The THE Push Pin Mario is Famous! Thinking voting is cool since 1993 Vol. 17 Issue 8 SUS :::•.....··•·• . ··=•:•:•··•:•=·=;:. :=:=•:-:-::::•:•:-:-:::;.-• .•.. • .-..•.•··...••········......... .. ....··•··•............. •.. • • • .... .-:-:=·=•:•:-::•: :•:•:•. •:-:-·=·=·=·=-·=·-:•:•:•=·~' ··=·=·==•:•:-:-..:=·•••·•·····•· ·•-~·············· •·•·••·•.•..•··-·......•.•······ ......... •••••········••········ ...........................•.•:•:•·········· •·•··· .. . ··=·=·=·=·=·~·······• ..•-·~ .. . -~~\.~=::........... _. . •••••••••••• -:•:•:•:•:•7 ·······=· ••·•····•·• ::::::::::=··•··· •,•.• •••••• IV-VII Cascades Volleyball Navigable Waters Act
Editor-in-Chief David Miller Managing Editor Rebekah Duprey Production Manager Randona Conrad Production Assistant A.M.Bois News & Opinions Editor Michael Long Culture Editor HA Hogeterp Copy Editor A.M Bois Sports Editor Terry Singh Staff Writers Paul Falardeau Suzanne Kittell, Romi Chan Sarah Welters Angela Ostrikoff Brittany Wiesner
EDITORIAL Fight Against Gangs Requires Us To Be Clever, Not "Tough"
The fight against gangs is going to be long, arduous and costly. We need to be willing to face the costs of this fight, whether they are economic or social. We will do more harm than good if how we fight is determined by our emotions and less by our reason.
Ehsaas means to reflect or come to realization in Punjabi and Hindi, and that's what the UFV's Centre for Inda-Canadian Studies invites you to do by attending its third annual South Asian film festival. The festival runs on three consecutive Mondays: March 9, 16, and 23, 2009. Films will be screened starting at 7 pm at University House (F110) at UFV's Abbotsford campus (33844 King Rd). Admission is free and is open to the public; donations welcome. Present in All That We Do Mon, March 9 Reception at 6 pm, film screening at 7 pm Directed by Andrew Hedden, who will be present and lead an interactive discussion. Abby University House (F110), , But they will adapt because they have the resources to adapt. Every gang we take out will have a replacement. As the war continues, so will the costs. This, I'm sure you will take as necessary. No war is won without sacrifice and we cannot be cowards and shrink from doing what is necessary. They become more armed, so we increase the resources of the police. and they become more paramilitary in nature. As the prisons fill with thugs, we build new ones to house new thugs. We increase the budget of Corrections in the hopes that when they leave prison they will leave rehabilitated, unlike those who leave the Hamlet Now Showing at UFV Theatre
Volume 17 • Issue 8 Room
Some of the events taking place this month are: A ski trip to Silver Star starting March 7th Empty Bowls workshops all throughout the month Movie nights every Wednesday Free Pancake breakfasts Thursday mornings Chinese cultural events every Thursday and Japanese cultural events every Friday violence don't attract as much attention because they don't satisfy our desires for a quick and easy solution.
Club members would need a good quality road bike and personal equipment such as cycling shorts, jersey, helmet, and cycling shoes for summer rides. In winter the riding would be indoors on a banked wooden track. The Burnaby Velodrome Club has a comprehensive training program for new riders, that includes safety lessons as well as speed drills, and bike rentals. For more information, contact Peter Raabe at peter.raabe@ufv. ca (1027 33844 King Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8
Combating and containing gangs is only one aspect of sensible ant-drug policy. The other is ensuring we bring up our children in a tolerant society, so they know the difference in making the right choices over the easy ones.
DAVIDMILLER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF People on the streets are dying, high school kids are being snapped up by gangs, our judges are being too lenient on the thugs that terrorize our neighborhoods. But fear not electorate! Our politicians of federal and provincial stripes are stepping up and answering the call of duty. Now is the time to declare "war" on the gangs! A lot of people think the term "war" is hyperbole, but let's accept for the moment that in this context it works fine. There are two sides: them and us, society (represented by the state) and the gangs. We are at war and our aim is to rid the valley of gangs. Yet, at low estimates, the drug trade is worth $5 to $7 billion a year. That's enough revenue to afford the gangs, the tools to stay ahead of the law, take out their rivals and it's more than enough to keep attracting people who want to make cash, quick and easy. Sure, we can lock up gangsters for longer, we can hire more crown prosecutors to deal with more cases, put more officers on the street, and change wiretap laws so we can get into their blackberries.
In sum, my argument can be surmised by the words of Nietzsche, "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster." As the gang situation becomes dire we need to question our prejudices, on both sides of the political spectrum.
Contributors Kurtis Smejkal .+Sarali'Walker ,if i':'f: Staff Photographers Randona Conrad Suzanne Kittell Printed By Coastal Web Press
Taking on gangs requires an approach of enforcement, and a preventative element. This will demand us to look at and tackle the social conditions that turn high school kids into gangsters.
>TheCascadewill not print any articles that contain racist,sexist,homophobicor libellouscontent.Thewriter'sname and l student nwnber must be submittedwith \ each submission.Lettersto the editor must be under 400wordsif intendedforprint. f Only one letter to the editor per writer in any givenedition. Opinionsexpress.eddo not necessarily : reflectthatofUFV, Cascadestaffand collective,or associatedmembers.
ews Cascade News· Thursda th 2009
Cycling Club For UFV Peter Raabe would like to offer his experience and services as a faculty adviser for a cycling club at UFV. The club would be focussed on road riding and racing in the summer months, and riding and perhaps competing at the Burnaby Velodrome in winter.
The Cascadeis UFV'sautonomous student newspaper.It providesa forum for UFV studentsto havetheir journalism published.It also acts as an alternativepress :forthe FraserValley.TheCascadeis funded with UFV studentfu.nds.The Cascadeis 'publishedeveryThursdaywith a circulation tof2000 and is distributedat UFV campusesI and throughoutAbbotsford,.Chilliwack, and Mission.The Cascadeis a memberof the Canadian UniversityPress, a national cooperativeof75 universityand college : newspapersfrom Victoriato St.John's.Thet Cascadefollowsthe CUP ethicalpolicy · i:oncemingmaterialof a prejudicialor op-t pressivenature. Sub.missionsare preferredin electronic formateither through e-mailor on CD. Pleasesend-submissionsin ".txt" or ".doc" formatoruy. Articlesand lettersto the editormust be typed.The Cascadereservesthe right to edit submissionsfor clarityand length.
UFV To Host Third Annual South Asian Film Festival
UFV Theatre presents William Shakespeare's Hamlet, considered one of the greatest plays ever written in the English language. Mar 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 at 7:30 pm. Matinees: Sun, Mar 15 & 22, at 2 pm & Tues, Mar 10 and Wed, Mar 11 at noon. Special half-price previews play March 4 and 5 at 7:30 pm and the March 15 matinee is a pay-whatyou-can event, with a suggested minimum price of only $8. Call: Local 2814 or email: American prisons toughened by the harsh life behind bars and with better criminal contacts. I have my doubts over whether the federal, provincial and municipal coffers have enough money to afford all this. All this might be necessary, if the situation demands it. However, the angry words that fill the letter pages of newspapers, and the posturing of politicians has yet to convince me whether, as a society, we have the maturity or tenacity to resolve this problem. We scoff at any proposals to deal with drug prohibition. Investing in cultural programs that could lure young people from a life of crime and Check Student Life for Campus Events has calendars and contacts for events happening at UFV all through the semester. To make sure you don't miss out check their website or go to University House on the Abbotsford Campus.
Local ProblemsCatch
00 9/ 02/2 3/
BRITTANYWIESNER STAFFWRITER I n response to the recent gang violence and shootings in the Lower Mainland, Canada's Minister for Public Safety, Peter Van Loan, met with the families of the victims and elected political officials. Abbotsford's MP Ed Fast and Mayor George Peary were among them. "Peter Van Loan said the Conservative government in Ottawa had and would continue to work on new laws and on getting more resources to police," reports the Langley Advance. Van Loan specifically blames the opposing political parties for slowing things down in the House of Commons. There will be changes in bail laws and handgun laws which will make a real difference to the way criminals are dealt with, also "minimum sentences for violent and repeat offenders, along with less time-served benefits were two of the changes suggested by local politicians," reports the Abbotsford Times. The families of the victims were there to share their personal stories with Van Loan. He has "promised funding for the RCMP and for provinces, but the Conservative government is currently embroiled in a dispute in court with the Mounties over salaries," reports the Langley Advance. Another strategy asked for by Abbotsford citizens was for speedier trials to cut down on remands. "Remand credit policies should be looked at," said Mayor George Peary, "meaning criminals shouldn't get jail time lessened for time in detention while awaiting their trials." MP Ed Fast stated that "The hoops that Crown prosecutors have to go through to build cases against defendants take a lot of time and tax dollars." Mayor Peary suggested that having more Crown prosecutors would help ease the work load as well as cut down on court time. "I don't think that justice is served from these very costly and lengthy court proceedings," he added. "Gun possession emerged as a key concern in Abbotsford and Peary said those caught with a loaded gun should get automatic jail time, along with those who are gang members," reports the Abbotsford Times. "If they possess loaded firearms, they possess them for the reason of doing others harm or the intention of doing others harm, and we think that's enough reason to put some of these guys behind bars," said Mayor Peary. Fast and Peary also blame the growth of technology for playing a large part of criminal activity. The introduction of cell phones to the organized crime world makes it easier for groups to conduct their business under the radar of law enforcement. This prompted Mayor Peary and MP Fast to speak to Van Loan about making changes to the wire-tapping rules so that law enforcement can be one step ahead and not left electronically behind. "It should be easier for law enforcement agents to gain access to all the electronic media available and quickly," said Mayor Peary. "The laws were written when these things didn't exist." There were two meetings with Peter Van Loan, to show the true importance of this issue, one dealing with the Fraser Valley and one located in Vancouver. Some of the other attendees were University of the Fraser ValVoters Turned Away In Federal Election
If one takes this number and applies the 4.5 percent of voters who could not vote due to the new law stipulating I.D. the actual number of voters that were not able to vote comes to 450, 000. Almost half a million registered voters did not vote because they "lacked proper documentation" as the Electoral Officer's report states.
