on the three main characters: Jason, Piper and Leo. The story focuses on Jason, who wakes up on a school bus holding hands with a girl who is apparently his girlfriend. Jason has no memory of anything before that moment; all he knows is that something is wrong. Then there's Piper, who can't understand why her boyfriend doesn't remember her and is terrified because her famous actor father is missing, and she's been having strange dreams. Lastly there's Leo, who loves his new found home and siblings, but there's a curse that's on their cabin, and Leo's trying to forget his haunting past. Jason, Leo and Piper all end up at Camp-Half Blood, each confused and each with their own motives to undergo a quest to find their respective answers. If you haven't read Percy

Jacksonand the Olympians,there are many aspects of The Lost Heroyou won't understand. Many characters and events are referenced, and if you don't have the necessary plot knowledge, you'll find yourself lost. Having said that, if you have road the series then this book ls perfect for getting the update on your favourite characters (like Percy and Annabeth). In this book you're able to rend about your most loved characters as well as meet a few new ones, who you'll grow to love as well. Rick Riordan was worried about the change in writing style, from first to third person, but it has been well received by fans.

in the 1960's. Copithorne left the stage by sharing advice, "l leave you with what I learned in jail ... among other things: 'thank you very much and good-bye!"' Georg~ Whirter, Vancouver's first poet laureate, talked about his piece within Making Waves, "Origins & Peregrinations: Creative

Writing at UBC" and also read two of his own poems, "The Ghost and the Oats" and "The Medium is the Maker." Mcwhirter and his wife were also at UFV on October 26, and the poet offered a strong reading for the students and faculty who were present as well as offering advice to aspiring poets and writecs. Next on stage was Colin James Sanders, who chose to read two poems by his mentor, Jack Spicer. Although Sanders did not read from his Making Waves essay, "The Berkeley Renaissance: Its influence in Conlext of the 'Pacific Nation,"' he captivated the audience with Spicer's sexy poem, "Psychoanalysis: An Elegy," which repeatedly asks the audience, "What are you thinking now?" Trevor Carolan, the book's main editor and the night's MC, ended the evening with his humorous poem entitled, Mus/trooms,leaving the audience in fits of laughter and

smiles on every person's face. Sitting among these literary geniuses was, at first, intimidating. Each individual in the room shared a passion for literature, and the main event - the release of Making Waves.After the reading was over though, one had the chance to mingle with these poets and essayists and learn their tricks; each of them was friendly, which made any thoughts of nervousness all but disappear. l had the pleasure of talking to Colin Sanders. Sanders had been sick previously in the day and had considered sending his regrets. Sanders has been to hundreds of readings similar to that of Making Waves. With a smile on his face, he said, "1 never get sick of coming to these events, each one offers new inspiration." The once intimidating author proved to be more personable than expected, offering advice to young authors and a care-free attitude. Upon leaving the self described hippie I had an autograph that read, "Hope you find some enchantment within peace." As the evening wound down, a band took the stage, and guests were able mingle and gather autographs. Half bottles of wine were topping up half full glasses, and friendships among the literary community were being made and revisited. It would not be surprising to read a poem or short story about the evening spent at Cafe Montmarte, inspiration was everywhere - one could even say there was a possibility to find enchantment.

The SFS Report Recycling Your Cons andBottles: "BBRB 101" The third person style has granted the ability to get to know the other characters petter and is helpful in understanding the events. This novel also contains much more Roman mythology, which makes it very interesting. All of Riordan's books are full of mythology, intertwining myth with a modern-daytwist. The book itself is excellent, while it may be geared towards children, using their vernacular and focusing on teenagers, it can be -5HEENAJDAMS of waste, our community spirit entertaining aild inCAMPUS SUSTAINABILITY COORDINATOR and the recycling program at UFV. formational to all ages. Any lover The big, blue, round bins do not of Greek and/ or Roman mytholoFV's beverage container re- accept: tin food cans, milk containgy will love not only this book but cycling program is a com- ers, plastic drink cups or garbage. Riordan's PercyJacksonseries too. Also if you're an Egyptian mythol- bination of sustainability and Please ensure your containers are ogy fan, Riordan has begun a series community. Returnable beverage empty; it helps reduce smell and about that as well; the first book is containers can be deposited into weight for the people servicing the called Tlte Red Pyramid. Riordan designated beverage recycling bins! The bins accept any container may be banking in on the success containers on campus (the big, that has a deposit, such as juice of Percy facksonand the Olympians, blue, round bins) that are emptied but it's no surprise that he has not weekly by a recycling coJiection boxes, water bottles and pop cans. Many thanks for your support. run out of ideas yet. He still has business that is run and operated many myths left to use and quite a by people with special needs, who Any questions regarding the profew ideas up his proverbial sleeve. then collect 100per cent of the pro- gram can be directed to the susHe has the perfect outlet with his ceeds. Please remember to recycle tainability coordinator on campus, new series the Heroesof Olymp11s your returnables. Each and every time you donate Sheena Adams. and the book TheLostHero. you are supporting the reduction




On The CASE Exhibit Comes to UFV Marilyn Smith's slumphotographs ondisplay Smith. She visited Janla Colony for SOPHIE JSBJSTER

