The Cascade July 8th, 2011 Volume 19 Issue 17

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FRIDAY,JULY 8th, 2011

It was fun while it lasted...: PAUL ESAU can be increasingly proud of your ' THECASCADE investment.

I would like to announce a number of Cascaders who have finished their time at UFV and are ·ready Dear readers, to move on into a bright and shinWelcome to the last issu~ of The ing future. These individuals Ii.ave Cascade for the ·2010/2011 school given inestimable amounts of time year (if I may still call it that). It's · and effort to the cause, and deserve been a long year, a tough year, a a few morsels of appreciation for challenging yet utterly fantastic run their contributions. Without them, for those of us here at your student this newspaper would be a shadow newspaper, and we'd like to thank of what it is today. Nothing and nobody last forevall of you out there for your support and your readership. We couldn't er, even if here at The Cascade we have done it without you! wish we could clone these individuNo, I mean literally. You bank- als and thereby keep all their skills roll us after all, so when I say we within the establishment. May they couldn't have done it without you go on to do great things, improve · I mean it.' I humbly thank you for the world,. and perhaps become -your trust and monetary contribu- May thay find love, haption, and I hope that, as The Cascade piness, and everything in the midcontinues to grow and improve, you dle.' I give you ...

Volume 19 • Issue 17 R.oomC1027 33844 King R.oad Cascade Graduating Class 2010-2011

Abbotsford, BC V2S7M8 604.854.45 29

Chris Bonshor (Copy Editor)

Acting Editor-in-Chief

Randona Conrad (Production 1'1anager)

Paul Falardeau (Arts and Life Editor)

Managing Editor

TrevorFik (Staff Writer)

Paul Esau


Busim~ssManager Mi Siemen,s

Sophie Isbister (Staff Writer) Scott Varga (Production Assistant)




Scutt Vatga

Goodbye And Good Luck!

Production Rando~ Conrad

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News Editor .Alex.Wad<lns Opinion Editor )DR.Brown

Arts & life Editor ~yVanVCM

Sports Editor

JoelS~ Staff Writers Karen Aney

Jennifer Colbourne TrevQt Fik

Sophie Isbister SashaMoedt Chelsea Thornton

Contributors Alida Williams Jason Ho Se.anEvans

Paul Falardeau Dessa Bayrock

Printed By International WebExpress

11» CasaweisUFV'sautonomous student. ~-f!~aforutnfor UF\l.$!Udeots to havethcirjournaliw pu:blisb.<xl It also OOIS as an aftemative pte$$'for!be.Fraser Valley.The CascadelsnmdedW\th UFVstudent. fund$.The Cascadeis publillhedevery:Fridaywith a Cilt\Jla. , lion of 1500and is diS1111>utc<i at UFVlllll't\l)USeS andtblpughoutAbbolsfcni,Oiilliwl!Ck,andMiil$1QIL Th.e ~ls memberoflheC'anfldian


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FRIDAY, JULY 8th, 2011



FRIDAY, JULY 8th, 2011

UFV students achieve academic excellence TREVOR FIK

ver medal award. Prachnau, who graduated with a 4.33 grade point average, noted her surprise at receiving the award when interviewed. "It was not, by any means, something that I was expecting. At the time I was studying for the OAT (Optometry Admission ·Test) and was contacted by Dr. Eric Davis by phone. But I am very pleased, excited, and honored at this prestigious award." ·ttard studying sessions combined with group and one on one

THECASCADE With graduation for the 2011 class having concluded its ceremonies weeks earlier, several students went home with awards and recognition for their academic achievements at the University of the Fraser Valley. One of the most prestigious awards taken home was the Governor General's Academic medal, which was awarded to three UFV students who showed distinct academic excellence in their studies by earning the highest grade point average at their level of study. For Brian Young, who graduated with his Master's Degree in Criminal Justice, his 4.25 GPA -came at a time when he was still working as a Kamloops-based youth probation officer. "I wanted to do the best academic work that I could, but I also wanted to set it up so my family wouldn't notice, or would hardly notice, that I was in school," Young told UFV media. So for one weekend a month Young, who was this year's Governor General Academic gold medal award winner, traveled from his home in Kamloops to study with his cohort at the Abbotsford UFV campus. Young's research delved into his own experience as a probation officer, looking at different models for intensive supervi~ion of high-risk young offenders and at how these models have been


Photo: UFV Flickr

Photo: UFV Flickr

applied throughout the country. Commenting on th~ receiving his award, Young noted that it was a very "humbling ·experience." "I figured out early on that I wanted to put out the best product I could, and the grades I got were a positive reinforcement for the effort. Receiving the medal is even more validation for the effort and work and time away from family. I had the attitude that if you're going to take on the program you should put in the best effort you can, and take it seriously," he told UFV media. Melissa Prachnau, a Bachelor of Science Chemistry major from UFV, was the recipient of the Governor General Academic sil-

travelling, etc) were times that I relished - a break from the busyness of school," she added.

Photo: UFV Flickr

interaction helped Prachnau excel in her chosen field. "Spending time doing other things (such as hiking, running,

Image: flickr.comt



tohearappeal ofterrorism Huge rare earth deposits found in Fidel Castro predicts Chavez willbeat Topcourt law Pacific: Japan experts cancer Former Cuban leaderFidelCastro predicted on Sunday thathisleftistallyVenezuelan President Hugo Chavez wouldwinhisbattleagainstcancer, forwhichheisbeingtreatedina Cuban hospital. Castro, inoneofhiswritten "reflections" posted ona Cuban government website, saidChavez, 56, had"impressive'' results fromtreatment forthe cancer thatwasdiagnosed afterCuban doctors removed whatwascalleda"pelvic abscess" from theVenezuelan leaderthreeweeksago. After thecancer wasdiscovered, a second roundof "more radical" surgery andsubsequent treatment wasrequired, Castro said,butChavez isdoing muchbetter. "Thepatienthasfoughta decisive battlethatwill leadhimandVenezuela toa greatvictory;' Castro wrote. "Now theexternal andinternal enemies ofHugo Chavez areatthemercy ofhiswordsandhis initiatives. There willbe,withoutdoubt,surprises forthem;'hewarned. Chavez admitted lastweekthathehadcancer, but didnotsaywhattypeofcancer itwasorhowlong hewouldbeinCuba receiving treatment. Hislengthy stayina Cuban hospital hastouched offa political rowinVenezuela overwhether hecangovern thecountry forsolongfromafar. Italsoraisedquestions abouthisp°rospects for reelection inthe2012presidential elections.

For the future, Prachnau h~s her sights set on either optometry or medical school, and is looking into enrolling at optometry school at Waterloo University. Donna Enos, who received her diploma from UFV in the field of Computer Information Systems (CIS), was this year's Governor General Academic bronze medal winner. For Donna, who took· on the diploma program after being laid off from her job at a customs brokerage firm, the resulting bronze medal award came as a result of

keeping ahead of the material through strict qrganization. "I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I tried to stay ahead of the work that . was being presented in -class. I read the material, did the exercises, and basically dedicated myself to my studies for the two-year program," noted Enos. Enos also pointed out how figuring out her own study habits and when her work was at its most optimal helped her to achieve a better study schedule. "There was a lot of reading involved and sometimes that was hard to do, but I found that I read best .first thing in the morning so that's the routine I got into. I found it was all about knowing when I worked best and was most productiv~. If I was really tired, I slept and then started again," said Enos. While it did not come easily, Enos managed a 4.33 grade point average in her final 15 credits of study. Enos is currently hoping to take a part-time Bachelor of Technology program for Investigations in Computer Crime. The Governor General's Academic Medals were put into place in 1873 by Canada's third Governor General, Lord Dufferin. The- award was conceived to promote excellence in the world of academia, and is given out at each high-school and university across Canada. Past Governor General Medal winners include Kim Campbell, Pierre Trudeau, and Gabrielle Roy.

TheSupreme Court agreedonThursday tohear anappealthatcoulddecide ifthefederal governmentwenttoofarinhowitdefined terrorist activity inlawsthatweretoughened afterthe September 11,2001,attacks ontheUnited States. Ottawa software developer Mohammad Momin Khawaja ischallenging theconstitutionality ofhis conviction forhelping buildremotedetonators andproviding otherassistance toa thwarted plot thatwasintended tosetoffbombsindowntown london. K~awaja wasinitially sentenced tojustover10 yearsinprison, buta provincial appeals courtincreased thatfolifeinanearfier challenge. Canada doesnothavea deathpenalty. TheOntario's Court ofAppeals mlingin2010to increase thesentence wasthefirstconstitutional challenge toCanada's anti-terrorist laws. Khawaja's lawyers haveargued thattheantiterrorlawused_ toconvict Khawaja wassovague thatitcouldhavea chilling effectonlegitimate political andreligious activities. TheSupreme Courtagreedtohearthecaseinconjunction withchallenges tothelaw'sdefinition of "terrorist activity" bytwoCanadian menwanted bytheUnited Statesforattempting toacquire weapons technology fortheTamil Tigers.·

Vastdeposits minerals, crucial inmakinghigh-tech electronics products, havebeenfound onthefloorofthePacific Ocean andcanbereadily extracted, Japanese scientists saidonMonday. 'Thedeposits havea heavy concentration ofrare earths.Justonesquare kilometer (0.4square mile) ofdeposits willbeabletoprovide one-fifth ofthe current global annualconsumption;' saidYasuhiro Kato, anassociate professor ofearthscience atthe University ofTokyo. · Thediscovery wasmadebyateamledbyKato and induding researchers fromtheJapanAgency for Marine-Earth Scieoce andTechnology. They foundtheminerals inseamudextracted from depthsof3,500 to6,000meters(11,500-20,000 ft) below theoceansurface at78locations. One-third ofthesitesyielded richcontents ofrareearths andthemeta)yttrium, Kato saidinatelephone interview. Thedeposits areininternational waters inanarea stretching eastandwestofHawaii, aswellaseast ofTahiti inFrench Polynesia, hesaid. Heestimated rareearthscontained inthe deposits amounted to80to100billion metric tons, compared toglobal reserves currently confirmed bytheU.S. Geological Survey ofjust110million tonnesthathavebeenfoundmainly inChina, Russia andotherformer Soviet countries, andthe United States.

canstayinLibya ifhequits: Evidence "increasingly against" ,Gaddafi rebel chief phone cancer risk Despite a recent move todassify mobile phones aspossibly carcinogenic, thescientific evidence increasingly points awayfroma linkbetween their useandbraintumors, according toa newstudy released onSaturday. Amajorreview ofpreviously published research bya committee ofexperts from Britain, theUnited States, andSweden conduded therewasnoconvincing evidence ofanycancer connection. Italsofounda lackofestablished biological mechanisms bywhich radiosignals from mobile phones mighttrigger tumors. "Although there.remains someuncertainty, the trendintheaccumulating evidence isincreasingly against thehypothesis thatmobile phone~secan causebraintumors inadults;'the experts wrotein thejournal Enviroomental Health Perspectives. Thelatestpapercomes justtwomonths afterthe Wor1d Health Organisation's (WHO) International Agency forResearch onCancer (IARC) decided cellphone useshould bedassified as"possibly carcinogenic tohumans:' Anthony Swerdlow of Britain's Institute ofCancer Research, wholed thenewreview, toldReuters thetwopositions werenotnecessarily contradictory, since theIARC needed toputmobile phones intoa pre-defined riskcategory. "Wearetrying tosayinplainEnglish . whatwebelieve therelationship is.They(IARC) weretrying todassify theriskaccording toa pre-set dassification system;'Swerdlow said.

