The Cascade Friday October 9th, 2009 Volume 17 Issue 24

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No Flue Shot For You

God Hates You

Listen up!


Cascade News• Frida October 9th 2009 Volume 17 • Issue24 Room (1027 33844 King Road Abbotsford, BC V2S7MB



ntroductions arc usually quite awkward. '!here's that whole "nice to meet you" exchange, the handshaking (which should be a social taboo, considering everyone seems to think we're on the brink of a major HlNl outbreak) and that awkward "i don't know what to say now" moment. Luckily,l don't have to Introduce myself in person, so I don't have to worry about catching HIN I or that awkward silence.Still, l do have to do an awkward introduction. Last Friday, the Cascade Colleclive appointed me as the new editorin-chief (it will be made officialat our next society).I went through an initial Interview with a few staff members, then I had to appear before the collective last Friday. It felt like I was sitting before a parole board. i sat in a chair, in the corner of the board room, while ten people sat before me. 1hey interrogated me about my reading habits, the courses I'm taking in school and rearranged our office (and kept trywhich Shakespearean character I ing to lift heavy furniture like filing would be if given the chance. A few cabinets), she filled in for section edihours later, the collective reached a tors that got behind on editing their decision; i was told that I wouId be sections and she attended our writthe new EiC. ers' meetings. Thankfully, she's still So here lam. around as our managing editor. I have some pretty big shoes to Obviously, it's going to take me a fill. Rebekah Duprey (or Bekah, as while to get into the swing of things we fondly call her) held down the fort around here. Luckily, there's lots of quite well over the past few months. great (and experienced) staff to push It wasn't a job that she really wanted me in the right direction. We arc (especially since she's getting ready short writers right now, but everyone to have a baby next month), but she has been pulling together and writing did an excellent job. Bekah managed extra articles. Plus, it seems UFV has to squeeze in being both managing had a sudden burst of interest in the editor and ElC while working at a Cascade; we've been having plenty of second Job and dealing with morn- contributors show up at our writers' ing sickness. She was there when we meetings.

Now that the Cascade has a new £IC-even ifit's one that's still learning the ropes-the paper can gel on with some very important business. We're going to be hiring new photographers and writers, so get ready to sec some new names in the paper. I encourage anyone that's interested In writing or photography to apply, even If you're inexperienced. We're an entertaining group of people to work with, and we offer free coffee and Timbits at our writers meetings. Plus, as an independent newspaper, we're free to publish whatever we think is appropriate (as opposed to most pa• pers in B.C. which are forced to listen to the big bosses that control massive media conglomerates).

For example, have a look at Richard Peachey's advertisement on the next page. He's responding to a piece our news and opinion editor wrote a few weeks ago about the creationist/ evolutionist debate. Most commercial papers won't publish anything that could potentially offend their adver• lisers, but as an independent paper, the decision lies with our editors. Lucky for us, Richard Peachey doesn't seem olTendcdby David Miller's article. Instead, he wrote a response, which could lead to more debate. This could be the beginning of the great Peachey/Miller debate. I'm always happy when somebody at the paper gets feedback, even If It's negative focdback. Back when l was a staff writer (which seems oh-so-longago), I received a complaint about the language In the headline of one of my articles. This week, i get to send out a reply to this complaint. Getting the chance to reply to complaints about the paper is going to be one of the more interesting parts of my Job. I like having the opportunity to communicate with people that read the Cascade, even if they don't like what they've read. Of course, the best way to affect the content of the Cascade is to actually write for us. We always welcome contributors. If you're ever Interested in putting an article In the Cascade, stop by our writers meetings. This semester, we're holding them on Friday mornings at 11a.m. Just come in, have a seat and we'll introduce ourselves to you (and give you Timbits), And I'll do my best to avoid the whole "nice to meet you", awkward silence and HlNl exchange when you introduce yourself.


Table of Contents News
















The Cascade holds writers' meetings every Friday at 11a.m. in room C1027. Contributors are always welcome to attend. Contributors that are unable to attend writers' meetings should contact the editor-in•chief to be assigned articles.

I'm very sad to sec that the UFV student newspaper has become the soapbox for Mr. Peachey's version of creationism. Your October 1st issue did not mention that his article "What Would Jesus do" was a paid advertisement, so I'm assuming Mr. Peachey is now writing for the Cascade. n11s Is unfortunate since his argument in defence of creationism doesn't stand up to scrutiny with the 11,formatlonavailable to any student in a first-year philosophy course. His main point is that God created the universe. i spoke with Mr. Peachey about this several years ago, and I told him that In order for me to agree to this he would first of all need to prove the existence of God. lt's clearly an empty argument that the universe was created, but not give any evidence that a creator actually exists. Up to now Mr. Peacheyhas failed to provide any convincing evidence of a creator. To claim that the mere existence of the universe is proof of God's existence doesn't make sense, That's like saying the mere existence of presents under the tree is proof of Santa's existence. And to claim that the universe is like a complex watch, so it must have had a creator is also bogus. Watchmakers can be observed, you can take their pictures, they have been on television and in magazines; the same can't be said about God. The belief in watchmakers is not the same as a belief in God, since the belief in watchmakers Is supported by clear and undispu• table evidence.

I'm puzzled. Whal exactly Is Mr. Peachey'sagenda? And why are you publishing his Biblicalsermons In the school newspaper? The Bible doesn't prove God's existence. Why is he quoting scripture to defend creationism? Is he trying to convert sciencestudents to Christianity? If not, then why does he put so much effort into his essays? I certainly support the right to free speech and freedom of the press. But I also stand in defence of the main principle of good journalism: the providing of evidence for claims that are made. If Mr. Peachey,and the Cascade, want to keep publishing essays in defence of creationism l think it's necessary for you to first publish an essay proving the existence of God. With all due respect for journalistic integrity, Peter Raabe Philosophy Editor's Note; The piece by Richard Peachey that appeared In the October I, 2009 issue of The Cascadewas an advertorial.. Richard Peachey is not now, nor ever has been, a member of The Cascade'swriting staff. Letters to the Editor: Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words. Please include your name and contact information with the letter. 'the Cascade reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. Letters can be sent to cascade.chief@ufv.cawith the subject "Letter to the Editor."

Acting Editor-In-Chief SnnJa)Zlovics.,Is. Managing Editor RebekahDuprey Advertising Manager '--lm,1nth.1Gunc.on Production Manager H.1ndonaConrad Production Assistant Jt•d M1ror Copy Editor ·,11. ,lllf,,'

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News & Opinion Editor David Miller Arts & Life Editor Paul Fc1lardec1u Sports & Health Editor Brittany Wiesner StaffWriters Angr>ldO!>trtkotf Paul Brammer

Contributors Aprll Hodson ChelseaSliva Gillian Whitely Joel Smart Justin Orlewicz, Kevin Bodner Michelle Fietje Rayde Kroon Trevor Fik

PhotoContributors ChelseaSilva JacquelineOstermeier PrintedBy CoastalWeb Press TheCa~cadcisUFV'sautonomous ~ludentnew~papcr. Itprovidesa forum forUFVstudentslohavetheirJournalism publi,hed.It ,1lsoacts,1s,rnalternative press fotthcFraserValley. The Cascadels funded withUFVstudentfunds.TheCa,,cadeIs publishl-d every'ihursdaywitha circulation of2000andis distributedat U i:v campuses t1ndthroughoutAhbots1ord,Chllllwack, andMission.1hcCascadeisa membctof theCanadianUniversity Press,a natlonru ,oopcratlvcof75university andcolkgc newspapers fromVictoriato St.John's.The (',asc.,dc followstheCUPethicalpolicy concerningmaterialofa prejudicial oroppressive nature. Submissions arepreferredInelcc::tronlc formateitherthroughe-mailor onCO. Pleasesendsubmissions in ".txt"or ".d°'" formatonly. TheCascadewillnQt printanyarticles that ~-:ont11ln l'IIClst, sexist,homophobicor Libellous c1)ntent. 'Thewriter'snameand studcnlnumbermustbe subrnlltedwithall submlssions.


Cascade News• Friday October 9th 2009

David: About that opinion piece ... An open letter to David Miller, News and Opinion Editor for the CascadeNews Dear David, Regarding your article titled "The Hollow Nature of The Creation-Evolution Debate," which appeared in the CascadeNews of September 17th (page 7): The primary point of your article seems to be that creationists unreasonably cling to a non-negotiable foundational principle (the truth of the Bible as God's Word), whereas evolutionary scientists are reasonable and open to changing their views. The "scared cow" of creationists (I'm guessing that was just a typo rather than an intentional slur) is, in your words, "their unwavering commitment to a bible that Is Inerrant and unquestionable .... most creationists would not accept any evidence that could possibly contradict scripture." Furthermore, you state: ''A person unwilling to accept criteria that could prove them wrong isn't open to reason; such conversations Inevitably become circular and useless." Then you contrast that stance with the position of evolutionary scientists:" ... most scientists will never commit themselves to a notion that can never be proven false." The problem with setting up such a contrast, David, Is that It's just not realistic. Consider this now-famous quotation from Richard Lewontin: "Our willingness to accept scientific claims that are against common sense is the key to an understanding of the real struggle between science and the supernatural. We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spiteof its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts


ADVERTORIAL by Richard Peachey

that produce material explanations, no matter how counterintuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door" (The New York Review of Books 44(1 ):31, 1997; Italics In original). And who is this Richard Lewontin? Only a worldrenowned Harvard geneticist and evolutionist! "It is probably fair to say that, In the second half of the twentieth century, no single person has had a greater influence on the progress of evolutionary biology than Richard C. Lewontin .... [he] has made key contributions to both theory and experiment" (Alexey S. Kondrashov and Eugene V. Koon in, Ce// 103(4 ):545, 2000). The late John Maynard Smith, the dean of British evolutionists, enthused about "the uniquely stimulating effect Lewontin has had on young scientists and philosophers .... it is clear that he has been the greatest teacher of biology in his generation" (Evolution 55(7):1496, 2001). Now, a careful reading of Lewontln's statement cited above yields the following analysis: (1) This eminent scientist is speaking for the scientific community in general (note his repeated use of "our," "we,""us"). It's significant that of the letters published by The New York Review of Books as responses to Lewontin's article, none objected to what he said in the above-quoted excerpt. (2) Lewontln holds to "materialism" as a nonnegotiable foundational principle, in precisely the same way you're saying creationists hold to the Bible. His materialism Is axiomatic, and therefore Is not subject to possible disconfirmation. Lewontin designates It an "absolute," an "a priori' which has "forced" evolutionary scientists to act In certain ways because they "cannot allow" any explanation that might make room for the supernatural - even when materialistic explanations are "mystifying" or "counterintuitive," or Involve "absurdity," "failure," or "unsubstantiated just-so stories." Now, David, regarding your allegation that "most scientists will never commit themselves to a notion that can never be proven false" - Isn't that precisely what Lewontin is saying evolutionary scientists have done? And this commitment is not

merely to "methodological" naturalism - Lewontin makes It abundantly clear that he and his colleagues are in thrall to philosophical naturalism with "absolute," "unwavering," devotion. Another part of Lewontin's classic article Is worth bringing in at this point:", .. it is repeatedly said that science is intolerant of theories without data and assertions without adequate evidence. But no serious student of epistemology any longer takes the naive view of science as a process of Baconlan Induction from theoretically unorganized observations. There can be no observations without an immense apparatus of preexisting theory. Before sense experiences become 'observations' we need a theoretical question, and what counts as a relevant observation depends upon a theoretical frame into which it is to be placed. Repeatable observations that do not flt into an existing frame have a way of disappearing from view, and the experiments that produced them are not revisited." Evolutionary scientists, according to Lewontin, hold an unshakable commitment to a philosophical position. They are far from being objective, "neutral" observers. Not unlike creationists, they come with a preexisting philosophical framework or "worldview" which they bring to bear as they interpret the data. To wrap up this discussion, let me quote two other scientists who are as forthright as Lewontin: "The theory of evolution by cumulative natural selection is the only theory we know of that Is In principle capable of explaining the existence of organized complexity. Even if the evidence did not favour it, it would still be the best theory available!" (Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker. New York: W. W. Norton, 1986, p. 317; Italics In original). "Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic" (Scott C. Todd, Nature 401 :423, 1999. Todd is in the Department of Biology at the University of Kansas.) All the best to you, David, as you continue to give thought to this highly important controversy. - Richard Peachey (BSc, Biology and Chemistry, UFV, 1995), vice-president of the Creation Science Association of BC, and Abbotsford science teacher.

CLASSIFIEDS If you are a registered UFV student and have a desire and commitment to learn martial arts, the UFV Karate Club ls the place to be! There is no cost to Join or participate in weekly training. Por more information, contact Lee Hanlon at PREF. PANCAKES! Come on out to the UHousc every Thursday from 8-l0am to recieve free coffee and pancakes put on by University Christian Ministries. Grab a bite to eat and get to know other students! Condo For Sale by OwnerNew 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, den 600 sq ft unit Private patio looking out to landscaped court yardF!ve appliances, kitchen island Secure underground parking &storageMinutes to UFV,Abbotsford Regional Hospital, & airport Walk to grocery, shopping, and res taurantsEasy Hwy acccss$184,900For further Information/questions, please respond to 4-Sale: Texas Instruments (Tl83 Plus) graphing calculator with manual in good working condition. Includes batlel'les. $40 O.B.O. Call Andrea@ 604-316-2169

Free music. ! Artist name "Robert James Koyich" Large 1100 sqft. 2 bedroom basement suit available. $800/ month and includes Shared laundry, hydro, heat and light, parking. Very close to UFV. Please email me for more info: $5 drop-In yoga classes! Thursday mornings 9am - 10am in North Gym. Must hold membership to SAC. Contact for more info. Dog Training - do you have a puppy, or mature dog that Is ln need of some manners, or arc you interested In introducing your dog to the sport ofagility? I teach private obedience and manners training and host weekly 11gilityclasses. Contact me at for more Information. For Sale• 1997 Honda Civic Hatchback, 219,000km, new transmission, $3,500. Email. griscttc26@hotmail. ,oin for more information. FOR SALE - Fender Princeton Chorus Amp $200, Classical Guitar

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Bernie's HD Tech Services • PC and Mac repairs. Fast, reliable computer tech work at low student prices. 24 hour turn around times (or less) on most jobs. Call 604-217-2633 or email I'm a student in the Bachelor of Arts program at UFV, and the independent restaurant I work for is looking to hire some local bands to play Friday nights and Saturday nights In October and November. The restaurant is called Baddog Grlll and we're in Mission. A cover charge is optional and completely up to the band to decide what they want to charge.