Cascade News• Thursday March 5th 2009 News 3
BRITTANYWIESNER STAFFWRITER G ordon Campbell, British Columbia's interesting Premier, wants the federal government to repeal the Navigable Waters Protection Act. The act is designed to "ensures a balance between the public right of navigation and the need to build works, such as bridges, dams or docks for example, in navigable waters. The NWPA upholds the prohibition to build works in navigable waters, unless the work, its site and plans have been approved by the Minister of Transport. In addition, the Act provides for measures regarding removal of wreck or other obstacles to navigation and for the prohibition to throw or deposit any material in navigable waters," according to the Transport Canada website. The first mention of repealing the NWPA was just one sentence in Feb. 16's 40-page speech from the throne. "The federal Navigable Waters Act [sic] should be repealed and replaced by legislation that meets the legitimate needs of the 21st century, a unified major project review process will speed up job creation in mining, energy, resort development and other areas," said the speech. Many people were curious as to why the provincial government wanted to change the law and Campbell answered, "Let's put this in context for you, that act was passed in 1882. I would suggest that the world has changed dramatically in the 21st century from what it was like in 1882,"he told the press. "The act slows development. Right now across the West, literally every economic development minister will tell you that the federal Navigable Waters Act [sic] is a huge impediment to investments and to jobs." He added, "If there are legitimate needs for the Navigable Waters Act [sic], put them in place in a 21st-century bill, but don't hold up 21st-century investment and jobs because of a 19th-century piece of legislation." When asked what projects are being slowed by the act he replied "You name it. Name a project that's a significant project. If it involves any kind of watersheds, it could do that, sometimes if it involves an agricultural ditch, it may be called on." That response comes across as more than a little evasive. "The act is supposed to ensure people can travel the country's waterways" he said. "We're capable of doing that in British Columbia without checking with the federal government." Will Amos, a staff lawyer for Ecojustice in Ottawa, stated that the principle the act is based on goes back much further, he said, to the Magna Carta, signed in 1215. Since then, common law in many countries, including Canada, has protected the public's right to use waterways. Amos wants to remind the government that it needs to protect the public's right. Amos understands why the provincial government would want to change the laws. "The provinces don't like any federal environmental regulation and enforcement," Amos stated. There are many environmental issues the Navigable Waters Protection Act addresses. Thousands of salmon streams could be affected. It could also change proposals like the one currently being debated on whether or not to add a marina to Victoria's inner harbour. Many people believe Premier Gordon Campbell is beginning to overlook environmental issues, and are anxiously awaiting the provincial elections.
Campbell Motions to Repeal Navigable Waters Protection Act
Attentionof FederalGovt.
Sources: http:!!!nwpp!faqs.htm http:// the tyee. cal New s/2 Waterways!
450,000 Regstered
In contrast, 90 percent or higher of voters were well aware of the new requirements concerning voter identification. The percentage of voters who ley criminology expert Darryl Plecas, Abbotsford Police Chief Bob Rich, and also Lois Schellenberg, widow of Ed Schellenberg, and the family of Chris Mohan who were both innocent bystanders killed in a suspected gang hit inside a Surrey apartment complex in the fall of 2007. Many Abbotsford residents are shocked, furious and confused over the gang violence. One Abbotsford resident, Georgina Whittaker, says "It's terrifying, this kind of stuff isn't supposed to happen in suburbia. How are we supposed to feel safe?" Many parents are concerned for the safety of their children and their own lives. Let's hope the government steps up to help all of British Columbia in this crisis.
Sources:!langleyadvance!news!story.htm/?id=349alca3-8e3b4626-be3e-388b9e4aa86f!news!story.html?id=dedc8601-22484fa0-9824-47840bf6a991 http:l!!abbotsfordtimes!news!story.html?id=ecac599e-dd2f40a0-b261-578e26fcf724 were able to easily meet the new rule was also very high at 94 percent. To read more about the results of the 40th General Election visit http://www. stat_report_e.pdf or the Elections Canada website at
D uring the 40th General election this past year some voters were restricted from casting their ballot. The annual report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada reports that 4 percent of registered voters could not vote because they lacked the proper identification. The report also states that 4 percent ~r lower of voters did not have the required identification with them when they reached the polls and of that percentage a final 0.5 percent of people did not vote, meaning they did not acquire proper identification and return to the polling station. In 2007 Bill C-31 was passed within Legislation which altered the Canada Elections Act. The new rule requires all voters to have upon their person at the time of voting specific pieces ofI.D. that confirms their identity and their place of residence. If an individual cannot display such proof, then another voter who has the specific identification may vouch for said voter without the proper I.D. The Bill passed to prevent that occurrence of voter-fraud. Though the stated percentages don't seem significant it is important to note that they represent 23.7 million registered voters. The number of voters who actually cast a ballot from that number was 13.7 as reported by Elections Canada. This means that 10 million registered voters did not vote.
2) The economy in decline has called for an awareness of finances. A reduction in Clubs and Associations funding, even though not connected to the economic downturn, could be replaced by an increase in commitment and involvement with events planned for any Club or Association.
JenniferNelson-Vice PresidentInternal
2) In an ever changing and somewhat unstable economic climate it is important for the SUS to lobby on behalf of its members to freeze tuition costs. The SUS also needs to see the "big picture" and budget accordingly to weather these tough economic issues.
1) I would like to see the SUS work to build stronger relations with the student body. In the minds of many students, the SUS affects them very little. Much of the obvious student exposure to the SUS occurs by means of either festivities or elections--neither of which is generally accepted as a necessary aspect of their university experience. I feel that much more effort should be placed in advocacy activities rather than spending activities. This would require a greater amount of contact between elected officials and student organizations as well as creative methods of exposure to the student body at large. This should also encompass an emphasis on the SUS as an intermediary between the student body and the institution.
2) No, I do not feel thatthe current state of the economy has a great effect on the activities of the SUS. But as any politician or political commentator will tell you, impressions are everything. With that in mind, it would be in the interest of the SUS to impress upon the student body a tone of fiscal responsibility: the provision of services that are necessary and desirable. This should not trump the provision of services that are necessary for many but not universally desirable, such as the health and dental plan, the U-Pass, and student organization funding. It should not be assumed that in a time of widespread economic difficulties, the Student Union Society will simply abandon the previously provided services--the very services which make the SUS necessary in the first place.
4 News Matt Oates-VP Social 1) I would like to promote the Student Union Society and its services to all students. Not enough of the student population know what the SUS is and what it does. More promotions, working with student life and the university are just some of the ways that the SUS can continue to brand itself to its members.
CraigHornischfeger-VP Social 1) I would like to see UFV become a more socially interactive university. Involvement in activities on campus has decreased even in the few years that I\,;· att~nded UFV. I plan on using the social connections I've created during my time at UFV, as well as my experience during the last year at Student Union Society, the SUS events committee, and as an executive on the UFV Pride Network to create an environment on campus that students want to be a part of, in and out of class.
1) I would like to see the Student Union Society improve communication with stuaents and staff on campus and to strengthen the connection between UFV campuses. I believe that if SUS were to expand its range of events, it would encompass a wider variety of groups and interests and promote a greater unity and energy.
3) The growth of the university and all other integrated components decreases the amount of space available for students. The SUS has answered this with the proposed Student Union Building to provide more in the future for students. As part of SUS I would also be an advocate for student space and services on our proposed one campus in Chilliwack.
3) As the University grows so should the SUS. The SUS needs to be a dynamic entity that can adapt as the needs of students change. The growth of the University excites me. One day I want to hear UFV uttered in the same context as UBC, SFU, and UVIC.
Justin Morgan-VPEast
3) Yes, the SUS is growing and looking towards positive changes in services offered to students. I hope to see the U-Pass work for all the students, in the next few semesters. As stated before I want to see C&A along side of the Student Union creative a more diverse campus a more diverse campus community that give its members many opportunities to participate and be involved on all campuses.
2) The economy is in some way effecting everyone right now. I believe it does effect the SUS and its members. I would propose we lobby for a number of things on behalf of ou,r _111emb~rs,1h,ese,th~ng~ <;o,uld_iµ<;:hrqee,xtep9.;d stud,ei;it loans payback period, more emergency Student Grants, GST removed from text book costs, and more bursary funds available to help in these tough economic times.
3) Currently, the SUSis focused primarily at the King Road campus and secondarily focused at Chilliwack North. But there is not currently resources for the other "auxiliary" campuses--of which there are six (Hope, Agassiz, The Base, Marshall Road Annex, Mission, and Mt. Lehman). While these campuses are growing along with the rest of the university, the amount of resources available to them and the consideration for their needs remains the same--non-existent. If this pattern continues, these students will grow more and more disassociated from the political activities provided by the SUS while still contributing to the funding available and directed towards the students of the more popular campuses.
¥P Social, VP East, ¥P Internal
2) The current state of the economy has both positive and negative connotations for the university and the SUS. Declining wages and fewer work hours are creating incentive for people to enroll in or return to school, thus enriching campuses all over the province with fresh new faces eager to be involved and become educated. In contrast, rising prices are lightening the wallets of students and ultimately decreasing any opportunities for a social life, or expenses outside of tuition and books. I would like to provide involvement and the chance for students to interact on a greater level with their peers through events, comprehensive seminars or workshops, and opportunities to provide affordable, valuable entertainment on campus.
1) I would like to continue working to improve communication with the membership. I feel that because each member pays student fees they should be aware of where their money goes. The issue I would like to work on the most is Clubs and Associations. I would like to see the members involved in C&A have a greater voice on all campuses. I really want to see more students getting involved with their association or clubs. This has been one of the things I am currently working towards and would like to continue.
Cascade News• Thursday March 5th 2009
3) The student union society is currently involved in a number of projects that will instigate big changes for the university and the Fraser Valley. A new student union building on campus will provide more space for student activities, clubs and associations, helpful campus resources, and entertainment. If elected vice president social, I look forward to aiding in the creation of such a valuable addition to the university.
2) The state of our economy
Cascade News• Thursday March 5th 2009 News 5
1) One of the core duties of SUS as described in its mission statement is to advocate on behalf of all its members. It is then surprising to notice that an important number of those members have no idea about what the acronym SUS stand for, and do not know the role SUS plays in an institution like ours. Some others complain saying that "this is paying money for something we have nothing to do with." In my personal opinion, these issues raise many questions about whether the basic work that has to be done to inform all the members about SUS is done; and if it is, is it done efficiently? How can we advocate for people when rudimentary communication skills are lacking, and as a result, basined of members are not met? I am running to narrow these gaps by improving communication strategies to establish a healthy and efficient exchange between all members including international students, and the executive of our society. I also want to sit with IMPARK's officials to search and find common ground in terms of improving parking conditions on campus. So far I do not know what the University's plan is about this specific issue. In the mean time, it is inadmissible to continue perpetuating a situation in which students are frustrated for not finding parking spots and trapped between being late in a class and fearing to be given a parking contravention tickets, and much more like to see a larger emphasis on unifying the UFV community. There is already an effort being made towards inter-campus involvement, but there is room for more progress to be made. Secondly, the communication to the student body needs addressing. We have wonderful opportunities for communication (posters, desktops, email, the SUS website), however, these tools are often under-utilized. The general concern students have about relevant SUS topics is the lack of a primary medium on which they can always easily rely.