Reuters Reuters



Muammar Gaddafi iswelcome toliveouthisretirementinside Libya aslongashegivesupallpower, Libya's rebelchiefsaidinthedearest concession the rebels havesofaroffered. Gaddafi hasresisted allihternational callsforhimto goandsaidhewillfighttotheend,butmembers ofhisinnercirdehavegivenindications theyare ready tonegotiate withtherebels, induding onthe Libyan leader's future. Gaddafi isstillholding ontopower, fivemonths intoa rebellion against his41-year ruleanddespite a NATO bombing campaign andanInternational Criminal Court arrestwarrant forcrimes against humanity. "Asa peaceful solution, weoffered thathecan resign andorderhissoldiers towithdraw fromtheir barracks andpositions, andthenhecandecide eithertostayinLibya orabroad;' rebelleader Mustafa Abdel JaliltoldReuters inaninterview. "Ifhedesires tostayinLibya, wewilldetermine the placeanditwillbeunderinternational supervision. Andtherewillbeinternational supervision ofall hismovements;' saidJalil,whoheadstherebels' National Transitional Council. Reuters

FRIDAY, JULY 8th, 2011

UFV riot victim gets helping hand KAREN ANEY hensive insurance on her vehicle, THECASCADE the damage was not covered. Additionally, she stated that she could A bright spot in what has in- not recall ICBC ever telling her this ternationally been regarded as a when she signed the insurance just dark day for Vancouver has shone hours before. through at UFY, where many have There have been some misconbeen rallying around student ceptions about ICBC refusing to Crystal Ratvyk in a bid to replace cover damage. According to one her car that \'\;'aSdestroyed during ICBC representative, the only time the recent post-hockey riots. cars damaged in a riot would not Ratvyk is a business student at be covered would be if the owner UFV. She was a third year student had knowingly brougp.t their car in 2005, when she was a passenger into a rioting area. Since Ratvyk's in a car accident that left her with car was there before the game, if debilitating migraines: a perma- she had comprehensive, she would nent disability. She dropped out have had full coverage. of school, and thQugh she's held Upon hearing of her- situation, a few different jobs in the mean- there were many who were quick time, working is difficult with her to pitch in and help Ratvyk. First condition. She recently decided was her friend, Didyk; he started to come back to UFV to finish her a Facebook group to help idendegree and eventually earn her tify the vandals who flipped her CGA, -in order to secure a career car and dealt with all media inthat she can organize around her quiries for Ratvyk after the loss migraines. of her grandfather. Next were the The last day of this year!s Stan- complete strangers who reached ley. Cup Finals, professor Ray- out to help in any way they could; mond Yu offered Ratvyk a ride to among them was DJ Ramadan, Coquitlam, where Ratvyk's aunt who donated all proceeds from his transferred ownership of a 1990 recent show at the Cellar to RatChevy Cavalier to her. She· then vyk's cause. headed downtown to watch the UFV staff have pitched in as game with friend and UFV alum well; Yu, the professor who ofMichael Didyk. When she re- fered Ratvyk a ride to get her car, turned to her car at 11 that night has been accommodating of her - after the worst of the rioting had in the final weeks of classes. Addied down - she found her car ditionally, academic advisor Linda flipped upside down and resting Toews helped spread the word on top of another. The car - meant around campus, and financial adto help her get to school and to visit visor Sandy Bishop posted in th~ her grandfather who passed away Facebook group about what a great days later - was wrecked, and Rat- and deserving individual she felt vyk's disability meant that she had Ratvyk was. Two strangers also reportedly offered cars to Ratvyk · no means to replace it herself. The. media has misreported de- - one free of charge, and one in extails about ICBC consistently since change for whatever money could the riot. This partially falls back be raised. The one condition? That to ICBC themselves, who made a this time, she got comprehensive statement that all vehicular dam- insurance. The Facebook group that startage in the riot was going to be covered. This, Ratvyk says, was not ed it all: https://www.facebook. true; as she did not have compre- com/ vancouver.riot.victim



UFV unveilsnew programf9r kids\rvithfetal AlcoholSpectrumDisorders / 11


ALEX WATKINS THECASCADE UFV . is now welcoming the second incarnation of a program and the addition of a complimentary program that will work to develop the motor skills and cognitive functioning of children diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). The programs - known as FAST Club and BrainGamer Club - are part of a study called "Strength-Based Interventions for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders" that UFV is conducting in conjunction with the Universities of Victoria and Saskatchewan as well as Queen's University, according to FAST Club's webpage. Individuals develop FASD when their mothers consume alcohol during pregnancy, leading to brain damage. According to Alison Pritchard-Orr - program director for FAST Club and BrainGamer Club - these children "struggle with learning, memory, and sequencing and have difficulty understanding cause and effect." In addition, "They often have behavioural issues and accompanying attention deficits." These characteristics are identified as areas of weakness among FASD children and are therefore traditionally the focus of FASDrelated studies. What makes the study UFV is contributing to unique, however, is the fact that it focuses on improving the relative strengths of FASD children - areas at which "they perform close to typically developing children" - rather than their weaknesses. PritchardOrr noted that studies have indicated two main strengths: motor skills and "aptitude for working with computer-based technologies." FAST Club - the FASD project

Photo: UFV

originally developed at UFV works specifically to develop the motor skills of its participants by guiding them through a series of motor skill stations that become progressively more advanced over the duration of the program. While the program focuses on what are identified as each child's three "top motor skill strengths," it also allows participants to have a say by including a portion called "choice time" in each one and a half hour session. During choice time, children are allowed to decide which skill they would like to work on. BrainGamer Club is the newest addition to the study at UFV and is scheduled to begin this fall. The program is directed at FASD children's technological aptitudes; Pritchard-Orr explained that in BrainGamer Club, "Children will engage in a video game and neurofeedback (biofeedback) program under the supervision of UFV Kinesiology faculty." "Success in each - game will be determined by a child's brain wave activity. Altering brain patterns to play fun video games may lead to positive behavioural and cognitive outcomes," she continued. With.the introduction of BrainGamer Club, families will now be

given a choice between two programs for their children to participate in, each developed for a specific area of strength. Program director Alison Pritchard-Orr noted that her· team was "excited to say that we have seen improvements in the children." While the data obtained through the first incarnation of the program is still being collected and analyzed, the team has witnessed some more immediately observable indicators of the program's success. Pritchard-Orr noted: "We have received comments and letters from families of past participants of FAST Club suggesting that our program was one of the few programs that their children were able to follow through with. One child did not know the days of the week but always knew when it was a FAST Club day!" In addition to these observations, she shared: "Results from our first study have indicated improvements in children's overall global motor skills as a result of participation in FAST Club. We also saw- positive changes in the scores from some of our cognitive tests. These tests are seen as sensitive indicators of brain function ... [and so the] positive changes suggest that participation in FAST Club may have resulted in positive changes in overall brain function (specifically attention and executive functioning)." Both FAST Club and Br~inGamers Club are still actively seeking out participants for their 2011/2012 sessions. Pritchard-Orr encouraged families of any children who have been diagnosed with FASD and are "between the ages of 6 and 13 (for FAST Club) or 6 and 16 (for BrainGamers Club)" to email alison.pritchardorr@ufv. ca or call 604-504-7441 (e~t. 4755).

The Higgsboson:A needlein a haystack JASON HO SCIENCE WHIZ One hundred meters below the border between France and Switzerland lies perhaps one of the largest science projects taking place in the world today - the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC is the world's largest particle collider, spanning a 27 kilometre circumference, and is run by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (also known as CERN). The LHC is capable of producing particle collisions at 99.9999991 per cent the speed of light. Over 150 universities are represented in the project, with thousands of scientists from all over the world participating. And for what reason? To search for a single particle, the elusive Higgs boson. Actually, several experiments in particle physics are currently being done at the LHC, but the one perhaps most often spoken about is the search, for the Higgs boson. Finding the Higgs boson is important to scientists because if it exists, it will complete the theory known as the Standard Model of particle physics. The Standard Model provides a description of how all known particles interact with one another, and how all but one of the fundamental forces in



our universe are generated; it describes the electromagnetic force, and what are called the strong and weak nuclear forces (forces which govern properties of atomic nuclei). Essentially, it explains most everything except gravity, so by completing the Standard Model, scientists will . have come much closer to finding a theory of ."everything" - that is, one theory that can describe all physical phenomenons, which is one of the biggest problems in physics right now. The reason the Higgs boson is necessary to complete the Standard Theory is. that it is needed to describe why and how all of the other particles have mass. The

Standard Model as we know it now does not describe why some particles have mass, and why some don't (for example, electrons and quarks - the building blocks for most observed matter - have mass, and photons - which make up visible light - do not). The Higgs boson is a component of a theorized mechanism which would explain how and why different particles have such different masses. Those who are more pragmatic might ask how this endeavour is relevant. to humanity in general. While there may not be obvious, direct applications of the breakthroughs at the LHC to the everyman, whenever questions

arise as to the practicality of scientific study, it is valuable to look into history for the answer. General Relativity, Einstein's theory of gravity as geometry, has led to many technologies being developed, with the most well-known· being the Global Positioning System. Research into black holes by John O'Sullivan in 1977 led to the development of wireless internet. Around 15 million gigabytes of data are generated by the LHC every year, and are stored in computing grids networked across the globe on the LHC Computing Grid - linking computers in 35 different countries together for the purposes of storing and ana-

lyzing all of the data produced. While there may not -be an immediate, practical application of the discoveries at the LHC, technological developments along the way may prove to be invaluable to the general public. It is possible that the Higgs may not exist at all. If that is the case, it would be a sign that the Standard Model is incomplete, and other ex- . planations might need to be pursued. Only time will tell what will be found. Once thing is certain; the experiments being performed at the Large Hadron Collider. will greatly further our knowledge of· the nature of matter and the universe around us.


FRIDAY,JULY 8th 2011

Churchfor sale: no worshippers included PAUL ESAU the Diocese itself faced little trou-

SODEXO Flameshavetheirway inAbbotsford as Canuckssignin Chicago JOEL SMART new home.

Unfortunately, I hadn't thought out the next part of the plan. I just figured some men with deep pock' ets would convince Alberta to bring their team closer to home. · Unfortunately, . the Flames have a 10-year contract with Abbotsford, and it's one they don't plan to surrender. That bitter taste of having the farm team of the Flames turned to vile contempt when I realized their presence was the only thing keeping my dream of the Canucks in Abbotsford away. As proud as I am to call myself a hockey fan, I care about the players I watch, and as a fan of the NHL, I cannot separate the fact that I am watching prospects · for specific NHL teams play. This becomes pretty· obvious when an Abbotsford Heat star player is called up before a big game against the Canucks or when a Calgary Flames player is .moved down to play in the AHL due to poor play or injury. Abbotsford is Canucks territory. If we could watch the Canucks best prospects play and grow on a daily basis, we would sell out every seat in the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre (AESC) the way Rogers Arena has done with the Canucks for the last handful of year~. With the Ca-

THECASCADE I was excited when I heard we'd be getting AHL hockey in our new arena. I consider myself a hockey fan, and watching highly-skilled athletes battle it out on the ice is a concept that absolutely appeals to me. Yet the news that the team we were receiving was the farm team of our rivals, the Calgary Flames, left an intolerably bitter taste in my mouth. Furthering the pain was the fact that they chose a name to constantly remind us of their affiliation - the Heat. Not even hockey-stupid cities do that. The only thing that made me feel better about the situation was a theory my friend shared with me; one day, the contracts would be swapped, and the Vancouver Canucks would have their farm team play in Abbotsford. It was an abstract concept that seemed plausible enough, but it soon dawned on me that if the camp~ign to bring back the Winnipeg Jets could go through, it would mean the Canucks farm team would be looking for a new home, considering they currently played in Manitoba. At first it seemed to be the struggling Phoenix Coyotes who would sell their team to Winnipeg, but when that deal fell through, the Atlanta Thrashers buckled. Winnipeg rejoiced and so did I. Not just because another Canadian city would have an NHL team, but because the Canucks farm team would be looking for a

nucks farm team now in Chicago instead of Abbotsford, there is no way we're going to see the newlydrafted Canuck Nicklas Jensen play in the AHL until the Chicago Wolves come to town. What would have really sweetened the deal for the Canucks is the knowledge that calling up a player from the minors would have meant an hour-drive from Abbotsford. Compare that to the several-hour flight from Chicago. To say that the AHL farm team situation in Abbotsford is a shame is putting it lightly. Not only does the city of Abbotsford fund the prospects of our rival t~am, our new farm team is further away than ever and in the city of arguably an even larger rival to the Canucks, the Chicago Blackhawks. Yet, with the deal in Chicago for two seasons, my dream is not dead - just delayed.

