Aggressively illiterate since 1993
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No offence, but. •• PAUL ESAU THE CASCADE "No matterwhat happens,somebodywillfind a way to takeit way tooseriously." -DaveBarry It's getting increasingly hard to be funny in our modem world, especially to be funny within a public paper such as The Cascade. I blame this primarily upon the thousands of grassroots groups _that have sprung up in the last couple decades (the ones with names like the Chinese Presbyterian Association of Albino Pansexuals*), who seem to spend their time waiting for that one, golden opportunity to protest against discrimination, but they're only part ofttte problem. I think the real threat is the sense of paranoia which inflicts us all whenever we're just about to start laughing hysterically, the sense that somewhere, somehow ... someone is being offended. A man once said that funny is something that happens far away to someone you don't know, and I believe there is an essential truth to this. If the bloke next door is ma~ed in a . grotesque culinary accident involving a spatula, it's tragic. If the same accident happens to a Mr. Duke 'Mohito' Spurling in a cooking school in Glasgow, it's funny. Is this because I'm too coarse and self-centered to empathize with a man two continents and an ocean away? Probably. Of course, if the same accident were to have happened to a man in Yemen 500 years ago it would be downright hilarious.** The problem with globalization· is that it brings those potentially humorous events that much closer to ourselves, makes them that much more personal and therefore that much less funny. It also allows the Presbyterian Albinos to create international outrage through bloggers, Facebookers, and Twit-
so-that-somebody-slipsand-falls gag at a Phila~ delphia Flyers game, and now he's facing up to $2000 in fines (for engaging in a prohibited activity and possible rac- · ism). Apparently times ha-Vechanged, because I don't remember this e~er happening to Laurel and Hardy. The third option is, well, complicated. The difference between not funny and funny is of.ten a mattei: of timing and audience, rather than any definitive rules (Presbyterian jokes are funny, Chinese jokes are only funny when Chinese people tell them, pansexual jokes are esoteric). Spme things are obviously not funny (genocide, for example), while others aren't supposed to be funny but are anyways (Dr. Strangelove, anyone?). The quest for a successful joke can be dangerous to everyone involved, yet it must • be remembered that humour should be closer to a rap on the knuckles than a burst of machine gun fire. Also, for those of you who are part of watch~og activist groups (many of which I w~ole-heai:tedly support) remember that every once in a while it's healthy to laugh at yourself. After all, even albinos and cat-owners love a good joke.
terers (Twits?), although that's beside the point. The real issue is that we, as a culture, are becoming more and more confused over whether it's culturally appropriate to laugh or cry in any given context. And, of course, this confusion is making it reallyhard to tell jokes, since, after the punchline, a third of your audience will laugh, a third will cry, and a third will laugh until they cry and then glare at you through their tears. The first solution to this problem is to rtever attempt to be funny, except in the company of people who are pr~tty much the same as you. This means that I personally could only make jokes when hanging out with white, conservative, cat-owners, so I think 111reject this answer outright. The second solution is to attempt a return to traditional slapstick humour, which dispensed with words entirely and provoked laughter solely through physical comedy. I would support this, except that recently a man tried the ol' fashioned throw-a-banana-
*If you happen to be part of this association then I'd like to express my profound and re- · pentant apologies Please don't call your lawyer. **Assuming they have spatulas in Yemen. Or did five hundred years ago.
Editor-in-Chief Paul Esau Managing Editor Nick Ubels Business Manager Ali Siemens Production Manager Stewart Seymour Art Director Anthony Biondi Copy Editor J0eI Smart News Editor Alex Watkins Opinfon Editor JDR Brown Arts & Life Editor Amy Van Veen Sports Editor Sean Evans
Staff Writers Karen Aney Jennlfer Colboume Sasha Moedt Joe Johnson Grace Romund
Contributors Dessa Bayrock Banz Chauha:h Ba.Ira}Dhillon
Jaso.nHo James Inglis Samantha Lenz .Jocelyn Mckay
Leanna Pankratz Alexei C. Summers Tim Ub-els
PrintedBy lnteJnationa1WebExpress
TheCascadeis Ul"V's autonomousstudent newspaper. It _pipvjdes a forumfor UFV$lUdents to havethcirjournalismpublished.It also-acta as an alternativepressfor the FrmerValley:The Cascadeis fundedwith UFV.$1Udellt fund$.The Cascadeis publishedeveiy Fridaywith acucula• tlQll<;>fl500 and is distnoutedat UFVC9ft1puses and ~Abbotsford, Chilllwack, andMi&sion.The Cascadeis a memberof the Canadian UniversityPress,a natklnalCl)()j)<lra1ive of75 universityand collegenewspapersfromVlC!Oria to Si. John's.The Cascade followsthe a.JP ethical poUcyconceming material<;>faprejudicialor oppressive nature. Submissionsare pn,ferredin electroniecformat through e-mail.Pleasesendsubmissionsin·• .ttt" or" .doc''formatonly. .Articlesand lettefsto the editormust betyped. TheCascadereservesthe right to editsubrnis-sionsfor clarityand length,"TheCascadewlll not print anyarticlesthatcontainracist, sexist,homopbobic orlibellous content. Thewriter's llllllll' and studeli mmmermll'!lbesubmittedwitheach submission. Lettersrotheeditormust beunder 250 wools if intended.forprint.Only one letterIO theedirorpet wriw in any givenedition. ~ expressed do not ~ly rell.ectthat of UFV,Cascadestaff and collective,or assooi• aled~.
What should you be getting from your education? Provost's fo·rum· discusses Learning Outcomes for UFV LEANNA PANKRATZ orities they should hold in regard. CONTRIBUTOR "What abilities, skills, knowledge do we think students should have when they complete a course, complete a program, or, in this case, graduate from our institution?" This was the question posed by Provost Eric Davis at the September 20 provost's forum on learning outcomes, and it is a large concept that no doubt should be addressed. With this in mind, UFV is launching a new initiative that will provide members of the campus community with a universal plan and strategy - a set of desirable learning outcomes that will guide the community of this institution in a unified direction with clear knowledge of what pri-
The forum regarding the steps UFV will take towards implementing a Learning Outcomes Plan - co-hosted by Wendy Burton - involved a question and answer period, which allowed members of the UFV community to present their praise, questions or concerns regarding the new initiative. Several questions were raised at this forum, some expressing doubts as to whether a plan could possibly be universally agreed on, but the reaction to the proposal was generally positive. Davis noted that this is to be a collaborative project facilitated by the Teaching and Learning Advisory Council, meant to engage UFV "faculty, staff, students, administrators, alumni [and] com-
SUS sprelRlsthe wordaboutopting out
munity members ... to talk about what matters most to [them]" in discussions held over the course of the next six months. Davis said the plan is to have a rough draft of the learning outcomes completed by February, which participants can then "critique, debate, [and] edit." Then on May 1 the plan is to have a day-long professional day which should see the completion of the document outlining the chosen UFV learning outcomes. Davis noted that the "Document we produce on May 1 ... will become an operational and strategic document - it will be crucial for program development and program reviews." When it is necessary to measure the quality of a program being developed or evaluated, those involved will
be able to draw on the learning outcomes to measure against. Student and staff involvement is integral to the project, and many opportunities for involvement will be made available in the next few months, including· a blog, various reading material and resources, student-oriented events, wider involvement through community outreach, a parent/guardian event, and presentations at the Aboriginal Community C_ouncil.In short, this is to be a collective effort that will require much input from members of the UFV community and the wider community that stands in support of our institution. UFV is partnering with Alvemo College in their Learning Outcomes plan, and drawing inspiration from the setup imple-
mented by Alvemo' s institution. A document was presented at the forum that outlined the general procedure for moving towards a concrete Learning Outcomes Plan, and this document can be accessed at educators/partners_in_learning. pdf. Students will be directly affected by the Learning Outcomes Plan, and it is recommended that members of the student body get involved and submit input, as their voices in this process are extremely valuable. To view a UFV Provost's Forum video link, visit: ufv-provosts-forum/
-covers-.tionalscience i
Temperature and CO2 Records 15 -'.ll!mperature (EPlCADome CJ -CO, (Vostok)
CONTRIBUTOR Many students balk at shelling out an extra $150 health and dental fee on top of tuition, but not all of them are aware that if they already have coverage, they have the option of opting out of the UFV plan. This year, the SUS tried harder than ever to let students know that it's possible to save that $150, despite having only a short ·period to build awareness: the opt out period Ol)ly lasted from August 29th to September 2Qth. The first line of defence for the SUS was posters - bright blue and white ads were posted in nearly every hallway, and covered select bulletin boards fn parts of the school. Bold fonts vied for attention: are you covered? Do you want to be covered? Do you know what it meansto be covered? The SUS has a set of offices in C. building, and during office hours there is always someone .around that can answer questions or address concerns if a student wants to wander in and talk to someone. But let's face it: for many students, C building isn't really on the way to anything, and some students are trying to remember too many things already. The SUS ~ecognized this, and consequently made the attempt to get right in the students' line of sight. Clearly marked information tables were set up in the main lobby and in other locations around the school so students on the way to class or in line to pay fees could wander up and figure out just what, exactly, the deal was. And what, exactly, is the deal? Well, in short, if students have
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C0 1 (EPICA Dorne C)
Current CO2 leve1--_....,
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the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis E s 0 Center), which is also 0 C: 300U IO around the time where u another health and dental plan ·,:: a,. ~ global temperatures bethrough, say, their parents or ::, 0 ,&::. gan to increase. By anaQ. place of employment, they have ~Q) lyzing the ratios of dif250 ~ the option of spending around Q. ferent carbon isotopes twenty minutes online to upload E in the atmosphere, <C documentation and opt out of the {E.-5 scientists have deter~ . SUS plan, or they can go to the 200 mined that these rising SUS offices to opt out in person. If levels are largely due to a student isn't covered by another fossil fuel consumption -10 plan, opting out isn't possible. 80._0 ___ 70._0,----6-00___ 5.._00 ___ 4.._00 ___ 3.._00 ___ 2.._00 ___ l.._O_O _ __.O (IPCC Fourth AssessThe health and dental plan covment Report, 2007). It is Thousands of Years Ago ers up to 90 per cent of regular not simply the correladentist visits, and up to 70 per Image Leland Mcinnes tion of the two data sets cent of most. prescriptions. In which leads scientists short, by making the l:JFV health ,to believe that elevated levels of ing and cooling cycles. Initially plan or else proof of some other . JASON HO a topic of much controversy, the CO2 are the caus_e of the rising coverage mandatory, the SUS is SCIENCE WHIZ data describing these temperaglobal temperatures. For example, trying to make sure that students NASA satellite data measuring ture trends· has been compared are never financially strained the radiant energy escaping the against other independent data •Last column we discussed when it comes to getting their earth has been recorded for the sources, and the same trends greenhouse gases, the history and cavities fixed and meds refilled. past 40 years, and the amount of have been observed, confirming origin of the idea of the greenIn addition to online submisenergy escaping from the Earth in Acthis trend in several cases. sion, the SUS saw about 500 peo- house effect, and the known efthe wavelengths associated with cording to the combined historifectiveness of CO2 as an absorber ple come into their offices to· opt those which CO2 absorbs shows a cal temperature data, the Earth is is a defiof radiant energy. There out in person, which is generally the hottest it has been for at least significant decrease. nite relationship when comparing a quicker process. Humanity has upset the balglobal temperatures over the past the last 1300 years (Mann, 2008). If you are covered by another ance in an otherwise neutral However, it is not simply the thousands of years to the concenprogram and forgot to opt out · cycle; for thousands of years, the this year or didn't know you trations of CO2 at those times. fact that temperatures are anomalevels of CO2 in the atmosphere lously high that is drawing sciand atmospheric could, the SUS recommends that Temperature were regulated by volcanic acentists' attention it is the rate at CO2 concentration data has been you use your two plans in contivity, ocean absorption, and the obtained largely through ice core which this is occurring. The Earth junction with each other - they rainforests. With the additional goes through normal warmcan ~ork together so even more samples taken all over the world C0.2 emitted by industrial acing and cooling cycles dictated (data is available through the of your health and dental expenstivities and the destruction of the US National Oceanic and Atmo- by factors such as solar activity es are covered. rainforests, these natural cycles and the precession of the Earth. spheric Administration). TemperAll in all, the SUS considers simply cannot balance the excess. What is alarming is that the magature data has also been collected this year's amped-up awareness The science of climate change is nitude of the changes scientists from a variety of sources, such campaign a success - far less sturooted in basic, well-known physhave observed over the past few as tree ring growth, coral, and dents have been in to ask about ics and extensive measurements undecades are happening at an the program after the change of stalagmites. This data has protaken over the past century. Such precedented rate; the changes in vided reconstructions of historic coverage period ended, and stuprinciples have withstood the rigtemperature being observed are dents in general seemed to be less temperature trends over the past ors of science, and as such, the vacomparable to historic changes 2000 years, also known from. the confused about the whole thing. lidity of what is occurring around which typically have happened media as the so-called "hockey Thanks to the time and effort of us at this very moment will not over centuries. the SUS, volunteers, and some stick" graph (Fig. 1). change. Temperatures are rising, Combining the temperature The data clearly show!? a sharp UFV employees, the information and the world is in danger. data with similarly obtained data warming trend beginning around was more readily available and on the concentration of CO2 in the 1900s that is anomalous when easier to understand. the atmosphere, there is a clear compared to previous warm-
