Singing in the was1'room since 1993
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 2010
Photo by Daryl Johnson
B.A. Johnston sings about his deep fryer, stealing steaks, and wanders off to the women's washroom to sing about lost love JOEL SMART His material was equally act that foreshadowed the singing SPORTS EDITOR as absurdly entertaining. He comedy style of Johnston. He sat sang about his days of stealing with a small toy keyboard on his I am briefly cognisant of my T-bone steaks when he worked lap that he found at Value Village clear view of sweaty body hair, as a grocery store clerk, the deep for four dollars. He started with as he skids past me on his knees, fryer he keeps in his bedroom his own rendition of "Work It" by sliding across the beer-drenched and the 23-year-old emo kid who Missy. He had people laughing, floor of the Airfare Lounge in stole his girlfriend at Warp Tour. but his next song "Attractive downtown Abbotsford. His Though he began the night in a Cousin" was when things really seemingly endless microphone smart looking suit, it wasn't long got funny. He prefaced his next cord trails behind him, also before he was in nothing but his song, "The Fastest Sperm," by glistening with freshly-spilled pants. As for that Warp Tour dedicating it to everyone in beer. B.A. Johnston came to song, he sang it in the women's the audience, which seemed to perform on this rainy Sunday bathroom. Everyone in the entire only make one or two people in night, and he was welcomed establishment actually got up and attendance uncomfortable. loudly by the raucous patrons followed him into the women's The No Regretzkys, a local who came to witness the awesome bathroom to hear him belt off his band with two female lead spectacle. final song. singers, came on second, led Part Flight of the Concords, Johnston, from Hamilton, was by Jason Nicholas. The brandpart Chris Fai:ley, Johnston was the final act of CIVL Stage Four, new band had a shaky start, but an unapologetic showman, and organized by Larry Portelance, on finished with promise. Though managed to stay on tune as he October 24. In its fourth iteration, they came across unpolished, it climbed on tables, slid down the concert series changed was to be expected in their first railings and even leapt about five locations to the Airfare from its public performance as a group. feet down from a precarious ledge previous location at Casey's on They had some fun songs, though, in the bar, clearing the heads of Campus. and finished with a comedic group of people and their table in Things got underway at 9:30 ·number about docking that had · the process. p.m. when local favourite Fraser people chuckling. . , What?! MacLean took the stage in a solo Third to go on were ' the
Magnificent Sevens, a Winnipeg Bluegrass/Roots band that played an incredible set. It was apparent that things were going to be either really bad or really good when one of the band members, Ida Sawabe, took the stage with an enormous stand-up bass. The all-string band also featured two acoustic guitars and a banjo. The vocal talent was exceptional between them, but perhaps TJ Blair best exemplified the skill of the band in his heartfelt performance of "This City." Of course, at the Airfare Lounge, it was probably "Whiskey Song" complete with a mid-song shot of whiskey that really got everyone into the moment. It was a night of diverse, unexpected, uniquely entertaining moments that no one will who attended will soon forget. The only real downside of the night was that with four musical acts playing, none of the sets were long enough!
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UFV is great ... if only the food was too Unless youheadtoCasey's, expect tospenda lotofcash lars to just hang out around camSONJA SZLOVICSAK
EDITOR-IN-CHIEFpus. No, we're spending copious amounts of money so we can actually learn something. However, Once again, UFV has received high marks in the Globe and Mail that doesn't mean university administration should focus their university report card. It's getting to the point where it's almost ex- attention wholly on education and pected. What will happen if UFV forget about those other minor nudoesn't receive top marks? Will Dr. sances like health. (UFV received a B- in "Recreation and Athletics", Mark Evered and all the faculty which doesn't sound bad until you end up unemployed? Despite our high marks in ar- compare it to other universities reeas of academics, like most uni- sults; at best, we're a low average.) One could debate whether · or versities, we scored very poorly on "Food Services." We received not this survey is actually accurate a big fat C-. While that wasn't as (afterall, how many UFV students bad as our hungry neighbours at filled out the survey, and do we really know how our libraries stack Kwantlen, it's still not something up in comparison to, say, McGill's to brag about. What does this mean? UFV has library?), but this survey did make horrible food, just like many other one thing abundantly clear: stuschools across the country. These dents are not happy with the food services on campus. poor marks weren't mentioned I'm not happy with the food in the press release UFV put out; services here. Casey's is great, but instead, it focused on areas where we received Xs and B's. But hope- they don't have breakfast. When I headed over to cafeteria for breakfully somebody is taking note. Academics are important. We fast this morning, I was informed aren't spending thousands of dol- that they wouldn't be open until 8
a.m. If I lived on campus, and had an 8:30 a.m. class, where would I eat a hot breakfast? To make matters worse, the agreement the university signed with Sodexho (the group providing food services on campus) that prohibits other food services from coming onto campus. Want to have a bake sale? Sorry, not if there have already been two other food sales this month. Casey's isn't technically allowed to run on campus. Ah, but you are able to get a rather soggy tuna sandwich from the cafeteria. All of this forces students to go off campus for good, reasonably priced food. UFV needs to step up and start providing students with a place to get inexpensive, good food. Thus far, the SUS has been the group on campus trying to take care of students. They've provided students with a pub so students can get cheaper food; they've provided students with a U-Pass so we can get to cheaper food without losing
a parking spot; they've given students a gym pass so they can use some adequate recreational facilities (perhaps to work off that hamburger: you had in the cafeteria ...). All UFV has done is given a cafeteria company a monopoly on food services here on campus. And to top it off, they provide expensive, low quality food and keep bad hours. The food situation has actually become a hindrance to student life. Food sales on campus to raise money are limited. This forces groups to look for alternative forms of funding, since SUS only covers three-quarters of the funding for events. But beyond that, who wants to meet up on campus for dinner? We're basically being encouraged to leave for food. We hear a lot of talk about creating a campus culture here. The first step is keeping students on campus. And bad food services won't keep us here.
Volume 18 · Issue 28 RoomC1027 33844 King Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8
Sonja Szlovicsak
ProductionManager ltahdona Bushell
Production Je<:l .Minor
CopyEditor chrl$
News& OpinionEditor
Paul E. Brammer
Arts& LifeEditor$ '.P'iul~li.atardeau. Sports Editors Orlewi<::a, :Joel Smart
SOLAR Takes UFV Outside has organized in the past are ca-
CHELSEA THORNTONnoeing, hiking, surfing in Tofino,
STAFFWRITER campfires and barbeques. Every Early in October, a group of event is geared to people of all experience levels, and each event UFV students met on campus attracts new people; so you can't early Saturday morning, joined up with their carpool and drove use your inexperience or shyness to Chilliwack in search of Linde- as an excuse to miss the next SOman Lake and Greendrop Lake. In LAR event! The SOLAR club's goal for this the mountains behind Chilliwack they found the lakes and the ac- year is to have a minimum of two companying views. A few brave events every month. On Friday souls even found a bathing spot: October 29, they will be going to three hikers stripped down to Reaper's Haunted House and Corn their underwear and jumped into Maze. In November, plans are in the lake. This was the first SOLAR the works for an excursion to the Project Climbing Gym for rock event of the year. SOLAR stands for Student Out- climbing, as well as an on-campus door Life and Recreation - the event like capture the flag, so that UFV club that gets students off students can get a taste of what campus and outside. The club SOLAR is all about without leavorganizes outdoor events of all ing the convenience of campus. SOLAR has winter covered as kinds. Some activities that the club
well: with meteorologists predicting a particularly snowy season, the club's plans for snowshoeing in Manning, as well as a ski and snowboard trip to a yet-to-be-determined location are well-timed. SOLAR is the kind of club that allows you flexibility: you determine your level of commitment and pick and choose the events that you want. For more information al;,out the club, check out their Facebook page, Student Outdoor Life and Recreation, email them at or visit their webpage at Outdoor_Life_and_Recreation. htm. Also, watch out for posters on campus advertising upcoming SOLAR events.
Online Editor NickUbels
News Writer Alex Watkins Staff Writers Trevor Fik Sophie Isbister Chelsea Thornton Brittany Wiesner
DistributionSpecialist Jack Btown
Contributors Raychel Bonshor Jennifer Colbourne Am.ari.iRaid Ali Siemens Matthew Tanner
PrintedBy lµfetnaticu:1aj,;y;'ebE.Jq?ress TheOiscadeis UFV'sautonomQus stndent newspaper;It providesa forumfor UFVstudentsto have theirjournalism published.It also acts as an alrem11tive pressfor the Fraset Vllltey.TheCascade is fundedwithtJFVstudentfunds.The Cascadeis publishedeveryFridayWith a circulationof 1500andis distributed at UFV campusesand fhroughoutA,bbotsford,Chiltiwack, and Mission.The Cascadeis a memberof theCanadian UniversityPress,a nationalcooperative of90 university andcollegenewspapersfrom Victoriato St.John's.The Oiscadefollowsthe CUP ethicalpolicy conceming materialofa prejudicialor OPP@ssive nature. Submissionsare preferredin electronic funnat throughe,.mail.Pl\\Mesend submissionsin ".tKt"or ".doc"format
only. Articlesandlettersto the editormustbe typed.TheCascadereserves1he.rightto edit submissionsfor ohlrity111\d length. The Cascadewill not print any articles thatcontainracist,sexist,homophobic or libellouscontent.The writer'sname and student numbermust be submitted witheachsubmissfon.Lettersto the editormustbe under250word$lf intended for print.OnlyonelettBrto the editorper writerin any givenedition. Opinionsexpresseddo not necessar• ily reflectthat of UFV, Cascade staff and boardof directors,or associated
"Takeme home"
F -
South Asian Lecture Series: Just between friends Lecture details howCanada-US relations changed ofter9/11 ALEX WATKINS NEWSWRITER How does a country strike a balance between fighting terrorism and protecting the human rights of its citizens? This was one of the many questions posed at the lecture held in the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies on Wednesday, October 20. The lecture was titled "Just Between Friends: Bilateral Cooperation, Bounded Sovereignty and the Human Rights Dilemma." The event was hosted by the University of Western Washington's Dr. Bidisha Biswas, a political science professor. It was part of UFV's South Asian Lecture Series. The lecture was divided into two parts. The first of which explored the ways in which Canadian-US relations have changed since 9/11, which is evidenced in changes to immigration policies and security measures. The second part examined the inevitable human-rights dilemmas that occur when dealing with the challenges of countering terrorism. Biswas asserted that Canada and the US have historically had a strong trust-based relationship that was altered after the events of 9/11. Handling the issues of security has become a tense matter, as the US has anxiety about some Canadian policies; their perception of Canada as too liberal and immigrant-friendly, paired with worries about the difficulty of securing the large Canada-US bor-
der, has led the US to view Canada as the source of a potential threat. The 9/11 commission report identified Canada as a country of concern, not as the perpetrator of a threat but as the potential source of it, due to its approach to immigration and to the known existence of active terrorist groups in the country. As a result, the US has requested that Canada tighten its border policy. Canada is largely deferen-
tial to US demands, and although the many domestic changes unveiled around the time of the 9/11 attacks wete claimed to be ·protecting Canadian interests - such. as the Anti-Terror Act of 2001 and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of 2002 - it is clear that Canada still had (and continues to have) a serious interest in meeting US demands, both due to trade ties and due to the protection that the US offers via its strong rnili-
tary force. Here Biswas noted that the relationship between Canada and the US has historically been one of "asymmetrical interdependency," in which the power balance is unequal, though both countries benefit from the partnership. Biswas stated that, although Canada was largely deferential during this time, there were some marked incidences of resistance to US hegemony. One example given was Canada's refusal to assist the US in invading Iraq. Another was the case of Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen who was held at the US border as a terrorist suspect and was deported to Syria where he was tortured; following this, Canada altered its process in order to make it more difficult for the US to obtain information on Canadian citizens, effectively slowing terrorist-related communication. These incidences have shown that, while Canadian sovereignty is still strongly bound to the US, it is not determined. Although most of the anxiety immediately following 9/11 has died down, Biswas argued that there still continues to be a perceived threat of terrorism. Antiterrorist measures often involve the problem of racial profiling, which sterns from the fear that immigrants- (particularly Muslims) pose a threat. One issue with racial profiling is that, in Canada, law enforcement on the basis of religion is criminal. Another major issue is that data reveals that
this method isn't really effective in catching criminals. Biswas suggests that the behavior of individuals is the most important area to focus on, rather than faith or appearance. However, she said that behavior may be unavoidably linked to faith, which becomes a problem; for example, if one notices that a mosque in the ·area has suddenly begun preaching a radical form of Islam. Here Biswas emphasizes the difficulty in striking a. balance. She asked: "Is it worth it to alienate a population based on a possible threat?" As she notes, some protective steps taken by government may actually be dangerous to democratic unity. She asserts that the best way to find balance is to study the experiences of other countries with the same problem and to constantly re-examine related public policy. , Additionally, Biswas argued that it is up to citizens to constantly question their leaders on issues surrounding security, rather than simply accepting that the organizations and/or individuals being dealt with are really a risk. UFV will continue to host a variety of speakers on topics related to South-Asian issues. The next lecture in the series is "Computer Analysis and Synthesis of the Punjabi Language," and will feature Dr. Surinder Dhanjal of Thompson River University. It will be held on Tuesday, November 9 at 7pm in the Centre for Indo-Canadian studies at U-house.