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Cascade News • Friday October 9th 2009

New bill to force street people into shelters PAUL BRAMMER $TAFFWRITERIng on bchalfof what their philosophy is, my default is can we save a life here, nder a proposed new provincial law, police In Vancouver will have the power to escort homeless people to shelters against their will. The law was drafted in an effort to prevent street people from freezing to death when temperatures drop to dangerously low levels. 1he bill has angered the B.C. Civil Liberties Association president Da• vid Eby, who stated '"ll1e proposal is absurd. I'm picturing someone face down on the sidewalk in handcuffs for the crime of being homeless and refusing to report to the nearest homeless shelter." In an article published in the Victoria Times Colonist, Eby stated that the law is an attempt to clean up Vancouver's streets before the 2010 Olympics. "We've had people dying in the streets In Vancouver In extreme weather for a long lime but suddcnly, right bcfore the Olympic Games, there's a great urgency to force everybody into homeless shelters to prevent deaths. We suspect this Is part of the goal to have homeless people off the streets and out of the view of Olym• pic spectators during the Olympic Games". 1he B.C. Housing and Social Development Minister, Rich Coleman, has responded to these claims. ln the same article, Coleman was quoted as saying "Every time I've tried to do something that saves lives, the Civil Liberties Association has opposed it. I get what they do, but I'm not default-



EVENTS Upcoming Events

C&A Sessions

and if we can we should try." Coleman went on to deny any ac• cusatlons that the proposed bill Is draconian or hands arbitrary powers to the RCMP. "There's no movement to say we're going to take them to jail, there's no movement to say we're go-

them to a shelter and say here's an opportunity for you." 1he memory of the homeless woman known as "Tracey" may have spurred the provincial government to pursue this legislation. Tracey burnt to death after lighting a candle in a makeshift tent during the sub-zero temperatures in Vancouver last win•

Grant Cayman, Vancouver's Extreme Weather Response Coordinator, has raised concerns about the law's practicality. Cayman is concerned about the feasibility of forcing people into shelters, and about how staff will keep people in the shelters. "What will [shelter] operators do with someone who is brought there against their

ing to put them in a secure facility. It's just to give one more tool to police, and frankly to emergency care workers, to say 'you know we have an individual here, it's cold, it's 20 or 30 below zero, who could die tonight?' At least we should be allowed to take

ter. She had refused several offers of help from the RCMP the night she died. The Vancouver police offered help to 101 people on the night that Tracey died. Of those 101 people offered help, Just six accepted blankets, and 12 went into shelters.

will? l don't think that's the mandate of the people who staff the shelters, to keep someone there who was brought to them against their will," Cayman stated. Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson also questioned the law's implementation, "The police are not front-

Chilliwack: October 15, ll:30a.m.-12:30p.m. or 1-2 p.m. in D215.

discourse on various ideas and projects that pertain to contemporary Visual Arts practice. The event is free.

These sessions are open to the public and free of charge.


The training sessions scheduled for this weekend for club executives have been postponed to October 23 &24.

UFV Nursing students present public information sessions on HlNl influenza October 13 & 15 Need the 4-1-1 on HlNl? This is your opportunity to get up to speed and ask all those questions you have. Plan to attend: Abbotsford: October 13, 1-2 p.m. in BlOl

There will be two Colloquia th is fall term at UFV. The first will take place on the Abbotsford campus in the Auditorium, room BlOl, on October 15, 2009 from 45 pm. Shelley Stefan will be the presenting faculty. Details on the second colloquium will follow closer to its presentation time in November.

TI1eColloquia are an opportunity for UFV Visual Arts Faculty to present their academic research to UFV students and the greater UFV community. The events open up exciting

Book Club; won the RogersWriters' Trust Fiction Prize, the CBA Libris Fiction Book of the Year, the Books in Canada First Novel Presentation byJournalist Award and the McNally Robinson Aboriginal Book of the Year Award; and was Gwynne Dyer shortlisted for the Governor Oct 21, 2009 at 4 p.m. General's Award for Fiction. Abbotsford campus, room His second novel, Through BlOl Black Spruce, was awarded the Scotiabank Giller Prize The world-renowned and the Canadian Booksellinternational journalist and ers Association Fiction Book Academy Award nominee of the Year; it also earned him the CBA's Author of the is presenting a free public lecture at UFV, on the Year award. topic of Crawling from the Admission is free. Wreckage. Brought to you by the UFV English department and supporters. Author Joseph Boyden reading Thursday, Oct 22, 7 p.m. UFV Abbotsford campus, Pete Ondeng, Author, room Bl21 Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Economic Development Specialist Joseph Boyden's first novel, Three Day Road, was When: Oct 19, 2009, 6p.m. selected for The Today Show

line social workers, so I'm concerned about the role they're expected to play. l'm concerned about the shelter and the role that the shelter providers play. 1hat all needs to be clarified." Space for the entire homeless population of Vancouver is an issue. The Metro Vancouver Extreme Weather Response Report and Evaluation of the 2007-2008 Year states that during the winter of that year, "extreme weather alerts were issued for a total of 30 nights ... During those nights, 1401 males and 210 females occupied a total of 1,606 Individual shelter spaces (bed nights), primarily in the Downtown, Downtown Eastside, South Side, Kitsilano and Grandview neighbourhoods''. However, the last homeless count, which was conducted on March 11, 2008, found that in Metro Vancouver there were 2660 homeless people on the street that day. The report states that "homeless counts are conservative estimates and widely recognized as undercounts." 1111ssuggests that if the Vancouver Poli.cchave to force homeless people into shelters, there will not be enough beds. Robertson ls concerned that there may not be enough space in the shelters for the homeless POP,U,lfffi9fh,?f Vancouver. "We want people to be able to access a warm place to stay on a very cold night. But we have to have more space to accommodate these people, and we saw this problem last year when all the shelters were maxed out."

Where: Matsquj Centennial Auditorium, 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford The University of the Fraser Valley Global Development Institute invites you to come spend an evening with Pete Ondeng as he provides an overview of poverty and international development in Africa. Also enjoy a photo exhibit and brief presentations by UFV's international development interns - including AUCC/ CIDA Students for Development interns. TI1einterns will share details of their 12 week internship experience in the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia. Admission is free.


Cascade News • FridayOctober9th 2009


H1N1 a DefinitePresence Rebekah Dupreyolder,

or in long-term care facilities. 'the regular vaccine will not become MANAGINGEDITOR available to citizens less than 65 years he B.C. Centre for Disease Conof age until January 2010, after the trol's influenza bulletin shows HlNl vaccine has been circulated. that visits to the emergency room Many people over the age of 65 with flu-like symptoms arc more than were exposed to a strain of influenza double the average for this time of similar to HIN! in 1957,and so arc at year. With Monday's announcement less risk of contracting the disease. that B.C. will be suspending regular HlNl vaccines are expected to beflu vaccinations, the numbers may come available to the public around continue to increase. mid-November. B.C.'s decision to suspend vaccinations is In response to a national study submitted for peer review last week. 'lhe study found that patients who had received regular flu vaccinations In Canada were twice as likely to contract HlNl. The study is based in Canada, and hasn't been substantiated by any other findings internationally. This prompt· ed the World Health Organization's director of vaccine research to allude that there may be a "study bias." According to Dr. Ethan Rubinstein, head of adult infectious diseases at the University of Manitoba, the research Is solid. "There arc a large number of authors, all of them excellent and credible researchers," he said. "And the sample size is very large - 12 or 13 million people taken from the central reporting systems in three provinces." B.C. Health officials arc distributing the flu vaccine as usual beginning October 13, but only to those 65 or


Swine Flu may not be fatal, or even considered severe, but It Is certainly prolific In BC this fall. Data shows It to be the predominant strain of In• fluenza this season. Cases have been confirmed at elementary schools throughout the province, with hundreds of students slaying home from school due to flu-like symptoms. However, there are no new deaths reported by BC's Ministry of Health Services. 1he Ministry's weekly bulle•

tin reports only one new severe case in the province, and none severe enough to require Intensive care. Since April 2009 there have only been six deaths in BC related to HlNl, and, according to the MHS report, "In each case, there were underlying medical conditions." To keep HlNl in perspective, the MHS report conveys that "400 to 800 people die In British Columbia from

the seasonal flu or pneumonia each year.'' Flu viruses can remain on hard surfaces for 24 to 48 hours, and on soft materials for as long as eight to 12 hours. n1ere are many precautions that can be taken to keep from getting sick. People, especially children, arc advised to wash their hands once every hour. Pregnant women also are especially advised to carry hand sanitizer with them at all times. Sports teams and groups Joining for worship or other activities are advised to avoid shaking hands. Also, hand-to-face contact such as rubbing your eyes or lips is d !scour• aged. These arc usually unconscious movements, and arc something that humans engage in an average of 16tlmes an hour according to a study conducted at the University of California-Berkeley. An increased focus on personal hy• giene is recommended. Also, staying home If symptoms such as coughing, fever, nausea, diarrhea, and muscle aches present themselves is strongly advised. Y..UNlmay not be deadly, but it can lead to pneumonia and severe respiratory problems in persons who are at higher medical risk. Sources: '!he Province, The Globe and Mail, BC Centre for Disease Control. (Public Health Agency of Canada)


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MADD says bar'scash promotion encourages bingedrinking

University ofRegina guarantees employment forgraduates

Thepractice byuniversities ofhiring lobby- AWaterloo-based Arecentstudyconducted bythe Memo• activist grouphasreleased a A promotion put on byan Edmonton bar TheUniversity ofRegina hasunveiled a theirInstitutions tothegovern- statement guaranteeing thatstudents getem• rialUniversity of Newfoundland andMcMasterlststo represent ofprotest against the2010Vancouverwherestudents get$10cashimmediately Ifthey program within sixmonths ofgraduation orthe asa potential misuse Olympic University's DeGroote School ofBusiness hasre• menthasbeenquestioned Games torchrelay. showIDat thedoorandanextra$10at theend ployment willprovide themwithanother yearof money, andInappropriate In some "Thetorchexplicitly vealedthatanemployee's financial wealthand of taxpayer brings alltheInjustices ofthenighthasbecome a controversial subject In university courses freeofcharge. Columbia's NDP Advanced Edu- andoppressions levelofeducation affectsthelevelofemployer- cases,byBritish oftheOlympics Intoourown thecommunity. Critic Michelle Mungall. supported training that'sprovided IntheirJob.In cationDeputy communities," explained fourth-year Wilfrid University of Regina president Vlanne Tim• JesseJames,director of operations forthe happento befriendsof liberal Laurler addition, among thelow-wage andlesseducated Manylobbyists University student Adam Lewis, who nightclub described thepromotion asa response monssaidthe"guarantee" program isbuilding said,which•certainly doesn't Isa member workers, women aresignificantly lesslikely than Party,Mungall oftheuniversity's co-opprogram, oftheactivist groupAnti-War at to newAlberta liquorlawson minimum drink onthesuccess seemto be the bestwayto be usingtaxpayer Laurler mentoreceive training. (AW@L). Citing thethefallure ofthe thefirstofItskindInwestern Canada. prices. educa- International Gordon Cooke ofMemorial University, lslkZeytl• moneythat'smeantforpost-secondary ·we currently havea 97percentrateofall Olympic Committee (IOC) toseek "We're notallowed togiveawayfreebooze of University Press. nogluoftheDeGroote School ofBusiness, andMc• tlon,"shetoldtheCanadian theappropriate permission fromnative groups anykind,sotheonlythingwe'relegally allowed ourstudents goingto eithergradschool orem• to the B.C.Lobbyist Registry, current toholdthegamesontheirlandLewis Master published theirfindings IntheJuly2009 According togiveIscash... youdon'thavetobuydrinks, but ployment. Wewantto makethis100percent," andthe schools Including SimonFraserUniversity, the othermembers IssueofPerspectives onLabour andIncome. ofAW@l havecondemned that'stheIdeaofIt,•Jamessaid. Timmons said. Institute ofTechnology, University ofBritish boththeOlympics "When we... beginto lookat thesemorevul- B.C. Ingeneral andthetorch Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have If Uof Rstudentschoose to participate In havehiredlobbyists torepresent them celebration. nerable groups - low-wage, less-educated, non- Columbia Lastweek,thegroupsenta letterto expressed theirdisapproval of the promotion.theguarantee program, theymustparticipate In structure, theInterests Kitchener union- [allowerproportion ofwomen arebeing Intheareasofmunicipal mayor CarlZehrtoraisetheirconcerns. Gladys Shelstad, vicepresident oftheEdmonton"academic, leadership andservice opportunities" Inrelation to legalIssues, capital "Some trainedthanthe proportion of men,•explains ofuniversities totheprogram website. people wlllobjectandsomepeople will andareaChapter, wantsowners to bemorere· according projects, anduniversity status. PhDstudent JamesChowhan. support It,"saidZehrInresponse tothisletter. sponslble. •Thisprogram Ismoreaboutstudent engage• claimed thattheyarenothiringanylobby- "Generally •11sohappens that,unfortunately, females are BCIT anything. Overthefouryears, (students speaking Ithinkthatthepublic Isvery •More myconcern Isthattheyputminimum mentthan theycurrently muchInfavour moreprevalent Inthe unlucky half.That'swhy lsts,butmordlngtotheregistry, oftheeventandwlllbepleased drinkpricing Ineffectfora reason andbarsshould wllllworkthrough a seriesofactivities andexpetolobby oncapital projects and tobepartofthisasa celebration thegendergapmaterlallzed. It'snotto saythat retainoneperson ofsport." beabiding bythat... theyshould bewanting all rlencesthat enhance the connection between thisyear.SFU declined comment hotlegalwaterwhentheyfailedtofollow McDonalds giveslesstrainingto femalesthan hiredtwoearlier CFS theirpatrons theirstudiesandtheircareer," saidTimmons. tobesafe."Shelstad said. ontheIssue. males." bylaws. Gaboury, CUP Central Bureau Chief Alexandria Eldridge, CUPAlberta andNorthern Ashley Andrew Bates, CUP Western Bureau Chief Melanie Ferrier, TheSIihouette (McMaster) Laura Carlson, TheCord Weekly (Wllfrld Laurler Bureau Chief University) I• I•