2) With a declines and contractions in the economy comes increased enrollments and slashed University budgets. The implications of this for university students are several. Students will be fitting into tighter classrooms, the breadth of classes offered will suffer, and services offered by both the University and the SUS tend to become further utilized and spread thin in cases. SUS's role in this situation becomes one of student advocate 'to en·sure a top quarity education is maintained so that graduates are able to find meaningful and relevant pursuits subsequent to this period of studies. Anecdotally, student on campus employment has dropped by a significant measure, a course that needs correcting. The vast majority of UFV students are also part to full time workers and they need these jobs available to them to continue their studies. I will continue to lobby for these students, and those not working on campus, to increase employment opportunities for them in conjunction with academic careers. The last component is to make sure the Canada Student Loan program functions in a way that will let any student who needs to undertake such a loan be able to do so without ever being so onerous on one as that they can never hope to repay the debt. Working in conjunction with our national lobbying partner, real goals in this area can be set and delivered to the student body.
DuncanMacgregor-President current recession is placing a stress on essential services students were previously able to take for granted. This definitely relates to SUS as they will be turned to for providing more to members. I propose a slightly more conservative spending model in the coming semesters to prepare for larger expenses.
1) First and foremost, I would SollaToby-President
1) The Student Union can and will improve in many areas during my Presidency. There are three critical areas that will be improved in the Student Union will be in comprehensive, holistic lobbying strategies, model democratic process to empower the student body and professionalism to which the SUS presents itself to outside organizations. The SU is the voice of the students and these strategies look at what we say, how we say it and how we are heard to all those around us. Secondary to these primary improvements is the sponsoring of student art and entertainment to be accessible to all UFV students. During my first term on council, I helped develop the idea of arts and entertainment accessibility and would love to see this principle continue for all students. This also comes from outside by providing excellent caliber speakers to discourse at UFV and entertainment that appeals to the student body. The SUS is an ever changing and evolving changing organization and I intend to help foster every elected officials intended improvements to the SUS. The SUS is not one person, but a collection of those who enable and empower each other to become a powerful body to act on issues that matter to students.
3) Craig Kielburger said, "There is strength in numbers", and so the SUS can view our growing community as both a responsibility and a power. In continuing the battle for institutional recognition and privileges (ex. UPass), this growth represents opportunity for the university as a whole, and not just its individual groups. This will mean harder work for the SUS, but a greater benefit as a result.
2) In a society of consumption like ours, a pandemic fear of the economy collapsing reveals how the world is fragile and dependent on economy. Today all the sectors of our lives are impacted by the dangling state of the economy. In French we say "to a fragile situation a careful handling." I am aware that corporations, and organizations including non profits ones like SUS will suffer the consequences: Sponsors may hold back because of uncertainty, and the number of students might decrease due to inability to afford their tuitions. Therefore SUS will need to adjust. My plan will accordingly be an austere one at certain levels of expenses. Cautiousness and cost effective spending will be the rules; I will put on hold programs that have no direct and severe negative impact on members' studies. directly effects student income and government funding for UFV. Our 3) Every change impacts its environment. A growing UFV means a growing SUS because the status by itself draws an immense interest both locally and internationally. As a result the number of students increases enormously. An increase in the students population automatically entail an increase in SUS members. And sometimes the more things we have on our plate, the more difficult it might be to manage. This change will require that SUS opts for more efficient strategies to affront diverse situations resulting from the growth: more listening to its members, serious consideration of members' inputs when making decisions. We must preserve the good image of our institution, and too many complaints from members DrewStapleton-President
1) I feel that student services have reached an adequate level, and that the SUS should be focusing on two areas: internal democratic reform, and advocacy and lobbying. I will build on the policy reforms/mode in my last term (Access to information policy, Elections Policy) and work to establish a provincial lobbying group of BC student unions; an organization whose primary goal will be tuition relief for students and increased funding for post-secondary education.
1) First off I would likt; to say that Mr. Ali has done well in his administration. UFV has been continually improving since I first enrolled in 2005. The stage has been set for our new university to start acting like a university. "Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education" (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr). We are getting one without the other. I see functions that our students can become a part of without interfering with their schedules. For example, students welcoming and helping lower-level students in their transition into academia to reduce drop-out rates while building character and rewarding memories of UFV.
2) Who doesn't the economy effect? SUS is responsible for important financial decisions; those decisions need to be evaluated based on the best interest of the student body Jack Brown-President and the experience of those who were before us. "The only problem is that Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" (Soren Kierkegaard). It is vital that a president has his or her board to contribute to the knowledge behind these important decisions but one must not forget that a president is in the people development business. We can skip the regrets by investing in what cannot be taken away.
2) As the recession goes on, enrollment at UFV will go up. The SUS must be ready to offer all of our services (Health and Dental, U-Pass, etc) to these new students and lobby the provincial government to help students through lowering tuition and spending more on post-secondary education.
3) SUS will continue to feel the need to deliver high quality, professional service to its members when growth continues at the expected pace. The tone has been set and the bar will have to be continually raised in order to meet the standards we set for ourselves as seekers of knowledge. SUS is an organization that has and always will have untapped potential to those who seek to promote and advance the cause of students. It is not without its flaws however and I plan to address as much of these as possible throughout my term in office to create a further accountable, transparent and functionally sustainable student union. This is an institution that UFV students should be proud of and I, alongside my fellow representatives, intend to make people feel proud that their SUS is working for them.
3) I think that is completely the wrong attitude to have. I am proud of my school and I only desire to contribute to its success. There will be more to offer in time but no matter what happens now I am going to put heart into it. As a UFV student, when I leave a job I want it to take three people to replace me. Maybe it's said best by O.W. Holmes, "every calling is great when greatly pursued." As for SUS, I don't know where things are at now so I won't form an opinion.
3) Historically, the SUS has had a deficit of services when compared to other student unions. With the advent of the U-Pass, My Safe Ride Home (MSRH), and the SUB, all projects which I took a leadership role in, the SUS finally has a series of robust and comprehensive services for its members. We must focus now on lobbying the provincial government and the University itself to provide students with tuition relief and quality programs.
Alicia Stewart- Rep-at-Large 1) If elected I would like the student union to become more declared/accepted by the student body. In the current months I have been a representative at large and found that the majority of the student population at UFV does not accept of respect the student government due to money issues. I would like to help the student union address these issues with regards to grants, clubs, associations, extraordinary funds request etc. I have found that the issues with the boundaries between the students and the student union originate here. Also I have been working on bringing the different campuses together through social events such as pub nights in Chilliwack and more advertising here as well. This is a much harder job than I expected, but I will continue my pursuit to do so ifl get re-elected.
2) If the current state of the economy were to take a turn for the worse, I'd suggest the SUS try to maintain reasonable fees in small
3) As UFV continues to grow and adapt to its full University status, more attendance numbers will increase and thus the Student Union will also be growing. This makes the role of the society that much more important, creating student awareness of the benefits offered by SUS through student events and interaction. Making the students feel like there is more of a community in campus and the SUS having a dominant presence from day to day on the campuses will encourage more students to bring forward their issues, and thus the society will become more productive than in previous years.
ChaoXia, (Violet) Liu- Rep-atLarge 1) If elected, I would like to help SUS to do more activities for more students, especially for international students. Make them feel like UFV is their home. Do more charity events for people who need help, such as homeless children, homeless elderly citizens, to let them know UFV and SUS in the community.
6 News
3) I think the growth ofUFV is exciting. Hopefully it will bring more involvement to the Student Union Society so we can have a larger impact with events, planning and student support. To me this growth means that there are more voices to be heard and it will be even more important for me to make sure I am accurately representing the opinions of the students, by making myself available and open to students.
1) If re-elected, I would like to see a couple of things improve. Many students are unaware of the SUS or what campus events are going on. I'd like to see more students participating in events together on campus; the new SUS website has forums that all students can use, and the website itself is being continually improved and tweaked for student benefit. I want to see the Student Union Society putting on the best events we can, so that students may have reason to remember the time they spent at UFV. I built the new website, so I'm really hoping the students can enjoy it or find it useful in someway.
2) The economy is something that affects all aspects of our society, including university education. As the job market becomes more competitive, more and more people will look to post secondary education as an option. In theory, more will want to attend UFV to obtain a credential, and thus the SUS membership will grow. The economy in the way that it is heading also makes it crucial that the SUS budget be followed and the society is fiscally responsible. It is also essential that students see where their money is going.
Sarah Enns- Rep-at-Large
3) The continuing growth of UFV will hold the SUS more accountable to represent all students from different departments. This past year we have already encountered many different departments with different needs, and the SUS will have to find a balance to meet the needs of all these students.
2) The Student Union Society is just as susceptible to the economy as any other society or group. With the unfavorable nature of the economy right now I believe that it is important for SUS to become even more mindful of its spending. The SUS should refocus their efforts on spending money on locale venders and entertainment. Money put back into local economy is more beneficial to local communities and in turn the University of the Fraser Valley and the Students Union Society than possibly saving a few dollars but purchasing from afar.
3) I believe this growth is positive. As UFV increases enrollment, the SUS must work to increase how effectively we serve the growing student body. I would like to see UFV and SUS working co-operatively on the Student Union Building project, because this is an expensive project of great value to students. I also think that the SUS needs to actively campaign that UFV improve their degree offerings to students, because too many students have to transfer elsewhere to complete their studies. When UFV offers more degrees of real substance, their enrollment efforts will improve, and the SUS will continue to serve this growth.
3) With the foreseen growth of UFV it is the Students Unions Society's job to make sure that no student voice is left out. We are a group of Students chosen by the student body to represent them and it is up to us to listen to their needs and concerns. Not just for those that voted for us but for all the students ofUFV. With this increase in students I hope to become more active within the University student body promoting an on-campus community and making more students aware of the amazing opportunities that they have for them.
Ryan Petersen- Rep-at-Large
Cascade News • Thursday March 5th 2009
2) The economy is important to everyone in all levels of society and government, and the Student Union Society isn't exempt from this. I would like to see the SUS examine what avenues of income can be included in our Student Union Building project. Other campus student unions have done this, and I think it is only reasonable that the SUS try and increase potential benefits to the students who will use our facility. It is also important that the SUS lobbies government both federally and provincially to improve conditions for students, because both can strongly influence the student economy.
Shelsea McAmmond Rep-at-Large
3) With a growth in the number of students means there is a greater responsibility for the SUS to make sure the student body is satisfied that they're being properly represented. It means, additionally, that I will be required to do more than is need to satisfy as well. Curtis Penner- Rep-at-Large
1) During my term in office, I would like to improve the relationship between SUS and the students and the UFV administration, while providing more events and opportunities for students to benefit from the student union fee paid each semester. In addition, I would like to work to advocate academic issues on students' behalf, such as course complaints and an increase in program offerings. I feel that the SUS also needs to also be more inclusive in working on not only the Abbotsford campus, but also on the Chilliwack and Mission campuses.
Reps At Large ways such as cutting funding to activities or programs the student body finds frivolous. No student should see their tuition rise because of SUS when the price ofliving is already growing.
