0 3 0r--'. rtr--' • 0 l ::J , r--' • (/l L.J. C: C/l rtC (/l 0.. 0 ::J lO ·m ., 0 C: C/l 0 (/) n 0 3 "'O C n (l) ::J. n '< 8-TRACK Hurracane Folk Noir Mitch Ship of Fools SIN ARMS
Ll,lkeZacharias Talitha0uyzer
The true threat to free speech Is not censorship,but the abuse of it. In one fashion, Keith abused It. He should have been more careful about what he said. But In another fashion. "Justa girt isabusing It. Not only does she twist the facts to expressher view, she does it at the expense of another. And here Is the only place I willdefend Brandsma. I don't know him. but from the article he wrote, I cannot get the impressionof a sexist.
Still, this is all far from over. Everything is now getting blown way out of proportion. Rather than people like Brandsma being a problem, there are those like "Just a girl". Usingyour own words, I would suggest that your article has more to do with sexuality than the Keith Brandsma piece.
Subject: The BrandsmaAffair Censorship. Freedom of speech. All of the things that make college newspapers great. Aside from some underground publishing.the college or universitynewspaper Isone of the final vestiges of mainstream free thought. And it's the job of the newspaper to bring forth those thoughts, as silly,as stupid and even as Ignorant as those of Keith Brandsma.
James Droucker
As a class of criminology stu dents we would like to vole that the field of criminolog pertains to much more tho Just law enforcement. W have all experienced th frustration of being pulle over and receiving a ticke and to that degree we ca empathize. However, in re gard to your stereotypica view of us being "unthlnkin tools" we feel that thisisa lim ited and uneducated opin ion of what criminology stu dents represent. In additio to policing, other fields In elude corrections, commu nity service, customs, foren sics, psychology, sociology, and victomology. Our first reaction was ange due to the very personal no ture of the article. We de cided to take this as an op portunity to educate you and others about our pro gram rather than just getting mad about it. Thereis an o vious demand for skilled criminologistsIn our society, which reflectsthe numbersi our program. We encourag you and othersto experienc what a criminology classisall about and Invite you to si through one of our classe (Crim. 270, Fridayafternoon. l:00-3:50A42l). ,ol
The Cascade. SixIssuespar semester.published twice per month. the Cascade comes otJt on Wednesdays in the tc,11and wll)ter semesters. The Cascade is a' member of~ Conodion-Univ'aisityPress,a national network of 52 college and unlVefsltypapers. CUPpoUcy Isto OPP9$8 sexlsm, racism, homophoblo ond other oppressl\le prejudices. Sobscriptionsore $20 per year. The Cascade office Is located In building A. near the Student Lounge. Lettersto the EditorPoHcy. letter length should be kept under 400words, Sadly, ifletters exceed this limit they will be obctiptly ended Witha /. Lettersthat hove been subjected to the uncompromising backslash wlUbe posted In the Cascade office and the public will be able to view them during office hours. The deadline for submissionsls Wednesday noon. Submissionson disk or email preferred, but paper Ts always good. The Cascade office IsMacIntosh bosed. so email attachments need to be sent as text files,some holdSfor disk submissions.All letters must Include your name and student number. The Cascode will consider publishing ·ononyrpous· letters only if circumstonqes ore extenuating. Disclaimer. Theopinions and values expressed In articles featured in the Cascade, ore those of the writers and do not necessarilyrepresent the opinions and values of the editorial staff or serve as o philosophy of the Coscode,
8-Track8 Soma 4lt
Kevin Trowbridge Wickstrom
I don't believe that he Is a sexist. And for you to label him a such is almost as ignorant as him to launch hisown attack at the Crim students. And all it does is serve to antagonize the situationfurther. Maybe Keith was making a point when he named his article "Ship of Fools". We're all fools on this ship, me included. .-9
Maybe we are all con fused... Maybe the RCM are really just tools o power, pawns, and objec tivity in their duty to socie is just a pose. Isn't interest Ing how we will let murder ers into the country in th name of international trade and co-operation and it is our own RCMP, which protects the real criminals in the world, whil pepper-spraying thos who have the will to stand up and yell "people over profit!". Be cool, stay warm. C. In responseto Shipof Fools: KiethBrandsma
G Newse Ideas&
We all are walking on a fine line here. Theseore debates that have been going on from before most of uswere born. And they'll still go on when we've passedon. KeithBrandsmahas every right to his opinion. He also has every right to publish that opinion. And the Cascade published it. Right or wrong? Another Interesting question. Are we to shoot the messengerin thiscase, as Mike Anderson suggestsIn hisletter? The Cascade has a responsibility to all of the studentsof UCFV. including the ignorant ones. I appreciate the opportunity to disagree with Keith Brandsma. and I wouldn't get that chance if the Cascade didn't print the piece, nor would I get the chance to see what a fool Keith Brandsma is. Maybe the Cascade was right. Maybe not. I don't know.
(BringYourOwn Doughnuls) RoomA226 33844 KingRd. Abbotsford,B.C. V2S 7M9 854-4529 853-4076 (fax) Email: Cascade@ucfv.bc.ca Editorin Chief Chris Bolster ProductionEditor Sarah Conner Copy & Graphics Editor Cover Desl'gn(prints available) Kevin Trowbridge AdvertisingSales John Wickstrom Entertainm,nt Editor Shawn Martens Paul Becker TrevorBradley Keith Brandsma Alex Bustos(CUP) Tim Dilley JasGIII Ariel lbancovlchl ·ChristineKokaine Nicolo Lukslc(CUP) Janal Macdonald Cheryl Motor Shawn Martens RandomQueerPerson(CUP)
Editor !n Chief Last Saturday, the university college sponsored a forum on the issues surrounding the controversy of the APEC protesters and the RCMP. The forum consisted of three speakers. Craig Jones, the UBC law student who was arrested for displaying three eight by eleven inch signs at Green College, spoke on the finer issues of constitutional law and civil liberties. Our own Ron Dart, spoke on the historical context of power, human rights, the "New World Order" and how the Canadians and "The New Romans" fit in. The Editorial Assertions~ International Education~ Money StudentUnion.• last speaker Ron Dickson, a labour lawyer employed by the Electrical Engineers Union spoke from the Labour perspective. confused both the RCMP and our legal system are. They've let the politicians work their agenda through Institutions that are not supposed toeing the federal governments line. The police are not supposed to have a political agenda are they? I can vaguely remember sitting In my grade l O social studies class, but I definitely remember that there Perhaps you' re wondering are three parts to our govwhy a labour lawyer would ernments structure. The be speaking at an APEC fo- parliament, the judiciary rum. Seems strange doesn't and the executive. I even it? I thought so to my sur- remember that the execuprise I found out that the tive is comprised of two APEC protesters actually groups. The Prime Minishave some allies in the com- ter (and his office of munity. The Electrical Engl- course) and the RCMP. neers donated ten thou- Thisseems problematic to sand dollars to the protest- me. Isn't there necessarily ers legal fund after the fed-, a conflict between the reeral government tried to si- lationship of cphighly politilence the protesters by with- cized office and a instituholding legal aid money. tion which has to remain Isn't interesting to take a looking objective in their step back and look how duty to society.
Groups 4D Talesof the LazyMarxist~ Post-- It
The Cascade • deconstructing the master narrative
The U of T won't be following that tack, Bloch-Nevitte says. -8 colummst A uselessgeneration. Here we are sitting in our nice, comfortable school, complaining about the amount of homework that's piled up on our tables, and the fact that we may miss the next exciting episode of "The X Files" because of the essaythat's due. I think about all of this and I wonder if this group that we fondly call "generation Next" could possibly survive should an economic collapse, or any sort of disruption of our creature comforts take place. All our liveswe've been provided for, clothing, food, heat and shelter. The biggest problems we've ever had to deal with ore watching too much of Monico Lewinsky, mourning for a dead princess,or providing relief for victims In a far away country, and the biggest movement we've had so far Is that of girl power, initiated by the Spice Girls. We (continued on poge 5)
M I T C HHurricane Mitch Is the most severe hurricane on record. More than l 0.000 people have died across Central America as a result. Thousands are homeless and landless. and many lives are still at risk due to the unsanitary conditions, health risks.and the shortage of portable water, food and medicine. Most of the regions hit by the hurricane already had the disadj !Nicola Luksic Varsity, 0 of Joronto TORONTO (CUP) _ Students concerned by the Universityof Toronto's decision to close campus washrooms that were being used for sexual trystsare examining possible alternatives. Last month. students and janitorial staff complained that two campus washrooms were being used as meeting points for sexual encounters. The university responded by locking the washroom doors and Implementing limlted usage hours for some other facilities_ on approach student activists are calling misguided. They would like to see a more co nstru c ti vea pp roo ch adopted by the U of T.
The school ls also In the process of redesigning stalls and urinalsIn its main washroom In order to discourage sex acts.
Despite criticism from some students that closing the washrooms has been ineffective. U ofT put>licaffairs director Sue Bloch-Nevitte says the approach has gotten results, "Measurestaken seem to be working and wnwanted activity seems to have settled down," she said, spokeswoman for the East Tirnor Alert Network, Is suspicious of the government's motives behind funding the anti-APECgroups. "If they were really interested in hearing dissenting voices about APEC they wouldn't hove pepper-sprayed those dissenting voices last year," she said. But government officials say their intentions are straightforward. "All we con say Is that Canada is committed to the Integration of civil society into APEC,"said Claude Demers. a spokesman for the ministry of foreign affairs and international trade. "We think that It's important that NGOs play a role in APEC, so the organization gains credibility and transparency." -8 But critics of the university's approach point to contrasting solutions devised by other schoolsdealing with the same Issue.
"It's just patronizing that the universityfeels It has the authority to shut washrooms." said Jaeson Adams, co_mmunications co-ordinator for Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered of U of T. "They should keep their nose out of students' sex lives," centres plan to look at ideas such as compiling a public sex etiquette brochure and preparing a bathroom users bill of rights that would extol the right to sexual privacy.