Cascade News • FridayOctober9th 2009

StudentUnion Removes'Resigned'Vice-President DAVID MILLER

NEWS& OPINIONEDITOR the board. Lillbcck's statement wasn't Last week, the Student Union removed Chelsea Lillbeck from her position as V P•Academic. lier removal comes despite :.i public and controversial resignation statement made by Lillbcck that w:.issent to the local mcdia announcing that she will step clown on October l. "I can no longer continue to be part of an organization that puts its financial health at risk in order to throw a one night free party In the form of a concert named Disorientation," the statement read. On October 2, a motion was made to remove Lillbeck as a member of the board. The reasons cited were failure to nttend required meetings of the board, missing three board meetings in a row, missing five rncctings In total, failing to meet her required number of office hours, failure to meet her responsibilities as VPA and her communication with the local media. The mollon stated that her statement was "detrimental to the intrcsts of the Student Union Society and misleading." The motion passed with over the requi rcd 75 percent approval. According to SUS bylaws, a director can end their term by resigning in writing to an executive member of

delivered to SUS until October l, the day before the scheduled meeting. A resignation of a director docs not take effect until the end of the following board meeting, so Lillbeck's resignation would not have taken affect until the end of the October 2 meeting. Li llbeck responded to the news, saying, "I was unaware of this as 1 resigned due to the Disorientation effective October 1." T,illbcck said she chose the date of October I as it was the closest date to the next SUS meeting so that the position did not remain vacant. SUS disputes Lillbeck's lack of knowledge of her removal saying that notice of the meeting and motion to remove her was given to her on Sep• tembcr 18 by e-mail, registered mail and in her SUS mailbox. SUS has provided an email from Lillbeck, dated September 23, informing the board that she will be bringing legal counsel to the October 2 meeting to respond to the letter. In response to Lillbeck's email, SUS brought their own legal counsel to the October 2 meeting but Lillbeck and her legal counsel did not show up. Lillbcck's statement criticized SUS for the cost of hosting Dlsorlentatlon:

IClub and Associationof the Week:



from helping those that continue to struggle with the costs of at• tending post secondary education during tough economic times and contributes to a lack of funding to enhance other avenues of student life such as funding clubs and associations." According to SUS, the funding of Disorientation wlll not affect the funding of other services SUS provides. "We have been accused of inappropriately funding the DisO and wasting money on a one-night extravaganza, but the truth is we decided in the early stages of planning the show that It would be an extravaganza for the students, and later when students were telling us their financial situation wouldn't allow them to go we made the tickets free to students,'' SUS Pres• !dent Jack Brown said. "We did look at cancelling the show, but again, we decided as a board that It was more important to give the students the concert, and it has to be said that those who came saw a phenomenal show," Brown said.

Toronto Police Chief to Make History RAYMOND KWAN

LoudenSingletreeLit Mag Club look at a manuscript if the writer does ANGELA OSTRIKOFF not have a publishing credit. SzlovicSTAFF WRITER sak explained that literary magazines Who: 'lhe Louden Singletree Lit arc "a great first place to be published, Mag Club is a group of English stu• and many writers got their start there, dents that work to produce the Loud- including Alice Monroe." en Singletree, UFV's official Literary For students interested in getting involved with the Louden Singletree, Magazine. When: The society meets every they can email the magazine at loudsecond Wednesday at 4 p.m. at Tim or check out the Louden Singletree Facebook group. At Hortons on the Abbotsford Campus. the moment they are looking for read"Ihey also use a Faccbook group in orers and contributors. The magazine der to stay in touch. What: The Louden Singletree is accepts poetry, short stories, creative UFV's annual literary publication. 1t non-fiction and articles. 1his year, for the first time, the magazine is acceptfeatures student and faculty creative works. 'lhe first issue of the Louden ing visual art: photography, paintings Singletree was published last spring and even photographs of sculptures. ll1e Louden Singletree is also llowevcr, according to Sonja Szlovlc• sak, a member of the Louden Single- looking for readers who would be tree Lit Mag Club, last year they did interested in going over the submissions. The commitment is over the not have as much student involvement as the organizers would have liked. As Christmas break, :111donly for as long a result, most of the editors and con- as it wou Id take for the reader to read tributors were faculty members. 111ls 5 submissions. The submission deadyear, the editorial board would like to line is December 15,2009. Members of the Louden Singletree sec the magazine run by students, although faculty contributions are still Lit Mag Club will be going around to various English and Art classes hand• welcome. Ing out bookmarks with submission Szlovicsak explained that the Louden Singletree ls a great chance Information. for aspiring writers and artists to be published. The Louden Singletree counts as a publishing credit, which is what most writers need. Get• ting published at all can be very difficult as most publishing companies will not


ing diverts valuable funds away

Sloly himself has a few choice

EXCALIBUR (YORKUNIVERSITY)words for those critical of his ap•


oaring through the ranks of the Toronto Police Service, a York University graduate may very well become Toronto's first black police chief. Peter Sloly, a former York Schulich School of Business student, was recently promoted to deputy chief of police - the rank directly below police chief William Blair. At just 43 years old, the 21-year Toronto Police Service veteran is much younger than the average deputy chief. York University's Black Students' Alliance president Odion Oscgycfo's reaction to the news of Sloly's promotion was mixed. "One can't dismiss that [his promotion] is an achievement in and of itself ... but, by my estimation, I don't think it dismisses fact that the relationship between the Toronto Po lice and the black community is stlll frayed," said Osegyefo. "I would still have to wait and sec if this would make any significant change to have more people of colour, more black faces in high places, if that would necessarily correlate to more collegial relationships [between] Toronto police and the black commu• nlty." York sociology professor Noemla Couto argued that race is relevant, but it should not cloud our ability to move past it and sec the commitment Sloly brings to his work. "Our society still secs the colour of skin as a factor, and so that too must be addressed ... I hope we can see the man as representative of a given eth• nlc group, but also the bigger picture of what he can bring to the position."

proach to policing. "Some people have criticized my sports programs. There arc those that feel police officers shouldn't be social workers and that rnoney should be spent on enforcement ... but I believe In community building," Sloly said in a Sept. 21 Toronto Star article. Sloly's extraordinary rise th rough the ranks of the police force has managed to draw the Ire of many because of his young age. "If you're required to be in a place for a certain amount of time, l guess I don't hit that benchmark. If it's about experiences and adding value to help build the police service into the best It can be, then I think I hit that benchmark," Sloly told the Toronto Star. Sloly's humble roots began In Jamaica; he immigrated to Canada al the age of nine. His ambition and penchant for .achievement was obvious when he was a young man, excelling in his high school studies and even playing on the Canadian national men's soccer team. He earned a BA In sociology from McMaster University and an MBA from the Schul• ich School of Business at York in 2004.

In 2001, Sloly was part of a UN peacekeeping mission, along with 10,000 other police officers from NATO member countries. Learning that more than force is needed to keep the peace, Sloly took this hard lesson back to the streets of Toronto, where he organi1.ed sports teams for disadvantaged youth llvlng In at-risk neighbourhoods in an attempt to rebuild relationships between the community and the police.

Cascade News• Friday October 9th 2009

Indian Royalty Graces UFV Sonja.Silovicsak Medtner, to the western world. Maharaja /ayaACTINGEDITOR INCHIEF chamaraja founded the Medtner Society. n September 28, UFV played host to royally.Princess Urmllla Devi, from Mysore in southern India, visited U-Tlouse Lomake a special presentation about the history of her family. The Centre for Indo-Canadian studies hosted this very special event. Princess Urmilla spoke about growingup in the Mysore Palace. '!he palace is situated in southern India in the stale of Karnataka. "lhe city is noted for having a number of palaces, but the Mysore Palace refers to the palac1:which is Lhcofficial residence of the Princess's family. Princess Urmilla's family ruled Mysore from 1399 until 1947 as maharajas. The term "maharaja" is Sanskrit for "great king". Princess Urmilla explained that up until Just after India g11inedindependence from Brltlan, members of her family were very well travelled and tried to promote western culture. "[Maharaja Jayachamaraja Wodeyar Bahadurl was very Interested In western music. He was taught to play the piano by nuns at quite a young age, and this is what sparked his interest," the princess explained. Maharaja Jayachamaraja was the 25th, and last, maharaja of Mysore. He was noted for being a lover of both music and philosophy. ln fact, he arranged for Carnatlc concerts (Carnatic music is traditional south Indian music) to be played in New York. The maharaja is also responsible for Introducing the Russian composer, Nikolai Karlovich


Princess Urmilla explained that Maharaja Jayachamaraja came to power because of a curse that was placed on her family 400 years ago. The curse on the dynasty is said to prevent the maharaja's of the Wodeyar Dynesty from having children. Maharaja Jayachamaraja in• herited his title from his uncle. "So you see, the curse is still in effect," Lhe princess explained. She continued that so far, l7 maharajas have fallen victim to this curse. Princess Urmilla explained that succession was a tricky issue for the Wodeyar Dynesty. After the death of Maharaja Chamaraja Wodeyar, the British appointed the mother of the new maharaja to act as regent until her son turned 18. "It ls said that when she would meet with [men from the British government]... she would sit behind a curtain and discuss the business with them," Princess Urmilla explained. After Princess Urmllla's presentation, Satwinder Bains, the director of the Centre for Indo-Canadian studies, presented a book on Canada to the princess on behalf of the university and the Centre for Indo-Canadian studies. Today, the front of the Mysore Palace has been converted into a museum and tourist at• traction, but the Wodcyar family still resides in the back of the palace.



Cascade News • FridayOctober9th 2009

How Free is the Canadian Press? SONJA SZLOVICSAK quick glance through the CRTC's ACTINGEDITOR-IN-CHEIFownership charts reveals that members of the Asper family own Global here's a saying that the media News, various newspapers, TV chancan't tell you what to think, but nels, 1'V shows and web sites. They they do tell you what to think about. also own a few radio stations in 1\1rThe saying seems to ring true; a news- key and part of a TV channel in Auspaper can't force you to change your tralia. opinion, or convince you that an inIt's really quite disturbing that herently bad idea is a good Idea. How- one family can control that much of ever, whatever ends up on the news our media. lhe media, In particular (or In the paper) ends up being dis- the news, Is supposed to be a public cussed at the water cooler. So It seems service. Ideally, the media in a demothat the media docs have a great deal cratic society should reflect a wide vaof power when it comes to inlluenclng riety of view points on a wide variety public thought. of topics. Unfortunately, in Canada So who is it that tells us, the audi- and particularly the United States, ence, what to think about? This isn't this just doesn't happen. People like a question that comes up very often, the Asper family hire executives that and for good reason. There aren't very share their opinions, who in turn hire many people that own the media in managers and editors that also share Canada. In fact, the ownership of the their opinions. Writers arc told to media is concentrated in the hands of turn in stories that don't contradict a very small number of people. these opinions. The Canudlan Radio-television In the end, freedom of speech is sacrificed. Several of Conrad Black's and Communication Commission (CRTC) keeps track of media owner- former editors have complained that ship. The in formation is freely avail- they would receive phone calls at all able to anyone that just happens to hours of the night from Black. Why? wonder who owns Global News. A He didn't like seeing his friends'


names in his newspapers, especially if the article revealed too much about their questionable business practices. Now, I'm not suggesting that every owner of major media outlets exert this kind of bizarre control over their news outlets, but I am saying this poses a major restriction on free speech. When one company owns multiple news outlets, they don't need as many journalists. After all, it's much cheaper to just publish the same stories across multiple outlets. We see this a lot with members of the Canwest media conglomerate. A story which appears in The Vancouver Sun will also be in 1/Je Province, The National Post, 1he Ottawa Citizen, The VictoriaTimes Columnist and will also appear on Global News. This

TheDanger ofDownplaying Mental Health


NEWS &OPINION EDITORof tissues. In a moment of crisis their ttending a post-secondary insti· tutlon Isn't exactly a cakewalk. For some, ILIs an absolute nightmare. A recent article In Macleans stated that 15 percent of Canadian university students suffer from some sort of a mental health Issue. Even worse Is that this percentage isn't representative; many are likely to keep their conditions a secret. Educational institutions pride themselves on excellence and don't tolerate those who do not perform, so those with depression or anxiety rarely come out. But step Into student services and you'll sec a different picture. Counsellors make themselves available, free of charge, to students to provide a non-judgemental ear and help provide students with skills to cope. For those who need help juggling priorities they are a great resource, and for those whose problems arc much worse It can be a lifesaver. For me this Is a truth found from personal experience. A year ago, l found myself overwhelmed. School and work were pllllng up on me. I was retreating socially and from my family as I tried to nurse insecurities and personal pain. All It took was a minor argument at work to set me loose. As I tried to walk it off I felt myself having a nervous breakdown and in the first floor ofB building, I fell apart. As l hobbled into student services the people at the front desk could im· mediately see what was going on and found me a private safe-space. Within minutes, there was someone there providing an ear and a steady supply


professionalism and support was invaluable. It's a tragic reality that there are those who don't seek out help and suffer in silence. Either they aren't aware that there are services available to students, or through fear or shame they keep themselves alone. An individual-centred culture that has a sickly medieval attitude to is· sues of mental health plays a heavy role In the latter. Whether it be the

friend who downplays symptoms of pain in someone they know or the co-worker who sees these symptoms as selfish cries for attention, the price of not taking someone with mental health concerns seriously is too large to downplay or Ignore. If someone is talking about their own pain, listen to them; and If they say anything that suggests they will harm themselves, talk to them and seek help Immediately ( like this 24/7 crisis line, 1-877820·7141 ),

I should also point out that yuu shouldn't seek counselling as a last

resort or think that if you arc not having a crisis you will never be seen. Amongst counsellors at UPV, this is seen as one of the misconceptions that stop people from seeking them out. While It may seem mundane, if an issue is presenting you with a problem, then counsellors are interested in talking to you. It can be as simple as relationship issues or help In asserting yourself a bit more. Doing this can prevent a small issue from snowballing into a larger one. Whether it's in the arrogance of our political leaders, or someone we know, most of us think we are capable of taking care of things by ourselves. Individuality ls a crucial concept of our society, but as the adage goes, If you stand up like a nail you will be knocked down. Life ls confusing, complicated, sometimes a bit much and at times unrelenting in Its brutality. Admitting your limits and seeking an impartial car w.illnot only help you in the moment but put you on the road to gaining the skills and confidence that can last a life time. If you are facing a problem that you can't deal with, there Is help. UFV's counselling department offers its services free of charge to UFV students. To book an appointment go down Room B214 (In Abbotsford) or Phone (604) 854-4528, bclwccn 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. In Chilliwack, visit E building or phone (604) 795-2808, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. If you are having a crisis, someone will be there to help. lf services are dosed phone the 24 hour crisis line at 1·877820-7444 or visit

isn't necessarily because the story is so urgent that it must be reported everywhere; usually, it's because the same Journalist ls reporting on that one story. TI1esituation here In B.C. ls particularly sad; our dally newspapers are, for the most part, owned by Canwest. The Globeand Mall is owned by Bell Canada, but The Province, The VancouverSun and The National Post are

all owned by the Asper family. The small local papers are usually owned by Black Press or Canwest, so don't look to your local paper for different opinions. While we like to think we have freedom of the press, It seems we don't. The worst part Is, It Is extremely unlikely that our government will step in to sort out this unfortunate situation. After all, politics Is based on public opinion. No politician wants to get on the bad side of the media. So where can an inquisitive member of the public go to get opinions that haven't been okayed by the Asper family? Well, they could read something published by Black Publishing. Or, they could check out the internet. Web sites like are independent and arc free to publish as they sec fit. Or watch the CBC. Or read the Cascade. Unfortunately, the major news outlets in this country don't act as a forum for public debate and free speech. Instead, they have become a way for the media moguls of this country to tell us what, and what not, to think about.