THECASCADE ble breaking radical new ground for the greater Anglican Church. When the decisiona was made in Here's a joke: 2003 to condone blessings for longQ: What's more controversial term, ·covenanted relationships of than religion, same-sex marriage, same-sex couples, it was apparentor a vicious legal dispute? ly done with little official approval A: A vicious legal dispute in- outside the immediate diocese. As volving the religious implications The Winsor Report of 2004 states of same-sex marriage. (requested by the Archbishop of This is· an appropriately bad Canterbury to study the issue of joke -for an equally ugly trial. A homosexuality within the context couple weeks ago on June 16 the of Anglicanism), "neither [...], nor Supreme Court of Canada refused the Diocese of New Westminster, to hear the appeal of four dissent- in deciding and acting as they did ing Anglican churches to an earlier in 2003, went through the procedecision, putting an end to one of dures which might have made it the more interesting court cases of possible for the church to hold tothe last decade. The defendant, the gether across diffetences of belief Diocese of New Westminster un- and practice." der Bishop Michael Ingham, was There are several terms used awarded the physical buildings of within Anglicanism to define the each of the four churches, along power of the individual Diocese. with court costs. The plaintiffs, The first is the policy of "Subsidincluding Abbotsford's own St. iary," which encourages that local Matthew's Anglican Church, were Church issues be solved as close left (supposedly) with the theologi- to the local level as possible. The cal high ground ... and no roof over second is that of "Adiaphora," or their heads. After nearly a decade "things that do not make a differof conflict the legal battle may be ence," allowing a certain level of over, but the war is going strong, cultural and theological diversity and one has to wonder how it-got between Dioceses as long as those so ugly. The question of homosex- differences don't threaten core beµality within Anglicanism is a con- liefs. Yet a Diocese is never fully voluted one and will not be argued independent, it practices "autonoout here, but what of the church my-in-relation" to the greater Anpolitics around it? What Christian glican Church, and is stiH subject principle exactly is invoked when to outside authority. It appears (as four parishes launch a lawsuit suggested in The Windsqr Report) against the greater church? that the Diocese of New WestminIn a Protestant-minded com- ster considered the same-sex blessmunity like Abbotsford, such ac- ing decision to be Adiaphora and tion seems like overkill, yet that therefore made the decision to alreflects an ignorance of the struc- low it at the Subsidiary level, while ture of authority within the Angli- much of the rest of the Anglican can Church. Within this structure, Church disagreed. the Diocese of New Westminster So we have a situation where an administers and oversees the sur- individual parish has been punrounding parishes, holding title ished strictly for a theological disto all major ~ssets and negotiat- agreement with a single Diocese, ing theological issues. The Diocese while the Diocese itself has in the itself technically answers to the past made a major theological greater Anglican Communion, but deviation from accepted doctrine since the Anglican Church lacks with nary a consequence (save the central authority of an infallible deepening the schism between Pope figure, the decision-making those already divided by the isprocess is more democratic than sue of homosexuality). It is hardly the Roman Catholic hierarchal surprising that the Diocese won structure. This system gives the the court case considering the CaDiocese a fair amount of theologi- nadian Court System does not accal and political freedom, while cept theological arguments and the the individual parishes are more Diocese holds all the correct docurigidly controlled. Breaking this ments, but one has to wonder if control, as St. Matthews attempted four specialized buildings, empty to do, requires drastic action (such of congregants and dripping with as a lawsuit). bad blood, are worth the potential · Ironically enough, it seems that cost.

Eric· "My wife."

Chris The Question: If you were stuck on a ·desert island who would you bring? Images:Sophie Isbister

Frank'Zappa,he wasan industriousworker.Weti get along

in termsofdivisionoflabaur"


FRIDAY,JULY 8th, 2011

Disillusioned with the Conservatives, Canada Post and -CUPW SEAN EVANS CONTRIBUTOR For a moment it seemed as though Am~rican politics had moved North. People all over our great nation asked, what on earth is a filibuster, why is the NDP sleeping in the House of Commons, and are the Bloc really allowed to drink scotch there? Over one weekend, the NDP staged an epic 58-hour filibuster (think delay-of-game penalty), the Conservative - majority approved back-to-work legislation, and postal workers were sent. back to work with ~ great deal less than they had hoped for. This put an end (seemingly) to an unfortunate situation for Canada Post, the CUPW, and the Conservative government. Summing up the situation, a close friend of mine and Canada Post Employee updated his Facebook status thus, "Disillusioned with the Conservatives, Canada Post and CUPW .but that's life ... " For those _standing on the sidelines and those personally affected by the labour dispute, the situation has been handled poorly by all three parties: the CUPW, Canada Post, and the Conservative government. It is hard to understand the demands made by CUPW: a wage increase of 3:3 per cent in the first year, followed by an increase of 2.75 per cent for the next three


years. It is simP.lY perplexing to think that Canada Post Workers need a raise of 11.5 per cent over the next four years. With the dawn of that new fangled electronic-mail and online billing, the CUPW should ~e aware that the mail system has quickly. become

antiquated. It seems to me that the only thing the strike/lock-out has produced is a realization in many citizens that Canada Post is a nonessential service. Since 2006, the amount of mail delivered by Canada Post has dropped by 17 per cent, and

Canada Post projects a 30 per cent decline in the next 5 years. At the same time, approximately 200,000 new addresses are added each year in Canada, resulting in an increased number of carriers needed. The result is less profit and increased operating costs. Generally, when a business (yes, Canada Post is a business) sees profit margins falling and operating costs increasing, it is an inopportune time for an employee to ask for ·a raise. If I were a member of the CUPW, I would be more concerned about the future of my job than a pay raise. At the same time, Canada Post has handled the situation poorly. In a rapidly changing marketplace, Canada Post has failed to diversify their services. Many other national postal services have adapted, yet Canada Post has fallen behind. For example, Deutsche P@st in Germany designs and prints flyers and advertisements for customers,. and even sells stamps online that can be printed at home. In South · Africa the post office can accept payment for auto-insurance and traffic tickets. The Israeli postal . service offers foreign exchange and simple banking. These examples are just a few ways in which foreign postal services have diversified in the midst of a decline. Why hasn't Canada Post done the same? It is no wonder that Canada Post is in a downward spiral and faces the difficult decision of cut-

ting wages and benefit packages. On the other hand, the situation is not all too horrid for Canada Post; they have still managed to turn a yearly profit over the last 15 years. So. the ·question is are they being financially responsible or just plain stingy with their employees? After 14 days the Conservative government ordered the CUPW back to work. One has to wonder why the Conservatives would take such a heavy-handed approach. Sure, the strike ·has had a financial impact, but was it so detri~ental to the economic health of the nation that it was necessary to intervene? The government had many other options available and should have encouraged further negotiation. It seems to be that the Parliamentary Summer recess played a role in the decision made by the Conservatives. It is likely that if nothing had been done and the work stoppage continued while the MP's were enjoying an 87 day break (following a lengthy 34 day session), there may have been a Reed to recall Pa1:liament (horrors!). It seems that the Conservative government just wanted the situation to go away, and was willing to sacrifice fair process, cooperative mediation, and workers rights. It seems as though there is no black and white answer to the problems facing Canada Post and the CUPW. Unfortunately, it is likely that we have not heard the end of this situation.

Burnabyparentsare the real·bullies they're a Christian or Sikh? the right to the equal protection · is a problem: the same applies to Children seem to have an in- and equal benefit of the law withheterosexism and homophobia. THECASCADE nate desire to "Other," a desire out discri~ination and, in parAnd homophobia, at the mothat needs to be curbed as soon ticular, without discrimination · ment, is a serious, rampant probbased on race, national or ethnic as possible. Obviously a child lem. It's not a matter of what you The kerfuffle in Burnaby over shouldn't beat anyone up, even origin, colour, religion, sex, age personally believe is "natural" the anti-gay bullying school polthe kid who broke their toy and or mental or physical disability." or "healthy"; it's a matter of life icy, finally passed unanimously probably deserves it; but the is- Now frankly, I think it's pretty and death. Ask Mathew Shepard on June 14, is a case-study in bigsue at hand here is targeting. unconstitutional, not to men~ - except you can't, because he otry and overreaction. Though Children have to be taught at tion ageist, to disallow children was tortured and left to slowly, the amendment passed, the cona young age nqt to target other · these rights and protections. It's painfully die tied to a pole, his flict is not over. Parents' Voice, children solely because they are not okay for a child to steal, as- tear streaks. the only part of his· an opposing group of concerned different, including if they are sault, or murder; it's not okay for face not covered in blood. It's a parents, has recently submitted gay. It doesn't have to be complia child to harass or be harassed, matter of fear on all sides - but a petition of 5,000 signatures to cated; we don't have to teach a 7 either. whose fear is justified? I'm going Christy Clark - who has passed Of course, it's not that these year old in detail what a vagina _ to side with the gay children who the buck yet again. is necessarily - just that some face a life of harassment or death, parents are saying tha~ they A Parents' Voice spokesperwomen love women, some men think gay children should be bulson, Mr. World, has summed up JlOt the parent who is worried love men, .some men love women lied. They object to the fact that their child is secretly gay and the concerns of the group in a and hey, they have that right and bullying based on sexual orienmay not feel confident enough to recent media interview, stating: tation is. being highlighted as a accept it or that their core beliefs "We're simply saying that this it's okay. Psychological studies have shown that most homosexuparticular issue that needs to be will somehow be undermined by [policy] gives too much breadth addressed in school. I'm pretty als know long before puberty learning tolerance. and width to activist teachers to now, at age 8, he's an outrageous • that they are gay; such children sure any gay kid can tell you why Here in Canada, homosexualpreach, to indoctrinate, to unduqueen ... " Ridiculous. . Another one of Parents' Voice's should not have to grow up in a special point needs to be made ity is accepte_d as a defendable ly influence minds that are still - because, like it or not, gay kids right. If these parents don't like in the formative stages" (Globe complaints is that children are fear and a climate of heterosexism. are a target for bullying. And gay it, they can go move elsewhere. In and Mail). Excuse me? Indoctri- · too young .to lea,rn about sexual This is, after all, keeping in line youth suicide rates are soaring. ~he meantime, Canada is the land nate children with tolerance? It's diversity. Is a child too young of tolerance, diversity, and deto be told it is wrong to beat Uf> with Canada's Charter of Rights Personally, I don't ·think "don't not like these teachers are going and Freedoms. Section 15 states bully" as a blanket statement suf- mocracy, like it or not. We teach to convert children into being someone just because their_ skin is a different color? Or because that "Every individual is equal fices. We make a point to address and show respect for our fellow "gay." "Yeah, his teacher taught before and under the law and has racism because racist behaviour citizens- even our children. they're a boy/girl? Or because him it was okay to be gay and




"My bestfriend Becky.I get alongwith her the most."

Natasha "EddieIzzard.He'sveryknawledgeablein historicalnotionsandhe wouldkeepme entertained- you needthaton a desertisland."

"My wife, Jessica. She doesa lot of camping.She'd probablydo a lot better than me."

/ /


/ /

FRIDAY,JULY 8th 2011

Beach etiquette 101: how not to be the beach bitch

to your neighbours. Noise, flung diseases that'll pass onto you. SASHAMOEDT sand, smoke, foam footballs, um- Thirdly, those birds can become THECASCADE brellas caught in the wind, and eaquite aggressive; as you feed them, The weather has finally real- ger dogs should be watched. they'll move on to your neighMusic is great on the beach, bours, hovering obnoxiously. ized the date on the calendar and One basic practice that is often has allowed some rays of sun to but you've got to turn it on the forgotten on the beach is this: keep reach us. At long last, beach season down-low. You can try earphon~s, is here! As we make our way to the though they are a bit isolating in _ your eyes to yourself. No oogling! lake or seaside, we should bear in a group. Keep your music and Beware! There will be an unusual conversation down and decent. amount of skin on the beach! If mind some beach etiquette.The beach is a grand place to No one expects each other to be you have a perpetually roving unwind and fool around, but if quiet on a beach, though. Anyone eye, come prepared. Though feyou've got people hanging off your out in the open air and sun will be males tend to instinctively know back because you're being careless -bound to be lively and loud, but when they are being watched, concerning basic protocol, it's a bit keep it good-natured ar-d inoffen- gentlemen, dark glasses will alof a downer. Of course there are sive. ways keep an element of mystery _If you want to start a fire, pay about. A wide brim.hat also does the fundamental social rules, yet we tend to forget the subtle stuff. attention to the wind's direction. the trick. Just make sure you move So here are some reminders of Keep it contained. Don't burn - your eyes, not your head! But it is less-than-obvious etiquette. plastic and crap like that - there'll basic good behaviour not to stare When you first set up, make be a foul smell and black, unpleas- a glance, then eyes back on the sure you're a decent distance ant smoke. Bring your own fire- surf. When you do decide to go for a away from your neighbour. If it wood. Hacking at the deadwood is crowded, I suggest eyeing up and surrounding forest is pften ' swim, avoid shrie}<ing about the your neighbour. If you just want prohibited, and you'll find wet temperature. Everybody on the beach will hate you. It is cold; it reto silently bask with your sweet- wood causes a smoky, smelly fire. heart, set up beside small, tamer A major beach faux pas is feed- ally is. You are, however, permitgroups - and avoid the children! · ing the shore rats: seagulls, Cana- ted to scream about other things: seaweed, muck, your companion They stare at couples, and it's uns diaffgeese, pigeons, and whatever nerving. If you're with your wild else might come _flapping along humming the Jaws theme song, friends, find another big- group; for some salted peanuts. Firstly, etc. Horseplay is great fun. Make it's not really healthy for the ani- sure you don't hit someone with they'll be just as loud. As a rule, anything that leaves mals. Second, we've attracted fly- a football or Frisbee, or jump on your own camp 'can be a bother ing things that might have funny them off the dock for god's sake.

