The Cascade Volume 4 Issue 4 1996-10-25

Page 1

Vol. 4 No. 4/0ct In This Issue: The Variety Of BC Religious Experience -Page 3 Cascades Basketball -Page 9

25, 1996

lUI News - Page 2 to 3 Opinion- Pages 4 to 8 Editorial- Page 10 Sports- Page 9 and 11

The University College of the Fraser Valley Student Newspaper


Usin the Force Since 1996

A2 The Cascade

Volume 4 Issue No. 4

News ________________________________________________________ ~

Helpful Hints On How To A void Exam Stress B Naela Aslam Mid-terms

are here! Actually, by

the time this issue gets printed most students will have had their exams. Do the instructors enjoy watching the students struggle, sweat, and stress? Or are they getting revenge on the students because they had to go through this torture when they went to school? Okay, the instructors are not really the monsters which are the cause of student stress, well most of them are not. ..The point is, stress accompanies exams like fries accompany burgers. The two go hand in hand. So for this issue, I thought I would give you some

tips on how stress can be avoided and relieved.

Whether it is shopping for clothes, hiking, or shuffle board, physical activity Tip# 1- Time management is impor- gives a person more energy. It will also tant. I know, this is a cliched statement help keep those 'study pounds' off. All and everyone is tired of hearing it from that eating while studying can really their instructors and their parents but, take its toll. Do you have time to be it is the truth. Cramming the night be- active? Eat a chocolate bar and drink a fore an exam is not good time man- bottle of Jolt. This will give you plenty agement. of energy to study. Tip #2- Relax! This is as simple as Tip #4- Try to avoid any confrontait sounds. It is only an exam. Sure, it tions with your family, friend, or lovcounts for 20-40% of your grade but, ers. When your stress level is dangerif you are relaxed when studying, the ously high, and you may say something information will be remembered eas- to someone which you may say someily during the exam. thing to someone you will regret later Tip #3- Do something active.

on. Besides, being in a fight with someone will only increase your stress level. Tip #5- Try putting cucumbers on your eyes while sitting in a jacuzzi. That might sound like something from a soap opera, but it might work. If that does not sound appealing, try lighting some candles, adding some bubbles, and adding that someone special in the jacuzzi with you-hey, two in the tub is more fun than one! I hope these tips come in handy for the next exam period. Just remember: getting stressed out is a part of human nature but, it can be controlled.

The Variety of BC Religious Experience First Lecture By Doug Todd B Ron Dart The

Gifford Lectures in 1901-

1902, by William James, were called The Variety of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature. University College of the Fraser Valley launched the first of a series of lectures on Oct. 16, called .The Variety of BC Religious Experience. James' approach to the study of religious experience was very much the guide and tutor for the first lecture by Douglas Todd (religion and ethics writer at the Vancouver Sun· since 1989). Todd's lecture (and the informative discussion that followed) raised the pressing and persistent question: what is religious experience in BC all about? Todd guided the audience on a fascinating tour of the religious landscape of BC, lingering at some places, quickly moving by others, but generally offering a fine descriptive overview of the pluralistic nature of BC religious experience. Todd rightly noted that although BC is probably the most secular province in Canada, it is still a province with a diversity of religious seekers. The religious questers (with their many questions) have turned to a variety of places and people in hope of some sort of answer to quieten their restless hearts. Todd moved on, in his lecture, af-

ter briefly mentioning utopian seekers, evangelicals, new age individualism and fundamentalist atheism to highlight some of the hard core statistics of religion in B.C. Christianity remains the largest form of religion in B.C., followed, at a much smaller numerical level, by Sikhs, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and Jews. The historic Christian tradition of Roman Catholic, Anglican and United still dominate the B.C. religious landscape, but the Evangelical Protestants are growing at a rapid rate. Todd was quick to point out that the form Evangelical Protestantism takes in B.C. and Canada should not be equated with much of what is going on in the U.S.A. The Canadian Evangelical history and experience is much more moderate than its American counterpart. Todd also discussed what he viewed as the two main religious rivers that are emerging at the present time, and the diversions these rivers could lead us on if we hopped on a raft and paddled down them. The first river to be wary of is fundamentalism or some variant of authoritarian religion. Reed's Christian Coalitian ( a revived form of Falwell's Moral Majority) has made some inroads into Canada, but it does not have a great deal of sustained appeal to mainstream Evangelicals. Todd

also suggested that New Age individualism was the other river that is drawing many to its alluring banks; the New Age perspective, though, often lacks a certain depth and an ability to build an enduring sense of community. It became obvious that the two main rivers were a form of religious extremes and reactions to one another, and so the next question that stepped before the audience was , what are some of the more thoughtful and compelling outlooks. Todd pointed out that a few persistent issues have arrived on the religious scene, and they are not likely to depart. Evangelical Christianity will continue to grow, feminist spirituality will continue to flourish, spirituality will increase in depth and breadth, ethics will increasingly occupy front stage discussions and the tensions between spirituality and religion (as institution) will be important. It seems that the last issue is one of the most pertinent and pressing of our time. The tendency, on the one hand, is to have a form of spirituality that has little or no connection to religious communities or institutions; such a perspective is a by-product ofliberal atomism and in many ways is self defeating. The tendency, on the other hand, is for religious institutions to become ends

in themselves and they forget they exist to further and facilitate a visioh. A mature view of religious experience, holds together in a delicate balance, spirituality and historic institution without idealizing or romanticizing either. The lecture by Todd, as mentioned above, offered a fine religious tour of B.C. religion. The task before us, as we seek to understand religious experience, is not only to'describe what is going on in many peoples hearts and heads, but also to ask prescriptive or normative questions. Are all forms of religious experience equally valid, or are there deep and shallow, good and evil types of religious experience? Todd in his lecture, pointed the way to some of these more perennial and persistent questions; James would have been most pleased, because James was not only interested in describing religious experience, but he was also keenly interested in discerning and articulating the differences between healthy religious experience and its many counterfeits. Doug Todd's first lecture in the UCFV series was a superb beginning and introduction that will walk with us for the next five lectures on The Variety of BC Religious Experiences.

A BookFor ThoseProne To Despair Man's Search for Meaning by Victor E. Frankl By Lisa Chew unpopular and we are literally barraged by the imperative to be happy, it is a welcome and comforting experience to read a book by someone who believes that a certain degree of tension between "what one is and what one should become," is ESSENTIAL to one's mental health. Viktor Frankl is a truly admirable soul. He survived the concentration camps of the Holocaust without becoming either bitter or blinded. He don't know about most of you, speaks of finding meaning, no matter but I definitely do fairly regular battle what the circumstances of life may be, with despair. In an age when despair is and he can speak this with authority


because he himself has found meaning in hell. Dr. Frankl's writing is very accessible. He doesn't get lost in convoluted thinking nor does he patronize his audience with oversimplifications. He tells his story of the Holocaust and describes his theory of Logotherapy with equally soothing and straightforward language. The only frustration in reading his book is the exclusively male references that date his original text. The addendum utilizes more gender ambivalent language. Logotherapy is designed around

the premise that meaning is our "primary motivational force." The specific and personal meaning that is unique to each individual at each moment. This is no panacea that is palatable only to eyes that are searching for a quick fix. It is rather, a lucid and practical framework that can act as an anchor for those who are desperate for something to grasp onto in the existential vacuum of our age. Several copies of Dr. Frankl 's book are available at our very own UCFV library.