Put Your Mon~y Where Your Mouth Is bit more transparent. You cannot make claims aboul fiscal mismanagef any of you are dedicated readers ment publically and then just drop of any of the local papers, then you off the face of the earth; likewise, you most likely saw the articles that ran cannot have claims like this brought In the Abbotsford Times, 1he Abbots- against you and just say, "nope, not ford Newsand TheChllliwackProgress true" and walk away like you've done about a member of our Student Union your part. publlcally resigning due to, what she Both sides have some explaining says, was a mismanagement of funds. to do. The fact that Lillbeck's resigna• The student is Chelsea Lillbeck, and tion-and her claims of financial Irreshe previously sat on the board of the sponsibility-were In the community Student Union Society (SUS) as the vice-president academic. In the articles that were run, Lillbeck claims that she could no longer bear to be on the SUS because they were "so fiscally irresponsible." She goes on to say that the money should have been allocated for grants, scholarships and bursaries. If she was looking to get a rise out of the Student Union, she didn't really get one; all they really said was that her claims were ridiculous and that dis-O went great. In one article, the SUSwas quoted as stating that the budget for dis-O is completely separate from funding for grants, schol- newspapers should spark enough inarships and bursaries. 1be money terest amongst the student body and for student financial aide will not be community alike to put pressure on touched by the dis-O budget. both sides to get some straight anWhy does any of this matter? Be- swers. Whatever the truth is, more cause It begs the question, ls Chelsea students should be Interested in findLillbeck attempting to make a big deal Ing lt out, since we pay these people to out of nothing, for her own personal work for our good. pleasure? Or is there truth In what So Chelsea Llllbeck, we would love she is claiming, thal the SUS has been to hear you out. Why do you feel that mishandling student's hard earned student money was spent frivolously? money? And SUS, we would love to hear why In order for anyone to find out what you feel it was not. The student body Is truth and what ls just mudslinging, is waiting for an answer, and the least it will require both sides to be a little both of you could do ls give us one.




Cascade News· Friday October 9th 2009

WestboroBaptist Church:Religion of Hate. KevinBodner Phelps was a lawyer and a civil rights CONTRIBUTORworker during the movement back in n the city of Topeka, the capital city of Kansas, a certain group of protesters has bewme a very common sight. They protest at an average of six to seven different locations a day during the week, and fifteen locations on Sunday. Unfortunately, that common sight also includes provocative signs, held not just by grown men and women, but by children as well. 111e signs, and their chants, all bear the same message: "God Hales Fags." Who arc Lhcsc people, you ask? Who arc these people that the AntiDefamation League describes as "virulently homophobic, whose antihomosexual rhetoric is often a cover for anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism, racism, and anti-Catholicism?" They arc the members of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), a congregation that believes that God hates everything-and everyone-save for those who prescribe to the WBC beliefs. Founder, leader and Pastor Fred Phelps has a surprising history for a man who now uses slogans such as "God Hates Fags," "Thank God For Dead Soldiers," and "Priests Rape Boys." Before he founded the WBC,


the '60s. He took on the infamous Jim Crow laws in his home state of Kansas; he represented non-whites in discrimination actions against Kansas City Power and Light, Southwestern Bell, the Topeka City Attorney and he represented two female professors alleging discrimination In Kansas universities. So how does a man like that turn into a hate mongering, homophobic, racist Pastor? His daughter, and fellow member of his congregation, said it started when Phelps witnessed a homosexual attempting to lure her then five-year-old son into a shrubbery. Phelps estranged son, Mark Phelps (no relation to the Olympic swimmer), denies this. Instead he claims that his father has uses his "church" to allow himsc.lf to be seen as a demigod-with absolute control over his family and congregation-by giving them a common enemy: Everybody that doesn't agree with Phelps. Enemies, or "fags" and "fag enablers" Include Catholics, Muslims, Jews, the Eastern Orthodoxy, Hindus, Protestants, gays, and Italians. Though the WBC claims it is not inherently racist, it has staged protests

against the Italian consulate in Philadelphia. The W BC said It staged the protest because "Italians are mobster• breeding perverts," and that "God REALLY Hates Ttaly."Their post also portrays Italians as unintelligent and the validity of Lheir "culture" is mocked as well. Unfortunately, the WBC has also taken its picketing to the military funerals of soldiers from Iraq and Af.


ghanlstan. 'D1e protesters bear signs which read "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" or "Pray to God For More

I HatetheOlympics ANGELA OSTRIKOFFget the homeless off the streets, then

sIAFFWRITERI fall to see how that would be prog-

February 12-28, 2010 willbe when all this talk of the Olympics finally comes to a freaking end. As far as I'm concerned, this conversation should have ended a long time ago. I remember the day, back when I was 15, that the location of tHc 2010 Olympics was announced and everyone went crazy with excitement. Now it seems that we have really just gone crazy. The other day while I was driving home from the post office, I was detained for an annoying amount of time while I waited for a caravan of Olympic vehicles to drive by me. This really got under my skin; as l was sitting there, it made me remember all the other things I have been deprived of in order to get the Olympics in Vancouver. Like my peace of mind. I can walk into any store, anywhere in BC, and sec random Olympic-themed knick knacks. Sometimes I just want a pen or a notebook, not ones with an oddly Asian looking sasquatch on It for $19.99. Our homeless population is also taking a huge hit. Instead of working towards some sort of solutions (which I know is not an open and shut case), we have decided to hide the homeless. A new law is trying to get passed right now that would rnake it legal for authorities to escort the homeless off the streets and into shelters. This may be a really great idea that could save a lot of people from an ice cold winter, but if this is something that only happens during the Olympics and is really just so that the police have the authority to

ress. And the Issue that must always be raised when speaking of the 2010 Olympics is that of taxation; exactly how much we are sacrificing for two weeks out of the span of the eternity. I find it to be amazingly coincidental that the HST is coming up on the ho-

rlzon in the only province to have the games. Is this starting to sound like fun yet? And all of these things suck. I remember being a kid and watching the Olympics, wishing that one day I could make my country proud like the athletes. I also remember how cool I thought it was that all these countries

Dead Soldiers," while others thank "God for Improvised Explosive Devices (lEDs)." Other signs call soldiers "fags" or claim that dead soldiers arc burning in Hell. Why isn't the news reporting on this, especially now thal the WBC is petitioning the Canadian Government to allow them to protest Remembrance Day? 1he last time Phelps and his congregation attempted to enter

were coming together to play some sports. It kind of makes you feel like you did when you found out that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy weren't real. That's how I feel about the Olympics. What I once thought was so beautiful and honorable, I now see as just a bunch of annoying westerners try• ing to prove that they arc dedicated to

athletics, even though we spend most of our time eating McDonalds. Like so many things in our culture, the Olympics started out as something good, wholesome and well intentioned until someone found that they could make a pile of money out ofit.

Canada, the RCMP arrested Phelps and several other members of the WBC for hate speech. This prompted

Phelps, upon his release, to create the web site I say this is exactly the wrong way to go about stopping the W13Cfrom protesting. By arresting members of the congregation, you make martyrs out of them and create sympathizers. Ignoring them does no good either as they may try other, more disgusting and terrible, ways to gain attention to their cause and message. No, the way you deal with the WBC is simple: You mock them. You turn their protest into things of utter stupidity, to the point where they arc no longer taken seriously. When they show up with their signs, we should show up with our own signs that are knock offs of the W BC messages. How about "God Hates Facebook" or "God Hates MySpace'' or "God Hates the WBC" or "God Hates Westboro Liars"? Show up to the WBC pickets dressed as guys from the Village People, dancing to the YMCA. If we continue mocking them, and turning their pickets and protests Into things of ridicule, then maybe, just maybe, they'll get the message that nobody takes them seriously-and the disgusting protests will stop.

SOMETHING ON YOUR MIND? The Cascade would love to hear from you! If you hate the architecture at UFV, think that nobody understands the moral undertone of the Simpsons or wish the UFV swimming pool was easier to find, write about it. We accept opinion pieces from UFV students, staff and faculty. Submissions must be a minimum of 400 words. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity. Submissions that are slanderous or make disparaging remarks based on gender, sexuality, religion or ethnicity will not be published ..All submissions must include your full name, contact information, and student number (if applicable). Submissions should be sent to


Cascade News• Friday October 9th 2009


Listen Up! Poetry, RapandSound atUFV Bookstore that was inspired by Ben Metcalf's quote PAUL FALARDEAU

ARTS& LIFEEDITOR n September 30th, over sixty people, including students, faculty and members of the community, gathered into the UFV bookstore. ·n1ey gathered for a poetry reading by Hungarian-Ca• nadian Endrc Farkas and Montreal based Carolyn Souaid. This was one of the most highly attended readings held by the bookstore so far and holds great hope for the future ofllterary events at the university. The reading started with a brief introduction of the poets, giving a background on the previous work of each. Then, Farkas explained they would each take turns reading poems until they eventually performed "poetic intercourse" and began


reading poems jointly. The poets traded their verses, in• eluding Farkas' "Poem to Myself" and Souaid's ''Paper Oranges" These poems were what the audience was expecting and they seemed to be enjoyed by all. They included wonderful imagery like "Graveyards of tangled sinks and mangled telephones" and "You mistook your song for an iPod" 'Il1erewas also political poetry to engage the crowd. Farkas read his poem

Toklas' name. These included some very graphic references to act of lesbian lovemaking, obviously a part of Tokias' life. Moving back Into territory that didn't scare members of the audience was the duo's self-professed proof that white guys can't rap. n1ts was a piece that was written in re''Thenthe poetic sponse to Prime Minister Harper's intercoursebegan." comment calling artists "spoiled". Tt was a rap called "Harper's Rob1111swas the point where many people bin Da' Hood" It was a playfully In the audience, who didn't have prevl• constructed, half joking dig at the ous experience with the artists, began to PM which Included lines like "You seem uncomfortable in their seats. Poetry wouldn't know the people If they readings, It appeared, are not as dull as bit you In your art cuts". It also was some may have you believe. a message to artists to stand up The first dually read poem had a title against the government and conthat was inexplicably long. It was a free Linueto make art that matters. form perThe two poets finished their midformance day performance with a poem that that ex- had evolved from emails the two perimented sent back and forth to each other. with syl- Tt was a dialogue between Judaism lable use, and Islam, looking at their conflict. featuring Starting with childish banter like the duo in "My God can ... " each poet took a cacopho- the voice of a religion. Sometimes nous exer- reading separately, sometimes at cise repeat- once the pair exhibited the power Ing words of individual voices and how they and sounds become lost when they speak too including differently at the same time. Their wolf howls. verses also ended up saying the There was· same thing at several points, which an excep- is when the message was strongest tional un- and conveyed the notion that a derstandunited front is what is best for all ing of people. They ended the poem with language and natural interplay that made the suggestion that love could end the performance a success where it could the conflict but that "to say I love have fallen on Its face in less capable you is to be exiled from the desert" hands. Overall the event was a success The next piece was an homage to Ger- and proved an enjoyable, challengtrude Stein's Jover Alice B. Toklas, fa- ing and stimulating experience for mous for her "Tokeless"Toklas cannabis everyone. Although d,1tes are not cookies. If some members of the audience yet confirmed, the word on the were shell-shocked by the earlier perfor- street is that our next guest may be mances, they were blown away by this legendary Canadian poet, bill bisone, which included heavily dcconstruct- sett. ed poetry, featuring anagrams made of in Harper's magazine which reads, "Am I allowed to write that I would like to hunt down George W. Bush, the president of the United States, and kill him with my bare hands?" the poem was called "Let's Put the Gun in Our Hands"

Bringing Us Poetry From The "Mother Tongue" First book inthe"New B.C. Poets" series receives a warm reception MICHELLE FIETJE CONTRIBUfOR n Monday evening, the Peter Kaye Room at the Vancouver Public Library was full of avid listeners anticipating the debut of 4 Poets, the first book in a new series of poetry compilations to come from Mother Tongue Publishing on Salt Spring Island. Mona Furtlg, host and publisher, described her intentions for crcnting the new series, saying she wanted to "crack open the book of poetry into a new landscape" garnering exposure for new poets and revisiting the work of established poets "whose lives' from her long poem "Moving Earth", work is often forgotten". a grouping of shorter poems that deMona introduced Onjana Yawng• scribe her heritage. As a person of hwe, a poet from Vancouver who Shan descent, Yawnghwe's parents immediately captured the audience's were born in Burma; however they attention. Onjana began by reading were forced to move to Thailand,


and Yawnghwe has never visited her homeland. Born in Chiang Mai, Yawnghwefeels a deep connection to her cultural roots; She explored these emotions with lines such as "(s]he escapes to Thailand and mimes a life;/ She comes to Canada and does the same" and "[s]he spends forever leaving home/ she needs this narrow piece of earth, / to know one armful of land is for her". The audience was rapt with attention as Yawnghwe read "Ghost" in Thai.Yawnghweended her reading with a poem entitled ''Her Cooking". It vividly described the ingredients her mother used when making a fa. vourlte meal. The tantalizing Imagery had the captive audience murmuring in appreciation. Daniela Elza, n doctorate student of philosophy at Simon Fraser University, closed the evening with

some of her poems from the anthology. She delighted the audience with poetry read in both English and Bulgarian. Beginning with "In a Tumble of Feathers", Elza read In her native language creating a beauty in words the listeners were unable to under• stand. For two of her poems, Elza was accompanied by interpretive dancer Sulin Tseng. The audience was mesmerized as Tseng captured the essence of "Inhabltlons", and the poem "putting words in the mouth of a picture". Finally,Elza read, "Interpreting the Winds" a poem that incorporates Bulgarian folk song, which she was gracious enough to sing. This poem described three mountains in Bulgaria, and the lives lead there. Elza mentions that her heritage Is a driving force In her poetry; one poem revisits a hiking trip taken with friends as a

teenager. Both poets engaged the audience, and expressed passion In their readings. When asked what she loved about writing poetry, Yawnghwe described that a "connection to the self, or opening the door to another self, another life, is an exciting experience". Elza stated that poetry for her is "a conversation", and that her goal is to "bring poetry and philosophy back together, as they are meant to be". Mother Tongue Publishing created an inspiring forum to discover these emerging poets, and those who attended were given a treasure-spo• ken word transcending language and culture to touch the heart. 1ne next reading of the 4 Poets is at the Robson Square Reading Serles Nov. 12 at 7pm.