-- co, (~PICA Dome C) _co, (£PICA Dome C)
correlation between the two. In fact, in observing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, one finds that levels were stable up until the late 19th century (based
Grad schoolapplications8nd you GRACEROMUND
determine whether or not gradu-
THE CASCADE ate studies are for you. I~ an inAre you thinking about applyjng for graduate studies but don't know where to start? You're not alone. UFV is primarily a teaching university and currently has only two graduate studies programs (Masters of Arts in Criminology and Master of Social Work), so the vast majority of the UFV student population are undergraduate students. However, there are many research universities which offer a multitude of graduate programs and are still currently accepting applications. Arts advisor Rhonda Colwell and science advisor Karen Cooper have several tips to offer for embarking on this application journey. Graduate studies applications are much more involved than undergraduate studies applications, and therefore the first thing is to
us on Facebook:
Cancer killsNobel physician before he hears ofprize Ascientist whowontheNobel prizeformedicineMonday usedhisowndiscoveries totreat himself forcancer, butdiedofthedisease just daysbeforehecouldbetoldoftheaward. Calling it"bittersweet" news,colleagues of Canadian-born Ralph Steinman at NewYork's Rockefeller University"said hehadprolonged his ownlifewitha newtherapy basedonhisprizewinning research intothebody's immune system. The68-year-old physician, whojokedlastweek withhisfamily abouthanging onuntiltheannual prizededaration, diedFriday aftera four-year battlewithpancreatic cancer --a facttheNobel committee wasnottolduntilhoursafteritannounced the2011awardwassharedbySteinman andtwoothers. ./leneverknewhislife'sworkhadbeencrowned withthehighest accolade science canbestow, becoming thefirstpersoninhalfa century to wina posthumous Nobel prize--aftera dayof consternation inStockholm, wheretheNobel ruleshavelonginsisted, inprinciple, onrecognizingonlytheliving. ,;We wanted himtobehereforthis;'saidhis·_ daughter Alexis Steinman, 34."Wewerelike 'OKDad,Iknowthingsaren'tgoingwellbut theNobel, theyaregoingtoannounce it next Monday'. Andhe'slike:'IknowIhavegotto hold outforthat.They don'tgiveittoyouifyouhave passedaway. Reuters
terview with The Cascade,Colwell explained the value and purpose of the academic venture. "Graduate studies will ap.peal to students who are interested in pursuing in more detail a specific topic within their discipline/area of study," she said. For science students in specific, Cooper said that it's important that the potential grad student be interested in research. Another tip offered by the advisors: start the process early! One of the best things to do is "Start your research going into your graduating year,"~ Cooper said. All schools have varying due dates .and requirements for their applications - therefore, having an idea of what you want to do as far in advance as possible is a good idea. Some graduate programs have a deadline in November for admission the next September; however, most programs have an
Greek haircut underreview, nonew eurozoneaiduntilNovember
application deadline of January or it's always important to make sure you read up on what each February of the same year. The advisors also warned that school needs individually. There applying for graduate school are some components that you takes time, and applicants should can expect, however. "The typical application will need to include: try their best to dedicate as much official transcripts, a sample of time as possible to it. "The application process will the student's written work, Curpotentially take 3-6 months to riculum Vitae, two-to-three reforganize and to gather all re- erence letters, [and a] GRE/LSAT quired materials together," Col- score," Colwell said. The sample of the student's work would be well said. "I do not recommend that someone try to compile this more commonly required for information while completing a arts-related programs. "[Science students] will often full-time course load as well as need to provide a research -proworking and family. Time needs to be spent in editing the written posal," Cooper explained. Unsample and CV. Time needs to be like professional graduate degree given to the faculty members who programs where a student .can are going to be referees. This is a just apply to a program generally, complicated and involved process science-related programs, will rewhich needs to be given sufficient quire students to _meet with .and time to prepare." establish a research supervisor Since, for some graduate school before applying to a program. applications, there are many The final piece of advice offered things that need to be put togeth- _was for students to try not to get er besides the actual application, their hearts set on one university
- there is always the possibility of rejection, although it is unpleasant to think about. Colwell noted that "Students will want to apply to more than one graduate program because admission is never guaranteed - entrance is competitive. I recommend that students research all of the graduate programs that are available, but only apply to the schools they are interested in moving to. As well, the application fees can start to add up very quickly if they apply to all schools." When you're getting started, your professors are great resources. They have all gone through the graduate school applications process before, and therefore may have some further advice to give on how to get through the process and into graduate studies.
Serial killerClifford Olson dead
Safedrug-injection sitecanstay: Supreme Court ofCanada
Bulletholesmark_Norway islet,officialsvoiceregret
Vancouver's lnsiteclinic, theonlysafeEuro zonefinance ministers arereviewing thesize Canadian serialkiller Clifford Olson, serving a life • injection sitefordrugaddicts inNorthAmerica, oftheprivate sector's involvement ina second sentence formurdering 11boysandgirlsinthe canstayopen,theSupreme CourtofCanada 1980s, hasdiedina Quebec hospital, local international bailout package forGreece, a move e_arly ruledFriday ina landmark defeatforthefederal saidonFriday. thatcouldundermine theaidprogram aridhasten mediareports government's tough-on-crime agenda. thethreatofa Greek default. Earlier reports saidCorrections Canada hadtold Thetopcourt,slapping downtheConservative ofOlson's victims thathewasdying Ministers alsoagreedaftera meeting inLuxem- thefamilies government withsomeharshlanguage, ruled bourgthatGreece couldwaituntilmid-Novemberofcancer. . untilitreceives thenextinstallment fromitsexist- Olson thatclosing thesiteinthePacific murdered threegirlsandeightboysaged9to unanimously citywouldthreaten thelivesofdrugusers ingemergency aidprogram, pilingmorepressure 18inBritish Columbia overaneightmonthperiod Coast andtherefore violate theirhumanrights. onAthens totackleitsdebtproblems. beginning inNovember 1980. Thegovernment, whichsaysitisdetermined to Jean-Claude Juncker, thechairman oftheEuroPolice saidOlson's victims hadbeentortured and cutcrime, complained thatkeeping lnsiteopen groupministers, saidtheywerereassessing the sexually assaulted. oflawsdesigned tostampout extentofthep_rivate sector's roleintheplanned. Olson confessed tothemurders and,ina controver- madea mockery druguse.Thefederal Health Department sialdeal,gavepolice information onthelocation illegal second package forGreece, a centerpiece ofthe hadsaiditwouldnotextenda special exemption ofthevictims' bodies inreturn fora C$100,000 dealstruck onJuly21torescue Athens. todruglawsthatallowed thesitetooperate. ($95,000) payment tohisfamily. Under thatdeal,private creditors agreedtotake Thecourtordered thehealthminister tomaintain a 21percent write-down ontheirholdings of theexemption, saying toremove itwouldbean Greek debtviaa plantolighten thedebtburden. Reuters arbitrary decision thatbroketheprinciples of NowthatGreece's economic growth anddeficit fundamental justice. situation hasworsened, thatdealneedstobe "Itisalsogrossly disproportionate: thepotential reviewed. denialofhealthservices andthecorrelative "AsfarasthePSI(private sectorinvolvement) increase intheriskofdeathanddisease todrug isconcerned, wehavetotakeintoaccount the usersoutweigh anybenefit thatmightbederived factthatwehaveexperienced changes since frommaintaining anabsolute prohibition on thedecisions wetookontheJuly21,soweare possession ofillegal drugsonInsite'spremises;' considering technical revisions, soyes;'Juncker it ruled. · toldreporters, although hewouldnotelaborate. lnsiteoperates inVancouver's poorDowntown Reuters Eastside district, oneofthemostdeprived urban areasinCanada. Theclinic wassetupin2003· toallowintravenous druguserstoshootupina placethathadmedical supervision. Reuters
Theislandisnoweerilysilentandbedecked in autumncolors, butbulletholesstillpockmark the wallsofa cafeteria whereNorwegian confessed killer Anders Behring Breivik firedonhisyoung victims. Journalists werepermitted forthefirsttime Monday tovisitthetiny,heart-shaped island ownedbytheLabor Partyyouthorganization, where69peoplediedfromgunfire anddrowning aftera bombing incentral Oslotookeightlivesin theJulyterrorattacks. Several bulletholesmarked theinterior ofa cafeteria building wheremanyyouths werekilled tryingtobarricade themselves againstBreivik as hefiredfromanautomatic riflebeforemoving on tootherpartsoftheisland. Labor PartyyouthleaderEskil Pedersen saidthe . building, theisland's largest, wouldlikely berazed aspartofa planto"reclaim" theisland foryoung activists. "Probably thelargestbuilding ontheisland willbetomdownahdrebuilt... because a lotof terrible eventshappened there;'Pedersen told Reuters ontheisland. Thevisittotheislandcoincided withexpressions · ofregretfromNorwegian authorities overtheir handling oftheterrorattacks onJuly22that killed 77people. · "Allofus,including I,mustexpress regretfor mistakes;' Justice Minister KnutStorberget told thedailyAftenposten intheclearest acknowledgement bythegovernment todatethatsome criticism ofthepolice response wasjustified. Reuters
Shaving salvation found in badger and blade Some time ago, I decided to leave the multi-bladed world of modem THE CASCADE razors behind. For awhile, I just didn't shave. That was a terrible Of all the daily rituals, I find decision; I need to shave every day shaving to be the source of most (or at least every other day), unless I early morning mishaps and the want to inflict even more scruffiness cause of much dissatisfaction. Whatupon the world than usual. Going ever initial excitement that might without shaving for a couple of exist when a boy first starts to shave weeks resulted in the truly terrible regularly, it is quickly displaced by a beginnings of a mediocre beard. monotonous disquiet. The dangers All the best beard advice I've ever of scraping one's face with a blade received demanded that a man put (or five of them!) does not get the down his razor for a full month. heart pumping or the adrenaline After two weeks without slicing and running nearly as much as those dicing, I gave in and cracked open a Gillette advertisements would have bottle of shaving foam and hacked it you believe. The sad truth is that all off, starting with. the neck beard. most men are damned to tug and So foiled, I turned to the internet pull with blunted cartridges until and that's where I found the answer they can pony up another $50 for yet to my burning desire for a better more cartridges for the latest razor shave. A long time ago, before the named after a fighter plane. The Baby Boomers ruined everything, whole enterprise is expensive and Gillette and other such companies uncomfortable, but it needn't be so. made something called a "safety There is a better way. razor." Often metal, this device
allowed a man to use disposable razor blades, and to shave without being in danger of slitting one's throat. They were the standard all throughout North America and the West until the introduction of plastic and multi-bladed razors in the final decade;, of the twentieth century. The ones mad~ fifty years ago by Gillette can still be found in antique shops and at garage sales, and after a quick sterilization and a fresh razor blade, they are often good to go. But there are also companies today that make and sell these classic style "safety razors" - and that's where I got mine. But the razor and its blades are only half the story. What is so often overlooked by shavers today is the goo that you put on your face - the shaving cream or gel. These products are almost entirely derived from petroleum and packaged in aerosol containers that do no favours to our air and water. Their
Cooking with boobs
Erotica over education
function is to prime the hairs for shaving, moisturize the skin, and serve as a lubricant while you scrape off the stubble. All of these things are an important part of the wet shaving process, but all of them can be accomplished in a more satisfactory way through turning to that other traditional solution: soap. Using a specially designed badger or boar-hair brush, a person mixes together small bits of soap with the tiniest amount of warm water. The ~oap froths and generates foam which is then deposited on the brush, which you then use to "paint" on the foam in the same way that you spread regular shaving cream or gel all over your face. The result is a warm lubricant perfect for nixing the stubble but without the gunk that often accompanies the regular shaving foam. The initial investment into a classic style safety razor and a badger or boar-hair brush may at first appear
to be extravagant. I paid not quite $150 for everything (safety razor, badger hair brush, mixing bowl, almond shaving soap, 100 razor blades) but it's unlikely that I will ever again have to buy a new razor or brush. The soap by itself cost less than $10 while a package of 100 razor blades cost me $11.50after tax. My father, who continues to use the latest fighter plane multi-bladed razor, regularly spends $40 or more on a package of five cartridges which must regularly be replaced. The result of using a safety razor and a badger brush with soap is not simply lower cost. I get a demonstrably better shave than I ever did using the "regular" shaving products, and more importantly, I actually enjoy shaving again. If you've found yourself unsatisfied with shaving, then perhaps you'll find a measure of salvation with badger and blade, too. I certainly have.
