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Environmentalists on Bikes since 1993
Cycling Against ·Farmed Salmon Pg.4
Let'sTry to Keep Salmon StocksHigh as the Abbotsford-Chilliwack bus SONJA SZLOVICSAK
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF petition guy, but these days he's been cycling for a different cause: After this year's salmon run, Wild Salmon. This summer, van der Kroon the concern over low salmon stocks seems to have turned into spent August cycling thousands back page news. In some cases, of kilometres to remind people envorinmentalists that have been that just because we had a good pushing the government to en- salmon run this year doesn't mean act strong legislation to protect British Columbians should forget wild salmon have been labelled as about the threats that salmon face. Fish farming has been blamed "alarmists." Yet wild salmon are still threat- for a lot of diseases that have inened. There is always a risk that fected wild salmon over the last the Fraser could be over fished few decades. Just like cattle, pigs again, or that Sea Lice - which are and chickens, farmed salmon are linked to fish farming - could dev- kept in close quarters, making it ast salmon stocks again. This year easier for Sea Lice to spread befishermen had a good year, but tween the fish. When they escape what about five years from now? from these pens, they spread any UFV's environmental champi- infections they may carry to wild on and all around good guy, Daan salmon. This is a problem, and many van der Kroon, is very aware of this. Many of you may know Daan people and businesses recog-
nize this. Save-On Foods recently switched to selling farmed salmon that is farmed in-land. That means that if a salmon escapes, it's not just hopping over a net into the ocean. If it gets out of its pen, it lands on dry ground. A dead salmon can't spread Sea Lice. British Columbia is known for its salmon. Imagine if all our Pacific Wild Cod was replaced with mushy farmed salmon. It wasn't that long ago when that was a very real possibility. Bill C-518 would require all farmed salmon be moved into closed containment facilities, after a transition period. This means that salmon wouldn't be able to escape and infect wild salmon. It sounds like a good idea. Even William Shatner supports the bill. However, Fin Donnelly, the man pushing for this petition, is
a backbench NDP MP. In other words, he doesn't have a whole lot of political clout. Private members' bills rarely get passed, and van der Kroon is aware of this. Yet he still spent his summer cycling nearly 4000 kilometres to raise awareness and get people talking about this issue. Most British Columbians don't really give a thought to fish farming - people just aren't aware that it's an actual threat to our oceans. Now comes the important part: What can you do to help? Get in touch with your MP and ask him or her to support Bill C-518. Or you can visit Donnelly's website, www.findonnelly.ca and sign the petition. It's easier than biking 4000 kilometres in a month, and it will help ensure that the Fraser salmon runs stay as high as they were this year.
Volume 18 • Issue 22 RoomC1027 33844 King Road
Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8
Editor-in-Chief cascade.chief@ufv.ca Sonja Szlovicsak
Prodt.tctlon Manar cascade.prod\lCtion@ufv.ca B.and6tla Bushell
Pfoduotion JedMiaot CopyEdkor ChrisBonshor
N.-n& Bl'IUllfflet
Arts& Ute Editor CISClde.arJs P;ml Fal Dear Editor, Hello to all students beginning the 2010/2011 academic year at UFV from your Students for Sustainability group. We are a student-driven advocacy group that supports students in living a sustainable lifestyle in a number of ways, one of which is through the use of alternative forms of transportation, primarily the bicycle and public transportation. In the Fall of 2010, your student union implemented a Universal Transit Pass to encourage all students to utilize public transit and create an economic incentive to do so. As new students acquaint themselves with life at UFV, and returning students once again compete for parking spaces, we want to remind students that using public transit in Abbotsford, Mission, and Chilliwack to get to UFV can save you a lot of money, while saving the university from having to maintain parking stalls with money derived from tuition fees. That of course, raises expenses and, hence, tuition for the University. Though less convenient, the Eastern Fraser Valley's transit system is growing, and can meet
SpOrtsEdlots @ufv.ca
NewsWriter Alex Watkins
StaffWriters TrevorFik Chelsea Thornton Brittany Wiesnet
Disttibuti<>n Specialist Jade Brown
Contributors a surpnsmg amount of student travel needs. If you are new to using public transit, it is unlikely that it can meet all of your needs, but through cycling, walking, and carpooling, it is often possible to accomplish one's tasks very effectively, without the frequent use of a personal vehicle. Now in my fourth year at UFV, I would estimate that in four years of using public transit and cycling, I have saved at least $12 000 that I would
otherwise have spent on· GRIM costs - gas, repairs, insurance and maintenance, as well as vehicle lease or purchase costs. So, at Students for Sustainability, we encourage all students to study and become familiar with our public transit system - give it patience, read the schedule thoroughly to learn its tricks and quirks, and you could be on the path to having a large chunk of cash to spend in other ways, while
doing your part to make UFV a more sustainable campus. As the Business Administration Student Association brilliantly says about buying new textbooks, "Save it for Beer!", and that applies to public transit as well.
PrintedBy International WebExpress
See you at Casey's then! Daniel van der Kroon Students for Sustainability SUS Rep-at-Large
TbeOtscadeJsUFV'saubtomousstudentnewspaper.ltprovidesa forumfor UFV studentsto have thelrjoumalism published. It also ads as an ~e ~for the FraserValley.The Cascade is fundedwith UFVstudentfunds.Tbe Cascade is publishedeveryFriday with a circulationof 2000 andis distributed at UFVcampusesandthrougboutAl>botsford, Cbilliwack,andMission.Tbe Cascade is a memberof the Canadian UniversityPress,a nationalcooperative of 90 untversityand collegenewspapersfromVtctotiato St John's.The Oiscade followstheCUPethicalpolicy concemlllg .n:ialMial of a prejudicialor oppressiveJlatnre. Submissions areprefem,din electronic foonatfl.ilher throughe-mail.Ple$le sendsubmissions in" Js.(' or".doe" only. Amdes the editorltlUStbe typed.Tbe CascadeJ\lllel."VeS therightto editsubmissions for
The !hat orll
andlltUdent numbermustbesubmitted witbuclt sublriuon.Letters to the editormust be$Vier 250wordsif inWll.dedfotprint Onlyoneletw:~the
gi;venedition. llQt~-
ily UFV,Cascadestaff andboardof direcfors.orassociated members.
TolstoyLecturePreview ALEX WATKINS NEWSWRITER This year marks the 100th anniversary of the death of celebrated writer Leo Tolstoy. UFV will mark the date by holding a conference regarding his life and works, entitled: "Lev Tolstoy: Peace, War and Politics". The conference will take place on Wednesday, September 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in room A229/225 on the Abbotsford's campus. It will include a segment on Mahatma Gandhi, who was inspired by Tolstoy's writings and corresponded with him in his youth. The conference will take the form of six lectures, each followed by brief question-answer sessions. Leo Tolstoy came from a long line of Russian nobility. Both of his parents died when he was young, leaving him and his siblings to be raised by a number of relatives. He didn't experience much success as a student, and left university in 1847 without a degree. However, over the course of his studies, he had managed to gain a working knowledge of 12 languages. In his youth, Tolstoy became addicted to gambling, even going so far as to sell parts of his estate in order to pay off his debts. In 1851 he joined his brother Nikolay in an artillery regiment; as he recounted in his diary: "I put men to death in war, I fought duels to slay others. I lost at cards ... rioted with loose women, and deceived men. Lying, robbery, adultery of all kinds, drunkenness, violence, and murder, all were committed by me, not one crime omitted, and yet I was not the less considered by my equals to be a comparatively moral man." Though he experienced increasing success over the years - particularly with his masterwork Anna Karenina, which was first published in its entirety in 1878 - he became depressed and suicidal. Still struggling on his ethical quest, he criticized himself harshly in his ,diary for "egotistical family cares .... concern for the increase of wealth, the attainment of literary success, and the enjoyment of every kind of pleasure." Tolstoy then began writing more philosophical works such as A Confession and What I Believe, and began to pursue a path as a moral leader rather than an artist alone. Soon after, he began corresponding with Gandhi, who was inspired by Tolstoy's 1893 work, The Kingdom of God is Within You. In 1901, Tolstoy was excommunicated by the Russian Orthodox Church, but retained immense popularity with the public. Tolstoy died of pneumonia on November 7, 1910 at Astapovo station. Ron Dart, who is a professor of Religious Studies, Philosophy and Political Science at UFV, is both organizing and speaking at the event. He believes that although the works of Tolstoy are more than 100 years old, they are just as relevant today as when they were written. Dart explained: "The themes that Tolstoy wrestled with all his life were those great perennial themes of the human condition: war and peace, not only the external world, but war and peace in our inner life, the struggle to live a life of nobility versus the tug within to be mediocre."
"So he probes the complex nature of the inner terrain where battles are fought, and the external terrain ... He has that expansive thinking that he then expresses in a literary way as well as a philosophical manner." Perhaps one of the most interesting details of Tolstoy's life is the fact that he lived the later years of his life in poverty by choice, a reflection of his personal beliefs about sharing wealth. According to Dart, Tolstoy "not only thought these ideas ... he said, 'I've got to implement them in my lifestyle.' So he dresses like a peasant, he lives simply, you know ... he comes from one of the most prominent aristocratic Russian families of the time, and rather than living in an upwardly mobile momentum, he increasingly commits himself to downward mobility ... he goes and works with the peasants in the fields, dresses simply, makes his own boots, it's sort of the Gandhi-
an story. "So the question for him is: 'How do I live with as little as possible so that I may be as generous to as many as possible [and] not be hindered by a lot of irrelevant things?' And then he would give a lot of his money away." This lifestyle caused a lot of tension between Tolstoy and his wife, who would say 'Listen, we've got 13 kids. You're giving all the money away to the peasants or to the Doukhobors [a Russian relgious group], or to help these people who are living in poverty,' and she said, 'You've got your kids, you've got to take care of them.' "So there [were] huge tensions between, on the one hand, the commitment to the domestic side of his life and life on the estate, and the large number of people who lived and worked there ... and on the other hand the bigger issues of global concerns and injustices and war and peace, and
people who didn't even have adequate food to live on... And so his argument was: 'Well, why should I be giving all this money to people who are - comparatively speaking - affluent, and you have all these other people who have virtually nothing ... .I want to use a lot of the proceeds from my books to in fact assist those that reflect my ... concern with people who are in the margins.' He could have made a mass fortune off his books; he was one of the most prominent novelists of his generation, he was in demand all over, so he could have hunkered down and lived the life of the gentleman. But he chose to let go of it all." Dart sees Tolstoy as a model for modern social activism, "Tolstoy's such a towering figure ... he was at the centre of everything, all the big issues of his lifetime, the issues he dealt with ... they're as relevant then as now; you know ... How would a Tolstoy speak to Afghani-
stan or Iraq if he lived in Canada? These themes he dealt with, they don't go away ... A lot of the peace tradition takes its lead from Tolstoy, not only his thinking but his life, how he integrated thinking and doing, doing and thinking." Dart sees Tolstoy's choice between affluence and activism as ' one that many living in wealthy countries can relate to today. He explained that in "some ways, those who have grown up in the first world today are the Tolstoys, who've grown up amongst the aristocracy in the first world, and then they have a choice in terms of ecological footprints or any of those things ... Are they willing to become more downwardly mobile so that those in the third world or those who have little can become more upwardly mobile? So he [and Gandhi are] metaphors, for us, of peopl~ ,who make choices with their privilege to become responsible with [it] rather than indulgent." Dart said that university students in particular "are already [for] the most part [in] a certain affluent class, so then they have a choice of what to do with what they have been given. And that's where Tolstoy comes along and says: 'I have been given much, therefore I am responsible for much,' versus others in his class [who] said: 'I have been given much, I'm going to circle the wagons and protect it against the rising middle class and against the peasants."' Tolstoy has a special historical connection to British Columbia in particular, as it was once a safe destination for him to facilitate the transport of members of the endangered Doukhobor community to. According to Dart, "the Doukhobors in Russia in many ways embodied Tolstoy's communal. .. almost proto-socialist lifestyle, and their pacifist way. They got in a lot of difficultly with the Czars because they would not fight in the military, so [Tolstoy gave] all the royalties of Resurrection [to] the Doukhobors to bring them to Canada to be safe. So we had one of the largest Doukhobor communities in Canada in British Columbia ... Of the three huge Tolstoy statues in the world, one is in Castlegar." Next week's event has been organized into six segments, each presented by an individual with a different area of interest and expertise in regard to the life and works of Tolstoy; in this manner, Dart hopes to do justice to the author, whom he describes as "a bundle of internal conflicts... like a Mount Baker, in that sense of [there being] so many sides to Tolstoy that, depending on the route you take up to reach the summit of his literary, philosophical, and religious life, you're going to get a different understanding of the complex unity ... and that's what · makes him so perennially interesting, because he speaks to everyone." The conference is free of charge and is open to all residents of the Fraser Valley, regardless of whether or not they study or work at UFV. Those interested in learning more about it can find information on the UFV website at: http:// www.ufv.ca/ CICS/ Announcements.html.