UFV Scores High in University Report Food Services andPublic Transportation Dragging TheAverage Down PAULE. BRAMMER NEWS& OPINIONEDITOR The University of the Fraser Valley has scored high again in the Globeand Mail"s annual University Report. In the main categories outlined by the Report's magazine, the University scored their highest grades in: Class Size (A+);Quality of Education (A);Student - Faculty Interaction (A); and Ease of Course Registration (A). The school also received A - for Student Satisfaction and Quality of Teaching. The more detailed grades and comparison at the University's webpage also rewarded the school an A + for Personal Safety and Security on campus, and all but one of the University's B, B+ or B - grades either equaled or bettered the national average at schools of the same size. The Globe and Mail report defines a "small" school as any institution which has an enrolment of 4,000 to 12,000full-time students. Judging from the graded reUFV scored C+ grades in Availsults, the statistic where the uni- ability and Affordability of Offversity appears to be head and Campus Housing, which was shoulders above other schools na- equal to the national average. Stutionwide the same size is in terms dent Residences scored below the of class size - according to the national average of B - with a C + report, the average size of a first- grade, and Physical Fitness, Sports year class at UFV is 34 students. and Recreation Facilities scored The national average at schools the below the national B average with same size is 128.The percentage of aC+. first-year classes at UFV with less Food Services scored the jointthan 30 students is 58 per cent, . lowest grade with a C -, though which easily outstrips the national some absolution may come in average of 28 per cent. the fact that this lowly grade was
the equal of the national average. The worst score in terms of grade received and comparison to the national average was Availability to Public Transportation - the national average at schools of the same size was B -, and UFV scored aC-. The university did not detail the scores it received below A in a comparative table which, at first glance, suggests that UFV compares very well to other B.C. universities such as UBC, SFU and
UVic. Indeed, in many aspects (such as class size and student-faculty interaction), UFV is a leader within the province, and, as the official UFV statement said, "UFV earned the most 'A range' grades for any public post-secondary institution of any size in British Columbia." Of the five things in "What Students Say" about UFY, class sizes ranked second on the list, along with "Inexpensive tuition" and "Narrow field of course offer-
ings." Also, Criminology, Nursing, Aviation, Business and Kinesiology were five subjects reserved for special "kudos" by the report. UFV also ranked in lists of specific questions designed to ascertain what kind of personality a school has. UFV ranked sixth in ten of schools that are engaged in local issues, and sixth of ten in curricula that are "more applied than theoretical or practical." The school also ranked seventh of ten in ui;i.iversities where professors tend to be casual with students, and third of ten in schools that "tries to spread resources evenly across all areas." UFV President Mark Evered welcomed the grades, and said that they "confirm that we are succeeding in our mandate of providing excellent, student-focused, educational opportunities. They also indicate that we are on track with our strategic goal of providing the best undergraduate education in Canada." The Globeand Mail report asked 35,000 students nationwide 100 questions each, and from those answers developed a mean score which is converted into a grade based on a maximum of 9.0 points for each variable. For example, 8.2 points or greater is an A +, 7.8to 8.2 is an A, and so on. The University Report can be viewed as an e-magazine by visiting, where a detailed report of UFV's grades and a comparison to the national average can also be found.
FRIDAY~C>CroBER 29th,'2010
Are Mennonites Part of a Religion or an Ethnicity? AUFV Panel Discussion TREVORFIK STAFF WRITER The inaugural Mennonite Studies Lecture Series took place at the Abbotsford campus on Tuesday, October 19;this coincided with the announcement that UFV will offer a certificate in Mennonite Studies in the fall semester of 2011. Community members, along with staff and students, packed the BlOl lecture hall in order to try and answer the question: what constitutes Mennonite studies? Individuals at the lecture were treated to a series of analyses from a panel whose members who were comprised of professors from such diverse areas as Winnipeg, Ontario and Trinity Western University in British Columbia. The series was introduced by UFV president Dr. Mark Evered, who noted that the university Senate had voted unanimously to approve the Mennonite Studies Certificate program a week earlier. One of the goals of the program, as noted by Evered, is to provide "reflections of the diverse community in what is being provided by educators at the university." With the Fraser Valley having a large number of individuals who identify themselves as Mennonite, Doctor Steven Schroeder, the Mennonite Studies coordinator and a member of the history faculty at UFY, said that the time was ripe to "introduce the UFV community to Mennonite studies that is prevalent worldwide."
Enrolment continues to risein Atlantic Canada Full-time enrolment isupat universities across Atlantic Canada forthesecond yearinarow. Numbers released lastweekbytheAssociation ofAtlantic Universities suggest a2.2percent increase infull-timestudents intheregionthis yearoverlast-that'sabout1,821morestudents. "I thinktherearethreereasons forthat;'saidAAU executive director PeterHalpin. "First;'hesaid"universities areworkingharder at marketing andrecruitment across thecountry and internationally:' "Secondly;'he said,"timesof recession historically resultinanincrease in university enrolment because aslabourmarkets suffer, therearen'tas manyjobsavailable:' "Andwhathappens isthosewhoarecoming outof highschooling [now]realize thatthejob markethasdriedupso,'Okay that'snotreallyan optionforme,soperhaps thebestthingto dois continue myeducation:" Healsosaidmajorresource sectors intheregion, likemining, forestry andthefisheries, have suffered tothepointwheretherearen'tasmany well-paying jobsavailable to someone coming outofhighschool astherewereinthepast.
"The wide range of courses that will be offered in the Mennonite Studies program at UFV will allow students to understand objectively the history, culture and faith of the Mennonite people, and to analyze critically this community that contributes significantly, in many ways, to the Fraser Valley region," he said. The evening's panel discussion centered on the debate over whether the term Mennonite con-
stitutes an ethnicity, a religion or both. The first speaker, Dr. Royden Loewen, who is the Chair of Mennonite ,Studies at the University of Winnipeg, touched upon this idea in his lecture. He explained that the central means by which determining if Mennonite can be labelled as either a religion or ethnicity, relies on historian's interpretation of narratives; social etiquette and religious symbols. The
label Mennonite further relies on ah individual's self-identification with the group, as this is the most important feature in determining whether someone can be determined to be Mennonite. Dr. Loewen further said that central to a Mennonite Studies certificate is the inclusion of several different disciplines of study, including psychology and sociology. rhese varying perspectives are required in order to understand
the complex nature of a type of heritage, and they are n~cessary to answer the question of what characteristics make up the Mennonite people. Dr. Marlene Epp continued the discussion on Mennonite identity by reviewing Mennonites in the larger context of a Canadian identity; she commented that, only when we figure out what it means to be Canadian can we move towards answering the question of what is a Mennonite. Dr. Bruce Guenther of Trinity Western University focused his discussion on how the Mennonite Study program at UFV can achieve the most success, as evident by his experience maintaining the program at his own school. With over 200 denominations worldwide, Dr. Guenther emphasized the importance in establishing a Mennonite Studies program that is both comprehensive in its scope of study and is seen as acceptable to experts in the field. The Mennonite Studies certificate is an 18-22 credit certification that was made for individuals seeking employment in the public service sector, social policy and in church work. Those who are interested in entering the program can find more information on the UFV website, or contact program coordinator Steven Schroeder at, or contact the program assistant Marlene Murray at
Hundreds protest student-government Groups demand UBC disclose consultations inMontreal animal-testing practices
Syncrude Canada fined$3millionfor 1,600duckdeaths
BritishColumbia shuffles cabinet amidtaxbattle
Despite steady rain,over300students protested indowntown Montreal onThursday, callingon theprovincial government to cancel a series of consultations with"education partners:' Protesters saidtheconsultations areillegitimate because theprovince hasalready announced plansto increase tuitionin 2012. "Wewanttherencontre despartenaires en education [meeting ofeducation partners] to be cancelled immediately;' saidGabriel NadeauDubois, spokesperson fortheAssociation pour unesolidarite syndicate etudiante, thegroupthat organized theprotest. "Thisisnotaconsultation, thisisto workoutthe detailsofthetuitionincrease in2012:' ASSE isQuebec's second-largest st_udent lobby groupandrepresents over40,000 students at universities andCEGEPs across theprovince.
Oilproducer Syncrude Canada Ltdwill paya $3 millionpenalty fornegligence inthedeaths of 1,600ducks in atoxicwastepond,acase that fuelledinternational concern abouttheenvironmentalimpactofdeveloping Canada's oilsands. Syncrude hadargued thataspringsnowstorm prevented it deploying thesoundcannons and scarecrows thatareusedto keepbirdsawayfrom theponds, whicharefilledwithwastewater, day, heavymetals andresidual oil- by-products ofthe oilsands extraction process. "Theincident hashaunted us,andit'ssomething we'llneverforget.Wesincerely regretthatit happened;'Syncrude spokeswoman Cheryl Robb said. "Butwe'velearned a lotfromit andwe'vemade significant changes to oursystem:' Syncrude foughtthecharges ina nine-week trial,saying convictions wouldhaveimplications throughout theoilsands miningindustry. Environmental groups havebeenhighlycritical ofoilsands development. Theysaidthefines amounted to aslaponthewristforSyncrude, ajointventure ofseveral international oilcompanies thatcangenerate revenues ofmorethan C$20 millionadayatcurrent oilprices.
BritishColumbia Premier Gordon Campbell shuffled hisprovincial cabinet andappointed a newchiefofstaffonMonday ashestruggles to revivehisgovernment's sagging politicalfortunes. Finance Minister ColinHansen kepthispostbut will nowalsooversee thesmallbusiness sector. Aswell,anewparliamentary secretary postwas created to helptheFinance Ministrypromote the unpopular harmonized sales tax(HST). Support fortheprovince's right-of-center Liberal Partyhasplummeted sinceit agreed withOttawa lastyearto create the12percent HST bymerging the7percent provincial sales taxwiththe5 percent federalgoods andservices tax. Thegovernment says thechange wasneeded to keepBritishColumbia companies competitivewithrivalsinotherprovinces thatalready havetheHST. Butopponents sayit justshifted moreofthetaxburden to consumers andsmall businesses. Campbell, whohasonly9 percent publicsupport according to apollthismonth,hassaidhis government dida poorjobexplaining theHST to thepublic. HST opponents havelaunched recallinitiatives against several Liberal legislators. Thenext provincial election isscheduled for2014.
