"Space Wars"A3
ti'· Vol. 2 ,.
No. 9
Top 25A 7 THE
-- -
EditorialA9 January 18, 1995
Poet's Corner Bottled Up
Unable to get anything out, the occasional trickling tear on a sad face. The sky a hazy grey . yet to others a rich blue. Surrounded by loved ones yet still completely alone. Seems that there is no understanding in this uncaring world I want to say what I think but I can't; Fear of hurting others Fear of ridicule for speaking my feelings. Trying to help others, and no one to help me. When help comes my problems don't form into words, just fragments of a child;s shattered mind. -By ref
She "Among the dead trees Lies the body of a great man" That's what she said while crying in the da,:k table at the local restaurant. the coffee was full and so were her eyes full of lonely thoughts & empty replies her body told the story of a love affair her eyes told no lies but looking at her face she was a lonely looser in the fame of life In my mind I asked her for a drink & a story maybe it would have made her feel all right but my eagle flew to low to undermined denial She stood up & left after she noticed my presence and wiping her eyes dry she prepared for her lonely road. I drank her untouched coffee asking for a story . It was cold & bitter but I felt nothing for her. - By Fernando Carrizo
Deadline Jor Letters to Ed: Wednesday, January 23th 4p1n. The CASCADE welcomes all Letters to Ed. All letters must be typed and double spaced, and include your name, phone #, and student #. All letters will be published .verbatim. Our address: Room E242, Abby Campus 33844 King Rd. Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M9 On the 'Net: Cascade@ucfv.bc.ca Or send through Inter-Campus Mail.
UCFV Stu_dent Newspaper 18th January 1995 ·vol. 2 No. 9 RoomE 242, Abby campus. 33844 King Rd. Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M9 854-4529 On the 'Net: Cascade@ucfv.be.ca
Top Ten Reasons Hockey Players Need More $$$ 10. Help re-finance the C.F.L. 9. To maintain those fashionable haircuts. 8. _Can't collect revenue from a Stanley Cup Rap Album ... white men can't rap. · 7. Pay for the NHLPA's new ESL program for European players. 6. Resume: I stopped 2,689 one hundred m.p.h. slap shots with various body parts. 5. Don Cherry doesn't own enough restaurants to employ all players after their careers are over. 4. Hockey is better than any other damn American sport. 3. Magnavox and Sony can't endorse every hockey player! 2. Madonna doesn't date anyone with an income under 6 figures. 1. Wayne Gretzky's "Sweatin' to the Oldies" not marketable. Gre9s .Place We Icome
The views expressed in The Cascade are not necessarily those of the Cascade staff, UCFV Faculty, Administration, students, Student Society, or anyone else's for that matter! They were just slipped underneath our office door.
WHO? We, the Staff, are composed of dedicated, warped individuals who have come together to produce this crazy publication. Weare: Editor-in-Chief Bryan Sikora Managing Editor Monique Marchant
Production Co-ordinators M. I. A.
News Director Monique Marchant
Sports Director Bryan Sikora
Entertaiment Director M. I. A.
Now Us Director M. I. A.
Contributing Writers Len Catling, Dallas J ., Robyn Fentie, Clare Goldman, Anita Bradford, Nolan Webb, Colleen Mab, Clarence Giesbrecht, Jeff Tisdale, Ron Dart, Fernando Corrizo, Danielle Sohn.
Photographer Bryan Sikora
Advertising Director Chris Stier Advertising Representative Alon Kempler Pete Hutchinson Do not blame us for anything, for we are only pawns in a much larger game ....
Hack·Januar}' 20th
Gregs ·Place Welcome Bacl<: January ZOth · Gregs Place VVelcome<BaCk 20th/
On the Cover
II I 1· I I
P/T Work Available
For Following Locations: Mission / Chilliwack / Hope / Agassiz Excellent Income Potential
Work Your Own Hours For More Information, Phone 854-1825
------------------------Mondav - Fridav, 9:00am • 12:00 NOON
Empty seats can be found at most UCFV athletic and activities events. They seem to be spacious, clean, and comfortable, so why aren't people attending? See Page AS for story. - Photo By Bryan Sikora
The Cascade
Wednesday, January 18, 1995
News Library Move Initiates "Space Wars" at UCFV Occupation of the new Learning Resource Centre creates a game of musical rooms as all involved want more space. "The main thing would be to get the Cascade and the Student As the construction of UCFV' s new library comes Society down there because that's to a close, a final decision will be announced this week in where most of the student traffic is," Photo By Bryan Sikora regards to what will be done with the available space. Clarence Giesbrecht, UCFV West According to Erling Close, Dean of Student Services, Campus Chair, said. Although Clare Goldman, a member of the Student Society executive, and the list of requests for space is too long, that "it's space In addition, a third room is the rest of the UCFVStudent Society wanted space in the old Abby library, wars." wanted by the Society for clubs to no formal request was put forth in time to be considered. There are 3169 .0 square meters of space available, use as a meeting room. The area while a total of 3387 .1 square meters have been requested. would also include bulliten boards The changes resulting from the library moving, Certain groups and departments will be moving or for student use. This would centralize information about however, are not the only ones which will be taking place. expanding, and as they move out of one area, more space used books, car pooling, and accomodations, as well as UCFV has leased the old Abbotsford RCMPbuilding, the will become available in other parts of the school. providing an area where messages could be left by and for home of UCFV before the Abbotsford campus was built. Norah Andrew, UCFV's Bursar, says that "its a students. The Applied Graphic Design Program will be moved there. whole series of moves that will have to take place." A member of faculty, who wishes to remain This will open up even more space - most likely for Planning of the new library began approximately anonymous due to the delicacy of the situation, told the two years ago. Part of that classroom use. Cascade that the Student While it is not known for certain who will get the process included forming a Society may acquire the space which will become available by the relocation of the committee to decide what current Athletics office. The Applied Graphic Design library and Graphic Design program, but request for the Athletics and Activities renovations would have to be Program will be moved to the old made to the existing library to would then move into the space has been enormous. Student Services, Continuing Education, and Co-op accommodate its new International Education Abbotsford RCMP building. have been struggling for space for a long time. In the last offfice. occupants. two years International Education has doubled, perhaps -- · The committee has According to Close, even tripled in size. $750,000 available for the renovations, with the preliminary however, notlling has been requested in any formal sense New programs, such as Kinesiology don't have a planning going on for the last eighteen months. All of the from the Student Society. proper home right now. UCFV personnel has increased in moving and renovations must be finished prior to the Andrew pointed ou't that "there was a User numbers from 400 to 600 people in the last few years, with beginning of the Fall 1995 semester. Committee and there was student representation on it." Several groups have submitted proposals requesting a recent hiring of 60 people. Formal proposals from the Student Society were not Each yearUCFV takes in an additional l,OOOstudents, more space than they presently h,ave. The UCFV Student made 18 months ago when the initial planning began, but and there is a constant need for more classroom space. Society has requested space in the "A" building. they will not be left out of the changes.
By MoniqueMarchant
New Structure Propose4 for Student Government 1995 Constitution to be voted on at A.G.M. January 26 By Bryan Sikora Out with the old, in with the new. The Student Society, in step with the changing face of UCFV, has re-written its Constitution. It will be presenting it to the student body for ratification at its Annual General Meeting, January 26 on the Abbotsford Campus. "The old system no longer works," Jeff Tisdale, the East Campus Chairperson of the Student Society told The Cascade. "The wall is coming down." The new constitution will be presented January 19 in Chilliwack for students to review and comment on, with the actual vote taking place a week later. Among the many changes that can be
found in the new work, is a name change. The new moniker of the student government will be the UCFV Students' Union Society. Another major difference will be an overall structural change, with a President replacing the current East and West chairs. "Recently, problems between Chilliwack and Abbotsford councils - a power struggle comes to mind - have forced us to look at the structure," explained Tisdale. The changes also takes the various students groups into account, making things more "equitable" for them. Copies of the new Constitution are available from any Student Society office. "Kudos to everyone involved, sµcking with it from beginning to end," added Tisdale; "It's always darkest before dawn."
$$$ Available Waiting for your student loan? Need some extra cash? The Cascade is presently looking for persons to sell advertising space. Receive a 30% commission on every dollar sold.