"It's a long and expensive process," said TerryLodoucer; manager of Ryerson's campus safety and security, "But the acts that were taking place were making people feel uncomfortable. We care about comfort levels of our school's community.·
"We're still at the discussion point." said Gillian Morton of U of T Women's Centre. "We're just getting together interested studentswho don't think that washroom sex should be considered a problem," Some university officials believe that the discussion is long overdue. "People really need to get together and talk about possible solutions and come to terms with washroom sex," said Paddy Stamp, U of T's sexual harassment officer, who is Involved with the upcoming discussions. Stump, who is against the recent washroom shutdowns. says sexual activity in washrooms Is nothing new. Along with Adams, represento- "From my understanding, the tives from the campus worn- sex that goes on Is not unen 's and sexual education wanted. People have vantages associated with third world living conditions, this iswhy assistance to these areas is extremely important lives need to be saved, For the past week students at UCFVhave been organizing different activities to aid relief funds for Central America. Of particular importance In raising funds ore the collec- L-Ll -=v\l=e=x=B=u=s=t=o=s===!...JI I AssemblyIn order to divert attion boxes for anything from tention away from the APEC spare change to more gen- Ottawa Bureau Chief (CUP) scand al engulfing the federal erous donations to help vie- Liberalshere at home. "It's a tims in Honduras. Nicaragua, OTTAWA(CUP) The federal token gesture they make for ElSalvador, and Guatemala, government Isbeing hypocriti- public relations," said as well as almost all of Cen- cal by giving money to a con- Oppenheim. tral Amer • Ica. f f t 1 "They use It because erencewhen o non-governmen a As you probably know these organizations in Malaysia, so- people say APECIsonly busicountries were almost com- ciol activists say. ness-oriented they can reply, Pletely devastated because L t k th t 'we support the aspeople's wee , e governmen summit.,,, of flooding caused by the granted $50,000 to the 1998 aftermath of Hurricane Asia-Pacific People's Assembly, The government also gave Mitch, that Is why everyone to be held from Nov. 10-15 in money to organizations opat the UniversityCollege, and Kuala Lumpur. posed to the Asia Pacific the Abbotsford community The meeting is being held Just trade group at laS t Novernshould give something to this before this year's Asia Pacific ber's APEC conference In urgent cause. Your dona- Economic Co-operation sum- Vancouver. tlons could save a life, and mit, which will run from Nov. 16- Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd give the opportunity of life to 18. ~~rth~ ht~srepeatedly soi~ many in C6ntrol America. Jonathon Oppenheim, a stu- e ac e governmen If you would like to help, or dent at the Universityof British fund ed I0st year's meeting Is would like any more informa- Columbia In Vancouver and proof It 11stens to opposing tl·on, please contact Barb or • 1 t· • o socioviews. ac IvIst,says ttawo deLarissaat 870 5660. clded to fund the People's But Kerry Pither, national been having sex in washrooms since time Immemorial," Stomp said. "We all need to use washrooms simply to go to the toilet. It's Just sillyto close them," "So long (as) It's clean and safe, I have no problem with it." Avi Menl, external coordinator with U of T's Sexual Education Centre, soys safety isthe number one concern when It comes to the issue of sex in washrooms, "It's hard for us to soy what's right and what's wrong," Menl said. ''Our concern lies in promoting safer sex."
RyersonPolytechnic University is funding the renovation of washrooms identified as sexual locales on Its campus In responseto increasing complaints of Indecent acts from patrons.
The media's role In society is a very important one. The definition of this role needs to be examined in order to develop a good idea of what kinds of actions are acceptable. This article is intended to answer the questions posed by Ian Lusher in the last edition of the Cascade. The role that objectivity plays in any academic pursuit is an important one. I would agree wlth Lusher's assertion that complete objectivity is impossible to achieve. The argument that I would have with Ian is based on the degree of objectivity that is achievable. Maybe I om naive to think that objectivity issomething to be pursued even if it cannot be reached. I understand Ian to be arguing that in the best of all world's partic;on journalism on both :,1ut:1:, u1 u Lluesnon would serve the public's Interest. I would argue that the finest writing occurs when an author acknowledges the strongest arguments against their case, recognizes their biases. and otter that comes to a conclusion. A second point concerning this issue is in regards to l)onesty. Socrates argues that In any dialogue honesty is essential. When partisan writers refuse to acknowledge good arguments made by their opponents. the process becomes dishonest and the public loses because of It. Lusher also argues that there is no problem with David Black's recent assertion that he would not allow his publishers to write articles that supported the Nisga'aTreaty. I stillbelieve that this isa problematic assertion. The reason for this is related to the large number of newspapers that he owns. Hismonopoly of local newspapers in BritishColumbia means that only one side of the argument gets out. Lusher's article both agreed and disagreed with this point. First he argued that David Black's statement was a good thing, and then he went on to argue that the best journalism would consist of partisan newspapers on either side of a question. If David Black owns most of the newspapers It causes only one side of the question to be explored. and even Ian appears to disagree with this. Thisinternal contradiction renders Ian's critique meaningless. The final problem that will be addressed is In regards to the intent of the article that Lusher critiqued. The intent was to show how Plato's theory of knowledge (portrayed in the analogy of the cave) related to a present day situation. The media is unduly biased and many people sit and stare at the images that are produced without questioning them. The goal of the previous article was to fleshthis idea out. Lusher's critiques do nothing to addressthe main argument and in fact do little to clarify the issuesat hand.
I !Pat Harris 11 appeal to a brood cross Jennifer works mainly with acrylic paint, pastels and fabric paint, executing her works on such varied material as poster board. medite shelving, canvas and fabric. She isa great promoter of recycling and often paints over old canvases or utilizescuts of wood.
IjLuke Zacharias I l columnist
Could you imagine If every school yard had little zoo cages to deal with misbehaving children? Thiswould not help in the already declining socialization of our (continued on poge 14)
What does the Reform platform really mean? If the Reform party was In power what would Canada look like? Isthis what Canadians really want?
What is a criminal? Chuck Strahl says that the justice system should represent the people before the criminals.
The crowd is small, but easy-going, not like most clubs where everyone is putting on a front. wnter it.
Copy and Graphic Editor UCFV I find that most live music isnot flattered when amplified to an exCE;lSS.The night that I visited thisfind Just off Vancouver's club track, I caught the end of a night of "Folk Noir". The last group, called Sean MacDonald, was one of the best gigs I have ever experienced. The best way I could describe their style of music iscontemporary folk. Inspired by albums such as Jeremy Enigk (Return of the Frog Queen), Pavement (White Zombie). The Beatles (White Album), Public Enemy (It takes a nation of millions), and The Smiths (The Queen is Dead), his music is fresh-retro, In opposition to the alternative scene, which can now be categorized as tiresome, pop culture. section of the public. Many of the paintings ore of female nudes. a theme Jennifer Seymour, second that Jennifer is currently year Fine Arts student at exploring. Other works UCFV. un- ~,..........._ deal with veiled her nature. most recent from flora plethora of to the seaartwork on sonstoabNovember stract or-
For youth entertainment in Vancouver, the club scene really locks; the line-upsare long, the covers are high, and last coll ls at one-thirty. Personally I can't stand crowded, smokey, excessively loud clubs, I enjoy a scene that issmaller,relaxed, and offbeat. And this Isexactly what I found 6, in the art g a n i c gallery at shapes. Strung Out From the On Beads. ebullient The well attended open= "Daytripper" to the innoing saw many apprecio- votive "Moving On", there tive viewers purchasing are pieces to please most paintings, resulting in the everyone. It appears that this multitalented artist has had very little problem finding her niche in the often reluctant art market. Her work may be viewed until December 1 at Strung Out On Beads, 2613 sale of twenty m pieces a very rare , occurrence. Thisartist paints with a direct, forceful honesty, Incorporating Into her works her obvious love of life, These factors, combined with the multitude In vibrancy of her pieces, make for paintings that Montrose, Abbotsford. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 5. T h o s e pieces which have sold will remain on display until the end of the show. '8 at a cozy little otter hours coffee house / club In a second story suite on Granville. I would love to tell everyone the exact name and location. but the club's most attractive feature isit's uncrowded atmosphere featuring big comfortable couches and Media easy-chairs in social clusters, intriguing, up and coming amateur art photography, lit in an underground, moody style. Hisalbum ishard to find. and I have not found It yet myself, but check out Track and Zulu records on W. 4th. who carry a large assortment of lndle-bands. The other bands playing during that night of "Folk Noir" that I missed were Browning and Jack Harlan. I have traveled clubs throughout Vancouver. Seattle, California. New York,Dublin, Cardiff, and London and this is my favorite scene of all, so if you have the perseverance to track down this sweet spot then all the best to you, I know you will •enjoy
Criminal? When does one leave the human race and become a "criminal"? Is it when someone is accused of committing a crime, after the first conviction, or the third conviction? Once a criminal does your heart stop beating?
Justice: Victim's rights over the rights of criminals, victim's rights over the rights of the accused. Some day it would be interesting for Manning to be accused of a crime that he did not commit. If victim's rights are placed In a position ot advantage, we might be loading up the prisons even more.
Perhaps the person becomes a criminal otter being imprisoned like a zoo animal for more than a few years. We teach our children to reso Ive their differences.
Reform Party: A Fresh Start? Don't Buythe Lie
Consider the following questions: should Christian students be pre-excluded by their faith. from participating in studies of the sciences? because Christianteachings are based upon faith, should universitiescontinue to view this position less seriously or even unworthy of inclusion?
In this article, I will discuss Christianityand the aspect of prayer, the purpose it hos In our lives and the relevance of prayer in the natural world, I will also consider the possibility that prayer and Christianity Isa contrivance of man with no tangible connection to our lives.
On the other hand, Christians believe God discloses what man is capable of understanding; and in " end timesN all will be revealed. Christians believe prayer does not assume a stature, position or stance. Prayer is merely a willingness to act in faith through personal communion with the Saviour Jesus Christ and the heavenly Father,God.
Pastor Netson Stratulat,SolidRock Christian Fellowship Church, and Professorof Theology at Pacific Ute Bible College, contributes, The fact that the disciples of Jesusall wrote from their own personality, with the Influence and inspiration of the Holy Spiritaccount for the differences, (contradictions, as Shelley offers) In the Bible's biographical account of Jesus. Pastor Nelson points out. "These very discrepancies also defeat any argument that the disciples collaborated on their account of Jesus.'' In opposition to this expressed view of creationism Is the science of evolution. When looking at science as a subject of study, It IsImportant to remember that science proves Itself through facts; science has not factually proven evolution. Torepresent both creationism and evolution as theories In conflict; acceptance or belief In one should not entirely discount the other. Christians accept creationism as tact and faith as the basisfor their belief. But, for thepurposes of this study of prayer. we shall approach the topic of evolution versuscreationism as if there were foundation to the question.
