The Cascade Wednesday, November 16th, 2011 Volume 19 Issue 29

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16, 2011

Busierthanthou PAUL ESAU

or someone in the diagram-drawing

THE CASCADE guild has been grossly misinformed, because as far as I can figure my current goals look more like this: DiagramB:

It's "that time of the semester" again, that legendary space between the exuberance of September and the euphoria of mid-December. It's that time when you're trying to balance two book reviews, an ethics presentation, and that dreaded second midterm, knowing you have to clean your kitchen, work two shifts and then fly out to Minnesota for your sister's wedding over the weekend. It's "that time of the semester" as the professors call it, and (at least for me) the temptation to hide under the blankets and pray for a velociraptor apocalypse is growing by the hour. · I am (in my rare lucid moments) aware that I don't actually desire the end of the world as I know it, and perhaps a few essay-writing marathons are preferable to becoming volociraptor chow. I could contact I know that the shape in the first the Student Association for Psychological Counseling (SAPC), but I diagram is called a triangle, but I'm frankly unsure how to classify the suspect they'd just explain to me the second. It might be a polyhedron, an importance of stress analysis, time octogenarian or some form of modmanagement, and positive thinking, ern art. There are aspects of life that and pretty soon I'd be entirely stressfree and have nothing to write or just defy easy explanation. Take the term "busy" for example. complain about. So instead I'm goDuring "this time of the semester," ing to analyze a diagram my friend everyone is always complaining recommended, in the hope that it reabout how "busy" they are, how their veals some deep, fundamental truth lives have become a constant proabout existence. gression of essential responsibilities. Diagram A: Everybody has a list of upcoming assignments the length of a short novel. In fact, some student's assignments include writing a short novel, as I've talked about in a previous article. Yet the fact is that we, as students, compare crammed schedules the way small children compare scars--with a little horror, a little pride, and a certain measure of mystified incomprehension. We can't fully compreAccording to my friend this dia- hend the frantic reality of our lives, partially because we suspect that to gram represents the life of the student, and the three goals which the understand that reality would overstudent attempts to keep in balance. whelm our capacity to weather it. Also (in my case and I suspect Most sources agree that the average student can only accomplish two others as well), there is the small, terrifying suspicion that, based of the three goals at any one time, upon the testimony of the people which I find a little disappointing. sitting around me in class, everyI mean, I don't know about you, but if I only had three major goals (one one eise is actually way busier than of which I could literally accomplish . I am. This doesn't change, no matasleep), things would be absolutely ter how many appointments I add to my schedule, or how many essays I peachy. Either the average student have due in a given week. There is has the intelligence of peanut butter

always that someone who's taking five classes AND working full time AND applying for Master's programs WHILE running a shelter for abused puppies. They smile bravely

and act gracious .about it, but their modesty is no match for my finely honed journalism skills, and so after a bit of digging I'm fairly confident their schedule looks like this: DiagramC:

knowledge that I'm pretty much one massive, slacking, under-accomplishment compared to the people sitting beside me in class. Of course, I do realize how perverse it is to both hate "that time of the semester" for its busyness and envy those who are busier than I. I also suspect that my classmates may not be as truthful as I when approximating how much time they spend on YouTube daily, and that people who sleep less than an hour a night are not capable of coherent sentences let alone frescoes. Yet I don't think I'm alone in this conflict. In fact I think a large number of students. (and other members of society) feel pressured to at least claim to be busy, if not to make themselves as busy as possible. Somehow we've established a direct connection between busyness and success, and therefore the most successful people are also the busiest and vice versa. If this can be assumed, then it portrays something disturbing about us students and our culture in general. If we have truly embraced "success" as working 16 hour days and surviving on Tim Horton's buttered ~agels, then t~e deplored "that time

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Sports Editor

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Whereas my schedule, if analyzed that closely, would include large blocks of time dedicated to things that would not help me win the "busy" war, things like annoying my cat (4:30 p.m to 5:00 p.m.), YouTube Music Videos (9-9:30 a.m., 11:15-11:32 a.m., all day Saturday), and Donut Consumption (anytime, baby). I feel deeply inadequate about this, and I've even begun prefacing statements about my schedule with disclaimers like "I know I'm not as busy as most, but ..." to openly ac-

of the semester" is actually a trial of our own self-worth. It may require the sacrifice of our bodies, our lives, even our very sanity, but it provides a profound affirmation as to our own importance in the general scheme of things. The guilty secret is that we like to "be busy," because, after all, "busy" is only a synonym for words like "competent," "efficient," and "successful." To which I, of course, reply, "Release the velociraptors!"

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Why RateMyProf is failing students Consumerreviewwebsiteignorespurposeof universityeducation MICHAEL SCOULAR THE CASCADE NICK UBELS THE CASCADE Witl) registration for the winter 2012 semester set to open today, students are once again turning to opinion aggregate site to help them decide which teachers to consider and which ones to avoid. Like other consumer review websites, RateMyProf claims to provide students with honest, insider reports on their prospective professors by averaging evaluations from anonymous users. But do these comments and arbitrary numeric values really tell a student what they need to know be.fore signing up for a class? Darren Blakeborough, a UFV Communications professqr since 2004, feels there is a widening discrepancy between the opinion of a classroom and what ends up online. "One thing I've noticed is that if people don't like an instructor, they're clearly more vocal about it," he said. Blakeborough explained that in a class of 35, it's much more likely for one of five dissatisfied students to write a negative review than for one of the 30 other ~udents who enjoyed the class to bother to write a positive one. "If you go down all the teacher lists ... and you a really high number of reviews, they're mostly negative," Blakeborough said. Despite its skewed portrait of student satisfaction, boasts over 3 million users from North American colleges and universities per month. "There's no statistical relevance to this whatsoever, yet you guys put a lot of faith in it," Blakeborough said. ' · While some users feel the site gives them free reign to be as critical or downright slanderous as they should like, many professors pay close attention to the comments on the website. "I don't put a lot of stock in them," Blakeborough said, "But having said that, I will confess that every time I go to check, I get little bit scared that maybe there's going to be something really hurtful. It's hard not to take them . personally." Some teachers are so affected by the ratings that they actually go to the trouble of adding reviews to their own profiles to correct what they see as unfair personal attacks that misrepresent their teaching style and ability. This is one of the many problems associated with anonymous reporting sites. "To tell you the truth, I've seen a lot of professors go on and do their own ratings on there," Blakeborough said. "I have seen it with my own eyes." Conversely, someone with a personal vendetta against a particular professor has all the tools at their disposal to ruin their reputation online. There are no


4.2 Blakeborough, Darren Department of Communication

· h Darren Blakeboroug . f Department ? corornuni cation

"Almost nobody takes math be- ist when he was working on his provisions in place to ensure that cause they're a math major," said undergraduate degree, but admitthe users have taken a class with ted it would have been difficult the professor or even attend the T~lvila. "[They] aren't necessarily not-to consult it. good at it, so they don't necessaruniversity. "If it did [exist at that time], I ily do that well." UFV Mathematics professor In addition, there can often be probably would have looked at Erik Talvila suggested that although the average might work a lack of perspective in the com- it, and it would have influenced some decisions I made," he said. ments. Talvia said that many out to something similar to that Many students are likely aware first-year students do not have · of an in-class teacher evaluation, that comments might come from the comments and individual rat- the experience of other university ings on RateMyProf reflect the ex- courses to assist by way of com- a place of ignorance or other tremes on either side of the spec- parison. But these knee-jerk reac- negative influence, but because trum instead of the experience of tions find permanence online. RateMyProf exists uncontested, most students. "I think if those students were students visit it. "They tend to be kind of polarto redo their evaluations after Once on the website, students ized," he said. "Students tend to three years of university, they'd can't help but be affected by put on reviews if they really like a have a very different perspecwhat they see, and this is filtered course or ·professor or really dis- tive," he said. through the arbitrary categories But Talvila pointed out that the professors are rated in: Easiness, like a course or professor." In order to help correct this, reviews on RateMyProf do have Helpfulness, Clarity, Rater Interest and, somewhat controversialTalvila indicated that he often the feature of coming unpromptasks his students to contribute a ed from students and "lets [them] ly, Hotness. Talvila remarked that "Easireview to the website. Erik Talvi- be more honest and more personness isn't what faculty strive for, al... people will make all kinds la's 37 student reviews - dating back to his fii;st semester at UFV of personal remarks that they but the students have a different in fall 2003 - average out to 3.6, wouldn't be comfortable making perspective on that." just above UFV's institutional av- otherwise." •When it comes to alternatives Blakeborough noted that this erage of 3.54. But the individual to the website, both professors ratings and comments vary wildcan also be one of the flaws of the brought up the student-teacher commenting system on the web- evaluations conducted by the unily. One user commented that site; the potential for productive versity. "What I'd like to see is the "Once you get used to his teach- feedback and useful recommening style, it's fairly easy to see dations is there, but too often, university make the classroom what he's teaching." Another students launch into personal at- evaluations publicly available. wrote, "There is no point in go- tacks or dwell on trivial matters At some universities they are," ing to his lectures unless you can like appearance instead of focus- Talvila said. look into his head and translate ing on teaching style or content. Blakeborough expressed a simwhat fie is saying into English. "It seems a lot like somebody, ilar sentiment: "I would actually He might as well teacher [sic] this you know, wanted to get out of probably advocate something like course in Chinese." an assignment or wanted a bet- that." ter mark that they probably didn't Most of the negative reviews If RateMyProf hasn't increased on Talvila's profile come from deserve," Blakeborough said, "so the thoroughness of teacher critistudents at the lower-level. UFV's they go and get all slanderous of cism, it can at least be. said to have the professor online." nursing, business and biology increased the visibility. At a time programs all have lower-level So how did the website become where learning outcomes, test scores and university-conducted math requirements - not to men- such a trusted source among tion the fact that Math 111 is a pre- · students? The answer might be evaluations are taken as evidence of quality of learning, the quesrequisite for admission into most its availability, and the fact that elementary school teaching pro- there are few other sources of tion is if this kind of discourse is affecting what goes on in the grams across the province, UFV teacher recommendations outside included. 'Talvila said the ratings of the opinion of friends. classroom. reflect their lack of interest or exBlakeborough said that someAnticipation of a negative repertise in the field. thing like RateMyProf did not ex- view can make it difficult for an

instructor to. feel confident in providing constructive criticism or feedback on a student's work. There is an underlying anxiety that a low grade that might be construed as a value judgement to a student who has an outlet for their resentment. This can lead to grade inflation. "I could think you're the greatest person ·in the world, but if this isn't the greatest paper in the world, your grade will reflect that," _Blakeborough said. "And that's tough to make that distinction for some students." This sort of atmosphere can inhibit a teacher's willingness to introduce a necessarily rigorous workload. "I find that a lot of prof~ssors ... get crucified because they expect you to actually do work," Blakeborough said. "And that's wrong." The prominence of a website like RateMyProf speaks volumes about student expectations for their university· experience. Are we interested in hard work and personal growth or just a piece of paper that will presumptively land us a ·comfortable job? According to Blakeborough, there is a growing sense of entitlement among students-noticeable even in his seven years at UFV-who expect an "easy road" to a degree in exchange for their money. "We have turned education, which is supposed to be more than an economic transaction, into just that: a business," he said. "There are lots of schools that will sell you a degree. But if you actually want to learn something and pay the money that you're paying to learn it, put in the effort required."

Agree? Disagree? Comment at The Cascade online at





The movement is still new, but the coalition of student union societies already has high hopes Tuition has more than doubled for the future - they hope to see over the last decade, and govern- the B.C. government waive interest on student loans, reinstate ment funding to post-secondary education has fallen by almo~t 10 ·a needs-based grant system for students with no funding availper cent. This is where "Where's the Funding" steps in, which is able to them, and make an overall a campaign organized by thE_! increase to core funding for postStudent Labour Action Project secondary ·institutions. In short, they want the government to take (SLAP) and United States Student Association (USSA) that's seek- financial pressure off students. As Nickelchok said, "We'd like ing more funding for students. The campaign got off the ground . to see operating grants increase in the Lower Maintland this past to meet the actual need of our inSeptember with the involvement stitutions." Students are painfully of the UBC, UVic and SFU student aware that over the last decade union societies, and has since ex- the cost of living and schooling panded to include student unions has skyrocketed - it is the goal of from Langara, Capilano, and UFV. WTF to ensure that students don't "With rising demand for higher have to deal with that entirely by themselves. education and current economic trends, colleges and universities SUS and WTF hope to start ramping up awareness in the are being stretched beyond their limits," explained Kate Nickel- winter semester with events and chok, Vice President Academic petitions. For now, their main at UFV's Student Union Society. focus is on a letter-writing campaign to Naomi Yamamoto, B.C.'s "We are ... committed to working Minister of Advanced Education together to improve the condition of post-secondary [education] in they hope that if the government


sees individual students speaking out, they can, as a whole, encourage the making of changes. "The reality of post-secondary education in B.C won't change through engaging any one person alone," said Nickelchok. "WTF is about amplifying student demands and getting our voices heard in B.C., not letting [post-secondary education] fall off the provincial government's radar." Every student has heard or experienced the horror stories of working multiple jobs and still struggling to pay for rent and school. Nickelchok herself has "lived. the stereotype of a penniless student - living off ramen noodles." "To me, though," she added, "the most horrifying stories are of individuals who simply never got to campus, because they [were]· never ... able fo commit to a postsecond·ary education. They simply never got the chance. Being from a lower-income background shouldn't be a debilitating reason for not pursuing higher education."

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imgae: J Pellgen/Flickr

Image: seyyeddy/Flickr

armykillshope: femalepresiNewYorkpoliceevictanti-Wall Street Egypt dentialcandidate protesters Wearing helmetsandwielding batons,NewYork police evicted Occupy WallStreetprotesters from a parkearlyonTuesday, twomonths afterthey setupcampandsparked a national movement againsteconomic inequality. . Hundreds ofpolicedismantled theseaoftents, tarps,outdoor furniture, mattresses andprotests signsatZuccotti Park,arresting 147people, inclµding abouta dozenwhohadchained themselves toeachotherandtotrees. Asconfused andangryprotesters triedtowork sanit~tion workers labored outhowto regroup, thro~gh thenighttoclearawaymounds oftrash fromtheprivately ownedparkwherehundreds of peoplehadcamped. NewYork CityMayor Michael Bloomberg andthe parkowners, commercial realestatecorporation Brookfield Office Properties, haddecided thatthe protesters hadbecome a healthandfiresafety hazard tothemselves andthelocalcommunity. "Protesters havehadtwomonths to occupy the parkwithtentsandsleeping bags.Nowtheywm havetooccupy thespacewiththepoweroftheir arguments;' Bloomberg saidina statement, addingthatthesituation hadbecome intolerable. Thestenchofurineandexcrement hadattimes waftedacrosspartsofthepark,whereflower bedshadbeentrampled. Authorities andprotesterssaidtherehadbeenreportsofsexualassaults, theftsanddrugdealing.


TheEgyptian military isstifling hopeforchangeand cannotbetrustedtomanage thecountry's transition todemocracy, thenation's firstfemalepresidential candidate saidTuesday. Shealsosaidshewasveryconcerned a military general wasinthepresidential race. "They announced atthebeginning thatthepresidential election willbeinApril 2012...andnowtheyannounce Kamel, Egyptian thatitwillbein2013;'Bothaina presidential candidate toldReuters bytelephone. "Wecan'ttrustthe(military) ...Theykillallofourhope;' saidKamel, whoiscampaigning ona platform tofight corruption andreduce poverty. Kamel wasspeaking fromStrasbourg, whereshe attended a hearing attheEuropean Parliament on progress inEgypt following theoverthrow ofHosni Mubarak whoruledforthreedecades. Topgenerals initially saidtheywouldrelinquish powersixmonths afterthepopular uprising, buthave extended thetransition periodtoallowpolitical parties tobuildsupportbeforeelections. Parliamentary elections arescheduled forNovember 28andpresidential elections eitherattheendof2012 or2013. Kamel voiced concern FieldMarshal Hussein Tantawi wouldalsostandforpresident.