1) I would like there to be more on campus community. I would like to see more connection and communication between the students and the SUS because so many students are unaware of what the student union society really does. I would love to see even more planning for the future of creating a student building and a more successful union. I would also like to see an improvement of school spirit and support for the sports teams.
2) The conditions of the economy have impacted everyone in one way or another, including the SUS. When the economy is in a downturn, the enrolment in post secondary schools is always higher, and so the Student Union Society will be representing a larger and broader range of students in the coming year. This will mean welcoming and introducing new students to the many functions of the SUS from the health program to the many events put on throughout the year.
2) I think the status of the economy is a very important issue for the student union society to consider and address. I would propose that we give students more "bang for their buck" the Student Union Society needs to be careful and creative with how they spend their budget and I would like to make sure this happens. I would also propose that we do more to assist students needs financially by providing money saving options or alternative ways of meeting their (our) needs for cheaper.
3) UFV and SUS are growing and this has a large impact on the student union. The growth of the university means that more students will be attending UFV and the university will have to accommodate these students. In the near future I think everything will continue changing like it has been in the past year. As UFV grows so should its student society. A growing population increases the dynamic student population and SUS needs to be able to handle all of the students problems and needs.
John Rodger- Rep-at-Large 1) I'd like to see more interaction between SUS and the student body. I've heard students complain about tuition and other matters and it got me thinking about the quality of the information being delivered to the student body. I'd like to see the Representatives at Large advocate a greater attendance at the General Meetings and other necessary SUS functions.
Jay Mitchell- Rep-at-Large
2) With the Canadian economy in an economic crisis I think this relates to each and every student at UFV therefore it pertains to the student union, as it is our job to help or address issues affecting the students here. SUS can do contribute in many ways to help meet the needs of the students: tuition freeze, lobby the government for guaranteed post secondary funding both provincially as well as federally. Although there might be a decline in the economy post secondary education is crucial to climb out of this economic crisis. The university, and SUS, will have to do anything to help the students offering more co-op job opportunities, as well as engaging the community to help with student jobs.
1) If re-elected one of the things I would like the Student Union Society to achieve is better communications within its own student body. There have been and will be truly amazing and motivated students that pour their sweat an~ hard work into their events and projects for their fellow student and I would like to see them recognized for their hard work. Not only recognition but also greater communication we can increase student turn out and take advantage of these wonderful events hosted by their peers. Another thing I would like the SUS to help students become more_,aware of how, where and why their money is being spent. Many students (myself included in the past) look at.their school fees, look at the extra money paid out to their Student Union and have no idea what is done with that money. If reelected I would like the SUS to come up with an ad campaign to encourage more students to sit in on Board Meetings which is something that can be done by any of UFV students. It is important for students to always be aware of what their SUS is trying to accomplish. If students take the time to familiarize themselves with the working of their Student Union Society they will come to a better understanding of how their money is being spent.
2) Yes. SUS has a very close relationship with economy. The budget of SUS is directly related to students' benefits. I shall inculcate cost effective methods in activities; keep things simple and spread the word through easy media ways, and do my best to get more students to volunteer willingly.
1) If elected, I would like to see the Student Union Society be more receptive to the voices of the students. Many students are now learning about all the society, and to encourage more student feedback about what the students would like to see from the SUS would be awesome. Even something as simple as having a blog on the website to give students a way to voice their topics of interest.
3) As UFV grows, more people get to know SUS, students show more interests in our own society. It also affects my life at UFV a lot.It seems like a big challenge and opportunity for me. I propose myself to be a representative at large, to gain more experience. I believe this valuable experience will make my student life more exciting and meaningful.
2) I believe it relates to the SUS in a negligible manner, especially since Casey's will be shut down for the incoming members. However, it is relatively difficult to determine the level of recession we enter and its effects on our university as a whole. GDP figures of the last two quarters are indicative of our entrance into a recession, however, in my opinion; it is merely a 'technical recession' as the numbers were not significant enough for myself to propose a radical concern. 3) The main impact of growth reflects mainly to our budget and the SUB building. Our continuing effort to perfect the budget will proceed, but this poses a challenge, especially for the administrative staff, as new members take place every year, or in the case of this election year, bi-annually.
2) The economy affects everyone. With the economy on a downward turn student enrolment will increase as it has done in the past. This means a growth in the student population and more financial obligation for the SUS. I feel one of the most important issues with an increased growth is accountability, whether it be financial, or events that appeal to the masses. I would also like to see the amount of Emergency Student Grants to be increased since demand will be higher in these economic times. I will lobby on behalf of students to ensure accountability and any other concerns they have. My door is always open. Please come and see me or e-mail me and ifl cannot help you I will find the appropriate person that will.
Chelsea LillbeckVP Academic 1) In all honesty, I want the Student Union Sociery· tb become a larger part of the student body. I want people to see what we're doing-how we're helping students, working with clubs and associations, and just being students at events throughout all campuses. Now that I'm in my last year at UFV I want all students to have the positive reflections that I have experienced. SUS has helped me make my University career more memorable and I want that for every student.
VP Academic, International Representative, Disabilities Representative
Natalie Walker- VP Academic
Ahmed HusseinVP Academic 1) I would like to concentrate efforts to create a close link between the ice arena (currently being built) and generate benefits and incentives for the students of the society as well as improve the level of academia at our university.
2) The economy is something affects every person and organization. It's our responsibility to recognize economic trends and makes plans Candidate Stat are in financial need and still want to pursue their education.
3) UFV as a university is going to attract more international students to come here and study. It is going to be an advantage and also a challenge for me to be an international representative. I need to figure out what students need when they come from different parts of the world and what do they need to know when the culture is different. Debbie Ellis- Disabilities Rep 1) If elected I would like the Student Union Society to improve communication as an organization to its constitutes. During my term I would like SUS to be more accessible and also I would like to be more involved on a multicultural level. If elected as Disability Rep, again I would like to continue helping students with concerns and needs, such as: Books on tape done in-house instead of CILS, so students would get their books in a timely manner. More accessible chairs in class room (which I am currently working on) , , Iv!oi;~., hil~~[~ap par~ing , spot_sat .the ~pt,r,ai;ice,of all buildings and b~tt~r mo~itorfr1g of current spots. Maintain close working relationship with Disability Service, Financial Aid, and other community resources for the disabled.
3) The growth of UFV and SUS may mean that more representation of SUS will be needed on our outlying campuses. This may also mean that on the educational, and lobbying, scale our university, and SUS, will begin to play a larger role. With growth · may come an intrease ·in enrollment, calling for more representation of the students. Also with the coming of the Student Union Building we can begin to plan for a sustainable future for SUS, and for our students.
1) If elected I would like to continue on, and improve the work done by the current advocacy committee, and the work being done to lobby the government. I would also like to improve the condition of communication between the students, the clubs and associations on campus, and SUS on the policies and decisions that SUS creates.
2) The economy definitely affects everything within the society; even though school is the place where .the economy affects the,le~st., !_,will pay attention to the parts like textbook price and price of the food in the school cafeteria to make sure they are reasonable.
Cascade News· Thursday March 5th 2009 News 7
3) The more UFV's population grows the SUS members grow, which means more funds to collect and administer. I feel it is up to SUS to be financially accountable for the funds collected. Another thing with UFV & SUS growing, we need to work on obtaining student space, especially on the new campus in Chilliwack. Also, we need to make sure the SUB building on the Abbotsford campus goes ahead and has enough space for students, clubs and associations. As UFV grows and becomes better known in the community, our degrees and programs become more highly recognized.
Clark Wu-International Rep 1) If I am elected, I would like the Student Union Society to be better-know within the school. I would like student s who study in UFV knows we are the ones who represent them and create benefit for them. I also want the Student Union Society to be more open and students can easily find out what we are doing and what they can participate with.
2) In the position of VicePresident Academic, it is important to look out for all students and how the economy will be affecting their lives. I believe that lobbying the government for a freeze on tuition will help students whose grades suffer because they are working to pay for school. Moreover, I also believe that we should be lobbying the government and the institution for more scholarships and bursaries for students who complish as much as I can- it helps me grow and become a more dynamic person. It also gives me the ability to work with such a broad spectrum of people.
3) As UCFV has changed into UFV, we have a growing student base. The growing student base causes dynamic opinions and ideas to come to light. This impacts the SUS because we also have to grow and change with our students. I believe change will always be positive in the right context, otherwise you will stagnate and the world will pass you by. In my own life, I'm always trying to do and acfor them. Students will be looking to SUS to use the money they are given responsibly, and to help see them through the financial situation while enrolled here.
A Two Party System
tragedy. It occurred at an international airport and none of the RCMP, airport staff or witnesses thought to call a translator? Logically speaking, if Dziekanski was a terrorist he would not have been roving aimlessly around the airport. Ifhe was a great danger to the public he would have done something dangerous within the first hour of his arrival. But he didn't. His only crime it appears was that he spoke no English and that he was reacting with "combative behavior" as one Mountie that you are little more than a whore, then go for it. It's the girls who think that men are pigs and that argue about women's rights, yet still go whore it up at the club that are really confusing. You are the ones who are furthering this stereotype that you fight against. So really, everyone should just smarten up. Girls, you should stop getting offended or pissed off when guys look at you as little more than sex objects. Can you really blame them? If you're going to act like you do, don't get mad when men assume states in the inquiry. Dziekanski was corralled in the airport for hours with no means of communication and unaware of what was happening or where exactly he was. Anyone would have been "combative" in such a situation. That the officers tasered Dziekanski is acceptable. Their training and analysis of the situation permits that. But that they resorted to tasering Dziekanski not once but up to five times is intolerable. that you have an IQ of twelve. Guys, you should stop having rage blackouts when you've dropped a hundred dollars on some chick and her friends because you were too stupid to realize that there wasn't actually going to be an after party in your bedroom. Yes, I'm sure that sometimes it works out for some people, but chances are it won't~ork out for you. In short, guys, she's not going to sleep with you. Girls, don't be mad when he tries.
