·•····•·· ..... :;.,~~~ .-:·•:•·•:::;:::•:•::::.:
We Believe,_ Do You? The fpllowing story is a true account of the events which took place on November 5, 1975, in Heber, Arizona. Mike Rogers and his crew of six forestry workers were traveling home in their truck somewhere in the Heber Forest. The events which followed are extraodinary. Speeding home, they noticed a strange glow above the trees. To their utter amazment, as tfiey got closer they saw a disc-shaped craft hovering 20 feet above the ground. They stopped. Travis Walton ran ahead towards the UFO. The men heard a strange noise just before a beam of light from the saucer struck Travis. He tumbled backwards. Horrified and panic-stricken, the others ran for the truck and sped off. However, after going a short distance, they decided to go back; but when they returned there was no sign of Travis or the UFO. Subsequent poli~e investigations turned up absolutely no traces of Travis Walton. He seemed to have disappeared from the face of the planet. Many of the townsfolk suspected the other men had, in fact, killed Travis and used the UFO story as a cover. In response, the men all agreed to take lie detector tests. The results indicated that they were telling the truth. Many refus€d to believe the story. Five days'· after his disappearance} Travis Walton made a phonecall to his brotherin-law asking him to pick him up near the Heber fore st. They found Travis naked, distraught, and very
he recalled being taken aboard an alien vessel. He described having had experiments done of him by alien beings about five feet tall, with large hairless heads, large black eyes, tiny ears and nose, and a slit for a nm-uth. He describes in great detail what the inside of the ship looked like. In an effort to prove he was not making it all up, Travis took two lie detector tests ...
And Passed.
Massacre What's Goin On? • Abductions
shitty little
The Cascade October 23, 1997
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Page 2
Is There
Life Out There?
, Dear Editor: I feel compelled to respond to the archaic right wing thinker, who wrote into the Cascade regarding the Women's Centre at UCFV. I believe all I need to say is the same thing Nellie McLung, Canada's most famous suffragette stated years ago. She advised those fighting women's rights, this: "Never retreat, never explain, never apologize - get the thing done and let them howl." Karyl Reid
Letter to the Editor Re: John Doe I feel a little silly writing in response to a John Doe, and ambivalent about responding to the contents of a letter that's unsigned by a "real" person and yet demanding accountability from the Student Union Society. Something is wrong in Denmark! Yes, we were in violation of our own bylaws. The Notices for the Semi-Annual General Meeting were two days late ... much to the chagrin of our Office Manager who had them prepared well ahead of schedule. So what was happening instead? The Student Union President Ken Dinnery was distracted preparing something else ... he was representing students on other matters. Directly, with the Minister of Education, Mr. Paul Ramsay. The importance of this event was not insignificant and our faithful President received high acclamations for his aggressive and precise delivery. See my Student Union Society Report in this issue. Marion C. Tansey, Interim, VicePresident Internal
Is there alien life out there? Actually is there any life out there? What I mean by 'out there' is the school. There seems to be a lack of interest among students and that was apparent at the Semi-Annual General Meeting held Friday October 17th. When only nine students showed up, the meeting was postponed until next Friday (October 24th at 1:30, Bl0l). The meeting is of some interest to the students because it will let you know exactly where and for what your money (student fees) are being spent. It also allows you an opportunity to speak up if you disagree with any issue the SUS raises. If you remain quiet and silent the ass um ption is that you are
happy with what is going on around the school. Now granted this was my first meeting I attended and I am now in my second year at the College. So yes, I know it can be intimidating to do something one has no idea about, but all you need to do is either get a group of friends toge th er and go or just ask questions. Most people on this campus are more than willing to help answer your questions any way possible. There is more to it than just attending a meeting. This school needs some spirit. Join a club or team, raise awareness of issues amongst classmates, become active in your school and your future. UCFV offers so many opportunities to stu-
dents, take advantage of them. I know everyone has heard at one point or another that this is the time to do things, you are only young once, have fun while you still can and so on. But it is true, now is the time to meet new people and try new things. Now is the time to utilize what this institution has to offer. Now is the time to speak and be heard. Now is the time to show everyone that there is life out there. P.S. Check out the Semi-Annual General Meeting Friday October 24th at 1:30 PM in room B101. All students are welcome, the meeting is for you. Donna Lovett Editor-in-Chief I
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: I am writing in response to an item which appeared in the previous edition of "The Cascade". I refer to the letter entitled "John Doe, Just another face in the crowd". I would have liked to address this letter to the said individual. However, given his penchant towards anonymity, I'll have to utilize yourself as an intermediary. There-in lies one of the problems. Here's Johnny (can I call him Johnny?). He has offered the students two valuable pieces of information. 1) That he is gifted with an unimpeachable skill when it comes to rudimentary addition and subtraction. 2) That there may be a 'timeline' problem regarding the upcoming "Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM). What "Johnny" has failed to show us is that he has any intestinal fortitude. If he had, I would be writing to him directly. Anyone can be a "big man" if they do so anonymously. What are you scared of, "Johnny"? Tell us your name. My second point is this. Yes, there may be a problem with the SAGMdate, based upon the constitution and bylaws. In simplistic terms, "shit happens". Like the rest of us, the students who make up the SUS Executive are human. They make mistakes. All that was required was a quiet comment to someone in the SUS office. But that would have meant identifying yourself, which seems to be a problem. Rather than try to find out why this discrepancy existed, you chose to employ you literary skills and write an anonymous letter. Well "Johnny", since you seem so concerned about the nefarious deeds being perpetrated within the SUS office, I
have one question to ask of you. Did you submit your name as a candidate in the current SUS elections? Somehow I doubt it. Given that The Cascade calls you "John Doe", I assume you are male. If so, next time write a letter, show us you have some balls. Sign your name. Mine, by the way, is Mike Anderson. Mike Anderson Dear Editor: I rarely even acknowledge people like "John Doe", who assert that half the facts constitute reality. Such a letter, however, as that found in the October 9, 1997 issue of the Cascade, prompted me to reply ... for two reasons. First, I am the Director of Finance and as such "where all the money went" is my responsibility and one that I take seriously. Second, the comment regarding the justifying of hiring office staff struck me as a personal attack on our Office Manager. First of all, where did all that money go? Well, my first suggestion would be to come to the SAGMand find out. But for those of you who couldn't make it I encourage you to stop by the SUS office and peruse a copy of the percentage breakdown that was part of the SAGMpackage. Secondly, there were many reasons for hiring an Office Manager. This person would provide continuity to the Student Union Society in those rough transition periods when new council members are learning the ropes, they would ensure the Administrative work was done accurately and professionally, they would provide accessibility to the Student Union Office and the services it provides through regular office ...continued on page 8
IThe Cascade October
23, 1997
Would you suppqfJ Men's Centre?
So, the Women's Centre is just a bunch of feminist, male bashers right? WRONG! The Women's Centre is a valued place on UCFV's campus. Unfortunately, many people do not know what the Centre is or what goes on in the Centre which leads to misinformed judgments. The following interview with Sandra Hakanson will hopefully clear up a few common misconceptions. Q. Why Do Women Need A
Special Place? Sandra Hackanson: Women need a place where they can feel valued as women. Our society objectifies and dehumanizes women. Women need a positive place to feel safe. Violence against women is more than ever and women need to feel safe, the Centre offers that
safety. As long as there is violence against women we will need a Women's Centre. There are Women's Centres all over the world and if the need for women to feel safe is not an issue than these Women's Centres would not exist. Q. What Goes On In The Women's Centre?