Jacob Serebrin - CUP Quebec Bureau Chief
StopUBC Animal Research Nowhassubmitted a lettercalling ontheUniversity ofBritish Columbia to "fullydisclose information aboutitsanimal research program:' Theletter, signed by60animal advocacy groups from Canada, theUnited States andEurope, including People fortheEthical Treatment ofAnimals, the Animal Alliance ofCanada, theVancouver Humane Society, theUBC Social Justice Centre andtheUBC Veggie Club, wassenttouniversity president Stephen Toope onOct.11. "Wearetroubled theuniversity hasbeenless than forthcoming aboutitsresearch activities;' readthe letter. "UBC hasyettoprovide public interest groups withanimal research protocols andhastwicedenied requests forinformation under provincial freedom of information law:' STOP isadvocating thatUBC release information aboutanimal testing doneattheuniversity overthe past10years. Brian Vincent, spokesperson forSTOP, saidheis unhappy withtheuniversity's response totheir campaign. "Youwouldthinkthattheuniversity wouldwantto promote openness andtransparency andinstead animal research ishidden under thisveilofsecrecy:'
JamieRoss - CUP Atlantic Bureau Chief
Jeffrey Jones Arshy Mann - TheUbyssey (University ofBritish Columbia)
AllanDowd- Reuters
r FRii>AY,OCTOBER 29th,2010
Campus talks are a waste of time: Halifax MP SAMANTHA DURNFORD DALHOUSIE GAZETTE
HALIFAX (CUP) - Megan Leslie says members of Parliament don't waste their time on· campus because people under 30 don't vote - and · there's something wrong with this. Leslie, the MP for Halifax, visited Dalhousie University on Oct. 19 to discuss how students can effectively engage MPs on pressing social issues. In the question and answer period, she began to discuss the problem with student engagement and why MPs may not seem to care about student issues. "I'm not going to waste my time trying to get votes from people under 30 because people under 30 don't vote," Leslie said. "My campaign manager is going to tell me to stop going to Dalhousie campus because you're wasting your time. You should go to seniors homes." She says it's like the chicken and the egg dilemma - which came first, young people disengaging with government, or elected officials giving up on people under 30. "It's hard. I've met with this incredible student activist here on this campus who's doing incredible things to mobilize this community on all kinds of issues, and so engaged. And he didn't vote in the last election," she said. "There's this strange thing happening at this moment in time where young people are disengaging in the political process because it's alienating and because we aren't represented." "We get away with that shit because no one is listening. The things that happen in the House of Commons would make your toes curl," she said. Emily Smith van Beek, vice president of Dalhousie's politics society, says she's upset with the statement from Leslie. "I think it's accurate that students qon't care or vote, however, it's disappointing seeing Megan Leslie, member of the NDP, make a comment like that because their
party represents really caring about students," she said. "We're the future and the only way to get students engaged is to be a presence in their lives and because there will always be that one person that will become involved and influence other young people to do the same." She says that our political structure will crumble if elected officials give up on people our age, arguing that it's an MP's responsibility to seek out students, not the other way around. "I think that one voice can influence a lot of people and I think that change can be heard," said Smith van Beek. "University campuses are proof of mobilization and how word spreads, so MPs should take advantage of that and try harder to get students involved in order to influence political participation." Despite her assessment of youth engagement, Leslie does want to see young people more involved with politics and doesn't like the fact that MPs ignore people under 30. There are five women under the age of 40 in the House of Commons and two men under the age of 30," she said. "There should be some people in their 20s, because we pass bills on pension changes unanimously and we don't talk about post-secondary education and unemployment. These issues are dead in the House of Commons." She also says students should get more involved in order to get better representation. "We need to look at who we're electing and who is running," she said.
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HIRING:EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The current Editor-in-Chief is not standing for re-hire and as such will be acting as chair of the Editor-inChief Hiring Committee. All current UFV students are welcome to apply. The responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief include overseeing all aspects of the paper's production including: managing the paper's editorial board; hiring, training and tutoring staff; and liaising with the Canadian University Press. The Editor-in-Chief reports to the Cascade Board of Directors and is ultimately responsible for the editorial content of the newspaper. The job requires heavy time commitment and is not recommended to full time students. Candidates will be required to pass an editing test to be considered for the position. This position has a term of one year. The Editor-in-Chief is paid an honouraria of $300 per issue
Questions? Email
Experience or knowledge of newspaper writing, editing and layout; candidates with previous experience editing and/or layout experience will be given preference. Ability to work in a high-pressure environment with a diverse and eccentric group of volunteers. IJ1terest and experience journalism.
with editorial content and
Commitment to the goals of the Cascade student newspaper.
Please deliver applications
to room Cl027 by
4 p.m. on Nov 3.
, www.ufvcascadeJ;a
Hallo we'en is for Hedonism Sodress likeit. SOPHIE ISBISTER STAFFWRITER All I wanted to do was be a princess for Hallowe'en. I had the pink dress, pink tights, tiara and adorable little princess shoes. But it was October 31st, and unless you're celebrating Hallowe'en near or below the equator, October 31st is usually cold and rainy business. And that usually meant that my pretty princess costume was rudely covered with a not-so-pretty parka. Hallowe'en reeked of bitter disappointment from investing too much hope into an adorable costume, only to have it covered up with bulky layers, and it's this thought that comes to mind every year when I am determining what to wear to adult parties. When I reach for the sexy Batgirl costume, I'm making up for all those years suffering in the cold. We all know that ladies like to wear fewer clothes on Hallowe'en. And why shouldn't they? The traditional roots of Hallowe'en involve dressing up as ghosts and monsters to placate the spirits of the dead or scare them away. That has evolved in modern, secular society. Now, fitting with the pagan view of Samhain as a festival that ushers in the dark half of the year, Hallowe'en is felt to represent the dark and hedonistic aspects of life.
For children, that means trick-ortreating: disguising ourselves and taking to the streets to demand candy. We play pranks, gorge ourselves on cheap sugar, stay up really late and play with explosives. Hallowe'en can be a scary time of year, as evidenced by horror movies, increased policing vigilance and old wives tales about razor blades in apples. Hallowe'en celebrates fear and deception, and the almighty Mars bar. But how does that translate for adults? How do we celebrate hedonism? Sure, there's a healthy dose of fear, but what is more hedonistic than rampant sexual behaviour? People like to dress up sexy and show off their goods, and that's in no way limited to just ladies. Hallowe'en is the one night of the year that is a universally judgment-free, no-holds-barred, wicked and wild party. Be some-
one else, dress how you want, and don't let anyone tell you that you should celebrate Hallowe'en the "good old fashioned way." That way was fine for kids, but I think it's safe to say that, according to the modern definition of Hallowe'en, it's perfectly acceptable to get a little ridiculous with your peers. Revealing costumes and off-the hook parties are the way that adults exorcise our demons every year. It's a time honoured tradition that doesn't include children at all. Trick or treating and adult Hallowe'en parties operate on completely separate planes of existence. Neither is better than the other. One is just a natural progression of the other. So I say bring on the sexy nurse costume. Be a sexy crayon. Be a sexy witch or a sexy astronaut or a sexy teacher or a sexy hobo. Do what your heart desires, and throw your inhibitions to the wind. Instead of candy, trick or treat for shots. Instead of scaring away the ghouls and spirits of All Hallow's Eve, befriend and seduce them. Be safe and look out for your friends, show respect for your fellow partying adults but also let loose and show some skin. Adult parties have something that our childhood parties were sorely lacking: coat checks. Let's take advantage of them this year.
Q. What is your major?
A. I was gonna take bio, but I'm gonna switch to computers [CIS]. Q. Which country in the world would you study abroad in? A. Japan. Q. Why? A. Because it's better than Canada. Q. Who would play you in a movie of your life? A. Jackie Chan. Q. Which superpower would you have? A. Super-speed because I could walk home. Q. Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? A. Elmo's in there right? Then Elmo.
I'm really not an idiot We're allheretolearn,sodon'tbesopretentious dedicated ourselves to, I have noAllSIEMENS CONTRIBUTORticed a certain level of pretentiousness that seems to go along with it. As an English major I would Some of us left high school only a few short months ago, and oth- like to imagine myself as someone ers of us escaped the prison years who knows a bit more on the subago. While in high school, every- ject then say a science major; but one was aware of the cliques: the that is not always the case. And jocks, the popular group, the band guess what? That's fine with me. I have come to the realization geeks, the punks and the outcasts. Upon leaving high school, we that I am not an expert, and there are always people who will know tend to leave those cliques behind. Once you reach university, you more than me. Just because somefind yourself befriending people one is not specializing in Engyou may not have given a chance lish does not mean they are not in high school and bonds are cre- - capable of the same skills I have ated over a passion for the subject worked on for most of my degree. we choose to devote ourselves to. Kinesiology students are alEnglish students band together lowed to appreciate art, science for their love of literature, science majors are allowed to have an buffs discuss their latest groundinterest in history and English breaking ideas, art students work students are allowed to value together to try and create some- philosophy. None of us should be claiming to be experts in one area, thing beautiful and philosophy students drink their scotch and and if you are, you need to rethink argue the meaning of life. We all yourself. work towards finding people with Post-secondary education is an similar interests to discuss and opportunity for all of us to further ourselves and learn from the share what we have a passion for. For the most part, in the begin- classes we enrol in. Lately I have ning of our degrees, classes are heard a lot of bitching and comfilled with students from various plaining about all aspects of the areas of interest. The first day of educational system; professors, class is always the same bullshit: assignments and - believe it or not "Now I want you to turn to the - the intelligence levels of our felperson next to you and figure out low students. Get over yourself. I have encountered a few differa little bit about them, then we will stand up in front of the class and ent people in my time here at UFV share with everyone who they are, who are working at completing what year they are in, what field their degrees but are also trying they wish to pursue and their fa~ to put down others in the process. vourite colour" (purple). I thought I fled high school. It's Time moves forward, we finish true, UFV does not have a chalour elective requirements and be- lenging entrance requirement and come specific in our course selec- that means that sometimes there tion, and we usually don't have to are students who attend UFV who go through the elementary meet may not make it elsewhere or finand greet. But while time is mov- ish their degrees. But is it your job to make them aware of this? ing forward and our knowledge School is supposed to provide expands on the subject we have
an atmosphere that allows people to flourish and grow, not be put down and discouraged. We all have our specializations, but that does not mean we are idiots in all other fields. I may not be able to get through a fourth year physics course, but it does not make me an idiot. It also doesn't make science the elite degree. Every degree offered in university allows people to go and fill their role in society; we need history, science, English, psychology, kinesiology, philosophy, nursing and visual arts. There is not one degree that is better than another, even though we all tend to think our field is the most important. The last time I checked we are all here to learn. Learning is something we all have in common, no matter how much our degrees differ. I do not claim to be an English expert, nor do I claim to have the be-all-end-all opinion about art. So the next time you decide to have some sort of egotistical power trip over someone else's education or passion for a field they may not specialize in, shut up. You may know more about the subject, but try approaching it in a manner that benefits the other person rather than shutting them down. If you are teaching someone something about a subject you may know more about, you are only helping them learn. And isn't that what we want, a society full of people who are smarter and well-rounded? Or are we working towards keeping people at a level where they are ignorant and afraid to achieve anything more then what is inside their comfort zone? Expand your mind, Mr. and Mrs. Pretentious; that's what the rest of us are trying to do.
Jamie Q. What is your major? A. I'm gonna major in biology. Q. Which country in the world would you study abroad in? A. England or India. Q. Who would play you in a movie of your life? A. I don't know. I don't know very many names of actors. Q. Which superpower would you have? A. To become invisible sometimes ...Not that I like stealing things. Q. Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? A. The Cookie Monster. Q. What was the last movie you saw? A. Inception...I wanna see it again so I can make sure I got everything.
Bryanna Q. What is your major? A. The Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. Q. Which country in the world would you study abroad in? A. Turkey. Q. Who would play you in a movie of your life? A.Kirsten Dunst. Q. Which superpower would you have? A. Maybe, probably flying. Q. Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? A. Cookie Monster.