Drop by room E-242 for details, or call 854-4529 and leave a message. ALSO
Newspaper Production assistants required
Same place, same number.
Vot 2 No. 9
January18, 1995
If you haven't notic:ed, the mountains are missing from page one. We want new ones. We want real ones. Essentially, The Cascade is looking for a new "rnountain range" for its front page header. If you can draw, here's your chance. We are offering $50 to the person who . submits the mountain range that we like the most. But there's a' catch. The following requiremenJ$ must be followed: 1. MustdepicttheCascademountainrange,and includesnow• cappedpeaks; _ 2. Mustbe compatible withthecurrentletteringof TheCascade(see above). Fora copyof thecurrentlettering/dropby theCaileadeoffice (Rm E-242),or call8544529to pickup one up. ·3. -Dimensions forartworkare as f<>IIC>Ws: 101/~"X 2" (afcenter) 10.1/8"x11/2"(atsides) _ _ _ _.___ < < 4. Subrnittedartwork inustbe black,white,and grey{thE(pi~ewiU ...be reprciduced intoa halftone),ORartactualhal"e>ne may be submitted,-·-- -<•-.> •--- > 5. Alhvorksubmittedwill· notbe retumed;and becomes ttM! property( < ofTheCascade,__ ·••-·••--___ •---_./·••-•--·•·· --••· •·-•• 6;•DepositartworkhfRoomE-242,Abbotsfon:I Campl.!8, U~FV.< 33844KingRoad,Abbotsford,B.C.V2S7M9. .•.i __ •-__-- _-....... _ -_.••••••.•.• -___ -•-. __ .. 7. Deadlineforsubrnittingartworkisfebruarj8/1995, at 4:1)() Pt.1. -./ _--_ ....• Artworkwm NOlbeaci:eptedafterthistime. 8. Thewinningsubmissionwillbe dec:idedby ~ CaS:Cadfstaff. All decisionsare final.Thewirtningartisfwillben()tified n<> latertharl -·• --February15,1995. _ _ ___ -- / ?. 9. Thewinningartishvillreceivea $SO JromtheC&scad~; 10. Thiscontesfisopen to anystudeiilcurrerttlY enrolledill~)ijsse• -
>/ >
< ·••--• --
> ----
Formore info,.pleasecall 854-4529 < and leave a rness;:1g~f ---
Sci-Tech Dean to be Added to UCFV Team
This Actually Happened in '24?!
!fa yeatwere.to have tbeintellectualqualities ofahuman being 1994wouldhave confused even themostFreudian of observers. •What was gloriouS.\VaS tragic and what was despised was embraced; The North American obsession not become roadkill Oil the information supemighway slowly has taken it's cultural toll ..··..·... •··. Compiled By Monique Marchant The media circ.usis quickly becOminga freakshow with the A draft of recommendations has been passed .guilty dragged across a worldwide stage ofremote co.ri~ols. Y~t .as··•··· on from UCFV President Dr. Peter Jones to Ian much sank·to the depths of negativity as a good pornon ·of e1µter••• McAskill, the Chair of the University College wisdom and soulful individualismrose to the surface,>.··•·····•·.•·· ••·.• ·•· . Council. They are a part of the final pbaseofUCFV' s ·Let's Journeyback, a.voidingdisaster by saying "noc()lll1Il¢nt''.· structural reorganization as mandated by the Strategic Plan of October 1994. > ..·... . ~oshet"94Things\ ) • ... As a result of a recommendation made last I)"ATribeCalledQuest Beastie Boys~Two New Yorlcbasedtapacts spring, all Senior Managers at UCFV now go by the who have put down the steel and put forth their soul..Theirfinely tuned title of "Dean." One of the present recommendations street poetry• Off.top of wickedly manufactured·.beats serve as is that of a new deanery. This addition to the team enlightenment for the abstract intellect If you were atLollapalooza will be the Dean of Science and Technology. '94youkilowwhat'sup. . . . . . ·•·... . .. < In doing this, the old title of "Academic 2)Fulllegalizationofmarijuana-OKsoitdidil'thappenbtitwouldn't Studies" will be replaced by the faculties of Arts and it be .groovy if i.t did. Unfortunately the forest , petrochemical, Science and Technology. The desire to create the pharmaceutical 'alchobol and fabric indu~trieswould severe··... new faculty is a result of the growth ofUCFV and the competition from ana?undanceofbemp. As we all know the onlyway increased work load on the educational deans. to sla.ya conservative dragonis with a lance rolled in Zig-Zag. The process of selecting the person to fill this 3) Denis Rodinanforwardfor the SanAntonio spurs of the N.H.Aposition will commence once budgetary approval is He is the JohnGOttiofreboundingyetreceivesmorebeadlines for bis .. received. hairand tatoos. Whether he is spitting on regularity orbacklashing· The old "Careers" division will be replaced against his unstyled critics Rodman isn' tscared ofbeing an individual. by the Faculty of Applied Programmes once the According to the press he is·apsychotic jester but is, in essence a true Faculty of Science and Technology has been created. role model. The Dean of Finance and Administration is currently directing a search for a new employee who Honorable Mentions · will be responsible for all aspects of security. This is World cup '94, Neison Mandela elected Prime Minister of South a result of growing concerns about safety on all of the Africa, Micheal Jordan sticking with baseball, Pulp Fiction_
Faculties receive new names in reorganization.
> . ./ ..
campuses. In addition to the changes in the structure of the programmes, there has been proposals put forward for three different centres to be created at UCFV. The first is an Assessment Centre, which is currently under discussion by the Task Force on Student Success. This centre would work with departments in recommending and administering tests to assist students to make wise curricular decisions. A Centre for Faculty and Staff Development is the second proposed centre. The purpose of it would be to provide support for faculty and staff members' professional development. The third is the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Programme Development. The objective of this centre will be to provide a reference point at UCFV for the development and implementation of courses and programmes that extend beyond the boundaries of any one department or faculty. ' All of these recommendations are to go through the UCC one last time, and the UCC will present them to the UCFV community. A formal recommendation to the Board will be made no later than its March meeting. If approved by the Board, these recommendations will become a part of the budgeting process for the 1995/96 fiscal year.
Hashimoto Creates a~Winner
Freaked '94 Things 1) OJ Simpson trial-no matter the outcmne the juice has soured. Even if OJ wins the casehe will most likely be bankrupted by the vasat fees A class assignment has turned into a winning be is paying the army of suits in his defence. poster design for Sei Hashimoto, a second year Ultimately Oj faces two scenarios. Being a 300pound guy named Graphic Design and International Education student Bunny's bitch orThighmastercommercials with Suzanne Sommers. at the University College of the Fraser Valley. 2) Rolling StonesNoodoo Lounge-Apart of me wants to commend The poster, which portrays a tree growing out these' preserved 60's rockers for bridging·generations gaps. ~ostly · of an egg floating over a background of a scenic though I wouldratherstandstill and hope theirnames hold tickets. . valley, will be used to promote the 20th Anniversary for their shows have risen to obFne prices.most likelyto_payfor the · Open House at UCFV' s Abbotsford and Chilliwack arsenal oflaserand othef~hno delights surroundingthe !>tage.Pretty campuses on March 31 and April 3. lights todimthe spectatorsyiew of stones which belong~ a n,i~seum. "As I was working on it, the idea of 'growing' 3).Thel)eathofKurtGobain-put.anothertallyontbew¢(tiakillbo~'. .•.•••• stuck in my mind," explains Hashimoto, a Chilliwack ••Constaritly·lmUildt<l aitd.falselyrepresentedhemade.•~ on1y.Iog1cal•··••·• escapefrompopculturescrutiny. · · ·· · · .··.. · resident, who moved with his family from Japan six years ago .. "I had been working on a different concept...one of my last ideas was the egg and I just went with it!" The entire second-year Graphic Design class was assigned the job of developing a poster design
Mystery Pen Pals Revealed
and given four weeks to bring it to a finished state. "It's the type of thing that, as working graphics designers, the students would be asked to do," notes UCFV Graphic Design program head Marion Llewellyn. "It also worked well as part of the curriculum." Members of UCFV' s Open House Planning Committee chose the winning design. The poster will be seen throughout the Fraser Valley in the coming months, as UCFV gets ready to open its doors to the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses to be public. The 20th Anniversary Open House will be held on Friday, March 31 for high school students; Saturday April 1 for the general public.