The Cascade

Oct 25, 1996 A3

Co-op Nicaragua Studies at UCFV? Wish we had extensive connections to allow for work and study experiences in Latin America? (an ode to Deena) Well, let me introduce you to Larissa Hildebrandt and Barbara Lafresnaye. Lars and Barb are two of the many participants in the UCFV Coop Education Program. They are both pursuing Latin American Studies and are about to embark on an important pilot project in Nicaragua. Last year, a UCFV student observed that UCFV was replete with in-

projects within Latin America which are in need of assistance but lacking the big bucks necessary to make their needs known. She proposed that it would be worthwhile if UCFV could endeavour to establish connections with some of these projects. The result of this proposal was UCFV sending a delegation of two students and three faculty members to investigate opportunities for connections with smallscale development projects in Nicaragua and El Salvador this past June. The result of this delegation is a very promising linkage with a Nicaraguan non-profit organization called CANTERA, which means "building

dividuals interested in development aid, especially in the Latin American countries. She also noted the existence of many small-scale development

rock". Barb and Lars will be going to c iudad Sandino, an impoverished neighbourhood of Managua. CANTERA has been in v o Ive d here in the establishment and administration of a community centre, day care centre, youth activities programs and a school. Barb and Lars will be working as


to study Latin American

nuns who supervise the entire school themselves. They will be living and working in Ciudad Sandino for six months next year (January June 1997). Ordinarily, Co-op provides paid employment opportunities to its participants. In this case, Lars and Barb must go to Nicaragua as volunteers. As both of them are undertaking a full course- load of studies this semester, it is a very daunting task for them to raise the $3500 in total that they still require. They are seeking assistance in financing this trip from several Fraser Valley communities. When Barb and Lars return to Chilliwack and Abbotsford respectively, they hope to bring back with them an increased understanding of the latino communities and residents who live in our own country and region. They hope that they will only be the first in a long line of UCFV students who will have the opportunity to gain work experience related to their Latin American Studies. Barb and Lars are also planning to share their experiences with their communities through slide and oral pres-

The World We Have Misplacaed

entations. When I talked with Larissa, the overwhelming bottom line that she expressed on behalf of herself and Barbara, is that they both just want to be able to go and help these children who so desperately need some extra teachers. You and I can help these children also, by helping to fund this trip. I've given them five bucks - how much can you afford? For more info, call Barb@ 823-2149 or Lars@ 850-3506.

Reflections on Urban Ecological Renewal B Teresa Ham el

"Yet, I have to wonder what civilization has lost in terms of imagination and tradition when the new fall lineup on Fox television is peppered with their new station identification message, "Fox! Safe at Home."

City dwellers have a mistrust of natural settings, the 'watcher in the woods' phenomena that cause so many to shy away from rural areas. So many trees create places for criminals to hide, the old argument goes. This perception, among other views, furthers the fear of crime. We may be suited to dity life, but increasing alienation from natural environments affect us in so many harmful ways. For example, studies have linked problems of city living (such as the fear of crime ) to childhood obesity. While fatty foods do contribute, it has been discovered that even with a sharp decline in the


fat-content of children's diets, obesity among children remains at an alarmingly high level. Children are becoming less active: the fear of crime in the caregivers'minds have seduced children off their bicycles, out of parks and other open systems, to safe, T.V. entertained, Nintendo-ized livingrooms. Consequently, physical activity declines. Unfortunately, parents seem to have no other option than to hide their children away in increasing numbers. When more urban space has been cemented, and our surrondings become more sterile, parks become reduced to appearance and property value. Instead of serving as a mecca for social activity, parks once full and alive and burgeoning with people of all ages, are reduced to aesthetic value. While kidnappers and pedophiles have always been around, the increasing focus on such crimes have drawn people away from their communities to their homes, where they believe they are safer. I meet young people from all over the Earth who say "/' ve got to get back to nature." To me, that sounds like insanity. Everyone is part of nature .../ always tell children that the bones and rocks we use in the sweat lodge are their grandmothers and grandfathers. (Janet McCloud of the Tulalip tribe, a descendant of Chief Seattle, quoted in TalkiniJ on the Water. Sierra Club

Books.) People suffer the damaging psychological effects of not having had the experience of nature. In the shantytowns and ghettos of urban wastelands, people, young and old, do not even have the advantage of smelling autumn leaves on the wind, much less watchin blue herons in flight. People, alienated from natural systems are forced to contend with only humans and human constructs. Children especially are severely disadvantaged when the only creatures in their reality are alleycats foraging for food, or worse, stylized Disney characters capable of only good or evil, loved totally or fearfully dismissed. The relationship to animals is integral to child development, therefore, a child who is not exposed to real encounters with creatures is losing a part of their selves. Many psychologists claim it is a connection with animals, the ability to admire them and relate to their world, that help children become well-adjusted adults. Sadly, those same children who have no contact with the natural world also live among violent settings, whether it be the result of global warfare, neighbourhood street gangs, or domestic disputes within the home (Could there be a link here? Hmmm, methinks so). Inner-urban kids undoubtedly do not have the same sense

of interdependence, security, compassion, and emotional well-being as others who are still able to connect with nature. When there is no foresight in urban planning, too many children are denied the basic human right to interact with the natural world. They become choked under the fumes of humanity, forgotten in the dust of "progress". Our time is the first ever in the history of mankind where entire populations are completely ostracized from the processes of nature. One should question the consequences of being such a pioneer.

A4 The Cascade


Volume 4 Issue No. 4


Words from the Minister of Information

Def Left - No Disclaimers (Deal with it as you Want) The martyr's image raises its hand as his followers kneel before him. Dickies and Fila's become more relative than robe and sandles. The observer cringes, steps off his soapbox, and heads north.

B Len Catlin graphic situations). In Tupac 's final album, before his fatal shooting, he and other members of the group "Thug life", rhymed under guises of prominent historical figures. Putting names of revolutionaries and anti-American poster boys into popular urban discourse is a statement! Doing this and then dying afterwards is a triumph, in these days of glorified icons. Tupac, a.k.a Machiavelli, was the son of Black Panther parents. The fact that he is using the stage name of a thinker prominent in theories of internal unification and military strategies is symbolic of the direction of the modem civil rights movement. Double standards and empty laws have created a timebomb. The big-wigs in the C.I.A. must be having acid flashbacks. Look for Tupac 's next album in stores, coincidentally on election day.

Tales of Uprising in the Belly of the "How long will they mourn me?" Bomb -Tupac Shakur Tupac Shakur (1971-1996), is now a martyr. The platinum selling rapper's "Until the stripes are ripped, the stars death brings about a situation of po- are charred and the empire is sacked." tential unrest to the land of the free (of -Len C. - modem-day Barbarian course referring to only certain demo-

All Fired U

Fabricated Quotes "It's a two commodity system. These commodities bring with them two social orders. The capital power traders and those who trade what power deems illegal. You think their relationship won't bring friction? You're fucking delerious man!" -Disobidien-C-e "Left-wing fools. Crying and complaining of injustices. Blah, Blah, Blah, elitist pigs, blah, blah, powercentric media, blah, blah, child labour, blah, blah, conspiracy theories. I have laws, lawyers, the N .R.A., and tobacco industries to oppose your pen. What can you do with a pen?" -Biggus Dickus in Mouthus "It all depends on which orifice you open next" -lowly scribe Poetic Chomsky Remix Observing, analyzing, most likely fantasizing, Caffeine-bugged eyes, yet the sucker's never realizing, Disclaim the fame of another scribes game, Because it gives him thrills when they

print his name. He makes one point, and he makes it clear, Too bad I've heard that shit several times this year. When I pretend, it's to offend, No more, no less. But if given the chance, I would shoot Newt in the chest. Opinions conflict, that's the hard ass facts, Some write response, some create tracks. I know where I stand and I ain't gonna move, This chaotic world possesses my groove. Any more problems ask Paul B., To stop giving space to sick motherfuckers like me. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! To all other reactionary scribes looking to battle, I offer this merciful warning. I'm weeded out, paranoid, and have an ego the size of China. It's not worth it. Len Catling- Burning up the establishment - one zig-zag at a time.