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Part Two of Motherhood:Whose body is it, anyway? CHRIS BONSHOR COPYEDITOR
RAYCHEL BONSHOR NEWMOTHER This week we will continue our exploration of the practical side of what it means to be a mother by exploring the topics around the bodily changes that take place during pregnancy and motherhood. This might get a bit graphic, as bodily changes include scenes of a sexual nature. Let's start with an anatomy lesson! When a man and a woman really love each other (or a woman decides to have a baby on her own, or something - in fact, love isn't even required) and they engage in coitus (that is, penetrative intercourse in which fertilizer is released), a fertilized ovum can implant itself on the wall of her uterus. This is the beginning of pregnancy: this is also when physical changes begin. Early changes have to do with your body getting used to the reality that there is a foreign organism growing inside of you. The symptoms of this include the classics: nausea, tiredness, tenderness, bloating, mood swings, but also spotting and intense breast tenderness (this last one really took my wife by surprise and was our major clue, once we knew what it meant). Later in pregnancy, as the fetus grows, the woman's uterus expands to accommodate it. This is usually accompanied by weight gain to varying degrees - some woman gain a lot of weight, especially if they were underweight to begin with, while others may gain fairly little. The breasts grow in size and the nipples usually darken permanently, as blood saturates the area (this area is going to be super sensitive for a long while, so get used to it). In addition, once the second trimester hits, lying on your back ceases to be an option, as it can cut blood flow to your developing baby. In the last month or two of pregnancy, but especially the last couple of weeks, baby really starts to put on weight - baby is going to double in weight in about four weeks! This means that your belly is also going to undergo a huge increase in size in the last little while {unless you have a little basketball baby-belly). This is when stretch marks quite suddenly appear. Movement becomes more difficult, breathing can become harder, heartburn becomes your constant companion and sleeping is nearly impossible because you are up every hour or two to go pee. Your feet also swell like crazy. This happened only in the last couple of weeks to my wife and was scary as hell because they turned purple it was really hot at the time, which just made it worse. If that isn't bad enough, your feet also gain a size or so permanently. Then baby comes! Now, depending on how you deliver - about one third of mothers undergo c-sections - your body continues to change. I will focus on c-section because that was our experience. Mom now has to juggle taking care of her new baby and recovering from major surgery. You will
have blood flow for around four weeks, which can be irritating, as you go from not having a period for almost a year to wearing a pad constantly. If you had an epidural, you may have to endure intense spinal headaches for a few days or weeks. Add to this sleepless nights and days and you can easily become overwhelmed. At this point, having as many helping hands around is a major boon, as babies need constant care and attention, especially if you are breastfeeding. At first, breastfeeding can be extremely uncomfortable, as your nipples adjust to a sudden amount of harsh use. Buy nipple cream and know that the pain and redness will go away eventually! Getting used to breast feeding can also be a major adjustment, as getting baby to latch-on can be very difficult at first. Let's talk about love.
During pregnancy your sex life will change. Sex during pregnancy can be great! Now, this is definitely different for every woman, as hormonal changes affect all women differently, and every woman's relationship situation is different. If you are sick during the first trimester, you don't really want to do it. Sex is great during the second trimester, as you get the hang of pregnancy, and you are not too big and uncomfortable yet. However, as there is increased bloodflow to y<:mr down-there-bits, it is important to take things slow and be careful - as pleasure goes up so does pain. In addition, your
vaginal walls are thin, and your ability to selflubricate goes down. So take it slow and enjoy some great foreplay with your partner, and don't be afraid to use your favourite brand of lube to help you feel comfortable. It's also important to not feel intimidated by sex: it is not going to hurt your baby! As your due date nears, it is normal to sometimes have spotting down there from activity. In addition, sex can sometimes help start labour, though it didn't help in our case when our baby was a week late (that didn't stop us from trying though!). ' After you give birth, sex is probably going to be the last thing you are thinking about. However, you can and should resume doin' it before long as it helps to get your uterus back down to size. Most doctors suggest waiting anywhere from three to six weeks, the latter especially if you had a c-section (we felt ready at four, despite the doctor saying "Nothing in there for six weeks!"). However, just because you can't have intercourse doesn't mean you can't do other things. Again, if you can get some time alone, simply spend it reconnecting. It is good if you think of it as re-learning how to do everything again. Work your way up to intercourse the same as you would have when you first met. Regardless of whether or not you had a vaginal delivery, intercourse is going to hurt for the first while. Again, do not feel pressured to go too far too fast! Take your time and enjoy yourself. Now, with regards to birth control, if you are breastfeeding you cannot take hormonal birth control - i.e. the pill or ring. Condoms are your best bet. If you are not breastfeeding, talk to your doctor about getting back onto whatever birth control you had before pregnancy. Also invest in some good quality lube if you haven't already, as self-lubrication post-pregnancy can be very difficult. If you are breastfeeding, your ability to hibricate yourself will be compromised, as might your libido. So there you have it. You now have a general idea of some of the physical changes that you may undergo if and when you decide to have a child. To those of you who are already mothers, this is all old hat, or you may know some things that I have missed, as every woman's experience is different. For those of you who have not yet had a child, I hope that this article will help you to better understand an important part of your life that is, sadly, clouded by many myths in our society. Your life doesn't end with pregnancy it just changes.
Modernism Sucks
JACK BROWN So when individuals or instituCONTRIBUTERtions decide to construct a campus with buildings that have the Modernity is filled with vi- candy-coated quality of a neocious lies. Some of these lies are Stalinist revival, one can only say that I don't like strawberry.Any atas quaint as they are inconsequential, like that a BMW will get you tempt to make an utterance of any laid or that Nikes will turn you substantial quality - to judge that into Michael "Jordan. There are those buildings are not only aging others which are much more dan- but are ugly and have been since gerous, and it is these that many of they were built - is to engage in us often accept without comment heresy. Paralyzed by our inability to talk about what is truly beautior reflection. The most disgusting of these is the idea that there is no ful, we turn to kitsch. Thus no one ever considers such thing as objective beauty. The discussiqn within much of constructing a library to rival the the media often focuses on ques- Radcliffe Camera or a grand hall tions of sexualization or of health, that would do justice to the Hagia with writers pontificating one way Sophia. Instead, we endorse again or the other about ~ow that model and again the lie of Adolf Loos and perpetuate the vulgar modis too thin or that advertisement telling children to get their moth- ernist myth of utter subjectivity. All of us are diminished lJy ers to buy them makeup and short skirts is lewd and predatory. Dis- this, and the result is an ugly camagreements on questions of aes- pus. Our buildings are ugly and thetics are never resolved or even aging and if they ever looked shining and new and modern they will undertaken with the language of 'beauty' or 'goodness.' No, for soon look as misinformed as the as soon as anyone ever invokes a Space Needle and as ill-advised value judgement, "I think that is as the Starbucks in the Forbidden beautiful," the response is always City. We have now entered the sec"in your opinion." ond century of ugliness. EveryThe character of modernity is supposedly one of subjectiv- where we are besieged by that which is unbeautiful and those ity. Just as in our political culture, vulgarities which masquerade as judgements about the correctness or rightness of certain modes of the truly sublime. I have no hope expression or forms of life are dis- for the wider community to throw missed as unreasonable, so are off the more dangerous and dogexpressions of aesthetic or moral matic elements of modernity, but I positions. You may think that un- do hope that some within our unimade bed is ugly, I think that it is versity community will begin to art - and since both of our opin- realize that no matter what the arions are equally valid, no one can chitect says, concrete and glass are make any substantive claim of as appealing as the panopticon. beauty.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 2010
Cascadelrcade Zombies in the Wild West halloween-themed DLC hitsRed Dead Redemption ~alloween-themed Downloadable Content hitsRedDead Redemption JOEL SMARTthat attracts zombies and detoSPORTS EDITOR nates when they make contact with it, and a gun that shoots Red Dead Redemption, a Wild chunks of zombie meat called the West adventure, was released by blunderbuss. Unfortunately, zomGrand Theft Auto-famed develop- bies killed with the blunderbuss ers Rockstar Games in May 2010 are so thoroughly destroyed that to critical acclaim. The game has they can't be recycled into more been celebrated for its incredible blunderbuss ammo. As fun as the landscapes, engaging storyline, other weapons seem, the torch and even the hilarious glitche·s might actually wind up the most that have attracted thousands useful of the ne"Yweapon choices, of views on YouTube. This Hal- especially considering it can be loween, though, people are not used to light coffins on fire. The art style of the new charplaying the game for any of those reasons; they're playing for the acters and zombie animals is an zombies. The $9.99 Downloadable entertaining addition to the game. content pack Undead Nightmare Decaying flesh and exposed bones hit the wild west on October 26, are par for the course. Ripped featuring a divergent alternate clothing and blood stains replace storyline for the game, in which a the typical western-style clothing. zombie plague overtakes the Old There is something uniquely terWest. It would be silly if it wasn't rifying about witnessing a zombie bear or a zombie cougar. Zombie so damn terrifying. In Undead Nightmare, players horses look pretty rad as well. can expect numerous missions Zombie Rabbits are capable of and challenges in the new single taking players down as well, perplayer. adventure, as well as two haps as a subtle gesture to Monty new multiplayer modes. The DLC Python. Also unexpected but welalso includes four new weapons, come are the zombie cows that inthree new outfits, eight new char- habit the countryside. Perhaps even more fun than the acters, various zombie animals populating the world, a new area new single player story will be the to explore, as well as new events new multiplayer mode Undead and mechanics worked into the Overrun in which players must game. The zombie pack has the work together to -survive against hidden creature Bigfoot as well endless, increasingly more intense as the Four Horses of the Apoca- waves of infected zombies. The lypse. These secret characters can other multiplayer mode is called be found, and in the case of the Land Grab and plays like a largehorses, broken and ridden. One scale game of king-of-the-hill. Actually, Land Grab actually doesn't of the horses has infinite stamina, while another bursts everything it have anything to do with zombies at all. But, it should still add some touches into flames. The new weapons include a more replayability to the pack. This isn't the first DLC for the torch which doubles as a light game, but it is easily t_he most source, holy water that is thrown like a grenade but explodes with elaborate. In June, Outlaws to the a powerful blue fire, zombie bait End was released opening up six
multiplayer co-op missions as well as other challenges and features, for free. Then, in August, a some~ what lacking Legends and Killers was released for ten bucks, adding a few new playable areas, new multiplayer characters and a new weapon, the tomahawk. In September, the much-improved Liars and Cheats was released, featuring multiplayer poker, horse races, hideouts, multiplayer modes, weapons and more: Now, with Undead Nightmare, the Red Dead Redemption experience really gains a whole new dimension that owners of the game should not miss. Although, actually, for those who don't have the game, the three most recent DLC packs will also be available for 30 bucks in a stand-alone retail release. Anyone with a PS3 or 360 can pick it up and get a pretty elaborate experience for a bargain-bin price.