S.H.: The Women's Centre is a networking centre. It is a place where women can share information, support, and educational information. The tables in the Women's Centre are covered with books and pamphlets on information from revenue Canada to child minding to medical and safety information. The Centre is a place for women to share life skills and celebrate accomplishments. We (the Women's Centre) see ourselves as the root or trunk of the tree and we offer various support
and information that branches off from the Centre. The Women's Centre also supports special projects like the Clothesline Project and projects to stop violence against women and children. One must remember that the Women's Centre is not an elected committee that sits and directs. What it does is it encourages women to empower themselves.
Who Funds The Women's Centre? Q.
S.H.: The Women's Centre is a self funded program. The money we receive is from memberships and monetary donations. We rely on the kindness and generosity of individuals. There is no monetary support from student fees, nor UCFV based budgeting and currently there are no provincial grants to support the Centre.
S.H.: Yes, we would support a Men's Centre. ~;~M@@!@brnfing women this doesrlotmeanthat I am not celebt:ating ind by empowering women does hot mean I am disempowei;;Jng men." (Tracy Merriman) What it means is thadwomen have a place to go wheti~thtM?T~free of male dominarj.&BFWne:rtitHey can be women ahd if rn'.enneed this same type of safety Jp.d support by all means createf;ii:Men's Centre. • <: Q. What is toe mainidea behind the Women's Centre?
S.H.: The centrei.~:Ji~~¢ where women can walk in and be equal, where tbe patrjarchal society is left adthe qQdr. ?'..
If you have ariy q~;~Jions or if you would like tq~QW more about the Womeq{ijp€HHfe]w)1y not stop by ancj check it Out. The people in thjfre are friendly and always reaqy to listen. .-.-. .
"Is anybody out there't' ttl
Are we alone in this universe? Perhaps. But consider for a moment the possibility that we aren't. If you really are an open-minde,d student, I challenge you to keep your mind open long enough to at least hear the case for the existence of extraterrestrial life. As for myself, I was once an ardent and ferocious skeptic. I laughed at the "paranoid alien faithful." I now believe. Jus~ in case you think the notion of alien life visiting earth is a new idea, here's a splash of water in the face. Stories of encounters with the third kind date back thousands of years. In fact, there is compelling archeological evidence that aliens have been visiting earth for millennia. For example, near many sites of ancient Aztec ruins scientists have uncovered structures which look very much like airstrips. Just roads, you think? Consider this: they found them in obscure, agriculturally-barren places, which don't fall along any of the Aztecs known travel -routes. Besides, they are only a hundred meters long and then end abruptly. It would be like finding a 100 meter long strip of pavement in the middle of a corn field. And it seems a little coincidental that stories of travelers from the sky are repeated throughout Aztec mythology.
Not convinced yet? Well here are some facts about the Giza pyramids in Egypt. Archeologists have historically been baffled by three things: a) the amazing precision and structural complexity despite a complete lack of evidence of the technology or architectural knowledge which would be required b) the seemingly haphazard locations chosen to build them on, and c) ventlike windows found in all pyramids (fresh air for the dead pharaohs?). Recently a startling observation has been made which supports the previously ridiculed theory that the pyramids were built by aliens from more advanced planets. An aerial view reveals that the pyramids are, amazingly, organized in a pattern identical to the star constellation Orian!! Moreover, all the vents are windows which face that very constellation. Want to hear the kicker? Recent photos of a largely unknown part of Mars reveal structures which appear to be what? Pyramids. Let's fast-forward to 1947 - Roswell, Texas. On Tuesday July 1st, radar control towers from three differ-
ent airports tracked an unidentified flying object moving at such tremendous speeds and in such an erratic motion it could not have been a meteor or airplane. Mr. and Mrs. Wimox, well-respected citizens of Roswell, would later report seeing a bright oval-shaped craft pass over their home the following day. But this was only the beginning. Two days later, a huge explosion is heard by numerous witnesses, including William Woody and his father who saw a flaming object fall to the earth, two campers who witnessed a bright crash near their campsite, and a farmer named Mac Brazel. The following day, a sheepherder and a group of archeologists discover what they believe to be some strange crashed aircraft. The sheriff and the fire department arrive soon, bringing the number of witnesses up even further. However the military retrieval team arrives within hours. Five bodies are removed, all carefully covered when in view of the onlookers. The names of all the- civilians are taken before they are ushered
away, and the site is cleaneci and secured within six hour§. Melvin BrIDwn,who wis in the military vehicle that transported tl}~ µiysttrious bodies reports thattheywere about five fe&t titll, had a strange yellow\orapge skin, and large heads'. M¢;\P?Nhile, Mac Brazel fing.§§-t./riJge bits of debris all qVerhis field. The town sheriff, two military officers, q"$wel};4§ two personal frienqs alLpa'\{f;_' opportunity to examip¢ the debris on separatlr oof;asioJ.is. It consists of l>$@em¥hgly weightless meta[ which will neither scratch llQf burn, a foil-like mater\~ ili<=h returns to its op~gihalihape every time yoµ crump}e it, and strands offibritic string. Within a singl~ hour qf the officers report}ng whaJjthey saw, Brazel's ffold it bu~zing with military p~rson 41 who take all the del:fp.sfp a Q:(f,'arby military base neyer tb be seen again. A iiervous Brazel later tells friends he must not speak of the inqffl!i~ll:ause he fears his fagif1$ls safety. Colonel Blanchard, the man up to thi.,5yp9int in charge of the if}gijsi]g:ition, authorizes a press re}ease saying that thej'nilitarypave indeed f ounq an UFO of extraterrestrial}origin. ffwo American gen~ral~ :t}yJrum.~ diately to the \?g~~~jp;i);i~ Ramsey flies tpeWreck, aU the debris, andthe bodies to
aie~k~o:ftt}il~,~~~lr~: and old weathetballoorl and ,i/ " ,, orders Blanch~rd tp retract the earlier preJs rel~asy saying they maq~ a ffi!§take. ....continuedon nl~t~age
Page 4
The Cascade October 23, 1997
something happen in Roswell, Texas so extraordinary that government feels it must be covered up. Did, as so many witnesses claim and as the evidence all seems to suggest, an alien craft and its crew crash to the ground. At this point you may be thinking: If the evidence is so overwhelming why don't more people believe it? I believe its because of an unofficial government policy, revealed by former high-rank-
... continued. from previous page
Marcel is ordered to photograph the balloon debris. They are told that it is for reasons of national security. The media attention and public interest dies. Thirty years later, after many witnesses to the events of 194 7 begin revealing their secrets, the Roswell Incident is again hot news. The military admit that the weather balloon was indeed a coverup, but not for an alien craft but for secret military technology. They claim that it was an experiment of advanced technology, and that the bodies recovered were actually monkeys!! This story, too, is altered several times before being retracted. Tl)e information is still confidential today. But ask yourself this question: is 194 7 test technology so advanced that it must still be considered top secret in the interests of "national security." Or did
ing CIA official Chris Terepocki, to 'deny and ridicule.' This policy involves flat out denials of any knowledge on alien life, as well as ridiculing those who do believe. Have you bought the propaganda? What's your reaction to someone who says they believe in or have had contact with alien life forms? Laughter? Jokes? They've got you just where they want you: in a position where you won't even consider the possibility, regardless how overwhelming the evidence is. Believe it.