It's important to watch out for - retaliate in understated ways, other swimmers "Yhomight not be until someone moves to another as comfortable in water as your- spot. self. Weaker swimmers will find For clean up, leave the beach it intimidating if you're thrashing the way you left it. Take a garbag~ around next to them. bag along for•your trash. It 'is reThe an awesome place . ally well-advised not to bring any to be wild. One sh'ouldn't have to glass bottles. Broken glass, obvibe completely tame, only to be- ously, can ruin someone's day and have good naturedly and consid- bloody up some sand. And be a erately. A public beach is a place to friend; don't flick your cigarette have a madcap-fun time. If some- butts, spitzs, gum, and pistachio one just wants to snooze, they shells everywhere. It doesn't blend should be prepared to tune it out. in with the natural environment. Of course beach-goers attempt to If you had a campfire on the find a quiet, peaceful place. Re- beach, bury it. It is a good idea to member, the case should be that if dig a pit to start with and light up they were there first, they set the the kindling in the pit. When you scene. If it's a secluded beach and are done, put the fire out with wac a calm group, it's very discourteter, and bury the remnants well. ous to disturb them. If you have a fire by the ocean, -If another group is flinging light it below tide level - the water sand in your direction, smoking cleans it up thoroughly. something or another, or gawking If you want to have a good time openly at you, deal with it propand let those around have fun too, erly. Here is some learned advice: keep your common sense; if you never begin your request with have none of that stuff, no one "listen, buddy." It sets a very an- blames you. Just listen, buddy, tagonistic tone, which you should to the complaints of your fellow avoid, really. People respond to beach goers and try to maintain politeness. They also respond to everyday courtesy. Now, head out retaliation. On the beach, passive- _ - there might be blue sky someaggressive techniques are key. where on the horizon! The beachOutright hostility is unnecessary es are calling! ·

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FRIDAY, JULY 8th, 2011

A summer bum's guide ~o beach, reads It's going to be a long, hot summer and the beach read is something that you can skim on a day by the water; a paperback that can have grains of sand between each page, grease smudges from the chips, and sun block smeared on the cover without you feeling guilty. Heavy content and glaring sun do not mix. In a place where your Harlequin. Here we have a wide concentration level is low, Henry variety: historical, paranormal, James and George Eliot don't re- contemporary, thriller-suspense, ally do the trick. These books are "heart and home," medical, and undeniably lovely, old friends Steeple Hill (Christian inspired) with depth and thought, but a romance. If you're looking for a skim-read can be quite engaging guaranteed love story and happily as well. ever after, take a look at these. SuI will start by saying, as a rule san Wiggs writes pleasant historiof thumb, if the list of titles by the cal romance, with her ChicagoFire author exceeds twenty, then that Trilogy, as well as contemporary, author's works count as a Beach with her LakeshoreChronicles.Her ;Read. . novels tend to dwell more upon We will begin with chick lit. the emotion of a romance rather These books· are written around than the physical, which can be romance, relationships, and dra- difficult to come by within this ma, the sort of things which sup- · particular genre. posedly appeal to women. Some Harlequins are notorious for solid writers you can always trust being an empty, black vacuum of to have a conventional chick-lit fluff, but if you choose the right plotline include Danielle Steele, one, it'll be a thrilling afternoon. exceeding eighty titles, with her Beware, though, the covers can be more recent book, 44 CharlesStreet; incriminating. If there's a chance · . Nicolas Sparks, with his romance your mother might come across a stories such as DearJohn, The Last novel entitled An Illicit Love Affair Song, The Notebook, and A Walk by Honey Dove or whomever with To Remember that have all been a steamy scene across the front, adapted into films; and Jodi Pi- then I suggest either ripping off coult, who writes about family -the cover, or ~electing a LoveAffair bonds, and, in her new book Sing that's a little less Illicit. Y.ouHomepublished May this year, For a novel filled with susgrapples with gay rights issues. penseful action, there is a 'huge There are a few other new re- selection of what might be classileases to consider, notably Gabri- fied as "beach reads." These books elle Donnelley's The Little Women hold your interest, and are filled Letters. Donnelley writes an in- with tough, hard-hitting characteresting novel about the descen- ters, so vengeance and justice can dants of the March sisters. The be yours while you're sprawled book is light and witty, not par- out on the beach blanket. ticularity insightful, but still fresh. There's Dean Koontz, with Other books recently released more than seventy titles, though include Beth Kendrick's The Bake- none recent; if you're looking for off, a funny story about estranged psychological thrillers where the sisters, apple pie, and big prize thirty-something protagonists money, and Fanny Blake's What solve the mystery and fall in love, Women Wapt, an effortless read Dean Koontz is your man - every about three friends adjusting to single time. I would recommend changes in work, love, and home. Lightning, a time traveling novel Before moving on, I feel it's nec- with an interesting twist; Phanessary to touch on the topic of the toms, a bit of a gory massacre, but

next-door tone means that this book definitely does not CHELSEA THORNTON




proper place. So, like a good merPAUL FALARDEAU

chant, this collection comes along to deliver clarity and understandIn a modern age that has for- ing of a place which is no longer an exotic locale or exploitative cogotten past memories all too often Image: for the quick thrill and temporary lonial hang-out. The package that these stories still decent; and Cold Fire, about a buzz of iPads and meat-clad singarrive in is 'worth noting in itself. man who listens to the voices in ers, let me, if you will, reintroduce The design of the collection is his head. an image you might remember There is also Wilbur Smith. - from a childhood story at least. wo11derfully functional and beauEven though he is a bit more diffi- It is of the travelling merchant, a tifully designed like its predecescult to get into, his thirty two epic peddler of goods, from nowhere sor. Helpful notes of translation stories are fascinating. His newest in particular, yet, he certainly goes and author biographies are presnovel, entitled Those In Peril,has a somewhere; everywhere · even. ent along with the stories-in a fashgood basis of plot, but it becomes And in this memory - mine and ion that is thorough without being carried away, violent, and silly at yours - he is an important man heavy-handed. several points. River God and the because he is the bringer of goods Yet it is the stories that make the Egyptian titles were by far the and the connector of places; he is a book. The writers of South Asia most emotional, brutal, and in- keeper of stories. have no problem standing next to triguing of Smith's novels, looking Bring yourself back to the pres~ other world-notables, and Carolan has done a superb job selecting the at ancient Egyptian culture. ent. The internet, supermarkets, Steig Larson's action-packed and easy transportation have creme de la creme for his newest novels are immensely popular, made the merchant a shadow. of collection. Mahasweta Devi's "Arwith hardened, gritty Lisbeth the past, but the image is worth the jun" is a striking tale, and "Nina Salander taking on the world. If time it takes to conjure because, in Awaits Mrs. Kamath's Decision," you're looking for Russian spies another way, it still lives as stories Salil Chaturvedi's story of a blind and ex-FBI agents, Noah Boyd's from across the world make their girl in Goa, is uplifting and beaurecently released Agent X is chock way to us. In no way is this more tiful. There are moments of surrefull. Another CIA thriller can be fully realized than in the glorious alism in "A Government of India found in Alex Berenson's The Se- new collection of contemporary Undertaking" by Manjula Padcret Soldier,in which an agent gets South-Asian short stories, The Lo- manabhan, and the story of femitus Singers. · caught between US and Saudi nism landing in the small country Arabian relations. Gathered i1' The Lotus Sing- of Bhutan by Kunzang Choden is ElectricBarracuda,Tim Dorsey's ers are stories from several of the a worthy addition. The collection mystery about detectives follow- best new writers from India, Paki- moves from Nepal to Sri Lanka, ing a strange killer, is also a good stan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Ne- Pakistan to Bangladesh, explorone to look up. Dorsey has an pal, Bhutan, and the Maldives, all ing themes as universal as love, odd marine sense of humour in called the "Seven Sister" nations the preservation and destruction his murder mysteries that might of South Asia. The new anthology, of tradition, frustration and loss, be r-efreshing for a thriller-buff. edited by UFV professor Trevor but even when it veers towards His other novels include Atomic Carolan, is a sequel of sorts to An- regionalism, the appeal to readers Lobster,Nuclear Jellyfish,.and Trig- other Kind of Paradise:Short Stories remains universal. gerfish Twist: something to think from the_New Asia-Pacific,which he The Lotus Singers is an honest about on the shoreline. released a year earlier. . look at South Asia through its own If non-fiction is more your ~tyle, Together the two are both a eyes. "These are literary voices look for three newly released handsome and timely collection speaking not from a comfortable memoirs that might satisfy your of stories. "More than ever, Asia distance or from South Asia's interest: Tina Fey's Bossypants, especially commands our atten- far-flung Diaspora but from the Shania Twain's From This Moment ti~n," Carolan says in his introduchome range; they are sure of their On, and Steven Tyler:s Doe§ The tion to The Lotus Singers.It is no se- ground," assures Carolan, the Noise In My Head Bother You? (Yes. cret that Asia is a rapidly growing merchant bringing goods, or stoYes it does.) . region of_this planet, nor is it that ries, from afar: the experience of a With the hot months upon us, it is a multi-faceted place, where place in its most exti;avagant and _there it is: your brief guide to sumcultures, people, geography, and most mundane. mer 2011's beach reads. even time seems to jostle for their·

BookReview Metamorphoses by Ovid I

BookReview The Lotus Singers: Short Stories from Contemporary South Asia edited by Trevor Carolan




need to be categorized as a textbook.If,however,you need it THECASCADE to act like one, it is admirably equipped: story titles and line numbers appear at the top of_every page, the introduction For many modern readers, their primary source of holds some interesting insights into the historical contextof knowledge of Greco-Roman mythology is Disney's the work and the challe1'gesof translation, and the index/ Hercules. That story is in this book, but so is a mo- glossary combo is superb, provi<li1'ga comprehensivelist of saic of other Roman myths and pseudo-histories that mythological figures as well as a brief description for many never received the Disney treatment. These myths, ofthem. enshrined by Ovid around 8 A.D., have been formaMetamorphoses was written during the reign of Caesar tive factors in the development of Western culture, Augustus, famous for his habit of using poets as propaand have been immortalized over and over again ganda agents. Ovid's work culminates in the deification by Shakespeare, Milton, Donne, Tennyson,· and El- of Augustus' ancestors, and, of course, Augustus himself. iot, amongst others. In Metamorphoses,Ovid captures However, Augustus definitely didn't get to claim all of the some of the most iconic stories ever told, and dem- book's immortalizing powers. The most a~ moonstrates the power of literature to convey a moment µ1entof the book is not a myth at all - in the closing lines of in history. No wonder almqst every writer since has the poem Ovid predicts his own immortality: drawn inspiration from Ovid at some point. ''Now I have done my work. It will endure, / I trust, beThe power of this translation lies in how approachable yond Jove'sanger, fire and sword, / Beyond Ttme'shunger... the language is. This book doesn't read ·like a dusty schol- / I shall be read, and through all the centuries, / If prophearly work; it sounds more like the voice of some mischie- cies of bards are ever truthful, / I shall be living always:' vous grandfather hi<li1'gscandalous morsels amo1'gst the In rea<li1'gthese lines over two thousand years later,they stories' morals. Humphries uses plain but vibrant E1'glish,. still sound like true prophecy. Usually when we read clasand the ease of rea<li1'gallows you to focus on the love sto- sic works of literature, the reality of the author's existence ries, reve1'gefantasies,and heroic adventures that Ovid col-- is shrouded by the time between the acts of writing and lected. The friendly tone of the translation is well-suited to rea<li1'g.Sometimes, like this, the barrier between writer the material: these stories were meant to entertain first and and reader dissolves, and it feels like the writer is directly moralize second addressing you. These lines constitute one very epic "I told The combination of gossip-worthy material and bard- you so:'