..- - - .. Arts & Life

Cascade News • FridayOctober9th 2009


Ibsen's A Doll's House StagedReadingbyUFV Theatrea Delight

RAY DEKROON Sheri Eyre played the part of Nora CONTRIBUTOR Helmer, Tim Pierotti played her husband Torvald, Kalmla Hockin that of n Friday October 2nd, the UFV Christine Linde (Nora's friend), Darcy Theatre Department hosted a J. Knopp that of Krogstad (the money staged reading of J-Icnrik Ibsen's A lender), J.D. Dueckman that of Dr. Doll'sMouseon their main stage. The Rank (secretly in love with Nora), and event, directed by Megan Mackenzie, Hennie Regoczi the combined roles of was free and approximately fort,ypeo- Anne, Helen and the porter. ple attended. n1e actors were in costume for A staged reading is an event where the performance and there was a sigreaders or actors perform with script nificant amount of blocking or movein hand. Often the stage Is nearly bare ment. This was much more than a dry with just a few chairs, or as In the case reading. The actors read with passion of this production, It can be a little and were committed to their roles. more elaborate. Megan Mackenzie Eyre's portrayal qf Nora and her opted for a set that included a table transition from an artificial, flighty with teapot and biscuits, a Christmas songbird to a deeply troubled yet detree and presents, some chairs, a well termined woman was very convinc• used bag of maoaroons, and a rather Ing. She truly brought the character uncooperative coat rack. Because the to life. The emotional arc between her back portion of the stage was unusand the other characters bridged the able due to set construction underway gap between actors and audience. The for Schoolhouse, the actors remained moment Nora confesses to Torvald quite close to the audience, creating that she no longer loves him felt genua very intimate and enjoyable atmo- ine, as if the audience was just then sphere. witnessing a marriage break-up. lf you are unfamiliar with IbBoth Kalmla Hockln and Darcy sen's play, it involves Nora Helmer, J. Knopp brought something special a housewife, who Is treated like a to the scene where Christine Linde child or "doll" by her husband, Tor- offers her hand to Krogstad and he vald. Unknownst to Torvald, Nora abandons his plans to blackmail Nora. has borrowed a significant sum of Krogstad's abrupt shift from villain money (and forged documents to do to benefactor Is a tricky Juncture In so). When he discovers her secret, his Ibsen's play. The sudden reversal had scathing reaction shatters Nora's ro- a believable emotional edge to it and mantic notions of their marriage. In both actors really managed to make the end, after realizing her whole life the moment work. has been a lie, she decides to leave him During another memorable moand her children in order to discover ment, Nora began flipping the pages who she really is. of her script as if she had lost her place.



From UFV Theatre

It turns out she was lacking an entire page, though she never missed a beat. She continued along by memory until she sidled up to Krogstad, grabbed his script and told him, "I'm gonna need to see this." The coat rack also generated some laughs after it collapsed under the weight of Mrs. Linde's coat. Mrs. Linde managed to right It again but as soon as she turned her back, It toppled a second time. It looked as if it might get personal between the two but Nora finally shouted out, "oh, Just leave the silly thing!" When Dr. Rank entered later and prepared to hang.his coat, I don't think I was the only audience member tempted to shout out, "Dr. Rank! Dr. Rank! Don't hang your bloody coat there. That thing isn't safe!" Perhaps expectations arc not as great at a staged reading because these moments did nothing to mar the performance, quite the contrary. The atmosphere was very relaxed and the actors showed great composure throughout. According to Megan Mackenzie, one of the reasons the Theatre Department staged this play was to sec if they could make it work with young actors. Before the department commits to a full production, they want to ensure it will resonate with the students, many of whom are younger. Mackenzie believes the themes the play deals with are very valid, and though Torvald's attitudes towards women may seem dated to us, Mackenzie rightly pointed out that there are "still situations in the world where women have very

little power." When asked after the reading if she thought the play was

doable, Mackenzie offered an enthusiastic "yes, absolutely!"

SCHOOLHOUSE ByLeanna Brodie Thetime:1938.Theplace: S.S.#1Jericho School, a oneroom schoolhouse justoutside thefictional village ofBaker's Creek. There, a delightful butunmanageable group ofchildren meetsitsmatch; 1112)1314192021262728 Melita Linton, an18year-oldteacher fresh outofNormal School. Full (Previews ofwarmth andpoignant humour, theplaychronicles MissLinton's Matinees: Sun, Nov 22&29,2pm struggle toconnect withaboywhohascuthimself offfrom everyone, & Tues, Nov 17at12Noon including himself - andtopersuade thecautious andcloseknitcommunity toopenitsarms tothisstranger initsmidst.

Nov. 11to29




Arts & Life



Cascade News • Friday October 9th 2009


---~ THE




The James Gang - Funk #49

ARTS & LIFE EDIloR Blues TheSoledad Brothers-Weight of the World This one's heavy. Not just because the band is named after a group of convicted Black Panther felons. More so because it features a slide guitar that shimmers and hums like Georgia heat from the man who taught Jack White how to play (literally). This slides nastily up next to proclamations from vocalist Johllny Walker, who sounds like he's preaching the apocalypse from a soapbox somewhere in the dirty south. The heat's be beating down and the Soledad Brothers is lookin' up.

This underrated classic from the similarly underrated On the Beach is some of Neil Young's finest work. He embodies the voice of a disgruntled hillbilly to harshly criticize the square community. 'lbc contempt and sarcasm in Young's voice reflects his disdain at the influx of rich yuppies into his home. The guitar work is at the level of typical genius exhibited by Young during that era.

Can white boys bring the funk? That question was answered by the James Gang years before the Red Hot Chili Peppers even thought about it. In short: definitely. The guitar in this track is nothing if not incredibly juicy. The bass grooves like Marvin Gaye was in the house. Try this one the next time you need to get laid. It will not disappoint.

~--~,6~ UFV


1l1e Tragically Hip - Wheat Kings

The Beatles - Within You, Without You

The Hip are undoubtedly one of the bands that can be described as truly Canadian, whatever that really means. Well at the very least, the Hip arc marvelous storytellers and "Wheat Kings" makes a bid for their most beautifully told story. One of a man falsely imprisoned in the Canadian Prairies. Gorgeous imagery and soaring vocals abound. Isn't it fun to her lyrics that include ((Late breaking story on the CBC"?

Perhaps the best so11g OPthe Beatles' opus Sgt Pepper'sLonely Hearts Club Band, this George Harrison driven track serves as a point which the entire album spins around. Like a calm sitar infused eye of the creative hurricane that the rest of the album was for the band, it feels like there is a moment of peace here that makes the whole album make sense.

Album Review

Nearly Two Decades in, Pearl Jam Still Unsurpassed are men in their middle years. So why

PAUL FAURPEAUthen has Pearl Jam never broken up,

ARTS & LIFE EbiWR packed

in, or met with some of the more terrible fates that awaited many ackspacer,the new studio release similar bands? Pearl Jam transcends the severe by Pead Jam, is their ninth to date. Their first, Ten, was released in 1991. niche that grunge occupied, marryIt came out a month before Nirvana's ing the emotional weight and angry Nevermind brought Seattle, ripped distortion of their peers with carefree jeans and grunge to the masses. Like youthfulness and striking beauty that any other cultural sensation grunge Is rarely found In other bands' work, had waves of converts, followers and or In music In general. In short, deposers chomping at the bit. Like other spite their age or genre, Pearl Jam sensations grunge was not meant to never forgot how to see beauty, make last. It doesn't take long to make a list genuine music, and overall, how to of failed grunge bands. The gods of have fun. Maybe "boys" is apt after that time mostly fell. One by one the all. Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, This attitude is readily evident Allee In Chains and others broke up, on Backspacer'svibrant opener, "I'm dii:d or moved on. Even the mighty Gonna Sec My Friend" which crams Nirvana met a tragic demise. upbeat tempo, spare yet fulfilling guiNot Pearl Jam. Eighteen years af- tar work and a heavy drum presence ter Ten blew our collective minds, into a gem of a song, which is remithe boys In Pearl Jam are the last niscent of classics like "Spin the Black great grunge outfit around. Of course Circle." 'boys' is no longer really an apt word The band wastes no time movchoice, Is It? What we are dealing with ing on to the equally fast paced "Got


Some." In fact the band wastes very little time at all on the record, which lasts about thirty-seven minutes. This seems to be plenty of time for Pearl Jam to Juice as much emotion out of these songs as possible. "Got Some,'' which takes on some darker lyrics than its predecessor only nms out after just three minutes but still deliveries Pearl Jam's typical lyrical punch. All the youthful exuberance is found in the bands attitude. Don't mistake Pearl Jam for one of those bands full of old guys trying to pretend they're. still young, they clearly know their age. It is merely the joy and freshness that they approach their craft with which exudes the passion of their youth, not the stale crustiness of many of their contemporaries, predecessors and even many of the bands that followed in their footsteps. Nowhere is this mature youthfulness more evident that in the stand out soul-spiller "Just Breathe" It would be unfair to try and put this little chunk of beauty Into a nutshell. Suffice to say

it surpasses anything else I have heard in a long time. Terse lyrics over sparse instrumentals find Vedder looking at his world with the quiet satisfaction and understanding of a man his age, while not losing his youthful infatuation and sense of hope. This special brand of masterwork belongs in the same pantheon as lhe Beach Boys' "Don't Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulders)" and the Beatles' "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" Despite Its short run time, Backspacer ls a stunning epic. Instcad of the overwrought overproduced messes currently in favour in the music industry. Little moments make up a beautiful symphony that comes dangerously close to making you see more about the human condition than you'd like. Its wonderful moments like the moment when everything goes out of tune as Eddie Vedder sings, "I'm Just a Human Being," in "111eEnd" or how the fast-paced dreams of"Supersonlc" are followed by the crushing reality of "Speed of Sound"

Pearl Jam may now be older, but It would be impossible to call them past their prime. As Vedder utters the admission "Every time I get some it gets the best of me" in ''Speed of Sound," the album comes full circle. This is a concept album, one that explores the fitful passions of youth, held against the crippling weight of time and life. Some of our deepest faults and sins are held up against a shattered mirror, and they as oftenbeautiful as they are ugly. This album represents some of Pearl Jam's finest work and is the album they could not have written in their youth, but it is a staggering achievement. Hardly a second goes by Jn the whole record that isn't worth experiencing over and over.

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Sunday October 18th

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Tickets onTicketmaster


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Arts & Life

Cascade News· Friday October 9th 2009


Album Review

P A R AM O R E :



Paramore's coNTRIS0ToR


aving been packaged as a poppunk favourite of the pre-teen masses for so long, Parnmore's new release plays like the diary of a hormone-enraged teen at the end of a very bad month. Chalked full of confusion and grit, anger and uncertain• ty, Brand New Eyes builds off of the massive success that saw 2007's Riot! go gold in both Canada and the U.K. Their sound is harder, the lyrics edgier, and the band's third album showcases what separates Paramore from the sea ofrepetitive nothingness that seems to have dominated the music scene and Warped Tour set of the past few years. That ls a willingness to provide a range of sound over the course of an album, giving people a taste of separate genres while remaining true to their core fan-base. Backed by the sound ofan Increasingly experienced group of musicians, lead singer Hayley Williams delves In to an array of topics ninging from heartbreak to her discontent with

newfound fame, never once straying from the easy-listening, danceable beats that we've come to appreciate from the group. Her voice conveys Just the right amount of pain and pure emotion to give it a haunting aspect that will have it in your head for days. The album's first single "Ignorance" lives up to the band's hype, and seems to continue where "Misery Business" left off. For an easy-listening alternative on the album, check out "1he Only Exception," or "Misguided Ghosts." With the backing of a melodic acoustic set, Williams' sultry voice is left to do what it does best. That is, pull the listener in with every note, conveying emotion through just the slightest lull in pitch, and with the gentle tug of each crescendo. It is enough at points to leave you emotionally exhausted by album end. Paramore has cited No Doubt as a huge influence on their work, and after months touring as the opening band on Gwen and Co's reunion tour, It shows. Paramore puts forth the

~JE It/ E Y E S

same high-energy, feelgood music that made No Doubt so successful In the first place. While I will continue to enjoy listening to Paramore's latest for some time to come, the only foreseeable d lsappolntment 1have with the new album is that it docs not stray too far from what worked in Riot! For all of the great things the album does, it seems formulaic at this point. That being said, my own unreasonable expectations of the band's potential may be to blame for this. Why stray from what works when it works so damn well? If Brand New Eyes ceases to live up to your own expectations, check out a Paramore music video and employ the use of the mute button. With Hayley


Jason Mraz, I'm Yours! Indie FolksterCreatesGroovesat GM Place CHELSEA SILVA

Starting the night off with the uptune "Make it Mine" Jason had the crowd on their feet. Not only did he wow his fans with his smooth, seductive voice, he shocked us wlth operatic skills on tracks Jikc "Coyotes." Mraz even encouraged his fans to Interact with each other, telling them to give high-fives and follow his Jazzy moves to the tune 'The Dynamo of Volition.' Not only does Mraz know how to wow an audience, he threw us all off by playing Tm Yours,' his hit single, halfway through the show. Whatever happened to saving the best for last? After performing his hit, Jason

CONTRIB0foR beat magine this: It's Wednesday night, you're hanging out with your best buds and dancing and singing to Ja• son Mraz at GM place. What a perfect weekday perkl On Wednesday, September 30 Jason Mraz graced his ecstatic fans with a concert, living up to the energetic crowds expectations in every way. The Vancouver stop of the Gratitude Cafe Tour kicked off with K' Naan, playing his brand of hip-hop. He set a great mood for the show before making way for the musically talented, barefoot, Jason Mraz.


disappeared and magically showed up on the floor, making the fans go wild. Once again, he broke Into a tune, one of his personal favourites, "Dear Anna" that was definitely a crowd pleaser. Next, he sang the duet "Lucky'' with a special guest, causing every girl to fall head-over-heels. Ultimately we all felt lucky to be in his presence. With the crowd singing and bustIng moves, Jason kept us all grooving to the beat while closing the show with the dance hit "Butterfly." The concert a great success, the audience left with smiles on their faces and love In their hearts.

hrmul -,uu11<-;JM


Wllllams as lead singer, sporting her characteristic skin-tight ensemble, you definitely cannot go wrong.


