The Cascade Thursday June 18th 2009 Volume 17 Issue 17

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Louden Singletree Released!

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UFV's Community Garden




Victory dancing since 1993 Vol. 171ssuef7



To Bend or not to Bend?


June 18th 2009 Volume 17 • Issue 17 RoomC1027 33844 King Road Abbotsford, BC V2S7MB


Acting Editor-In-Chief Rebekah Duprey

REBEKAH DUPREY ACTINGEDITOR INCHIEF 've never been a health nut. 111ose granola bars that are made with flax seed oil and honey and all natural nuts and stuff, the ones that are supposed to be delicious? Not my favorite. Being in college/university gave me a great excuse to get flabby.I can't afford it! It's much cheaper to buy Mr. Noodles and ice-berg lettuce. I don't havetime! Tl'smuch faster to make in~tant meals and cat chips or popcorn for supper. Some students are even worse off than me, they can cat that stuff and not worry about the flab. At least I have a social motivation to eat semihealthy some of the time. It's not jusl food though, who has the time or money to exercise? Definitely not I. Going to lhe swimming pool or the gym al the rec. centre is like, $4.00 a trip. I could buy five Mr. Noodles for that, that's two-and-ahalf meals. Plus, with getting changed and showering and all that you need to spend at least an hour or two there to make il worth your while. I could prep for a midterm in that time, or write a five-pagepaper. It's just not worth it. Or is it? Some health risks of obesity: .. hypertension • high blood pressure; * coronary heart disease; * Type 2 diabetes; * stroke; * gallbladderdisease; .. osteoarthritis;

Advertising Manager Samantha Gunson


Production Manager Randona Conrad Production Assistant A.M. Bois News & Opinion Editor David Miller Arts & Life Editor Paul Falardeau Sports Editor Brittany Wiesner

..sleep apnea .. breathing problems; .. breast, colon and endomctrial cancer; and * mental health problems, such as low self-esteem and depression. Health benefits of exercise: .. Improves your mood .. Fights/prevents diseases * Strengthens lungs and heart * Reduces stress * Promotes restful sleep * Improves your sex life * Maintains your good looks As students we sometimes get so caught up In scraping by that we forget to live. I can scrape by with my


cheap food and my lazy ways, but It's not really living.. Living, I think, should Involve more. It should involve the Idea of "slow food" now and then, making a meal that takes a bit of time, and then taking time to enjoy it; enjoying real flavours, maybe with some herbs from a very low-maintenance pot on the porch. Living should involve a bit of fun keeping sexy.Try bellydancing, or go to a drop-in basketball or badminton time (check out the recreation programs on Heck, my roommates bought water guns this summer and we get exercise

Saturday, June 20th The Fraser ValleyPipe Band Societybrings home the 2009 Legion Highland Gathering on Saturday June 20th at Exhibition Field, the home of the Chilliwack Huskers, located behind the Landing Sports Centre in Chilliwack. There will be a parade beginning at 9am, piping and drumming competitions, massed pipes and drums lead by the stoic Drum Majors and the ever popular Pipe Band Contest. Go here for all the info.

The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Gallery 7 TI1eatre & Performing Arts Society present TI1eLion, the Witch & the Wardrobe at M.l:!l TI1eatreIn Abbotsford. Embark on the adventure of a lifetime as four young children wander into a mysteriouswardrobe and land in the magical world of Narnia. Show times are June 5 & 6, 11 - 13, 18 - 20, at 7:30 PM with a discount matinee June 6 & 13at 2:00 PM. Tickets are availableat the House of James 604-852-3701

Relay for Life June 19th in Abbotsford 111eCanadian Cancer Society Relay For Life is a celebration of survival and a tribute to the lives of loved ones who have been touched by cancer. Teams of people commit to raising funds and fightIng back against this disease as they participate in a 12 hour non-competitive relay by taking turns walking, running or/ strolling around a track in your community.

I Legion Highland Games I

Abbotsford Berry Beat Festival July 4 - 5 The Downtown Abbotsford Business Association presents the 28th Annual Abbotsford Berry Beat Festival, a family friendly event! Celebrate the bounty of one of the world's best and most beautiful berry producing communities. Admission to Berrybcat Festival Is Free and so Is parking! lt all happens July 4th & 5th, so mark your calendars for a fun filled weekend!

Abbotsford Agrifair July 30th to August 3rd This five day summer agricultural fair attracts 41,000visitors each year to Abbotsford.The fair features agricultural displays, family entertainment, arts and crafts, animals, midway and fireworks, but the headline fun is the professional rodeo on Friday and Saturday and the well-lenownmusicians. There is also mini-car racing and demolition derbies. Address: 32470Haida Drive Abbotsford

chasing each other around the yard like s-yr-olds, and running through the sprinkler. I've alwaysbeen one of those . people who can't really be bothered, but with the new UPASScoming this fall, bringing free access to the gyms and pools at the rec. centres, among other things, I'm looking forward to a cheap way to keep myself alive a little longer. Maybe !fl pass up that shirt that's on-sale, or that night out when I could just as easily have a party at my place, I could afford a little better food. Reallyliving, maybe it's worth it.

Tel: 1 604 852-6674

Abbotsford International Airshow August 7, 8, & 9 The Abbotsford International Airshow Society will be celebrating their 46th Anniversary. HelpIng them celebrate will be the CF Snowbirds, the CF Skyhawks,and many demo teams and solo acts. This year's show will provide spectators with death defying acts and thrilling routines. Please refer to the event's website for complete information. • Abbotsford International Airport Address: 30440 Liberator Ave Abbotsford BC Canada V2T 6H5

EAT! Fraser Valley Returning at the Tradex Exhibition Centre In Abbotsford, BC in 2009. The festival wlll draw on a consumer base of over 1.5 million persons In the fastest growing community In Canada. We are in the process of preparing our site for the 2009 Festival

Friday, September 11th, 2009 Saturday,September 12th, 2009 Sunday,September 13th, 2009 4PM • 9PM 11 AM - 9PM 11 AM- 5PM

Copy Editor A.M Bois

StaffWriters Suzanne Kittell Romi Chan Angela Ostrikoff Contributors Adam Crowston Martin Kelly Larry Portelance GillianWhitely

StaffPhotographer Randona Conrad Printed By Coastal Web Press TheCascadeIsUPV'sautonomous student newapaper. It providesa forum forUFVstudentsto havetheirJournal.ism ubllahed. lt alsoactsasan alternative press thr FraserValley.TheCascade la funded withUPV studentfunds.1ht Cascadeis ubllshedevery'lhursdaywitha circulation f2000andisdistributedat UI-V campuses andthroughoutAbbotsford, Chilliwack, andMission. TheCascadeIsa memberof theCanadianUniversity Press,a national ~ooperallve of75university andcollege newspapers fromVictoria10 St.John's.'!he Cascadefollows the CU I' ethicalpolicy concerning ,natcrlalof a prejudicial or op pressivenature. Submissions arcpreferredin dectronlc formaleitherthroughc mailoron CD. Pleasesendsubmissi01\s in •.txl"or",dtK'' formatonly. Article, andlettersI() theeditormust be typed.TheCascadereservestheright lo editsubmissions fordarityandlcnglh. 'lhc Cascadewillnotprilllanyarticles thatcontainracist,sexist,homophobic or libellous content,'!hewriter' studentnumbermustbesubmittedwith eachsubmission. Lrttcrsto theeditormust be under400wordsifintendedforprint. (lnlyoneletterlo thel-<litor perwriterin anygivenedition. Opinionsexpressed donotnecessarily reflectthutofUFV,Cuscudcstall and collective,orassociated me,nbcr~.


CascadeNews• Thursday_ June 18th 2009


Convocation Hope you had the time of your life ANGELA QSTRIKOff practice, STAFF WRITER


une 8- 12 was convocation week at UPV. Between June 11 and 12, UPV held four ceremonies that saw approximately 1800 students walk across the stage at the UFV Envision Athletic Center. Many considered the ceremony as special since it was the first convocation as the University of the Fraser Valley, and the last ceremony for UFV president and vice-cha,"cllor Skip Bassford. Bassford in his Convocalional address said, "Our new status will make for a bright future for advanced education here in the Valley." He also added that he was proud to have been a part of a university that offered programs not available at other universities, "At UFV, which we sometimes call a 'new generation university', and we do not have the traditional view... Accordingly, we seek to break down, in all our fields of study, the traditional but outmodeled distinctions between theory and

and between academic and applied fields." 111e University of the Fraser Valley Is In fact, changing. It is looking to offer more Masters programs; at the moment, UFV offers a Masters in Criminal Justice. And many disciplines arc now offering honors programs in order to help students to prepare for graduate studies. This convocation also was the first time that chancellor Brian Minter got to sport the new chancellor medallion. The medallion is a gift to UFV from Abbotsford's Lee's Pine Jewelry; It ls set with 261 brilliant-cut diamonds arranged around Jade. The diamonds represent the future UFV alumni spreading their knowledge; and the BC jade honors the Valley's farming and ecological roots. Many awards were given at the Con• vocation from various departments. 'Il1e UFV alumni association will be giving three additional students financial support every year, giving $25,500 towards three more faculties. Stacy Irwin, co-founder and former

board chair stated that, "UFV gave so much to me, beyond an excellent education, and personally, T wanted to give something back to the institution and to other grads. l think all of our alumni board members would agree that we arc better people for the experiences we have had at UFV." UFV's Auric! Heron who graduated last week with an Applied Business Technology certificate that enhances her B.A. of Pine Arts Degree shared

Theater Students being theatrical (photocredit UFV) that, "As students we 11.:arnso much more than what was covered by the course descriptions. Sometimes what we learn Isn't very obvious. We learn that a 12-page essay teaches us dis-

ciplin1.:, time management, research skills and patience. We learn that life is like a box of chocolates; and that sometimes, so ts the student diet."