Cruel To Be Kind Weighing a SensitiveIssue ANGELAOSTRIKOFF
STAFFWRITER In the 90's there was much controversy over the right to die debate, as embodied by Sue Rodriguez. Rodriguez was a Canadian woman suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease, a degenerative and fatal disease, who fought for her right to take her own life with the help of a doctor. She was denied, yet a few years later ended up committing suicide with the help of her anonymous doctor. The debate of euthanasia and assisted suicide is by no means a new debate. There is much questioning over whose hands one's life eventually lies in; the person affected by illness or the law. Assisted suicide differs from euthanasia in that euthanasia refers to the decision being made by the family, where assisted suicide refers to the person making the choice for himself. There are those who believe that a person affected by debilitating illnesses should have the option of being able to take their life under the care of their physician. There are others who believe that God, or some other higher power decides when life begins and ends and we have no right to tamper with it. Considering both sides of this debate, I have had some questions and concerns that were brought up. The first is a question of who is this an option for? What sort of illnesses would qualify? Would it just be terminal illnesses or illnesses that are incurable but not necessarily fatal? The next concern that I would have would be whether the patient would need to prove that they were not suffering from depression, or that they were in their proper state of mind when the decision was made? Is it possible that sometimes, suicidal thoughts are just reactions that eventually give way to better judgment? I of course, cannot answer these questions, and maybe nobody can properly. The issue should stay away from the moral side of things for the moment and lean towards technical, such as defining what sort of illnesses would allow this "treatment", defining under what circumstances would the patient be able to make this decision and so forth. Another point that should be raised is how the doctors themselves feel about this as a form of treatment. Should a doctor who disagrees with assisted suicide still have to do it? If not, then would they just refer their patient to another doctor who would, or tell them to switch physicians? At this point, I feel as though there are not clear enough guidelines set out to make this illegal or legal. Passing a ation should have been handled a lot more diplomatically. There should not have been a death at the airport that morning. To their benefit, the RCMP officers were doing their job. In their situation and having very little information about Dziekanski; their job was to keep the public safe and they did. However, the officers were aware that Dziekanski spoke no English. There should have been a translator involved as lack of communication seems to be the greatest issue in this makes me slightly nauseous. Guys, just because you bought a drink for a girl doesn't mean that she's going to sleep with you. Girls figured out a long time ago that selling the promise of sex and then not following through with it was the best and fastest way to get a free drink out of you, the unsuspecting male. Girls, by selling the idea of sex for booze, you are hardly above a prostitute. So long as you don't walk around actually feeling like a dignified person the rest of the time, and you realize law that makes assisted suicide legal is irresponsible. If it is to be made legal, it ought only to exist within specific parameters. I know that I already stated that I think that the morality is sometimes left aside; that being said, the other side to this story is that it doesn't take into account that life is precious. And yes, sometimes things are extremely difficult and even unbearable, but even in those times life can be beautiful. So the only conclusion that I can come to at this point, is that should we move forward in legalizing assisted suicide, we should take into account all these issues and more. Making sure that we are being responsible in our laws and that at the end of the day, we make sure that we have the patients' best interests at heart.
RCMP Not So Stunning
SARAHWELTERS STAFFWRITER Bar Stars. Can't live with them, can't live without them. Then again... can we? The funny thing about this strange little subculture of people is that no one really seems to like them, and no one will admit to being one at least not in respectable company. Yet they seem to exist. Why? Why do girls feel the need to go to a club, wear a dress that would make a hooker blush, and walk around showinternational airport on October 14 2007 in response to a report that an intoxicated man was throwing chairs through windows. When the RCMP arrived at the scene they found instead a disorientated man who had been stuck at the airport for hours and who spoke very little to no English. There were four RCMP officers. There was one very agitated man armed with a stapler. So Robert Dziekanski was tasered not once but up to 5 times which, according to coroners, caused his death. This situing the world their vaginas? Courtney Love already exists, thank you very much. Why do guys who hit up the tanning bed everyday and think that it's actually cool to wear those stupid Gucci fanny packs feel like because they bought you a drink, you WILL sleep with them tonight? Going to the club is fine and everything I guess, if you're into that sort of thing, but the idea of getting whored up to go out and dance to music that I hate so that some guy can try repeatedly to get into my pants really just
to yow sludia Dilln"'t11111inlD ptlf n .. p:aur1111-,-=haclu• .,.li;ing it clil&mll:tD -=haalwa.._ __. ,ioll? 'lhompaon Ri....., Unnranalf mn halp h, larinuil"IUadllClltiandirac:IIJ 1D you thmugh Opan La.ming. With __. illXI cllllirm .Iii clllbnl:a CCIII,_ n111ilahlaa 11111iatratiCJn you ea1 gatthec...lta you nam tr...r.rthem a.c.:tnyour hanw illlllilutiml. Yau can atudfwhen you--,t,. wlwa you ... nt ..111..,...aat,aar own acam adwdula. Far a compleb, Im of-OpenLeaming 'COUl"l!IBS end programa please viaiitour website. 1.877. 683 .4091
ROMICHAN STAFFWRITER In the early hours of October 14, 2007 Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski died due to several shocks from a taser gun. This retaliation was warranted, Mounties say, because of Dziekanski's peculiar and seemingly dangerous behavior. This past Monday the inquiry into why Dziekanski died began with the four involved RCMP officers giving their testimony. According to police files, the RCMP was called to the Vancouver Bar Stars
Tl-l0WsCINRlWRS'UNMRSl'l'V mlll~ Adelonlin•
Cascade News· Thursday March 5 th 2009
& ife
Cascade News • ThursdayMarch 5th 2009
STAFFWRITER D o you live too far into the Fraser Valley to get any Vancouver radio stations and are left with only Chilliwack's Country 101.5and are you a bit tired of it? Well there's a solution: 89.5 The Hawk (pretty much the Valley's alternative to the Fox). They play various genres of rock from alternative and grunge to soft rock and hard core metal. They also mix it up playing songs from the past along with a lot of current stuff. Some of the songs they play haven't been heard since the 90's and it's a nice trip down memory lane. They also keep it local, showcasing a lot of local bands and sports. They're huge supporters of the Chilliwack Bruins and broadcast updates from the games, their seasons, and the players with "hawk jock" Randy Merkley. They also keep track of UFV sports teams, so if you happened to miss last week's game, no worries, they'll fill you in. You can tell that they're still a new radio station.~ They have a great website ( / still being built they haven't yet put up who all the hawk jocks are or anything about the news but, it ,.........___, gives you the ability to listen live and join the "Rock ~,rFlock" (get it?) to earn points and win prizes. And you do / earn a lot of points, just from taking surveys I have earned · over 5, 5000 points. Once they get the website completely organized, it should be more exciting. On the website the Hawk says that "the Hawk's Diversified Rock format was born out of the eclectic musical tastes of Chilliwack's under served 18-54 listeners that up to now, have been forced to tune to out-of-market stations or other audio sources to satisfy their musical tastes.
The Hawk: Chilliwack's New Rock Station
The Hawk's unique programming approach will be developed from an encyclopaedia of Rock music that spans over five decades. We'll blend diverse genres from rock legends and introduce and help develop new and/ emerging artists." And I couldn't agree more. It's a welcome option to the radio stations that are out there. If you're in the mood for a change I suggest The Hawk, soon to be a big hit radio station. Argyle's cleverly designed open floorplans come complete with 3 bedrooms upstairs, modern finishes, a flex space on the main floor, and a 2 car side-by-side garage. With maintenance free living, and being within walking distance of UFV and the new Sports & Entertainment Complex, a home at Argyle gives you lots of time to enjoy Abbotsford's most desirable neighbourhood.
ARGYLE IS THE PERFECT BLEND 2 BEDROOM, 3 LEVEL TOWNHOMES FROM $289,900 3 bedrooms also available from $349,900 OPEN 1-5 PM (CLOSED THURSDAY AND FRIDAY) 34248 King Road (off McCallum), Abbotsford 604.557.5959
ANGELAOSRIKKOFF STAFFWRITER U pon posting some pictures on the online photo-sharing website Flickr, six UFV students have found themselves gaining quite a bit of recognition. Preston St Pierre, Brent Hunter, Jeremy Klix, Jeffrey Pertinsky, Helmut Wollenburg and Robert Turner are all computing students at UFV who were fooling around with making pictures out of pushpins. A year and almost 20,000 pushpins later, they have completed a four-by-three foot picture of Ninetend's Iconic Mario. The project took a lot of time and energy to complete;· the pushpins took time hand painting with 5 coats of model paint and 3 days of drying time, not to mention the cost of all those pushpins. That is some hardcore dedication. The phenomenon starting gaining momentum as students walking by would see the artwork, take a picture ,and then post those photos on the Flickr website. Flickr is to photos what MySpace is to music and what YouTube is to home videos: allowing people to expose their work on a much broader scale than they could through traditional mediums. For example, a talented, unsigned band from Moose Jaw, Saskatc,hewan can create a MySpace profile in a matter of minutes, upload their music, Rockland, Maine could be listening to it. From there, their fan-base could grow at a much faster and higher rate than in years past. Someone working at a label could hear about this band, and again, within minutes listen to them. The same is true of photos for Flickr, the photo of the pushpin Mario, without the aid of Flickr or another similar website, could not have gained recognition as quickly or easily. To date it has had 211, 500 hits, it has been in the Abbotsford newspaand add friends and someone from per and is still an attraction on the UFV campus. The guys are planning another project that will be starting soon; they are looking through some pictures for inspiration, and are waiting for some funding. At the moment, they are looking into covering the Mario piece in plexiglass, and moving it to a new location. Once that is done, their next picture will begin. The project in located in UFV's Student Computing Centre (room 225) on the second floor of building D on the Abbotsford campus
SUZANNEKITTELL STAFFWRITER A s is often the case with literary adaptations to film, two works become connected through a shared story, yet remain completely separate pieces of art. Although Danny Boyle has turned Vikas Swarup's novel Q&A into the award winning film, Slumdog Millionaire, the book still stands alone as something that could never be fully captured in any other medium. All of the aspects ofSwarup's novel come together to create a story that stands to be remembered as a beautiful piece of literature, not just the inspiration for a critically acclaimed film. Q&A instantly pulls the reader into a story that cannot be described in terms of simple plot. Ram Mohammed Thomas, who has been arrested on suspicion of cheating his way through an Indian game show, slowly and honestly unravels the story of his life to his lawyer. Chapter by chapter, he brings a moment of time out of chronological order and ties it to the question he has correctly answered. With each question, the reader learns another bit of Ram's life, and the suspense lies in the scattered and segmented narration that leaves the reader itching for the next puzzle piece. The plot can therefore not be described as a comedy, a tragedy, or a love story. It is an intricate combination of all and none of these things. Swarup has woven together all of the emotions of youth and early adulthood and has created a character who never seems fictional. As Ram's life twists and changes, the reader cannot help but feel every drop of emotion, as if it her own friend dying, her own money stolen and her own mother haunting her own dreams.
