FRIDAY, JUNE 10th, 2011
Volume 19 • lssue 15 RoomCi021 33844 King Road Abbotilford, BC
Acting Editor-in-Chief esau@ufvcascade.ca Paul Esau CA.'SE:'/'S
ManagingEditor nick@ufvcascade.ca NkkUbels
BusinessManager ali@ufvcascade.ca Ali Siemens
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--,.-201~ The~€ascadesalutes you!
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Contributors Joel Colboume
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FRIDAY, JUNE 10th, 2011
Interning in the.slums of Chandigarh JENNIFER COLBOURNE THECASCADE
Instead of relaxing on the beach or watching the playoffs this summer, third year UFV Human Geography student Sara Bartsch is making a difference far from home. Taken on as an intern by Dr. Frederick Shaw, who runs the nonprofit, non-governmental organization Developing Indigenous Resources (DIR) in Chandigarh, India, Bartsch has been working in the slums of Janta Colony and Adarsh Nagar. As Bartsch explained: "Developing Indigenous Resources works to empower the slums of Janta Colony and Adarsh Nagar by eliminating preventable illnesses and deaths, provid[ing] quality education, and increasing sustainable income generation." She reported that the organization has "hired health promoters from the community, educated them about basic nutrition and health, and sent them out to spread this information throughout the community," noting that infant mortality in the area has seriously declined since the advent of the program. "We have also hired qualified te~chers from the community to instruct at DIR's School With a Difference, whose purpose is to prepare young children to attend the better schools," Bartsch added. Bartsch works with the DIR's income generation program, a curriculum that provides women with sewing skills and instructors-and a trade that helps them generate a better income. As she explained: "Previously, they were making paper bags out of newspaper at a rate of 6 [Indian rupees, the equivalent of approximately 0.0223USD)for 70 bags. Now they are making cloth bags which sell for 5 USD each." This method of increasing income does still mean workers rely on the support of Canadian and American buyers, so the program has
recently tried to start prol,lloting the bags in the area's shops at a reduced price. What is striking to Bartsch isn't so much the extreme poverty found in Chandigarh, but the extreme luxury that exists alongsiqe it. She described: "In the mornings I walk through slums with largely single room homes bprdered by narrow dirt roads and open sewers, and in the evenings I visit air conditioned mansions filled with antiques and art. Chandigarh itself is a gorgeous city, planned in self-contained sectors with parks. The slums outside are a stark contrast." So far, Bartsch has been having a great experience: "People everywhere are fantastic . . . I have made some great friends both in the wealthy sectors and among the teachers and health promoters in Adarsh Nagar. Despite the much warned-about dangers of India (disease, parasites, theft, etc.) I have felt very safe here. Admittedly it is rather annoying not. to be able to go
out by myself after 8, but the Indian friends I have made are always willing to accompany me and caution against potential hazards." Though not an intern through UFY, Bartsch was introduced to
Gurneet Anand, who "in his spare time has a hobby of helping out foreign students." She noted that, "the school seems to be growing fast, and it [is] very cool to see what UFV is doing here with making international connections." Despite the fact that UFV has not sponsored her as an official intern, Bartsch still feels "this experience will be very beneficial to [her] education and career." Bartsch strongly encouraged students at UFV to get involved in supporting DIR. "DIR is doing great work in Chandigarh, and is one of the most honest NGOs I have ever seen. All their money and effort is invested in the people with whom they work." She suggested that UFV students should "spread awareness about DIR, have a fund raiser for School With a Difference (the tuition is so low it runs at a loss ·of thousands each year), or volunteer to sell Janta bags to support Image: Sarah Bartsch the women working to learn stitchDr. Shaw thanks to Geography ing." All those who pave questions professor Garry Fehr, who _has about the project and/ or are interdone· work in India. In the mean- ested in helping are encouraged to time, Bartsch has also made con- email sara.bartsch@student.ufv.ca nections with UFV's Chandigarh or visit DIR's website at www.dircampus, praising in particular help.org.
Image: Sarah Bartsch
Canada Post strike:what you need to know· AMYVANVEEN THECASCADE
Even though Canadians live comfortably in a society where communication is easily passed through digital avenues, the importance of regular mail is something that cannot be replaced. For the past seven months, Canada Post and its union workers have been in contract negotiations for around 50,000 staffers across Canada. According to the CBC, workers went on strike this week for the first time in the last 13 years. Unlike a general strike where all workers walk off, the · union has chosen a rolling strike which allows consumers to be less affected while also slowly building pressure on the company itself. According to Canada.com, The strike began at just befor..e Canada Post feels the need to cut midnight on June 2 for a 24 hour period in Winnipeg, Manitoba, costs related to postal workers because the rise of digital com- and then it moved to Hamilton, munication has made mail a less Ontario for a 48 hour strike. Alused means of communication. though the rolling strike is goHowever, the union feels the ing through these major urban need to negotiate parts of their sprawls, it does not include apcontract related to the amount of proximately 7000 suburban and new staffing and the high work- rural workers who ·are still negoload, as well as wages, pensions, tiating, but just outside of the ro_and sick leaves. tating strike model (Bloomberg).
deliveries in the cities. However, are expecting provincial government cheques, those would need to be picked up at local government offices. Canadians do need to be aware of the fact that during rotating strikes in certain areas and (if it were to occur) a general strike, any personal mail, bills, statements from banks, credit cards, and insurance businesses, and most rural courier deliveries will not be mailed. Many companies, especially financial institutions, have come up with their own contingency plans, Consumers need to be mailed their debit and credit cards so, as Bloomberg reports, banks like TD will be using courier services to get th~se out to customers. They have also advised their members that payments still need to be made even if the statements are not received. The last time the postal workers went on strike was in 1997, and after two weeks the government stepped in to enforce backto-work legislation, according to the CBC, but so far for the currenf strike, the government has not expressed any intention to intervene. if Canadians
Image: flickr.com
Additionally, those who depend on certain government cheques, such as assistance and pensions, will be receiving them thanks to volunteers who have been approved by both Canada Post and the union, according to Canada. com. Even though these strikes have been initiated, Jon Hamilton, a Canada Post spokesperson, reminded citizens that "it's pret-
ty much business as usual today across our network" (CBC). However, there is still fear that a general strike may be lingering behind this rotating model. If such action is taken by the union, Canada.com has made a list of certain mailed items that will still be received by community members. Any federal government cheques will continue to be delivered as well as courier
FRIDAY, JUNE 10th, 2011
Conversational Science. Experiment backs up Einstein's theory of distorted "spacetime" around Earth JASON HO SCIENCE WHIZ We're all familiar with the old anecdote of Newton's inspiration for the Law of Gravitation. As William Stukeley, a physiciap who knew Newton personally, described in Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton's Life: "[Newton] told me, he was just in the same situation, as when formerly, the notion o~ gravitation came into his mind. It was occasion'd by the fall of an apple, as he sat in contemplative mood. Why should that apple always descend perpendicular to the ground, thought he to himself." For your everyday situations, such as describing how a ball falls, or how fast a cart will roll down a hill, Newton's theory of gravity is quite adequate. Even much of the early investigation of our solar system was done from a Newtonian perspective. However, Newton's view of gravity was not complete. The first clue tq this came in the late 1800s, when astronomers noticed that the orbit of Mercury wasn't quite what Newton's theory predicted. There is a slight wobble to it, technically referred to as the "perihelion shift of Mercury." Many years after Newton's . theories were proposed, Albert Einstein published his papers on the Special Theory of Relativity, which said that information could not travel
Image: flickr.com
Stigma putsmany firmsoffreporting cyber attacks
Image: flickr.com
faster than the speed of light. Newton's theory of gravity did not take this into account; in fact, the equation which Newton came up with to describe gravity works instantaneously, which violates Einstein's theory of a "universal speed limit." So, Einstein went about revising how the world understood gravity. . What Einstein came up with was truly bizarre. He proposed that gravity wasn't even a force, but· a distortion of a four-dimensional "spacetime," which was a construction that combined normal three-dimensional space with a fourth time dimension. Any object that has mass distorts the spacetime around
Image: flickr.comt
E.coli foodprobe homes inon German bean· sprouts
it. A two-dimensional visualization would be of a bowling ball resting in the middle of a stretched rubber sheet. Gravity wasn't a force, but a result of how surrounding spacetime was stretched. This _was Einstein's theory of General Relativity. As 'h<1-rdas it may be to picture, General Relativity works amazingly well. It accurately predicts the perihelion shift of Mercury, and both General and Special Relativity are vital. to the accuracy of the clocks on the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. Forty years after Einstein published his ideas in The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity, two scientists, Leonard Schiff and William Fairbank, proposed an experiment to NASA that would determine two predictions of Einstein's theory caused by the mass and rotation of the Earth. Imagine a spinning top· on a flat, perfect surface, such that the top never wobbles or falls. The axis of the top will always point in the same direction. If we place that same top out in space, assuming a distorted spacetime, the top will change its orientation. This is what is referred to as geodetic precession. The other effect is caused by the rotation of the Earth in the distorted spacetime. It was predicted in 1918 by Hans Thirring and Josef Lense that rotations of massive objects
would cause further distortions in spacetime which would affect how the orbits of nearby objects would behave. This is a phenomenon called "frame-dragging." It was predicted that these effects could be measured by launching satellites equipped with gyroscopes into orbit around the Earth. The problem was that the technology needed for the experiment that they proposed was extremely precise; there were c;l.oubtsthat the experiment was even possible at the time. Nevertheless, funding was obtained in 1963, and the project that was t'o become "Gravity Probe B" was started. Fast forward to a press conference at NASA on May 4, 2011, · reported on by Dr. Tony Phillips, where the results of the experi-
ment that had been started more than 40 years before were announced. Along the way, 13 new technologies were invented specifically for the project, including incredibly precise spheres used as gyroscopes on the satellite. At any one point, they don't differ from a perfect sphere by more than 40 atomic layers. Also, in order to measure the framedragging phenomenon, an instrument with a precision akin to "measuring the thickness of a sheet of paper held edge on 100 miles away" was developed. It took years of planning, as well as hundreds of scientists, but the satellite, dubbed "Gravity Probe B," measured the same effects that Einstein predicted, adding to the credibility of Einstein's bizarre theory.
Image: flickr.com
Image: driller.biogs.com
Image: flickr.com
Image: fotopedia.com
Libyan rebels seize mountain town
Government un·veils planforjobs, balanced ·budget
China paper warns Go9gle maypay priceforhacking claims
TheConservative government willfocusonjobs andgrowth whileeliminating thefederal budget deficit, itsaidonFriday asitunveiled a planfor thefour-year mandate itwoninlastmonth's election. Freshly armedwitha majority ofseatsinthe House ofCommons, thegovernment saiditwould beabletobalance thebudgetby2014without raising taxes. Thespeech wasdelivered intheplushredSenate chamber byGovernor General David Johnston. "Wewillget15ack toworkonthethingsthatmatter.most toCanadians: goodjobs,security forour families, anda prosperous future;' Johnston said onbehalfofthegovernment. LedbyPrime Minister Stephen Harper, the Conservatives havebeeninpowersince2006 withtwoprevious minority governments, which meanttheyneededopposition support topass majorlegislation suchasthebudget.They were re-elected witha majority onMay2. [Theparty]cautioned thattheglobaleconomy remains fragile, andsaidtheagingworkforce wouldputlong-term pressure onthepension and health-care systems thatmustbeaddressed.