BANZCHAUHAN Brasserie in New York City, also has THE CASCADE Breast milk is normally known for being the primary source of nutrition for newborn babies before they can eat or digest other foods. However, some people around the world have taken human milk to other levels, making ice cream; cheese and other recipes from it and selling it in stores and restaurants. Matt O'Connor, the inventor of an ice cream named Baby Gaga (named after Lady Gaga) started selling it in February 2011 in London's Covent Garden. It contains Madagascan vanilla pods, zest of lemon, served with a wafer, and a shot of Calpol or Bonjela and of course human milk. Each serving of Baby Gaga costs £14 and all the milk was donated by Victoria Hiley who earns £15 for every 10 ounces. Even though most people would think that this is disgusting, the dessert sold out on its first day. Despite the success of the new flavour, Westminster Council officers removed the product from the menu to make sure that it was "fit for human consumption;' disregarding the obvious fact that breast milk is fit for human baby consumption. Matt O'Connor insists the ice cream has been medically screened and is pasteurised. Restaurateur, Hans Lochen, of Switzerland posted wanted ads looking for women donors, paying just over three pounds for milk donations of 14 ounces. Experimenting with recipes when his daughter was born he states "One can cook really delicious things with it. However, it always needs to be mixed with a bit of whipped cream, in order to keep the consistency:' Lochen is not banned from serving his specialties due to a loophole in legislation regulating the'use of human milk. Human milk is not on the list of approved species, alongside cows and sheep but they are also not on the list of the banned species such as primates and apes. Being on neither list opens restaurateurs to use human milk without repercussions. Daniel Angerer of Austri~ who operates the upscale restaurant Klee
experience using breast milk as a cooking ingredient. Angerer, who is best known for beating chef Bobby Flay on the Food Network's Iron Chef,recently had a child with his wife. Shortly thereafter he had eureka moment when he realized that their freezer was overflowing with breast milk. He began experimenting with making cheese out of this milk. With some curdling and about two weeks of aging, the result is a sweet cheese close to one made with cow's milk. On Angerer's website he wrote: "To throw it out would be like wasting gold:' These examples are not isolated cases, however, as there have been an increasing number of examples of a mother's milk being framed as food for adults. Tammy FrissellDeppe published a book called A Breastfeeding Mother's Secret Recipes which provides a compilation of food and beverage recipes containing human breast milk. Meanwhile PETA, to stop what they view as cattle abuse, urged a dairy company to replace the cow's milk that they used in their ice cream products with human breast milk. Even soap has been formulated from breast milk and those using it claim that its effectiveness as a cleanser is greater than or equal to that of traditional soaps. Forthousandsofyearshuman breast milk has been a sterile solution that can be used to promote healing and clean wounds. It contains strong antibodies and antitoxins and hasbeen used as a home remedy for conjunctivitis, insect bites and stings, contact dermatitis, and infected wounds, burns, and abrasions. Breast milk can boost the immune system of ill persons having viral gastroenteritis, influenza, the common cold, and pneumonia. Also, some medical experts are convinced that breast milk can induce apoptosis in some types of cancer cells, but further research will have to be done in this category. We have all been consuming breast milk as infants, why is the subject of consuming breast milk as an adult so taboo?
JOCEYLNMcKAY colleagues, attractive to all members
CONTRIBUTOR of their society and especially to the
Women today are much more integrated into the workforce than in the recent past. A Statistics Canada survey showed that the employment rate for women was at 59.3 per cent in 2009 compared to 41.9per cent in 1976.It has become more common to have female employees, and even female bosses. Women have also begun to work at jobs which used to be considered typically 'male' jobs such as construction. As women begin to infiltrate the workforce, however, society asks the question: what is • the role of females in the workplace? Throughout history women have been and still are associated with sex. There can be no denial that· women have, for generations, been the object of sexual scrutiny, stereotypes, and the disturbing male 'gaze'. Poets like John Wilmont use women to describe men's abilities ("The Imperfect Enjoyment"), advertisements use women's body parts to showcase their products (Axe, Olay body wash), and even today's major blockbusters hire female roles based on everything but their acting abilities (seriously Bay, a Victoria's Secret Model?). Most of us are aware of the way women's sexuality is sought after and manipulated by society. How, then, can women compete with men in the workplace when they are followed by a cloud of labels and stereotypes of sexuality and femininity? Or can women use their sexuality as ammunition in the fight for advancement? Accepting the fact that women are more commonly associated with sex than men, Catherine Hakim, sociologist and author of "Honey Money: The Power of Erotic Capital': urges women to utilize what she calls their "erotic capital" to advance their career. Hakim defines erotic capital as "a nebulous but crucial combination of beauty, sex appeal, skills of self-presentation and social skills - a combination of physical and social attractiveness which makes some men and women agreeable company and
opposite sex." Instead of trying to change the . way society views women, Hakim suggests to use this view to one's advantage. An extract from her book tells the fictitious but representative story of Anna, who loses her job, gives herself a complete make-over, and is handed an even better job by the 'approving' society. This tale, which is really the book's premise, challenges how we view feminism and the women's movement. Instead of continuously battling to be treated as men's equals, why can't women just use their sexuality to gain, if not control of, then at least the attention of, and ultimately, a pay-raise from their male superiors? Having more women in the workplace also seems to raise a call for a definition of accepted· female business behaviour. To answer this call, and to aid women in the workforce, Jolienne Moore and Lynn Cris write "Etiquette for the Career Woman''. In it Moore and Lynn offer advice on how to advance in the workplace through professional etiquette. One must ask, however, why this book's title specifies the "career woman'' and not the "career man." Is there a difference between women's career etiquette and men's? As defined by the Oxford dictionary, etiquette is "the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group". If this is the definition also used by Moore and Lynn, then why are women singled out as the 'members of a particular profession' who need schooling in the skill of etiquette? Is it because they are only recently becoming more common in the workplace? Personally, if someone attempted to educate me in female-oriented etiquette for the workplace, I would take offence. Are my male coworkers also receiving advice, and perhaps more boldly "education'' on workplace etiquette, and if so, why are they receiving a "male" specific version? Apart from the literal definition,
what does the word etiquette connote? Etiquette suggests to me the manners women display, usually in response to male authorities such as father, husband, or male boss. The word is old fashioned and brings to mind images of afternoon tea served in delicate china cups by housebound women, complete with extended pinkies, polite conversation and of properly-folded napkins. The term etiquette, and all that it implies, should be left in the past and replaced with professionalism. The term "professionalism" implies a gender-neutral code of behaviour specific to the workplace. Instead of being connected to a power imbalance between the genders and emphasizing manners, professionalism refers to "correct" and "socially accepted" behaviour, such as how one would behave towards their boss. A book promoting professional behaviour in the workplace and equality between both male and female employees might instead be titled "Professionalism for the Career Person:' Even accepting that Moore and Lynn are nobly attempting to create better mannered, and consequently more apt career women, is there a place for etiquette in today's workplace? Hakim's character Anna is fired despite her certificates, experience, and qualifications. It is only when she undergoes an aesthetic overhaul and submits to the workplace's sexist need for stereotypical attractive and submissive female employees that she is offered a job that, importantly, is better paid and more prestigious than her earlier one. Perhaps today's career woman should worry less about educational qualifications such as M.BAs and more about their etiquette, appearance, and erotic capital. If today's literature is to be believed, professionalism is unnecessary. Advice for ambitious career women today: quit labouring at your post-education and invest in sexy pumps, manicures and gym packages.
Two -UFValumni hit the campaign trail as candidates for-the BC NDP As for Sukhi, he works at his JOEJOHNSON THE CASCADE family's nursery and farming fm an admittedly unabashed political junkie. Recently, I had the opportunity to spend the day with two UFV alumni: Andrew Mercier and Sukhi Dhami. Both of them are just entering the battleground of.BC's provincial politics. Andrew and Sukhi are each members of the British Columbia New Democratic Party, and are quite active in their own communities and constituencies. In fact, their dedication to politics blew me away. We started out at the BC Rivers' Day event in Langley, where Andrew and Sukhi did what every politician does to increase awareness - meeting and talking with people from the community. But this part of the day was short lived as rain began to come down hard. So we went to have a coffee and a bit of a discussion about who they are, where they came from, and where they stand on the issues. Andrew was acclaimed as the NDP candidate for the Langley riding only a couple of weeks ago. But in his day job he's a labour worker and truck driver, and is a member of the Teamsters local 213 union. He's also the union shop steward, and now recently appointed to the Teamsters Canada Youth Committee. He works 50 hours a week, not including the union duties.
business. And he has just put in the papers to be selected as the candidate for the riding of Abbotsford-West. The nomination date is a few months away, but he's looking forward to the time between, which will allow him to develop himself as a candidate. They both grew up in working class families, and it seems that's helped shape their political leanings·. Andrew's parents were public service employees, and Sukhi's parents were immigrants from India. I asked the guys if either of them had taken any classes at UFV which - might have helped in shaping their political views. During his time at UFV, Andrew studied political science with both Scott Fast and Hamish Telford. He singled out Past's History of Political Thought courses (POSC 311 and 312) and Telford's Canadian Federalism (POSC 310) course as particularly influential. Unfortunately, at the time he attended UFV there was no political science major, forcing him to finish school at the University of New Brunswick. Sukhi was a science major in Biology. And while not having a political education, he was involved in the East-Indian Student Association as one of three presidents. They planned cultural shows, and raised money for multiple charities.
While never meeting at UFV, they were introduced at Adrian Dix's leadership victory party by Piotr Majkowski. Majkowski was the federal NDP candidate for Langley, whom Andrew had been the campaign manager for. It was his v.;ork as campaign manager that allowed Andrew to really hone his campaigning skills. Piotr didn't win, but they managed to raise NDP support by 2379 votes. When it comes to their opponents, Andrew and Sukhi agree that it's about being civil, and staying away from dirty politics; disagreeing on issues but giving consideration and respect to those who disagree with you. The both of them agreed that education is of paramount importance. Aside from UFV not having a political science program, another reason Andrew went to the University of New Brunswick was because of the cost of education. The NDP is in favour of reinstating the research in Canada, if only the needs-based grants program, and provincial government makes the eliminating interest on student loans. "Education is paramount ... necessary investments. if you want to have a healthy econNeither of them were impressed omy, you need to have a strong with the HST. The implementation education plan," said Andrew. was bungled from the start and With Sukhi's family history in now switching back is also hurtagriculture, he is also supporting the economy, as spending is ive of Abbotsford's farming com- put off. This is all while corporate munity. He wants to bring to the taxes have been going down, and forefront the discussion of local ·MSP premiums going up. farming, as well as the promoAnd finally, I asked them about their hobbies. Andrew is more tion of our local foods. UFV could be a driving force in agricultural than an avid reader, recently fin-
Image. Joe Johnson
ishing The New Industrial State by John Kenneth Galbraith. Sukhi, on the other hand, loves muscle cars - his first being a '68 Chevelle. But for the most part, politics takes up any extra time they have. Before leaving them, I invited any last comments for the article. And they both agreed that the political process and politicians ought to do more to engage young people. Voting is one of the simplest things that can be done, and shouldn't be taken for granted.
Onl!n3 l@ngu@g3 !5 So cOnfuS!ng ALI SIEMENS THE CASCADE MSN Messenger was the k3wlest thing when it first came out (it really blew ICQ out of the water). The ability to sit behind your computer, dial up to the internet and send messages to friends that lived a few streets away was a great luxury. Just like every kind of technology known to mankind, MSN evolved and adapted new perks such as: adding emoticons to your chat messages, the ability to upload a picture of yourself to the chat window, as well as the option of turning on your one megapixel webcam to watch someone type. The possibilities seemed endless. Along with the capability to talk to friends and family online, it also bred the SMS language (short message system). At 21-years-old, I am already out of the loop. I used terms like, "brb," "g2g," and "lof' bac;kwhen I first started using instant messaging programs, but since then, the language has evolved to a point where I find myself lost and searching for the definitions of terms such as '1q2m" (laughing quietly to myself). This secret language seems to revamp itself every few years, and in my early twenties, I feel as though I have already been left behind, left to commiserate with those still using dial-up routers and the rotary
We are cuuently acceptingapplication~for lil<ea brother or sister." MSN is about as ancient as papyrus, now we have other media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The social media junkies have replaced their use of the English · language with messages that appear in under 140characters, or in Instagram's situation, the only way to communicate is to upload a picture of what is going on in your life. Can the language purists fight off these short form abbreviations or is it time they break in and join the online world of communication? In any situation when a person is reading a book, newspaper or essay and they come across a word they do not understand, most people have been taught to crack phone. out their dictionary and lookup What does this mean for the poor the definition Although your parents of teenagers who are busy Webster's dictionary may not hold the definition to "nifoc;' it is still using their Blackberry messenger important we know how people are function all day? What does this communicating online. If at 21 I am mean for the English language? To already lost and confused by how me, it is not necessarily the short form of the language that irks me, some teenagers are communicating, it's the loss of emphasis and meanI can only imagine how lost I will ing to words that used to hold such be when I have children of my own. In the case of "nifoc," it's probably passion and weight. IMAO (in my pretty important for me to know arrogant opinion), situations of love if my son or daughter is "naked in and romance have not only been front of computer:' I guess fll just trashed and desensitized in the enhave to introduce one of my own tertainment world, but heart warmWOEDTSF(What on Earth does that ing phrases such as "I love you" have been reduced to, "LYLAB"or stand for)?! "LYLAS;' translating to "love you
News Writer ws W ·ter is responsible for prQduc· eanjunctipn with ,pie N ditor. artic or.the 'Wiltendeavor to providetke student body 'Withinformation on events perti:neqfto t,i~UFV community, while upholding the highest in joumaf-
ism ethics and standards~rHeor she willproduce two Ne:yvsor F ea-turearticles.perls.sue,and must possess strong intervieJVing· writingskills. QualificatiQO,S;
Must be registered in at least one -credithour in the winter semester .. I~to work vi · to be present in ·at er~ek during publisbingweeks in th
.;wi.~ter s~mes.ter., t Kave effec
PtYi $65Pf! is~•·
Omphaloskepsis: Quality television?