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Fashion_ Stars: Modern Day AMANIyou're at it - 10 points if you man-
told me they were thrifted I knew age to wear it all in one day. Faux the story was over. ·CONTRIBUTER is fun, and the added layering of I can't say how many countontent with her daily school different fabrics will help you less times I've approached people regimen, Sam Clark says stay warm for the predicted chill destined to find out just where she likes to keep it casual on the ahead. they picked up their vibrant, perdays she must spend long hours I caught Danielle Nadeau at the fectly aged pieces, only to be let at school. Keeping herself out of parking machine short a dime for down by those ·two words: thrift scrub states, she chooses to throw her ticket; she was widely open store - Meccas of all that 1.sinterher sheet like scarf into the ~ix when I approached her. What esting and surprisingly fashionof the usual cami jeans and car- drew me to her the most was her able. Many people wiH tell you digan. Due to the subtle but not perfectly weathered, leather, wo- that they can never find anything over powering color and shine of ven sandals. Danielle. stated that in a thrift store, that they couldn't her scarf this left her outfit with a she opts for comfort when dress- starid to wear a,nyone else's dothlittle more depth. . ing in the morning, She-also says ing,-liutit is those people who are Adding different textures is that her top selection favours missing out. soqiething that ~anno.t be fo.rgok . many off the shoulder pieces. In- -. ,,Thrifting is- simply about: getten, though often is, when quickly : terestingly ~enough she ;was don- 1-.ting' ii; that ta,sk,and army c;:tawl; throwing oii an outfit in the morri- · ning one with some graphic detail '· irl.gif you really half to, to'-find that ing. Having different textures al- · that afternoon. ultimate treasure that someone lows you to actually have authorOff the shoulder tops are quite will always rave about. It's not like ity in the room, without being practical because, not only are the certain people are blessed with a too loud. No I'm not saying that comfortable, they're quite seduc- psychic thrift store power knowif you don't add volume to your tive. Danielle also tells me that ing exactly what you'll find that outfit that you will look like a dull · recently, during rebranding, Boot- day; the point is you never know. Swedish berry. I'd simply rather legger changed some of its looks It's almost like a child at Christyou have the presence of a vibrant' from the ones most of us were mas or when you discover a band skittle. · more familiar with at a younger that will alter your very existence Texture isn't hard to do either, age. Adapting to looks similar to in your teen, years. Absolutely and we've all had the summer to ones sold in Aritiza, (our home magical I tell you. Get out of the adapt and part<!ke in the idea of grown, always trendy but over- mall and find something original, wearing fringe all over. But other priced boutiques) at a more stu- something for you to completely than fringe this season, shake dent savvy price. adore and keep for years to help things up a bit; add a little shag Of course I couldn't help to complete the thrift store cycle. or faux fur to your wardrobe. Try gush about her shoes, since at that One old treasure is the new reguanything faux really, or even real moment they had become my sole lar, at least until it gets old. fur if that's your thing. Or why not purpose. I wanted to know everyhave a go at velvets or knits while thing about them. But when she
LettSamantha Clar~
sportin~ thebasics
Right Danielle Nadeau
shoes du jour
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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 2010
Harma White's One Year Airfair-versary Bandcelebrates oneyearof"grease" at localvenue
BRITTANY WIESNERa brief appearance before ending STAFFWRITER up in the bassist's face. The night allowed the band to ednesday's the new Satur- give their fans a pat on the back for day at the Airfair Lounge dutifully coming out every week. Even as the show came to an end, in downtown Abbotsford, thanks to Harma White. The local band the audience pleaded- for an encelebrated a one-year milestone on core, and Harma White was more October 20 after playing the venue than happy to oblige them, agreeevery Wednesday for the last year. ing to play an interesting rendiAnd it was a great celebration. The tion of "Free Bird". Besides honouring the hard band played from nine at night until the early hour of one the next work of the fans, Harma White morning, filling in their usual had a chance to look back at their time playing the Airfair. The band timeslot at the bar. The Arifair, quickly becoming a noted its improvements in ability hot venue for local music, is filled and experience. Drummer Shane with couches that are ripped, floor Clark explained how their regustains, eclectic people, character lar gig has deepened the band: and it's a favourite place for many "We've met some new people; people in Abbotsford, especially we've become closer friends and built a better connection." when Harma White plays. As any avid ·"Harma White Since it was the one year Harma-versary, the Lounge was Wednes-Daze" fan can tell you, packed with regulars and quite the band hasn't deepened its a few new faces. There were ex- sound without a few bumps; the tra special drink specials and a band has made more than a few buzz in the crowd. Harma White little pieces of legend at the Airplayed their usual covers and fair. For instance, "There was a original songs and even played bunch of cases stacked on the side a few new ones. One of the bar- as I closed my eyes and was about tenders has a tradition of singing jump off [the stage] and I clipped his Harma-~rsion of "Oh Well" my ankle on it and just fell," says by Fleetwood Mac, and last week Brandon Clark, and proudly adds it was even more entertaining. A "I was stilling playing though!" Safeway birthday cake even made Pierce remembers that "[Brandon]
1 Tripfor2tothe53rd Annual GRAMMY" Awards
SPEAKERS 5 000 Fold 'n Play Cube Speakers 0
was still holding a beer and didn't even spill it!" A large part of the night's celebration was of the bar itself, which seems to finally be the venue Abbotsford bands have been hoping for. Many acts, including Harma White, love performing there for its party-like atmosphere. Shane Clark added that "It's not the best sounding or biggest stage, but it's great for the environment - and
what they let us get away with. It's ing it... [because] there's no sense in pushing creativity.". a killer music venue." In the meantime, Harma White The big question for many people is: how can we pick up a piece . continues to play every WednesofHarma White? "We had a couple day at the Airfair Lounge. They've recordings that we were working been there for a year already, and I on that were lo-fi stuff," says gui- hope they'll be playing for a while tarist Kyler Pierce. "So we've de- more. "Wednes-Daze" run from cided to do it professionally now 9 p.m. Until 1 a.m., and includes that we have the opportunity with cheap beer and live music. What Oaymore Studio who are giving could be better? us a helping hand. We're not rush-
THE GOOD THE BAD & THE UFV SHUFFLE PAUL FALARDEAU ; Down in the Valley ARTS& UF.E EDITOR :..· ~-. Conversation 16 The National
From their fantastic~new album, The National rumina'te on lost youth and thi~k deeply enough to include such w:onderful lines as "I was afraid I'd eat your brains" and "Everything me.ans ·everything." Wonderful.
Solomon Burke
As my colleague, Nick Ubels, so eloquently reported in a recent issue of The Cascade,soul legend Solomon Burke has passed away. Here is a soulful deep cut about hard work and the perseverance it takes to go on when the going seems at its worst. Burke's voice is at its best here; it would be a waste not to revel in this epiphany of . sohg.
Re: Your Brains Jonathon Coulton
In honour of All Hallow's, here is one of my favourites, which considers the change in office dynamics after a zombie apocalypse. This is less Night of the Living Deadand more Michael Scott, though, so zombie nerds, office champs and all other folk will get some love out of it.
Mansion on the Hill Neil Young
A classic by any standard, this anti flag wavin' anthem is at once a youthful romp and a nostalgic reminisce that came from Neil Young about the time he was laying down the groundwork for the grunge explosion.
Pull Out Death from Above 1979 The band that h~s the best record of ;~lowi1;tgup before they blew up' since· the Sex Pistols is· also the band that every kid on the scene loves to point out they know about. This track is about as wild and irresponsible as the form of birth control it encourages and at least half as fun.
, ,
' .
The Deadcats*
Baby Eagle*
TheKings ofLeon - Come Around· Sundown
Petroleum By-Product*
xxxx You Say Party*
Atlanta White Lung*
The DefrostingOf··
Demon's Claws
New Inheritors Wintersleep
WildernessHeart Black Mountain*
Dog Weather
Thank You ForBeingA Friend B.A. Johnston*
Rock'n'RollAvenue Blisterin' Barnacles*
Sunday Morning b/w Jimmy'sAt The Mod Shop The Tranzmitors*
The Suburbs The Arcade Fire*
Album Hooded Fang
ZombieNation The Brains* * indicates Canadian artist.
To view the entire chart, visit: charts/civl.cfm
LISTEN TO CIVL AT 101.7FM or online at WWW.CIVL.CA
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. ,, ;,'!j-'
as at a Gogol Bordello show. The primal energy of the band never turns into angry slam dancing or anything remotely negative. There are traditional jigs being jigged, entire songs echoed word for word and nothing but shit-eating grins on every face on the stage and in the crowd. Despite Gogol Bordello concerts now taking on a familiarity, there were many moments of unique thrills and interest throughout the night: Hutz chiding the crowd for not knowing the Yiddish lyrics for the half-cover the band did of The Beatles "Flying," dancer/percussionist Elizabeth Sun's soaring vocal performance or even just the girl with stars in her eyes randomly putting the death grip on my hands as she came near tears. The band itself comes from many countries: Ukraine, Russia, Ethiopia, Israel, Scotland, Hong Kong, Thailand, Ecuador and the Bordello had joined them on the_ U.S.A., but as they affectionately stage by the time their set was shook their joyful fans hands at done. High praise is deserved for the shows end, it was clear that the openers, who prove to be the they were as happy to do' a show - or three - in Vancouver as anyexception to the rule. On my fifth time seeing them where else in the world. If you live, Gogol Bordello has lost none haven't seen them yet, don't worof their lustre either. The now fa- ry, they'll be back. If you haven't miliar sequence of dance, sing, heard them yet, you're missing love sounds corny, but, in this case, out. Their good-willed, multiculit fits the bill. I have never seen an tural mania is the future of music. audience as universally happy
y now, most people have heard of gypsy punk mainstays, Gogol Bordello, who took up a three night residence, October 22 to 24, at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver. The New York based group's newest album, Transcontinental Hustle, is the result of the dual influences of veteran producer Rick Rubin and lead singer Eugene Hutz's time spent in Brazil. Hustle combines the sounds of Latin America and Rubin's clean" and simple production with the classic gypsy punk sounds fans are familiar with. If you haven't bought the new album yet - or if you're missing any of their back catalogue - now is the time to get on it. The transfer from studio to stage is a natural one for Gogol Bordello; without losing any of the technical style or sound of their to measure up to the -bands they albums, the band infuses its songs share the bill with, yet Forro was an apt companion to Gogol Borwith all the ferocity of a charging dello in style, skill and energy. bear and the cockiness of a strutThe Brazilian band, no doubt anting peacock. Before we get into Gogol Bor- other acquisition of Hutz's time in dello's performance Friday night, the country, features high energy some attention must be paid to drums and enough flute to make the capable openers, Forro in the even the most vivacious version Dark. Some might claim that many of "Aqualung" blush. J:orro's Latin of today's opening acts seem to be rhythms got the crowd jumping early and about a third of Gogol chosen at random and are unable
Three dotesattheCommodore forGypsy' Punks
Burnt CDs The B-Lines*
U2: same shoe, different foot. Caleb Followill has expressed, his is probably a useless re- prior to the album's release, that he view. If people decide to read feels anxious about this very topic. it, it will be unlikely to have any Well, too late to step out of the affect on whether they go out and spotlight, Caleb. The good news buy the album in question. This is that the music sounds leaps and fate doesn't stem from the fact bounds above what it could have been if the Followill's had decided that people don't read newspapers (read: anything) or the fact that to ride the crest of that new-found reviews, after a point, become a fame. Score one for anxiety. Whereas the smash hit Only By useless cyst on the artistic com-the Night was a dull affair of lollmunity. No, the reality is that this is a review of one of the most ing, uninventive tracks that (surhighly anticipated albums of the prise, surprise) wooed the hearts year, The Kings of Leon's new disc, of millions of musical plebs, the Come Around Sundown, and the re- Kings' offerings on Sundown are ality is that most readers will have refreshingly dissimilar. Unlike its already decided whether or not to snore-fest of a predecessor, this album zigs and zags with enough pick up this new album. Now, for the record, I'm not a interesting material to warrant rehater, but neither am I in love with peat listens. "Mary" lugs in Black Keys and Beach the Kings. Caleb Boys in even porFollowill has altions, and "The [Kings of Leon] ways seemed to Immortals" shrugs me to be a poorhave managed to off a dopey name avoid the sud(:len man's Jim James and, overall, The fame slump, by put- by building an enting out an album ergetic bass line Kings of Leon into sonrc bubble. seem to be the inthaf challenges the The album never die rock world's sound that made feels too segmented them famous version of Nickelthough; there is alback. Don't take that the wrong way. The Follow- ways the unifying Kings of Leon sound in place, and the play orill's are certainly more talented and less annoying (and gross), der places slow burners and footbut they seem to fill that niche stompers across the board. The Kings of Leon seem to be within any genre or style of "the using Come Around Sundown to band that is OK, but more popular than they should be and without .springboard some new sounds, the same talent level as their less- but there· is also a big feeling of accomplished chums."· OK maybe inaking the old new again. Nota more flattering comparison is to ed Tennesseans, these boys are ARTS& LIFEEDITOR
clearly harping at their roots, for trying to please a lot of different example in "Back Down South," parties. The result, and the flipside the unimaginatiyely-titled track to the album's diversity, is that it that comes loaded with violin and seems to run on a bit too long (alample pickin' and enough pining most 50 minutes) to keep you lisfor the homeland to wonder if the tening all the way. Followill's might not be looking Despite a few complaints, it for their dogs at the bottom of a seems like "America's U2" is takbeer sometime soon. ing the high road and has man.Come Around Sundown, the , aged to avoid the sudden fame Kings of Leon's fifth studio effort, slump by putting out an album seems, nonetheless, like a sopho- that challenges the sound that more piece, and such is the fate of made them famous. Worth a listen sophomore albums and sudden for those who weren't previously fame. It seems like the Followill's interested. · have suddenly found themselves
. ll
FRIDAY, OCTOBE~ 29th~2010
THE VIOLET HARTone else appealing, just
as enjoying bondage does SEXPERT not mean that someone urprisingly, one of the most would actually like to be popular fantasies, especially raped. However, there for guys, is never talked about. certainly are people who While mainstream culture at least act out this fantasy in a recognizes other major fantasies, variety of ways. such as bondage, cuckolding is One less extreme form so off the radar that most people is candaulism, where a only know the term in its original person takes pleasure in connotation: that is, the unfaithful exposing their partner, eiwife. ther in real life or through However, it is quite common for images, for others' voya person to fantasize about their euristic pleasure; a partner being cuckolded, i.e. hav- candaulist would make a ing sex with another partner. The perfect partner for a porn taboo around infidelity, whether star! In my personal opinconsensual or not, is such that I ion, candaulism reminds would argue this is the reason this me of a kid showing off fantasy has been driven underhis shiny new bicycle on ground. After all, most people ex- the playground: ha, ha! pect their partner would be angry Look at what I've got to and jealous at the thought of being ride, isn't it hot? And it's cheated on, not sexually aroused! all mine! Now of course, like most fantaAnd of course, there is always sies, there's a good chance that in the option of just letting your spereal life many cuckold fantasizers cial someone be fucked by somewould not actually find watching one else. There's even a term for their partner have sex with some- the pleasure that someone gets
when their partner is feeling pleasure from another romantic partner: compersion. This, as you can imagine, is an important element for people who practice polyamoury or indulge in the more
ill! tl!Rm! mffl any Mulcher government
classic menage a trois. It involves rejecting jealousy and possession and really just enjoying good ol' hippie style, free love! Believe it or not, even those who don't regularly prescribe to such extreme life-
styles may try having an extra person in the bed; surprisingly, it is middle aged couples that tend to experiment in this fashion (that is consciously - the number of university students indulging in drunken three-ways on the other hand is not quite the same thing ... ) A fantasy such as cuckolding, whether it's acted out or not, shouldn't be viewed as contrary to love or commitment. Often, it is the passion for one's partner that makes an individual want to ... er, share him or her with the world. Acted on, it can add excitement and novelty to a relationship, and renewed appreciation for each other; undoubtedly, actual cuckolding requires trust, comfort and stability among the participants, and can be a fun area to explore for mature and adventurous couples.