Arts & Life

Cascade News • Friday October 9th 2009


VersustbeN JUSTIN ORLEWICZthe end of the show they broke into a CONTRIBUTORcover of Alice in Chain's "Man in the

Box,"which made the place go nuts. he 2008 Vancouver Fox Seeds They then finished strong with their winner, Versus The Nothing, two singles"Burn Out" and "Let it All kickedofftheir first western Canadian Come Down." tour last Wednesday at The Roxy.This 1 was lucky enough to get an infirst Canadian tour was long overdue terview with Ande, the lead guitarist and when the night finally came they from Versus the Nothing, and Dendid not disappoint. ham the drummer. They invited me By 9 p.m. The Roxy was packed onto their new bus and gave me the with eager fans and fifteen minutes grand tour before we sat down at the later VersusThe Nothing was belting table to discuss their upcoming tour. out their first song. The band came out on stage with tons of energy and it didn't lake long for the crowd to What cities are you guys looking get right into il with them. Versus the forward to playing in? Nothing was totally on point WednesAnde: I'm originally from Calgary, day night; they sounded great and I moved out to Vancouver to pursue completelyin sync. The lead singer hit music, so for me personally it would every note with his powerful voice. have to be Calgary; we usually get a Meanwhile, lead guitarist Ande Otte good crowd out there. was absolutely spectacular in perDenham: I would have to say Calforming his riffs and solos. gary as well; we always have a good Versusthe Nothing also surprised crowd In Calgary, It's fun to play their hometown fans with a little treat there. before they left for the road. Towards


What are you looking forward to on this tour? Andc: I'm looking forward to doing what I love to do and not having to work a nine to five [job]. Pursuing it to the fullest and seeing Lhenew cities and doing Lhe radio promos. 1 love everything about it. What scares you about this upcoming tour? Andc: Honestly? Whether we are going to have enough gas to get to the next town. (Laughs) Denham: Seeing Ande's penis more than usual. Versus the Nothing will be on Lour across Canada until November 1. To find a show near you or for band info and bios, check out their web site: www.myspace. com/vcrsusthcnothing

Movie Review


Gervais makes the transatlantic leap

of us who are eagerly awaiting that PAUL BRAMMER STAFFWRITER release the way a heroin addict awaits his or her next shot, can appease ourremember, about seven or eight selves on the methadone of Gervais' years ago, waiting up on Wednes- new film, The Invention Of Lying. Gervais cu-wrole and co-directed day evenings to watch ''The Office"on BBC2. 1 think it aired at about nine- Lying. Instead of his usual partner Merchant, he teamed lip with Amerithirty or ten. Evenduring its first run, before the can newcomer Matthew Robinson explosion In worldwide popularity, and, 1 have to say,it shows.Let me just before the recognition of the towering say right from the off that, if you've achievement that it undoubtedly was, not seen any of Ricky Gervais' work before the mega-stardom for Ricky before, The Invention of Lying is nol Gervais, it was obvious that "The Of- a good place to start - go and watch fice" was something apart from your "The Office"and "Extras" first. usual mid-week comedy fare on the You know how great John LenBeeb. If my vocabulary had stretched non's solo stulT is? "rnslanl Karma," that far back thi.:nI would have called "Jealous Guy," "Woman." The man it 'ornate' - perfectly realized, beau- was a genius. But you can tell that tifully observed and heartbreakingly it's Lennon and not Lennon and McCartney, right? Well, the sa111egoes melancholic. Probably a deciding factor in the for this movie. You can tell that it's near-perfection of "The Office" was not "pure Gervais," which would en• the demand of the creators, Ricky Lailhis usual writing partner and creGervais and Stephen Merchant, to ative control; instead, what we have have nothing less than complete cre- is Gervais filtered through the Holative control over their show. '!he lywood system. 'lhis means that, yes, same was true of their follow-up hit the hallmarks and Idiosyncrasies of "Extras," which was produced ln con- RickyGervais' work arc all there. Unjunction with HBO, giving the duo fortu natcly, the usual American crap even more artistic license. accompanies them: stock characters Watching these two shows, there - there's the slimy narcissistic antagoIs the sense that you are watching nist! Oh, Daddy, look - the comic remasters at work that you are in the lief providing best friend! Oh, I say, safe hands of two gentlemen who it's the perfectly-proportioned and innately understand television com- Infinitely-lacquered love intercsll; edy. Despite their status as relative saccharine plot lwisls, and disgustunknowns until their forties (hap- ingly unsubtle product placement, an pily bucking the Hollywood trend of unwelcomeaddition to most any Holbabes-in-arms cashing million-dollar lywood movie. 1l1e plot centers on an alternate cheques) these men knew comedy. Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant reality where no one can lie. Stuck were, and still are, masters at work. in this Hellishness is Mark Bellison Gervais and Merchant are cur- (Gervais) who, when forced into a rently shooting their first feature film, desperate situation, tells the world's "Cemetery Junction", which will be first fib, and so sets into motion a out next year. In the mean time, those train of events that lead to extended


riffs on relationships, responsibility and, most of all, God. Think "Liar, Liar" crossed with ''Groundhog Day" and topped off with a sprinkle of"'lhe Truman Show" and you're not too far off. The supporting cast Includes some big names: Jennifer Garner, Rob Lowe, Jonah Hill, Jason Bateman, Edward Norton, Philip Seymour Hoffman (who has a brief but win• nlng cameo), Stephen Merchant (the Keef to Gervais' Mick), and 'Barry' from Eastcndcrs. The caliber of cast members alone pretty much makes it worthwhile to sit through the movie. Also, there's Ricky Gervais. Despite Hollywood's inability to accommodate anyone or thing without

subjugating it to its skewed logic and deranged dogma, Gervais shines in the role of Bellison. You can see the man enjoying himself in the part; he and pretty much he alone make the movie what it is. Almost all the major laughs come from his characteristic demeanor and delivery. Another point in favour of the film is its relatively positive attitude towards atheism, which Is rare In a Hollywood movie. While not an atheist, I applaud an original idea when I see one, and, in the context of Hollywood movies, that's almost like splitting the atom. Ultimately, the negatives outweigh the positives. 1here's just the nagging sensation that the movie never man-

ages to get off the ground -its high ideas are admirable, but the basics don't seem too set in place. Despite Gervais, the rest of the characters are not fleshed out enough past stock (including Jennifer Garner's leading lady), which means that no one is lovable or real enough to affect us in any lasting way. The film plods along without several chuckles, but little belly laughs. If you're looking for a distraction for a couple of hours, you could do worse than watch The invention of Lying. However, If you're looking for a steak rather than a Big Mac, take the time to sit through "The Office"or "Extras."

Arts & Life

Cascade News• Friday October 9th 2009

Towne Cinema Showtimes

Movie Review

Jennifer,s Body

1518 McCallum Rd, Abbotsford, 604·859·5019

She's actually evil, not just high school evil

October 2nd - 8th


Trailer Park Boys Dallyat 1:206,4:00, 7:06, 10:00



he only prerequisite that I had for my recent trip to Toronto was that I go to the movies. Forget sightseeing and shopping, l just wanted to get my fix of popcorn and fuzzy peaches. There was a copy of the Jennifer'sBody script In the CD store I work In, and I will shamefully confess that I read at least half of It when I should h11ve been working. I really enjoyed Diablo Cody's previous accomplishment with Junobefore it became so big that It almost joined the ranks of Napoleon Dynamite. You know, when everyone loves it so hard, they squeeze all the good out of It by ceaselessly playing Kimya Dawson songs and talking about how much they want a hamburger phone. So I cornered my beloved cousin Erika (a budding filmmaker), gripping her with while knuckles and I told her firmly that we needed to go lo the movies. I am really far too wussy to ever enjoy horror movies but all the TIFF related articles had many conflicting and interesting things to say about this film so I figured I had better buck up and take It. flortunately this film was not, very scary at all, dissusling at times YESbut not scary. You could kind of tell how things were going


Whip It


tPlease note that there wlll be no 3:80 and 7:30 showingon SundayOot.4 Pa.ndorum Nightlyat 9:50 14A

Dallyat 1:06,3:36, 7:06,9:36


Surrogates (DTS) Dallyat 1:20,3:40, 7:20,9:40


Zombleland(DTS) Dallye.t 1:26,3:66, 7:26,9:66 18A Caplte.llsm:A LoveStory (DTS) Dallyat 1:00,3:48, 7:00,9:46 BTC Jennifer's Body De.Uyat 1:30,3:60, 7:30 14A

to play oul so there wasn't a ton of formers2 preview.But I can't imagine suspense. But that. wasn't where this Cody's scripts arc easy to wrap one's movie shone. mouth around. Her dialogue is fast Like Cody's Juno,this movie was and sharp; if presented incorrectly witty, fasl, catchy and funny. Forget the jokes could fall flat and it would the gory murders of multiple boys, be :iwkwardand terrible. Fox held her the banter between BFFs Needy and own. I'm not sure how much versatilJennifer was downright rich and posi- ity she possesses as an actress so I'm tively zany. going to assume this role was just I wasn't expecting much from Me- built for someone like her. gan Fox since the only frame of refAmanda Seyfried is one of my fa. erence I have for her is her shining vourite young actresses su I was exphysique leaning over a very mascu- pecting her to be amazing and she 1ine/phal lic motorcycle in the Trans- delivered. I've seen her play charac-

ters similar to Jennifer in other produclio11sso it was great to see her In another role. I loved how Cody illus• trated the complexity of the relationships between girls in high school. Every girl feels11nimositytnwards her BFFin high school because girls often cumpete with one another leaving one as the dominant in the relationship and one as tho ~ubmissive.Cody really captured the ambivalence Needy feels towards Jennifer and the competitive side of Jennifer. I thought the film was vibrant, in-

Cloudywith a Che.neeof Meatballs (DTS) Dallyat 1:16,3:30, 7:16,9:30 G

TheInventionof Lying (DTB) Dallyat 1:16,3:60, 7:16, 9:60


Fame Dallyat 1:10,3:48, 7:10,9:48


WWE.HellIn e.Cell SundayOctober4th at 6:00pm All seats$12.98+ GST

tense, witty and enjoyable.I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone who Is looking for a true horror movie because I get scared of "Are YouAfraid of the Dark?" and this film failed to illicit even a jump. I would recommend this film to any girls who want to watch a movie where girls are badass and boys are jusl man-meat for the slaughter. I would also definitelyrecommend this movie to anyone who loves Megan Fox because the girl looks hot even with black gooey shit all over her.

Television Review

The Cleveland Show JOEL SMARTseriously. Also typical of a Seth Mc• CONTRIBUTORFarlane Comedy was the nearly idenleveland Brown, the well-man- tical structure: two parents and three nered, moustache-rocking black children - one of which is small child guy from the hit animated comedy who acts much older than his age (arseries "Family Guy" now has his own guably McFarlane's American Dad! half hour show, I believe Stewie Grif- only fits this structure if you consider fin summed up my initial reaction Roger the alien as the Stcwie Griffin best in the opening sequence when he equivalent). Also similar to his other demands, "What the hem He's getting shows is a focus on a male lead with his own show?" After watching the the neighbours as his friends, and first episode,which aired Sunday,Sep- oddly enough, a non-human talking tember 27, right after The Shnpsons, I character voiced by McFarlane. In remain sceptical about the choice to the case of The Cleveland Show, this create a show based on "FamilyGuy's" non-human is a next-door neighbour most polite character, known as Tim the .Bear. The premier of "The Cleveland This similar structure reeks of amShow"began like an episode of"Fam- bivalence and a lack of creative vision ily Guy," but soon Cleveland Brown in many respects - like a movie sequel revealed his divorce was finalized and that just feels like more of the same. he had just lost his house to his ex- However, for fans of "Family Guy," wife. When his friends fall to support McFarlane's intended audience, more him and his 14-year-old son C!l.:vc- of the same is not necessarily a bad land Junior, Cleveland decides he will thing. I( "The Cleveland Show" can pack up and leave the city of Quahog. match ''Family Guy" in more than When he stops in his hometown of structure, it may be enough to declare Stoolbend, he winds up romantically victory for the show. involvedwith the woman he pined af1110ughhaving only seen the first episode, I fell "The Cleveland Show'' ter In high school. In typical fashion of a Seth Mc- showed signs of separating Itself from Farlane Comedy, the first episode other Mcfarlane comedies by giving consisted mostly of jokes aiming to a stronger focus to a story-driven, offend minorities and celebrities, emotional plotlinc. Perhaps this foalong with anyone who takes them cus will evaporate in subsequent epi•

In Between The Simpsons and Family Guy



sodes, but if not, it has potential to give the show Its own unique personality. One large criticism is that there were only two or three funny jokes in the entire episode. It Is possible that Cleveland will not lend himself well lo the more comical side of the show, as he has rarely been the source of much laughter in the seven seasons of

"Family Guy" leading up to his show's premier, I felt that, of the evening's shows, it did substantially out-per• form the premier of "TI1eSlmpsons"; however the premier of"Famlly Guy" was definitely the best of the night. "The Cleveland Show" is off to a slow starl, but has p.lcnlyof potential, and the ideal timeslot to really catch

on. If you think you might enjoy a slightly more story-driven version of "Family Guy", or you think a talking bear for a neighbour has the potential for comedy genius, then give "The Cleveland Show" a chance next Sun• day at 8:30p.m.