Hu Jintao goes to Space ALEXEIC. SUMMERS CONTRIBUTOR Since the dawn of time mankind has been fascinated with the mysteries of space, but is it becoming too expensive, and perhaps even too pointless to continue exploring it? It has been decades now since the Space Race came to an end, with the conclusion of the main fronts of the Cold War. As of today, in North America, the United States Government is slowing down its own space program in the wake of the huge financial deficit that has its head in a vice, and is nearing the country to the brink of complete economic and systematic collapse. The Americans were once a nation who in 1969boasted of having been the first nation to reach the moon, and thus beating the Soviet Union in the Space Race. The United States spent the next several decades piling loads of money into the space programs, such as in the International Space Station, and sending satellites out with artifacts from Earth, hoping that extra-terrestrial aliens might discover them, and learn of life on Earth. And of course who can forget President Reagan's famous Star Wars defence program set up 'to prevent the West from the "Evil Empire" of the Soviet Union? Fast forward to now. The United States h~ shut down several vital departments of NASA, such as US President Barack Obama's 2011 Budget Cut Request to cut the space agency's Constellation program entirely. The request stipulates that the International Space Station will be removed by 2020, and after that there will be no American 21st Century space programs. China, however is showing no signs of reducing their own space programs in the same fashion as the USA. In fact, the Asian superpower nation is taking steps to further enhance their endeavours in outer space. The People's Republic of China is celebrating their recent launch of the new unmanned Tiangong 1 . module spacecraft. It was successfully launched into orbit at 13:16 UTC on September 29, 2011,placing Tiangong 1 into a low-earth orbit.
JAMESINGLIS are morons? TV Exec2: Children's beauty CONTRIBUTOR
Now that the United States of America is in debt (of which a large part is owed to China) and can no longer continue their own conquests in space, China remains the one of the only nations able to actually J::tavethe potential to achieve the goal of landing on the moon, and exploring the deep uncharted regions of the universe. But one must ask the question now that the Cold War is over, just like the space race is over, and the arms race as well, what relevance does space exploration, and space travel really have in our modem day setting? Originally, during the Cpld War, there was a growing need for the Americans to get to the moon first, and there was a great push to beat the Russians to it. The Americans did beat the Russians, driven by the crippling fear of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) arsenals being used from space against NATO powers. But now, all that is in the past, and the only
pageants. The average IQ in the United TV Exec1:Oh. States is 98 and in Canada it is 99. To Is it just me or do other people be considered a moron, a person's think there is something not quite IQ must score 50-69. The American right about what this show is docuPsychological Association reports menting? rm not sure it's normal to that watching reality TV is a leading dress a three-year-old as Dolly Parcause of mental illness. Physicist ton and give her false boobies and Kim Ung-young has a verified IQ a padded tushie. Now as you khow of 210, doesn't watch reality TV; by now I don't like to be judgmental, mathematician/physicist Stephen but in the name of all that is holy, Hawking has an IQ over 160,doesn't how did this ever become acceptwatch reality TV; actress Sharon able TV fare? In case you have never Stone has an IQ of 154, appeared in seen this gem of a show let me share· a movie without underwear and some coaching advice a mother flashed her lady-business. So, can gave to her four-year-old daughter someone please explain to me the during an episode, "Okay, now rip popularity of reality television? off your skirt. Now swing it. Shake Thanks for your reasoned arguthat bootie good." ments and in response let me just Lest you think ''Toddlers and say, ''Toddlers and Tiaras". rm sure Tiaras" has the monopoly on ''What to the programming execs it must were you thinking?" allow me to have seemed a good idea at the point out a couple of other masterful time, but I can only assume there marketing gems. Abercrombie and were copious amounts of alcohol or Fitch, well known for its refined and other substances involved. tasteful products, began marketing TV Exec1: Okay, we missed out padded, push-up bras to eighton "Survivor'', ''Housewives of New year-olds. I remember when A&F York'', and ''Temptation Island" sold safari gear. Tesco, a large store whose left to humiliate? It's all been real reason to explore space today is chain in Britain, marketed a poleto look for the undiscovered - is it done. dancing kit in its toy section, until really necessary? Also; as citizens of TV Exec2: How about we film the famous British press pointed out the world, we must ask ourselves if some parents dressing their kids up this was inappropriate. Another the cost outweighs the benefit. like sexually provocative adults and company sells a nipple tassel t-shirt Most commonly, spacecraft making them gyrate on stage for sized for six-month-old and younger launches in our modem day and age very little prize money and every children. What kind of adult would are for explorations of other planets. · once in a while a puppy dog? Oh think this was a good idea? An example is the American exploand lots and lots of trophies; stuff Inste~d of producing the same ration of Mars with the "Opportunithat will look good inside a mobile old reality TV shows I think that ty" Rover, which combs the surface home. they should create a show that foof the barren planet searching for TV Exec1:That's too much. No cuses on Darwin's theory on natural signs of living organisms. But these way anyone one is going to do that selection. Oh wait, I guess they did. programs are expensive. Rockets to their Kids and no one would Never mind. aren't cheap to build, and there is watch it. Do you think the viewers no real monetary profit in it for the governments launching them, and they yield little results in these times of economic strife. With the US and European Come to our next writers meeting in room C1429 at governments in the precarious state 1 Tuesday, Oct 11. they are in, perhaps it is best to leave it to the Chinese. After all, they were · some of the earliest ancient astronoor email mers to look up to the night sky.
Write for The Cascade. p.m.
SP KSII 1.·Whats your favourite song? Ke$ha - "Cannibal" 2. Whats your favourite Spice Girls song? The only one I can actually remember is the stop right now. 3. Are you going to the next SUSAGM? What's that?
1. Whats your favourite song? on· Iver - "Heartbeats" . Whats your favourite Spice Girls song? guess I'd have to say Stop . Are you going to the next SUS AGM? robably not.
1. Whats your favourite song. "Sex on the beach," it's my party tun 2. Whats your favourite Spice Girls song . What should I say. 3. Are you going to the next SUSAGM . Should I? Do I have to.
\ I
·lo l>o Li'st -~Oct
,4ndrea. Birthda - - -Buy PreSe.e,tJ 5 -
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✓Z·~~t· /po/eell,P/2one /g~ textboofs
I went. :ziplinin:3at Whist! er t oda;.' You 3otta. try this Sara.hf
Also played on the team that has won the most Stanley Cups (5 letters, 8 letters) Known as a fast-skating scorer (5 letters, 7 letters) Born February 18, 1990 (4 letters, 7 letters) Won the Art Ross Trophy in 2011 as the league '.I-leading point-scorer (6 letters, 5 letters) The 2000-01 NHL season was his first with the Canucks (6 letters, 5 letters) Agreed to a 12-year, $64 million dollar contract (7 letters, 6 letters) Has spent his entire seven-year NHL career with Canucks (4 letters, 6 letters) Has suffered over 40 career injuries (4 letters, 4 letters)
3. 6. 7.
8. 7
9: IO. 8
LA TWEEK' nswer Key
1. · Dot 2. Recess 6. Insane 10. Reboot 11. Gadget 12. Bubbles 13.Dil
1. Darkwing _Duck
3. Chip 4. Meowth 5. Scrooge 7. Frizzle 8. Newt 9. Football
Left last season due to a major injury (5 letters, 8 letters)' Physical and aggressive defenceman (5 letters, 6 letters) Had a prolific ball hockey career (4 letters, 7 letters)
The Weekly Horoscope Star Signs from the Sumas Sibyl i
Aquarius:Jan 20 - Feb 18
Gemini: May 21 - Jun 21
Libra: Sept 23 - Oct 22
Beware: the sky is falling - or maybe that's just the library roof leaking.
Your true love is awaiting you on Craigslist. Yes, really!
Yes, the grass on the other side is actually greener. It's platinum-er too.
Pisces: Feb 19 - Mar 20 Tune into CIVL and listen closely this week. The aliens will make contact with you.
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 21 Cancer: Jun 22 - Jul 22 My cat says, "meow."I'm unsure of her meaning, but I believe she wants you to feed her.
On Wednesday something may happen. Or not.
Leo: Jul 23 - Aug 22
Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21
You are meant to be a canoedancer. Follow the dream.
The solar spice winds are in your favour for conceiving a child. Just be aware that the rest of your life will be completely destroyed.
Virgo: Aug 23 - Sept 22
Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 19
Some skinny guy in a red and white toque named "Waldo" is trying to find you .
Today an anonymous writer will insult your fat, ugly mom.
Aries:· Mar 21 - Aprl _19 Watch you're speling - or corperate monkeys will kill you!
Taurus: ~prl 20 - May 20 Jesus says: "Show up at U-House .Thursday for .free pancakes and I will save your soul- unless you're ugly."
Chinese Culture Club celebrates traditional Mid-Autumn Festival .
The Chinese Culture Club brought an evening of festivity and culture to UFV last week, inviting the student body to join them in a traditional celebration called the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 28. The event, held at U-house, offered the opportunity for some students to celebrate their cultural heritage and identity, and for others to get a glimpse of another culture. There was a good turnout and a cheerful, festive atmosphere. Members of the club were garbed in colourful traditional Chinese Qipao garments, and there was singing performed in the language of Chinese. Healthy, authentic Chinese food was served. In addition, students distributed the Mid-Autumn Festival's most yearned-for savoury delight - the mooncake, a sweet pastry fashioned from lotus seed · paste and egg yolk. The mooncake is an integral component of the ceremony. According to Chinese folklore, the Festival was born from a successful revolt led by the Chinese proletariat against the oppressive Mongol rulers. Under Mongol rule, freedom to assemble in groups was banned, so organizing an uprising was a very difficult task. However, the Chinese found other methods of spreading the seed of dissent against their rulers. The Mongols did not eat mooncakes, so the revolutionaries _devised a plan and gave one another mooncakes as gifts. Hidden inside these mooncakes were messages that read, "Kill the Mongols on the 15th Day of the 8th Month!" Soon after the people's revolution had been successfully carried out, The Ming Dynasty took reign, and the Mid-Autumn Festival began. The Festival became an annual tradition celebrating the overthrow of the Mongolian rule and the beginning o_fa new era for China, in which it would prosper and come into great wealth, power and status. The peoples of China have made it a yearly custom to have commemorative festivities marking the occasion that is celebrated even today.
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Stylewith Substance A scent-sualsearch:findingthe rightperfume LEANNA PANKRATZ nistic about a volleyball eighthCONTRIBUTOR grader swathed in No. 5 that was I used to consider perfume to be a secondary accessory, if an accessory at all. Scents were usually Christmas stocking staples, and were generally chosen for the colour and shape of the plastic spray bottle, or for their utilization of glitter, which was, to me, the ultimate selling point. Middle school mornings were often punctuated by a sugar coated spritz of whatever tween-oriented scent was popular at that moment. I had a dresser drawer full of girly sprays, most of them bearing lofty names such as "Fashion Flirt" or "Cotton Candy Fantasy." These were fun perfumes. On the flip side, I had a brief phase of wearing -scents that were entirely too mature for a middle schooler. These I wore simply for their promises of grown-up glamour. Department' store samples of Givenchy's Ysatis or YSL's Rive Gauche. were dabbed on frantically in an attempt to attain a respite from preteen monotony. "Take me seriously!" these scents shouted. However, there's something disarmingly anachr~-
enough for my friends to turn up their nose. They just don't understand what it means to be a classic, I thought to myself bitterly, my ego deflated from the failed attempt at glamour. Regardless, my view towards perfume in those formative years understandably had a lot to do with indifference and, at times, desperation - nothing to do with the expression and delight I find in • it now. They say that memories are triggered most vividly by the human sense of smell. Scents can define important moments, like a fragrant soundtrack to life's vignettes. Consider a thorough midsummer kiss draped in the filmy veil of humidity and Viktor and Rolf's Flower Bomb. A basketball victory laced with sweat and a spritz of Adidas' Fresh Vibes. A job interview given just a bit more credence by the crisp professionalism of Chanel's Coco. The remaining bit of Cotton Candy Fantasy still in the bottle, however cloying and oversweet it is, will always bring a smile to
A nightmarish, rogue pastry is unleashed upon Craftworld when an experiment by chef/ scientist Victoria von Bathysphere (to create a telekinrsis-enabling "Brain Crane") goes horribly, horribly wrong. "The Cakeling has risen." This is the how the new DLC pack for critically-acclaimed platformer LittleBigPlanet2 begins. But it isn't the plot that has people talki~g, it's the addition of new features to the game, including tools to create and share innovative motion-controlled levels in the game's famously open-ended level editor (which includes all of the tools the developers use to create the actual story levels). The PlayStation Move, Sony's handheld motion controller, was released on September 17, 2010, and it has fared quite well with gamers, but the amount of creative ways to use the device has been relatively limited (which goes for the motion control systems of the Xbox 360 and Wii as well, for that matter). However, with the release of Rise of the Cakelinglast month, available since September 14, all of that has begun to change. LittleBigPlanetis well-known as a simple side-scrolling platformer with cute, homemade craft-like visuals. However, LittleBigPlanet 2 expanded its scope well beyond this conception, with new tools that allowed the developers and players to create top-down vehicle-racing levels, twin-stick shooters, Tetris-like minigames and so much more. It defies almost any genre or box that attempts to limit it. Adding to that, aspiring level designers often use the game to showcase their creativity and talent, with developer Media Molecule even hiring some of the best level creators to their staff. Regular players benefit from the almost-constant influx of new, quality levels waiting to be explored, rated
my face as I recall 2 a.m. truth or dare sessions at sleepless preteen sleepovers. YSL's Rive Gauche will always be a landmark scent of the frenzied rush to grow up. My maternal grandmother's trademark powdery lavender will- always instill a sense of content - the scent of a life well "lived; the kind of scent that you eventually "graduate" irtto. Perfumes are incredibly persona"! in that each smell is so clearly defined by the person experiencing it. Humans are drawn towards self-definition - the yearning to possess something that's 100 per cent your own, and that precise principle is what instilled in me the interest in finding a scent that I could be both inspired _and defined by. Something that would reinforce the way I like to portray myself. My search for the right, self-defining perfume consisted of a lot of department store samples, some better than others, and a lot of "constructive criticism." However, I think I've made some progress. There are now three distinct perfumes that I stick to without much variance, because I've found such
beauty and personal enjoyment in them. The first and most notable is Givenchy's Hot Couture. I wear this one year-round, and it is the one I most frequently find myself drawn to. It possesses a sort of lighthearted depth, with its stirring notes of raspberry nectar, magnolia blossoms, and amberveviter. It's soft and smart, yet fun and winkingly impulsive. This to me is an inspiring, successful scent. I've worn it to my graduation and prom, and various other moments of personal importance. The second is Givenchy's Very Irresistible - a winter scent, that I have in just a little sample bottle. A gift from my dad, and a melding of roses, smoky anise, and verbena leaf, i.t will always reinforce an understated, cinematic elegance. The third is Dior's Miss Dior Cherie - a lighthearted, girly scent that plays the Bardot-esque French coquette, skipping down a Parisian street. It's very fruityfloral, and contains notes of Italian mandarin, Egyptian jasmine, and musky patchouli. This is a summer scent - perfect for beach tanning
and decadent lunches out. The beauty of it all, though, is that these three perfumes will mean something completely different to another wearer. Perfume can lock a memory into your .mind, and define it for you, and that recollection can be delightful, fun, and intimate. Now, where did I put that Cotton Candy Fantasy?