Wild Salmon Express 2010 JOELSMARTan urban activity because the de-
SPORTS EDITOR mand that supports their production comes for urban centres." Daan van der Kroon, one of The trip began on August 1 UFV's active student environmenand continued until August 31. talists, arrived home at the end Along the way, the Wild Salmon of August after taking part in the Express traveled nearly 4000 kilometres, according to ripplerelay. Fraser River Ripple Relay, a month long bicycle trek through the Fra- ca. Their website describes the full ser River basin, in order to raise itinerary of the journey, "The 2010 public awareness of issues sur- 'Wild Salmon Express'(WISE) will be traveling though every comrounding Pacific wild salmon. The relay, also known as the munity in the Fraser Basin-, conWild Salmon Express, is the initia- necting with community leaders, tive of The Fraser River Ripple Ef- First Nations, MPs, MLAs, local government representatives and fect (FRRE), a locally-based group that, according to their website, salmon enthusiasts of all sorts, stopping in at various points of inripplerelay.ca, aims to deal with issues surrounding our wild salm- terest including hatcheries, dams, on. "The FRRE will create and de- stream contamination sites, paved velop its own initiatives as well streams and discovery centres." as commit to other's initiatives to One major aim of the bike trip bring back a balance to the circle was to raise awareness of a new bill, introduced by Fin Donnelly, that brings the fish to the people." In discussing his motivation for NDP MP for Coquitlam, New Westminster and Port Moody, the trip, van der Kroon explained how dependant residents of Brit- which aims to protect salmon. Of the bill, van der Kroon said ish Columbia are on wild salmon. "This trip was undertaken for a it could help to improve the situfew reasons, the major one being ation because it would save many the impact that aquaculture in B.C. wild salmon by protecting their is having on wild salmon stocks. migration routes from open farms. Wild salmon are a backbone of the "Bill C-518 would mandate the transition of fish farms to closed economy, supporting commercial fishermen, recreational fishermen containment. It wouldn't end the industry or fix all of the industry's and First Nations people. "Furthermore, wild salmon impacts, but it would do a lot, and support our ecosystems and for- that's why we cycled to support it." ested areas by bringing nutrients He continued: "Bill C-518 is a from the ocean to the land. Their abundance and decline act as in- minimum standard, really; we really need stronger legislation, but dicators for the impacts that urban activities are having on stream it's a good start." Regardless of the bill's impleecosystems all over - and make no mistake - farmed salmon are mentation, it should have a posi-
Fedsopenupadditional $2billion in studentloans
More students should playthestock market, saysUniversity ofAlberta
tive effect on new guidelines being written by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, van der Kroon said. "It's a private members' bill, which rarely make it into law. But even if this doesn't become law, the extent of public input and debate it's generating will still b.ave an impact on the new aquaculture regulations that the DFO is writing." During the trip, the bikers handed out postcards in each of the communities they visited. The cards, specially made for the relay, state, "Save our wild salmon: move to closed containment." Those who were given the card were asked to send it in to the government in support of Bill C-518. The website also features a PayPal account, where those who are interested can donate to the cause. The trip allowed for the participants to meet members of the various communities visited. Van der Kroon described a chance encounter with a group of generous campers, "On the trip, we stopped briefly where the Goat River passes under the Yellowhead highway and talked to a group out with their RV's at the riverside. We told them about the purpose for our trip - after donating to our goal of creating a fund for habitat restoration, they all signed the Bill C-518 postcard we were distributing, while objecting to how weak the legislation was! They said it should go further that we shouldn't have fish farms in the water at all, and that anec- , dote illustrated ho~ people from ;
Universities offertextbook rentalprograms
InAugust, Human Resources andSkills Develop- Asstudents faceincreasing tuitionfees,onepro- Confusion surrounding St Thomas University's mentMinister Diane Finley realized thegovern- fessorissuggesting thatplaying thestockmarket condom distribution policy hasopened thedoor mentwasindangerofbreaching itsstudent couldhelpbringinsomeextracashandincrease fortheuniversity todiscuss studenthealth. loan-lending limitof$1Sbillion. Inordertoavoid students' understanding oftheworldoffinance. InJuly,thestudents' unionmadeheadlines after AmitMonga, finance professor attheUniversity revealing thattheyweren't allowed toindude losing thelegalauthority todispense loansto ofAlberta, saidplaying thestockmarket isn'tas condoms inthisyear'swelcome weekkits Canadian students, Finley extended thelimitby EllaHenry, students' unionpresident, said,•when asstudents think,anditcanofferthem $2billion toensureeligible students received . difficult benefits beyond monetary gain. weaskedforclarification, weweretolditwasthe needed loansthisfall. ll!_inistry policy ...!thought According togovernment documents, some •1personally thinkthatthebenefit ofplaying the resultofa campus that 50,000 students couldhavebeenaffected and stockmarket isthatyougettoreally starttracking thetimewheretheuniversity would oppose the issues - macro-issues distribution ofcondoms oncampus hadpassed. would havehadtofindothermeansoffinancing someofthekeyeconomic theireducation thisSeptember. andmicro-issues - thatareaffecting a municipal- InmytimeatSTU, I'veseentheuniversity startto hesaid. •Toeeconomic downturn resulted ina 10percent ity,cityorprovince;' distribute condoms inresidences forinstance." cautions students toseta goalof •1thinkwhatweranintowastheinstitutional increase instudent loandemand, from2008-09 But,Monga to2009-10, asmorestudents decided tobeginor returns thattheywouldlikefromtheirstocks and remnants ofa policy, practice [or]attitude within continue post-secondary education;' anHRSDC thenselltheshares aftertheyreachtheirgoal. theuniversity thatnolonger exists, butwas.never spokesperson statedinanemail. "It'snotdifficult thesedaysbecause wecan fullydealtwith:' Despite thosestatistics, thedepartment wasstill actually openanonline discount brokerage Jeffrey Carleton, university spokesperson, onlyprepared tonearthe$15-billion limitby account andbuyandsellanystockwewant,if we confirmed thatthereisnouniversity policy •one 2014-15, according toanannualreportonthe havethemoney todoit,"Monga said.·whenyou wayortheother''aboutcondom distribution on invest, havesomekindofatargetWhatyoudon't campus. Canada Student Loans program, tabledinthe House ofCommons inJune. wanttodoisbegreedy. Youneedtohavethat self-imposed discipline:' Karissa Donkin - TheAquinian (StThomas Monga addedthat,especially whenitcomes to University) student finances, people should playthestock Emma Godmere - CUP Ottawa Bureau Chief market withcaution, eveniftheyknowwhat ·they're doing. Siwei Chen - TheGateway (University of Alberta)
all over the Fraser Basin object to business-as-usual fish farming and want it ended," The FRRE has ambitious plans for the future of the Ripple Relay. According to van der Kroon's blog, the event could even turn into a triathlon, "In future years, The ~ipple Effect has so much potential to be,a fundraising support vehicle and catalyst for further action, as an annual Ripple Relay, be it a swim, bicycle trip, run, all three or something different, will offer significant exposure opportunities for community sponsor-
BellCanada parenttobuyCTV for $1.3billion BCE Inc,Canada's largest telecommunications company, willpayC$1.3 billion ($1.26 billion) forthecountry's biggest private broadcaster, in a boldgamble onthefutureofvideooverthe Internet TheparentofBellCanada saidonFriday itwould acquire the85percent ofavthatitdoesnot already ownina dealthatvalues thebroadcaster atC$3.2 billion, including C$1.7 billion indebt CTV's catalogue ofvideocontent, including the rightstothe2012Olympics andtheDiscovery Channel, willhelpBCE attractsubscribers toits newInternet andwireless videoservices. Executives ofBCE andCTV saidtheappealofa combination became apparent tothemduring lastwinter's Vancouver Games, whereavwas Canada's hostbroadcaster. •wetrulywerekidsina candystoreatthe Olympics," BCE Chief Executive George Cope said onaconference call.•1remember coming back fromWhistler toVancouver watching thewomen's hockey gameallthewayona handset;' headded, referring tothevenuewheretheAlpine events wereheld. PavJordan andAlastair Sharp- Reuters
ing partners. "As a cyclist, I'm interested in the FRRE being the umbrella organization for a 'Fraser River Triathlon' involving a headwater run, canyon cycle and swim of the month, or an annual 'Tour de Fraser' cycle trip as a competitive bicycle race and fundraiser for the initiatives I mentioned." Whatever shape it takes, it is certain that the goal will be to improve the situation Pacific wild salmon face in this province. ·
Online videogamere-enacts Dawson massacre Avideogamerecently postedtoa gaming website invites players towalkinthefootsteps ofKimveer Gillandgoona shooting rampage atDawson College. Gillisthegunman whostrodeintoDawson in 2006andopened fire,killing onestudentand injuring 19othersbefore killing himself. Itwas themostrecentofthethreeschool shootings that haveoccurred inMontreal since1989. •Dawson College Massacre"was postedonlineon Sept8,a fewdaysbefore Sept13,thefour-year anniversary ofGill's shooting spree. Thegame's styleisverybasic, comparable graphicallyandintermsofgame-play toearlyvideo flashgames, andbegins withGill's biography and photos ofhimself hehadpostedonline. Then, thegamebegins ondeMaisonneuve Boulevard, . whereGill's shooting rampage alsobeganat 12:50p.m.Theplayers mustaimatandshoot studentcharacters whilemoving intotheschool andavoiding theaimofpolice officers. When the player isshotbypolice, theGillcharacter commits suicide against a redbackground. SarahDeshaies - TheConcordian (Concordia University)
Plans For Developlllent of Mission Waterfront in Doubt all Mission promotional material, something which, Chadwick claimed, "Sturgeons on the Fraser" actively builds upon. Mission City currently has 60-hecatres of waterfront property within its jurisdiction, with certain areas zqned for residential and commercial use. Development in Mission has been an increasing concern forcity council members, as recent plans have been put in to place for the construction of .a nine acre stripmall located at the 31900 block of Lougheed Highway. The mall, which will be comprised of "a 94,500 square foot anchor store and four smaller buildings ranging in size from 3,000 to 10,000 sq. ft," will be located in between Mission Springs Restaurant and Fraser Valley Building Supplies , according to the Mission City Record. Jeff Devins, who owns two of the four properties required for the mall construction, came out in favour of the development plan and said that city council had "looked for someone to do this, to
keep retail dollars in the community." Although community members have initially come out overwhelmingly in favour of the new strip mall, some community members have been sceptical of plans to construct a new mega-mall. "We support well planned development on the waterfront that would decrease car usage, help revitalize downtown and promote small businesses. The idea that too many shopping centres can interfere with the waterfront is a concern," Tracy Lyster of Citizens Against Urban Sprawl Society said. Plans for the mall initially called for the project to be constructed in phases, with the developers looking for occupants as soon as the mall gains approval. Anybody who is interested in the Mission waterfront development and construction can attend an open-house which will be held Sept. 16 from 6 p:m. to 9 p.m. at the Leisure Centre in Mission.
STAFFWRITER rard Inlet. Meakin, who owns the building, has already committed to $5 million in renovations to the Mission City Council turned the tides on those hopeful for de- structure. What Meakin requires, and velopment and expansion of Mission waterfron_t property at a Sep- what has effectively become the tember 7 meeting, voting down final obstacle in construction of plans that would allow a devel- "Sturgeons on the Fraser," is a 0.6 oper to purchase land for a park- hectare plot of land adjacent to the ing lot. The move could effectively property owned by Meakin. This end the developer's quest for a $10 is required, as Meakin has noted, million nine hectare waterfront in order to allow parking for 186 cars and four tour buses. unit at the McBarge site. Supporters of Meakin and his Developer Howard Meakin, whose proposal for the construc- ambitions for increased watertion of a $10 million waterfront front development in Mission project was stalled by Mission have voiced their concern with city council, said the recent move city council's latest move, citing by council members to deny the their dismay with council memrights to build a parking lot for his bers after the September 7 council "Sturgeons on the Fraser" devel- meeting. opment will effectively "kill his "No developer will touch Miswaterfront development" accord- sion, even with a McBarge pole," ing to the Mission City Record. ' said councillor Jenny Stevens. Plans for "Sturgeons on the Councillor Mike Scudder, who Fraser" include construction of voted against the waterfront exa restaurant, pub, coffee shop, as pansion, noted that, although well as accessibility for float-plane there was "merit to the proposal," service to Victoria and Nanimo, all council should not rush judgeof which would be held in a two- ment on where the waterfront de-
velopment is placed. Members of the public have been supportive of plans for expansion into the Mission waterfront, as Joanne Chadwick, owner of the tour operation Fraser River Safari commented, "This is something that would actually kick.start development." "This project is one of the most exciting things to happen on this waterfront in a long time and it's a critical kick-off for overall development that's being planned," she also noted. Chadwick also commented on the unwillingness of council to rush plans for Waterfront expansion, noting that the "foot-dragging" by council members will inevitably result in Mission losing out on the burgeoning tourist market in the area. "Tourism in the Valley is growing at an incredible rate and my fear is that our city is going to get left behind," Chadwick said. As part of their 2009 Mission tourism plan, city council members decided to -showcase the Fraser River as a centrepiece in
UniversityDistrictin Abby?