Iran's Supreme Leader Calls for Recounts In Face Protests


Hundreds of thousands of Iranians have flooded the streets of Iran, expressing their belief that the recent victory of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was rigged. The protestors, loyal to the reformist Mir Hossain Mousavl have had experts and hacks alike wondering whether Iran is heading for another revolution or whether this is just a temporary expression of frustration from the younger generation. Canadian military historian Gwynne Dyer noted that process of the election ought to arouse our suspicion: "The outcome was announced much faster than usual: The normal three-day verification and declaration was skipped, and Ahmadinejad's victory was proclaimed only two hours after the polls closed." Eight people have been killed in street clashes which according to Dyer don't bode well for the regime: "In Iran, killing demonstrators practically guarantees that the authorities will lose in the end."

lgnatieff Challenges Harper over E.I Challenging the Conservative Prime Minister to meet Liberal demands over Employment Insurance, Michael lgnatieff also seems to not want to trigger an election. On one hand, lgnatieff seems to be doing well in the polls and has the singular advantage over Harper that he seems to have a personality. The Liberal party is also closing the gap on the Conservatives in terms of private donations. Yet, if an election is called most commentators have noted that Harper and his crew still have a battle-hardened campaign machine flush with more cash than all four of the major opposition parties In Canada. Harper also possesses the advantage of being able to accuse lgnatieff of delaying stimulus payouts by pursuing an election. All this and it's the common consensus that most Canadians will be slightly pissed off at having an election in the summer. All of this makes this curious game of cold-war style brinkmanship interesting to ob• serve, whether or not it will be of any benefit to Canadians.

BC Paramedic Talks Continue Onward The recent round of talks between the BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) and CUPE 873 (the union representing BC's Paramedics, not the evil alien species from the season three cliffhanger of Star Trek: Voyager) don't appear to be bringing the two month strike of BC's Paramedics to a close. Talking to the BC online rag, The Tyee, CUPE 873 Public Education Director BJ Chute said their employers "didn't present anything" at their recent talks. The union Is still continuing strike action despite being ordered by the BC government to continue essential services, which could escalate If these latest round of talks don't go anywhere. The BCAS aren't being as vocal the union, popping up to the media to say they have received a proposal from CUPE 873 and are, "reviewing the details of the union's recent proposal and doing the necessary costing work before providing a formal response to what's been tabled."

Mission Memorial Hospital ER Under Threat According to NDP Health critic, Adrian Dix, the Fraser Valley Health Authority Is considering cuts to services in order to deal with a $160 million budget deficit. In speaking to the Province Dix said that among the proposals being considered is the closing of Mission Memorial's Emergency department and the Fraser Canyon Hospital In Hope. The event of such closures will over-stretch the already over-stretched Abbotsford and Chilliwack Hospitals. The BC Liberals have accused Dix of fearmongering while the Fraser Valley Health Authority are doing damage control saying that nothing has been decided and all options are being considered. The Mayor of Mission, James Atebe, has reacted angrily to this report, saying he has not been consulted about these possible cuts. According to Dix, these proposals were sent to the provincial government a day after the election which he believes was done on the orders of the BC Liberals In order to prevent bad publicity.

Recession Damaging Non-profit Organizations: LiberalMP Quebec Liberal MP, Lise Zarac has claimed that one in five Canadian non-profit groups are at risk of closing due to the fallout of the recession. "Canada's not-for-profit organizations have 12 million volunteers who provide services equivalent to 7% of the gross domestic product, to help the poorest members of our society," said Zarac during Parliament Question Period. Responding to Zarac's call for action from the government, the Parliament Secretary for the Finance Minister responded that, "this government is focused on helping Canadians, whether it is non-governmental organizations, whether it is the poor. We have taken 750,000 low-income Cana• dians off the tax rolls in the last five years. We care very much." The head of Imagine Canada, a non-profit lobby group, told the Georgia Straight that it has been pressuring the government to include non-profits In the budget. ""We are extremely disappointed that the government was silent on the Issue," said lmagine's President, Marcel Lauzlere.



CascadeNews • ThursdayJune 18th 2009

UFV PsychologyStudents "ConnectMinds' at Conference ROMICHANnized by students and faculty support

STAFF WRITER - Connecting Minds sought to prover a hundred psychology students from across Canada came together at Kwantlen University, earlier this month to discuss human be• haviour. Included in this group were seven students from UFV. The conference, titled "Connecting Minds" was organized Jointly between UFV's Student Psychology Association and their Kwantlen counterpart, and brought students from as far as Newfoundland. According to a member of the conference's organizing committee, the purpose of the conference was to promote research in psychology at an undergraduate level: "Being the only national undergraduate psychology research conference In Canada• and one that is orga•


vide undergraduates from across any opportunity to share and learn from one another in what is likely to become our careers of choice," said Mark Jaholkowskl, a UFV psychology graduate. The guest panels, consisting of graduate students, researchers and professors, gave presentations on a multitude of subjects. Topics ranged from how to apply to graduate school to the complexity of the neural struc• tu res of the brain. Participatir1g students had the chance to network and mingle with professionals within the psychology field such as Sam Gosling who is a featured speaker at this year's conference.

An associate professor of psychology at the University of Texas and the author of the book; Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You, he was a valuable addition for this year's conference. Gosling gave the participants a presentation on the way we way decorate our bedroom and what it says about our personality. UFV students, including those from the new honors program, were give the chance to make presentations at this conference. For Jaholkowski, a lab research assistant and grad school applicant, this experience was very beneficial For more information aboul UFV's Psychology Student Association, visit: Students are welcome to attend their weekly meetings where they organize events as diverse as dissecting sheep's

SustainabilityGroupOpens CommunityGardenOnCampus.

brain to challenging their faculty to a bowling match.

LawyersArgueProposedLaw UnderminesAboriginalRights SUZANNE KITTELL STAFF WRITER


DAVID MILLER for food production,"

. C


ampus group Students for Sus• tainability, have started a community garden on the Abbotsford campus in order to raise awareness of the environmental, health and financial benefits of eating locally. "Currently, our food travels 2,400 km to get to our plates, and that's just not a sustainable system,'' says SFS President Michelle Sylvest. "Community gardening benefits any community that chooses to take it on as an initiative." The garden, located by University House, consists oflettuce, peas, mint, chives, dill, parsley, and tomatoes, hardly enough for anyone to live of (although It could sustain a few cam• pus rabbits for a few days, says Sylvest) but that isn't the point. "Our garden is about showing peo• pie the alternative ways to use spaces

says Sylvest, " If you can replace even part of your diet with a local source, you're helping reduce your footprint on the planet," According to GetLocal BC the Im• port and export of food has tripled over the past twenty years, with food accounting for a quarter of the goods transported by road in North America. Community gardening seeks to reduce the ecological footprint caused by this excessive transportation. Supporters of eating locally say that it also helps support local farming. In BC there arc 20,000 farmers with a median age of 57. With retirement encroaching on many farmers, GetLocal HC say that the farming sector needs stimulation. Yet community gardening is also about self-sulnclency: "With a little time and initial set up costs, one can maximize their food budget, and provide wholesome, high

quality vegetables for themselves," says Sylvest. Sylvest likens community garden as an alternative to retail therapy, sayIng that caring for vegetables can be a relaxing distraction from the stresses of university life. Students can get involved with community gardening at UFV by contacting SFS or attending their weekly Wednesday meetings at 2:30 In U•house. "All It takes is someone with interest and a little time to spare and SFS will work to make it happen," says Sylvest. CIVL Radio also hosts the "deconstructing dinner" podcasts at www., which talk about food security and sovereignty. Visit the new SFS website at http://

proposed provincial law that is meant to eliminate the need for First Nations to prove aboriginal title In land claims, has been critiqued by a group of lawyers, specializing in First Nations law, for weakening native rights. The law, titled Recognition and Reconciliation Act, was supposed to be approved by the legislature before the May 12th election. Yet because of its huge implications for how land claims are resolved, the debate has stalled Its passage On may 26th, Jack Woodward and 13 other local lawyers released a collaborative legal opinion surrounding Gordon Campbell's plans to give control of much of B.C.'s resources and territory to the First Nations inhabitants of the province. The proposed law is currently undergoing drafting and modification, but hopes to eventually divide BC Into 30 new territories under aboriginal government. The lawyers believe that "based on the available information ...negative aspects of the current proposal outweigh the positive ones". They have also voiced that "one option to abandon the legal recognition of a watered down or artificial form of aboriginal title," believing that what should be focused on is "shared decision making and revenue sharing with First Nations with a simple political commitment to recognition from the province". Woodward et. al. have outlined what they belleve to be the positive aspects of the proposal, and have also listed the legal concerns that may arise should the law be passed. "Movement from denial", "shared decision-making" and "revenue-sharing" are believed by the lawyers to be the positive aspects of the draft, three aspects that they hold to be for outweighed by the negative consequences.

The first concern is over titling as the writers of the legal opinion con• tend that the proposal contains a "slg• nificantly watered-down version of aboriginal titling". Secondly, thetc is concern over the necessity of "Reconstituted In• digenous Nations". "It Is legally problematic," reads the letter, "to pursue artificial amalgamation of First Na• tions Bands who happen to share a language or region". The lawyers also express concern over the long-term effects on the bands and nations. The third point of worry comes from the vague terms, "shared decision-making" and "revenue and benefit-sharing", and what their specific definitions are. Accommodation ls another aspect irt which the collaborating lawyers believe that there may be trouble. In the legal opinion of the contributing attorneys, "there is a high risk that the proposed legislation wlll remove the ability of First Nations to negotiate accommodation based on infringements of rights and title and substi• tute a one-sized-fits-all approach to revenue sharing". The letter also proclaims "it is un• clear how the proposed legislation wlll Impact litigation and treaty nego• tlatlons. Woodward and company also rec• ommend "consultation with individual First Nations" as "this legislation could dramatically affect the rights, title and future of every First N atlon In the province". On the whole, the fourteen lawyers believe that "the legislation should not be supported, drafted or passed until First Nations and the provincial govcrr1rnent have reached agreement on all aspects including an implementation plan". They concur that ''although a worthy objective, it is not ready for Implementation and endorsement, and raises significant concerns".