Arts & Life

CascadeNews • FridayOctober9th 2009

Book Review

The19th Wife: David EbershoffEx lores the Worldof Pol


1800s. If that name doesn't ring a bell, don't feel bad, most people SPORTS & HEALTHEDITOR haven't heard of her. However, she rpie 19th Wife by David Ebershoff caused quite the commotion when 1 blends Mormon history and she defied the Mormon Church and separated from the Prophet and has intrigue. It begins with a mystery been credited for helping the process involving modern day polygamy to make plural marriage illegal In the and intertwines the story of Anne Eliza Young and her separation of USA. The modern day mystery takes~ the Prophet Brigham Young in the

place in a polygamist community In Utah called Mesadalc. It focuses on a murder, whkh develops into a stunning modern day expose on polygamist communities. When 1 picked up this book, It was on a whim. I had been reading another book cal led The SecretLives of Saintsabout the Polygamist community near Creston (right here in B.C.!). It's the polygamy capital of Canada, and 1 thought it might be interesting to read about Ann Eliza Young and her battle to end polygamy in the Mormon community. I was right. The historical accuracy of this novel is amazing. Ebershoff even adds docum,ents to add different perspectives of the story. He uses let• ters, newspaper clippings and Journal entries to enhance the story and create a more historical feel to the novel. TI1eplot changes from Ann Eliza's story to the story of Jordan Scott, a young boy who was kicked out of

the community of Mesadale and left Utah, only to return to try and get his mother out of prison. She was accused of killing his father. An exclt• ing murder-mystery ensues. While we read about Ann Eliza's story, Jordan's mystery is displayed for us, showing the parallels between old and new Utah, and how it's changed, and how it hasn't. Jordan's story is a sad, but hopeful, look into the life of someone who lost everything but still finds hope in an odd way. The plight of those who are out to end polygamy still continues to this day and this

book shows a very intensely interestIng side of the story. i Along with Its amazing story, The 19th Wife also showcases a serious problem that few seem to care about anymore: the troubles of the women and children in plural marriage relationships. With these things happening in our own back yard, I suggest you check out The 19th Wife. lt takes to you to a whole other world-one you probably didn't know existed. It is eye opening and vastly entertaining. I recommend it for everyone.

BookReview REBEKAH DUPREY installment, The Kingdomof Heavenis MANAGINGEDITOR expected in the coming year. nne Rice has been best known for her Vampire Chronicles,in• duding Tntervfewwith the Vampire, Queen of the Damned, and 'lhe Vam• pire Lestat. She writes sensational, passionate and philosophical prose. Since the 1970s, Rice has been capturing the darkest imaginations of her readers and creating rich characters, often deeply entrenched in the painful struggle to understand the meaning ofl!fe. From the woman who painted the desperately decadent and sensual existence of an 18th century castrate In Cry to Heavenand wrote the screen• play for the motion picture Interview with the Vampire,a series called Christ the Lord comes as a surprise, and to me, an unexpected pleasure. Rice's earlier novels are rife with religious imagary and sacred symbols. However, they always felt like a mockery. The vampire Lestat met the devil, in Memnoch the Devil, and he was a pretty good guy. God was the mystery, the unobtainable, the distant, emotionless, puppet master. Not anymore. Rice has returned to her Catholic roots. Still reveling In her love for reli• giosity and symbolism, she ls writing the story of the man who is behind that symbolism: Jesus Christ. Rice's Christ the Lord series currently has two parts, Out of Egyptand The Road to Cana.The third and final


Eichaustively biblically accurate and reflecting a complete historical knowledge of the political and economic times, Anne Rice draws her readers into a story told through the eyes ofYeshua himself. The land of Israel is in turmoil and rebellion against Herod Archelaus, and Yeshua Is grow• ing up surrounded by his extended family. Anne Rice creates a tangible characterlzati.on of Yeshua bcn Joseph in her novels. He is a boy conflicted by the unexpected power he finds within himself, and wondering about the mysteries of his own birth. He is a young man falling in love with a local girl, and struggling against the glimpses of awareness that tell him marriage isn't a part of his destiny. He is a man fighting to love and minister to others as comes so naturally to him, yet hampered by the expectations and hostilities of those who have known him since his childhood. Mary ls portrayed in the tradition• ally Catholic sense as a perpetual vlr• gin. Jesus' brothers, as mentioned In scripture, are explained as sons from Joseph's previous marriage. Mary Is an enigmatic and captivating presence in the life of young Yeshua. The New Testament mentions more than once that Mary "treasured these things In her heart" after the birth of her son and the gifts and homage paid to him. 1hroughout Yeshua's childhood, Mary's heart ls revealed as a

storehouse of treasures, and her quiet acceptance of the events and extraor• dlnary happenings that surround her beloved son reflect her biblical humil• ity. Rice's Mary can easily be seen replying "May it be unto me as you have said" after an angel tells her she Is to be with child, though she is single and her reputation and very life will be at stake because of it. Joseph and Yeshua's uncles and brothers are all compelling characters, and the Intellectual landscape of the time Is explored through their discussions, and through the men who teach and Influence young Yeshua. Yeshua himself displays a quick mind and a surpdsing grasp of philosophical and theological concepts. Rice writes the Christ the Lord series with all of her captivating flare for the written word. TI1e books are a return-home of sorts for Rice her• self, and as an avid fan of her previous work, I could feel her joy and peace in every word. Rice proves herself to be a master storyteller, and there is nothing didactic or preachy in these books. She is writing to delight herself and to reflect her newfound contentment, and readers who loved her earlier work willfind her as thrilling and captlvat• ing as ever she was. The Vampire Chroniclesarc over. Rice fans can welcome an age of further exploration into the spiritual and metaphysical as Rice delves into the world of the original immortal being.



CascadeNews · FridayOctober9th 2009


Friends! Thispostweekbrought usofullmoon, a strangetimeindeed.for all thosewhose nights wereaffected, donot!rot;whatthecos• mosmisalign, theywilleventually realign. Aries: March 21 - April 19 What you think Is Just a cold or flu is actually an ancient curse! To rid yourselfof thls you must bathe In fermented goat's milk every quarter hour. Taurus: April 20 - May 20 "Gossip Girl," "One Tree Hill" and "Melrose Place" will not only be sources of entertainment for you, but a model for your life. Gemini: May 21 - June 20 Beware of certain people who you think you can trust, a so-called friend may be plotting to kill you, or kiss you ... the stars have become difficult to discern.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22 Connect with your past. Remember old friends and memories by looking through your keepsakes. Whatever you do, please do not try wearing any of the clothes you find from this time. These, my dear, are in the past for a reason. Libra:September 23 - October 22 Keep yourself busy in order to keep your mind off your lack of sexual activity. My apologies once again! Tebe uboUk. Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 Be very wary of all who recommend you listen to some "obscure" bands. Tn general these people should be avoided; they arc lecherous and often carry the pubic crabs.

Cancer: June 21- July 22 Work on a fake laugh; this will get you out of many awkward situations.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21 Did you succeed in all your gambling endeavors? If not, try again this week. After all, if at first you don't succeed, try try try again! Sti\stll

Leo: July 23· August 22 Do your best to avoid leaving your abode this week. If this is not heeded, results could be devastating!

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19 Tequila will be a good friend to you this wi;ek!

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18 You will be visited by someone from your distant past. They want a booty call. You don't want herpes. Pisces: February 19 - March 20 lhe air is getting chilly this week; bring an extra sweater for your zidovsky friends!

Good luckInallyourendeavors rhlsweek!

Beer:It'shisbirthday, sowhywouldn't youdrink GraH Hopper a coldKeith's? Despite clever marketing promotingIozcreme demenrhe decacao founder Alexander Keith's 214th birthday thebeeris 102 creme actually quite grand. You may remember a fewyears 2 ozcreom agoItwasmarketed as"Those wholikeIt,likeIta withlee,thenserveino morlinl gloss. lot." Well nowthings have changed a bit,ItIsmuch Shake better known. There areseveral varieties totrybutI don't think there's much reason tostray from thetried, Monte Cristo tested andtrueIndia Pale Ale, which isKeith's power- 1ozKahlua house. Foreveryone whodrinks Budweiser, Kokanee,½ozGrand Marnler Coors orsomething similar, thisistheperfect chance Coffee foryoutodrink some quality beer without getting too Moisten therimofonIrishCoffee glosswith farfrom your comfort zone. lemon juice. Diptheriminsugar. andGrand Mornier Inforhegloss, Wine: Santa Rita's 120Cabernet Blanc IsanexcellentPourKahlua Topthe drinkwith wine forlovers ofcitrus zing. Loaded withnavours of thentopupwithcoffee. fresh grapefruit andlemon, iiisa testament 10how whipped cream andgarnish witha cherry. much winemakers candowiththehumble grape. Like many Chilean wines found In today's stores, it Isat once cheap anddelicious, leaving only thedilemma of After EightShooter ½ 02 creme dementhe whether tochug ortosip?

½ ozBaileys




Cocktails: After dinner drinks area dessert. They ½ ozKahlua areusually very sweet, andsomehow refreshing. The most common after dinner drinks contain coffee, but Shake withice,thenserveina 2ozshotgloss. _man~ aft~! dinner drinks thatpave nocoffee, _,. th.~r-~_are butamintyflavourtocleanseyourpalate.


The Fornication Conversation The Clitoris VIRGINIA SLIMS er", Is generally not pleasurable; it is SEXPERTJust painful and a turn off. ow listen, loves. You're lucky that this article comes in print because T cannot speak the word clitoris without cringing. I can type it though, so we'{e in the clear. Maybe by now most ofus know where to find this little button, but do we necessarily know what to do with it? Of course different strokes please different folks, but T feel that T must speak for that oftenabused bit of anatomy. First let's talk location. Here's where the mistake can be made. We probably all know from a variety of sources (read: porn) that the clit is that round little nub (cw?) under the clitoral hood and smack between the labia. But, caution, dear readers not stop reading here. Please note that rubbing the clitoris directly and aggressively is the equivalent of getting a sandjob. [a note from V: a sandjob is a handjob that is tighter and faster than is preferred. Chaffing ensues.] Most ladies, myself Included, prefer stimulation of the clitoral hood, right over the clit but not directly on it. Rubbing a woman's dit like you're a DJ, or like your playing ''Street Fight-


may think that your tongue is soft enough to make the experience far Start off slow, dear lovers, and less intense. Think again, poppets. work your way up in speed and pres- The tongue is the strongest muscle in sure. Nothing's wo;se than foreplay your body and there is definitely a risk that consists of having your clitoris of hurting your lover. We hear all the time (read: in my burned off by overzealous fingers or tongues. columns) that communication ts an It's also a good idea to learn to important part of sex. However, this read her body language because ts one of those tender topics that can many ladles are far too embarrassed lead to hurt feelings and crushed conto say anything about your skills. Tf fidence. Ladies, don't tell your lover you're going too hard, she's likely to that (s)he hasn't got a good technique ... that's just cruel. Be careful with this one, because telling a partner that you're not satisfied with the performance ls something that can lead to a withdrawal from sexual activity. No one wants that. So, darlings, don't be afraid to be vocal during sex. If you're too shy to tell your lover that something just isn't working for you, make sure you react very positively to what you do like. Give him/ her an "oh that feels amazing" or "yeah, just like that." People tend to repeat the things they get praise for. If you're not the vocal type, use your hands. When your partner does something that tickles yom fancy, return the favour. Dig your nails Into your partner's back, or let your hands stray south. Let go squirm. A tricky thing since this can when your partner strays from what also mean pleasure. However, a lady you like. Your partner will learn fast. is usually more willing to throw out Ladies and Gents, the best advice a "don't stop" as opposed to a "softer, that T can give you is to listen to your slower.'' If she's squirming about, slow lover's body. That sounds cheesy, but down and she'll probably tell you to it will getyou far. Pay attention to the pick it back up if she so desires. way your partner reacts to your techThe same goes for giving oral. You nique; you'll learn a lot.

~B~CSB<i)@ ~~□~□~@ Chicken Vindaloo 3 cupschopped onions 1 1/2cupschopped seeded tomaloes 21/2loblespoons distilled white vinegar 1largegarlic clove, chopped 1reaspoon minced peeled freshginger I teaspoon tomato paste 1teaspoon garammasala• 1reaspoon ground rurmerlc 1/2teaspoon paprika 1/2teaspoon ground cumin 1/2reospoon ground coriander 1/4teaspoon (ormore) cayenne pepper 2 loblespoons vegeloble oil 6 skinless boneless chicken thighs, firstandblendthemintothesauceortoleave cutinto1·to11/2-inch pieces 11/2pounds russetpotatoes, themoutcompletely. peeled andculinto1-inch pieces *Aspicemixture available at Indianmar11/2cupslow-salt chicken brorh orwaler kets,somespecially foodsstoresandmany Blend flrsr11ingredienls and1/4teaspoon supermorkers. Tosubslllure, mix3/4reaspoon cayenne pepper inprocessor unlilposteforms. ground cumin, 3/4teaspoon ground coriander, Hootoilinheavylargepolovermedium-high1/2 leospoon groundpepper,1/2 leospoon heal.Addpastefromprocessor andcookuntil ground cardamom, 1/4teaspoon ground dovos, golden, stirring occasionally, about3 minutes. and1/4teaspoon ground cinnamon; use1tea• Addchicken andpotatoes; soute5 minutes. Add spoon ofmixture. brorh; bring10boll.Reduce heattomedium-low; cover andsimmer untilpololoes ore lender,stirringoccasionally, about15minutes. Uncover andsimmer until chicken iscooked through, abour5 mlnures longer. Season wlrhmorecayenne, If desired,and sol!and pepper. Insomeslylesit ispre• !erred locook thepotatoes


cascadeNews• FridayOctober 9th 2009


InterviewWith ColinMiller:Women'sSoccerCoachat UFV ter. I'm hoping that's not a trend that PAUL BRAMMER

talking. l think l can look a player in the eye and tell them exactly what I'm But they responded well to getting a after... As a player, I wanted that from bit of a bollocking at half lime, and the manager, I wanted lo be told what they did fight. 1 don't mind getting to do ... so the more info you give a be11L, if we're going lo gel beat trying player, the heller it'll be for them. T and doing things we're supposed to want the game played [to be] simple, do. I don't mind getting beaten by the quick, aggressive... the way I played good sides, because we'll learn from the game. And l think that the girls that. have shown that ... but we lry and pass the ball. Not every team in the league What drew you to coaching docs that.

continues; we'll work hard to fix that. STAFF WRITER o say that Colin Millerknows soccer is a gross understatement. As a player, Miller played over 300 times in England and Scotland, and was capped 61 Limes by Canada. During this time, Miller also captained the Canadian National 1'cam, including a friendly game against Brazil, who they held to an impressive 1-1 draw. Alier Miller hung up his boots, he focusse<l on coaching. Notable achievements In this lime include serving as the Assistant Coach of the Canadian National Team, the interim Coach of the Canadian National Team, and being the first North American to coach in England's Premier League (regarded by and large as the best soccer league in the world) as 11 Pirsl Team Coach al Derby County Football Club. After lc.:avingthat post, Miller signed on as the Head Coach of the Women'~ Soccer Team here at UFV. Now in his second full season as coach, I sat down with Colin to ask him about his illustrious playing career, his equally-illustrious coaching career to date, and his plans for the future of women's soccer at UFV.


