UCFV. Volume 6 Issue 8
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Chris Woods
Ship of Fools profile
Love Recipes
l 4 Positions
l 4th
Junk Trap cascade@ucfv.be. ca
RoomA226 33844 King Rd. Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 7M9 854-4529 853-4076 (fax) Email: Cascade@ucfv.bc.ca
Letters Ideas & Assertions
Editorin Chief Chris Bolster ProductionEditor
Cover Design(prints avaliable)
8-Track profiles from my left shoe
Student Union Society
Junk Trap Post-It
Kevin Trowbridge Copy Editor -Bryan Miller Office Manger Sarah Conner AdvertisingSales Keith Brandsma EntertainmentEditor Shawn Martens SportsEditor· Jim McKay
Aobup.}. Keith Brandsma Chris Bolster PaftiEdgar (CUP) Pat Harris Dean Huston Lolita Cheryl Major Shawn Martens Jim McKay Aaron Otto Kevin Trowbridge Curtis Weiss
University Press The Cascade.
Sixissuesper semester, published twice per month, the Cascade comes out on Wednesdays in the fall and winter semesters. The Cascade Isa member of the Canadian University Press,a national network of 52 college and university papers. CUP opposes sexism, racism, homophobia and other oppressive prejudices. Subscriptions are $20 per year. The Cascade office is located in building A, near the Student Lounge.
Lettersto the Editor policy. Letter length should be kept under 400 words. Sadly, if letters exceed this limit they will be abruptly ended with a ..../. Letters that have been subjected to t~e uncompromising backslash will be posted in the Cascade office and the public will be able to view them during office hours. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday noon. Submissionson disk or email preferred, but paper is always good. The Cascade office IsMacintosh based, so email attachments need to be sent as text files, same holds for disk submissions. All letters must include your name and student number. The Cascade will consider publishing "anonymous" letters only if circumstances are extenuating.
Disclaimer. The opinions and values expressed in articles featured in the Cascade, are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions and values of the editorial staff or serve as a philosophy of the Cascade.
Editor In Chief
Where have all the Radicals gone? In our era of rampant neo-liberal rhetoric and continued attacks on our social safety net, our federal government is stepping up it's attack on post-secondary education. What happened to the radical student voice? The Chretien Liberals have already passed legislation preventing students with oustanding loans from declaring bankruptcy for ten years after graduation. This seems highly hypocritical as the government freely hands out millions of dollars to big businessin the form of tax waivers and government grants. Considering such industry incentives, why is the government so adamant about Joe Blow Average's twenty-five thousand dollar student loan? Where are our breaks? Thisseems a bit like a witch hunt to me. The government can not hold anything over the heads of business in Canada; they fear they have too much to lose. Canadian students, on the other hand, are a different matter. When the government's interests are hijacked by the interestsof business,and not dictated by Canadians, the lowest levels of Canadian society are hardest hit. This isjust one example of new attacks on Canadian students.
ing that institution will be eligible to receive loans. 'Credit worthiness' means that eligibility for a student loan will be based on an applicant's past credit history. According to the proposal, all applicants over the age of 22, who have in the past three years defaulted three times on a debt of $1000 or more, will be ineligible for a student loan. "Institutional designation means that certain institutions, and the students attending them will be deemed 'legitimate,' while the rest will be 'dedesignated' as illegitimate," Robert Rival commented in the T_heMarxist Leninist Weekly. How can we possibly let this happen? At stake is the right to education that belongs to every human being in modern society. We must affirm our rights to education and oppose this parasitic system that sacrifices our rights at the altar of finance capital. We have control over the direction of the government. We elect representatives that are responsible for representing our interests. Our MPs, MLAs and our local governments must listen to us. They must be accountable to those they represent. Unfortunately, our democratic society is so riddled with the malignant cancer of greed and misrepresentation, that it doesn't seem to matter when students and the public show up to voice their concerns. If they are deemed a threat to public order, or in the case of APEC, a threat to business,they are violently suppressed by the RCMP. Thismust change. We can not let Canada become hijacked by the interests of the boys on Bay and . Howe Streets. We must retain our voice. A healthy democracy can only be achieved if the members of the society have a voice in the decision making process. We must not sacrifice the well being of the most fragile members of our society, the poor, the single parent families, the students, so that the interests of the rich can be realized.
At the beginning of December, Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) organized a National Stakeholders' Working Session on Student Financial Assistance (Essentially a group of Canada's most powerful financial institutions and some government bureaucrats). This working session was held in Ottawa on December l O and l l, 1998, ironically enough on International Human Rights Day. Two changes to student financial assistance were discussed during the working session, institutional 'de-designation' and 'credit "Clearly the society as it is presently worthiness.' constituted cannot meet the needs of its members." - Robert Rival 'De-designation' means that the performance of a post-secondary institution will be evaluated based on: 1. Youth and Students Unite! default rates on the repayment of student loans; 2. employment rates With one fist raised in the air, of graduates; and, 3. completion rates of students. If an institution is C. 'de-designated,' no student attend-
Cover Design by KevinTrowbridge The Dumbfounded Cupid The creation of this image exemplifies the quick fix mentality of our society. Their concept of this instant solution istoday embraced to such an extent that self-help, relationship, and love books and videos are clearing off the shelf.
you ever parked in the lot behind King's Crossing? If you have, as a few Cascadians do, you will have noticed that there have been some recent renovations between the King's Crossing parking lot and the Kai-Tire parking lot that sits in front. You should also notice that the new restricted parking signs, notifying you that unauthorized vehicles will be towed, only apply to the King's Crossing parking lot, and not the Kai-Tire lot. So why then are we consistantly greeted in the morning by fat idiots that either own or represent King's Crossing, yelling at us to move our cars or get them towed? If you idiots over at King's Crossing had half a brain, you might see the potential of catering to us instead of turning us away. I know I won't be eating there again! And maybe you should enroll in some classes at U.C. F.V yourselves and get educated on both general manners, and how to read parking signs. M. Eyers
As a follow-up to this letter, the Cascade approached both the manager of Kai-Tire and 'the owner of King's Crossing, Paul Esposito. The manager of Kai-Tirehas no objections to students using parking spaces after hours, as long as it doesn't interfere with any Kai-Tire work space. However, as owner of the entire lot, Paul Esposito does not want want students using this space. His objection is based on the orientation of his business toward large events and gatherings. Often the Kai-Tire space is used as overflow parking for those attending functions at the King's Crossing. If students insiston parking on private property at the expense of Mr. Esposito's customers, there will be an inevitable conflict between students and large, burly, tow-truck drivers. It is the suggestion of this editor that students avoid calling these tow-truck drivers 'fat idiots. ' Despite frustration on both sides, the UCFV parking problem is not Mr. Esposito's problem. Unfortunately, increasing the availability of parking for students is also not a good option. In a time when automobile emissionsare the number one threat to our environment, we should not be trying to accommodate more drivers. It is the suggestion of this editor that the answer lies in driving your car through the front doors of the nearest Petroleum Conglomerate, parking there, and getting off your ass and walking, or taking the bus. B.
open letter from President Skip Bassford to Students, Staff and Faculty
A number of problems occurred during the recent registration period that created a bumpy start to the winter term. Many students experienced delays, frustrations, and in a few cases, serious disappointments. Staff and faculty were also faced with a number of difficult challenges. On behalf of UCFV, I would like to apologize to students who experienced this situation. I'd also like to take the opportunity to explain what happened and what we are going to do about it. At the same time we would like to thank students for their patience as we tried to sort things out. I also want to recognize the exceptional effort made by staff, especially, in Admissions and Registration, Student Services, and Financial Aid, and many faculty, in what was a difficult situation for everyone: The problems we experienced during the winter registration were the result of a number of unanticipated factors occurring unexpectedly at the same time. Sheer volume caused some of the problems. Thiswinter UCFV registered about 6000 students, which isup more than 5% over the same time last year. Prior to Christmas, some 900 students had been notified that wait listswere removed and they could now register for classes. Only about 450 took up this offer. By the time others came in to register after Christmas, many classes were filled. We have begun analyzing the reasons why many students waited until after Christmas to register and by then had been dropped from wait lists. Another cause of the problems was the implementation of a new computer software program. Thisresulted in delays and errorswhich led to some classes being over booked. Consequently some students found out that they were not enrolled in classes in which they had thought they were registered. People have asked why we changed from one computerized registration system to another. The main reason is that the new system, when it's working right, can do a lot more for students and staff. For students, when the system is fully implemented over the next 12 months or so, it will be possible to register via the internet, from home, or any computer site on campus. (In-person registration will still be offered, for those who prefer that option). As well as online registration, it will also be possible for students to look up their own records.