- UCFV Press Release
music dance drink food
college after dark Englishas a second language studentsfrom two classes spent the Fall semester writing to a secret penpal as a way of honing their English writing skills. Their penpals identities were revealed at a semester-end partry
january27 7 p.m.- midnig·ht $5 u.c.f.v.abbycafeteria .~
The Cascade
Wednesday, January 18, 1995
Student Participation on Death Row? You only live once; Funeral homes are doing more business than UCFV Activities. A look into what makes the level of campus participation what it is. By Bryan Sikora
experiences; where students, as well as furthering their education, can enjoy the friendly atmosphere. JohnPetropoulous, President of the UCFV Criminal Justice Student Association, has been involved with the CJSA for two years. He believes that students want to get involved and participate in various things, but just don't knowhowto go about it.
UCFV is not a happening place. Although this is an institute of higher education, that does not preclude UCFV to be a place devoid of social, cultural and entertaining activites. Activities planned in the past have recieved little, if any at all, attention f r o m students. At times, functions "People held seemed want to do more like things. All wakes than students at - ~ane Antil the "fun" that the college Director of Athletics and Activities they were need some intended to kind of be. outlet, some way of getting together without Thecauseofthislackofparticipation feeling like they don't belong," is unknown, but speculation has led some Petropoulous says. "UCFV is kind ofboring to believe that it is a communicable disease when it comes to things like that." - studentusapatheticus. Are students apathetic at UCFV? East Campus Chair Jeff Tisdale, of "It wouldn't be fair for me to answer the UCFV Student Society agrees. yes or no to that question, but as for Crim "~finitely, there is apathy at UCFV, students, I don't think they are. They're butatdifferentdegrees. Wehaveactivities, starting to get into it. Maybe they (other bufirobody wants to come." UCFV students) are misinformed, rather "Is this a college or Henderson's than apathetic." Funeral Home?" The CJSA has been in existence Colleges and universities are known longer than Petropoulous can remember. to be the places of 'socially uplifting' They have held many events in the past -
camp outs and dances, for example - and have had a high level of participation from Crim students. With over 200 students in the Criminal Justice Program, 50 per cent attendance is not uncommon. Their Christmas banquet was a sell-out, with 120 tickets being sold. "It's easier if you have a small group of people to get all of them together, rather than a large group," Petropoulous says. "We're all Crim students, and we have an identity that we can relate too. If any other group had their own association, I'm sure they could rally just as much support. Crim students aren't really any different, they' re
"Everyonehas busy lives, with so many different things outside of school to worry about."
all just looking for fun, and we just give them an avenue." Director of Athletics and Activities, Jane Anti! wouldn't call the lack of spirit and the lo'\Vattendance ·records for events apathy. She says it is a sign of the times. "Everyone has busy lives, with so many different things outside of school to worry about." JillHarrison, Activities Coordinator for the Abbotsford Campus and Mission Centre, also says that students have their own activities happening away from the College. "People come to school that have families and jobs. They have other things happening. Lives are busy," Harrison says. "It is a community college." At the Mission Center, events
usually draw, on average, a third of the studentswhoareenrolledatMission. From a student base of less than 70, 33% participation is high when compared to other UCFV centers and campuses. "It'sasmallercampus. Thestudents know everyone else, it's more of a family atmosphere," Harrison said. What can be done to improve seemingly dead atmosphere here at UCFV? The obvious answer is to hold activities that students want. The 90' shave been the decade of personal fitness. With more and more people maintaining - or attempting to maintain - a healthy lifestyle, activities that are good for the body may be the key. "People are interested in keeping fit themselves. Being in shape, and having a wellness program, as opposed to being a spectator," Anti! says. "People are doing things due to the climate we live in." Petropoulous concurs that students wouldparticipateiftheeventwassomething of interest to them. "If it's well promoted and it is a fun event, yes I do think it would be well attended," he says. It all comes down to the students, though. The 3.5% ear-marked, less the amount for Athletics, for student activities is there to be used, for student activities. "Any group which wants do an activity, drop by," Harrison added.
Summer Games Needs Your Help for Celebration of Excellence Take the number of students enrolled in academic courses at UCFV and add approximately 1,000 more. The resulting number - 7,000 - is the amount of volunteers the Western Canada Summer Games will need in order to make the Games a success. Between August 15-20, the new city of Abbotsford will host the Games, which will bring together over 2,000 athletes - competing in 23 events - representing the four Western provinces and the two Territories. In order to accomplish this great task, 7,000 volunteers will have to be recruited and trained by the start of the Games. A portion of those volunteering will come from the UCFV I community. A registration booth was set up in the Great Hall of the Abbotsford campus enlisting both students and staff during the first week of classes. Janet Kubas, part of the Games staff responsible for recruiting volunteers, says "it's a great opportunity to get involved in a community event." There are many opportunities to get involved. Their Official VolunteerRegistration Form lists over 115 areas, and that's not including the specific events. For UCFV students, it's a great way to get experience. "There's tons of areas," says Kubas. "For the office careers students, we have a whole administration area which is reception, word processing, everything to do with office type work. For trades, we need electricians, carpenters, those types of skills." "Some people may just be interested in being where the athletes are, like the opening ceremonies." Along with gaining experience, there are many perks that will be available to the volunteers, says Kubas. "They will receive a volunteer uniform, which consists of a hat, a pair of shorts, and a shirt. There is also an exclusive volunteer pin that will be given out to volunteers in the community. It will have our Jester, the mascot of the games, on it." Parties and picnics will also be organized for the volunteers. At the conclusion of the Games, there will be a wrap up party, that Games staff hope will include an entertainer, says Kubas. There is one minor requirement that is requested of each volunteer: that they commit to 20 hours of work. This is broken down into four shifts of 4 hours, with time added for showing up early and staying late, Kubas added. There are many different ways, to register. Kubas says that one only has to phone the Games office at 855-1995, and information will be mailed out, or drop by the Games office and the staff there will sit down with you. The office is located on the third floor of the Fraser Valley Credit Union Center, 32071 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. There will also be a drop-off in the Abbotsford cafeteria until the end of January. Don't be left out of the "Celebration of Excellence," register now and get in on the action!
- Bryan Sikora
Photo By Bryan Sikora
A lone worker does his job on the roof of UCFV's Trades building. The facility is receiving a new roof.