Ideas & As·sertions
Some of today's most widely respected scholarsore Christians. There ore also academic opinions circulating which deny the existence of a Creator and attack the faith of Christianity, I will present both sides of this Information by first explaining the definition of prayer as perceived by Christians, while addressing the motivation for prayer as purposeful communion wtth God. Also, I wlll Intersperse opposing views on the effectiveness and validity of prayer, In the natural world, throughout the body of this text, while reviewing the opinions of Theologians, Philosophers, Scholars and Science. Prayer, simply defined, Is communication with God through faith. Dick Eastman In his book, The Hour That Changes the World, states Prayer does not require advanced education; knowledge Is not a prerequisite to engage In It~ Only an act of the will Is required to pray. Basically, prayer is the simplest act a creature of God can perform. The poet Percy ByssheShelley's article, The Necessity of A theism, denounces the need for prayer and rejects Christianity entirely, A philosopher, as well as a poet, Shelleyargues that the divine attributes of God are merely projections of human powers. In his Essayon Christianity, Shelley goes on further to exhort that Jesus Christleft no written record of himself and that we must rely on thesecond hand informatlo n of the biographers, which Shelley describes as contradictory and remarkable only for its naked and driveling folly. In contrast, the quest for the historical Jesus and the nature of his message ore important Issuesto Christians. Christians do not seek to disprove the Bible's biographical account of Jesus. Christians, following God's edict; trust and obey, supporting the Bible as the credible source.
In order for a Christian student to receive a full education, are they expected to put aside some of the beliefs which are fundamental to Christianity, but contradictory to the way science, philosophy is being taught?
The poet / lay philosopher Shelley, In his Essayon Christianity, contradicts God's covenant. Shelley contends that before a man can be truly happy, free, equal and wise he must reject the superstition of religion and contemplate for hlmself his actions and objects of desire as they really are. Findingthe answer within the natural world only then will man discover wisdom, meaning, liberty and justice. This would seem to entirely reject the considerations of the leading sociological positions of Shelley's time; religion is one of the structural foundations upon which the Institution of modern society exists. Thisposition Isstill held in high regard by today's foremost sociologists.
Kurtz, while considering Galton's lack lusterstudy worthy of reference, does not entertain the probable likelihood that the clergy members studied, did not pray for longevity. Taken from a Christlanperspectlve, it is more apt to be expected that being devout In their faith, evidenced by their prayer r9:glment the clergy would look forward to the day that God woulElcdll them to glory. Hence, their prayers would reflect their sentiment. And so, the debate forges onward!
Everyone I have met, at some point In their life has faced extreme difficulty, lnsurmounta bl e odds or undeniable temptation. Personally,I have faced all the aforementioned and more. Christianteaching claims, sometimesseparately, sometimes combined, these hindrances to a peaceful existence can conspire to hold us down and remove usfrom the light of our Lord's vision. Worldly reasoning would have us look inward to find peace, and rely upon the views of scientific debate to soothe uncertainty. But, when a person has done all they can do, of the world, to make matters right and the situation continuously seems di spa raginglyhopeless would it not then be advisable to turn to the Lord in prayer. Psalms 18:6. "In mydlstressI called upon the Lord. and cried unto my God: He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before Him,even Into Htsear." At least then. at this point, ofter taking it tothe Lord In prayer. you ha-v-etruly done all that can be done. The need is now placed In God's hands. Or lsit? (continued from page 3) have become so comfortable with the things that have been provided tor us that I doubt our generation would hove the ability or the courage to raise even the slightestfussabout anything, and as for a revolution. we have way too much to lose. In the event of an economic collapse, I think that our immediate responsewould be to run to our parents and grandparents who have always provided for us and beg for shelter. "You would change should a war come along" is the general responseto this comment, but the point isthat our generation doesn't really have enough passion about anything to start a war over It. Perhaps this is why our generation is seen as so rebel1io us towards family, we have no reference to the amount of work that our parents have done to provide for us and so hove a massive lack of respect. Our ancestors always had something that they were passionate about, something that they were fighting tor. while we as a generation are content to sit back and let everything go Its own way, even If we dislike it. We have become so content with our lifestyle and so brainwashed by the good things in life that we are willing to let anything slide at this point. How much will it take for our generation to raise a ruckus?
The Blble teaches Christians that it is God's lntentlon that we should, one and all, pray. The Bible clearly states one of God's covenants. II Chronicles 7:14, "If my people which ace called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and WIiiheal their land."
Supporting the opposition with his views, the poet lay philosopher Shelley, who statesNMounting from cause to cause, mortal man has ended by seeing nothing; and it Is in this obscurity that he has placed his God. N Shelley forms the belief that man, in his desire to expose and understand all that surrounds him, Inserts God for assignation to those things in nature which defy logical ratlonallzation. Shelley purports, "It was on this debris of nature that man raised the Imaginary colossusof the divinity."
IlJohn Wickstrom! I
A thesis composed by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche,The Proof of Pleasure, reproduced In the book Varieties of Unbelief argues, "If the church did not teach that faith would bring the faithful blessings,It would not be believed In.N With this statement, Nietzsche proposes the question. " Of how little value must faith be, then?" But, if society as a whole were to subscribe to statements of atheism, such as those proffered by Shelley and Nietzsche. then Christians need for prayer os an Institution In our dally lives as an intercessory to the wlll of man conflicting with the will of God Is surely proven. Atheistic degradation of the natural world only serves to strengthen a Christian belief In the design of purpose God has for our lives. Nietzsche's argument does not support its conclusion. So, you might very well still ask, why pray? Christianswlll tell you that prayer is for forgiveness,to thank God for all He has done, confess our faults, intercede for others. and to draw ourselvescloser to God. In reality, the list of reasonsChristianitygives why we should pray Isas long and numerous as there are people who believe In praying. But,the foremost reason why Christians believe prayer should be a daily activity in all our lives is because the Bible tells us to pray. This Isexhibited In I Thessolonions 5:17, "Pray without ceasing." All men everywhere ore to pray, as expressedin I Timothy 2:8, "I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting." Just for laughs, I submit the contradictory philosophy of, Paul Kurtz,a secular HumanistPhilosopher and Professor ofPhllosophyat the State Universityof New York,he opines In TheTranscendental Temptation; A Critique of Religion and the Paranormal, " Prayer Issurely a form of magic; it Is the residual belief of a primitive mind that one can lnfluence the deity who controls nature and one' s destiny.N (ThisIs the funny part), He refers to the EnglishScientist Sir Frances Galt on ( 1822-1911), whose study into the efficacy of prayer did not find any evidence for prayer's positive effect. In this study, Gaitan says, "It' s apparent that clergy members pray the most, yet he found that their mortality rate was no lessthan those of other professions.
A Victoryfor the Left Is a Victoryfor the People!
First, anyone who watches Scooby Doo with the careful eye of one raised on North American pop culture of the last twenty years will see that there Is some crazy shit going on In that cartoon. Man, I didn't notice It at first, but I'll share some of my Insight with you. To start, why did Fred and Daphne always go "searching" for the monster together? I think something was up with those two, I mean, they probably went back to the MysteryMachine and got it on. Did you ever notice that Fred wore a frilly scarf? I know that the cartoon was set in the post-60'S era, but Fred wasn't a member of Vanilla Fudge or the Jimi Hendrix band. Hey, I thought everything was as It seemed with Archie and Jughead until I saw Chasing Amy and heard Keven Smith's theory on why Jughead wore that crown. I don't know about anyone else, but I bet Thelma was a transvestite. She Just looked a little too much like a guy In a skirt. There was also that strange cloud of smoke that came out of the Mystery Mobile every time they stopped the van, Mon, I bet Scooby and the gang smoked a big fat one every episode and hot boxed that van. On the subject of the Mystery Moblele, why did Shaggy never get to drive the van? I Just be he was too burnt out to even try getting behind the wheel. with all those Scooby Snacks he ate. I noticed every time Shaggy, Scooby or Scrappy ate those things they got instant energy and they always wanted to keep eating afterwards, there must have been some kind of Interesting herbal ingredient In those things. The next cartoon that had obvious counterculture references was the Smurfs. The fact that those little blue cats lived in mushrooms gives It away. Gargomel and hiscat Azriel were always making some kind of potion. I bet he was a pusher for Johann and Tiny. Speaking of Gargomel, when he wore'his hat he kind of looked like a pimp, I bet he was a medieval super fly for the castle. Smurfette was the only girl Smurf, and I got the impression she was a skanky Smurf at that. She had to be pretty busy, because where did all the other Smurfscome from? I also think Papa Smurf was an alcoholic, I noticed that he 9lways had that special Smurf potion , in his mushrooom. I bet he got loaded every night and then coiled Smurfette over.
The silence of the morning was broken by the faint percussion of our racing hearts and the soft murmur of the projectors electric motor. Why the penetrating union of prong and socket
ltAND UISPIGHtlNGIM TMIWOII.D VIOlilUtMftft OlllDREN ()f Al1AGES PracticalSelfDr(ense ExcellentPhysical& Me"ta/Discipline f11rMortlnformatlonCall {OO•l)852~6508 ~4ia11dl Ideas & Assertions I
Collectively, we called for a toast. Tothe Revolution? No, Master Becker. That time has not yet come. We salute the great achievements of ancestors. WithGlassesheld high. We let forth a cry "to the Fur Trade"
Thusengaged, we planned our assault. Sparrow not only provided transportation, but served as our driver as well. Mole, clever mole, kept his sharp eyes peeled for those who would seek to subvert our aims. Adder's inexhaustible knowledge of all things subversive proved on immense bow to our fraternity, as did Rasp's direction and design. This operation, aptly named, operation S.M.U.R.F required brave souls (with whom you are now familiar) and a small selection of standard everyday items. Two buckets of chalk, approximately one hundred feet of extension cord and PilOVIN TO 11 THI IIST ··, mole's own antiquated slide projector. No ladders were necessary as inspired workers can overcome even the most formidable heights.
Afterward, secretly and with a glad heart, I overheard the queries of inquisitive minds and critical thinkers. ''Who is the Easter Bolshevik?" "For whom does his image serve?" "Who is responsible for such adolescent pranks?"
A thread of light In the vast and murky night Banishing the gloom, setting the walls ablaze with tendrils of festive colour, HIS radiance drives out darkness. Flawlesslyexecuted, we retired to the Mole's personal lodgings to seek our well deserved reword. (Inspired workers are prone to work up quite a thirst.)