With the help of many staff and faculty nearly all of these immediate student problems were resolved, although many students experienced frustrating delays before a solution was found. Other students eventually ended up in the right course, but not at the best time, or they had to accept another course altogether. A real problem this winter isthat courses that have had some space in the past are completely full this year. Eventually, we were able to resolve registration problems for most students. A number of faculty members were willing to take extra students to help out. But there were some students who, despite our best efforts, we were unable to accommodate satisfactorily.
confusion in our grading designation around the meaning of an NC grade which caused confusion for some student loans. We also experienced some delays because some grades were not submitted or recorded in time to work in the new system. A review of these situations is underway and we will work to resolve it before the next registration period. Additional delays were experienced in the bookstore, created by the increase in demand as a result of higher numbers of students in classes. We have implemented a number of things such as opening at lunch in Chilliwack and adding a third cash register in Abbotsford. We are looking for other ways to minimize the lineups as much as possible.
There were also problems in the Financia I Aid area. Again these were caused by a number of factors. One of the most obvious was the pressure of sheer volume. Applications for financial aid wer.e up 40% over last year. Thisyear alone, the Financial Aid office has already handled more applications than in all of last year. There has also been an increase in the number of students requiring emergency funding until their loans arrived. There were delays at some banks in processing loans. The Ministry of Advanced Education helped us out directly by contacting some of the banks and speeding up the process.
We are both grateful for and impressed with the patience shown by the students, the flexibility shown by faculty who worked hard to find solutions to the mix-ups, and especially by the efforts and fortitude of the staff who were at the front line. In the final analysis we have been able to address most of the winter registration problems for the time being. _
The combination of a many more financial aid applications, and more full classes,created problems this year for students who had to wait to pick up documents, which was not essary in the past when volumes were much lighter.
I would like to thank everyone for their understanding and patience.
HA (Skip) Bassford
Further, we had oroblems with some
UCFV Presid nt
We have already begun to look for and implement solutions to all of these problems. We will do everything we can to try to ensure that the next registration goes much more smoothly for everyone.
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14 Love
for February This angle drastically alters the anof penetration. She can rock back and forth using his legs for support, and he can support her hips with his arms to facilitate and increase her movement., The only drawback is it provides little clitoral stimulation.
•L=l===L=o=l==it=a====::::_Jgle columnist
1. Reverse Missionary: Women, straddle your lovers torso with him lying back and find yourself in control of rhythm, penetration and your man s climax. For an extra treat lean forward so you can kiss your lover and get more clitoral stimulation. This is the best position for a woman to take on a dominatrix role and experiment with bondage (but only in a totally trusting and loving relationship of course).
8. The Chair Reversal: Relax with your lover in a recliner or on a sofa. With the woman sitting on top with her back pressed against his chest. It s up to the woman to control movement and rhythm. This is a great position to just sit and relax, watch the evening news or listen to music. It s perfect for after-play, something most don t consider.
2. Missionary Lift: Tradition with a twist. For the deepest penetration possible, the woman lifts her legs over the 9. Doggy Style Almost: shoulders of her man. The further For an easy entrance try placing a back her legs the deeper the pen-: pillow underneath her stomach etration. This may even be too shifting the angle of her hips. The deep if you re lucky enough to drawback, some men may find difhave a well endowed lover. ficulty establishing a rhythm.
3. Spoons: Lay the same direction as your partner (the man behind the woman). Although thrusting and movement is inhibited in this position, it is a fun one to try standing up.
4. Locking Legs: In a missionary position the woman raises her legs and locks them around her partner. By squeezing her thighs she can bring him closer. The only draw back is that this may rush the man to orgasm. Although not entirely romantic, it s the best for a quickie.
5. Over the Top Oral: simply lying on a bed and having a man perform oral sex on a woman is not the optimal position. The woman should straddle the mans face, facing away from his body. The woman can receive a fantastic frontal massage and rest her hands at the mans sides. If the woman is able to support herself with one arm, a treat for the man would be for her to reach back and take in a little fondling. 6. Doggy Style: With the woman on her hands and knees, the man kneels or stands. Her movement is somewhat restricted but the man has a great deal of freedom for thrusting and an opportunity for some awesome penetration. This is a great way to conclude the lovemaking session as the stimulation for the man is so fantastic that it may be difficult to prolong orgasm.
7. Rear Entry Forward Pleasure:
True joy comes when the woman leans forward as far as she can.
10. Woman on Top: The man lies on his back with his legs apart, and she straddles his torso to allow for normal penetration. The women then lies on top of him closing her thighs. This position puts pressure on the penis which adds pleasure to both men and women.
11. Upright Missionary: The best position for small awkward places i.e., Telephone booths, airplane bathrooms (welcome to the mile-high club), or shower stalls. While standing the man lifts the woman with her legs wrapping around his hips. If the woman becomes heavy she can be propped against the wall or counter.
12. 69: Excellent for a spontaneous session when a condom is scarce. Perfect for the back seat, with no messy clean up (remember mean people suck, nice people swallow).
Tantric Missionary:
Similar to the over the shoulder but with both legs over one shoulder. This is not one for women with little flexibility. This position is great for stimulating the inner wall, an area usually left untouched.
14. The Ultimate
This is not just simple sex, it s true love making. The woman assumes the top position, sitting up, and after penetration the man sits up with her. This is the closest two people can be, especially if the woman wraps her legs around his back. The best part - this is a fantastic position for long road trips, just have the man tilt the steering wheel back. ~
If a student gets a "D" in a course, they have two options. They can take 'the course over, or they can run and hide and never think about it again. This is not an enviable position. Unfortunately, this is the situation the University College faces with regard to the library (recently renamed the Peter Jones Learning Centre). In 1992, when FVC morphed into UCFV, the provincial government granted us $3.25million over five years as a "start up fund" to bring the library up to university standards. When that money ran out in 1998, UCFV was given another three year grant at $480,000 per year. This grant will run out in the 00/01 school year. Meanwhile, we have a lovely building with very few books in it. The Association of Collegiate and Research Libraries (ACRL) gave UCFV a "D" rating based on the number of students and faculty it supports. This probably doesn't come as any surprise to students who have shelled out fifty bucks for a UBC or SFUlibra'ry card, nor to those who may have noted the irony of the huge block lett~rs that read "STACKS"with an arrow pointing to the second floor. One would think that a shade under five million clams would buy a helluvalot of books. In fact the money was used for a whole host of other things that ought to have been covered by the UCFV budget, but were not. More books were bought, but in ordE\r to record and shelve them more employees were hired. These employees, though, were not hired conditionally. When the money runs out, they will still have jobs. I'm all for employment; however, when the grant money disappears, more will have to be found to cover wages. Secondly, periodicals were purchased. These are sorta like books, but are often more handy for students doing research the night before an assignment is due. However, having only a couple of years worth of journals is pointless; these subscriptions will be ongoing. Therefore, this is not just a one time expense. Again, when the money runs out, more will have to be found. There are also journals available online. Thisis pretty much the same as the above except students have to download from a computer rather than looking through the stacks and using a photocopier. Same deal on costs, they are not a one time expense.
der a quarter million. Most of this was supposed to come out of the grant money, but at the last minute UCFV management decided to absorb the total cost as part of its budget. In fairness,it must be mentioned that UCFV has also commited itself to absorbing the cost of journals. There are a number of other costs that are taken care of by the grant money, but they are pretty much nickel and dime.
much better than UCFV's. If the government chose not to continue giving a library grant to the five university-colleges in BC, they would save a cool $2.5million. Thismay be tempting considering the economic climate. When I pointed this out to President Bassford, he shifted back in his chair and responded: "I don't want to speak hypothetically."
All in all, only about 30% of the grant money was spent on books. If management had not decided to put SIRS!on its budget, the library would have only bought $36,500 worth of books this year - lessthan l 0%of what the government allocated.
