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Vendor Writing
A Change Has Come
A few days before Thanksgiving I was bringing my dog Faith into the building where I live and as I walked to the elevator I saw that the office lady and a temp both had that look. That look that created a very somber feeling. The look of finding another resident had passed away. That day amidst the Crime Scene vehicles and Metro Nashville cars the details were few, but the feeling was there. The feeling of being thankful that day that we woke up and trying to figure out who had died on the second floor. Was it someone we knew? Chatter started with friends about who we hadn’t seen the day before and we said prayers when it turned out it wasn’t them.
Within a few hours I found out it was a resident who was mostly a loner and someone who frequented Memphis so his absence was normal. That day started to change
into Thanksgiving, joy and peace. It started the holidays and the spirit of the season. Soon, people were saying hello in passing and asking, “how are you?” A friendliness started and so far, hasn’t stopped. Soon the halls were dotted with Christmas cards sticking out of mailboxes and lights started to glow from behind the windows.
I hate to think this man dying started this feeling at Hadley Park Towers, but when his body was discovered it had a profound effect on me and many others living here. I think we all thanked God for life and learned a new feeling of hope for the future. One of my biggest fears is dying and no one knowing. As I found out, others had this same fear.
Check on your neighbors whether they’re in a tent, an apartment, a duplex or a house. Their very lives could be depending on you.
Scooter Problems
I wanted to let you know that over here on Fifth Avenue North, they’re scattering scooters all over the place — lying in the middle of the sidewalk, up against the post, wherever. When I was sleeping in a camp, they would bring running scooters into camp. People are using other people’s money to ride the scooters. There should be something that we can do about it. I don’t know what they mayor can do,
I don’t know what the city council can do, but something needs to be done about it.
I’ve seen people in wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches trying to manuever. When you’re looking ahead you don’t want to have to look down all the time to see if you’re going to trip over something. That’s dangerous. They need to figure something out. I don’t know what we can do about it.
Christmas with my Mouse
Well it’s Christmas time and I want to get my friend — my mouse — a Christmas gift. Clothes are out. He’s too small. No shoes. He’d be too loud running around the apartment. I asked Santa. He said cheese. So I made him some cheese balls, cheese bread, cheese crackers. Hope he don’t get
stopped up! LOL. Well I gave in, and gave him some of his gifts already. He loved them. He’s been dancing around the apartment all week, making this weird noise. I think he’s saying, “Thank you! Thank you! Merry Christmas to you!” He left me a gift too: Poop! LOL.
Happy New Year to all!