STAFF WRITER five weeks in November 2009 and again in July 2010, during which rightly coloured photographs limes she took the stunning pholined the main room of the tos of daily community life that Centre for Indo-Canadian Stud- were recently on display at UFV. ies in UFV's University House on During Smith's first visit, she Tuesday, October 26. A good turn- stayed in a hotel in Chandigarh out of people were milling about, and traveled into the slums with chatting in small groups, sipping DIR every day during daylight to wine and enjoying appetizers. take photos. The photos were displayed in an Many of the photos are taken order that, accompanied by a six- outdoors in the slums. Outside is page colour handout, told a story, where members of the community which, while interesting to a west- gather to engage in activities like ern audience, shows a familiar yoga, cold water baths (refreshreality to the estimated 68 million ing due to the hot, dry weather) slum-dwellers in India. Faced with and courtyard cooking classes a topic that could turn hopeless, hosted by DIR. Smith took picMarilyn Smith shares the beauty tures of children taking care of and vibrancy of her experience their younger siblings, children at with photos that capture laughter, their monthly weigh-ins and famijoy and inspiration for real change. lies cooking, playing and talking. Photojournalist Marilyn Smith's These mundane images are disslum project got its start when played on a background of poverSmith was looking for a non-gov- l y injected with colour: bright teal ernmental organization where she and lavender walls, bright green, could volunteer. She visited Janta orange and blue clothes, red and Colony, a 14,000-rcs\dent-slum on gold curtains. the outskirts of Chandigarh, InOn Smith's second trip to Janta dia with a group called Develop- Colony, she was able to share the ing Indigenous Resources (DIR). home of a family in the slums for The purpose of DIR is to empower the two-week duration of her stay. slum residents to protect them- Smith explained, "l got a sense selves from preventable diseases. of what life was like in the eveThe DIR trains health promoters ning." For families in the slums, (HPs) from within the community electricity is not something to be to do things like weigh children depended on, and it's dangerous every month and track malnour- to go out at night. "In the eveishment. They also teach the local ning," she said, "you really get a women how to make re-hydration sense [of struggle! ... You can't do solutions from common house- much without electricity." Photos hold ingredients, as dehydration is from this trip and the earlier one a leading cause of fatal illness. The are interspersed, but it's clear that exhibit gets its name from Child the grainy and intimate night-time Advocates for Social Empower- photos arc from the second trip. ment (CASE),a program for older The work that Smith has accom• children to learn practical health plished with DIR is rewarding. lessons after school, which they Slums arc illegal dwellings, and can then pass on to the younger as such, the government in India children for whom they often arc has no interest in helping them caregivers. with pressing problems such as Photography is a side project infant and maternal health, sewfor Smith, who lives in Paris and age and electricity. Croups like works for the International En- DIR, whose philosophy is to emergy Agency. The TEAdoes work power locals to help themselves, to mitigate, climate change, so are taking the right approach to turning her photography talents this problem. Slums are largely to social issues was no stretch for hidden. "Chandigarh is one of the


wealthiest and most modern cities in lndia," Smith explained, "but if you stopped anyone on the street they wouldn't have any idea that these slums exist." Organizations like DIR and exhibits like On the CASE shed light on slums, and on what ordinary people can do to help. The On the CASE photo exhibit has left UFV and will have a brief stint at the Clayburn Gourmet Callery (3033Immel Street in Abbotsford) before moving on to the University of Alberta and other universities in Canada. For more information about Marilyn Smith, and to see the photos for yourself, go lo hltp://marilynslumproject.

THE GOOD THE BAD & THE PAUL FALARDEAU Four Horsemen o/2012 ARTS& LIFEEDITOR Klaxons Pain Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse

This track, with its proto-punk bam-bam-bam guitars and its weird yet (possibly) deep lyrics, like "Pain will not get you any• where, look at Jesus and his hair," features Iggy-pop sounding like Dracula. Yup.

The Klaxons deliver modern electro/ indie/ punk/ new-whatever rock. If that means something to you then you really earned this newspaper. Vague pretentiousness hanging around the edges of any "apocalyptic" dance track, but I can't help but hope the Mayans were onto something.


Rebel Rouser Bedouin Soundclash

Little Fury Things Dinosaur Jr.

Hello, I Love You The Doors

Things start off low and slow here, but before long, they have percolated into a full fledged rebellion anthem. Well, if all rebels were really laid back and understated... and had a wicked ska breakdown in the middle.

What a fantastic example of guitar sound that (at the time of its release) would come to dominate rock and roll. Elsewhere, it1s almost poppy at its heart and is just about the coolest late-eighties pregrunge-alt-rock you could hope to find.

One of Jim Morrison and the Doors most incendiary moments, "Hello, I Love You" is just over two minutes and still the guys have time to completely gatecrash every popular music convention of their day. Bravo!


Album Review CurrenSy -Pilot Talk




PublicStrain Women*


Placesto Roam The Superfantastics*


Burnt CDs The B-Lines*


XFREN The Ex-Friends*


YoungerUs b/w Sex And Dying ln High Society Japandroids*


SuperficialArtificial Petroleum By-Product*


The DefrostingOf-. Demon's Claws


The Suburbs The Arcade Fire*


Expo 86 Wolf Parade*


ForgivenessRock Record Broken Social Scene*


Cloak& Cipher Land Of Talk*


The GoldenEagles The Golden Eagles


ConcoctedBy Fiends Lions And Tigers And Bears*


DarkMes Bison IlC.*


KobraKobra Kobra Kobra* * indicate8 Canadian arlisl.