Everybody had had, at least once annoying nonetheless. I was getting was not in the mood. And being of a my car home. I stayed at Joe's and he . fired up. somewhat wiley nature myself, I re- was to drive me to pick up the car the in their lives, one of "those" days. That evening, after a long week I quested an apology from this back-zit next day. So, the next day, feeling like Well, I had one myself juSt the 0th er had decided to do some drinking. I find popping goon. Nothing bothers me we had been trampled by a riotous herd day. Here is my chance at ca tharsis. it takes the sting out of unpleasantness. more than these guys who get together of wooly mammoths (we drank a lot) Here is my chance to purge these feel- My friends and I were having a won- and go out drinking, planning on get- we went to get my car. Of course, it ings of bitterness and resentment. Here derful time despite my day of discon- ting into a fight purposefully. What had been towed. I was pleased. We is your chance to find my misfortune tent. While I stood in line for a drink I could be more ape-like or assanine? went to the tow yard and were met by humorous; a chance to laugh at some- felt a slight shove from behind. Natu- Join a boxing club or kick-box. Do a fellow who looked like he had been one else's bad day. It will take the sting rally, I turned around to see who it was. something other than bother me. No- carved out of wax by a chain saw. He out of your own bad day next time. Of course, it was some meat-head, ster- body cares that you're tough. Anyway, was bitter about something. I paid the The morning started out as it usu- oid taking, tank-top wearing, army my good friend Joe stepped between seventy dollars to get my car back and ally does: I woke up, showered, joining, bar fighting, ape-like guy who and cooled this guy's roid-rage. drove home- all fired up. dressed, grabbed my stuff and headed felt like " ettin into it" with me. I As usual I got too drunk to drive outside to the car. Once inside the car .. I noticed that somebody had been inside and looked through my things the previous night while I slept inside. It was easy enough to get in the car, for I had been broken into a short time before and had not had the window fixed yet. Besides my things being moved Now under new managementand owner around a little, I did not notice anything U) gone (they had stolen everything the Wewouldliketo welcomeYOUto ournew management first time). I drove to school. Once at school I pulled up to the ticket dispensor and reached down into At Renaissance weserveyouwith: my change slot to pay the fee. The lithighestqualityproductsandservice tle bastards had stolen my change. They must really have needed the dolhighestqualityandbrandnameof coffees lar fifty that was there. So, I ended up -■ FRESH bakedgoodseveryday! having to park in Banff. It was the spot closest to my class. Once inside the school, as I norWehavecoffeecardsand everyfridayis doublestampday. mally do, I bought a coffee. Walking down the hallway towards my class I had, again as I normally do, my napLetushearfromyou. Feelfreeto stopbyour sack slung over my shoulder. Of course, it slipped off causing my arm kioskandtalkto us. Wewelcomeanysuggestions to jerk and I spilled coffee all over my thatyoumayhave. pants. Cool. I spent the remainder of the day explaining, "no, I had not soiled Newowner:LornaDavidson andChristopher D. Major my jeans, it's just coffee ... really." S_qundsa little trivial I know, but very Located adjacent to the Abby Caffeteria

----111111111111-.-----------------ATTENTION: UCFV students and instructorsl Renaissance CoffeeLtd. )>

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CD -,





The Cascade

Oct 25, 1996 A5


Social Action For Dummies B Paul Becker

I checked the Cascade's e-mail account the other day to find this letter waiting for us. Now, I am publishing this letter anonomously and verbatim so the errors cannot be blamed on my editorial staff (for the Nit-Pickers). I have read the Cascade since the last term, and the language was disgusting. I suggest you stop with the vulgar pictures and the graphic details that are being published each edition. I do not agree with some of the articles that are being written. "Will you edit the stories beofre publishing them because I have found numerous mistakes in the articles. I also believe that the Cascade should try to make itself more presentable, instead of putting naked people on the front pages of the paper ''VOL.4 NO.3/Oct 9, 1996". I hope to see a better produced paper in the near future, because I will not have my student fees put into a tab-

loid trash newspaper in the next semester. I am not giving you my Name, Phone # or Student# because it is none of your busines, You can use my E-mail address to contact me at any time. If I recieve any hate, vulgar messages back I will send a CC. to some one on the board of goveners and I will let them handle it. This is the only warning you will get. That's right folks, this person sent us E-mail as I just presented it. Now, I am not prepared to give this person's E-mail address out but I am prepared to criticize them for their ignorant and reaction-ary behaviour. First of all, when you send a letter to any form of organization, especially a newspaper, you check its spelling. I hate to knit-pick but before is spelled b-e-f-o-r-e as opposed to this person's more conventional b-e-o-f-re. So, proofreading is a must. Now

being the Editor-In-Chief of the Cascade I can understand that sometimes things get overlooked but when you are warning a paper to effectively "shape up or ship out" you had better be sending a pristine letter. It should enlighten me with its perfection. And since I brought up warnings I may as well make a comment on them: they're pathetically juvenile. Give me a large break .. .! guess if the student body doesn't read the Cascade I should threaten them with something. Wrong, there is no good to come of destructive behaviour in a political setting. It simply creates polarization of attitudes, an us-them situation. If a person expects others to listen with open minds it is necessary for that person to open their's as well. I would also take this time to defend the paper. It is well produced and the fact that this person didn't even refer to the editorial indicates that they

probably didn't read my accompanying article. In any event, my staff work their asses off(whoops disgusting language) and they deserve a fair amount of respect. As for this person's fear of hatemail I can only say "give me a large break". This type of thinking allows one to believe that every body is simply out to hurt every one else. That is not my or my staff's job. Our job is to produce a paper that is written by students. The question will inevitably arise, so how do I voice my opinion when I hate what you are doing? Answer: Write a mature letter with your name enclosed. If you are going to make threats you need to be brave enough to say who you are. So, for all those would-be wolves who want to blow the little Cascade down I would ask you to come in and talk to the Chief Pig, that is me.

Rants, Raves, and Assorted Reviews B Nolan Webb son isn't going to fix that. I'm only twenty-one, but I'm starting to see old friends fall into a trap where they think their problems will be solved if only they get married, or worse yet, they have children. I wonder how many people find in a year or two, or maybe five or ten years down the road that this isn't really what they want and that it is time to find themselves and reclaim their independence? And they drag others down when they fall, most often the silent victims: the children. Reviews: Dick'N' JaneS/T(Independent): word on relati'onships: The first release from 1995 CFOX It is a shame to consider how many Demolisten winners is a diverse musipeople think that cal experience. Jane Sawyer's rough 1 insecure person + I insecure pervoice(akin to a jazzy Sass Jordan) son= a h~ppy healthy relationship rounds out an accompanying threepiece that should have potential for If you 're not happy with yourself, great commercial sucess. In stark conthen being handcuffed to another pertrast to many of the sugary pop bands


with female singers that rocket up the charts today, Dick'N' Jane offers a prog rock sound that, if you closed your eyes, could be mistaken for a seventies rock revival. Hard work and a delicately crafted sound should ultimately pay off for at least one Vancover indie this year. Rose Chronicles Happily ever After(Network): Winding bass, whirling guitar, and the exquisite voice of Kristy Thirsk are the elements that made Vancover-based Rose Chronicles a past sucess, culminating with the clinching of the I 995 Best Alternative Album Juno award. Almost two years later with a new rhythm section, little has changed, as Thirk's beautifully enchanting voice is still best complemented by Richard Miranda's post-alternative guitar. Happily Ever After exemplifies the band's strengths, especially in the gripping 'Blood Red' and

the fantastic and moody 'Voice in Jail.' A hypnotic live energy has been encapsulated on this release, and this is sucessfully offered to the listener as they too can ride this wave of energy. Undaunted by a taste of mainstream sucess, Rose Chronicles have created an unquestionable success with their sophmore release. SugerPush Glib(Independent): Toronto's SugarPush have released a debut album that crosses musical boundaries, recieving attention for its new take on pop culture. Standard rock goes out the window when describing this band, a virtual mosaic that often dabbles with the best elements of new Canadian music. Originally named Beggar's Choir, the change in the bands name also represents the mainstream attitude in the presentation of their music.