When pushed, though, Skip admitted that, if the government money dried up, drastic measures would have to be taken. He vehemently refused to elaborate on the word "drastic."
New sources of revenue will be explored and current sources will be exploited, explained our leader. UCFV ran a successful fund raising campaign last year, but the majority of money was "invested" in technology that seems to be either unworkable, virusinfected, or soon obsolete. However, this is a technology driven· society, and we have to keep up. This column has dealt with this issuein the past, so I won't digress. The "Five Year Planning" session held last semester, and continuing on February 25,·emphasized how UCFVwas "student oriented." Thiscertainly isn't the case for any student who wants to see the li,braryhours extended. This is not the case for any student who needs to do some serious research. In short, UCFV is, well, budget oriented. The old administration worked with a budget, though. As one disgruntled staff member quipped:
What is more unfortunate, though, is that when I asked Skip what issueshe saw as most pressing to UCFV,the library collection was not mentioned. When prodded, Skip acknowledged that the library's collections are deficient, but added that all universitycolleges are in the same boat. Thisis not true. Okanogan University College earned a "B" by the ACRL "PJ got us a library, let's see if Skip can standards, likely because 80%of their get us some books." Don't mention the possibility of the grant went into buying books. I don't government money drying up. The think Skip was misinformed. I think he Indeed. province is a victim of federal off- just didn't want to point fingers at past loading, and their books don't look administrations. Fair enough, but the It must be said, though, that the UCFV budget supports the library. Almost all full time staff and some part-timers are paid out of a budget that allocates a bit over a million dollars to the library. Exactly l 0%of that buys books that students can actually open and read. About 80% of the funds go to wages.
GREAT SAVINGS! • ·...·. 0.
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While on the subject of computers though, a more efficient system had to be purchased. The SIRSIsystem we now use ran the school a shade un-
problem remains.
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head or what? Child pornography has got to be one of the most disgusting entities to ever curse the twentieth century, and this guy has made it legal. John Robbin Sharpe should have his balls cut off and Duncan Shaw needs a slap upside the head with the idiot stick. In case you do not know who Mr. Sharpe is, he's the pervert who won the Jan.15 ruling. Thisentire ordeal has created a snowball effect resulting in pedophiles appealing their cases all over B.C. With kiddy porn as a legal possession, producers of the stuff will find an increase in the market. We are paving
Whom It May Concern
I don't know if any of you people follow much in the way of news, but have I got a doozy for you. How about B.C.'s Supreme Court Justice Duncan Shaw, 1s he an F-n' bone
Looking for a JOB!
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the way for large scale underworld production of this smut. Despite what Bone Head, I mean, Justice Shaw thinks, Child Pornography is not "a legitimate excercise in free speech.'' Anyone who thinks it is needs to have their head examined or, preferably, ran over.
That is sick. In Montreal there is a man by the name of Jean-Paul Labaye who faces charges on keeping a common bawdy house. For those of you who don't know, a bawdy house is an'other name for a brothel. According to Mr. Labaye and several others, the so-called bawdy house is really a swingers club where membership is
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1Lm,1.,., ~'""'' 1pe1;V; !",:""
I Drive less, get a bike, walk, takeonthea
L========:::::::::::::======:::....J. bus, turn the lights off, put writer
Fel;,ruary12, 13, 14, 19 & 20, 1999
(call Phil Ger.ard a:.
A TRIP 10 ~'°~·\,
Some of us may not agree with Mr. Labaye's and his followers' ideology, but it is their own, and they are free to hold it. I see the Labaye case as a true constitutional matter. To think that a bunch of adults can be arrested and tried for having consensual sex with one another, but a dirty, perverted, demented middle-aged man can get off scot-free for possessing material that literally screams "crime against children." What a preposterous world I live in. Where is the British Colombian morality police?
. -;;\v
paid annually. The private club, Bar l'Orage, is "a place where people with the same interests can get together and have fun." Bar l'Orage has over 350 couples and l 00+ single men on its membership list. The Club's lawyer, Robert L'Haye, stated that "the court has to decide if Canadians will tolerate the idea of consenting adults having sex with more than one partner in private." Personally I feel that it is none of my damn business. The club was raided last March by Montreal morality police following an "extensive" undercover operation. Hmm, I wonder!
sweater. There's a whole list of ideas before unnecessary consumption and wasted energy empty your wallet and poison your children.
To compound the dilemma, the ozone-layer, specialized oxygen molecules that filter solar UV radiation to protect life on the surface, is being in the parking lot. I turned around and 'went home. Days like damaged whole-sale by the air-born these, I want to turn my car into a pollutants. Holes at both arctic poles bonfire in a vain effort to appease the have been monitored for over a decNorth Wind. Maybe it will lower the ade, with conclusive results showing freezing level and bring in the new ice big fucking gaps in the sky. Predicted results are large-scale melting of the age. poles, raising of global sea-levels, and unusual or extreme weather~patBut wait, on the T.V.,anotherweatherdroid is singing the "Blame it on El terns. All of these are observable phenomena. Also, Nino" line. This is otherwise known as environmental the bait-and-switch routine, further any number of unknown variables, that occur when an entire biosphere obscuring the truth. skips a few beats, are possible. Heres an enigma: Whats feeding the So, please, if you can, use the car less, El Nino cycle, why has it intensified? It's a well-known fact that carbon di- learn to loath driving. It's dangeroxide, methane, and other industrial ous, expensive, and you are always by-products are forming a blanket of on the lookout for cops. Why do we smog enveloping the only place we do it so much? 'Cause we have to have to live. This layer of fine parti- move, kids to school, mouths to feed, cles traps terrestrial heat and causes jobs to fill, rent to pay. unknown damage to the earth's ecoConsume less, buy less. Save money, system. It is called Global Warming, and it is derived from the massive live better.~ Put down the doughnut and start running. Turn off the screen burning of fossil fuels planet-wide. and talk to sornebocy in beautiful, Consumption of fossil fuels is concentrated in North American and Euro- human, flesh-tones. pean societies. So here, we can do Indulge the conscious. Trust me. something. You'll feel better in the morning. ~
larger that of the US. Thisprovides the I I --====K=e=v=i=n==H=a=r=m==a=n=====·...J. 11 members of the "euro zone" the ability to rival the USin terms of economic size and international trade volumes.
l, 1999 was more than the birth of a new year. It was the launch of Europe's new currency: the Euro. Currently valued at l. 7581 Canadian dollars per l Euro dollar, the Euro officially replaces the individual currencies of 11 European Union countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. Of the remaining 15 European Union countries, Denmark, Sweden, and the UK have decided not to join at the outset. Greece plans to join by 2001, as they do not at this time meet the entrance requirements. The expansion of the European Union is already being negotiated with formal talks between Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Estonia, and Slovania. The expansion of the EU will come; the only question is when. As the debut of the Euro sets a new direction for the countries of Europe and changes the way business isconducted, the future of Europe must be reconsidered. No longer will the US enjoy its situation as hav1ng the dominant world currency. The 11 members of the EU have created a market three-quarters the size of the US with a population that is l O per cent
Already, there has been speculation that Tony Blair, the prime minister of the UK, may be considering the replcement of the pound to further increase the size of the Euro currency area. Because the USdollar isthe dominant world currency, the Euro will provide and interesting rival which may ultimately lessen the importance of the USdollar internationally. Based on the fact that the Canadian dollar and US dollar fluctuate parallel to European currencies, the Euro's advent could lead to some decline in the value of the US and Canadian dollar. However, this remains to be seen as the Euro is still relatively new and unproved. More specifically, the strength of the Euro will depend more on the credibility of the European Central Bank and economic growth in the EU. ~
of Forestshas been "grossly negligent in its watchdog role."
Patti Edgar Martlet
The Upper Walbran Valley, an oldgrowth forest near Port Renfrew, B.C., was designated as a special management zon~ in 1995.
who has spent six years defending British Columbia's Upper Walbran Valley wants to see the company that has been logging the area and the provincial government in court. Steve Pittner has announced he would respond to a civil suit filed against him by TimberWest Forest Ltd., by launching a counter suit. The company's lawsuit, filed last November, prohibits Pittner from blockading the logging road leading into the valley, and it could make him financially responsible for TimberWest losses if he does.