How refreshing to be reminded why we're all here. In search of the elusive prize. A prize that we need not fear losing due to downsizing and neglect and subsequently we need not be Insured against Fire, Theft or Act of God.
A prize that can never be taken away. A prize that is most meaningful when shared.
wnter There are many aspects of modern culture which are not what they appear to be, and I have several theories which I'd like to let you know.
As the wild and hedonistic days of summer waxed closer, we began in earnest. A delightful plan. A tribute to past glories and glories yet to come. Action in a stagnant and stinking sea, teeming with apathy (soft& limp, grossly obscene). Perhaps I point the canvas too darkly? Perhaps snails In human form dre in no position to criticize. How many of you were seen at the final soiree? For to few. Sparrow and I brought with us outside visitors, citizens who were not even students. Eager young champions anxious to spend a few hours in these grand halls. It all began on o suggestion from said comrade, Sparrow. Reflecting on the barren concrete walls and etherized lethargy of those Who pass before them. The days passed and with bowel spilling eagerness our plans began to extend beyond the realm of thought. A stalwart band took shape. The previously mentioned Sparrow (Veteran of the Northern Campaign). Mole (devious schemer), Adder (Lean & devilishly handsome) and Rasp (Master of Logistics). Beneath the shake clad roof of our "local", our soulsstirred with poetry and song, we imbibed lightly, Don't Give In Don't Let the Alcohol Win CANADA lfiilOll'JIIIUfl '
Closely related to the Smurfs were the Snorks, those little underwaterguys. The Snorks were an obvious promotion of pot use because they hod those little tubes on their heads, and to me those tube things resembled a bong a little too closely not to have any similarities. The Snorks probably had an underwater grow operation going on In their little octopus's garden. Well, with that, I'll bring my fucked little rant on pop culture to a close, but there Is still so much left in pop culture for someone like me to look too deep into. Plus,80's metal still needs to make a comeback, so I'll see you all at the next Quiet Riot RATT concert.
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I !Keith Brandsma j I columrust
P,an of th• ProvlnGlal Aoed Safety Progrem. be convinced what they are doing is really dangerous they can be coerced into paying huge sumsof money If they are caught doing this. If the punishment really fit the crime I would pay maybe twenty bucks and be on my way without remark. Unfortunately, then I feel I have a right to ~waste" taxpayers and protest, You patsies can all wait to be screwed too. Granted, most people are out of control when they get behind the wheel of a car, and there needs to be some system that discourages this. Conveniently, this all serves the god of the economy. Criminals are supporting the government coffers. In fact. we have a program called _photo radar; that presumes guilt. the antithesis of what our system claims to support, with the sole purpose not of slowing people down. but to produce revenue. What greater god can we serve. So like a dog that has been beaten with a stick, I'm scared of both the stick and the bearer of the stick. Cops have to write tickets, It Istheir job. I should not crap on them and all their little cops in training for essentially doing their Jobs. But if they stop and think about It. by writing a ticket they are Infringing on my rights as a free, equal and rational human being. I'm actually being penalized for doing what I am good at. i am doing something without Infringing on the rights of another human being, yet I am being fined for doing so.
Finally, let me point out that the sticks are really not ones to negotiate. "I'm right you are wrong, do what I tell you, or I will forcibly coerce you because I am bigger than you. If things really get out of hand, I have a gun." I'm scared that a majority of crim. students enter the program wanting to be like these people. I guess that should not surprise me. To see how thisplays out in a bigger issue, look at the people who want to strong-arm the Cascade into not printing contrary opinions.
I've been told that if I am going to do something, I had better do it well. My father isthe best at what he does, my mother is the best at what she does, and even as they both begin to negotiate retirement, they stillloiter around their respective fountains of knowledge. Unfortunately, I have a difficult time fully grasping the finer aspects of what the pagans call "the Protestant work ethic." Yea, I can do a whole number of things in a half-ass manner, but I'm only a real specialist when it comes to one thing. Driving. I don't have a degree in mechanical engineering, or have a certificate proving I took a course, but I would venture to say I have more kilometers under my assin a number of different cars than most would expect. My experfence ranges from prodding crippled beaters down the _freeway to exploiting multivalved, turbocharged gron turismo machines to speeds that scoff the posted limits,ail with utmost control. I may even have driven your car. So, progressing to the point, I get a bit upset when a gaggle of DPUs (Donut Processing Units) tells me what I am doing is Illegal, Let me hash out how some part of the bigger story plays out. A couple of DPUs pull me over for running a stop sign. It Is simply them and me on the road, They exist because they are law enforcement officers. Look literally at the words here. Law enforcement. Theirjob is to enforce the law. Simple, right? Not really. We presume they have the choice as to how the best do that. Unfortunately, they think hiding and jumping out of bushesclutching radar guns and ticket books is the best way to do this. They do not want to expose themselves and remind people that Big Brother Is watching. They would rather jump onto the road, hoping to forever internalize the fear of God in you, and then write you a ticket, because you were doing what the rest of society has been coerced Into thinking is wrong, Rest assured the world would keep turning If they didn't leap onto the road, gesticulating like wild men. So why does the rest of society feel that those who drive well (efficiently), ought to be punished? We need a scapegoat when something goes wrong. Our cities are growing at exponential rates, but as good rational liberals we cannot possiblycreate something that is flawed, So bod drivers cause accidents, not overpopulation, dummy. Who are the bad drivers? They are the ones who exceed limits. If we set limits ortlficially low (which we do) there will be a lot of us who tend to exceed those limits. Now government has the problem of convincing people that most of us exceed limitsset for us by them. They then plunder our conscious minds with terror. We are all aware that ICBC sponsors1V spots explaining how absulutely buggered up we can get if we exceed limits, White that message is not untrue, It is the amount we are hit over the head with that is staggering, We come to belleve that exceeding limitsIn an automobile will send us on the road to becoming murderous swine, so we agree there ought to be limits, Those who don't agree are Ignorant criminals. One who drives with too much skillis penalized. Furthermore, if society can s=:g,a,
I Ideas & Assertions
Method Two: The Easy Way From Inside I prefer this method of location, not only because you can be absolutely sure that you've found your prostate, but also because it produces much more intense sensations. OK lying on your back. spread your legs, reach down and finger your asshole. Get it nice and relaxed; lube is a good idea, but not a requirement at this stage. When you're nice and relaxed and loose, gently slide your middle finger into your butt (if you have short arms. scrunching your abs and brining your knees up to your chest can help). Wiggle your finger around, and feel what the inside of you butt feels like. It should be sorta soft, not quite squishy. Now, bend your first knuckle and feel the area on the upper side of your rectum (in the direction of your nipples, not your back). It should feel significantly different than the rest of your rectum: firmer. and not as ielding. Thisisyour prostate. Now, explore a bit, figure out how big it is (it's generally the size of a small walnut). Notice the sensations produced when you probe it. As you progress, you will probably feel a tingly sort of sensation In the head of your dick. It will be much more intense than when you found it from the outside. If you're having trouble reaching from the front, try lying on your belly and reaching around from behind and using your thumb instead of your finger; against press in the direction that your nipples are pointing. Finding other people's prostates is pretty much the same, except it's a lot easier to reach someone else's than it Isyour own. However; It isimportant to communicate with your partner about how they're feeling and what they want you to do next (there is nothing more crass than an inconsiderate lover, except maybe some of the new wallpaper at Sears).Lube is also a really good Idea if you're fingering someone else: the asshole is a delicate area, and overly rough play can not only be painful, but potentially damaging.
I !Random Queer PersonJ guest columnist You may be thinking, "what the hell is my prostate and why on earth would I wanna know about it?" If you're not, (and don't exclusively practice lesbian sex) then you should be, the prostate can be a man's best friend. A few facts: (1) only guys have prostates ( sorry girls. you don't' have one. but if you're lucky. you might find someone willing to let you play with his). (2) It's the gland that produces semen (as opposed to sperm). (3) it's just inside your asshole (the cute little puckery thing behind your dick). (4) it's fun to play with (5) knowing how to use it will give you better orgasms.
Method One: Exterior Location. Thismethod isa good way to start for people who are still squeamish about having anything up their butt. Find your perineum. This is the area between the base of your scrotum and the beginning of your asshole. Most guys have a little ridge of flesh running down it: think of this as a directional arrow. Starting just behind your balls, gently press inward with your fingers. Notice how it feels. This is the part of your penis that's inside your body. Keep moving towards your asshole, pressing gently inwards as you go. When you get to be about an inch away from the anus, the sensation should change dramatically, and the texture of your body should change from sort of squishy to somewhat firmer. Pay close attention to the head of your dick. If It starts to tingle slightly, you've correctly located your prostate from the outside. If you keep massaging the area of your prostate and surroundings, you will start to feel increasingly pleasurable sensations, that' II build with your general level of arousal. Enjoy!
Now that you've found the prostate, here's some tips for playing with it. Apply gentle, constant pressure to your prostate. Notice how It feels. Try pressing harder; see how that feels. Tryjacking off and pressingon your prostate at the same time, or pressing in a rhythm. Fun, ain't it? One last trick: using only pressure on your prostate, bring yourselfoff: it is do-able. As you get closer to orgasm, you may start producing a LOT of precum. This is because your prostate produces semen. and all the stimulation it's receiving ismaking it produce more than usual, which then travels up the vas deferens and out the urethra. Note how different your climax feels when you've been stimulating your prostate. I find that my orgasms are more intense when I've been really well fingered first. Orgasm vs. Ejaculation I've noticed that itsa common myth among us guys that cumming (ejaculation) and having an orgasm are one and the same. WRONG again, my friend. Not only can you cum without having an orgasm, but you can have orgasmswithout cum ming and more than once! Exercise One: Tryjacking off really quickly ( cum as fast as you can), or when you're not really aroused yet. Notice how that feels. Now, try again, but this time get yourselfreally hot, and take your time about things. Don't rush. let the sensationsbuild and then, when you can't hold off any longer. have yourself a really good orgasm. See how different it feels from before? ExerciseTwo: Finger yourself while jacking off, really work your·prostate. pay more attention to it than to your dick (it's not the centre of the world, after all). In fact, don't touch your dick at all until you just can't hold off any longer. There now, wasn't that the best orgasm you've had in a while? Once you get really good at it, you can give yourself orgasm after orgasm through your prostate, and only cum when you feel like it. As an ddded bonus, you'll get to know what you feel just before you climax. Consequently you will be able to prolong your erections and the length of time you can have sex by slowing down until that feelside. ing has subsided a bit, and then going on again. It's great fun.