being able to give my empathy to that perspective. I asked for more, beginning with the "what!?!". Before he began, Little Chewey piped up with with her view: "Piercing is a rising wave a rising trend , a wave crashing on the sand of our youth." Mark outlined three different interests in piercing: ornamentation, playpiercing, and piercing to increase sexual sensation. That last one was weird, so I got him to tell me what those piercings were. He told me about the male piercings, and I found them icky. There are just as many female piercings, but the masculine piercings are freakier, as far as I'm concerned. The madison:an epidermal ring where the sternum meets the neck. The alexis: a piercing through the arm-pit. Then there is the frenum, an epidermal piercing any-

where along the length of the guy's pepe. HIS PEPE! And there's the hafada: a ring on the upper side of the scrotum. The didoe: ·through the dorsal side of the pepe. The guiche: a piercing through the haunch, which is down there somewhere, an area hard to describe. The ootang: for chastity, a 3 inch hoop through the hood of the pepe, preventing intercourse. The ampalang: very dangerous, a left to right puncture of the head of the pepe. The apadravia is supposed to be the most painful, a dorsal to ventral puncture of the pepe. That is all I can stand to tell, as I am made squeamish by the very ideas. Yuck! "People might wince at the imagined pain derived from those piercings, but most people who get those general piercings are of the type

Tapping The Vein of Pain

Didn't hurt me none! -Almost Live skit about unsafe tool use, 1993. It bugs me, but piercing is rising in popularity. I don't get this sort of thing. It seems self-defacing, jewelery will catch on things, it hurts, and in certain respects the details are just plain nasty. Since, however, more of my friends are getting it done to their

By Simon Langeler faces and body, I wanted to know more about it So I went to my friend, Mark Rempel, a guy who knows all about it, the what, where, and why of piercing. So picture Curlywack walking into an all night gas station to meet Mark, with the pointy fingernails, and his backgammon partner, Little Chewey. "Hey Mark, tell me about this silly piercing stuff." Piercing, you know, used to be limited to the earlobes (at least in my home town). Now people pierce their nipples and bellybuttons. They even (I shudder) pierce their private parts. I started asking Mark questions, and he gave me clear and helpful answers. One of the first things he told me is that I should understand that there is no such thing as pain: that's just a perception of nervous information. I think I see what he means, even without my

Continued on Page 6

A6 The Cascade

Volume 4 Issue No. 4



• •


By Simon Langeler "Do not underestimate the power of the dark side of the force, or forever will it dominate your destiny." -Yoda, Jedi master. What

a killer storm we had this

month, it broke records. It was a truly unrully spectical of nature, it had no concern for plans laid out by the mortals it besieged. The mortals were cool with it though, we can handle stunted ambitions. I was intending this issue to tell you about a Grizzlies practice at G.M. Place, with the expectation that I would also be able to report of the strange city folk one tends to find out there. Like say Kevin the Arabian Palmitrist and Tarot card reader, or

mayoral candidates like Zippy the Wonder Squid or the Stainer. Vancouver is very weird sometimes, that's what makes it an adventure every time. Anyway, the trip was aborted... Something is almost always trying to get in the way of what you need to do. I spent a lot of time on the road this last while, getting to Abbotsford. Let me tell you, the buses make it easy to get to Abbotsford, but just trry getting back. Five buses go there each day, but only three come back. This explains so much. Now here's the worst of it, I'm very worried. The chief and I were doing some research at Value Village the other day. We got the chance to get a picture with Darth Vader, the Lord of Sith, the dark side of the force. I was

so honored, that I quelled my fears, and posed for the chief to take my picture. Suddenly, this old clerk-lady snarls, "Hey, you can't use that camera in here!" The chief was undaunted by her reprimand, "What?"he said, as he snapped the picture. Well, by heaven, you can see what happened. Turns out that Paul Becker is actually the Dark Lord of Sith---or maybe his son. Remember the cave, "Luke's failure in the cave," from The Empire Strikes Back? Hmm. I think I know how this happened. The chief was using my old manual Konica, too primitive to be affected by their bewildering cloaking devices. cover of the last issue of the Cascade. Paul Becker is Darth Vader, Very interesting, isn't it? Beware, felergo, there was a naked guy on the low thoughtless alarmists, beware.

acob's Matter: Ve etarians U

ainst The Wall ...


This essay isn't concerned with the San Juan vegetarians who live slow and make root stew. I call them wild bores. I'm not reaching out to the natural pathers who are reaching out to their doctors with mysterious illnesses. And this is not for the hunters, who are strong enough to probe through skin, muscle, and bone to feast on a beating heart. These people have been raised by a different kind of world which is

far too removed from my sixteen hour, every day is garbage day life. This fix is for the postmodern desensitized logo junkies. The kids who have a commercial before and after breakfast. It's for the greater portion of my generation that was born with "Coke" stamped on its forehead and "McDonalds" tattooed to its ass. I've spent my whole life eating hot-dogs and hamburgers. I've never tasted anything that wasn't packaged and neither have my friends. I graduated from high school, and as the smoke was clearing I got a job at the flesh hatchery. If you drive down Clearbrook road you can't miss it. It's the place with the tendon truck. I call it the land of the exploding egg. They're always hiring. I was washing blood off concrete. I took my tum at suffocaing fluffy, yellow balls of light in big, black garbage bags. I witnessed the grey blindness of the rotting eye and heard shrieking sounds in my own

beautifull revelation. A vegetarian was born. What does the new vegetarian do? First, iron out all the guidelines. Is it morally permissible to eat eggs, cheese, butter, gravy, or milk? If so,

handle your leather shoes. The new vegetarian goes shopping. The grocery bags seem unusually light. He cooks his supper and discovers that tofu tastes like diet snot.

good for you". Little Chewey has had three nose rings, each of which have left tiny scars. Most of us are pretty familiar by now with ornamental piercing. Its purpose: just for looks, to show people. All sorts of nose, ear, lip, chin, and eyebrow jewelery is out there, rings with beads, or shiney bars. Maybe you've heard a buddy say, "Heh, heh .. .l'm gauging up this Friday." This probably means he's going to Vancouver when he gets off work, to get a professional to make his hole bigger. I've only got two more things to say about ornamental piercing. An urban myth has arisen out of formerly inadequate standards of knowledge among the professionals. The eyebrow piercing not have a danger of paralizing half your face. The piercers know how to avoid severing those crucial nerves in that area. However, in a documentary that Davey Capilano made about piercing, I saw some silly dude on Granville almost bleed to death trying to get his tongue pierced.

Now the conversation turned to playpiercing. Playpiercing means that it is done only for the pleasure of the act, with no intention of leaving jewelery in the holes. What do they use? 6 inch acupuncture needles, or sewing needles, carefully sanitized of course. What do they puncture? Biceps, pectoral muscles, the legs, even (dear lord) the calves. You could sew your hands together, or your lips, or lance an acupuncture needle through your cheeks. This feels good. There is the thrill of the endorphin rush. The endorphin rush is described as a "natural opiate," a morphine, or heroine-calibre high, and very addictive. This is the why behind continuous body piercing, and gauging up. My conclusions on piercing are along the lines of "never in a million years." But some of that feeling is just revulsion, which can be deprogramed. Still, piercing talk rings to my ear like a psudeo-spiritual trendy fetish. As far as endorphins go, I'll try to get them with exercise, and pizza subs. On the

other hand, I come from anti-kinky Protestant stock, and I am biased. Piercing is as old as tattooing. Some of the masculine piercings I've mentioned came from the Kama Sutra, brought to the west by explorer/ superspy Sir Richard Francis Burton. Genital piercing has always been widely practised in India. I've heard people describe piercing as satanic. I din 't see the connection. It's unsettling, painful, scarring, and sometimes dangerous; but "Yeargh! My pepe!" is nothing like "Hail Satan." Mark had one last thing to say about piercing. "Piercing is originated from the deviants of society, namely the gay community, and now has been perverted by the masses, who have taken the focus away from the pleasure of the piercing to the trendy image of the piercing."

head. And as I dumped my nine-hundred, ninety-ninth load of twitching fowl into a rancid cauldron of twitching death, I paused. The flys stopped lapping the blood on my arms and curiously looked up at me. There was a

why? In a decision against death, the freedom and suffering of animals quickly get roped to the argument. Guilt is always the simplifier. If you can handle the quivering gauge on the guilt meter in your heart, then you can

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Continued on Page 7

Vein of Pain Cont' who enjoy it."said Mark. "-without wanting to generalize." he stressed. He told me that piercings are very sensitizing, and sexually stimulating. But I know my limitations, my "leave my pepe alone!" threshold. I wonder what Charlton Heston would say? I know what he would say to his piercer: "Get your damn hands off of me!"(Planet of the Apes, 1968) Mark warned me that you should always check out your piercer's reputation. See if he knows the lingo and the scene before you go to him. And mark emphasizes never to just pierce yourself, that's foolish and dangerous. Get it done by a professional. Know a real professional by the fact that he won't use an earing gun, because Hepatitis B can't be cleaned from it. It sounds like most of these professionals are in Vancouver. I mopped my brow, and took a swig of my grape juice. While I went over my notes, Little Chewey said, "It started as a ripple ..." Then the thought wanders away from her. "Good grief!", I'm thinking, "This can't be

Mark Rempel is a UCFV student. Little Chewey is an open-minded internet junkie.