Pittner says he hopes his case will end up in court so his lawyer can obtain ministry documents that he believes will prove the area is being logged without sufficient inventory requirements, in violation of the International Bio-diversity Convention. Pittner, who has been conducting an inventory in the valley since 1991 and has categorized 300 species, hopes his suit will send a message to the province. "I think this ... will make (the province) think twice about what they are doing," said Pittner.
A spokesperson from the Ministry of In his counterclaim, filed in B.C.'s Su- Forests declined comment on the from preme Court on Jan. 21, Pittner al- suits, as did representatives leges the company is "degrading the TimberWest. ~ wilderness," and he says the Ministry
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·8 -Track
Black Crowes "By YourSide" 76/100
Mercury Rev "DesertersSong's" 82/100
Mercury Rev's "Deserter's Song's" is one of the most inventive disc's of the year. Mixing mellotron's, acoustic guitars, flutes, clarinets, and piano, as well as other exotic instrumentation, Mercury Rev captures a spaced-out sound similar to l997's Radiohead disc "OK Computer." It's an album about escaping down lonely roads and long highways. This disc magically describes the solitude that so many of us face in our computer- dominated social structure. The beautiful melodies "Holes" and "Goddess On A Hiway" prove how creative this band is,and they're only getting started. If you're in for a change pick this one up.
Remember how the Black Crowes took the music world by sheer guitar force in the late 80's to early 90's? Well, after a few detours into experimental, drug-induced, phsycoromps, they're back with "By Your Side." This album starts hard from the opening track "Go Faster" and doesn't slow down. Sure, it's basically early Stones and Zepplin rip-offs, but it's stilla refreshing alternative to today's increasingly boring "alternative." Check out such rockin' tracks as "Kickin My Heart Around," "Welcome To The Goodtinies," and "Go Tell The Congregation." It's not a perfect disc, but it's different, and that at least deserves a chance.
Rancid "LifeWon't Wait" 75/l 00
Placebo "WithoutYou I'm Nothing" 71/ l 00
.ys trying to copy the punk rock sound .and is so full of promise it's disgusting. from the ?O's, Rancid is young_ enough to David Bowie named them one of hisfavorite throw us an album mixed with ska, dub, and new bands, and they reach their potential punk. Their attempts at background vocals on "Without You I'm Nothing." It's a moody on many of the tracks prove that punk rockdisc from this English glaril outfit that tackers still don't give a fuck about anything acles issues from sexuality to class disparity. tually musical. Rancid is always ready to enStandout sof)gs include the bombastic ratertain and they've always been happily mainstream with their music, dio single "Pure Morning," the melodic "Ask being popular and sending a message. Life Won't Wait carries on that For Answers," and the title track "Without You I'm Nothing." Placebo tradition fully. looks poised to be the next big thing, but only time will tell if the North American public takes a liking to them. FunLovinCriminals"100%Colombian"60/ l 00
B.eck"Mutations" 68/100
.wer twist on the singles from his last album, Mutations gave me the distinct impression of listening to a Marcy's Playground sequel. Half the songs on this album make me feel like I'm taking ballroom dancing lessons, and half remind me of line dancing. With a distinct country feel (minus the whining), Beck gives us a soft alternative kind of music, very pleasing to the-ear and great to listen to, but it's lacking characteristics that would make it a smash album.
GirlsAgainst Boys"Freakonica" 50/l 00
.stant barrage of all-too similar soft and sexy sounding rap, suitable for playing in a bass-pounding car. Fortunately, FLCentertains us with a humorous tune called l 0th street, and they have the creativity to add a few real musical instruments, such as trumpets, into their small repertoire. A warning to all: some typical lyrics here might be part of the argument parents have started against rap music in schools. All together, they're a little bit disco, a little bit Latin, and a whole-lottalovin rap. _ ,
Varsity Blues "Soundtrack" 23/l 00
.ever you see a CD labelled "Music For .ously inspired by the works of Nine Inch and Inspired by the Motion Picture" you Nails, GVSB offers us a completely generic have to be skeptical, especially when it album of alternative music, complete with comes down to a teenage football flick. computer additions, lack of vocal talent, and --Consisting of derivative punk and metal plenty of my-life-is-so-troubled lyrics. In a time bands, as well as several tracks from 'estabwhen youth are leaning towards a more posilished acts' such as Collective Soul, Fastball, tive outlook on life, and away from the deand Third Eye Blind, this album does nothpressing and violent ragging of most alternative music, GVSBgives us ing inventive. It's best moment is the l 980's hit "Hot For Teacher" from an album that just doesn't belong, and if it did, I probably wouldn't notice anyways. · Von Halen, but who cares about Van Halen anymore? It's worst moment is harder to pick out, mainly because there are so many.
Production Editor & Photographer
of my philosophies in life is that I can learn one helpful clue to understanding my own life from every person that I meet. Considering my philosophy, why not pursue the understanding of a successful artist? I have met ChrisWoods several times over the course of the last few years because of his current success in the Vancouver art scene and his longtime friendship with Dr. Rory Wallace, head of UCFV's Visual Arts Department. This friendship began more than ten years ago when Woods himself was at the University College of the Fraser Valley. At the time of his schooling, Woods "did not hold high regard for elements of the program." Today, the philosophy of the program has drastically changed to create an interdisciplinary program which allows students to find their own voice. Woods own voice, or direction, was recognized when Rory Wallace encouraged the artist to make a submission to Artropolls '90. Woods' series, called So Much LessDivine, was one of fifty chosen out of five-hundred submissions. Hiswork stood out from the masses for their technical achievements, classical references, and grandiose size. Thisattracted the attention of Diane Farris, a Vancouver curator and gallery owner. Prior to Artropolis, Woods had sent a resume and slides to her, but was dec Ii ned. About six months after Artropolis '90, Woods was acquired by the Diane FarrisGallery, which has represented him ever since. Woods' images begin on a conceptual basis. He develops sketches from Images In his mind and continues to refine them. He then gathers up his friends and heads to a chosen site to shoot photographs. Woods relates that this initial process is the most creative and enjoyable part of his work, in comparison to ~is mechanical style of painting. According to Woods: "By the time you've got the canvas on the easel ... there really aren't many decisions left to make.
Courtesy of Chris Woods
current works in progress (collages of print advertising)
It's just sort of filling in the spaces."
Woods plans to "show about a dozen drawings independently of what will When asked why he chooses the eventually show at the Diane Farris medium of painting over photogra- Gallery" because he said that "frankly phy, he replied, "I like the challenge . (his) resume needs a bit of padding .. of making things look real. That in that regard." He said, "most of my brings a sort of satisfaction." He also solo shows have been at the Diane quoted photographer David Farris Gallery." As I discussed with Hockney: Woods his hopes for future showings, Photography is just a flash, an in- he was most excited about showing stant in time and you get no these drawings at local universities (sense) of time when you look at such as SFU,UBC,or even the Univera photograph; it isvery frozen. But sity College of the Fraser Valley. As when you look at a painting, even to the future, he expresses interest in if it's done from a single photo- showing more In EasternCanada and graphic image, it's something that the United States. has linear time in it because it took the artist a certain amount of time After this lengthy interview discussing to do it rather than an instant. You his past work, influences, current concan only look at a photograph so cepts, and future hopes, I still did not long before your eye tends to have a full grasp on the level on wander and lose interest, but a which Woods is trying to make compainting seems to keep your eye ment. Hispaintings can be taken as going because you know there's humorous and light-hearted, while an element of creativity in it. the imagery he usescontains obvious bias and cynicism. Hisreaction to my It seems that Woods misses the ele- uncertainties was very down to earth. ment of spontaneity in the recent He said, "my intention is not to be a development of hisworks. In the past social realist.... I like to think that I'm the one element he enjoyed the most as neutral as possible." I questioned was just getting an idea and having this claim of neutrality. Woods gave his friends showing up wearing what- me an example of how he feels that ever they wanted. They would then he has achieved objectivity. If the sneak into such places like Save-On- viewer doesn't "believe in advertising Foods to shoot images like Cola Wars. they'll see my images as anti-adverHe described to me how "with tising. Other people that are in the McTopia there was a lot lesssponta- industry (may believe that it is pro neity in terms of costuming, and set- advertising.)" For example, " I had a ting, and posing and such." piece bought by the people at Subway. They thought ... that I was highWoods felt that hislast show, Mc Topia, lighting Subway and it was all rah, rah, was "the pinnacle of (his) fast food rah." period" and that he has now "(moved) into the world of I believe that the reasoning for hisnext tackling ....the realm of advertising." body of work stems from his stateWoods has been looking at ad cam- ment: paigns from the Gap and Tommy Hilfiger. Print ads have become his primary interest over the last few "My experiences in life are months. that generally things are Commenting on his current work he said "a lot of the ideas I was coming up with for finished paintings ....ended up not having a lot of people in them and ....that might be too much of a radical departure for me." He has decided to pursue a series of drawings and sketches from readily available magazine publications. These drawings seem to be an art-for- art's-sake approach for the artist. Woods explained how as a young artist drawing was his chosen medium. He feels that drawing is "where (he found his) sea legs," as it were, to become an artist.