Ways to Use the Prostate During Sex with Someone Else (by no means an exhaustive list!) (l) Stroke the perineum during intercourse, applying exterior pressureto the prostate. (2) During fellatio, finger the prostate. (3) Stimulate the prostate both externally and internally. Gently squeeze it between your fingers and thumb from both the outside and the in(4) While your partner is crouched on all fours,insertyour thumb into their ass, stimulate their prostate while jacking them off. (5) While they're lying on their back finger them with one hand, while you tease their nipples with the other.
(6) Again. while they're on their back, finger them while kissing and caressing them. Don't let them touch themselves, (though if they want to play with you, that would be OK hehehe). (7) Simulate anal Intercourse by using your thumb, thrusting towards the prostate. (8) Actually have anal intercourse (always use a condom!!!) If your partner is female, Invest in a strap- on. (9) Buy a vibrating butt plug (yummy!). (10) Apply a vibrator to the perineum. (11) Usea dildo. Apply upward pressure, gently but constantly. (12) Get a vibrating dildo (yummy yummy!) (13)
So,if you're not intrigued by now (I heard all those ears perking up when I mentioned better orgasms, don't try to deny it) then you are sexually unimaginative and unworthy of having the mysteries of the prostate revealed to you First off. we need to cover how to find the prostate. It's in the same approximate area for all guys, so the directions are pretty simple. If you're a guy, I recommend finding your own first. and then moving on to locating others. Ladies. you'll have to pay closer attention to the directions, as you can't practice solo.
"But I'm straight," you protest. "so why would I wanna have anything to do with my prostate, after a/I. only queers like having things up their butts, right?" WRONG, my friend. Not only are there no intrinsically queer sexual activities, but there are no intrinsically straight sexual acts either. You don't have to be queer to " • enjoy anal sex or prostate stimulation. More things than dicks can go up bums, and probably should, more often. I know a lot of straight guys who enjoy having something, or someone, up their asses while they're having sex. But, if you want to forgo the best orgasms you'll ever have, then by all means avoid your prostate. (A word to the wise though, you should have your prostate checked annually as a precaution against prostate cancer. But if you're familiar with how your prostate feels, then you can locate any lumps sooner).
Desde ese momento iniclaba la diversion para nosotros. Ya se terminaban los preparativos y abrfan paso a nuestra aventura. Creo que es lmposible relatar las miles de pequenas e inmensas anecdotas que nos ocurrieron.
Como por
Saturday night would turn out to be a night of laughter as the group of us sat in town and talked until the late hours of the night. Sunday, also begun early. After a wrong turn. we came upon two elk battling In the street with their antlers interlocked. With a long drive ahead of us.we made good on every opportunity to stop and snap a few photos. Whether they be of the beautiful mountains and glaciers before us. the mirror reflections of Herbert Lake below us,or the Latin American guys lying topless in the softly packed snow.
Un Viaje Muy Especial a Banff !!Ariel lbancovichaj I
Elsegundo punto es aun mas obvio: de Abbotsford parti6 un grupo de viajeros y a Abbotsford regres6 un un grupo de grandes amigos unidos por la magia de la naturaleza. Se cumpli6 nuestro deseo: Este fue sin lugar a dudas. el mejor y mas grande fin de semana de nuestras vidas.
ejemplo, el tomar agua helada de un rfo formado por un glaciar, jugar en la nieve. tiritar del frfo en los nevados parajes de los lcefields, en fin son tantas anecdotas Creo que cabe destacar dos puntos muy importantes: la magnificiencia de la naturaleza. que en coda rinc6n nos mostraba su inmensa belleza. Muestra clara de lo hermoso que es nuestro planeta y lo necesarlo que es cuidarlo.
The six year old came out in all of us as we slid head first like penguins down the ice packed hill. This is what memories are made of and the day wasn't though. We ended our day back at the Lake LouiseYouth hostel and after eating a fantastic dinner here we sat under the stars solid:ty our friendships with one another while meet1ng other travelers from around the world. It was a prefect way to end a fun packed day.
I IGana! Macdonald 11 Wild animals. breathtaking scenery, a lot of laughter and memories that will last a lifetime For twelve of us that is what the weekend of October 23rd entailed. Our adrenaline pumped and our excitement was evident as we walked across the tarmac and began our climb into the plane. It was a venture out on a weekend trip to Banft and the Canadian Rockies organized through the International Education Department. We landed in Calgary Friday night where the excitement began immediately as some of us witnessed what could I have been next week's 'ER' episode. After watching a man being brought back to life, we piled into our rental van. turned the music on. and cruised into downtown Calgary. For most of us .this was our first visit to Calgary and to see it's lights was spectacular. It would be a quick look at the city before beginning our drive to Banft. We arrived at the Banft International Youth Hostel after a brief drive through the town and called it an evening knowing that we had a full day ahead of ourselves. Saturday began early as we grabbed a quick breakfast in "downtown# Banft. Our first stop was to be SulphurMountain. A gondola ride to the top exposed us to spectacular views of the town and the pristine mountains surrounding us. For those who have never visited the Rockies. the vastness of these mountains is stunning. With a light dusting of snow and the warm sun beating down. the photo opportunities were endless. After taking it all in. we moved on to the Banft Springs Hotel and then to the "hoodoos". These rock formations could have been from a science fiction movie and as such they proved an interesting conversation piece as we cautiously hiked down the mountain to the river below. This cold (and it was very cold) glacial water was a welcome relief after our trek downhill and It proved the perfect site for a picnic lunch. After dunking our heads in the cold glacial water we began our hike back to the van. With the weather being as hot as it was, we were lucky to have dunked our heads prior to making the trek back up the hillside. Our first sighting of wildlife came as we made our way back to town for free time. Our spotting of elk reminded us that we were indeed in the 'country'. After stopping tor photos we made our way into town and then continued on to Lake Louisewhere the temperature dropped slightly. After singing and dancing down the sidewalk and engaging in a snowball fight. we turned back to Banft for the rest of the evening.
The drive to the Columbia Ice fields was worth it. Our steady climb up the Athabasca Glacier led us to more spectacular photo opportun ities from the Latin American students engaging themselves In another rambunctious snowba II fight, to the Japanese students making snow angels, and of course us Canadians using the glacier as a slide. We piled back into the van and began our trip back to Lake Louise stopping at one of the most magnificent places on earth Peyote Lake. Words cannot begin to do this lake justice, but I can say this If there isa heaven, this iswhat it looks like.
Monday morning we were up before the crack of dawn. The serenity of the mountains at 6:30 in the morning was magical. Crisp air: calm water, majestic mountains and twelve great friends this is how every morning should be spent! After loading up the .van for the final time. we headed back to Banft to do a bit of souvenir shopping before moving on to Calgary. Twelve of us arrived home safely Monday night. We left as people and returned ds friends. The only disappointment about the weekend was that it had to end. This was the way to see the Rocky Mountains. If we got lost it didn't matter- it just became a new adventure.
Como todo proyecto, todo eran especulaciones: solo sabfamos que se trataba de un lugar hermososy nevado. Muchos de nosotros nunca habfamos visto nieve y esta era nuestra oportunidad.
Fueron, las dos semanas previas al viaje mas llenas de espectaci6n y preparativos. Querfamos que este fuera simple y sencillamente el mejor y mas grande fin de semana de nuestras vidas.
Primero. una comlda en casa de Jana!. despues el vuelo a Calgary desde el aeropuerto de Abbotsford.
CM Track 3 New Release SquirrelNut Zipper "Perennialfavorites" Rating75/100
Oasis"The Mosterplan\" Rating65/100 In an attempt to slow their de scent Into being known only fo their ohtlcs, Oasis offers us an al bum of Bside cuts, mostlyJustth boys fooling around. Most song on this album are worthy of lyrl cal credit but are so overshadowed by feedbac and an ov.erall lack of musicallty. Varying fro your typical whiny Britishpop to some overly an noylng punk to a remake of the Beatles' ·1 TheWalrus". The only credible songs to be toun on this attempt to keep floating are "Half Th World Away" and "The MasterplanN,whose A sld is WonderwalJ. CM Track 6 Disc You Missed
CM Track 4 Up & Coming Feedbag "Valleyof Struggle" Rating64/100
r ating 79/100 Bock to the basics of rock and roll. finally shedding all the gtom that he picked up with his rising , fame, •A Day LikeToday" Istruly his best recent album. An awesome mix of rock and ballads, this album has refreshed Bryan'sguitar talents and once again allowed hissexy,raspy voice to break through the din of that which must accompany music. Unfortunately, Bryon's new songs lock the strength and conviction that they used to have, and a lock of diversityIn style keeps him under.
U2 "Bestof 80-90" Rating100/100 Undenlably, one of the greatest bands of the last 20 y~ars, U2 chronicles their rise to fame on their newest "Best of 80-90" collection. "Best Of" follows the Irishboys through their revolutionary days qs antiwar protesters In the early' eighties, to their conquering of America With 1987's now classic 'The Joshua Tree". It's Impossible to pinpoint this album's highlights because each track Is Incredible, qnd stillstands up to todqy' s standards. Even 1987's reworked version of 'The Sweetest Thing"' sounds outstanding.
CM Track 2 New Release Shawn Mullins"Soul'sCore" Rating78/100 Famous for the pop hit • LuIla bye N, Shawn Mullins would be expected to present an album of interesting songs, however, the monotony of his slow tempo album takes away from the meaningful tone of his songs. Hismain focus Is on the poor people facing hard times and getting through those hard times which gives the album a very country feel. To his credit, most songs can be related to, and "Shimmer#Isa potential chart topper with his whole heart poured Into It.
A one hit wonder album, this disc features '"Inside Out" as their one and only. The first half shows a high degree of competence in musicality and music writing. however, the second half has absolutely nothing credible to It. Throughout the gmups attempt at lyric writing has a strong theme of graphical sexual lyrics that have no place other than as slight shock factor. However, it's easy on the ears for an alternative group and they have all the characteristics that made Green Day so likeable. CM
In the style of music from that era, SNZ follows along the styles of the lounge lizard scene. Theirtone and attitude Is more what you might find In an Addams Family jazz club, although there Is much to say for their musicality and strong voices. Having two leads. of both sexes gives this band a diversity that is not to be found among other groups. So If you're looking for a slower. groovy kinda feel with a new age twist. this would be the one for you.