Google hasbecome a"political tool"vilifying the Chinese government, anofficial Beijing newspaper saidonMonday, warning thattheU.S. Internet giant's statements abouthacking attacks traced to China could hurtitsbusiness. Thetoughwarning appeared intheoverseas edition ofthePeople's Daily, theleading newspaper ofChina's ruling Communist Party, indicating that political tensions between theUnited States and China overInternet security couldlinger. Lastweek,Google saidithadbroken upaneffort tostealthepasswords ofhundreds ofGoogle emailaccount holders, including U.S. government officials, Chinese humanrightsadvocates and journalists. Itsaidtheattacks appeared tocome fromChina. TheChinese Foreign M_inistry rejected thoseaccusations,andthepartynewspaper warned Google against playing a risky political game. Bysaying thatChinese humanrightsactivists wereamong thetargetsofthehacking, Google was"deliberately pandering tonegative Western perceptions ofChina, andstrongly hinting that thehacking attacks weretheworkoftheChinese govemment;'the People's Daily overseas edition, a smalloffshoot ofthemaindomestic paper, saidina front-page commentary._
German scientists wereworking onMonday to Libyan rebels entered themountain townofYafran Wary ofalarming customers, manyfirmsnever anorganic vegetable farmasthesource onMonday, driving outMuammar Gaddafi's forces reportthekindofcyb!!r attacks suffered bySony, confirm ofanoutbreak ofE.coli bacteria thathasalready ina signNATO airstrikes intheregion maybe Google, andothers- andaslongasthestigma paying off. holds, tackling thegrowing problem mayprove· killed22peopleandcaused a foodscareacross Europe. Yafran hadbeenbesieged bypro-Gaddafi forces for impossible. Datatheftisa menace thatlooms water, and especially large,givencompanies' increasThereliefinGermany thatinvestigators hadfound morethana monthwithfood,drinking ingreliance ononlinestorage. Atriskcanbe a possible source ofthekillerbacteria - ironically medicines running short. eatenbymanyas"health food" ''Therebels saythattheyhavetaken thetown;'· cutting-edge copyrights, privileged commercial inbeansprouts, -was tempered byreports ofmounting losses saidReuters photographer Youssef Boudlal, after information suchastipsontakeover bidsandfarmers andretailers across Europe entering thetownfromthenorth. "There isnosign perhaps mostcrucially fora business' reputation forvegetable ofanyGaddafi forces:' - customers' personal details. caused bythreeweeksofpanic. Yafran, about100km(60niiles) southwest ofthe· InBrussels, theEuropean Commission saidit Computer security andcorporate intelligence wouldholda special meeting ofEUfarmministe.rs Libyan capital, isintheWestern Mountains where special!sts saytheyareoftensworn tosecrecy by onTuesday. OneEUsource told thelocalpopulation - mostofthembelonging to firmsscared ofthepotential reaction ofcorporate inLuxembourg Reuters theministers woulddiscuss financial aid theBerber ethnicminorityhaverisenupagainst partners andinvestors. producers hitbytheE.coli Gaddafi's 41-year rule. Somecompanies, saidexperts gathered ata cyber tofruitandvegetable Therebels control theeastofLibya, thewestern security conference inLondon lastweekorganized crisis. ofthenorthGerman farmatthe cityofMisrata andtherangeofmountains nearthe bytheEastWest SpellInstitute, maynotknowthe Themanager withTunisia. Their attempts toadvance on centeroftheinquiry saidhecouldnotunderstand border extentoftheirownexposure. thecapital havebeenblocked byGaddafi's better"Oneofthereasons wedonotknowthescale howitcouldbethesource ofaninfection that equipped forces. ofthisisthatorganizations areembarrassed to isusually transmitted through feces,orfoodor• Itwasunclear ifpro-Gaddafi forces remained inthe reveal theimpact;' BTchairman SirMichael Rake watercontaminated withfecalbacteria. "Thesaladsprouts aregrownonlyfromseedsand southofYafran. saidina speech. water,andtheyaten'tfertilized atall.There aren't "Icanseetherebelflags...Wehaveseenposters Speakers called forgreater transparency, but andphotos ofGaddafi thathavebeendestroyed;' anyanimal fertilizers usedinotherareasonthe fewwerewilling todiscuss attacks ontheirown systems indetailpublicly. Sometimes, experts say, farmeither:' Boudlal said. British warplanes destroyed twotanksandtwo thatextends tosimply notlooking forproblems. armored personnel carriers onJune2inYafran. -Reuters -Reuters -Reuters
.. ,
FRIDAY, JUNE 10th, 2011
Casey'sclosurepromptscommunitydinners To help offs~t the rumble in students' stomachs that the Casey's closure has left, SUS has partnered with Sodexo and various student groups to offer community dinners on campus for the s·ummer. The first dinner - free burgers and veggie burgers cooked up by SUS - went quickly. The Chinese Cultural Club also joined up with SUS last week to offer free Chinese food and snacks to students. SUS is currently working with groups to create a schedule of free or cheap dinners for the summer. The move to close Casey's early this summer was a financial decision made during the April retreat. In 2009, Casey's cost the SUS $55,593;in 2010, this cost increased to $80,623. Management was informed of the early decision to close Casey's in May shortly after the retreat. Students interested in hosting a community dinner should contact SUS for details.
The-burger crew relaxes after cooking up dinner. Image courtesy of SUS
Dates for Community Dinners June 15 Spaghetti/Buns/Salad June 22 Butter Chicken/Rice/Naan June 29 Appetizer Night/Nachos/Wings July 6 Mexican Food July 13 HomemadePizza July 20 Chili & Rice July 27 GreekSalad/Pitas/Skewers August3 African Food August 10 Curry & Rice
VP.Finance Samuel Broadfoot (far left) grabs a tasty burger. Image courtesy of SUS
Dinners will be held at Baker House Residence. For more information, contact Zack Soderstrom at 604.504.7441local 4107 or vpacademic@ufvsus.ca
Local hero Baraa Ali attempts to swallow his free burger whole while VP Academic Kate Nickelchok rehydrates after a long day of feeding students. Image courtesy of SUS
Op Ed: filling the void CARLOS VIDAL SUSPRESIDENT Just over two months ago, my Board took over the direction of the Student Union Society; so far I've learned a great deal about the inner workings of the society, and have had to make decisions about where the society will be headed over the next year or so. As expected, there have been a lot of challenges, and it is our intention to have most of them put to rights - or at least headed in the right direction - by mid-August so that there is a new feeling to the society when the majority of students return in September. We are looking to strengthen our communication, liven up the environment at UFV with more on-campus entertainment, and above all, interact more with our membership. That being said, I have been asked to address what is shaping up to be the biggest issue that we have had to deal with so far - food availability on campus, particularly in light of our decision to close Casey's for the summer and establish the UFV Community Food Coalition in its absence. When it comes to a secure food supply, three things are important: the food has got to taste good, it should be nutritious, and it must be easily available. In order to make sure that those three aspects of food security are achj.eved on the Abbotsford Campus this summer, we've been working with the University's Student Life department, Baker House, the International Education Department, and Sode?(O. The idea for the program first
Image: Twitter.com
came about because our VP Academic saw students struggling to be able to eat enough nutritional food when she was living in residence last summer. When the need to close Casey's was becoming more apparent, we recognized that it would create a void in food availability on campus. Along with this, we found out Sodexo was looking at possibly closing the cafeteria for part of the summer, and the new kitchen in Baker House wouldn't yet be ready for use. So what could,we do? Well, as is one of our specialties at SUS, we decided we could give away some free food! At first our idea was to call it the Food Security Program, but once we were able to partner with the various departments it became a collective community effort, with each group having specific responsibilities. Together, the coalition decided to serve meals for a nominal fee each week, and so far everyone who is taking part is having fun. I have to say that the move to
FRIDAY, JUNE 10th 2011
Universityin n·ameonly close Casey's this stimm.er was in line with past operations of that very important service that we all enjoy, and that we are working to make sure the student lounge opens in the fall as a strong benefit to the student on-campus lifestyle, including student-priced food and beverages in a student~focused social hub. There certainly has been some criticism as to why the society would even think of closing a venue that fills a social and fooct security niche, but it was a move that needed to happen. The SUS is in charge of Casey's and we have a manager on staff to oversee the operation. We fund "it and we receive our funding from the students. The students would therefore be footing the bill of keeping the restaurant open - and last year's bill was a deficit to the tune of more than $60,000 for the four summer months. In the end, this decision was debated among board members for a long time and was finally made in the best interest of our members and our fiscal responsibility to them. And again - it gives us the chance to bring back Casey's in the strongest incarnation that we can for the fall. So all in all, we are addressing the issue of food security during the summer as best we can, and as always, we welcome any and all ideas from our membership about how to deliver lifestyle enhancements to UFV students. Any student can feel free to contact me about the Community Food Coalition, or anything else really, by email at president@ufvSUS.ca. As our motto says, Engage Your SUS.
It has been number of years since our institution was granted the designation of university by the Ministry of Advanced Education. Although we have seen some institutional change in the time since, confusion over the scope of our mandate and the range of our offerings still reigns. Rather than clarifying the role that this institution is meant to play, our university has been gifted an identity crisis that remains unresolved. During the campaign for university status, it was argued by those in favour of the change that being called Universityof the Fraser Valley rather than the University Collegeof the Fraser Valley would increase our prestige in all sorfs of ways. Employers would place greater value on a degree from a university rather than a university college, while recruitment in the ever lucrative market for international students would be helped along. I remember the excited speculation as to what may lie ahead: expanded graduate offerings, perhaps a law school, ·or even maybe · a medical school! Universitieshave
those,right? The narrowly written mandate given to our newly named institution by the legislature put to rest any possibility of transforming our humble undergraduate institution into anything more substantial. Nevertheless, none of us here at our institution have yet been able to come to terms with what that truly entails. We remain a public university in. name, but with a
Image: ufv.ca
campus culture befitting an amped up community college. Our anemic strategic plan is rivalled only by the slow bureaucratic turn of committees, charged with creating sustainability and internationalization. Buzz words and consultants cannot replace true vision, and they have yet to bring about either clarity or positive and lasting institutional change. A solution to this mess will forever be imperfect, especially as we remain beholden to funding decisions made in Victoria. A new destiny for this place CaJl be forged, however. Let us take this regionally focused, special purpose teaching university and shape it in the best possible way. Let us look to our South and to our East, and take the best from institutions such as Reed or Amherst or St. Francis Xavier and truly commit to building a robust university community. We do not have to settle for being Simon Fraser's poor cousin. We can be better, and different. Undergraduate~ everywhere will thank us for it.