The Economicsof Dropping Out
- TREVORFIKstory floating building in the Bur-
ALEX WATKINShousing; recreational and cultural
NEWSWRITER facilities; and supporting retail faSTAFFWRITER cilities such as bookstores, cafes ,.. Statistics Canada recently reThe University of the Fraser and copy centres." Currently, UFV has room for leased a study revealing that one Valley and the City of Abbotsford have begun a collaborative process approximately 200 students to in five Canadian youth between to explore the option of building a live on campus. In 2009/10, UFV's the ages of 15 and 19 are no longer university district around the Ab- individual student count totaled pursuing education. The figure is .four per cent higher than the inbotsford campus, similar to those 15,446. Enns emphasized that there is a ternational average reported by .neighboring the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser long process ahead before any of- the Organization for Economic ficial decision will be made. She Co-operation and Development. University campuses. According to the U-District vi- stated: "[The] first stage is to begin The study, based on data compiled sion plan recently presented to by...working with different design in 2008, examined education and Abbotsford City Council: "The programs that take the area and ... labour market performance by regeneral vision as expressed by just begin to look at what some op- gion, age and gender. tions or scenarios might be. But In British Columbia, where the university oriented developments across North America is of a vi- really ... conceptually, we need to employment rate is well above the national average, leaving school brant mixed-use area character- begin by meeting ... with student ized by quality urban design and groups, with owner groups [and] was shown to have possible shortthe general public to get a sense of term economic benefits. In fact, pedestrian friendly activity." Cherie Enns - a professor of Ge- what they'd like. And then we'll 75.7 per cent of male and 54.9 per take that plus what we've learned ography at UFV and community cent of female high school drop planner - stressed that the proj- and know about what works in outs found employment, as did other university towns and begin 83.0 per cent of male and 67.2 per ec~is still in a strictly exploratory stage. Currently, Enns is examin- to layer that with a vision." cent of female secondary school The synthesized data and vi- graduates without any further ing Ontario university districts, education. such as those found adjacent to sion would then act as the starting Ryan Pastorchik is a UFV stuGuelph and McMaster Universi- point for a concept plan that could ties, to investigate "what does be presented for consideration. dent and part-time framing carwork in other university commu- · UFV student Kristi Galer wel- penter. He explained, "Most of the nities and towns ... [the kind of] comed the idea of a more student- people I work with have graduatreciprocity between these [com- oriented community surrounding ed high school, although the ones munities and] the university, so the Abbotsford campus. "I only who left high school in favour of at times it's hard to tell when one spend time at school for school carpentry usually make more but I do think giving UFV a more than other workers the same age ends and one begins." Robert Buchan, UFV's vice- university feel would be cool. The because of their longer experience. president of external affairs, told addition of the dorms and new But occasionally certain problems the AbbotsfordNews.that the addi- buildings has given the place appear that someone who has fintion of recreation facilities, student more of that vibe but I can honest- ished grade 12 math or physics is residences and retail outlets and ly say I feel no connection to the simply better prepared for." services to the area around cam- school at all, and maybe having Balancing life as a working stupus could enhance the atmosphere those things would cause more ex- dent ·can be particularly challengand potentially aid in attracting citement, pride and involvement. .. ing in construction because the and keeping both staff and stu- with the school for more people." student can only work part-time dents, "We're sort of bursting at in a typically full-time field. "As A College Park Place apartment the seams here, and to work with owner added: "As a property own- a full-time student, there are situthe city to increase our footprint exams-where full er nearby it'll help me realize an ations-like for cultural activities, business increase in property value sooner time work isn't always an option. technology, [and] student services rather than later. And I think it's Times like these definitely weaken would be great." not only good for the university ... an employee's position in a comSpecifically, the U-District vi- it's good for the community of Ab- pany. Without dedicating time sion plan suggests the addition botsford to have a destination uni- to academics, educational goals of "business incubators for new versity." might be challenged. Similarly, Enns encouraged any UFV stu- time away from work can threaten ideas and young entrepreneurs; technology/research parks per~ dents who are interested in partic- employment." haps associated with agribusi~ ipating in a design session or any Although it might be tempting ness or health; open space, green other planning-related activities to throw away textbooks, dodge initiatives and trail systems con- to contact her by email at cenns@ the student loans, and get into nected to rest of the city; range of abbotsford.ca for more informa- the labour market now, there are advantages to pursuing post-secresidential uses including student tion.
While many people in B.C. pass on post-secondary education, high employment rates indicate that there are many sectors of work that don't require a Bachelor's Degree.
ondary education. An increased more, and university graduates level of education creates more earn 33 per cent more. Even in caremployment flexibility, allowing pentry, a higher level of education the graduate to pursue the same often improves job security, and jobs as non-graduates, as well as therefore earning power: "One of other career options only available the worries that come with finding through upper level education. a career without schooling is job "One of the guys at my last job security. Construction positions has a degree in biochemistry but are dictated by the economy and works as a framer because he loves come in waves; if two employees it. You either do carpentry because were to have the same amount of you love it, or because you love experience, but one were to have the wages it pays more than you spent the time in apprenticeship, dislike the work you have to do. A there would be no question as to few of the people I work with real- who would remain employed after ly hate their job," Pastorchik said. lay-offs," Pastorchik observed. The Statistics Canada report reFor Pastorchik, post-secondary veals that although British Colum- education "lets me find a career bia is able to provide employment that caters to my passions and can for a large number of non-gradu- be more than a paycheque. For ates, employment rates increase in me, carpentry pays tuition. For proportion to the level of educa- someone else it pays bills." Across the country secondtion achieved: trade school graduates experience employment rates ary school graduation rates vary of 85.7 per cent and 74.3 per cent greatly, ranging from 91 per cent · for males and females respective- in Quebec to 28 per cent in Nunaly, while bachelor program gradu- vut. Bachelor degree completion ates experience employment rates rates vary as well, with Nova Scotia claiming the highest percentof 84.1 per cent and 77.3per cent. Also, the earning power of age of university graduates, 50.5 upper-level graduates is greater. per cent. British Columbia (24.8 Using secondary school graduate per cent), Alberta (23.6 per cent}, earnings as its baseline, Statistics and Saskatchewan (18.4 per cent) Canada determined that in Brit- have the lowest proportion of ish Columbia, secondary school . university graduates of any of the non-graduates aged 25 to 64 earn provinces, well below the national 12 per cent less than secondary average of 31.1 per cent. No data school graduates, while trade and · on university graduation rates was technical school graduates of the available for the Yukon, Northsame age category earn 16 per cent west Territories, or Nunavut.
A poll cant take away-our rights SONJA SZLOVICSAK of citizens' opinions, and there-
been democratically elected? EDITOR-IN-CHIEFfore should be considered legally That's just not how democracy relevant, and, 2) that the majority works. can simply will away the constiNow on to the second point. Last week, CNN interviewed Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. For tutionally guaranteed rights of a In Canada and the United States, minority. everyone is guaranteed certain those of you that are unfamiliar Let's begin with the first point. rights. The reasons for this are obwith the name, Rauf is the man trying to build an Islamic centre The first time I heard that statis- vious - if you've ever read works near ground zero in New York tic, I couldn't help but wonder if by the United States founding faCity. Overall, his plan seems to be 71 per cent of Americans are even thers, it becomes fairly obvious why the first Amendment to the a good one: he wants the centre to aware that Rauf wants to build an Islamic centre in New York. American Constituion states that have prayer rooms for Christians, Muslims and Jews. The centre Did the pollsters call every home "Congress shall make no law rewould, I hope, be a place for inter- in the United States? What about specting an establishment of reAmericans living overseas? How ligion, or prohibiting the free exfaith dialogue. Of course, the location has up- often do you stay on the phone ercise thereof ... or the right of the set certain .Americans. The pro- when you find out that a caller people peaceably to assemble." posed location is two blocks away from Ipsos-Reid wants to ask you The founding fathers did not want from where the World Trade Cen- a few questions? Very few people one religion to claim supremecy tre once stood, and some people are willing to participate in sur- over others because the majority feel that Muslims have no busi- veys - this fact alone affects the of Americans were of that religion. randomness of a survey. Any half Just because one group of peoness building a centre of worship so close to Ground Zero (despite decent journalist knows this, yet ple happens to out number anoththis has consistently been forgot- er group of people does not mean the fact that it is private property). At a protest on September 11, pro- ten in news coverage of the Islamic the smaller group cannot worship however they want. People seem testers wore t-shirts saying "Never centre. At least in the case of an elec- to think this poll means Muslims Forgive." The centre has generated tion, we can be sure that the ma- have no right to worship in a cermuch discussion on FOX news. Now, it would be easy to sit here · jority of interested (that's an im- tain part of New York City. Not and explain that there is no reason portant distinction) voters select true. I highly doubt the majority for this centre not to be built at the winning candidate. In the case of Canadians support the Church of Scientology, but it doesn't mean . the proposed location. However, of a poll, however, the numbers much more intelligent and better merely reflect the percentage of we'd try to banish them from informed individuals have done people too polite or too lonely to Canada. It means they just don't become Scientologists. so already. There is, however, one hang up the phone. But imagine, if you will, if elecThis poll has become an excuse point that needs to be addressed. for Americans to take rights away There is a poll that is often cited tions were handled by pollsters. in an argument against this centre. First of all, there is a lack of the from their fellow Americans. 9/11 News pundits love to state that "A strict oversight that exists in an was not a case of Islam versus the poll shows 71 per cent of Ameri- election. A pollster could control United States. It was a case of some cans are opposed to this centre," the results through the wording of deranged mad men, who claimed as if this somehow justifies toss- a question, by carefully selecting they were Muslims, killing Ameriwhich homes were selected to be cans - Americans who were Chrising aside rights guaranteed under the American constitution. My fa- polled, or by polling a very small , tian, Jewish, Atheist, Sikh, Hindu, vourite is when the line "America portion of the population. So if Muslim, and every other religion is a democracy!" gets added to that Abbotsford were to decide its next you can think of. This is a controlast sentence, as a justification. mayor by simply polling the folks versy that shouldn't be, which is Yes, America is a democracy. living up in Eagle Mountain rather why bullshit statistics are needed That does not mean that 1) a poll than holding an open election, do to prop up one side. actually represents the majority you think the mayor would have
on Future
JACK BROWN DISTRIBUTION SPECIALIST Online gambling has now arrived as a government-sanctioned activity in the province of British Columbia. After a series of quite unfortunate technical mishaps, the BC Lottery Corporation has (re)launched a website in an effort to cash in on the vast revenue other online gambling websites reportedly earn each year. Much attention by the national media has been paid to the BCLC's latest venture, generating varied opinions amongst the chattering classes, as well as favourable interest by at least two other provinces, which are now reportedly planning to launch their own, similar websites. The provincial government is very obviously interested in this lucrative sector because of the volume of revenue that is generated by things like lotteries and casinos from residents and tourists alike. But while I am sympathetic to the idea of taxing the willing to fund things like universities and transit systems, I am undecided as to whether or not the government ought to be involved in the promotion and sale of goods and services which have a definite negative social impact. My intuitions and impulses on the matter are complicated and often contradictory. Despite having had no experience or interest with marijuana use or cultivation
myself, I, nonetheless, find the jectionable. The obvious retort to this is current government policy of prohibition to be a failure in practical that by calling upon the government to legislate on things of terms, and I am often persuaded by arguments asserting that regu- personal preference and taste I lation and taxation by the govern- am not fully respecting the deciment would be the best possible . sion-making powers of my fellow way forward. The monopoly and citizens, and I am advocating a regulatory regime on liquor sales needless infringement upon their by the provincial government ap- liberty. Such a response is perhaps pears to have made the best of a as correct as it is unhelpful. Yet, I complicated situation, and seems am beginning to wonder, at what to support arguments in favour point should the collective politiof regulation for things like gam- cal community cease Jo tolerate, or at the very least enable, bad decibling and marijuana. But despite this, gambling still sions to be undertaken by its indigives me pause. Why should the vidual members? The· cold calculation ~f costs government engage in promoting an activity which can produce ad- versus benefits for the sanction diction and deprive not only the and promotion of things like gamwilling and the rich.of their mon- bling and, perhaps, even things like alcohol and narcotics gives ey, but also the poor, and working people? The notion that the gov- · me no comfort when I consider the misery that is generated through ernment is not only sanctioning their misuse and abuse, even if but also supporting and enabling such calculations are themselves activities that can lead to deprivation of property, money and good overwhelmingly persuasive in rahealth is one that I find to be ob- tional terms.