One small step for DLC, one great leap for Movekind and favourited. Putting the tools to create motioncontrolled levels into the hands of gamers is a revolutionary move. It has not been done before, especially in a game with such a robust editor and innovative level-sharing system (which allows you to easily find new, innovative, and high quality levels amongst the morethan-four-million levels). What it means is that choosing to invest in a Move controller now gives PS3 owners an infinite number of opportunities to use it. The Move adds a ton of new (and varied) gameplay options. In some levels, it operates like a pointer or cursor on the screen. In one of the developer-made mini-levels in Rise of the Cakeling, called Jam Kerblam, players use the cursor to "pop" as many blocks as they can. A single click pops all the same-coloured blocks that are touching each other, while clicking "blast blocks" take out entire rows of blocks at a time. Accidentally popping a "Stun block" temporarily prevents players from clicking, causing the time-counter to drop. The level possibilities really do seem endless. Some lev:els allow gamers to pick up objects or other players using the Brain Crane. This might include pulling back a slingshotstyle platform to rocket a player forward, or holding onto an umbrella to deflect acid rain that would otherwise kill players. An entirely different function can be explored in Fast Food, a level that resembles classic "tilt maze" games. By carefully tilting the controller one way or another you can guide a gumball along a path, avoiding hazards and holes while traversing narrow pat):tways. Level designers can easily craft these levels, simply by using the Movinator, a tool that allows them to connect objects they create to specific controls - such as the various tilt functions of the Move. The new pack also allows players to create and interact with levels in new ways. They can paint textures for their lev~ls using the Move as a paintbrush, or even use device like a high-tech marionette to record movements of non-player characters in their
levels (hugely simplified from the way characters were previously animated). On top of it all, the new DLC increases the way larger groups of friends can play together; up to seven inputs can now be utilized (such as four basic controllers, and three Moves). With so many aspiring artists creating and collaborating on levels (and even themed
level-packs) of their own, it is an exciting time in the history of motion control. Without the restrictions of market research and the monetary pressures faced by game designers in the industry, unhindered creativity and innovation will finally begin to tap into the true potential of motion-controlled gaming. It's about time!
Outside the Take-Out Box: AfterMath only be described as_an attempt at an apocalyptic theme with a Death Star wall decal right next to a random globe of our world (someAMYVANVEEN what ominous, though perhaps not THE CASCADE intended) and a happy face, half of whose face was a skull. On top of To be completely honest, my all that was the rather obvious attime at UFV thus far has not once tempt at appealing to a younger included a stop at that little stucrowd with their menu choices dent hang-out formerly known as such as the Jersey Shore panini, Casey's, so it was with slight trepithe Epic.Meal.Time burger and, dation that I entered AfterMath, of course, the Ridonkuliss Burger. the part-apocalyptic, part-matheSince so much fuss has been made matic on-campus social house. over this last one, I felt it was necThe first thing I noticed on my essary for me to try it (and split itFriday afternoon lunch stop was I could never manage one of these how incredibly empty it was. Apon my own). parently I picked a time when. evWhen the Ridonkuliss arrived at eryone was either in class or not my table, it immediately demandon campus and_ therefore had the .ed my attention: it was held to- but unfortunately after spending some time with the cheese and the whole place - and staff - to myself. gether with a knife to keep it from two rather fatty patties, the bottom Three servers came at three differtoppling over and the burger. itself • sandwich became a soggy mess. ent times to either take my order, was almost as tall as said utensil. Whatever sauce they used on the check on how I was doing or offer This particular menu selection has burger would have been deliciousme anything else (like napkins) two beef patties, cheese, lettuce ly paired with perhaps a single beef and all three servers were friendly, and tomato all bundled within patty burger or a chicken burger attentive and, thankfully, not in my two grilled cheese sandwiches that - it had hints of orange tanginess face about my meal. They obviousact as the top and bottom of the that was a pleasant surprise for the ly know the art of letting someone bun, topped off with a deep-fried palette. Unfortunately, it gof lost eat, which is sadly an art that many pickle. In a word: ridonkuliss. In in the overwhelming quality of 'servers in the restaurant industry true mathematical style, this burgeating one burger that could have have yet to learn. er seems. to be something that, in easily been four separate meals. One thing that struck me was theory, would be a big success for Each ingredient on its own, or perthe duality of themes going on. As an overly-ambitious patron, but haps with something a little more I perused the menu, I couldn't help in re_ality it was a bit of a mixed minimalistic, would have been notice a great deal of mathematical bag. The grilled cheese, on its own, fine, except for the burger patties. attention, though the restaurant would have been delicious. The I'm not entirely sure what was goitself seemed to favour what can bread was soft and full of flavour,
Prices: up to $12.50 Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.?
TheCascadeCookbook Tracey Mason-Innes' Qyick Quiche Cups
ing on, but it had a textural quality that could not be placed - not something recommended for any meat in a meal. _Out of this entire dish, the one thing I would suggest is the fries. Fries are often a wild card in burger dishes. Sometimes they're too thick resulting in raw potato in the middle; sometimes they're too thin with the risk of breaking a tooth on their crispiness. These fries, though, found a happy medium in being crunchy on the outside and perfection on the inside: the kind of fries where you could easily eat an entire plateful without realizing it. All in all, the atmosphere was
pleasant with an enjoyable music selection and the staff was attentive, yet not overly-so. The "themes" could have been worse by actually becoming full-fledged themes, but where they linger now on the fence between an "aftermath" and "after math" is easily tolerable. The food, though, could be better, but if you need a lunch on campus and you'd rather eat somewhere that feels like a break from school instead of the rather institutional cafeteria, you may as well pop .by AfterMath and grab a burger for six bucks. (Beware, though, the E=MC2 burger comes out to $6.66 with tax.)
Drinko'theWeek: Gin & Tonic
·Tracey Mason-Innes is the manager ofHousing and Residence Life. She has a BA in Psychology from Dalhousie University, an MSc in counsellingfrom the University ofVermont, an MA in leadershipfrom Royal Roads University, and is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Education from the University ofCalgary. She loves to cookfar her husband and bring leftovers to the Baker· House residence (where it is very much appreci'!ted). "Theseare a popular crowdpl~aserorgreat to reheatfar a quick breakfast on the way to class." Ingredients: For 10 quiche cups •1 (3 ounce) package cream cheese, softened •2/3 cup sour cream •2 eggs, lightly beaten •1/2 cup shredded Swiss cheese •4 bacon strips, cooked and crumbled or bacon bits •2 tablespoons finely chopped sweet red pepper •1/4 teaspoon dried oregano · • •1 (10 ounce) can refrigerated biscuits or rolls Directions: In a mixing bowl, bea~ cream cheese and sour cream until smooth. Add eggs; mix well. Stir in Swiss cheese, bacon, red pepper and oregano; set aside. Separate dough into 10 biscuits; flatten into 5-inch circles. Press each intc:>the bottom and sides of a greased muffin cup. Divide the egg mixture among biscuit-lined muffin cups, using about 2 tablespoons for each. Bake at 375 degrees for 18-20 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. Let stand five minutes before removing from tin and serving. *Make them your own and add anything you want to them (mushrooms, onion, peppers, etc.) Estimated cost: $15
A coolrefreshingbeveragewith the slightestsweet aftertaste. 1 oz gin Lime wedge Tonic water Ice cubes Place ice into a short glass. Pour in gin. Squeeze wedge of lime into glass. Drop in the remaining rind. Fill with tonic-water. *Garnish with a wide slice of cucumber for a more fresh and crisp flavour. Ideal for: Summer barbeques, relaxing Bad for: Drinking games On The Cascadescale: A
The Q&A: Blind Horses
CampRadio l Campista Socialista 2St.Vincent StrangeMercy 3Deloro Delora
Harma White 5Reptile Fanaticus 6Fanaticus 7Nurses Dracula Pack A.O. 8The Unpersons
Blind Horses is a mood and melodyfirst garagerockbandfrom Vancouver, B.C Their music is often both ethereal and meandering,imbued with a sense of knowing wonder that characterizes their otherworldlyvision of urban life. Injected with guitar-work that recalls Pavement and song structures that • reference the Velvet Underground, Blind Horseshave been releasingmuCHRIS HUNTER sic independentlyon their o.wnMoraCIVIL DJ via Records since 2009's debut EP Colourful Noises. The creative duo behind Blind Horses,Peki Hajdukovic Chris Hunter is the host of and Danny Majer, have been play"C-Section" every Tuesday ing guitar together since elementary school,finally deciding to get serious from 12-3 p.m. on CJVL about making original music when Radio. The show covers a they realisedthey were no longerconwide varietY' of music with tent simply covering The Beatlesand Radiohead.They recordedtheir first a focus on indie rock and EP the summer before twelfth grade , pop, though no genre is offand releasedit as Colourful Noises limits. thefollowing November.The bandhas since added bassist Jack MacDonald The Sonics - "He's Waiting" to the line-up with a rotating_mix_of drummers (including Jack's brother This track from the Seattle band's Will)filling in on their recordingproj1966 sophomore album Boom is ects. The Cascade recently had the not a proto punk song, it is full on opportunity to ask Danny Majer what punk rock, and a good deal heavithe band is up to thesedays: er than a lot of bands from '77. Propelled by what might be the great- What's next for the band? est guitar riff ever laid down, a screaming lead vocal bordering on We are deeply involved in develinsanity and more distortion than oping our writing at the moment. the entire history of rock and roll Putting together a good amount of before it's recording date, the Son- material .that we are excited to start ics still have no problem kicking performing live. your ass in 2011. The Beach Boys - "Surf's Up"
9MacabreEternal Autopsy
Washed Out
Black Lips
Within And Without ArabiaMountain
12Deliver Us 13 That's How We Run 14 ...Of Exile 15.It's True 16Future Nights 17 Deformer 18TostaMista 19Father,Son, Holy InFlames
April Verch
Junior Boys All
Sexy Mathematics
Hooded Fang
20· Asa BeautifulImperfection
· There are a few different versions of this song, the most popular being from the. 1971 album of the same name. I prefer the one from the Purple Chick Reconstruction of the abandoned SMiLE album. This song may take a few listens to sink in, but the final section is so beautiful it moves me to tears every single time. If this isn't pop music's crowning achievement, then it's surpassed only by another Beach Boys song. Foster the People - "Pumped Up Kicks" Between this and Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" I am convinced that we are living in the best time for top 40 music since the Beatles broke up. Perhaps the fact that the early to mid-2000s were so horrible is skewing my view, but since 2007ish things have been getting steadily better and now ·we've arrived in Awesomeland. John Coltrane - "Part 3: Pursuance" The first few minutes of this jam single-handedly justifies the existence of every- other drum solo in the history of the universe. Every drummer should listen to this song at least once in their life, though it might intimidate many from ever picking a pair of sticks up again. Also, McCoy Tyner is the piano god. Coltrane ain't half bad either.
What's your creative process like? Constantly changing. We are always looking .for new ways to write. Most recently we have locked up in our rehearsal space, hit record and began improvising. After of month of doing that, we went over the material that we had recorded and whatever really stood out began to form what is our latest material. Blind Horses embarked on a cross-Canada tour last fall, a tall order for an independent band. What was your experience both on the road and _the planning stage of trying to book gigs? A learning process. Our first crossCanada tour was great simply because we survived it. Booking shows is not fun .
about how things went over, partially because our producer Craig McCaul has been really good to us. All of us being huge vinyl fans made it really special for us. We officially promise to never stop releasing vinyl. You seem to use a wider variety of overdubs on "Broken Bridges" (what sounds like accordion and a toy piano for starters) and "Medium Sized World" than on last year's Colourful Noises EP. What prompted this decision to open up your sound this way? Constant experimentation. We're not afraid of doing overdubs and trying to throw what we can at a song. Some things stick and some things don't. Whatever ended up sticking is only half of what we experimented with. When we did Colourful Noises we were still with our drummer that we started the band with and we were still a solid three-piece, so that's how we played the songs. But since we lost our drummer, the writing process has become just myself and Peki so we don't see any reason to restrain ourselves to that three-piece garage rock band ideal we had back in high school. We wanna do what's best for each piece of music, and that may include 40 overdubs, or two. Approaching a song has become more challenging in a sense but has also it's allowed us for lack of a better term - to think outside of the box. What makes a great venue?