Consistency and transparency in officiating JOEL SMART THECASCADE It's no secret that we hockey fans have an opinion or two about the way the game is refereed. A call one way or the other can be the difference between winning or losing in a tight game, and so it seems particularly unfair when the team you're cheering for gets called, while you feel similar infractions have gone unchalleng~d for the opposing side. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution. Nevertheless, something must be d'one. There are two key interrelated issues that must be addressed. The first thing is consistency. We hear the announcers on television talking about it all the time, so it is no surprise, but it is undeniable that the way the refs are calling games is different fro~ night to night. It is a fast game, but it isn't too much to ask for a more reliable set of rules. It has also been
Image: Flickr.com.
suggested by many that officials are more likely to call penalties against players they don't like. If true, that's not a good thing for the sport of hockey. A hooking penalty should be called the same way, regardless of if you happen to get along with the individual with the whistle or not. The second key issue was best brought to light by Tony Galla-
UFV SPEAKS.II The Question: 1. Quail or Ptarmigan? 2. Frege or Russell?
gher, in The Province, when it was announced the Canucks would face the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup Finals. Colin Campbell, the Director of Hockey Operations, has a son who plays for the Bruins, and it raises all kinds of questions about the possible biases that could be shaping inconsistently-reffed games. "The problem is the on-ice officials," Gallagher
said. "They are appointed by a de- GM Mike Gillis found out the partment for which Campbell has hard way). Something is clearly responsibility and the entire progwrong with what's going on, and . ress of the_ir careers is totally con- it isn't doing anyone any favours trolled by these people. They de- to keep it locked away and out of cide when the officials work, how public discourse. For such an inmuch they work, and as such how tegral part of the game, everyone much they get paid." It's tough to involved has a right to know a bit know whether those factors could more about what's going on. play a role in the mind of a referee, Admittedly, there may not be an consciously or not. After all, who ideal solution. Too many penalties doesn't want to keep their boss in a game completely decimates the exciting flow that fans love to happy? watch, but too few and we're back Colin Campbell stepped down as chief disciplinarian the day to the dead puck era, where the after Gallagher's article, but of game is slowed to a crawl and the · course that won't change the skill is reduced to the lowest compower his department holds over mon denominator. Not to mention, the referees. The point is not that there is just no way for two referthe Canucks are so hard done by. ees to see everything. It's a hard However, it would be nice for a bit job, and a thankless one at that. more transparency. The way the To find the best possible balance, NHL works, disciplinary and of- there will have to be compromises ficiating decisions are hidden be- made by all parties. Refereeing hind closed doors. Those players, , must be an issue addressed by the coaches, and ·general managers NHL this offseason, because wish that question them are silenced as they might, tfiese problems will not go away on their own. through large fines (as Canucks
Michael "1. Quail
2. Frege"
Chad "1. Quail 2. Frege"
Score:1/2 Images: JDR Brown
FRIDAY, JUNE 10th, 2011
Privatization promises undelivered ALISIEMENS THECASCADE Ideally, privatizing something should result in better and more efficient service. In the past few years, the University of the Fraser Valley has decided to privatize their parking services by striking up a contract with our beloved Impark. For those who still park by the surrounding churches and side streets where parking is free, be glad you have managed to escape from the clutches of Impark. While there are advantages to privatizing a service when all stakeholders (including customers) are happy with the product, customer satisfaction is not always pri~rity - especially with Impark. When UFV decided to privatize their parking lots, they immediately removed themselves from a lucrative investment in their future. For example, in 2008 the city of Chicago decided to privatize all of their parking meters. the city was paid $1.15billion for a 75 year co~tract for most of the city's parking meters. According to New York Times, the private company is expected to earn $58 million in gross income in their first year, increasing- year after year. Over the life of the contract, the private company could earn $4.34 billion. It seems as though they might be making a little dough. Could UFV have been so smart to make the decision of keeping their parking
Image: Ameet Dhanoa
meters to themselves? Looking at the big picture, the private company in Chicago and Impark here have to pay for employees, upkeep of their lots, meters, and all of the other tools that go into running an efficient business. Still, they are making a killing. With such lucrative profits to be had, our product - parking at UFV - should be better. Have we really seen any improvements to the lots or lower fees? After the administrative decision was made to hire Impark as our guardian-parking-lot-angels, all students have seen an increase
in enforcement with no physical improvement to the lots. Students have lost jobs, as the University used to employ students to patrol the lots. Parking space is still overcrowded, and when trying to pay a ticket, we are forced to deal with Impark's terrible customer service line. Last week, in the time it took for me to walk to the parking meter and pay the parking fee, I was already issued a ticket. Then, I spent 15 minutes waiting on the phone to try and dispute it. All this, and we have to share our space with the AE&SC on game nights, and pay the event flat rate unless an Impark guard · will approve you as a student by showing identification. So where is the efficiency we were all promised? At least with privatized health-care in the United States, when you put your money into the machine, you get your surgery. Here at UFY, you often put your money in the machine, but it's either eaten, neglected, or stolen and you are still given• a ticket. Impark is failing us .. They have not delivered on their promises of better parking and more efficient administration. The only consistency comes from their ability to write tickets and rudely deal with their customers. It might be time for students to stand up and say shape up or ship out! Our university is growing; we need to ensure students have a place to park their car as they are getting their education.
-A eulogyfor Dr. Death SOPHIE ISBISTER THECASCADE ·While suicide itself is not illegal, it is definitely illegal for someone else to pull the trigger. As Canada's demographics shift to see an increasingly aged population, it may be time to reopen this debate. The recent death of Jack Kevorkian, known to the media as Dr. Death, has reignited the discussion of physician assisted suicide. Kevorkian passed away June 3 at the respectable age. of 83 af- · ter a lengthy hospital stay due to pneumonia and kidney problems. When Kevorkian's medical licence was revoked in 1991,it didn't stop him from travelling around the USA and administering his assisted-suicide machine to terminally ill people in need. A brazen champion of the rightto-die movement, Kevorkian even marketed his services in newspapers. He assisted at least 130 people in ending their struggle with cancer, ALS, multiple sclerosis, and oth~r
Image: Flickr.com
debilitating terminal illnesses, until he was charged with second degree murder and incarcerated late in his life. In the wake of Kevorkian's death, family members of the people who he helped have spoken
positively about the man. Sue Rodriguez is possibly the most famous Canadian case of a patient seeking physician assisted suicide. Suffering from ALS, she took her case to the Supreme
Court twice, and both times was denied the right to end her life with dignity in what were very tight decisions. So what if Canadians like Sue Rodriguez (who did finally die with the help of an ·anonymous physician) feel like they deserve to be the ones controlling their lives? What about self-determination? What about dying comfortably, surrounded by your family instead of surrounded by hospital bills and despair? Shouldn't that be an option? In the landmark Rodriguez case, Justice Sopinka relied on slippery slope arguments and moralistic ideals, saying that allowing physician-assisted suicide "would erode the belief in the sanctity of human life," also stating that "concerns about abuse and the difficulty in establishing safeguards to prevent abuse make it necessary to prohibit assisted suicide." Supporters of euthanasia say that current end of life care looks a lot more. like prolonging death
"1. Water bottle
"1. Ptarmigan
2. Russe1l"
2. Frege"
Score:0/2 (+i for creativity)
·Jhim "1._Quail 2. Russell"
rather than life. What kind of life are people living if they can't engage in the activities that once gave them so much pleasure, such as hugging their grandchildren or walking their dog? Patients in late stages of ALS may not even have the abiUty to speak to their loved ones. Supporters of euthanasia say that these people should have the control to be able to die in a painless and peaceful way. The physician involved in as-: sisted suicide should not be seen as an aggressor. Physicians like Jack Kevorkian, who are vocal and articulate about this worthy ·cause, should be seen as heroes. The brave doctors and nurses who routinely increase dosages of morphine for palliative care patients to ease· their journey into death should be seen as facilitators not as death-happy thugs looking i:o pul! a trigger. The process of physician-assisted suicide should be legalized, regulated, and incorporated as an important, dignified aspect of palliative care. That decision should happen soon.
FRIDAY, JUNE 10th, 2011
Outs~dethe (take out). Box
of the seasons
.m1lsean shoppe 2900 272nd Street Aldergrove 604-856-3024 www.milsean.com
Imageccurtesyof nbc.com
Image courtesy of Gluten Free Guinea Pig
iced chai. The sammie, otherwise AMYVANVEEN
flavour was rich, and though the known as a sandwich, comes in combination seemed to be more THECASCADE three different options: ham and autumnal, it was something that Swiss, chicken and red pepper, could be enjoyed in any season. Aldergrove is often the forgot- or veggie; and it is panini grilled They also boast a range of their own "sweet things," which is ten town between Langley and to let the cheese melt and flavour Abbotsford, but just two blocks come out. They also serve salads, what Milsean means in Gaelic, south of the liquor store on Fraser full sandwiches, quiche, and, in- including their own freshly made terestingly enough, waffles. For gelato from April to September. Highway there's a little cafe with big surprises. The Milsean Shoppe those looking for gluten-free opThe service is friendly, but not takes up the retired residence of ,tions, they do cater to the aller- aggressively so like some faman old fire hall that has been re- gen-sensitive community. There ily owned businesses. The shoppe furbished to serve members of were six different soups of the also doubled as a store, which the community looking for a good day, and all were a little out of many coffee shops do. Here there cup of coffee, some fresh food, and the norm. Oftentimes, it seems _ is so much merchandise it was as though every coffee shop has slightly overwhelming. Since I a nice atmosphere. ate outside, I was able to enjoy the On a sunny day the garden seat- the same soup supplier offering beautiful weather and perfectly ing can be properly enjoyed. There either chicken noodle, minestroare a few tables on the lawn and ne, or some kind of tomato. At manicured gardens, but inside a couple under a canopy, all sur- Milsean, there were a couple of there was little room to move and ordinary options like Borscht, but relax with so many knick-knacks rounded by beautiful landscaping that makes you forget you're in Al- even that had its own spin to it. lining the shelves. The lunches are under ten doldergrove, BC. In the summer, too, I ordered the intriguing Roasted lars and they boast a large drink the owners like to bring the inside Yam and Apple, which seemed like an interesting enough fla- menu whether you're in the mood out and open the garage-style for coffee, tea or an alternative. It's doors. Inside there is an all glass vour combination. The sandwich annex for seating to enjoy when was tasty, but it seemed more like open seven days a week; Monday a glorified grilled cheese with a 'to Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Satur· the weather is less cooperative. For lunch I had a soup and half few other ingredients. The soup, day 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday 8 sammie special for $7.50 and an though, was the main event. The a.m. to 9 p.m.
TREVORFIKthe cast will determine the future of the show. While The Office has THECASCADE become multi-dimensional in its Warm weather and longer days laughs, given the depth and talsignal many things: the chang- ent of the supporting cast, many ing season, some much needed of the episodes revolve around time off from studying, and the the individual at the helm of the finales of the television shows that office. kept us from absolutely loathing Whoever the executives deweekdays during the dark win- cide on, it will take the show in an ter months. And while summer entirely new direction, which is programming offers many things exactly what a show in its eighth in terms of entertainment, it has season requires. For better or .for a hard time competing with the worse revitalization will keep intrigue of hiring a new office things interesting and relevant for manager and the shock of seeing a show that long ago embedded itour favorite irritable doctor finally self in popular culture. take things one step too far. When one of the last remaining While the exit of Steve Carrell mysteries of a show is finally refrom The Office was known before vealed, and an audieace is shown the start of the seventh season, it what they have wanted to. see for still hurt to see the man who has the better part of a decade, it albecome an absolute staple of the lows for an immense feeling of series go. The relationship we as satisfaction for a viewer. This is an audience shared with Michael then followed by catastrophic Scott can be described as compli- panic for television executives cated at best. While loathing and and writers. cringing· at his many interactions With the 6th season of House with those in and outside of the ending with our protagonist with office, we secretly rooted for the the awful bedside manner Dr. manager with no filter to find the Gregory House getting together true love and happiness he un- with Dean of Medicine Lisa Cudquestionably deserved. dy, many wonder how the show The difficulty in replacing a that has been lauded for being too character like Michael Scott is formulaic will remain fresh and that he has become such a center- engaging. piece to many of the other characThe solution has been to put ters' storyline and development. both characters through a midThe camaraderie he shared with season breakup that has pushed Dwight, the absolute disdain for the always uneasy House over the Toby, and the affection shared edge in a fit of road rage worthy between Michael and Holly will of a Grand Theft Auto re-creation. surely be missed in the series. The .Throw in the added intrigue of question is, now that Michael has Lisa Eqelstein (who plays Cuddy) left; who has the comedic and act- noting that the seventh season ing chops to step in to the role as was her last on the show, and the leading man at Dunder Miff- . the future of House becomes that lin, Scranton. much more uncertain. While many names have been With uncertainty, however, put forth, and certainly several comes mystery, with mystery intalents made an appearance in evitably giving way to intrigue the season finale (Jim Carey, Ray and a reason to tune in to the upRomano, James Spader}, how this coming 8th season of House. All individual meshes with the rest of the way in September ...