1 10

FRIDAY,JULY 8th, 2011

[ti' !Jj •QJ-11 AlbumReView

®ID!IV~RaveOn Buddy Ho!~ - VariousArtists '



l 2Bonlver Bon Iver 3Sloan* The DoubleCross Austra* FeelIt Break

Beaches* 4Dirty Badlands Ro~ance 5Data Data Romance City* · 6Fist Two Thousandand Ten

7FuckedUp* David ComesAlive 8

Septicflesh My GreatMass

TeenDaze* 9My BedroomFloor Th~ Rural Alberta 1OAdvantage*


ll Jimmie* 12 Shotgun TransistorSister Furs* 13Handsome Sound Kilpitol Awol ~ation 14Megalithic Malajube* La Caverne


15 Nick 13 . 16Pleasure 17 Smother 1820 Odd Years 19Lost Art 20Was I the Wave? Nick13.


Little Scream*


The Details*

Miracle Fortress*


KAREN ANEY is the fourteenth

track, "Peggy Sue" is the sixteenth, and so THECASCADE on. · The most popular songs Tribute albums are typiare back-loaded, rather than cally pretty hit or miss. Either being placed near the front you're so in love with an artist of the album to entice listenthat you think it's blasphemy to ers. Journalisfic integrity sugmess with them, or you are able gests listening to an album in to take a step back and have a its entirety, which is good or healthy respect for a new artelse this would be an extremely ist's interpretation of a classic. condensed view of the first two Much of Buddy Holly's work and a half tracks. The first song has entered the music world's is "Dearest," performed by the internal songbook. Some songs, Black Keys. While they're perlike "That'll Be the Day," are haps .hotter performers than· so ingrained_ in our collective Modest Mouse these days, their minds that redoing them is no take on the music ·is nothing more blasphemous than putting revolutionary and sounds more chocolate fudge on your vanilla like Buddy Holly than Black ice cream. And who doesn't like Keys - not the album's greatest a little chocolate fudge? This al- •success. bum's cocoa-y goodness comes The songs progress from in the form of Modest Mouse. there, and the album pairs artYes, Modest Mouse busts out a ists with tracks that fit natufiddle and uses it to pour their rally with their . sound. Track delectable brand of delicioustwo is "Everyday," performed ness all over a song that's be- by Fiona Apple and Jon Brion. come so vanilla that it hurts. These two don't get much raThe result is interesting, and re- dio play, but in listening to this ally, it promotes Modest Mouse song, Apple could very well be more than it does Buddy Holly. the reincarnation of Buddy HolThe song, well known as it is, ly, only with different plumbprovides a point of comfort for ing. Again, not revolutionary. A the uninitiated listener to jump nice tribute; perhaps some fodinto a new artist. This isn't a der to play during a concert for Buddy Holly song anymore - the classic-lovers, but nothing it's Modest Mouse, through and special enough to stand out on through. an album that could otherwise The album itself fails· in its be a revolution for Buddy Holmake-up. "That'll be the Day" ly's musical legacy.



GoodbyeBread Ty Segall

After 2009's easy-listening Lemons and 2010's thick distortion and fuzz-filled Melted, prolific songwriter Ty Segall has returned with his seventh LP in only three solo years, entitlefl. GoodbyeBread, which is considerably more measµred than the 23 year old's previous releases. Segall sings with serenely detached vocals, and lets his guitar ring out power chords reminiscent of T-Rex's Marc Bolan. Segall is one of many to emerge out of the new garage rock scene in the San Francisco· area over the past few years. He shares his sound with musicians like Sonny and the Sunsets, among others, whose music sounds like unkempt hair; leather jackets, and worn out jeans. Goodbye Bread is an album that invites you in with alluringly noisy, lo-fi pop, but by the time track six~ "My Head Explodes," comes along, an obvious mood change l}as occurred into · something more sinister, y:et af the same time thrilling. -Tim Ubels



The choice of artists reflects the duality of the order of songs: Paul McCartney, Florence and the Machine, Cee Lo Green, She & Him, even Kid Rock. In other words, this isn't a compilation album to pick up for the artists. They are diverse enough that most fans probably won't have heijrd of all of them, or don't care to listen to them all together. This album is

a I bum

A Treasure Neil Young ' A Treasure, the latest addition .

to the Neil Young Archives series, consists of live takes pulled from Young's 1984-1985 tour backed by the International Harvesters. It demands of fans the divisive question of track two's title: Are you ready for the country? Slide guitar, fiddle, honky-tonk piano, and the -alternating bass note strumming style made famous by Johnny Cash crop up throughout, yet Young's idiosyncratic style bleeds through the genre conventions. Album closer "Grey Riders''. anchors Young's dark and frenetic guitar work in strong country inflections. What is most compelling about A Treasureis that it so deftly captures a specific incarnation of Young during his erratic experimental period of the 1980's that is too often overlooked. It's worth pointing out.that these songs were recorded during the same threeyear creative stretch that included the synth-heavy Trans . and the rockabilly Everybody'sRockin'. Unscathed by the occasional slight offering like "Motor City," A Treasure possesses an irresistibly ramshackle and honest quality. - Nick Ubels

a little too bipolar to be a great listen: each track has simply too different an approach to form a cohesive set of works. Despite that, the songs on their own are interesting - worth a listen for Buddy Holly fans, or for fans of the reinventing artists themselves. Give the album a pass, but fork over the 99 cents on iTunes for your favourite picks.




Good for Grapes


Breaking news: girls run the . Local band Good for Grapes has released a six-track long EP, world now. The United States has or so the back of the cover says, just elected their first 12 year old but once you find yourself hum- girl President and her primary ming along to each carefully con- order of business is ponies for everybody! Her message to the Secstructed song, you find a bonus retary of the Treasury: F.U., pay in the untitled and unrecognized, seventh track: a little gift for the me. At least according to the first superfan, if you will. From the single off of Beyonce's new album, first track, it becomes clear that 4, .which hit stores on June 24. Aptthis band has both unique talent ly titled, this 12-track album is the fourth release from former Destiand creafivity among all five band members, combined with an ex- ~y's Child front woman and most panding range of influences from charismatic member. "Run The Mumford & Sons to Bon Iver. They World (Girls)" is the first single off make harmonies sineere ·with a the album, but if you're expecting range of instrumentations, which the same dance-hall and techno inspired dirty-sick-disgusting both elevates the lyrical quality and ke~ps it from being too much beats and hooks from the rest of like an a capell~ choir. Though a the album, you'll be sorely disaplot of songs in this genre can feel pointed. The rest of 4 seems to be the same and can feel that they go an homage to math,.with tracks inon for too long, Good for Grapes cluding "l+l" ("I don't know much makes each track individual and . about algebra, but I know 1 + 1 = intriguing, hooking listeners as 2") and "Countdown". Overall the each song offers something new. album is a good effort that delivWithout knowing it,· a handful of ers completely passable pop and looped listens will go 1;.Jy with you R&B. Beyonce's strong voice soars on the ballads, namely "Care," humming along as if you'd known "Start Over," and "Best Thing I them for years. Never Had." -Amy Van Veen -SophieIsbister


FRIDAY,JULY 8th, 2011

It's the end of HMV as we k·nowit (and I don't feel fine) NICKUBELS THECASCADE Last week it was announced that HMV Canada, the only national specialty entertainment retailer in the country, had been sold to a British restructuring firm. According to a June 27 press release, Hilco UK plans to invest $25 million in the "continued evolution of its business." While Hilco . CEO Paul McGowan insists that the company will be rolling out a strategy that will increase the lifespan of what is referred to as the "residual" hardcopy_music and film market, it is clear that the ultimate goal is the transition to digital streaming content and accessories sales. Admittedly, the writing on· the wall might as well have been lit up with a neon sign over the past few months. Video rental giant · underperforming locations in the Blockbuster Canada was recently past month. These were all strong pushed into receivership by its U.S. indicators that the Canadian encounterpart, forcing the closure tertainment retailer might be exof 146 locations across Canada. periencing some serious structural HMV's Abbotsford location was problems, but fm still a little heartshut down along with five other broken over what the impending


loss means for the average entertainment junky like myself. · For movie fans, the closure of Canada's premiere video rental chain Blockbuster in conjunction with the transition away fron:i,the sale of hard-copy content at HMV

will leave few options for home viewing. Streaming content providers like Netflix Canada offer a cheap alternative at 8 dollars per month, but the selection - of °both new titles and classics - is still fairly limited. Star Wars? Annie Hall? The Godfather?All unavailable. Independent video stores, while offering a greater variety of titles, can be more expensive and stock fewer copies of the latest releases· than a chain like Blockbuster. For music fans, the problem isn't so much the availability -0f content as it is the audio quality. Most digital providers sell MP3s with a bit rate of 128 to 192 kb/s while CDs contain uncompressed audio with a bit rate of 1411.2kb/s. That's seven times greater than that of an average MP3. In order to reduce the size of lossless CD quality files, MP3s trim off high and low frequencies and greatly diminish a recording's dynamic range. While the MP3 formaJ is both convenient and perfectly adequate for working out or listening on the fly, it simply does not cut it for critical listening and

sounds painfully thin on any decent sound system. It is remarkably odd that while the demand for higher quality vid. eo content continues to increase as seen in the embrace of High Definition formats such as BluRay, music seems to be headed in the opposite direction. While vinyl is making a comeback among some audiophiles, the general trend is toward low cost, compact digital formats that curb the quality of one's-listening experience. There is a certain romance about t}:terecord store that is dangerously close to extinction. These days, the only successful independent music stores are located in major city centres, making it more and more difficult to partake in that timehonoured tradition of browsing a record shop, searching for some obscure gem and getting recommendations from staff members and other customers who are just as eager to talk about music as you are. It is an experience that, much like holding a CD or LP in your hands, cannot be duplicated digitally.

Kodiak Nightlifeready releaseof debut album Beast Like Me Local folk-:rockersto unleashnew record at July 9 CD releaseshow AMYVANVEEEN Fengler; "Nimbus studios, The Hive

guys, hard-working and honest, and THECASCADE Creative Lab, as well as various bed- a super fun live show." UFV's own rooms, basements, rehearsal spaces, THM was recommended by the On Saturday, July 9 local music bathrooms, and church sanctuaries." editor of Ion Magazine and friend of fans will have the opportunity to A lot of hard work and dedication to the band Trevor Risk, who had preexperience the sounds of home the music supports the creation of viously been involved in recording and support one of the Lower their debut album; this combined with them. Mainland's fast-rising bands, Ko- with the collaborations for each inWhen asked what fans can exdiak Nightlife. dividual track only scratches the sur- pect from the July 9 show, Fengler Consisting of Jason Sylvester, face of what makes Kodiak Nightlife says, "Fans can expect a great show Jacqueline Bartel, Nick Fengler, and standout. from all three bands. THM are getBrad Ross, this group invites fans to ''What makes our band different ting ready as this is their first show share with them in the monumental is that we are not trying to be main- ·since the winter and CYH is always celebration of the release of their first stream, but we are not trying to be upping the ante - think lightshow CD, Beastlike Me. With two opening alternative.either," says Fengler. "We and as for us, we will be ending the bands, this event is sure to be a treat just play music that we like and use night with a solid set of full energy and, bonus, it's actually local. . what tools we have to make it sound rock, playing our new album Beast Formed in March of 2010,Kodiak unique. If it's the 'less is more' ap- like Me in its entirety, as well as inNightlife brings together four talent- proach when arranging songs, or cluding a few strategic covers:' ed musicians who have either pre- focusing on male/ female harmonies, They'll be performing at Venue viously befln in bands or had been or even just mixing all of our musi- (Langley Vineyard - 5708 Glover working oii their own. For those cal influences - which range from Road) with doors opening at 7:30 wanting to know the inspiration for hardcore to pop and everything in p.m. Those interested can pre-buy their name, a cloud of intrigue sur- between - we feel that it's something tickets from https://www.facebook. rounds that query, leaving only true a little different, a little special:' com/thekodiaknightlife for $10 or fans privy to the origins of this bear The two bands opening that night buy them at the door for $12.The alin th~ night. will be Cruel Young .Heart (CYH) bum will be sold at the release party The band itself, along with Jon and The Hot Moonbeams (THM). for$10. Anderson of Buena Vista Audio, pro- The fom-ter recently played with With so much talent in one room duced and mastered all of the tracks Kodiak Nightlife and Peak Perfor- on this one night, .it would truly be which were recorded in "several dif- mance Project finalist Bend Sinis- bestial for local music aficionados to ferent spaces," says bandmate Nick ter in April. "[CYH]are really good miss this 'show.