Cascade News· Thursday June16th 2009

Letters to the Editor

Re: Paying for Water at Cafeteria MARTIN KELLY cilities is planning on putting a water CONTRIBUTORsource in the cafeteria. We don't know unny you should mention thal. ]11ereIs quite a bit of Interest and activity around getting rid of bottled water on campus, and/or Installing a free source. lhis has been going on for more than a year. All the arguments brought to bear are, in my opinion, right. 'TI1eproblem is that being right does not necessarily get you where you want to go. So to those Interested parties I have some suggestions and possibly useful information. You will be happy to learn that fa-


exactly when, but it is on the project list. Facilitiesalso plan to install under counter water filters in departments over time. Maybe not as quick as we'd like, but It will happen. Student Life has purchased an on-tap filter for the student lounge, and our bottled water use has dropped to almost zero. Let's have a free source of drinking water by all means, However,this docs not necessarily solvethe problem, and possibly creates another. Everyone 1 know who has a refillable bottle may

very well use this source, but they are not the ones buying bottled water. It's more than a possibility that the bulk of UFV goers, if they forego bottled water at all, will use this source to fill styrofoam or paper cups and create piles of garbage every day, plus an expense for Sodexo that isn't going to bring them happily on board. They may not be the 'right' reasons for solving the problem, but I believe there are only two ways to eliminate bottled water on campus. Either people have to stop buying it, or Sodexo has to find something else that will


Re: Parking Fines AdamCrowston seem right that they can jusl call up CONTRIBUTORlCBC with a license plate to get peragree with you abo~1thow a fine for disobeying dearly stated rules is way more convenient than being imrnobillzed or towed. One question I've had about the tickets though is how does IMPARK get my Information and have the ability to alter my credit rating if I don't pay? The only way I can think of for them to get my information is from my license plate, and then to get any sort of billing information then ICBC would have to give them my info. Isn't this a violation of my privacy? IMPARK is a private company and it doesn't


sonal information. I could understand if we wereparked on municipal property but we're not. What if some creepy IMPARK employee saw a girl walking to her car, got her license plate and found out where she lived and could stalk her or something worse? l know this Is a worse case scenario type of thing but in the current situation It's still possible. ICBC Is allowed to use our information only to do their job and I didn't read any fine print when I just renewed my Insurance lhat says I allow them to give away my Information.

Dear Virginia Slima, I was surprised to see you bash the 69 position in the recent Cascade newspaper. I would remind you that, if, as lady 'lovers,' your nose is too close to your 'darlings' asshole, then perhaps consider finding a 'darling' with a longer kack. Perhaps that would provide some 'breathing room.' Cheers, Shirts

The Cascade is looking for our next Editor-In-Chief!


Thisposition isnotastimeconsuming asoregular full-time position would be,but does require dedication andavailability. TheEditor-In-Chief is expected to contribute one editorial ofaround 500words, andtwoarticles ofof least 350words foreach issue. Qualifications:

1.Experience orknowledge ofnewspaper writing, editing andlayout; previous experience withediting favorable. 2. Ability towork ino high-pressure environment with volunteers. 3. Interest andexperience witheditorial content andjour• nolism. 4. Commitment tothegoals oftheCascade student newspaper.

sell better. Fresh water sources are a good first step, but we also need education, peer pressure, free reusable water bottles, elimination of bottled water for institutional events, and so on. A lot of ongoing work. '!his is not something that will change overnight. The people who want to take action should get together and have a strategy, To this end Student Life offers to act as 'communications central' to put like minded parties in touch. Contact and we will put you in touch with each other, even host a meeting if you want.

A final note: this is one issue of many that are Interrelated. Making campuses bike friendly, greening in• stitutional events, effective recycling, better transit, saving green space, lots of things are brought to my attention that students want to do something about. Invariably these b11ttles,if I may call them that, arc fought one by one on an ad hoc basis. Jm11gincthe possibilities of an organized rabble with a comprehensive strategy. I'm Just saying.

Tim Felger: Livin' the High Life explaining how you got rnono... emANGELA OSTRIKOFF

STAFFWRITER barrassing. The more reflection that I do on the im Felgeris the head of the Mari- matter, the more I am proud that Abjuana Party In Abbotsford, the botsford houses such a non-conformowner of DaKlne (a shop that's func- ist. I don't necessarily subscribe to his tion is ambiguous at best), and a local politics, but 1 can appreciate his pascelebrity. ln recent weeks, Felger has sion. And he gets the reactions that been making news after getting ar- he wants: people either loving him or rested for dealing pot to a minor, and hating him, and perh11psthe rea~on all lhe complications ensuing. In May, Felger was arrested during a police sting operation for selling pot to an undercover cop on more than one occasion, as well as selling the substance to minors. At the moment, his business license has been suspended for DaKinc and he is in the middle of court dates to decide what will happen. For most people, it wasn't a huge shock that there were some under the table dealings. In fact, most Abbotsford-folkdidn't rciillybat why sides arc so divided in our human eye about the arrest: rnost people ble town, is because of the religious factor. Tim Felger is in a lot of ways, assumed it was going on anyways. But who is Tim Felger to Abbots- the product of organized religion. In a ford? Is he a menace or a hero? Or Is city where "Christian" values prevail, that too extreme of a question? In- a person like Tim Felger is a fly in the stead of demonizing or idealizing ointment. In the next few weeks and months, Tim Felger, why can't we just look at him for who he is, an outspoken, and we should be finding out what Daborderline obnoxious, citizen. Felger Kine's destiny is. If it gets shut down, understands his rights, and exercises anti-Fclgers need to come to terms with the fact that this will not silence them fully. Not only that, but he sure keeps his voice. So, whichever side of the Abbotsford an interesting place, with joint you typically smoke from, we all his signs about how 9·11 was an "in- can agree that he makes people think; side job", or that our mom cal~d and and in a town where religious strucwants a dime-bag. At the very least, tures dominate, It's a good thing to It gives Abbotsford residents a funny have someone who challenges popustory to tell the out-of-towners;some- lar belief. times explaining Tim Felger, Is like




CascadeNews• Thur~ctay June l 6th 2009

t:J~ff1sif.VHll ~(tfel~'sl JflCllJ"g a Ir~crean.1 Drf the black box. ;h 1~ ( , i t 11t, 1t 1nan or balloon

.rhtpounced 1 11 ( 1, l h..t! " r nose was UFV Bint1llYG-ts~~ f;)4tl'ttiP.t r lt\v W~ifqg ,1nooth belly And I suppose n 11etwith apOSTRIKOFF o1fe~ng-more progr111t1swtthfo t l'1- r a.d..othfr tx;oW.c ~ wb~k. l ' tiny flowers o ender. I recall vroval ANGELA UFV ¥ glish student Ashley Bois STAFF WRITERen disclp 'ne. The F.n~lish ~cfirtment ~el n1anaged to slip 111n6 e cpt on, ac otdini t'o Tre-vor con ctved of th pro;et! m :zcfi17. ah~ undulating ha ~cJngli~h ·DcparJ:mi;ny, hac Iii C ~lanj a.faulty pi yer, "we've. {Jiieprqci:ss ~l\I)y b(\ga to ta,kpff g 1nd squealin to side In a gan1e the spring of 2008, with smallgroup nally released irs fnaugllral ver- been working a developfng a serious T ~~ n of 'lhe l,.oqden Si gl~tfte. ~n c~eatlve Wl'jtin, prqg 11"1atj l.JFVl' qf. dc<:li<!atqd, fNdc~ ;)Acwrd1P tQ I 1ne to a rich I • n ishment for n1y annual literary mag(\zlne, the Louder._ C8fol n goes yn to ex.plain, "One of ·bckaJl Duprcy a member of tqe Leretching in a ~i'h!k-t,t~1fuqtufe l:oniribu Ions ljy tohdm st ta g1ble wa%1of rdoogbll-- ·d1tb'ri&1b aTd1 t I{ peen a Ib'ng ugh, co,. UfV studcpt~. alull\nl, facujtY. a1,1dJ lfgi c er~n • ;,ritJpf C,(lfll11\ln·ty proc ss ec us of &)ptf f eo~ e o/f o d for da 11edwith a pale, staff members. toudeh Slngletlee, a on tarrtp s 1s a pubJMimg vchlcle were origina ly involve graclua eelin b~uli( I pbrasei in t elf, Is-~ls ~e fo fOf\cthat.'~ wod cc h k; l'\'I st 's ring iQQ$.'' 1iough al Vanished from name of an antiquated (arming tof l schools that are really serious about Th · Louden Singletree is expected 1- a nod to the farming roots ofUFV s th~li' writing programs try~ produ~1.:. to an arltlual publil:ation, and ted lik vers.Recently fraser Valley communities. Editln~ a ,nasazlne." UFV recently launched things should ~o a little more eaSir ti1ne beyond for L60den"Was done by a boatd of I.I Creallvc Wnting Con\mittee' that ily-sinc'e, as 'trevo~ put it, "'ln o'ugh i's students, wit)) ¥Q01C f11cuJtyguidanc~ wa ttpe"1fhe11dedby the late; litp An· tpc blrthil,lS proces of the thp~~(!J ng 1fort s threshold. It tlon we've all learned a lot. . .'' Hav'Ihe result is like literary democracy: derson. by the<studenfs, for the studenu. This is n,e LoudenSl.ngletree'$fits( ing -acteat,lve outlet fa lmport4nt to g the bea te gnarled roots of a All submissions were anonyll\ous. edition. It l pot for profit and strongthe growth of the crc&tive writing in this porcelain g1aveyard. iniaea<l of w lter's dame, rhe-b6ard yeoinnltitted t6entouraging stud&nts department, but also to the st d'ents the first , would te~c)ye a plcce tpaJ was pµm- to read thf fpljqw studentp' wod<;i wh~c~,ntributc, givini fqe11fa muc4-. , tional nt.f_. )flife, poignantly conscious bered. fn this way those involved ln and to give students an out~et for their needed voice. So support the writers the pro)f9t, ~ u)ty, i\_!ldevep.stud nt} "Vrltlngi ~O?\tfl~µ(or, ~1;1hu;inc (<i~tcll mQur sc~9Ql apd p1ck up a copy. es 111e lf1d how 1nuch n1ore vigorous she could submll without fea of b\a s. shares her thoughts on th magazine, An onli9e version of l,ouden Sinthin, 1 thin, A sliver of my forn1er self whet!er positive or r1egatv\! \1 aJ "I think it' great that thcr Is a'venue glet cc i! available at httpf//omega. tur~. lhls O\ethod ens1-1rcdthat each for u~iversily 'tup~nts to let th9r ar.t$.&SfX· r mell •JJiwayFor ours is a connection so For de(ails on how to get a physical submission was accepted exclusively out a.o~I'm really excited that it is fi. copy;,cont ct-A,,ndreaMacP"er~~ a pnt~e basi,$of litc.rar IJlCrit. nt1tlYfi~she and q_~t l) ok fo~l}l worlf We are consun1ed with a desire to andrea.rrlacphet'son@u f✓.ca As UFV grows, we are seeing eaFh to the future eqitions as more students departrnentexpand.andwbrklowards .aontribute bedaHs jfs always ftlli td ►11 caked on, pern1anently EtC:hedon the great 1