The Cascade
Wednesday, January 18, 1995
Entertainment EAR TO THE GROUND
"Top 25 Albums A quick peep at what this writer knows is hot from '94. By Dallas J. Minister of Multi-Media, Sex, Drugs, and Violence _ December 31, 1994, 11:59 PM: In an inspired moment, Dallas J. vows to be more patient, more tolerant. and less judgmental of the actions of other people while maintaining an upbeat and sunny dispositionin the upcomingyear. January 1, 1995, 12:01 AM: In an even more inspired moment, Dallas J. complainsaboutthepizzadeliveryguybeing five minuteslate, yells at the kids next door forbangingpotsandpmstogetberatmidnight, and promptlytosses Malatovcocktails at the rednedcs down the street who are playing their George Jones cassettes too loud. _All this and an upbeatand sunny disposition,to
anything: rap, hard-core, jazz. Ahh, place it in Butyoudidnotreadthisfartobearme whine. No! You came for entertainment. "alternative!" Top Tracks: "Sabotage" & "Sure Shot" Youcameforinformation.Youcameformy The Cranberries- No Need To Argue (Island): unavoidable "Top 25 Albums Released In Two years in a row, this band has produced music 1994" list Despitemyreform(statedabove), that my dreams and nightmares have been made the rules have not changedfrom last year: of. Go for the hat trick, kids! Top Tracks: 1) There is no b$is for this list other 'Zombie" & "Ode ID My Family" than my own personal self-serving rhetoric The Cult - The Cult (Beggars Banquet): A rebirth and preference. Record sales are not that spawned one of the most soulful rock albums ever, it exposes true potential and promise. Top consideredbecause there is no way in this Tracks: "ComingDown(DrugTongue)" & ''Star" dementedworldthat I am goingto place Ace orBass on my "Top 25" chart; they only Deconstruction-Deconstruction(American): The firstandlastalbumforDaveNavarro'ssideproject appearon my shitlist. is at once funky and scary, combining industrial 2) No live albums, compilations, with slide guitar. Top Tracks: "L.A. Song" & coveralbums,greatestbitsorsooodtracksare "America" oomitted. Why? Becausemost are rehashes Econoline Crush - Purge (EMI): Hard-edged and corporate maneuversto get my money. industrialpopthatoutshinedeveryoneatMetallica' s Becausemostofthemsuck,anyway.Because Vancouver concert on the second stage. Sh,;nt, · bitter, and sweet. Top Tracks: ''Out Of Reach" & I said so. 3) All listings are in alphabetical "f.D.M." 54-40-Smilin' BuddhaCabaret(Sony): This one ocder. I bad to narrow things down to 25 confuses me... Alternative popsters go punk and selectionsand you stillwant me to say which discover the wonders of effects pedals. Whatever, isthebest? Iamdoingthisforfree. Youwant itrocks. Top Tracks: "RadioLuvSqng" & ''Ocean numbers? Pay me! Pearl"
Jann Arden - Living UnderJune (A&M); Not
Enoughof the fiction,Jetus get down to thefacts. 1994was thesameasall theother years before it bad thingshappened,good thingsbappened, blah,blah,blah.Myslandard oflivingwentupalthoughlamstilldepressed most of the time. Irony,go figure?
adult contemporary, not country, no labels, just strength. Jann creates songs that fly with a voice that makes you swim. Top tracks: "Could I Be Your Girl" & "Insensitive" BeastieBoys- RI Communication(Capitol): The kingsofcrossover,itseemsthattheBeastiescando
In 1994"
Helmet- Betty (Interscope ): Incredible musicians playing one song over and over. But if you like that one song ... Extraordinary recording best enjoyed on headphones - LOUD! Top Tracks: ''Biscuits For Smut'' & "Milquetoast" Sass Jordan - Rats (Aquarius): Sporting one of the most distinctive voices in modern music, this album sees Sass run the dark side of Heroin and
self-discovery. Top Tracks: "Pissin' Down" & "High Road Easy"
Messlah-TwttntyFirstCenturyJesus(American): Tecbno theme album that does not wear thin or seem repetitious despite the genre. Buy it for the title alone. Top Tracks: "femple of Dreams" & ''Destroyer" Moin-Silver(EMI): Youmay think that you have heard enough of these guys on the radio but believe me, you have not. Strong, dark, and full of tequila. Top Tracks: "Push" & ''Believe Me" BifNaked -Bi/Naked (Plum): Heavy alternative to ballads to hip-hop with a voice that moves from angst to angel, Bif is sexy, angry, and she does not want you. Top Tracks: ''Everything" & "My Whole Life" NineInchNalls-TheDownward Spiral.(Nothing/ 1VT/lnterscope): If you could understand, you would have it by now. Passion and control iprule audible. Top Tracks: "March Of The Pigs" & "Closer"
Pantera-FarBeyondDriven~astwest): Itseems that every other heavy metal band has gone commercial in the last two years. Pantera cannot. TIile says all. Top Tracks: "5 Minutes Alone" & "I'm Broken" PearlJam - Vitalogy (Epic): If you liked the pop hits of Ten and Versus, than chances are that you will not like this one. Purely experimental; possible classic. Top Tracks: "Spin The Black Circle" & "Tremor Christ" LizPhair- Whip-Smart (Matador): Indescribable pop tunes that pack more power than a good
Please see Page A7
Exhibit~ n Games Fill UCFV Cascade Holiday Stories By Bryan Sikora Keepingbusy over theholidays, the UCFV Cascades continued their winning ways against some foreign competition. Preferring the warmer climate of Southern California to celebrate the New Year in, the Cascades travelledto SanDiego t
Startingthe year with an intemaliooal flavour, the UCFV Cascooesplayed host to a squad from the Southern AustraliaSportsInstituteon January4. SpoilingtheirvisittoAbbotsford though,theCascadesranawaywitha8957 victoryin the exhibitiongame. Billedas an All-Star team, the teamfromAdelaideconsistingof youths aged 1419 is MEN'S currently
compete BASKETBALL BASKETBALL on a tour in the Gmmut of the College Invitational Tournament P'acificNorthwest The only loss of the tournament ''That's a very good group of - a 81-36 defeat in the Championship kids. Theystartedoffverywellwhilewe game - came at the bands of the werea littleflat," CascadeCoachMike defending Champs, Utah Community McNeillsaidafterthe game. "But once College. wegotintothe game,we weremore of a "It wasn't pretty to watch," physicalforce, and more assertiveand UCFV Coach Sandy Chambers said of aggressive." the way her team played in the final Retmningto the line-upfor the game. "We bad too many turnovers. Wintersemesteris BruceHildrebrandt, But Utah was a good team to come who pitchedin 14points. across because they're better and we ''It's greattobe back,"exclaimed Photo By Bryan Sikora can learn from them." Hildrebrandt,who did not play during Protecting the ball from a potential steal, Cascade Greg Falk goes around an Aussie defender. The other Cascade games _ the Fall semester due to academic included a 80-56 win over Arizona, a ineligibility."It wasreallyfiustratingto 55-36 win over the host GrossmountCollege, and a 64-48 concentrationon our part allowed them to take the ball and sit on the bench and watch,especiallywhenwe were losing." victory over Spokane. drive to the hoop." McNeillsaysthat Hildrebrandt,whoworksreallyhard Arrivinghome, the Cascadeswere met by a group of Most recently, the Cascades took on the Northwest at his game, loves to compete. He also says that Hildrebrandt All-Stars from the SouthernAustraliaSports Institute, who College Eagles in exhibition play January 10th. will also help out on the scoreboard handed them a 81-54 loss.. Beating the Eagles - from Kirkland, Washington "He's a good offensiveplayer. He's got the abilityto The significantly shorter S.A.S.I. team ran circles just three days earlier by 18 points in their home barn, the score.Thebiggestthingisforhimtoadjusttotheteam.lt'smore around the Cascades, for what they lacked in height, they Cascades managed a 64-59 win here at the Clearbrook for him to feel comfortablein the game, rather than the guys more than made up for it in speed. Many times the UCFV adjusting." Community Centre women were caught in their tracks watching the ball being Next home game - for both the men and women The Cascades travelled south of the border Jan. 6 stolen or tipped at every opportunity. is January 20 against the LangaraFalconsat the Clearbrook and 7. Puget Soun_!! was the first victim, !osing by a score ''They were a good team, but they're beatable," Community Center. Tip-off for the women is at 6 pm, of 83-79; next was Northwest Commumty College, who Chambers said of the Australian squad. "Lack of followed by the men at 8 pm. the Cascades defeated 69-60.
The Cascade
Wednesday, January 18, 1995
A Musical Frenzy The hot music, as decided by yo~ the paying public. By Bryan Sikora What did residents of the Fraser Valley listen to in 1994? Apparently everything from dance .to country to "alternative," according to local music stores. '"The Tragically Hip release was big here. The Music World chain sold over 75,000 copies in 3 days, while our store went through 50 CD's in 2 days. It was one of the biggest," says Chelsea Noble, manager of Music World in Oearbrook. ''Nirvana. Unplugged in New York, for sure, was also a big seller at our store." Also on Noble's list for big sellers at her store were the soundttack of Forrest Gump, and, although recent, The Beatles: Live at the BBC, Offspring, and Greenday. In Chilliwack, though, Denise Henderson, manager of Big K Music, was singing a different tune. ''Over the year, the top-selling albums were Ace of Bass and Dance Mix '94," Henderson says. But both managers noted that sales were up in 1994, when compared to previous years. "It was slow in the beginning of the year, but in the last 6 months, things really picked up," says Noble of the sales pattern of 1994. The reason for this, Noble says, is due to many bigger albums being released in the last half. Sales at the Chilliwack franchise of Big K Music were "better" in 1994 than other years, noted Henderson.
