1 minute read

Vendor Writing: Jamie W.

Wish I Could Get Better


I feel like I’m slowly falling apart. Two years ago I had a heart attack. The month after that I got hit by a car. In August of 2022 I had a stroke. The doctors told me I had a hole in my heart. The hole is three quarters of an inch and I’m having to go to a lung doctor and then to a kidney doctor and then to the neurologist. But as long as I’m able I will continue to sell the paper.

I know my customers are concerned about me and a lot of them know that I’m sick. May God bless everyone at The Contributor and may God bless my customers.

I’m grateful and blessed to have such great customers and may God bless my customers.

I have been selling the paper for 11 years, and I hope I will be selling the paper for another 11 years.

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