THI:~~IU'l'IHll.l:i\lHII: (:I>Hl:1.1:i\SI: \~fl'l'H THI:\Art:S'l'l:HHl:1111 S1111:11>1:S Papa LARRY PORTLANCE

French Reggae Works



was a Thursday night, May 28th at the Capital Bar Complex where all was not quiet, and there were many a creature stirring. It was the scene of lhe Motorleague's CD release party. The recently released album is called Black Noise and this was done with Fredericton's Forward Music Group. Gracing the stage with The Motorleague and kicking things off was another hard rock outfit called lhe Westerberg Suicides. Tl was certainly a pair of bands that had a certain sort of ok about them. TI1e Westerberg Sul• cldcs hall from Fredericton and they arc definitely a hometown gem. They boded well with the crux of the matter which was to set the tone of the show by assaulting our cars with solid, no-nonsense rock and/or roll. The influences of the Westerberg Suicides seemed to vary from maybe some rockabilly to perhaps punk. Either way one sliced it, the Westerberg Suicides put together a sound that let us know that they got skills and were there to rock. Sometimes though, it seemed as though the lead vocalist was not meant to try and hit some of the notes he tried to sing. Although it did convey a tragic demeanour, a little bit of awkward cringing would bother people who dislike dissonance. Despite this, the overall package would always settle back into the hard-rock

pattern. It was too bad that there was no merchandise being sold because the Westerberg Suicides need to get some airtime on the campus radio net. Although far from ideal, there is always using CBC's New Music Canada and/or Rupert Murdoch's myspacc. For a Thursday night, the turn-out at the Capital Bar Complex was fairly decent and things were lined up quite

Style et Baldas

mother and Queens of the Stone Age, there is nothing much to say. lhe muPAUL FALARDEAU sic was fast, furious and fantastic. ARTS & LIFE EDITORhands. 1be already flowing, lyrical 111ereal fun of the show was seeing language ls custom made for reggae's the Motorleaguc put on their show had decided to make it my mission relaxed yet fast rhythms. and sec the crowd interact with the while in Europe to discover lots Papa Style, who sings and plays band. At one point the bassist had of new musicians and artists. Luck guitar along with Baldas, who takes his bass strap fall olf and Forward seemed to be in my favour when I was care of all kinds of percussion InstruMusic Group manager James Boyle invited to a local festival in Saint Lo, ments as well as backing vocals, both came to the rescue and reallached Normandy. Local French hippies and use the French language to its full pothe strap. 1ben to add to the album I struck up a friendship through a tential, bending and shaping it around release party, during the combination of broken Englast song Hymn for the lish and French (beer actuNewly Departed, a few ally helps) and soon I asked friends were Invited on whether they would jot down stage Lo sing along with some of their favourite bands for me to look into. 1bey did the band. It was a shame that the Westerberg Sui- and I happily stuffed the piece cides wereallowed to start of torn paper into my pocket. so late, because the lads Looking at the chicken of The Motorleague still scratch later, I realized my had a few songs in them mistake: torn, wet, and gento play. As the nightlife is erally indecipherable the pamandated to shut down at per is almost useless, besides 2am, so Loodid the band. reading something in French It was a solid evening about eggs, there is one name to rock out and maybe that is legible. 1hat is Papa you will have an oppourStyle et Baldas. tunity to catch at least the The French people I met Motorleague sometime in all smoked like chimneys and the future. Keep an eye from what I observed, this is out for The Motorleague a general habit. It seems that if you arc in Fredericton in France, smoking is almost DonoflheMororleagueas th cy will again play at as necessary as breathing. Papa Sryle the Capital July 9th with My new friends all enjoyed nicely for the Motorleague. The lads Carpenter, Kestrels, and Clothes smoking and whenever they smoked the sick grooves on their new album, started olf strong with the Big Times Make the Man. There does not seem · we either listened to electronic or reg- Arnaquc Legal. which Is the first track olTtheir album to be any dates anytime soon in the gae music. Check out the titular track, featurBlack Noise. The Motorleaguc were far west, but will soon have a show in Papa Style doesn't misrepresent ing Big Red, along with gems like "Le very effective at transferring the highthe North by North East Show Case with his name and naturally he was Revolte," "Les Isoumis" and "lei Bas" pitched fever of the album as they in Toronto on the 19th of June. As for high in the rotation. His slick lines The language barrier is there, for all continued on with the track Let It Go. the Westerberg Suicides, they seem to floated through the air, hanging in you Anglophones, bul the message is Really though, if one has heard their have nothing on the plate, but maybe clouds. Reggae seems to fit naturally still clear and the musicianship makes album, which Is cut from the same they just do not know how or care to to the French language, like their finding a copy of Arnaquc Legal well cloth as rock stalwarts like Wolf- promote themselves too much yet. hand rolled cigarettes do In their worth the effort.


Arts & Life

Cascade News • Thursday June 18th 2009


Mari.times,Metty limes WJthLatty Pottlance


The Trick, Ruby Jean and the Thoughtful Bees.,. The Capital ...Fredericton, NB - 11 Jun 09 LARRY PORTLANCE stage



here were many options if one was looking for a place to dance Thursday, June 11th 2009 in New Brunswick's capital city. Obvious and obnoxious options a8ide, the Capital set the scene for something pleasantly different and home-grown in the Maritimes. On that evening, the one-person act The Trick opened for the headliners Ruby Jean and the Thoughtful Bees. Unless one Is not a fan of Canadian cultural products, or not a fan of dancing, there was noth• ing to nut be liked about the evening. For those who enjoy saying that geek is chic, 1he Trick has the soundtrack for those all-nighter LAN parties fuelled by energy drinks or places where serious sci-Ii insider humour goes on. The brainchild of Prederic:ton's Patick Reina rt1,, the Trick puts out some great elcctonica that echoes another New BrunswickIan artist called A/V. With a good pinch of 80s new wave, Reinartz sang, played an electric guitar or a synthesizer while he frantlcally adjusted the various electronic doodads that lit• tercd the stage. As the general feel of the Trick is danceable video game music that has some aggression and distortion thrown Into the mix, Reinartz could probably play at the Penny Arcade Expo if his lyrics were more video game based. During the set, there were a few times when Reinartz nm Into a few issues when his gear seemed to have a mind of its own and cut out. It must be tricky (pun intended) for Reinartz to operate all that gear on his own. Despite this Reinartz was able to pick up the slack and get back into his spastic gestures which suggested that he felt his art deep clown to the nerd core. Coming from Halifax, Ruby Jean and the Thoughtful Bees took to the

S 1 ides

with their bouncy bcut that gut the Capital kids dancing almost right from the beginning. The music took the same form as the opening act, but was benefitted by a full spread of band members who could focus and formulate their end of the musical spectrum. For more in• sight, Ruby Jean and the Thoughtful Bees' music seems like it would be the begotten child of Death Prum Above 1979's music and Chromeo's music if music: could physically proc:reate. Floating above the dance beat of the drums, computer sound effects and funky guitar, the voice of Rebekah Higgs was often like a haunting whale song that one could dance to. Higgs would o~en sample here own falsetto and th~ow it into a loop with effects to cause this effect. Higgs definitely felt the groove as she almost had a few wardrobe malfunctions while she boisterously encouraged the crowd to get into it. Generally, not much encouragement was reqtalred whenever a recognizable song like "How To Win Friends and Influence People" was played. But it was at these times the Capital kids seriously



NewBullAndRaven Bi-Weekly With$2.75Beer and2for1Appys, whatbetter waytospend aTuesday night? BullandRaven: 33785 Essendene Ave,Abbotsford Starts at 8,ends al 12every second Tuesday Night! Nextshow: June30

Jubilee Hall- All AGESshow w/ headliner MAGNUS RISING

Ruby JeanandtheThoughtful Baas strutted their stuff. As Ruby Jean and the Thoughtful Bees had to drive all the way out to Ottawa at an early time Friday morning, they declined the beckoning for an encore. Since the adjective for the Bees is the "Thoughtful" rather than "Irresponsible" or "Impulsive," It made sense that they tapped out. Ruby Jean and the Thoughtful Bees arc travelling west, but will only make it as far as Ontario. So for the cats in the lower mainland of British Columbia, wait out and keep your dancing shoes ready. As for the Trick, keep your eyes peeled and ears to the ground if in Fredericton because he tends to play in and around the town on a regular basis.