Paul Q: What year are you in and what is your major? A: I'm in my last year and English Lit Q: How are you getting to campus? A:Bus Q: How hard is it for you to find a seat A: It's starting to get used more but it's not uncomfortable or over crowded , ' Q: What class are you looking forward to the most? A: Not looking forward to any class in particular , Q: Do you read the Cascade? A: No, and it's not even good to start a fire with. Q: Have you listened to Civl radio yet? A: Yes
Aman Q: What year are you in and what is your major? A: Kinesiology and I have been here for three years Q: How are you getting to campus? A:Driving Q: How hard is it for you find the parking A: Horrible Q: What class are you looking forward to the most? A: 221 Instructional Design of P.E. Q: Do you read the Cascade? A: Not really but I will now that I am in it... Q: Have you listened to Civl radio yet? A: No, I haven't but I will check them out
Renee Q: What year are you in and what is your major? A: I'm in my fourth year of Kinesiology Q: How are you getting to campus? A: Driving Q: How hard is it for you find the parking A: Pretty shitty Q: What class are you looking forward to the most? A: Lab based excersizes Q: Do you read the Cascade? A: I do and my favourite section is sports Q: Have, you listened to Civl radio yet? A: I haven't but I have heard of it
Bogged by the Blog
Hardest thing about Fatherhood CHRIS BONSHOR COPYEDITOR
blogs as a waste: to other people, MARINA PARAPINI
Now that I am a father, find the indecisiveness and silliness of other people extremely annoying. That is because, as a father, I don't have time for that crap, so I feel uniquely situated to point out your ridiculousness for you. I can't stand to hear you sit there and say: "I don't have enough time in the day to do all the things I have to do, like: social network on various websites, find out about the latest electronic crap, use said crap to social network, listen to the latest indie music, party with my friends, do school work, and work, oh no!" Oh my God! Get me away from these people and back to my baby! I mean, should the most important choice you make this semester really be whether to piss your money away on the latest (soon to be obsolete) iPhone or Blackberry? Of the list I just made, only two of those things are really important: school and work. I can understand devoting time and energy to these things because they are essential to your future success in life; the others are, at best, distractions. I realize that this may sound harsh, but I don't really care. I know exactly what I want to do with my time. It began when I first fell in love with my wife and I decided to devote most of my time to our relationship. I soon began to realize that all advertising and pressures to do things within our society are just so much hot, stinky gas. Now, though, I have just enough time to do only exactly what I have to, school and work - the rest goes to hanging out with
the writing could be beautiful; the CONTRIBUTOR·stories could be meaningful; and the people could be very real and I had always blindly hated relatable. I am old fashioned: I will be the bloggers with the kind of passionate odium that is fuelled by first to admit that I harbour the condescending arrogance. Biogs, I obsolete tastes of an older time. reasoned, were the symptom of a Whether it is because I grew up on Heading out? Stay connected starved attention-addict with too a farm, am a defensive techno-idVisit facebook.com on your mobile phone. much free time: who else would iot, or just like to romanticize the attempt to prostitute every mun- past, I resent new fads that make dane thought that floated in the my preferences seem even more empty ether between their ears to archaic. All those cliches about the fuclog and pollute the internet? Get Facebook Mobile One of the contributing factors ture moving faster are true. A to our age of information is being tired reference at this point, but overloaded by every gorm who never more relevant, would be to can pencil push and every im- Obama's successful presidential ,becile with access to the internet campaign, which was also revothat can now publish thousands of lutionary in its methods, capitalwords about nothing. My seething izing on social networking and silence was my self-righteous de- taking advantage of today's many fence: as I didn't partake, I could modes of instant communication. Despite the blatant general scathingly judge from. my ,high, elephant-esque horse. I wasn't so abuse of blogs and social networkhave 19 friends on Facebook, narcissistic as to burden society ing, it has a capacity for positive my family. This means that any offer to do though I even feel that this num- with my own self-indulgent scrib- motivation and influence. Blogging used with a purpose: bloganything that will take away from ber might be excessive, as I only bles. ging with discretion and goodAnd yet here I am. my time with my family will be talk to half of them. Therefore, I recently had an argument with sense could still be a largely met with instant hostility because my friends, I encourage you to go I have to make a much larger sacri- through your friend list and to a friend because every so often he untapped asset. Having and arfice than you to do the exact same prune out those people that you tries to convince me to start a blog ticulating opinions is important thing. Some examples of the kind have only talked to a handful of (or read his). But this time, before I because, in the end, social netof misplaced urge to be social that times, or who you haven't seen in could properly settle into the well- working, and yes, even blogging, I am talking about are: Want to at- more than a month or two. rehearsed slashing ripostes of my can bring people together and can tend an out-of-class-time lecture So, in conclusion, let me put mono-person hate campaign, I change things. We live in a brave and movie screening? Not really. a carrot out to those of you who was pierced by the realization that new world that gives us the power Want to go hang out at Casey's af- might be interested in seeing the I was being petulantly childish of a voice, and we have the responter class and have a few beers? No! light. With my incredible resis- and stubbornly blind. There are sibility to use it honourably. This high note does not mean How about we all get together and tance to burning up my free time several very obvious things wrong that I have fully started endorstalk about our feelings after class doing all of the crap that advertis- with my stance. and social network? HELL NO! ing tells us that we have to, I am One juvenile flaw in my dis- ing blogs. It just means that I have Social networking, as it is called, able to enjoy a life in which I can criminate loathing is that I am ·reconciled that it may have its purhowever, really is the worst. First get everything I have to do done - intrinsically implying that there poses: as a networking tool, as a of all, no, I do not want to be your go to work and school, spend time should be some sort of censorship mode of self-expression, as a playfriend on Facebook. I don't really with my family, and even play to control and delete this mass of ground in which to practice writthink that it is appropriate to try some choice videogames (choice writing. I wasn't strictly denying ing. But more importantly, I have and call someone that you just met because I definitely do not have that blogging couldn't be used for come to recognize it as not just the your friend, especially when you enough time or money to play ev- good but that it was hopelessly cause of mountains of meaninghave no intention of ever commu- erything), all without feeling like abused and, therefore, tainted. It less twaddle,_but as a step forward nicating with them once you have I am burning the candle at both became a question of taste, and it in equality and freedom of expresadded them. ends trying to do too much stuff! was only my humble, though over- sion. I am proud to say that I only inflated, opinion that condemned
Waitlists: Disappointment Comes One Week Every Semester part is that you really wanted to BRITTANY WIESNER get into the class, you had a great STAFFWRITER feeling this class was going to be It's that time of year again: fall the best. You were going to gain and the beginning of the school so much for it, and, perhaps, it year. Which means, you're prob- -was with your favourite profesably buying your textbooks, rush- sor. And yet some other student is ing to classes and feeling the harsh sitting in the class in your shouldrealization that summer has come be spot taking up space that you to an abrupt end. would willingly fill. Not only that, While some of us are gleefully but that student doesn't really looking forward to getting back care; they probably won't apply into the swing of things, there themselves, and will pass the class are a select few who are not so with a C, or maybe a C+. excited. A reason for that may be It's frustrating when you know that they're on a waitlist and are someone in that class really just perhaps unable to get into that one doesn't care and is just taking the special class they've been waiting class because they have to (and refor. It is always unfortunate when, ally they don't even need it, they for whatever reason, you're on a could take another class to fillthe waitlist. requirement). They're going to be a In some cases the professor is waste of the professor's time, and nice and lets a few extra students you're left to scramble and find aninto the class, and you can breathe other open class, or go through the a sigh of relief. Other times, a stu- semester with a lighter class load dent or two won't show up the first (which isn't always a bad thing). day and you can count yourself UFV is revered as a great school lucky and take their spot in the because of its small intimate class class. sizes and its generally cozy, close But sadly, most times you're· knit atmosphere. But sometimes forced to leave the class feeling · that isn't a good thing. Are the bitter and disappointed. The worst class sizes too small? While it is•
nice being able to get to know your professor and classmates during the semester, you're able to make numerous lasting friendships, and you can get personal input from the professor about your work, what if you can't get into the class? Th~t in turn messes up your plans long-term, which could hinder your graduation date, and so on. Perhaps there is a compromise. Since enrolment at UFV has increased, it makes it harder to get into classes, causing it to take longer for some to graduate. What if the classes were slightly larger? Not UBC large, butjust a little bigger? Or what if the classes were offered more during the semester? Like they do with English 105, what if they offered numerous English 350s, and so on? Now, these are, of course, just suggestions, and, since this problem will probably increase over the next few years with the sudden boost in enrolment, the powers that be probably have their eye on the problem and have a master plan in the works. Right? ·
Get to know YOUR student newspaper~ The Cascadeholds writers' meetings every Monday at 1:00 p.m. in room C1429. All students are welcome and encouraged to attend. Come out. Contribute. Get involved.
THE CASCADE Telling you what to think ... ·since 1993.
MuslimsCelebrateHoly FestivalWith-UFV Community RANDONA BUSHEll samosas that were also laid out on PRODUCTION MANAGER
he Fourth Annual Ramadan TDinner and Iftar celebration was held at UFV on Wednesday September 8. People of all backgrounds and different faiths joined to share with UFV's Muslim community in the breaking of the Ramadan fast. Hosted by the UFV Muslims Association, the evening included information and education about Ramadan, a slide show, prayers, a movie, prizes and of course, food. This event offered Muslim students at UFV a chance to share their culture with other students and to celebrate the breaking of the fast with each other. The UFV Muslim's Association set up information displays explaining the principles of Ramadan and also offering lesser known facts about Islamic inventions, discoveries, and customs. They also offered free books in English, Dutch, German, French and Arabic for guests to take home and learn about Islam. Once everyone had arrived and was seated, Sidrah Ahmad and Ahmed Iqbal welcomed everyone and handed out prizes to those who were willing to stand up and talk about what motivated them to come to the Ramadan dinner. An Imam - a Muslim religious leader - attended the dinner and offered a welcome speech in which he included background information about Ramadan and Iftar for those who were unfamiliar with this tradition. This was followed by the azaan, a prayer call which signified the point at which everyone was to break the fast, at sundown. The Imam explained that this was to be done first with dates and water and then everyone was welcome to enjoy the grapes and
the table. Following the initial breaking of the fast, all of the women got up and went to a nearby room to pray while the men gathered in the eastern corner of the dining room and joined in prayer. Their prayers were melodic and song-like as they filled the room, so even those that could not understand the language of the prayers could hear the profound beauty of the words. Once everyone took their seats again, a short informative movie about Ramadan was screened before it was time for the main meal. Soon everyone filed up to the long tables and were served what, for some, must have been a long-awaited meal; for others it was a chance to share in and experience another culture. There were five_ dishes served: a seasoned rice pilaf known as chawal, a chickpea curry with hard boiled eggs called channa salan, chicken salan, which is a chicken · curry dish, naan bread, and a desert called kheer, which is a type of sweet rice pudding. The names of these dishes are Urdu terms for Pakistani dishes. Each dish was incredibly aromatic and flavorful and proved why shared meals are such an important aspect of so many cultures. The evening wrapped up with door prizes and a final thank you to Ahmand's mother and sister who cooked all of the delicious foods. The Ramadan festival is growing each year at UFV and has become known as an important cultural event around campus. For more information and for upcoming events from the UFV Muslims Association see their website http://www.ufvmuslims. ca/.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allah is the greatest.Allah is the greatest
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest
Ashaduan La illaha illAllah I witness/declare that there is no God but Allah
Ashaduan La illaha illAllah I witness that there is no God but Allah
Ashaduanna Muhammadar RasoolAllah I witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is Messenger of Allah
Ashaduanna Muhammador RasoolAllah I witness that Muharfunad (peace be upon him) is Messenger of Allah
Hayya 'alas Salat Come towards the Salat
Hayya 'alas Salat Come towards the Salat
Hayya 'alal Falah Come towards the Success
Hayya 'alal Falah Come towards the Success
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest
La illaha illaAllah There is no God but Allah
Let'sTalk Ramadan! Two UFV Muslim Students Shore Their Thoughs AbdullahAlshenaibir What doesRamadan mean toyou? Ramadan is one of the special months that Muslims go through, and, therefore, it has two meanings for me. The first one is a religious meaning, in Ramadan it is a good opportunity to be closer to our lord by worshiping him and pray to him to get the forgiveness from him. The second meaning of Ramadan is traditional meaning. In Ramadan, people stay together and break their fast together, which creates a beautiful environment among the month, then we end this holy month with the Eid day, which is the first celebration day of Muslims.
SidrahAhmad How hosthisevent changed orgrown throughout thepostfouryears? Actually, it is my second semester here in UFV, and I am not sure how it developed from the past, but I am impressed with what has been done [by] the student toward this event and the way they develop it.
How doesonexperience liketheRamadan dinner helpyoutoshore your culture with theUFV community inrelation toboth Muslim andnon-Muslim students? A month like Ramadan helps to get non-Muslim people involved with us and learn about our religion and our holy month. Also, as I said Ramadan is the month people gather a lot, which helps us in UFV to get to know new Muslim students and stay with them and know more about their traditional way of spending Ramadan.
Anyadditional comments? Thank you for coming to this dinner and we hope to see you [at the] next Ramadan event.