Would you rather be recording or performing live? We're learning to enjoy both. The more you do either one the more you learn what works and what doesn't. I'd say we're far less comfortable with playing live, we get the nerves sometimes, but that's what ultimately makes it fun for us. So I don't know. We're really enjoying our time recording right now because we feel like there's a lot ~e have t~ say about ourselves musically and a lot of new stuff is coming out of these sessions. But while this is going on we can't help but be excited for when we get to play.the same material live. What have you been listening to lately? Last thing I listened to today was Aphex Twins' Richard D. James album. I love the mood he manages to create using this insanely electronic approach. Last night our producer [Craig McCaul] told us our new material reminds him of this old instrumental band called Tortoise, so me and Peki were checking that out earlier. Last thing Peki put on when we were at the turntable W!lS Radiohead's "Pyramid Song," single on vinyl. Jack and Will.McDonald are always playing some good stuff, like Keepaway and I think I heard some Com Truise last time I was at their house. What are your favourite record stores?
A regular crowd of people that Red Cat is always going to be a come to enjoy music. When we special place for us; those guys What was the reception like back first started playing live we found have been good to us and the seEast? ourselves in restaurants and bars. lection is really killer. We're actuWe don't really find ourselves in ally very fortunate to have such We did three shows in Eastern those settings anymore, but since awesome stores around VancouCanada: one in Toronto, one in the beginning have had some great ver. I was very impressed by the Kitchener and our final show in · opportunities of playing at venues free beer I received at Zulu the last Montreal. Every show was totally that cater just to fans or people couple times I was there, and we different, but the fans we [found] looking to simply hear a live band, also got to catch No Gold perfommade it all so worth it. You just . not hungry, thirsty patrons. We're ing live. Zoo Zhop is also awesome don't really know what to expect not picky when it comes to the when it comes to local music. going into these towns you've acoustics of a place and all that, never visited but they were great although sometimes it can be a Aside from playing and listening over there. pain, we just like a place with great to music, what other pursuits take atmosphere and-you know you're up your time? In April,. you released your first there when you' re there. piece of vinyl, a 7" single ["BroOne of the reasons me· and Peki ken Bridges b/w Medium Sized What's the best venue you've became friends was because we World"]. What was that process played? were always both really into aslike? Do you plan on releasing tronomy; we're 'actually planning more vinyl in the future? The Zoo Zhop on Main St. Amaz- on taking a trip to the space centre ing vibes, amazing people, very sometime this week. Science is rad. Our first piece of vinyl was inevi- relaxed and a total departure from Peki is taking up school at Nimbus tably a very exciting thing for us. any of the seemingly unnecessary this year which is going to be aweWe had booked this show at Red formalities that come with book- some. Jack has been working on a Cat Records on Record Store Day, ing a show and doing sound check, TV show and Will is in school. As so we were under huge pressure etc. The Marquee Room in Calgary · for myself, maybe I'll take a plane to get this thing done -before the is also a really cool place. somewhere soon. show, and we're still pretty happy
Dan Mangan - Oh Fortune ALBUM REVIEW .
grets" can be let go. But once you accept that Mangan has grown more introspective on this album, than that's when it really shines. It works not just for Mangan, but for the listener as well. The album lends itself well to those moments
, of luci<l thought - those moments where we all begin to think about our lives. And I would say that this is his greatest achievement as an artist, only proven more so by this release. The two opening tracks, "About
As Helpful As You Can Be Without Being Any Help At All" and "How Darwinian," showcase his transition into a different time in his life and the uncertainty of what that means. "Post-War Blues" deals with separation, but has some pure indie pop tracks underneath, upon which he covers with his typical roaring style. Next is "If I Am Dead" which settles things back down again with a very dark subject matter, as the title suggests. "Daffodil" follows and carries on with that slow, quiet, style, but· it's offering the more optimistic outlook of love. Then, "Starts With Us, Ends With Them" comes on next to pick the pace up. ' However, the next track, "Oh Fortune," really gives a bit of relief with its lighter background vocals, drums, and tempo, though it still continues to express a sense of desperation: "Enough. / Lord let those skies open up. / Powers that be forsaken me." "Leaves, Trees, Forests" offers more tranquility than the rest, but if given only one listen, it is perhaps the most forgettable song. It
has a unique arid almost airy quality to it that lifts the entire album up. Then "Rows of Houses," which will most likely be a single, injects some upbeat tempo into the mix. It is then followed by another song, which touches on what eventually happens to all of us after we have lived our modern day lives, in "Regarding Death and Dying." The very last song, "Jeopardy," is what I would call an anthem of questions. Every verse is an inquiry into an existence, and is by far my own personal favourite. Some may not enjoy the new album for its low key sound, but there is no doubt his album is about looking for the truth in life and maybe finding answers and it has become a great listen, especially while it rains. However, it does leave the listener to wonder what brought him to such .dark subject matter. Mangan has put away the robots and has instead taken a decidedly more grownup perspective. But robots do in fact, eventually, need love, too.
Blitzen Trapper American (1oldwlng_
Dum Dum Girls OrJIYIn Dreams
Ryan Adams Ashes And Fire
Zola.Jesus Conatus
"It's me trying to evoke a true American nostalgia," says Blitzen Trapper's singer and songwriter Eric Early about their new release American Goldwing. Early's fascination with all things 1970s is eerily apparent right from the beginning with the proto-psychedelic Southern rock opening track "Might Find It Cheap". The trouble here is we know that these Portland rockers are capable of much more and fans are slowly lowering their expectations of the once masters of rambling country rock. Ever since the carefree sprawl of 2007's Wild Mountain Nation, Blitzen Trapper has slowly lost their sound somewhere between the Allman Brothers Band and Bob Dylan-esque vocals.Besides the title track, which is crammed full of harmonicas and West Coast breeziness, throughout the album you find a groovy confidencethat has replaced the glorious slack-rock and glam rock riffs that peppered their earlier releases.The songs on American Goldwing are engaging enough in their simplistic manner; however the feeling of their music has been substituted with callous stories about travelling the open road.
On their second full-length record, Dum Dum Girls deliveron the promise of this summer's He Gets Me High EP with a mature, adventurous and affecting collection of noise pop that moves in surprising new ways without abandoning the group's basic musical toolkit of Psychocandy guitars, girl group vocals and surf-rock percussion: These self-styledfemme fatales'take on the genre has more bite than contemporaries Best Coast and Vivian Girls combined and Only In Dreams proves their willingness to move beyond the stirring simplicity of their debut. This newfound range is best exemplified on the effortlesslysublime six-minute opus "Coming Down," that at one point strips down to lead singer Dee Dee's plaintive vocals and a distant snare-kick rhythm in a disarmingly intimate moment. Th e album's only weak point cpmes early in the album with "Just A Creep,"a fairly pedestrian and forgettable garage rock track that recycles a tried and true rhythm and never really hits the mark. Brighter production, more confident vocals and complex song structures help make Only In Dreams a more enduring and consistent record than their first. ·
THE CASCADE Dan Mangan's eleven-track Oh to the sophomore album Nice, Nice, Very Nice.But this time he delivers with a much darker current that courses throughout the album. It may be just this season, but the album resonates with a feeling that would normally not exist as strongly unless we are in _such dreary, rain-drenched days. As I look out into the grey skies that are dropping an endless amount, I cannot help but feel his passion while listening to each track. I was lucky enough to have my first experience with Mangan be a live show, and there is-nothing like seeing him live. It was at the 2010 ShoreFest concert series on English ' Bay, shortly before the Celebration of Lights had filled the sky; but it was the second time that I saw him perform, at this past summer's Vancouver Live 125 event, that I was first exposed to Oh Fortune. It takes a full listen or two of his latest album before the expectation that we would hear more songs similar to "Robots" or "Road ReFortune, is his· follow-up
A new album is always preceded by apprehension when an artist takes a hiatus from singing and song writing. After a two-year break, Ryan Adams will be releasing a new album this fall which won't disappoint. Adams' followers have come to expect something slightly different from him every time he goes into a recording studio. His new album Ashes and Fire showcases the more sedate and smooth side of Adams' musicality.Th e mellow feel is furthered by the voices of his wife Mandy Moore and his long-time friend Norah Jones which can also be heard on the album.While on a hiatus from music, Adams married Moore and from the sounds ofit he's enjoying married life because there are several sappy love songs on the album such as the song "I Love You But I Don't Know What to Say." It would seem -that as Adams ages his music matures along with him. This album (ideal for relaxation, an evening of quiet studying or for background noise) comes out October 11.
"I'm always on the hunt to make a perfect pop song,which you can dance to but also feel visceralemotion," says _22-year-oldNiki Rosa Danilova from Los Angeles. Danilova is more recently known as Zola Jesus,who burst onto the scenelast year with Stridulum 2 - a hauntingly synthy mash-up of atmosphere and club-friendliness.Her latest album Conatus is, if anything, a continuation of the same project. This "one-woman industrial-electro act" makes it a point to combine her strong, almost operatic vocalswith upbeat, sometimes tribal-esque rhythms ripe with reverb and dissonance.Zola Jesus leads listeners through songs with titles such as "Ixode" and "Hikkomori."While never.slippinginto full on "dark"territory, there is a distinctly gothidromantic tone to the album that is unrelenting even as the beats grow up-tempo. Th e result is polymorphic, perplexing, and undeniably stirring.
Sex? No thanks! VIOLET HART als lack interest in sex. That makes THE CASCADE asexuals, who seem to represent We've all heard about heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality, but what you don't often hear about is asexuality. While most sexualities describe a type of attraction, asexuality is actually the absence of sexual attraction; unlike celibacy, though, it is an orientation and not a choice. Of course, some asexuals still find themselves romantically attracted to people just not sexually attracted to anyone, even a loved spouse. There is, as with anything, a grey scale for asexuality.· Some asexuals never have sex and never masturbate. Others masturbate for release. Some will have sex for the sake of their partner. Some even feel arousal, but have no desire to act on arousal sexually. What is uniform, however, is that asexu-
a fairly small percentage of the population (some studies indicate around only 1 per cent), very exceptional. For most of society, after all, sex is what makes the world go 'round. It is no wonder, then, that many asexuals feel marginalized and choose to stay invisible. In 2001, David Jay founded the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) at in order to bring together a community and educate the public. In fact, discrimination against asexuals is a very real problem, and asexuals often COil!eto Pride events to take a stand. Thus, AVEN insists that "people do not need sexual arousal to be healthy," and asserts that "asexual people have the same emotional needs as everybody else and are just as capable of forming
Book Review Ann Patchett- Be/ Canto
intimate relationships." What I find particularly interesting is that many asexuals who experience romantic attraction still have an orientation toward certain genders. There are "biromantics" (romantic attraction to both genders), "heteroromantics" (romantic attraction to the opposite gender), "homoromantics" (romantic attraction to the same gender), "polyromantics" (romantic attraction to many genders) and so on. Basically, for any type of sexual orientation, there is an equivalent romantic orientation. What this indicates to me is that gender attraction is only partially about sex. For example, it's true, whether you're a straight girl or homosexual male, that being attracted to men is more than a horny desire for the penis. It's about the man's build, appearance, smell. It is a rare sort of person indeed
who doesn't find physical appearance an important part of attraction to some extent (the exception of course being pansexuals). This absolutely negates the belief that homosexuals, bisexuals etc. must
be sexually perverted. Same-sex attraction and the like can exist separate from sex. This explains why, for instance, many homosexuals know in early childhood, long before sexually maturity, that they are attracted to the same gender. There is a wide-variety of arousal among human beings; some are hypersexual and want to have sex every day, and others are happy having sex once a week, or even once a month. But it is difficult, I think, for many to understand someone who doesn't desire sex at all. Yet asexuals don't feel they are missing out on anything - the world is simply different for them. It makes you realize that what is truly important in human relationships isn't so much sex, but intimacy and individuality. That said, I'm definitely not knocking sex - those of us who do desire it should certainly enjoy it to the fullest!
FilmReview 50/50
SASHA MOEDT THE CASCADE It is common for modern authors to stick to their guns and avoid experimenting with style. To read an author whose talent and imagination leads them through an array of genres is an interesting change. Patchett is an example of such an author. In her novels, she moves through the tangled Amazon in State of Wonder, to a home for unwed mothers in the 1960s in Patron Saint of Liars;from a father trying to protect his children in Run to a magician's widow delving into the secrets of her deceased husband in The Magician'sAssistant. All of Patchett's novels contain a central theme: the twisted, _lovely, complex nature of human relationships. Bel Canto is a quiet reflection of these relationships at their deepseated level. The novel is set on one floor of a wealthy mansion. The characters are intimately connected yet culturally dissimilar. Patchett thrusts her characters, into circumstances where they must cross language, class and cultural barriers to survive. The story opens at a birthday party for a powerful and wealthy Japanese businessman. The party is hosted by a struggling South American country in the hopes of luring him into creating some form of industry. The party is beautiful. Most beautiful of all is the lyric soprano's sweet, strong voice: the only reason Mr. Hosokawa agreed to attend. The other members of the party listening to the performance are investors and ambassadors from around the world, misled as to Mr. Hosokawa's intentions. The Italians, the French, the Russian, the German - priests, politicians, wives, businessmen, servers, and translators listen to the entrancing aria from Rusalka. Patchett slowly looks at the characters. She muses about why they are there, and what this party means to them. Mr. Hosokawa is in raptures hearing the soprano, Roxane Coss, sing. The Vice President of the country grumbles to himself about the last minute cancellation the President made in order to watch his favourite soap opera. And the accompanist is madly in love with Miss Coss. Patchett sets a leisurely, dream-
AN r~ PAT GH uT1
like opening w 1c is violently interrupted. The story leaps into another direction as terrorists take the mansion by forc-e. This is the premise of Patchett's story: a tale of hostages. The terrorists seek the President, but he is at home in a dark room, in front of his glowing television. When they cannot find the President, they take the valuable prisoners instead. With a setting and scenario such as this, another writer might focus on the action: the fierce takeover, the negotiations, the politics behind the terrorism, the dangerous government rescue, but Patchett takes a more understated route, weaving her story in the psyches of hostage and terrorist. There are 60 people within the mansion. As negotiations with the waiting military ensue, the interactions between hostages and the terrorists evolve into something compassionate and quiet. The hostages must eat, smoke, talk, and relieve themselves. Months pass. The terrorists cannot keep up their constant hostile vigilance; they cannot continue pointing loaded guns warily at a group of weary prisoners, jumping at every move. Someone must cook the chicken for dinner. Someone must sweep the floors. Someone must translate Spanish to Russian, Japanese to English, Italian to German. Patchett creates a world of her own. She works with the shifting balance of power between captor and captive. She accentuates the strength of a voice, the ease in which someone falls in love, and the nature of a volatile situation mellowing into humorous friendship. Bel Canto translates to ''beautiful singing" and in Patchett's story, beautiful singing steers the situation towards harmony within the mansion. Her story is a brutal situation gently writ, an acknowledgment that art brings understanding, and understanding brings peace ..