Burn Under Light a Beautiful Beginning LARRY PORTLANCE edge of falsetto fun-times.



here is something comforting about the delicious drone Slides puts forth on their P.P Rurn Under Light. It is like wearing one's fovo~•ritc cut-offs whilst walking along the riverbank to tube back down over and over again. Slides salaciously starts the EP off with a track called Bottle Full that takes the tone of Superchun k, and other associated acts from the mid to late-90s, but repackages it with a bit more aggression into something standout and marketable. Continuing on this tac:k, the second track Bone Market carefully combines crunchy distortion and humble harmonies with the gratifying guitar and the vivacious voice that sits at the

deliberate drums act a great guide


whilst . glides through some tricky timing and pleasant phrasing. { Duria;g the \ third track Weatherman, Slides carries on with this tack and the overall feel harkens tu a lazy backyard Sunday before going for Ice cream with friends. The tragic nature oflovc is vibrantly visited In She's An

Issue and the minor chord progressions help bring th is aspect t<) the fort:front before finishIng off with a touching track. Speak Loudly features some great violin action and hints that It will all be ok. If Slides is able to release a full-length album one day, and more than just a five song EP, things will truly be all ok.

Host: Fishbone Entertainment BC StartTime: Thursday, June25,2009at7:00pm EndTime: Friday, June26,2009at 12:00am Location: Jubilee Holl Street: 7999Bradner Rood City/Town: Abbotsford, BC Phone: 6042507056 Email: Description: ThisALLAGES show isstartin.9 atJubilee Holl.Thenheading toChilliwack, thenbocktoAbbotsford. StayTuned! Thisshow willhostsome kickassmetal bands fromVan. Show willstart@7:00PM Youcantickets inadvance bycalling604.842.6770 $8.00in advance $10.00@ door Tribune, Remove theDoubt, TheGrindhouse, Red AntArmy, Magnus Rising• l 021897381 l4

An Eveningwith the TragicallyHip Saturday, Aug8 7:30p otAbbotsford Entertainment & Sports Centre, Abbotsford, BC


32nd AnnualVancouverFolkMusicFestvul July17th,18th,& 19th Jerico Beach Park


Arts & Life

Cascade News • ThursdayJune 18th 2009

SuperNova-One-ManStar Wars Trilogy Neptune Studio Halifax NS 16 May 2009 LARRY PORTLANCE Jabba'spalace in which C3PO's shrieks "Oh no! A Rancor!"

CONTRIBUTOR l1or those who are not familiar with the movies, they would

hen I was In Halifax last weekend flipping through the probably be awash in the sometimes convoluted Jumps from one Hallgonian version of the Straight called the Coast, albeit scene to the next. But as Ross said In his Q&A afterwards, the without watered-down Journalism and with a heavy left-wing movie is incredibly simple in its assertions about good and evil. It pinch of what The Republic of East Van has, I came across what is easy to trim the fat and stick to the was suggested to be a sure thing. It was SuperNova, One Man atypical American minded story of Star Wars Trilogy. It is what it sounds like, a one man theatre act the Individual protagonist who pushthat puts the entire original Star Wars trilogy, the only one worth es through adversity with the help of my time, into a one hour and a bit, wham-bam-thank-you-m'am supporting sidekicks to overcome evil show.There was no way this could be missed by a person who still with potentially evil actions. But rehas over fifty Star Wars novels and referencebooks from his high member, one can morally Justify their schoolyears fettered awayIn a box he still lugs around from move actions by saying It was done In the to move. Jt would be Inappropriate not to go and appropriate ac- name of good and by a healthy dosage tions had to be taken. of dehumanizing the antagonist ahd Imagine sitting with a group of nerdy teens playing Star Wars associated crew. It might be a bit of a related video games, sipping on pop and eating chips on another rant, but il docs stand to reason that all-nighter. Everyone is making their own sci-fi sound effects, the millions of people on the Death mimicking the majestic music and quoting the movie ad naseum Star had families and friends who completewith hysterical laughter about the most subtle of inane cared deeply about them. Well, until nerd details. While I am not poo-pooing this sort of behaviour, for the supposedly good Rebel Alliance I was once and still am kind of one of these types, there arc many conducted an effective insurgency a grump and associated person who would opt for the moral high and blew up both Death Stars and ground on this one and suggest that this is a grievouslyborderline multiple Star Destroyers, foot soldiers loss of touch with reality. Oh well,let these sort of people sweat it and more to boot. because this theatre act was not to be missed! Ross had some great sound efThe one man, Canadian Charlie Ross, encapsulated this be- fects, Including a great R2D2, howlhaviour and did this with all the awkward mouth spitting that oc- ing Chcwbacca and the wonderful wailing impersonation of a curs with certain sound effectsduring the show. For anyone who TIE fighter passing by.They went well with his hand gestures and ever intends on seeing this theatre production, take care to not body movements.Ross'sDarth Vader,Yoda,and his 1\1skenRaidsit In the front rows Jest ye be desirous of spit landing on you for er impersonations were a bit weak, but who can do all the voices most of the sixty minutes. Obviously,editing had to be done and perfectly? Probably the most key element to an effective theatre Rosshad to focus on memorableaspects of a trilogy that spans six production of the Star Wars trilogy be to get the whiny LukeSkyho~1rs.Each of lhc three original flicks was crunched down Into walker down pat. Ross certainly had that one under wraps; his lwenly minute segments. There were some obvious cuts, to the "but l was going down to Tosche Station to p1lck up power conchagrin of completists.One example could be the Rancor scene in verters with my friends" was uncanny. His ''1100000000000!




prequels dissolve from PAUL BRAMMER

my memory, but I can still remember the name of CONTRIBUTOR that little rat thing that sits shriekay l~, I 999 was a. rcd-leller ing with laughter on Jabba the I-lutt's day m modern history. To torso? The simple answer is love. I loved spare you the trouble of racking your brains, let me say that what I refer to those chan'IC· tcrs, and lhc was a d1.1ath. that Still not clear? Very well, I shall journey elaborate further. I refer tn the death they embarked of the greatest movie legend in cine- upon over thos(;? ma'sshort history. I refer,of course, to three original from the ten-year anniversary of the release films; of 'Star Wars Episode I - 1he Phan- Luke's transformation from tom Menace'. Even typing those words brought wide-eyed farm me out into a fevered sweat. I still boy (wearing remember the giddy excitement of what suspisitting down in a darkened cinema ciously looked as a fresh-faced, hopeful 11 year old, like a moodelighted to reconnect with the most moo) to the fantastic and mesmerizing filmic most · bad-ass memories of my early years. man in the gal• And, weekslater, my logic bllghted axy, or Han and by my naivety, 1 was newly-Inundated Lela's growing with gaudy merchandise from the new love for one prequel: a poster of the child Anakin another; from with Vader's shadow behind adorned Lando's betraymy wall; a book detailing the new al of the rebels characters in the prequel universe was to his spearsnug enough to carry in my pocket, heading the to peruse at any time. I scoured the assault on the pages, trying in vain to connect with second Death Queen Padme, Nute Gunray and Seb- Star; from C-3P0's dismemberment In ulba. As much as I tried, their names Cloud City to the lightsaber battle at slipped from my grasp, whereas Sa- the end of 'The Empire Strikes Back' lacious Crumb, Mon Mothma and (possibly the greatest climax to a film Wedge Antilles stay with me even ever), I loved each and every frame, every line, gesture and 'shwing' of the now. Why is this? Why do the details, lightsabers that those films had to ofnames and faces of the 'Star Wars' fer.


That can't be! That's impossible! NoooOOOOOooOOOooooo 0000000" could have used more chipmunk in his facial expressions but Ross was still very effective. There was some great subtext in the show that hinted to things that just didn't really make any sense in the movies such as the medal presentation scene at the end of A New Hope. It Is a grand event that has the newfound heroes of the Rebel Alliance, Luke Skywalker and Hans Solo,receiving medals for their valiant efforts. But for some reason, Chewbacca, who is brown, furry and speaks in a different tongue, did not receive a medal. Yet Chcwbacca put himself in the Iinc of fire for the Rebel Alliance and helped win this insurgency battle. Ross humorously alluded to this and it left the audience thinking, just what was George Lucas trying to tell us about diversity and accepting cultural differences? 1 Anyway,this act is definitelyworth checking out if it comes through Vancouver. It is a strong possibility that it already has since Ross has been doing this act for the past seven years, Charlie Ross has been to over 230 different cities in 4 different continents. But imagine being the Star Wars nerd who can take his youthful and sometimes annoying mimicking of a sci-fl phenomenon and make a career of it. Just one of those dream jobs one would have to suppose. Next on the platter for Ross is a one man Lord of the Rln_gstheatre act. It came up in the Q&A afterwards and Ross gave us a great taste of it. His Smeagol was par excellence and even though Lord of the Rings will never be what Star Wars Is to some, it will be another worthwhile way to spend twenty bucks.