SM Track 7 New Release R.E.M."UP" Rating75/100 For me •up• was one of this years disappointments. With the departure of drummer BIii Berry,R.E.M.seems to have lost some of Its' punch. Don't get me wrong, this disc does have some strong moments llke the rocking 'Lotus· and the moody ballad '"Daysleeper·, .but for the most part this album seems to be a little too,derlvottve. It Is neither as experimental as "New Adventures in Hf-Fl",nor as emotionaJ as '".Automatic For The People". "Up· Is a good record, but I expect great from RE,M. SM Eve 6 "Eve6" Ralng60/100 Track 8 New Release
Sounding a bit like Metallica with a youthful twist., this bond fails to offer any sort of hit or interesting sound bites. Cam Dixon offers a strong voice that needs to be brought out a bit more. Fortunately, the band keeps the tempo up and the sound strong, there is definitely no lack of strength In their musicality, however creativity could definitely be Improved upon. Altogether the band offers a fairly strong first album that sold out In stores. and rumor hos It that their second will-be appearing in HMV and Future Shop sometime CMsoon.
Track 5 New Release
rocket to fame and the consequences that it brings. This album sees Alanis move past the angst that led to "JLP". Looktotracks like "Are you still Madr for a "one on one" conversation with whoever she was so pissedoff at on "JLP" and "I was Hoping", a healing song that suggests moving past differences.
When I see an Adam Sandler movie. I don't expect a lot. Overall as long as I have a good laugh, I'll leave thetheatre happy."The Waterboy" however failed to accomplish even that menial task. The movie's premise is based on the life of Bobby Boucher (Adam Sandler) who Is the water boy for an ivy league college football team. Everybody hates poor old Bobby except . for his mother (played by Kathy Bates) and a trouble making girl named Vicki (Faruzia Balk). Bobby just can't seem to please anyone on his team despite ·his best intentions and devoted work ethic. so the coach fires him. Not to be beaten, Bobby becomes the water boy for the crosstown rivals.a laughing stock of a team. However, after being picked on even in this dump he loses it and tackles the quarterback with extreme force. After seeing this display of anger the coach (played by Henry Winkler) decides that Bocher as linebacker is just what this team needs. The rest of the movie is a series of follies as the lowly football team risesthrough the ranks until they reach the Burbon Bowl state championship against Bobby's former team. It's a predictable plot and of course you're not surprised by the Rating 56 I 100 ending. Maybe I've just raised m Y standards too high after comedies such as "There's Someth i n g About Mary" and "The B i g Lebo'NSl<l", b u t there's really not anything worth seeing in this film, It's your basic Hollywood crap. I don't know what the usually witty Adam Sandler was thinking when he signed on for this juvenile picture. However, saying that "The Waterboy" made over 39 million dollars at the box office in it's first weekend, which only goes to show that the witless masses will view anything. Seeing as I'm probably speaking to the witlessmassesright now, I doubt that any of you will heed my warning and skip this flick. Oh, one more thing, a personal message to Adam Sandler: if you keep making crap like this the people will stop coming to your movies. remember Pauly Shore was popular once too.
Alanis tackles issuessuch as the price of fame in "Front Row" which deals with the industry and her place in it. In "That would be Good" Alanis considerslosing it all; (fairly realistic thinking for modern rock acts). which for starslike Morrisette who ride too fast there Isalways the possibility to fall too hard. What she concludes is that it wouldn't matter if she lost her fame, her youth or her money. "Isn't It ironic" that only the successful can make such claims. itual romp through her Buddhist conve sion that relives Led Zeppelin's and the Tea Party's eastern flavours. "One" examines her new spiritual side and "Joining You". a guitar heavy track. seems to hearken back to "JLP". With "Infatuation Junkie", Morrisette manages to prove her critics wrong. She depicts a spiritual journey and creates an album of thoughtfulness and originality. It won't be as big as JLP, but it isa satisfying evolution from Canada's rock Otherqueen. great moments on this album Include "Baba", a spirWaterboy
!Soma entertainment editor As trendy as it seems to grab a sitar and become Buddhist in the music Industry these days. Alanis Morrisette has created one of the best albums of the year with "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie". Despite all the hype and hoopla surrounding the most anticipated release of the year: Alanis Morrisette took a tuned down approach to her sophomore effort. She took a year off of touring and recording and went on a spiritual quest in India. "Infatuation Junkie" is the reflection of Alanis' spiritual quest. This album speaks of her journey. pondering her future and reflecting on her past. It is a glfmpse into her skyFraserValley (604)850-8062
PART2 Many novice investorsfeel overwhelmed when trying to choose among financial instruments. A financial Instrument isa general term for stocks, bonds, and money market investments, etc. Thisarticle details how different instruments will allow investors to meet their objectives.
3) Money market investments are short-term (less than one year) financial obligations for the issuer and give investors the highest degree of safety and liquidity. money market instruments are G of C treasure bills. commercial paper, bankers' acceptance, etc, Unfortunately, to participate directly in the money market investor's need a minimum investment of $1 million. Fortunately, mutual funds enable investorsto pool their capital to participate indirectly in the money market with as little as $100. he investment tailed in my con.sider ove finans will fulfill (?.Irobjective. __ .x of Investas a investio, will weight estments based on tive importance of jectives. Note the r's riskto~enc~ i es the Q®tce of lnment tofl: • partic{Jlar objecij nstrumants are r,mked troll). (lower risknoweneturn) to (h.tghe~risk/higher return) discusses a b) smolJ-cap stocks are shares of companies with low capitalization, and are typically tn o start-up/ growth sta~J Companies In this c9teg0ry are usually just beginning to benefit from above average growth, but at the same time are quite volatile. Dividends are rarely paid by small-cap stocks, as the company reinvests em'F tng ~o grow the com• pony. Low caprtalizatlon are typlcall~ deflned gs having a tdtql companies fhat are ticularly sensitive changes iri econo conditions. The PWf0 once of these compa onds are olio manis closely tied to tMe c cal changes in the 6 n G ~:nllai"l'M• cl:les. nesshs cycle. Improving tormance when e~omy is expan · • Qeteriorating ,..,.,,,.1 you morkE~:tvalue less tfiof\ Bonds. Holdersof bol'l)~ $200.,-nillion.ExdrtlpJesof A..tJ(~enders and recelv Canaaian srn.all-capsare. egoior nterest income, Mo_ffat Comr'l\ynlcatlons, c9Ue_8fcouponpayments. Te~co COrP'•1.Bonus Re.. &nds are issued by tow 11~~,,,,,jf lf'd. edit's,is so ond isY higher sources. 1nve1p9we~oQ.M ypes of borrowers, govGuyonor, ernments and corporac) Mid-cop stocks, as the namektiplles, ore companies that hgv.~grown out of the §t~-up stage but are smofler than the large ,. tions, who want to raise capital for a variety of reasons. Investors primarily purchase bonds to fulfill their income objectives. Bondsare attractive finanthan On ario 's. c) Corporate bonds provide a lower degree of safety than both provincial and G of C bonds, as a result yields are higher. Investors considering corporate bonds must be
Investorsmust understand that no one instrument will fulfill all objectives simultaneously. As such, investors need to develop an investment mix that allo'<'s them to meet their investment objectives. The relative importance, as defined by the ipvestms ranking of the objectives, will lead to the development of an appJopriate Investment portfolio. Here are the basics: • 1. Commo".'st~c~s/shores (commonly ~alled equities) represent ownership In a cor-npar;w and give the Investor the rlght .fovote In affairs ot tht company. Generalfy, common stocks fulfill the growth objective provld1ng, t e .:_potential for grea er reitums. ocks are boughf and solo.iC!{ailyon stock markets loc,.oted In major cities thco4ghout tt)e world. -the Fisk of ownIng stocl(iies Jn"the>1platillty of tock Q'fsesj Stocks "' are more volatile than most tnv:estments mainly because the underlying value ot a stockIsdll'epjty to the performance o tlook of the company. 1n essence stock prices are largely driven by investor sentiment In the short-run, and the macroeconomics outlook in the Jong-run. Obviously, not all stocks are considered perfect substitutes as the distinct characteristics of companies vary. The following are subcategorize of common stocks: llzatlon blue chips. mponles Jn t~ls catafy e:ioinot pay en hey conf g Mid-caps ne as having a arket val~ less than 2 billion, but greater thon $2000million. Examples of Canadian mid-cap •stocks ore Paco Ito Resources Ltd., Alliance Forest Products Inc.., and Westalm Corp. d) Growth stocksare companies that experience abo'!e-average growth, and have the ability to transform their growth into greater profitability. These companies typically grow because of the develope a) Blue chips ( also known as large-caps) are shares of large. reputable c.,om~ ponies with u lo11d:.,bls1Q of profltobillty and reg'uiar dlyldeflQ.ppy~nts. Dividends,.~cie~d as the ment of break throijg technologies. Canadian~~~~ cial instruments, as they provide a regular fixed inco me payment to the holder. In addition, bonds are generally considered much safer than stocks/ equities. The risk of owning a bond lies in the consequence of the issuerdefaulting, and interest rate risks. Various bond rating services exist to provide independent assessments of the quality of bonds. Investors need to be aware that bonds with greater terms to maturity are more volatile, than those bonds with shorter terms. When bonds ate purchased and held to maturity the income cashflow and rate of return ..ore certain, ~eas.~pockholder's s. ly unknown. liststhe three mon bonds:Js.trjb , l"'.te nings to cks In this e generally le than in other categories, and provide relatively steady growth over long periods. Large capitalization stocks are typically defined as havexamples of growth stocl< are Ballard Power and Northern Telecom.
I[rrevor Bradley I I columnist part 2: "Understanding the basic financial instruments"
f) Cyclicals Qte share
a) Government of Canada bonds provide the highes quality, and as a re have the lowest yiel all bonds. Thesebon fulfill the preservati capital objective of tors, No bonds inter gre rity t bon (pric I 'o no uy ooo s rities exceegi g th~ funds are concerned about the quality of the bond issue, are not just narrowly focused on higher yields. As a rule of thumb, bond issues labeled ''junk Issue" should be closely investigated before purchasing.
Last column stressed the importance of developing investment objectives before investing. Thisarticle Is part two in a series of three that discuss the basics of investing. Part two provides the basics of various financial instruments, and how to use these instruments to achieve your objectives. For your interest, part three discusses various portfolio management approaches.
e) Income stocks are bought for their potential to nds to shareing a total market value greater than $2 billion~J~~lllil xcess Prime Canadian largecaps companies are BCE, PotashCorp., Magna, and Southam. re in a te the oreholders. Exa e o Royal Bank, Westcoast Energy Inc., Dofasco Inc,, TransAlta Corp.