Both managers had their thoughts regarding the 'musical' events that took place in the year of 1994. Although it was difficult for them to find high points; low points were relatively easy to nail down. "Personally, I thought the rise in country music was a high point," Henderson says. ''There were more artists and the availability of the music was better. There was just alotmoreinterestincountry music." The low point for Henderson was the death of Curt Kobain, then-lead singer of the Seattle group Nirvana. Noble also commented on Cobain's death, but recognized the 'gold' lining to the suicide. "We had a lot of calls about the incident. People were wondering what happened, and were asking us .for advice, like 'should we send a letter?' In the end, though, it created more sales." For Noble, a personal low point was the locatipn change of Lollapalooza, which she attended at the new
Top sellers for 1994 were The Tragically Hip, Nirvana, and Forrest Gump, among others, asdisplayed by Chelsea Noble, of Music World. Photo By Bryan Sikora
location at the Cloverdale fairgrounds. "I didn't like the location, moved from the Thunderbird Stadium to the fairgrounds. There were too many people in too small a space. It was a bad location," says Noble. "The Smashing Pumpkins really disappointed me. Their album was excellent, but live, they weren't any good." Not being the pessimist, Noble also acknowledged the re-birth of many older groups, such as the Rolling Stones, the Eagles, and Pink Floyd as a high point of 1994.
Home is Where the Answering Machine Is Rants about the past, as well as the upcoming year, by our own Nolan Webb. Welcome back social monkeys, I hope you enjoyed your Christian holiday and your mass consumer/ materialism ...
A few thoughts on ...
Mo~t: Vancouver boys make good, right? Recently when I contacted their Vancouvermanager, I was told that business was no longer conducted in Vancouver and I was directed to their New York office. That's right, New York office. My first reaction was an emphatic Chris Farley-esque "While La Di Friggin Da" But then I figured, hey its closer to the majority of the Eastern market and they are logically trying to make it big below the border. So I call and let it ring about ten times before the answering machine kicked in, "Hi, this is Moist, we're out of the country right now ..." Whoa hold on a second, out of the country. I suppose the country is the United States. It continues ..."We hope to be home soon so leaveamessage ...{blah, blah, blah)." Last time I checked, home consisted of North America's nicest city, the city that embraced them as independents when even Toronto wouldn't love them, let alone New
York. But I'm sure they'll come crying home again soon like Randy Bachman, Loverboy, and Vanilla Ice who were forgouen like yesterday's garbage. That is of course in the unlikely case that they ever make it big enough to be remembered in the first place.
Top Ten Albums of the 1994 1. 2. 3. · 4.
The Tragically Hip Day For Night Our Lady Peace Naveed King Cobb Steelie Project Twinkle The Watchmen In The Trees
5. Pure Generation Six Pack 6. Nirvana Unplugged in New York 7. Smashing Pumpkins Pisces Iscariot 8. Salvador Dream Ur 9. Mo~t Silver 10. Blue Rodeo Five Days in July
Top Five Most ExcitingI ShockingI ThoughtProvokingMoments of 1994 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The Stanley Cup Riot The Okanagan forest fires The Buzz and Skeeter controversy The OJ Simpson hurrah Kurt Cobain's suicide
8. In a fashion similar to Halifax, the Fraser Valley becomes the darling of the North American music scenes. The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets and Diesel Division signmulti~album deals with Sub-Pop while The Roundtree Conspiracy holds out for a more lucrative contract offering unlimited Slurpees and B-Movie rentals. 9. Speaking ofB-Movies Jim Kelly (Black Belt Jones) and Rudy Ray Moore (The Avenging Black Disco Godfather) join forces in a new movie in an effort at the comeback of the decade. Entitled Godzilla vs. TwoBadDudesit receives some regional
successinJap311andCanadabutitisdestined for Mega Movies shelves. 10. The world becomes more rapidly infested with the problems of overpopulation, incurable disease, religious warfare, environmental destruction, extinction of species, and the perpetuation of prej!Jdice and hatred. Support my opinions, Slam my opinions. Love me, Hate me. Write to the Cascade, write for the Cascade. Justgetoff your sorry asses and do something for your institution!
Predictionsfor 1995 1. The majority of Canadians will continue to ignore Canadian talent in music and entertainment almost as much as Americans. 2. Wimmin and Christians will continue to comprise the majority of the interesting Cascade leuers to the editor. 3. Despite efforts from its dedicated staff, the Cascade will continue to be most often be used as a substitute for kleenex, napkins, floonnats for cars, and also frequently as toilet paper. 4. The price of tuition, taxes, bus fares, cover charges, parking fees, alcohol, and caffeine pills will all rise giving more momentum to the ongoing conspiracy against students. 5. The Tea Party will release their second album and receive recognition as a national resource. 6. Moxy Fruvous will be found dead in their Toronto apartments from selfinflicted gunshot wounds, attempting to capitalize on theirrecentlyreleasedfailure, Unplugged in Sarnia. 7. Jean Chretien's government is overthrown and the popular opinion polls rise to new heights under the leadership of Prime Minister Gord Downie.
'Top 25 Albums Released In 1994" cont. thrashing. Liz could probably do a lot better without the stage fright. Top Tracks: "Supernova" & "Support System" Public Enemy - Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age (Def Jam): The title alone is worth this nomination, but inside is the best rap-concert albwn I have ever heard. The future... Top Tracks: "Give It Up" & "Rage Against TlIIle" Rolling Stones - Voodoo Lounge (Virgin): I do not care whatanyone says, this album rocks with the pow~ and feel of their early albwns. Do not be so judgmental, freak. Top Tracks: "Love Is Strong" & ''Out Of Tears" Rollins Band~ Weight (Imago): True rebellion is to out-earn, out-smart, and out-live yourparents. Feel the truth about love, anger, and feedback at maximwn volwne. Top Tracks: "Disconnect" & "Liar"
Soundgarden - Superunknown (A&M): Changing from alternative posterboys to poprock masters, this albwn is both rough and accessiblewithamajorriff-o-rama. TopTracks: "Black Hole Sun" & "Spoonman" Stone Temple Pilots-Purple (Atlantic): If they actually do rip off everyone else, they put it together better than the people that they stole from ever .coulcL Top Tracks: "Big Empty" &
"Vasoline" Stuttering John - Stuttering John (Atlantic): Unpretentious rock music. No meaning of the universe here. Moves harder and sounds cooler thanbandsyouknow. TopTracks: ''GetOffMy Lawn" & "Guilt" Therapy? - Troublegum (A&M): Punk-pop black comedy that dances with suicide, selfhatred, and the breaking point that we all have. Soundtrack for our times. Top Tracks: "Screamager" & "Nowhere" The Tragically Hip - Day For Night(MCA): I cannot figure out the appeal, either. I know that they are the best example of a literate band that cannot be categorized. Top Tracks: "Grace, Too" & ''Fire In The Hole" Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Sleeps With Angels (Reprise): We all know that this albwn is a tribute to KurtCobain. What you might not know is that this is one of his best. Top Tracks: "Change Your Mind" & "Piece Of Crap"
Alright, that is it! I am out and gone for this issue. I have more sunshine to spread. Go buy these albums, you loser.-C-
The Cascade
StoneAngel A Heavenly UCFVTheatre Production Nichols' adaptation opens Jan. 20 McCormick.Carolhasappearedinmany UCFV theatre productions and can be The second production of the remembered for her outstanding UniversityCollege of the Fraser Valley performanceasDollyLeviin lastseason's TheatreDepartment's 1994/95seasonof hit productionof The Matchmaker. theatreis James W. Nichol's compelling TheatrestudentLarry Hammplays adaptationof MargaretLaurence'sclassic BramShipley,Hagar's shiftlesshusband. Canadiannovel The StoneAngel. Larry has also appeared regularly in This play department probes deep into the productions hearts of its and was last This play probes characters and seen as Iago audiences. It tells plus several deep into the hearts theuncompromising o t h e r of its characters and story of Hagar characters-in Shipley - as seen Goodnight audiences. through her own Desdemona eyes at the age of ( G o o d ninety. Her Morning reflectionson her past emergeas a series Juliet). of vigorouslyetched portraits, from her Theroleofliagar' s dour,inflexible life as a young girl in a bleak prairies father is taken by theatre department town, to an old womanarmouredby her veteran Rick Mawson. steely humour yet still isol_atedby her Other performers in The Stoffe pride and self reliance. Angel -eachplayingseveralroles-include New theatre·faculty member Dr. theatre students James Ashcroft, Ron BruceKirkleymakeshis directorialdebut Heal, Corby Legault, Lori Rippin, and ·for the departmentwith this production. JeanServize,andcommunityperformers The challenging role of Hagar John Ayris and Jacquie Simpson. First Shipleyis playedby theatrestudentCarol year theatre studentSabrinaByrne takes
UCFV Theatre Press Release
File Photo
Carol McCormick(left) and Corby Legault rehearseforthe UCFVTheatre productionof TheStoneAngel,opening January 20. For more informationon tickets, call 795-2814.