MICHAEL SCOULAR THE CASCADE Crisis.,can reveal the real natures of other people: their hidden, truer selves. 50/50 uses the inciting attack of cancer as a genesis of plot, revealing what is beneath the calm and agitated exteriors of Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Kyle (Seth Rogen). And what is underneath? Unfortunately nothing but a series of contrivances and shallow behavior that is less a tragicomic exploration of what happens to people in moments of accelerated. mortality than an excuse for sexual antics with the seriousness of a cancer patient as its protagonist to fall back on, with the assumption that it validates the sophomoric ineptitude that pervades the movie. Adam is the one who discovers just how limited his time on earth is, and is placed as the protagonist, yet it is not he who is at the wheel of this movie. Perhaps not trusting Gordon-Levitt's typecasted shy intelligel.).ceto sell the movie, Seth Rogen is situated at the front, his non-stop puerile non-humour dominating scenes. His incessant need to be noticed, even when it's others that are more deserving of the spotlight, drives Adam to remark his distaste for his "friend" early and throughout the movie. And yet Rogen never goes away. Far from his more affecting turn in the similarly-themed Funny People, Rogen here seems to be retreating back to his R-rated persona. His line readings have the feeling of a trademarked Rogen: an affectation of crassness. In a movie that is at least attempting to have drama along with its comedy, the broad excrement of the latter not only fails the picture but takes over whatever pathos Gordon-Levitt's performance is trying to evoke. It's another sad piece of evidence of the long arm of the Apatow. And while Gordon-Levitt shows again that he is capable of playing the kind of morose, darkly humourous character he is here, more problematic is just what he is playing. A simple narrative question of what really changes with Adam reveals the superficiality of his journey abetted by disease. The key alteration to Adam's situation is his relationship with his girlfriend, played by Bryce Dallas Howard. But as in an Apatow movie, female
charac~ers are lucky to be anything more than a sketch. Howard is ignored, underdeveloped, and, as a result, easy to kick down when the story calls for it. In a particularly revolting scene, a picture is waved around triumphantly by Rogen (minutes after an "excessive use of profanity" - his own euphemized description - towards the subject in question) repeatedly screaming and thieving the scene of whatever emotional effect it was supposed to have, whether amusing or melodramatic. And he's taken completely seriously. No one responds to Rogen' s idiocy, his victorious find is all that is noticed. As Adam grows more disapproving of his carpool buddy, the sense that sooner or later the other shoe is going to drop becomes inevitable. And then an unforgivable, appalling character redemption occurs, that undercuts and ignores everything built up between the two main performers in the movie. And this delving into relationship foolery is not isolated. The cancer ends up being a means to a "let's get laid" series of party scenes and fortune cookie therapy sessions, rather than anything resembling real human experience. Though it may be based on writer Will Reiser' s encounter with cancer, the only thing feigning realism is the·
look of the film. This is a Hollywood version of cancer, where the only downsides are a few-bags under the eyes, a shaved head, and one vomiting session, abbreviated of course. Surgeries are scheduled within the week and people are always there for each other, it's only up to the patient to decide who gets pushed away. The camera and Gordon-Levitt try to emphasize that cancer, boy is it tough, with lines saying, "It's tough," and overhead shots emphasizing his separation, but cancer, excised from the title so as not to drive away audiences, is the farthest thing from the mind of the movie for most of its running time. 50/50 shies away from the ravages of cancer in favour of inconsequential sex pursuits and marijuana jokes. When Adam begins to give into hopelessness and anger, the movie is quick to act to dispel such thoughts with temptations of more relationship opportunities and a condescending pat explanation for how friends stay together. The title of 50/50 emphasizes the odds of whether Adam will survive, but the outcome hardly matters. The ubiquity of cancer makes it relatable, but 50/50 doesn't want to explore much surrounding the condition, only exploit it for cheap laughs, the tepid, and the rote.
VIFF brings best of world cinema to BC MICHAEL SCOULAR distributors each year there. But the second and certainly THE CASCADE more important reason for those By the time you read this, the that don't have a financial stake in Vancouver International Film Fes- the film industry, is that film festitival (VIFF) will be at least six days vals exist to show movies selected into its two-week run. While the from around the world to a wider belatedness of this "preview" is audience, with no need for striknot ideal, the reality is that no mat- ing hundreds of prints or a large ter how soon anyone begins go- advertising campaign, two snags ing to a film festival as diverse as when trying to get an independent Vancouver, movies will be missed, or foreign film out. While VIFF, many of them good. despite the fact it fulfills this secBut what is VIFF? Despite our ond criteria, still does not receive close proximity to it, it is uplikely much in the way of national media too many of us at UFV are schedcoverage, that does not in any way uling screenings around (and in- diminish what the festival has to stead of) our regular timetable of offer. lectures and labs. Do film festivals For a film festival, one of the have any relevance besides show- most important jobs is for it to poing unfamiliar movies in a crowdsition itself in the schedule, make it ed setting? in some way worth going to for the Film festivals exist for a variety cinephiles that attend these events, of reasons, but two in particula! regardless of travel time. VIFF folstick out. The first is promotion. In- · lows closely after, sometimes overdependent filmmakers are granted lapping with, Austin's Fantastic a venue to display their work to Fest (horror/ thriller) and the New potential distributors, where they York Film Festival, largely made also can create buzz in advance up of award winners and the latof wider releases of their films. In est auteur offerings from Cannes, this respect VIFF is not one of the Venice and Toronto. highest profile festivals. Most enSo while Vancouver does have tertainment coverage would have its share of recognizable directors you believe there are no more than ·(Almodovar's The Skin I Live In around five film festivals in the and the Dardennes' The Kid with a year. Sundance, for example, has Bike are the festival's opening and had a noticeable drop in the qual- closing films, respectively), VIFF ity of its programming in recent is unique in its emphasis on Asian years, but still gets mainstream cinema, documentaries and Canaattention not because of the his- dian films. tory of the festival, but because The most important people at so many movies are purchased by a film festival are not the direc-
tors that are there to promote their films or the celebrity guest speakers, but the people that arrange for them and their movies to be there: the programmers. One film critic that has given Vancouver its due in past years is David Bordwell, who has given exceptional praise to the festival, noting in particular programmer Tony Rayns, who established Vancouver's reputation for finding and screening fine Asian movies from Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea, among others. "Tony Rayns' deep expertise is joined to an unmatched passion and curiosity," said Bordwell. "His Vancouver programming was crucial in introducing directors like Kitano and Hou to [the] West. He has also made films happen; without the acclaim of Vancouver audi-
above named, and still find a great movie to see. So much of moviegoing today is based on advertising and knowing what yo~'re getting going in, but film festivals represent a yearly offering of great movies where you can genuinely be surprised every day, for two weeks. VIFF tickets, it is said on their website, do not regularly sell out for 75 per cent of their screenings, and are sold for $10 (matinees) and $12 (evening). While the list of unknown titles can be intimidating, it was Roger Ebert who said in response to a query on how to best watch movies to "see all the movies you can, good and bad." That's all there is to it, and festivals like ences and the prestige of the DragVIFF offer a great opportunity to ons and Tigers prize, how many do exactly that. distributors would have backed Film festivals exist to give both later work by young directors over people just starting out_ explo~i~g the last 20 years?" cinema and veteran film critics The influence and importance and filmmakers the opportunity to of programmers should not be share in the viewing of great movunderappreciated; it is because of ies from around the world. Attendthem that Vancouver's film festival ing one, there isn't a guarantee evis worth attending. Award winners erything will be appealing to any like Bullhead, Elena, Once Upon a one moviegoer, but what is posTime in Anatolia, A Separation, and sible is finding a great movie that A Simple Life and the latest offe~wouldn't have been seen here in ings from Kore-eda Hirokazu (Stz/1 Canada in a theatre otherwise. To Walking), Yorgos Lanthimos (J?ogthose that say movies aren't good tooth), Takashi Miike (13 Assassins), anymore, they simply aren't lookSarah Polley (Away From Her), and ing hard enough. Bela Tarr (Werckmeister HarmoCheck back over the next two nies) will all be there, but the great weeks, when The Cascade will have thing about any film festival, an_d reviews and other observations is certainly true of Vancouver, is from VIFF in these pages. that you can miss out on all of the
tling discovery, embarrasses herself in front of the reception at her sister's engagement party, giving a Have you ever started watchsincere, but off-colour toast (need I ing the first five minutes of a make another connection?). All of movie and thought to yourself: this is much to the chagrin of her have I seen this before? Watching controlling, yet uncouth mother the first couple of scenes of What's (Blythe Danner), who reminds me Your Number? was a deja-vu expe- of a watered-down version of Surience. The first scene opens with san's mother from Seinfeld. During the quirky Ally Darling (Anna the after-party, one of her friends Ferris-) clandestinely sneaking off warns her that if a woman sleeps to the bathroom and retouching with over 20 men, she is less likely her makeup while her so-called to marry later on. From this point, boyfriend dozes obliviously. 1:-f- Ally swears an oath: she cannot ter beautifying herself, Ally slips sleep with over 20 men so the next discreetly back under the covers man that she sleeps with must be until the moment her boyfriend her husband. wakes up ~nd asks her "Why do After a making the error of you always look so good in the sleeping with her ex-boss, Ally has morning?" Does this set-up sound the revelation that she must track eerily similar to the opening of this down her ex-boyfriends and rekinsummer's hit comedy Bridesmaids? dle a relationship with one of them I thought so too. so that she won't be breaking her In fact What's Your Number? 20 men limit. In desperation, Ally strikes many suspiciously simi- then forms an alliance with her lar chords with Bridesmaids. Set in hunky next-door neighbour Colin Boston, our cute blonde heroine (Chris Evans) to whom she will ofAlly Darling's life is slightly dys- fer her place as a hideout from his functional: she works at a blase of- one-night stands in exchange for fice job only to find herself swiftly helping her with her crusade to sacked, her younger sister is get- track down her exes. Upon meetting married, and she's getting ing Ally's vulgar, rough-aroundolder without much success in the-edges but clearly attractive her romantic endeavours. Sound a opposite (Chris Evans' is featured little similar to Kirsten Wiig' s char- topless in half of his scenes, forcing acter Annie in Bridesmaids? You get us to admire his well-developed the idea. pectoral muscles) the movi~ begins After being fired for being late to quickly fall even further mt~ the for work, Ally, whilst on the sub- category of cliche and formulaic. way. comes aaoss a Marie-Claire Although Ally is meant to be :magazine stating that the average the awkward, blundering-yet-ennmnber of partners women sleep dearing Bridget Jonesian heroine with m their .lifetime is approxiof this story, there is undeniably mately 10, a slightly smaller numsomething lacking with her charber than her 19. In the following acter: she is not that funny. Farris' scene, Ally, who has drunk a little comedic timing and facial exprestoo much after making her star- sions fail to translate on screen,
resulting with the impression that she is trying to be funny rather than just being funny. Although this may be due to a combination with the screenwriters' lacklustre writing and Farris' ineptitude; either way, Ally's character fails to charm us with her so-called pathetic life. While we all enjoyed revelling in the misfortunes of Bridget Jones and Annie Walker (Bridesmaids) who are convincingly portrayed as pathetic and unfortunate, Ally's well-to-do background and her petulant "problem" of trying not to sleep with another guy comes across as irritating, not comedic. And Colin, rather than being the understated
gentleman, simply comes acros_sas pervy and unctuous. The comb_mation of Colin's juvenile behav10ur and Ally's unnecessary pity party help convince us that the two characters are worth despising near the end of the film; to the point that we simply don't care if they end up together (which they do of course). The movie reaches an anti-climatic moment when Ally, whist giving her sister's toast, realizes that she is in love with Colin, after finally realizing that he is her "Mister Right." We are then forced to watch Ally run around Boston, wedding-to-wedding in search for Colin playing with his band in an endless number of tedious and re-
dundant scenes. By the time she . finds him, our attention is lost and we are feeling ambivalent when the pair finally reconcile. Although What's Your Number? contains a couple of genuinely funny scenes, the film is rife with ribald and physical based humour. It is another heart-over-head romantic comedy which fails to satiate one's need for the comforting romantic comedy. If yo~ want to see an explicit, female-onented movie which deserves your attention on a Saturday night, my suggestion would be to skip this ~ne and rent Bridesmaids instead; it's practically the same movie, only better.