The Cascade

Oct 25, 1996 A7


Kos01o's Fil01 Babble B Sascha Keane

2 HOURS IN HELL The film "2 days in the Val-

ley", written and directed by John Herzfeld, is a striking example of the American dream in its purest form, a monument to capitalist societies around the globe. Have you ever seen that cheesy l 980's Sci-Fi-comedy "Weird Science"? In it, two stereotypical computer nerds feed pictures into the scanner an their computer and build a super-human. They feed in pictures tom out of Playboy Magazine, and they feed in pictures of movie stars and super brains like Albert Einstein. Then what do they do? They hit the "print" button and miraculously, after some of those oh-so-exciting '80's special effects, out pops a tall, beautiful, voluptuous woman that possesses super powers like E.S.P. and telekinesis. This film did well in the box office, probably partly due to this scenario being the ultimate fantasy of computer nerds worldwide. Well the meek really did inherit the earth be-

cause where are all of these so called "nerds" now? They're running the show and making the big bucks while those who used to harass them are living off of beer and SPAM in a trailer park. -But I'm still left to wonder, what ever happened to that cool computer that they had? Well, ten years later it appears to have surfaced again and is in the incapable hands of filmmaker John Herzfeld. This is my theory; somehow, Mr. Herzfeld managed to get his hands on this computer and put it to use in the making of a movie. He fed in pictures of scenes and story lines from recent films such as Pulp Fiction, The Usual Suspects, True Romance, Get Shorty, and Floundering, and expected that he could just hit the print button and pop out a decent film. Unfortunately though, what Mr. Herzfeld really created out of all of this was a film called 2 days in the Valley. Perhaps it's because Mr. Herzfeld's software is getting old and out of date, or perhaps it's because he copied scenes from Get Shorty (which itself is just a fluffed up, toned down, baby-boomers reproduction of Pulp Fiction), that somewhere along the line things just backfired on him and "2 days in the Valley" turned out to be more like "2 hours in Hell" for anybody that wasted eight bucks to see it. Yet it's not that the movie was absolutely horrible. These fad copycat films are usually quite entertaining even though the concept behind them is rather libel. The film had a few mo-

ments that were worthy of making it to the big screen, due in large part to a decent performance by Danny Aiello.-Perhaps, it isn't even the filmmakers fault that "2 days in the Valley:' turned out to be an incredible artistic bomb (even if it does do well at the box office). Who we should really be pointing the finger at is the industry that's producing films like this crap (you know, the H word). For a long time now, Hollywood has represented the American dream (in more ways then one). Like any other large corporation, their agenda has been to find out, through market analysis and research, what kind of product will be popular with the mass market, and then produce it on a large scale and distribute it to the masses. So in the end, what we want are good films, but what we actually get are products. The big fads in films are obvious even to the most casual movie-goers. You remember, the flood of incredibly stupid ninja movies in the early '80's, and the invasion of (also incredibly stupid) shoot-'m-up Vietnam movies in the late '80's.-And now among others, we're partly in a half-assed fad run of generation X- oh-I-feel-so-bored-and -angst-ridden films. Yet, the smaller fad film copy-cats are harder to pin point. They're doing the exact same incredibly unoriginal things, but they're harder to notice because we haven't already seen twenty-five films exactly like them. Luckily though, the masses finally appear to be waking up to this.

The public interest in independent films is increasingly on the rise, while people are slowly becoming fed up with genre films like the Lethal Weapon series that the rusty old Hollywood machine is spitting out. But of course, Hollywood owns the market and they know what's going on. They know that while independent film production costs are getting lower and lower, the Hollywood star system is systematically getting astronomically higher, and they're losing their grip on it all. So what do they decide to do to compete with all of these incredibly well made independent films? It's quite humorous really. They know that films of quality and artistic substance are becoming more popular so do they start hiring film-makers who are concerned with creating a quality film of beauty? No. What they do, is the same thing that they've always done. They find out what's popular with the masses (like Pulp Fiction for instance), duplicate it, distribute it, and that's how we end up with a lame film like "2 days in the Valley" It's not art, it's kitsch. It's a watered down version of a few decent, original films and part of the next new fad for movie consumers.-And as I said before, it's the American dream; create what sells, make money, create more of what sells, make more money... in any case, whether you think that it's the film-makers fault, or the industry's, "2 days in the Valley" is a horrible film and I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy. I should have gone to see Crash.

Mc Dona Ids Hard Core Logo a Successat VIFF B Mark Schuster

Bruce McDonald, the illustrious Canadian director, had the debut of his latest film Hard Core Logo at the Ridge theater on Thursday October 10. This is another unique rock & roll road movie, which showcased an interesting cast that includes Hugh Dhillion, the lead singer of The Headstones, as Joe Dick, the notorious leader of the fictional rock band, Hard Core Logo. Rounding out the cast are Callum Rennie, as Billy Trent, the other

influencial Hard Core member, along with the injured Corey Hirsh(of the mediocre Canucks) and Maratime fiddling sensation, Ashley Maclsaac. This pseudo-documentary film looks at the epic journey of a fictious punk band from Vancouver, out on one last reunion tour to rekindle their past glories. Since the movie was filmed on the road, McDonald has captured on film the vast landscapes of Caanadiana, with shots of greasy diners and famous landmarks like the closed-down Com-

modore. The road tour shows how the incredibly long distances affect each member differently. The one particular scene that basically sums up the tour experience, is the one in which all the band members do ILSD with Bucky Haight, Joe Dick's punk mentor. From this weird experience of an LSD trip and the slaughtering of a goat(yuck! !), the remaining scenes of Hard Core Logo fell into place. While Hard Core Logo ends on a sour note, it does take

a reverant look at the Vancouver punk scene of the 80's. Hard Core Logo hit the theatres commercially October 11, so watch for its appearance at a local theatre near you. Not to be missed is the movie soundtrack which includes songs by The Headstones, 54-40, The Odds, Fishbone, Dream Warriors, and Vancouver's own Kinnie Starr. Not a movie to be missed by hardcore punk or alternative fans!

hopes and resolutions are being smothered by the dark, snarling beast called survival. The new vegetarian is getting very pale and skinny. He's given up food. He) living on three different meal supplements: coffee, coke, and cigarettes. He's no longer worried about animals, he's worried about cancer. The liquids help remove that empty feeling inside and the cigarettes help him ignore the world. He is poisoned and afraid. He is surrounded by cures which are laced with pain. What can he do? Does he go out like Curt because

it's better to bum out than fade away? Bullshit. He gets off his ass and digs into those refried beans. They taste like motor oil but he lets his meat eating friends know that they're sweeter than candy apples. He evolves into a new type of being, waiting patiently for the next of life's brass knuckle punches.