Cascadelrcade AnotherLego game _______
C_H_R_I_S_B_O_N_SH_O_R Lego Pirates of the Caribbean,takes
THECASCADE cues from each of the first two and winds up not being a whole lot of By now, the Lego console games fun in the process. While the charhave become a staple of fun, ad- acters are comically rendered, Jack dictive, and easy group gaming. Sparrow being hilarious in Lego However, turning movies into with his funny stance and vocal .video games does not always grunts, and the environments are make for fun and varied game great to look at, the game has seriplay...,After all, every movie has ous pacing, party, and mechanical slow, boring parts. issues. Past Lego games have dealt The first problem comes from with this problem in various ways sticking to the script of the movies and with various degrees of sue- too closely. The game begins at the cess. Lego Star Wars, the first pair start of the first movie. After Jack in the series, focused on providing and Will steal a ship from the royal a lot of stuff to destroy in its en- navy, you are tasked with roundvironments, instead of sticking to ing up a crew of pirates for said the movie script too closely.- Lego ship. This involves a very tedious Indiana Jones, on the other· hand, slog through Tortuga, in which you eschewed explosive Lego blocks have to CQverthe same ground a flying everywhere for a form of number of times before you can get realism that basically just showed the four crew members you will the movies in Lego. LegoHarry Pot-. need at some point in the future. ter, finally, preferred a more free- The desire to stick to the script also form experience. results in many, many cutscenes, The newest entry into the series, which are meant to fill in the gaps
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of the movie between what is experienced in the levels. However, pacing takes second fiddle to party problems. By this, I am referring to the party of characters that you must round up in order to play the game, as each character usually has some special attribute that is needed to overcome some specific obstacle. For example, Jack Sparrow has his compass to find hidden puzzle pieces, Gibbs has a blacksmith's hammer, and the lady characters can jump really high. Trying to figure out what character you need to overcome any given obstacle is not especially difficult, but having all of the characters together on screen can make it a little crowded and too easy (even when waves of two or three bad guys start showing up). This, however, pales in comparison to the mechanical problems inherent in this game. In order to make the game more piratey (I
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•-:--•:•. ♦ "'·•-~~
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geuss), the makers made the cues that tell you what you need to do and how to do it blend in with your environment a lot more sometimes to the point where they are hidden, i.e. invisible. This -ean lead to some extremely irritating and lengthy delays as you try to figure out what exactly it is you
are supposed to be doing and what character you need to do it. In any case, this game is not all that bad, though I feel kind of cheated of the rental money I put out to get it. I was just really fired up after playing Harry Potter Lego and looked forward to more of the same. Oh well ...
FRIDAY, JUNE 10th, 2011
BookReview· The WarholGang by Peter Darbyshire
woes. Soon he is involved in deal-
PAUL FALARDEAU ings with stressed-out co-workers,
THECASCADE a crooked cop, and a girl who has some interesting hobbies, not least From The Raw Shark Texts to of which is her affiliation with a Atlas Shrugged and every Chuck mysterious resistance. Palahniuk novel in between, it's In a book where Darbyshire • not too hard these days to find a does an excellent job of portraying VIOLET HART its various elements of beauty, book (or film) that plays devious his main character's loosening grip EROTICIST strangeness, mystery, animality, tricks on your mind. Rarer is the on reality, we are also led to quesdarkness, and joy. , Is sex beautiful? Some would breed that takes you for that mental tion just what is real. HallucinaI talked to a sex photographeranswer "yes," that sex is beautiful rollercoaster ride and then leaves tions aside, he challenges his readvideographer of twenty years about ers to as_kwhat they believe about because it is an act of creation or . his experiences with porn and erotyou thinking about the underlying love. Others would answer "no," ica: "Porn can be raw, sloppy, hard, message for days to come. Enter Pe- what they buy and what they see. pointing to the "disgustingness" and just all about the money shot," ter Darbyshire, with his follow up Corporations, cops, and even the of the- various fluids and odours he says, "but the erotica I have exbumbling resistance seem to be too· to the critically-acclaimed Please. that necessarily come along with perienced and seen is about the art The Warhol Gang takes place in content to just assume what they it. Without a doubt, sex certainly of arousal... Erotic model clients a dystopian future... or wait, does see is real. makes people horny, whether it's and the dark visionaries I work it? The chilling .realization of DarIt makes sense then that Andy hearing it, watching it, or reading with at times have a storyboard of byshire's novel is that the world Warhol is chosen as the book's about it. But is sex beautiful? Can the session before hand, and love he writes about - one of malevonamesake, because its world is one sex be art? in which any marketable item is to make it as artsy, deviant, darkly lent marketing companies and Erotica gets a bad rap, often arousing and visually stunning as the brainwashed masses who live used up and repeated until it has just lumped in with porn as some- possible. These can be very enticto consume - is really not a big no more real meaning left in it. thing "crude," "vulgar," and "dis- ing shoots to be working as well as And it is in this void that our real stretch from what we experience gusting." And, while it is true the biggest turn on as some of these story takes place. Vividly grueday to day. Taking a break from that erotica and porn often· con- shoots can be overwhelmingly some at times, Trotsky develops a· reading Warhol and scrutinizing tain many of the same elements, sexual and beautifully hot without · our reality is truly nauseating. That fetish for accident scenes and snuff genitals, nudity, sexual acts etc., I any money parts actually being exvideos when buying things is not the addiction to buying portrayed would argue there is a crucial dif- posed. . . . Erotica has a beautiful by Darbyshire elicits such a violent enough any longer; death becomes ference between the two. sexual tingle about it that can drive the only link anyone in The Warhol reaction is a testament to his frank Porn is a stimulant, i.e. it makes a person into a horny oblivion ...." approach to the subject. Beginni).1.g Gang h_as to life. Without death, people horny. Porn is really noth_ And of course, arousal is still an well, let's just say there are enough as a shootout takes place between ing more than a visual sex toy. The important element to erotica. A dethe police and the seemingly vil- twists and turns and name-changpoint of it is to arouse the viewer piction of a calm, serene lakeshore lainous Warhol, we are thrown into es to keep the pages turning. by means of acts and fantasies that should make its viewer, feel likeIt would be easy, even given the the sad life of Trotsky, a sorry charthe viewer finds personally stimuwise calm and serene; thus, a sexy acter somewhere between Office solid premise, to deny the idea that lating. Thus porn is a commodity; painting or photo will inevitably Space'sPeter Gibbons and Neo from Warhol can avoid the campy graveit has a use, a purpose. bring out the sexual in its viewer. The Matrix. Trotsky has just been yard that so many like-minded stoErotica, on the other hand, ries have fallen into. Often heavyHowever, erotica is more than assigned as a temp at Adseneses, while it may certainly be stimulatjust arousal; it tells us about human a neuromarketing business. The handed with morals or needlessly ing, does not exist for the purpose nature and our complex, mixed unenviable task of our hero is to cheesy or gory, Darbyshire strikes of getting someone off. Erotica is feelings toward our most basic be locked into a machine and have a balance. Ultra-modern and chic, a type of art, in that it presents driving need. Even more imporadvertisements blasted directly he immerses us in the world of human sexuality in striking and tantly, erotica captures the beauty Trotsky, Che, Holiday, Flint, and into his brain all day.Surprisingly, lrrege courtesyof The llandymanCan innovative ways. Sex and sexualof the human body, and our relait's not a dream job and before long Paris and leaves us looking over ity are a complex part of human tions with each other. Yes, sex is or what have you - but for what it the machine has side-effects on our shoulders and wondering if we life, and it is erotica that addresses beautiful, not because of what it's is: the natural desire of our animal poor Trotsky, who goes to extreme really need to make our next purthis complexity, bringing forward for - romantic love, making babies, selves for unity and joy. lengths to cure his work-related chase.
Erotica: the forbidden art
'FilmReview X-men First Class
iring;,Arts and Life JobDescription: Life Editor of the Cascade is responsible fo:t. llecting, editing and laying out the content f
SOPHIE ISBISTERtually X and Magneto part ways due to extreme ideologiTHECASCADE cal differences, it's still rewarding to see their genuine camaraderie in the beginning. We know Charles Xavier as In case ypu wanted to know exactly how Magneto pretty much the nicest guy ever - but it's fun to see him came to be the evil mastermind he is in X-Men, X2, and start out as a pompous UK doctorate grad with a fratboy X-Men 3, thenX-men FirstClass,which kicked off summer mentality, and to see how he evolves into the revered Problockbuster season on June 3, is the film for you! It's also fessor X. Especially gratifying is Wolverine's super short the film for you if you love gazing into James McAvoy-as- cameo, which really made me wish that all moves ever young-Professor-X's stunning blue eyes, or watching bad had Wolverine in them. Yeah, even Driving Miss Daisy. guy sidekick January Jones' assets strain against a white So that's how First Class succeeds as a prequel. But bikini top, or if you really really want to see Kevin Bacon does it succeed as a standalone film? Mostly. The action is as supervillain Sebastian Shaw. great, the swingin' 60s time period is aesthetically pleasBut Magneto steals the show. Michael Fassbender, ing (especially in the costume department), the mutant who portrays the powerful metal-manipulating mutant powers are awesome, and the revisionist history (Cuban with a ginormous chip on his shoulder, turned out the Missile Crisis anyone?) works as a tried-and-true franacting job of the century in what was a very meaty and chise plot device. Character arcs start to get a little hackwell developed character arc. It really seems like tne film neyed with a bit too much "mutant pride" and "self acshould be called X-men:Magnetoand Some Other Chumps. ceptance" schlock, but I guess that's an important lesson But it's not; it's called First Oass after what turns out to be for the kids these days. the first class of Professor X's school for gifted youngsters. Ultimately, FirstClassstands up as a great origin story The gifted youngsters, including a nubile teen Mystique for three key players in the later films. It also tackles the who is self-conscious about her mutation, mostly come same central questions as the other films in the franacross as afterthoughts when compared to the emotional chise: can humans co-exist with mutants? Will humans journey we are taken on by Erik Lensherr, aka the amaz- ever accept mutants? What makes a good mutant difing Magneto. ferent from a bad mutant? It all boils down to optimism Both Mystique and Beast turn up in the later (earlier?) vs. pessimism, a point that is hammered forcefully into films, and, as is the nature with prequels, we know how. clunky dialogue near the end. Verdict? I laughed, I cried, they end up. The prequel is about how they get there. We I clapped, I ate popcorn for lunch and felt ill. Overall, a know that in the future Professor X is in a wheelchair, · great summer action flick with very believable younger and so most people will spend the whole movie waiting versions of characters we know and love. Go see it and for that to happen. And even though we know that even- bring the whole family.