Image: steven kreuzer/Flickr

Hackers eyeCanada business: study



Feds consider harsher sentences Wheat Board urges Canada lawmakersto keepmonopoly despite fallingcrimerates

Withbothserious andpettycrimedropping Hackers attacking Canadian organizations are determined tomakemoney intargeted campaigns steadily inCanada overthelastdecade, according to Statistics Canada, manyarechallenging the whilegovernment insiders stolemoredatathan intensefocusonimprisoneverbefore, a security studyreleased onTuesday federalgovernment's inglaw-breakers. showed. BillC-10, entitledthe"SafeStreetsandComThenumberofbreaches inCanada andthecost munities Act;'isanomnibus billcomposed of ofdealing withthemhavespiked sincethe2008 financial crisis, according toa jointstudyfromtele- riinedifferent billsthatdiedinParliament before comcompany Telus andtheUniversity ofToronto's theMay2election wascalled. Itincludes harsher Rotman School ofManagement mandatory minimum sentences foroffences such Thestudy,itsfourthannualreport, saidthecrisis asdrugpossession, aswellasextended possible hadbothpressured budgets forinformation secu- maximum sentences. rityandcreated a darker"threat environment:' Italsoincludes measures dealing withthesexual Theaverage Canadian public company suffered 18 exploitation ofminors, youngoffenders andthe breaches in2011,upfromlessthan12breaches pardons process. Mostofthemeasures inthe ayearearlier, thestudyfound.Government billincrease thepunitive powers ofthecriminal bodies wereabletoreverse thetrendofincreasing justicesystem. breaches; therewerejustover17thisyearaftera "Thebillwilldolittleto helpcrimeratesandwill spike above22lastyear. bea costlymeasure thattheprovinces willhave Butinsider breaches, whereanemployee deliber- to payfor;'Pardon Society ofCanada Chairperson Ainsley Muller wroteinane·mail. "Inreality atelyaccesses conficjential information, spiked in arealready overcrowded. Thebill thegovernment sectordespite falling inpublic and ... prisons presents a hugeburden foralready cash-strapped private companies. Forty-two percent ofbreaches ingovernment were provinces:' TheParliamentary Budget Office estimates the perpetuated byinsiders, which theresearchers andterritories between called "themoststartling finding fromtheresearch:' billwillcostprovinces overthenextfiveyears,which Sophisticated attacks arefocused onindividuals and $6and$10billion theirdataandoftenseeka continuing information winamounttoaboutthreequarters ofthecost stream forfinancial orpolitical gain,thestudysaid. ofthebill,according totheJphnHoward Society "These attacks arereported lessfrequently asthey ofManitoba. aremuchharder todetectandofteninvolve much longer Tannara Yelland - CUP Prairies timeframes;' thestudy's authors wrote. &Northern Bureau Chief Reuters

Supporters oftheCanadian WheatBoard took theirprotestto Parliament HillinOttawa onTuesday,ina last-ditch effortto swaylegislators to keeptheworld's lastmajoragricultural monopoly. Several WheatBoard directors, aswellasa few Prairie grainfarmers, urgedtheConservative government to dropplanstoendtheCW B's marketing monopoly onWestern Canadian wheat andbarleydestined formilling orexport. Legislation toendthemonopoly asofAugust2012wouldallowwesternfarmers tosell_grain directly tograinhandlers, andmaybeonlya few weeksfrombecoming law. "Eliminating theCanadian WheatBoard willcost Prairie farmers money, costCanadian jobs,bea drainontaxpayers andchangethenatureofthe country because thousands offamily farmswill disappear;' CWB Chairman Allen Obergsaidin Ottawa. AWheatBoard spokeswoman saidthedirectors planned to meetwithmembers ofParliament and senators thisweekinOttawa. TheCWB monopoly, whichhasbeeninplacesince World WarII,haslongdivided western farmers. Supporters saythemonopoly's marketing clout offersthemthegreatestreturns, butotherssay theywantthesameflexibility inselling wheat andbarleythattheyhavewithcropslikecanola andoats.




Governmentsattend previewof Chilliwackcampus

'townhall' JOEJOHNSONexplained

that the KIP is "an economic stimulus plan that is THE CASCADE helping to renew, modernize, and improve facilities at campuses Last week, the University held its across the country." Open Doors - Open Knowledge 'Tm proud to say that investevent to demonstrate the new ments under the program have 'town hall' building being built created and maintained jobs on the Canada Education Park across Canada and made a difcampus in Chilliwack. The event ference to many. Canadians and itself was a show of appreciation their families," he continued. put forth by all post-secondary The KIP has been a source of institutions who have received funding for 79 post-secondary federal funqing as an investment institutions across the country, in their educational facilities. creating 183 projects. According Emceed by SUS President Car- to Strahl, the move "will help us los Vidal, the event began in the protect and q-eate· more jobs for Trades and Technology Centre's Canadi~ns and ensure we that we Rivers Dining Room, where UFV are well positioned for future ecoPresident Mark Evered and digninomic prosperity." taries such as BC Liberal's Minis- Yamamoto was at the event, ter of Advanced Education Naomi as UFV has received a larger Yamamoto, MLA Barry Penner $10-million dollar injection from and Conservative MP Mark Strahl the provincial government in adwere in attendance to have words dition to the federal funding. This on the new building. contribution was made to adStrahl, who spoke first, stated, dress the $40-million cost of the "As we'll see here today, this campus development. Yamamoto money has been well spent. The stated, "the event today is just to Canada Education Park campus celebrate this incredible new fahas resulted in jobs for engineers, cility that's going to be ... integratarchitects, construction work- ing five existing buildings for the ers, and many others when they University of the Fraser Valley's were needed most." Yamamoto expansion of the campus." followed by touching on UFV's After the events at the dining top ranking among other similarroom wrapped up, the group left sized schools. the Trades and Technology CenThis event also offered an opportre for a behind-the-scenes look at tunity to promote the Knowledge the construction site. When comInfrastructure Program (KIP) pleted in May 2012, the building funding provided by the federal will have a facility designed for government under Canada's Eco- various uses, as well as a place nomic Action Plan, of which UFV for aboriginal gatherings, classreceived $3,086,850 from the total rooms, labs and offices. $2 billion-dollar program. Strahl Standing at the construction site,

Yamamoto praised the buildingin-progress. "So you saw the incredible use of wood and technology to ensure that they minimize the use of energy," she said, "[and] it sounds like they're incorporating solar panels to capture solar energy, and using green technology- to ensure that the reduction of the greenhouse gases follows through with the province's commitment to reduce greenhouse gases." After the event, Yamamoto left Chilliwack for the Abbotsford campus to have a few words with students and share ideas. Yamamoto and Penner agreed to speak with The Cascade on the

issues raised by NDP MLA and Advanced Education Critic Michelle Mungall when she visited AfterMath last week. Mungall had brought up the provincial Bill 18 and the fact that it potentially enables student-elected representatives to be voted off the board by government-appointed board members. Yamamoto responded, "I believe she doesn't have the whole story there... what we're doing is ensuring that if there is a conflict of interest with a board member, then we can deal with it. And that is, that the board has the opportunity by a two-thirds vote to remove a member." Yamamoto responded to a ques-

tion about the student issue of transportation in and out of the Fraser Valley, and how perhaps the provincial government could get the ball rolling - her position was that it's a municipal issue. Penner noted that the province of BC "did announce a couple of years ago, as part of the Gateway projectJ that there will be a rapid bus service extending as far as Chilliwack, up and down highway one, to head into the Lower Mainland. So that'll be an important addition."

Planners hope for U District to develop into "vibrant" community in 25 years JOEJOHNSONopment boundary, THE CASCADE Following a previous consultation and feedback session, the city of Abbotsford presented its current 'U District' draft to the public at UFV this past week. With many knowledgeable city employees on to hand to answer questions, it was a great opportunity to lec1rnwhat the city planner is envisioning for the University and the areas surrounding it. In room B121, a series of large graphics outlined details on the • areas known as McCallum South, King North, and University East - where the majority of the new development is planned to occur over the next 25 years. When the plan was first presented, the rough ideas were in place - ideas partly inspired by the University of Washington's High Street, SFU's UniverCity, and the University of Guelph's Research Park. But with the feedback rereived, and furth~r analr sis done, a more detailed plan has taken shape. The U District boundaries run from one block west of McCallum road to the empty land east of the campus, and from Highway One down to the campus's southern-most point. This region is actually within the urban devel-

under the classification of university expansion. However, south of the _campus is not, which is the main reason for , why there are no plans for it to be included in the development. With the guiding principles of innovation, strategy, vibrancy, health and greening, the current plans call for some grand changes. King North-King road to Highway One-will be known as 'High Street'. As the core of the development, it will serve as home to retaII stores and entertainment. Densely populated with threestorey living spaces and public squares, it will be "U District's unifying meeting place ... a nefghbourhood high street where the community can come together to eat, shop, work and play," according the city's website. McCallum South, the main artery off of the highway, will feed into the U District. It will consist of mostly residential space, with commercial development available on the bottom floor of multistory condos." Being that they are in the artery of the district, those commercial units will have high exposure, and will act to draw business into the area. The land to the east of the campus, which is to be used in the development of the area most important to UFV students-University East-is currently classified

as industrial reserve, but it can be · brought into usage in two divisions. The division closest to the campus would have applied research and agricultural facilities, another university green space, and a rainwater garden to collect storm runoff. In what would be the further division, a large outdoor sports field and a network of trails for bikes and pedestrians would round out the• development. The U District will feature highdensity and diverse living spaces with plenty of facilities. It will also have solar-powered heating, green roofs, street-fronted shops, green squares, contemporary business designs, biking paths, underground parking, lines of planted trees along the sidewalks, and a pedestrian bridge over the highway. But most importantly, it will be affordable to students. The next step will now be for the- city planner to use the feedback received to refine the draft further. Afterwards, a vision document can then be crafted and passed on to Abbotsford City Council. Strategies will then be developed, and gradual implementation of the plan may finally begin to take place. For more information or to submit suggestions, visit



Abbotsfordmayoralcandidates SUS by-election debateissuesat ·UFV debatepresents studentswith wide varietyof options expressed

her regrets

at being




GRACE ROMUND unable to attend and her grateful- • Peary continued to be the only THE CASCADE ness to be allowed to participate

As their campaigns draw to a close, the five mayoral candid~tes for the City of Abbotsford had one last chance to formally discuss and debate the hot topics of this year's civic election. Hosted by the Political Science Student Association, the candidates debated on issues such as the proposed public-private partnership (P3) for Stave Lake, steady increases in property taxes, and public transportation. Although the largest topic in the election by far has been the impending referendum regarding the P3 project, it did not dominate the debate only two questions posed related directly to it. There were only four out of five candidates behind the panel table Monday' night. One of the candidates, Meghann Coughlan, was unable to attend· the debate in person due to illness, but was allowed to participate in the debate via . telephone conference. She

in the capacity she did. Bruce Banman began the debate by asserting, "I want to make [Abbotsford] a great place for everyone: for elders, families, children, and future generations, especially future·generations." Mayoral candidate and UFV student, Travis Daleman was also in attendance. Daleman began as a 17-year-old newly out of high school who threw his hat into the ring to prove that there is a younger generation interested in politics. Now an 18-year-old university student, he actively participated in the PSSA all-candidates debate. Daleman used humour to his advantage throughout the debate. When explaining his opinion that the City of Abbotsford is "shoving the Stave Lake water project down our throats" he said he attempted a Google search of "Vote No for P3" and the first link in the search results was "Vote Yes forP3."

mayoral candidate to support the Stave Lake Water Project. He explained, "The reality is, however, that even though I have recommended [the Stave Lake Water Project] personally ... the decision is where it should be, it's with the public. The public is going to participate, and there will be a referendum." Mayoral candidate Gerda Peachey raised the issue of the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports C~ntre (AESC) which she referred to as "the money-sucking pit on King Road." She said that the money spent on AESC is money wasted, stating, "Your taxed are dependent on how well a bunch of puck chasers do." The discussion of ideas between the candidates at this point in the campaign had become much more developed and indepth. The election will be Saturday November 19.

Abbotsfordfoodbank helps fill bellies and stockings be financially cripDonation made can pling. When an indimust add deduring the holi-- vidual pendants into that list of expenses, balancing day season f i 11 the chequebook can become even more difneeds for the ficult. AFB helps over people a month, rest of the year· 3000 and of those over 40 cent are children. GRACEROMUND perBecause children are

THE CASCADE such a large percentage

Year round, the Abbotsford Food Bank (AFB) helps families and individuals in the community who don't have enough to make ends meet ensure that they get the necessities for life. During the Christmas season especially, the AFB and the Christmas Bureau are hard at work to assist Abbotsford citizens in need. This is the busiest time of the -year for the AFB. As Cliff Prang, an employee and community development worker at the AFB, explained: "September through December is when people are feeling the most generous, because we are looking towards the holidays: Thanksgiving and Christmas. At Thanksgiving, I am thankful, therefore I share the abundance that I have with other people, and [at] Christmas too. The foundation of the holiday is giving, so we give." Once January hits, the amount of donations made diminishes, but what the AFB takes in between September through December fills their needs for the entire following year. The food bank is for those whose living expenses exceed their income. This is a phenomenon not uncommon to university students, whose expenses (for example, tuition, books, .etc.)

of those helped by AFB throughout the year, the Christmas Bureau ensures that those children have Christmas presents. "We sponso about 700 families every Christmas. We sponsor the families out to business, classrooms, church groups," Prang explained. Last year, 323 families were sponsored by the community directly, and 404 families were sponsored through the AFB. The Christmas Bureau supports families that cannot be sponsored at Christmas by providing food and by allowing them to come and choose gifts for their children in the Christmas Bureau toy room. The Fraser Valley Toy Run put on by the Fraser Valley Toy Run Society is one ·of the major initiatives to stock up the Christmas Bureau toy room - the event brings together motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the Fraser Valley to raise toys, cash and gift certificates for children. This year, over 900 bikers participated in the toy run, and over 1000 toys were collected. on October 16 to support the Christmas Bureau. Since the economic downturn of 2008 there has been a shift in the demographic of families assisted by AFB. In 2008, the aver-

age yearly income of a food bank user was $12,183.00. From that figure, it was calculated that after rent was paid the average food bank user had $4.53 a day to live on. By 2010, the average yearly income of a food bank user was $15,792.00, leaving individuals with $16.40 per day to live on after rent was paid. Prang stated, "The amount of people using the food bank has gone down a little bit over the years [since 2008], but only a little ... in BC the cost of living is high. There are still a lot of singleparent fan;1.iliesout there. Divorce rates continue to increase. There are a lot of families trying to do it on their own." "What continues to increase is community involvement," Prang added. "Knowing that financial pressures are high, we continue to see an increase in generosity in our city. That gives us great courage."




STUDENT UNION SOCIETY JOE JOHNSON floated was the possibility for THE CASCADE students in resid~nce to receive

How to increase student awareness, open communication between clubs and associations and create a more cohesive student body were major points of debate at the SUS by-election all candidates' meeting _on Monday at UFV's Abbotsford campus. Candidates for VP Social, Clubs and Associations Rep, Residence Students Rep and Rep-at-Large all had the chance to illustrate their platforms and distinguish themselves from their competitors. Jhim Burwell, SUS Communications Administrator, acted as the time keeper and moderator. All candidates had similar stances on many of the issues; the main difference between candidates were in how they framed their ideas. VP Social candidate Wyatt Scott said he thinks UFV is the greatest school of all time, and that we're lucky to have so many different cultures on campus, but he sees UFV as a "teenager" that is experiencing very quick growth, a.nd said we are experiencing issues related to this. He also believes that the SUS needs to be talking with every club and association. With regards to events, fellow VP Social candidate Soderstrom believes that we need to see more consistency. He also believes that the SUS needs to do more in reaching out to student organizations, as well as to co-sponsor events with other associations. His support on the new Student Union building is based on contingencies, but he sees it as an im, portant investment. Final VP Social candidate Tuong Thai feels that it's important for the expectations of clubs and procedures regarding the SUS to be more well-known. When the question of support for the new Student Union building came up, he pointed out that the current space with which the SUS, CIVL, and Cascade now oc;cupy - as they would move to the new building - could be freed up to make new classrooms. This would help ease the wait-list for students, as new space could be allocated for them. The sole Residence Student Rep candidate Christian Doyle feels that simple communication is a great way to increase student involvement. A new idea that he

a second card, in addition to the U-Pass. Some possibilities for the card could be benefits at the local movie theatre, and more restaurant deals as well. Rep-at-Large candidate Anne Franklin brought up ways to in. crease student communication and awareness. One such way is to have small events like hot chocolate in the hallways as students pass by. The students who stop by can tell the SUS their thoughts, and dialogue for improvements can begin. Franklin would also like to see a new rail between Chilliwack and Abbotsford. Rep-at-Large candidate Cleal Harvey believes the new student building is to be a legacy of the future. He wants to take it as far as he can while at UFV. The UPass is also an issue with him, as he would like to see it changed he feels it should include extended areas towards Vancouver. Rep-at-Large candidate Shane Potter is running on being a counter-voice. Oversight is significant with him and he wants to stand up to deficits that take money away from students. While still supporting the Student Union ,building, he acknowledged that the possible $10 million mortgage is a significant amount and needs to be scrutinized with regards to every cost. The point that set apart Repat-Large candidate Greg Strickland was his call for a stronger web presence between the SUS and students. While it's great to talk to students in the hallway, h~ noted, the web is always on. He. believes that possibilities such as establishing a YouTube channel that can act in an interactive way will help inform students of upcoming events and help to create a more cohesive student body. Rep-at-Large candidate Jeannette Laberge was absent, as was Clubs and Associations rep candidate Cody Willems-Kutz. Want to make your voice heard· in student government? UFV's SUS by-election is an opportunity to choose between candidates for VP Social, Clubs & Associations Representative, Residence Representative, and Reps At Large. Polling will be conducted via between November 17 and November 23.



2011 Student Union Society by-election:Candidatestatements Questions 1. If elected, what would you like the Student Union Society to ·achieve / i:q1prove during your term in office? 2. How will you improve the responsibility of the SUS to enhance student life at UFV? Please elaborate. 3. SUS is the primary _advocacy ·01:ganization for students, how do you plan to improve the efficacy of SUS's efforts ,in these engagements? · · 4. SUS has very large profile proj.ects in its future including the Student Uni<,m Building, U-Pass commitments and future large and small .concerts, what role do you see yourself taking for these projects?