lheir appeal transcended cinema; they Influenced everything from special effects to where credits should go (Lucaswas the first person to put credits at the end of a movie, much to the chagrin of the movie establishment,

who promptly... copied It for the last 32 years. Oh.) to new Innovative ways to use French baguettes (which is why I can't go within three hundred yards of any 'Save-On Foods'). Lovethem or loathe them, nobody can deny the impact that 'Star Wars' had, and still has, on pretty much every facet of culture,

and wider society. And so, we come back to those prequels. Those bloody prequels. Unlike other Prequel opposers, I do not hate Jar-Jar Binks. Sure, I think he's an utterly pointless addition to the Star Wars lexi• con, but he is merely a minor player in the greater travesty of the Prequels. Everything, from CGI Yodatomidichlorians to trade blockades, sullied the beauty of those origi• nal three movies In my head, so much so that, when I now watch the old ones back, I think about Hayden Christensen's smug grin Inside that black helmet, instead of the most evil motherfucker that ever Force Choked. In short, I don't care about Shmi Skywalker giving away her son; I don't care about how Yoda ended up In Dagobah; 1 don't care about the 'youngling' Jedls (I can't believe

Microsoft Word actually recognizes 'youngling' as a word). These things mean nothing to me, and, indeed, detract from Episodes l V, V and Vl. 1he beauty of those movies was that you were catapulted Into this fabulous, brilliant, vivid universe with charac• ters who were pure, for want of a better word: Emperor Palpatlne was pure evil, not some Intergalactic George W.Bush; Yodawas pure wisdom (now dirtied by that obscene, yelping, somersaulting CGI lightsaber battle in Episode II - I accepted Yoda as a Jedi Master without seeing him so much as touch a lightsaber, 1 don't need to see him goosed up on pep pills, jumping around like he's been stung by a bee); Boba Fett was pure cool, not some sniveling little kid (he's Boba frlggln' Fett for God's sake! He escaped from the Pit of the Sarlacc and wears a jetpack! Leave him alone!). lt wasn't enough that George Lucas had to go back and add in a load of crap CG! and self-Indulgent wankery to the re-released originals. No, that wasn't enough. He had to put the final nail in the coffin with those prequels, condemning every sweet memory of Chewbacca with a sour image ofBoss Nass. Next time, don't bother, George. Leave the tattered remnants of the Star Wars canon alone, for the sake of those who hold the memories close to their hearts. And If you must, If you absolutely must, the least you can do Is build some fucking sets.

Arts & Life

CascadeNews • ThursdayJune 18th 2009



UP! Adventure is out there GILLIAN WHITELY WHAM MO! We were In a fantastical


CONTRIBUTORworld of3D vision. Al first I fell a lilllc his afternoon 1 decided to say a uneasy, like maybe I was too old and

big "Fuck You!" to the sun and head for the comfort of an air conditioned Clncplcx. I decided I would differ from my usual matinee routine and sec a 3D movie. J was going to sec the much babbled about Up. My last 3D experience was a televised Rolling Stones concert back in the mid-nineties and It was nothing to write home about. I've avoided 3D ever since, assuming that it was the same old blue and red cardboard shades that made things pop only slightly. But today was the day, I painfully paid the $14.99 for my ticket and shamefully bought my $7 popcorn and sat down feeling broke and ready to be unimpressed. lhlngs weren't off to a good start when I sat In the dark for about 5-10 minutes after the lights went down. As the lights went back up the screen came to life. Well, sort of. The 3D was not kicking in; everything was a blurry haze of reds and blues. Nothing was popping and everything was giving me a headache. I leaned into my friend sitting next to me and told her to dig out our tickets because we were going to need a refund, and then:

stuck In my ways lo ever get used to having the animated stork flying literally right in front of my face. But I just sat b11ckand let the awesome wash over me. rt only got heller. I was not expecting Up to be all that entertaining. I did not sec how you could get much stimulating amusement from the interactions between an old cranky man and a tenacious young boy. Throughout the entire hour and twenty nine minutes of this film I found myselflaughing continually was completely entranced. lhe back story of Carl, the old man, was presented In a short medley of key moments throughout his life with his wife Ellie, and it moved in a Forest Gump sort of way. 'Ihe young boy Russell ls adorable and amusing; the one child in the audience of adults seemed to really get a kick out of him. My favourite character in the film was Dug the dog. Fitted with a collar that allows him to speak human, the audience is privy to every single-minded, spastic thought in Dug's little brain. Being the owner of a 14 month old puppy I comment embarrassingly of-

ten on what I think my canine companion would say if he could, and Dug's dim, devoted, carefree attitude pretty much sums it up. The animation of the film was marvelous. 1he details of the characters was amazing: Carl's square framed face, hands, glasses and physique; Russell's short and rotund little form; Dug's fat dog ass; Kevin, the rare bird, possessed amazing coloring - I swear the brilliant feathers were glimmering at me. Speaking of coloring, the subtle rainbow colors of the balloons, the house and the landscape were beautiful. The masterful creation of city and landscapes in this film arc worth the watch alone. They arc completely aweinspiring. Myonlycriticismofthdilm would be that the villain is not as amusing as the protagonists of the film. I found my mind beginning to wander if I had to spend too much time with the baddie Charles Muntz or his pack of evil thug dogs. I will admit I would have been happy to watch Russell, Carl and Dug floating through those magnificent landscapes In their adorable airborne home. I would recommend this film to nnyone who Is looking to get com-

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AD018 andDtmoD8 DaUyM'1:00,4:00,7:00,10:00


pletely drunk off easy humour and pretty colors, as well as anyone who is looking for their next hit of Pixargoodness. Oddly enough I don't think I would recommend this movie for

children, at least not young ones. I think they might get bored like they did in Wall-E. Warning: lhls movie might break your heart a little bit.


Women of

the Otherworld

SUZANNE KITTELL STAFF WRITER rom what the youngsters tell rncthese days, the Twilig~t series is "like omg the best thing ever lo!." I can't say that I've d1:lved into the movie or books, but from what! understand, It's about romantic vampires who wear glitter


- or something like that. I wlll also assume that there is a My Chemical Romance CD on repeat in the background throughout the series. T won't lie lo you folks, I love supernatural fiction. From Stoker and Shelley to Rowling, it's like candy to me, I only have one demand: Please don't bastardize classic mythology to make It appealing to the emos. They've made enough things hard to like already. Okay, I have gotten a little off-track here but the point is, I've found a very addicting supernatural series that replaces puppy-love and sparkles with bloodshed and sex (separately, I promise). Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series starts off with two books which follow Elena, who has recently become the world's only female werewolf, through her adjustment to her new life. They're good, but they don't quite compare to the next few. As her novels progress, Armstrong ties together all of the different races of supernatural Into fast paced mysteries. You not only get guns,

money, and murder; you also get vampires, witches, sorcerers, necromancers and demons. So, maybe I'm just a huge nerd when it comes to spells and ghosts, but let me assure you that these novels will hook you in quicker than you can say "Am I actually buying a book with a gargoyle on the front?" As with any series, some books are better than others. While some will seem a tad anti• climactic, others will have you tripping over your own hands to turn the page. The novels don't necessarlly need to be read in order; Armstrong changes her narrators each time, but it helps. While you could pick up Haunted and thoroughly enjoy it, it's more rewarding to read through all of the background stories so the references make sense. 111eseries starts with Bitten and goes off on tangents from there. I'd suggest that you pick up the first novel and work your way into the different branches of the supernatural. Howev-

er, if werewolves aren't your thing, 1 won't hold it against you for cheating. But If you're going to skip the first two and dive right Into the witch plot, start with Dime Store Magic, the third in the series and the first concerning witches, You'll have enough background from that book to understand most of the nuances of Industrial Magic and the rest of the series. l don't know about you, but 1 enjoy my supernatural fiction to be a tad more thrilling than what body glitter can provide. Pick up Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series; T guarantee you'll soon get past the stigma of purchasing paperbacks with half naked women holding medallions on the covers.


Arts & Life

Cascade News • Thursday June 18th 2009

Exotic Dancers Fight to Strip Away 'Skanky' Stigma JESSICA BLOOM THEMARTLETW

seven-hour shift; St. James keeps receipts in a file folder because she can write off taxes for any exhen it penses that make her body look the way it docs. comes to fund raising, some charities believe it's But one downside of the profession is the best to keep your clothes on. confession.It's been a month since St. James told For the past five years, Exotic Dancers For her parents that she's an exotic dancer. Theystill Cancer has held an annual event where danc- aren't talking to her. ers strip to raise money in memory of a former "I sent a birthday present to my mom and she dancer who died ,;fbreast cancer. returned it," said St. James. "There was a note In 2006, the group raised $6,000 for the saying she doesn't want anything bought with BreastCancer Society of Canada, but the society stripping money in their house." Despite the work of advocacy groups like decllned the money because their major donors didn't support the charity's connection to danc•, the Exollc Dancers' Association of Canada, and Dancers' Equal Rights Assoclaers. In a press release, EDC spokeswoman Annie llon, the stereotype that dancers arc promiscuTemple, wrote: "No one can understand better ous, dumb, drug-addled women from troubled than us why they decllned It thls year - for the childhoods remains, causing many dancers tn same reason many of us keep our Jobs secret keep thelr Job a secret. Mistletoe hasn't worked in the industry since from friends and family - fear and commonknowledgethat stripping is not deemed 'accept• 2006, but she still fears that her past could get back Lofamily members who live miles away. able' by much of society." The sixth-annual EDC event will be held in "I consider it part of my wild child phase," Vancouver on April 30 at Cecil Exotic Show she said. "I was in first-year tmiversity and doLounge. A sister event will be held at Victoria's ing a lot of drinking and drugs. l like the way I self-proclaimed entertainment epicentre, The look, and it was fun to get money to get naked Fox Showroom Pub, though the date has not and have men compliment me." Neither St. James nor Mistletoe have experibeen finalized. "Not only is [the event] for a good cause, but enced negativeresponsit might change someone's perception of strip- es from the friends ping," said Regan St. James, who works at lhe they've told - but this Foxand plans LoLakepart In the fundraiser. disappearance of stigma seems only the displacement of it.

family roles. And the audience at The Fox ls often equal parts male and female. "The only problems I've had are with women," said St. James. "Men know the boundaries, but women can get aggressiveand Louchyou. An industry saying ls: 'Just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you can Louchmine."' Jamie, a female patron at The Fox, says strip clubs are "fun and edgy" and safe, but she wouldn't approve of her sister <lnncingin one. "I really wouldn't want that because when you think stripper, you think dirty, skanky, bad upbringing, and T wouldn't want my sister to be associated with that," she said.