Cascades take on Cascades? ■■■
in front of an appreciative audiPAUL ESAU ence sprinkled with UFV notables. THE CASCADE Among those in attendance was former men's basketball coach Pat Lee, who led the Cascades The UFV basketball and vol- to four BCCAA championships leyball teams spent last Sat- during his 16 years at the helm. urday competing against one "I think what Barnaby [the presof the toughest opponents ent Coach] and the kids are doing they'll face all year: themselves. here is really good," Lee said after Well, not quite, but it was close the men's game. "I think tonight I to the truth as the Cascades took like the chemistry of the team. I on their predecessors during like . watching the kids support the annual alumni games. The each other.,.There's a lot of posievent pitted the athletes of today tives about the team this year." against the heroes of yesteryear, Most of the male alumni on the in what became (in some cases) hardwood played for Lee during a surprisingly heated competiat least one of his championship . tion between two eras in UFV's runs, including the instrumental history. It also heralded the cre- Matt Francisco, who has played ation of an Athletics Alumni in the last three alumni games. Chapter, to honour the achieve"Oh, it's fun," Francisco comments of past Cascaders and their mented. "It's good to just hang out contribution to the University. with these young guys and encourThe alumni games were played age them a bit, and then let them lay at the Envision Athletic Centre a little beating on us .. It was fun."
The varsity basketball team trounced the alumni 95-61 in a clash that had the same intensity as a season game. The women's basketball team beat their alumni 88-57, while the women's volleyball team won three sets to none. Only the men's volleyball alumni were able to triumph over their varsity counterparts, by the narrow margin of three sets to two. Derek Fletcher, one of the organizers of the alumni volleyball team, had a simple reason for their success. "We're the only old guys that still got it," he said. Another volleyball alumnus, Daryl Wiebe, had an alternative theory "Because we're very good ...very good looking," Wiebe said. "Not a lot of people know this about volleyball, but it's mostly about how you look on the court," Fletcher agreed. On a more serious note, Fletcher was adamant about the importance of a varsity-alumni connection.
Aggrevied? Delighted? Or just plain mad? Visit the comments section at
"Oh, it's bea~tiful, man. It's so important...if you start on a team where there's not that many old guys, but you still got an alumni team that you can look up to and you can bond with, they may not be the most polished anymore, but they've been through nationals, and countless games ...They teach us something and we [the alumni] teach them something." An official reception was held
in the Envision Centre lobby after the four games, during which UFV sports information and marketing coordinator David Kent announced the new Alumni Chapter. The event was sponsored by the UFV Alumni Association, catered by AfterMath, and featured the band Rags to Radio.
and have your voice
Cascades Men's Soccer
________ ____ _ VS
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Cascades Women's Soccer
Barrett explained the process of about, but there really fan't much THE CASCADE retrofitting this system into the difference between using city AESC: "It was a real collaborative water and rainwater." The only The Abbotsford Entertainment effort between the parties: Scott difference appears to be a small, and Sports Ce11tre (AESC) got a (Cµrrie}, the ice manager, and the aesthetic change. "You notice the whole lot greener this summer. rest of the contractors to figure out clarity; when it freezes there is no Through an initiative including how to put the system together. It film that builds up on the top of numerous contractors, . the Ab- was a bit of a challenge ...but everythe ice and it's just a clearer, dryer botsford Heat and .the AESC, the thing fell into place nicely." Barrett looking sheet," Currie said. Heat will be playing on an ice surthen went on to explain the filtraThe question remains, however, face made entirely of rainwa_ter. tion system, using a series of big, will the environmentally-friendly The new rainwater collection and complicated words. When he came ice surface be good for hockey? purification system was designed, to the end of the explanation, he _ Currie made it clear that it would built and installed over the sumsimply stated that; "theoretically, be. He said the only difference was mer, and will save up to 830,000 it can be pretty much classified that instead of removing impurilitres of water each season. The as bottled water at the end of the ties, such as chlorine and magnesystem will save taxpayers ap- system." sium, from city water, the rainwaHaving the system installed, it ter is filtered and ready to use. The proximately $3,000 per year, and fell on Scott Currie, with his duty will pay for itself in just over eight ice will be the same, just friendlier years. as manager of the ice plant, to be- to both the environment and the Dean Barrett, of Barr Plastics,, gin to use the revolutionary sys- cheque book. led the way in developing and in- tem: "When starting something General Jason · Blumenfeld, stalling the system this past sumnew, you have to be prepared for Manager of the AESC, stated it mer. Speaking with The Cascade, any eventualities that may come simply: "We'll save money ...It saves
money because we're not pulling water from the city system." Along with saving water, the system will also save energy, as Dean Barrett explained: "We're actually going to experience more' energy savings than water savings." The system, he said, requires less heating for the ice-making process.
This project, the first of its kind, is groundbreaking in that it shows the potential for professional sports teams to work towards sustainability, while saving money. Look for more green initiatives like this one to follow.
Latest suspensions could be step towards no~hit hockey JOEL SMART THE CASCADE If the preseason was any indication, this 2011-io12 NHL season is going to feature some of the strictest suspensions ever seen in the NHL, as the League makes a concerted effort to eliminate some of the most dangerous types of hits from the game. It's a worthy goal, but as the risk of punishment increases, so too does the risk of players opting to skip physical play altogether. One way or another, NHL hockey is changing; newly-appointed NHL senior vice president of player safety Brendan Shanahan lras made it clear that head hits and repeat offenses will no longer be tolerated in , the game. "Right now, it's a feeling-out process for the players and the referees
and Shanahan," Canucks head coach Alain- Vigneault told The P.rovince. "E~ery time there's a hit, there are parts of the body that are going to go one way or the other. Is every hit right now a penalty? I think everybody is ·trying to sort that out." Dissenting op1mons on the strength of the suspensions is not hard to find among fans and critics of the game, but so far few within the game have chosen to speak_out against the new direction the League is headed in. However, Clark MacArthur, a forward for the Toronto Maple Leafs, recently expressed serious concern with the way things are going. "I just think there is going to be no hitting in this game. I think that's what's going to happen. No one wants to take five-, 10-game suspensions," MacArtliur said in comments that aired during Hockey Night in Canada after the
Canucks final pre-season game. He made the comments after being suspended for the first two games of the regular season for a hit that Shanahan deemed a head shot. "You really have to think when you're finishing your hit. You really have to pay attention, because the guy with the puck doesn't have any responsibility anymore. It's on the guy hitting." To a degree, his comments can't be argued with. Physical players have never had so many conflicting pressures put on them before. They are encouraged to make big hits, but a player can only have so much control over what happens when that contact is made. In both head hits in the Canucks final preseason game against Edmonton, the head contact seemed to be an unintentional consequence of attempts by Alex Edler and Marco Sturm to make clean hits. "I wasn't
trying to do anything like that...if I got a piece _ofhis head, that's not what I tried to do," Edler clarified in his post-game interview. The only way for these players to truly protect themselves from the chance of suspension is to skip making those hits at all. "There is a lot of speed and decisions are made in_a fraction of a second," said Vigneault, "and I'm not quite sure how this is going to turn out." As the season progresses, if Shanahan continues to suspend players at the rate he has, it ·seems increasingly likely that players will adjust by simply· reducing the number of hits they attempt. Meanwhile, players who simply won't remain in the NHL if they don't fill their required "quota" of hits will bear the brunt of the changing policy. Big hits are -an incredibly enter-
taining aspect of the game, but they also play an important role in keeping the game fast and intense. They increase the rate of turnovers, and improve the flow of the game. Yet, with our increasing understanding of the damage that can occur from hit$ to the head, it is time to face the facts. Those of us that love the game also love the players who play it, and so their health and well-being needs to be considered. Brendan Shanahan is a well-respected former NHL player, and though his decisions could potentially remove an aspect of the game that we have come to love, who better to try his hand at improving the situation than he? Much will be learned this coming season, and fans of the game can only hope tliat a fair balance can be found.
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What does $563 million buy you?' KARENANEY THE CASCADE Last Friday, September 30, the newly renovated BC Place opened its doors to more than 40,000 fans. The officials in charge of the project have proclaimed that they're "on time and on budget", but that isn't exactly true. According to the stadium's website, the original budget for the project was $458 million dollars. T.he final cost of the project, however, was $563 million. That's at least a $105 million difference-a difference to be made up by tax-payers. So what did that cash buy us? Here's some of the aspects mentioned in the press release. First, · the doors that opened on Friday night aren't of the rotating variety. The rotating doors BC Pla~e used to have were nightmares necessitated by the inflatable roof, and they proved especially difficult for the disabled and the elderly. No, now they are large and open, with enough room for even the largest of linebackers to get through. The seats are bigger, too: 5.6 inche"s bigger than the old blue seats, and now fitted with cup holders (very important for holding those $10.50 beers). The stadium is now walled with clear glass, as well - this replaces the previous brown glass. Another aspect of the renovations is the new four-sided HD video board. The sideline screens are now the second largest in profess~onal sports, behind only those of the Dallas Cowboys. There's no shame in that - everything's bigger in Texas, after all. The screens are 62 feet by 38 feet - approximately the size of 16 police cars, side-by-side. The screens facing the end zones are 32 feet by 21 feet - only about four and a half police cars, but still pretty big. All in all, the renovations made to BC Place stretched much further than the roof. The roof itself was the focus of the renovation, though. When open, it reveals 100 by 85 metres of open sky
- this matches the size of the stadium field. It takes just under 20 minutes to open or close, but even if a little rain does fall into the stadium, precautions have been taken to ensure safety. The flooring throughout the building is slip-resistant, there is permanent roof over the seating area, and the turf has been redesigned to allow for drainage. The renovations are meant to pay off in the long run. The new roof will shave 25 per cent off the energy costs for the stadium, because the large fans that held up the previous roof are no longer necessary. Also, the new openair venue in the heart of downtown is meant to· attract concerts with big headliners. The increased event count at the stadium is one thing that will contribute to the estimated 3,500 new jobs that will be created by the new stadium. Despite the successful reopening (because even if it wasn't on budget, it was on time), there is still criticism from the public. This criticism is focused on those 3,500 new jobs: as one commenter on an article in the Vancouver Sun said, "where are those jobs going to come from? New jobs there
mean lost jobs somewhere else." The theory behind this idea is that at least some of the public customer base will be redirected from other venues: if a concert occurs at BC Place instead of Rogers Arena, that just means that less people need to be employed at the former GM Place. Another controversy at the epicentre of criticism is the corporate sponsorship that has yet to be announced. A decision has been reached: minutes from a meeting of the Stadium's Board of Directors says as much, though they do not name the company who won the bid. Popular opinion suggests that the stadium name will fall to either Telus or Bell. Another idea is that the stadium will be referred to as Bell Park during Whitecaps games, and Telus Centre during Lions games. The last available quote regarding the manner came from Lions CEO Dennis Skulsky in August. At that time, he said an announcement was likely to be made in midSeptember. Until then, it remains - the new and improved - BC Place. as Lions stay undefeated It was the largest blown lead in Cowboys history, and the Lions are 4-0 for was their defence who led the way by the first time since 1980. Tony Romo It was a story Cowboys fans have chipping away at the deficit, picking finished the game having completed seen played out one to many times. off two Romo passes and returning 34 passes for 331 yards, throwing Their quarterback Tony Romo gets them for touchdowns; then Megatron three touchdowns along with three off to a good start, the team gets a showed up. Caivin Johnson, who has · interceptions. Lions Q!3 Matthew big lead and critics begin to change been dubbed "Megatron," began to ~tafford completed 21 passes for 240 their minds about Romo's abilities yards with two touchdowns and an tear apart the Cowboys secondary, - then he chokes. What has become interception. catching eight passes for 96 yards and the "norm" for · the Cowboys octwo touchdowns. In other news: The Philadelphia curred again on Sunday; Romo and The Cowboys offence was moving Eagles, the self proclaimed, "dream the Cowboys built a 20-point lead the chains down ·the field late in the ·team," _fellto a 1-3 record as the San at halftime, only to see it diminish fourth quarter, and for a short-lived Francisco 49ers came from behind in the second half. How much more moment, it seemed that a last second and won 24-23 despite Vick throwing can The Dallas Cowboys owner,Jerry touchdown to win the game was not for over 400 yards. The Cincinnati Jones, tolerate after investing over a out of the question for Tony Romo. Bengals also came from behind and billion dollars into his franchise? The However, the game took a weird kicked a last second field goal to beat billionaire had some words for Romo and unusual turn. On a fourth down the Buffalo Bills 23-20 and erased on the sidelines during the game. and 20, with 11 seconds left, Romo their perfect record. Cam -Newton The Detroit Lions, who only a dropped back and threw a check down had another big week for the Pancouple seasons ago recorded a winthers, throwing for over 350 yards, pass to running back Felix Jones. Unless 0-16 season, came into Sunday's aware that it was fourth down, Jones but the defence was unable to stop affair putting their undefeated re- picked up some yards, not enough for Chicago's run game as Matt Forte ran cord on the line. Wide receiver Dez · the first down, and ran out of bounds all over Carolina's defence for an asBryant and the Cowboys got off to to stop the clock. The Lions got the tonishing 205 yards. a quick start, with Bryant catching ball back due to turnover on downs two touchdown passes from Romo and kept their perfect record intact.
and establishing a 20-point lead at
CONTRIBUTOR half time. The Lions recouped and it
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