1st, 2n~3rd $450.00IN CASH PRIZES!
Page 5
The Cascade October 23, 1997
HI Mark
~)··········.··· .............·.····.···.·.···.·.··.··.··.·.·.······.·· ...· ·····•·•·•··· Schuster
Rowan Atkinson ( aka Mr. Bean), is about to take over the America's as he kicks off his first debut, feature length film entitled simply Bean on October 17th. Bean-aholics all over the globe have turned out in record numbers, placing Bean already with a win fall of some $100 million in such diverse nations as Australia (#4 on the all time $ making list there) and Slovenia, among others. Thus it was important for the people behind the making of Bean (including Atkinson) to conquer the biggest movie going market, the U.S. From an economic point of view, this makes complete sense because our commercial neighbours to the South are not as accustomed to this sly middle-aged looser like we are, because lets face it, the U.S.A. only has such lack-lustre characters like Seinfeld and Frasier, who when compared to Mr. Bean don't even come close to the sort of bowel gripping laughs one endures when watching him in action! So, in a way this is the last stop on the movie circuit and the most important. Atkinson says (quoted from the Vancouver Sun, Friday October 10,1997) "The thought of him (Mr. Bean) climbing out of a cab in Los Angeles and blinking in the California sunshine gave us a tremendous leg up ... " and it certainly will be interesting how the movie fares in
our own land! clueless- I love that in man!". Aside from his movie, Oh no, where has our male Mr. Bean is such a phenomsex appeal gone? Is it time enon the world over, because to worry guys???.. . As For no matter what language one .,,him to be known globally is speaks, one can understand 1something which is scary of his droll antics <(]Western modern day "impefacial con....... ·:rialism", since for example an .,,\ordinary citizen like an Ethiotortions ···pian head-hunter and lets because they say a Mongolian priest get a r e the same impression of some purely stupid, dormant middle-aged h u individual who has got no man life, and they then associate (we 11 him to us people in the domifor him nant Western world. I don't at least!) know about you , but I don't Stories such want to be known only for as nude dancMr. Bean, do you? ers in a BangAtkinson makes a farce kok strip out of the U.S.A., in a comjoint, stop pletely British way on his their de.. own "private" and totally hi=M1arious web site at g rad in g shuffle to iwww.mrbean.co.uk/, so if take a moyou are a Beaner this is a site ment out ...not be missed. Check out his .,.,'Passport page, where he and watch him, is just an writes an eloquent letter to example of his the Clintons for accommodawide appeal. · tion at their "white palace" There probably for the time that he is in are similar Mr. America among other things! Bean stories the He slags the nation under the world over, creating defi- 49th parallel, and this will be nitely a cult following and a certainly be met by some SEXSYMBOLunlike other no- staunch American nationaltorious British acts (i.e. ists as him being a commuMonty Python,etc.) which nist, because he is not a flag have had such a grand influ- waving, conditioned moron. ence on Western comedy. Just you wait ... Women (well some on this With a little antidote of campus at least) all over the political rhetoric on Mr. four distinct corners of this Bean, the movie should come wonderful planet, regard him off as a British view of a Brit as " a man who is so cute and with no clue of "the best na-
tion in the world" (quoted from Bill Clinton's re-inauguration speech, 1996)! So enjoy the electrical engineer with two degrees from Cambridge make his usual acts of unconsciousness! To get on to other news, a big thank you goes out to Cameron Roy, UCFV Bookstore Manager for answering why the bookstore was slagging behind on course pack printings! Now, the only thing left to do is reheat some of those turkey left-overs and sit down and enjoy relax and enjoy the scenes of Mr. Bean loosing his swimming trunks at the pool and others like the over zealous stuffing (literal) of the Christmas turkey ! Happy viewing!
Mr. Bean absconds with the infamous Cascade "C"
On October 2nd, those of us lucky enough to be in the auditorium were informed (and entertained) by Robert Aitken on the subject of our neuronfilled masses. The lecture, sponsored by the UCFV Disability Resource Centre, was titled "A Celebration of Neurons- a student guide to the human brain". Topics covered included everything from explanation of the JFK Syndrome ( many of those under forty will have had personal experience of this "flashbulb memory" effect through the death of Diana, Princess of Wales), to discussion of the part of the brain which covers feeding, fleeing, fighting and sexual orientation. We learned why many of us, unlike Winston Churchill (the master of quick retort), take hours to come up with what we really wanted to say in a stressful situation. (Mr. Aitken shared
a couple of Churchill's comebacks with us: when confronted with an opponent's opinion that if he were her husband she would poison his tea, he responded that if he were her husband, he would drink it.) We also heard why anyone who is discriminated against in class, or made the brunt of hurtful jokes, will have difficulty learning while under these pressures. And IQ has little bearing on what may be labeled a "learning problem". When under perceived attack, the Reptilian brain takes over from the outer layers of our brain, and survival instincts-rather than learning ability- comes to the forefront. When it comes to making learning as effective as possible, "rote-rehearsing" is fine for procedural memory such as driving a car. However, with declarative memory, such as the lecture itself, cognitive "elaborative rehearsal" is supe-
rior. In translation, that means the best way for me to remember what I heard from Mr. Aitken is to talk to someone about it after the fact. Being put in the position of having to teach a subject to someone else is apparently the best way to learn it. And those of us past what we may consider our learning prime don't really have much of any excuse for discontinuing our education. Although "fluid intelligence" (pattern matching, mechanical aptitude) declines, skills can still be learned, even if they take longer to master. And the good news is that "crystallized intelligence" (creativity, reasoning, problem solving) increases well up into our elder years. Languages, though, are best learned while young, up to about the age of ten. That's not to say an adult cannot learn a language, simply that most will never have the relaxed comfort
of communication that is the gift of those fortunate enough to have learned a language as a child. In fact, many "windows of opportunity" are opened when young children are nurtured. Studies show that when classes were structured to allow young mothers to take their babies with them to school, the children later experienced many benefits when it came to their own learning. For every dollar spent on children of pre-school age, it was shown that $13.00 could be saved on remedial programs (or even incarceration) later. Children bloom when they are stimulated at an early age (this does not include making a "little genius" out of junior-the child's wishes must be taken into consideration). We ignore the learning and support needs of society's children at our peril. Mr. Aitken gave us much to think about.