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'm going to tell you something that might shock you quite deeply - l think the rapper Curren$y likes smoking marijuana. I'm not saying this because he's black- I'm not i;ome mad racist who thinks that it's still only jazz men who puff the herb. Curren$y states on numl:lrous occasions throughout his new album, Pilot Talk, that he likes smoking weed - in fact, the album artwork revolve8 around a city buried underneath a rather large amount of weed and a car in Curren$y's garage with its trunk stuffed with green. So, Curren$y like8 weed: I'm not racist, great. The album largely revolves around the rapper documenting his love of da 'erb alongside other stuff - the recurring motif that stays with you after the album is Curren$y surveying the world through the windows of his private jet. Doing this should really be laughable - I like weed and I'm rich - but this album just sounds so frigging great that Curren$y could tell me that Emperor Palpatine is really the hero of the l:lntire Star Wars trilogy and I'd believe him. His delivery is natural, and, though he never focls like he's engaging in breathless, vocal virtuousity, his rapping is more than the sum of its parts. Curren$y doesn't feel like he's playing to a persona even when he's regaling us with tales of his wealth - if any-

thing, you're inclined to bl:l!il:lve him Lhemore you listl:ln. lt'!i difficult for rappers to juggle the fame and fortune while staying true to their roots - rap is littered with great artists who end up on the scrap heap. Ice Cube is a good example of one such - cv1:lrynow and again hl:l'll guest on a song and pull something out so brilliant that you wonder why he relegates himself to cinematic shite that destroys the character that he took a decade to build. Curren$y

managl:ls to hep his boy-next-door appeal, even when he's talking about jets and losing his Nintendo DS but not giving a shit (presumably because he can get a new one, what with all the money and stufO. A great exampll:l of this, and possibly the best song on the album, is the second-to-last track "Address.'' When

he says on the chorus that ''Ain't nothing changed but the address," you're inclined to believe him. Following on from the great tradition of smooth G funk popularized by Warren G, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre, Pilot Talk goes down so nicely that you'll be pressing replay once the CD stops spinning. Credit really has to go to producer, Ski Beatz, for turning out onl:l of thl:l best sounding rap albums, musically speaking, since Dre's 2001. The music backing up Curren$y and his various minions is so gorgeous that it's easy to get lost in it all - there'!i a seductive mix of live music and processed beats, and everything is so well layered that it cries out for a good pair of headphones to truly drink it all in. Tracks to check out on YouTube are "King Kong," "Address" and "Life Undl:lr the Scope." You'd better hurry, though part two of Pilot Talk (with the imaginative titll:l of Pilot Talk 2) is due out on lhl:l Nov 16.

Album Review DieAntwoord -$0$ Antwoord's style. ·Try YouTubeJED MINOR PRODUCTIONing their latest single, "Evil Boy," which was produced by M.I.A.'s he surrl:lalist artist Salvador beat guru, Diplo. Dali once said that "the one Just when you thought it thing the world will never have couldn't get weirder, the video foenough of is the outrageous." En- cu!le8on the phallus as an object to ter Die Antwoord, a South African be feared and desired while tackravQ-rap possQ whosl:l music and ling the issue of male circumcision videos can make even the most jad- as practiced by various South Af. ed digital boy quiver with desire rican tribal groups. South African and disgust. Comprisl:ld of MCs MC Wanga is featured on track, Ninja and Yolandi Vi$$er, along and he raps in Xhosa (pronounced with DJ Hi-Tek,Die Antwoord has Co-sa), warning his fellow tribesbeen enjoying worldwide fame man "don't touch my penis," and since a video for their song "Enter telling them "I am not a gay / this thl:lNinja" blew up on YouTubelast penis is for the girls." These lines, February, scoring millions of hits which could be seen as homophowithin day!i. The sl:laring track, bic, arc really a protest against cirfeaturing Ninja's machine gun cumcision, which labels men who rap style, is the first single off Die are not circumcised as "gay" and Anlwoord's major-label debut, $0$, which was just released October 12 by Interscope records. Other tracks off of $0$ such as "$copie" and ''Rich Bitch" highlight the delightfully squeaky vocal talents of Yolandi "evil." Hence the title of the track; Vi$$er, hottie at large, and to my Wanga is seen as an "evil boy" by knowledge the first. fomal~ hype- his tribe because he is not circumwoman for an all male' rap group. cised. Tne actual circumcision is But then, it's hard to explain Die dotw in the bush with a large knife


and without anesthl:ltic.Afterwards thl:lpl:lnis is "dis• infected" with ash from a fire. This horrific practice results in many men dying or becoming impotent. The track itself is pure fire, and it is exciting to sel:l and hear the perfect alchemy of Die Antwoord's raps with the world-class production of a beat-maker of Diplo's status. Die Antwoord is currently on a world tour featuring many North American stops. Unfortunately,

their Vancouvl:lrshow was on October 12 at The Commodorl:l, and if you were not there, you might have to wait awhile to see them again. They are currently working on a new album tentatively-titled Tension,which, according to Ninja, will have pop sensibilities, along with their usual rave-rap style and be accompanied by the singing of African choirs. l can't really imagine what it will sound like, but in the ever more played-out world of rap, this is definitely a good thing.



Channe1sur11nu Channel Surfing SPORTS EDITOR

TheWalking Dead Thls show premiered, appropriately, on Halloween. And it's fucking brilliant. While there are plenty (possibly too many) ~ombit::apocalypse movies out there, there haven't been all that many zombie tv shows. Until now. The Walking Dead follows of. ficer Rick Grimes as he tries to find his family. While he was in a coma, the zombie apocalypse happened (**cough**28 Days Later **cough*").He wakes up to find the hospital abandoned, zombies walking around, and basically, everything sucks. However, there is hope; after returning to his home, he discovered his wife packed up clothes and photographs, so her and her son might still be alive. The special effects on this show are awesome. And there isn't the horror aspect that you get from, ahem, 28 Days Later. Instead, Grimes gets up close and personal with the zombies, and you find yourself pitying them. It's a much better take than many let's-just-

