The Cascade Volume 4 Issue 3 1996-10-09

Page 9

The Cascade

Oct 9, 1996 A9


loves the CBC B Simon Langeler Balls, I think it's a disaster! It makes the CBC, we don't want to pay for it, no difference to me that we warned it is not representative of us as a that it was coming, it still sucks, and sepererate culture. The guy then says it's bad news for Canada. he never listens to the CBC. ObviThe CBC has always worked as ously, since he seems unaware of the an equal forum between the provmonumental French side of the CBC. inces. As late as 30 years ago, CBC If it weren't for the CBC, I wouldn't radio was the only station available know enough to care about Quebec, to the Northwest Territories that gave the Maritimes, or anything east of an idea as to what was going on in Ottawa. Then a sharp guy from the rest of non-frontier Canada. It's Ontario calls in with one of two been as important as the railway was opinions that I think spell out the We did but build his pedestal, a during confederation for making all situation. John Allen says to Rex narrow and a tall one. points feel a part of the whole. We Murphy: "-I think that the state of -Tleilaxu saying from The are the only country in the world the CBC is the symptom rather than Poetry of Frank Herbert. with such a media, uncensored and the disease. ["Good point,"says Rex] have you ever heard of unbiased. The CBC was the first and It's a symptom of the slow destruction Stan Rogers, who wrote Canada's best of radio and television. It stood of Canada. The death of the CBC is official folk song, "The Northwest as an example, charged with exposjust the death of one more of the Passage?" Have you then heard of ing to the people the identity of the institutions that makes Canada the bridge that is to be built to Prince hulking landscape of Canada. Did different from the rest of North Edward Island?- a lot of old-world you know that arranged marriages America, or different from any other types are pretty scared of it. Have were until recently still hip in P.E.I.? country. ["Mm-hm!"agrees Rex] This you ever seen kick-ass movies about Or that half of Manitoba is Native threat to its survival is just a sympthe historic Tin-Pot Navy? Do you North American? I bet its 50/50 out tom of the complete lack of interest think the Air Farce is actually funny? there, no shame, especially if your that people seem to have in their Will you ever buy one of Gilmore's not a CBC listener. Why would country." Allen also suggested that albums? Do you get any of the gags anybody over here care, who' s going the strangled CBC adopt the procefrom Double Exposure's "The to tell us? dure of Britain's BBC, a separate tax Socred Years?" Do you care if Rex Murphy's Cross Country upon interested parties, civilly Quebec stays and screws us, or Check-up, CBC radio, that's who. At collected, but not regulated. I think leaves and screws itself? When I pm, Sunday afternoons, Rex interthat's a good idea. He offered that you've asked yourself these quesviews callers and special guests on a we are "-<:onstantly getting distions you will know if you think the different topic that is relevant and tracted from the attention to the CBC should survive or fade away. worrisome to Canadians today. Last future of this country, by continuThe Canadian Broadcasting Sunday I tuned in and heard a forum ously getting involved in the future Corporation just got a 30% cut to on the CBC itself: Should the CBC of Quebec." Allen left the debate funds across the board, in every survive, or should it be cut off? asking, are we all bickering in one section. More cuts are due next year, Almost right away, Rex gets a call room of a building, while the whole for the Government is'slowly weanfrom a separatist from Fredericton, building is burning down? ing from the CBC to cut the deficit. Quebec. We don't give a damn about



"LJN"I-VERSITY ;;......,_ ~ 0£ t:he FRASER.


After that, some other guys called. Among them was Hugo Harvey, from Alberta. He also hit the nail on the head. He said the CBC television doesn't relate to Canada's youth. The government is cutting it because people don't make it known that they care about it. If the CBC just can't draw watchers and listeners, then its position is indefensible. If the CBC wants to stay, it has to adapt in time with the rest of the country. Since it has not (not yet), it must take its hits like everything else in the fight against the deficit. I think the CBC is good for Canada, especially in the fight against the bigger enemy of national dissolution. To cut the bonding element of Canadian culture creation now, of all times, is a really stupid idea. So, in the words of Sigourney Weaver, in her award worthy performance in ALIENS, "Hudson! Pull yourself together, because we need you and I'm sick of your bullshit!" I've got a proposal. A run for the CBC, to take it into the next millennium, that it may survive privatization with its virtue intact. We set up marathon runs to raise awareness and petitions to Ottawa and the CBC itself: give it to us with a dowry, and a system by which we can support it. The first run will be in November, from Chillwack to Abbotsford. In the words of Bill Paxton, in his award-worthy role as Private Hudson in ALIENS, "I'm on it!"


C VValksafe

Two Walksafe Stat.ions are available purpose of the Stations is s,tudents of" UCFV wanting security nearby parking lots.


at both the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses. to provide a congregation point for f"aculty, staff escorts or wishing to form groups to walk together

Where are the WalksaCe Stations?: The stations are strategically routes to campus parking lots. Abborsford Canipus.Building A: by the exit door near the Road Runner Cafe. Building B: by the exit door in the Great Hall exiting onto the buildings A and B. Chilli"1lack

Building Building






The and to exit



A: D:

Foyer Inside

inside main east entrance

entrance near


near to

ca£eteria. parking



How do I use a Walksare St:at:ion?: The purpose of' the Walk:sa£e Station is to encourage campus community members to work together to enhance their personal safety and sense well-being by f'acilitating security escorts and group escorts through the campus grounds during evening hours. There are two ways you can use the Station. 1.


You can wait at a£e Station £or a security 7: 15pm and 10: 15pm M:onday through Thursday. stations every 15 n1inutes during these hours.

escort Student

You can arrange to meet with your peers and/or associates people you f'eel comfortable v,,,ith) at a Walksa.fe Station your vehicles ensuring that your group does not become persons. It is suggested that in a group of 3, for instance, their car drive along side the other two,. until all members sarely in their vehicles.

To provide optimum safety it is recommended that persons. In addition, if you feel at all uncomfortable remain at the Station until a patrol team is available phone and request an security escort:

AbbotsCord Chilliwack

Security: Security:


anytime between Patrollers stop



{be sure they are then simply walk to smaller than 3 the first person to of the group are

group consist with any member to escort you OR 855-81 793-8176



of' at least three of the group, call the security

please cell

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