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tress can be a killer. Not literally - I don't think anyone's been actually murdered by stress. It's more a turn of phrase than a literal declaration, so why don't you get off my case about it? There, now I've gotten my mandatory argument with my invisible audience out of the way. These Culture Mulcher doohickeys don't manage to pull in an audience, but my word, you should see the invisible audience I get: the Invisible Man; Kevin Bacon in Hollow Man; the other guy in HollowMan 2; the invisible one off of The Fantastic Four; Frodo Baggins when he's wearing the One Ring; Harry Potter when he's wearing that invisibility cloak which is just a rip-off of the One Ring in that book that's just a rip-off of Lord of the Rings; the list goes on and on. I'm sure my invisible audience will agree that stress can be a nonliteral killer. You need only look in your classrooms at the blood on the walls and the "No hope, no way out" smeared in excrement in the cafeteria next to the sandwiches that life as a student can be disgustingly stressful. There's several ways you can go about combating this stress the first option is to go down the
old Kurt Cobain route and blow your motherloving head off with a large shotgun. This is not the best idea -you'll probably be dead after you do that, as the brain and kidneys and pancreas and stuff is all in your head, and you need those most of the time to stay alive. Another way is to go down the protagonist-in-a-Bret-EastonEllis-novel route and spend your university days idling your youth away, paying little to no attention to your work, trying to slip your dirty love into anything that has a pulse and complaining about how difficult your life is. Though this route may seem
appealing at first glance, allow me to be the one to pop your narcissistic bubble - though somehow Ellis manages to make his books riveting and remarkable despite the crushing unlikability of pretty much of all of his characters, you will not get very far in school by taking this route. You're not at a disgustingly rich-enough school for your grades and academic results to not matter, and your dad's probably not a CEO, so he can't get you a six-figure yearly wage for hanging out, doing coke and killing hookers. Other than that, you pretty much have insanity which, although initially appealing, does involve drooling and soiling yourself. A bit like being from Hope, all told. The last option, and the one that most of us chumps stump for, is gritting our cavity-ridden teeth and getting on with it. , It's what I do. Since day one of this interminable yet fleeting semester, I've been busier than a commandant at Belsen in 1945. A couple of weeks ago I got so busy that I forgot to breathe and blink for sixteen hours - when the paramedics broke my door down my eyes were all scabbed over and I
Anyway, back to the stress. My was going "Can't breathe ...need ... air" like Peter Parker used to do in boss and/or my wife might disagree with me, on account of my the old Spidermancartoons. Come to think of it, why did being a lazy bastard when I'm not Peter Parker bother saying "Can't busy as all hell, but I feel as though breathe ...need ...air" when he was this semester has been, for me at stuck in a room where there was least, an especially hc;irrible one no oxygen? Why didn't he con- in terms of stress levels. The more serve his energy for his inevitable people I speak to, the more I realescape? As plot explanation goes, ize that I might not be alone in this it's up there with the worst of assumption. them. · So how can we deal with it? I Every time I turn round, there's usually just plow through as much something else that needs do- work as possible - it's only when ing - homework, work-work, car's I stop working that I realise how fucked, check e-mails 43 times a busy I have been and how tired I day. It's criminal how often I check am, so I try to keep going like some my e-mails. It's also criminal how perpetual motion machine such as many bloody e-mail addresses I the Star Trek Enterprise. Sorry I have - I seem to acquire them like didn't throw out a nerd alert there, the scruffy kids at school used to what with the Star Trek reference, get nits. At least they had a special but hey, if you're a university stucomb they could use - I have to dent, chances are you're a nerd by trade. Unless you're a Kinesiology enter and re~enter my usernames and passwords like a stuck record student, whereby you're a weird pseudo trendy-nerd hybrid, with playing some shit by Kenny G. There. I took a time out from your Johnny-come-lately half-sciwriting this column to check one ence gig. It'll never catch on, you of my bloody e-mails. And there know. So give it up. was you, thinking that I valued , If you have any weird, wonderful or downright terrifying ways this time that we spend together every week. If you counted up all of dealing with stress caused by of the man-hours wasted due to university, tell me in no more than me checking my e-mails - just me, 75 words at brammer@ufvcascade. that is - you could probably cure ca. The best ones'll get printed, one of the cancers. Not a big one and the worst ones will probably like brain or lung. Probably toe or still get printed, because we're ear. desperate to fill space. ..
Movie Review RED BRITIANYWIESNER retired,
extremely dangerous). STAFFWRITER Moses, upon forming a relationship with a pension customer serhis fall season has seen a vice agent, Sarah, played by Marystring of blockbusters hitting Louise Parker, gets targeted for theatres. One of the most recent is assassination. A journey to find his old team-mates ensues, includRED, an action-comedy film based on a three-issue comic book lim- ing Morgan Freeman, who's in a ited series of the same name. The retirement home, John Malkov-all-star cast includes ·Bruce Wil- ich, who's gone slightly crazy and lis, Mary-Louise Parker, Morgan Helen Mirren, who's living a life o( Freeman, Helen Mirren, John Mal- luxury. While the five of them try kovich, Karl Urban and a surprise to stop the bad guys and save their own lives, the villain of the film, cameo from Richard Dreyfuss. The film itself is surprisingly hi- Karl Urban, is hot on their trails. larious and full of gun firing acThe film is cliche action; the tion. good guys go through hardships, With so many big names in the bond, make tough choices etc, and film you'd think egos would col- the bad guys are always one step lide, but the cast worked well to- away from catching them. In the gether - as if they really were old end everything's wrapped up in a nice little bow. It even has a nice friends. The plot revolves around Bruce Willis, who plays Frank Mo- twist in it to keep the audience on ses, a retired black-ops CIA agent their toes. One thing that it had (hence "RED," which stands for that wasn't expected was hilar-
ity. The comedic one-liners were timed perfectly, and the faces John Malkovich made were priceless. It was hard to get through a scene without laughing. Many Weeds fans will be sorry to hear we don't see May-Louise Parker naked, but there is enough action to make up for that fact. The appearance of Richard Dreyfuss was a complete surprise, considering he's a big Hollywood name who wasn't advertised much. His character has an interesting twist, and he plays the part well. Bruce Willis, sadly, plays the same character he always does in action films. Lately he seems to have been type-cast, or he has been for his whole career, only it's more noticeable recently. Morgan Freeman however is his same old wise self (no pun intended), and, while he plays the same role he has in the past, he does it well, and
it's what everyone likes. Helen Mirren is of course the same excellent, bad-ass woman she always has been. Overall, the movie is funny and action packed. Though at times predictable and a bit over the top, it's still a great stay-in-Friday-
night-flick, something you can rent and watch with your family or friends. But probably not something you'll want to rush and see in theatres. Or maybe, if you're brave, you'll want to try the graphic novels first?
the picture, but like always in any Jackassfeature, some of the parts are hard to watch and a little disgusting. This particular movie had a few of those moments, but there were three "stunts" in par-
ticular that really made me gag a little. The first one is "Train Set Poop." At first you don't realize what just happened, but when they show it in slow motion, it definitely makes you gag a little. The second is the "Sweat Cocktail"; in this "stunt," Steve-o drinks Preston Lacy's sweat. They put Preston in a plastic suit and make him run on a tread mill. When enough sweat has accumulated, Steve-o drinks it. Gross! The last also featured Steve-O. It was obviously the finale stunt,
entitled "Poo Cocktail 2." The first poo cocktail stunt was in season one of their MTV show and featured Jonny Knoxville, a dump truck and a port-o-potty - I don't think I need to go into detail. This poo cocktail featured Steve-O, a massive homemade sling shot and a port-o-potty- once again, I won't go into detail. Despite a few gag type moments, the movie is hilarious. The stunt with the jet stream was my favourite. These guys are more than just stupid, fearless stuntmen; they add a certain charisma to pulling pranks and doing stupidly dangerous stunts. These guys have a lot of personality and have great chemistry together; I will definitely continue to put my hard earned money into their bank accounts. Jackass 3D is in theatres right now. Do yourself a favour and go see it!
South Pork:
Dixon managed to avoid getting AIDS after his former girlfriend confronted him and revealed to him that she was infected. Dixon was putting off sleeping with Ivy because he thought that he may have been infected, Ivy took it as a sign of rejection, and she banged the Australian dude. Typical. Also, it appears that Silver is in some hot water after trying to seduce and expose the teacher that raped Naomi. Since Silver already went nuts once, this looks really bad. Meanwhile, Adrianna is stuck with a manager who it is pretty much pimping her because he knows that she stole his dead nephew's songs. Adrianna is pretty much screwed. Oh when will the kids of Beverly Hills 90210 learn their lessons? They just can't seem to stay out of trouble. Beverly Hills: 90210 can be seen on the CW (Monday) at 8:00 p.m. and on Global, Fridays at 8:00 p.m.
Season 14 is off to a strong start (but really, isn't SP always going strong?). Last week's episode, "Insheepsion," was a spoof of both the hoarding phenomenon (I say phenomenon not because I think it's _ something new, but because it's suddenly everywhere on TV. It's even on TLC and A&E... why?!?) and Leo Dicaprio's latest movie. To get over his compulsive hoarding, Stan and Mr. Mackie have dream therapy. They end up trapped in a dream and go into a dream within a dream - anyway, it gets just as confusing as Inception. Why am I talking about this episode? Because Matt Stone and Trey Parker are being accused of plagiarizing content from shame. It wasn't that hard to spoof Inception. South Park airs Friday nights at 9:30 p.m. on Comedy (Wednesday nights in the US, and online).
Movie Review Jackass 3D JUSTIN ORLEWICZmake are great!