Candidates for VP SOCIAL

Wyatt Scott 1. If elected to the position of VP Social, I will bring fresh new ideas to help enhance the already great events put on by the SUS. I look forward to creating new and exciting student events. 2. Student events should work to create a sense of student culture and academic unity. I would first look within our student body to fill the needs of the SUS. I believe by doing so, it will help to build a tight community among students. 3. As a member of the PSSA and an active student in political science, I have a good understanding of issues and the norms of political life. Even though it's outside of the purview of the VP Social, if elected I am still available to help bring clarity to the hard-lining political issues the SUS faces everyday. 4. My role in these events will be to use my professional experiences in the entertainment industry to help streamline and expand our social presence throughout the student body. Zack Soderstrom 1. I would like to see SUS make progress on the Student Union Building, tun\ AfterMath into a sustainable business, and make sure that there is something fun happening on campus every week. 2. By making involvement with student organizations an actual responsibility of SUS. Outside of funding requests SUS rarely has any interaction with clubs -or associations,. and even the process of applying for funding is full of frustrating bureaucratic hoops that would be much easier to jump through with just a little more back and forth communication. We are a student union that has failed at uniting the students. The old excuse of student apathy doesn't hold up when there are dozens of groups out ·there trying to bring students together, to improve life on campus, and we're not even trying to reach out to them. That's why if elected I will do all that I can to set the precedent for a better relationship between SUS and Student Organizations. 3. By letting students know we're here to help. Sometimes the biggest challenge isn't getting -the changes made but knowing what changes the students what. Just like with Student Organizations there is very little outreach being made, which is why while I'm out

women. I would also like to see enhancing their university expe- SUS would be to. aide in student rience. Why not take it one step involvement. The issue on cam- more cultural events so students further and supporting them 'in. · pus th~t bothers me the most is can be more aware of the land we student apathy and I want it to · are on. I believe SUS needs to imtheir academic study? be-SU~'s job to attempt to get the porve on what SUS actually does. 3. Most students don't know what SUS does with the exception of student.bpdy out of the comatose 2. I will Hsten to the debates of groups and make a decision for students who are involving with . state that it currently resides in. student clubs and associations. . .3.. As Residence Rep I will be what is best for all students at Thus, I would recommend SUS closely involved with the BHRA UFV. For example, if a group and in doing so I would like to needs money to support an NGO. having an open dialogue with students and eRcouraging them help advocate for residents in 3. I plan on improving the efficacy . to provide feedbacks and sug- both a residence scale and a uni- of SUS's efforts in these engagements by supporting minority versity scale. Tuong Thai gestions. For example, .schedule 1.·If elected, I wou:ld like to work . . a meeting with all student clubs 4. !would become involved in the groups in the school and putting more money towards clubs that ·with SUS Exectitives .· achieving . and associations at the beginning SUB, and also with the inclusion two goals: first, lwould like to see of each -semester, for clubs· and _ of various businesses for the U- are wanting to make a change Pass and residents card. to people discrimin~ted against SUS collaborating with program associations executive members such as the pride community. departments and student clubs getting to know SUS executives 4. I -see myself promoting a Abimplementing a new education and vice_versa and second, edubotsford/Chilliwack connector event such hosting a life skills eating clubs and associations new Candidates for REP AT LARGE for students and also promoting conference with well-known executives about SUS's policies on SUS events such as the new SU:S speakers, ie. Jim Pattison, Presi- requesting funds and other ser- Anne Franklin dent of Ikea Canada, Chief Editor vices. During this meeting, clubs 1. I would like to see a bus line building." and association can also give sug- connecting Abbotsford to Chilliof the Vancouver Sun. The reason being is that I want SUS to be gestions or recommendation how wack as soon as possible. As well, Shane Potter recognize for other accomplishthey want SUS to help them or I will advocate for more afford- 1. I want to be a voice to students ment, not just as an organization what event they want SUS to put -able food options on campus, and who are concerned about the SUS more events and activities that society fees and the consequences that gives student clubs and asso- on for students. support student interaction and of future projects like the Student In addition to communicating ciations money for events, Dis-0, providing health and dental plan, with student clubs and associa- a g_reater sense of community at Union Building on the Student's cost of attending UFV. and U-Pass. I know the Career tions, SUS also needs to have an UFV. 2. I have two years experience as a Centre and the Alumni office open communication with the 2. I will improve the responsibilhave collaborated with various general student population to ity of SUS to enhance student life Student Representative on UFV's Senate, as well as, sitting on variprogram departments to orga- inform them what SUS does at UFV by lobbying SUS based and how we can assist them. We on the students' needs. I want to ous policy and sub-committees nized these events but students through Senate. I will use the exare not interested in those speak- can communicate this message know what my fellow students '.:~. ers thus, they have approximately in three ways: first, sending an feel is needed for a fulfilling and perience gained from:U,.ese-~om10 to so= students ilttended each email to students with a link to enjoyable experience at UFV, and " mittees to improve and challenge ' · .. I will present their ideas and re- the policy and framework .in the event. I believe SUS can organize SUS website, second, highlight -quests to the SUS executives, ar- SUS. this eyjmt if we work witl:l other some of the important services 3. Students are not taking advanguing in favour of any improvedepartments because we the that SUS providing in the student tage of programs that we all pay money and connections-io make - handbook, and third, having SUS ments that could be made. it work. This type of ·event will executives available for questions 3. In support of greater efficacy, for. While some programs are show that SUS c~re about provid-_ at the beginning of each se ester I want to engage students in dis- very useful among students, such as the gym membership, other cussion regarding their wants ing students activities to release beside Tim Horton. stress and life skills during their Once students know who SUS are and needs, and pass their sugges- programs cause massive strain on . time at UFV. and the services we provide, I be- tions on to the greater SUS body. I the SUS budget. We should make Second, I would like SUS to ne- lieve we can effective in advocat- wish to be an advocate for the stu- sure the SUS costs we pay each semester are worth it. If many of us dents and let their voices be heard gotiate with the Athletic Departing for them. paid $272 in SUS costs this semesment allowing students to use 4. At the beginning, I would work directly. the facility. I know we have the with other executives to learn 4. I am fully .supportive of the ter but only use the gym membership, we have to reexamine our U-Pass program which allows more about these projects and SUB U-Pass and events hosted students to free ride on the Ab- what my role would be for each of by SUS, as these all lend a greater fees. botsford transit and access to the them. But once my role has been sense of community to our stu- 4. Due the large costs attributed. identified, I see myself working dent body. This is an ideal I hold towards future and current projAbbotsford Recreational Centre ects, I want to provide a voice of with all stakeholders to make the in high regard and will support (ARC) and Matsqui Recreational Centre (MRC). However, we do project a success, ie. I could be a wholeheartedly and to the best of reasonable and efficient spending. I encourage future SU~ projhave students commuting to UFV decision maker for some of the my abilities. ects as long as there is no increase and would like ·to use the fitness projects while others I would be in individual student costs. We centre at the university to work working alongside other execu- Cleal Harvey 1. I would see the SUS maintain pay enough fees. There are many out in between or after classes. tives helping them completing economic problems in our stuThis is a great program because the project. In addition, I will out its ro1e as arbiter for students' dent body, as well as, the rest of it is convenient for students and in the public networking with rights. To represent all students the world and the student fees SUS-is providing students with a various organizations for differ- equally and fairly, and to provide add up fast. I feel that the SUS healthy living style. I think it will ent projects. the necessary services to students work because they have. a new needs a voice that speaks towards that any union in good conscious our SUS fees and spending. athletic director and the departwould extend to its members. ment needs money f~r their pro- Candidate for CLUBS & ASSO- 2. I intend to become more inGreg Stickland CIATIONS REPRESENTATIVE volved in a variety of student grams. -aspects and to have students feel 1. I would like to improve SUS's I would like to achieve at least one · that their needs and cbncerns presence online, particularly with Cody Willems-Kutz of the two goals during my term. 2. SUS is already doing a great job 1. I would like to see better com- · are being represented fairly and YouTube and Facebook videos. Other than that, I just want to aid at enhancing student life at UFV muri.ication and relations be- justly. however; there is one thing that tween SUS and the Clubs and As- 3. By upholding both the value SUS with their current projects. Even if that involves grunt work. sociations. and decisions of the SUS, I would I :would like to see SUS working with students lobbying for more 2. I will attempt to make SUS more help maintain/instill/create rather an 2. "Responsibility" is large term. But as far as student classes. Currently, many stu- involved with events around atmosphere of the SUS's genuine dents are taking online courses campus, focusing on Clubs and care for student-related issues. I life goes, I want to help with SUS's at Thompson River University Associations. would also encourage students to current projects for the first part (TRU) to graduate because UFV 3. By representing the SUS while become more active around cam- of my term. After that, I can begin pus themselves and to share their is not offering many courses that engaging in these organizations. new projects based on the experi4. I see myself being very sup- ideas/concerns with the SUS. ence. students need to graduate during 3. As a rep at large, I don't have their last year. Consequently, stu- portive of these projects and aid- 4. I have specifically concerned myself with the nature and struc- a pet project planned. I plan to dents are the ones being affected ing in anything they need. ture of the student U-Pass. While be a general communication line by this because they are delaying I agree with its purpose and in- between students and SUS. Once their graduation which could then Candidate for RESIDENCE REP- tent, I would like to see its value I get a good feel for the job, I can have a negative impact on their RESENTATIVE for students extended to include career. Since SUS is representing definitely expand from there. other areas where students live 4. Again, rep at large is a very UFV students, I believe it is_our and work, including the distinct Christian Doyle responsibility to help students general position. For big projects achieving their goal (getting a 1. One of my goals is to aide in the transit regions of Metro Vancou- I'd help however I can. Helping ver and also that of Hope. with fundraisers, contributing university degree) on time, when development of the SUS. Though my main goal is to help with resithe job market is hot. Thankfully, ideas, pushing papers, handing dence involvement . and aware- Jeanette LaBerge out flyers. I have the time so I SUS is already providing students 1. If elected, I would like to SUS might as well. with fun activities for them to re- ness. lease stress from studying and 2. My goal in this aspect of the make a safe comfortable area for there connecting with Student Organizations I'll be letting them know that SUS can help with more than just throwing parties. 4. I've always had an extended interest in the Student Union Building and would like to be more involved with it, but as VP Social most of my time will be spent making SUS's various events as fun and accessible as possible.




Policy 5.45: Anti-anti-homophobia DESSABAYROCK THE CASCADE My first introduction to homophobia was in high school,• in grade 10. One of my friends was spat at in the hall. "Faggot," the jock . muttered under his breath, and his friends chuckled. We hurried along, shocked - at least, I was. She was, unfortunately, used to it. She was one of the few open lesbian or gay students, and tough as nails - something, in hindsight, I see was necessary to survive high school. • There's no reason anybody should have to go through something like that, let alone on a weekly or daily basis. In the last ten years or so, we've seen a huge increase in anti-bullying propaganda-posters, slogans, things like pink shirt day-and as a result, bullying has gone way down. It's no longer socially acceptable to shove a freshman in a locker or a garbage can. Kids stick up for each other. Bullies are turned in. Unfortunately, "haters gonna hate." There are some groupslike the lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer community-that still have it just as bad as ever. In some cases, it's worse. This was the basic thinking behind the Burnaby school board's policy 5.45, which basically reiterates the guidelines of the antibullying policy that's already in place, but in relation to students

Image. Paul G/Fllckr

and ;,taff who are not, necessarily, heterosexual. There's a. great big long list of what sexual orientations this includes - from transgender to bi-curious. It simply states that these students and employees deserve to be treated wfth respect and lists some suggestions on what, exactly, this entails. However, there are many people that don't agree with the Burnaby school board. One of them sent a death threat (lovingly illustrated with knives) to ·one of the teachers who is one of the loudest crusaders for policy 5.45. "YOU ARE CORRUPTING OUR CHIL-

OREN," it says, "AND YOU WILL BE SHOT." Again, "haters gonna hate." Apparently, this vigilant on guard for the honour of "our children" doesn't stand behind these statements enough to sign their name. Interestingly enough, however, there are plenty of parents against this policy who are willing to put their names and faces forward, if not quite so vehemently. They have formed a group called Parents' Voice specifically to overturn policy 5.45 and their stance is an interesting one. They aren't necessarily anti-gay, they say; in

fact, a spokesperson states to the press, Parents' Voice is against hatred of any kind. They're simply concerned that if more attention is given towards ending bullying against the queer quadrant, then other victims of bullying will fall by the wayside. Anti-bullying policy, they grandly declare, should be equal for everyone. This is a nice enough thought, I'm sure. But there is a very important, very subtle difference between treating everyone equally and treating everyone fairly. Let's put this in another context: if a student is sick, they get kept home from school. I'm sure we all remember whining at our parents how unfair it was when a sick sibling got to skip school and we still had to go. "Nonsense," our parents inevitably snapped, "When you're sick, you'll get to stay home. Now get the fuck to school." Keeping just the one kid at home isn't equal, but it is fair; each student gets attention as they require it. Likewise, policy 5.45 is just trying to put the focus on the kids who need it the most, which, right now, happens to be the gay and lesbian (et al.) community. Again, it's pretty basic stuff - sticking up for the little guy that can't stick up for himself. Now, as for the Parents' Voice movement, I have no doubt that some of them legitimately have their children's best interests at heart, and they truly believe that,

in terms of bullying, drawing attention .to this specific demographic of students is detracting from the anti-bullying campaign as a whole. That being said, I also have no doubt that some of them are purely homophobic - the kind with hatred deep enough to send a death threat to those responsible. I'd even go so far as to say I believe that, if the writer of that death threat is. found, it will be in the ranks of Parents' Voice. Although Parents' Voice is, as they say, not a homophobic organization, their platform supplies the homophobic sector something to support that stands against the gay community. It's no longer socially acceptable to openly hate someone based purely on their sexual orientation and Parents' Voice is the perfect way to avoid saying that, while still getting the same results. When it comes down to it, anti-anti-homophobia i is just plain homophobia, which is just plain hatred. Students aren't being corrupted; students are being saved. · And, as I'm sure the Burnaby teacher would tell you in a heartbeat, some things are worth the risk of being shot. For the record, he is continuing to fight for policy 5.45 unabashed, despite the threat. Haters gonna hate, but that doesn't mean we should stop loving.

DEADLINE FOR .SUBMITTING ·cLAIMS FROM LAST YEAR (for students covered in 2010-2011) All health and/ or dental claims incurred on or before August 31, 2011 (for ihe 2010-2011 policy year) must be received by the insurance company (Sun Life) by November 29, 201 t. Claims received after tlie deadline will not be reimbursed. Claim forms are available at or call the Member Services Centre at 1866358-4437 from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays.

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An open letter to the Canad ian Broadcasting Corporation

Dear CBC News, We want to congratulate you on 75 years of broadcasting excellence. You are not only the oldest news network in Canada, you are also its most loved and respected. For the better part of the past century, you've been a distinctively Canadian news organization demonstrative of those best Canadian values: diversity over homogeneity; reconciliation and compromise over hard-headed aggressiveness; and a fundamental empathy and desire to understand rather than castigate. You have been a bastion of quality journalism, fulfilling your mandate according to the 1991 Broadcasting Act with vigour and discipline. Yet your high standards only seem to extend so far. In 2009, The Lang and O'Leary Exchange aired its first episode on the CBC News Network On this program, pundit and entrepreneur Kevin O'Leary engages in a discourse with Amanda Lang about business issues of the day. Ostensibly, public dialogue should be commended as a valuable


addition to the national discussion. CBC News did not publidy apoloBut O'Leary's approach has more gize for the mistreatment of Hedges. often than not pushed the program It is because of this and a string into aggressive, argumentative and of other incidents in which Kevin distasteful territory more befitting O'Leary has shown a blatant disreFoxNews than the CBC. gard for the CBC's standards that we This type of programming may are calling for his dismissal. O'Leary make for easy ratings, but it sets a does not display the sort of journalisdangerous tone for public discourse. tic integrity required for the position American-style argument culture of power he occupies. He is not a fahasno pface in Canadian journalism. cilitator of open discussion, but a biRather than helping to direct pub- ased pundit masquerading as such. lic discussion in a productive way, Rather than allowing for a greater it inflames differences and creates national dialogue through empathy a false dichotomy between political and rationality, he seeks to polarize ideologies. Canadians have always Canadians and get a rise out of them, valued compromise and mutual all for the sake of ratings. O'Leary is understanding, but Kevin O'Leary's an entertainer, rfot a journalist. He approach encourages stubbornness does not bring his audience objective and mutual disdain. news, or a healthy debate. Instead he Pulitzer-prize winning journal- acts as his counterpart to the south, ist Chris Hedges was a guest on the Bill O'Reilly, only minutes · away October 6, 2011 edition of The Lang from telling his Canadian guests and O'Leary Exchange and asked to to, 'shut-l.!-p,'Whether his concern is speak about his involvement with for personal gain or he has become the Occupy Movement. Because his . angry and power hungry in his latviews differed from that of Kevin er years, his first concern is not the O'Leary, he was cut off and referred public good. to as a "leftwingnutbar," by O'Leary. The CBC should consider that its This was followed by an exchange in reputation as a trusted news leader which O'Leary continually asked if is at stake, O'Leary's embarrassing Hedges was a leftist while Hedges treatment of Chris Hedges will not asked if he would be allowed to con- be forgotten. tinue. This sort of name-calling of guests has no place on the CBC. lri. a Sincerely, review of the incident released October 13, 2011,CBC ombudsman Kirk Ali Siemens and Nick Ubels LaPointe indicated that the CBC had The9lscade received hundreds of complaints about the incident, many calling for O'Leary to be fired. LaPointe pointed out that O'Leary clearly violated CBC's standards of journalism; the private apology issued was a correct step to take, but it was unclear why wonderwhat the one per cent do with the money?