the role of Sandra. Costumedesignfor thisproduction is by second year theatre student Jean Servize, with costume construction supervisedby wardrobemistressYvonne Krehbiel. Set and lightingdesign credits are shared by director Bruce Kirkley and theatre technician Jim Wenting. Gwen Coates is the stage manager. The Stone Angel opens Friday, January 20th at 8:00 pm with two half pricepreviewson January 18 and 19,and continues January 21, 25 to 28 and
February 1 to 4. Two special matinee performanceswillalsobe offeredJanuary 26 and 31 at 12:30pm. ' The Stone Angel is being performed at the Studio Theatre on the Chilliwackcampus. General admission is $9.00, students and seniors pay $8.00. The previews are $4.50 and the matinees are $7.00 per person. Tickets are now on sale at the Box Office on the Chilliwack campus 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. For information and reservations· call 795-2814.
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The Cascade
Wednesday, January 18, 1995
Editorial Protect All Members of Society As time marches on, the violence at abortion clinics is escalating. From mass protests that produced some disorderly conduct and a lot of chaos in front of various abortion clinics to the recent shootings - and killings - both here in Vancouver and across the United States.' With most everything, the violence started small: pushing, shoving, and harassing people. It eventually grew into what we read in the newspapers and watch - in horror - on the television news. Nov. 8, 1994. A Vancouver doctor who performs abortions is wounded by a sniper while sitting in his own home. Dec. 30, 1994. 2 abortion clinic employees are shot and killed, while 5 others are wounded by a gunman at two abortion clinics in the suburbs of Boston.
East Chair's Message Alas, 1995 is here. A new year to mark new beginnings, and to put any past shortcomings behind us. Within the student government the final semester of 1994 was a truly unique and vqluable learning experience. For the first time in the short existence of the newspaper, the Cascade, we began to reach out and test the limits of collegiate journalism. Once again, for all of those who took time out of their schedule to attend and voice their
Meanwhile, a picket line at a Port Alberni pulp mill - where workers of one union are on concerns at the forum, it was truly appreciated. In response to this strike because MacMillan Bloedel has hired another union not affiliated with B.C.-Yukon overwhelming concern of the Buzz and Skeeter article, we have Building Trades Council, to complete construction on the mill - is becoming a violent place. nowallowedforasectionwithinyourstudentsociety'sconstitution Sometime ago, a hammer was used strike a blow to a vehicle's window, causing the for a sub-constitution for the Cascade as well. window to shatter. The person on the other side of the window suffered a wound to the shoulder. Which brings me to my second area of recollection, the Then, on January 10, 1995, a rock was thrown through the window of a van. More glass conSt itution. As you may or may not be aware, your student was shattered, and more blood was drawn. Two passengers were cut by the glass. government is hard at work drafting and re-drafting a solid What ever happened to civil disobedience, the key word being civin document which will replace the cumbersome 1987 constitutional What is the difference between these two very different environments and situations? edition. This by, no means, is an easy task; todateourtoughestnut Premier Harcourt and Attorney-General Colin Gabelmann feel that abortion clinic workers need to crack is getting 30 students out of 5,100 to attend a monthly 2 improved security - a "bubble zone" that forbids protesters from entering. What about the hour brain-storming session of what you would like your future working pulp-mill construction workers? Do they not have the same rights as abortion clinic government to look like, starting in the 1995-6 winter semester. workers and patients? · · · Wehaveanideajustfromlisteningtothoseofyouwhohavebeen Harcourt, commenting on getting tough with violent anti-abortion protesters said "citizens' overwhelmingly enthusiastic in your suggestions. legal rights of free speech don't include harming the rights of other citizens, intimidating them, However, we only hope that the minority can speak for the harming them physically." (The Province, Jan. 6/95. page A6) What about the pulp-mill majority.Ifthisisanissuewhichyoufeelisofgreatconcerntonot c O n s t r uc t iO n only student life is general, but, as well, in your own collegiate workers? community, I encourage you to get involved and bring a friend. In Years ago, the Chilliwack, our office is located in the only orange portable on scene at abortion campus. As well, we can be contacted by telephone at 795 - 2825. clinics was less If nobody is there to take your call, please leave a message, and we violent than it is will return your call as promptly as possible. Just to give you an today. Today, in idea of where we are in our deliberations, we plan on having a solid Port Alberni, it is draft copy ready to go at the start of this semester. If you would like "lesser" violence. a copy, stop by the office to pick one up. As well, the new When will we read constitution will have created new positions to reflect the growing in the newspapers need for recognition among the Business, Criminology and and see O n the Computerlnformation Systems deI_>artments,to name a few. This television news is just one of the many changes to your constitution we are th at a w O rke r, proposing. Which leads me to ask you, "Are we headed in the right going to work in a direction?" In<.;losing,Iaskyoutopleasestarttogetinvolvedwith pulp mill, has been the many extra-curricular activities at the college, before they are shot by a striking eliminated due to lack of appreciation. Jeff Tisdale protester? East Campus Chair Harcourt and Gl!belmann should not let the safety of one group of individuals fall to This sucks. I'm sitting here at the computer and I've got the wayside, while nothing to say. Bryan's breathing down my neck for an article by pledging $100,000 this afternoon and I'm drawing a blank. to improve I guess I can tell you what your student council has been up security at two to. Remember in my first article I mentioned something about a abortion clinics in Student Union Centre in the old library? Well, it's happening. We Vancouver. have made our requests to the Planning Committee, and are What about the awaiting the final decision. pulp-mill What else? For those of you who keep up with current construction events, our 'close and personal friend' Mr. Lloyd Axworthy has workers? Who promised to make it easier for all students to attend post secondary will protect them? education. Yeah, right! We've had a couple of meetings with
West Chair's Message
Letters To Ed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calvin Klien Poster accomplishes 'ABSOLUTELYNOTHING!!!' Dear Ed.: Okay, who's brainstorm was it to put up that lame poster by the student society room in E building, in some vain effort to raise awareness about....? What was the purpose of that poster? For those who don't know what marvel I'm talking about, it's the one made of poster board, with "Are you tired of ad's like this" scrawled in grade three type handwriting on it, with one of the recent ad's from a magazine for Calvin Klein One cologne plastered in the iniddle. The ad is in black and white, and there is a girl standing there in jeans and a tank top. You're probably picturing a supermodel or something if you . haven't seen it, but she's far from it, she's just some average, everyday-type girl. Now I could see the relevance of such a poster if the ad had a gorgeous woman, caressing the bottle or
something, then maybe you'd have a point about manipulative advertising, but who wants to look like the girl in that ad? Your little message can't be referring to that aspect of it, so what the hell is it referring to? It must be that you just don't have anything betteno do than sit around and be jealous cause you dido' t think of the ad first or something. Well, congratulations, cause you've accomplished-ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Take a hint from the comments people have scribbled on the poster you made, it sucks. And no, I was not one of them. I just shake my head and laugh each time I see it. Nice try, maybe try again with some other statement, like "The Government Is Corrupt!" It would go along nicely with your pointless poster thing you've got going. Chris Benjamin
some Canadian Federation of Students representatives to discuss what plan of action is best to take to protest the changes Ax worthy is making. I am on a committee regarding student conduct. We are trying to come up with a policy related to academic and nonacademic conduct. In other words, the purpose of the committee is to determine how to deal with students who, for instance, cheat on exams or show up drunk to class. Fun stuff. If you have any ideas, drop me line and I'll pass that on to the committee. The student society also has other stuff on the go. If you've got something you'd like to see us do for you, drop by the office and we'll do what we can. Wehaven'tgotanyofficehours posted yet because not all society members have turned in their schedules for this semester. As soon as we have all the schedules, we'll figure out office hours and post them for you. Oh, for those of you who are still interested, I've got an updated list of faculty address just in case you wish to go to and personally thank your professor for the stellar mark you received in his/her class. I've already got one thank-you bomb, I mean, card I'm going to drop of really, really late one evening . Welcome back. Have an excellent semester. clArence giesbrecht West Campus Chair