neither black nor white.,, "Advertising certainly serves valuable functions, but In some ways it does not. I guess it's that old adage of moderation is the key, and advertising goes over the top." In his upcoming body of work, Woods plans to explore many aspects of advertising, again desiring to become a "general practitioner," unlike the specialist work of Mc Topia. Upon exhaustion of the general
Courtesy of Chris Woods
theme of advertising, he plans to tighten his focus even more, possibly billboards, television or magazine ads. As we looked through hissketchbook, I was able to view his ideas in progress. Some of these future concepts Included further use of carpentry,· installation, and multimedia to create virtual billboards and six-foot fold out magazine ads. One current drawing, which he was,working on at the time of the interview, was a collage of eight different Gap ads. I questioned whether he felt that working from magazine ads was impersonal. He agreed and said, 'Tm sort of cheating myself because I'm cutting out so many steps that I enjoy working with and I like to work with the people I know. I think that's an element that gives my painting a little bit more of an original take on things." When I first walked into Woods' studio I saw a painting of four characters in the Millennium Falcon, but it wasn't until the end that I was able to ask him who his favourite Star Wars character was. Thisis a question that I ask as the conclusion to every one of my interviews. It was a hard question for him to answer because he said that he was and stillisa Star Wars fanatic, but he eventually chose Hoh Solo as his childhood favourite. Woods created this painting as an album cover for a local band called Darkest of the Hillside Thickets for the album, Cthulu Strikes Back. The four band members were superimposed as the crew of the Millennium Falcon. The cover art was featured in Star WarsInsiderMagazine, voted the third best Star Wars influenced album cover by the editors of the magazine. Of all the achievements he's had over the years, being featured in Adbusters and Saturday Night Magazine, Woods said that he was most exited about being a part of Star Wars history.
Courtesy of Chris Woods
album cover for Cthulu Strikes Back
Arts& Ent,
Arts & Entertainment Editor
discussing this movie with a friend I came to a conclusion about what "The Thin Red Line" is trying to say. Thismovie comes down to a simple image where director Terrence Malick focuses the camera on a small injured bird after one of many incredible battle scenes. It's this kind of attention to detail that really brings home Malick's perspective on war. The devastation of war affects much more than the self-centered human population. This film examines the confusion war brings and how even the strongest spirit can be disillusioned or crushed in the chaos that accompanies the task of man killing man.
isdepictingtheoftenunclearmotives of ir,idividual soldiers caught up in the impersonal atrocities of war. Thisfilm centers on five main characters to "The Thin Red Line" is a movie based explore the different motives and inon a story by acclaimed author spirations in just one platoon. Firstis James Jones about the American in- Lieutenant Colonel Tall (Nick Nolte), vasion of the Japanese occupied is- a man who has once-too-often been land of Guadalcanal during W.W.11. passed over for promotion and sees Unlike Speilberg 's brilliant, yet severely this mission to capture Guadalcanal polished, "Saving Private Ryan," as his last shot at military glory. He Malick's " Thin Red Line" is at times will stop at nothing to accomplish his confusing and difficult to compretask even though he knows that he hend, but that's not a bad thing. With might be sending 'his men on a suithis visual interpretation of war, Malick cide mission. Playing his polar oppo-
One of these men is Priv~te Witt ( Canadian Jim Caviezal), an idealistic young trouble-maker always on the brink of court marshal because of a tendency to follow his own rules in an environment which shunsthinking. Finally, Ben Chaplin plays Private Bell, a man lost in the memories of a young wife he left back home when he came to fight the brutality of the Axispowers. He provides the film's most emotional moment when he discovers that his love has left him for another military officer. Bell has nothing left to fight for (or survive for?) so he gives up his life for the brigade. site is Capt. James Staros (Elias "TheThinRedline"isnotyourtypical Koteas), a man who doesn't seem to movie. It explores themes that "Prifit as a leader of an offensive brigade vote Ryan" could only dream of and because the human within him can- shows war to be the de-humanizing not stand to see the death of one of trauma that it most definitely is. I prehis soldiers no matter what the ac- diet that it won't do very well at the complishment. Sean Penn, the De box office, despite it's critical acNiro of our generation, stars as First claim, because it doesn't have the Sgt. Walsh, a despicable man who easy plot that the average movie has become resigned with the notion audiences expects. If you're going that life has no meaning. He man- to see this movie, I suggest that you ages to get through his battles, both arrive expecting to think as you personal and militaristic, by robbing watch. If you'can do this, the experithe spark from anyone who has not ence will be worth your time. ~ yet become as disillusioned as he.
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Justask for Shawnor Vikas
UCFV art gallery re-opened for the Winter semester last week with an exhibition by students in the first year painting class. Contrary to what one might expect, there wasn't a painting in sight. Instead, the class had come together to spontaneously create a show from 'found' materials. Through a process of agreement and disagreement, trial and error followed by some fine-tuning, they did just that. The end result was a show with a carnival atmosphere and sense of fun that lured prospective viewers in from the hallway. The gallery was divided in half, with gaily coloured lights and banners on one side and predominately black and white works on the other. The clear, multi-coloured lights mounted on one wall lent a festive feeling to the space. The scene was reinforced with bright banners hung to form an arbour and then released to cascade to the floor in sumptuous abundance. The color /light contrast was emphasized with the addition of a set of lights on the opposite wall which remained unplugged - an effective play on dark and light. The dark/light idea
was enlarged upon through several works dealing with shadows and shadow-making. Creative metalwork had been placed over several lightbulbs, positioned at various angles, which cast shadows encouraging viewers to free associate. Shapes were formed directly on the white walls with odds and ends of black materials. Works included: a large effective fan shape, a hobby horse head, a hanging with hints of skeletal ribs, and humorous vignette of a nuclear family complete with a colourfully contrasting embryo. The artwork wasn't confined to the walls and open spaces, but works extended from the ceiling as well; random stripsof black fabric hung the length of the gallery. These forms drew visitors to a tangle of red string in the rear of the gallery. The colours converged on the floor, along with blocks of wood, to create an ersatz bonfire. I stumbled upon an exquisite creation of wire and wood near the front of the room, dwarfed as it was by some of the larger pieces. The soft, undulating form of the natural wood in it's gentle shades of beige and brown contrasted sharply with the hardedged rigidity of the steely-silver metal - one of my favourite pieces of the show.
Nutmeg mixed with honey and a halfboiled, egg will prolong the duration of sex if taken an hour before intercourse.
Poached Pears with Ruby Red Raspberry Sauce 2 medium, ripe Bose Pears 1/2 lemon 2 teaspoons sugar l l /2 cups fresh raspberries (reserve l 0 raspberries for garnish) l /3 cup confectioners sugar l tablespoon black currant flavor or orange flavor liqueur mint sprigs for garnish
Increase the size of your penis by preparing a powder out of pepper, lavender, glanga, and musk, mix it with honey and preserved ginger, and rub vigorously. Add a bit of vanilla essence to your bath to produce a mildly arousing effect. To increase sensation on the penis, masticate a mixture of ginger, cinnamon, pyrethrum, and cubebs just before coitus, then moisten penis with saliva before penetration. (be sure to spit out mixture)
Aphrodisiac (seduces 2)
Cajun Shrimp l teaspoon paprika l /2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves l /4 teaspoon salt l /4 teaspoon ground red pepper l /8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 teaspoons olive oil l garlic clove, crushed with side of chef's knife 12 extra large shrimp {about l /2 pound), shelled and de-veined, with tail left on
Rice Pilaf l cup chicken or vegetable broth l /2 cup regular long-grain rice l / 4 cup diced celery l /4 cup diced green pepper l small green onion, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves
In blender at high speed, puree raspberries. Sift confectioners sugar through coarse sieve into small bowl. Pressraspberry puree through same sieve into same bowl to remove seeds. Discard seeds. Stirliqueur into raspberry mixture. To serve, spoon raspberry sauce over poached pears. Garnish with mint sprigs and reserved raspberries.