______ W_O_R_K_M_A_N_F_A_N_G-IR-L Workman played a show at the Com- also impressive to see the amount of
modore Ballroom. The event had a piano and violin that can be incorposurprising turn out especially considering the size of his last few venues. The show started with Chad as the opening band who accompanied themselves with some impressive animation. Then, finally, after a great deal of patience, a very bearded Hawksley greeted us, and started with one of the most beautiful songs that I've ever , heard,li;ve rated into a rock show. If you ever have the chance to see Hawksley live, go. Do it, please. It's worth it for the amusing banter between him, Mr. Lonely, and the audience, if nothing else. Although, watching this man make love to his guitar is one of the better things that you could be doing with your time, I promise. , ,
Q&A Slumdo i//ionaire
As Hawksley stroked his guitar and slowly kissed the microphone with his voice, the audience was greeted with the sound of "Almost a Full Moon," a song from Hawksley's Christmas album by the same name. The show then picked up tempo, with several upbeat songs following. One of the best things about Hawksley, and his lovely piano playing companion Mr. Lonely, is that they are always on their toes, and never too set in their ways. After taking several requests from the crowd, "Paper Shoes," a lesser known Hawksley song, was played, and at one point, when Hawksley forgot the words, he waited for an audience member to shout out the correct lyrics to him so he could resume. While I am clearly biased, being a huge fan of this immensely talented man, I would still have to say that it was one of the better concerts of his that I've been to. That being said, having to pick a favourite show would be like having to pick a favourite child, each one is so unique and so amazing in its own way that to make that choice would be near impossible. This show, however, was very refreshing as it broke away from the mellow feel of Hawksley's two previous shows and albums. It was nice to be able to rock SARAHWELTERS On February 27th, Hawksley out to an amazing artist, and it was
Swarup's writing style is unique, blending together the raw, childlike thoughts of young Ram with the gradually increasing hints of adult understanding of the world. Ram is a character of reliable relatability; there is never a point in the novel in which the reader cannot emotionally connect with his experiences. Q&A is not a typical novel; it does not read like fiction. Upon completion, the reader is left with the sense that she has now lived alongside Ram in the slums, has run away with him from certain death, and has bled with him over the loss of every life. The reader comes away from Q&A having formed a relationship with every character, whether it is one offear, pity, or spite. Every miniscule detail of Swarup's novel has been delicately crafted to seem anything but delicately crafted. It is an experience, not a novel. For those who have seen the film, yet not read the book, you have reached the tip of the iceberg. The plots between the novel and film are significantly varied, to the point where each can offer a unique experience. Regardless, however, of whether you have seen the film, or even plan to, do yourself a favour and read Vikas Swarup's Q&A for it is truly a great work of art. Worklllan Plays at,•the~Collllllodore
N othing short of amazing. That's what every Hawksley Workman concert is. Running with the same themes as with his albums, Hawksley doesn't like to do the same thing twice. Each of his albums are unique and most sound so different from each other that few would guess that they are the same artist, and it is no different with his shows.
, Cascade News · Thursday March 5th 2009
10 Arts & Life BookReview
Grand Theft Auto IV:The Lostand Dam,nedReview
• Student-friendly prices
KURTISSMEJKAL CONTRIBUTOR M any will remember a time when Microsoft doled out fifty million dollars to procure an exclusive license for two downloadable expansion sets for the uber-hit crime simulation game your mothe! can't stop loving, Grand Theft Auto IV. So almost a year after its release we're finally seeing the first of these XBOX 360-exclusive expansions, titled The Lost and Damned. Everybody who's played a Grand Theft Auto before knows what to expect from a Rockstar title: great presentation, well written story, and most of all, stellar gameplay. While not all of these materi~lize in The Lost and Damned, it certainly still strives to do the very best. Going through The Lost and Damned's story shows that Rockstar doesn't really branch out from the Grand Theft Auto norm. Then again, when a game sells a few million copies, I'm sure you're excused from following a few patterns. You play as Johnny "The Jew" Klebitz. You're the second in command for one of Liberty City's top biker gangs, The Lost. While the gang's leader Billy is in rehab, Johnny turns a vtolent gang into something resembling a respectable business (if you can call illegal activities respectable). To put things this way, Johnny is Barack Obama, and Billy is Ronald Regan. Catch my drift? So you can imagine that when Billy gets out, he's not too impressed with the gang going soft. This strife between the two sends the men, and their gang, through hell and back; and in the end, they may be The Lost, but they're also all damned. I did find it predictable for the most part, and it wasn't the most original plot, yet I found myself hooked wanting to watch this stellar civil war go on within this biker gang. Anyone who played GTA IV would probably not complain about the game having broken gameplay; Rockstar decided to add a few new gameplay elements to complement the new style of The Lost and Damned. On top of some new weapons and vehicles, And the Award Goes to ...
Cascade News• ThursdayMarch5th 2009 Arts & Life 11
The 81st annual Academy Awards... what a night! Stars and directors and all manner of film makers were out in full force on the red carpet to attend the 81st year of celebrating achievements in the film industry. The 2009 Academy Awards were hosted by Hugh Jackman, who surprised everyone with his surprising wit and a gifted voice. With a musical number that had most of the audience peeing themselves, and an unexpectedly witty repertoire, he seemed to fit the part quite well. In comparison to past hosts (we're looking to you John Stewart and Billy Crystal) he was somewhat lacking, but given the fact that Jackman is not a comedian, most people were pleasantly surprised. Jackman did an amazing job on his musical adaptation of the plotlines of all the nominated movies, and a shout even goes out to Anne Hathaway for her willingness to participate. Why Beyonce had to be involved in the sequel, I will never figure out. The Academy picks are often not particularly shocking; usually one can make a fairly solid guess as to the outcome. This year Russell Crowe wasn't nominated for anything so there was no one to steal the well deserved Oscar from Sean Penn. Slumdog Millionaire won a stunning eight Oscars, including Best Picture which the whole cast went onstage to accept. While this made most people happy, it didn't really come as a huge shock. There's always that under or shall we say "slum" dog film that the acadsome major gameplay elements needed to be changed. Because you're Johhny and not Niko, there needed to be changes. The first is motorbikes. In GTA IV bikes were useless, you would always fly off them and they were hardly reliable in any way. For the expansion though, the bikes needed fixing. Johnny is a biker to him a car is the equivalent to a coffin. So Rockstar has now made the bikes so they handle better and you actually stay on your bike this time! Also, since bikes are central to Lost and Damned. Rockstar added a nice bonus where of Liberty City. This is still the case for the most part in The Lost and Damned. My major gripe on the presentation side is this grainy filter placed in the game. Yes, the game is about a rough and tough biker game but we don't need a grainy filter on top of the gorgeous visuals that made Liberty City seem so beautiful and lifelike; it now makes Liberty City seem dirty and ugly when it frankly isn't. Thanks to Rockstar, we now have a good reason to spend $20 on the XBOX Live Marketplace. A new story, some new gameplay additions to keep an older game fresh, and even full frontal male nudity Rockstar really does love pushing the envelope! Sure the grainy filter is annoying, but that's a minor gripe. Grand Theft Auto has always been a series of controversy. Pushing the buttons of almost every issue facing modern times, I've heard in many interviews and articles the same question: does Rockstar care about anyone? The Answer: Yes. They care about the fans and almost no one else, and for the fans, Rockstar has treated us with an uncompromising view into the life of a biker. It's not glorious, it's not pretty. In fact, it's damned life. if you carry the same crew with you, they gain experience and become more reliable in combat. So if you stick with the same guys throughout the whole game, you're going to see the benefits of that. Also if you stay in a bike formation with your fellow bikers, you receive a little health boost. Overall, the gameplay has made some great changes to complement a different character, story, and style.
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• Reusable Wings take out bags only $1.49, get 10% off every time you bring in the bag to pick up your take out order Notoriously, the best thing about GTA IV was the city. Sounds weird, but it's true. The city was a thriving metropolis that was so incredibly lifelike and plausible that one might need to be excused for thinking they're a part 1965 Sumas way Abbotsford, BC WWW.GREATWINGS.CA 604.756.1077 emy picks to win eve,ryaward because it "shows the life of the people," or motivates in one way or another. They really are suckers for an underdog story. Not saying that these films don't deserve it. You can just always count on the good old academy, tres predictable. But this year, Slumdog Millionaire cleaned up, winning everything from Best Picture, to Best Screen Adaptation, to Best Cinematography. One of the only awards this year that might have taken people by surprise was Kate Winslet who was nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role for The Reader, and won. The fact that she was up against Meryl Streep and still won is the unexpected part. I was just happy that Meryl Streep didn't get nominated for Mamma Mia! seeing as they tend to throw nominations at her. In my personal opinion, Kate should win every year, whether she's nominated or not. I haven't seen her in The Reader yet, but I have no doubt that her performance was anything short of perfection caught on film. This was Kate's sixth nomination, her first win, and it was well deserved. Heath Ledger won Best Supporting Actor for his role as the Joker in The Dark Knight, and it was the award that was most deserved for any nomination this year. It was no surprise that Heath would get the win, but nonetheless people held their breaths as the nomination card was opened. The award, given to Heath Ledger, whose performance was the most stunning, horrifying, and simply best thing that I've ever seen, was accepted by his tearful family who thoughtfully remembered Heath. The Academy Awards are always a good excuse to get dressed up, judge people on their outfits (Mickey Rourke we're looking at you for this one) and pretend for a minute that we know exactly what the hell we're talking about when we judge the winner for best sound editing. If there's one thing that we can learn from this year's Awards, it is that if you show up in a toque Alan Arkin will forget your name.
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12 Arts & Life Cascade News • Thursday March 5th 2009 Artist of the Week - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Austin
21 Program: VA Diploma into BFA Year of Study: 2nd If you were to purchase a piece of work from another student, whose would it be?
Someone who the very next day will contradict himself in every way. What do you think of the new visual arts studios in C-Building at UFV? Describe your trademark style: Rough, unclean, and against most standards. It's great minus all the kinks, I'm not sure how I feel about the door codes though. What's your favourite mediurr,? Photography by far, ink and painting second. Do you have any words of wisdom for the student body? Why are you studying art? I don't know, I like it, I applied without any real past history of making art formally in anyway, or at all really for that matter, aside from a bit of photography fun and filmmaking. In the end, do what you want, cause that's what's going to make you happy and what else matters?
What's your dream job for after graduation? One where I don't have to "work."