Jacob's Matter Cont'

My tears will continue to flow down due to elite capatalistic perspectives and hopefully dillute the blood which overflows through the gutters of poverty - that is - if I can emotionally survive the impersonal intellectual elite long enough for you to feel the salty water. Orla Petersen Jr.

It's the only food that tastes better after it expires. We logo junkies don't have time to cook anyway. The TV is always on and you can't see it in the kitchen. Besides, we spend all our money eating at the franchise feeder bars. But suddenly the new vegetarian finds that he's been cast out by all. He goes to all his old haunts and comes back with a veggie pizza (McDonalds), baked potato (Wendys), and a bag of onion rings (A&W). Each of these entree's are fine once every season, but try eating them every day (as the logo junkie must). It isn't long before the bright

Are you a parent of teenagers? Do you find life an uphill struggle? Get together to support each other. Monday 12-1:30 pm-drop in Room A224 (Board Room) Information, Speakers and Practical Help.

AS The Cascade


Volume 4 Issue No. 4


I Don't Want A Silicon Canine B Stace Ewin There's a commercial I've been hearing on the radio lately that has caught my attention. Unfortunately for the advertisers, it's not the kind of attention that makes me want to run out and buy their product. It's an ad for a computer and internet package that compares buying a computer to buying a dog. The commercial informs us

that the computer is obviously a better buy; it's cleaner, less noisy, and a more intellectual companion. HELLO? Are we so caught up in the 'Age of Information' that we will dump the unconditional love and companionship of animals for a few thousand mega bytes and a chance to surf the net? Ok, so it's just a commercial you say, but am I the only one who feels a little over-

whelmed by computer technology? Are our social skills becoming so inadequate that we rely on the internet for companionship? I don't deny that computers benefit my life immensely, and my quaint commentary leaves me open to accusations of hypocrisy, but what happened to books and live companionship? I question how beneficial

computers, televisions, Nintendos and the internet are to the quality of life for the general population. If we could miraculously solve any one social prob!em that affects the world today, would we begin by using advanced technology, or is advanced technology the reason we've developed so many social problems?

This Issues Si n That There Is A Cons The New Coke Machines

355ml cans-YES! So much CocaCola for only $0.75! Wicked. Enter the Remember those little 225 ml 500mLoh me, oh my I'm gonna get Coke bottles that cost $0.69? high off this much caffeine, cool. And I used to love those damn things, as a only $0.99. Here comes that big, bad small-town kid on his BMX and a 600ml, for $1.06 you can't beat it. I small bottle of Coke. Then came the

guess you may get the picture now. The Coca-Cola company has been slowly beefing-up our Coke intake, and we have participated along with them. Now, I felt sheltered here at UCFV as we only have can dispensers (which

means we can only have 355ml at a time). Now, we have 600 ml bottles for only $1.25 ! How soon until the 355 ml cans disappear? How many dentists will get rich off of rotting postsecondary teeth? We know, do you?

HowTOw1t1Te fOltTheCascade For those of you who read this paper from cover to cover... I have discovered a bathroom IN the library. Follow the Exit signs running north of the sign-out counter and open an unmarked door on your left-Prest! The same can be found upstairs and they are wheelchair accessible, but someone seems to want to keep them a secret-go forth with caution.

Letters must be typed, double-spaced, submitted in the form of a computer disk compatible with the CASCADE's Macintosh computer format (yes there are other Macs around this institution), or sent via e-mail. All letters submtted from the Student Body must include the name, phone number, and student number of the author(s). Letters from persons and /or groups not affiliated with U CFV 's Student Body must include name, phone number, and address of the author(s) or group. The CASCADE accepts and publishes all letters verbatim with the full name of the author(s).

BlG BROTH.ERS WAJT:LISTLITTL:E.BROTHER OF T:HE MONTH Thts nionth f.Vaitlist t.tttle Brother H<!niamitl . \... j

I ..

is luohfia/ued

I ...





How long have you been waiting for a Uig Brother'!

\Vbat's your favorite food'! ('t..uu(y,espt:cial(',.•( ·ara1nilk Fudge bars.

\\'hat's your favorite sport?

About four months.


\\/hat is the first thing that you wnnt to do when you get a llig Urotht•r'?

lf you were stranded on an island what three things would you want to have with you'!

I'd like to play pool or see a

l ,vould ,vant to have clothes, a


friend, and salt and vinegar chips,

\\'hat would you like your Big llrother to be like?

\Vhat did •'voll do all summer·?

If .,vou had a million dollars what would you do?

I"ve been going, to the mall, \vatching movies, going to the \Vatersl ides, and 1 went to Cranbrook,

rd save it, and spend some on

\Vbat do you w·ant to be when

clothes, food, CDs a camcorder, and a 'frans Am,

you get older•!

I \Vant him to be nice.

l don't kno,v yet l haven't decided,

lf" Y(llJ \\''(JlJl.,,DLIKE T() B.EA FRIEND T() BE.N,JAJ\11N OR ONE ()P THE 38 B()YS THAT ARE \VAl'flNG FOR A BIG BROTHER CALL US A'I' 852-3331 or E-1\ilAIL big_bro_cfv{

The Cascade Oct 25, 1996 A9

Sports Breakin' in the New Game B Paul Becker I would like to take this moment to lament the tearing of Greg Falk's Anterior Crucial Ligament, which has in all likelihood, taken him out for the year. Sorry Greg, but we'll hope to see you back out there, rippin' it up. It was the first time this season that I had a chance to come out and cover the Cascades; life has become incredibly busy and I missed the team's games week after week. But now, I was finally there, the pre-season was in its twilight, the show-time curtain was preparing to rise! And this last exhibition game was going to start with

a hot-dog show of pure talent; I was ready to go! So were the Cascades, unfortunately the No. 2 Nationally Ranked Mount Royal Cougars, for one reason or the other took an eon to arrive. My ass spent a good 5 hours on the bench that night-outdoing any bench time I served on my high school team (per game of course). So once the Albertans had showed up the game was on. Here we go ... The men's game began fast, with our troops pulling ahead nicely, led by a viscious guard triplet consisting of hard-working rookies Mike Lee (15

Boom Shaka Laka The Cascades With the last exhibition play being finished up this past week the Womens Basketball team has had to deal with a facelift of sorts ....

She screamed down the court, just like last year; it was Erin "Blazin" Brooks that scored the first 2 points of the Women's Cascades versus the Mount Royal Cougars. I shouted out "awww yeah!" and sat back to relax and watch the slaughter. Martha Craig came out with a whole new game, not just scoring under the hoop but dominating the midrange shooting; a welcome addition to an already lengthy skillz sheet (18 pts.). She was all over the Cougars and they felt it. Martha Craig couldn't be shut down. In fact, I think almost every player on the team couldn't be stopped by the other team ....but they knew how to stop themselves. Yeah, that's right, this game wasn't the smooth dissection every game last ,season was, in fact the Cascades were down by 14 at half-time. Whether it was nerves or just unfamiliar playing patterns or whatever, the Women's team wasn't up to snuff for this match and the Mount Royal Cougars took advantage of this weakness. The Cascades showed moments of flash and accuracy, as with all things on this team: when it rains shots, it pours. Everyone seemed to throw their hand into the confusion though, and too many costly tunrovers sealed the Cascade's fates before they could relax. But when they were on, they were on. Returning veterans include 3rd year Nicole Schubert (6 pts.), Martha Craig ( 18 pts.) and Amber Mytting. Second year superstars Gillian "Jizz" Kirk (8 pts.), Erin

"Blazin" Brooks (12 pts.) and Kate Green make up the rest of the vets of the team which leaves 6 rookie positions open. In the paint Lindsay Fennel and Sara Hambleton (6 pts.)made their presence known in secondary roles and it is safe to say these two players will be serious threats in a few more games. Also new to the Cascades are Donna Lovett (1 pt.), Kelli Fort (6 pts.), Lesley Sharp, Rayna Gibbs and the superstar fast-breaker Krista Harris (2 pts. and sporting the styly head-band). As I said before there is quite a few rookies to complement the young veterans. These rookies all have potential and it should prove to be an interesting year for the Legendary Women's Team, who has almost reached mythic proportions, in my mind. For the last bit of description of the game I will transcribe my notes: -We're down by 14@ 8:30 -UCFV bad turnovers -We're losing? -Unfamiliarity. -WHAT!?