Approved Council Motions, Sept. 25th
• Motio,i to transfer $700 to the SUS Scholarship End<lWment Fund
The Student Union Society is looking for an Ombudsman to function as a neutral, objective third party, serving all members of the University College as a source of information and assistance with respect to academic and other University College rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
• Motion to add two Adult Ed
1s.u.s. - Student UnionSociety
• Motion to accept an overage of $2.05 to cover the 'actual' cost of the tu."tedosordered from Premiere Agendas. Motion to accept the Nomination Form for Student is a GOOD THING since parking • problems remain frustrating (allow 20 minutes to find a spot!). Union Committees as presented.
On-line Campus
Abby Campus Wanna see Pinball machines instead of the old video games? SUS is trying to find some new locations, and some better games. Drop your suggestions off at t11e office! Gym negotiations continue including a new parking lot, which Approved Council Motions, Oct. 9th
Minimum qualifications include membership in good standing of the UCFV SUS, completion of 30 UCFV credits with a minimum gpa of 3.0, and 2 years experience in a post-secondary institution. This position requires excellent interpersonal, written and oral communication skills, knowledge of and interest in policy and procedures, sensitivity to the diverse nature of the University College community; objectivity and an understanding of neutrality and confidentiality.
Campus Highlights
Help Wanted: Ombuds Position
Duties & Qualifications Specific duties of the Ombudsman include offering insight into how UCFV functions and what procedures are available to individuals seeking redress; reviewing decisions for fairness, and consistehcy: and advising UCFV on the need to develop new or revise exfsting policies and procedures. As this position serves all UCFV campuses, willingness to travel and an Independent means of transportation are necessary Some evening work and variable hour work schedules are also anticipated.
Contract Terms: One semester term, from Jan'99 Salary: $11.96 per hour Closing Date: November27, 1998
• Motion to send a letter of support stati11gthoLthe Student Union Society recognizes the need and supports, in principle, the formation of a Gay, Lesbian and Bi-sexual group.
CHECK IT OUT!!! and student-friendly prices. If you haven't had the chance to check out this gourmet fare, tty to sample some soon!
• Motion to purchase JOO tuxedos not to e."tceed Hope Campus After UCFV pulled the funding plug on Hope last year, the partnership with FreeReign has improved services for students. Computer availability and lnternet access is still an issue.
• Motion to support Peer Advisory Network by accepting Maggie Ross' proposal to make a contact point at the Student Union office on both campuses,
Help Shape UCFV's Future! Strategic Planning Working Groups need students to participate in planning the future of UCFV. Areas include: Student Life, Program Mix, Program Delivery, Multi-Campus Stl1lcture, Community Relations, Institutional Support Services, Scholarship & Professional Development Support, and Partnerships. The working groups will be half-day workshops to discuss and choose the best recommendations for action over the next five years. Look for the blue Strategic Planning flyer for descriptions of each group and how you can get involved.
Congratulations to: Janet Gehrmann, Shawn Stetsko, Lenora Stearns, Guy McA!eer, Jason McGratton, Jennifer Allaire, Sandy Wiepert-Spie1er, Shae Jurka, Jason Young &Audrey Suchoplas Current Council Representatives President Vice President fa.1emal Jeda Boughton Paula Barry Janet ViceGehnnann President Internal Interim Director East Campus Paul Gehrmann Director of Finance Stephaine Martin Native Nations Commissioner Patricia Kelly West Reps (Abbotsford & Mission) Arts Program Shawn Stetsko Arts Program Cheryl Wiens Applied Program Geoff Park Applied Program Lenora Stems Science & Tech Alamgir Darain Science & Tech Guy McAleer Students w/ Disabilities Dave Donatelli Mission Campus Jason McGratton General Studies Jennifer Allaire General Studies Sandy Wiepert-Spieler Adult Education Audrey Suchoplas East Reps (Chilliwack, Hope & Aggasiz) Students w/ Disabilities Naomi Winterburn Hope Campus Whyles Rowan General Studies Shae Jurka General Studies Jason Young Next Council Election will take place in March of 1999, when all positions will be open for nominations.
According to a Mission student, • the high school/UCFV mix is not working,(gym, library & cafeteria Reps (one from the east campus and one from the west campus) to council Motion to approve the Childcare Expense Policy with amendments. issues), the UCFV student lounge •• is invaded by high school students, but UCFV students are forbidden Motion to approve the Student Union Emergency student Grant Policy as presented.to enter tbe ''high school" areas, or even use "their" entrance.
A lively discussion took place in the student lounge regarding the APEC protesters, with most comments against the UBC students. $550.00.
• Motion to support tJ,e FSA in The chefs continue to impress any strike decision or job action Do you think students komy what's happening on campus? Can you offer suggestions on how to get information to and from students at large? The Communication committee's purpose is to review the current communication flows and recommend improvements. It deals with communication issues between SUS and its members, '-------------------------· students with their delicious menus • Motion to send a formal letter to the FSA and negotiating table to indicate our support UCFV, other student organizations HA VE A COMPUTER and between all our campuses. lt QUESTION? is responsible for articles in U1e The Student Computing Centre Cascade and information on the (SCC) is now open to help students web site. THIS IS AN E-MAil... with their computer-related COMMITTEE that means no questions. The SCC is located in meetings, just e-mail messages sent Room D224 and is run by CIS to members for ideas & decisions. students. They have also set up an To s~t i!!yplved, ,co_nta(:t Janet online help f~ture go to Gehrmann at fvlodj6d@ucfv.bc.ca www.ucfv.bc.ca/cissa and enter the Shuttle Bus Committee chat room to talk with a student Would you like to see a shuttle who is currently working in SCC. service between campuses? It If ~ou are a CTS student and looks like UCFV students will soon would like to volunteer some ume be able to get one. Currently, Jeff ~t tbe SC~, contact Jeff J~nes. Cuvilier has a proposal in front of Jeffian@uruserve.com for detaJ.ls UCFV administration, to approve a shuttle bus service next semester on a trial basis to see if such a CONGRATULATIONS service will be used. The proposal TO CISSA! is asking for two shuttle vans to The first SUS recognized club on operate between Chilliwack and campus! CISSA (Computer Abbotsford campuses, each making Information Systems Student 5 runs per day. If the vans were Association) meets alternate full for ~ach trip (8 passengers), Thursdays @ 2 pm. Visit their the service could be offered for website at www.ucfv.bc.ca/cissa around $4 per trip. Also, for this cost, we would need to have -..-----------• volunteer drivers who would ride Wit is the l for free, but not be paid. If you are interested in helping with this committee, or becoming a \'Olunteer driver, please contact Dave Donatelli at the Student Union Office. (Local 4613) salt of conversation, not the food. W. Hazlitt J STUDENTS 4 STUDENTS DID YOU :KN'"OW........ . The SUS EVENTS CALENDAR is available for posting campus events of interest to all students. www.ucfv.bc.ca/sus
We need to hear from the students in Agassiz! Anyone who knows about what's happening on this campus,email fvlodj6d@ucfv.bc.ca
The Student Union Society invites applications including evidence of appropriate qualifications. All correspondence must be marked "Personal & Confidential" ands hould be directed to: The Student Union Society clo Tami Mclellan, University College of the Fraser Valley, 33844 King Road, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M9 (604) 864-4613 Fax: (604)853-4076
Clnvk Campus • BIRT the Student Union Society accept the Student Housing initiative. Motion to implement the Ribbon &change program at UCFV campuses, Motion to host the nex1 BCYSA meeting in November.
The smokers' war continues. Not only are smokers limited Lo which doors they can smoke in front of, • but now t11ereis a threat that if they don't stop making a mess with their cigarette butts, smoking • privileges will further decrease. Smokers are asking for a smoking "room" where they can actually be sheltered from the elements, and perhaps do a little studying while they smoke.
Agassiz Campus
Mission Campus
• Motion to transfer $6,500 to the CASCADE as per the Memorandum of Agreem£nt.
Conununication Committee
ThisChristmas. GUShopes to participate in the "adopt a family" program again. We need your help to provide a family with food, gifts. clothing. and Christmas decorations, We are collecting donations now for this year· s contribution. Any donations received will go towards our adopted family, and if we collect more than we need. Community Serviceswill donate them to another family In need. Donations such as toys, decorations and non-perishable food items for GUS's 1998adopted family can be dropped in the large box labeled GUSFOOD DRIVEat the geography lob (Dl33). Monetary donations can be delivered to Kathy Peet In the geography lob during office hours. Participating in The AdoptA-Fomlly program Is a very rewarding experience. If you are Interested in adopting a family yourself, you can reach the program at the following address:
New at the Women's Center is a multicultural. fun and educational group that is planning to meet on Fridays between 11:30 and 1:30. The group is open to all women, but especially to immigrant t.m::lll!awomen who would like to meet other women like themselves who ore new to Canada. Tea. coffee and desserts will be served. The next get together will be on Friday, November 20th.
"I.Llo..,..,en,., & Desiree Davies Christmas Bureau 2420 Montrose Avenue Abbotsford BC V2S 3S9 Tel: 859 5749 Join us in making this Christmas merry for everyone. GUS the Groundhog needs your help GUS is having a contest to find the design for our new geography logo. The Prizeis S150 if we decide to use your logo. The contest end dote IsJanuary l 5th/99. Canadian content is highly recommended. Our mascot is a groundhog (You don't' have to use it If you don't want to). Your original design can be submitted to Kathy Peet in the geography lab (Dl 33),on 8.5 by 11 inch paper and may be up to four colours. Check the GUS bulletin board for any further details.
I will not be sticking around to find out. this country is bad enough with the liberals. the liberals. the liberals. and the other party, the liberals. If Preston bec0mes the Prime Minister, I will be defecting overseas.
If you are interested In international human rights or just curious about our group, please come by the office for more Info or check out our meetings. All are welcome.
Fork It over. it's for a good cause! Christmas is an important event for most of us to think about. A lot of us are excited about Christmas. otter all, it means good food. family, and GIFTS!!! Those of us who ore privileged at Christmas tend to forget how difficult the season can be on the lessfortunate families in our communities. Christmas Is a very stressfultime for low income families. they ore faced with providing gifts for their children. and food for traditional Christmas feast. For these families, a little bit of food or a simple donation such as a toy or an article of clothing con make a world of difference. last year. GUS (Geography Undergraduates Society) donated clothing, accessories. toys, Christmas decorations. and food to a needy family. Jeanette Sawatzki. Gus· 1997 president. described the family as "extremely grateful".