With apple corer or small knife, remove cores from blossom end (bottom) of pears. Peel pears almost to top but do not remove stems. Rub pears with lemon half, sprinkle with sugar. In glass pie plate, arrange pears lying down with stems toward center; add 2 tablespoons water. Cook, uncovered, in microwave oven on High 5 to 6 minutes, until tender, turning pears over halfway through cooking. Transfer pears, stem ends up, to 2 dessert plates; set aside until ready to serve.
In a cup, combine paprika, thyme, salt, red pepper, and nutmeg.
In non-stick, l 0 inch skillet heat olive oil over medium-high heat until hot. In a 2-quart saucepan, heat broth, Add garlic; cook forl minute. Discard rice, celery, green peppe(and green garlic. Add spice mixture and cook onion to boiling over high heat. Re- for 30 seconds, stirring constantly. duce heat to low; cover and simmer Add shrimp, stirring to coat evenly 18 to 20 minutes, until all liquid is ab- with spices, and cook 2 to 3 minutes, sorbed and rice istender. Stir in pars- until shrimp turn opaque throughout, ley just before serving. stirring frequently.
45844 YALE RD1 CHILUWACK, B.C. INf'D: (604) 795-4734 TELEPHONE.:t604) 795-3334 FAX LINE: (604) 795-2377
Coming Events for February Sunday
8 SOUY WE'il
11 The Original KARAOKE
The Original LOONIE PWLYSER Cheap .BEER HIGHT Wednesday Slll«l'U~
Thursday, February 25, 1999
Check oatour 46 Weeks Until the Hew ' IWUOMf MILLENIUH fflNDRAISEIS
OUrVel'$lon ofU\1
Wednesday ~s~
The Original LOONIE PWLYSER Cheap 22
LOONIE PWlYSfRCheap SEER Nl611T Wednesday 15
4 5 6 3 LocalTop40Band Che<k oaf our 47 Weeks The Original Until the Mew IWESOlll MllLENIUM Cheap NIGHT Vlednesday ~flNDRAISEIS
Cht<k outour 45 Weeks Until the New iWfSOMf MILLENIUM UINDRAISBS 26
LocalTop40 Band
INTHE HOUSE Thursday, February 4, 1999
OurVersionof the
oatour 44 Weeks JIM ROSE Cht<k Until the New iWfSOMf CIRCUS MILLENIUH
Cash Prizestor all the winnersI t ! t "
11. 1999
Thursday. February 18, 1999
• - Shareef Abdur Rahim has signed a 6yr., $71 million contract with the Vancouver Grizzlies just days after G. Mike Biby, G. Felipe Lopez, and C/F. Cherokee Parks signed 3 yr. contracts. Vancouver Canucks sent R.W. Pavel Bure, D. Bret Hedican, and D. Brad Ference to the Florida Pan- Reef as Grizzly thers for D. Ed Jovanoski, C. Dave Gagner, F. Mike Brown, and G. Kevin Weekes. Draft picks were also swapped. - Vancouver G.M. Brian B~rke has fired co·ach Mike Keenan and replaced him with ex- Colorado Avalanche coach M a r c Crawford.
- NHL All-Star Game: North American All Stars won 8 -6 over the World All Stars
Marc Crawford first game as Canucks • coach
sports co-editor
weeks ago, NBA commissioner David Stern reinstated point guard, Latrell Sprewell. Shortly after, Sprewell signed a contract with the New York Knicks. Stern suspended the point guard after Sprewell strangled his coach, P.J. Carlesimo. Sprewell was consequently released by the Golden State Warriors and suspended for the remainder of the 97/98 season. Thisincident raised the question of whether or not athletes should be banned from their sports for criminal actions. If this had transpired in a business office this person would have been fired immediately and criminal action would have been taken. There are those that feel Sprewell should have been banned from basketball for life. I, for one, disagree. If an NBA team wants to hire a player who tried to strangle his coach or even has a criminal record then so be it. They should not have to be concerned with whether or not the athlete will be a poor influence on young fans. The NBA has justed ended a lockout
Mens National CCAA Basketball Rankings l . Langara Falcons (BC) 2. Dawson Blues (QC) 3. Sheridan Bruins(ON) 4. Humber Hawks (ON) 5. Montmorency Nomades (QC) 6. Algonquin Thunder (ON)
threatened to cancel this I that year's season. Thiswas a lockout that was based on money. It was a business decision for the owners to lock the players out. If it is allowable for the owners to let the fans suffer by postponing the season, then why wouldn't those same owners want the best possible players on their squad no matter who they've strangled or what crimes they have committed. The arguement made is that someone who would choke his coach cannot be a good role model for kids. Professional athletes need not be responsible for educating today's youth. It is the parents and teachers that have the greatest effect on children's lives. Society forces ahtletes into these situations and expects them to live up to our moral standards. We overlook it when they do, and disapprove when they don't. It is the responsibility of parents and teachers, not the athletes, to ensure today's youth is able to distinguish between right and wrong. These are people who have the greatest influence on the kids and the way they conduct themselves. Bottom line, let the parents and teachers educate the kids and let the athletes play the game.
LookTwice. It'sZamboni Season.
7. Fraser Valley Cascades (BC)
8. Grant MacEwan Griffins (AB) 9. Mount St. Vincint Mystics (AC) l 0. SAITTrojans (AB) (week 7, January 26, 1999)
* UCFV CASCADESare ranked 2nd from week 7 in the CCAA
Thisspoof ad created by Kevin Trowbridge and the rest of the Cascade crew is a play on the original Motorcycle season ICBC Road Sense ad. It was sent to be printed in our February issue. At the time it was snowing and we were laughing at any idiot who would even consider riding in this season.
l iI
w1ce. It'sMotorcycle Season.
the future goalie. Mike Brown is a local boy from North Vancouver who is a 6 4", 210 lbs. winger who sports co-editor Burke feels may be the next Bob The answer in my opinion is no, Probert (let s just wait and see on but I m not Brian Burke and I don t that). The player who will make know what the offers were. Burke the difference between this being initially wanted to trade with the a boom-or-bust deal is center Dave New York Rangers, but his asking Gagner. Gagner will be 3 5 this year highly anticipated trade of price was too much. He wanted and is not the player he once was. the hockey superstar known as the Hopefully, he will surprise us. right winger Nicklas Sundstrom, Russian Rocket, Pavel Bure, has who has yet to live up to his exfinally been completed. The pectations, goaltender Dan With Mark Messier being 38, I feel sweepstakes came to an end on Cloutier, a first round pick, money, that the Canucks should have Thursday, January 14th, when and highly rated prospect Manny traded for the present, not for the Brian Burke quit accepting phone Maholtra. Maholtra is the reason future. Brian Burke felt otherwise. calls from hockey organizations. why the deal didn t happen. The The #1 reason why I disagree with This became known to the public when Neil Smith, general manager Rangers would not part with him. the deal is that it did not address of the New York Rangers, anAs you may see, this deal would the Canucks #1 concern. We need nounced his disgust at the fact that · have been for the future, just like a top young center who can fill our Brian Burke would not return his the deal that took place with the #1 or #2 line. If not a center, we at least need a top goalie for right phone calls. Nonetheless, Brian Pavel Bure as a Florida Panther Panthers. now, not for the future. A great Burke had his reasons. prospect/ future goalie Kevin Weekes. Leaving the Canucks for The bright part of the trade is aspect of this trade is that it now The trade was announced on Sun- the warm, sunny state of Florida 1994 s #1 overall pick, Ed gives Vancouver two top lines (if day, January 17th and revealed are right winder Pavel Bure and Jovanovski, who is a excellent hard healthy) and great starting four I feel that Burke still the Florida Panthers as having ac- def enc em en Bret Hedi can. This hitting, in your face, 2 2 year old defense. needs to make one more trade to quired the disgruntled Vancouver was a long awaited trade that defencemen. Already having Canucks right winger. The deal didn t happen until three months Ohlund, McCabe and Aucoin, this prevent the Canucks from falling went like this: coming to the Van- into the season. For what the makes for a fearsome starting four. completely out of the playoff piccouver Canucks is defencemen Ed Canucks received, this deal should Goal tender Kevin Weekes is hav- ture. Jovanovski, center Dave Gagner, have happened three months ago. ing an excellent year in the IHL, prospect forward Mike Brown, and I feel that Brian Burke realized he and Brian Burke is touting him as
•L=I ==::::::::J::::i=m==M==c=K=a=y======'......J
had to make the trade, and simply
panicked. one?