The Cascade
Now Us
The Mayhem Surrounding
Conclusions from the Canadian Constitution on abortion clinic protesters. Anita Bradford November 8, 1994: Gynecologist and abortion doctor Gordon Romalis is shot in the leg while having breakfast in the kitchen of his family home. This is the first such attack in Canada, but is it simply the next step in the escalation of North American anti-abortion violence, which to date is responsible for the deaths of three doctors, four clinic employees and the hospitalization of five clients in the last year and a half? Not to mention 153 bomb or arson attacks, including the 1992 bombing of Ontario's Morgentaler Clinic, 200 death threats against staff and clients, and 600 recorded acts of vandalism? Although most anti-abortionists, includinp Ted Gerk (president of the BC Pro-Life Society) have condemned the recent shootings, two prominent picketers outside of Vancouver clinics have gone on record to justify, even support, these acts of violence. Christina Hendricks, a board member of Campaign Life BC who argues that doctors who provide abortion services should be executed ,bythe state, asks "Why isn't it all right to take the life of the person that's going to kill them - the unborn e ?" Gordon Watson, another activist who considers himself a "moderate" states; "We don't lynch abortionists - not that we are opposed to it;" and allows that "that bullet brought the message home to Dr. Romalis more than anything else would have ...ultimately you have to back up your political views with force." According to BC' s Attorney General, Minister of Health and several
pro-abortion groups, while vandalism and harassment are less common in Canada, and violence still rare, things have gone far enough. Their next step will be the establishment of "bubble zones" around clinics and private homes where demonstrations will not be permitted. Do I have an opinion on this sordid mess? What even slightly cognizant individual doesn't?
Canadians to live in a free and democratic society. i.e.: I may not harass, frighten, detain or shoot anyone in the leg because they have partaken of their right to a legally sanctioned health service. Even if it does offend my conscience, religion, thoughts and beliefs. Which it does. Fair enough? Section 2. (c) guarantees the right to peaceful assembly. This one is pretty much self-explanatory.
"To other pro-lifers I say: continue to protest against abortion, peacefully and away from clinics and private homes, being considerate of the rights of other people and with the goal of changing their minds through love, not with violence." As a Christian, I believe abortion is a crime. That, however, is irrelevant, because under present-day Canadian law, it is not a crime. It is a legal (if not, in my opinion, amorally legitimate) health service that all citizens of this country have a right to unhindered access to. So, ·really, this becomes a constitutional issue, not a personal one. By working through the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution Act 1982, I've reached a few basic conclusions: The preamble to the charter states that it guarantees the rights and freedoms designated within "only to such reasonable limits as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." So although section 2. guarantees a "freedom of conscience and religion," and b. "freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression ..." I may not exercise my right to express my objection to abortion in a way that interferes with the right of other
Section 7. describes the legal rights of all Canadians. a. " ...the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof ..." In the interest of keeping abortion doctors, their staff and clients alive, unharmed and unharassed, I agree that protective zones around clinics and private homes are probably a good idea. Sadly, the track record of some anti-abortion protesters have made this necessary. One last point oflaw: section 11. (g) of the charter states that no person shall be found guilty "on account of any act or omission unless, at the time of the action or omission, it constituted an offense under Canadian or international law ..." I'm guessing this means I'm not supposed to condone the actions of militants who decide to supersede the law of the land and administer the death penalty to individuals who offend their own sense of justice.
In the words of Attorney General Colin Gablemann, "my appeal to British Colombians is that if they have some problemswithth~lawofCanadatheyshould follow democratic means to have those laws changed." They should not frighten, harm or kill women and doctors. There is another reason I stand against this violence. As a Christian I follow another, ultimate law. "Thou shalt not kill. "(Ex. 20: 13). I believe this means innocent, unborn children. I believe it also applies to abortion doctors and their staff and clients, the handicapped the elderly ...! believe in the right and dignity of life. I believe there is a God who is the giver and takeroflife, the judge of good and evil, who rewards and punishes every person's actions. I do not believe I am Him. So I appeal to believers like me to "yield to the authority of rulers and government leaders, to obey ,them, to be ready to do good, to speak no evil about anyone, to live in peace, and to be gentle and polite to all people." (Titus 3:1-2). To other pro-lifers I say: continue to protest against abortion, peacefully and away from clinics and private homes, being considerate of the rights of other people and with the goal of changing their minds through love, not with violence. "Do not let evil defeat you, but defeat evil by doing good." (Romans.12:21). To pro-choicers: I wish I could apologize for the violence of those who call themselves "Christian" and "Pro-life" but have taken innocent lives. They are enemies of God and enemies of life. Make sure that in the exercise of your choice you do not become the same.
Shining Lights and Sleepless Nights The CJSA makes their mark in 1995, opening with 'za By Clare Goldman
Another year begins ..... 1995. As a student, I don't mark my time by years, it seems that every thing is timed against semesters, and how many more to do before I receive that elusive, yet almost tangible, piece of paper. Only three more to go. The light is beginning to appear at the end of the tunnel - finally. So, as I start another semester of reading, writing, stressing out and sleepless nights, the Criminal Justice Student Association begins another semester of activities. On the agenda: another Pizza Day, Thursday January 26, 11:30 to 1:00, in the Great Hall. A delectable assortment of those cheese-laden delights. Coming soon: a jacket day where you can order your Crim jacket, indoor paintball game and another social in early February. Of special interest to grads: the Grad committee is formulating grad plans for this year. Ask your Crim rep, watch the bulletin boards and read this column for further information. Speaking of Crim reps, here's another list of those individuals dedicated to enhancing the social life of Crim students everywhere: John Petropoulous, President; Jill Craven, Vic~-president; Sean Koch, Treasurer; Deana Peters, Secretary; Jay Jones, Public Relations; Jonathan Breggeman, Sean Gregson, Trevor Grouette, and Kevin Veldman, Social Committee; Dave Cumming, Samantha Free, and Cindy Grant, Members at Large; and yours
truly, Clare Goldman, Newspaper and Student Union rep. We're always around somewhere, if you have any questions, suggestions, or problems you think we could help you with. Just track one of us down. You can always leave a message in E244 or with the Crim department secretary to reach any one of us. Regular weekly meetings are Wednesdays at 11:00 AM in room AlOO (just inside the cafeteria) and are open to all Crim students. Of special note, the Annual CJSA Christmas Social went off without a hitch. We maxed out on attendance with 120 people dressed in their holiday best and, as usual, it snowed. A great time was had by all and Ledgeview even wants us to come back next year. Special thanks to Dave Finnigan for playing DJ for the night and managing to meet the diverse needs of everyone's very different music tastes (from Dr. Hook to the Texas Two Step). Also, we raised over $175.00 for our Christmas Family, in addition to all the food, toys and clothes that were donated. Special thanks to Melanie Chernoff who really has the spirit of giving and Cindy Grant for collecting and delivering everything. The Family sends their heartfelt thanks to everyone for their generosity which allowed them to have a wonderful Christmas. So .. Cheers ...Here's to 1995, letshaveagreatyear!