The Cascade October 23, 1997
Paul F. Becker
"But you should let me commend you to your highest ideaand it is: Man is something that should be overcome. Thus live your life of obedience and war! What good is long life? What warrior wants to be spared? I do not spare you, I love you from the very heart, my brothers in war!" -Thus Spoke Zarathustra Friederich Nietzsche I had this dream that I was a fly. The thing was, I wasn't a fly that hung around shit, I was a fly that flew around here, every day, watching, and learning. I saw all the different things happening, and all the conversations that accompany the events and all the juicy undertones of the body language. I saw the athletes ruling the Great Hall, secure and confidant, only within their own kind. Who could blame them? I saw them sweating and straining to perform physical feats that few others in the school can equal. And no one cared to watch them and cheer them. No one cared that they gave themselves over to the team, in order to succeed. No one could recognise the nobility in playing for a team and so they were left alone. So they stuck together and formed their owned families, and they were happy. I saw the Business and Criminology students happily nuzzled into their classes, researching till their eyes bled from computer screen radiation, or chasing theories about money and investment. And no one talked to them outside of class because, hey man, I don't know that guy. And so the Business/Criminology students forgot their institution and they focussed on themselves, and their future ... and they all got jobs. And they lived out their life secure, but unconscious. I saw the Fine Arts students reveal themselves on any form of media, any surface, any film. They grinned and smirked as they let the rest of the students fumble at some understanding into what it was that they were doing. And they had fun, and they created, which is most important, but they never tried to meet others. They never ventured out of their basement corner; they never realized they were one of the only groups that had their own identifiable area within the school. Maybe they were too cool, maybe they were
too deep. I saw the Trades student, working and learning. They embraced technology and things were good. They learned the reality of cut, bleeding fingers, and the inevitable frustration of man's creations. And they learned the condescension that others would impose on them. They learned to hate those who deal with ideas and services. They learned to think of those types as dreamers, and themselves as pragmatics. And no one ever stopped to think how intelligent they were, and so they walked back to their own area in coveralls sneering at the dreamers through slitted eyes. And nobody ever stopped to care about them because everyone treats them like machines anyways. And I saw the Aviation students, who fly the biggest and best machines. And they were isolated like the athletes, only it wasn/t because they were an honest team. It was because they had to wear a uniformthey weren't cool like the rest of us. They chose to represent their goals, and we were disturbed. So they went on to succeed, and be happy amongst the clouds, above us all and uninvolved in the world. And then I saw the Arts students dreaming. They embraced the world of ideas with open arms, and they dared to believe in things like revolution and responsibility but failed to understand that it was their responsiblity to apply those ideas, those notions. When they became jaded, they manipulated the ideas for their own survival, and they ransomed their virtues to the highest bidder. And they never thought anything of it, for it was life. So they lived a life confused, sometimes noble, most times frustrated and broken-hearted. They held the keys to understanding and progress, but they didn't know the lock was within their own head.
I saw all the Computer Science students, and all the moniters. They sat in front of the Internet or played Doom, looking for comfort. They chatted with people overseas, but couldn't say hello to the person beside them. They learned how to talk with a keyboard, but forgot how to participate in the community they belong to. They were in trouble, and we needed them. And it is of no suprise that most of the people whose jobs focus on computers can't seem to communicate with others. I saw all the students that don't consider themselves associated with anyone, because of their family, because of their work- because of their lives. And all I could see was people who were trying to help themselves, and they are right to do what they are doing. But I also saw people who would never learn the important lesson of community. And so they went back to their worlds, their lives, and trained their kids to create their own private lives, to go to school for skills, not knowledge. And the cycle repeated itself. These people clinged to bare scraps while the rest of Abbotsford lived in its massive homes, listened to bass-heavy tones and complained when their parents bought them BMW's. I saw all the professors, looking over their backs, checking for knives, and trying, if not succeeding, to polish pearls. And I saw some of them wanting so much to contribute, but they waited and still are waiting, for the students. I saw the management, watching the students and they were happy that the students didn't care, because it was easier for them to make decisions when no one was around questionning. Thus, a lot of things went on that the students would never ever know about, things that should be known about.
Finally, I saw those that know about the management. I saw all the involved political students and I cringed. They argued amongst themselves and claimed to know what the students want. They attacked each other anytime there was a perception of deceit. They became entrenched in bureaucracy and government, cut funds (like their big brothers-the real government) and asked for money when they realized that the students expected something of them. Th~y forgot that volunteers have justice on their side while employees have only jobs. And they forgot that they were supposed to be serving the student body, not extracting. They were the leaders, but they wanted to become the employees. They were fools, and they perpetuated the system that we live in today. And some of them went on to control the -country. They became bitter at the fact that they didn't know what the real people wanted. They couldn't understand the simple fact that they have allowed people to not care. And thus, they became corrupt and we all pointed our fingers and said "I told you socrooks!" And then I saw myself, sitting in front of a computer trying to keep you guys interested-and realizing this dream of the fly. I wanted to entertain you, but you have to start thinking. I didn't want to insult you, but I can't let you off easy. I'm not accusing, I'm suggesting. I bear no ill-will to anybody, but you will assume I hate you-it's easier that way. I wanted you to arrive at an understanding of the place around you so you could be aware, but I didn't want you to become like me. If you ever became like me, you would understand how much you don't really care. You would want to change the world, but the world wouldn't want to change. And thus, you become a fly, and you look to get into what you like the most: shit.
An office careers student and her children's house was burned down Thursday. Donations of food, clothing, or books would be greatly appreciated. Drop donation off to room D219.
I T_h_e_c_as_c_a_d_e_O_c_t_ob_e_r_Z3_,_1_9_9_7 ... ______ ----1
Cc,ifmnti1,1~tk HE! Hii,:i:;,a~'-'"I:,Lx,{·(T,:,f c\r:,1d.,1
Book Review, non-fiction, political science. reminiscent Cuvilier II narrative Chomsky's work, Clarke
Silent Coup is Tony Clarke's story of Corporate Canada's coup d'etat against democratic rule in Canada. He examines the origins of corporate rule, its growth over the last twenty five years, and the repercussion of this process on Canadian society. Following this examination of corporate rule, Clarke calls upon all concerned Canadians to fight back, and provides a blue print for rolling back corporate power. Employing a hard hitting
Money and Fun in Fo t St. He//