Alicia Williamsis the host of Mood Swings which airs Mondaysfrom 111. On the show you can enjoy a variety of garage,lo-ft,and otherstuff that both she and her audienceswill like.


Bertha Cool Echoing through the Rex Blood's Korg and Alex Zander Schmidt's fuzzy guitar, Sam Costinak's sassy vocals ring in your brain like an emotionally damaging elementary school rhyme made up at your expense. There are two versions which I like, but basically, the difference is quieter vocals. Check out one version on, and the other on their album, when you buy it.

"I am a Girlfriend" Nobunny There are four versions of this song (that I know about), but the best one is on Love Visions. This garage, pop-punk song is so nice and upbeat you'd almost miss the fact that it's about degrading women.


"Hammer,I Miss You" JayReatard This is one of Reatard's best songs. As usual with his music, this song has a super optimistic beat with relatively negative lyrics. This is one of the very few songs in the world where I can say I like the music equally, if not more than, the lyrics. You've found your hit summer jam, if this wasn't it already.

"Virginia Creeper" Young Governor This is Ben Cook's solo project, and sounds nothing like Fucked Up (obviously, another band he's in). This song has a present-day garage sound to it, without sounding like ultra-fuzzy No Age or shitty like the Strokes. This song features both catchy hooks and lyrics, you'll love it!


FRIDAY,JULY 8th, 2011

Outside the (take out) Box

bukeofbusl1n. 33720 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford

AMY VANVEENwaitress talked me into switching

THECASCADE out the classic chips for yam chips (or fries for those this side of the Duke of Dublin Olde Irish Pub Atlantic). Yam fries are often a hit in Abbotsford is one of two Irish or miss situation. In some cases restaurants with the same owners, they can be too thick and thereand no, that other pub is not the fore too soft and impossible to dip Langley watering hole. Its other in the aioli;"however, Duke was a location is in Chilliwack and is pleasant surprise. Their yam fries rather redundantly named Duke are thin and crispy, the perfe!=t of Dublin Social House Restaurant complement to a satisfying piece Bar. The names would lead me to of fried halibut. assume that Abbotsford's location The other dish that meandered is more of a traditional pub with its way onto my table was a plate . the· "olde" spelling, instead of a of sweet chilli chicken tenders that rather Western "social bar." were indeed sweet, but had just the While its Langley counterpart right amount of spicy bite to make offers up Irish tradition in every them a little more interesting. nook of the pub and every corner ' The drink menu gave me the of the menu, Duke of Dublin isn't chance to try a smooth glass of afraid to get comfortable in its Ca- Shiraz for only six bucks, but the nadian, multi-cultural setting. In choice of both beer and wine was a other words, while Dublin Cross- little disappointing. Compared to ing serves bangers and mash, the Dublin Crossing, the selection was Duke goes from Irish classics to fairly scant and what's worse was global fare and back again with a that only half of the wine options jam-packed menu. were available in a glass, as opI opted for famous fish and posed to a whole bottle. This is fine chips and the wonderfully honest when you're with-a larger group of



winos, but when you're on your own, it would just seem sad. Like any good restaurant companion, I snuck a sip of a friend's bellini and it gives Milestones' a run for its money. Most frozen cocktails have the tendency to be too sweet to handle, but Duke's knows how to pair up the sweet with the tart making for a glass of balanced pedection. As for location, Duke's uses the guise of an Irish pub to keep patrons from noticing the rather inauthentic surroundings; however, this need not be a drawback. Even though Dublin Crossing has the whole nook and cranny feeling down· pat, it does make both seating and entertainment a difficulty. Duke's has an upper loft area, that can be reserved for larger parties, which overlooks the stage and dancing area. The stage itself is situated right by the bar, with easy visual access from most every table in the larger, more open sp~ce of the pub itself. Though it's not traditional, it's a little more com-


fortable for those who want to re- charge had been instated as well as main in Canada with just a taste of several security guards out front. culture from across the pond. As taxi after taxi pulled up, dropAnother element of non-authen- . ping off crowds of the obnoxious, ticity would have to be the music I could only thank an early dinner selection; try as I might, I cannot for keeping me from ,the club-like imagine a pub in the UK blasting beat emitting out of Duke's subBlack Eyed Peas and weak Beatles stantial front doors. covers, though the volume was at a Though it's a little pricey in much more manageable level than comparison to other eateries, as Langley's Dublin Crossing. an Irish pub, it's fairly average. If The mystery that remains, how- you're looking for good food and ever, is what the pub turns into af- a fun atmosphere, hit up the Duke ter dinner. As my party was leav- and maybe even stay late to uncoving at around 9:30 p.m., a. cover er the mystery.

Cascadelrcade Bill978 to make sharing videos of video games illega( JOEL SMARTmeans to share with the commuTHECASCADE

by critics, and stupefying when MICHAEL SCOULAR

CONTRIBUTOR viewed in person. This loud, occasionally incoherent, and entirely Director: JJ Abrams implausible sequence abruptly Starring: Joel Courtney, Kyle halts any significance of the titular subject, introduces the- movieChandler, Elle Fanning ruining monster, and sets a new, Runtime: 112 minutes jarring, and cacophonous tone Super 8, JJ Abrams' latest di- that rings throughout the rest of rectorial work, evokes Spielberg the movie all in one fell swoop. It in its marketing, credits, and-in is already clear at this point in the the corner of as many frames as movie that Abrams values speccan be imagined; and yet, a movie tacle over substance, which is fine with Spielberg as its model ought when the spectacle is spectacular, to have more imagination. Some even wondrous as it was in 2009's will throw around the term "hom- Star Trek, but here it deadens the age," but Abrams has lifted plot senses rather than excites them. elements from E.T., images from But what of the Spielbergian Close Encounters of the Third Kind, imagery? Well, there are the shots and brought along the monster in and around the children's designer from Cloverfieldand Star neighbourhood, which call back to Trek to make this movie, with E.T. quite blatantly; and there are no unique identity of his own. numerous motifs and other EasAbrams claims to have a clear pur- ter eggs throughout which many pose here: an ode to his childhood, a fan site will compile for a blog a tribute to his favorite filmmaker, post, but what Abrams does not all with the production values of seem to understand is that images the modern era. However, when alone do nothing, it is how they looking at the movie, the most function, how they exist in conprominent takeaway is Abram's text, that determines their worth. inability to find a clear purpose Take the final image of the movie, for his film. for example, though watch out for Take for instance the title: Super spoilers. 8, which is in reference to the type Just as in E.T., a family is reof movie camera a group of_chil- united, an alie_nis sent home, the dren use to make their own motion _wind blows in their faces, the pictures. The early scenes showing music swells, and everyone goes these kids heckling, speaking over home happy. Only this image each other, and bubbling with an- is not earned, as it was in Spielticipation of summer and more berg's. The family issue between moviemaking are the highlight of father and son is never worked the film, but then enters the much- out, for one. There is hardly any teased monster via rail accident, development or contact between them until the final scene, which in a sequence roundly applauded

Just when the Supreme Court finally shot down a California law that would restrict underage gamers from buying violent video ends in an embrace because, well, games, a new bill sprung up to the movie is ending, and the final strike even more fear in the hearts shot must mirror E.T.'s.To have the of gamers everywhere. United movie end on such a fake note is States Senate Bill 978 aims to make a disservice to its characters. As a the "performance" of copyright comparison, consider the scene in material a jailable offence. That E.T. where Elliot is attempting to would make uploading a replay teach the extraterrestrial the "facts of yourself playing a video game of life." In one part, he illustrates a felony, not to mention simply the food chain, using his fish tank embedding a YouTube video of and a toy shark. This calls back to someone else playing a copyright Spielberg's Jaws, but also fulfills video game. Because each viewan important part in the movie: ing of the video would constitute a critical development scene be- a performance, embedding the tween the two, complemented and video would make you liable for made more humorous not just be- the acti·vity as well. Of course this bill is primarily cause of Elliot's narration but also the image used. In Super 8, the im- interested in stopping internet usage is all we have and the use of it ers from uploading film and teleis decidedly unfulfilling, which is vision, not to mention copyright music, but Bill 978 is surprisingly one of the movie's key failings. If Abrams is attempting to share inclusive in its wording. Accordthe same world with Spielberg, ing to JoyStiq the violation of this then one would hope Abrams proposed law could land people in would understand how that world jail for half a decade if a video they works. It is not a world in which upload is viewed more than nine times, as long as the performance excitement is created through jump scares, explosions, and ref- is worth $2,500 or more. The implierencing other, better works, but cations are certainly more broadthrough suspense, and, more im- reaching than simply video games, portantly, a real emotional link as it would likely force well over between characters that is fully half of the videos on YouTube to be removed. The bill is most pressing developed. It is a great disappointment that Abrams lacks the abil- to citizens of the United States, but ity to execute these in Super 8. His clearly the effects would be felt in previous film and the first fifteen Canada as well. With the increasingly popularminutes of this one are fun, exciting, and overflowing with energy; ity of video game communities the rest, by just about any compar- . dedicated to uploading funny or interesting video game replays ison, are soulless. Super 8 is currently playing at or walkthroughs, the bill could signal the end of an era in video the Towne Cinema in Abbotsford, Silvercity in Mission, and Colos- game history. For some games, like Minecraft, the removal of a sus in Langley.

nity would surely signal the end of their success. In fact, videos increase the sales of games, and increase the enjoyment of those who use them. Funny videos of games go vi.i:al,and act as free promotion for new games. Therefore it's likely that most video game companies do not support this measure, and would actually suffer if it were to scare off growing gaming communities. One option for game companies would be to write an exception into their Terms of Service (TOS). On his personal Tumblr account, Minecraft creator Markus Persson wrote: "If the bill passes, I suspect many game companies (including -us)will add a special clause to the TOS specifically to allow posting videos of their games. A huge part of why Minecraft has grown so fast is the YouTube community." Regardless, it's likely that videos of older games, especially "Let's Play" videos of retro games like Commander Keen and Crash Bandicoot,would still be at risk of removal and subsequent punishment. The Supreme Court's decision to repeal the California ban on violent video games should signal good things for concerned gamers; at least lawmakers are cognizant of the fact that gamers are calling for protection of the medium they have grown to love. It's tough to say whether the bill will pass or fail, but a good case could be made that the wording needs to be fixed and an amendment should at least be made for video games. Unlike a film, a video of a person playing a game is nothing like actually playing the game. I hope this fact is recognized in time and Bill 978 is shot down before any real damage is done.

T FRIDAY,JULY 8th, 2011


Guide to the Fraser Valley's best summer events CHELSEA THORNTONSaturday, July 9 - Sunday, July THECASCADE 10 The Cascade is going on summer vacation, but before we leave, we are going to leave you with some ideas about what you can do with yours - so here is a compI'ehensive entertainment guide for the summer months.

Brought to you by UFV: Literary Cafe at the Harrison Festival of the Arts

Celebrate Abbotsford's proud berry-growing heritage at the an~ nual BerryBeat Festival. Two days of street entertainment, stage performances, interactive children's activities, food, clothing and home decor vendors, and much more! Plus, on July 9, check out the Book Sale at the Berry Beat Festival hosted by the Friends of the Abbotsford Libraries. Find great books at great prices at the MSA Centennial Library, 33660South Fraser Way.