JAMESINGLIS and lots of money to blow" club. AfCONTRIBUTOR ter undertaking exhaustive research Have you ever wondered what you would do if you had more money than sense? Well, Alberta dentist Michael Zuk has been able to actually live out that fantasy experienc~. Dr. Zuk, the author of the fascinating tome, "Confessions of a Former Cosmetic Dentist" recently purchased one of John Lennon's molars-yes that John Lennon-for $31,000. Zuk, the winner of the Red Deer Express Readers' 2007 poll for ''Best Dentist in Red Deer'' collects animal teeth and celebrity memorabilia. By way of explanation Dr. Zuk told 0V News that he thought it was cool, "even though it's a rotten tooth and it's got tartar on it:' I think rm beginning to understand why going to the dentist always seems to cost so much. For the history buffs out there, Lennon gave the tooth to his housekeeper. I can't help but think with all his money he should have just given her a raise. Now of course, Dr. Zuk is not tqe only member of the ''boy I have lots







JJ£~TJE~ Two Thumbs Down

Way Down




requiring the use of more than one internet search engine I have discovered that trueto the quote that was neverutte'red by Pl'. Barnum, "there's a sucker born every minute," or at the very least there's lots of kids with access to tli.eir parent's credit cards. What would you give to be the owner of hair that was cut from Elvis Presley's head in 1958? Well, someone ponied up $15,000for that privilege. How about French toast discarded by Justin Timberlake? $3154. Who could forget the sale of Marilyn Monroe's chest x-rays for $45,000? Okay so maybe that one makes sense, but what about a jar of Brad Pitt's and Angelina Jolie's breath captured in a jar as they walked by? $530. Now, I don't suggest any sort of mental deficiency in the buyer who paid $2075for a used tissue filled with Scarlett Johansson's nasal secretions but seriously? Are there no needy people in your town? Of course auctions have a long and distinguished · history. The word auction is derived from the Latin word "auctio''. My Latin is a bit rough, but I believe a loose translation is "junk that you've been hiding in the slave quarters that you better . getridofbeforethesunsetsorlswear to Jupiter that rm going to my mother's villa and rm taking the kitchen slaves with me." I could be slightly off on one or two of the words. Rumour has it that Henry VIII often auctioned off items at Ye Olde Auction House. Understandable, I mean can you imagine how many duplicate wedding presents he received? Awkward. A recent auction in Edinburgh featured the sale of Victoria's secret. No not that one rm talking Queen Victoria. A pair of her majesty's underwear appeared in their ginormous splendor at auction and sold for $14,000.Comprised of yards of creamy silk fabric and bearing the initials VR for Victoria Regina. No word on what the buyer intends to do with the knee length unmentionables. For some strange reason the buyer wishes to remain anonymous. In my enthusiasm I seemed to have strayed from the original focus of my column. I bet you're surprised I had one. Dr. Zuk's purchase isn't the first time that notable teeth have been sold at auction, oh no. A set of baseball great Ty Cobb's dentures sold for $8000 and some lucky person is the proud owner of Winston Churchill's dentures having paid a mere $24,000. Ouch, I have a bit of a toothache. Let's start the bidding at $2000.

E~.r~pe at the brink J.D.R. BROWN as a complete sovereign default

failure of otherwise rational actors to

THE CASCADE and exit from the Eurozone looms .. move beyond their petty jealousies The crisis in Europe has entered even more troubling waters this past week, if that's even possible. Silvio Berlusconi, the now former Prime Minister of Italy, has been forced to step aside after losing a vote in the lower house of the Italian parliament to implement yet more austerity measures. These reforms were deemed necessary by the myriad of interests in the European Central Bank, the European Commission, and the governments of "core Europe" (read: Germany et al.) after the interest rates on Italian government bonds raced toward seven per cent- an incredibly high number for a country which is still solvent. The formation of a technocratic government, lead by the unelected Mario Monti, a former European Commissioner, is expected to be completed by Monday, November 14. Various coverage in European and some North American media float the idea that this new interim government will calm the markets and allow Italy to continue to borrow as rates decline,· thereby holding off complete catastrophe. I am not as convinced. Greece has just announced its own . government of national unity which is also to be lead by a technocrat rather than ari elected politician, and the bond vigilantes continue to circle

Europe now stands at a cross roads. The post-war project of European integration has been, up until this point, a resounding success. Despite the spectre of war between the Warsaw Pact and NATO during the Cold War, Western Europe has been without a major conflict since the end of World War II and that is perhaps the greatest evidence in favour of the ongoing European project. But the series of concentric circles that has, up until now, characterized the European Union and the various other. organs and organizations of cooperation has run its c;ourse. Lehman Brothers collapsed .at the end of George W. Bush's final term in offi_ce,and we are very nearly into the last year of Obama's first and perhap~ final term. In all this time, Europe has been unable to effectively deal with the series of fiscal calamities that have come their way. The various solutions that have been proposed up until now have been small potatoes in the very worst _way. Bailouts by Germany and further commitments to backstop Greece, Portugal, Ireland and others have done nothing to solve the crises in any of these countries, and have generally exacerbated the terrible economy calamities that ordinary persons have to deal with - especially unemployment. What we are witnessing right now is the

and save not just the euro, but the future of the entire European Project. There is only one proper remedy to what ails Europe, and it is certainly not tripling tuition fees and cutting pensions as David Cameron has done in the UK. No, it is full fiscal and political union: federalism. At least amongst the countries of the eurozone, a federal government with the powers of taxation and a democratic mandate would be able to backstop all of the countries now under threat from the bond markets and would be able to set up sane financial institutions. Or, at least, modify the existing financial institutions to be sane, such as making the European Central Bank into a lender of last resort. Some European elites have even begun to float this idea of federal integration· themselves, including the former German f9reign minister. But Europe remains at the brink. We will see very quickly whether the politicians and technocrats of Europe will be able to stave off economic Armageddon, and in the process we may witness the birth of a truly federal Europe. And if we do not, I cannot even begin to imagine the consequences.

THE CASCADE and reasonable of us, the base truth

of the matter is this: if you don't list~n, no one will listen to you. OccupiOccupy Vancouver has seen a ers need to draw healthy attention to lot of grief these few past weeks. A themselves, with their perseverance, central concern in the Vancouver community and cause. They need to mayoral elections, the media focus keep things organised and their mohas tightened its lens on the small mentum strong. The city's demands are perfectly tent-city in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery. The media attention is reasonable. There are comments varied, but leans to the negative in.its floating around on the immoderate attention the city is paying to Occupy opinion on the protest. Ashlie Gough's death at 23-years- Vancouver's safety restrictions, they of-age, resulting from a heroin over- are silent on the matter of the slumdose, two days after a different oc- like conditions of the housing for the cupier survived an overdose, brings poverty stricken of Vancouver. Of all forth critical issues surrounding the the deaths by drug overdose on the Occupy movement for those sup- streets of Vancouver, why did Ashlie porting and opposing it. The city of Gough's spur Robertson to such deVancouver is quickly assessing the cisiveness? What about the homeless safety of the set-up, while Mayor people's safety conditions? Yet these Gregor Robertson is quickly hop- questions don't seem valid It's not ping down from the fence to the in- about the attention paid by the Vancreasingly popular "dismantle" side. couver Fire Department, Police and The occupiers have been ordered Mayor to Occupy. It's about the meto take a number of precautions for dia's fixation on the municipality's fire safety standards, including or- attention. It isn't a fair representation, ders to: remove all unoccupied tents, and this speculation is only creating create a separation of three feet be- unnecessary animosity. Because, tween all tents, remove all tarps cov- wouldn't it be nice if it really was just ering multiple tents, and to create a good against evil? But it isn't. Naturally, the homeless would continuous path of travel within the gravitate to a warm place with a encampment. Ashlie Gough was visiting medical station, tents, safety and friends who were a part of Occupy, an attitude of caring camaraderie. she apparently wasn't a part of the These people are the victims of movement herself. Despite this, a whose cause the Occupy movement drug-free, safe Occupy is fighting for - the forgotten, the neentirely necessary. While the occupi- glected, the needy. But the tents can't ers must remain unyielding on their . start looking like a mini-slum, even cause, they should comply with the if that could be a perfect metaphor city's demands and avoid seeing it as - some of the people we're trying to submitting to what they're fighting convince don't get metaphors. Oc-

Intervention, occupation, and nation building in Middle Eastern Libya JOEJOHNSON THE CASCADE

Intervention, occupation and nation building best define Western policies towards the Middle East. Over the past decade it's been Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and now Libya, who have all seen what it means to have external involvement in their sovereign affairs. Of course, their experiences are unique for each country, but one question has reap- in a place like Syria:' And now this is where things peared every time. Why this counget messy, while a further .question try? The simple answer would be the comes forth. Do we accept that while Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan; Saddam we provide military protection for Hussein's WMDs in Iraq; terrorists in some people, others are out of reach Pakistan; and the revolution in Libya due to political implications? Of to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. course, there are economic actions However, this isn't a simple world that can be taken, but in Assad's case we live in and rarely is anything so these have limited effect. It's a hard straight forward. Each of the reasons fact to take that we' live in a world here are based on the fact that the where people can live and die at the international community, with the hands of their government, while all West in particular, has some kind of we can do is take a political course of action. interest to advance. However, let's move onto a final . Perhaps this question can best be analy~d by taking a deeper q~estion: is it possible to successfully look into Libya As a country whose occupy a nation in hopes of rebuildchange came with the Arab Spring, ing it for the better? Fast often uses this Russian provthe people now have an opportunity to become a beacon of freedom . erb in his classes, ''We know you can across the region. It had been four tum an aquarium into fish soup. The decades under Gaddafi's rule when question is can you tum fish soup back into an aquarium?" When a the rebels finally pushed through with the backing of NATO. But now government is overthrown, a vacthe question becomes how did they uum is created. Fast went on to say, get to that point, and for that matter, 'There are business fragments, and could they have done it without in- socialist fragments, and religious tervention? fragments, and secular fragments, The rebellion against Gaddafi and dorninational fragments, that all this opportunity." began on February 15, 2011, as a want to now ... This is why occupations designed small conflict between the people and Gaddafi's security forces. It to facilitate the move from a transith~ broke out to the initial stages tional government to a strong and cupiers should keep things aestheti- of a revolt, and then a full blown sovereign state often take at least a cally pleasing. We are trying to bring revolution. Soon after, the National decade. But with that, and if history a"Vareness,and in this way trying to Transitional Council was formed is any indicator, the odds for success convince. to direct the resistance. However, a still aren't optimistic. The Americans Stewart Brinton of The Province month after the rebellion began the have been in Iraq for eight-years and wrote one such message of misun- Gaqdafi's military gained the initia- counting. Their withdrawal is loomderstanding "I suspect someone tive, pushing back as far as the rebel's ing and future of Iraq remains questionable. associated with Occupy Vancouver ho~e base of Benghazi. Intervention The issues that face nations in this got her the drugs and may have had to take place to prevent a maseven injected her and left her in the sacre, and so NATO stepped in with fragile time are very serious. Take the guns that found their way into tent where she was found. There are substantial air power, eventually dark, drug-addled energies at Oc- leading to the success of the rebels in the hands of all the Libya. Akuffo made the point that, "now cupy Vancouver," he wrote. overthrowing Gaddafi. So once again, the question the international community will Do you really think that these people are living on the cold streets changes: Why intervene with Libya have to find a way of getting those in front of the Vancouver Art gallery and not in countries such as Syria, guns out of the hands of potential to party, do drugs and avoid paying where horrible acts of abuse are be- · people like terrorists", as many will rent? Do you really believe people ing committed against its own citi- begin to flow freely. ':Africa has one of the highest incidents of small with the passion and dedication zens? According to Scott Fast, Professor arms and light weapons circulating enough to plant themselves in the Emeritus in Political Science, Gad- around that region. So the truth is mids.t of the ugly grey concrete-in a movement that has spread across dafi, "In practice, his policies... had, that the rebuilding of Libya is linked the world-facing winter, violent riot ~ reputation for doing a pretty good to the general peace and security of police officers, and ill-informed, self- job in terms of housing and food and the African continent because of the righteous citizens like Stewart Brin- that sort of thing, if you compared it amount of arms that is circulating to other North African countries:'· right now in that part of the world," ton, are just lazy druggies? But occupiers can't brush hiin Now, Gaddafi was a supporter ofter- continued Akuffo. The Arab Spring has brought on aside. Brinton isn't the bad guy; some rorism and committed brutalities on don't believe there are any of those. his ·people. But these brutalities are a wave of change in numerous counIt's just people trapped in a system not on the same level as the crack- tries. Some will succeed in freeing that makes it too easy to be selfish. down by Bashar Al-Assad, President their selves from the oppression of It's a system that suppresses com- of Syria, who has had 3,500 of his dictators, while some won't. But the passion and understanding by.sepa- own people openly slaughtered on time will come when all governments must face their people. ration, a system of warped values the streets. rn close with this line from Charthat creates this terrible detachment. To further answer the question Brinton is the type that occupiers are posed, Edward Akuffo, another Pro- lie Chaplin in The Great Dictator: fessor of Political Science, identified ''The misery that is now upon us is trying to help understand what's "it is all because Syria, as Assad has but the passing of greed, the bitterwrong with this system. "Time to tear Occupy Vancouver said, is the fault line of the Middle ness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will down," Brinton wrote: "It isn't what East and any kind of intervention it pretends to be." That's fine for you there might have very bad replica- pass and dictators die and the power to say. Is your democracy what it pre- tions with regards to instability to they took from the people, will rethe whole of the Middle East. So that turn to the people, and so long as tends to be? is the calculation that policy makers men die - liberty will never perish..:' have to make in terms of intervening

ccupy _Vancouver's stru SASHAMOEDT against. Among the most rational








From the sizzling pages of Violet Hart


ACROSS 1. A harmful chemical found in most cheap dildos (10 letters) 4. The "lips" of the vagina (5 letters) 7. The sexual attraction to corpses (11 letters) · 10. __ -based lubricants last longer than water-based and are safe to use with condoms (8 letters) 12. An activist who educates against infant circumcision (11 letters) 13. Pornographic art (7 letters) 14. The elastic piece of skin that connects the head of the penis to the foreskin (8 letters) 15. Ukrainian feminist activist group famous for protesting topless (5 letters)

8 9


LAST WEEK'S nswer Key Across 1. Matcha 4. Chai Tea Latte 7. Mocha 9. Soy 11.Red 13. Breve 14. Espresso

15. Pike Place

DOWN 2. This year is Abbotsford'sfifth annual "__ Naughty But Nice Sex Show" (5 letters) 3. Exercises for the pubococcygeus muscle (5 letters) 5. The absence of sexual attraction (10 letters) 6. Japanese love pillow (10 letters) 8. Fotie Photenhauer's semen cookbook: Natural __ (7 letters) 9. Women's wrestling where the winner bangs the loser: Ultimate __ (9 letters) 11. A popular alternative pin-up girl website: __ Girls (7 letters)


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cream Decaf Coffee Misto Cappuccino Gingerbread 8. Onward 9. Sixteen 10. Green 12. Trenta

The Weekly Horoscope Star Signs from the Sumas Sibyl Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18



Beware. A Pinterest addict may viciously attack you with push pins this week in order to steal all of your creative and witty craft ideas. Pisces: Feb 19 - March 20 We don't know where he came from or went, but you'd definitely be married a long time ago if hadn't have been for Cotton-Eye Joe.

Gemini: May 21 - June 21

Libra: Sept 23 - Oct 22

Have lunch at AfterMath this ~eek. Just look for the building with the giant grey "Casey's On Campus" letters across it .

For every badger there is a mushroom.

Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 21 Cancer: June 22 - July 22

If you vote "NO"to P3, in 2016 you and the rest of Abbotsford will all die an excruciating death from thirst.

Elmo is running for Mayor of Abbotsford. ·God wants you to vote for him. Leo: July 23 - Aug 22

Aries: March 21 -April 19 The geriatric jellyfish predicts tempests of inanity this week.

Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21 The ghost of a deceased WWII vet is haunting you for having not respected Remembrance Day appropriately. Just so you know, he's been regularly leaving urine on your bed sheets.

Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 19

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Virgo: Aug 23 - Sept 22

It may be time to give up working

Think creatively. Use creative colours. Green is not a creative colour.

on your suntan.

The Smurfs want YOU.

Don't let your mother go near the woods. It's moose hunting season.



. jji


~ ............