Every Wednesday @ 4:30 A219
Where: City Limits Cabaret Abbotsford Bow Much: only $3.00
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE of the FRASER VALLEY .. Pride Network at UCFV presents A short film series pertaining to gay and lesbian issues
All films will be screened in the Lecture Hall, Room B101 at the Abbotsford Campus, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Admission free. Everyone welcome. 1957-03
Equality: This word means something different to everyone, although it is important to look at the notions of equality carefully to know what is being said.
Tax Relief: Do they really think that they are the only party towing this line? I think not! They all claim tax relief, tax relief, and tax relief, but who is going to receive It. I personally wont to see taxes being paid.
Tax Payment: where is the party towing this line, a line that would hold the corporations responsible for paying their deferred taxes (such as Shell Canada). If these taxes were paid our National Debt would be greatly reduced. The banks (especially the ones who feel like merging) should be paying much more than 5%in taxes, especially when their profits are so huge.
• November 18: The Celluloid Closet • November 25: Forbidden Love • December 2: Long Time Companion (in support of World Aids Day)
Reform Party - continuedfrompage4 by Christine Kokaine children. On that note, let's toughen up on those young offenders. I guess we do have zoo cages for them. Some folks want to give young offenders the same treatment as adults; however, harsher treatment will only create harsher Individuals.
Hey! The Stuc\entAssoc. now has .a phone line anc\voice m;iil to ac\clressany concerns, questions or suggestions h'om out stuclents!!! Just c.allthe college at 854--4500 .at m;iflbox number 8150. ,.._
Door Prizes, 50 /50 Draw, ', Live Band, Drink Specials NOV.19Sponsoredby: StudentUnion Society
Amnesty International Meetings
If Preston Manning was Prime Minster, (I shudder at the thought), what would Canada look like; equality for Caucasian. heterosexual. English speaking men? The "Promise Keepers" would probably form the federal cabinet. We would not bother with trials anymore. as soon as someone was accused of committing a criminal offense, they would go directly to jail for a long time. they would not pass go, and they would not collect $200. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms would be ignored. subordinating women. Aboriginal peoples. non-heterosexuals. fhose accused of committing crime, Quebecois. and non-Caucasian. Will I go to prison for being myself?
!Taresof the Lazy Marxist
The presence of the Lazy Marxist Party was of strange, but interesting circumstances. Party members hadn't given much thought to the national day of mourning for many years now, even though their parents' parents were part of most of the madness faced just one-half century ago. We had no sense of these wars that were fought, but were subject to the very same forgetfulness that can often right back to where we started: in physical conflict. Our world has convinced itselfthat ishas moved on, allowing the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month to become a freezing and shaming antique that trips us up for a minute. Soon. the trains will not stop at eleven. The surveys will reveal more good news- that we have forgotten the past injuries. and are now prepared to incur new ones. And incur new ones we will. because the same Idiots who were in charge stay in charge. Politicians do not dream about peace or war, or anything; they don't have the imagination to. All they do is read the paper, looking for
The Lazy Marxist Party had been delayed by circumstances completely within their control. and so now rode towards the city's core in a vain effort to obseNe the eleventh hour at the designated ceremony site. Our efforts were well-intentioned. but our execution of plans the night before had put us In the same old situation. And so. at elE;!ven.the Sky-train stopped at the Water-, front station; its doors remaining open an extra-minute. And we dll froze. in sheer embarrassment of our lack of respect; we were in the middle of something individual and detached. when the one minute of the year we had all agreed to remember the same thing passed by. Eleven ·o· clock, November 11th, 1998. We got stuck on the Sky-Train.
The end of the parade marked the end of the gathering, and so the crowd that had come together went its thousand different ways. We walked down Granville. which did not seem to have stopped for the minute of silence, and thus our hearts and minds were unburdened of their clouds, replaced by a will to eat Mr. Tube Steaks and to peruse the philosophy section at Duthie's. Ironic, indeed. that those who would even remember to show up, would fall back into the arms of sensualism so soon. However, I know this affliction to be relevant and true with regards to the Lazy Marxist Porty's actions: you might wonder how far away from our position you are where were you on Remembrance Day?
These men ore like the men In the post who treated citizens like so many chess pieces. Their games hove always been distinct enough for us to declare them different, but the end resuit is the same. Individuals die In a collective effort to obey problematic issues concealed beneath thih veils of honor, au• thority, and self-righteousness. How thin that vell is getting! Men that agree to fight are rarely convinced of their duties. if they have time to stop and think about the Insane drama they walked or were dragged into. and so they either ride gnawing psychological doubts out or die trying. If you must fight, you must survive, and accepting the immediate demands of the world must be the only sensations a soldier can allow his or herself to experience.
Henri Cortler-Bresson/ Magnum Photos Picasso Guernica lored and agonizing campaign on every human being alive.
confirmation of the fact that they are well-liked. They love to win, and their goal Is to be In charge no matter what the cost. They might start with a dream, but they always seem to give it up for a bigger chunk of the mosses. And we all love It because they keep assuring us that something new is happening.
I I Paul F. Becker I!
I don't pity those soldiers. I don't condone their choices either-I simply struggle to remember the whole lesson to be learned. We can not think as they did. because refusal is the best language the bastards who keep the roads built and our pockets empty-the very same group of morons who let our grandfathers murder each other-will ever understand. And right now they are sitting back with their interns. with their jokes about pepper-steak and their corporate-sponsored silence. while the everpresent and anonymous corporations conduct their well-tai-
The Lazy Marxist Party arrived at the parade scene late. but not too late. There were others. and so tradition had fetched enough to form a crowd while post-modernism left quite a few at home in their pyjamas. The ceremony itself was dispassionate and poorly executed, characteristic of a group of people whose memories were decidedly shortterm. After a generation of assaults In the form of television, the middle-class and suburbia, the participants of the parade succumbed to half-hearted reliance on tradition. Tradition has become yesterday· s tour guide, while Post-Modernism, that sense of global community that has opened everything up for communication, allowed a lot of people to sleep in on November 11th. 1998.
columnist We were well on our way into the throbbing metropolis when I finally surmised what had been gnawing away In my mind. My Lazy Marxist compatriot and I had embarked on a mission of memory, of that much I was sure. Exactly what we were to be remembering was unclear to me-it had been for the past five or six years now-and as a result I had glimpses of consciousnessthrough the constant and mind-numbing bombardment of city transit. A Sky-Trainencourages one to sit. or stand, in a room full of strangers who agree to look as stupid and unconscious as you. I am of two minds on the whole fact that others disobey this unspoken rule and decide to let the entire room know about their lives. They don't realize how obnoxious and unentertalning they are. but they are better than the ads plastered all over the place. These people are simply a new generation of civilians. born and raised with the constant hum and screech of rapid inter-urban passage. That very morning, however. was rather devoid of these types of people. and thus I was persuaded to believe that their absence held some meaning to our whole mission.
Anything else would be dangerous and destructive to the Internal wall that one must erect for suNlval.
November 18. 1998 Latin Dancing Lessons! Cat. 12-2pm
November 24th 26th, 1998 Christmas Store 1Oam 3pm tables provided to those intersted. Contact SUS or Student Activities.
January 20 February 6, 1999 UCFVTheatre presents a play by Norm Foster, The Melville Boys Chilliwack Campus theatre. For more info on show times and tickets call the UCFV Box Office 604. 795.2814 or Email: theatre@ucfv.bc.ca
Fourth Annual Directors' Theatre Festival
November 21. 1998 Fiesta 2pm ??? Carol Mammel's house in Chwk. Get a map from International Education room A292.
November 20, 1998 Fiesta Preparation make a Pinata caf 12 3pm
November 28th, 29th, 1998 Whistler Weekend! Ask Kathryn at International Education for details on Youth Hosteland car pooling. Cost $35.
A four day extravaganza, with some of the best young theatre talent in the province, featuring directors, performers and writers from UCFV and other university and college theatre programs. A tasty smorgasbord of theatrical fun and excellence! Intramural Every Monday, 8 10 pm Intramural Basketball All students, staff, & faculty may play a FREEdrop in program! Show up & play. Career Training Centre maps available at A215. Every Thursday, 8 10 pm Intramural Volleyball
All students, staff, & faculty may play a FREEdrop in program! Show up & play. Career Training Centre maps available at A215. Language Lunches at Intl. Ed. Every Monday, 12 1pm German Every Tuesday 1-2pm Japanese 12- 1pm, French Every Wednesday, 12-1 pm Spanish Every Friday, 1-3pm English Conversation Partners Meetings Harassment Prevention Advisory Committee Nov. 26, 9-11 pm Questions, call Anne Knowlan 4277/2472 2509 Pauline St. I -
November 21, 1998 2nd Annual Harvest Dance Saint Joseph Church 7th Ave., Mission, BC Tickets at door S15 single adult, $25 couple, $5 for elders and children. Dinner at 6:30, and dancing at 8:30. Music by Patty Moho for more information call 826 7447
November 23, 1990
November 18/19,1998 A Bronx Tale Theater B101 1O am -Thursday 7 pm
Readings with Deanna Ferguson & Tom Raworth theatre B101 12-1 pm
December 2/3, 1998 Big Nighttheatre B101 10 amThursday 7 pmDecember 9, 1998 Last day of classes. December 10. 1998 Environmental Poetry Readings 329621st Ave. Mission,7-9pm Admission by Donation
December 11 18, 1998 Examination Period, No Classes
March 10- 27, 1999 UCFV Theatre presentsa play by the Master, William Shakespeares, Richard Ill. Chilliwack Campus theatre. For more info on show times and tickets call the UCFVBox Office 604.795.2814 or Email: theatre@ucfv.bc.ca
April 29-May 2, 1999
All students, staff, & faculty may play a FREEdrop in program! Show up & play. Career Training Centre maps available at A215. Every Thursday, 8 10 pm Intramural Badminton
November 24th, 1998 Life Cycles a spiritual perspective The first in a seriesof four lecture/discussionsshowing how various faith traditions deal • with some of the key events in each person's life. Death and Dying 7:30 9:30 Room BlOl Abby.
November 25/26, 1998 Smoke theatre B101 10 am Thursday 7 pm November 26th, 1998 Christmas Swing Dance! lessons 6 8pm, dance 8 10pm in Cat.