The premSPORTS EDITOR ise behind the Jackass franchise is surprisen years after the original simple: Jackass pilot was made by ingly MTV, the boys are back with their it's a bunch of doing third movie, and they have decid- guys, ed to bring it to us in 3D (before 3D random stunts becomes uncool). In ten years the and acting like, Jackasscrew has become very rich, well, jackasses. There's poo, very famous and very beat up. I am shocked that guys like there's getting Ryan Dunn, Barn Margera and hit in the nuts, there's Jonny Knoxville are not dead or and paralyzed. It's amazing what a lit- guys standing tle luck can do for guys that have there and laughbecome famous for poo cockt 9ils ing while their and many near deaths. I am not friend gets hit knocking these guys; I love them in the nuts. It's and am one of their biggest fans. funny. The newest addition to the JackI have seen all four of the Jackass movies (yes there are four. You're ass family of videos and movies is forgetting about 2 ½; I told you I'm no different. The 3D feature now a fan), and I have also seen most of playing in theatres is extremely the television shows and CKY vid- entertaining and wildly funny. I eos. The videos and movies they was laughing for the majority of
ChannelSurling Channel Surfing JUSTIN ORLEWla SPORTS EDITOR
Sons ofAnarchy: Looks like Jax has gone federal rat to save his mom and his club, but will it be enough to keep him alive? Jax has made a deal with the devil (in this case the ATF) with hopes that everything will work out in his club's favour. Maybe he has an ace up his sleeve that he will throw at the crooked ATF agent that got them into this mess, but if the club finds out that he has been cooperating with the federal government I could see Jax being clipped. It is possible that the actor that plays Jax, Charlie Hunnam, wants to take his skills to the big screen. Maybe this is the way to write the character off. Don't forget, this is also the agent who framed someone in the club and had one of their wives killed to try to turn most of them into rats. Not to mention she framed Jemma Teller for murder.
Maybe this "ATF Bitch" is finally going to get it. Either way, Sons of Anarchy is starting to really heat up. Did I also mention that the Club is on their way to Belfast Ireland to try and retrieve Jax's abducted infant son? Oh and it also looks like their Sons of Anarchy brothers in Ireland have betrayed .them and teamed up with the IRA; the Redwood Original appears to be
walking into an Irish booby trap. Like I said, it's starting to get really crazy! If you're like me and can't wait for it to air on Super Channel in a couple of months, or even worse DVD, you can view a new episode of Sons of Anarchy every Thursday on your favourite pirate video site. I usually use Surf the Channel (all one word) or TV Shack (also, all one word).
~FRIDAY,OCTOBER29th, 2010•
NFL week seven in review TREVORFIKabove comments by sending out a STAFFWRITER memo to each team, listing players who were on the NFL's watch list he seventh week in the NFL for having received two or more was one characterized by new unnecessary roughness penalties regulations meant to crack down since 2008. The memo noted that on the hard hitting that has left these players are being watched many offensive players on the los- and any future similar behaviour ing end of helmet-to-helmet col- would be met with suspensions. lisions. Defences, treading a fine While the safety of players is line between highlight making imperative, in a game that is notoplays and fine inducing tackles, rious for its physicality and sometimes super human athleticism, were trampled as they attempted to adapt to the new rules. The no- suspending defensive players for toriously stingy Raven's defence essentially doing their job is somenearly gave up an upset to the thing that may place the league on winless Buffalo Bills; the Denver a slippery slope towards turning Broncos allowed a record breaking the game into one that does not 59 points to the Oakland Raiders; resemble its former self. To someand the former Super Bowl cham- how give offences an advantage pion New Orleans Saints were in a game where even the smallest thrashed at the Super Dome by the amount of leverage can change the hapless Cleveland Browns 30-17. landscape of a game is not only With game ending injuries to wrong, it is against the spirit of such high profile players as David the sport. Garrard, Josh Cribbs and DeSean Baltimore Ravens safety Ed Jackson the week before, the NFL Reed summed it up best when he was put in a position where the noted, "With all the fines coming safety of players was being of- out, at the end of the day, you've fered up as a sacrifice in place of got to play football. And you've highlight worthy tackles. In order got to be smart playing it." to reverse the trend of havin$ to Speaking of the Ravens, the view a laundry list of player in- league's most storied defence took juries after each weeks matches, to the field against a winless BufNFL commissioner Roger Goodell falo Bills squad hungry for their made it clear to NFL players that first victory. The Bills would have the league would be dolling out to play more than 60 minutes to heavy fines and suspensions to find that their first win of the players making "devastating hits" season would have to wait, as a 38-yard Raven's field goal ended or tackles targeting the head. Goodell followed up on the Buffalo's quest for a win. Safety
Ed Reed, back in action after rehabilitating from a hip injury that has kept him out thus far this season, managed to put together one forced fumble and two interceptions in his first game of the season·. Of all the teams to set a record on Sunday, the Oakland Raiders were a squad that was on nobodies' radar to have an earth shattering game. Even though they were going up against division rivals the Denver Broncos, whose 2-4 record going in to the game left something to be desired, scoring 59 potnts in a game is impressive by any standard. The score is the highest achieved in the Raiders storied 50 year history, which should be enough to crack a smile on the face of Al Davis, the eccentric owner of the Raiders. Running back Darren McFadden made the most out of a lackluster Bronco's defensive effort, rushing on 16 carries for 165 yards and three touchdowns. History making NFL play was not to stop there, as viewers witnessed probably the last time Brett Favre would play at his former home, Lambeau Field. Hoping to orchestrate a downfield comeback late in the game after throwing three second half interceptions, Favre and ,the Vikings' hopes were dashed when a Percy Harvin touchdown was called back after it was ruled the receiver's foot was out of bounds.
-----BOSSABAL -----
UFC 121
SOPHIE ISBISTERwall gameplay continues with no
The words pure and total domination come to mind ...
TREVORFIK STAFFWRITER In describing Saturday night's main event fight at UFC 121, the words pure and total domination had come to mind before the two heavyweight fighters were locked into the octagon to duke it out. It was a shock however to see these words being used to describe Cain Velasquez' performance as he beat the heavyweig~t champion Brock Lesnar for a first round knockout. By winning the title,. Velasquez became the first Mexican heavyweight champion, ushering in what could potentially become a new era in the heavyweight division where technique and speed trump size, and where fighters are not killing themselves to make the 265 pound weight limit. The main event of the evening, which was held at the sold-out Honda Centre in Anaheim California, showed a bearded Brock Lesnar looking every bit of his 265 pound weigh-in size, establishing a presence in the ring that was both intimidating and frightful. As the two fighters tapped gloves and the cage doors were closed, Lesnar immediately took the centre of the ring and went to work. Knees were thrown, huge fryingpan sized fists landed, and Lesnar established his dominance with a huge take-down attempt early on. Then something strange happened - something that, to my knowledge, Lesnar has never experienced before in the UFC. Velasquez managed to escape Lesnar's gargantuan grasp and mount an offence of his own, much to Brock's astonishment. After Velasquez gained control, it was all Cain throughout the rest of the fight. Simply put, Lesnar
folded under the first sign of pressure. He did the same thing in his last fight w1th Shane Carwin, with the only difference being that he was saved by the first round bell and managed to squeak out a come-from-behind submission in the second round. Lesnar's chin should not be contested however. He proved in both fights that he can take a shot and mount a comeback after being down. It was after Velasquez resisted any Lesnar takedown attempt that Lesnar's frustration and lack of experience showed. However, Lesnar's loss is not as doom and gloom as some UFC pundits are predicting. The former champion is young enough that he will most certainly be back for another title run. A rematch with Frank Mir, or a match against one of the many up-and-comers in the heavyweight division, would be all that stands in Lesnar's way of gaining another shot at the title.
Velasquez' immediate outlook is one that should concentrate on getting some rest, and continuing work on his striking and ground game. He has an entirely different opponent in Junior Dos Santos, who is a man that has proven that he can be as deadly on his feet as on the ground. In other title card fights, Tito Ortiz's loss to his former student Matt Hamill is being hailed as a sign of a new era in the UFC, with former superstars like Ortiz and Chuck Liddell being relegated to lower-card status, and in the case of their most recent losses, potentially being cut from the UFC. Ortiz, who has cemented his reputation as a future hall of fame fighter, looked nervous in his first match up in 11 months. Unable to pull the trigger for much of the fight, Hammill took advantage and proceeded to pound his way into a decision victory.
he leaves are turning, there's a chill in the air and Christmas commercials are starting to pop up on television. But instead of focusing on the usual winter sports, my attention is on a summer sport. Imagine a sport that combines volleyball with trampolines, soccer with samba music and a little bit of the Brazilian martial arts dance Capoeira thrown in for show. Enter bossaball, a brand new sport invented in 2005 by a Belgian genius named Filip Eyckmans. Bored of traditional volleyball, which adhered to conventionally stuffy laws like gravity and has an . uninspired soundtrack, Eyckmans decided that the game would be better played in a giant bouncycastle-type structure, with a trampoline on either side of the net. Instead of using just your hands like regular, boring volleyball, bossaball encourages players to use their feet as well. Oh, and the referee is a percussion-playing, record-spinning, funny-voiced samba king. The word bossa in Portuguese means style or attitude, and that's exactly what bossaball players aim to bring to the court. Players make the most of the bouncy court, with one of the more popular moves being a backwards over-head kick. Each side can play with three to five players on their team. One player from each squad, the spiker, plays on the trampoline, which is surrounded by cushy padding called the bossa wall. The aim is a lot like in volleyball: you want to spike the ball into your opponent's court. In bossaball, you get three points if you hit the trampoline, one point if you hit elsewhere in the court and if you hit the bossa
point being scored. Real showmanship comes into play in bossaball because each team has up to eight passes between the players on each side before they must return the ball over the net. This allows for lots of tricks and allows the spiker to bounce high enough to eventually spike a pass from a t'eammate over the net. The net can vary in height depending on the skill level of those playing. The ball can be touched with any body part, and can even be touched twice in a row by the same player, as long as the hands are not used both times. Bossaball is a very accessible sport, to a point. The court is fun, cushy and bouncy. Players of all levels can enjoy bossaball. It's definitely a party sport, but because of its patented court, it can't be played anywhere or by just anyone. Because the court is expensive to rent and requires a lot of space and an elaborate setup, bossaball is usually played in conjunction with a corporate event, like the Pepsi Refresh Your World campaign or the French candy company Haribo's Bossaball Tournament. The sport is very new, and because of that it doesn't have a mainstream following, although there are clubs in several European and South American countries. Video clips of bossaball display stunning trampoline and gymnastic feats, but the overwhelming feeling you get watching the sport is that everyone is having a really good time. The contagious samba beat causes the players to dance while they play, and the spectators appear to not only be at a spectator sport, but also at a bangin' beach party. The spirit and flavour of bossaball is admirable, and when you see people play it, you really want to join the party.
FRIDAY. OCI'OBER 29th. 2010
,canucks troubled by wildly inconsistent- play JOELSMART SPORTS EDITOR
shootout loss to the Chicago team that eliminated them from cup contention last spring was bookended by lopsided duals against a Minnesota Wild team that made one thing extremely clear: the Canucks are struggling to find their identity. Inconsistent play is a classic symptom of a team that doesn't have its swagger. The Canucks aren't confident yet this season, but there is some pretty good reasoning behind it. They are a very different team than they were last year. So far, they've been strongest in areas they were weakest in last season, namely the penalty kill. However, they've struggled to score in many games so far, not to mention coming back from behind. Those were their biggest selling points last season! Granted, after the Wild game on Friday night, the Canucks had only played eight games in the season. Nevertheless, the way a team comes out 'of the starting gates does say something about the collective mindset in the locker room. Another factor, besides lacking confidence, is the location of the games. After the Wild game, the Canucks have three wins at home and three losses on the road. The combination of last change, home fans, no travel and .better understanding of the bounces of the boards is making all the difference
for the Canucks right now. Last change is probably the most important of these factors, as it must be stated that the Canuck lines are not all created equal. Cory Schneider has been an incredible bright spot for the Canucks so far, winning both games he has played in with nary a sign of shakiness. This is an impressive feat considering both he and Roberto Luongo are making fairly major changes to their game, under the teaching of goaltending coach Roland Melanson. Luongo has been playing a different style for a lot longer than Schneider, so it makes sense that he is struggling to adapt as quickly. With that being said, Luongo has looked pretty good in net for the most part. As much as many people are ques-
tioning his ability, I think having Luongo in net will be critical to the success of the team, once he builds a bit more confidence in his game as well. In the shootout loss to Chicago, where Luongo let in three straight goals, it was apparent that his shootout struggles had started to get into his head. However, in the second half of that game, he kept the Canucks in the game, playing perhaps his strongest night of the season so far. His stop ,against the Hawk's leading-scorer Marian Hossa in the final minutes of overtime showed that he was more than capable of making a great save off of a breakaway when it really counts. Yes, it is quite tough for fans of the Canucks right now to make sense of the erratic play of their team. Some nights they look like they could take on any team in the league with ease, -while looking like they don't even belong in the NHL the next night. They can take heart in the fact that at least they're pulling even for the time being; with the return of several key players for the team soon approaching. That could be just the spark they need.