Life section of the Cascade. The Arts and Life .J;!ditorshhll ensure that issues relevant to students are pre~ted in his/her section, and allow the UFV arts community to pe represented in his/her section. At all times, the ':A.d$and Life Editor shall adhere to the Cascade Journalism S~ty' s bylaws, Code of Conduct and other polices, as as i'suring that all material in his/ her section does not violate the Canadian University Press Code of Ethics Qtt;ji{ica.tions:
Must ing
= 10
FRIDAY,JUNE 10th, 2011
[?I '} j·tkllAlbumReview
(SIJl!IY.i HelplessnessBlues - FleetFoxes TIMUBELS reaction to the Fleet Foxes' suc-
Austra* FeelIt Break
CONTRIBUTOR cess on their debut album is referenced in this song, wondering, "So. now I am older than my "Could I wash my hands of just mother and father when they had looking out for me?" He speaks their daughter," Fleet Foxes front "oflife and death in a roundabout man Robin Pecknold states in fashion, and poses the question, the opening lines of Helplessness "Now what does that say about Blues. Rather than moping in his me?" in reference to the f.act that longing for a past life and dread- when his parents reached his age, ing time slowly slinking by him, they already had a . child. PecPecknold uses his sweet pipes and knold realizes that he is no longer straightforward lyrics to express a child in need of constant care, his romanticized perspective on and that the next phase of his life youth. The songwriter's uncer- has truly begun. The chorus eftainty about the world does not fortlessly attached to this song cause him to withdraw from d_eal- consists of only a single line, "Oh ing with these tentative feelings. · man what I used to be Oh man oh In fact, Pecknold meets these feel- my oh me," but in the context of ings head on, and displays them the song carries with it the pas· on a record filled with times of sion and depth involved with any calculated risks, mixed with abso- compelling melancholic sentilute bedlam. Yes the album comes ment. These lines reveal the songwith baggage, but that doesn't .writer's progression and maturity mean that these aren't the carefree through life, as he can now look Fleet Foxes we all fell in love with back upon this time in his life following the release of their 2008 from a new perspective, one that self-titled debut. The difference consists of a blissful mix of sorhere is that this album compares row and empathy that the listener easier with the brightness of Van can truly connect with. Morrison's Astral Weeks than anyAnother standout track is "Lothing Crosby, Stills and Nash, who relai," which echoes a melody the Fleet Foxes are often compared similar to Dylan's "Fourth Time to, have done. Around." A relatively minor, but The album's opening track noticeable letdown comes in the "Montezuma" demonstr?tes Pec- form of the album's fourth track knold's attempt to gauge his suc- "Battery Kinzie," as for a mocesses and accomplishments in ment, the Fleet Foxes begin to fall life, and what they truly mean in into the stale chamber folk sound the grand scheme of things. His usually occupied by the likes of
rapermaps* 2Papermaps Up* 3Fucked David Comesto Life Fortress* 4Miracle Was I The Wave? Gang Gang Dance 5Eye Contact
6Get on YourNerves Myelin Sheaths*
7DoctorEw Gadzooks 8
Blackguard* Firefight
Bear 9Panda Tomboy
Long Long Long*
Cool* 11Bertha BerthaCool Artist Life* 12The Impossible Germany Germany* 13Adventures
Midlike and Mumford & Sons. However, they quickly recover on the Simon and Garfunkelesque "Bitter Dancer," which includes its own flute part. From the album's opener in "Montezuma," which consists of slow building crescendos and a narrative about personal growth, to the orchestral composition found on the album's closer "Grown Ocean," Fleet
a I bum ■■ANl>THE - SUNSETS -■ SDNN9
Foxes flaunt their ability to fluently add intricate instrumentation to their songs, while at the same time spattering lush harmonies across every verse like a coat of fresh primer. The Fleet Foxes show they won't shy away from adding fresh, clean and crisp instrumentals to Pecknold's refreshingly sincere lyrics. The result is a measured and pleasant listening experience.
Explosions In The Sky I TakeCareTakeCare TakeCare
15TeapotHill 16Cowpuncher 17 Brilliant! Tragic! 18FriendCrush 7-inch 19
Codesand Keys Death Cab for Cutie
Teapot Hill*
TheAutumn Portrait* The Design is Over
Snailhouse* 2OMonumental
Rolling Stone said of Death Cab for Cutie's first album You Can Play These Songs with Chords that the album was "emotion through its lack of emotion." Things haven't cha11ged much with their new album Codesand Keys; the band still has that s,:\me, classic Death Cab sound, they're just better at it now. Ever since this band's journey began in 1997, each album has been better than the last, and it's nice to see their music mature with them. This newest album has less straight guitar playing, and they have incorporated more colourful instruments and sounds. Take for instance the title track "Codes and Keys," with a banging piano that plays alongside the rhythm of the drums, and a cool building violin which layers over the vocals right to -the end. If you're looking for this album to be something other than Death Cab than you will be disappointed, but if you're a fan this album is a must.
Hit After Hit Sonny and the Sunsets · "When I see you su'n starts to shine," sings front man and San Francisco native Sonny Smith on the opening track of the Sunsets' latest r~cord, quickly establishing the band's particular variety of West Coast pop classicism indebted to Bobby Fuller, Buddy Holly, and Jonathon Richman in equal measure. On the band's second LP, and Smith's seventh since 2000, Sonny and the Sunsets exude· a rare effortlessness that makes it seem like this collection has always existed and was just recently dusted off by a team of rock historians who stumbled across a forgotten milk crate of records in some northern California basement. As is often the case with prolific artists, Smith's song writing is distilled and deceptively simple with tracks like "I Wanna Do It" and "Home and Exile" displaying a wealth of melodies you wish you had written. Ultimately, Hit After Hit is an incredibly fun if not particularly groundbreaking effort.
Brilliant!Tragic! Art Brut
It's fitting that Art Brut has released their fourth studio album, Brilliant! Tragic!,on May 23, right on the cusp of summer. I've always thought Art Brut was a great summer band; their first album, Bang Bang Rock & Roll is exactly as named, some bang bang rock n' roll for sunny days and driving with the top down. BIT! doesn't disappoint in the same category, with frontman Eddie Argos' talk/ shout vocals overtop an aural lash- . ing of drums, bass, and guitar. The sound is upbeat and Argos' lyrics remain tongue in cheek and worth paying attention to. Especially excellent is the rant on "Bad Comedian'' in which he shouts his rage at an ex's new flame, a bad comedian who "probably signs his name in Comic Sans." Best songs: the aforementioned, plus "Lost Weekend," "I am the Psychic," and the slower, ballad-like "Sealand." Pick up Brilliant! Tragic!,roll down the windows, and tur11-up the volume, because summer's here.
SophieIsbister Nick Ubels *CanadianArtist
The Anchorman Mixtape k-os Following the announcement that he would be retiring from making albums after his phenomenal. Yes! Kevin Brereton, better known by his stage name K-OS, made it well-known that he was not out of the music game altogether. The proof was made whole with the late 2010 release of The AnchormanMixtape. Now that there is news that October 2011 will see K-OS break his promise and release his fifth studio album, (BLack on Blond} the time seems right to revisit his mixtape, which features collaborations with big Canadian names like Drake, Saukrates and Sebastien Grainger, among others. The Anchorman in the name is indeed a reference to the Will Ferrell movie and clips from the film become the glue that holds the tapes together. The effect is marvelously funny and K-OS and co. are typically on point with rhymes and beats that are leagues above most others in modern hip-hop, Canadian or not. Overall The Anchorman Mixtapes are wicked awesome hidden gein and the perfect way to get ready for BLackon Blond
Paul Falardeau
n FRIDAY,JUNE 10th, 2011
AlbumReview Born This Way- LadyGaga JENNIFER COLBOURNE also made sure to throw in a few THECASCADE relatable songs for all the emoteens out there ("Hair" and ''Bad If it wasn't apparent before, Kids"). Her sound is so diverse with her new album Born This on this album, at least one track Way, Lady Gaga is definitely well is bound to appeal to somebody on her way to taking over the - and that's the point. Gaga is world. Gaga has always made a making herself likeable to fans of concerted effort to fashion herself other genres - although it's doubtinto a pop-sensation; while some ful "Heavy Metal Lover" is going decry this as a waste of actual mu- to secure her the heavy metal fan sical talent and ability, the fact of club. the matter is that Gaga, with her Of course, most of her album, mega popularity, now has a voice like much of her work, is dancethat is literally heard by millions. club oriented, and the few songs Her first albums were named The that aren't are remixed to be so on Fame and The Fame Monster, for the extended album (or the other god's sake. We know what she's way around, as in the case of the about. "Pop" music do.es, after all, song "Born This Way," remixed to require popularity. But just what sound like a new country song). Gaga has been accumulating all Let's face it, you'll hit the widest this fame for is·only now becom- audience if you produce music ing apparent in her latest album, that's played in bars. Period. Lady Born This Way. Gaga knows how to pump out Born This Way, even more so dance beats; Akon's patronage has than Gaga's other albums, is the clearly paid off. perfection of pop. Gaga has takYet Born This Way is much more en the sounds we loved from the than an insanely catchy pop !11seventies, eighties, and nineties bum. Gaga is a lousy lyricist, aland slicked it over with the shiny, though in the current pop scene, expensive electronic dance-dub she's still better than most. Still, a sounds of the millennium (versus Bob Dylan she ain't. What's importhe shitty synthesizer sounds from tant about Lady Gaga's lyrics is the the eighties, and the slightly less content and, although it may keep shitty synth sounds of the nine- her from being a poet, the extreme ties). Take Queen, Abba, Michael simplicity of these lyrics ensures Jackson, and Madonna, throw it all that her message comes through in a blender and voila. This is not loud and ringing. What is Gaga to imply that Gaga does not have battling? Religious extremism, an her own unique sound, because issue close to Gaga's heart, being she does - but like all great artists, raised Roman Catholic and at- diced, homophobic extremists. she has integrated and built on the tending Catholic school as a teen. So Gaga, like the many who great music that has come before. It may seem an irrelevant issue have come before her, is putting Gaga has hit all her bases with here in: pacific, inclusive Canada, • her fame toward cultural change her tracks this time: she has a but in the USA extremism is en- through the medium of pop. And "European" song ("ScheiBe"), a demic. Particularly as a woman you have to hand it to her; this is a "Latin" song ("Americano"), even who identifies sexually as bi, and pretty successful way to go about a "Country" song ("You and I"), a with many gay friends, it is she it. Sure, you can write a university track which, honest to god, sounds herself and those she loves who thesis on gay rights that nobody like Shania Twain wrote it. She are sufferers at the hands of preju- will read except like-minded aca-
demics; or, you can spoon-feed it to the masses. And so we have the song ''Born This Way": ''he made you perfect"; "God makes no mistakes"; ."a different lover is not a sin." It's not a ground breaking message, but a needed one nonetheless. With the exception of only a couple of songs, the entire album is filled with religious criticism,
"Judas" being barely the tip of the iceberg; "I won't speak your / Jesus Christo" ("Americano"), declares Gaga. Lady Gaga has hit it right on when she says that "Jesus is the new Black" (''Black Jesus t Amen Fashion"); and, fashion being changeable, she's out to make "tolerance" in, and extremism "out."
HIRING: P.roductionStaff Design gurus and typography nerds PLEASE APPLY!
' members are responsible for all aspects of design and Production staff layout of the paper, including preparing images for layout. The production staff work long hours on production day/days. Because of this, they receive priority registration and are expected to schedule courses around production. Production staff members must have a genuine interest in design, as the Cascade's layout is constantly changing. While the Cascade appreciates actual experience with inDesign. as a student organization we are willing to train the right candidates.
Qualifications: Must be registered in at least one credit course at UFV during the fall/winter semesters. Must he available to be present in the office for at least 5 hours per week during publishing weeks in the fall/ winter semesters. Familiaritywith inDesign, Photoshop & ffiusttator would be an asset, hut we're willingto train the right candidate. An eye for designis essential.