Meanwhile in Atlantic City, Nucky Thompson seems to be making progress on getting government funds for his paved roads in and out of the city. Lucky Luciano has also been hanging around Atlantic City for the past few episodes in search of Jimmy Boardwalk Empire: Darmody, at the request of Arnold Rothstein. But instead of finding As expected, after a few slower Jimmy, he has found himself in episodes to set up the series, Board- a romance with Jimmy's wife, or walk Empireis starling to have the so he thinks. After courting the kind of action-packed episodes lovely Gillian Darmody a numthat leave you wanting more. With ber of times, Lucky finds out from all of this season's story lines in Rothstein that h~ has been in bed full swing, we are starting to see with Jimmy's mom. Nucky also more political corruption, more has suspicions that Luciano has murders and more of all the young been stealing from Atlantic City, gangsters of the prohibition era. and he sits him down and lets him Al Capone is starting to make a know that "even stealing from the name for himself in Chicago with Ferris wheel" is like stealing from the help Jimmy Darmody, the bril- Nucky. He also warns Lucky that liant Irishman from Atlantic City. it is in his best interest that he treat Together they have eliminated the Gillian Darmody with respect competition for their Italian boss during his romance with her. With Johnny Torrio by killing Charlie this season half over and the secSheridan and his lrish mob. With ond season green lit, it should be Sheridan out of the picture, they interesting to see how season one are able take over the Greek part will turn out. Boardwalk Empire of Chicago. The murder of Sheri- airs at 8:00 p.m., Sundays on HBO. dan and his gang also served as revenge for their attack on one of Torrio's brothels. him. Kenny decides that he does not want to end up like his father and returns to the road in pursuit of the love of his life, April. East Bound and Down airs Sunday nights at 9:30 p.m. on I IBO.


slap-George-A-Romero-on-theposter-and-make-a-shitload-ofmoney zombie stories. The Walki11gDeadairs Sunday at 10 p.m. on AMC.

East Bound andDown: After Kenny has his woman stolen from him by the owner of the Charros, he decides to quit the team and steal the owner's Lamborgini so that he can resume his pursuit of Eduardo Sanchez. Kenny and Stevie drive to a small town a hundred miles away and

find the elusive Sanchez. Eduardo turns out to be Kenny's estranged father, who is played by Don Johnson. Kenny soon learns that his father hai, remarried, and that he has a Navajo half-brother. Kenny is furious at first, but after thinking things through, he decides that he must out do his in every way possible to w1n back his father's affection. After a failed attempt at rekindling his relationship with his father, Kenny realizes that he is exactly like his father, even though he grew up "a world apart" from

cascadeArcade VVVVVV Review JOEUMART SPORTS EDITOR s you enter a new room, a giant, red enemy creature comes straight towards you. You briefly consider turning around and running away, but instead, realize that the key is to run straight towards him. For a moment, death seems inevitable. Then, at just the last moment, a paradigm shift, of sorts. The ground you were running on is no longer the ground, it is ... the ceiling. You look up at the red beast as you fall to a small platform that was once above you. With spikes on either side, though, the only option is to drop back down. This gravity-shifting ability, which can only be triggered when the player is touching a surface, is the key gameplay mechanic in VVVVVV, an independent 2D puzzle-platformer made by game designer Terry Cavanagh, of Don't Look Back fame. Since its January 2010 release, September 2010 on


Mac, it is now available for five dollars on any PC or Mac using Steam, a digital distribution platform for games. A devastating spaceship crash causes a dimension-exploring team of scientists to become separated within an enormous mystery world, where things are not always what they seem. The ship's captain

must navigate this world by any means possible to rescue his crew before the world becomes too unstable and crashes in all around them. The story is quite basic, told through skippable text boxes. Though it is entertaining and even quite humorous at times, the story is mostly just a way to tie all of the fun gameplay together into one co-

hesive product. The graphics arc incredibly simple, reminiscent of a pre-original-Nintendo era. Similarly, the game is designed to be extremely challenging in areas, which is also likely inspired by games of that era. Also like a classic arcade game, there arc on!y three controls: left, right, and gravit:y-shift. Nevertheless, the game does employ ::;ornevery modem mechanics, like hyperfrequent checkpoints, that mean players will rarely have to repeal themselves. There is also no loading between deaths, so players can try and fail the same area of the game nearly a hundred times in a couple minutes before they'll really start to become frustrated. The most difficult areas of the game are only necessary for those who insist on collecting all 20 hidden trinkets. The hardest trinket to get in the game requires falling vertically through five spike filled rooms, navigating across hazards, landing on a small disappearing platform, ·

then falling back down tl-1rough the five rooms and landing on the other side of a small bump. 1n a game that had a jump button, it would be an easy task, but in this game, that bump meant around 1000deaths. This might sound like torture to some players, but even besides the bragging rights, these challenges are rewarding because they show you that you can do something that initially seemed beyond impossible. There really are a lot of different locations in the game, but the three most entertaining parts would have to be the springy trampolines section, the MC Escher section and the ever-rising ground section. While the game might be frustrating for those who never play games, it is more than doable for an average gamer. For five dollars, the game is diverse enough, and just long enough to really feel like an excellent investment. A demo and a download link are also available'at thelettervsixtimes.