~ ,,,




If you were at the Abbotsford campus bookstore on Tuesday November 8, you may have stumbled upon the store's Student Appreciation Day. Events and draws took place all day with hourly small prizes and a large draw for some more noteworthy prizes. Items won include a 32GB iPad 2 with Wi-Fi and accessories (won by Amanda Paul ton), a pair of Whistler /Blackcomb lift tickets (won by Sheena Edwards and Tim Edtoda) and Canucks tickets (won by Renan Vaz). Several vendors were at the appreciation day, including Coca-Cola-who gave away free drinks-as well as Apple and The Globe and Mail. "We do this to show appreciation to the students who are working hard all semester" said bookstore manager Cameron Roy, "it gives them a chance to save money as well as check out what we have in the store."

You, turn me off! _management.htm






BREWN'CHEW MONDAYS-$4 Burger, Sleeve of Sleeman's or a Bellini. Now Enjoy the Gamel

IB.ISH THURSDAY WINGTHANG$5/LB Mv..Celtic Music NO COVER from 7pm-12am. Drink Specials: House Lager & Ale and a11Scotch

CttJB NIGHTSATURDAYS Live DJ all night! Drink Specials: Hpnotiq, Patron Silver, Patron XO Cafe. Open until 1am.



Dine and Dash: Finnegan's Pub and Grill the one set of doors that lead to Finnegan's-as opposed to the other doors that lead to Phoenix Lounge-was some surprisingly good food at surprisingly affordable prices. It was a Thursday that I stepped across the threshold, and even AMYVANVEEN though the threshold offered some THE CASCADE added difficulties-namely power tool cords, a ladder, and a lingerThere are some days on cam- ing smell of fresh paint-what pus when lunch seems. like the greeted me inside was a rather most monumental decision in the nice surprise. TVs bedeck every world. Sodexo just never seems available wall, which can be both like a good idea and AfterMath a hindrance to actual conversation has a certain, well, post-apoca- and a nice distraction in the face lyptic ambiguity to some of their of awkward company. The atmodishes, but the clincher is parking. sphere is tangibly intimate with compared to AfterMath or Sodexo, Who wants to leave campus when low-lighting and dark colours, but they may seem like a pricey little trip across the street. However, the they've already scored a good spot the tall chairs still keep it pub-like quality of the food far outranks in the permit lot? Or who wants to without going too intimate. There's anything on-campus eateries can ditch a stall they've already paid a plethora of seating on a weekday six hours for? That's a lot of good afternoon, and even though they provide. Since I didn't feel like going over $15 for steak or another luck and money to go throwing at have tall chairs, they were surpristhe wind, so it seems the only other ingly comfortable - unlike the bar dinner-like entree for lunch, I went for the special of the day. Since it option within sight is Finnegan's. stools at another table. Finnegan's is located just behind The service was prompt and was Thursday, the house burger the Abbotsford Entertainment and friendly without being invasive, was on for $6.99. Though this price Sports Centre and has an air of dis- which makes a meal suddenly .did catch my eye, I wasn't yet aware of the extra fees required to tinction - and thus the presumed that much better. The only downnecessity of deep pockets. What fall that I could see was the prices. make it a real burger - bacon for I discovered on the other side of They're not exorbitant, but when $2 and cheddar for $1.50? Interestingly the smoked cheddar was $2. 33780 King Road Abbotsford, BC 604.859.2220 Hours: Monday - Saturday: opens at 11:30 a.m.; Sunday: opensat 11 a.m.

TheCascadeCookbook RyanPetersen's Simple Congee

Fifty cent smoking fee? I guess so. grease. It was a pleasant surprise, Mushrooms, too, cost extra if eat- to say the least, but it's difficult to ing fungus is a preference of the get past so many pricey add-ons patron. Either way, though, the that make a burger better. burger was reasonable and-boIt seems, then, that the best way nus-delightful. Most pub burg- to eat at Finnegan's, as a student, is ers are greasy mounds of fat and to order from their specials menu. calories designed to soak up the With a different special each day of pitcher of beer most patrons or- . the week, it is fairly easy not to get der with it. Finnegan's, however, stuck in a nearly-on-campus lunch appeals to a slightly more sophis- rut. Or you can give; up a parking ticated demographic and knows space and venture beyond King the importance of quality food. Road for something else to satisfy The burger wasn't fatty. The bun those awkward stomach grumwasn't dry. The fries didn't require blings that seem to only happen at five napkins to soak up any excess the quietest moments in class.

Drinko'theweek: Beach Cruiser

Ryan is a third year UFV student currently working towardshis BA in InternationalRelations.He a current Student Union Boardmemberand works at Baker House, the UFV on campus residencein Abbotsford. In his off time Ryan likes to read,spend time with his friends and cook.He is always up for trying new types offood or learninghow to cookthem.

"I came across this recipe when I was feeling ill and needed something tasty that my stomach would keep down. It can be dressed up or down as each person sees fit."


1 cup rice 1 tsp salt 8 cups water Garnish: Green onions, ginger, garlic Crushed peanuts Soft boiled egg Soy sauce Chili sauce Chicken stock Directions:

Place the rice, salt and water in a pot and bring to a boil (you can also do half water half chicken stock for added flavour). Once at a boil, cover with a lid and let it simmer for an hour and a half or until it resembles a smooth porridge. Serve in individual bowls and garnish as you like. It's totally up to each person on how they wish to garnish this dish. My favourite way is with a soft boiled egg, minced green onion with a swirl of soy and chili sauce on·top. Enjoy! Estimated cost:


A plain and simple cocktailthat is neither too sweet nor too strong. 1.25 oz spiced rum 4 oz pineapple juice 3 oz cranberry juice Shake and strain into a glass. Garnish with a pineapple wedge. *Add 1 oz of soda water to make your cocktail a little bubbly Ideal for: A casual evening Bad for: A unique taste Cascade grade: B+

r WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2011 ¢'>'th x).s"O

• """"~'




'- ~


5ITT1~f f lIE

l Drunk Not Dead 2Bodysongs 3Days Into Years The Brains .


Elliott BROOD

M83 4Hurry Up, We're


Aaron Levy performs playby-play duties live on CIVL IOI .7 FM and online at for UFV Cascades men and women '.s basketball home games.


SThat's How We Run 6JonMcKiel TonkaWar Cloud 7MoonKing ThemeForMoon King

Quad City DJ - nspace


April Verch

This song personifies my childhood. Not just because ifs about Looney Toons, and the theme for the only legitimate film with star power (Bill Murray, Wayne Knight) plus the greatest athlete of the 90s, Michael Jordan, but ifs a straight up party starter. A banger in the most authentic sense.

b/w Old + Dead Master P- ''Mak'em Say Ugh"


TeenBurger Burgertime

Blood 9Surfer TarotClassics




New Brigade

ll Make A Splash 12 Er,aExtrana 13 BlackTrain 14 The Years 1 Holy Ghost! 16 ...Of Exile 17 DreamsComeTrue The Thrashers

Neon Indian

Bad Vibrations







The Phantom Creeps

Hellbilly RebelFire


Unleash The Archers

Demon Of the Astra Waste

No other guttural tone can accurately represent striving for success and achieving acclamation more than Master P's "Ughhhhh, na na na naaaaa, na na na naaaaa." True to the dirtiest of Southern beats in hip hop, Master P got the party started a decade ago and it still hasn't stopped.

Skee-Lo - I Wish

Who doesn't wish they were a little bit taller, and a baller, with a girl, whom they would ensure calling promptly and regularly? Now, he probably doesn't really want. to be six-foot-nine as claimed in one verse; doors are shorter than that. Good for one-on-one though.

Shaq..:..nHow My Ass Taste?"

It's a shame when incredible sports figures fall from grace. Case in point: Penn State. Here's Shaquille O'Neil rapping about Kobe Bryant, and how much he sucks after the 2008 NBA Playoffs. This is funny just 'cause Shaq' s a terrible rapper, and Kobe seems like a bad person. Too bad.

She & Him have brought on the Christmas season early this year. They even beat the absurdly early TV commercials with A Very She & Him Christmas,having dropped on October 24. Through their first two LPs, Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward have proven to be one of the top duos on the indie scene. But departing from their typical kickback to , an older era of sounds, they craft this Christmas album with a simpler and stripped down style .- one certainly fitting for the season. With Deschanel (vocals, piano, and the ukulele) and Ward (vocals, guitar, and organ) together here, they produce a very collected rendition of the classics. And while the jovial tones aren't as apparent as one may expect on a Christmas album, they do exist in a more subdued form. This approach is certainly appreciated, and it's what separates the album from the thousands of other holiday-themed releases. The songs have really become their own. What's more, Ward has a greater role in the vocal department here than he has on their previous albums. Perhaps their weakest point up to now has been not enough of "Him" up front He has an underrated magnetism to his voice, which finally gets shown off in this album. Of course, Deschanel still has the majority of the songs, and her voice does suit them quite well. But when they get together for the harmonies, the album peaks to

It starts off with "The Christmas Waltz," which perhaps could be easily forgotten since ifs quickly trailed by one of the more outstanding tracks on the album, "Christmas Day." Ifs an upbeat song that is absolutely superb with the background vocals and instrumental. "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" and "I'll be Home for Christmas" are two songs that go by as decent progressions and act to build up to the next prominent song on the album, "C~istmas Wish." This one is dominated by Ward's perfection in bringing it all to the lyrics. Following is "Sleigh Ride" which has a twangy arrangement and the perfect combo of both band members. Though, I'd be amiss if I said that I could even recall the next one, their version of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree." But then the pluckiness of the ukulele makes a strong appearance on "Silver Bells," meaning that this song is no longer one of my least favourite to listen to during the season. Of course, when "Baby, It's Cold Outside" begins to play I can't help but be brought back to Deschanel in one of the classic Christmas movies, Elf. The actual song itself has always been quite campy to listen to, but having Ward provide one side of it really lends some credibility to it as a hallmark. "Blue Christmas" makes an appearance and Deschanel keeps it very simple with a light tenderness that seems to float across the



entire song, marking a beautiful rendition.' As the second-to-last song comes on, "Little Saint Nick" proves to be fun and picks things up before they're finally brought back down again with the closing track, "The Christmas Song." As the final song, it quietly plays_the album out. An excellent job was done to avoid being cliche ·in any regard on this album. It is genuine and unique. However, it appeared to be over just as soon as it started with its mere 32 minutes in length. Given that it's Christmas and a'll, though, it's alright to just throw it on repeat for background listening. That way it'll lend a little atmosphere for when the drunken shenanigans begin. I'm really looking forward to giving this album another listen. Only next time it will be in about one month's time, and with a little shot of something in my hot chocolate while sitting by the fire.

Florence and· the Machine Ceremonials DESSABAYROCK sesses. We still get flashes of this THE CASCADE in "Never Let Me Go" and "Shake Florence and the Machine broke out in a big way last year with the album Lungs - many listeners will recognize "The Dog Days Are Over," which w:as prm;no'-. tional material for Eat Pray Love last year. The band's bold style hit a chord with listeners with its slightly macabre themes, infectious beats, and catchy, memorable verses. I am sorry to report, however, that Florence and the Machine's new album Ceremonials does not live up to this standard. The reason Lungs succeeded as . much as it did was the focus on Florence's voice, combined with steady, irrepressible drumbeats. Ceremonials has only a shadow of these elements-it is still recognizably Florence and the Machine-but Florence's strong voice is either distorted in a way that is disturbingly Enya-esque, or backed by whispery, breathy voices. The songs from Lungs not only felt as though she was singing in the listener's ear but directly into the listener's brain, lending an urgency to the tracks that is simply not present in Ceremonials.The vocals are almost completely lost in effects - especially disappointing considering the pure strength and force that we know she pos-

It Out," but, for the most part, the vocals are clouded to the point where they lose the immediacy that turned Lungs from a solid album into a great one. . The other thing that is starkly. noticeable when contrasting Ceremonialsto their earlier work is the pace of the songs as a whole. Although there were slow songs on Lungs and there are fast songs on Ceremonials,all in all, the pace is much more relaxed. Again, this is something that doesn't necessarily work for the band. Ifs not unbearably slow, just slow enough for the listener to lose focus and wander. As opposed to Lungs, which made the audience sit up and take notice, it is entirely too easy to get distracted and let this album become background noise. · Bands grow and change· from albw:n to album, and many are eager to try new things - this album simply seems as though it has taken the band farther away from the direction they were so promisingly headed. "Lover to Lover" has an almost gospel feel to it, which is odd to say the least, and "No Light, No Lighf' starts with an effect that is frighteningly close to that used in many popular electro-club pop hits. Ifs fairly safe to say that Florence and the Machine are testing

their wings and experimenting with their sounds. This isn't necessarily a bad thing-but I don't have to like it. There are definitely some highlights to the album - I recommend "Breaking Down" and "No Light, No Lighf' in particular as worthy of attention. The problem here isn't that it's a bad album, but ~tit's simply below the standard that Florence and the Machine set with Lungs. The listener can still faintly hear the after-image of greatness that pounded through their first album-but ifs so far-away and distorted that it only serves to remind the listener how unalike the two albums really are-and, in contrast, how utterly disappointing this album is.


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Los Campesinos Hello, Sadness!

Cass Mccombs Humor Risk

Childish Gambino The Camp

I alwayswant to like Los Campesinos more than I actually ever do. This album is no different - for some reason I had high hopes, and although it is serviceably catchy, there were really no songs that stood out for me. Possibly the most entertaining aspect of the Los Campesinos' work is the fact that they are a Welsh band - and their accents are endlessly amusing. Unfortunately this detracts from their lyrics, as the listener tends to hear only the accents instead of what the band is actually sayiiig. Los Campesinos remain on my put-on-at-a-party-as-background-music list since they're both solid and upbeat, but. unfortunately I am still waiting for the album that will fully encourage my love for them to flourish.

Humor Risk is DIY folk/pop vaga-

For those who spend more of their time watching television than listening to newly released rap music, you may know Donald Glover (a.k.a. Childish Gambino) better for his role as Troy on popular sitcom Community. Childish Gambino has previously released three albums and a couple of mixtapes which are all available online, but 7he Camp is his first commercially released album. Aside from a chorus that can be heard in a few songs, Glover is the only artist featured on the entire album which is both uncommon and difficult to do without getting boring. Thankfully, 7he Camp is anything but boring.Upon listening to the first few songs of the album one has the impression that Childish Gambino is "rap 1c11usic lite," but this impression will be short-lived because "Bonfire" (quite possibly the best track on the album) gives Kanye West a run for his money. Glover also infuses his lyrics with a variety of references, from folk music singers to French New Wave films, which are incredibly amusing if you can catch them.

bond Cass McCombs' second LP this year and works well as a companion piece to his first. Unlike the hushed, chamber pop melancholy he explores on April's achingly brilliant Wit's End, McCombs is loud, fuzzy and surp'risingly happy in this new one. The pair of albums boldly invert the usual sadeyed, acoustic autumn release, vibrant and electric spring release paradigm it seems most record labels strictly adhere to. On Hum"or Risk, McCombs re-casts the reverb-laden, rough-edged acoustic rock aesthetic of Kurt Vile's 2011 release Smoke Ring For My Halo through the lens of his exacting pop perfectionism. It's compelling, upbeat and weirdly funny, but McCombs also plays it atypically straight; his longawaited return to more electric territory occasionally feels-like he's going through the motions. Yet McCombs's formidable musical talent still makes it a worthy listen. A misstep by his standards could be a· career,-making turn for another artist. While Humor Risk is a solid, consistent addition to McCombs growing catalogue of te.!. markably strong albums, it d@esn't quite match up to the understated grandeur of Wit's End.




16, 2011

Laura Marling A Creature I Don't Know Being only 21-years-old, it's hard to imagine that Laura Marling knows much about the world of love and loss; however, the British folksinger's display of wisdom and intelligence on her newest release resembles that of fellow young "old -souls" like Cat Power, Joni Mitchell and PJ Harvey during her reign of the 1990s. Marling emerged from the prevalent London folk scene that produced the likes of Mumford and Sons and Noah and the Whale. Yet unlike heicontemporaries, she continually strives to produce a unique British folk sound rather than indulging in conventional folk lyrics and inevitable musical build-ups. Having already knocked out two notable albums, Marling sings A Creature • I Don't Know with the kind of sincerity and openness fundamental for a convincing confessional folk pop record. Overflowing with life, flourishing guitars, a smoky voice and coveted secrets of desire, riches and death, Marling's songs resonate with you long after the album is through.