What doesRamadan mean toyou?
and interaction. There tends to be many misconceptions about Islam now adays, and having this type of event allows people to not only , learn more, but to also get the correct information. As for Muslim students, getting together in Ramadan is a great blessing and very memorable, especially for students who are far away from home. Muslims come from a variety of different backgrounds and cultures, but our faith, including the month of Ramadaan unites us.
Ramadan is an opportunity for both Muslims and non-Muslims. I love this month because not only is it a time to really self-reflect and focus on worshiping God, but also an opportunity to focus on ways to improve oneself while bringing together family and community. I enjoy getting together with people, whether its for eating or praying and I love how it unites Muslims all over the world. Ramadan is also an opportunity for How hosthisevent changed orgrown Muslims to share their faith with throughout thepostfouryears? non-Muslims, for example by havThis event has grown iming dinners and interacting/communicating. - mensly! Not only has there been an increase in attendance, but How doesonexperience liketheRamadan we have been able to incorporate dinner helpyoutoshare yourculture with many things including Islamic information (ie. books), a video, theUFV community inrelation toboth powerpoint and prizes. I never Muslim andnon-Muslim students imagined it could become what it Most people enjoy eating, and has, but it has been very rewardas inviting others to a dinner event ing and I will definitely miss this is a great opportunity not only to - event after graduation! I sincerely share one's culture, but also a way hope that this tradition continues to learn about other's lifestyle. By atUFV! inviting non-Muslim students to an event such as this Ramadan Anyadditional comments? Dinner, not only is there great food to enjoy, but it is a safe and Despite the various negative open environment for dialogue and incorrect notions/ideas that
exist about Islam and Muslims today, I really hope that with opportunities such as this event, the correct message of Islam will spread. I want people to know that its ok to ask questions, and hope that people will find out answers to any questions they may have from the correct sources. Overall, I sincerely thank the support from the University International Education department, from the students and from the Muslim community. I can see that community bridges have been made and I hope this continues.
t only comes once a year, and it doesn't matter if you've been naughty or nice. DisOrientation arrives this year on September 23 at 6 P.M. and features five bands that will put you out to sea. Along with that, students can expect some stand up comedy and a'magic show. But, if you want to get in for free, be sure to pick up your Student and U-pass cards. Everyone else can still attend, though, as long as they're willing to shell out lObucks. Amara Vanderveen, Vice President East and chair of the SUS Events Committee, quickly dispelled myths that the event would resemble what occurred last year when the event failed to attract the attention of most UFV students. "It was decided after last year's DisO that really the event needs to be free to the students. We budgeted it accordingly and so this year students will get in by presenting their U-Pass card along with their UFV Student Card," Vanderveen said. "It's all in the interest of giving our members, the students of UFY, a great welcome back event." Last year, the SUS initially tried to charge student's for Dis-O, but then switched to free admission for students when ticket sales were staying low. The concert ended up costing the SUS approximately $100,000 and attracted an official box office count of just over 1,200
people scanned at the door, less than 800 of which were students. This year's Dis-O will feature the up-and-coming hit Vancouver band Said the Whale. SUS be rounding out the lineup with Whaletooth, This is Franco, Satori Tide and Stoned Moses. "We looked at a lot of bands that will appeal to our members and that have a local flavour," said Vanderveen. "The Events Committee had some great guidance from Larry Portelance - the Promotions
Guru for CIVL Radio 101.7 - and we put together a great line up," she said. Vanderveen has a tip for those who haven't heard the music before. ".. .if anyone wants a taste of what it's going to be like, the bands all have MySpace pages." Portelance, the host of the CanCon Containership Show and organizer of the CiVL Stage Concert Series, weighed in on the lineup. "When I went to the Cultural Olympiad last February to see Said the Whale, I was struck by
scale than the Welcome Back BBQ that Student Life organized in the last few weeks," Portelance said. "While there will be great local bands like Said the Whale, Whaletooth and SatorfTide performing, Dis-O 2010 will also have food vendors, a beer garden and more." Vanderveen echoed the point, noting the show will feature the comedy stylings of MC Sunee Dhaliwal and a magic show by magician Wesley Barker. Students new to UFV should feel especially encouraged to attend. "The DisO is their party on the Green," explained Vanderveen of first year - students. "It's about them meeting each other, and their SUS, and seeing that we are intent on giving our members a great time at UFV." Last year DisO was held at the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre, but this year it returns to the Green, also known by one student as "the big grassy area at the centre of the campus." Vancouver'sSaid the Whale Vanderveen explained the move back to the Green in positive the amount of people, including UFV students, who packed Surrey terms. "It's like a homecoming reHouse and were singing along," ally. DisO was on the Green for a he said. "As for the other bands, I lot of years, and last year we tried have not heard much of their stuff, out the AESC, but wanted to bring but the majority of them are local it back to the Green this year and talent so that's fantastic." have like a house party that spills Portelance wanted to empha- out onto the lawn." As for the ocean-themed bands, size that the music was only part of the experience, though. "DisO Vanderveen calls it a coincidence, is about more than the bands so you may as well leave your performing ... The SUS Events snorkels at home. committee is going for a festival atmosphere that is a bit bigger in
t's the skeleton hiding in every couple's closet. Most women are disgusted by it, most men are ashamed of it and nobody wants to talk about it. It falls from the mouths of mothers and pastors as though all hell-fire and degradation were wrapped in the word: PORNOGRAPHY. Yet what is pornography? It's just naked people having sex. It's not awful or scary or disgusting (OK, Two Girls One Cup exempted). It is legal, and, contrary to popular belief, it is not exploitation. Now, obviously, there is porn that is exploitative and illegal. But it doesn't follow that people who look at good, wholesome, adult-consenting porn are in any way evil because there is a very small, disturbed minority that engage in illegal and unethical activities. It's like assuming that people who drive cars are bad because a few people drive drunk and cause fatal accidents. As for gender exploitation, that
is, pornography as a vehicle for the male objectification of women, feminists may have had a point in the fifties and sixties on that one. However, I'd like to think that society has begun to catch up. There is now porn made specifically for straight women, and a virtual ton
of gay porn. It's no longer just the female body that folks get their jollies from. And if you think that human beings are going to stop objectifying each other sexually, you're out of luck, bucko. Besides, porn stars are consenting adults, and, thus, are okay with their image being used for sexual gratification. · At least now we've balanced the scales; women have as much right and opportunity to enjoy sexual entertainment for pleasure as men. The reason, I think, that women still tend to assume that porn is solely a male activity is because pornography does tend to appeal more to males. That is not to say that females do not find it appealing as well. However, it is a biological truth that males tend to respond to visual stimulation while girls on the other hand tend to prefer emotional stimulation (obviously there is no hard and fast rule). I would like to do a comparative study on how many girls read har-
lequins to how many boys watch porn. I've read harlequins. They are as smutty and steamy as anything on pornotube. That's right boys, those girls who react to pornography with horror are no angels themselves. You might want to check out their bedtime reading material sometime before you feel too guilty. Even the most innocent looking "girly" novel is usually smack bang full of eroticism. Just in case you didn't get the memo, it's an absurd and outdated cultural myth that males are more sexual than females. It is also a myth to think that just because men are known to be visually stimulated that they therefore have the monopoly on porn. Girls can and do enjoy porn too, more than you would think (something like 1 out of 3 watch it regularly). It is true that women especially may be worried that porn may make them feel their body is inadequate, but, trust me, nothing could be further from the truth. • Every body type you can imagine is on porn, and, except for the very mainstream stuff, plastic blonds with big boobs, you may find
yourself learning to accept your body and your sexuality, which is sexy in itself. Trust me, naked, we're all not that different. Also, watching pornography as a couple can be very fun and exciting. The trick of course is finding something you both like. Or, if you really want to make your partner go nuts, find something he or she really likes, sit them down and give them the good old oral go around. Not in the mood? Let your partner enjoy his or herself next to you while you study. Either of you feeling too tense to orgasm? Watch some porn while you have sex, its very relaxing and will help you focus. Porn is great. Whether you are alone or in a relationship, it has something to offer everyone and does not have to be a big deal. It's jµst naked people having sex. Pornography is a wonderful part of society and all should feel free to enjoy it responsibly. Salman Rushdie once declared, "[pornography] is sometimes a kind of standardbearer for freedom, even civilization" ("The East Is Blue").
Julie Doiron Goes Back to Basics · With Latest Project
BookReview Eat.Pray.Love byElizabeth Gilbert
Canadian songstress stripsdown incollaborative effort
apparent she would talk about BRITTANY WIESNER STAFFWRITER herself, but sometimes it felt that she is just too narcissistic. She he box office hit movie, Eat. hurts the people she cares about Pray. Love., starring Julia Rob- so that she can feel better about erts, was first an autobiographical herself. She breaks the heart of novel written by Elizabeth Gilbert. two men who love her and then In the novel, Elizabeth leaves her complains she can't find love. She life behind to find herself. She is constantly agoniizing over how unhappy she is and how unfortuLeft to right: Daniel Romano, Julie Doiron! and Fred Squire travels to Italy~ where she eats; then to India, where she prays; nate her life is, which isJaughable and, lastly, to Bali, where she finds because she is incredibly lucky GREG REESEfolksy affair with three-part har- I sing." Despite the stripped down ap- love. That is a simple explana- and has many blessings some peoTHESHEAF monies sung over traditional ballads. proach with Daniel, Fred & Julie, tion of the title, but it neatly sums ple only dream of. SASKATOON (CUP) - Since Daniel, Fred & Julie has a sim- Doiron hasn't slowed down at all. things up. The novel is beautifully Even for someone with less of her early days playing in the folk- ple sound, which comes from a Shortly after her tour with this written; Ms. Gilbert has the ability a past, romantically speaking, rock outfit Eric's Trip, Julie Doiron laid-back approach to writing and band, she will re-join Gord Down- to make statements that make the it seems unfair of Ms. Gilbert to ie's backing band, The Country of reader wonder if she was writing treat her loved ones with such has been putting out record after recording. record of consistently hot tracks. "I've recorded very quickly be- Miracles, on another cross-coun- the book just for them. frivolity. It also seems interesting Her descriptions of Italy, India that she needs to not be in a relaPerhaps a main ingredient in fore," said Doiron, "But this was try four. "I've kind of been touring non- and Bali are breathtakingly beau- tionship, she wants to learn to be her recipe for musical success has a beautiful week. It was nice and been her willingness to collaborate relaxed. I'd make dinner for my stop since March 2009. It's been a tiful. For the reader, it will almost on her own, only to find another with other musicians. Looking kids and then [the band] would really long year and a half. [Right be as if you're there devouring the man in another country. The book around the indie scene in Canada come and get me and we'd hear now] is the longest time I've had pasta, or praying in the temple, or itself is good, and it's obvious that and abroad, Doiron's name pops the songs. We'd try it once or twice off. The last two weeks have been laying on the beach with her as a lot of thought and effort was put great." she goes on her adventures. Ms. into its writing, and the writing is up all over the map; she's played and then we'd record it." and recorded with a motley set of Recorded in a campfire sing-aAsked if the somber tone of Gilbert openly displays her heart excellent; the language is wonderDaniel, Fred & Julie is a result of as she puts forth her emotions on ful and the descriptions beautiful. artists, including Herman Dune, long style, the indie super-group the page for all to read. Mount Eerie, Shotgun & Jaybird comprising of Daniel Romano life on the road, Doiron hesitated. It showcases the beauty of all the "Well, 'The Runner' might," she It has been one of the top sell- places she travelled too so perof Attack in Black, Fred Squire and Gord Downie. She has also shared success of Calm Down It's Monday, and said, "But no, most of the songs ers on the New York Times Best fectly that it makes you want to with the university crowd. I Can Doiron, huddled around a single don't. No, I love being on the road. Sellers list, and it was turned into jump on a plane and head there Wonder What You Did With Your microphone in an open garage I mean, I miss the kids a lot, but I a movie, so obviously everyone instantly. But, I think, college stuDay - her last solo effort - was and let the tape roll. The trio's live really love touring ... A lot of the loved it. It's been hailed as one of dents might not take as from it the top album of the year on Ca- show will only use one or two ex- songs are more traditional and the most popular books of the year as much as someone older might, murder ballads, but Dan chooses and currently has a sequel out in especially if they find themselves nadian campus radio for 2009, ac- tra pieces of equipment. "It's a little different," ex- most of the subject matter. You hard cover. However, despite al- in a similar situation to what the cording to the online music magaplained Doiron. "[There are] just know, sometimes you write those most universal praise, there are narrator does at the outset of the zine, CHARTattack. With all the loud, idiosyncratic two acoustic guitars, but we each [sad] kinds of songs - that's my some disturping gaps in the novel. novel. If you don't read this book, While the descriptions were projects Doiron has worked on in have our own microphones. Theo- job. I can't let it get to me. In the the past, it seems oddly natural for retically, we could do it around past, when I was a little sad it was beautiful and the supporting char- you'll survive. But I do suggest her to go back-to-the-basics and one mic - maybe we should. But hard, but it'~ an opportunity to acters deeply loveable, it feels like you see the movie, it has a great turn to her current project, Dan- 1 like to sing right on the mic, be- perform. It doesn't really make me the narrator herself is un-relatable. performance by Julia Roberts and This being an autobiography, it's her cast mates. cause I like to close my eyes when feel bad." iel, Fred & Julie, a stripped-down,
THE GOOD THE BAD & THE UFV SHUFFL PAUL FALARDEAUTurning On,the Screw ARTS&·LIFEEDITOR Wake Up Everybody John Legen~ and The Roots
A legendary combination of two greats of modern R & B, the perhaps unsurprising result is a retro funk jam that is ripe to be described by the word "juicy." So here goes: this track sure is juicy. Go find your copy now!