Workers Compensation Board of Canada requires that I spent my summer up each oil rig has an attendant north in Fort St. John, BC and I on site. To become an attendwould like to tell you my tale. ant, you need your industrial Ladies, have you ever heard of first aid, which cost $575, but a summer job which will pay that is paid back in only five 140 dollars a day to read, write days of easy work. If you are and spend hours napping and a guy and you are disapbasking in the summer sun? pointed that you will be Well, I can tell you all about the picked on by the "rig pigs", pro's and con's of being a first never fear, you can become a aid attendant on the oil rigs in rig pig yourself! They make Fort St. John. Guys, I'm sorry, at least 16 dollars a hour and but for you life as a first aid at- work long hours. There are tendant for you is not quite as approximately 25 different oil cushy. If you want to know why, companies in Fort St. John, read the rest of this article. I and each has at least 5 crews will start with the con's and you w_orking on different sites. can decide for yourself whether The oil industry is booming or not it is worth reading on. right now, which means that Con#l: REDNECKS. You will the need for first aid attendencounter so many rednecks ants is increasing. If you are that you may even start to dis- still reading this, you must be play symptoms yourself. But at least a little bit interested don't worry, a week in the city in the life of a first aid attendwill straighten you out. If you ant, so I will continue with the need a definition of redneck, it pro's of the job. is someone who is racist, sexist, Pro#l: MONEY, MONEY, ignorant and "ever so tough". MONEY. 140 dollars a day to They swear, drink, and listen to do nothing, for 3 months. You a lot of annoying music. (see figure it out. con#3) Pro#Z: SMALLTOWNSCAN BE Con#Z: SMALL TOWN BLUES. FUN. I actually had a blast at You will inevitably get tired of some of the parties and bars. going to the same cheesy bar Pro#3: YOU WILL BE THANKevery night, and hanging out FUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE with the same people everyday SEEN. You will meet people may bring you down. In small up north who have never towns, concerts are unheard of traveled, I mean Never. I met and the rednecks think that a man who had been as far as Starbucks is a football team. Fort Nelson, (even further Con#3: COUNTRYMUSIC. There north) and he was drunk the is only one radio station in Fort whole time, so he doesn't even St. Hell and not only are the remember it. announcers retarded, but you Pro#4: YOUR SELF-ESTEEM hear the same country song 5 WILL SKYROCKET. Being hit times a day. on everyday, even if it is by Con#4: THE "RIG PIGS". You rednecks, does wonders for will be on the rigs all day, every the old ego. day with a bunch of rednecks Pro#5: THE WORK IS EASY who love to hit on the "bandAND ABUNDANT. The indusaid" (unless you are a guy, in try is booming and screaming which case you will be picked for attendants and no one on, because guys are not al- ever gets hurt, hence it is easy lowed to sit around all day, just money. the girls, go figure) These are If you want to become a the men who laugh at dirty first aid attendant, you are jokes and look at (just LOOKAT, slightly insane. Seriously, many of them can't read!) porn though, if you are interested mags at least three time a day. in a crazy summer job, track Con#5: You won't know what to me down for information. My do with all the money! e-mail is fvlucv2u@ucfv.bc.ca. 11
P_a_ge_7 ...1
of produces an engaging, provoking study of power in present day Canada. Beginning with an analysis of who the major players in Corporate Canada are, and an exposition of where their true interest lie, Clarke concludes that corporate interests have come to dominate Canadian Politics. Clarke demonstrates that government policy has been effectively removed from the public realm, and "it doesn't matter any more what political party forms government ... there's no longer any difference between what big business wants and what governments say and do. The real agenda is being set behind the scenes by the transitional corporations." According to Clarke, the largest corporations in Canada are represented by the Business Council on National Issues (B.C.N.I),a consortium of disparate interest which collectively controls 1/3 of all private capital in Canada. Through supposedly independent, through industry funded, think tanks such as the C.D. Howe Institute, and the Fraser Institute, members of the B.C.N.I.have been selling the neo-conservative economic theories of Milton Friedman to Canadians. Mainstream bodies like C.D. Howe Institute and the Economic Council of Canada introduced these theories to bureaucrats in Ottawa and the provincial capitals, while those same hard-line free market theories were popularized by the Fraser Institute. Michael Walker, founder of the Fraser Institute is quoted in Silent Coup, saying, "If you really want to change the world, you have changed the ideological fabric
of the world," and over theJast twenty five years Canada lhas been changed. The Keyne$ian welfare state which serves Jhe interests of huiffifiiitizens is now being dism~fitf~ditF!n'1er greater pace (first by Mulrodey, now by Chretien), and is bilng replaced by a free marketJ1tate in which corpor;;,te citizens'have greater freedonithan trueJ::iti~i~~\:;~t1ore pillr~~llvasi1ent Coup is deditated to both exposing ,tnd eliminating corporate rule.\ Claris.¢ advocates a long teqg ijppf0ach to overturning cojfp6Fafe power, arguing that it tboi<,JyVentyfive years to establish; (§/we can't expect it to disapQfaFfojporrow. Clarke believes @at t:prdµgh increased politica(liten;1.cy,articulating new approacbe~/lo the political theater{ and.\istablishing worldwide cibzert :filiances, Canadians can reclaimtbeir sovereignty and ceas~1ilffi¢!1¢.[tped merely as consum~fs Iii (;'Qrporate world. j ? <. Clarke' vision is one hope. It is a vi$ion sometimf$ flawed, or pertjaps ambitiou~; but it is also on¢ deeply rooteg in Canadian h}story. Citiqg events such as t;'hg popular.t;jvolts against the/Family C0mpact and Seignior.;ialSystem, the Metis rebellion/ti¢ Winnipeg General Strike, fhd periodical western farmers~ prqtest rpovemen ts and Cap¢ Br¢ton Coal strikes, Clarke call& ..dn Gahadians to once ag~(n nil µp and reclaim their rigµfs'. lHsview of Canada preseijted in Silent Coup is far differ§nt fmpi that of which Conra4.Bfac¼;~tfl~cBlo, or the Royal Bcihk w§llld}have us accept, and h is well worth
~~:~i~~~~: Co~ttg~~[ng r~e Big
Business TakeoveffifCariada, by Tony Clarke. Pub!t§A~.<:l by the Canadian Centre fqf \Eglicy Alternatives and Ja.mestofirnar Co. ------.-.- &
Turtle's Action-Packed Rlvie-wi~
Cussler's Sahar~li\
I am always wary when I find a
book thatlists two pages ofreviews at its start.Yetthosewere the firstthingto greet me as I opened Clive Cussler'sSahara, a "fast-moving string of adventures with some outrageous side plots." (United Press International) Sahara is the third book* of an adventurefocusingon theexploitsof Dirk Pitt, a wisecracking, quick-witted and macho researcherwith a talent for rushing headlong into trouble. After recapping some world history that becomes importantlater, the story places Pitt in a position to foil an assassination on one Eva Rojas,anAmericanworkingwith the WorldHealth Organizationtowardsdiscovery of a toxin thatis drivingpeople to madness, cannibalism and death. Unsurprisingly,Pitt's work with the National Underwaterand Marine Agency
::;::-:.~; p~:.:.ki:;¾ of Mali is causing emtlJfj\gmWth in a toxic organism, whicfiihieatens io sap the world's oxygen sup~y to nothing. Dirk must find the source and.eliminateit Although the ~!ffilj~~~~edfastpaced and delivers gjgfaxes ftt$~r than waiters deliver bills{J•can't sa/that it's particularlysatisfying{Granted,~ing an action feature, this ~ok promi4\s that credibilitywill be rig'ijtout the w~ndo{v, but I found that I co~W.nIM!!~!ffl•~!lf after Pitt, and his Giordino, made theif fifth escape from FateJustAs BadAs Dtath. Plus. the story has a predictable"mes~1~1itwut man's
r:~::.:~:~:: ~!;~~-t~!Ts: On Deadly Ground, you:!JobabJyknQ)V how trite such messages In be. •••• ·.·
*thirdbook:The othJ{swerJi\ffltfj~nand Treasure.
The Cascade October 23, 1997
Page 8
Ian MacCaskell
"Blame it on the rain" could have been the theme of the day for our courageous and committed guys and gals who adorned the green, white and blue jerseys of UCFV, this past weekend in Abbotsford.