The Q&A: Real Boys SASHAMOEDT We are all friends and are all acTHE CASCADE tive and immersed in the music A new band, with membersof You Say Party! We Say Die!,Oh No! Yoko, and GSTS, are getting real. Everett · Morris takes on vocalsand guitar,as does Drew Riekman, while Stephen O'Sheaplays bassand LiamHa.milton is on drums. Theybring togethertheir . styles into Real Boys, currently playing UBC's Campus Station CiTR's annual Battle of the Bands. Having won the first round, Real Boys are moving to the second, which takes placeon the November15 in Vancouver. Lead singer Everett Morris, and bassplayerStephenO'Shea talk about their band: You've got members of various bands; how did you get together to make Real Boys? Everett: I initially wrote a couple of the songs with no real intention of starting a band. I recorded demos for the songs and posted "Vacation" on a personal bandcamp. When I found out that people were enjoying it I thought I would assemble a live band and play the songs live, which I eventually realized that that was exactly what I wrote them for. I asked Drew to join, then Drew asked Stephen to join and we all collectively chose Liam to play drums. How do you mesh as a band? Everett: We mesh well as a band. I

scene. Playing live is great and we come together well musically and personally. We stay relatively on .task as well, which we can all say is a change from our various other projects. You recently won the first round of CiTR's Battle of the Bands, how were you feeling that night? Everett: We were feeling great that night. We were half-expecting our friends 41st and Home to win, so it was a pleasant surprise when host Ben Lai called out our name. How are you feeling about the second round? Everett: We are all excited for the semi-finals on Tuesday, November 15. We feel prepared and are feeling good about our set. The deciding factor will be getting people to come out! What artists or groups are your primary influences on your music? _ Stephen: The influ~nces are actuaUx from the three different bands that [we] play in outside of Real Boys. This band has a similar enOh No! Yoko, GSTS! and erg~at You Say P<U:!)'all possess. From the playful~ss of Oh No! Yoko's lyrics to the co!Ilplex guitar lead lines ~ diverging song structures of GSTS! and the spry and dancey rhythms of You Say Party. Each

band member brings his own style from his other band to the combined equation of Real Boys. What have you been listening to lately? Everett: I pretty much only listen to top 40 music. Stephen: New Zealand post punks Die! Die! Die! and Welsh post hardcore band Future Of The

Left. What's the creative process like for recording and writing_music? Everett: We write the music all together now, when we practice. Drew or myself will come up with something that we can · all play around, and we jam until it becomes something more concrete. I'm left with the task of coming up

with lyrics. Lololol kkkk What's your favourite record store and hangout place in town? Everett: My favorite record store is HMV lololol. My favorite hangout spot is New Saigon. Stephen: Champion Jack's Emporiµm in Downtown Abbotsford.




·Book Review

Go bold:top two faJImakeuptrends

KurtVonnegutJr. _:Whi(eMortalsSleep



. THE CASCADE As proved year after year in the clothing industry, the onset of autumn and .the approaching winter provides an excellent backdrop for looks that are perhaps just a little bit more daring or edgy than one would normally choose. Makeup, it appears, is nothing different. Maybe it's a reflection of the dreary weather, but I, at least, have always noticed that when the sun disappears, dark eyeliner and lips with a little more drama seem to make their way into the fashion savvy girl's makeup bag. Fall/ Winter 2011 runways were a tangle of opulent and edgy makeup looks that reflected the somewhat exaggerated mode of the season. Two standout trends were certainly cat eyes and boldly bright lips, as demonstrated by names like Vuitton and Versace. Let's take a look at these trends: Bold Lips Any look can be sirened up with a swipe of lipstick in a darker or perhaps unexpected hue. Runways were full of unique lipstick looks, with colours ranging from classic red to icy blue or deep purple. While many makeup wearers may shy away from painting on a neon smile, the look can be achieved, to an extent, by wearing a still classic, but more unexpected shade, such as rust, or a hue that is slightly lighter than your lip colour. Red lipstick is a makeup bag staple that can make a party season dress sparkle a little more. The best way to wear bold lipstick is in a


matte finish, with avoidance of any lipsticks that look waxy or plastic upon application. The trick is to keep the look smooth and natural - as natural as bright lips can be, at least. Cat Eyes

I fell in love with Kate Moss' look in the ads for Dior Addict, a lipstick no less, but my eyes were certainly on hers. Cat eyes are an eyeliner look that draws its inspiration from the Edie Sedgwicks and Brigitte Bardots of the 60s, and can immediately make a look just a wee bit sexier. Cat eye looks range from a thin extension of a normal eyeliner application, to thick, kohldark lines reminiscent of the late Amy Winehouse' s famously thick eye makeup. Cat eyes can give the illusion of an almond-shaped eye, and have an effortlessly cool element to them. They look fabulous with messy-chic hair and a high boots for a rocker-esque look, or polished along with a sleek party dress and an updo. Versatile, and feline-sexy, cat eyes are a fall makeup standout.

In While Mortals Sleep, Kurt Vonnegut's altruism is resonant, but lacking the punchy style that we have come to love the famous novelist for. While Mortals Sleep is a posthumous collection of short stories - most of them early works. Unlike Vonnegut's novels, which revolve around rich, eccentric alcoholic millionaires, and apocalyptic scenarios (as well as time travel) and American-born Nazi double agents, the stories focus on the common man - regular people in regular situations that could happen to any of us. The stories, while they might lack the typical passive voice which readers associate with Vonnegut, do still have some of his outrageously hilarious plots. For example, the first story in the book, entitled "Jenny," is the witty tale of a man who falls in love with a refrigerator. ·There is no lack of wit, and there is certainly no lack of those clever drawings and illustrations which have come to be related with Mr. Vonnegut. The contents of the book are riddled with the charming All-American attitudes of the cynical Vonnegut. The stories are simple. The prose is rigid, and observational, with most adjectives removed. The sentences state simple truths about humanity, and point out injustices and inhumanity. Vonnegut, as with all his stories, offers no direct explanations of how to remedy our errors, but does drop veiled hints of as to how humanity can better

itself. The writing style is interesting, and yet does not read the same as Vonnegut's other works. The voice is not yet developed, and the style is not so dark and pessimistically passive, yet. Many. of these stories may very well have been penned before Vonnegut left to fight in the European theatre of World War II. As with most Vonnegut books I own, it took me a while to actually pick the book up off the shelf. I procrastinated reading it for weeks after purchasing it. I had concluded that I'd read everything good by the legendary author after having finished Slaughterhouse Five. Thankfully, I was wrong, and I found that once I'd picked up the collection of previously unpublished stories, I could not put it down. In fact, very seldom do I spend entire days reading any-

thing, but I spent an entire day simply reading this collection of short stories. While Mortals Sleep is the third collection of Vonnegut's writings since his death in 2007 - the first being Armageddon in Retrospect, and the second being Look at the Birdie. Often credited as being America's greatest satirist, and twentieth century America's greatest dark humourist, Kurt Vonnegut left behind him a world of words. Words designed to heal, and not harm. A trail of literary breadcrumbs in the woods, designed to allow us to find ourselves, as well as the answers to all those little tricky questions. Price: $31.00 Publisher: Delacorte Press

NaNoWriMo: How to write a novel in 30 days or less KARENANEY edge is now unimportant - only THE CASCADE the work matters." NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The movement began wtth only 21 people in July 1999, all with a singular goal: to write a novel of 50,000 words in just one month. It's progressed from there, changing months to November along the way, to this year: while an official participant count has not been tallied, the total participant word count at the time of publication was 1,273,893,719. There are many spin-offs inspired by the novel writing challenge. One such move.ment is NaKniSweMo: National Knit a Sweater Month. Given the work involved in these challenges, one might assume that participants are generally the type to sit at home chatting with their cats because they simply have no other commitments. Apparently, though, the pool of participants extends to UFV students. Three of them were open to sharing their experiences: Lian McIntyre, Greg Eliason, and AnnaMarie Yang. varied. Eliason Their topics is penning what he calls an "epic fantasy." The story centres around a world that he has created. "Basically," he said, "it's a story about Vikings, but they're not really Vikings. That is just the time period I've set it in." Yang's novel centres on a protagonist struggling with a destiny to explore when the society around him prohibits it. As she explained, "Technology rules while know!-


McIntyre's plot places "familiar fairy tale characters" in "a psychiatric institute." No word yet on whether or not this institute bears any resemblance to our university's hallowed halls. Both Eliason and McIntyre have participated in past years. Though neither was able to achieve the 50,000 word mark, they still did fairly well. "I managed to accumulate a good word count in the first 10 days," McIntyre recalled, ''but then due to final papers I ended up quitting." Eliason's 2010 attempt garnered him 20,000 words before he stepped back to focus on school. "Even though it was not the 50,000 word goal," he said, "I was-and still am-quite proud of those 20,000 words." Yang and Eliason cite their current experience in their English 311 course as a great aid in their challenge. "I had the topic figured out beforehand," Yang explained. Eliason elaborated, saying, "I decided to take what I had written for class and expand on that. With everything I learned from 311 I'm finding it much easier to write this novel thari past years." One of the key aspects of NaNoWriMo is that quantity is valued over quality. According to the website, ''Because of the limited writing window, the ONLY thing that matters in NaNoWriMo is output... this approach forces

you to lower your expectations, take risks, and write on the fly." This is a great departure from what we experience as students each day, having to edit and re-edit our work for the evaluation of our professors. Participant reaction as to whether or not this improves their writing is varied .. McIntyre said no. "I don't really think NaNo itself helps improve your writing," she explained. "If anything it forces you to write." Yang, though, was undecided, "I'm not sure how good my writing actually is, but I hope it improves with practice." Eliason, the most seasoned participant interviewed, disagreed.

He explained that the simple fact that you're writing so many words forces you to stumble on something good. "It forces you to write every day," he said, "even if you are not in the mood... It's also a good lesson in plotting ... If you can manage to get the plot to flow over that long a work, plotting shorter things becomes much easier." Even if it didn't improve their writing, the consensus seems to be that participating in the challenge helps with learning time management. "If I've improved at all as a student due to NaNoWriMo," McIntyre said, "it's in my ability to prioritize school over writing for pleasure." That doesn't sound like a bad side effect.

Eliason expands on this. · "It's a lesson in time management as much as it is writing," he explained. "It's all about finding a couple spare hours each day to write. So you cut back on TV shows you watch or video games you play ... If ·you can balance all these things at once during November, the other months don't seem quite so daunting anymore." It isn't too late to sign up for NaNoWriMo: just visit ~e website ( and sign up to start logging your word count. As the participants pointed out, even if you don't finish you'll have something more than what you started with.

18 ·


Discussions Below the· Belt Use the backdoor,boys! VIOLET HART gasms of your life. THE CASCADE Anal sex has been on its way to becoming "normal" in straight sex - anal sex with women, that is. Ifs odd, though, that more and more men want to stick their dicks into women's asses. Sure, girls can find sex pleasurable. Certainly, ifs an exciting .switch-up once in a while. But really, if it makes sense for anybody to want to take it in the ass, ifs the guy. Why? Well, men have the equivalent to ·the female G-'spot, the prostate, which is accessed-you guessed it-through the bum. Men, relax. Lube up your finger and stick it in, and about two inch-. es in you'll find a "chestnut-sized" bump. This is your magic spot. Play with it, and you'll discover a whole new world of pleasure, and some of the most powerful or-

submissive. However, if you are Now, considering the degree of hell-bent on always being the pleasure that stimulation of such a dominant partner in bed, you can simple spot can bring, ifs bizarr~ still enjoy anal stimulation without having your partner actually fuck that men don't use the backdoor more often. Well, there's a variety you with ·a strap on. A well-lubed of reasons why men are queasy finger or butt plug are two other · great ways to stimulate the prosabout it. For starters, there's homophotate - or if you have a very genbia. The. thinking runs: .if gay men erous and adventurous partner, have anal sex, then if I have anal tongues work amazingly as well. sex I'm a gay man. Well, following Also, some men find that thrusting that logic there are a lot of straight isn't very good stimulation anywomen out there who are, in fact, ways, and prefer a constant presgay men. Last f checked, the cri- sure. In this c11se,· these methods teria for being gay had to do with are great. sexual attraction to men, not an ex'The most understandable fear, clusive desire for anal stimulation. in my opinion, is that of pain. The If you're truly straight, anal-play anus is a very delicate area. Prolific isn't going to suddenly· make you are horrifying tales of tears or the want to have sex with men. And "pink sock'' (if you don't know anyhow, whafs so awful about what that is, I'm not going to exbeing gay? It's the 21st century. I plain it-you're better off ignorant, think we're beyond such pettiness. trust me). But anal sex isn't danAnother fear is that of being gerous as long as you follow some

cardinal rules, which I will discuss next week in my article The ABC's of Anal Sex. Certainly, anal sex can be a bit uncomfortable at first if you don't relax or if you go light on the lube, but there's nothing to be scared about. Besides, there's no reason to jump straight into anal sex either. You started stimulating your

dick with your hand long before you had sex, so you might as well · begin that way with anal-play too. Get to know that part of your body - because you'll be shocked to discover the new realms of pleasure the prostate can open up for you.

Cascade Arcade Classictoysfindnewlevelwrth'v1deo gameintegration hit-points, mana-costs, winningrecord, etc. Competitive .~~tches could even be played onlin~ · Af7 . .360 versions of the game. Though It used to be that playing an the game comes with.three charac- though the game was not a major · adventure-based card game was ters to start, fans of the game can success, the technology had a lot primarily done in your mind, and purchase over 30 different heroes. of potential. If combined that playing with action figures As someone who used to collect already established trading-card was an experience solely influ- similar toys, the fun of searching franchise, it would Hkely be inenced by your imagination. How- through such a variety of charac- credibly popular. ever, with this current generation While neither of these examples ters and picking out a favourite of consoles, both of those classic one sounds to me like a great ad- make a huge impact on the way childhood pastimes have been dition to a kid's game. Each char- kids play with their toys, both incorporated into video games. acter has its own unique weapons showcase the way ordinary toys Though it's debatable how much and moves, so the experience of can have video game applications. these new games really change the- getting a new character really does Maybe an action figure will be able dynamics of how kids play with change the way the game plays. • to learn what players do with it toys on their own time, it's an exoutside of the game, and subseCard-based battle games-like ceptional opportunity to imagine Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon quently have that bring experience how this trend could develop into or Yu-Gi-Oh!-have become a points into the game. It doesn't something more interactive and staple in gaming over the years. seem too far-fetched to imagine engaging moving forward. These trading cards have gener- most kids' toys coming with some Third-person action-adventure ally stayed in the realm of the real kind of video gaming component. game Skylanders: Spyro's Adven- world, with mock-battles of fantas- Add in the increasing prevalence ture is the latest to incorporate this tical monsters taking place entirely of smart phones and the integratype of mechanic. Children can in the heads of those playing the tion might not need to wait for use their various Skylanders action game together. However, shortly kids to get home. If done incorrect.figure "heroes" and, using a ~eafter the PlayStation Eye camera ly, it could limit the opportunities cial stand, transport them into the was released for the PlayStation for children to be imaginative. But, game as playable characters. These 3 a game called The Eye of Judg- done right, they might actually alcharacters then develop experi- ment came out. In this game, real low a child to further explore their ence-points and game-rel~d info trading cards are laid down on a creativity. Maybe their favourite as they are played with in-gam:e;-- special gaming mat which is dis- toy could even pick up on the fact What makes it interesting is that if played on the TV by the camera; · that they struggle with math, and a gamer takes the toy to a friend's the otherwise-imagined battles help them see the fun side in it. house to play, it remembers what then take place in a graphic specta- That idea may seem likE:a stretch they've done. It maintai)'ls the ex- cle on-screen. The game even takes from a game like Skylanders, but perience-points from all the times care of all the details - measuring chances are that it's not that far off. it has been la ed with before.

JOEL SMART This holds true whether you use THE CASCADE the toy on the Wii, PC, PS3 or Xbox


include a short 50-75word blurb ~bout ur submission.

esponserunewill typicallybe one week. lease email all subtpissions to: "'Goodbyes'!wtll'be accepted unfil'N~



Theatre ReviewArabianNights JAMES INGLIS

Director Heather Robertson presents a production full of colour, music, laughter, sadness, "Once there was a king called desperation, enchantment and reShahryar who one night found demption. The play is centered on his wife in the arms of a slave; the the fate of its main characters, but world darkened for him, his soul the audience is presented with a grew sick, and he killed them both · truly remarkable ensemble effort on the carpets of the bed. From by the entire cast. then on, every night he marries, · Kat Beswick gives a poised, loves, and kills a virgin girl, and confident, sensual and intelligent when she dies, anything of him portrayal of Scherezade. Beswick that she might have inside also holds the attention of the audidies. And he will never be betrayed ence without dominating the other again." With those haunting words players. Josh Tompke portrays spoken by the chorus, the audience Shahryar, the murderous king. He is introduced to playwright Mary offers the audience a king that is Zimmerman's adaption of Arabian damaged by love - full of anger Nights, the opening production of and feelings of betrayal. Tompke the 32nd season of the UFV theatre manages to have the audience department. despise Shahryar, but at the same The tales of ArabianNights have time want Shahryar to be saved existed through the centuries. The from his self-imposed misery. He collection of stories are told and re- also plays the roles of the_ Mock told by every generation. The story Khalifah and Aziz, characters that of Scherezade, the latest bride fat- allow him to demonstrate a greater ed to die at the hands of Shahryar, range in his acting abilities. Anframes the tales of ArabianNights. other bright light in the producScherezade has a plan to survive. tion is Rebecca MacEachem-EastShe will tell of tales so enthralling wood' s portrayal of Dunyazade, her husband will delay her death. Scherezade' s younger sister. She Many tales such as th~se of Sinbad plays Dunyazade as being impand Ali Baba are known to most, ish, resourceful and adorable. Her but Zimmerman's play bypasses portrayal helps bring warmth to a. the well known and allows the au- sometimes-tragic story. MacEachdience to experience some of the em-Eastwood also portrays lesser-known tales. CONTRIBUTOR


Azizah, which showcases her dramatic abilities. This production has many memorable portrayals. Spencer Densmore' s Madman is successfully over the top and Rachael Mah' s Perfect Love inspires the members of the audience to be more careful in how they deal with another's affection. Bertan Baruh and Serkan Baruh put a hilarious spin in their portrayals of two claimants to the ownership of a wonderful bag. Rebecca MacKenzie's portrayal of Sympathy the Learned was remarkable. The sheer amount of in-

formation she had to present in the role appeared effortless to her. The other players in the cast help create the atmosphere of Arabian Nights and integrate well throughout the multiple tales. Jay Havens, as both the set designer and costume designer, created an atmosphere of both simplicity and luxury. Using strategically placed columns, lamps and atmospheric cutouts the flavor of the east is represented. Carpets and pillows are rearranged from story to story to create a different atmosphere and setting simply

and quickly. Haven's costumes help draw the audience into the tales. With their colours and intricate detailing, the costumes appear as if they may have fallen from the pages of ArabianNights. His use of headgear to represent characteristics of some of the characters is worth the audience's close attention. The atmosphere of the play is enhanced by the music of Bryce Bennett and ·the choreography of Colleen Lanki. The music lends an air of the Middle East to a production that brings the audience to the desert and Lanki' s choreography gives a graceful sensuality to the Arabian dancers and the stories. Additionally, Sandy Tait's lighting is subtle and well-integrated into the play. Heather Robertson has produced a play that is fun and entertains the audience. The stories that make up this production deal with very mature topics, so the play is not recommended for children under 13. ArabianNights is playing at the theatre on the UFV Chilliwack campus until Nov. 27. For dates, times, information and reservations call 604-795-2814 or email

FilmReview J. Edgar

oo busy/cowardly/ drunk to get the p.hone number of the hottie that caught your eye at AfterMath?