In one sentence, tell us about yourself: Chris Janzen, his stuff is quite clean but edgy enough that I like it, something from his painted smoker series most likely (if that's what it was called )
Name: Austin Hillis (aka Auztan "Azy" I. Willer) Age:
THISMONTHON CAMPUS Friday,Morch6th EmptyBowlsWorkshop 11om-1pm ChilliwockCampusCentre JoponeseCultureActivity SushiPorty 1pm 3pm@UHouse Soturdoy,Morch7th 3rdAnnualIndoorSoccerTournoment 10om-4pm@NorthGym Tuesday,Morch10th Culture & Conversation llom-1pm@UHouse Spanishfllm: IncAmente~deCirculoPnlnr 5:45pm@UHouse Wednesday,Morch11th SUSElectionCondidotesMeetingABBY ]lorn@AbbotsfordCampusA225 EmptyBowlsWorkshop 11om-1pm@ChilliwockCampusCenter MovieNight 8pm@UHouse Thursday,Morch12th PoncokeBreokfost 8om-10om@UHouse broughttoyoubyUCM ChineseCulture FestivalofLanterns 4pm-6pm@UHouse Friday,Morch13th JoponeseCultureActivityMovie lpm-3pm@8101 Culture & ConversationIndonesian 3pm-4pm@UHouse FashionDesignStudentAssociation BondNight 6pm@Casey's Tuesday,Morch17th VoteintheSUSElection Morch17-20 MockElection 11om-1pmAbbotsford Culture&Conversation llom-lpm@UHouse SpanishFilm:MorAdentro 5:45pm@UHouse Wednesday,Morch18th MockElectionCHWK llom-lpm@ChilliwockCampus MovieNight 8pm@UHouse Thursday,Morch19th EmptyBowlsWorkshop 8om-10om@UHouse 11om-lpm@UHouse broughttoyoubyUCM ChineseCooking Speaker'sCornerAbbotsford 4pm-9pm@UHouse llom-lpm Friday,Morch20th ChineseFilm EmptyBowlsWorkshop 4pm-6pm@UHouse llom-1pm@ChilliwockCampusCentre Friday,Morch27th JoponeseCultureActivity JoponeseCultureActivity Movie JoponeseCurryPorty 1pm 3pm@8101 lpm-3pm@UHouse Tuesday,Morch24th RESIDENTS:PostoBur Culture&Conversation 5pm@BokerHouse 11om-1pm@UHouse Soturdoy,Morch28th Wednesday,Morch25th 3rdAnnual3-on-3MorchMadness Speaker'sCorner Bosketboll llom-lpm@ChilliwockCampus 10om-4pm@NorthGym MovieNight Tuesday,Morch31st 8pm@UHouse Culture&Conversation Thursday,Morch26th llom-1pm@UHouse PoncokeBreokfost
"4 I 1 t
ANGELAOSRIKKOFF STAFFWRITER H igh School. Let those words sink in. For some, it may conjure up memories of cheerleading, others of football victories or being voted prom queen despite all odds. I don't know about you, but that was definitely not my high school experience. One of the most popular genres of movies out there is the one showing typical high school stereotypes. The ones that are usually shown are the jocks, the cheerleaders/ hot girls, the geeks (band, computer and intellectual), the bullies and the hardcore stoner kids. The jocks are stupid, egotistical, and are always attracted to the cheerleaders/hot girls who inevitably only want older guys, or in more recent years, musicians. The jocks are mean and always pick on the geeky kids, but there is always one who is conflicted in this and deep down has a heart of gold. Luckily, this is also the one featured The cheerleaders and/or hot girls are shallow, mean and rule the halls. Depending on the type of movie it is, they are sometimes tormented by inner demons that cause this cruel behavior. They go after the only guys that don't want them, as mentioned
Fired Up Nightly at 9.:45 14A One Week (QTS) Daily at 1:25, 3:50, 7:25, 9:50 Dailyi fi?G Taken ;3:50, 7:30' 0 14A 'l •} t.,, 1 •,II i t• f, I t, I 'f ;,-. 't I ,f -~f ;t 't, ·, J- 4 t
Cascade News• Thursday March 5th 2009 High SchoolStereotypes... mostly unchanged
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Movie Review·· Defiance
ALANBITTNER CONTRIBUTOR D efiance is the true story of the four Bielski brothers, Polish Jews, who survived the Holocaust by hiding themselves, and other Jews in the Naliboki forest. The story is made up of a few different parts, one is Tuvia Bielski (Daniel Craig) trying to save and protect as many people as possible. The other is of Zus Bielski (Liev Schreiber) who wants to have revenge and action, and so leaves the Bielski partisans and joins the red army. The other part is of the Jewish group hiding the forest who have fallen into despair. It's an extraordinary story, but it before, in the form of older guys or musicians. The odd time one of them may also fall for a geeky type guy who turns out not to be a geek after all. The geeks are usually only consumed with their interests, usually dreaming in Ivy League. In elementary school, the geeks were always friends with the kids who turned out to be cool, although of course no one acknowledges this. The geeks grow up to be successful and their acne clears up and they become shockingly sexy. The bullies and the hardcore stoner kids are typically one and the same. They come from troubled homes and don't give a damn about the institution. They hate their peers, teachers, parents but also themselves. As of late, a new stereotype has emerged: the awkward, non-conformists. These are the kids who listen to vinyl and know about world issues. This includes but is not limited to artists, musicians, and activists. The question is, are all these stereotypes true? Is high school really that clearly defined, kids that pigeonholed? To answer these questions I decided to go straight the streets. While out for dinner with my friends, I overheard a conversation between a group of high school girls, they would fall in the jock category, tries to cover a multitude of themes ,and in doing so, fails to drive them home. The only theme that ever really has an impact is the absolute dissolute feel the Jews had. An excellent example of this is the prayer the Rabi makes at a funeral "Merciful God, we commit our friends Ben Zion and Krensky to You. We have no more prayers, no more tears; we have run out of blood. Choose another people. We have paid for each of Your commandments; we have covered every stone and field with ashes. Sanctify another land. Choose another people. Teach them the deeds and the prophesies. Grant us but one more gift: take back our holiness. Amen." What really drove me nuts, was however, the female jock category (girls who are super hardcore about sports and in gym class, usually end up sorely upset that no one else cares about sports the way they do many of these girls become a little bit bi-curious on sports trip), wearing sports wear, and all wearing their hair in a messy buns. From the moment I heard them I was intrigued; one girl stated that she didn't like people who didn't underDaniel Craig. Don't get me wrong he makes a great James Bond, but when it comes to a drama that carries lots of emotion, he lacks the range of facial expressions to engage the audience. The majority of the time he just sits there with grim determination, and once in a while has an angry outburst, which doesn't help develop his character. Over all Defiance isn't really all that bad of a movie, it has its flaws, but it still carries with it the weight of the subject matter. For those who enjoy Holocaust or WWII movies I would recommend the watch, but don't expect it to end up on your favourites list.
stand why basketball was the most important thing in life. The other girls promptly agreed. They then went on to shit on the mutual friend that they had who did not play basketball and decided to drop her. When talking to my high school aged sister, and her friends, I asked them what they found important. They all looked blankly at first, and then proceeded to blink their eyes, shrug their shoulders and vacantly
Paul'4811Cop Daily at 1:10, 3:40, 7:10, 9:40 PG The Reaser :Paify at;t:19,I3:4Q, 7;;10, 9:40 Arts & Life 13 respond, "Prom?" As far as these kids go I would say that they hold pretty true to their stereotypes. Of course I am not as bold as to say that every high school attendee fits cleanly into one of those molds, because all joking aside, most of them don't. But when they do, it's like a match made in prom heaven.
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Sagittarius (November 22nd December 20th) You recently got a big shiny new car. Obsessed with keeping it in pristine condition you will wax and clean it compulsively. This behaviour causes malignant tumours to form in your brain and they kill you within three days of your purchase. Capricorn (December 21st January 19th) You become consumed with someone of the opposite sex. They become alarmed after seeing you follow them everywhere and call the cops. A large fellow will accidently break your neck as he attempts to snuggle with you in jail. He will be the only one that laments your loss.
. . S-4'.r~h~ S-...-~h"'!
Aquarius (January 20th February 18th) You have lately been directing your attention to massively multiplayer online games instead of, as you should, your studies. Even the quality of your excuses has dropped precipitously low: last week you told your professor you didn't know what an essay was when she asked for your assignment. Do not worry, you will not flunk out of university. As you walk toward campus, wholly immersed in your most recent "instance," your professor will be driving towards you. Justifying her actions intellectually with "natural selection" she will feel no twinge of guilt as she runs you over, killing you. Pisces (February 19th March 20th) You will become obsessed with a brainteaser. As it haunts your every waking and sleeping hour, you become concerned and want a way out. After six days the problem does not alleviate itself and you take your own life. This is a bit rash, as the answer is on the other side of the cereal box.
SHALOMTHE ERUDITELLAMA A RATIONALTHING H ello puppies. A universal surge in the atmosphere will contribute to make you, of all things, even more fallibly human than you are at the moment. Oddly, this surge will have direct impact on your adrenaline not in that it will necessarily increase or decrease, but that it will misfire entirely. Issues that warrant your immediate attention and most avid focus will be overlooked; conversely, issues that are not particularly issues at all will absorb all of your attention and frantic panicky energies. More so than is usual every week, you will all die. Aries (March 21st April 19th) Instead of being concerned with how the government is going to spend the loan they are accruing at a massive debt and writing your MP accordingly, you will be overwhelmingly concerned as to whether or not each cheeseburger you consume is as good as the last. You will make little charts and scales, rating salt content, fluffiness of bun and overall meatiness.
Gemini (May 20th June 20th) You will be so consumed by an interest in a celebrity couple that you fly down to Hollywood to give them relationship counselling. Unfortunately, they have security guards in place specifically for people like you and they will shoot on sight. Cancer (June 21st July 21st) As Obama was inaugurated, you became so taken with the new leader (while having absolutely no insight into his platform, especially regarding how it would affect you, a Canadian) that you were seized by the sudden desire to run across the boarder and shake his hand. Sadly, you get shot hO\AJ'S with no explanation in the attempt. Leo (July 22nd August 21st) Your horoscope will be vague and frustrating this week. Virgo (August 22nd September 21st) You will get the smallest (and therefore the most technologically advanced) ipod available to the human imagination. As taken as you are with your new status proving giga-whosit you immediately begin wearing it everywhere at all times. While grocery shopping, an overtired customer will loose all patience as you repeatedly refuse to go up to the till and pay for your wares. This customer will bludgeon you to death with a dinner ham. However, take consolation in the fact that he will be a little chagrined when he discovers that you simply could not hear the cashier when she called "next" twelve times. Libra (September 22nd October 22nd) You will walk off something tall and land on something pointy. Scorpio (October 23rd November 21st) Your adamant and unthinking adherence to "the rules" coupled with A Co • IC: your unfortunate need to impose these rules on every one in your vicinity will finally, and thankfully, make you dead. You become irate in a bowling alley as a player, in another lane, with no connection to your own game, steps over the line. You will shout about it, embarrassing yourself and others around you. Finally, angered by the inanity of your righteousness, someone will hit you in the head with a bowling ball. The perpetrator will be thanks with a rousing round of applause for her actions.
Cascade News • Thursday March 5 th 2009
Alas! Before you manage to complete your research you will die of heart failure and overwhelming dullness. I can't say that I am too perturbed by this. Taurus (April 20th May 19th) You will become addicted to a television show. During it's seven-hundred hour marathon you will neglect basic hygienic and nutritional habits. You die of consumption by the seventy-third hour.