Was this deal the right
SkateboardSnowboardStreet Wear & Q,ualityRecycledStuff Buy * Sell* Trade * Consign* I
sports co-editor
If PGA Tour Player David Duval has ever wondered what it would be like to pitch a perfect game, his days of wondering are over. On Sunday, January 24 Duval woke up, went out, and made history by firing a final round 59 to come from behind and win the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic in Palm Desert, California. Duval, who was last years leading money winner and PGA Tour Player of the Year, has continued his sold play from last year by winning the first two event of the young '99 season. In the last year, Duval has won more money, more tournaments, and has more top l O finishes than any other player in. the world. Duvals 59 ties the record for the lowest score in PGA Tour history. The only other two players who have accomplished this feat are Al Geiberger and Chip Beck. Thisachievement ranks up there with some of the most unforgettable performances in sporting history. Like goalie Ron Tugnutt stopping 60 shots, Jordan scoring 63 points in a playoff game, and Yankees pitcher David Wells throwing a perfect game. These are just a few of some of the greatest moments in professional sports. And to David Duval congratulations on making sports history. ~
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S.U.S - Student Union Soci~ty
Emergency Student Grants: This program helps students in financial crisis and has been running successfully for four years; about 120 students have been awarded grants from the Student Union Society. This program is funded partly from student membership fees and partly from provincial grant. Scholarships: The Student Union offers one continuing student award and one high school award each year in June. For these, and other UCFV scholarships, apply before the first week of May in Financial Aid. Student Handbook: This daily planner/reference guide has been offered free to all students by the SUS for years & years & years (well at least 5). If you haven't picked up yours, we have precious few left in the SUS office. Forums: To date we have organized the APEC forum and several forums involving Aboriginal issues. Upcoming forums will include Human Rights Peer Advisory information and an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder forum. If anyone has an idea for a student forum contact the Student Union and we will 'do what we can to help you set it up. Funraising: This year we have been holding fundraisers the third Thursday of every month at City Limits Cabaret to raise money for a variety of things including: Food Bank, Emergency Student Grants, Scholarships as well as to provide services for students. We also support recycling of cans, printer ribbons and cartridges (bring yours in to get a refill at half the cost of a new cartridge!) Clubs Kit: Funding for clubs on campus has been available through the Student Union for 4 years. However, this year we have put together a Clubs Kit so that clubs on campus can receive additional funding and resources as well as play a greater role in the UCFV commu-
Feb 18th
nity. Download the kit from the SUS website at ucfv.bc.ca/sus or you can pick up a copy in the SUS office (we change $5 to cover printing costs). Clubs Room: The Student Union offers the Clubs Room (next to the roadrunner cafe) to students and clubs on campus; we are currently working towards obtaining more space for students at UCFV. You can book time for the Clubs room in the SUS office. Food Bank Referral Service: In partnership with Student Events, SUS has set up a service for students in need to register for Abbotsford Community Services Food bank; applications are available at the Student Union. Angel Tree: This program offers students in need the ability to put something under the tree · for their children at Christmas. The SUS also works with Student Events in organizing this program on campus at Christmas. Human Rights Peer Advisor Program: Advisors offer individuals a supportive and non-judgmental climate in which to voice their concerns and will assist them in discussing possible options for resolving those concerns. This is a new initiative by the Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Officer (Maggie Ross).
Support Cascade Autonomy SUS is a contact point for students who need to utilize this service. Cascade The Cascade originated as a newsletter sent out by the Student Un.ton·.some time around the 1800' s and has evolved into what it is today. We continue to fund the Cascade but are working towards it's autonomy. Potentially some time in the next year, and with your support, the Cascade will be the autonomous body that it should. BCYSA: (British Columbia Yukon Student Association)
The Student Union at UCFV as well as Kwantlen, VCC City Centre and Douglas College began this Student Association in 1996 to provide a voice that represented the smaller community colleges as opposed to other bigger organizations that only represent the interests of larger Universities. The Student Union has been working hard to make things happen for the students at UCFV. Here are some of the latest initiatives: Ombudsmun: SUS has been working on having an Ombudsmun at UCFV for three years and this semester it will become a reality. Hiring is taking place on Friday January 29th and the successful applicant will be available for service shortly thereafter. Contact the SUS for a schedule. The Ombudsmun is responsible for auditing the policies at UCFV and ensuring that they are fair and equitable. Gym (AKA Student Activity Centre): The gym has been a longtime dream for both the students and the staff at UCFV, and it is finally going to happen! Hurray! The gym will be a place for sports, meetings, in tramura1s, arama ana noperuuy much much more! Photocopy Service: Anyone who has had the pleasure of loosing their hard earned money to the photocopy machine in the Roadrunner cafe or the library may be interested in l
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Internet Access: Through a deal with Quik-Internet, UCFV students can get online quick and easy and at excellent rates. In the workings: Students often come to the Student Union Office with suggestions on how to improye life on campus. Some of these suggestions include: increased library and computer lab hours, a better book buy back program (you know, one that is fair to the students), a pub on campus, a campus radio station and student resi dences. Although it may seem like your requests go unanswered we do take what students have to say very seriously. However, some of these initiatives take time and money to develop. So don't get discouraged and don't hesitate to approach the SUS with any ideas and questions that you may have. We do take all concerns to the Board and Management level, and to over 48 different committees, so rest assured that you are being heard.
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Student Resources - Got a question? We can help you find your way if you are lost, send and receive faxes for you, direct you to the proper services and people, provide information on the shuttle bus service between Abbotsford and Chilliwack, answer obscure questions, fight with student services and registration, liason with the UCFV administration and management ... we can help you with just about anything!
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Make YourStudent Union Work ForYou!
night I had the rare and strangely creeped-out experience of listening to some spoken-word material of William S. Burroughs. He spoke to me from the grave in his grey, bare voice of the problem of the purely propagandist facets of the ongoing 'war on drugs'. Although Burroughs was referring specifically to the American version of what he called the If you are a fairly integrated human "hopped up crisis destroying the being who has grown up in Canada good (white, middle class citizen's) with your eyes and mind open, and if way of life." It was easy to assimilate you did not simply swallow what has his views with my, Canadian, point of been spoon-fed, questions should've view. appeared to you about the use of drugs. If you smoked a joint in your In Burroughs' fiction we see images teens and found that (contrary to the of addiction that are powerful drug 'education' you were given in enough to cause even the straight- high school) you did not spontaneest person to shiver in their adopted ously become a drooling, brain-dead and faulty belief systems. For those moron, then the question of what else of us who have experienced the your parents/teachers/priests/rabbis/ symptoms of heroin withdrawal first- politicians/police/televisions have hand, not just through the pages of been lying to you about might arise. some shit-eating criminology text, the If you dropped a tab of acid and did reading of Burroughs' repeated re- not instantly become a mental health lapses into addiction stinksof the car- consumer, surelydoubt of the motives bolic soap of truth. That's the beauty of the state must've bubbled to the to be found in Burroughs' filthy, ugly surface. If you began to suspect that passages. Burroughs speaks the truth the lies you have been told were told about dope. It is a truth that is never in order to keep you away from (apspoken of in our schools where, as lit- parently harmless) drugs, then you tle children, we are taught not to think might question why you've been told and to, 'just say no.' to abstain. The answer might arise,
that a truth dangerous to the state lies the bio-logic in which we can be hidden in the drug experience. snared, but they are the ones who reset the trap after each lonely, So, if you were hungry to taste such a anonymous, Hastings Street overtruth you might have moved on to dose. ~ other drugs in search of it. Here you have found the trap. The trap is laid Summer Camp JobM for each and every individual who U.S.A. questions the state's stance on drugs. It's a trap tripped by the intrepid revoArranged lutionary. The trap, once sprung, denies its own existence. It is a deadly Lakeside Residential trap and it has a name: addiction.