.The Cascade can ~elp! ext (778) 230-9452 or email isawyou@u.fvcascade. ~a with your missed conections and ligtlt up your ove life.


~'MfM:[Malefor Male).You: striped shirt, brown, thick .. immed glasses,and ironic smile. Me: brown hair, medium uild. We exchanged glances hen we reaUze..d we were earing the. same shirt. Did ou feel the spark?''


Lance Black depicts Hoover as a comic book caricature, a buffoon~ a scared man, a dangerous man, Oint Eastwood has shown he a conflicted lover and a sad and can direct movies that grab the tragic figure. DiCaprio isn't given attention of audiences and make enough time in any of the incarnathem care about historical events tions to make them appear conand characters on the screen. Let- vincing. Hoover in real life was tersfrom Iwo Jima and Flagsof Our physically a homely man, while Fathersare just two examples of his DiCaprio clearly is not. This difdirectorial abilities. His new movie ference only helps to distance the J. Edgar stars Leonardo DiCaprio actor's portrayal and believability as f. Edgar Hoover, the man who from the real Hoover. ran the FBI for 48 years. The movie The movie has a strong supfollows Hoover, from his early porting cast with Judi Dench as days at the then Bureau of Inves- Hoover's mother, Naomi Watts as tigation through to his death in Hoover's confidential secretary • 1972, as one of the most powerful and Armie Hammer as Hoover's men in the United States. confidant and' love interest Oyde Much of the movie is told Tolson. Hammer's understated through scenes of Hoover dictat- portrayal of Tolson as the loyal· ing his memoirs to a string of ju- long-suffering partner to Hoover nior .FBIagents. His words act as a is one of the highlights of the film. gateway to flashbacks of the events As the movie spans decades in of Hoover's life - as Ho.over want- the life of Hoover, the characters, ed them remembered. The movie · of course, must age. Much of this is constantly jumping between the aging is accomplished by the use 1970s and the earlier periods of of aging make up and prosthetics Hoover's FBI experiences. While with varying degrees of success. the flashbacks allow the audience Naomi Watts' aging makes her conto witness the events from the past, vincingly appear older. But Armie it becomes increasingly .muddled Hammer's aging effects result in as to what is truth, what is the re- him looking like someone who has visionist spin Hoover would like had a cheap old man mask applied to project for posterity, and what is to his face and, for added effect, the real present day (1970s) events. been injected with an overdose of The movie covers Hoover's Botox to stop any movement of strong attachment to his domi- his facial muscles. Leonardo Dineering mother, his secret homo- Caprio's aging is much better than sexuality, his close relationship Hammer's but results in him lookwith Oyde Tolson and the actions ing more like an older Jon Voight Hoover took. to make the FBI ar- than J.Edgar Hoover. guably the most powerful law Director Eastwood employs a enforcement agency in the United visual effect that helps create a States. sense ofdistant events; during the Leonardo DiCaprio is no doubt flashback scenes the colour on the a good actor. Unfortunately his screen is subdued and has a sepia portrayal of H9over is not likely quality to it. to be considered among his best There are interesting events roles. The screenplay by Dustin CONTRIBUTOR

in this film. The kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby and the subsequent trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann for the crime are covered in detail and used to demonstrate the role Hoover had in the promotion .of the use of forensic science in crime solving. However, Eastwood's J. Edgar faces a dilemma. Those who remember Hoover will likely be disappointed with the scattered approach to the way Hoover's life is presented. With 40 years having past since Hoover's death, many of the movie-going public will have no knowledge of the real Hoover . .So with no idea who he was and not enough to be memorable in Eastwood's production, why would they spend their money to see it?




Soccer 2011: looking for answers PAUL ESAU was hard to be at the tournament THE CASCADE Looking back, it's been a rough year for UFV soccer. At the end of the 2010 regular season, the men's and women's teams had combined for twelve wins on the year, and the women had squeaked into a berth in the Canada West playoffs. The women went on to grab a bronze medal . in the national tournament as UFV's great Cinderella story, and both programs seemed poised to accomplish greater things in the coming year. "Seemed" being of course, the keyword. After two months and 14 games apiece, the men's and women's teams ended the 2011 with a combined four wins. The women finished ·3-8-3 with 13 goals for and 23 against, while the men struggled to 1-11-2with 13 goals for and· a whopping 34 against. The numbers beg for some explanation, and Head Coaches Alan Errington (Men) and Rob Giesbrecht (Women) each have their own answers. The Cascade caught up with Errington during last weekend's CIS National Championships, while he was in Victoria to help select an MVP and All Star team. Errington admitted it

as a judge rather than a coach, and had some frank comments to make about the past season. "It w:as a disappointing season obviously," he said, "we didn't finish off where we wanted to be ... · we were a very young team, and we had nine rookies, and we lost three or four big players for us. We lost a couple of players who left to go to work rather than stay in university. One of our great lead. ers was Brent Wantke who left to be a police officer, so we lost a lot of our seniorey. The young play- ers came in and battled away, but we just lacked that experience." Errington believes the youth of his team will be a great asset moving forward, but that it cost his squad over the course of the season. The Cascades developed a habit of exploding to quick leads in the early game, only to cough them up in the second half. "It's something we've identified and we tried to correct," Errington said, "but player have to dig in a bit. I thought we had a few what I call "shrinking violets," when the going got tough they played hide-and-seek. We need players with character who can step up and I think we lost [some of] those when we lost the Ben Wa1:1tkes,the James Geibelhauses, the Andrew McCullocks·. And I think that was an issue this year ... we lost our cap-

.tain Trevor O'Neill with an injury, he was out most of •the season." "I honestly believe that winning is a habit and so is losing. I think we got into the habit of losing," concluded Errington, although he argued that the Cascades dismal record was hardly a reflection of his team's ability. "In all honesty ... we're not that far away. I don't think we ever got blown away by anybody in any of the games, so we're not far way," he said. He mentioned the October 29 game against the University of Alberta (who finished fourth at the CIS National Championship), during which the Cascades jumped to a 3-1 lead at the half, only to lose 4-3. "The difference between being where we are and being in the playoffs," Errington continued, "is just that little bit of confidence and a little bit of grit in certain areas... I know all the coaches in the league fairly well, and none of them relished playing against us, even though looking on paper we should have been an easy game." The UFV Women's team have had a similarly disappointing experience, made more frustrating by the memory of last year's accomplishments. Head coach Rob Giesbrecht described his squad as starting strong, only to falter under key in1uries and a lack of finish. The Cascades played three of last year's national semi-finalists in the

ul hc)nestly· Believe that winning is a ·habit and so is losing." preseason, winning two and tying one, before settling in for a mediocre fall. Giesbrecht pointed to the home opener as the turning point. "After that," he said, "we never really were able to get the results that we deserved. Actually, I take that back, we were unable to finish in our games; to turn our positive play into positive results. I think we never found that extra level of desire or competitiveness to put the ball into the back of the net. That was the biggest difference." Giesbrecht's squad was also plagued by injuries during the season, including the loss of veteran center back Emma Broadfoot and star midfielder Chelsea Steffen. Without them, the Cascades played much of October with first year players in the key center back and center mid positions. Giesbrecht was quick to point out that "all four of them have bright futures and all four of them played well, but just at this level it's sometimes difficult to get the results with that much youth."

"I think the most positive thing from this year," said Giesbrecht, "is that we learned that no matter what you've done in the past it doesn't mean anything on game day, you have to bring it every day. Even though you can talk about missed chances, lack of experience, I think at the end of the day we just didn't have that extra level of desire and competitiveness that we possessed [the year before]." Prior to 2010 the women's soccer team had never won six games in a season, yet iGiesbrecht insists that his team'.s bronze medal finish wasn't a lucky accident: "I expect us to get back to winning ways. My team is very hungry to be successful, and they're committed to doing what it takes this offseason to develop and to .progress. Recruiting has gone very well, we're going to bring in some very talented players... I expect us to be much better next year."

UFV basketball teams triumphant over Winnipeg's Wesmen KYLEBALZER basketball for only 20 minutes." CONTRIBUTOR This past Saturday evening, both the men's and women's basketball teams battled the University of Winnipeg Wesmen in early Canada West season action. The women's game started on a solid note with Nicole Wierks and Aieisha Luyken displaying great offensive skill and ability, which gave them the outright lead after the first quarter. The Wesmen came back in the second quarter, but thanks to hard team defence, the Cascades kept it close. "The first half was definitely one of our better halves because our defence really held us in the game," said Coach Al Tuchscherer, who is in his ninth year as head· coach. The score was tied 25-25 at the half. As the third quartet began, guard Courtney Bartel displayed some slick defence with four steals in three minutes of play. "She had some good energy tonight and it ended up being a very well-rounded game for us," Tuchscherer said. The ladies were able to seal the •deal as freshman Kayli Marion-Sartori and veteran Tessa Klassen combined for a total of 1~ points in the fourth quarter. The final score was 75-51. Coach Tuchscherer was satisfied with his team's effort, however he believes that there is room for improvement. "We're not even close to where we want to be yet," · said Tuchscherer. "We need to share the ball mote in the first half because we want to put 40 minutes together instead of playing solid

The men's game started as a defensive struggle until the final minutes of the first quarter, when the Cascades were able to convert some turnovers into easy points. Guard Sam Freeman nailed some key shots as the Cascades ended the first quarter leading by six. A solid second quarter continued the Cascades road to victory as Sheldon Bjorgaard hit a couple of threepointers and veteran Mike James scored eight points in the paint. The score at halftime was 4735. A third quarter scare came when Winnipeg got to within seven points, but forward Jasper Moedt made sure that was as close as tl;i.eywere going to get. "Our post players were solid. They had a nice inside presence tonight and they gave us good fieldgoal percentages [75 per cent]," Coach Barnaby Craddock said. Aggressive offence took over the final 10 minutes of play as the Wesmen lost two of their key players, which easily allowed the men in green to pull off a 20-point victory, 89-69. Coach Craddock was happy with his team's play, as this was a crucial victory. "We had just come off a tough loss at Thompson Rivers University, so getting this win definitely put the ship back on track and hopefully we can keep the winning streak up." You can continue to catch both the women and men .in Canada West basketball action as they take on the UBC-O Heat this Friday and Saturday at the Envision Athletic Centre.



Sports you've never heard of: worm charming JAMES INGLIS CONTRIBUTOR The Oxford Dictionary defines "worm charming" as, "the sport of enticing worms from their burrows". Wow, such detail has inspired me to dig further into the sport of worm charming. Although, I was torn between writing about worm charming and the exciting world of Chinese cricket fighting (cricket as in the insects, not that very long and confusing game played with that big ladle thingy by men wearing those white dishwasher like uniforms). Unlike the better-known spectacle of snake charming, which has been in existe~ce since the time of the first gullible tourists, worm charming seems to be of a more recent origin. According to the "Blackawton Inter~ national Festival of Worm Charming" the sport has its origins from the beer-reeking urine stream of Dave Kelland in 1983. It seems after a day at th~ pub, Dave stopped to relieve himselfin a field and noticed through his beer haze that his pee was making worms come to the surface. The rest as they say is history. The town ofWillaston, Cheshire also stakes the rights to the creation of the sport with a claim they created worm charming in 1980. No information on whose urine was used in Willaston. From those humble, but wet beginnings a competitive sport was born. There is literally more than one competition throughout the world each

and every year. The sport has jumped the boundaries of the British Isles and wormed its way into Canada and the United States. In the U.S. the sport's name has been changed to "Worm Grutin" because, well actually I have absolutely no idea why Americans do things like that. Now what would a sport be without rules? While strangely there are no international standards for the sport, the rules between venues are· fairly similar. Contestants are each given a plot of earth varying in size between one to thre_e meters depending on where the competition is being held. The aim of the sport is to entice as many worms as possible that reside in the competitor's plot to rise to the surface within a set period of time (often 15-30 minutes). Competitors are free to use such techniques as music, tap dancing or vibrating garden forks to encournge the worms to rise. In a slap in the face to the sport's disputed inventor, urine is not an approved method in worm charming. United Press International reports that Kenneth Catalina, a neuroscientist in the U.S. says research has shown the best way to charm worms is to emulate sounds made by the mole, a· natural predator of the worm. No word on how many thousands 9f taxpayer dollars this important research cost. Now back to the rules. If you don't want to touch your worms you are permitted to appoint a second to touch them for you. Stealing worms from adjacent plots is not tolerated and worms cut in half are not count-

ed. Directions from the "Worm Masreleased after the birds have gone to ter" are to be ·followed at all times. roost on the evening of the event." Spectators, I know I was surprised In. events where charming teams are permitted, the teams will consist of they existed too, will have access to a a Charmer, a Picker and a Councopious amount of overpriced wormter. Competitors breaking the rules themed merchandise suitable for imwill be subjected to public humiliamediate removal to an attic, basement tion. However, considering the sport . or seldom-used closet. Beer is usually they're involved in, that seems redunavailable because let's be honest how dant. The winner will be the comelse are the organizers going to get petitor or team who charm the most people to take part? However, just in worms within the allotted amount case you are foolish enough to of time. In addition, a prize trophy worm charming is not legitimate, be for the heaviest worm is also usually advised none other than the Guinawarded. All captured worms "to be ness World Records organization

recognizes it as a legitimate competition. The current record holder is now 12-year-old Sophie Smith from the United Kingdom who holds the record for the most charmed worms. She charmed 567 worms on June 27, 2009, a record that stands to this day. Unconfirmed reports from England suggest Sophie refuses to discuss her participation in the sport since the rather unfortunate events of her first day back at school following the competition.

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Heat Report:

Brodie and Byron to Flames, Hagman to Heat

for the Heat, their next four games

SEAN EVANS are also on the road. THE CASCADE

The Heat looked promising at home early in their first home game The Abbotsford Heat currently sit of the year back in October, beating in second in the northern division of Rockford in an exciting 4-3 game. the AHL and are tied in points for Since then, however, they have strugfirst place in the western conference- gled to find their game in Abbotsford of the AHL, having won six of their and have·suffered from a lack of secondary scoring. last eight games. The Heat will return to Abbot~What is notable, however, is the inconsistency of their play at home ford on November 25. Unfortunately and away. Playing in Abbotsford, the for the Heat, however, .they will be Heat are below .500 with a record of returning home short of a few play2-3-1. While on the road, the Heat ers they departed with. The Calgary have a rec;ord of 8-1-0. Fortunately Flames, with whom the Heat are

affiliated, called up defenceman TJ struggling Calgary Flames. Byron, Brodie, arguably one of the best on who has been suspended once this the team. This followed the injury of season for an illegal hit, is known for Calgary Flames D-man Anton Bab:- his energized physical play, and the chuk, who has been placed indefinite- Flames hope that he will add some ly on the injured reserve list. So, it is spark to their lineup. reasonable to assume that Brodie will Speaking with the Calgary Sun, not be in Abbotsford anytime soon. Flames head coach Brent Sutter said Brodie will be missed as he provided he expected Brodie and Byron to a solid presence on the defence, while bring "Energy, emotion... Come in also managing to bury a goal and two and be the good players they are." "They're here because they're playhelpers. Another player that will not return ing well in Abby, and we can use all with the Abbotsford Heat following that. We can use all the energy we can their road trip is forward Paul Byron, •get," Sutter continued. who was also called up to assist the So, unfortunately for the Heat, the

solid play of Brodie and Byron means they will be playing with the big boys, for the time being. All is not lost, however, as the Heat have also gained a forward from the Flames-Niklas Hagman was sent down. Hagman has struggled early in the season, and will hopefully find his stride playing with th~ Heat. All that said, the Heat are still poised to continue their winning ways, on the road at least. When the Heat return to Abbotsford on the 25th, they will hope to start winning some on home ice as well-in spite of the ever changing line-up.

