3 minute read
Vendor Writing
Da Adventures of Preacher Man
In 2011, I was brought back to jail under false pretenses. Earlier in that same year, I was told by a young “Ordained Prophet” that I was going to have to travel back to the land from which I had came and reconcile! I’m not going to lie, when I first got to jail because of the charges brought up against me, I couldn’t see straight! But God kept on telling me not to pay attention to the charges to find my purpose and to be a servant of it! At that time, I was immediately placed in the worst pod in the jail. It was amazing and yet absolutely insane! Two or three fights a day at least … nobody cared about nothing, no respect for themselves or others, nobody was even trying but a few to help themselves or didn’t know how to, because either they couldn’t read or write or their attention span was very, very short! At other times it seemed like the only thing that could tame this beast was T.V., cards, dominoes, chess and gym call. The only time I felt the presence of God was when I called out to him in prayer in my cell. So, I decided to do just that to devote as much of myself and time to God as possible through prayer and Bible study, but I noticed that there wasn't a prayer circle presence in this pod. However, I continued my studies day in and day out calling on the all mighty God to use me to be an impact to others as well as them being one to me! In 2012 our pod went through classification and we (the pod) was moved to another pod and that’s when all hell broke loose. Satan showed his ugly face on numerous occasions, personally placing his stamp on this pod! Everybody wanted to leave and nobody wanted to come in including the guards. This pod became the devil’s playground! For the first time in my life, I had actually seen what many had talked about in the flesh and now with no time to waste, I had to put on the whole suit of armor and go to war! We started a prayer circle in 2012-13 and I haven’t looked back. Over that course of time, I’ve had the pleasure of being able to bear witness to God’s work through them and me! Many battles have been lost, but also many have been won. “God’s Army” is constantly growing and it’s up to us to do our part to make sure that it does ‘cause his victory is our victory! I hope that you enjoy this book and maybe even want to become a part of his army too. If so, suit up cause the battle to winning souls never, ever stops. But first you have to start with yourself! So, welcome to my world and if you’re truly ready… then mount up your horse and let’s ride!