Final Score was 71-59 for Mount Royal. A loss that even Coach Chambers stayed calm about, which scares me. I could continue but I don't like presenting slanted views of events (tongue in cheek here) and in any event, I have complete faith in these Women to pick-up their game in order to once more pursue the reputation of being the team that can't lose. A finishing story : it has nothing to do with the play but happened in the game. My ole buddy Nicole Schubert for some reason gave one of the Mount Royal Cougars a hulkhoganesque body slam near the end. My reaction: laughter, hails of derisive laughter. What the hell were you doing Nicole?

pts.) and Dan Turner (12 pts.)with the veteran, "Mr. Moxy" Steve Cavanaugh (13 pts.). Wade "Redneck" Tamblyn (2 pts.) provided back-up sweat along with Mark Neil (7 pts.) and Joey Maksymiw (4 pts.). I would give the guards of UCFV a "damn!" for their ball-handling, which was a cut above the Mount Royal Cougars' backcourt. UCFV is using similar offensive run 'n 'gun game style which will be a potent weapon in the league this year, based on the fact that the team can run. Against the Cougars it slowly ironed itself out, with many of the points scored in transition. The Cascades don't miss shots either-its all good. The biggest change this year is the amount of solid height and talent in the paint. Jake Curley, a former SFU man who left due to common sense, has shown up in the UCFV paint to play center(l 4 pts.). Also running around under the hoop is the wiry but skillful Neil Cranna, who played exceptionally well against Mount Royal(l 7 pts.). The rookie next door and one of the quietest players I have seen, Chad Yarwood, was all over the Cougars ripping down rebounds, draining short J's, and blocking the hell out of weak shots(6 points). Rookies Malcolm Campbell (4 pts.) and Ben Bauman (3 pts.) also provided some

grunts, points and rebounds in the paint. Overall, the UCFV post-men may be capable of delivering the mail on time through rain, sleet or snow. The game wore on, with fastpaced scoring on either ends, the only problem was that Mount Royal was in control most of the time. UCFV had some polishing-up to do and the Cougars were ready to help them. Which bothered the hell out of me because ,man, were the Cougars ever lame. Albeit, they are the No. 2 team and all but I am never happy to see the boys suffering. Coach Pat Lee kept the Cascade's spirits up and I can only say that the cascades look way better in the teamwork department this year, which can only mean one thing-WINNING SEASON! The game finished with the Cascades losing by 5 points. I expressed my condolences but everyone seemed positive about the game and had I used my brain and went to Kamloops that night with the Men's team I would get to see them win the entire tournament, taking down the 96 Nationals Silver Medalists, SAIT, which is a big accomplishment. The Cascades are going to rock this year-mark my words. I'm saying it now: Winning Season. 'Nuff said.

Student Fairs Well In Portland International Marathon Proving that our KPE students can really strut their stuff, Jamie Armstrong, a first year student in the Fitness and Exercise Management program recently competed in the Portland International Marathon. In his first marathon experience, Jamie ran the 26.2 mile distance in 3:09:0 I, finishing first in the under-19 division and

232nd out of 6,004 runners overall. Cosidering most marathoners do not mature and reach their peak until they are into their late 20s or early 30s, this is an outstanding performance that speaks well for Jamie's career as a competative marathoner. -Craig Chamberlin, Kinesiology and Physical Education Department Head



BURSARY APPLICATION DEADLINE APPROACHING FOR FALL/96 Financing Your Education? Need Additional Funding for Direct and Indirect Educational


Enrolled in at least 60% of a full-time load in upgrading or post-secondary credit programs at UCFV?

If so, please feel free to apply for University College of the Fraser Valley Bursaries. There are a limited number of Bursaries available for financially needy students.

All persons interested are cordially invited to the Film 110 Wednesday mornonig showings. The following films will be

PLEASE pick up your UCFV Bursary application from the Abbotsford or Chilliwack Financial Aid Offices and return it by NOVEMBER 8, 1996.

shown in the lecture theatre (B 101) of the Abbotsford Campus-Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.

Students will be notified in December and bursaries will be distributed in January 1997.

Oct 30:

Nov6: Nov 13: Nov 20: Nov 27:

The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981) Slacker The Crying Game Carrington


AIO The Cascade


Volume 4 Issue No. 4


111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111■111■■11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

What A World ... I was challenged on my writing ability the other day and I thought it was appropriate. The person was not so much concerned with me as a person but with n1e as a writer. The only problem I had in reconciling the difficulties that I experienced was getting over the personal embarrassment that was incurred by having my work slammed. But maybe that is what we need as writers, both in University and on the ( paper. I think/ /' that any form of constructive criticism is worth its more than any 'A'. I have had comments on papers like "seems like a solid paper". SEEMS? Of course I was happy about the high grade I received but was it worth it. Now, a few years into a degree, I am experiencing great difficulty with my writing style (it may already be working its magic by boring you to death). I just got a paper called my writing style "unnecessarily complicated, awkward and inelegant". Words that made me grind teeth and swear profusely. But

maybe this is the point. It makes me mad to hear I am not performing at my best. The writing in the Cascade may not be to your liking, in fact it may seem inaccurate, slanted or disgusting (I smirk at that last

writers ... I won't take up space delving into the nuances of every staff writer but I heartily encourage you to sample their work. At this place it can often be hard to get to know people, as we all have jobs and other responsibilities which prevent us from lounging around drinking wine and discussing the more important things. So, I think the Cascade is a great place for you to have an intimate look at the inner workings of writer's minds. So now you've just had a look at the inside of my mind (narcissistic, egotistical, flauntingly belligerent) and you can decide whether or not Paul Becker has any sort of grip on reality. In any event, writing in to complain, in a mature fashion (hint: read my other article) will give the writer a chance to maybe work on her or his style. In the end, you have paid for this "tabloid trash" so at least it could be good tabloid trash. With a wink,

Series of workshops by Northview Church October 25th Information 853 - 2931

Letters to the Editor To the Cascade. October 8, 1996 As a student here at UCFV, I have a dependence on photocopiers. Between the hours of 1:30-5:00 today, the photocopiers in the Iibrary had line-ups. The photocopiers outside the financial aid office was rejecting cards and coins, and

854-4529 853-4076 (fax) E mail: Staff: Luke Skywalker, Editor In Chief Han Solo, Managing Editor Leia Organna, Copy Editor Chewbacca, Copy Editor

Rebel Alliance: Nolan Webb Ron Dart Simon Langeler Sascha Keane Len Catling Teresa Hampel Steve Tait Lando Calrissian Jacob Curley Lisa Chew Tammy Truong Stacey Ewing Naela Aslam , Shawn Stetsko Wedge Antilles Mark Schuster

one), but it is simply students attempting to communicate to you their feelings on things. Writing reflects a person's personal[Photographers: ity. My writing very much Sascha Keane indicates my ego is way too Shannon Watt large and I am audacious enough to think you all Advertising: care what I'm thinking. But Mike Thomson let's take a look at the other Paul Becker, Editor-In-Chief-----------

Working Together For A Change Battered But Not Beaten

UCFV Student Newspaper RoomA219a 33844 King Rd. Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 7M9

the photocopier in the S.U .S office area was out of service. The photocopier maintenance and repair service is inadequate for both students and staff. How can this situation be resolved and who is responsible for maintaining and servicing them? Marion C. Jansey.

An Evening Of Reading And Skits

Including Elder Abuse Skit UCFV October 25th at 7:00 PM Call Art Council For Information 852 - 9358

THE HAIK SALOON 46182 YaleRoad, Chilliwack BCV2P2PlTelephone: 795-3711

owFeatures: Personal Art Body Piercing 1111111111111111111111111111111111111




To Melinda Waters for her continued efforts to promote the Women's History Network


To CTS; Thank you for putting a word processor on a few Macs. One question: You told us it would be illegal for us to use the new software coming in .... but the version you installed was the student society of 1988 's version. Isn't that also illegal?