Wednesday, January 18, 1995
The Cascade
On the Eve of the Millenium: A Challenge for '95 By Ron Dart The 1994 CBC Massey Lectures were given by the controversialIrishman,Conor Cruise O'Brien. O'Brien's five lectures, On the Eve of the Millennium,takes us, by the band, into the center of a growing emphasis in modern education: global-development education. We live in a global village, and anyone who ever hopes to seriously chart their way about this village needs to know bow it works. The world we live in is fragmented, and, tragically, divided between developed (or overdeveloped)states and many developing or underdeveloped states. The feudal world we inhabit is not the result of a vibrant 'work ethic' in the 1stworld and a sloth in the 3rd world; if only such a simplistic and naive explanation were true. O'Brien argues in, On the Eve of the Millennium,that citizens in the 1st world have a nasty yet predictabletendencyto 'flinch' from facing the static reality of the 3rd world suffering. But, it is more ominous than this. O'Brien argues that we have a 'traditional ethic' that ever so subtly and cunningly,blends, uncritically, 'hypocrisy, cultivated ina~ntiqn and a certain minimum of alms'. Ouralms,charityor philanthropyis meant, of course, to assur~ ourselves we are not a cold, uncompassionate
Do we have the courage, to leave our Guarded Palace, to face 0' Brien's challenge?
By Danielle Sohn Awhileagolreceivedaletter. Atfirstitmademevery excitedbecauseit wasfrommyKoreanbosomfriend,Michelle. She is in Korea. strugglingwith studying for the university entrance examination. Of course, every Korean student is . studyingbard like Michelle. My high schoolespecially,was the most prestigiousin Korea In that school studentsworlc very bard becauseit is famous. But it is bell. NO, I thinkbell is better than ounKoreaneducationalsystem. Michelleand I enteredour high schoolwithenormous pridebecauseit wasreallydifficultto gainadmission.Michelle and I passed its unbelievableentrance examination. So we thoughtat first, "We can study well. We are so smart!" But it didn't take long for us to realizewe misunderstood.Every studentin our high schoolwas smartor smarterthan we were. Theresultsofourfirsthighschoolexaminationsoembarrassed me. I was almostat the bottomof the bottom in my class,and so was Michelle. That made us become bosm friends. In my high school almost all students got up at five thirty in the morning and arrivedat school at seven o'clock. We got home at eleven O'clock at night. That was not all. After arrivinghome, we bad to study again for two or three hours. Generally,we couldsleepfourhours a day, everyday. Graduatingstudentscouldsleepforonlytwoor three hours. In addition, we bad from eighteen to twenty classes while Canadiansusuallyhave five to seven classes in high school. For Koreansit was terrible. Incredible!Becauseof our heavy schedule,we were always tired and stressed. When I left for Americaas an exchange student, she cried and told me, "You chose well. I envy you. Forget our stupideducationalsystem. I believein you. You must make your life successful. I will miss you." That was the saddest momentof my life. Readingthis letter,I was so sad. So far, she bas never written that kind of letter. At this time she is always being scolded by the school teachers. Her grades are becoming woi:se She is sick very often. She is scared she may fail the entranceexamination.I know she is reallysmart. She can do it. But she is too tired now and she does not have any
people. In short, we do not respond to suffering, provided it does not interfere with our prosperity, personal peace of comfort. O'Brien calls this the 'Guarded Palace' mentality.
Arendt, more honestly called it 'the banality of evil', and Milton called it a 'cloistered virtue'. Yes, we are a people who offer a calculatedand 'minimum of alms' of comfortable compassion. O'Brien, though, argues that our 'cultivated inattention' to substantive world order issues, and our pursuit of many trivialthingsspeaksvolumesabout the level of decadence in the 1st world. We are, in short, mesmerized by 'bread and circuses'. We exercise great energy, time,and attentiongratifyingour inflated wants, but we think little and respond less when it comes to caring for the basic needs of billions in our world. O'Brien insiststhat it is our hypocrisy that is at the core of the problem. We see ourselves as peacemakers, a middle power, a state concerned with freedom and democracy. And yet, when economics and human rights collide, we genuflect at the holy city of profit. We, also, by or silence, facilitate . the repression if the East Timorese (Indonesia), Kurds (Turkey), Mayans (Guatemala), and Tibetans (China). We, also, by our lucrative arms sale to Saudi Arabia ($1.5 billion), for example, participate in the repression of many in Saudi Arabia.
1995 is here. Perhaps, as a New Years resolution we need to reflect on the three themesof hypocrisy, cultivated inattention and minimum of alms. Do we have the courage, to leave our Guarded Palace, to face O'Brien's challenge?
The Letter
confidencein herself. I know Michelle's character well. She is a really optimisticperson. She alwaystried to think positively. I am reallyworriedabout her. I criedmany times afterreadingher letter.I knowher feelingsandher situationbetterthan anyone. In fact,I feel guiltybecauseI am goingto collegealreadyand I am studyingwhile enjoyingmy bobbies. But my friend is not; she cannot.
I wroteto her, "Let's studybard for each other and be patient. Alwaysthinkof me, Danielle,who is alwaysthinking of you. The most importantthing for you is that you must believein yourself." I feel sympathy. If only I couldease her pain. I am alwaysprayingto God for Michelle. I decided that lwouldstudybardtomakemylifesuccessful,andlreallybope she willsucceedand thatwe willmeetagainafterwe bothhave achievedsuccess.
My Personal Selection of Humor, Wit and General Bitter Sarcasm
Rose-coloured By Colleen Mah
TOPIC #256: Christmas Leftovers Happy New Year and Welcome Back! Was the big guy generous? Or did be slug you with a lump of coal? Either way, it's the NEW year, so there's NO need to worry about Santa's erratic personality disorder until next Christmas. . Tell me folks,is it truethat there's only one Christmas fruit-cake in the whole world and it just gets passed along from family to family in hopes that one day, some poor sucker will actually eat the damn thing? That's a pretty sneaky tradition... Speaking of traditions, did anyone make a New Year's resolution this year? I did and I thinkI've broken it a least 200 times so far. There are 364 other days in the year in which we can make those promises, but we don't. Why not? Well, its the beginning of the New Year, there's no pressure of having that overweight guy in the red suit lurking over your shoulder, and they are usually pitiful promises anyway, so it doesn't matter.
Resolutions By the evening of January 1st, the only thing leftover from New Year's eve is a very persistenthang-over or half a bottle of rum, if you took it easy. Promises, scbmomises. Realpromises are not made in a drunken state as you bang from the chandelier; they are thought out and come from the heart. Show me a person who stuck to a so-called New Year's resolution and I'll show you a person who contemplates life through 3-D glasses found at the bottom of a Shreddies box. So what was the craziest Xmas present you ever received? Acrystalball? AbagofM&M's? Asweaterfor your dog? My dearly beloved friend "ref' surprisedme this year with a lovely Chippendale air freshener for my car. This bleach-blonde"babe" has a pair of Speedo' s that could be mis taken for an eye-lash. It also appears that he bas been taking steroids since he was age two. Needless to say, I have yet to gather my courage t.o put this in my car. Perhaps I could tie it behind the mudflap? Or slip it behind the spare tire? What do you think? Well folks, that's it, it's time to hit the books. Remember, maybe there is some truth to osmosis... bomre chance!
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Station 2 Station - January 19 ,20,21 "Service Industry Night" Every Monday Night! "Jam Night" - Tuesday January 24 Ladies Night Extravaganza Featuring "The A-Team" Thursday January 26 ~• •