Cascade News· Thursday March 5 th 2009 ports & UFC 96: JacksonVS JardinePreview
TERRY SINGH SPORTS& HEALTHEDITOR T his Saturday, at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson takes on the "Dean of Mean" Keith Jardine in a battle for light heavyweight supremacy. Jackson, the former light heavyweight champion, looks to become the #l contender for the title with a win, while Jardine looks for arguably his biggest win in the UFC. Jackson followed up his controversial loss to Forrest Griffin with a devastating knockout over his arch nemesis Wanderlei "The Axe Murderer" Silva. With undefeated Lyoto Machida waiting in the wings for a title shot against "Sugar" Rashad Evans, Jackson must prevail in order to keep his title aspiration alive in the crowded UFC light heavyweight division. After Jackson's very public meltdown last year following his loss to Forrest Griffin, he split with his trainer Juanito Ibarra. Now, Jackson completes his main training camp in England with Team Wolfslair. While Jackson has had only 3 minutes of in ring action to show off his new training camp, it is essential for Jackson to remain motivated and focused in his training techniques. Thus far, it seems that this is the case. Jackson is an accomplished wrestler and showcases great strength and an iron chin in the cage. Under Juanito Ibarra, Jackson was able to refine his boxing tecgnique. Jackson possesses great technical boxing skills and knockout power in both hands. Jackson is a veteran who has fought the very best in the business, but Forrest Griffin was able to exploit a glaring weakness in Jackson's repertoire, the inability to defend and check leg kicks. Keith Jardine used a steady diet of brutal leg kicks to break down and defeat "The Iceman" Chuck Liddell at UFC 76. Jardine, a veteran of The Ultimate 'Fighter 1 holds a 6-3 UFC record and like Jackson, he has faced some of the toughest competition the light heavyweight division has to offer. But, unlike Jackson, Jardine has never been able to garner a title shot. His wins over Chuck Liddell, Forrest Griffin and Brandon Vera were interspersed with brutal knockout losses to Houston Alexander and Wanderlei Silva. Under the direction of trainer Greg Jackson, Jardine has employed his kickboxing to systematically break down some of his opponents. But, when an opponent is able to overwhelm and pressure Jardine, his questionable chin has been exploited. On the surface, the game plan for each fighter seems obvious; Jardine should attack with leg kicks and avoid exchanges, while Jackson should aggressively stalk Jardine and attempt to use his superior boxing and power advantage to hurt Jardine. Given Greg Jackson's expertise at formulating game plans, it will be interesting to see how Jardine approaches this fight. Where I see the biggest advantage is with Jackson's wrestling, he will be able to dictate where this fight takes place. IfJardine is eating him up with leg kicks he can take the fight to the ground and inflict some ground and pound damage. If he feels like he can stalk and hurt Jardine on the feet, he can keep the fight standing. With a title shot awaiting a Jac:zso.n_vic_tory, I believe he will come out aggressively and knock out Jardine. Also featured on the main card is a light heavyweight bout between Matt "The Hammer" Hamill and UFC newcomer Mark Munoz. Hamill, a veteran of The Ultimate Fighter 3 is an accomplished wrestler, but his striking has not developed at the same rate. He is prone to throwing wild punches and keeping his hands low. Rich Franklin picked him apart en route to a 3rd round stoppage victory at UFC 88. Hamill has been most effective when he is able to wear down his opponents and attack them when they fatigue. Munoz is a newcomer from the now defunct light heavyweight division from the WEC He knocked out his last two opponents in the first round. Hamill should be able to dictate where the fight takes place, but if he gets careless on the feet he could give Munoz his first victory in the octagon. In a potentially explosive heavyweight bout, rising star Shane Carwin takes on Gabriel "Napao" Gonzaga. Both fighters tip the scale at over 250 pounds, but don't confuse them for unskilled brawlers. Gonzaga is a world class grappler who has shown the ability to knockout fighters with his hands and feet. Carwin is a world class wrestler who also possesses great striking skills. Carwin holds a 10-0 mixed martial arts record (2-0 in UFC) with all his victories coming via first round stoppage. Gonzaga holds a 6-2 record in the UFC, with his lone losses coming at the hands of Randy Couture and Fabricio Werdum. Gonzaga is an intriguing package particularly at heavyweight, his grappling and striking skills coupled with his great size seem like an unbeatable package. Unfortunately, his cardio was a large question mark in his loss to Werdum. Gonzaga rebounded from those losses with first round stoppage victories against Justin McCully and Josh Hendricks. Carwin is also an intriguing package, but he has not faced the level of competition which Gonzaga has. That may be the deciding factor in a fight which is truly too close to call. In a lightweight bout, Gray "The Bully" Maynard takes on Jim Miller. Maynard is an intriguing prospect that trains at Xtreme Couture under the tutelage of Randy Couture. He possesses heavy hands, but his main strength is his wrestling. Jim Miller possesses solid striking skills, but his grappling skills are his strength. In his last fight, Maynard used his wrestling to smother an experiealth enced grappler in Rich Clementi via a lacklustre decision. Like Carwin and Gonzaga, this fight will be an interesting case of the wrestler versus the grappler. Will Miller be able to be effective off his back if Maynard can take him down? On the feet, Maynard should have a power advantage, but in terms of their skills as a whole, both fighters should be relatively even. I believe Maynard should prevail as he can dictate where the fight will take place with his wrestling skills. Also featured on the card are the following bouts Matt Brown vs. Pete Sell Ryan Madigan vs. Tamdan McCrory Jason Day vs. Kendall Grove Tim Boetsch vs. Jason Brilz Mike Patt vs. Brandon Vera Shane Nelson vs. Aaron Riley
A talented group of freshman took to the hardwood in the Canada West Conference in 2008-2009. Sam Freeman of the University of the Fraser Valley Cascades proved to be the best of the bunch. Freeman was named Canada West Rookie of the year this past Thursday. A number of injuries allowed the 18 year old to excel in his rookie season, and put up numbers veterans would be pleased with. "I think the main reason I got it is because I had the opportunity. Half our team was rookies, and because of injuries, halfway through the season we were starting two or three rookies," said Freeman. "I got the time to show what I could do, I played my hardest and it worked out." Freeman was the leading rookie scorer in the 14 team conference, with 13.2 points per game. The key statistic which must be factored into the equation is that he accomplished this while averaging only 23 minutes per game. He was also the leading rookie in three point shooting, free throw percentage and assist/turnover ratio. In fact, Freeman finished third overall in Canada West in free throw percentage. "Sam Freeman was one of the MVP's of our team as a freshman. His production per-minute played was astounding. We needed him on the court at all times, and he played with the poise of a third or fourth year player," stated Fraser Valley head coach Barnaby Craddock. "Sam fought through some injuries this year, and still had an outstanding season. He plays with the poise of a veteran player, and this was shown with some clutch play he produced this year late in games. We are working with him to develop his entire game, and if he keeps up the hard work, he will have a spectacular career here at UFV." Playing against players with four or five years of CIS experience can be daunting for many freshmen, forcing them into mistakes and costly turnovers in the fast paced Canada West Conference. But being an 18 year old in a man's game didn't slow down Freeman, who was coming off an outstanding career at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School in Coquitlam. "Coming out of high school, I was already a confident player. I played at a high level of basketball on provincial and national teams, so and the year before, we beat them. So for us, this kind of finishes the Best of 3 for us," said Derek Fletcher, game MVP, and two-time BCCAA Volleyball Player of the Year. "They're a great team, so it's really rewarding beating a really talented team like UBC-O. The guys all came together. That was our best match of the year. Everyone stepped it up at different times." On Saturday, the Cascade men took on Camosun in the BCCAA championships. The Chargers beat the Cascades twice during the regular season, and things did not change in the championships. In a marathon five set match, the Chargers prevailed via scores of 2522, 22-25, 25-21, 21-25 and 15-11. "It's disappointing. We were in a position to get a provincial championship. It was very hard fought. But, I just got right into it," a~ Freeman, a 6-3 guard. "Coming into it, I thought I was going to be more of a role player, not a go to guy. I had to adapt to that, and kind of surprised you have to give them credit. They served tough, and consistently tough. They 'didn't miss a lot of serves. I thought we did a really good job of putting pressure on them," said Cascades head coach Greg Russell. "But, anything can happen in a fifth set. It's very short. You have the consistency, and still be aggressive. Yeah, it's disappointing." The Cascades will not attend nationals as the provincial champions. However, they have a decent shot at getting a wildcard berth. "Our goal was to get nationals too. Hopefully we'll get a wildcard berth," says Russell. "We've had a pretty consistent season and I hope our record will speak for itself. I'm hoping to get there." myself that I did what I did." Sam Freeman now goes up against other conference winners for CIS Rookie of the Year honours.
16 Sports & Health CascadeNews· ThursdayMarch5th 2009
T his past week, the men and women Cascade volleyball teams were in action at the BCCAA championships. The men had a bye to the semi-final, while the women opened things up on Thursday in quarter-final action. On Thursday, the Cascade women opened up the BCCAA championships with a thrilling five set victory over the host Columbia Bible College Bearcats in Abbotsford. The Bearcats, who were pumped up playing in front of their home fans, took the first set 26-24. The Cascades got off to a quick start in the second set, taking advantage of the some CBC mistakes for an early 5-1 advantage. CBC kept the game close, but the Cascades prevailed 2519 to even the match at a win apiece. The veteran Cascades continued to dominate in the third set, jumping to a 13-6 lead and cruising to a 25-10 win, and a 2-1 lead in the match. With its season on the line, CBC played spirited volleyball in the fourth set, falling behind early, then batting back to prevail 25-21 and force a fifth and deciding game. With the season on the line, the cross town rivals battled each other to the bitter end. With the game tied at 10, the Cascades took control, and held on for a 15-12 victory, taking the match in five games, and moving on to the final four in the BCCAA championships. "We had some panicky moments, but we encouraged each other, and continued to have fun out there," said middle hitter Kristine Ewald. "I think we just decided that we've been playing all season for this. We want to go gold. It was stressful, but it was fun." On Friday the Cascade women's BCCAA championship run ended after suffering a four set loss to top seeded UBC-Okanagan. The Cascades grabbed the momentum early, and hung on to defeat the Heat 25-21 in the opening set. UBCOkanagan showed why it had the best record in the BCCAA during the regular season, scoring a 25-21 victory to even the match. The third set was a nail biter. The Cascades had a chance at the win with a 25-24 lead, but UBC-O tied the set, and went on to a 28-26 victory to take a 2-1 lead in the match. UBC-Okanagan finished u/T the Cascades with a 25-20 victory in the fourth set. On Saturday, the Cascade women were able to knock off Capilano in three sets to win the bronze medal at the BCCAA championships. Scores were 25-23, 25-17 and 25-22. The Cascade men advanced to the championship game at the BCCAA championships Friday with a thrilling four set victory over UBC-Okanagan. In a close first set, the Cascades held on for a 25-23 victory. Game two produced the same back and forth volleyball, with UBC-Okanagan holding on for a 25-21 victory, evening the Best of 5 at a win each. In the third set, Fraser Valley jumped into a 10-6 advantage, and finished off the Heat 25-16 to take a 2-1 lead in the match. The Cascades carried their momentum into the fourth set, taking an early 8-2 advantage and holding on to defeat the Heat 25-23, taking the match in four sets. "This one means a lot. We lost to UBC-O in the semi-final last year, Sam Freeman Named Rookie of the Year