Canucks take to the tweeties JOEL SMART THE CASCADE Fans of the Canucks who also happen to be rabid Twitter addicts have been salivating over the last couple months as several key Ca.nuck players (and a couple lesskey ones) have opted to join the popular social networking service. The most popular Canuck to tweet is none other than Ryan Kesler (@ Ryan_Kesler), last season's Selke winner, who had 99,750 followers at the time this article was written. Defenceman Kevin Bieksa (@ kbieksa3), known for his witty comments, was in second place with 43,513. Even retired Canuck (and possibly the future Mayor of Vancouver) Trevor Linden (@trevor_linden) has set up an account. For many, it's an opportunity to learn a little bit more about the characters that make up the team, and ·to understand the day-to-day life of Vancouver's true celebrities. Kesler and Bieksa often keep it light-hearted l;>ycracking jokes. On October 9, Bieksa tweeted Kesler with a message about Cody Hodson's clothes. "Important mission with Dan [Hamhuis] & Manny [Malhotra]: upgrade Coho's wardrobe! Want to make him into a young T-Linden eventually!? Kesler tweeted back moments later in reply: "when are we gonna flag pole those awful b~xers of his! #epicprank" In another example, Kesler sent Bieksa a tweet after he finished a nude photoshoot with ESPN: "Nothin needs to be said about this but here's something to put on your fridge buds!" The tweet included a link to his nude picture. Another time Kesler posted a picture of an enormous, strangely-painted boot that adorned a baggage carrousel in an airport they were at. Bieksa tweeted back to Kesler in response: "Juinp on that boot and straddle it with a straight face and see the reaction ...prob worth it no?" New Canuck, and personal friend of Kesler, David Booth (@D_ Booth7) has also set up an account: "Always loved how passionate Canadians are about hockey - now i get to play at Rogers in front of the craziest fans in the game! #NoiseMeter," he wrote shortly after the trade. He also dished on playing with Kesler at an early age, such as the time Kesler convinced him to

Stay in touch with Ryan Kesler

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Curious how Ryan Kesler uses Twtttar?

j ·risoov!ll'!Sfcrf(ii::,wm

lilAbout@R;m __ _


Ryan_K-esfer,~ :<.tt:tt RT ",:'.}i:'.?Gh; ..... 'Ryar'!_t(esler ate you sure you ereri't a fJf?Y?"now that's funny. Huhahs

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N-HL rookie highlight: Gabriel Landeskog



In those seven games, LandeskCONTRIBUTOR og had six goals and 10 points. His impressive two-year stint in The Colorado Avalanche have the OHL allowed Landeskog to be received a hefty return on their drafted second overall behind Ryan decision to invest a second over- Nugent-Hopkins, who went first all pick in Swedish winger Gabriel overall to the Edmonton Oilers; Landeskog this past June in the he was the first ever Swedish-born 2011 NHL Entry Draft. The sensa- player to be drafted in the first round tional rookie at the age of 18 is tiea out of the OHL. Kitchener had cut for fourth in rookie scoring so far Landeskog from the team_to open into the young season. However, this up a roster spot, anticipating that sort of production should come as no he would make the Colorado club. surprise to the Avalanche manage- Fortunately for them, he did make ment team as they were well aware the team, largely due to the fact that of Landeskog's impressive resume. his rookie salary would bump the At just the age of 16 and 90 days Avalanche up to meeting the re.quireGabriel Landeskog became the ments for the minimum salary roll. Landeskog has not made the Avayoungest player ever to play in the Swedish Elite League, Elitserien. lanche regret their decision. Through Prior to the 2009-2010 OHL season, his first 17 NHL games, he has five Landeskog's rights were traded to the goals and eight points, and a plus-two Kitchener. Rangers by the Plymouth rating. He's tied for fourth among Whalers. Landeskog finished the rookie scoring, six points back of regular season ranked third in points the leader. His first NHL goal came scored among all OHL rookies with early in the season against the Co24 goals and 46 points in 61 games. lumbus Blue Jackets; he tipped a Throughout the Rangers playoff run, shot by defenceman Jan Hejda with Landeskog was the top rookie point 41 seconds left in the third period to scorer across the; league scoring eight tie the game up and send it to overgoals and 23 points in 20 playoff time. The goal made him the young-. games; his team fell to the Wind- est Swedish player to ever score one sor Spitfires in the conference finals. in the NHL - 18 years and 330 days. ·The followi,ng season Landeskog With young, offensive-minded was named the captain of the Kitch- stars such as Landeskog, Matt Duchener Rangers; he would be the first ene and Ryan O'Reily, the Colorado ever European to captain the Kitch- Avalanche have a bright future ahead ener team. As captain of the Rang- of them.Just a couple key changes on ers, Landeskog scored 36 goals and defence and the thought of return66 points in 51 games played. In the ing to their powerhouse ways of the playoffs, Kitchener was eliminated late 90s won't seem like just a distant in game seven of the first round. pipe dream to the Avalanche faithful.





Great t0C:aywith Cariuclocs natiOflthanks foi' all yoor suppat guys, ffQfflat'Jl"l'leli ;::•t:1<::

shave his head for a tournament. "he made me buzz it!! #UGLYThis time he wanted me to shave my eyebrows!! #HOT" He also cracked some smiles when he posted a picture of the massive Gateway Arch in St. Louis,. and added: "Right back at it today in st louis! Wish the goalie nets were this big!" Fourth-line banger Dale Weise (@Daleweise32) also opened an account. Even in 140 characters or less, it's interesting to read a player's impressions of a game directly. After a 3-2 win against the Los Angeles Kings on November 10, Weise left a comment for his followers about his impressions of the game: "Great win for the boys and even better tum out b [sic] all the Canuck fans in la ....sure makes a difference .....huge game by Lu ......" An excessive number of ellipses, sure, but it feels more personal than reading a quote in the newspaper. Vernon-native Andrew Ebbett (@aebbett), also new to the Canucks, posted an informal tweet after a game that gave insight into his personality. "Thanks for all the congrats on my 1st as a Canuck. A little bittersweet though ·as I broke my foot

trying to play goalie. #kicksaveandabeauty" He also made a crack at Weise, who went on a tweeting rampage shortly a!ter opening his account: "@Daleweise32 already has tweeted more in 1 hour than @kbieksa3 has ever .. Guy is looking to set records. #fanfavorite" Sure, it's. just for fun, but the Twitterverse is abuzz with the antics of the Canucks. There is some room for controversy; tough guy and Canuck-hopeful Mike Duco had to eat his words after making disparaging tweets about the Canucks during the playoffs season. So far, the rest of the Vancouver squad have been much friendlier. And if those six players aren't enough ~o fill your daily Canuck cravings, almost every non-player Canucks personality has an account, from Dan Murphy (@sportsnetmurph) to the legendary Green men (@TheGreenMen). If you're really into it, you can even find some hilarious and/or very intelligent Canucks fans who live-tweet during games, making comments that range from relevant, complex statistics to the absurdity of the commercials that play during the intermission.



The dead puck: a look at the Philly/Tampa fiasco one or more players are tied up. This style of play draws much THE CASCADE criticism. It was popular in the 90s, The hockey world outside of our a time otherwise known as the "dead own little blue, green and white puck era". Canucks· fans remember bubble is buzzing. In a recent game that as a time of heartbreaking debetween the Philadelphia Flyers and feat - the first time we let the cup the Tampa Bay Lightning, Chris slip through our fingers. Statisticians Pronger and his team made headwith more level heads, however, look lines by standing still with the puck at that era as a time with low scores in their defensive zone. It drew jeers and lower fan interest. The 1-3-1 sysfrom the fans and criticism from the tem tends to tie up the puck in the media. Here's a closer look at why. neutral zone, thus resulting in plenty Tampa Bay plays a type of defence of mid-ice play and dumping back known as 1-3-1. This means that and forth. The criticism is mostly one player - the forechecker - hov- that this makes for so-called "boring" hockey; apparently, goals are the only ers at the tip of a diamond, waiting to force the offenders to one side or thing that makes watching hockey another. The player with the puck is entertaining. Teams who currently then trapped, usually fairly success- play the 1-3-1 include Minnesota, fully, by the three players lined up Nashville, New Jersey and St. Louis. behind the forechecker. The playing' A more recent example of a team sucstyle achieves a few things. The first cessfully employing this strategy is is that it clogs up the neutral zone: the Ducks, circa 2007. Yes, that's the that hazy area between offensive and year they took home Lord Stanley. defensive that so often results in ugly Tampa Bay has been using this turnovers and breakaways. The sec- strategy since head coach Guy ond aspect of this defensive style is Boucher was hired in 2010. In the that it creates odd man match-ups, game in Tampa last Wednesday, forcing the opposing team to es- Boucher's counterpart Peter Laviosentially score short-handed while lette coached his team into making


a political stand against the playing style. Starting with Braydon Coburn, different members the Flyers would gain control of the puck, then hover just beyond the neutral zone, forcing stalemate that ended with the referees blowing the play down. This action qposed the weakness in the 1-31 style of play: it could be called the "wait-and-see" style, and Jn this case Philadelphia showed just how long the waiting part of that equation can be. The plays were blown down consistently, n;sulting in a defensive zone face-off for the Flyers. This has garnered criticism from some who say that Philadelphia wasn't breaking any rules in standing still - especially on the second and third stand-still plays, where the player in question would stick handle the puck rather than letting it sit dormant on the ice. However, Rule 72.1 of the NHL official rulebook states that players must "enforce continuous action and both referees and linesmen should interpret and apply the rule to produce this result". Further, there is some legitimacy to the claim that Philadelphia's tactic was causing a delay of game, though the war-room in Toronto decided not


to award any penalties to that effect. Much of the criticism comes from the fact that what both teams did (in sticking to their playing plans) made for boring hockey. Speaking with the Philadelphia Inquirer, Chris Pronger stated: "It's not hockey in my book, but whatever. The league is letting them do it. Would you pay money to watch that?" He continued to explain the thought process behind their game plan: "If they want to just stand there, why would I want to skate into it? It's asinine to think so." Tampa Bay has been mostly quiet on the topic, yet stated that they would continue their 1-3-1 style of play for the foreseeable future. There are a few problems with this whole fiasco. First, does the 1-3-1 truly make for boring hockey? Sure, the scoreboards don't get lit up as often, but it gives players the opportunity to demonstrate both offensive and defensive skills that just aren't showcased with as much depth in regular defensive styles. If you're looking" for a home-grown comparison, put the Westcoast Express era next to today's reign of the Sedins: yes, there are less hits. Does that make it less fun?

Some might think so, but the fact is that the Sedin's style of play doesn't make them weak, as the cliche "Sedin sisters" taunt suggests. Instead, it demonstrates a more cerebral style of play, indicative of their European origins. In other words, they're smart - so maybe the 'sisters' moniker isn't so far off base (says the female writer). The second issue at hand here is whether or not it's something of concern for the NHL as a whole. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman stated his opinion speaking with NHL. com shortly after the game: "If this became too prevalent and too much of the game and too regular, then I think we'd have to deal with it, and we will." In the mean time, fans can complain that they watched a boring game - but aren't we still all talking about it? As the saying goes, any press is good press. Is the 1-3-1 a bad thing for hockey? No. Is the fact that Philadelphia chose to hover outside the neutral zone an affront to sports everywhere? No. Is any part of this story "boring"? Hell no. Keep watching, fans. This is sure to make for some interesting match-ups in the future.



Vitamin C: more than just oranges

NFL Report:


a long list: vitamin C


THE CASCADE deficiency can lead to Vitamin C is also known as Lascorbic acid or L-ascorbate (or that singer that sang that corny graduation song). Our bodies don't produce it and aren't that good at storing it, so it's one of those things that we need to ensure is present in our diet. Why, you ask? While the :vitamin doesn't do much that is particularly spectacular on its own, it acts in conjunction with other elements to perform some pretty key tasks. One of these tasks is preventing scurvy, as demonstrated by an experiment performed on prisoners at the Iowa State Penitentiary in 1969. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "six apparently healthy men... volunteered for metabolic studies of human scurvy". The good folks administering the test then locked them in the hospital ward and gave them a diet that had absolutely no vitamin C but was nutritionally sound in every other area. The results speak for themselves: "although two of the prisoners escaped, the remaining four developed clinical signs of scurvy; follicular hyperkeratosis of the thighs, buttocks, calves, and the posterior aspects of the arms; swollen bleeding gums; perifollicular haemorrhages and congested follicles; and conjunctiva! hemorrhages". Here's the translation, for those of you who haven't been keeping up with Grey's: they got gross pustules all over their bodies and then started bleeding out of every available orifice. Further examination of the study's data from the Complementary Health Practice Review suggests the timeline for symptoms to appear at around 83 days. One flaw in the study is that it did not account for the other side effects of not ingesting vitamin C. According to Health Canada, it's quite

trouble metabolizing fats and proteins, can lower bone density, and inhibit the body's ability to heal wounds. Another function performed by vitamin C is as an aid to the immune system. While the vitamin's function in fighting infection has not yet been isolated, it has been proven by many studies that our bodies deplete vitamin C levels much faster when our immune systems are compromised. That means that if you're worried about getting sick, it might be a good idea to up your intake. Not that we know why - but still. Further studies, notably by Oregon State University, have found that smokers have increased need for the vitamin. Th~ study found that when smokers ingested vitamin C supplements, the depletion of vitamin E that is known as a by-product of smoking was drastically reduced. As a result, it found that smokers who ingested higher levels of vitamin C reduced their risk oflung-borne diseases. Health Canada suggests that adults must ingest a minimum of 6.0 mg per day of the vitamin, and a maximum of2000 mg. They estimate the healthy range to be 75 mg per day for adult females, and 90 mg per day for adult males. What does this look like in food? A half a cup of raw red pepper has about 142 mg, and only 20 calories. An orange, the traditional fruit associated with the vitamin, has only 70 mg. Other great sources are broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, kiwi, strawberries, and cantaloupe. A single serving of any of these will put

bold or stupid? CONTRIBUTOR

you well within the healthy range for your daily intake. As it's nearing that time of year where everyone and their brother is sick, and our lovely campus turns into an incubator for the viral plague, it's a good idea to make sure you're getting enough vitamin C. A great by-product of this is that sufficient levels of the vitamin encourage higher energy levels by ensuring your body is functioning at optimally. Vitamin C supplements are available, but don't rely on them too heavily. One such popular supplement is the Emergen-C drink crystal packets, which contain approximately 1000 mg of the vitamin. While these will up your body's store of the nutrient, they don't provide any of the other nutrients found in vitamin-rich foods, and could easily put you over the recommended 2000 mg per day. Risks of going over this number include diarrhea, nausea, and cold-like symptoms. Translation? You'll be right back where you started.

Head coaches in the NFL can easily a name for themselves when calls they've made backfire and when they fail to make calls when they should. There is a time and place for all of those events to transpire. When a team is losing by a large margin would be an ideal time to call for a fake punt. When a .team is losing with not much time left on the clock would be an ideal time to go for it on fourth down deep in their own zone. However, when you're inside your own 30yard line in overtime and it's foucthdown-and-inches, it is not the time to play hero and call a running back dive play to get the first down; just punt the ball and send your defence. Unfortun;itely for Falcons fans, head coach Mike Smith wanted to look like a hero. Instead, he looks like a loser. On Sunday afternoon, the Atlanta Falcons trailed the highpowered New Orleans Saints late in the fourth quarter. Down 23-20 with a minute left, Falcons quarterback (®) Matt Ryan started at his own 10-yard line and drove down the field, by three key catches from Harry Douglas. Inside the Saints 30-yard line, the Falcons kicked the game tying field goal and sent it to overtime. Overtime began with each team punting the ball once. On Atlanta's second possession, they found themselves in a fourth-and-inches situation on their own 28-yard line. The clear and .obvious decision any coach would make is to punt the ball and send out a defence, which has, for the most part, kept the Saints offence in check. Instead, Falcons sent out their big players and their big running back Michael Turner to try and get the first down. Falcon's coach Mike Smith knew very well if they .didn't convert,

the Saints would win because they'd get the ball in field goal range. Sure enough, Michael Turner was stuffed by the Saints . defensive line and John Kasy kicked the game-winning field goal for the New Orleans club. The decision to go on it will be criticized all week long by the media and fans around the world. ® Matt Ryan played outstanding all game for Atlanta, throwing for 351 yards and two touchdowns along with one interception. If the Falcons had just punted, perhaps Ryan would have gotten the ball back with a better opportunity to put the club in a winning position. In other news, The Phi\adelphia Eagles, the ·self-proclaimed Dream Team, lost to a sub-par Arizona Cardinals team who was playing with their backup quarterback John Skelton. The Cardinals starting ® Kevin Kolb was out with an undisclosed injury. John Skelton threw for 315 yards and three touchdowns against an Eagles secondary, which was supposedly the best secondary in the league. Philadelphia ® Michael Vick threw for just 128 yards and no touchdowns along with a game ending interception. The loss drops the Eagles to 3-6 with a very, very slim chance of making the playoffs.



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