Interested? Questions? Email nick@ufvcascade.ca by June 24
T How the West Was Won PAUL FALARDEAU
THECASCADE Kyprios A recent(ish} phenomenon happening around Vancouver, and the Canucks magic run, is a plethora of fan-made videos. Spoofs, covers, and made-from-scratch efforts have all told the Camicks' story and been a big source of fan involvement that has been almost as noticeable as the Green men or Towel Power.
This track should really get the juices flowing. Whether that is because of its Canuck fan boy lyrics or the super sweet western sample, it should keep any listener coming back for more.
TowelPower Grand Daddy P feat TheGreen Men
Red and Yellow Terell Safadi
Long Time Running The Tragically Hip
For a little guy, he's got a big name, and some decent rhymes, not to mention some friends who would leave his peers green with envy."Towel Power" is a great pump up song before the next game or during a celebration!
The remake of Wiz Khalifa's "Black and Yellow" references the Canuck's colours of yesteryear. The overall message is about committed fans and city pride. I~s also just a really awesome song that makes you BELIEVE.
While this isn't a fan video or a fan song - I think it's easy to agree that it's one that should be made into a video. It easily sums up the long hard years that Canucks fans and players alike have weathered.
FRIDAY, JUNE 10th, 2011
Art happens, whether you like. it or not CHRIS ILLICHwould say to me, 'Just write a tag,
"That's exactly what I'm trying to just go with it and practice' and I explore. We should never stop beTHE BROCKPRESS would write and write and write. ing children. ST. CATHARINES, Ont. (CUP) It brought me back to childhood. "Some of the more influential - Six years ago, Brock Univer- I remember when I was a bad boy, people in history just went with sity visual arts student Omar I would have to write lines upon what they loved. It was like the Mosquera and his mother Sonnya lines of the same thing over and child within them got them to Tascon were faced with a situation over again," said Mosquera. where they wanted to be." that ultimately changed both their "I saw it as kind of a punishOnce Mosquera began to find _ lives and their living situation. ment for not watching over my his artistic voice, he found himMosquera and his mother lived mom when she was sick, even self working in the food and farm in Palmira, a town located on the though I still did watch over her to industry. He then_ went back to east side of the South American some extent. It felt good." Colombia to try a different mecountry of Colombia, and his Mosquera explained that dur- dium yet again. He wanted to cremother taught.in Tacueyo, a town ing this time he went through a ate an installation that brought known for its guerilla presence. Che Guevara phase, tagging un- both farming and gardening ihto . "My mom didn't want to teach der the name of "Che." He began an artistic setting. He found that what they were asking her to," said exploring the issues behind com- everything . had changed in his Mosquera. "At the time, teachers munism and began studying so- hometown. were being killed very often be- cialism because he identified with "Everything was so different. cause the government was chang- it. All the while, Mosquera's moth- Moving to Canada made me look ing their education system in cer- er was enduring cancer treatment. irt with a different perspective. It tain ways. I was really young, so I "Skateboarding was my angry was very hard. The first thing I don't remember the exact details, reaction to what was going on in did was buy a bicycle and began but we· ended up coming to St. my life," said Mosquera. "But, asking people where I could buy Catharines after that." ' after I started "lagging, I began buckets and soil," said Mosquera. After arriving in St. Catharines, to become more aware and atOn a' rooftop of a foundation Ont., Mosquera and his mother ap- tempted to make up for the time called El J9rdancito in his homeplied for refugee status. Following I missed. When I was skateboard- · town, Mosquera created a successthe hearing process, they moved ing, I was really angry, but then I ful installation that incorporated his downtown, while both pursued started looking at the bright side love for agriculture and his artistic varying degrees of education and of things." sensibilities. When he came back to raised ll!Oney by cleaning on the Mosquera then began tagging St. Catharines he began hearing stoside. the name "mhm" as a commen- ries about kids that were playing in "Six months to a year after we tary on language barriers and how the garden he created. moved here, my mom got breast "There was this one kid in parpeople do not express their feelcancer. It was just when I started ings properly through their use ticular. His name is Camilo, and learning English, and I started re- of language. Mt>squera explained he was always just talking to me ally getting into hard-rock music that using names or monikers about farming and he told me that and skateboarding. When she got that weren't his own created a he wanted to study agriculture. sick, I would skateboard all day, false identity ~or him. So, instead Having that kind of impact on a all night," said Mosquera. · he started writing his name back- kid made me really happy and After attempting to kickflip wards, as Ramo and Amor - play- made me feel like I had accomthe stairs at the library, Mosquera ing with the letters in his name, plished something," he said. broke his knee. He then moved Upon returning to St. Cathauntil he began using the name away from skateboarding and into Ramo de Amor, which means "a rines, Mosquera enrolled at Brock the realm of street art and graf- bunch of love" in Spanish. University and began the Brock fiti. He explained that his love club, D.I.G., which attempts to From there, Mosquera started for street art began when he was experimenting with doodling. He raise awareness of planting and taken down to the Thoth - a lo- found ways to express faces in a gardening to students who may be uninformed about the health faccation by the 12-Mile Creek where unique way - using both-circles graffiti is abundant - and began and lines to create cheeks; eyes tors and sustainability of growing tagging while quickly learning and facial expressions. your own herbs, spices, plants and "I've talked to different artists vegetables. different tricks and tips from his peers. who feel insulted when I say that Over the years, Mosquera moved from tagging to doodling, "I remember my friend Nate 'I doodle, but it makes me think and subsequently became interhanding me pieces of paper. He of childhood," said Mosquera.
~~b. .
ONLINE EDITOR Bloggers and tl;ie computer literate should apply!
he Online Editor is responQualifications: ;.:;;b;.:;le:;...:.;fo;;.;rc:m=an;;;a=;·;;.;nQ.;;t;;h;;;e,.;;C;;.;a;;;;s;;;;ca;;;;d;;;;e;..;'s;....., _________ ,_______________ onhne presence (twitter feeds, Must be ·computer11terate.- - .. .... .. .. •·······-- - . ' Facebook page and website). He or she edits, generates and Familiarity with Wt!bpressis an asset. • posts content for the Cascade's website. Must be registeredin at least one credit course at UFV during the fall/winter semesters. The Online Editor is a mem. Must be availableto work varyinghours. , ber .of the Cascade's Editorial Board. Mustbf availableto be present in the office for ilt least 5 hours per week during publishingweeks in the fall/winter semesters. ·
ested in the different ways that artists are able to perform and create street art. After wheat-pasting some collages and drawings that. he created in St. Catharirtes, Mosqu~ra went to New York City this past reading week in attempt to colour some of-the already filled walls and spaces with his art and spread his work outside of the Niagara Region. From his time in New York, Mosquera quickly learned of both value and the cost of street art. "I had gone out a couple nights pasting with a mixture of flour and water. I did three pieces and then on our last day I was putting up a collage. It was in Brooklyn and it wasn't sticking. to the wall. A guy called the police and, as we were leaving around the block, a police car pulled us over," he said. The police officer then asked Mosquera. if he was dojng graffiti. He responded, saying, "I was posting a hill, it's a $50 fine and I'm willing to pay it." He says he was then pushed into the wall and handcuffed. The officer then found a marker in his back-
All current UFV students are welcome - nay,encouraged! - to apply!
The responsibilities of the Editor•in~Chief include overseeall aspects of the paper's production including (but certainly not limited to): . managing the paper's editoriaJ board; hiring, training and tutoring staff; and liaising with the Canadian University Press. The Editor-in-Chief reports to the Cascade Board of Directors and is ultimately responsible for the editorial content of ~e newspaper. The job requires heavy time commitment and is not recommended to full time students. Candidates will be required to pass an editing test to be considered for the position. This position has a term of one year.
Must demonstrate strong command of the Englis.hlanguage by passing an.editing test, which will be administered during the interviewprocess.
The Editor-in-Chief is paid an honouraria of $300 per issue
Interested? Questions? · Email nick@ufvcascade.ca by June 24
.1 ing
11.ustbe_ableJ£>de~ effeS!_ively with Sgcie_!y .~d university staff, students·and the generalpublic. · ·
Basicliteracyis required.
pack, and was then subsequently charged with possession of a graffiti instrument. "It's an art supply, not a graffiti instrument," he said. · Mosquera was then put in a cell for six hours, and was later moved to a massive jail centre in downtown Brooklyn where he spent the night. "It's a shame that creating art is seen as a crime. I don't think it should be a big deal when it's just a piece of paper that may vanish into the air. I think I have a problem with that." Upon returning home, Mosquera was asked by his mother and friends alike if he would continue pursuing street art, now that he has realized and experiences some of the profound consequences of the action. "It's not my focus to be controversial. I want to do productive things and focus on the positive side of things," said Mosquera. "I think I'm starting to grow out of my teenage rebellion life and starting to focus more on being productive and positive."
Mosquera,embracinghis stylizedcaricatures.Im.agecourtesyof CUP.
Experience or knowledge of newspaper writing, edit_ingand layout; candidates with previous experience editing and/or layout experience will be given preference. Ability to work in a highpressure environment with a diverse and eccentric group of volunteers. Interest and experience with editorial content and journalism. Commitment to the goals of the Cascadestudent newspaptr.
· Interested? Questions? Email sonja@ufvcascade.ca by 4:00 pm July 3!
FRIDAY,JUNE 10th, 2011
Building a Championship Veteran UFV Coach Talks Recruiting
Coach Alan Errington (back row, second from left) and the 201 0 Cascade's Men's Soccer team. Last yea~·steam placed second in the Keg Classic. Erring1on is predicting that he'll have another "good little squad" in 2011. Images courtesy of UFV Athletics
come to the university. I coach-the · botsford, Chilliwack, from all over PAULESAU
under-18 Select team at the local THECASCADE Abbotsford soccer club. I've done that for the last 10 years actually, and the players I try to develop we In the world of university sports, summer is the offseason. bring them in and train them and It's a time when the focus of a coach them and they get to know coaching staff shifts to the long- who I am and what UFV's about. term goals of implementing new And when they finish their youth tactics, scouting potential compe- career they know who I am and tition, and planning for the year how we play and the relationship ahead. For UFV's Men's Soccer is already built. Coach Alan Errington, like most of UFV's coaches, it's also a time So when you're looking for refor recruiting raw talent, a process cruits, what are the top three qualitiesthat you look for? with many of the same difficulties A good athlete first and foreand consequences as for any professional team. The recruits of to- most, a good attitude, and a good day are the veterans of tomorrow, student. They have to be a student and the task of choosing "the best" first and a soccer player second, out of thousands of potentials is that's very important. Good athnot one to be taken lightly. letes with some awareness of what the game's about. Tactics and how So can you describe the general to play, we can teach that, but they processesyou use in recruiting need to come in with the right atpeople? What steps do you go titude to learn and buy into the through? system that we play. There's a few steps that we go through. The first one is tl)at we When you're recruiting from scout players in the local Metro within the team that you coach, soccer league, the under-18s to b_e do you think it's more important in a sport like soccer to recruit aware of the best players around and get to know the players that from withinthe same area or the way. The second is that we attend same team? Becauseit's eleven the high school championship soc- players on the field at one time, cer playoffs, and see who the best so do you think teamwork and having previous chemistry are players are in there. But I think what's unique about what we do extremely important? at UFV, what I do anyway, is, well, Good players can play anya lot of other universities recruit where. We've got players from Port from far away, from out of town, Coquitlam; we've got players from and I actually develop players to Mexico; we've got players from Ab-
the place. It's just a matter of getting all the technically gifted players, and organizing and arranging them to play as a team and to buy into the structure of the teamwork and the way we play.
all that. I've been around a long time looking at DVDs and readin,g resumes and letters and all that. I need to see them play. I can tell in five minutes if they're going to be good enough or not.