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Heat Report BruinscutWheatKingsdowntosize MATTHEW TANNER a game against the Kootenay Ice. RESIDENT BRUINS EXPERT They return to home ice on November fifth where they host the he Chilliwack Bruins got tal- Everett Silvertips. lies from six different goal In other news, Chilliwack Bruscorers in a 6-3 win over the Bran- ins sniper Ryan Howse has been don Wheat Kings Saturday night named to Team WHL for game at Prospera Centre in Chilliwack, six of the Canada-Russia Super improving to 6-4 on the season. Series. The game will take place Bruins defenseman Jesse Pauls in Prince George on November opened the scoring, thrilling his 18. Ryan Howse was named to hometown crowd with a power- Team WHL after scoring 14 goals play marker, his first goal of the and four assists in 10 games for season. Buffalo Sabres third- the Bruins. Howse is the second round draft pick Kevin Sundher Chilliwack Bruins player to take also ended his goalless drought. part in the Super Series, the first Bruins forward Roman Horak was being Nashville Predators draftnamed the first star in the game pick Mark Santorelli. The series after an impressive night, notch- takes place each year with Team ing three assists. The loss was the Russia playing two games against ninth straight for the struggling each of the three CHL leagues: the Wheat Kings. QMJHL, OHL and the WHL. The The Bruins have been great series i:, regarded as a primer to at striking first this year. Every the World Junior Hockey Chamgame so far this season, which is pionships and is used to help seten games old, the Bruins have lect who will make Team Canada scored before their opposition. and Team Russia. Ryan Howse This was also the case Saturday attended Team Canada's sumnight, as the Bruins scored just mer training camp and is looking 5:43 into the first period. The abili- like he may be a lock to make the ty to score quickly in the game is a team. The Championships are behuge advantage and can catch the ing held in Buffalo, New York this opposition off-guard. The Bruins year, where Team Canada is vying have also been highly efficient on for their thirteenth straight medal the power-play. They went three and is looking to exact revenge for for five on the power play Satur- its loss in the gold medal game day night. This puts it at 15 for 49 in last year's tournament against overall, good for a 30.6 per cent av- Team U.S.A. The Bruins are still without forerage. This makes the Chilliwack Bruins man-advantage the top ward Dylen Mckinlay, who is considered week-to-week with a knee ranked power play in the WHL. The Bruins now hit the road for injury suffered in a collision durthe next four games, and the road ing a game on October 15 against leads east. The Bruins will be in the Kelowna Rockets. Rockets DeEdmonto~ to face the Oil Kings fenseman Mitchell Chapman was on Wednesday, followed by games ejected from the game after being against the Calgary Hitmen, Med- given a five minute major penalty icine Hat Tigers and ending with for kneeing.
fter struggling at home in the opening week, Abbotsford seems to be emerging as a road team. The Abbotsford Heat traveled to the state of Illinois to play a pair of games last week, the first one against the Chicago Wolves where the Heat emerged victorious. The Heat beat up the Wolves 3-0. Jon Rheault (another Heat prospect from last year's injury filled playoff run) started off the scoring for the Heat with his first of the early season. The other two Heat goals came from the red hot Cam Cunning and Matt Keith; Keith also had an assist while Seabrook added two assists to his season total. Leland Irving recorded the shutout for the Heat as he made 13 saves in the win. Next up for the Heat was a date with the other Illinois team: the Rockford Ice Hogs. That's right, the same Rockford Ice Hogs that embarrassed them in their home opening series. It was safe to say that_the Heat were looking to return the favour and did they ever. The Ice Hogs started off the game with a goal from former Vancouver Canuck tough guy Wade Brookbank, but that would l;>eall the damage the Ice Hogs would do on the score sheet in this game. The Heat came back
with four unanswered goals, the first one coming from Mitch Wahl then another quick one from Lance Bouma (both of these guys were call ups from last year's injury plagued playoff run) less than five minutes later. This was the first goal of the season for both of them. Cam Cunning and Greg Nemisz had the other two goals for the Heat and Keith Seabrook recorded another two assists putting him at a total of five so far this season. Irving was in net for the Heat; he recorded his second win in three nights. The following night the Heat were in Milwaukee to play the Admirals. Abbotsford faced some familiar faces here - and those former teammates sunk the Heat in this contest. Maybe the fatigue of playing two games in two nights caught up with the Heat or maybe
former Heat player Jamie Lundmark just wanted to stick it to his old team. Lundmark recorded a goal against his former club as they skated to a 3-1 win over the Heat. Lower mainland local boy Mark Dekanich had 23 saves for Milwaukee in the win. The Heat will now return home for an eight game two week home stand that will begin Oct 25 against the Rochester Americans. The other three teams that the Heat will face during this home stand are the Milwaukee Admirals, the San Antonio Rampage and the Houston Aero's. Check for game times and student deals. The Abbotsford Heat have a 4-3-0-1 record at weeks end and sit in second place in the North Division. For insider info on the follow me on twitter @ Justinorly. .,
from the game for sucker punchJUSTIN ORLEWICZ
SPORTS EDITOR ing Minnesota Wild tough guy Brad Staubitz and tangling with a The slow start Canucks have linesman. Rypien didn't throw a finally gotten their offense going, punch at the fan, but he definitely but that's not the reason that the grabbed him and thought about it. entire sports world is talking.about The Canucks were getting beaten them. The Vancouver team has up badly at this point by the Wild taken it upon themselves to give and I guess Rypien was a little their fans and the rest of North flustered after losing a fight with America's sports press something Staubitz earlier in the contest to talk about; a fight with a fan, (something that doesn't happen a few wins and let's sprinkle in often). After being hauled off the ice he grabbed the fan sitting next some goaltender controversy. to the tunnel, but it was quickly Last week in St. Paul Minnesota at the Xcel Energy Center, a frus- broken up before he could really trated Rick Rypien decided to en- hurt his already-shortened career. gage with a fan after being ejected Rypien was suspended six
game for the incident and the club was fined $25,000. This could have been much worse for the Canucks enforcer but lucky for him he had a clean record (despite being a fighter) and the league decided not to make an example out of him. I can assure you of two things; the Wild will put plexy glass in that area and the next player to engage with a fan in any physical way will be severely punished. Now for the goaltending controversy in Vancouver; backup goalie Cory Schneider (one of the ·canucks top prospects) is showing up golden goalie Roberto Luongo. People in Vancouver are
UFV CascadesVarsityUpdate Lyndsay (Munro) again did a great JUSTIN ORLEWICZ
job anchoring our back four," said SPORTS EDITOR UFV head coach Rob Giesbrecht. The men's soccer team wasn't as he University of the Fraser Valley Cascades women's soccer lucky, as the University of British team defeated the University of Columbia Thunderbirds defeated the UFV Cascades men's team 6-2, Regina Cougars, 2-0, to improve their Canada West regular season at Bateman Park. The loss drops record to 6-5-1 for 19 points. They their regular season record to 3-9-are in a tie with the University of 0 for nine points. That is good for Saskatchewan Huskies for fourth sixth place in the conference. place-in Canada West. There are The UFV Cascades men's basnow only two regular season ketball team defeated the Portland matches remaining, both of which Bible College Wildcats, 81-62, in take place this upcoming week- their final exhibition non-conferend. ence game before opening up the The Cascades will host the 2010-11 Canada West regular seaUniversity of Calgary Dinos on son, next Friday, at home, against Saturday, October 30, and the Uni- the University of Manitoba Bisons. versity of Lethbridge Pronghorns The Cascades finished the exhibion Sunday, October 31, at Bateman tion season with a 7-3 record. Park. The Cascades are in a threeSam Freeman, of Coquitlam, way battle with Saskatchewan and scored 25 points to lead the CasCalgary for the fourth and final cades, while Joel Friesen, of AbCanada West postseason berth. botsford, added 22 points in the Chantelle Biagioni, of Pitt victory. James Elliott, native of Meadows, made the key saves Perth, Australia, pulled down 13 when she was called upon to pre- total rebounds, as the Cascades ~erve the victory and earn her out rebounded the Wildcats 49 to sixth league win of the year and 25. The Wildcats <:ame out strong fourth shutout of the season. The and led by four points after the Cascades defense did not allow first quarter, 20-16. In the second a goal all weekend, lowering the quarter, the Cascades put on a team's goals-against-average to defensive display that head coach 1.33 for the season. "Chantelle was Barnaby Craddock hopes will cara c_alming presence in goal, and ry on into the regular season, as
UFV held PBC to three secondquarter points. The Cascades out scored PBC 24-3 in the quarter to go into the intermission up by 17 points. In the second half, UFV would continue to build on the lead and lead by as many as 20 points before dosing out the preseason with a 19 point victory. The Cascades women's rowing team earned the Bronze Medal at the 2010 Western Canadian University Rowing Championships, held at the Fort Langley Rowing Club. The Cascades earned four team points, while the champion University of Victoria earned 19 points and the Silver went to UBC with 15 points. Courtenay Landsiedel, a third year Mathematics major from Abbotsford, came in second place in the Women's Open race to earn four points for UFV's women's team. "Courtenay [Landsiedel] rowed some incredible races," said UFV head coach Liz Chisholm. "She has such a head for competing and has built some solid strength; she is looking forward to competing at nationals in two weeks." With files from David Kent.
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already calling for Luongo's head on a platter and think that starting Schneider on the regular is the answer. Erratic Vancouver fan! Luongo has gotten off to a dismal start but he is still one of the top three goalies in the league. The Canucks would have to be stupid to deal , Luongo and go with Schneider. The Nucks are also known for being a goalie graveyard. Watch out or Luongo may decided to walk away from his lifetime contract., Trust me, it's better to have two goalies that can win - just ask last year's Chicago Blackhawks. The plan this year is to get Schneider into 20 or so games to lighten
the load on Luongo so that he isn't burnt out by the time the playoffs come around. Also, if Schneider does well in those 20 games he can be used as trade bait in the off season or at the deadline. Controversy solved. Let's end on a happy note; Steven Stamkos is lighting it up again this year. He now leads the league in goals after his hat trick on the weekend (Barry Melrose, you're. an idiot for saying this kid was a bust). Also, John Tavares recorded his first career hat trick on the weekend. Way to go young guns!
·UF1v1 rL □n. c:rRnc:5• ....1L. U n u UFV Men's Hockey
Club (B.C.I.H.l) Oct 9: UFV@ UVic L 4-2 Oct 15: UFV@ TRU L 7-2 Oct 17: UFV vs. UVic L 8-0 Oct 22: UFV vs. Selkirk L 6-3 Oct 31: UFV vs. TWU @AESC @5:00 p.m.
Women's Basketball
Men's Basketball Oct 16: UFV vs. Laurentian 89-61
Oct 14: UFV vs. Lethbridge 55-33
Oct 24: UFV vs. Portland Bible W 81-62
Oct 15: UFV vs. Capilano C W 67-65 -
Oct 29: UFV vs. Manitoba@ _EAC@8:00 p.m
Oct 29: UFV vs. Manitoba @ EAC@ 6:00 p.m.
Men's Soccer
Women's Soccer
Oct 16: UFV vs. Alberta L 5-1
Oct 16: UFV vs. Alberta L 2-0
Oct 17: UFV vs. Saskatchewan L 2-1
Oct 17: UFV vs. Saskatchewan L 3-1
Oct 23: UFV vs. TWU W 2-1
Oct 23: UFV vs. UM W 3-0
Oct 24: UFV vs. UBC (alumni day) L 6-2
Oct-24: UFV vs. Regina (alumni day) W 2-0
Oct 30: UFV vs. Calgary@ Bateman@ 2:15 p.m.
Oct 30: UFV vs. Calgary @ Bateman @ 12:00 p.m .
.~~' llllrlVllOO(I~EAC = Envision Athletic Center (on campus) AESC= Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports (GI~~~ Center (on campus)
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