Hosting Langara College, the gals meet a strong and fast team on the water drenched field of Robert Bateman. Despite the poor conditions, the gals went ahead around the mid-way point of the first half. Amy Folka headed a superb ball passed the soggy
to the Editor Contiued
from page 2
hours. These are only a portion of the reasons office staff was hired. Tami McLellan is the Office Manager of the Student Union Society. When Tami was hired we believed she would fill the job description more than adequately. Tami has since proven to be and do much more. "John Doe" seems to be implying that this is not so. I would like to know where "John" gets his information? I spend the majority of my volunteer hours for the S.U.S. in the office and see the seemingly endless number of students coming looking for directions, handbooks, information, help in the book room for their student association or group, or just to vent. And Tami handles this all with calm professional assurance. I also see how much more efficient and productive the Student Union Society has become. No longer are we searching through large piles of paper for that one tiny scrap of paper we wrote a phone message on because we couldn't find the message pad. Instead of spending our time trying to figure out the computer and looking for paper, our Council members are now better able to advocate on behalf of the students and sit on endless committees, among their other responsibilities. In closing I'd like to briefly touch on the issue of the SAGM being scheduled two days late. SHAME ON US!! HOW DARE WE BLATANTLY ABUSE OUR TIME BY ATTENDING CLASSES, DOING HOMEWORK, STUDYING FOR MID-TERMS, ADVOCATING ON STUDENTS BEHALF, RAISING CHILDREN, AND GOING TO WORK!! Sorry, we'll do better next time. Stephaine Martin, Director of Finance UCFV Student Union Society Dear Editor Re: Evaluating Your Instructors Jeff and I have had several opportunities to discuss the matter of instructor evaluation and the intent behind them. While Jeff has a~sured me that his intent is not to set up a witch hunt or create an uncomfortable situation for our instructors (which would then transfer to the students), he has not convinced me that this is a good idea. First off, I think we need to ask ourselves a question: Do we want UCFV to he "an institution that exists to provide instruction" or "to he an institution that exists to produce learning?" Traditionally, our universities have heen institutions that provide instruction. This focus, in my opinion, maintains the patriarchal nature of post secondary education. It presumes that the "teacher" is the expert and the popular method of teaching is "lecture". The teacher holds the reins on what the student learns, tests the students to see how well they have learned (or regurgitated) the prescribed information and it judges students' recall with a grade that is then transferred to our transcripts. If however, we embrace the notion that exists to produce learning (with all students us-
ing a wide variety of methods), our faculty would be encouraged to involve the learner in a more stimulating way. Do you feel comfortable to ask questions and state your opinions in class? Do you feel challenged to put together your own learning contract within the parameters of your courses? Do you have a co-learner relationship with your instructors'/ If we arc to he a "student learning" institution. we must he co-producers of our learning; we must accept responsibility for our learning. The "responsibility is a win/win proposition" between instructor and learner for the same outcome even though neither the instructor or the learner is in complete control. When the instructor works with the learner. rather than the other way around. the positive learning resulL~are magnified. To truly have an impact on our learning environment. we must insist that the focus he on the learning produced versus information crammed, memorized, and then forgotten. The employability skills required for the 21st Century consistently points to creative thinking and problem solving skills. "Learning outcomes include whatever students do as a result of a learning experience. Any measurement of students' products from an educational experience is a measure of a learning outcome. We could count the number of pages students write, the number of hooks they read, the number of hours at the computer, or the number of math problems they solve". Imagine this institution being funded according to these measurements versus full-time equivalent status or, in other words. the number of seats occupied in the classroom. The employability skills required for the 21st Century consistently points to effective team participation. As learners. do you ask for more team participation in your classes? If no. why not? If there are opportunities for team participation, are you a willing. committed participant? In not. why not? Research indicates that in the 21st Century our income will he generated from numerous sources: self-employment, contract employment. and part-time employment. What are we doing as learners to make sure that skills are being encouraged in the classroom that can he transferred to the "real" world? For example, if we don't network within our classrooms, then a tremendous opportunity is being wasted. Ifwe don't insist that this he encouraged hy faculty, something is terribly wrong. While I sincerely believe Jeff's intentions are good, I am still concerned that any attempt to promote instructor evaluation is part of the overall problem: it places the emphasis on the instructor and not the learner. It maintains a system that is not in our hest interests. We are the paying customers. Where do YOU want the focus to be ... on the instructor or on the learner? We must get on the track that puts emphasis on the learner, our outcomes, our measurements of our learning. We should he pushing for learner-centred environments that are learner-controlled. It's not without moments of incredible ambiguity. confusion, and chaos hut once through those elements, there lies "accomplishment and success as a result of teamwork and group effort" to a transforming degree. And, this is what we call "synergy". Instead of standing up in class and asking your instructors whether or not they would he willing to he reviewed, let's ask ourselves collectively: "How would we do thing differently if we put learning first? Then do it" Marion C. Tansey B.A. Adult Ed. 4th year Quotes from an article "From Teaching to Learning" by Barr and Tagg ( 1995).
Langara keeper, from a Tanya McCracken cross. These two have connected several times this season for UCFV, and will continue to cause havoc for the defenders this year. Team coach, Tom Fast, felt confident going into the second half up by one, but stressed to keep the pressure on Langara's defense and move the ball quickly out of our own end. Unfortunately, the rain and some confusion allowed Langara to even terms in the second half, when they countered on a goal mouth scramble and scored. The ladies came out with a disappointing one point, for the game ended 11.
The men however, dropped its third loss this past Saturday, despite playing their strongest first half in several weeks. Langara went up 1-0 early in the first half, but the
half ended tied on a rare cross by the scrappy veteran Toivo (knuckles) Hutikka, which meet the head of the right half Steve Mahovlic, who made a brilliant diagonal run across the six like a runa w a y freight train. "Just like in practice" spoke UCFV head coach Ken Fernstrom, which the team had practiced crossing all week. Both teams were reduced to ten men by the end of the half and•in the second, Langara showed why they sit in first place in the B.C. collegiate soccer league by scoring three times. The Cascades play Okanagan University College Saturday, October 25 at Robert Bateman Park in Abbotsford. Women kick off at 12:30 pm,lhe men at 2:30 pm. Show your team spirit and turn up to.the next game.
Turtle's Historic Review:
Atwood, Alias Grace ii If you happen to go up to the fourth floor of the Abby campus' A building, you might notice a bulletin board that displays candidates for the Giller prize: an award granted annually to the author of the best Canadian novel or short story series, published in English. In 1994, this prize was given to a M.G. Vassanji for The Book of Secrets. In '95, it went to Rohinton Mistry for A Fine Balance. Last year, it honoured Margaret Atwood for her Alias Grace - the object of this review. This novel is quite different from the usual fare of formula fiction and made-formovie thrillers. Based on a true story, it divines into the life and fate of Grace Marks, who is convicted for her participation in a double murder back on November 21, 1843. Grace was originally slated for death by hanging, but her lawyer, Kennith Mackenzie, was able to play an uncertainty over the details of the murder, plus Grace's supposed "witlessness" in order to earn her a life's sentence at Kingston Penitentiary in Toronto. It is known that Grace Marks fled the scene with her accomplice, James McDermott,
and that they both attempted to hop the border-at which point they were captured. Accounts from beyond the trial became muddled, however, as several contradictory testimonies were taken from the culprits, and at least one other was recalled by a reporter by the name of Susanna Moodie. Atwood borrows from the material contained in this array of stories to propose a convincing scenario, recounted through the sarcastic musings of Grace herself, a psychology researcher by the name of Simon Jordon, and various letters exchanged between Jordon and his colleagues. This mix results in a masterfully compelling mystery of sorts which leaves no stone unturned, and ultimately gives new meaning to the title, Alias Grace. What is particularly interesting is that Atwood does not rest at explaining the past - she also explores issues that are of timeless relevance. The reader confronts the inhumanities of a prison system that steps beyond reform. (S)he is granted a peek of the humble existence of a serving girl, circa the nineteenth century. Above all, one wonders at what point a person is truly responsible for one's actions, and what sort of action must be taken against those who commit a crime.
The Cascade October 23, 1997
Did you know that the SUS is holding the AGM on Friday Oct. 24? Do you Care?
....... .-
_·:.:,)::: .
:-:-·.-· .. ·.····'"''. ··.