Well it's hard to tell from a resume if someone can scorreor play defense right? Well, even with stats and all that. When I was with the White- caps we had a guy called Nobby Stiles who played for England and won the World. Cup. Nobby used to say it comes down to four words: "Can he bleedin' play?" It's as simple as that. They can have the best stats in the world, they can juggle it, they can kick with Alan Errington has spent seven both feet, they can head it, they can tackle. But it comes down to: years at the helm of UFV's soccer team, and coachedalmost every level "can they play?" of the game during his thirty-plus Howdothisseason'srecruitslook? year coaclJingcareer,includingafourNot too bad, there's about eight year stint with the VancouverWhitenew players coming in from the caps. Along with coachingthe UFV under-18 squad who are a very Cascades,Errington also coachesthe good side and just won the Coast Abbotsford Mariners Premier DeSohowmuchtime doyouspendin Cup. They're very good players velopment Team, and provides cothe offseasonlookingfor players? and I know them very well, and lour commentaryfor the Vancouver I don't put specific time on it, I know their strengths and weak- Whitecaps. but all the time! Again, every time nesses ... The squad I've got comI'm out at games, every weekend ing back from last year, I know with the under-18s I'm just out they're a real good group. One of scouting. I was out last night, out the things that's good about this in Langley. Some player contacted squad is that there is a good harme, I went out and watched him mony, a good camaraderie, a good play. I'm always prepared to go team -feeling among them: they're and watch people play. I got an bonding quite well. I'm expecting email from a guy in Mexico today ... to have a good little squad this and he's going to send DVD's and year.
What are the rules for recruiting that you [as a CIS coach] have to follow? Well there ·are rules in place. Players that are already coml!litted to universities you obviously can't speak to them and that. I guess we all abide by the rules, but you've got to do your homework; you've got to get out and scout and speak to the parents, speak to the players, speak to the coaches. One of the things that I always do when I scout a player on a team is I ask the coach "could I speak to your player or would you like to speak to your player on my behalf and get them to contact me?" You don't want to go in there and steal players away from teams.
SPORTS YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF· Competitivefacialhairstyli~g em Italy, the official structure of ALEX WATKINS the competition as we might recTHE CASCADE ognize it today didn't come to be until 1990 in the modest village of ' Where does a man with a wild Hofen, Germany. and glorious mane of facial hair, a Participants are divided into competitive streak, and absolute- classes, judging those sporting ly no athletic abilities fit into the moustaches, partial beards, and wonderful world of sports? Have full beards, with a "freestyle" no fear, my furry companions, for category in each class for those we have found just the sport for with more unconventional facial you: the World Beard and Mous- hairstyles. Each competition has tache Championships. strict rules on what constitutes The origins of the competition each style of facial hair, as enthuare hazy, as - according to the of- . siasts with a lot of time on their ficial website - "Like many things hands apparently get into heated having to do with the World debates about whether or not cerBeard and Moustache Championtain styles, such as the Fu Manchu, ships, the history of the event is are best placed in the category of shrouded in controversy." While partial beard or mustache. Addithe Italian chapter of the commu- tionally, each category has its own nity claims that the first unofficial rules on whether or not "styling championships were already tak- aids" - the steroids of the musing place by the 1970s in Northtache world - are permitted.
All those interested in competing will unfortunately have to wait until 2013, as competition is held biannually, in order to give competitors time to nurture and train those beards into winners. The 2011 World Beard and Moustache Championships were held on May 15 in Trondheim, Norway (the country's "facial hair capital"). The location was an appropriate one as it is also "the home of the Nidaros Cathedral, where Norway crowns its kings." Could a better place for selecting the reigning international kings of facial hair be chosen? Probably not. This year's competition was hosted by Norway's own Norwegian Mustache Club, who, according to the World Beard and Moustache Championships' official website, "pull[ed] out all of the stops to welcome the world's
CIVL:s Aaron Levy attempts to prepare for the World Beard and Moustache Championships.
facial hair elite." Yes, this devoted community of elite does fly from around the world to Norway for a facial hair competition. No, I have no idea how they rationalize that to their employers when asking for the time off. While the USA and Germany are traditionally a force to be reckoned with at this competition, taking home numerous gold medals, Canada's presence remains woe-
fully absent. Perhaps a student from UFV will step up to the plate and bring our country the honour and distinction it deserves in the world of competitive facial hair. For more information, and to get a good look at some impressive, prizewinning beards, visit the World Beard and Moustache Championships' official website at: http://w'"7W.worldbeardchampionships.com/
FRIDAY,JUNE 10th, 2011
Roller Derby brings new brand of gi~l power to Abbotsford JOEL SMARTens are regularly matched up with
T_H_E;..;C=A.;;.SCa.;;.A=D;.;.E great teams from BC; but they
get to play great teams from elseYou don't have to talk to a roller where as well. "Our Inter-League derby player for very long to learn Committee works with teams that to them it isn't just a game, from around BC, Washington, and it's a lifestyle. While Roller Derby Alberta to bring the best derby acmight not be synonymous with tion to our fans," Hella explained. Abbotsford quite yet, the West It W;lS in the fall of 2007 that Coast of Canada is a true hot spot the Reign Valley Vixens formed in for the game, and it's still growing. Abbotsford, and has remained 100 "Roller derby is the fastest grow- per cent skater owned and opering ladies sporting activity in · ated through its three seasons of North America," Hella Waits, key play. Since it started, .the team has player and Bout-Event Planner for grown immeasurably, featuring the Reign Valley Vixens, said. "Ev- all types of players. "In our league, ery year we gain new fans and we we have such an amazing and varhave a constant influx of women ied group of women," Hootie said. who want to play derby, all year "There are 19 year-old students, round." · single mothers, business owners, At the recent Battle For Boobs artists, trades workers, educators, double-header, announcer "Mack and even one grandma!" That is the Mouth" announced to the a pretty diverse crowd. Deathcrowd that the province of British · trap Diva, Vixens team captain, The Vixens'DeathraceDarbypatties the SunshineCoastJammer while referee Hootielookson. Columbia was a leader in Women's ' explained how the team takes the Imagecourtesyof NicolasCharet flat-track Roller Derby, not just in time to train those interested· in Canada, but in the USA as well. playing. "When people ask you our girls to hit, skate, and play the But the game's resurgence came sides the team jersey, kneepads, "We have nearly fifty leagues in what kind of people play, just tell game, and anyone can do it." from a dodgy place. "when roller helmet, and a mouth guard, the Province - more than any oth- them it is for anyone and everyThe appeal of the game is partly derby had its rebirth in Texas in they've got free reign to express er province or state," said Hootie, one," she said. "Some of the big- that diversity of players all com- 2001, the first events were organ- themselves. The Nean of Mean who was a referee at the game. "To gest obstacles I hear are, 'I am too ing together as individuals, but as ised by one man who had dreams and Deathtrap Diva both refer to me, that speaks loudly." Take into small,' or 'I can't skate, I couldn't the Nean of Mean of the Oil City of generating big income with it as an alter ego. Whether they are account that Abbotsford has some hit,' etc. Size does not matter by Derby Girls explained, it's also gimmick, cleavage, and scripted teachers or construction workers of the best players in the province, any means, we teach people that about showing what women can vulgarity - envision something by day, they are roller derby stars and there is plenty of reason to get have never, ever been on quad do. "It's a tough sport that empow- between TV wresting and a shady by night. While Deathtrap Diva excited about this sport. The Vix- skates in their life, and we teach ers women by demonstrating our circus," Hootie said. But women dresses sporty "without fishnets strrngth and athleticism whilst quickly reclaimed the sport for or craziness," Nean of Mean says allowing us to feel beautiful and themselves, shaping the sport into she likes her outfit to be "sexy sexy," she said. "The women who what they wanted it to be. "Derby with an edge," and that as mother play this sport are fierce women quickly became a culture of its with two kids, her alter ego is able who express their individualown, where women of any shape, to wear fishnets and knee pads. ity within a team." Hootie shared size, ethnic group, or sexual orien- One player during the Battle For the sentiment, explaining that not tation is accepted," she said, "sud- Boobs even had her face painted only was it an intense workout for denly women were spreading the up like a zombie. It is that room the players, it was also a confi- word around the States that there for individuality, combined with dence booster and a "come as you was a full-contact sport, designed their own choice of nickname that are" sport with all of the training especially for them!" really gives the sport a personality you won't find in any other arena. provided. Nean of Mean called it There is something distinctly her derby family, and both Hootie female about the atmosphere that "The entire derby community is and Deathtrap Diva referred to the you can't help but love. It is not un- wonderful to be a part of," Nean common to see the players sponta- of Mean said. "The women I've league as a sisterhood. There really isn't anything else neously break out into dance in had the pleasure to call my derby that has quite the same feel as between whistles. Unlike most family are all beautiful and strong. SmackCrackleand Dropfrom the ReignValleyVixensfightsto get between two a roller derby game. It's fast, it's sports, the girls are not obligated They work hard and play harder. of the OilCity (Edmonton)TankerGirls. Imagecourtesy of NicolasCharet tough, ~t's sexy, it's rock and roll. to stick to a specific uniform. Be- They truly define girl power."
Now Hiring: Sports Editor I
Doublestandardsin injuryreporting
Job Description: The Sports Editor of the Cascade is responsible for assigning, collecting, editing and laying out the content of the Spo.rts section of the Cascade. The Sports Editor shall ensure that ~ssues relevant to students are presented in his/ her section, and allow the UFV sports community to be represented in his/her section. At all times, the Sports Editor shall adhere to the Cascade Journalism Society's bylaws, Code of Conduct and other polices, as well as ensuring that all material in his/her section does not violate the Canadian University Press. Code of Ethics.
Qualifications: Must be registered in at least one credit course at UFV.during the fall/winter semesters. Must be available to work varying hours. Must be available to be present in the office for at least 5 hours per week during publishing weeks in the falll winter semesters. Must be able to deal effectively with Society and university staff, students and the general public. Must demonstrate strong command of the English language by passing an editing test, which will be administered during the interview process. Basic literacy is required. Must have knowledge of all relevant laws and journalistic standards concerning, libel.
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'sider is the wealth of knowledge explained "Well, available through social media. there was a number of reasons we Before Malhotra's first surgery, did that. One is privacy issues. He his brother in law - who just so had a severe injury, and it seemed happens to be basketball superstar Steve Nash - tweeted "I need like, notwithstanding us urging people to please respect his pri- my brother in law, Manny Malvacy, a number of people chose hotra of the Vancouver· Canucks, not to, so we wanted to take that to have a_successful eye surgery pressure away." Pretty words, but tomorrow saving his eye and viwhere was this stance during the sion." Let's ignore the fact that string of defensive injuries this Nash is a professional athlete - season? Watching Malhotra step and should be trained to keep his on the ice on his first game back, · mouth shut around the media. the fans at Rogers Arena may as The attention the Canucks were well have been chanting quack- so clearly trying to divert from quack-quack - because really, this the ailing centre was re-directed is a Disney movie straight out of in 140 characters or less. So which route is best? Being Hollywood north. Does Gillis broken-hearted, like Crosby, or have some directing aspirations feeling like you're a cartoon charthat we don't know about? An interesting juxtaposition to , acter with Malhotra? Social methis is Sidney Crosby's head inju- dia isn't going anywhere, but the ry from the January 1 game. When frustration surrounding player he was finally appraised - a week injuries could ·easily be solved later - doctors called his injury a with a little consistency. Across the board, keep it tight-lipped or mild concussion, and estimated his recovery time at less than a make as much information available as possible. Yes, this opens month. However, the Canadian wunderkind hasn't played since up the personal lives of the playthen. Given this, perhaps Gillis ers, but they aren't accountants at was trying to avoid the wrath of a mild-mannered firm. They're Vancouver if he ended up being media figures, at the mercy of their fans. How about some conwrong._ Another side of this to con- sistency, NHL?