Monday,July 11 at 7:30p.m. Cheryl Isaac, Director of Continuing Studies at UFV, MCs a night of Pacific Coast music and poetry with Trevor Carolan, Daniela Elza, Robert Martins, and Franklyn Currie. The Harrison Festival of the Arts runs from July 9 to July 17. Student Life's BC Day BBQ Thursday, July 28 at 11 a.m. Celebrate green with

BC Day on the UFV Student Life.

In Abbotsford:

Artist Drop-In at The Reach Every Thursday from June 23 to July 21 at 6 p.m. An artist drop-in at The Reach in Studio 1. Artists are invited to bring their current "work in progress" to mingle and share while working alongside other artists. Abbotsford Agrifair Thursday, July 28 - Monday, August 1 The best little country fair. Visit the Agrifair Official Website for information on times, prices, entertainment, activities, and more.

BerryBeat Festival


Abbotsford International Airshow Friday, August 12 - Sunday, August 14 Visit the Abbotsford International Airshow Website for information on the 2011Airshow including prices, times, and performers.

Celebrate Vancouver's 125th birthday at this free outdoor festival, featuring sports, food, art, and music. When else will you get a chance to see ~1other Mother, Daniel Wesley, The New Pornographers, Neko Case, Dan Mangan, L Subramaniam, Spirit of the West, and the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, all in one place and all for free.

In Vancouver: Summer Live at Brocton Point in Stanley Park

Friday, July 8 - Sunday,July 10

Theatre under the Stars in Malkin Bowl at Stanley Park Every night, from July 8 to· August20 at 8 p.m. Theatre under the Stars (TUTS)

features popular musical theatre, provides a training ground for developing theatre artists. This year's shows are Bye Bye Birdie, a rock and roll musical, and Anything Goes, a classical comic musical set on a cruise ship. 21st Annual Celebration of Light Saturday, July 30 to Saturday, August 6 at 10 p.m. The summer staple returns to Vancouver with firework displays by China, Spain and Canada. ·

Pottermore for evermore KAREN ANEY than Star Trek. THECASCADE On July 15, the end of an era will be upon us This tasty slice of time began way back in 1996,when a single mother was offered a $4,000 advance from Bloomsbury press. The offer came with the warning that she would never make any money selling children's books. I wonder if her castle is· big enough that the laughter at this thought simply continues to bounce and reverberate ad infinitum? In case you missed it - yes, JK Rowling lives in a castle. Read them or not, see the movies or not, it's impossible to ignore this franchise. It spans prose, video, and one day soon may just have more pornographic fanfiction in its world

The final chapter comes .on July 15,when the second half of the final novel is released in movie format. Fans can bemoan the hefty storyline all they want, especially the fact that this seems like a not-so-thinly veiled ploy on behalf of Warner Bros to extend the shelf life of their cash cow. Yes, it would have been difficult to fit ·the entirety of the story into one film, but why, all of a sudden, did the moviemakermen develop an inability to slash entire chapters during the book-to-movie process? There seemed to be no trouble with it for the first six films, so it seems odd that they started now. . Venues everywhere seem to be catching on to the finality of this film, as well. Cineplex sold a "mov-

ie passport" that allowed viewers to see the first seven films, one per week, leading up to the release of the final movie. The price was more than the ticket of seeing a new film and seeing as how any legitimate Pottermaniac has multiple copies on their DVD shelves already, this seems a little silly. It was, however, nice to see them on the big screen again - not that I'd know, or anything. Communities are getting in on the action, too. The popular cinema in the park company showed the seventh movie in Douglas Park ~n the evening of July 6. Though not available at press time, an employee for the group stated that she expected this to be the best attended event so far. It makes sense that people are

currently attempting to cash in on this craze from every angle because once this movie is done, things will pe tapering off. This comes down to the rather brilliant direct marketing scheme Rowling & Co. has come up with. On June 17,a website went up with a date, and nothing more. Potter fans were driven wild. Youtube videos ensued with countdowns and wild guesstications. What did all the hype amount to? E-books. Overhyped, still mildly exciting ebooks. They're being sold directly from the publisher with no exclusive contracts with Kobo, Kindle, or Kazoodle (what the iPad would be called if Steve Jobs wasn't so nonconformist).With these books will cqme extras: images, small details about characters that have never been released, ang so on and so

forth. To tie it in and ensure a new audience, there are extras available online including your own trunk, your own wand from Ollivander, and even chocolate frog cards. Exciting? Kind of. But they're still just e-books. Despite the fact that you may feel above going to a movie based off a kid's novel, it may still be worth seeing the film or purchasing one of these over-hyped e-books. While the franchise is obviously consumer driven, what Rowling has managed to do is quite revolutionary. In a world where reading isn't thought of as fun, she's taken a novel that isn't purely didactic and made it a part of our liturgy. If for nothing else than to be a part of artistic history, see one of these movies in the theatre while you still can.

ChannelSurlinu Fallseriespreviewpart two: everythingelse TREVOR FIK Although the plot sounds very THECASCADE much like 2002's Minority Report, the duo of Nolan and Abrams is The second half of my two-part one that will have fan boys (and series on new programming pre- girls) giddy with excitement. Nomiering this fall will wade into fa- lan's slick and engaging writing, miliar blockbuster territory, while combine_d with Abrams' ability to delving into fantasy, fairy-tales, keep a pace that is both exciting and a whole networks' share of ho- and nerve-racking will make for an micide, hunting, and tales of unfinextremely engaging storyline. ished business. Both Emerson (Lost) and CaFollowing in the footsteps of last viezel are veteran actors who have week's well established blockbuster a proven track record of immersing theme is the science-fiction thriller themselves in their roles. Emerson, Personof Interest.From writer Jona- with his trademark psychopathic than Nolan (The Dark Knight),and sneer, and Caviezel, who has quite co-produced by JJ Abrams (Lost), literally ·walked on w~ter in past Personof Interestfollows an ex-CIA roles, could be up for breakout cast agent hit man Games Caviezel) as of the upcoming 2011 season. he deals with his slow decline into Those looking to add a bit of madness after being let go from his mystery and intrigue to their telejob. Acquired by a billionaire soft- vision schedules will also want ware tycoon (Michael Emerson) to add CBS's A GiftedMan to their with il knack for knowing who will must-watch list for 2011. A Gifted commit a violent crime before it ac- Man centers on a surgeon (Pattually happens, the two embark on rick Wilson) who reconnects with a vigilante quest worthy of Nolan's his ex-wife. The catch is that she BatmanBegins. died two weeks before they meet

up, forcing Wilson's character to choose whether or not to embrace his newfound gift, or write it off as a symptom of some mental disorder. While the show has been marketed as ~ love story from the great beyond, the trailer lends itself to something more reminiscent of a character study of modern man. Have the trappings of success changed the surgeon, or is he will~ ing to condone a completely ludicrous act of kindness in order to help out someone from his past? An interesting ethical dilemma, to say the least, and one which will . have viewers tuning in for episodes to come. Fairy-tales and monsters dominate the next two shows on my list, starting with NBCs supernaturallaced horror show Grimm. Grimmfollows a homicide detective who discovers that he is the only one with the power to stop the werewolves, goblins, poltergeists, and pod-people that populate this

earth. A descendent of past monster-killers, Grimmborrows heavily from fairy-tales to put on display an adrenaline-fuelled thrill ride that shows tremendous promise and originality from its trailer. While the show is an obvious attempt to fill the void· left by such programs as Buffy the Vampire Slayerand Angel,the cast of relative unknowns combined with NBC's ability to throw big money behind special effects and action make Grimm one to see. Special effects are also a,bundant ·in ABC's take on the fantasy world in a modern day setting, Once Upon a Time. Both Jennifer Morri-

son (House)and Ginnifer Goodwin (BigLove) star in Once Upon a Time, a story of Snow White and Prince Charming's modern day descendants in a New England town frozen in time. The plot, while certainly difficult to wrap your head around at first, will attract a certain audience eager for all the eccentric characters, insane costume designs, and fairy-tale references that accompany a production of this nature. Though summer's heat has only just begun, these shows are right around the corner with 011lytwo months before the leaves start to fall.


FRIDAY,JULY8th, 2011

The debate rages on: is Starcraft a sport or not?

DESSA BAYROCKteams, one of which is sponsored by the CONTRIBUTOR military purely so that if promising Starcraft players are called to serve in the army, DEFINITELY! their talent will not go to waste - something I have yet to see in any other, "more War is no longer socially acceptable, and athletic" sport. since boys will always need a way to.prove And it is talent, supplemented by seritheir manliness to fertile women, society ous work (as in any sport) that makes an has found substitutes. Often this presents excellent player; serious Starcraft players itself through sweaty, sweaty men throwcan spend up to ten hours a day, six days a ing themselves against each other in ac- week, practicing their craft. They can get to tivities such as wrestling or football, where a point at which they are able to decide and it is enough to have a bundle of heavily make up to three hundred actions per minmuscled men writhing against each other utE!- that's five keystrokes a second. Their to prove how manly they are. Organized fingers are lightning. Watching them play sport, the crusade of every generation since is like watching a well-oiled machine. marauding in a foreign land fell out of faIn the professional Starcraftcircuit playvour. ers are paid up to $600,000-a-year, which However, having biceps and the abil- might not measure up to Luongo's seven . ity to run a mile without suffering cardiac million, but still nothing to sneeze at. Just arrest is no longer necessarily · a teenage like basketball or baseball, Starcraftis ridboy's ticket into manhood. Where there dled with match-fixing scandals, where are jocks, there arl: nerds, _buteven if geeks top players throw games or make pivotal aren't out sweating on a pitch or a field or mistakes on purpose. There are tournaa court somewhere, they also have a substi- ments year-round, and crowds of up to tutes for war - perhaps something closer to 500,000 fans gather in stadiums to watch fi- · the real thing. nals. Professional commentators interpret For those of you not well-acquainted each lightning move and pick apart replays ~ith one of the most popular games of our when the action is over. If you want to artime, let me explain the basic idea; two op- gue that Starcraftis not a sport, I would say ponents (be it teams or single players) are that it's fairly obvious that, whether you pitted against each other in a test of speed, like it or not, it has certainly, somehow, acreflexes, and strategy. Players must use the quired all the trappings of one. lay of the land to their advantage, and be At thi! end of the day, I know many peoable to think on their feet and reform elabo- ple would rather watch heavily muscled rate plans in mere seconds. lunkheads rolling around on a field in orYes, dear reader, I'm talking about Star- der to put a ball through a rectangle. Think craft. of it this way - you can teach monkeys to For those of you not yet acquainted, Star- play soccer, but there is no hope that you craft - and, more recently, StarcraftII - is, in could teach monkeys to play Starcraft.It's a short, a videogame: a military, science fic- sport that relies on the mind as well as the tion, real-time-str~tegy game, to be precise. reflexes. Sports are really only for showPlayers are given a base surrounded by the ing off to any fertile women that may be same resources as everyone else. The sport around, and I must say that the time has of it enters when you take into account the come in our evolution as a civilization countless combinations of wl,.at can be where it doesn't only count to have bfoeps done with those resources. the siz~ of grapefruits; it counts to be clever. It might be an unfair example, but there is no better way to see this than by looking at Korea. This game has been called Korea's national sport; they )1.aveten professional