ARE yo:u BLIND? ·'
Would you care a little more if you knew that a fee increase is being proposed? Come out and learn a little · about what is going on and convince us that there is life out there. B 101 (the lecture theatre)
1:30 pm
The Cascade October 23, 1997
Greetings from the Community Women's Centre at UCFV. As a volunteer, I have the privilege of staffing the centre one day a week. At first I thought it might be a great opportunity to get some reading done as it would surely be fairly quiet until we were better known. However, since my first shift, I have dispensed with even bringing a book as there is always something interesting happening at the centre. In the simple naming of a designated space for women, an oasis is created. It is here women feel free to speak their minds, express their emotions, and be themselves. Although one might find this hard to believe, it is happening right here at our own women's centre. Perhaps it is the fact that once through the door, there is a solidarity that is felt. The one thing we all have in common is that we are women and this in itself leads to an unstated understanding of some of the hurdles and challenges that we face in our daily lives. Of course, the Women's Centre also offers privacy and a safe environment where women can come and spend some time depending on their needs and/or desires.
Page 10
I have noticed that once women drop in and get to know the centre, they tend to return. This is heart-warming as it confirms that we are meeting the needs of these women. Remember that the purpose of the centre is to provide support, encouragement, and access for women. The following is written by a women who visits the centre:
I was asked why would I care that there is now a place set aside for women alone. A partial answer to this question includes the reality of societal conditioning. Granted, there are many, many women with very strong personalities. However, it is not uncommon for women to carry around the idea that they are not quite as valuable as the men in our society. We may be just around the corner from the 21st century, but conditioning still encourages women to defer to men
simply because they are men (even - sometimes particularly - to men who do not demand this deference). Not because the men are brighter, or more competent, or even in more desirable occupations. Simply because they are men. Conditioning is very often subtle, yet strangling in its intensity. Talk to any psychology student. Better yet, read a bit about Pavlov and his experiments. And it's no secret that we communicate not only with words, but with many other almost intangible cues. Consider that women, even in our "enlightened society" have been dealing with this for as Jong as they have been living and breathing. (And I fully recognize that men are also conditioned from birth. After you have nnished with Pavlov, you may be interested in reading Riane Eisler's The Chalice and the Blade.) Oh yes, and to those who
Massacre of the Innocents
I apologize if you're sick of hearing about children being tortured and executed. But this issue seems important to me. You may already know that countless Rwandanesde Hutus of all ages have sought refuge from war in the former Zaire. Unfortunately, rather than "refuge" many of them face violence. On April 26, 1997, 52 Hutu refugee children at Lwiro hospital being treated for illness and malnutrition were abducted by the AFDL (Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire). They were kept in a container, beaten, and denied food and drink for three days. Yes, I'm talking about human beings - children at that. This is activity we would never accept for animals. Please don't read this and fail to feel anything. Feel the horror, the disgust. Rise above the desensitizing affect of your T.V.; remind yourself this is real. Feel the need to vomit. The children were returned to the hospital only after outcry from the international community. UNICEF reported that children were in very bad condition when they returned. On the bright side, they did fare better than the
many refugees reported to be in mass graves after gruesome executions. Refugees have been called the "litmus test" for human rights. No other group is more suseptible to torture, rape, poverty, imprisonment and ill-treatment. There are 20 million children refugees in the world today. Deprived of their rights in their own countries, refugee children are again being denied their rights in countries of refuge - by countries that pledged to uphold these rights when they signed international refugee covenants and the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. Refugee children are often unaccompanied (orphaned or seperated from their parents) and overlooked. They become easy targets for abuse, often go malnurished, and face violence from others alone. Moreover many children are denied asylum and returned to dangerous areas by refugee officials. Some of the worst human rights abuses affecting children occur in situations of armed conflict, internal strife, or civil disturbance. Armed conflicts have created millions of refugees in Afghanistan, Angola, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Burundi, Columbia, Guatemala, Lebanon, Liberia, Myanmar (Burma), Mozambique, Iraq, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Turkey, former Yugoslavia,
and former Zaire. During such conflicts, children are often deliberately killed in military operations to eliminate civilians suspected of supporting an opposing armed force. Homes and crops are destroyed, and survivors are terrorized to force them to nee. But children are frequently no safer in camps for refugees and the internally displaced, where they are targets for recruitment to the army or armed opposition groups. They are often illtreated to force them into submission, and girls are forced to provide sexual services to combatants. Even when children "volunteer" to fight, their motivation may be the need for protection or food. The emotional trauma from participating in the activities is long-lasting. Sick to the stomach? nesty International.
Join Am-
suggest that women simply get over their hang ups, I say that both men and women need time to effect change. In the meantime women now have a women's centre, a place not set aside for women to denigrate men, but rather a place to allow for personal insight and -possible growth. For me the UCFV Women's Centre is doing its job. I am sure there is a huge portion of the population, both of the women of UCFV as well as the surrounding community, that are not yet aware of our existence. Please drop by and meet us and have a look around your centre. We are constantly updating and adding to our reading material and shortly, thanks to Milena Raschpichler, will have a resource library established so that you can borrow material to read at your'leisure. We are also slowly adding furniture to make your visits more comfortable so that when you drop in you can relax with a cup of coffee or tea. As well, a painting bee Will be happening one of these weekends and one Monday morning you will find yourself dropping in to a newly decorated and more aestheticallypleasing environment. The Community Women's Centre at UCFV is also an information centre. It is here you can find out about upcoming events like our Opening Celebration, which will be on December 5, 1997, as well as the December 6 vigil for the women murdered in the Montreal Massacre. We also make available information on support groups that are operating at UCFV or in the community. A big thank you to all who turned out for The Take Back the Night March. It was a huge success. Also, the Clothesline Project will have held their t-shirt painting day by the time you read this. The t-shirts will be on display in the Great Hall from November 17 to December 6, 1997. Our Centre is proving to be a very comfortable and positive place for women. Here there is no shortage of support, encouragement, conversation or humour. Please drop by and get to know us. If you are interested in volunteering at the centre please come and talk to us. We always have lots to do and could use your help and ideas. Remember this centre is for you so let us know what you want to see. With respect from Lesley on behalf of the Women's Administration Council (WAC).
Page 11
The Cascade October 23, 1997
. The Hunt for a New President is On A Presidential Selection committee has been formed including three student reps. Paul Becker, Jason Proulx, and Marion C. Tansey. Chris Davies is the individual who is recruiting possible Presidents and is eager to hear from students regarding their criteria for the future President. Feel free to contact him at mcisearch@bc.sympatico.ca or contact one of the student reps.
The elections that weren't! Since there were 9 people nominated for 9 positions, all the new executive were elected by acclamation. Your new executives are: President- Dave Munro Vice president- Rex Bohachewski Treasurer- Rymon Keeping Secretary- Kathleen Fraser
Public RelationsfJai◊m'I t Sigurdson > 4th Year rep.- Jim Nykyfontk 3rd Year rep.- Ken Veach { 3rd Year rep.- Mike Goertz¢p 4th Year rep.- Brad Bolen? We are stilJlooking fofJst and 2nd year r~pijH f \ Watch the t:Hi11efffF66ard (outside A3 34) for uptoming events .
Marion Tansey, Interim Vice President Internal
ing for student §:pace~, especially in the degjf~t. prggrams. When UCFV begamij a Opiversi ty College it {was prorilised enough funding to mak~ the
Writing Centre Seminar Plagiarism: Pitfalls and Panaceas October 24 12pm - 1pm Learn about the UCFV policy on academic honesty: your role in the academic community: unintentional plagiarism and how to avoid it. Presented by Fay Hyndman Please note seating is limited so drop by one of the centres and sign registration on the door.