KAREN ANEY hope, why was that not related?
THECASCADE Mike Gillis June 4 was a glorious day in Vancouver. This wasn't just because of a win in game two - this is the day that Canuck fans everywhere saw Manny Malhotra sporting a helmet once more, rather than some Versace sunglasses. The Canucks have played an awful lot since that fateful March · 16 Avalanche game, but Malhotra's contributions have been missed. While not the type to tally offensively, Malhotra had a 61.7 per cent faceoff average for the regular season - this places him second in the league, and among the stars Vancouverites should all be praising. Given his immense contributions to the team, the initial words on his injury were gut-wrenching: they said he wouldn't come back, even if the Canucks made it all the way through the playoffs. Two months later, and he's back but this is a good opportunity to consider how· the coaching staff dealt with his injury. Was it right to express such negativity on the outcome of his injury? If there was a shred of
T, FRIDAY,JUNE 10th, 2011
Vixens roll over cancer in Battle For Boobs JOEL SMARTthe skating is top notch, and the THE CASCADE hits are bone-crunching against the cold, grey cement floor. The rules of the game aren't Women in Fishnets and Roller~ skates fill the lobby as I enter MSA actually that complicated. Four blockers from each team form a Arena for a highly anticipated double-header. Abbotsford's own pack at one corner of the track, Reign Valley Vixens were set to while one player from each team take on the Oil City Derby Girls to known as a jammer stands twenty start things off; while the second feet behind them. One whistle sigbout of the night would see the Vix- nals the pack can start the race, en's Rookie team take on the Sun- and a few moments later a second shine-Coast Roller Girls. As I en- whistle cues the jammers to take ter the darkened arena, I can hear off. The goal is for the jammers to classic rock and roll tunes over the fight their way to the front of the sounds of the excited crowd who · pack. The first jammer to make it are already filling up the stands. As through becomes the "lead jammuch as Roller Derby has become a mer" and is set to earn points for staple in local Abbotsford sports, their team for each subsequent player from the opposing team's this game is going to be something even more special. It is the second pack that they can lap. The other team's jammer can negate these annual Battle For Boobs fundraiser points by lapping opponents as for breast cancer research. Like before every bout, the an- well, but the lead jammer has the ability to call off the "jam'' at any nouncers give us a brief introduction to the players of each team, point. After each jam, players head the referees, and the basic rules to the bench and are replaced by teammates, and the process begins of the game. The national anthem is sung to great applause, and just again. Points earned in a single jam when it seems as though the game usually range from between two to might never start, it begins with a 15, so few leads are ever safe. Edmonton's best jammer, Truckbang. The Vixens pull ahead early, but Oil City does a good job in each er, was able to steal lead jammer on jam to keep anyone from feeling numerous occasions, but ultimateover confident. The pace is furious, ly could not match the pace set by
,Abbotsford's own Sugah Bomb. Although the match ended in a convincing victory for the home team, 135-79, the Oil City Derby Girls were never out of it, thanks to the incredible efforts by Fyr' S. Natch, Traurninatrix, and the rest of the Edmonton squad. During the intermission between bouts, a couple of games are played, including a Frisbee toss from the stands to a bull'seye at the centre of the rink. But then came something even more inspirational than the game itself. Having pledged to sbave her head to help raise money for cancer research, 9-year-old Jinaya Towson took the stage with her hair in numerous pony tails, each one to be cut off and donated to Locks of Love. Towson is the daughter of the Vixen's team captain, Deathtrap Diva. "I'm so proud of my little angel," said her mother with tears in her eyes. Towson alone raised over $400. The last game featured the relatively new team, the SunshineCoast Roller Girls, playing the Vixen's Rookies. The visitors were hard working and the audience had to respect the great efforts shown by Labiach, Bomb Marley, Sonik Kronik, and the rest of the Sun-
RobertoLuongomakes history
UFC 130 was a real Rampage
JOEL SMARThe had to win four elimination
TREVORFIK THECASCADE While many UFC fans are still basking in the afterglow of the largest mixed-martial arts competition in North American history, few paid any credence to the Memorial day bouts taking place in Las Vegas at UFC 130. For those. who tuned in, however, the fights proved to be some of the most entertaining of 2011, with the fighters involved keeping the packed house at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in near hysterics for the better part of the night. In the wake of the UFC's annual Memorial Day event, the race for title contention champion. in the light-heavyweight, heavyFor Frank Mir the sweetness of weight, and middleweight divi- victory was short lived, however, sion has become much clearer. as injuries and criticism reared After dominating performanc- _ their ugly heads in the wake of his es in his last two fights at mid- 20th career win. Mir left his lopsiddleweight, former light-heavy~d unanimous decision over Nelweight contender Brian Stann son with a broken rib, accompanied sought to continue his run for by a severe tongue-lashing from Anderson Silva's middleweight the notorious ball-breaker Dana belt against Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ace White. While White later recanted Jorge Santiago. With the added his stat~ments, the fact is that Mir pressure of Stann's military his- stuck to a game plan that assured tory as a United States marine Nelson little chance to unleash the dominating talk of the Memorial overhand right that has been his Day battle,. Stann landed enough finisher in past matches. Two vicbig shots early to secure a second tories in a row for Mir will allow round knockout. him the e>pportunity to, at the very This puts Stann in line for a least, face off for a number one connumber one contender match. tender's bout later in the year. Given his popularity with the For Roy Nelson, the last two crowd, and Dan·a White's ringing match-ups have proven two endorsement of Stann's "superstar things. Firstly, he is not amongst quality," it should only be a matter the elite of the heavyweight diviof time before he gets a shot at the sion. Secondly, Roy Nelson needs middleweight strap. to seriously re-evaluate his game In Frank Mir's domination of plan. While the hillbilly barroom heavyweight Big Country Roy brawler act may make people Nelson in the co-main event, Mir smile, it is not getting him any put his grappling and improved closer to a title shot. Losses to Justriking skills on display, land- nior Dos Santos and Frank Mir ing several big knees and elbows _haveproven that while Nelson can on the way to a decision victory. take a punch, he cannot do much While the win wasn't pretty, with else when faced off against wellMir seeming content to grind out rounded opponents. a decision, this makes it two in a In the main event of the night row for the former heavyweight former UFC light-heavyweight
. maya owsongets er ea s ave ast wee en at att e or oo s y erry Poppin' Carrie. Imagecourtesy of NicolasCharet shine-Coast Roller Girls. Though match. the Vixens came out on top in the The Reign Valley Vixens will bout, 112-32,it was clear by the end play again on June 25 at MSA that this team had a ton of poten- Arena when West Kootney comes tial. While the Edmonton bout was to take on Nazz T. Burn, Bear Paw, a blistering exercise in speed, the Roxy Roll-her, Eve Iserate, DeathraSunshine-Coast girls were tough ce Darby, Aunt JeMaimya, Iron Hyas nails, delivering some of the big- die, Snarley, Broadside Her, Thing gest hits I've ever seen in a d,erby One,. and the rest of the Vixens.
Image courtesy of ufc.com
champion Quinton "Rampage" Jackson took Matt Hamill to a decision victory in decisive fashion, sending his deaf competitor tumbling down the ranks in a powerful statement to the rest of the division. By the seconq round of the three-round battle, Hamill looked as if he had regretted his decision to call out Rampage, getting punched and stuffed every time he went for a take down. While Hamill has the potential to be great in the division, he has a lot to learn in terms of striking and grappling before facing another top-ten opponent. For Rampage, the future looks undoubtedly much brighter. While he was unable to knock Matt Hamill out, he did show a slight glimmer of his old self as he punched and kneed his way to a unanimous decision victory. Rampage is now in line .for either a title shot against Jon "Bones" Jones, or a number one· contender's match. Much may now depend on the state of Rampage's hand, which he injured in his fight against Hamill, and the outcome of the Phil Davis and Rashad Evans match at UFC 133. While the fights at UFC 130 may not have been pretty, they cleared up the very ambiguous rankings of each division.
games in a row, against Germany, Russia, Slovakia, and the United Roberto Luongo AKA Luuuuu entered the NHL on November 28, States. He has also won Gold med1999 recording a win against, you als twice at the World Championguessed it, the Boston Bruins. He ships in ?003 and 2004 and also at faced 44 shots in his first game and the World Cup in 2004. It was at age eight that Luongo made 43 saves. "I found out about my call-up after a practice in the began to play hockey. He played as a forward, despite wanting to play AHL. I got called into the coaches' office. After getting the news, I in net. His parents wanted him to was very excited and nervous. The work on his skating abilities, but day of the game I had lots of but- at age 11 he finally got the chance terflies but was overcome with joy when the regular goaltender did and happiness," he reflected in the not show up to the game. Luongo Forty Years Canuck-s guide. "After recorded a shutout in that game. He has never looked back since. my first game ended I was proud Though drafted by the New that I had finally realized my dream and couldn't wait for the York Islanders, he only played next one." His first ever shutout -with the team for a single season, came just under a month later ... getting 24 starts and finishing with a .904 save percentage. It was again defeating the Bruins! Luongo has always had a kriack a respectable save percentage, but also one that he has bested in each for making history. In fact, picked fourth overall in the first round of season since that time. Luongo the 1997 NHL Entry Draft, he was was traded to the Florida Panthe highest drafted goalie in NHL thers, where he stayed from 2000history at the time. He is also cur- 06. The only season he had more rently tied for second place in NHL wins than losses was 05-06, when history for recording 47 wins in a he recorded 35 wins and 30 losses. season, which he accomplished in He was traded to Vancouver in a deal that sent Todd Bertuzzi and his first season with the Canucks. He was also the first NHL goalten- Alex Auld to Florida. der to be named captain since Bill In 1994, Luongo was playing Durnan in 1947-48. He has since for the Montreal Bourassa of the Quebec, Amateur Athletic Assorelinquished the title, but remains an emotional leader for the team. ciation. He then spent five years in At 6-foot-3, 217 pounds, and 32 the Quebec Major Junior Hockey years-of-age, Luongo has only one League, four of them with the ValD'or Foreurs and then with the goal, and that's to be the number on the back of his jersey. He was Acadie-Bathurst Titan just before born in Montreal, Quebec, though his NHL debut. He only played neither of his parents are French ·29 games in the AHL, 26 of which Canadian. His father, Antonio, is were with the Islander's farm team, an Italian immigrant, while his the L'bwell Lock · Monsters (and mother is Irish-Canadian. As a three with the Louisville Panthers). After crushing second-round result, Luongo speaks fluent English, French, and Italian. Growing defeats in the two seasons leading up, Luongo lived just four blocks up to the 2011 playoffs against the away from superstar Canadian Chicago Blackhawks, many were goaltender Martin Brodeur. In the willing to throw Luongo under 2010 Vancouver Olympics, Luongo the bus. What he has done for the ended up carrying the team to a team this year has proven to evgold medal win when Brodeur eryone that we are truly lucky to was pulled after a bad loss to the have him in Vancouver. Go, CaUnited States. In order to do so, nucks, Go!
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