Caution:RisksAhead Stigma aside, there mlght be other reasons to reconsider a career in exotic dancing. Some job risks, outlined in a policy brief on research gath ered by the Exotic Dancers Health and Safety Work Group, list everything from slips and falls Losexual assault and diseases. "Worker's Compensation Bonrd of B.C. doesn't cover slips or falls, so if you sprain your ankle or worse, you're on your own and have to

take tlme off work,"SL.James said. "Dancers can choose when, where and how much they work, but freelancing isn't covered Iby the government or by unions!." The policy brief continues on to link stigma with sexual assault because of "the cultural stereotype of exotic dancers as easy catches or sexually available." It also says stigma among bouncers, managers, and police can lead them to view assault "In and around a club as an occupational hazard that dancers should expect and 'deal with'." However,neither SLJames nor Mistletoe have ever fell unsafe or disrespected In a strip club. "When I first started, one of the OJs tried to Louchme, but I made it clear I wasn't into it and there wasn't a problem," SLJnmes said.

love YourJob SL.James gets the call to go in to work. She I puts her seven-inch heels into a tote bag and checks her makeup again. "I really love my job, and l wish [my parents) could see that I'm not debasing myself,"she said. "I feel confident and comfortable."

Glitter,Tan,AndTone St. James answers the door in sweat pants, short pink hair, nnd thick bl11ck glitter eye shadow. Sheexph1insshe might be called into work. St. James' closet. an unused bedroom, looks like something out of MTV Cribs: a gold bikini top flops from a dresser, racks of super highheeled shoes are arranged by colour, cosmetics clutter around a mirror. "I didn't give in to tanning for a long time," she said. "l like the look of pale skin, but eventually I realized it's too blinding on stage, so now I use self-tanner because at least it's better for you." HollyMistletoe, a former dancer who worked at Centerfolds In 'lhunder Bay,says that, in exotic dancing, lt's lmportant to find an angle. "I'm small and blonde, so I worked the cute angle,nnd cute worked,"she said. "I wore a lot of pink iind played up the fact that, at 19years-old, I was the youngest thing going at the time."

A SecretJob Mistletoe says she could make over $500 in a

• • I

Stigma, Stigma,

Stigma Chris, a frequent patron of The Fox,says he goes there because it's close Lohis house. For him, the dancers offer just "a show," as everyone has to do someLhing Lomake money. But howwould Chrls feel If his sister was a dancer? "No way, I wouldn't npprove of it," he said. This altitude seems to be ubiquitous when it comes to exotic dancing. In order for the audience LOenjoy the woman-as-stripper, they have to separate the dancer from her

• II •


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ARTS & LIFE EDIToR cano Trio Francois Faure - Emily French Jazz Is almost as natural and long-lived as naming songs after girls. This smooth piano jaz:r,is great, relaxed and soulful, the kind of thing you expect to hear filtering out of cafes on warm Paris nights, or husked in metro cars by accordions and saxophones.

One part Metric circa "Dead Disco," one Part Franz Ferdinand circa "This Fffire," one part live wire. This is French rock at its apex. With towering riffs, afros, amped up electro beats and a sexy French, leatherclad bassist. What else?

L'Oeuf Ralde • From Beyond Graceland Great bass filled electro-funk smoothness. Cockyvoiceoversspeak of dirty deeds and misbehaviour, as if that dirty riff doesn't count as the first offensive - making you feel like maybe you shouldn't listen to It in public. 'The name means "the egg stiff," although I'm sure there's a more correct, less literal translation.

Intedopt - NWO lnterloptl lists DJ Shadow as an influence, and hls shade lays heavily over lnterloptl. Fans of UNKLE and DJ Shadow's solo work wlll lmmediately feel at home with songs like "NWO" and "Organic Electronic." There's more going on too, wicked bass & drum and break beat is tossed out into space and reeled back for incredible effects.

Billy Bollock and the Broken Teeth • Boogeyman In France you expect Electronic, Jazz and even the Reggae seems at home, but Billy Bollock and the Broken Teeth really stand out. Looking and sounding more like a modern version of the Stray Cats than Daft Punk, songs like "Boogeyman" are a nice surprise.

Cascade News • Thursday June 18th 2009


The FornicationConversation PurityRings VIRGINIA SUMA

this concept to Madonna, the singer ...

SEXADVISOR It will only confuse you.)

SHALOM THE ERUDITE LLAMAboat and hold you underwater

with its ALL NATURAL roots. This will make you dead. However, the arbutus will be lauded as the ello puppies. 1his week the unibravest among his kind. verse is (predictably) against Libra (September 22nd - October 22nd) you. This time you have successfully managed to insult the trees. Yes, trees You will be walking through a forhave feelings. Yes, your ignorance est when a tree falls. You won't hear it of this Is what has put you in mortal because it will land on you. This was peril. And yes, I am very amused by not unintentional on the part of the it all. tree. Aries Scorpio (March 21st - April 19th) (October 23rd - November 21st) In a fit of child-like zeal you will You will be walking by a tree when you carelessly toss the refuse from decide to climb a weeping willow tree. your triple big mac on the ground. As you climb it you will carelessly damage the willow's branches caus1he roots of a tree will shoot up from the ground, wrap around your arms ing it a great deal of pain. In order lo alleviate this discomfort the tree will and legs and drag you underground to feed the worms it prefers. quietly make itself a noose, quietly Taurus lower It around your head and pull (Aprll 20th - May 19th) upward. No one will find your body Your horoscope will be vague and until the spring. frustrating this week. Sagittarius (November 22nd - December Gemini (May 20th - June 20th) 20th) You will be chopping firewood, inYou wlll be passing a monkey tree on a neighbour's lawn when you are sensitively, in the view of other trees that were quite attached to the one unexpectedly prodded in the but. You will turn around and. _diS_cOvCI- that is recently deceased. You wJll ing nothing out of the ordinary beinadvertently start a revolution. Gazhind you, keep walking. You will feel ing in horror as you dismember their something that is altogether more like companion the trees will murmur a spanking. You will stare suspiciously amongst themselves and then decide at the monkey tree. The monkey tree to act. Five trees surrounding your will stare placidly at you. Then as you home will uproot themselves and go to turn away the monkey tree will lumber slowly toward you. You will jump up from the ground, land on top stand there watching. They will each of you and crush you instantly with · grab an arm, a leg, and your head and great satisfaction. walk slowly away - tearing you limb Cancer from limb. I love to see natural selec(June 21st - July 21st) tion confirmed, don't you? Capricorn You like to tlllnk you're pretty and poetic so you do clicMd silly little (December 21st - January 19th) things that you think are pretty and You will be carving your sweetie's poetic. Like sitting under a tree with name into the trunk of a tree. The tree the writings of Emily Dickinson. Unwlll seek only to teach you a lesson and carve the name of its love into fortunately for you, the tree docs not like the archaic whining that passes you. Unfortunately trees have heavy for her writing and wlll pummel you hands when It <1omesto writing, and to death with It's biggest branch. You the end result w!ll be a gory mess. No won't see it coming. But you will feel worries though, the tree's lover will It. appreciate the gesture. Leo Aquarius (July 22nd - August 21st) (January 20th - February 18th) You will suffer the agony of an You will be getting nostalgic in Impacted wisdom tooth. And then, your old tree house when you visit a large pine tree will punch you in your parents. The tree remembers you the face, shattering your Jaw but ultitoo. All of your annoying squealing and cryltig, the brutal fervour you mately killing you. The pine will have done this for no reason other than to used against lt as you played In lls stop your griping - I say kudos to the branches. Realising that this Is probplnel ably its last opportunity to exact a Virgo justifiable revenge, the tree will throw (August 22nd - September 21st) you out of itself. You will land on a You will take a trip to the gulf is- pointy bit of fence and be dead. lands. Gawking Inconsiderately, and Pisces taking loud flashing pictures like the (February 19th - March 20th) ridiculous tourist you are, you will You know the song ''Strange Fruit" incite the rage of an arbutus. This arthat was best preformed by Ella bulus (had you thought to ask it) has Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong? It always had self-esteem issues and has was actually aboul the impending always been desperately uncomfortuprising of the poplar trees. You will able when confronted with strangers. be hanging from one of them soon As you snap that fi11alpicture, the tree enough. will lean down, pluck you out of the


t the 2008 Much-Music Video Awards, Russell Brand commented on the concept of purity rings, specifically on the Jonas Brothers. He stated that by publicly announcing that the Jonas Brothers don't have sex, all they are accomplishing Is putting the two notions of the Jonas Brothers and sex together in a sneakily nonoffensive way. Brand claims that lhc purily rings are a subtle publicity stunt de• signed to appeal to the younger crowd. As Brand put it, repeatedly announcing that "the JONAS BROTHERS don't have SEX, the JONAS BROTHERS aren't having SEX" Is perhaps a clever marketing ploy that sexualizes the brothers to those who are too young to respond to overt sexuality. A lot of contr('.>versy was raised over this comment, and Jordin Sparks came to the defence of celebrity virgins, claiming that not everyone wants to be a "slut." As we saw with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, however, the transition between teen virgin celebrity and raging whore isn't very gradual. It seems that what we've created here in young Hollywood is a skewed version of the Madonna-whore com-


plex. We expect our Disney-Channel heartthrobs to be pure and chaste (remember the backlash after Miley Cyrus' risque photo shoot?), but when they age Into their twenties and move away from their Disney safety net, we expect them to put out pornographic music videos. It's not a smooth transition Into sexuality; it's a shove from Madonna to Whore. (Note: Don't try to apply

With the Jonas Brothers, however, we're seeing a new little trick at play; Instead of being the proverbial Madonnas, they're chaste ....but they llaunt il.