Howare you settling in to the job? l got the job in June [2008].which made the job difficult, because the recruiting [for the team ls] done during the winter time, (which is] when all the top players are taken. This year I managed to get some good recruits; we recruited five or six players and it's made a big difference, and [for] next year we've got our eye on a few more players. It's just an ongoing process. But I'm really enjoying It, the girls respond very well to positive criti-

cism... 1 am learning from my professional background - 1 played the game

for eighteen years professionally... l'm quite happy with the progress... [Already this season] we've played against two of the top [teams] in the country in our division ... both games, lin the] first halves we were very poor, and the second halves we were far bet-

at UFV? 1 live in Abbotsford, and l' d come back from England. I was fi1•stteam coach at Derby County in the Premier League, and T was out of a job. T applied for it, got it...Now 1 double up; l'm the hend coach of [the Abbotsford Soccer Association] and the head coach here ... I quite enjoy working with the women's teams.

How much do you see Canadian women's soccer as an emerging sport? i think it's massive.! think the quality of the young girls coming through now ls fantastic, because the standard of coaching ... is getting better. There's some great work being done by clubs and university programs. I hate to sec players going down south; I'd like to see them stay in Canada a wee bit more and keep our program nice and strong. But the grass is always greener somewhere else.

Careerhighlights? I've had a few. Playing for my boy• hood heroes, the [Glasgow]Rangers... that was obviously an absolute privilege, and an honour .... Captaining the !Canadian] National Team.... [The Canadian National Team] played In Mexico, at Azteca Stadium, [with] 133,000 people In It. I played against Brazil in Edmonton, tied l-l against them ... I was captain, [so I) shook hands with Dunga ... Playing for [Canada], and captaining it, and obviously coaching it as well was amazing.

What is your style as a coach? Very fair, very honest, straight

How has coaching changed since you were a player?06 you have to be more of a father figure now, and less Intimidating? [Some of] the guys I saw at Derby County were big-headed-if they were chocolate they would eat themselves. They were very wcallhy guys, and in a lot of cases were very poor players. 1he man-management side, even al the university... ll's very interesting how that side of the garnc has changed ... I've seen it first-hand lwhcrcl a rnanager's thrown 11 kettle, a pol of tea over players, all that. .. But those days arc gone now... for the most part It's man-management now.

But there'sstill a time and a placefor a good bollocking? Oh yeah. I can give it. .. don't mistake me for being a soft touch! My as• sistanl al Victoria suid, ''I can't believe how you call a spade a spade as con• sistently as you do." That's just how T do it. I'd much rather [have] a player come and ask me: How am T playing? What am I doing wrong? l' d tell them rather than trying to fluff them up ... Any of the girls ... or parents come to see me, I tell them the truth ... I know what it's like to get to that level of football.

Samewith women or not? Good question. I treat them as ellte athletes, and that means that l cannot do what 1 did In Scotland ... l cannot speak to them with that aggression coming out of me, because 1 would lose them ... You have to be very positive, and reinforce things all the time.

From that point of view it's actually made me a better coach. It's frustrating, because 1 know how I want the team to play, and sometimes we don't do it ... I treat them the same way I'd treat the guys, except for the verbal lashings you can give them.

What are your goals for the team?

There are four fteams] th at make the playoffs, and that has to be the goal every year, for sure. LaSt year, We finl.shed ninth out of ten. And I'm looking for a steadily lmprov• ing group, and a lot of that will come down to my recruitment, because It's an ongoing process. You lose players after five years ... after this year, I lose two players, and the remainder of the

squad remains the same ... We've won three, lost two so far, against very good opponents. Last year, we would have drawn ... some of those games. If we can get some sort of consistency this season, I think we can finish in the top half of the league. (As a player], I didn't over dress things ... I just did my Job. And that's what J want the players to do - the most simple thing they can do to the best of their ability, as often as they can. lf we can get that out of the players ... J think we can be In the top half b of the league. But we can't e great one game and off the next, we've got to be consistent. The top teams are consistent; that's why they're the top teams.

HeatLooked Impressive inPre-Season Debut -·

JUSTIN ORLEWICZ It was only The Heat's first pre-s_cason~amc, but

CONTRIBUTOR they already look like a team that 1sstartmg to gel

he Abbotsford Heat took to the ice for the first time on Friday night against the Manitoba Moose ln AHL pre-season action. The Heat came out flying and looked very impressive as they skated to their first ever victory In their first ever game. Carsen Germyn got the ball rolling for the Heat in the first period when he scored the franchise's first ever goal. The Heat got up to a 5-0 lead before they Jct the Moose have two late third period goals to make it a respectable 5-2 finish. Germyn was by far the best player on the ice for The Heal; he finished with a hat trick and was the games first star. Mikael Backlund also had a good night; he finished wlth one goal and three assists, and he was the game's second star. Goaltender Malt Keetley had a solid performance. He turned away 22 of 24 Moose shots, most of which came in the third period. The Heat blue line looked good as they were helping out in their own erid and on the score• board. Defenseman John Negrin had 3 assists. J.D. Watt was the most physical and exciting player on the Heat. Watt had numerous big hits and two fights thal brought the Abbotsford fans to their feet. One of Watt's hits was so colossal that it knocked Lhcglass right out of its frame.


very nicely.The Heat arc still expecting more talent to be sent down to them from 'Ihe Calgary Flames this week; Brett Sutter has already been sent down to The Heat and Jamie Lundmark is on his way to Abbotsford. This group of skaters is very talented and has the potential to be at the top of their division, maybe even top of their conference. Despite score clock and plexlglass glitches, the first ever AHL game at The Abbotsford Entertainrncnt and Sports Complex was a big success. All 4,573 fans were loud, enthusiastic and seemed very pleased with the on-lee product. TI1egame wasn't a sell out, but it was still double the average attendance of The Heat's previous home rink in Quad City. Keep in mind this is only a pre-season game; the regular season doesn't start until this weekend. Abbotsford's new arena is a great place to watch a hockey game, and provides fun for the whole family (even the hotdogs taste good), The Heat definitely have the potential and the talent to attract enough fans to reach the building's capacity every night. For schedules and more information on The Abbotsford Heal, you can check them out at their website One thing Is for sure; This inaugural season is looking very promising for The Abbotsford T!cat.

19 Sports & Health

Cascade News· Friday October 9th 2009

Yummy Mummies Go Walking APRIL HODSON toys and snacks to keep them occu-

CONTRIBUTOR pied; you could try talking with them ey all you moms out there, it's time to get walking! If you are as tired as I am of being cooped up in the house and arc itching to get out there, be active and maybe meet some other moms, then why not haul out that stroller and join a stroller walking group? It's a great way to lose any extra baby weight and get back into shape after your pregnancy. The best part of all is that baby is Included In the fun and you don't need to worry about finding a sitter. My two-year-old and 1 tried the Yummy Mummy stroller walking group, which meets at the Mission Leisure Centre every Thursday morning at eleven. With all of the hills around the leisure centre It ended up being a great workout. After we walked for about an hour, we finished at the leisure centre and had a picnic. lt is a great way to meet moms with children around the same age as your own. Older kids get filtered out as they grow impatient with sitting in a stroller, but if you do have a toddler who loves cruising around then you arc still more then welcome to join in. If you're worried about your litllc one's patience, then try bringing


and pointing out things they like as you walk Lomake Lhekids more excited about walking. There are a few things to keep in mind with stroller walking if you want to get the most out of it. When you walk, make sure you take a sturdy stroller; ~•mbrcllastrollers are great for shopping but are hard to manen• ver over rough terrain. Try to find a stroller wilh big rubber wheels for easy handling. If cost is an issue, ask around; hand-me-down strollers are very affordable. When you walk, think about your posture; far too many stroller walkers are bent over the stroller with their arms stretched out, creating extra strain on your back. Instead, try to stand upright with your arms near your body and bent; this will direct the workout to your core. Relax your shoulders to encourage good posture. Be sure Lo enjoy yourself and chat with the other moms while you walk. 1111sIs a great way to make exercising seem like less work. If you like this idea but can't get out to Mi~sion for Lhe Yummy Mummy walking group (which has a Pacebook group if you wanl to find out more),

then ask your local recreation centre if they have A walking group. Bolh of Abbotsford's recreation centres offer a drop-in fitness class called "Stroller Stride." There is a web site, moms., that schedules walks

and activities in both Abbotsford and Mission. If you're still interested in stroller walking but can't find a group, then strap your kid up and head out around your block. Or call up some friends if

you want company, and make your own stroller walking group. H's a great way for moms, dads and babies to stay active and get out there, so go ahead and give it a shot.

basketball programs, so he had to come to Canada to pursue his basketball dreams. James is studying business and marketing here al UFV. He has sales management experience, so he thought LheBusiness Administration program seemed like a good fit.When asked If he wanted Lo play professional basketball he responded "Who knows?To play for teams In Europe is the dream, but who knows." He says that it would be easier to play for a Lcam back in Australia, so he could work and live at home. "Coming here was too easy; it's such a great opportunity. It's an awesome team and [there's] such good

chemistry. It's really welcoming, and I love the scenery and mountains. Everyone's cool und nice and supportive. It's really awesome," he says of Abbotsford. Since he jusl recently arrived, he says he's not looking forward to our winter, but he thinks he'll be able to handle it. "The upcoming season Is going to be a great one," Elliot said. "All the guys arc committed. And we're all relatively young, so we'll be together for the next 3 or so years. I'm also looking forward Logoing LoVictoria and seeing the city." James wants to Improve his game and grow together as a team. Coach

Craddock says that: "James has been fitting with our team since the day he showed up on campus. As a basketball player, he Is an exceptional perimeter shooter, and has the size our team needs to guard other teams' big guys near the hoop." Standing al 6'8", his size is an asset. "Every week James has been getting better, and 1 hope that will con· tinue throughout the season," Coach Craddock added. 1his season looks promising, and I am excited to sec what happens.

ANew Starfrom Down Under? 6'8" and plays Post, is a new recruit from Perth, Australia. He's come up LoCanndn Lokick some butt and take some names. No he doesn't sound like Crocodile Dundee, and no, a dingo did nol eat his baby. James, who previously played for a university In northern Alberta, was excited to join the Cascades after the team, and the team's coach Baranby Craddock, were recommended to him. BRITTANY WIESNER 1he twenty-fiveyear old has been SPORTS &HEALTHEDITORplaying basketball since he was 10. he men's basketball team has wel- He says that while t~e sport was once comed a new member from the popular in Australia during the 90's, land down under. James Elllott, who's it has lost its lure today. In Australia, they don't have student or athletic


James would also like to say "HI Moml"

Easy'Cardio For The Easy Going Afewsimple forms ofexercise tohelpkeep youinshape

for a bike ride and even a daily walk or run can all do wonders for your body THEBR0NSWICKAN and mind. ne of the greatest ways to stay Different types of cardlo training healthy and In shape Is also one can produce different results dependof the oldest and simplest forms of ing on the effect you want to achieve. exercise: card!o. There are almost too Here are four methods of simple carmany different ways to strengthen diovascular exercises that are accesyour heart. Playing sports, participat- sibleon campus or at home. ing In different fitness classes, going Running: To be more precise, let's COLIN McPHAIL


say running to lose weight. Eating healthy is the obvious key, but that's only half Lhc battle. In order Lo really start losing weight you must do your best to stay active at least three to four times a week, if not every day. Whether running on a treadmill or outside, incorporating interval training is an effecllvc method Lo shed some pounds. Interval training, also known as speed work, burns large amounts of calories, gets your heart pumping and helps improve the flow of oxygen to your lungs. A common method for this type of training Is to walk at a fast pace for two minutes, then break into a run for three minutes and repeat the cycle for the desired amount of time. This improves muscle mass and your resting metabolic rate. Swimming: A full body workout and great cardiovascular exercise is available at your campus pool. "It's a whole-body exercise,so you're getting some muscular strength and endurance as well," said the University of Alberta's Dr. Bob Haennel on "If you have a problem with weight control, the pool is an appropriate place to start as it's easier on the joints."

Work fortheCascade WeNeed Sports Photographers Ifyouenjoyattending games,whynot earnsomecashontheside? Submit samplephotos to: Biking/spinning: Biking is a fantastic workout because you can easily control the level of intensity when you're riding. Youcan challengeyourself by increasing the distance of the ride, the speed you're going and even tackling more difficult terrain such as hills. Of course a stationary bike is a great alternative if a moving one isn't available to you and joining a spinning class Is always a good choice as well. If you do have a stationary bike at home, instead of just sitting on the couch, you can get a workout while you watch TV. "Biking Is an easy mode of trans-

portation and It can be as Intense or as easy as you want to make it," said avid cyclist and University of New Brunswick student Andrew Meade. "It's useful for cardio and it's environmentally friendly." Elliptical trainer: If you're tired of constant pain in your joints from high-impact activities, the elliptical trainer is for you. Also, by using one with arms you can create a more complete workout. These arc just a few of Lhe many waysto stay In shape, to keep a healthy heart and to add years on to your life.


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