in the Visas
A theme one often comes across in Burroughs' work ishis idea of the "biologic trap." This is the tdea that "homosap" is a biologically flawed species. One symptom of this flawed state is our ability to become addicted. The term here refers not just to opiates and their synthetic counter-parts, but it also refers to the huge assortment of substances, activities and patterns of thought that as humans we become habituated to. We, as a population, are continually having this weakness used against us. Religiousleaders, big businessmoguls, and political figures rope us into behaviours destructive. These types, being human, also display this flaw. They become the "control addicts" Burroughs tells us to beware of. They control the machine that Burroughs exhorts us to smash. They brandish the images that Burroughs tells us to destroy. They are the ones that tell us that LSD leads to schizophrenia and that marijuana makes you stupid. They are not the ones who created
Girla Camp in Maine C.wlon. Combined chlld care/ teacbin1. G)Ja• nutica, tennia, awim, aailt
canoe, water eld, arte (inclu• dins atained clu•, .s&wing, jeweh-y, ~. photo), daDM, m uaic, theater, archery,
wilderness trip•, field sports. equeatrian.. V"nu available to all qua.lifted applicants. ·~~.
anee, driver, otlice, kitchen (includial' aaaist. chef). V18aBrHtricted to etudenta enrolled in ,1niversUy £or fall w. .Non-amoken. June 19 to Aua 26. Send remuae• (C.V.): Kippewa,Bos.MO.Weatwood, Mu1achuetta 02090-0840 U.S.A.; ltippewa@tiae.net; voice (781) 762-8291; fax (781) 255-7167.
en1ndoorsto education
ear romyou! Never has access to post-secondary education been more important to you and to the future of British Columbia. Over the past few years, the provincial government has taken a number of steps to open the doors to our colleges and universities. We have come a tong
way.but there is more
to be done.
Students across the province are being invited to take part in the first-ever province wide survey on access to post-secondary education. The survey gives you a unique opportunity to have direct input on what measures are needed to further improve access to our colleges and universities. If you would like to participate in the
survey and have not received a form,
wew ..ant to hear fromyou!
phone toll free 1-877-BC-YOUTH.
( www.youth.gov.bc.ca)
Premier's Youth Offtce-Premier Glen Clark Ministryo,f Advanced Education. T~ining & Tec:hnology-Ml.nister Andrew Petter
Events Language Lunches at InternationalEd.
Free Movies February 10. 1999 International Students Mixed Band. Great Hall 10 p.m. Come and Listen! February 14. 1999 Tantric Sex Demonstration at the Cascade office! Come see your very own Cascade staff enact the Kama Sutra in the flesh! Must be nineteen years of age or have the written permission of a B.C. Supreme Court Judge. February 21. 1999 Ski Trip Day. Leave UCFV at 8:30 a.m. Return 6:00 p.m. $20.00 February 27 .28. 1999 Red Cross Facilitator Training. The Canadian Red Cross is offering an worshop at the end pf February for university and college students who want to learn basic facilitation skills. Facilitator Training is an interactive two-day workshop in which participants learn how youth and adult groups are organized. Contact Patty Hambler, Youth Development Coordinator, at 709.6650 or phambler@redcross.ca March 10- 27. 19?9 UCFV Theatre presents a play by William Shakespeare, Richard Ill. Chilliwack Campus theatre. For more info on show times and tickets call the UCFV Box Office 604.795.2814 or Email: theatre@ucfv.be.ca
April 29-May 2. 1999 Fourth Annual Directors' Theatre Festival A four day extravaganza, with some of the best young theatre talent in the province, featuring directors, performers and writers from UCFV and other university and college theatre programs. A tasty smorgasbord of theatrical fun and excellence!
Every Monday, 8 - 10 p.m. Intramural Basketball All students, staff, & faculty may play a FREEdrop in program! Show up & play. Career Training Centre - maps available at A215. Every Thursday, 8 - 10 p.m. Intramural Volleyball All students, staff, & faculty may play a FREEdrop in program! Show up & play. Career Training Centre - maps available at A215. Every Thursday, 8 - 10 p.m. Intramural Badminton All students, staff, & faculty may play a FREEdrop in program! Show up & play. Career Training Centre - maps available at A215.
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Every Monday. French, 12 - l p.m. Japanese 1 - 2 p.m.
Feb. 10 Eat Drink Man Woman
Every Tuesday. Spanish, 12 - l p.m. 12-1pm, French
Feb. 17 Tampopo
Every Wednesday. German, 12 - l p.m.
Mar.3 Un Chien Andalou
Every Friday. English Conversation Partners, 12 - 3 p.m.
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All interested persons are cordially invited to attend Film 120's Wednesday morning screenings. All films are in the original language with English subtitles.
Mar. 10 The Exterminating Angel
Library Classes
Mar. 17 Before the Rain
February 10. 11:30 - 12:30pm Fulltext Database Training- ABI/ INFORM (Business & management) abby
Mar. 24 Character
Mar. 31 Kolya
Veteran Pillsbury spokesman, Pop N. Fresh, died yesterday of a severe yeast infection. He was 71.
Apr. 7 Alice in the Cities
Fresh was buried in one of the largest funeral ceremonies in recent years. Dozens of celebrities turned out, including Mrs. Butterworth, The California Raisins, Hungry Jack, Betty Crocker, and The Hostess Twinkies.
Apr. 14 Lamerica
Amnesty International meetings will be held every Tuesday at 7p.m. in room A219 (next to the Roadrunner). Everyone is welcome. If you are interested in international human rights issues or just want more information about us come on by. We will be posting our office hours soon. Feel free to come in and check out our Amnesty merchandise: posters, t-shirts and more. The Amnesty International student conference will be held at UBC on February 27. We can give you more information on fees and transportation for this event - contact Shannon or Amy.
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The graveside was piled high with flours as longtime. friend Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy, describing Fresh as a man who "never knew how much he was kneaded." Fresh rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with many turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Still,even as a crusty old man, he was a roll model for millions. Freshissurvived by his second wife. They have two children and one in the oven. The funeral was held at 4:50 for about 20 minutes. Netgrave
Alleventslake placeon thtt Abbotsfotd ctunpusunless othernoted
11-1 pm
What Is Accommodation GreatHaU Anyway? lndo-Canadlan
12-1 pm Launeh event:
GREAT Mary Ustick and
Francis Xavier
ChHliwack Theatre Outln Our Communities
11-1 pm-A225
Out In Our Communities
11-1 pm-
11-1 pm - Chiliwack Theatre Fever
Daughters of ~Wind
Masaba Cultur-. Co.
VISitht display$ anday today and
1-2 pm - Room8202
2:30-3:30 pm RoomD211
Criminology student SUNey project
Human RightsAwarenessWeek February 8-12 Join us in a celebrationof human rights throughfilm, music,theatre, special guest speakers. and panel discussions.
Drop by any UCFV centre for a completescheduleof events.
1-3 pm - Roadtunner Labour Rightsfor Students with Ron Dixon
1:30-4:30- Room A225 Human Rlghta at Wont with Patrfcla Janzen 2:30-3:30- Room D211 Human Rights and the Polltlu of Food
5-9 pm
lntematlonal Film Festival
Elaine Briere
7:30-9pm8101 Civil Uberties &APEC wilh Craig Jones
Makinga Difference
GreatHall Fl,st Nation•
IIU$tc.l Showcase 1-1:30pm-
8101 Ul)al DonnJh
RoomA225 Unden.tandlng Harassment with
2:30-3:30pm -8101 Satwlnder
Ba.In• & Ken Herrar
5-7pm-8101 Eastnmor8-9pm-8101 Amnesty
The Fever
7-9pm-8101 The Delgamuukw Decision withSatsan (Herb George)
4:30pm Maincafeteria