I disagree with those who have flocked to the defense of the Tonas Brothers; I think Brand was spot on. If you spend so much time and money advertising the fact that you don't have sex, you will be thought of In a se:x;ualmatter because you've now become associated with the concept.. This marketing ploy has been dressed up so that parents are Just thrilled that someone's marketing abstinence. I'd wager, however, that once the Jonas Brothers remove their Disney leash ...those rings will follow. And that's not to say that they'd necessarily be doing anything wrong, but It would be shocking. Now, I never thought I'd do this, but I'm about to stand up for Britney Spears. It was part of her image for so long that she was a virgin. Outside of the Jessica Simpson style wedding, there's no clean way to break from that image into a healthy, sexually active woman. She went from virgin to whore in one music video. Perhaps it was the overwhelming experience of breaking free from the young girl pop star role. Maybe it was a Jessica Biel style "Fuck You" to the holders of her image. Whatever It was, we see lt Incredibly often as young stars become mature and don't know how to shed their reputations as spotless virgins. I can appreciate the fact that young celebrities are now being held to a standard as far as age-inappropriate sexuality, but I also would place the Jonas Brothers as the exception and not the rule. When I think of chastity in young celebrities, I think of the Jonas Brothers. No one else Is truly making It so well known that they are not having se:x;,and as a consequence of this llooding, the Jonas Brothers

are the young celebrities most associated with sex or lack thereof. So when photos leak onto the In• ternet of 17 year old celebrities In their bras, or topless or what have you, perhaps our first response should not be, "She should apologii.c for this

disgraceful behaviour." Maybe we should start recognizing that at 17,we were all probably doing the same, or worse. As we saw when Miley posed semi-nude, and her fans were polled by numerous magazines and TV shows, most of them weren't influenced by it and thought the pictures were going too far. See? Kids can have intelligent, individual opinions on sexuality without Hannah Montana showing them the way. Kids need to grow up, and with growing up comes the discovery and exploration of one's sexuality. We've seen over and over again what happens to stars who are forced to keep a sparkling clean image through their late teens and early twenties. I think that Jessica, Christina and Britney can teach us a little something here about the pressures on celebrities to conform to their public image, even after they outgrow it. With all the attention on the Jonas Brothers' purity rings, l can guarantee that the attention will multiply when they come off: and it will be noticed the second it happens. Not only are these three boys being marketed as forbidden fruit, but when they start to sexually mature, they're about to experience the backlash of a lifetime. We, as a society, need to stop with the Madonna-whore complex: and see these kids as fallible humans who are making their way through life like everybody else. No one should be held to the Impossible task of leading the next generation Into moral righteousness. These kids aren't deities, they're Just celebrities.

ports& Get Fit in Abbotsford Great options fora healthy lifestyle tohelpyougetflt,andthatfltyourbudget RANDONA CONRADation center. for $34/month (and it

$4.05 your first child and $1.40/addi- worth. gets cheaper if you get a membership tional child. If you arc getting excited Bikram's is an incredibly beginPRODUCTION MANAGER for an extended period of ti me) you reading this now then you will be su- ner friendly atmosphere so you'll be ummer Is here and it is bikini seaget access to both rec. centers (which per excited when the UPASSprogram comfortable even if you've never done son. Now is the time where we all both have gyms), all of the public begins in September at UFV.With the yoga before. Don't be put off by the look in the mirror and wish we could swimming pools, Abbotsford Exhibi- UPASSyou get FREE membership to heat either because it is really good for put awayour cold weather fat as easily tion Park, and MSA arena. This is a the recreation centres in Abbotsford! you. Not only does it prevent injury as we retire our cold weather wardgreat deal when you consider that they If you are looking for something a by keeping your muscles warm and robes. Or, maybe you arc just looking have a full schedule of fitness classes, little more specific than the plethora malleable, but it also allows you to get to live a more healthy active lifestyle, including Dace Fit, Circuit Training, of fitness option~ at the rec. center deeper into the poses and really reap to put a little pep back into your step. Beinga student this is not alwaysas easy as it sounds. Youcan definitelygo the traditional route and run, swim, bike, hike, or walk your way to fitness but don't you find that these activities require a lot of self-motivation? Group fitness activities provide a more structured schedule for those who find it hard to stick to e"ercising on their own. lhey also provide valuable insl ruction on proper form and technique. Luckily, in Abbotsford, there are many avenues in which you can pursue such activities at all levels of experience and price range. If you arc reading this you arc probably a university student, which is synonymous with poor, so I am going to stick to activities that arc ultra affordable. As far as gym memberships go, most of them arc REALLYexpensive. On top of that there are sign up fees, you have lo sign up for months at a time, and then on top of it all there arc cancellation fees If that gym just isn't working out for you. Yikes! So why not check out the UFV gym. Ok it's not huge and incredibly fancy but it IS a mere Personal Training, Aqua Fit, Yoga, look no further than Bikram's hot the benefits from your yoga practice. Lendollar deposit to get your Loetag. Belly Dancing and pretty much any yoga. lhey offer a very reasonable in- Further, the elevated temperature 1hat is a good deall No monthly fees, other l ype of fitness class you could troductory rate of $29 for two weeks causes sweating which expels toxins one lime, ten dollars! ever imagine. But wail there's morel If of unlimited classes. With 26 classes from your body and ls great for overAdmittedly though, the UFV gym you have kids, no problem. 'lhey have a week spread out over all seven days all health. isn't huge so if you'd like to kick it up lots of family activities and classes it Is super easy to find a time that The classes are an hour and a half a notch check out the AbbotsfordRecor they also have child minding for works for you and to get your money's but it goes by in no time as you fly reation Center or the Matsqui Reere-


through 26 poses which each target and work to improve the health of specific parts of your body. l11cseclasses will leave you feeling energized and rejuvenated! For a great freebie, if you like to run, check out The Running Room's website where you can Join group runs that depart frnm their !<)cation on Sumas way. They have sessions on various days of the week for all levels of fitness, from walking right up to advanced running. The Running Room also offers running clinics including Learn to Run, For Women Only, lOK Training, Half and Full Marathon, and Personal Best. 'lhe running clinics arc instructed sq The Running Room does charge for those. However,the group runs/walks are absolutely free and a great way tu meet new people who share your interests. Also free, most of the time, arc UFV clubs and associations activities. Check out the full list of clubs and associations at dcnts_organizations.htm and join a couple mailing lists. These arc super casual and there arc not only clubs for various sports but the SOLARclub hosts a whole whack of outdoor adventures such as hikes, caving, and canoe trips. Again a great way to meet your fellow students and hook up with people who share your passion, or newfound interest, for living a healthier lifestyle. No matter what your interest there is something in Abbotsford that will fit your budget, so go forth and in the words of the legendary Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod "Keep fit and have fun!

Yoga:To Bend or not to Bend? BRITTANY WEISNERI added to my "well maybe one day" SPORTS & HEALTHEDITOR hat is it with the West Coast and our fads? '!here's always something new and exciting to try. Don't get me wrong, It's generally something that will better your mind and body, theoretically. Take yoga for instance. "Yoga:"at first it was a frightening notion to me. I'll admit !'II be the first to giggle slightly at the term "downward facing dog" and after all I'm an inflexibleex-rugbyplaying sceptic. I truly believed I was not meant to bend at all. l11ls caused the idea of yoga to become something


category of activities. However- surprise, surprise I was wrong. Yoga is not some scary, twisty, sweaty catastrophe. It's actually a truly refreshing and revitalising experience. I decided to try it for myself-after all millions of people can't be wrong. So I bravely collected my gear: water (in a nature friendly canteen water bottle of course) a borrowed yoga mat (lime green) and my Jogging clothes and I ventured to the far limits of my inflexibility. Al first I was scared. What Ifeveryone laughed? Or criticised me since I'm a newbie? What J seriously pull something? Or damage myself? All these fears were beginning to grown in my mind. But, for the sake of this article l gave up all Inhibitions and went to one ninety minute session. At first It was dif-

ficult. l felt stretching in places I assumed were not meant to stretch and I was silly enough to wear pants even though they raise the tempcratu re in the room, let's Just say I was comfortable. And I did feel somewhat like a pretzel. But, I don't think ever in my life I have been so at peace. It was so relaxing and 'zen'-ifyou'll excuse the clichc. i don't think I've felt so revived In a long time. The next morning when I woke up I was extremely sore, but I did have an amazing amount of energy. Add to that a healthy diet, and I feel like I'm a whole new person! I strongly recommend yoga for anyone who's willing to try something new. Actually forget that, everyone needs to try it. It's an amazing experience. For all of you who are ridiculously busy and have intc11sestressfilled lives, this will help you calm the hell down.

I am notorious for never being able to turn my mind off- so to speak, but yoga really helped me unwind. It's not just some tree-hugging, guru loving phenomenon, it's a tranquilizing al-

tcrnativc to the drugs that are being commonly taken, and it will help keep you flexibleand healthy. Yogais definitely here to stay.

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