9 minute read
Vendor Writing
Wish I Could Be Better
What can I say? This injury has been so hard on me. I’m worried about everything. I just wish I could sell the paper again. On Sept. 3 I had surgery on my leg because the hospital messed up my leg during the first surgery. I’m worried about everything. I don’t even know how I’m gonna pay my bills. I’m just worried because I can’t walk yet. Hopefully things will be getting better for me. I hope I can have good luck cause here lately it’s been bad luck. I don’t know. I just hope and pray for better days. I don’t know when I will be back, but I’m grateful for my husband Tommy. He has been here for me. I don’t know what I would do without him. While I’m recovering from surgery, he’ll be selling the paper at my spot on Harding Road and Kenner Ave. Buy a paper from him if you see him!
Thank you God
Thank you God. I don't have a luxurious house yet I can still find shelter from the storm. There are nights when I struggle to sleep but I can still wake up to face a new day. My wallet may not be filled, but I am still provided for with food and clothing. I may not have everything I need. God I am grateful to you for this.
Have an Oxheart!
The last week of June, Jane and Phil the groundhog co-conspired and completely ate my one oxheart plant, tomatoes and all except for one nugget of almost ripe tomato. I angrily plucked six seeds out of the nugget and immediately sprouted them. When they popped out of the ground July 1st, they were transplanted to the trellis, fenced in completely with a chicken wire roof! The four plants that survived to maturity currently have 21 green tomatoes this size or slightly larger. Plus, some smaller ones that may not ripen by the first freeze.
A clump of 4-5 of these this size is quite impressive to behold! I hope you enjoy one of the fruits of my red faced range and anger.
Meet Board Member Jim Shulman

Some people are born and it’s as if every aspect of life is planned out for them.
Others live their lives more independently, following an uncharted path going wherever the road may take them.
Such is the case with Jim Shulman. So just where has his journey taken him?
While some aspects have taken a traditional route — marriage to his wife Lori for more than 40 years, and two daughters Audrey, 37 and Madeline, 34.
More recently he has a new role in the family as a grandfather to three grandchildren ages four years, two years, and 19 months.
In addition to his family, he has accomplished many things in the course of his life.
Here are just a few examples:
He graduated from Vanderbilt School of Law in 1985.
He was also a small business owner of a Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream franchise for seven years.
His desire to help the elderly and disadvantaged in the community led him to become the Executive Director of The Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability for 10 years.
He also served as the Board Chair for four years and the Executive Director of Safe Haven for two years (an organization like The Contributor created to help those experiencing homeless).
Wanting to expand his service to the community he also served as a District Councilman in Nashville (the 25th District)as well as a Councilman-at-Large a position that represents all of Davidson County.
He continued to show care and concern for the residents of Nashville when he ran for and was elected to the office of Vice Mayor of Nashville and Davidson County, serving under the administrations of both David Briley and John Cooper.
His love of government, which can be traced all the way back to his high school days, continues to shine as it is reflected in his latest job.
He is now serving as an instructor of Political Science four days a week at Cumberland University in Lebanon, Tenn.
He said his goal is to, “educate students about the political process, and encourage them to participate in it, while trying not to influence them, so that they can make their own informed choice about the candidates in any election.”
Though he admitted it’s difficult to do when, “so many young people get their information from TikTok.”
Still, his story doesn’t end there. As of May 2024 he has added the title Dean of the School of Science, Technology, and Business to an already impressive resume.
In harmony with his values, Jim has also served on the board of organizations like The Adventure Science Center and now The Contributor, which makes sense.
Throughout his life he’s sought to create positive change, to make things better, to give people opportunities to speak freely, and to try to come up with innovative ways to solve complicated problems.
He sees the paper as a part of the solution, a real product, giving people a creative way to market themselves, while assisting individuals to obtain housing.
So what does he hope to accomplish in this role here?
He wants to use his experience to help the organization function better with more efficiency.
He says ultimately, “the Board’s responsibility is to listen to the customers and vendors.”
Speaking from experience, I can honestly say he has a real knack for listening and making a nobody feel like somebody special.
When asked if his current position at Cumberland University is how he plans to end his illustrious career (at 64 he’s at an age when most “normal people” are contemplating retirement), he paused and said, “I don’t know, I’m not sure, I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.”
I am certain that no matter what he chooses to do with his vast array of knowledge, know how, experience, and determination whatever he decides to do next is sure to be a success!
While his plans for the future may be undetermined, The Contributor’s board can definitely use someone with his diverse background in such a pivotal role.
AT&T Leads the Trend
Workers recently protested in front of the AT&T building downtown. I saw them out there at least three times and they even stayed out there all night one night. They said, “Until the contracts are officially adopted, we will put on red outfits for another 30 days. Our needs should be met.”
They were full of energy and seemed to have a lot of support out there.
AT&T commenced a negotiation and contract of dedication to their union. They wanted more money and healthcare. Members previously rejected an agreement. It was to cover four years of 8,500 workers in California and Nevada.
Members returned to work after accepting a contract that covers 17,000 workers in Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
The new five years agreement wage increase is 19.33 percent with an additional 3 percent increase for tech department and healthcare is included. Others companies want their needs met as well and should follow AT&T’s lead. We are all workers and deserve better. Everybody deserves better.
When Is Class In Session?
When one really wants to learn, then and only then will the teaching and teacher appear. The fullness of life is a very occupied event to be explained. The universe is full of expiring people and marvelous events that are good and bad according to the expectations of the various minds eye within this whole universe.
Taking something so detrimental as getting a school education and using that education in society to survive and live when social media has a major grasp or deadly grip on the attention of the majorities minds eye.
The true beginnings of teaching are those that came along with the fight of our existence whereas we began to become aware of the newness outside of the most comfortable area known to mankind. Inside there was never a need for self care in the world because inside the womb regardless of how long an individual spent there it was the safest place to be. Then they enter this unknown area called "the World" that's filled with collages of ideas on the perfect way to perform. Once one has been birthed into this new system or type of living the factor of their existence begins, even though there was a period inside the human womb that they were a live being, but within this monstrosity of a type of symptomatic global womb called world is where the tracking system begins.
It's the newness of a human's life (a fresh start), even though one has to start off fighting and actually fighting for themselves. It's truly the aspect of daily learning. Infants communicate with cries from the cradle to be fed, to be changed, and to be comforted by being held. When growing from an infant to an adolescent, the learning technology differs in steps, but the cries are the same. "To be fed, to be changed, and to be comforted by being held." As the stages of life carry on by getting deeper and an individual touches the peak of what is considered a pre-teen and or teenager the circumstances and situations that they've encountered secretly has left scars or marks. They still cry out to be fed, to be changed, and to comforted by being held. Then the degree of young adult and adulthood appears whereas the cries of being fed, of being changed and being comforted by being held is tested. To be fed is the actual factor of being physically, mentally and spiritually nurtured. To be changed is the nature of awareness. To be comforted with being held is to know that one's accountability is of appreciation from others. Therefore class is in session 24/7.