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MovieReviaw New York -Third feature atsixth Ehasaas South Asian filmfestival JOEL SMART SPORTS EDITOR

e gathered in the darkened hall in preparation for what was sure to be another impassioned, moving experience. Suddenly, we're transported into an interrogation room, as the young Muslim taxi driver Omar is being treated harshly after having guns found in the trunk of his car. The audience quietly wonders if this man could be a terrorist. We quickly discover that Omar is being set up by the FBI in order to convince him to infiltrate a suspected terrorist ring. New York was the third of four films that are to make up the sixth annual Ehsaas South Asian Film Festival put on by the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies (CICS) at the University of the Fraser Valley. All of the films have been played Of Land, Labourand Love, on Octoat 6:30 p.m. in Bl0l, the theatre ber 20. The 2009 Bollywood film New near the cafeteria on the UFV Abbotsford campus, on Wednesday York was shown on October 27 to evening. The theme of the festival a small crowd. The storyline, prithis year is "related to the Septem- marily told through flashbacks, ber 11 terrorist attacks on New was engaging and had the audiYork City," according to the CICS. ence questioning their preconThe first lwo films shown were ceived notions of terrorism and Shoot on Sight, on October 13, and the treatment of terrorist suspects.


were of Mus• lim faith. The major theme is injustice, as we watch innocent lives destroyed by the pursuit of revenge. 0 n c e close friends in university, Omar is forced to befriend Samir Sheikh and wife Maya, Omar's old crush. In the process, we learn of the hardships Samir has faced, and Directed by Kabir Khan, writer why the FBI and director of the 2006 hit Kabul has narrowed their sights on him. Express,the film deals with the af- Though the film portrays Muslims termath of 9/11 and the inherent as victims, it also seeks to porproblems with the way the Unit- tray some in the FBI as victims as ed States government goes about well. Agent Roshan, a Muslim FBI looking for answers; they locked agent, heads the case, and lhough away thousands and thousands he comes across as a villain in the of innocent people and tortured early part of the film, it becomes them purely on the basis that they clear that he is victimized by the

situation as well, and is trying his best to resolve the situation ethically. The film indicates that by locking up innocent Muslims and abusing them for months and months in search of clues, the government was actually creating the hatred that could lead to crime and terrorism. Though it was perhaps overly cheesy in parts, the film exposed an important issue and shed some light on the unacceptable crimes committed at the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay. Exactly two weeks after New York,the festival will wrap up with A Dreamfor Kabul on Wednesday, November 10 at 6:30 in B101.111e document.iry follows the life of Haruhiro Shiratori, a man who lost his son in 9/11 and travels across three continents speaking about the hardships children in Afghanistan face, fµndraising to build a cultural centre in Kabul for kids. Admission is free, but the CICS says that donations arc welcome. Students and non-students are encouraged to attend and to participate in the discussion after the film.

Movie Review Catfish I



SOPHIE ISBISTERwith Abby (who types rather imSTAFF WRITER peccably for an eight year old), then with her mother, the beautiful Angela, and finally with atfish is a movie about the Abby's half-sister, the even more lies we tell ourselves to get beautiful Megan. Nev develops a relationship through our otherwise boring lives. It's a movie about the mak- with Megan, views hundreds of ing of a movie, a docu-drama photos of her, gets involved in her about a guy named Nev Schu I- web of friends on the social netman, shot and directed by Schul- working site. We are privy to most man's brother Ariel and their of this, but we obviously don't see friend Henry Joost. The three guys all of the some 1500 messages exare fihnrnakers. !l's all very meta. changed between Nev and Megan They take pictures and videos of during their affair. The whole situation, film, makdancers, and they work from their New York City studio. ing of film, life behind the film The movie starts with a photo, and life on the other side of the and then a painting of that pho- computer, reeks of voyeurism. But to, taken from a newspaper and while we are drawn into the story, painted by eight-year-old Abby and all of the characters that the and mailed to Nev from her home guys arc also being drawn to, the in Ishpeming, Michigan. This act viewer can't help but notice the appeals to Nev's narcissistic side: fatal failing of the film: that these that is to say, all of him. And what guys are ullerly unlikeable. Ariel better to do when you're a narcis- and Henry are exploiting Nev's sist confronted by a child prodigy naivety and fledgling romance, artist with a penchant for copying and Nev is exploiting the lives of your photographs? You make a these people hundreds of kilomefilm about it, of course. ters away, and they're all doing it A few months into Nev's eight with smug, shit-eating grins the month correspondence with Abby, whole time. the filming begini;, and what f~l'f.he. story begins to unravel, lows is what we, the viewer, see.. and things .that once ma~e sense We sec shots of Nev in his sparse become a little shakier. The boys, apartmenl, chatting on Facebook with all the integrity of truth-


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seeking independent filmmakers, set out to Ishpeming to confront Megan and meet Abby. The rest of the film succeeds at filling the viewer with sick anticipation as it climbs to an inevitable climax and hopes to untangle the web that all of these huge personalities have created.

Sadly, the film fails there. The successes of the film are in the editing and the touching story of the unlikely star of the film, Angela. The star, Nev, and his filmmaking cohort boys are too conscious of what they arc doing to inspire any sympalhy from lhe viewer, as much as the viewer wants to view

the boys, specifically Nev, as unwitting victims in someone else's grand scheme. Ultimately, Catfish asks the question: who's exploiting whom? Interestingly shot, this short genre-busting film is worth the watch, but not worth your money. Add it to your Netflix queue.