Electrolysis, Estetics HairStyling, Tanning Beds andLight Concept Nails Please askforLorneTelephone: 795-3711

The Cascade

Oct 25, 1996 All


UCFV Soccer Wo01en Keep Their Playoff Run Alive While Men Continue To Lose The UCFV Cascades women's team completed their most succesful weekend of the year as they defeated Trinity Western University 2-0 on Friday and then tied Malaspina College 1-1 on Saturday. The Cascades record now stands at 2-2-2. With only two games to go in the regular season, they are in a four-way battle with Douglas, Malaspina, and Okanagan colleges for the final two playoff spots (Capilano and Cariboo already have guaranteed playoff spots). "We have to be pleased that we came out of the weekend undefeated, but we were hoping to be in a little better position to make a run at the playoffs", coach Scott Fast noted Against Trinity Western UCFV played a sloppy game and were frustrated by the clutch and grab style of defending used by their opposition. At the thirty minute mark of the first half, midfielder

Tanya McCracken was tackled football- style by a Trinity defender just outside the 18-yard box. After the ensuing free kick, Lori Krahn hit a perfect shot just inside the bottom of the far post. The second half was uneventful until the eighty-seventh minute, when Trinity Western player Joan Richardson was injured in a collision with UCFV stopper Kim Orobko. Richardson seemed to have a head or neck injury as she had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. After a delay of nearly half an hour, play was resumed, and first year midfielder Gina Van Der Gulik notched her first goal as a Cascade to put the game away. In the game against Malaspina College, the Cascades cleared a ball off the goal line in the first fifteen minutes. Twenty minutes into the second half, striker Donna Perry struck a brilliant ball just

over the Malaspina keeper to give the Cascades a 1-0 lead. The Cascades kept the lead until the last thirty seconds of the game, when Malaspina lobbed a free kick in and tied the game. Scott Fast commented that "it was a play that we would like to have backed, but in all fairness, Malaspina was very unlucky to not have been up 1-0 early on. We just have to work hard and do wll in our last two games". As for the UCFV men's team, they continue to struggle. The team played poorly in a 4-0 loss to Trinity Western on Friday, and played much better in an exciting 4-2 loss to Malaspina College on Saturday. On Friday, the Cascade men failed to get their ball-control passing game going on TWU's narrow, muddy pitch, and were thoroughly out played by their Langley based rival. On Saturday, Cascade

striker Rob Torrance scored on a breakaway in the sixty-eighth minute to close Malaspina's lead to one goal at 2-1. Malaspina made it 3-1 at seventy nine minutes, but Ian Carlisle convertd a penalty shot after Toivo Hutikka was held in the penalty area, and UCFV trailed 3-2 with five minutes to play. UCFV back Kevin Sasaki put Torrance behind the Malaspina backs with a ball that drew the visitor's goal, but the ball was cleared away by a Malaspina fullback before it crossed the goal line. Malaspina made it 4-2 in the final minute on the counter attack with UCFV pushed forward. The men's and women's teams travel together to Kelowna to play Okanagan University College on Saturday in Kelowna. Contact Scott Fast, 792-0025 (work) or 858-6337 (home)

Group Messages BASA BULLETIN

STUDENT UNION REPORT I'd like to thank all those students who took the time to come out to the SUS Semi-Annual General Meeting to take place October 26 at 11:30-1 :00 and 5:30-6:45. This meeting will be to discuss changes to the constitution and the proposed fee increase. Polling on these issues will open immediatly after the second time (6:45) until 9: 15 and will continue the next day (30th) from 11:00-4:30. If you have any questions please come to the office (A213) or phone (8644613). The SUS board is busy right

now working on, among other things, committees and training the new memhers of the council voted in on the byelections. These are the new faces on the council: Chris Terepocki, Marion Tansey, Patrick Malkin, and Joan Cook from the West (Abbotsford/Mission); Kin Evans, Liane Lovangxay, LeeAne Deegan, and Gary Smith (Chilliwack/ Hope). Please drop by to meet these folks, as well as any other concerns, questions, comments you may have. Jamie Hellewell SUS President and fan of Socrates

Say No To Hemorrhoids It is 3:25 in the afternoon and you do not have class until 4:00. What do you do? Not enough time to study, computer lab is full, and you are strung out from the previous night when you were finishing your paper. You have been sitting on uncomfortable tempered plastic chairs all day and you need a break. Where do you go? If you were here last year you more than likely would have found yourself relaxing, lounging, perhaps even socializing on one of the numerous couches distributed throughout the Abbotsford campus. But times have changed. The couches that once graced our halls are now extinct due to decisions made by administration. So, too bad for you, you will have to pull up a piece of floor, squeeze into a cubicle and converse with yourself , or resort to the cement filled, hemorrhoid causing, so called "couches" in the Great Hall.

This brings us to the point of this article, the students need a comfortable place to sit. A new club appropriately named Student Organization For Furniture Acquisition (S.O.F.F.A.) has been formed to help provide this service. Members representing S.O.F.F.A. recently approached the Fine Arts Department who more than graciously supplied a temporary two-seater couch that may be found above the Roadrunner Cafe. This is only the beginning. S.O.F.F.A. also contacted the Student Union office who also supported the idea of more couches. They agreed under no uncertain terms that they would match dollars with what S.O.F.F.A. could raise. S.O.F.F.A. intends to confront administration to clarify some issues; why were the couches taken away, why weren't they replaced, and what will it take to get them back. The ultimate goal of this

The BASA election is now complete, with a good turnout of voters. A thank-you goes out to all who voted. Congratulation to the new members and welcome to BASA. BASA now consists of: President: Tyson Nicholas Vice-President: Blanca Hluskova Treasurer: Dean Erikson Public Relations: Stacey Irwin Secretary: Ulla Victor 4rth Year Degree Reps: Brent Newman, Darcey Wakelyn 3rd Year Degree Reps: Dave Munro, Stacey Pirot organization is to strategically place couches throughout the hallways of the school and provide students with supreme R& R oasis locations. In order for these goals to be achieved S.O.F.F.A. cannot stand alone. They need the support of the entire student body. So hey students, of all departments and/or programs, donate to fundraisers, sign petitions, and voice your opinions at the Student Society office (they would love to hear from you) located in building A besides the Roadrunner Cafe. If you are interested in joining S.O.F.F.A. or have any questions or comments e-mail Mike at or Dimitri at Remember we need to rally together and TAKE A STAND TO SIT DOWN, on a couch. by: Mike and Dimitri

2nd Year Diploma Reps: Rex Bohachewski, Everett Turpin 1st Year Diploma Reps: Isaak Skuce Upcoming Events: Nov. I -Welcome Wagon New to the Abbotsford area? We'll show you the sights. Early Nov. Movie Night- Mr. Bean Fest et al. Beverages will be served. Read the Cascade and watch the bulletin boards for dates and times for these events and others.

Wanted: Culturally Inquisitive Students Ever dance the Salsa? Or learned to write your name in Japanese Kanji? Ever eaten Samosas? When was the last time you saw a foreign film? Can you, or do you, speak another language? From the First Nations of B.C. to the Tibetans of the Orient andf the Mayans of Latin America, our common past and closening ties are the focus of the UCFV International Club. This year, the Club hopes to sponsor a number of events, focussing on the cultures of different regions. The Club will also serve to act as a meeting place for both Canadian and Foreign students. These events are currently being planned and have been very sucessful in the past! We are currently welcoming new members and ideas. Get involved and have some fun, you never know where you '11end up.






45680HockingAvenue,Chilliwack, B.C.Phone# 795-6146 ----------

ComingEventsforthe Monthof







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KenBury's Birthday




Monday, November 11/96 DoortOpenat7 PMShOWtlmt 10pm

Ticketsareavallablt atGoodTimesaTicktlfnaa1er

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