Queens of the Stone Age
One of the finer album-opening tracks of the past decade, "Turning On the Screw" starts out dare I say it - jangly. Tambourines and the like are par before the first tequila shot hits the song and everything becomes discordant livewire guitar and the detached cool of Josh Homme's vocals begin to float through your spinning· mind.
I'm Eighteen Alice Cooper
Alice Cooper, a practitioner of shock rock (or what we might today call "cheesiness") is hardly the draw he once was. Furthermore, I doubt many of you fine readers are 18. When it comes down to it Cooper is actually one of the better songcrafters of his time. This is just one piece of evidence. Listen closer. You'll be surprised.
You Don't Understand Me The Raconteurs
A Juicy lil' masterpiece from the man who creates nothing but, "You Don't Understand Me" is lesson in how to make a song from Mr. Jack White III. Particularly worth note is the epic piano solo that ends the song. It is an avalanche of deceptively complex, deceptively simple ivory tickling that is worth listening to on repeat.
Summertime Beck
You can find this on the soundtrack to the Michael Cera film, Scott Pilgrim Versus the World. It is a pleasant little dose of blues-rock. juiciness, that is ad-libbed by Cera's band, the Sex Bob-ombs in the film. Beck's version is definitely the better catch though.
1:1\fl. l'm• 111=Fall Album Preview ------=-PA=U=L-=-=FA=LA=R=D=EA=U :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ARTS&LIFEEDITOR--------------------------------
After a summer that may be remembered musically as having some of the best new releases in recent memory, one might ask, what ca-n come next? Luckily, as September rolls onward, -we can already see the fruits that are to fall upon our laps. Here are five prime examples:
Not Friends
Grown Ups*
Robert Plant andtheBand ofJoy- Band ofJoy album is set to include a Jay Reatard tribute. The DIY single, "Revival," For those who think Robert Plant is was released back in July, so this ala fossil, here is proof that he is more of bum is one that has been met with a Viking Elder than anything else. Af- some hype. Find out for yourself, but ter finally snagging Grammy's with it should be good. Alison Krauss, Plant is reviving his - LeNoise psychedelic pre-Zeppelin outfit, Band NeilYoung of Joy. For Zeppelin-lovers, this is goReleased on September 28th. The ing to be less "Whole Lotta Love," and more "Fortune Teller," from Raising name, in franglais, is a reference to Sand. The first single, "Angel Dance," the fact that this album is going to should give prospective listeners a be mostly electric, although it will good idea of what to expect. It's good contain a couple acoustic tracks. Neil Young is now on his umpteenth alnew. bum, but if you want to enjoy his newer albums, pretend they were released Black Mountain - Wilderness Heart by someone else. Then, like with his Released on September 14, the be- past few albums, you can appreciate hemoths of the Vancouver music scene how good they are, I doubt this one are about to release their third album, will be any different. and it may be their commercial breakthrough. The spaced-out folk freakofLeon - Come Around Sundown outs of In the Future are all there; but Kings things have gotten more straight up. Released on October 18, I suppose There are times that Black Mountain almost sounds like Stone Temple Pi- that this will either get people infurilots. This may make old fans hate the ated or excited. Frankly, this will probnew album and may make new ones ably be an album that either makes or come in droves. There is only one way breaks the band as they struggle with · to find out... their rise to fame - or at least their long-time fans do. The question is largely about whether the band will return to their roots and, from what Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest has been seen so far, it looks like this Released on September 28, indie release will be less poppy, more counrock mainstays Deerhunter are back try-fried, fans will just have to wait with a new LP this September. The and see.
2 xxxx YSP!*
Mount Benson Apollo Ghosts*
FourMore Years Teen Daze*
EP Vicious Cycles*
Champ Tokyo Police Club*
Suburbs Arcade Fire*
Expo 86 Wolf Parade*
Atlanta EP White Lung*
Rock N Roll Avenue Blisterin' Barnicles*
Out of the Pit
Kobra and 'the Lotus*
ZombieNation The Brains*
SuperficialArtificial Petroleum By-Product*
Infestation Rat
WildernessHeart Black Mountain* * indicates Canadian artist.
To view the entire chart, visit: http://www.earshot-online.com/ charts/civl.cfm
Jonelle Monoe -TheArchAndroid PAUL BRAMMER NEWS& OPINIONEDITOR tells a loose tale of a robot in the distant future who falls in love ast week I reviewed Big Boi's with her maker. If this sounds like debut solo album, a truly re- Fritz Lang's Metropolis, take a look markable record that fits the bill of at the album artwork- it's no accian instant classic. However, that's dent. When was the last timE;?Alinot the only achievement of the cia Keys referenced masterpieces Atlanta rapper this summer. He of German cinema? On first listen, it's Monae's voice has also helped to break America's biggest superstar-in-waiting - and the range of styles she breezes through that catch the attention. Janelle Monae. You will be forgiven for not The first track proper, "Dance or knowing who Janelle Monae is Die," opens with a breathless rap; - her first album just came out a the lead single, "Tightrope," sees couple of months ago. What is Monae sing with amazing speed unforgivable, however, is the fact and clarity on the verses before that she is not being mentioned belting out her range on the choat least in terms of being amongst rus; "Cold War" allows Monae to the most exciting and naturally ebb and flow between powerful gifted African-American singer- and mournful. The musicianship of her band songwriters emerging in the 21st over the album's eighteen tracks century. Janelle Monae first came to my mirrors the versatility of their attention on the last Outkast al- leader, and Monae's ability and bum, Idlewild. Her cameos were willingness to hop from genre to electrifying; her voice was power- genre is nothing short of astoundful, seductive and plaintive. It felt ing, and in this she calls to mind more like a force of nature than a the image of Michael Jackson at the vocalist. top of his game. The songs move , Then, for three years, n~t much from soul to funk to rock and roll happened, aside from releasing an to parochial to orchestral to ambi"EP.When I heard her debut album ent to rap without missing a beat, The ArchAndroid was slated for re- and, perhaps more crucially, withlease, I got very excited. Now I can out making the album feel like a say that my excitement was com- procession of unrelated songs. As pletely vindicated. with Big Boi's new album, the disTo c_allThe ArchAndroid ambi~ parity in the aesth~tj._s:: 9f many of tious would b_e\in tJ.nderstatement. the songs does_11_othamperthe al-hard Tli.eLP is splitinto two suites,. and h:um's mntinui~in.fact,.it's
to think of another recent concept album that defies genre so brazenly and so successfully. There are songs which, when listened to as stand-alone songs, don't capture the attention as others do, but, in terms of the album's flow and feel, it doesn't really feel as though there's a note out of place. If you're reading this, go to YouTube or The. Hype Machine and listen to "Cold War," "Say You'll Go" and "Dance or Die,"
and I guarantee that you'll be hooked on Janelle Monae. At this rate, she's going to be the biggest star in America in a few years, so if you get on board now, like me, you can be one of those self-important arseholes who claims they were there at the beginning of something special. In the case of Janelle Monae, however, it's absolutely true. Nostradamus, eat your heart out.
NHL 2011 Release Party Featuring the Sedins Gamers andplayers rubelbows atvideo game launch JUSTIN ORLEWla sign autographs and answer fan SPORTS EDITOR questions. Sean was even listening to suggestions that the fans had to improve the game quality of the etrotown was the site for the already critically acclaimed and EA NHL 2011 video game award decorated video game. EA launch and thousands turned out NHL video games have been winto celebrate the event. Featured at ning video game awards for more this year's launch party were none then ten years now. Just last year other than the pride of the Van- the game won 22 awards, includcouver Canucks and this year's ing sports game of the year. Hart Trophy winner; Henrik SeI had a chance to catch din and his brother Daniel. up with Sean "Rammer" RamThe Sedin twins will be featured jagsingh and ask him a few queson this year's European version of tions that I had about the game the game and were there to help and about some of the new feapromote the game. Thousands of tures. Rammer, as he prefers to be Hockey fans and video game fans called, told me that broken sticks (mostly in hockey jerseys) lined is his favorite new addition to the up for more than 4 hours to get a game, but the puck control upglimpse of the twins and a limited grade is something that the gamedition of the European cover au- ers are really going to enjoy, as tographed by the brothers. In Can- it will make it easier to deke the ada and the USA the game cover goalies and put pucks in the net. will feature the Olympic Hockey Another thing that Rammer was tournament _MVP,Captain of this excited about was that the Canayear's Stanley Cup winning Chica- dian Hockey League (CHL) is now go Blackhawks and playoff MVP, a playable part of the video game. He explained that one great adJonathan Toews. EA Sports video game producer vantage of this is that now rookSean Ramjagsingh was also in at- ies coming out the CHL can go tendance at the party to do an of- directly into the game, instead of ficial press conference and then having to wait a year like fa previ-
ous iterations of the game. He also enjoyed working with the talent. He said that Jonathan Toews was "just a great guy to work with!" He enjoyed working with the Sedins as well. He thought they were great to work with and that it was extra special since they are playing on the home town team and that they could help with the promotions at the launch party. Then I got to meet the Sedins twins myself. They couldn't have been nicer. They said that it was an "honor" to be selected for the European cover and that a lot of Swedish kids will be playing a hockey video game with the two of them on the cover. They were also happy that Vancouver fans were able to get some limited copies of the game with them on the cover. After the turn out for this event, it is very clear that Vancouver and the Lower Mainland are still just as hockey crazy as after the Olympics. Maybe this is the year the Vancouver fans will get the ultimate prize? EA NHL 2011 is in stores now.
Cascadelrcade Review: Shonk watch, and a real treat to interact 'Yith. This is a fun game to power through; you'll be constantly on the move. If you're not climbing and jumping to the next area, you're fighting off hordes of bad guys. That's how you,want it in a game like this. As well, to put it simply, the weapons are fantastic. A few minutes with Shank and any reasonable individual will realize that not enough fighting games feature chainsaws. There is something very visceral about it. Adding to the awesomeness of the game is the co-op mode. This mode is pretty unique, because it is a separate game mode with an
entirely different story. Klei Entertainment did not originally plan for a co-op mode, but decided to add it after it was overwhelmingly requested at a game show where an early version of Shank was being demoed. Thankfully, they listened. The game is far from perfect, though. The gameplay itself never really deviates from start to finish, with only a few new weapons along the way to add some depth. The boss battles are frustrating, but they give the fighting some well-needed strategy. The story is a little over-the-top and cheesy in parts, but I guess that is part of the appeal in a way. Worse, though,
is that the game, even including the co-op adventure, is painfully short. You'll almost certainly finish it the night you buy it. The coop is the only part of the game that will have you coming back after you've beat it. But, because there is no online co-op, you will have to find a friend to come play it with you. Despite its flaws, there is still plenty to enjoy. It is hard to complain about the length of the game for too long, considering it will entertain you for an entire evening for the price of a single 3D movie ticket at the theatre. It goes by quick, but boy does it pack a punch.
content is definitely off again real life couple make mature. That makes an excellent- on screen duo; their it so much better for scenes are hilarious and heartfelt. the mature generaThe supporting cast is also bril- tions, who will unliant, and they work well with derstand the jokes each other. The actors, Charlie and will find themDay and Jason Sudeikis, who play selves laughing and Long's hest friends, are equally nodding along with comedic by themselves and, along the characters and wit].l Long, make a perfect trio. their unexpected Charlie Day's character is eas- twists and turns. ily one of the oddest and funniesf Overall the film characters in recent cinema. Chris- . is heart warming and funny. Its chartina Applegate plays Barrymore's ~ister, and she is the perfect foil acters are realistic, to Barrymore's Erin. She and .her relatable and comhusband, played by Jim Gaffigan, pletely loveable. are hilarious in their own right. The soundtrack is brilliant, it has the The plot perfectly highlights the troubles couples face while in British band the a long distance relationship, how Boxer Rebellion difficult it is to be apart from some- making an appearone you love. The film also show- ance, and there isn't cases the current situation in the a track you'd want to skip (it even newspaper and music industries rivals the sound_track of 500 Days and the loss of jobs. It's not a film of Summer). 1f yo_u'relooking for a for the younger generation - the fun, romantic and hilarious night {0'.) !{ ,: - -
out with your friends or significant other this is the perfect movie for you. It's easily one you'll want to buy on DVD and own forever (it's perfect for girls night in, or if
you can't wait for the DVD, girls night out). Its candid moments of sincerity and hilarity will have you in stitches and tears.