PA_U_L_ES_A_U and not become good at it. There are Starcraft THECASCADEplayers in Asia who live in "bunkers" and play the game the way Catholic monks reNOWAY! cite catechisms. If the planet Earth ever gets invaded by powerful, enigmatic aliens who Sport: An activity involving athleticism and insist that the only way to resolve our differskill in which an individual or team competes ences is to play a winner-takes-all Starcraft againstanotheror others.(Paul's Big Book 0' match for the planet, than these are the peoDefinitions and Stuff) ple I want in charge. Otherwise, their skillset is just too specific, like being able to do a Currently, there's a troubling movement dead-on Gaga impersonation after ingesting among ri.erds, geeks, and other nocturnal a .drug cocktail consisting of LSD, Skittles, critters to pass off video gaming as a legiti- and Windex. mate "sport." For some reason, these people seem to think that the moral fiber of our so3. Athleticism: Here is my real problem ciety has decayed to such a degree that they with Starcraft and "eSports" in general: you can place Starcrafton the same level of impor- can be the greasiest, nastiest, most bloated tance as soccer or basketball and nobody will human being north of Louisiana and still care. Well I'm here to say that society does be a great video game player. A professional care, Starcraftis not a sport, and memorizing soccer player on the other hand may have the the hotkey needed to "chrono-boost" your ethics of squid, but (and this is a big 'but') "zealot" is still not a replacement for cultivat- he or she generally can run like the wind, ing actual social skills. jump like a rabbit, and dive like Alex BurOf course, there are those of you out there rows. Sports require supreme athleticism; who are al.ready complaining. You're saying they embrace the strongest, the fastest, and "Well poker is a sport isn't it?" to which I say the most agile. Starcraft, on the other hand, "No." Poker is not a sport, and neither is golf, only requires nimble fingers and an aversion chess, or curling. In fact, why don't you read to sunlight. It just doesn't include the physical prowess which I believe is integral to the my definition above and stop asking stupid definition of "sport." questions. To be a sport, an activity requires Yet, the Starcraft community seems to three things: competition, skill, and athletithink that propaganda will succeed where cism. logic has failed. They've established "teams," hired "commentators," and even distributed Now let'sapplythoseto Starcraft: significant sums of money in "leagues" and "tournaments," all to convince-the world that 1. Competition: Well there's no denying that Starcraftis competitive, but then again, this game should be taken just as seriously as say, pro football. And it's working too. Soon it's hard to think of any human activity we'll be seeing commercials featuring Starwhich can't be, under the right circumstances, a competition. My former boss, who shall craftlegends endorsing Gatorade, or warning impressionable viewers about the dangers of remain unnamed, used to settle childhood arguments by drawing a line in the dirt and -snorting Vespene Gas. Soon we may even accept Starcraftmatches as a viable alternative seeing who could piss farthest while standto international war, unwittingly enslaving ing on the line.' This leads to another aspect of competition in that its extremes are gener- the free world to South Korea. Resistance may be futile, but I'll fight to ally a male domain; I don't think many women could have '"'1:0nan argument against my the end. Unleash your little snot-nosed Zerglings, four-gate until your fingers rot, and former boss (at least by his rules). construct all the additional pylons you de2. Skill: It's hard to practice something sire.. Starcraftis not a sport! more than ten hours a day for several years


On June 29, the _UFV_ Athletics department announced that next season the Cascades · Men's and, Women's Basketball teams will play a double-header in the Abbotsford Entertainment & Sports Centre (the arena where the Abbotsford Heat play, right next to UFV's Abbotsford Campus). The games will take place in mid-January, and will pit the Cascades against their archrivals, the Trinity Western Spartans. The 7000-plus seat arena will be the largest venue the Cascades have ever played in, and will provide the opportunity to set a Canada West attendance record. There.will be designated fan zones....forUFV and Trinity _students at each end of the arena and box deals for those wanting to enjoy the game in style. Tickets go on sale July 22 at 10 a.m.



FRIDAY,JULY 8th, 2011

Marco Sturm joins a newly modified Canucks squad

TH~O~~:~: ,..,.~·; '

Mike Gillis did not have much time to mourn after· his team failed to show up in game seven of the Stanley Cup Finals. After acquiring Nicklas Je:p.sen,Alexandre Grenier, and a couple others in the NHL Entry Draft, Gillis had to quickly deal with an impending free agency period. Kevin Bieksa got a well des.erved raise after playing (by far) his best season. Unfortunately the five-year, $23-million deal meant it would be near impossible to keep Christian Ehrhoff. When Gillis couldn't strike a deal, he made something out of nothing by opting to trade Ehrhoff's rights to the New York Islanders for a fourthround draft pick next year. The Canucks also lost tough-guys Raffi ·Torres, Tanner Glass, and Rick Rypien. With the Canucks struggling to keep players after such an impressive run, Gillis was forced to look elsewhere to fill his roster. Perhaps the most impressive signing· of that variety so far would be his signing of a speedy left winger, 32-year-old Marco Sturm. The one-year deal will cost the Canucks a reasonable $2.25 million in cap space. Although Sturm has had some


injury problems lately, he has the potential to be a huge asset for the team if he can return to form. "As long as I'm healthy and especially now getting back into the shape I was before,· I am really confident I really can help the team out and also score a lot of goals," Sturm told The Vancouver Sun. While he had offers from other teams, he

admitted that for him and his family, Vancouver was the best choice. "I still .think it's the best team 'in the league and for me there [were] no other choices." Sturm is a left-shooting German with seven 20-goal seasons under his belt (eight including the season he played for ERC Ingolstadt in Germany during the NHL lock-

Tito Ortiz:the UFC veteranwe loveto hate TREVORFIK THECASCADE Not since Chael Sonnen's attempt to single-handedly bring down Brazilian culture and heritage in a bid to discredit Anderson Silva has the amount of pre- and post-fight dnima threatened to overtake an actual UFC event. In the span of a week we have endured the aftermath of Nate Marquardt's unusual dismissal from the UFC, the back-and-forth pissing match between Bantamweight champion Dominick Cruz and_ challenger Urijah Faber, and one of the 6est comeback performances of all time in Cheick Kongo's knockout win over Pat Barry. Despite all of this, the one thing that has been able to separate itself from the shadow of UFC on Versus 4 and breakaway from talk of the impending UF<;:132 has been the unrelenting hate poured on UFC veteran Tito Ortiz in the lead-up to his match. Calls for Ortiz's resignation have plastered social networking sites, dominated UFC blogs, and ev~n infiltrated respected journalistic establishments worldwide. Yet, while no other fighter in the UFC (save maybe Sonnen or Mi-· chael Bisping) makes it harder to be liked, the unrelenting disgust poured on Ortiz in the lead-up to UFC 132 has prompted me to defend the man who helped introduce me to the sport. The first thing MMA fans would point to as a reason for Ortiz's prompt dismissal is his record. In his last four fights Ortiz is an abysmal 0-1-3. However, the argument still stands that Ortiz is one of the elite figures in MMA. These four fights did not come against bar-room brawlers on a downward spiral, but against some of the best the UFC had to offer the beleaguered veteran. Forrest Griffin, Lyoto Machida, and -

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athletes while he flirted with victory. The beginning of his career was characterized in a similar fashion. By slogging out wins in front of SOPHIE ISBISTERis, of course, on the World Wide minimal crowds for even less pay, THECASCADE Web. The overall point of plankOrtiz established himself as the ing is not just to lay there; the Are you looking for a summer face of a featureless organization. point is to lie in an odd or hardThere was no The Ultimate Fighter sport that won't make you break contract to easily slip into and no a sweat? Are you looking for an to-reach place, oftentimes a place big time endorsement deals to pay activity that anyone can do, re- that is dangerous to get to or stay the rent. All Ortjz had to fight for gardless of age.or capability? Are _ on. The secondary objective is to in the beginning UFC 13 was his you looking to be involved in the have a picture taken by a fellow planker or plank-appreciator, and pride. A man who fights for any- art of doing nothjng at all, while thing less is not worth the gold he still calling it an activity? If you then uploaded to your website or answered yes to any of these ques- one of the many online commumay one day strap across his belt. In the words of Chuck Lid- tions, then planking might be the nities for planking. This is where, as previously mentioned, social dell, "it's always fun to beat up sport for you! media plays an important role: on Tito." And while Chuck was Maybe you've heard of plankcurrently on Facebook the official speaking as one fighter about to ing; for a new sport it's certainly pound on another, maybe he was been gaining popularity. There planking page has 424,764 fans. on to something from a fan per- was even a Global Planking Day At least 100 other Facebook pages titled "Planking" have a memberspective as well. In a sport that is organized in Australia. The widejust truly beginning to find itself, spread popularity of planking has ship that numbers anywhere from Ortiz is a throwback. A man who been in large part due to social eight to 18,000. The groups contain pictures of has been able to transform with · media. But to further explore how the ever changing landscape of . sites like Twitter and Facebook people from all around the world MMA, quite literally rolling with help planking proliferate, I'll first lying face down on things: people the punches and evolving with the explain for the uninitiated exactly . on banisters, grills, and stairs; people on motorbikes, monucomplex new form of martial arts. what planking is. ments and statues; people plankFrom humble beginnings at . Planking as we know it today UFC 13 in front of a crowd of just can be traced back to "the lying ing diagonally on stairs. There are over 5,000 people, to fighting on .a down game," which dates back even pictures of dogs (perhaps the card that garnered over one mil- to 1997. According to The Toronto original plankers) lying flat out on their tummies. Adorable. lion Pay-Per-View buys, Ortiz has Star, it began as a game between The orig-inators of planking, done and seen it all in the world two friends in England who were likely some smart-ass kids, probof mixed martial arts. At UFC 132 bored one day and decided to start ably didn't imagine it would beTito Ortiz will be fighting for his laying face-down on various items come such a worldwide cra~e. The UFC anc;I.,potentially, MMA ca- in the living room and back yard. sport has even gone so far as to reer. That being said, there is noth- · And that's all there is to planking. ing more dangerous than a man The player lays down, stiff as a claim lives; in May of this year an Australian man died after plankwho has been backed into a corner,· board, with their arms held tightly ing on his seventh-storey balcony. to their sides. threatened with the anonymity Planking didn't really start to Planking has been described as that unemployment brings. Ryan Bader is now the only take off or go worldwide until the pointless and a nuisance, a source inventors publicised it on a Face- of irritation for law enforcers, polithing standing in the way of Ortiz and a few more promising years book group in 2007. From there, it ticians, and upstanding citizens. of fame, fortune, and fighting. spread throughout the UK and to But to fans of the sport it's so much more. The act of lying down and I would not be surprised to see Australia, where the term "planking" was reportedly coined. It's doing nothing is attractive in a Ortiz go out the, way UFC legend zen-like way, but most of all it's irRandy Couture did. In a blaze of currently popular in Asia, North glory, and with all the intensity America, Australia, and .many reverent and hilarious and I hope here to stay as a cultural phenomand showmanship that defined a parts of Europe. But the place that enon. storied UFC career. planking has its largest fan-base


Rashad Evans have all tasted UFC light heavyweight gold, and at the time were considered top-five contenders in their weight class respectively. Ortiz could have simply taken the easy road after any one of these lesses, picking up a cheap win or quick victory against a bright-eyed rookie nearly reduced to tears by all the bright lights and noise that accompany a UFCevent. Even now with the end looming, and the promise of an early retirement hanging over _hishead, Ortiz faces arguably his toughest opponent in years in standout light-heavyweight Ryan Bader. In accepting this bout, Tito has sent a message to the UFC that he will not accept an easy win, and is willing to put in the time and effort it takes to beat the much younger Bader. Ortiz has never been one to take the easy road. Where many would have either given up, or found a lesser known outlet to vent their frustrations against an unworthy adversary, Ortiz has remained_. In his last four fights Ortiz was able to go the distance on all occasions, grinding it out with world-class

out). He was drafted in 1996 by the San Jose Sharks in the first round, 21 overall, and played his first game in the 97-98 season. He continued playing for the Sharks until .the 05-06 season, a total of eight NHL seasons. However, midway into that season he was traded to the Boston Bruins as part of the deal that sent Joe Thornton to San

Jose. It would prove to be his most productive season to date, with 29 goals and 59 points. . Following two more really great seasons with the Bruins, Sturm found himself with serious injury troubles in the 08-09 season. He missed 12 games with a concussion in mid-November, and then in December, after just 19 games played on the year, he was sidelined with a knee injury that · would require surgery. • He returned to the lineup for the 09-10 season, picking up 37. points in the regular season, enough to lead the Bruins in scoring. Unfortunately, he reinjured his knee in the first game of the Conference Semifinals. With his second knee injury in three years, Sturm took until late December to return to the NHL - this time with anew team. While Sturm played only 35 games last season, split between the Los Angeles Kings and the Washington Capitals, he managed five goals and 16 poi_nts. Extrapolated to a full season, he would have had 12 goals and 38 points. It's possible that if his health and condition further improves over the off-season, Sturm could be putting up even better numbers playing with the Canucks.



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