Malhotra Increases Canucks Diversity JOEL SMART SPORTS EDITOR 1f you've been to South Fra-

ser Way in Abbotsford after a Canuck's first round playoff victory then you might be under the impression that the team really caters to an Indian audience. In fact, the team has never had an Indian player on its roster before; that is, until they picked up the experienced center Manny Malhotra as an unrestricted free agent this summer after a great postseason with the San Jose Sharks. Malhotra, drafted in 1998, is actually the only player in the league of Indian descent at present, and only the second of alltime. He was born in Mississauga, Ontario, and learned to speak both French and English. This is because his mother Lise Malhotra, who has a doctorate in biochemistry, is French Canadian. His father, Shadi Malhotra, is originally from Lahore, capital of Punjab and second largest city in Pakistan. Despite her doctorate, Lise Malhotra became a stay at home mother in order to raise Manny, his two brothers and his sister. It was his mother's love of Montreal Canadiens' hockey that encouraged him to play. She instilled in him a tireless work ethic, both on and off the ice, putting academic work first. Due to this, he actually won the 1998Bobby Smith trophy in the OHL as Scholastic Player of the Year.


In 2000, Malhotra lead the Canadian team in the World Junior Championships to a Bron~e medal as team captain. He also donned the Canadian sweater in a previous World Juniors, in under-18 competition, and even in the 2002 World Championships series. One of Malhotra's greatest strengths is his ability to win a faceoff. He actually learned this skill from Craig McTavish, who was an assistant coach for the New York Rangers in his rookie year. He stayed with the Rangers for four seasons, and late in the 2001-2002 season, was traded to the Dallas stars where he stayed

for three seasons. In the 20032004 season, he was traded to the Columbus Blue Jackets, where he had several incredible seasons. He was with them until 2009, when he had played 71 games, had 33 points and was a plus-17 with the San Jose Sharks. Now at age 30, Emmanuel Noveen Malhotra is a member of the Canucks, after signing a three-year deal with the club for $7.5million. Team captain Henrik Sedin named Malhotra as an alternate captain for the squad to start the season. Though few realize it, Malholtra has made uncles of both NBA star player Steve Nash and Vancouver Whitecaps player Martin Nash. Caleb Malhotra is the son of their Joann Nash and her husband, Manny Malhotra. The two were married in 2007. Fans of the Canucks have already seen enough to find favour with the new Canucks' center. ln the coming months, they will likely learn to appreciate the way he outworks opponents, skating faster and hitting harder than they do in return. He is also an aggressive player on both ends of the rink, diving after pucks offensively or blocking shots in the defensive end. With the burn still stinging from passing up the redhot, cheap Brendan Morrison to the Calgary Flames, of all teams, having a center like Malhotra begins to case the pain.


Monvs.Horse Marathon

NFL Week Eight TREVQRFIK STAFF WRITER At the midpoint of the current NFL season, it is becoming remarkably clear which teams will secure playoff spots, which teams consider this a rebuilding year and which teams will have to claw their respective ways into gathering a playoff berth. While the New York Jets look like clear playoff contenders despite losing a kicking match agoinst the Green 6ay Packers, the Dallas Cowboyi; are facing the prospect of a potential one-win season. A surprise squad that could garner possible wildcard contention is the Oakland Raiders, who for the second week in a row thrashed their opponent with a devastatingly high ecore. Al the New Meadowlands Stadium, fresh off a week of rest, Rex Ryan and the Jets looked as if they could have taken another two or three weeks to recover, as they were sloppy and out of sync against the Packers. All it took for Green Bay to win was three fieldgoals from kicker Mason Crosby and a little pressure on quarterback Mark Sanchez. The game was not without highlights for the Jets, however, as running-back LaDainian Tomlinson eclipsed the 13,000yard mark to become one of only six players to do so in their first 10years in the NFL. In other NFL action, the Cowboys got beat again, but this time it was without their starting quarterback Tony Romo. Romo left last week's game against the New York Giants with a broken clavicle from a huge hit by a Giants' defender. Romo will likely be out for the rest of the season, with back-up Jon Kitna filling the void. Kitna

lt took twenty-five years for the CHELSEA THORNTON

was able to keep the Cowboys on track for another horrid outing, throwing four interceptions in a 35-17 loss against the Jacksonville Jaguars. At Oakland, Raider-nation was in fine form, as the visiting Seattle Seahawks were pummeled by an Oakland defense that combined for eight sacks in the game. Raiders' quarterback Jason Campbell threw for 310yards and two touchdowns in Oakland's 33-3 victory, showcasing a growing offensive threat that has propelled the team to 4-4 on the season. Not content with keeping himself as the centre of NFL attention with his "will he or won't he retire" shtick for the off-season, we had another week dominated by talk of Brett Favre's off field behaviour. This time the iron-man's game streak of 291 was in danger of staying still, with the quarter-

back being mentioned as a gametime decision due to a couple of fractures in his ankle. Rumours swirled that Favre had threatened a mutiny to staff who had said that they may bench the quarterback. Unawa_rethat it was a football game and not a pirate ship, Favre inevitable played against the New England Patriots, but was not able to complete the game. The ageing quarterback left in the fourth quarter after having his chin cut by a defensive player's helmet. The cut required eight stitches but will not keep Favre out of next week's game against the Arizona Cardinals. "I think what would keep most guys out obviously hasn't kept me out," Favre noted. "Call it dumb. Call it hard-headed. Call it what you want. Maybe all of the above. I love to compete." And love to be the centre of the spotlight.