JOEL SMART Flash games only found on webSPORTS EDITOR sites I won't name. Unlike a Flash game, though, this is a far more magine stabbing someone with a refined experience. In fact, the blaring, bloody chainsaw, shoot- game was written by Marianne ing them with a pair of handguns Krawczyk, who is best known for for good measure, and then pick- her story and dialog in the critiing up a chain gun to blast away cally acclaimed franchise God of an approaching horde of enemies War. Despite being entirely differfrom all angles. This is what de- ent games, Shank and God of War fines Shank, a short but action- feel very similar. Perhaps it is that packed quest to save the girl from you feel like a total bad ass in both the bad guys. games. What you will absolutely love Shank is a stylish 2D side-scrolling beat 'em up available on the about this game is the art style. Playstation Network and Xbox The backgrounds are gorgeous; Live Arcade for 15 bucks. Devel- the animation is fluid; and the cut oped by Klei Entertainment, the scenes engaging. The characters are simple, but unique. It is a joy to game is reminiscent of ultra-gory
MoviaRaviaw Going theDistance BRlnANY WIESNERdefinitely apparent). The on and STAFFWRITER
oing the Distance is a light-
hearted, hilarious romantic comedy staring Drew Barrymore and Justin Long. It's beert highly anticipated all summer, and while it didn't break out strong on its opening weekend, it's still at number 5 at the box office (it was beaten by Resident Evil: Afterlife). The movie_revolves around Erin (Barrymore) and Garrett (Long) who meet and fall for each other, only to have to live on separate sides of the United States (Barrymore in San Francisco and Long in New York) while trying to maintain a long distance relationship. During the film we see the trials and tribulations of what happens when two people who love each other try to stay together, no matter the distance between them. The chemistry between Barrymore and Long is undeniable (even though the age difference is
e---tlf1i';s3 :'l!N raaw.-r.lill ~ ~w~
' -------------------------------------------------
' Back - Back from the Mulcher Im PAUL BRAMMER Aside from the exciting and
NEWS& OPINIONEDITOR potentially life-changing breakthroughs that music therapy is new study from Glasgow poised to make in the years ahead, Caledonian University has the research in question poses come to the conclusion that doc- an interesting conundrum for anyone involved in music - will tors can help to treat depression in patients by assessing their lives science ever be able to and assigning them music tailor- break down music into a made for their situation. "mathematical model," By utilizing a fusion between a kind of Periodic Table psychology and audio engineer- of Elements for Music? ing, the researchers hope to show And if they do, what that there is a way in which to does that mean for the mathematically break down a future of music? Of course, as with piece of music and its meaning in relation to the emotional impact it everything else in this frigging world (thanks, has on the listener. Pi), mathematics is the So, basically, if you're treating a patient whose wife has left him basis for all music. Regibecause he's suffering from erec- nald Smith Brindle, in tile dysfunction, don't make him The New Music, said listen to "I can't get no satisfac- that mathematics is "the tion, no no no," because he might basis of sound." Numertake a toaster into the bath with ous composers have him. And, under no circumstance utilized mathematics to should you let anyone who is create music - the most slightly depressed listen to Johnny ubiquitous and overt Cash's cover of "Hurt"; I listened manifestation of mathto it on my wedding day and ematics in music is the found myself mixing my cham- golden ratio and Fibopagne with bleach - just for the nacci numbers. The golden ratio is flavour, you understand. The research carried out in an irrational number Glasgow is the latest in a long line that has several curious of frankly amazing findings in tlie properties. No, I can't explainrit~ field of music therapy - last year, if I could, I wouldn't be writing a studies carried out by the U.S.'s culture column with a comedy taNational Academy of Sciences gline. I do know, however, that the found that people whose sight had golden ratio is so often cited and become impaired after suffering a sought-after due to the fact that it stroke were more likely to regain is aesthetically pleasing. The Fitheir vision if they were listening bonacci numbers, which help to to their favourite music. The study explain the golden ratio, are a list speculated that, basically, the pos- of numbers where each number is itive emotions caused by listening the sum of the previous two numto your favourite music causes our bers. brains to become more active, and It is unclear how conscious the so helps to address and/or over- deployment of the golden ratio, come a problem such as impaired augmented by the Fibonacci numvision. bers, is in pieces of music, and the
debate continues as to whether the golden ratio is more myth than fact. However, having said that, even its staunchest critics are unable to categorically deny its conscious existence in music. Keith
ues throughout the article. Despite this, Devlin does admit that the search for the golden ratio in music, whether conscious or not, may indeed exist; after dismissing claims that Mozart and Bartok used the golden ratio, Devlin
Devlin, of the Mathematical Association of America, wrote in 2007 that many of the so-called golden ratio occurrences in art are bunk. On architecture, Devlin said, "A small (and not at' all scientific) survey I once carried out by myself revealed that all architects I asked knew about the GR, and all believed that other architects used the GR in their work, but **none of them had ever used it themselves.**Make whatever inference you wish." The italics are his own, and his derision of th,e golden ratio's supposed ubiquity contin-
writes, "Less clear cut is whether Debussy used the Golden Ratio in some of his music. Here the experts don't agree on whether some GR suggestive patterns that can be discerned are intended or spurious." All this talk of Debussy, Bartok and Mozart is probably boring you young whippersnappers into some kind of catatonic torpor, a feeling akin to the one experienced while listening to Maroon 5. How about an example from a hip young group of chaps who play that hippedy-hoppedy music that
you kids like to dance the Charleston to? The mad American geniuses behind the mind-bending music of Tool are fully aware of the Fibonacci numbers. In New Times Music, Lewis Goldberg writes that "The time sequence of [the Tool song] 'Lateralus' follows the Fibonacci sequence of numbers that is commonly found in nature." Incredibly, it does - the Fibonacci sequence goes 0, 1, 1,2,3,5,8,13, 21, 34, etc and, if you factor in the pauses between words and phrases, the syllables of Maynard James Keenan's vocals in the song "Lateralus" follow the Fibonacci sequence in ascending ahd descending order. The lyrical content of the album and the album's artwork both feature spirals heavily. The spiral is a visual manifestation of the Fibonacci sequence, and appears to indicate that there was no coincidence involved. For me, however, the questions it raises will keep me awake at night. Do I like "Lateralus" and all of Tool's other work because it is fabulous heavy metal, or am I merely responding to the aesthetic and mathematical satisfaction that I unconsciously feel when I hear the golden ratio and the Fibonacci numbers conveyed through music? Have I ever enjoyed a piece of music, or do I simply react to the fulfilling of mathematical patterns? Answers on a zygote, please.
ChannelSurfinu Season Previews First off"SPOILER ALERT" for theHBO shows True Blood: Last season, True Blood left us with a cliffhanger for the season finale. We all know now that Sookie is a fairy, and her blood is like crack to Vampires. Russell has been buried alive in a coffin made of silver and concrete and is now out of the picture. Bill tried to send Eric to the same fate, but he managed to escape with the help of Pam. It should be interesting to see what happens between those two next season. That is, . if Bill lives through his fight with Sophie Anne, who is twice as powerful as him. With Sookie Furious at Bill and Eric, Alcide is mysteriously back in the picture. Sookie has also learned how to use her fairy powers and seems to be able to hold her own with these other mythological creatures. She has also recieved council from the ghosts of other fairies. Next season
fight between J-Woww and Sammie "Sweetheart." Next weeks episode should be great and show us The second season of JerseyShore the results of the fight. Jerseyshore is now in full swing on MTV. The can be seen Thursday at 10 p.m. on entire cast has returned and in- MTV. stead of spending their time on the Jerseyshore,they have all migrated Entourage: south to Miami Beach for another In season seven of Entouragewe two months of fist bumping mayhem. So far we have seen Snookie have seen Vince spiraling out of break up with her boyfriend over control after he regains his super the phone and bang Vinny twice. stardom. Now he is dating Porn Actress Sasha Grey and endorsing Ronnie cheated on his girlfriend Sammie "Sweetheart" and played Turtles girlfriend's Tequila compaall sorts of mind games with her. ny. Not only has Vince been abusAll the drama with Ronnie and ing the free samples of the prodSammie has led to a letter writ- uct, but has now developed a little ten by Snookie and J-Woww de- bit of a coke problem. Billy Walsh scribing Ronnie's scum bag antics is also backin the picture, and he based on information that they is developing a cartoon based on gathered from Angelina. Speak- a baboon that resembles Drama. ing of her, Angelina is crazier than E and Scott are also in a bit of a ever, always playing the victim squabble after E found out that and stirring the pot in the house. Scott was behind Vince's experiWe have also seen "The Situation'' ments with Cocaine. However, and Pauly D working their magic Vince has bigger problems after a with the ladies. After last weeks fight with Eminem, and he is no episode they left us in a cliffhang- longer able to be, ?n camera, not to mention the bag of coke the cops er, which looked like a potential should be a beauty! Jersey Shore:
found on him while he was in hospital. I think this season may have a second half, just like the third season did.
Hung: This season leaves Ray contemplating whether or not he should sell his house. On the less domestic side of things, he has broken
off things with his pimp Lenore in favour of his old pimp, Tonya. Ray is also trying to reconcile with his ex-wife Jessica. Meanwhile, Jessica's new husband Ronnie got a hand job from another woman. Whether Hung will get renewed for a second season is still .up in the air. I think it will.
Michael Cera Still Playing the Same Character Anoverview of(era'sprevious filmandtelevision roles LAURA BLAKLEYliked him to fall for him again. THEMANITOBAN Lucky for him, she does. Then he quits the track team to play guitar WINNIPEG (CUP) - Fans of with her. George-Michael finally the Scott Pilgrim series were col- got over Maeby and now has a lectively intrigued by the idea of prop-related idiosyncrasy. the Canadian graphic novel being transformed into an Edgar Wright Youth inRevolt (2009) flick, and then Scott Pilgrim fans The mannerisms of the princollectively slapped their foreheads when they found out that cipal character (Nick Twisp, not the title character was going to be Francois Dillinger) are the same as the aforementioned characters, played by Michael Cera. Is it possible that Cera could with the insertion of sarcasm. He doesn't play the guitar, but he carpull this off? Scott Pilgrim has to be a bit of ries around a journal. He lies to a badass, and there's no way that his family, girlfriend, and everythe same guy who played Paulie one else in his bumbling, charmBleeker - his Juno doppelganger. ing way as he commits arson, - in every film is going to be that grand theft auto (twice), a break versatile. To find out, we pit Mi- and enter and drugs the girl of his chael Cera against himself, using dreams. The events that unfold are a selected number of his previous radically different from things his previous characters would do, but roles. they are delivered with the same aplomb reserved for telling someArrested Development (2003) one that perhaps Maeby isn't his Cera's character was a dweeby, biological cousin, or that he's out weird, quiet, mumbling young of orange Tic Tacs. man with an obsessive crush _on Even his alter ego, Francois Dillhis cousin, Maeby. His primary reaction in social situations is to inger, is a calm, mumbling rebel mumble and look away from ba- who exerts all his body's energy to sically anything, while passively flip over a cereal bowl before gotrying to romance his father's sis- ing for a walk. George-Michael is ter's likely-biological daughter, going through a bit of a phase. and not have his family mess up his life too badly. Meet George- Scott Pilgrim vs.theWorld (2010) Michael. Cera changes things up here. As Pilgrim, he's assertive, as much as Juno{2007} one can be without turning it into This dweeby, quiet, athletic-ish a foible, when defending himself young man with a penchant for against the irrationally-bitchy Juorange Tic Tacs and a lost-cause lie, the cynical Kim and basically crush, waits for the girl who once every woman he's ever dated. Ex-
cept Knives, who blindly follows him around like a lost puppy. Cera ditches the mumbling doofus routine, and instead takes on the fm-in-a-band doofus routine. This new doofus has the audience rooting for him until the very end, when his self-editing and convenient memory loss routine ·lifts enough to show everyone, including Pilgrim, that he's a cheating asshole. Pilgrim realizes he is, and always has been an asshole, confronts himself and apologizes to all the women he has wronged over the years, giving a bit of humanity to their characters and redeeming himself. This may be an incredibly disturbing aspect of Cera's characters, regardless of how he actually plays them: They do creepy, weird and mean things to women they are interested in, but because Cera is playing the main character, the audience automatically wants to root for him. Is it going to be painful to ·see Cera return to the screen as George-Michael in the possible 2012 Arrested Development movie? Of course it is, but mostly because everything in George'...Michael's life is painful. We've lived through Cera playing this character a million times, and we'll live through it again. Thank your heavenly stars that Scott Pilgrim vs. the World granted a muchneeded recess for the audience, so they can sit through another film with Cera in it. Congratulations, chael.