Manning Park-Look What's In quieted the conversation and, Our Backyard! for a few moments, everyone simply reflected on the beauty of the area. Once back at the parking Nine U.C.F.V.students had lot, the group headed for the a great time exploring our inspiring Othello Tunnels. backyard when they spent the These rustic tunnels, blending day hiking in the area. The tour in with nature, are a legacy of a was an activity, organized by major engineering feat in the the Outdoors Club. Coquahalla Valley. Built by the Although the students Kettle Valley Railroad, they came from a myriad of backcrisscross the Coquahalla River grounds, some as far away as several times. Trails lead off in Germany, the first stop held many areas and billboards universal appeal-Tim Horton's! along the way are very informaEveryone refreshed, then tive. headed on to Lightning Lakes, After leaving the tunnels, Othello Tunnels, and finally the group made their final stop Bridal Falls. of the day at Bridal Falls, overThe day was crisp and inlooking the freeway. After a vigorating. Coloured leaves carshort hike, the group were repeted the trails that wound freshed by the mist that enthrough the trees, past streams gulfed them as they stood on the and lakes and over bridges. observation platform. At Lightning Lake, they When everyone arrived paused to enjoy the rare specback at U.C.F.V.,tired, they were tacle of being able to see right still exhilarated by the experito the bottom where trout . ences they had gained that day. darted about. Beneath one of More excursions are the connector bridges, a family being planned for outings quietly paddled past in a casuch as skiing, a camping trip noe, fishing. At lunch time, food was and trips in to watch the shared by whiskey jacks while Canucks. If you are interested in coming along, please coneveryone relaxed against the tact Jill Harrison at local 4255. trees. The feeling of stillness Kathryn Garcia
For those of you who could not attend the official opening of Building D, read on. .. here's the speech our Student Union President (Ken Dinnery) delivered on October 3, 1997: On behalf of the UCFVstudents, I would like to join others in saying thank you to the Minister of Education, Mr. Paul Ramsay, and other contributors, for the funding to build the important new facility, Building D. I would also like to express our gratitude for the tuition freeze of the last two years, and ask for restraint in future tuition raises since the cost is an important factor in post secondary education. However, I would like to remind the Minister that there are still a few very important things to get done before this University College really meets the needs of students. The first is the desperate need for a new building on the Chilliwack campus. Students in Chilliwack have been waiting patiently for the replacement of the old motel building. It was built as a temporary facility, but that was 22 years ago. Last year library books and instructor's materials were destroyed when the roof sprung more than forty leaks after one Fraser Valley downpour. In winter, the building smells badly from the damp and noisy fans that have been left running. I believe that UCFV students in Chilliwack deserve the same kind of decent facilities in which to study as students on other campuses and at other colleges. · The second thing is the need to provide enough fund-
1eerg~~:epi~:~:~~(~1 $lt1t ;;; behind what ~,St6ffi.hiitted. This means that/many students still can't get iQJQ the .... classes they need or COI1JpleteJfi~trprograms in a reasbnabti ari).ount of time. ••• j ·••• Another fj.icilt~Y w.e get asked about all the time is a gym. UCFV is t1iiih.1y Uhiversity College with0tg.igym and is one of the few, it]pp\tpe only, post secondary iqiffltlitfoqin the province withoqija gym. f/yeare asking you to fiqo a way tqhelp us get a gymnaiium as sopn as possible. ( j Students upderstad; that the Ministry has a lot of comp et in g demanq$forJts resources. I woulqjus;.Hk~Jp suggest that we arealsdanxi&us to be part of the sqlutiqn. being able to compl~te qur ~pucation as quickly ihitif:t}gently as possible, we be able to find jobs that W:ill help to contribute to the economy and to our communities< L Having saiq tl[iSPJ would also like to thatHFthe Minister for visiting, for listening lo us, and for the suppprt that he has given to the stud~nts in th~past. I believe thin if weJwork together, we c~p PMlHI into an excellentJ;tHVersityCol., lege now, and yte can help to build future. a great provJp.qr ..·..·..•.·.•.· ..·..·.•.for the
What's on Decejber The UCFV Student Union Society Dance at City Lim~ts. / Music by "BabYJane'\ . ./ '.{:
Tickets availablJ in
UCFV EVENTS Oct. 28 Amnesty Open House Come and check out our new facilities, meet some Amnesty members and buy some very cool posters and cards etc. oh ya and find out about what Amnesty is all about. Room A226
Oct, 29 Amnesty International Meeting If you have a concern for human rights or are just curious about our group, please come to the meeting at 7:30 in our office A226, Abbotsford campus.
in the A-lounge, catch a flick for free.
The Tomorrow Box An ad-
Oct, 25 Basketball
FILM Oct. 24-Nov. 23 WEEKENDS
vance notice of this upcoming play by Canadian playwright Anne Chislett.
boogy from 4-11 pm.
Nov. 3
Amnesty International Meeting If you have a concern for human rights or are just curious about our group, please come to the meeting at 1:00 in our office A226, Abbotsford campus.
Jan. 21-Feb, 7
Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation It's finally here!!! THE other film event of the year and you can call the Ridge Theatre@ 7386311. Stop by the office of The Cascade and peruse our guide to the festival on our bulletin board.
Free Films The film appreciation class has opened its doors for fellow students to come and enjoy their Wednesday morning previews .. 10:00 am in the lecture theatre (B101).
Nov. 5-22 The Crucible See UCFV theatre students combine with community members to put on one of their usual out-
Prose, Poetry and other
uFF .. Outside the wind blows While inside, I try to keep From the deep dark storm Paul F. Becker
(Exhibition) UCFV at CBC Men 8pm.
Oct. 31
Wednesdays Oct. 30 Costumed College Band Night Be dressed and ready to
Malaspina at Rotary Field #4, 12pm.
New Release Movies 3:30-5:00
England Study Tour Set aside two weeks in early July and join UCFV theatre director Ian Fenwick and historical geographer Doug Nicol on an adventure in the south of England. Phone 7920025, local 2838.
SPORTS Oct, 25 Soccer UCFV vs Okanagan at Bateman Women-12:30pm 2:30pm.
(Scrimmage) UCFV at St John Brebeuf Men- 7pm
Oct. 25
Student Seminar on Public Policy Issues This seminar is free and open to all students, put on by the Fraser Institute. You must register so call Annabel @ 688-0221, ext. 315.
Ladies Nite at Monkey Mountain Women climb for $7
Oct, 31 Soccer BCCAAWomen's and
(doesn't include rentals).
Men's Provincial Championship Tournament hosted by BCIT and Capilano
Ladies Nite at Blondie's Billiards If rock climbin~ isn't
Oct. 26
your thing, try your hand at pool, and hey you even get a rose in the deal.
Men's Rugby UCFV vs
We travel the open waves of time in motion The expanse upon which the world floats can not be parted in a narrow path for the chosen few. We rise and fall, claim we progress as we fight the headwind the crosswind the tailwind we fight to escape the dead calm which must present itself if we do not. This may be sufficient.
such as, say ... a simple parting of the water, but rather of small miracles; that in an age of sink or swim we would choose the latter. All our ragged lives, sails flying. All our flags of many nations, bourn. Every arrangement possible To say all we need to say. We explore and expand the horizon This may be sufficient. Riding the waves Knowing the salt water that we have built our lives upon, however briefly.
This is no time for great miracles
Shawn F. Stetsko
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