STAFF WRITER first foot-runner to beat a horse. ln 2004, Huw Lobb beat Zoe White Let's take a moment lo imag- on Kay Bee Jay by just over two ine a hypothetical situation. Let's minutes. Lucky for him, the prize say that you are a resident of the pot to be awarded lo a runner had United Kingdom, in Wales to be been growing for the race's entire exact. Now, imagine that about twenty-five year existence - by thirty years ago you went to a pub one thousand pounds every year. in Llantwrtyd Wells, which you So Huw Lobb walked away with couldn't pronounce even before 25,000pounds, worth about 30,000 you had a few pints lo drink. Now, dollars Canadian. He was also up imagine that at that pub, some guy against the largest group of comwas boasting about his horse's in- petitors the race had ever seen, credible athletic prowess; it moved with 500 runners and 40 horses. like lightning on the cross-coun- In 2007,horse lost to man a second try course. Now imagine that the time when Florian Holzinger won time this man was bragging about the race. The first man to beat the didn't seem all that impressive horse came in 1989,however, when to you - in fact, you were quite British Cycling Hall of Farner Tim confident that you, Herculean be- Gould finished the race three minhemoth that you are, could easily utes before the quickest horse. match the horse. Finally, at this Gould had been the top non-horse point, envision the landlord of the racer in the previous year's race as pub offering you the chance to well, but lost by lO minutes. When prove it ... he did win the race, though, he Believe it or not, a drunken was awarded with 5,000£. boast is actually how the Man verA similar race first started in sus Horse Marathon at Llantwrtyd 1983,when Prescott, Arizona resiWells was first started in 1980.In dents Steve Rafters and Gheral order to settle an argument be- Brownlow placed a wager while in tween two of the patrons in his a pub on Whiskey Row, Prescott's bar, the Neuadd Antu;, Gordon famous saloon district. The AnGreen organized a 22 mile long nual Prescott Rally, however, has cross-country race where men on 12-mile, 25-mile and SO-mileverhorses compete ag-ainst men on sions of the event. foot. In 1985,cyclists were allowed Although the foot runners were to compete as well. The race, al- awarded a significant handicap in though not quite as long as a mar- the head start, the fact that a man athon, covers much tougher ter- has beaten a horse more than once rain; the course uses farm tracks, in a race that is over 22 miles long footpaths, forestry roads and open is nothing short of incredible. Apmoorland. In 1982,the organizers parently, beating a horse in a race of the race made an effort to even is an aspiration near to the hearts the odds a bit, giving the runners of drunken men everywhere. a 15 minute head start.



UFV Womens Basketball Team Sweep Manitoba Bisons JUSTIN ORLEWla played. The University of the FrasSPORTS EDITOR er Valley women's basketball team defeated the University of ManiThe UFV Cascades women's toba Bisons, 72-44, to sweep the basketball team hosted the Mani- opening weekend regular season toba Bisons last weekend for a pair Canada West series and improve of games at the EAC. With both the to 2-0 on the season. The Cascades women's basketball team and the led from the opening whistle and men's basketball team in action, built a double-digit lead by runthe Cascades thought this would ning off the first 14 points of the be the pcrfecl weekend for them game. The Cascades defense held to unveil their new mascot for the Manitoba to nine points in the first coming season. The new mascot quarter and did not let the Bisons is a grey and white sasquatch that score more than 16 points in any goes by the name of Sasq'ets. I quarter of the game. "Our defense know that it isn't the most appeal- was very strong tonight," noted ing name for our new mascot, but UFV Cascades Head Coach Al the actual costume that she wears Tuchscherer. The Casc,.ldcs pul pressure on is actually quite endearing. ll's not a mean looking mascot, but at Manitoba the entire night, and as the same lime, she has a respect- the game went on, UFV seemed to able level of toughness behind gel stronger, finishing with two her. If we have learned anything 10 point runs in lhe second half from our southern neighbors uni- and outscoring the Bisons, 22-9 in versities, it's that it isn't hard to the fourth quarter. "There was no make a stupid school mascot that complacency tonight. We came out will be ridiculed on most sports strong and built on our opening shows and highlight reels. Sasq'et11 night victory," argued Tuchscherdoesn't have any prime time tricks er. The Bii;ons started the second for the half time show yet, but at half strong, challenging UFv; but least the costume is sharp. I look the Cascades defense held strong, forward to seeing what kind of and while they were outscored trouble Sasq'ets will get into in by four points in the third quarthese upcoming half time shows. ter, they had built a 19-point lead Despite the unveiling of the before the Bisons lone run of the new mascot, there was also some game. "We battled hard tonight, basketball that needed to be and our defence was able to make

the needed adjustments during their run/' observed Tuchscherer. Tessa Klassen, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, led the Cascades with 15 points and four assists. Alyssa Gaukel, from Chilliwack, added 11 points and Sarah Wierks, from Chilliwack, had ten points in the victory over Manitoba. Ten other Cascades players scored at least two points in the game. Sarah Wierks also pulled down a total of 10 rebounds as UFV registered 34 total boards for the game. The girls' next home game is against Victoria on November 12 at the EAC. Game time ii; at 6:00 p.rn. Withfiles from Dnvid Kent.


The Abbotsford Heat opened up their two-week, eight-game home stand with an overtime win against the Rochester Americans. The Heat got to an early 2-0 lead in the first period with goals coming from John Armstrong and Galen Patterson. The Heat then gave up two unanswered goals to the Americans, with former Vancouver Giant Kenndal McArdle getting one of the goals for Rochester. The Heat then temporarily retook the lead in the third period with another goal from Patterson, before Rochester would tie it up with just over a minute left in the game, sending the contest to overtime. Once again the Heat were able to answer right back with the winning goal coming from Rheault, just over a minute into overtime. The final score wac; 4-3 for the Home team. The following night would be game lwo of the miniseries with Rochester where the fans would be treated lo a low scoring goaltenders duel. The game was locked at a 1-1 tie with only five minutes left in the game when the Rochester Amerks would get the go-ahead game-winning goal to make it a 2-l final. 1ylcr Plante had 23 saves for the Amerks while Matt Kcctlcy had 18. Next up for the I Ieat was a Hal-