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JUSTIN ORLEWICZ Now, rookie camp is in full
SPORTS EDITOR swing and main camp is just around the corner. It seems like nce again hockey season is we have had hockey all summer upon us, but did it ever feel long. like it was really even gone? With I know it's way too early to be late playoffs, due to an Olympic . speculating, so I won't. What I will year, NHL awards, the Taylor Hall talk about now is who I think will and the Tyler Seguin dramatics at and won't make the show this year. the draft, hockey remained on our First off, let's go with the obvious: brains well past the usual end of Taylor Hall. It would be stupid for the season. On top of that, many the Oilers not to put him in right Canadian fans had another day to away. Even if he is a late bloomer celebrate hockey when British Co- like Steven Stamkos, he will still lumbia born players, who won the put bums in the seats and, most cup with the Chicago Blackhawks likely, turn into a similar player. last season, came home to celebrate Another young buck that I think their day with the cup in their the Oilers will put in the lineup home cities. Even more recently, this year is Jordan Eberle. He will there was the Kovalchuk contract also give Hall another youngster review by the NHL, which led to to go through the NHL transition a potential investigation into Van- period with. Expect to see both of couver Canucks superstar Roberto them in the lineup this season. Luongo, which was just recently The big question for Canucks resolved. fans this sea~on is whether or
not Cody Hodgson will make the team. I think he has a very good chance at the roster this year, but I think his health and his performance in pre-season will have a lot to do with whether or not he gets to wea,r number 39 for the Canucks this season. I think it would . be a good idea; if he is healthy, the Canucks are one good forward away from being a contender. Maybe it's time to see what Hodgson has in him. Let's see if he's the guy who can make it happen for them. With all this Taylor Hall talk, let's not forget about Tyler Seguin for the Boston Bruins. There is a great chance that he will play at least nine games, if not the entire season. After all, they are trying to groom him to be the next great centre for their organization. Getting him in early would give him the exposure and experience he_
needs to flourish as a centre. In the new NHL, rookies can come in at an early age and do well; look at Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane, Sidney Crosby, Alexander Ovechkin, Evgeni Malkin, Steven Stamkos, Luke Shenn, Matt Duchene and Vancouver's own Evander Kane. Putting a kid that is under 20 in the show is more than a trend - it's the smart thing to do. With the Blackhawks dumping half their players after their Stanley Cup win, there is a chance for more of their prospects to make the lineup and get a shot at the show. One rookie from Chicago I could see making their roster this year is Kyle Beech. Chicago has a lot of holes to fill, and there is no better way to fill them than to bring in a few Rookies to get their experience in a dressing room that just tasted champagne from the holy grail a few months ago.
Back to the Oilers for a minute. With Hall and Eberle to divert our attention, we keep forgetting about Magnus Paajarvi. This young player could make the team just as easily as Hall and Eberle. Who knows, with all that young talent in oil country now, they might just become the next Chicago Blackhawks and return Edmonton to their old title of "The City of Champions" (self proclaimed by the way, and the Eskimos don't count). Last, but not least, are the hated Toronto Maple Leafs; Nazim Kadri will most likely crack the roster, or at least play nine games. Hate to say it but are they ever looking good after a Brian Burke make over. This is definitely an era in the NHL where youth dominates, and this season we should expect more rookies to step up, just like in the last few years.
Sports You've Never Heard Of The Cascade'sAthlete Spotlight ----Bog Snorke·ling---- Chantelle Biagioni
ing in one minute and 33.66 seconds. The previous record was EDITOR-IN-CHIEF held by Joanna Pitchforth, at a ompetitive swimming can be minute and 38.15 seconds. Orgaa gruelling, exhausting sport. nizers of the race were not surSwimmers develop sculpted arms prised at the significant decrease and shoulders from the hours in official times; the bog was of practice they put in. The best cleaned not long before the event, swimmers in the world adhere to making it slightly easier to swim strict diets prescribed by profes- through (which isn't saying much). sional sports nutritionists. These The sport does not attract the swimmers have an awesome lung typical Wheaties-box variety of capacity, combined with a sleek, athletes. Bog Snorkelers do not defined and, usually, nearly hair- generally have the chiselled phyless body. Their faces grace the sique of their regular, competitive front of Wheaties boxes. Somewhere along the line, though,' somebody decided that swimming through regular old water was just not challenging enough. To make swim- ming even more difficult, and to add an element of the disgusting, bog snorkeling was developed. Yes, bog snorkeling. For 25 years, the tiny town of Llanwrtyd Wells, Wales has played host to the World Bog Snorkeling Championships. People actually travel from all over the world to this tiny city in the U.K.,just to swim two lengths down a boggy trench. The total distance is swimmer counterparts. It's not a messy 110metres. unusual to see bog snorkelers with Some swimmers compare the beer bellies tucked into their wetbog water to pea soup. The water suits. is cloudy, full of weeds, and the This is probably due to the fact bottom is covered in sticky muck. that bog snorkelers participate in The trench is narrow - barely the sport not for fitness reasons, more than a ditch. Competitors but for love of the sport. The winsuit up.in a wet suit, bathing cap, ner receives a small cash prize and goggles and a snorkel. By the end bragging rights for the year. of the race, competitors are covWhile Bog Snorkeling will ered in the disgusting muck and probably never attract the likes whatever creatures happen to live of Michael Phelps, it does have a in the narrow trench. Yet, some- dedicated international fan base. how, despite the foul nature of the While there is no official bog snorsport, the competition this sum- keling organization in the Fraser mer attracted 150 people! Valley, there are several ditches This year, Dan Morgan of that interested swimmers can Brecon, U.K. broke the world re- snorkel in to train for next year's cord in Bog Snorkeling by finish- world championships. '
Position: Goalie
Years atUFV: Third year
Major: Art studies but going towards Criminology
Favorite Closs:
Topployed song on youriPod rightnow: "Just Say Yes" - Snow Patrol
Lost movie yousow: The Last Song
Favorite television show: Criminalminds
Pre-game meal: Peanut Butter and Banana on toast
Superstitious pre-game rituals: Right before the game starts I touch the cross bar and touch the penalty spot.
NFL Kicks Off
lfFVCASCADES A SCORE BOARD ----------------------------1
Women's Men's Basketball: Basketball: Aug 11 vs San Diego W 73-61
Aug 12 vs Idaho State W71-69
Aug 11 vs Texas Tech L 41-78 Aug 12 vs TCUL 61-100 Aug 13 vs TCUL 74-88
Men's Soccer: Aug 21 vs Capilano (BCCAA)W 7-2 Aug 24 vs Carlton W 3-2
Aug 28 vs Carlton W 1-0 Sept 4 vs TRUW 1-0
s commentator Al Michaels noted during the opening drive of the NFL regular season opener, "The greatest reality show on television is about to begin." The season opened with a rematch of the NFC championship game, with Minnesota traveling to the Superdome to take on the New Orleans Saints. The game itself began with the players on both sides walking on to the field with their index fingers pointed towards the sky. The act was meant to be a symbol of unity in the face of intense bargaining between the NFL and its players union, which could potentially delay the 2011 season. All symbolic gestures aside, the central question going into the season opener for the Vikings is: will Brett Favre hold out for a twentieth season and deliver a Super Bowl worthy performance? While the Vikings inevitably lost to a stellar New Orleans Saints squad 14-9,Favre managed to go 15 of 27 for 171 yards and a touchdown, despite not having his main target, Sidney Rice, on the field. The veteran quarterback also showed serious toughness, getting nailed on several occasions and bouncing back up with a grin on his face. Seattle opened up their home and regular season opener initially looking every bit as shaky as analysts predicted, allowing the 49ers to go up two unanswered field goals in their first two possessions. However, late in the first quarter, the tide turned for the hawks, and, with the help of quarterback Matt Hasselbeck's arm, and a couple of poor throws by 49ers quarterback Alex Smith, the Seahawks turned a potential loss into a dominating 31-6victory: The win ushers in a new era for the Seahawks, with former USC coach Pete Carroll at the helm. Carroll's unbridled enthusiasm, coupled with his fast-paced style of playmaking, will, I hope, become the norm for a team that has suffered from two consecutive losing seasons. The first week of the new NFL season wouldn't be complete
Women's Soccer: Aug 21 vs Langara C W 5-2
Aug 25 vs WWashington CL 1-0 Aug 28 vs TRUW3-0 Aug 29 vs TRUW 1-0 Sept 3 vs Concordia C L 2-0
Sept 11 vs Regina L 2-0
Sept 12 vs Manitoba W 1-0
DetroitLionsreciever CalvinJohnson robbed of a touchdownagainst the Bears without a little controversy. The Detroit Lions, who have become no stranger to the losing side of a football game, had what appeared to be a sure touchdown called back late in the fourth quarter, when receiver Calvin Johnson let go of the ball after landing on his back to make the catch. Although the call to rule the touchdown invalid is not being contested, many analysts are calling for a review of the rulebook, as Johnson appeared to do everything right in maintaining possession of the ball and making sure the catch was made inbounds. The Lions went on to lose the game to the Chicago Bears 19-14. The Lions bad luck did not end there: Matt Stafford was removed in the second half of the game with a shoulder injury. The second-year quarterback's health is questionable for next week, leaving the few remaining Lions fans prepared to pull the plug on what is likely going to be another disastrous season. Injuries marked the downfall of another squad this past weekend, with Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Kevin Kolb going down in the first half of play with a concussion. Kolb's replacement was Eagles quarterback Michael Vick, who turned in a strong performance as both a passer and rusher, combining for 278 passing and rushing yards in the teams
27-20 loss against the Green Bay Packers. Vick's exceptional plays raised the issue of him being a potential starter in next week's game, as Kolb's few tries as starter did nothing to raise the stock of the Eagles quarterback.' The game that was not to be missed this weekend was the stats and highlight "Hub of the Day," between the Indianapolis Colts and the Houston Texans. Houston, who has managed to scrape together just one win in 16 games against the Colts, were looking to end one of the longest losing streaks in the NFL. All it took was undrafted rookie Arian Foster's 231 rushing yard, three touchdown game to put the Texans up 34-24 against Peyton Manning'slead Colts offence that saw Manning put up 433 yards and three touchdowns in the game. The Colts will next battle the New York Giants in what is being referred to as ''Manning Bowl 2," where Peyton faces off against younger brother Eli Manning at Lucas Oil stadium. Next weekend's must see game will take place in New York, where the Jets will face off against the New England Patriots. Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, who is fresh off signing his record setting $18 million a year contract, has already shown his disdain for Rex Ryan's squad, telling reporters how he "dislikes" the Jets team.
BreakthroughU of A Study FindsPotentialCancer Drug Drug could reverse theeffect cancer hosona cell's ability tofightbock dria. Part of the normal function
ALEXANDRIA ELDRIDGE of mitochondria is cell death or
THEGATEWAY apoptosis, a process in which a cell essentially kills itself if conditions EDMONTON (CUP) - A Uni- aren't favourable. However, mitochondria within versity of Alberta research team has successfully shown that a ge- cancer cells do not function norneric drug can alter the metabo- mally. Apoptosis shuts down, and lism of cells and may be a poten- as Dromparis stated, the cells betial treatment for a type of brain come "almost immortal." DCA serves to reactivate the cancer called glioblastoma. On May 12, the team, led by mitochondria, meaning that their functions, including medicine professors Evangelos original Michelakis and Kenn Petruk, pub- apoptosis, are restored, which has lished a paper in Science Trans- the potential to shrink a tumour's lational Medicine containing the size. Michelakis published his initial results of their clinical trial on the effects of dichloroacetate acid findings in 2007, concluding that (DCA) - a drug typically used to DCA was effective in reactivattreat a build-up of lactic acid - on ing mitochondria in test tubes and glioblastoma cancer cells. Gradu- in animals, but there was no eviate students Peter Dromparis and dence that this would be the same Gopi Sutendra are also part of the case in humans. However, with the results of team. Dromparis explained that DCA their recent clinical trial, Michelaalters the metabolism of cancer kis' team has shown that DCA cells by affecting their rnitcichon- will work the same in the human
body as observed in their. previous studies. The first part of the trial included analyzing the effects of DCA on the tissue of glioblastomas, extracted from 49 patients. "We take these little pieces of tissue in the test tube, we give them DCA acutely and we see how the mitochondrial activity changes. Essentially, what we've ' shown is that DCA causes mitochondrial activation and this is consistent with what we have seen Photo by Universityof Alberta Departmentof MedicineFile Photo in our animal models and in the test tube," Dromparis said. exactly what it was doing in ani- kill cancer. What it does give us is an idea of what's happening moThe second part of the trial was mals." the treatment of five patients with Dromparis stressed that people lecularly," he said. However, Dromparis did say glioblastoma. The researchers ob- can react differently to drugs in tained tissue prior to DCA treat- different conditions and that this that the results are encouraging, ment, which offered insight into study does not guarantee DCA's but that there is more work to be done. the drug's effects. safety. "We were able to compare, "This study here is very small The next step for the team is within the tumour tissue, differ- and only done with five -patients. to complete larger phase trials to Now unfortunately,_ that's not help ascertain the safety of DCA ent molecular characteristics," Dromparis said. "DCA was do- enough to make any claims about and its efficiency at killing cancer ing in people, when taken orally, DCA's safety or DCA's ability to cells in people.