loween weekend miniseries with the Milwaukee Admirals. ln the first game, the Heat got off to a dismal start, giving up two goals in the first period and then another one early in the second period, putting them at a 3-0 deficit early in the second period. The Heat would battle back and get two unanswered goals late in the second, but that would be as close as they would come to tying it up. Milwaukee Admirals goalie Mark Dekanich shut down the Heat for the rest of the game, keeping it a 3-2 game in favor of the Admirals. Dekanich had 26 saves in the Milwaukee win; Matt Keith and Lance Bouma were the goal scorers for the Heat. Dckanich was called upon again the following night lo start against the Heat for the Admirals, making it his second start in as many nights. The Heat would get to Dekanich early in this contest when ..Cam Cunning put one past him just five minutes into the game to give the Heal an car-

ly lead. Early in the third period, the Heat would get to him again with the goal coming .from the red-hot Keith. After his goal, the flood gates opened up. The Heat put two shorthanded goals in past Dekanich on the same Admirals' power play. The Heats' shorthanded goals came from Carter Bancks and Galen Patterson. The Admirals would try to answer back with a pair of goals, but in the end it was too little to late; the Heat took this contest 4-2. The Heats' next home series is this J-!ridayand Saturday against the San Antonio Rampage and then the Houston Aero's wmbe in town on November 8th and 9th before the Heat hit the road again. At week's end, the Heat has a 6-50-1 record, which is good enough to keep them in second position in the Northern Division. For more insider info on the Abbotsford Heat, follow me on 1\vitler @justinOrly.

Photosby Justin Orlewicz


JUSTIN ORLEWla rookie of the year. It doesn't hurt SPORTS EDITOR that they have been playing with Oilers' captain Shawn Horcoff eiThe rookies in Edmonton are ther, but the veteran also seems really starting lo score some goals. to be benefiting from his new line Taylor Hall finally got his first of youthful mates as well; Horcoff NHL career goal which came from has four goals already lhis year a tip in off of a point shot. He then and is off lo one of his better starts silenced his critics once again the in a while. following game by scoring again, Let's not forget about Magnus via a snap shot while streaking Paajarvi. He has also been lightdown the right wing. Maybe now ing the lamp for the young Oilers, that the monkey is off his back we making a strong case for the Oilers can start seeing small flashes of as a soon to be Stanley Cup conbrilliance from him. Jordan Eb- tender. All this resurgence of the erle has also been dumping them Oilers' youth has even started to in the net at a decent pace, mak- rub off on the veteran players on ing him a_n early candidate for the Oilers as well. Sam Gagner


and Andrew Cogliano have also found their stride again, after a few years of slumping. The big key for Edmonton, if they would like to be successful in the near future, would have to be whether Ales Hemsky and Nik Khabibulin can stay healthy. It's very unlikely that the Oilers will make a playoff run this year, or even make the playoffs for that matter, bul they are definitely on their way to becoming something similar to what the Chicago Blackhawks were like just three shorl seasons ago. The Blackhawks started off with a few good players from a good position in the draft after

many terrible years. They drafted players such as Brent Seabrook and Duncan Keith. This didn't help them become instant contenders, but it gave them a few of the pieces they would need to win. After two more terrible years, the Blackhawks drafted Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews and then they would trade for players like Patrick Sharp and Andrew Ladd, make a few free agent signings, like Brian Campbell and Marian Hossa, and three years later they brought Chicago their first Stanley Cup in over forty years. With all the young guns in Edmonton starting to come together, they

are really starting to look like the next Chicago Blackhawks. I am not saying that the Oilers will be Stanley Cup Champions in the next lhree seasons, but you never know, that's how long it took Chicago from the time they finally got their core of young superstars. The Oilers even have the same goalie that the Blackhawks had for their conference run the year before they won it all. Expect big things from Edmonton in the next few years, they should be a very fun team to watch.

Intramural Armegedon UFV Indoor Soccer Teams Take NoPrisoners

S[ORCBORR□ Natural Harvest

UFV Men's Hockey Club (B.C.I.H.L)

A ..........



Oct 15: UFV@ TRU L 7-2 Oct 17: UFV vs. UVic L 8-0 Oct 22: UFV vs. Selkirk L 6-3 Oct 31: UFV vs. TWU L 3-2

In your f'al•f11

Oh, wu,itt'tlt<,olong to puss.



Nov 11: UFV vs. SFU @ AESC @7:30 p.m.

Men's Basketball

Women's Basketball

Oct 29: UFV vs. Manitoba L 72• 71

Oct 30: UFV vs. Manitoba W 72-44

Oct 30: UFV vs. Manitoba L 8380

Nov 6: UFV vs. Saskatchewan @ Saskatchewan

Nov 6: UFV vs. Saskatchewan @ Saskatchewan

Nov 7: UFV vs. Saskatchewan @ Saskatchewan

Men's Soccer ..

Women's Soccer

Oct 23: UFV vs. TWU W 2-1

Oct 24: UFV vs. Regina (alumni day) W 2·0

Oct 24: UFV vs. UBC (alumni day) L 6-2

Wu s(lttfo argum<'nts...

Oct 30: UFV vs. Calgary L 2·1

By kickin:i hitlls itt pooplo r<'ally hatd!


Oct 31: UFV vs. Lethbridge W 3-0

Oct 30: UFV vs. Calgary W 3-1Oct 31: UFV vs. Lethbridge W 3·0 Nov 6: UFV vs. TWU @ Alberta

EAC = Envision Athletic Center (on campus) AESC;;;:Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Center (on campus)

rrttlk t.oCu,rlosif you want to pla,y itt

r111wl<'gcntltw:y On.-unTeam takes a lnwtth(ll'.

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